#if im not working then i dont speak to anyone unless i have a very specific reason to call my mom.
be-good-to-bugs · 1 month
i dont understand how everyone else seems to just meet people so easily and become friends
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sanjisboyfie · 6 months
toji fluff hcs.
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requested, and i had sm fun writing this bc I DO AGREE ANON the toji x male reader tag is just full of smut atp there is never any fluff T.T i hope u enjoy lovely
toji x male reader <3 takes place before canon (mamaguro kinda dont exist sawry)
— the thing is, toji has a very, very thick wall around his heart and he rarely lets anyone in, ever. that's why! in this hc im gonna say that you two met via his job and just worked really well as partners. and then overtime, the two of you just got closer until finally toji makes a move on you.
the two of you were sitting at a restaurant, going over the recent job that you just finished. toji hummed at what you were saying, taking a swig of his beer as he remained eye contact with you.
recently, he's been seeing you in a different light. recently as in the past couple of months. he's just been taking note of everything you've done and how attractive you are when doing them. after he noticed he was thinking these things, he just accepted the fact he had a major crush on you and shrugged it off.
a part of him expected it to happen - how could he not have some sort of romantic feelings for you when you were so witty, strong, and intelligent. he was bound to catch some feelings for you, whether he wanted to or not.
he accepted it really quickly and decided he wanted to make it obvious sooner or later. the fact was he wouldn't know how you felt unless he initiated something.
so as he sat across from you, elbows resting on the table, until he got an idea.
"got somethin'," he said, motioning to his cheek. before you could wipe it off though, he dragged his thumb over your skin and collected the sauce of the food that you were eating onto his digit. he sucked it clean off, maintaining eye contact with you the entire time. "wait, missed a spot, c'mere,"
he leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours in a quick, chaste kiss before smirking at your stunned expression, "got it,"
after that, you obviously questioned him because what the fuck. toji just shrugs, explains how he's liked you for some time and decided to make it known now. he goes on to explain that since you're both adults, you could compromise a mature way of going about your relationship on the off-chance you didn't like him back (he's shitting bricks when he talks about that part though, you just can't tell-)
you return his feelings after getting over the initial shock.
and that was toji's unromantic way of confessing to you, but still, it got the job done and ever since that day the two of you couldn't be happier.
— contrary to popular belief, i think that toji is a big romantic. when he finds the right person, he wants it to be known that he's interested in them, loyal, and a devoted lover. in his own ways, he gives a lot of romantic attention to you and the time you spend together. even if he's dead broke, he'll find a way to make ends meet in making your relationship feel as special as it is to him.
"c'mon, baby," he goads you into grabbing his hand, rolling his eyes when you shoot him a look. "let's go, the reservation isn't gonna be waiting for anyone else but us,"
"yeah, how did you do this though? toji, this place is so expensive, are you sur-"
he kisses you to shut you up, hand caressing your cheek as he speaks to you in a low voice, "i got it all handled, don't worry about it," that translates to you = i pulled a couple of strings by threatening the boss of this place to let us eat here for free. but you couldn't will yourself to care because it was the thought that counts! plus, he went through all that effort just to secure you two a romantic evening together.
so you ruffled his messy dark locks and allowed him to guide you inside the lavish restaurant. he smirked in content, kissing the top of your head before securing you two your promised table.
on your anniversary, he showers you in so much love and affection it's insane. he doesn't have the money to bring about the most lavish celebration, unfortunately, but he does make up for it by being extra doting.
"love you so much," is the first thing he mumbles into your skin. it takes you a second to register why he was being so lovey-dovey, but when you remember it was because the calendar marks two years of officially being together, your heart warms.
toji has a good memory, remembers all the important dates and what you like and don't like. he's got it all stores in his memory under the "everything about [name]" folder there, that has other information such as your food preferences, what you like to wear, what you enjoy watching on TV, etc.
his hands run up and down your sides, pinching your nipple to get you awake and laughing when you smack him with the pillow. "sorry, just wanted to get you up so we don't waste our entire day in bed!"
"what if i wanted to just be in bed with you?" you asked, rubbing your chest with an annoyed look on your face.
"sorry, baby boy, but no can do," toji says, peppering kisses on your face, "got the whole day planned out in my head," you ignore his loving kisses that start trailing to you neck.
"mhm and what's that?"
"it's a surprise, don't ruin it," he warns you in an oddly serious tone, "want to make today special, let me make it special, boy,"
you laugh at his seemingly annoyed tone, but let him have his moment - not pressing for anymore answers.
— not the biggest on public affection, but doesn't hide the fact that he's yours and you're his. always has his arms around your shoulders or waist, sometimes pecks your cheek. but that's as far as it goes with pda. verbally, on the other hand, he's always mentioning you. even in brief interactions with other people, he's slipping mentions of you into conversation with such ease and smoothness.
"will that be all today?" the barista asks, eyeing toji up and down. and he's not a stupid guy, he notices it easily.
so to assert himself, he clears his throat and looks over the menu, "nah, actually, let me get a cinnamon bun for my boyfriend," he says, pulling out his wallet and taking out some cash, "he's been wanting somethin' sweet for a while, so i guess i can treat him to this," he comments, looking back at you with a smile. you were already seated at the table as he ordered, offering him a wave before looking back out the window.
the barista is obviously dejected when he mentions you, but he's nothing but prideful and satisfied. serves her right.
"didn't [name] already tell you we won't be taking the job? we got our entire week already planned out, we can't fit in another mission," toji said over the phone. it was one of the rare instances he was turning down the opportunity to make money, but he didn't feel bad or guilty about it.
you and him had a whole week planned together, it's been in the calendar for months now and he wasn't going to ruin the rare one-on-one time he could have with you by being greedy with some extra cash.
in the past, he might've. but you changed him, in a good way. and he wasn't going to make it seem like he valued cash over you because he definitely didn't.
"i wasn't aware that [name] spoke for the both of you? y'know, if you take him out of the equation, toji, you actually make more money-"
toji almost growled, "he fucking said no, that means i said no, too. don't be an asshole right now or i might really get pissed. from now on, whatever my man says think about it as if he's speaking on behalf of both of us. same goes for me. so listen closely when i say this, cause i'm sure he'd say the same thing to you right now: fuck off!"
he hangs up the phone and tosses it onto the table, rubbing his forehead in annoyance.
"everything alright, babe? you were yelling?" you shout from your shared bedroom and toji visibly relaxes after hearing your voice.
"nah, everythin's alright, doll, don't worry about it," he calls back, kicking his feet up onto the table and spreading his arms against the couch cushions, "hurry your ass down here, though, or else i'm starting without you!"
— huge believer in cuddling, loves, loves just holding you in his arms. it's the one time he really feels as if his stress just washes away. he's a big guy, so he usually just ends up completely blanketing over your own body. but usually, he settles for just being the big spoon and staying satisfied like that. sometimes, though, he will want to just have you completely laid out on top of him as you act as some sort of weighted blanket. that's if he's really, really stressed and just needs to be reminded that you're there for him.
his hands rest on your hips as he's laid flat on his back, holding you in place on top of him. you have been struggling to get comfortable for the past five minutes and he had to bite his tongue from saying a snarky comment to you.
"fuck, toji, it's like i'm sleeping on a rock," you complain, pushing yourself up from his torso and glaring at him, "can't i just sleep next to you like a normal person,"
he keeps his eyes shut, not bothering to wake himself from his semi-sleepy state, "[name], just stay still for a second and you'll eventually get sleepy,"
"easy for you to say when you're on the comfort of the mattress,"
"don't you say my boobs make for good pillows or something," he groans, finally cracking one eye open to weakly glare at you, "just use them as your pillows and count fucking sheep,"
"but your-"
"shh, you big baby, i just need this for tonight," he promptly shuts you up but pushing his finger on your lips. in any other instance, that would've just pissed you off even more, but seeing how genuinely tired and needy he was, you let it slide. just this once.
you settled back on his chest, running your fingers up and down his sides to give some sort of comfort.
"love you, toji," you breathe out, barely loud enough for him to hear.
but he does, and he squeezes your sides to show that he did, kissing the top of your head and whispering it back before he's lulled to his own slumber.
— always thinking about you. he's only concerned with you. every single other person in the world can fuck themselves, he just cares about you and wants to make sure you're safe.
"where's [name]?" were the first words he asked their employer, looking around the office space in search of your h/c hair.
"he just went to get himself some water-" as toji is informed of that, he's standing up out of the seat he was in and is going to leave in search of you. "he should be back in a couple short moments,"
"hm, don't care, i'm going to look for him and then we can start this meeting," toji said, not giving another glance to the guy that was going to give the both of you a job to finish.
oddly enough, the meeting was held in a corporate looking building and toji was concerned on your whereabouts. what if these assholes had some fucked up trick up their sleeve and were going to use you as leverage to get to him? toji wouldn't put it past them, he's messed with more than a couple powerful folks back in his day.
it could bite him in the ass someday and he really didn't want to risk that chance affecting you.
"toji? what are you doing here?" you ask, coming towards him with two paper cups of water in your hands.
"looking for you, babe," he easily responds, looking at the water in interest, "where'd that come from?"
"they had pitchers in their breakroom and i decided-"
"could have poision in them," toji said off handedly, looking at the contents and his face screwing up in distaste, "hold off on drinking it for now, these guys can be unpredictable sometimes,"
taking his warnings seriously, you don't sip from the cup at all and walk back with him to the meeting room. his hand rests on your waist protectively as the two of you walk through the halls, glaring at anyone who stares for a bit too long.
like a personal guard dog, toji is always standing at attention and assuming the worst of people. but don't worry, he doesn't mind. if it means it keeps you safe and in his arms, he'll be as paranoid as one can get and not have an issue with that at all.
— at the end of the day, toji doesn't listen to anyone, but you. it's funny how obediant you can get this absolute unit of man to act. he tries not to make it so obvious, but when he's hanging off of every word you say and acting at your beck and call, it's already obvious to everyone around you where his priorities are at.
"toji, don't touch that - the sign says not to touch,"
"if i wanna touch it, i will," toji says with a shrug and smirk. but then he notices the warning look you give him as his fingers inch closer to the display. he clicks his tongue in annoyance, dropping his hand to his side as he muttering under his breath, "didn't wanna even touch it, anyway, tch,"
or another time when he's giving the waiter an earful for not remembering something in your order. he thinks he's doing you a favor by speaking up for you, but in reality, you just didn't want to make the waiter's life harder than it already is.
"he asked specifically for you guys to put it on the side since he doesn't lik-"
"baby, it's fine, just drop it," you sigh, rubbing your forehead with a tired look in your eyes. he's about to protest, a scowl on his face as he thinks about the waiter incompentence. but with one look from you and a calm, "toji, enough," reaching his ears, he's standing down and shutting up.
the waiter shoots you a thankful look before running off to the kitchen with your plate of food, going off to correct his mistakes.
"couldn't hurt you to speak more nicely to people," you say, grabbing his hand across the table and shooting him a look. he scoffs, taking your hand in his and calming himself down using your touch.
toji only ever listens to one person in his life and it's you. you're just really lucky he loves you so much because if it was any other person, he'd be doing their head in. he sighs, thinking of the affects you've had on him and his own steel, hard heart.
he can't help but be thankful. he kisses the back of your hand silently, squeezing it in his hold once more before shooting you a small, barely noticeable smile.
"if that fuck ass even thinks about looking at you with those puppy dog eyes of his one more time, though, i can't promise i won't nail him right in the face," and there's your familiar, stubborn toji back again, easily threatening a poor guy that's just doing his job.
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atreyushortcake · 4 months
Are some RoR/SnV artists aware that they are supporting A p3do and a tracer?(Beware of Rebjastonia)
TW: mentions of minors being depicted in disturbing scenarios
(Disclaimer:Do not witchhunt or cyberbully ANYONE i mentioned in this post. Also, everything I state in this post is alleged, I am not the government, I am not the law, everything stated in this post is alleged)
Hello, normally you would see fanart for various fandoms but most notably Record of Ragnarok. This post? this is not something I would normally do but I wanted to spread awareness about an artist by the name of Rebjastonia. Some of you may be familiar with this person but if you dont know who Rebjastonia is, she is an artist known for her Record of Ragnarok ocs, especially this one here
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This girlie here is Femit, “the 14th valkyrie” and the daughter of Adamas. Ok here is when it gets interesting, “she is the youngest valkyrie, even younger than Göll and she is often hidden.” My problem with Femit is that she doesn’t even look that young at all and second, there are canonly only 13 valks in Record Of Ragnarok, and obviously Göll being the youngest. You cant even add another valkyrie to the story unless if its an au of who were the original valkyries before the ones we all know and love in RoR. (unless if you count Zerofuku from round 6)
When I scrolled in her profile, I noticed some of her art looked off. Some of you fellow viewers may ask “Caro, is there anything wrong with any of her works” well, the mold grows here….
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Take a closer look at this gentleman by the name of Sobek, the egyptian crocodile god…. I dont fucking remember im sorry.
If you look closely, you could even find this oc’s pose familiar. You guessed it, the official render of Adam from the anime.
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the two images laid on top of each other
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As you can see, the entire posture of the oc and the official render is almost nearly identical but the only difference from the original image is that Sobek’s arm is more closer to his hip.
Here is another example(I am not going to share the name of the original artist for the sole purpose of protecting people’s privacy. Rebjastonia’s may have a few differences but the similarities are still rather uncanny)
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This is the most serious part here. While I was scrolling in her deviant art page, I found something very messed up…… I am not gonna bother sharing the actual image, even if I censor it but I will show you the description and the title of the drawing.
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“But Carolina, arent the characters depicted as adults in that image you speak of?” Well, the aging up excuse is a tactic that some NSFW artists and proshippers use to depict minors in nasty situations yet they never change anything at all and thats similar to what was shown in the image Rebjastonia drew.
Take a quick look at Souji and Goll
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And here is what was said about them
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I know some of you may say “waaaaaaa but they're 1800 years old” yeah, thats the same old excuse that proshippers use but the character’s soul is still inside a child’s body.
In conclusion, if you still want to support Rebjastonia, it’s completely up to you but please think twice and be aware of her actions and the warnings about her stated in this post.
(UPDATE 2/28/24) It comes to my attention that she left the internet, she deleted every single post on her facebook, her deviantart along with a blacked out pfp, but somehow her insta is still up, it just has nothing on there.
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terabyteturtle · 2 months
So, considering it says "gate: open" i assume requests are open? If so could I please get a Nina Williams SFW alphabet? im sure youre already swamped so if you dont want to then please just discard this, and I hope you have a good day:)
💜 Nina Williams SFW Alphabet 💜
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Yes indeed, anon! Anytime the garden gate is open, that means you can put in requests. Hope you enjoy!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Nina isn’t really that affectionate, especially not in the beginning. For the majority of her life, she’s had to keep people at an arm’s length, with her loyalty being bought and sold with every job she’s taken. You’re probably one of, if not the first, person to ever manage to get this close to her, both physically and emotionally. At the start of your relationship, she’s incredibly reserved when it comes to affection. For a while, Nina won’t go beyond giving you a quick peck here and there. If you want anything more, like a hug for example, she’ll either awkwardly give it to you or just straight up deny you. It takes her a while to adjust, and even when she does, there are still a lot of steps that you have to take before you can properly establish a comfortable routine of affection. The problem with Nina is that she doesn’t think to do it unless prompted to, which might stem from operating behind others’ shadows for a living. As the relationship goes on, though, she’ll start getting better at it. Just don’t expect PDA. Ever.
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
It would certainly take a lot to start a friendship with Nina, but once it starts going, she’s the cool, badass friend that doesn’t care about what anybody thinks. Once you get to know her, she’s the perfect partner-in-crime and will have your back no matter what. If you ask her about her opinion on something, she will give you an honest answer. Nina doesn’t care about how blunt or brutal she sounds—she refuses to spare anyone’s feelings. Truth hurts sometimes; that’s just how life works. Nina’s also an amazing listener and will help you through whatever issues you might be going through, giving you sage advice with that velvet voice of hers. The friendship would probably start out with you serving her coffee at Smith Coffee. Nina enjoys going there when she has some time to herself, and she finds the atmosphere there nice and calming. She’s become a regular customer there, and you already know what she’s going to get each time she comes in. Despite normally being a cold-blooded assassin, she warms up to you quite a bit and talks to you whenever she sees you.
C = Comfort (How do they comfort you? Are they good at it or are they kinda awkward? How do they like to be comforted?)
Nina is a firm believer that actions speak louder than words. If you need comfort, she’ll sit by your side, place a hand on your shoulder, and place a kiss on your temple, silently letting you know that she’s there if you need her. If you’d like to talk about it, she’ll listen carefully, following every word and responding if necessary. As someone who’s seen and been through a lot in her life, Nina is very wise and gives amazing advice. If she has some to give you, it’d be in your best interest to hear her out. Even if you think you don’t need it, it might come in handy later on. If you’d rather not speak about it, she’ll kiss your temple and remind you that she’s there if you change your mind. For someone so generally cold-hearted, she’s actually great at comforting you. She always knows the right thing to say, and her presence is surprisingly soothing. She herself doesn’t need comforting. Or that’s what she says, at least. It’s extremely difficult to tell when Nina’s upset, as she always has a stoic expression on her face. If you ever believe that she’s distressed, the best thing to do is show her you care in the best way you know how.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Before she met you, Nina hadn’t given settling down a single thought. She’d focused solely on her work, and when she had time off, she only intended on relaxing. She’d never thought she’d fall in love with anybody, let alone settle down with them. But after Nina met you, that all changed. She was reluctant to accept it in the beginning, but now that you’ve been together for a while, she realizes that she’s completely enamored of you and that she’s willing to put everything else aside to be with you. Nina’s skilled at both cooking and cleaning, as she’s had to take care of herself for a long time. When she was younger, she had to pick up a lot of household duties alongside her sister. However, she’s not going to do any of it alone. Nina will make sure you hold up your end of the load, just as she’ll hold up hers.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with you, how would they do it?)
Like with most things, she’ll be blunt about it. Nina will keep a straight face and act as though it doesn’t affect her, but you’ll notice small things that tell you otherwise, like the way she’s hiding her eyes with her sunglasses or the way she clenches her fists by her sides when your heart breaks in front of her. Having made it this far with you, Nina doesn’t see herself ever needing to put an end to things. Unless you betray her trust, she intends to stay by your side.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Until she met you, commitment was never something she thought about. Hell, her whole life pretty much centered around having no true commitment at all. But there’s a first time for everything, and for the first time in forever, Nina feels genuine loyalty for someone, and that someone is you. She would wait for a long time to get married. First, Nina has to get comfortable in the relationship before she gives marriage a single thought. It's a big step, and she won’t be ready to take it for a while. She wants to know that you're in it for the long run and that this isn't just some casual fling for you. In exchange for her loyalty, Nina wants to have yours. Even when she is ready for commitment, there's still matters of her job that have to be worked out. It's going to take a long time, but it gives you a chance to prove that you truly love her. 
G = Gentle (How tender are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Initially, Nina will be very rigid with you, both physically and emotionally. Any sort of affection will feel awkward, especially since you have to ask her for it most of the time, and her icy demeanor won't be easy to melt. Over time, though, she’ll soften up. Physically, as she grows used to affection, Nina will be gentler. Emotionally, she’ll be tender when it comes to your emotions, but will remain closed up when it comes to hers. It can be somewhat frustrating, but with enough patience, Nina will eventually realize that she can take her walls down around you.
H = Hugs n' Cuddles (Do they like hugs/cuddles? What are they like? How often do they happen?)
Nina doesn’t like them at all, at least not initially. In fact, she practically despises them at the start of your relationship. For a while, all hugs and cuddles will be tense, awkward, and somewhat forced, as you would have to ask if you ever wanted some from her. Sometimes, she’ll just outright reject you, and other times, she’ll at least try to be normal about it. As time goes on, however, Nina will finally relax, and affectionate actions will come more naturally to her. When it comes to hugs, she has a penchant for wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her chin on your shoulder. When it comes to cuddles, she likes having an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to her side. Nina won’t admit it, but she has a protective instinct when it comes to you, and the way she cuddles you is subtle proof of that. She’s always cool to the touch for some reason, so if you’re feeling a little too warm, just rest your cheek on her shoulder and you’ll be all set. At the start, hugs and cuddles hardly ever happen unless you explicitly ask for them, but once Nina gets comfortable, they become more frequent.
I = I Love You (How quickly do they tell you they love you?)
Nina doesn’t vocalize her feelings very often, and even when she does, she usually doesn’t convey emotion through her words. Essentially, it will take forever for her to tell you she loves you. Even if you say it first, she won’t say it back to you. She’ll either nod or reply with a snarky comment like “A horrible decision, really.” Don’t be deceived, though—despite how she acts, Nina has a heart; it’s just shielded under many layers of ice that need a whole lot of warmth to melt. With time, that cold exterior will thaw to reveal a side of her that’s capable of feeling things, regardless of whether or not she might want to. When she finally tells you she loves you, it sounds so flat and terse that it almost doesn’t sound like she means it. But she does, and the fact that she’s saying those three words alone means that she’s genuinely trying to be more open to you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
You wouldn’t be able to tell, but Nina can get pretty jealous. She’s hot and she knows it, but she worries that someone more “passionate” might come along and make you theirs instead. Nina does NOT want to risk this happening, so anybody who tries to talk to you will instantly earn a look of disapproval from her. If they’re someone you’re cool with, then she’ll tone it down a bit, but she’ll continue to stay on guard as she does not trust anyone aside from you. If the other person is openly flirting with you, then she’ll shoot them down immediately, saying you two have more important things to deal with. Nina won’t wait for any sort of bold move or sign of discomfort from you; she’ll handle the situation before it can even start. Anyone reckless enough to try harassing you at any point will regret it instantly. Her deadly assassination arts, combined with piercing insults, will have the other person apologizing to you in seconds.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Nina’s kisses, for the most part, are short and simple. Quick pecks are her go-to because she finds them convenient. They’re subtle gestures that save time and energy, and they’re perfect for when she has to go do something important (which, considering her job, is almost all the time). However, there are times where Nina likes settling down and diving a little deeper with her kisses, making them slower and more involved than a simple peck would be. This would occur later on in the relationship, typically after a long, tough day. She usually likes to kiss you on the cheek, as she finds it’s the most accessible place for her. Meanwhile, as much as she hates to admit it, Nina indulges in lip kisses. Despite her attitude and tendency to be unapproachable, deep down she wants to be loved. She might tense up a bit and act threatened at first, but that’s only because she’s not used to it. Nina truly appreciates the love you give her every day, and lip kisses are a special reminder to her that you’re on her side.
L = Little Ones (How are they around children and what are their thoughts on them?)
Nina tries not to interact with children very much. She finds them obnoxious, irritating, and difficult to deal with. If she finds herself around one, she won’t be blatantly rude, but she won’t take on a sort of caring, motherly role toward them. Nina will try her best to ignore them, and if that doesn’t work, she’ll just give them terse replies until they get bored with her. Over the years, she’s found that if you just sit there and do nothing, kids will quickly lose interest. She’s great at doing this, and she’d rather not waste her time and energy interacting with someone that she doesn’t care about. This is why Nina refuses to have kids of her own. Even if it’s something you want, she won’t go through with it. She just knows that she wouldn’t be a good mother. She doesn’t care much for her own son, whom she had without knowledge or consent, and the way she grew up doesn’t really give her much of a basis to go off of. If Nina were to have a kid, one that she actually planned for, she would have no idea what to do. Her whole life experience has left a bad impression on her when it comes to having children, so unless you can somehow convince her, she’s going to be dead set against it.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings are usually pretty chill, as Nina’s more of a night owl than an early bird. She won’t say much—she’ll just drink her coffee or some tea with milk and sit there quietly. She might look out a window, or read the newspaper, or listen to whatever you might have to say. For breakfast, she’ll usually opt for something quick and easy, as she usually has to get ready for work and head out the door as soon as possible. If she has time, Nina will be happy to make you something as well. If you’re still asleep while she’s awake, she’ll silently get ready and leave you a note before she leaves. On days Nina doesn’t have work, she’ll sleep in with you, and you’ll often go out for breakfast together. Smith Coffee is her favorite place to go, as she really enjoys the food and atmosphere, but she’ll be open to try anywhere new if you have any suggestions.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Nina are just as quiet, if not more so than mornings. After everything she has to go through on a daily basis, she barely has the energy to do much other than relax. She might talk a little bit if you ask her about her day, but everything she says will be short and to the point. On most nights, you won’t get any long-winded sentences out of her. Nina enjoys pouring herself a cup of scotch, putting on some TV (preferably Tom and Jerry), and hanging out on the couch until one of you falls asleep. The night typically ends with one of you falling asleep and the other having to wake you up when it’s time for bed, but there have been times where both of you will fall asleep and just spend the whole night in the living room.
O = Open (At what point would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or take their time with it?)
Between her reserved personality and the hidden trust issues that have developed over the years, Nina will take forever to open up to you. It might seem like an impossible task, especially during the early stages of the relationship, but with enough patience and time, you can get her to open up. The fact that she’s even in a relationship with you is evidence enough that she values you more than the average person, so that alone shows that earning her trust is achievable. During the first few months, you’ll learn more about her basic likes and dislikes. Nina might mention her sister in passing, but she won’t really get into detail about her until way later. As months turn into years, she’ll gradually reveal more and more about herself. You’ll learn about her various jobs, her rivalry with Anna, and her atypical childhood. If it’s late, and if she’s had a little too much scotch, Nina might become more vocal about more sensitive parts of her life. She hides a lot of regret beneath that cold-blooded exterior, and with time, you’ll become the first person she’s ever spoken to about any of it.
P = Patience (How patient are they?)
Nina is usually very impatient with people. She can’t stand it when people aren’t direct with their answers, and incompetency of any sort just gets on her nerves. It annoys her even more if it interferes with her work. If her patience wears thin, she’ll let it show through her voice, giving terse remarks and replies that are even more cutthroat than usual. When it comes to you, she’s not much better, but she tries her best. If you make a mistake that Nina finds idiotic, she won’t hesitate to let you know. At the start of the relationship, she’ll borderline antagonize you for doing something stupid, but as it continues on, she’ll start to learn that being brutally honest isn’t always the best way to go.
Q = Quizzes (How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every detail or kinda forget everything?)
Nina has to remember a lot, considering her job, but initially, she’ll become so consumed by work that she won’t remember much about you. Later on, however, Nina will start devoting more time to you and learning more about your likes, dislikes, interests, hobbies, and other things. She’ll find that she enjoys hearing you speak about distant happy memories or something you’re enthused about. At random points throughout the day, Nina will find herself looking back on various things you’ve said with a smile on her face. In short, nothing will come easy to her initially, but that’s only because of her devotion to work. Once the relationship progresses, she’ll have every little detail memorized and repeated in her head daily.
R = Remember (What is one of the most important moments of your relationship?)
The most important moment of your relationship was probably when you opened up to her about something really personal. It was a sad and sorrowful moment for you, and you greatly needed someone to share it with. Seeing as you cared for Nina so much, and that she was a great listener, you figured you could talk to her about it. You waited for her to come home and settle down before getting into it. Once you started speaking, you couldn’t stop. Unfortunately, you couldn’t stop the tears from falling either. As you continued to talk, your voice choked up and your eyes stung as they began to well up with emotional tears. Nina watched you as you cried, every heavy sob and light sniffle weighing down on her heart. This moment made her realize that she cared about you far more than she previously had thought. It unlocked something inside of her that just wanted to hold you and make all of the pain disappear. Silently, she wrapped her arms around you and ran her delicate fingers through your hair, showing you a new, caring side of her that only you were allowed to see.
S = Security (How protective are they and how would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Once you’ve completely gained her trust, she becomes extremely protective over you. Nina doesn’t trust anyone aside from you, which makes everyone else a thorn in her side. She’ll want to meet everyone you’re close to and evaluate for herself whether or not they’re safe to be around. There are times where she might be a little quick to judge, or just overboard with her judgment in general, so you’ll probably have to act as a voice of reason when it comes to someone she might not like. To protect you, Nina will use everything she has in her arsenal. Insults, assassination arts, guns—hell, she won’t hesitate to bring out an army of Jack-8s if she has to. You know that saying every rose has its thorns? Well, you’re the rose and she’s the thorns. When it comes to protecting her, she’d like to be protected the same way. Nina will never admit it, but defending her from anyone hostile and untrustworthy will earn you boundless admiration and respect, which is saying a lot when it comes to someone like her.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, etc?)
Honestly, Nina doesn’t even have to try when it comes to this stuff. Once she gets into the swing of things, knowing what to get and where to go for special occasions comes so naturally to her. Dates are always fabulous, anniversaries are always amazing, and gifts are always generous. She gets enjoyment from seeing your eyes light up whenever she brings something home for you, and you can tell by the little smirk that appears on her face that she takes pride in doing stuff for you. For dates, she’ll stick to the places that mean the most to you, as she knows that you’re always happy there. When your anniversary comes around, expect to be taken on a vacation—Nina needs it just as much as you do. If she has to be away for work, she’ll always bring you a cool souvenir that she knows you’ll like. Rest assured, Nina will take you to your favorite places, bring you to your dream destinations, and buy you whatever your heart desires, all without breaking a sweat.
U = Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs?)
Nina has a bad habit of closing herself off, which isn’t surprising considering that’s what she’d been used to doing for pretty much her whole life. She can also come off quite bitter and prickly at times, which can become frustrating to deal with or can hurt your feelings if she’s not careful. Whoever said words can act as weapons is certainly right—Nina’s sharp tongue often leaves deep wounds.
V = Values (What do they value in a partner?)
Nina values someone she can be honest with, as not many can handle what she has to say. Oftentimes, it’s not what she’s saying, it’s how she’s saying it, so she needs someone that can handle her terse, dry manner without taking too much offense. Additionally, Nina values loyalty. As someone who hasn’t seen a lot of it over the years, such a quality is rare to find in her eyes. Someone who will remain by her side, through thick and thin, is something she deeply craves and will hold onto like a priceless artifact.
W = Wedding (How are they on the big day? How do they help plan it out? Are they emotional or stoic?)
Nina’s shocked, to say the least. She never thought this day would ever come. Hell, she didn’t think marriage in general would ever be in her future, yet here she is, dolling herself up for the big ceremony. She’ll help you with anything you might need, but she doesn’t want to interfere too much with aesthetics. Nina wants you to pick out whatever you want for the wedding day. She doesn’t care what theme it is, where it’s located, or what’s being served as long as it’s something you want. Throughout the ceremony, Nina’s composed as usual, but the smile on her face tells you everything you need to know about her feelings for you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
If she thinks she’s alone, Nina will hum to herself. Her voice is beautiful and melodic, so it serves as a shock to you whenever she refuses to hum a tune for you. Whenever you bring it up, she denies ever having done such a thing.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they can't stand, both in a partner and in general?)
There are a lot of things that annoy Nina, but one of the biggest things is sheer idiocy. She can’t comprehend how anybody could be so stupid, and it annoys her even more if they have a big ego and think they’re super intelligent.
Z = Zzz (What are some sleep habits of theirs?)
Nina’s a very light sleeper who will wake up at the drop of a hat, so to help keep herself relaxed, she always has a drink of tea before bed. For the most part, she doesn’t cause any disturbances. She’s pretty quiet and doesn’t move very much. While asleep, she’ll remain on her back with her hands placed on her stomach. Initially, she’ll refuse to sleep in the same room as you, but as the relationship progresses, Nina will become more comfortable with sharing a bed. For some reason, Nina’s always cool to the touch, so if you ever find yourself getting hot during the night, just lay your cheek on her shoulder and you’ll be good to go.
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abstract-crossverse · 8 months
can you do a halt x reader x rush (from doors)
*cracks knuckles* a two in one I see. Back to work for me!
Designs for these may take a while, Rush will be quick since yall have seen my design for him multiple times, just not in full color. Halt however is what Im most certain I'll have a time with, so many concepts for them, dress, cape, hood, I cant choose!
This is going to be extra long I know it
Btw, I'll be using they/them for Halt, Theyre both king and queen, best of both things ;] /ref
Halt x Reader x Rush [headcanons/fic, fluff]
-> alr so honestly, the two are a very balanced duo if you put in theory, but in practice its a 50/50 if it works
-> hype energy bf and calm/no energy partner, pick your poison *you take both*
-> let's get on with how you meet before I forget my ideas
-> you met Rush first, of course you did, he's the first dude you meet unless your unlucky enough to meet Screech or Ambush before Rush can get the first sweep of the place *shudders at Ambush on door 2*
-> you're either really scared of him or thinks he's a mild inconvenience at best, though you'd rather have him charging at you than Ambush any day
-> you once lost the company of another Player to him, left you shook... In fact, that you you got that "Betrayal" badge thats hooked to your keychain.. you dont know how they get there, you didnt even have anything hooked to you when you woke up here, it was just a metal loop attached to your pocket, you're thankful theyre made of felt and embroidery, otherwise Figure would always know where you stood
-> you could kinda consider yourself a veteran here, you've been here before the Hotel got a rework, which threw you off significantly, when you saw the little note on the Lobby letting you and other Player's know of the update you didnt think they changed much
-> though you were surprised when they even had new entities around, took you a moment to get used to the new changes... Rush even more so, you'd often see him faceplant into walls sometimes or accidently knock over things as he ran because he wasnt used to the new changes either
-> it was often endearing to watch from the closet, sometimes he'd even stop for a moment, trying to figure out how to run through a room , thankfully he would be gone before Hide got mad mad at you
-> but comes the day both yours and his luck runs out
-> you saw the lights flicker and speed walked your way to a closet, you waited until you heard him screaming and breaking lights before walking into the closet
-> he got half way through the room before a bookshelf suddenly fell on top of him. You heard the screaming stop, replaced by a loud yell and profanities that made you double take, where you hearing this right?... Could Rush speak? You usually didnt come across other Players on the whim and you were traversing the hotel again alone
-> the voice you heard was glitchy, deep and loud, but hoarse and scratchy at the same time, he is always screaming after all, but how he can still be loud as he is puzzles you, you can even hear a boston accent in his voice
-> you snapped back from your thoughts as you say the bold black and red letters "GET OUT" flashy before your eyes, but you were too late to get your body to move, Hide pushed you out and you fell with a rough thump, the wooden floor wasnt too pleasant to fall on. The carped falling just short enough it wouldn't cushion your fall, you groaned in pain
-> Rush stared at you from his spot, falling silent as you regained your ground, he honestly didnt think there was anyone in the closet- he never does, thats the whole purpose of hiding. Honestly he thought you were quite good looking but nevermind that! He's fuckin' STUCK and he feels HUMILIATED dont look his way please dont witness him please ple- aw fuck you're looking at him, just lovely...
You stared down the bigger entity stuck under the book shelf and it's books, trying to understand why he had arms... Pretty strong looking ones too, hands dressed in black gloves. You blinked once, twice, you were clearly confused out of your mind, you came back to reality when you hear a deep groan coming from the entity
"ya got a starin' problem, pipsqueak?? Ya gonna help or what?" He scoffed, you double take'd, did he just call you pipsqueak??
"the fuck did you just call me?" You weren't mad, the situation was just really... Surreal? This place is surreal, thats not the word... Just, strange in general, you never thought you'd get to talk at all with these entities, specially like this
Rush deadpanned "pipsqueak, I called you pipsqueak, ya deaf or somethin'?" You stammered "n- no!- I just- I'm really taken a back right now is all-" you waved your hands as you denied, you slowly walked up to him after a moment of hesitation
"do you... Want- help?" You offered, he looked so offended "n- no! Im completely fine, I can get out by myself thank you very much!" He struggled to pull himself out, that shelf was really heavy what the hell ".... You don't- look fine." You added, a small grin starting to form on your face as you watched the entity barely move from where he was
He sighed dramatically, glaring at you with empty eye sockets "YOU don't look fine." "I'm not, I've been stuck here for months, maybe it's already been a year, I can't tell. Of course I'm not fine." He looked surprised, that was the most painfully honest answer he's heard about your situation, others would either say they're completely fine or just- not engage anymore
He stared at you for an... Uncomfortably long time before you approached him, analyzing the bookshelf over him in search of a way to get him out without having to try and shove it, if even this... Large.... Entity, couldn't raise it himself, what's to think you could? But you're not leaving him there to possibly have him holding grudges against you because you left him there. Rush was still staring at you, waiting for what you would do next
You hummed, placing your hands on your hips as you thought for a moment, "alright, listen, I'll need you to cooperate if you wanna get out of there, 'kay? I'm gonna try to push the shelf up so you'll have less weight on you and you try to pull yourself out." You explained as he nodded, you placed your hands on the edge of the shelf, counting down from three before you used all your strength to push it up even if just a bit
Rush pulled himself out with a bit of struggle, but at least he was out, you dropped the shelf as soon as he took his distance from you and the shelf, it fell with a harsh thump, shaking the ground under you enough you lost your ballance. You yelped and braced for impact with the ground, shutting your eyes, but instead you felt two large hands holding you by your back, they felt... Fuzzy.. like what you'd think static feels like but also not at the same time, warm, it was also warm
You opened your eyes, trailing them up to the entity holding you, you stared into each other's eyes for what felt like hours, before he spoke
"... You are SO tiny, holy shit-" Rush spoke with a laugh slipping through his words, you deadpanned "nah I'm not tiny, you're just fucking huge." You stated, you stared at each other for a bit longer, you taking in the fact the entity that seemed like a giant furball with a smiley face now had one hunk of a body to match, while Rush analysed you curiously, your clothes, your hair, your eyes, little visual details you have about yourself that people wouldnt exactly see if they didnt pay attention.
He had quite the toned figure it seemed, he styled a grey-ish purple button-down with its sleeves rolled up above his elbows and black tie, a dark grey vest with thin, light grey stripes going down the vest and dress pants in the same style- wait when did he get legs- he had a shadowy ghost tail just now- oh fuck it he's an entity beyond your comprehension, of course he can probably shapeshift. Looking back at his face you noted all the little withers and cracks on his face, you wandered if it was always like that or if he go through something to get like that, the shadowy, fluffy looking mass that you normally saw engulfed his entire body seemed to work like hair- or the rest of his head since his face did remind you of a mask of sorts... He had a grin on his face as he looked at you, his eye sockets seemed to distort and move as if they were eyelids, one of the eye sockets seemed to be half-lidded now as the other stayed open, you think he just lifted a brow at you
"take a picture, good-lookin', it'll last longer." His grin widened as you widened your eyes, growing embarrassed as you finally realized you were staring too long, not like he blamed you though, he'd be staring too if he were in your shoes. He chuckled at the red overtaking your cheeks, you looked aside with a small click of your tongue, you both feel silent as it dawned on you that he could just kill you right now, he had you in his hands
"... Are you going to kill me?" You asked in a mutter, his grin fell for a second, he looked at the door ahead of you both before looking back "I kinda owe ya for helpin' me, e~ven though I could've gotten out on my own!" He grinned as you deadpanned, he's that prideful huh, "so let's settle that right now, I let ya live and won't bother ya for... Say... The next 10 rooms?" You thought for a second, a hand on your face, completely forgetting he was still holding you as if in mid dip
".. 20 rooms." You argued "15.", "18, take it or leave it." You grinned, thinking you had the upper hand, but what made you think you could argue like that with a creature that can kill you right now? "15 and final, or would you rather give that up for your life?" He argued with a shit-eating grin on his face, you glared at him, you hated that he was right, you can't just throw away a chance like that, "fine. Deal." You extended a hand for him to shake, you felt one of his hands leave your back and took your hand in his, almost enveloping your entire hand as you shook hands
He pulled you back on your feet and you immediately stepped away from him, putting a decent distance between you, that made him laugh. "Still scared of me, Pipsqueak? I don't bite!... Not for now at least~" he sang, his body envoloped in shadows again as he dashed down the halls again in a matter of seconds, screaming again. You winced, having forgotten how loud he is for a moment, the sudden wind made by him messed up your clothes a bit.
Sighing, you corrected you clothes and walked along the next rooms, which for your "joy", were all dark rooms.... Fuck.
-> after that Rush kinda... seemed to linger in the room a few times when he decided to run by, which was annoying if Hide was especially mad at you. It confused you as well, was he looking for something?
-> But for now lets divert our attention to the blue specter youve just had the luck to get yoinked by- like you know how they basically kinda pull you into their corridor and you have to do the back and forth to get out? thats what I mean
-> Halt heard of you from Rush, the couple of times they actually talked at least, Halt is very reserved and it's not often they talk with the more... loud entities, Rush, Figure, Ambush. They don't talk with them a lot due to their liking to silence better, other entities like Seek, Hide, Eyes know them better as they're more quite.
-> However, Halt and Rush bump into each other from time to time and make small talk until Halt decided thats enough socializing for the hour. Rush told them about them a when they bumped into each other again, saying how a "cute lil' player helped him when he got himself stuck under a heavy ass bookshelf", it made Halt curious, especially when Rush would mention you didn't seem all that scared of him
-> Of course he got a description from the bigger entity and soon when on his search, he was far too curious of this... player who put their own 'run' at risk by helping one of them, so for the past month Halt pulled people into their hall more often than not, but not having the luck of finding you until about a month later
-> And to their luck, you were the backwards walk kind of player when they appeared in front of you
-> They analyzed your appearance, and found you were a direct match from what Rush told them, so for once, they stopped their pattern, chasing after you until your back hit the locked door you entered through
-> You grew confused and a bit scared, this wasnt the usual pattern, you couldnt escape, what the hell!
-> You felt a shiver down your spine, the corridor suddenly felt so much colder than before. The ghostly figure loomed over you with their glowing blue eyes staring you down. Suddenly only their eyes filled your vision, similar to how they'd tell you to turn around before the hotel got it's renovation, making you flinch and blink hard
-> Next thing you knew, a tall, slender figure was in front of you, so all of the entities can have a humanoid body? Not the time to question that now, what the fuck is going on
-> The figure wore a long dark blue-ish cloak, it was slightly torn on the edges(probably because of time, you'd guess) and had a shiny 4 pointed, light blue star pendent keeping it together near the hood. The cloak obscured the rest of its body, and the gloominess of the room didn't help in the slightest, you could see it wore black boots though; It's face was covered by a veil like fabric, similar to how Halt looked earlier, it's bright blue eyes staring dead into your soul, it intimidated you, especially with how close it was
-> You tried to keep yourself from showing fear, though you struggled to do so, this situation was really weird, they cornered you right at the start of the hall and arent moving away, just staring you down
-> Your heart threatened to jump out of your chest with how it was beating, you really wanted to stop staring at them, avert your eyes and brace for the worse but something kept you from it, giving you only moments to glance away in discomfort, you heard a reverberated hum before it turned around
-> "Rush was right." They mumbled lowly, before walking away and disappearing into the floor, the aura in the room dimmed, meaning they werent there anymore as you finally let out a breath you didnt know you were holding. Seriously what the fuck was that??? Whatever, you can think about that later, right now just focus on running out of this claustrophobic ass hall
→ After that weird encounter you felt like Halt would always show up in almost every run you had, and more than once. Eventually you grew fed up, what was their deal? Did they need something?
→ So the next time he pulled you into their corridor, you stood your ground and asked what they wanted in an annoyed tone. Surprising to say it took Halt off guard that you decided to confront them instead of running away
→ So they stood in place, not getting closer nor teleporting behind you, and its whatever if they kill you now, this run was a very unlucky one regardless...
"Okay, what's your deal, man? What do you want, either Im going insane or you're tormenting me far more often than usual." You complained, crossing your arms as you glared at the veiled entity in front of you, they stood, unmoving aside the light floating of their clothes from the chilly wind that somehow flowed through the closed hall
You raised a brow as their eyes seemed to move ever so slightly, seeming to scan your face for anything, perhaps were they trying to feel even a twinge of fear from you? Even if they did it would be overly covered by annoyance and frustration, their hall is very annoying to get through
They lowered their head a bit to look at the ground momentarily as they thought about how to articulate an answer, soon enough, they came up with something to say
"you are... Interesting... You helped one of my comrades when he was in distress... You confuse me..." They spoke, their voice echoing through the hall, it was breathy and soft, and quite monotone too. Hearing them surprised you a bit
"... Could you elaborate?" Your expression softened from the sneer you held before, they looked aside a bit again before looking back at you, staring dead into your eyes as if they tried to get a look into your soul
"no humans help us, none of them ever have, if one of us ends up getting stuck they either mock, run away or just stare in confusion... But you, you were kind— or pitiful —enough to help Rush from under the heavy bookshelf... That confuses me..." He paused briefly, raising his hand to snap his clawed fingers, surprisingly they weren't as sharp as the ones Rush has "Rush could snap you in half faster than I can snap my fingers... Why did you decide to help him?"
You were stunned at their words for a moment, standing still as you mind processed what they said before you unsurely shrug as you shook you head lightly "cause and consequence I guess? I mean, I'd be mad if someone mocked me while I was stuck under a bookshelf too, and given how... Murderous... He is- I didn't want to get an extra painful death because he'd be in a bad mood afterwards..." You rambled, gripping your arms as you did
Halt listened intently, nodding as you finished talking, you heard a hum coming from them as they glided closer, at least you figured they glided as you only heard a wind whistle instead of footsteps, but when you looked back up they were inches from your face, you nearly jumped in a scare, letting you a choked yelp as you stepped back for some distance
"May you answer some more questions? Curiosity is eating at me, I promise to let you leave unharmed afterwards." They said, not moving from their spot in mid air, they didn't seem to like moving too much. You nodded after a moment of hesitation "but.. how can I really trust you?"
"Im an entity of word. Besides, are you really willing to let this opportunity to learn more about this place go? I know you humans are oh-so curious about this facility." They tilted their head at you, you took a moment before nodding, they were right after all, again, not everyday you get to talk to an entity like this.
And so you both sat down.
→ You two talked for a long while, last time you check the clock outside the hall it was at least 3pm. It sure felt like an eternity inside the hall, and eventually you both drifted from the initial questions to other topics, like how the other entities acted, or things you remember about your own life, and even some gossip that had you both giggling and laughing
→ Just don't tell anyone you got this info from Halt, if anyone asks, you know nothing ;]
→ After a while, Halt grew tired sounding and quiet, letting you do most of the talking until you caught onto the fact they were tired now. You suggested you wrap up the night, but said you really enjoyed talking with them
→ They seemed to hum happily as you got up from your spots, saying the same to you and leading you to the end of the corridor. You felt a cold hand on your shoulder before you left, a reminder of your new found friend as you shivered at the sudden warm air hitting you cold form, you grew used to Halts cold room to the point where the normal air from the hotel nearly felt like a punch to the face
→ And so that was your routine fron then on, watch from a closet as Rush lingered around the room whenever he came by, talk to Half for a couple of hours and then move on with your run
→ Eventually, Rush lingered a little bit too long, and Hide was especially impatient tonight so you can guess what happened. You got shoved out as Rush was still looking around the room
→ You yelled as you were shoved out, but before you hit the floor you felt those familiar hands grab your shirt and lift you up, and in a matter of seconds, you were face to face with the Static creature again. Your eyes widen as he glared at you with empty eyes and a grin before realizing it was you
-> "Pipsqueak! It's you! I've been lookin' for ya!" He said with a laugh, placing you down and patting your shoulder, you couldn't even process when his body shifted to it's humanoid form, just taking a moment to absorb the situation
-> But Rush kept talking. "I really wanted to meet with ya again, Halt said y'all met?" He questioned, tugging you along as he walked to the next room, as he knew the next room at least had a couch you two could sit at
-> You stammered as confirmation, almost tripping over your feet as you walked with him. He let go of you as you got to the couch and dropped himself on one side of it, it creaked under his weight as he crossed his legs, patting the spot next to him after you were left standing for a few moments more
-> You sat down awkwardly as the entity next to you occupied a lot of the couch, what being 8 feet tall does to a motherfucker, anyway. He didn't seem to mind how you were still processing what was going on, and still asked you a lot of things, which you reluctantly answered because... Did you really have a choice on the matter? Though you did notice he gave off a warmth as you sat close to him
-> After a while you did ease into the conversation, which seemed to please him. He joked and told you funny stories about things he's done, be it with other players or other entities. It made him laugh as he told you the stories, you laughed along, his laugh was quite the contagious one
-> Once he seemed to run out of stories to tell you, you spoke up. "Why.. are you telling me this? And why were you looking for me?"
-> "Huh?-" he looked down at you for a moment, before processing your questions properly "Oh! Well, Halt mentioned how they were talkin' to you so often and how you were so nice to talk to n' blah blah blah. So I wanted to hear it for myself, and they were right! You are real nice t' talk to."
-> You blinked "they talk about me?" Rush jerked his head aside "eeeh not really??.. just when I bump into them at least, I usually ask how yer doin' given I can never find ya 'round." He dismissed quickly, you almost saw a darker shade of grey on his withered face. You'll never know he lied a bit, Halt mentioned you've been chatting often, but they didn't really share much of how you behaved, he'd never admit it but he felt a little bit jealous that Halt got to talk to you more than he did, he met and saw you first! He wants to talk to you too!! Why do you think he's been searching for you?
-> "A~nyway... I did like talkin' to ya, even if I did most of the talkin', I get I can be a lil' too fast for people to catch up with." He scratched the back of his head, you couldn't help but giggle a tiny bit "it was nice to chat with you too, Rush."
-> He said you should talk more, and you said sure, as long as he doesn't kill you if he comes running in, that made he laugh as he agreed
-> So, new routine again, talk with Rush as you two walk through the rooms a bit and then talk with Halt for a few hours, wether you get to the final elevator didnt really matter as much anymore
-> Eventually you finally got the two in the same room, Halt finally decided to come out of his corridor for once because you wanted to show him a cool plant in the Greenhouse
-> And oh what a coincidence! It was a room Rush was running to! What a silly coincidence!! He totally didn't bribe Screech to spy on you both and Halt was getting a little too close nope not at all :]]]]
You shined your flashlight at the Peace Lily that was blooming in one of the pots
"It's so cool that it grew in these conditions!" You gushed at the flower, Halt hummed, "certainly, I haven't seen a flower grow in a long while..." Their voice echoed around the room "I used to love these... It's also quite ironic a Peace Lily is growing here of all places"
You chuckled "yep, peace is not something to happen here, at least not to often..-" you got cut off by the sound of a particularly strong gush of wind hitting against the window and making it shake in its hinges, it startled you for a moment as you shivered at the remnants of a breeze managed to slip through the small gaps in the frame
"hmm... Seems like the storm is picking up, that hasn't happened in a while..." They turned their attention to the window before looking down at you, it took them a moment to realize you were cold before they fumbled with the broche on their cloak, they couldn't feel any more cold than they already were so its a bit hard to tell change in temperature
"oh forgive me, I didn't know it was cold, here-" they enveloped you in their large coat before you could say anything, you expected it to be cold just like they are, but you were quickly proven wrong as warmth took over your body, the quick change in temperature made you hair stand
"o-oh!- th-thanks-" you stuttered, noticing that Halt wore a pearly white, ruffled shirt with a cyan vest over it and a black puffy ascot around their neck, it seemed like many of the entities sported the same style of clothing, suits or vests... Was it a dress code they went by?
"it is no problem-" this time, Halt was interrupted by the loud static noise of Rush zooming near, Halt stared at the door you came through and immediately pulled you behind them, for whatever reason, they knew you talked to Rush already, why did they pull you back?
As soon as Rush entered the room and saw Halt, he stopped and took his usual humanoid form
"Oh! Halt! Buddy there you are! You dont usually leave your hall what's got ya all the way over here?-" he questioned, though his tone sounded a bit fake, like he already knew why Halt was here
Halt took a moment before responding, mumbling a hello as they slightly lowered their head, why did they seem so... Apprehensive? Annoyed maybe? It's hard to read this guy. Rush finally saw you and made a gesture by opening his arms
"Pipsqueak! There you are! What'cha doin' here with Halt? Y'all doin' anythin' fun?" He pried, and finally noticed you had Halt's cloak "... And uh, why do ya have their cloak?" His tone sounded a bit more strained now, his usual casual grin seemed a bit more forced
"I-" you started, unsure of what to say before Halt cut you off "they were cold, so I lended them my cloak. I may be one of the coldest entities here but my cloak is quite the blanket." They stated, staring up at Rush
"oh really? Well if they're cold they could've come look for me! Some say I'm quite the heat pack, y'know?" The taller entity laughed, his voice booming around the room "Plus, ya know very well these rooms aren't the safest." His voice fell serious, though still with a playful undertone, you grew confused, the fuck was this interaction
Halt scoffed "I am aware, Rush. However, they wanted to show me this lovely flower, I couldn't say No to such an interesting offer." They gestured to the Lily near you both "It's been a while since I've seen an actual flower, after all, the other only living plant here is...." Halt gently moved your hand to shine your flashlight at the snare on the floor, waiting for its next victim to trap
Rush was silent for a couple moment after looking at the snare, he turned himself to the Lily again, humming in thought "Well... that is a pretty nice flower.... the hell has he been doin'?..." he mumbled, shaking his head as he turned back to the conversation
"Nevermind that! C'mon, Pipsqueak, let's get outta here before ya get yourself hurt. An' Halt uuh... ya-.. ya can go back to ya room, I guess, ya never stay out for long anyway..." Rush mumbled, walking around Halt and put a hand on your back, leading you with him to the previous door slowly to keep up with you. But for some reason, the room felt colder than before, you shivered in discomfort, Halt heard it.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" Halt questioned, their voice sounding stronger and passive-aggressive "Do speak your mind, Rush, you were never one to hold you thoughts to yourself anyway." they tilted their head at Rush as the room grew colder with every word, you felt Rush start to tense as you looked back at the ghostly entity
"OOOOkay!-" Rush laughed, you could hear a hit of forcefulness on his voice as he turned to Halt, putting his hands on his hips as he cackled "THOSE are some fightin' words, Buddy. Ya REALLY wanna go down that path?" He looked down at Halt, still being taller than them by a foot
"You started it, but If The Boot Fits I don't mind an altercation." You shuddered at Halt's tone, and at the cold getting so much worse that the windows have started to frost, you could see a small confused looking face staring from the other side, Sally was here
You got between the two, pushing them apart was they were glaring at each other "ENOUGH you both! There's someone else here, and Halt- you're fr-freezing the room." you shivered as you looked up at Halt and motioned at the half frosted window, the two looked over at the window and Sally quickly hid away from view with a small, echo-y gasp
Halt looked away to take some deep breaths and calm down, as Rush walked over to the window to talk to Sally a bit, it sounded like a bit of a lecture but you didn't care to process what he was blabbing about, focusing more on Halt and gently patting their arm to help, they looked back at you
"My apologies for my behavior.... I did not- mean to grow so upset..." they gently put their hand over yours on their arm, you shook your head "it's okay, you don't have to apologize, I'd be mad too. Just because you like being by yourself doesn't mean they get to just dismiss you like that." Their eyes seemed to soften their glow as you spoke, they hummed "usually I don't mind, I enjoy being given the assurance that I can leave if I wish to, but... this was just insulting..."
You nodded, they turned to you after a moment of silence, this time now holding both your hands, which caught you a bit by surprise
"[Name]... I know this may not be an appropriate place for such a thing, but I can no longer keep this to myself. It has been a delight to interact with you when you come around, I treasure every second we spend together and you're simply just..... an amazing person to be around, you bring me a warmth I've never had or felt before.... I was... wondering if....." they seemed to struggle a bit, which was odd since they always spoke so flawlessly, though you didn't mind it one bit. If this monologue was going in the direction you think it is then interrupting isn't an option
"my apologies, words are hard at the moment-" they mumbled "ah.... if-... you'd like to... be my partner...?" their eyes shifted, looking nervous and worried for your reaction as their hands got colder against yours
You were stunned for a moment, blinking dumbfoundedly, attempting to stammer some reply out but to no avail
Then Rush put an arm around you
"HEYYYY WHAT YALL TALKIN' ABOUT OVER HERE??" He loudly questioned, pulling you closer to his side, Halt seemed to deadpan at him, huffing annoyedly "Rush, you are ruining our moment."
"Moment? What moment?" Rush feigned cluelessness, then pulled you away from Halt, talking about how you had to get out of the greenhouse because it wasnt safe, or something, you didnt really listen as you looked over his arm at Halt, they seemed to still be holding their hands in the same position they were when holding yours but slightly reaching outat you
You mouthed a sorry back at him as Rush got you out the door.
→ good lord I got carried away, anyway
→ after that Rush seemed to always find you before you even managed to get in a closet, well, not find you but run into the room before you could get in
-> Hide mightve had a hand in it but you dont know that, they just want Rush to stop bugging them about it
-> Rush would tackle you to the floor and pretend hewas gonna bite you, then he'd laugh a bit before pulling you back to your feet, much to your annoyance he keeps on teasing you about being a little flinchy around him
-> He cant blame you though! He's killed you before when you first got here and he's unpredictable
-> But now you get to be the listener in a conversation again so thats something, he talks non stop, excited to talk to you
-> He drags you around to find a comfy place to sit down and chat while he talks. He constantly moves, some times after sitting on the couch for too long he gets up and paces around while he talks, sometimes sits on the ground in front or next to you.
-> Though his topics are interesting to talk about sometimes you end up even falling asleep while he talks
-> Another thing is that ever since that day, he's taken so much of your time and energy you havent gotten to talk to Halt at all, until they came to you after you and Rush were done talking
-> you shuddered as that familiar cold embraced your form again, smiling a bit at the quiet in the hallway, taking a few steps away from the door as Halt showed up.
-> you greeted them, and though they didnt respond, you explained how Rush was talking to you so often, how draining it was by the end of your conversations. You looked tired, they could tell
-> they didnt say a word as they hovered to you and wrapped their arms around you along with their cloak, you were surprised but melted into their cold form, wrapping your own arms around them
-> they guided you to the usual spot you two would sit down at, without letting you go, you leaned your head against their shoulder with a sigh as they held you with an arm, holding one of your hands with the other
-> You were dozing off, closing your eyes as you curled up to their side, you felt them adjust their cloak around you again
-> You heard a whisper from them, sounded like something along the lines of "I love you"? You werent sure, you could've misheard it, the memories of that night at the greenhouse came back briefly, you hummed softly as you snuggled to them, gently squeezing their hand mumbling the same back to them as you fell asleep
-> Next time you saw Rush, he was actually not running this time, standing in the middle of one of the rooms with Halt, they seemed to be arguing about something. The room was cold
-> You shivered as you walked in, Halt noticed you first and greeted you with a nod before Rush greeted you by saying your name happily, you waved
-> Rush requested you put an end to their argument and choose for them, which one is better in terms of their work
-> And well, given theyre both the easiest to avoid, Rush is deadlier with his strenght and Speed but Halt is harmful for his confusing rules that makes Players have to turn around and walk back and forth until theyre out of the hall. Your answer was that theyre both the best in their own different ways
-> They seemed satified enough, Halt more than Rush, though Rush got another idea and smirked, asking you who you liked better
-> That confused and flustered you, you stammered, claiming not knowing what he meant. So he repeated in better detail, who you like better to hang out
-> Of course you said both are nice to hang out with in their own ways, but that didnt satisfy Rush, he just kept pushing even as Halt attempted to stop him from doing so
"So? I'm still waitin' for an answer!" Rush crossed his arms with a smirk on his face "Rush, that's enough, dont you think?" Halt questioned
"No! I want a definate answer from them. Who do you like best??" It got to the point you didnt know how to answer anymore, you gave them your true answer what else does he want?
"Why are does it matter so much? I gave you the only answer I have" you shrugged "Because we're in love with you and you gotta choose onna us, wasn't it obvious?" Rush stated calmly
The way he said it so calmly, as if it was obvious information gave you a hard whiplash, your face flushing red as Halt smacked the back of Rush's head harshly
"Way to blow it, Rush. They'll hate us now!" For once, Halt raised their voice, even if slightly, the two began to argue again "Naw they won't! Plus, you already confessed that day at the Greenhouse and they don't seem to hate you for it!"
You tuned them out as you thought about what he just said, you've been catching feeling for them for a while, the two were charming in their own ways, it would be hard to choose one of them, but guess what! You have Two Hands!
-> And thats what you told them, they were stunned for a moment, a deeper shade of grey floded Rush's cheeks while Halt seemed to glow brighter
-> they agreed to your offer, so you were now officially a polyamory couple
-> they did tell you the dangers of the entity the other players named Jack, and that he's not to know youre dating them
-> theyre both lovely and attentive to you, and incredible cuddlers too, Rush is very warm to cuddle with on colder nights and Halt is lovely to cuddle on hotter nights
-> Rush takes you on rides around the hotel sometimes on his back, and Halt shows you the quiet spots he hangs out on if he needs to detress
-> They still argue a bunch and youre usually the mediator, until the argument's with you-
-> They love you very much, they couldnt be happier every since you agreed to be theirs
FUCK THIS TOOK SO LONG IM SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO WRITE THIS, life got in the way and hyperfixations changed, but I really want to get back to writing and now that this is done, I can write other things in my inbox.
Never ask me to do duos again before Ive done their intro fics lmao /hj/lh
I did enjoy writing this though dw
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Could you do one where y/n is walking to home alone at night and is scared of someone and calls tae or somethingg ? :)) I love the Forever and a Day series!
Hello angel! sorry for the delay in post, been busy offline but im gonna get through my requests now, thank you for reading and loving the series! <3
No warnings, enjoy!!
"why are we getting dessert at 1am?"....."why not?" KTH DRABBLE
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"Hi sweetheart, are you just getting out?" Taehyung sat up in bed, phone up to his ear as he picked up your call.
"Hi baby, yeah.." you exhale, walking out of your building and walking to go catch the train home to your apartment.
The past few weeks youve been working as an assistant dance instructor at a fine arts school. You loved teaching and dancing everyday, but some nights were long, and you couldnt let the students leave unless their choreography was perfect.
"How was work then?" he asked, feeling more awake
"well...we finished the main choreo which is actually really good considering we just started teaching it last saturday. I think they are catching onto it now....but we still had to stay late and do costumes and what not..."
"busy, busy girl" he chuckled softly, fidgeting with his shirt as he heard the tiredness in your voice.
"yeah you got that right" you sigh and walk over to cross the street, eyeing the boarding platform for the train. "I'll be home soon, okay?"
"ok my love..."
"do you want me to pick up anything? Im at the train but I can stop quickly at the 24 hour market and bu-"
You stopped talking to your boyfriend as you heard a voice appear behind you. You turned to meet eyes with a much taller man wearing a grey hoodie and baggy navy blue sweatpants. He could have been anywhere between 30-40 years old.
"Uhm-..hi?" you smiled quickly, confused. You hadnt seen anyone around when you first arrived.
"whos there with you?" taehyung listens in to the unfamiliar voice
"hang on, tae" you mumble, putting the phone down as the man steps a bit closer.
"you look very pretty!" the older man spoke calmly, making you cringe. He smelled of cigarettes and booze.
"oh...thanks, im not interested in anything...im sorry. Just waiting to catch the train" you nod and point at the empty tracks in front of you, putting the phone back up to your ear as you turn
"baby whos that?" taehyung frowned, turning down the tv so he could listen more closely.
"I dont know...im at the train and some guy is just trying to talk to me" you whisper through gritted teeth.
"what??" he panics
"how old are you?" the guy asks, now closer to you than before.
"sir...im a little uncomfy with you being so close, I am just trying to get home to my boyfriend, its very late." you try to speak without your voice shaking.
"ah come on...dont be like that, im sure he wont mind if your home a little later. why dont we go have a little fun?" he mumbled
you felt your heart sink to your stomach as you immediately backed up. you wish you hadn't left your stupid pepper spray at home.
"Y/N?" tae called out, but your phone was by your side as you looked back at him. "please.....just go away" you try again
He simply laughed and continued to step closer before a cop that mustve been nearby came up behind him, grabbing his attention.
"hello sir, mind if I ask why you are out here this late?"
He scoffed, shrugging dramatically.
The cop continued to press questions as you quickly made a gesture of appreciation and fled without him noticing you.
You ran off the platform and back into the parking lot of some random store, picking up the phone to see tae was still on the line.
"Y/N, what happened? whats going on??" his voice was fast, concerned.
"I- I dont know, i ran away but some guy was near me asking me questions and I just- the cop came by but im afraid to go to the train again...im just-"
"where are you right now?" he stopped you
you turn around to see the 7/11 type market before you, "Im by the convenient store on 11th street..."
"okay stay there, go inside if you can...im coming to get you okay?"
"okay..." you breathe out and sit on the curb right next to the front door, still shaking a bit as your eyes nervously peered around the street, cars passing every now and then.
Taehyung grabbed his keys and was gone within the next 5 minutes, his own nervousness getting to him. He drove to you, keeping you on the line to speak.
"what did he look like?"
"tae i dont know, he was just older...creepy. smelled awful."
"im so sorry that this happened, are you okay?"
"im fine...im just scared now" you laugh breathily.
"im almost there, ok?"
your feet swung against the concrete parking lot before you saw the familiar headlights of your boyfriend pulling in. you waved to grab his attention, him parking the car close to you.
He got out and hugged you, swaying lightly. "its okay"
you give him a squeeze, "im sorry you had to come all the way over here so late.."
"shh dont apologize, you should always keep this with you though" he grabbed the pepper spray you left at home, shoving it into your backpack as you laughed.
"but its pinkkkk" you whined
"what guy is gonna be afraid of some pink pepper spray?"
"hey, pepper spray is pepper spray, you just have the bedazzled version. You spray and slay" he shrugged, making you cringe audibly.
"never fucking say that again" you laugh, pointing in his face as he holds your hand in his, beginning his walk to the markets front door.
"why are we going in here?" you ask
"mine as well" he smiled and opened the door, walking in and eyeing the people- free isles.
You followed him as he darted to the back of the building, lifting up the glass case and picking up 2 vanilla ice creams, then going to grab 2 iced coffees.
"whats all this?"
"dessert" he looked back and winked jokingly as he made his way to ring up the items.
You scoffed and stood behind him as he paid, "And why are we getting dessert at 1am?"
"why not" he chuckled and handed you the ice cream and coffee
"valid point" you giggle, "thank you"
He kissed your forehead and led you back out to the car, getting in and enjoying your late night snack.
"so you said the cop stopped him?"
you nodded, licking your cone and looking out the window. "He reeked of alcohol so I doubt it was because he was stalking some young girl....wonder if he was even arrested" you scoff
He hummed, pondering in thought.
The car went quiet for a moment
"do you think hes in the back seat?" tae suddenly spoke, side eyeing you.
"Tae!!!" you shout, playfully smacking his arm as he defensively raised his hands
"sorry, sorry!"
"one more word and im pepper spraying you"
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effervescentdragon · 8 months
The whole Daniel thing has made me think about how drivers that say dumb misogynistic things get treated by the fandom. If you're talking about Hulkenberg or Perez, then they're ruthlessly mocked for it (and rightly so imo), but if its a driver people like, like Danny Ric or Kimi, people seem to bend over backwards to defend them and find reasons to justify what they said. Idk, is it that both are part of very popular ships, where Hulkenberg and Perez aren't? I have a lot of thoughts, but I also have the flu so they're not the most organised (I hope ur having a good evening I love ur blog)
Hello! I think it comes down to the strength of their fanbase and their popularity in general.
Now, i can only speak about the ecosystem.of tumblr because i refuse to go near shitter in general and instagram in any fandomish way, and i do have these debated with my irls sometimes, so keep that in mind.
Firstly, Daniel, Kimi, even Seb (i refuse to leave out my misogynistic king of spewing dumb shit about grid girls who did, eventually, learn better, or at least finally learned not to say that shit in public) are very well liked, popular drivers. Namely, only two of them are wdcs and the third one never will be, but Daniel does have a devout fanbase and his former talent and potential as a driver must be acknowledged. With all those things come the fanbases, which are all prone to idolising their blorbo in any and every motherfucking way possible. Nobody is immune to this and obviously you'll be more ready to make excuses for your pathetic meow meow than for someone you dislike; thats a normal human sports fan fact. However if you look at Checo and Hulkenberg (there is only One True Nico in the sport and his surname is Girlbossberg), their fanbases aren't big, if they even exist on tumblr, or so I believe, unless I have missed a whole part of fandom existing somewhere in my bubble?
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Moving on.
Now however, i do think there's difference in fanbases too ngl. We obviously dont all like the same drivers, some are more appealing to whatever attracts us than the others, and let's just say that birds of feather flock together and leave it at that. (A.N. so many people are sooooo wromg about their characterisations of most drivers but that's also my personal biases at work.)
So what I see here is that more popular drivera will have more fans quantiatively first and foremost (qualitative analysis: cancelled because of the imminent death of the author), ans those fans will be ready to take up arms and fight for their (white) boy millionaire. This brings the fans into some lovely personally-induced logical fallacies, like we've seen in the past couple od days. Now, im not gonna preach moral.high ground here like some because i am well aware of what kind of men thse people are (context is everything beloveds), but i will say this. People are prone to so many conscious amd unconscious biases which take a long while to dismantle. That's not an easy job, and when you project onto someone (valid) and develop a personal (to you, and not to generalise but oftentimes also a parasocial) relationship with a celebrity, you start taking things personally. Now this, id say from personal experience, would be the time to go take a walk. Snort some grass. Ride a bull and all that.
Amyways my point was, round the elbow to the wrist (or was it shoulder? i cant rmbr), that people will always rather defend their fave, no matter how shitty he is, than whichever driver they dislike. This is not uncommon; this is human nature.
I will add that a lot of fans (i dont know anything about their demographic) don't know the line between "following/thirsting over a hot dude" and the dangers of a parasocial relationship. My issue with it all is that what they do when thay feel threatened is deflect blame feom their special boy to literally anyone else, and that results in everyone who disagrees with this apparent popular consensus becomes a target of a witch hunt. Some people would rather go around attacking other's well-crticulated and above all well acessible target. Posts and people than call -- OKAY up to this point is what I wrote last night before I passed out like a log. I havent changed anything, which shows in lacking any sentence structure and missing words, so let me continue because I vaguely remember what I wanted to say.
My problem is that it's not personal, and people act as it is because they personally identify their own morals with who they like. And when they feel as if their personality is threatened or judged, they lash out, usually while taking some sort of artificially imagined "moral high ground". That results in hate anons in inboxes of anyone who disagrees with them and calls of "well you never liked him anyway so now you have an excuse". Like baby, no. Don't project your feelings on me. I know how shitty my special boys are, and i am capable of criticising them and stanning them while acknowledging the ways in which they suck. I dont equate my morals and ethics with stanning some boys who drive around in circles.
I think i lost the plot there by the end. Bottom line - when youre already disliked, not many people will rally to defend you, regardless of the fact you say exactly the same shit as someone who is beloved to people. :)
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elftwink · 20 days
every few months or so i have to reach out to someone i inexplicably stopped speaking to for literally no reason at all and in my mind this doesn't impact the nature of our relationship in the slightest (i think ive seen a post floating around on here that phrases this like "i don't have a friendship decay mechanic" and thats pretty accurate to me as well) but it is literally so scary because other people definitely can feel negatively about this complete gap in interaction and read into it my intentions (or worse when its due to memory issues do that thing where theyre like "if it was important you would remember ergo i am not important to you") and its like idk how explain that life is just moving to damn fast like to me we may as well have been talking yesterday... makes me very sad because on the one hand people have a right to feel that way and i understand that it can feel like your time is being wasted or that the other person doesn't respect you enough to get back to you (because also. some people do deliberately ignore messages for these reasons unfortunately)
but on the other hand. for me i feel like im always on the back foot because i just dont have the capacity to actually keep up with everyone, and i barely have the capacity to do the apology rounds every few months. also i hate the apology rounds because even if i have every intention of keeping up with people it always slips. i dont think i was meant to live in a world with instant messaging i think we should go back to snail mail. i would also be bad at replying to people with it but at least i would have a better excuse
also sometimes im just like i must be inventing problems when i write replies to people like an email on average takes me 4 hours or so to compose if given my own time. for time sensitive work emails it's still at least half an hour to an hour, which is also about the time it takes me to compose a text message to someone (unless i see it right away and stream of consciousness my answer without thinking then i can do it in 2 minutes but if i dont do this at the exact moment i see the text i cannot do it at a later time). during this process it feels impossible to speed up but its obviously ridiculous for two emails to take the time of an entire work day. also i have to take a break after sending an email or text like it is genuinely really draining and there is just no way it takes this much time or energy for anyone else because if it did we would have made texting illegal by now. but at the same time no single component of writing an email/text is that obviously difficult or energy intensive so im like sweating blood for hours to produce something that looks like it took 3 1/2 minutes maximum like what is wrong with meeeeeee
also no i didnt send my email yet im procrastinating by writing this post. perhaps this is also contributing to my extremely long composition times :/ ok bye everyone if i post again in the next hour and it does say "yay i sent my email" or something of the like please yell at me
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
Do you have any tips for researching historical fashion? I am very interested in finding out about many different eras of fashion for many cultures it’s just that whenever I try I get stuck and am not sure where to find any interesting resources. Have a wonderful day!
Sorry this took so long. I almost wrote a book last time and decided its unreadable for anyone other than me. So here u go with the more general and better formatted tips:
• start simple! Get to know the place youre interested in. Get to know the time period as a whole. Fashion is a broad topic that varies from place to place, so its better to start with the general ideas, and get more into smaller details from that; most of the time that basic information is easily accesible online and in various historical fashion books im sure you can find in your local library (i know its hard to recognize which sites and books are actually knowledgable and which are not; usually i just do a background check on the author and see what sources they use in their work. But even with that, dont get too attached to the information you gain; sometimes it will be correct, and sometimes it will prove false, and thats okay. Thats why youre learning and thats why you have to compare different sources to each other)
• The further down the timeline you go, the more "local" fashion gets, and looking for clothing examples gets harder, so keep that in mind; more often than not, if you want to find something from a different culture than yours, you have to get friendly with google translator, especially if youre looking for way, way older clothes.
• the reason for that is, you will not only have to check foreign sites and blogs, but also foreign archives; and these are a hell to navigate. Theyre also one of the best things to ever exist on the internet. Theres plenty of free, publicly avilable ones, hosted by museums, libraries, universities or just existing by themselves, and they have everything; scans of books and fashion magazines, fashion plates, old photos, drawings and sketches, everything. Research papers are great too
• speaking of art; its always good to look for paintings and artists of that era and culture! I dont think i need to say more on that. Books are great too, though i mostly use them for other history related stuff, since they usually dont describe fashion much
• overall, learning fashion history is a long and often slow process... id love to give you examples of sites, blogs and everything else i use, but its all in polish and very focused on 19th century; which will be useless, unless its something youre interested in. So its very much a thing you need to look for yourself... i know there are lots of historical fashion youtubers, but i dont personally watch any of them; from what ive seen though i trust that they know what theyre talking about, esp the ones that actually wear and sew historical clothes and reconstructions... theyre often focused on the west, though. At least the ones i know of; feel free to recommend some in the notes. In general feel free to post more tips and sources in the notes
Hope this can help you somehow. I dont feel like its very helpful, but its the best i can offer, im afraid. My "area of expertise" is not only european, and therefore easier to research, but also written in my mother tongue; i do however often look for foreign folk clothes, so most of those tips were written from that experience. Sorry if this isnt what you looked for
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werebutch · 3 months
WSBH chara q’s: (you don’t have to answer all the numbers, just whatever you want to 𖢘)
16/35/51 for Scotch
1/6/55 for Atlas
16. What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
okay i truly think scotch argues with seraph in his head all the time. ALL the time. scotch largely ignores them, and vice versa, because he dislikes them and they know it. seraph is very conflict avoidant lol, and as long as hes not a "threat" they dont care to talk to him about their problems. he probably argues with atlas and jacob (his older brother) too, atlas about more stupid small stuff, and jacob about childhood and life stuff :p
im trying to think of more general groups he would argue with but i cant come up with anything BAHAH. hes not exactly conflict avoidant in the annoying libra way that seraph is, he more just ignores conflict for his friends’ (mostly atlas’) sake. idk if that makes sense LOL
35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
hmmm.. smallest? i mean scotch strings eloise along for most of the time pre timeskip. its not a main focus but its definitely important in order to understand scotch as a whole. she and scotch go out for a while, and mid way through that he realizes hes GAY gay. lol. and obviously lying to her about that is pretty questionable after a while. especially since he and atlas have been 👉👌 like the whole time. but she kind of knows. well
something a little bigger would be him encouraging or otherwise turning a blind eye to all the weird stuff atlas is up to. he doesn't know what it's like to be a werewolf, he can't say anything, right? lol.... murder is okay if its a talking dog doing it. scotch enabler supreme. actually when seraph is introduced, he and atlas have a 'joke' (kind of starts being real) about luring seraph somewhere to kill them. obviously doesnt happen and gets abandoned. but i think its important to know about their dynamic LOL
51. What’s a phrase they say a lot?
this guy is kind of goofy. i cant think of phrases rn but he has a specific way of speaking.. you could watch pretty much any old pop punk band interview and kind of get the idea. HAHAH
1. What’s the lie your character says most often?
atlas is a big fan of saying 'its fine' for all situations ever. family in mortal danger? its fine. completely splitting? its fine. arthritis excruciating? its fine. hes one of those people that dont like to deal with the fawning of others unless hes feeling real special. Ends up putting people in more danger a lot of the time. i think eloise is the only fan of communication in this friend group to be honest. i should have made her the main character
he tends to make promises he cant keep as well, but thats more general..
6. What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
i have NO idea. i feel like atlas would be a music snob, so maybe his favorite 'super underground' bands. otherwise he'd probably never recommend raw human meat to another human (no matter how much scotch asks -__-).. (he would chicken out anyway)
55. What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
um. so atlas hates working out. he especially hates running, you know, the thing that wolves are known for doing a lot of? unfortunately the lycanthropy came with a side effect of pretty bad arthritis, so that doesnt exactly encourage him. he DOES exercise, a lot since hes pretty much required for his ermm "side job", but he hates it 😸 besides the arthritis it’s mostly because I think it’s silly that he hates it. yay
#ummm a lot of what i talk about with my ocs are the character relationships but thats why i write. i like gossip. its fun. LMFAO#im actually having trouble deciding whether i want atlas to be a killer or not. like regularly killing i mean. hes definitely killed SOMEON#im really inspired by ginger snaps and scream. i dont even like scream that much but it reminds me of how they are. lol#scotch and atlas are pretty different but theres two things i see as themes. they both hate communication (and that causes conflict; so mor#avoiding). and the fact that scotch lives vicariously through atlas. atlas is doing#what scotch thinks is interesting. for pretty much the entire time; scotch likes to beg atlas to turn him. i think scotch sees the lack of#control he has over his life and sees lycanthropy as power. arguably thats why scotch is so attracted to atlas. lol#idk. thats not canon. im just thinking out loud here.#and yk it is power but not freedom. atlas would much rather just be a regular wolf. hunting and shit. but hes got these damn people here lo#but he sees what his life is like being a lycanthrope and hes kinda like. no. im not bringing that onto you. you dont know what youre askin#YOU KNOW? its goofy. i know. but its fun. LOL#if you (a general audience you but it can be you too grins) want to talk about scotch's confusion about his attraction to eloise we'd be#here all day. i think scotch is an egg. i dont know. i truly think theres some vicarious living (again) through her femininity.#and el is trans so he doesnt see her femininity as unattainable to him. you know? i hope that makes sense lol and im kind of projecting on#to him wif dat. to be honest. but obviously in the other direction. BWAHAH#asks#eucyon#thank u for da ask jesse this is so fun ^__^ and exciting that someone remembers their names HAH#after all this talking in the tags what I meant to say is that scotch and atlas both have sick intentions. it’s just that scotch doesn’t#act on them. and atlas does. so. living vicariously. ok
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vexxandra · 1 year
intuitive messages from your person (really specific so probably not gonna resonate lol)
first time doing this! a bit of practice, since im not good with listening to my intuition. but were trying new things this new year. lool lets get started :D
m tellin u its like super SUPER specific ;D
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pile one:
things that could have significance : genshin, but more specifically, wishing, debate clubs, when you wish upon a star, steven universe end credits (love like you), lavender or mint, milk, the name sofia?, sweaters or oversized clothes,  telephone (the song or the object), dial/tone, closet
hello dear. have i been away for too long? apologies, work is very hard nowadays and i find that ive been losing myself more and more. but ive been thinking about you quite a lot. especially at night. dreaming of you. ive been irresponsable, not answering your calls quickly enough and leaving things to pile up between the two of us. but please know that im working very hard and trying the best i can. you must be furious with me, and i can understand that. give me more time, and i promise i wont let you down. id never let you down. i love you too much to ever be able to do that. ive been losing sleep, and thats tiring because i get to see you when i sleep so i find that ive been taking meds more often to help with that. thats stupid, and id know you tell me the same. god, i wish you were next to me right now. then id fall asleep quicker than a light flicks off. music. ill speak to you through our favorite songs, and ill listen for things you say to me in yours as well. its time for me to say good bye though. know that nothing has changed between us, and i care for you as much as ever before.
signed, yours.
pile two:
things that could have significance: grocery stores at night, denki kaminari vibes honestly!!, mixtapes (like old cassette ones), guitar, dog or pets, crescent, artic monkeys, blasting music super loud, summertime, you get me so high - the neighbourhood, electric (or electric love)
gee, its really been a while since we’ve talked last. you’re my best friend, ill love you forever, yknow that? you’re super cool. cooler than popsicles on a summer day. cooler than penguins in the north pole. wait-- penguins live in the south pole? no one told me that?! hey! its not my fault, i never knew that. jeez... still teasing as ever, huh? sometimes i wonder how it would have been if i hadn’t moved away/transferred schools. we’d be tightknit! and we already are. there are so many stupid pictures of us in my camera roll that i jsut scroll through them when i feel like i miss you. nahh im just playing! i always miss you! we should totally hang out sometime soon! lets race grocery carts!
see ya! - your best friend
pile three:
things that could have significance: notebooks, preppy or academia aesthetic, fandom or into dnd, pearls or pearly whites, ‘shade’ colors (white, grey, black-- but emphasis on grey), 505 by artic monkeys, classroom, bunch of school imagery
dear you
why do you have to be so perfect? ive always been top of my class, such an overachiever, but with you, its like all of my accomplishments are suddenly fade away. you’re awesome like that, you know. stop letting your parents control your life. you’re a super smart person, dont let anyone EVER tell you otherwise. oh, and you can let your hair down too. im not gonna judge you, and plus, i think you look nice without your hair all tight like that. meet me at our spot. the spot that’s only ours. a place where we can just be ourselves. what? stop playing around, trying to get me to tell you again. what if someone sees this letter?! its just something between you and me, and i know i can trust you. id trust you with my life, pile three. im serious. stay the way you are. dont become a product of society. you’re absolutely perfect the way you are.
from, yours
pile four TW: Harsh truth! Please don’t read unless you’re ready and willing
things that could have significance: floating, or sinking(into a mattress, or in water), bath/bathing, milky way or space in general, being loved by a ghost, anxiety/confusion, salt or minerals. lots of comparisons here, so that could be something too. also francis forever - mitski and last words of a shooting star -mitski
this person didn’t have a letter to write to you. they were very blocky and choppy and took long pauses in between of answering. also, these are just sentences, so everytime there’s a period, its a sentence ending, and a new idea beginning
i dont need you. i have everything i need. so why are you here? what am i missing? what do i not understand? stop getting into my head. ive been thinking of you. you look nice. (dont) call me. please trust me, i can keep my promises. that, i can swear. bandaids cant heal my scars. sometimes i just want to fall asleep for a long time, and you cant stop or save me. they mean more to me than you. forever. i still care about you. they lied. im getting bored. you used to be the sun. what dont you understand? i still loved you. goodbye. (bonus message: they wont last)
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xp-n-g · 9 months
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its all about me myself and i and my work! everything you need to know ab me, my values, and my art are all here! - - eeeek im excited its close to being done! i love html and css and im very proud of this, i hope i get a laptop for christmas so i stop stealing my brothers and then i can code 24/7!! i hope to learn javascript soon so i can make this place look how it looks in my mind!
[this website is best viewed on a pc! unfortunately it breaks a little on mobile and ipad i apologize for this inconvenience!, it still works it just not the same experience!]
[please read full in the link above! - this is shortened!]
BTW it is totally okay to be uncomfortable with any of the values i mentioned here (exceptions are minors*, pro-contacts, bullies, bigots, & hateful people), i myself am uncomfortable with many things, even tho i accept everyone, i still have my own opinions, the difference is i choose to bite my tongue and set differences aside, no matter how weird, for the wellness and health of others. i never want to be someone untrustworthy, nor an oppressor, i am a friend to all and anyone can come to me with anything no matter how big or small, ill be there to listen
a list of those who i dont wish to associate with, please do not follow me, retweet, repost, or fave/like my work, dm me, or attempt to personally contact me! it makes me uncomfortable!
please be 18+ when following my NSFW accounts!
*reminder: my instagram is my only SFW -18 account! this is the only account minors should be on.
i do not allow room for abusive content nor harm, i may be pro-para but i am not pro-abuse. animals, children, and the dead cannot consent.
i am proship / profiction meaning i do not feel inclined to harass or reject others for their personal fictional fantasies! i do not believe fiction is equivalent to reality, it can affect it only if you are weakminded enough to allow yourself to, fortunately most people im this world arent! if you in any way believe in harrassing, belittling, or judging others over taboo fictional content, feel taboo fictional content and media are against your moral alignment, or are someone who believes it represents my morals as a person, my content is not for you!
closeted / neutral ship allowed!
I WILL NEVER TOLERATE INTOLERANCE, I WILL NEVER STAND BESIDE AN OPPRESSOR, AND I WILL NEVER BE THE OPPRESSOR. i am black, transgender, bisexual, mentally & physically disabled, and radincluse, i support any and all identities no matter how strange or "weird", i do not care! i will ALWAYS be a safe space for anyone who isnt hateful! in my personal opinion, i believe no identity is inherently harmful and all identities are equally invalid, we are stronger together than we are apart. pushing hatred of things you dont understand is not PLUR and is not right, kill the cop in your head before speaking to me, you do not have to understand why others are the way they are, but bare minimum is to accept others no matter how different, in this community we are ALL misunderstood, ostrascized, and wrongly labled, do NOT become the oppressor & praise what you preach, if you are PLUR PROVE IT BY BEING KIND AND ACCEPING! if you force others to confine to your impossible standars do not interact, my content is not for you!
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hi! me again lmao
"anon-- do u think simon is ur favourite bcos u relate to him the least and its almost a form of escapism?"
hmm thats rlly rlly hard. omar rudberg is stunning but im not gonna go there, i like simon for so many reasons that arent just the way he looks.
i still relate to simon, i think. just not in obvious ways. im also a poc- simon is comfortable in his latinamerican heritage bcos he speaks spanish at home and its emphasised by sara not speaking spanish. simon also has more of a 'not giving a fuck attitude' imo with people at hillerska and i dont rlly see him trying to fit in? (unless someone has evidence then pls do say).
i think i admire that a lot. im very iffy with my culture bcos of the environment ive grown up. ive grown to become quite shameless and i give less of a fuck now, but i used to be a rlly big people-pleaser lmao.
i know him and the drug situation is kinda iffy in the fandom (thats what it seems like) but i completely understand why he asks his dad for booze (i cant remember if people disliked the fact that he went to micke or that he made august deal drugs to get money, but im talking abt the micke situation here). im an elder sibling and i thought simon was also an elder sibling until sara's birthday in s2, and i was flabbergasted. so this IS something i can relate to.
i also love that he didnt want to be a a secret and told wille that. admittedly, in that situation, i can relate to wille so much more (im also the anon who was internally homophobic a long while ago and didnt watch YR for that reason, if anyone remembers me from a couple of months ago heh), and i think cos i can relate to willle more, it makes me respect simon so much for what he does? idk if that makes sense, but i love the self-worth he shows there, that he denies this growing love to put himself first.
simon has traits that i dont have (or im working on) and that makes me admire him.
also he's so talented and the way that the other boys are mean to him makes me want to cuddle him.
sorry, this turned out rather long. i could come up with more reasons (so maybe i'll return) but i need sleep.
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cerealmonster15 · 7 months
no wait talk 2 me abt rook&vil they're so silly (unless ur legitimately busy but I will listen if u ever want to talk abt sillies lol)
god i had to restrain myself from literally screenshotting every single convo vil and rook have ever had bc theres Simply Too Much, and even trying to contain myself i still went over the limit LOL god ok anyway love is real and i have to put in a readmore bc i love posting screenshots and talking FOREVER!!!!!
one of my earlier memories of them was back when i first got into twst in 2020 and reading random card stories. i remember the jade leech dorm story and i just got his card recently so i got to relive married couple vil and rook experiencing Jade Leech Behavior
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"you're making me jealous~ is he as good as meeee~" and vils like well kinda LOL but also in the rook lab coat story
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aka the one where rooks openly thirsting after leona and teases vil about being jealous about it. like hello. ?? ?!?!!?!?!?!
also TWO instances of vil casually dropping that leonas attractive
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a pretty face. a good looking layabout. vil no one is making you say these things.
anyway i just love how openly loving rook is in general, but especially with vil 😭
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^both from the jade dorm story.... vil shows up and hes like Oh My God Life Is Beautiful. ok well hes like that about everything but he does it More when vils around :')
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god this whole second half of rooks lab story is soooooooo hshdhfhehheskefkjjdfjfgfdg yknow????? like the whole story is half rook being So Very Weird About Leona fkjefskljdf "if those sharp fangs of his pierced my windpipe, why, i'd be done for in an instant. the very notion makes my heart quiver" ROOK BE NORMAL CHALLENGE just kidding i love that hes a freak it's so fun. he says something kinda similar about vil??? i cant remember which instance it was - i wanna say maybe when vil got kidnapped in Halloween 2 or book 6 or something? where he said something like "oh no, i know vil doesnt need my protection. if i dared imply such a thing he'd kick me in the head with his six inch heels lol 🤗" like HELLO????
speaking of halloween 2, omg. i forgot to take screenshots but that whole bit makes me insane. he calls vil "my etolle/ my star" and is agonizing over his disappearance......... hes so overjoyed to see him again and rushes to his side when theyre reunited,, and omfg i also forgot the part in masquerade where hes getting ready to leave and hes like "here is a flower, im so sorry im leaving you alone vil, ill be back to you before this flower blooms ♥" like literally why was he so romantic about it. vils like dude you will be gone Three Days fjklsejklfjkls i cant get over it. it's so FUNNY and so,,, hfhdhhhghf. the way he and vil act like parents of pomefiore is so cute too. like when theyre leaving rooks like "dont worry vil ill be with epel to make sure things are going okay!!" and vils like "hmm. yea idk im still worried actually" bc he loves rook but he also knows rook better than anyone LOL
anyway i got distracted, back to the rook lab coat story
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this part is so good. rook is going on and on about leona and vils like "ok so just join spelldrive club and bother him there" and rooks immediately like "no. im in science club so i can help you with special effects for your film work to support you " HE LITERALLY SAYS SUPPORT WITH HIS LOVE WAHHHH god they make me go bonkers actually. a lot of what rook does is out of love and support for vil and his pursuit of beauty wahhhh
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he likes being close to vil
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he knows vils exact measurements, he even says in vils lab story that the only person that looks at vil longer than vil is him lol
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he was so enthusiastic about vil and his work that hed run up to him and just talk forever and ever until vil finally spoke back to him and they were just INSEPARABLE after. i think so often about that bit where they say they talked so much they GOT SICK IN THE SNOW!!!! HELLO HI CAN ANYONE HEAR ME- theyre so full of matched passion i love them so much no one understands them like they understand each other AUGHHHH
anyway back to rook mentioning he wants to be up close to vil and his pursuit of beauty,,, i ALSO cant stop thinking about how thats literally one of the reasons he TRANSFERRED DORMS TO POMEFIORE
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it means everything to him to be at vils side as long as possible and the fact that he cant when theyre away on their internships in fourth year is devastating WAHHHH 😭😭😭
but also. beanfest.
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LIKE. HSDFHDSLJ every time they interact in this entire event is So Charged. hey rook your body is bulked up, i know this because I Was Looking. vil i am so excited to brawl with you one on one ive been anticipating it for a month. back and forth banter with each other and then just
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whatever this is. and epel standing there like 🧍‍♂️ I Will Avoid Them Actually. jfksdlfjdkslfjkj
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hes So Fucking Excited when it's time to fight vil,,, he even brought evil face trey LOL
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"btw you look hot-" thats nice rook
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THEY ARE FLIRTING. and then rook literally Sent Trey Away because he was so excited for his 1v1 with his beloved husband skdjfdskl and trey was like "yea i dont wanna be involved Bye 🚶‍♂️" fjlkdsfj no one wants to get tangled up in their Strange Relationship
also this line vil says in the home screen
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ive seen fanart about this too thats like "hmm. vil most of you is covered. you have no hard to reach parts. it's like, your hands and neck and face 🤨" and it's so tender, rook putting sunblock on vils hands.... but also WHY cant you do that YOURSELF, HMM?? 🤨🤨🤨
ok ok ok but then. book 5 finale. i remember some people were Rook Haters after that and i simply do not agree!! and apparently some people dont like book 5. cant relate!!!!!!! rook hunt dislikers do not interact book 5 is everything to me!!!!
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i might have those out of order but sjdklfjelsjkfdjsklf DFHDLKSJFLDKF GODDDD I CANT TAKE ITTTT 😭 rook going on and on about how it doesnt matter what vil looks like but as long as hes confident like rook knows he is then he will always be beautiful!!! i didnt get screenshots of that part in book 6 where theyre flying back and vil Turned Old but i love how loving and supportive rook is while vils just having his breakdown 🥺
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idk man i just really like their interaction about this whole think ;A; like yea vil practically fell over in BETRAYAL when he saw rook voted for their enemy LOL but then i like that hes like "please. i know you and i know you dont make biased decisions ever, you always tell what you truly believe in your heart," and and and god damn it tumblr wont let me post any more photos but vil SMILES and hands rook back his handkerchief to let him dry his own tears and it's just SWEET WAHHH listennnnNNNN. i think it's nice. vil couldve gone off and been super mad at rook but he wasn't 😭 like he wasnt happy lol, but he knows rook. he understands [as much as one can LOL] rook. and rook loves and supports vil with everything he has, but hes also true to his heart and i think thats something vil really values about rook and a big part of why he keeps him around. it can be a positive and a negative, sure- this isnt the only time rooks honest to a fault lol, but i love,, multifaceted characters with deep relationships....
point is i lay facedown on the floor and cry for hours when i think too hard about vil and rook bc theres just So Much Love..... i cant get really coherent points or analysis out i just love repeating parts that happen in the game and posting six million screenshots bc thats all thats happening in my brain constantly JKFLJDSKLDJS i love rookvil. one of the ships ever. theyre married your honor theyre MARRIED and also being in a toxic yaoi polycule with leona is very funny to me jfklejskljfe marriage + divorce love wins(?)
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doomed-era · 4 months
hey so this may be. A Question. but how would gaffen + widget + maybe the champions react to undertale/deltarunes characters. sorry for undertaling you </3 . also anything on the champions descendants?
OKAY here i go. finally. im gonna limit it to gaffen/widget unless I can think of a funny interaction between undertale characters and the champions I think solely bc there are a lot of them...these are gonna be fairly superficial and based on first impressions don't think too hard about them </3 cause theyre kinda bad
honestly they'd collectively be very weirded out by monsters that can actually speak to them. widget and daruk would definitely try to work things out and yknow. not try to kill anyone while given the first sign of violence gaffen might start attacking everyone. so my first thought is. they are probably better off sticking together in this scenario because of gaffen. and tbf it's not like widget wouldn't be suspicious either, she would be less than friendly at first, especially if she learned how monsters got into the underground. she'd immediately start wondering why and paint humans as the victims who must have had a good reason to do such a thing. idk i'll go in the order of a neutral route
flowey: i'll be honest they would not like flowey...which is HORRIBLE ik. I imagined them trying to beat him up and them him resetting which!!! I do not blame him. if they knew more about him I don't think gaffen would be sympathetic and urbosa would just be pissed. however. mipha probably would reconsider. widget would be all like DONT LOSE HOPE THERE MUST BE ANOTHER WAY!!! revali going "tch I would do cooler things if I could reset everyone" would be funny i admit but smhhh
toriel: ok I admit I think urbosa would be like "shes such a soft mom geez." (baka.) if gaffen wasnt in work mode he'd want to make puns with her and eat her pies....in the meantime he will stare soulfully at her. if toriel read widget facts about snails then widget would be fascinated im ngl she would stay in the ruins with toriel if this was an actual undertale route. however I think they are just taking a tour so whagever
sans: widget would be a bit startled by his jokes! also I think sans would realize that shes like, a PRIME target for them. gaffen and sans would get into a staring contest and gaffen would lose because sans has no eyelids. or does he
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explain this toby fox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
papyrus: oh you bet widget and papyrus would get along. immediate best buds. gaffen would look at papyrus like he was insane (his eyes are bloodshot from skeleton staring contest) revali being all are you AWARE of how GULLIBLE you both ARE would be funny and mipha immediately jumping to widget and papyrus's defenses would be super funny
undyne: urbosa being like UM. I am FAR less of a show off than you are. you must serve your kingdom with grace. and then they get into a suplexing contest. daruk also joins but he's like oh haha i'm doing this for fun :) while undyne and urbosa are giving it their all. widget is cheering for urbosa obviously and gaffen is a last-minute contestant. widget cheers even harder for urbosa. im not sure who would win but it's not gaffen. also urbosa thinks it was super funny. also mipha would be fascinated by the echo flowers + have a lot of fun swimming around in waterfall. heartbroken by onion-san and tells her all about zora's domain </3
alphys: im going off my immediate first thought so honestly widget asking what anime is and alphys freaking out about it at first and widget being like OH NO WHAT DO I DO. mipha being like...tell me about this...anime...also widget would think mettaton is really cool. revali might like it but he would not express interest at first. and then he would criticize the sequel to mew mew kissy cutie along with alphys really passionately (iirc??? I forgot which one she didnt like) gaffen is eating instant ramen noodles straight out of the package when no one is looking. also if widget knew about the true lab she'd be like well um its fine ??? you did what you could ig wouldnt think of it as bad at all. which. erm. widget. urbosa would complain that her and daruk cant fit in the elevators and criticize asgore's city planning
asgore: yeah speaking of him. idk I think theyd like him. especially if they've heard a lot of good things on their way over. im imagining them all sitting down for tea...widget might be a little skeptical. and would also definitely figure out that him and toriel are divorced and ask intrusive questions about it. if this was deltarun id say asgore might be a little more interested in talking to gaffen I think he would see a bit of resemblance between gaffen and kris, mostly just quiet + weird + :| face I think. gaffen would just be quietly intimidated I think
OKAY. i'll do deltarune ones cos im kinda enjoying this
kris: ok honestly I cant even imagine kris would want to interact with them. widget would track them down and kris would just leeeeaaave
susie: widget immediately thinking susie is horrible and awful and susie responding in kind by being susie-er is funny to me. she would think widgets relationship with the champions and gaffen is super weird I think, but would she say this? idk.
berdly: ...yeah this is one of the reasons I wanted to answer this ask. I just. revali and berdly...I dont think theyd get along at all I think they'd see the worst aspects of themselves in each other and hate each other </3
uhh I think that is enough for me. for Now. but. yea
champions descendants is fairly complicated so uh if you wanted to send me another ask abt it so I could answer it separately...pleas...
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smiggles · 1 year
do you have any advice for starting working as a full time artist?
Save yourself while you still can....
Just kidding. HM. I can only speak from an Americanized view and honestly it would be pretty broad advice. I can try to answer specific questions but because being a full time artist is really truly SO different for each person it can be tough to say. One of the best things I can offer is Find a way to make passive income. Whether that's selling bases, merch, digital art books, digital tutorials, brushes et cetera. Whatever it is that you'd like to do that can take some pressure off of being required to produce art every single month really does help. Being a full time freelance artist is fucking hard. You wont have health insurance, sick days, PTO, retirement, reasons to go outside (unless you sell art in real life). You will need to be your social media manager, your accountant, a web designer (for your website), have people skills, able to write a ToS, you will need to learn how to budget, manage your work schedule, promote yourself, able to handle & resolve conflict. Your way of life will be unstable and unpredictable. There are periods of time where no one will buy commissions and periods where too many people are asking for them. You will fail at times. And you will need to know how to safely handle that. Whether you hit art block. Or you get sick and your queue becomes unable to be managed. You get in an accident of some sort and need extra funds to cover it. I truly do not recommend jumping straight into full time freelancing if you can help it I took commissions for about 10 years before I decided to completely quit my job for art. And Im on my second year doing it and Im burnt tf out. Make sure to start slowly. Learn your rhythm and what keeps you interested and motivated. Gain a consistent audience/clients enough that you can mostly predict how much money youre getting a month and if it can cover not only your immediate expenses but any future ones. If you can save up. If youre able to put approx. 20% of all your earnings aside just for taxes that you will need to pay. There is a lot to being full time and I dont mean to scare anyone but I do want to really push that it is a huge commitment. It is a passion job. Very few artists make more than just enough to get by. And again. This is just my experience.
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