#if it isnt my favorite storyteller
identityuncertain · 1 year
Hoid being vain in Tress of the Emerald Sea:
She took my other sense of taste. The important one. (fashion)
I'll have you know I owned those briefs before the curse, and I stand by the purchase. (pertaining to a pair of bright red sequined briefs)
It was the glowing skin. Really helps you land a good first impression. I've been envious of that look for centuries now, and have been aiming to adopt it.
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
sorry if this is a repeating question! your posts got me interested in trigun, which one do u recommend watching first, the 1998 or the 2023 one :0? (i already finished the manga)
It's not a repeat question, and I love talking about Trigun!
Watch 98 first for sure. A lot of it is pretty close to the manga, with a lot extra. Stampede is more of a reimagining or reinterpretation of Trigun, and it's very different from both 98 and the manga. (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not sure) I think that the Trigun 98 anime was created after the first two volumes of the manga, and the popularity of the anime got Trigun picked back up again for Trigun Max. The manga, the 98 anime, and Stampede are all really different works, and they all have their own individual merit. I've only read about a volume of the manga, though, I have to finish reading it.
98 is much more of a comedy than the manga, and the actual Plot (TM) of Trigun only really kicks in halfway through it and results in the most severe tonal whiplash I've ever seen in a show. The humor's a bit more 90s anime, the episodes get weird, and Vash is more heterosexual (anime polycule game on point). I've been chewing over the really interesting impact of how Vash's idiot persona is absolutely impenetrable for the first four-to-six episodes, to the point where the audience is given very little signaling or insight into how he's actually feeling or what he's actually thinking, and how putting that unfiltered whacky comedy next to the regular fucked up Trigun really changes the experience.
Stampede is great, but it spends almost all of its time on plot and worldbuilding and really misses a lot of the joy of just watching Vash be insane. 98 gives us a lot of time with the characters just watching them be insane and fuck around and spend time forming their relationships, and you feel that absence in Stampede.
The anime is much less of a fever dream if you've read the manga, but there IS a scene where Vash eats a salmon sandwich and talks about buying salmon sandwiches. WITH WHAT OCEAN, VASH? WITH WHAT OCEAN???
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comradecowplant · 2 years
Not to be too controversial on tumblr dot com but Neil Gaiman....... is only an okay writer. and there are better/more interesting writers who deserve the success train he's been on the last handful of years with getting major works adapted. there, I finally said it, I finally spoke my truth!
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dreamsy990 · 6 months
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so, re:chain of memories, huh?
warning! its been a little while since i played through recom, so the game isnt as fresh in my mind as some others. sorry for any innacuracies!
spoiler alert, this is my second favorite kingdom hearts game. at least of the ones i've played so far. i get that this isn't like. a POPULAR opinion but fuck you i have almost nothing but positives to say about it.
let's start with the easy stuff first. recom introduced a new card-based combat system. i cant compare it to the gba version, since i didn't play that, but i can say that for what its worth i DID enjoy the combat. recom is by far the hardest game so far (at least for me) and almost every boss took multiple days for me to beat, even with my hp maxed out. it took me a while to get the combat system, but id honestly love to replay the game now that i have a better understanding of how it works. the card system requires a lot of quick thinking and i get that it isnt everyones taste but its CERTAINLY mine. every fight is difficult and feels genuinely rewarding when you win. the movement, like kh1, can use a lot of work, but i wouldnt call it terrible. just kinda sluggish. i think my favorite boss fight was larxene. shes a pain in the ass but i love her.
i think riku's side dropping the deck building mechanic isnt terrible, but i wish i could reorder his deck at the very least. and the lack of healing cards is. not fun. basically any damage you take is permanent unless you HAPPEN to get mickey and its simply Not a fun time. im not very good at games okay.
i have a lot less to say about the worlds than the combat. they're definitely the worst aspect of the game, though. the idea of making worlds with cards is fine! it just leads to kind of repetitive world design. the stories are forgettable, so forgettable that i literally forgot them. and i could make a point about how thats the idea its a game all about forgetting things!! but honestly that just making excuses for it. the worlds couldve kept the idea of forgetting things without literally making them forgettable. i say this about every world, except for one. because DESTINY ISLANDS
destiny islands is just. so fucking good in recom. its the climax of both sora and rikus stories and i think theyre both amazing. id have to say i prefer rikus, soley because of the visual storytelling you get from his side of it, and thats not to say soras is bad at all. but something about zexion telling riku that its his fault his home was destroyed, as riku sees a version of himself turning into a literal monster? thats just good okay. its really good.
i ADORE the characters in this game too. everything we get from them is sooo good. it's the introduction to the organization and all of them (except lexaeus who did literally nothing) are a treat. axels my favorite ofc, but larxene is such a fun villain, you love to hate her. shes really the star of the org cast in this game. sure, axels may have said its his show now, but larxene stole the spotlight.
its namines introduction, too, and i love her. on one hand, shes just really kind. she wants a friend, she wants someone to talk to, she wants to meet sora. on the other, shes just a little bit fucked up actually. sure, shes honest with sora, but shes the tiniest little bit guilt trippy and i LOVE THAT. her response to sora saying he wants to get back his own memories and forget her is "oh okay. you want to remember your REAL friends, huh? theyre the ones who REALLY matter to you? yeah anyone would want that. no friends for namine i guess." like shes just a bit salty and we love that for her. i want slightly guilt tripping and salty namine back nomura.
but ofc one of my favorite new characters in this game HAS to be repliku. god i ADORE repliku. his hatred for riku is sooo fun and the way he fights with sora is great too. like in soras side i thought he was a neat villain but rikus side? hes amazing omfg. one of the only villains i liked in rikus story (sorry lexaeus, you werent good until days)
over all, this game certainly isnt everyones cup of tea, but its DEFINITELY mine. it's the game im most excited to replay at some point, mostly because of the amazing boss fights. 9/10. its got issues, but the story and characters are so good that i genuinely could not care less about like. most of them.
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leolingo · 7 months
(long post about purgatory and meta and rp)
sigh one thing ive been thinking is that it feels a bit unfair to see so many people complaining or doomposting over how purgatory affects the overarching qsmp rp story or how it ~interrupted arcs~ or is ~disturbing current storylines~ or ~narratively unsatisfying~ like. Sure. its a bit abrupt and most players were caught off guard because lore-wise it stems from the federation which means none of them were told about anything beforehand
but... its only been three days. maybe we could have a little faith? like idk ill be soooooo out there rn and say that maybe the admins did this now for a reason. maybe itll make sense later on. we already see lore repercussions with elquackity and his motives and all the nods to the eggs.
theres fair criticism to be made (when done respectfully) if youre mainly here for the roleplay but i feel like we sometimes need to remind ourselves that the qsmp storytelling is a VERY ambitious project. lmao. imagine being the writing team and trying to wrangle 20+ characters with distinct points of view and journeys on an ever-changing story because of the very nature of live rp. its practically IMPOSSIBLE to tie up every loose end neatly and at this point i dont think we should expect that. keeping up momentum with all plotlines must also be pretty hard, cc's schedules and outside factors like server programming and building and mod tweaking and all those meta elements considered and so on and so on
i DO also want the story to move forward and be cohesive and make sense in a satisfactory way. like i really do!!!!!!! but i try to understand that thats not ALL the qsmp is about. from the start quackity said the server wouldn't be exclusive to the rp aspect. it sure is that way right now, but thats because most of the active members are VERY passionate about roleplaying. thats a good thing! they have fun and its fun to watch and the experience is mostly good for everyone because it corresponds to their expectations to an extent
the thing about purgatory is that i feel like its a lot more meta than most people doomposting realize. it ties into the story, sure, but to me it feels like the sudden switch in environment and vibes and stakes isnt actually catered to the rp and thats FINE. like thats not what it exists for and thats fineeeeeee
pac for one has said he appreciates the event for the change of pace, though its very hard (lol), because regular qsmp was starting to feel a bit stale to him and he was kind of running out of things to do. THATS A GREAT THING! managing player engagement like that is awesome and sometimes necessary. YES, purgatory caters to a very different playstyle than what we're used to -- and thats one of its strenghts.
a lot of hispanic creators have also felt this!!!! roier, rivers and carre most prominently have been VERY excited about this event because its similar in format to a lot of spanish speaking events like mc extremo and such. a lot of these players are also not particularly interested in rp-ing and had not been logging on very often prior to purgatory.
even roleplay regulars like tubbo, fit and bbh have shown interest in purgatory for the competitive nature of the setting!!! thats cool too!!!! something different, new possibilities to play around with. thats what the events should be about. kudos to the admins and dev teams for attempting it in such a big scale. their effort shows and all the mechanics weve seen are really fucking cool
i love the roleplay!!!!!! its one of my favorite parts of the qsmp!!!!!! but its not ALL there is and it shouldnt be! non rp-oriented creators are also part of the project and deserve to have a little fun too -- not to mention a big chunk of the hispanic fan community that has blown up twitter with support bc what we have rn is similar to events they already love!!!!!!! im glad to see so many of them get excited again!!!!!!
at the end of the day, qsmp is a LONG long term project, and purgatory ends in two weeks. by the time its over, we can all choose to engage with it as we wish. it can be a big filler episode in your mind, if you want. it can be just for fun..... otherwise, if its not fun, your regularly scheduled qsmp will be back soon anyway :3 its fine to not like it, its fine to have something negative to say about it if properly tagged and not like. crazy entitled or blown out of proportion for what this situation is.
i just hope we can all manage our online experiences accordingly and avoid making things less enjoyable for each other. this is supposed to be fun
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sendmyresignation · 3 months
if you wanna indulge me, id love to hear your opinions on sing (all of mine are detractory which i know isnt the complete view of the song)
omg id love too!! sorry this took me a sec to formulate post-work haha. i know we don't agree about sing but honestly that's the beauty of music opinions- I feel like it becomes easier to define what I like about things when faced with legit measured criticism anyway
for me, i want to start with the structure and instrumental since it's usually not mentioned (most of the criticisms of sing are exclusively lyrical or intention-focused). it's so cool. and evocative. and full of tension!! my favorite use of synth on danger days, plus the keys and the drums (man i love the dd studio musician drums lmao), really emphasizes sing as a suspended moment both in the album (necessary bridge, tonally, between bulletproof and planetary imo) and in the track itself- its alllll building up to that bridge and final chorus. but there's all these little pieces- the backing vocals, there's so many hidden guitar parts that riff just under all the noise, that opening like, tambourine. sorry for not having a quote on hand but Ray's said he really loved writing sing and it's so totally obvious to me. especially live- part of the reason I was soooooo excited for sing swarm tour edition is that even during dd ray was like absolutely shredding for sing after the bridge. and everytime time it's so good. part of the reason the lyrics don't bother me is sing could stand alone instrumentally and I'd still want to listen to it. (sing also reminds me of Ray's solo music- the sentiment is more significant that the lyrics and the music is itself a vehicle for storytelling)
also though, i think there's a lot of intention with sing (it's up to the listener to determine if that paid off obv) but within the context of dd the record as a pirate radio station, sing has always read as a trojan horse song. making it a single too, like once a song takes on a life of its own outside the record there's new meaning and circumstance. so both within and outside the killjoy universe sing is a vehicle for not just the bridge but the overall sentiment of dd (how fucking excited was gerard when glenn beck took the glee bait) like, yes, i do agree they could've benefited from another pass over the lyrics (i will always defend keeping "sing it till your nuts" bc its sounds like sing it to your nuts though) but I don't personally get the criticism that sing isn't "specific enough" about what exactly it's against or is too optimistic about "sing it for the world"-- i think there are songs on the album (notably planetary right after it!) which do that job just fine. dd is gerard in arguably top lyrical form so theres a lot of meat in the rest of the record like. sing it for the world is a purposely simplistic art is the weapon. like those are the same sentiments rendered very differently!
also like. i do think there was a very directed target at the younger part of their fan base here (girl/boy) which is sweet. to me. like i did hear sing first when i was a young teen (one of the few dd songs i was familiar with) and it did feel huge and empowering at that moment. my chem are their best when they are navigating the dualities of their specific fame, which includes simultaneously making very serious, adult rock music which is concerned with violence death grief and sex, as well as being a role model for younger people and taking them seriously and neither of these are in rhetorical conflict with each other. so like whatever sing is a little juvenile. but it's still filled with passion! taken as a legitimate project with a creative instrumental and a narratively-driven music video. I like that aspect, it works for me. I'll never call it my favorite my chem song but its certainly not the worst when you add in the bridge (i wanted to prove my point without the bridge but like. damn!! it's a good bridge!!!). that's my spiel.
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literally made a hater post just to talk about stuff in the sonic series that I dont like ❤️ if you don't like this post then fuck you block and/or blow me. this is disorganized as fuck btw and i dont care
sonic frontiers was the best mainline sonic game in over a decade but thats really not saying much
i think tangle is kinda boring and whispangle is kinda boring by proxy. whispers cool tho
surge is the best rival sonic character since blaze and the only thing dragging her down is that sonic in the idw comics kinda sucks as a character
its great that we are getting more female characters in idw and the games but quite a lot of them are kinda boring and we still need more female villains
metal sonic is basically nothing but a jobber in idw rn and its really depressing
idw please treat the babylon rogues better, theyre goofy characters with serious storylines just like basically every other sonic character, stop making them NOTHING but a joke
lanolin is an interesting character, yall just cant handle women who are even SLIGHTLY rude to a fan favorite character
the worst part of idw is that its tied to game canon because they cant shake up the status quo too much or have character arcs for most of the main characters
rouge is ABSOLUTELY a sexualized character and always has been. learn to like a character despite the faults in how they are portrayed or shut up about it
sally was the best canon romantic partner for sonic and you cant change my mind
the second worst part of idw is the titular character himself
i dislike surg/amy because of the age difference andalso the fact that everyone wants to disregard surges character to have her be redeemed
if sega is going to keep teasing son/amy then they should just stop dancing around it and make them canon already, make the shippers happy and get the drawn out agony over with for the rest of us. also age amy up for the love of allthat is holy
also, sega should stop ship teasing ships they have no intention of making canon in general, its shitty and edges into queerbaiting when done with gay ships
the above does not apply to whispangle
idw art is overall much much MUCH better than any other sonic comic and its not even a contest
there are a lot of things i disagree with about the current state and direction of this franchise but we are in a much better place than we were even just two years ago and we should be glad for all this success
the worst parts of archie are the most atrocious things that this franchise has ever put out, in art, storytelling, basic morality, etc.
most of the popular ships in this fandom suck ass
unless sega stops rushing sonic team and actually gives some resources to them we are never going to get better than 7/10 games. corporations are not your friends and you dont have to thank them for giving you a mid product
sega should have been sued into oblivion for the literal seizure inducing state sonic colors ultimate was released in and we should never, ever let them forget it
remain skeptical about every single sonic game until release, we've had "WERE SO BACK" moments before that turned out to befalse
the edm in sonic frontiers cyberspace slaps but isnt as memorable as previous sonic soundtracks
stop ghosting sonics friends (sonic frontiers, sonic prime, sonic dream team) its kinda weird and puts way too much importance on sonic again. this is a good cast, USE THEM
sonic frontiers dlc being hard wasnt a bad thing, the jank, glitches, and lack of fairness were bad things that tarnished the experience
the games have never ever been properly translated from japanese into english and that is just an objective fact. but also dont shit on people for only having interest in the english version, you have to go WAY out of your way to get a good translation and that's on the franchise, not the fans
this franchise's "canon" has been fucked since the original classic games, trying to fix it in the sense that you can somehow make every little detail perfect is a lost cause. just pick and choose what you like
of all the characters that deserve a game to themselves blaze deserves it the most. girlie has a whole other dimension that we could explore can you IMAGINE an open world game in the sol dimension COME ON
if lots of people are criticizing something you like then you should give some consideration to the fact that they may have some points instead of just disregarding it as people being nitpicky and nasty. you dont have to listen to it but if you dont do that then you cant dismiss it out of hand either
the stories of sa1 and sa2 arent even the best stories in this franchise
06 sucks ass and no amount of "potential" means jackshit when it comes to actual quality. if we're just evaluating "potential" then congratulations everything ever made is a quality product have fun with that
its okay to games with goofier and lighthearted stories
team dark are just friends
i prefer amys hammer to the cards
let this franchise have its edge back. but also let sonic be cute. they arent mutually exclusive
keep good physics and momentum in the games for the love of god please its what this franchise was built on
sega of japan may do characterization better but the closest brushes to death that this franchise has ever had (Dreamcast, 06, Forces) were all on them as well
this might be the hottest take of all time but sonic team shares some of the blame in how a lot of sonic games turn out very bad, its not all on sega
stating that some sonic-inspired games (spark the electric jester and freedom planet) or sonic fan games (project 06) have turned out better than actual sonic games is kind of objectively correct but youre a dick if you say it just to make sonic fans feel bad about the games or themselves
if you ONLY consume sonic media you need to branch out more. for your own health please
flynn is neither the worst person to ever walk the surface of this planet or gods gift to the sonic fandom, practice some moderation in your opinions people
i think discourse is good, actually. except for when it harms people. and fictional characters do not count as people
sonic frontiers open world biomes are boring and nowhere close to most open world games, even ones from a decade ago
silver was never sonics rival
it would be nice if we could go back to having smaller games on handheld consoles coming out on a regular basis while mainline sonic games come out once every couple of years on a bigger scale and higher quality than weve been getting. and no locking games behind apple arcade PLEASE
sonic lost world isnt a terrible game or a good one. its just weird and boring
sonic riders was fun and its a travesty that it got downgraded into generic cart racing games
sonic unleashed daytime stages are the best boost stages in this entire franchise because they actually rely on quick decision making and reaction times instead of just smashing your way straight through the entire level with little to no effort
the werehog combat sucks ass and the fact that its super slow and super long and takes up like 75% of the time youre playing the game is why unleashed isnt peak. sorry
stop using green hill stop using green hill stop using green hill stop using green hill stop using green hill stop using green hill stop using green hill stop using green hill stop using green hill STOP IT
a lot of fans of sonic do not understand what they are talking about and that includes me a LOT of the time
sonic himself cant just be whatever the writer wants him to be. the reason characters are characters is because they have certain character traits and you cant just change that without getting a different guy, im sorry
archiehad the worst moments but the sonic movies are the worst adaptation overall
the above will change if movie 3 kills off shadow or tom. then the worst adaptation will be underground
game sonic being a static character is cool, actually
sonic fandom is sexist as fuck and that includes the tumblr side of it
sage getting revived in a post credits scene was lame. give us more time before confirming shes alive
the sonic twitter takeovers are not canon. no, not even if you think a thing they said on it was funny
they should let female characters be naked (dont make this weird) and give the boy characters outfits sometimes
amy having a crush on sonic is totally fine but they took it WAAAAAYYYYYYYY too far at many, many points. i dont care if its funny amy threatening chris in x or intimidating cream in various games (battle, rush) was NEVER a good thing
rouges design does not need to be changed, it needs to be framed and posed in less sexual ways
rouges heroes and prime outfits sucked ngl like just from a color and design standpoint like theyre kinda ass and overcomplicated and an eyesore
if sega is gonna age the characters up they should actually go ahead and post the new ages on some official channel, dont just leave us in this horrible limbo where we have to argue with weirdos online about who youre morally okay to thirst over certain characters and whether a different voice counts as a character becoming an adult
the fact that the main official english sonic account only posts memes and advertises hilariously overpriced """"""""products"""""""" kinda sucks tbh. i have to go to other language accounts to get stuff like concept art and celebrating the anniversary of a game the released a year ago. were well past the era of laughing at sonic just for being sonic, now lets act like it
stop harrassing people involved with this series even if theyre doing an objectively bad job. thats a real person and you should care more about them than you do a fictional character
the above DOES apply to ken penders. hes a piece of shit but still a person
criticism =/= harrassment. this goes both ways
cream IS a hero thank you very much
reference to a thing you like does not equal good character writing. critically, it does not equal bad character writing either
amys not a damsel in distress and hasnt been in over 20 years. if we count characters just getting captured as being damseled then congratulations, sonic himself is a damsel in distress (Forces), apply that shit equally across both genders
ryan drummond was the best english va, but jason got the better scripts. roger is getting better and most of the work hes been given is just. bad. so i dont feel okay judging his work. but he is my least favorite
gameplay>story when it comes to the actual games, every time. if you have a good story to tell its only hampered by being in a shitty game
worst game in the series is sonic colors ultimate. say what you will about 06, forces, rise of lyric, or whatever other game. at least they werent literally physically dangerous to play
all the main female characters in the games are asskickers, they just need to be utilized more. as does every member of the supporting cast
the sonic franchise fucking needs to stop having long gone ancient civilizations. please have new ideas
this is the end of the list. go away
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rustic-space-fiddle · 5 months
Lots of opinions up ahead so uh, look out.
I’m watching the PJATO show and I really love some parts. The casting—they’re all wonderful (literally everyone, Mr D is hilarious) and any fears I had have been quelled because they’re all amazing and the trio fit their characters well (even IRL and they’re so precious). Camp Half Blood — so well done. The cabins are huge, the colosseum is just what I imagined, and they really did great on making it properly large and vibrant. I love it. Some of the extra beats they’ve added to make it better expanded beyond the strictly Percy POV in the book have been good. Annabeth and Grover chucking Percy into a fountain to try to heal him was hilarious and totally in character—probably my favorite part so far. Also: AHHHH SEAWEED BRAIN!
But is anyone just feeling… like the pacing is super slow? Like I get that us “zoomers” have tiny attention spans and stuff but “The Horse and His Boy” was my favorite Narnia book and I read LOTR when I was 11 so I don’t think my attention span is quite so bad. These kids got ADHD and it feels like every talk and every scene just drags. Every time I think the energy is gonna rise, it gets smacked back down by lackluster scene climaxes. Again, I’m not trying to say we need more explosions or booms or arguments, just that I]it isn’t even remotely eliciting the same kind of goose-pimple/heart thumping moments I remember from the books. I reread them constantly and it’s always thrilling.
And the music… someone I was watching it with said it sounded like generic Marvel music, and they’re kinda right. I can’t remember a single note from the score at all, and I’m always listening to movie/TV scores because they’re like listening to the story in music format! PJATO’s score though? Can’t even remember it. I can’t remember any of it even being used in certain places. I thought they’d try to get older instrumentals to make it unique, like lyre AND electric guitar in the mix, but honestly I can’t even remember what it sounds like. That’s bad, right?
[[EDIT: I just looked up the score on Spotify and it was literally made by the people who did the “God of War” game score. There’s no freakin way this music is bad. I’m gonna listen to it alone later. Maybe it’s just set really low in the mix… ]]
The “death” of Sally Jackson was so lackluster. Just a standard medium long shot, can’t even remember if the music flourished or dropped or anything. Their acting was great, but it was framed so poorly that it just felt… idk…
The pacing feels like it’s something I would do as an amateur who doesn’t yet understand how to edit on my first few write-up’s of a script. I’m not trying to be mean or unfair because I REALLY wanna love this show and I genuinely love a lot of stuff about it and I can tell that so many people are working so hard on it, but holy moly I feel my brain begging for someone to do something impertinent and just slap the show into a roll whenever I’m watching it.
There’s another issue I have with the timing of the most recent episode but I don’t wanna go much further.
Again, this is all opinion and not meant to say anyone shouldn’t like the show or that the people in it are stupid because they aren’t at all and people should like it! I’m just saying that as someone that really appreciated the pacing of the books (that was quick but never sacrificed the storytelling and slowed down when it needed to), I am really feeling that this show isnt shaping up like that. Additional note: I’m not even saying that the pacing of the show needs to BE the pacing of the books. I’m just saying that the pacing of the books is one of the things that made it so good and I really haven’t read many things with pacing of that quality.
Aaaanyway feel free to disagree with me or roast me alive. I just haven’t seen anyone talking about it and I wanted to rant a little and see what other people thought. I’m still gonna keep watching because I think if they can fix the pacing, imma really freaking enjoy this and in case they do, I don’t wanna miss it. And because I’d rather have more PJATO show than less!
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thorfemmes · 2 years
I knocking again with request! It just popped in my head as iron clothes 🤣 if its ok. Eddie with his S/O and the hellfire boys. They didnt know eddie had a lover at school and they overheard him being mean to them, alarmingly threatening and the boys are no way eddie is intimidating and scary looking but he isnt actually that.. maybe they had to intervene and its a misunderstanding and its revealed s/o is a theater kid ask for help running lines something like that? I read somewhere that they used a theater room for hellfire and with his reputation someone mustve backed him up or vouch for him to use the facilities right?😉 Sorry did that made sense? Its practically 1 am here 🤣 thanks! Its kinda hilarious to me that whole scenario.
I love you, thank you for all the requests! This one was right up my alley since one of my majors is in theatre. I hope you enjoy!<3
BTW the play used in this drabble is Ubu Roi by Alfred Jarry. It's wild.
Eddie was a very theatrical person. Not just in his hyperactive gestures and storytelling abilities, but actually theatric. What the Hellfire boys thought was Eddie's free period was actually an advanced acting/play literacy class. He was secretly the teacher's favorite, how else would he have gotten permission to use the drama room and props for his DND campaigns?
Having climbed his way up through the intermediate and advanced classes, he got to know you pretty well. As excellent actor and a very outspoken and opinionated play lover, the two of you bonded quickly over your flair for the dramatic.
The boys didn't know about Eddie's theatre class, and in turn really didn't know about the close relationship the two of you cherished. So when they came across the two of you violently yelling at each other, they were concerned to say the least.
"Shit!" Eddie yelled.
"Oh it's fine, what a pig you are". You scoffed angrily at him.
The boys looked on in curiosity, but also worried as they'd never seen Eddie so angry at someone they didn't know.
"Watch out, I don't kill you, " Eddie continued.
"It isn’t me you ought to kill, it’s someone else".
"Now by my green candle, I don’t understand!"
The Hellfire boys watch you go back and forth with this utter violent gibberish.
"Now by my green candle, shit!" Eddie monologued. "Madam, certainly yes, I’m content. I could be content with less. After all, I’m Captain of Dragoons, Privy Councillor to King Wenceslas, Knight of the Red Eagle of Poland, and formerly King of Aragon. What more do you want?"
They continued to spy on you from around the corner until you spoke a worrisome line.
"What prevents you from slaughtering the whole family and putting yourself in their place?"
Gareth cut in at this point. "Woah, what the fuck is going on here? Is everything okay?"
Eddie visibly blanched knowing he'd been caught.
"Oh, hi! You must be one of Eddie's friends!" You said sweetly breaking character. You stuck your hand out. "I'm Y/N!"
"Gareth, this is Jeff, Dustin, and Mike," He introduced each boy down the line. "So what exactly is going on here?
You looked to Eddie for guidance, not knowing how he wanted to go about this.
"So my merry men, I've been hiding something from you. My free periods have actually been dedicated to an acting and play analysis class. Y/N here is my scene partner". You nudged him softly. "And my romantic partner. We were just rehearsing this absolute garbage play for our next assignment. Nothing violent is happening, promise".
"It's not garbage! It's absurdist and a precursor to Dadaism, which is one of your favorite movements in theatre history!'
"Daddyism?" Dustin spoke up confused.
"Dadaism, or Dada for short," You corrected him gently. "It's a movement that emphasized the process of collective trauma after World War I. It really tried to expand the boundaries on what theatre-".
Eddie just looked at you with what might as well have been hearts in eyes. The boys of course had no idea what you were talking about, but seeing Eddie's enamored stares was enough for them to keep their mouths shut.
"I think Eddie really likes it because at first glance it seems absurd and whimsical and just straight funny, but when you dive deeper into analysis you can really see the trauma buried within the subtext".
"Right you are, pretty girl". Eddie wrapped his arms around your shoulder. "Now, any other questions or can we get back to rehearsing?"
"We're definitely discussing this later, but we'll leave you to it. Have fun kids," Dustin said with a wave.
With the boys gone Eddie turned and quickly laid a few kisses to your face. Kiss, kiss, kiss until he landed on your lips.
"C’mon superstar, we've gotta keep rehearsing for next period".
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scalproie · 7 months
for the character ask game: kuai, hanzo, bi-han, and smoke with 12, 15-20, and 22 :)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Kuai: I like to think that in the 2nd timeline, post-alliance, kuai wouldve unknowingly taken some inspiration from hanzo's leadership of the shirai ryu to lead his own clan, reforming a lot of stifling rules to establish more of a community within the lin kuei members.
Hanzo: And similarly, especially after the trauma of having lost his entire clan, hanzo wouldve also unknowingly picked up a few things from kuai to lead the new shirai ryu, but rather than making changes to his clan's rules, he's doing most of the work on HIMSELF to lead it more "efficiently" and avoid past tragedies from happening again. Which, if mk11 didnt happened, would have resulted in both clans being similar enough that they have no issue partnering and temporarily switching members for missions, and, should it ever come to that, could even be merged as a single clan (as they once were after all), all thanks to the efforts of their grandmasters.
Bi-han: In the 1st and 2nd timeline, I wanna think bi-han initially did wanted to take the masters' attention and implied abuse away from kuai by being a cocky (but talented) little shit, but over the years the act became who he is as a person as he rose through the ranks to become the lin kuei's best assassin.
Smoke: 2nd timeline smoke literally Came Back Wrong, its impossible to tell where tomas the human boy sacrificed by a cult ends and where enenra the smoke demon begins, is he a human posessed by a demon? or a demon with a human's memory? He is neither completely from earthrealm nor the netherrealm, he belongs nowhere, hence why he has found a home in, and is extra protective of, the few friends he has made.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Subscorp for kuai and hanzo, Bireena for bi-han, and I guess Subsmoke wins by default for tomas (obv not the mk12 one). Im a basic bitch what can I say.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Everything else, im not a multishipper
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Again I guess I'll go with subsmoke
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Kuai and hanzo in the 2nd timeline over the course of three games... pretty good👍 (<- rewrote my brain chemistry). Bi-han and hanzo's rivalry is great. Smoke is underutilized but I do love that he and kuai will be friends in every timeline
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
EVERY relationship they all have could be better bc sadly we get our storytelling from a fucking fighting game, but I want kuai to have a better (not necessarily more positive) dynamic with frost, I want hanzo and harumi's relationship to be done justice, I want bi-han to have his childhood as well as kuai's explored and their history toward each other as brothers deepened (1st and 2nd timeline ESPECIALLY bc man. fuck mk12) and I want smoke to form one meaningful relationship that isnt tied to kuai.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Kuai: kitana
Hanzo: harumi/kenshi/jax/sonya (legends). For the loner of mk, he sure has a lot of bestie potential
Bi-han: sareena (the brotherhood of shadows really)/sektor & cyrax/fujin (I stand that he and fujin would have the funniest dynamic, especially as noob saibot. I want them to have a 80s buddy cop-like adventure together)
Smoke: jade/reptile/johnny
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
WHEN ITS WRITTEN BY MY FRIENDS honestly my wants are simple: I just like when theyre written as adult men raised in a very isolated at best, oppressive at worst (for the lin kueis in particular) environment with lots of unadressed trauma, I also dont like when theyre written as TOO openly romantic, these four men are aaall about repression of feelings (hanzo a little less so) so it'd all be about the subtle, little things. and pining for ages.
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sickknotdoom · 4 months
I've seen you pop up in the #sparkletag quite a bit recently, and as both a Patron and as a friend of Kneeby, I think I've had enough of your antics.
It's really depressing to see someone dedicate their entire online presence towards hating someone. It's extremely creepy and weird to obsess over every single thing kit does like this. I urge you to go find a better hobby, and I mean it. This kind of parasocial behavior is toxic and only serves to hurt everyone including yourself. Take a break from this and use that time to reflect on yourself and what you really want. Do you want to dedicate all of your time constantly rambling and raving about everything kit does online? Does that sound like a productive use of your time? I don't think it is.
all my posts boil down to "the pacing and prioritization of this comic could use a lot of improvement + i find it weird that the creator isnt raising awareness to a literal genocide going on rn" and you react by writing an angry essay. your ask seems to boil down to "you cant criticize my favorite comic because it might hurt the creators feelings" so im gonna respond with an angrier essay
there are good things about sparklecare, obviously. i resonate with it in some regards. but that doesnt mean its perfect, as nothing is. i dont even tag my shit under the main sparklecare tags (apart from the stuff about kneeby not raising awareness towards palestine) because i know people like you are gonna get upset if you see a conflicting opinion on your dash. the only tags i tend to use are #sparklecriticism and #sparklecare criticism, none of the main tags. block those tags if you dont wanna deal with me.
my criticism is valid (i think) since yeah. the comics writing has a huge problem when it comes to letting things happen naturally instead of rushing them, which results in kneeby having to explain things on the blog (which 99% of the time you have to scroll deep into since the main blog is constantly reblogging the cometcare one) rather than having the comic clarify it on its own. thats a genuine issue in storytelling so i feel like it should be addressed and worked on.
i have way more of a presence online than this blog, obviously. i just dont want this blog connected to my real identity for a wide variety of reasons (mainly not wanting to be harassed even further than i already am)
if youre a friend of kneeby then i think you should tell kit to actually DO SOMETHING to raise awareness to the genocide going on in palestine and other targets, PUBLICLY. not just an announcement in a private discord, a public statement, or AT LEAST reblog the fanart of uni waving the palestinian flag. all the social commentary ive seen (yes im still taking the social commentary into account since the comic was described as such until my blog popped up) has come across as performative to anyone besides the clowns themselves, id love to see kneeby talk about issues that dont just apply to kit.
i know damn well the sparklecare blog is kits biggest platform, kit should use it to raise awareness, i dont care if the topic makes kit sad, it makes me sad too, but i still retweet as much shit about it as possible whenever it crosses my mind because i actually care about issues that dont involve just me and i actually want to do something to change the world. im a teenager and i do more to raise awareness than a group of adults.
im just a kid with opinions
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dreamsy990 · 5 months
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ok so. i actually really liked this one!
so uh. if you witnessed that incredibly long thread i made yelling about kh3 you will know that i. am not a fan of the look of modern kh. i think its kind of uninteresting compared to the delightfully cartoony style and just generally i dont like more realistic looks to games that already had a unique visual identity.
so im here to say that i think it works for 0.2! im a good way through kh3 and i dont think it works well there and ill get to that when i eventually review that game but. in 0.2 i think the new style fits the more dark tone very nicely, and the enviornments are absolutely gorgeous. like i came out of ddd thinking absolutely nothing could top symphony of sorcery in terms of world design and was proven wrong. the realm of darkness is my new favorite kh "world". for my mutuals who havent played kh, look at this!!! its absolutely gorgeous
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and the environments are actually my favorite thing about this game. besides being beautiful, theyre also delightfully trippy and unsettling. theres a section where you have to climb up a seemingly never ending staircase, and every time you reach what you think is the top you hear aquas worst thoughts. a lot of the areas are twisted, destroyed versions of worlds seen in bbs. its very dark (fitting, for the realm of darkness) and honestly its a treat to just walk around admiring the view. the visual storytelling is as good as kh ever gets.
i briefly mentioned aquas thoughts a minute ago so ill bring them up again, her commentary adds a lot to the desolate atmosphere, and this game really feels like a character study. it shows her desperation, her worst thoughts, her hope despite everything, and its just genuinely good. i havent been able to say that about khs character writing since like. days. its GOOD.
i am. not a fan of bbs' writing. i think its got a good underlying concept with absolutely terrible execution, and it makes me wonder at times if the things i like about it were intentional or not. but this game takes the best written character of bbs and gives her more depth than they ever could before. i can say with confidence that aqua is one of the best characters in the series, and a lot of it is because of this game.
the tone here is very gloomy, but thats not really a complaint because the game is so short. the depressing atmosphere isnt too much to bear because youre barely in it for more than 2 hours. and i think that run time is EXACTLY long enough. it goes for exactly as long as it needs to tell the story and still give a moment to breathe.
as for gameplay. im not the biggest fan of the updated system. i like to think im open to change with kh's combat. i think the command deck has potential and the card system in com was fun and i actually liked days' panel system. but something about the way this new version of the system feels to play is just. unsatisfying. hits dont feel like they have any weight to me, and spells feel inconsequential despite being more grandiose than ever. its just not as good as it was before, and like its a sort of half assed replacement of reaction commands. the way they incorporated style changes into it was okay, but again its not as satisfying as it was in bbs. but maybe it was just satisfying in bbs because the rest of the combat there sucked
tldr, the things i care about in a game (writing and visuals) were fucking spectacular, but the gameplay definitely had room to improve. also if i ever have to fight a darkside again ill throw up and cry! 8/10, though im tempted to raise it to a 9 for the environments alone
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tapricornzzz · 1 year
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some of my nextgen ocs!!!! info about them under the cut.
Kisses Puppy, 17, #1 Borsie Fan
kisses is an incredibly adventurous person, and can usually be found in the woods behind his and his parents house climbing trees and watching animals run around. his favorite borsie is rainbow sprint and he has echolalia for some of her catchphrases like "30% cooler" and calling people "eggbrains". he has trouble with loud noises and socializing, but is very sweet and caring. (allotpun: Puppydog Kisses. Mood + Lovella kid)
Anthony "Antho" Philly, 15, #1 Flowers Fan
antho, inherriting his fathers sicks-a-lot, tends to be reclusive. this dosent really bother them, though, since they get to spend time with his garden! he considered his garden his romantic partner, and will speak with it for hours, if not longer. the flowers he wears are gifts from his partner, and he appreciates them so much!! he is insecure about his intelligence compared to his parents, but they assure him they love him no matter what. (note: antho is objectum! please dont make fun of him for this or play it as a joke. it makes me upset.) (allotpun: anthophilia. Barry + Hemera kid)
Imp Ending Doom Mood, 16, #1 Bones Fan
flying around looking for bones to take home and clean is one of imps favorite passtimes, but he loves it even more when she can do it with her cousin kisses! carrying kisses around on his back while they fly makes the hunt for bones all the more exciting. his second set of arms makes it easier to carry sometimes entire skeletons. his mom, doom, is disturbed by the sight of corpses, but tends to not bring it up for fear of revealing their past as a "nurse". caroline finds them cool, and uni is neutral on them. (allotpun: Impending Doom. Uni + Carrie + Doom kid.)
Callie Midi Doom Mood, 13, #1 Slashers Fan
despite her love for cuteness, callie has an affinity to violent and gorey films and media. she understands that this isnt for everyone, but when asked to show off what shes drawing she wont protest. this has gotten her in trouble a few times in school, but her generally understanding parents dont really mind. they do try to limit her engagement in horror media to at-home time, though. other than that, she is very energetic and caring and has friends over for sleepovers and playdates pretty constantly. (allotpun: Calamity Doom. Carrie + Doom kid.)
Bread Cornelius, 19, #1 Fantasy Fan
bread is a firm believer in magic, dragons, and other fantasy creatures like phoenixes and mermaids. how could he not be? he is a unicorn, after all! he uses his magic in storytelling, which he does at his local library, usually for children. his elaborate illusions are quite impressive, even for a unicorn. other than storytelling, he loves to daydream and write about his princess and knight characters for the internet. his room is very cozy and he loves halloween for the fact that he can dress up as anything he wants. (allotpun: Cornbread. Doom + Uni kid)
Nerve Ish Coughs, 20, #1 Ghosts Fan
since they were a baby, nerve has been able to see ghosts and talk to them due to their magic. this has led to a lot of problems in life, but they can generally get by. they dont get a lot of sleep, however, because of how loud their spectral friends can be. this leaves them with a short temper, but they usually manage to keep themself under control. they have a vague idea of their parents pasts as patients, but dont bring it up because they understand that its difficult to talk about. they get the inside scoop on a lot of things like that from ghosts spying, but they never really ask for it. ghosts are just mischievous little buggers! (allotpun: Nervous Coughs. Carrie + Uni kid)
maybe ill make more? maybe not. depends on what everypony thinks of these ones!
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kil9 · 1 year
reasons to watch each of the taemin concerts:
hi its me, the self-appointed taemin concert expert :) i think we're all missing him a lot rn so its the perfect time to watch all his concerts >:) here's what i think are the strengths of what i consider his 4 quintessential concerts !!!! come join my world >:)
[DL link]
- his first korean concert ! he debuted most of the tracklist for the "move" album there (which is a phenomenal album)
- also performed "move" itself for the first time here !!! the energy of it is insane
- live band [!!!!] as the backing instruments for at least half of, if not most of the concert, gives a different feel to songs youve already heard :)
- because of that theres a lot of rearrangements, & his romeo + juliette solo version which is so beautiful
- (biggest selling point is the live band tbh but its so so good ^^^^)
- also the best door performance is the offsick one (yeah, the bondage one)
- the mystery lover vcr !!! (his indie horror movie) and a very cool dance vcr
- overall very fun & extremely energetic feel with a classic taemin edge !!
- this concert was such a big hit irl that he had to do it again in a bigger venue lol (his one and only public apology, not enough people got to see this concert)
[DL//watch link (eng subs)]
- a concert with a story !!! theres a LOT of overarching themes and storytelling in this, even the vcrs are mostly continuous :) !
- some very very beautiful expressive performances
- THE DOOR PERFORMANCE [!!!!!] its completely different from the usual tied-up door, but in a way that lends itself to the story very very well (i will never shut up about it)
- overall feels very musical-esque ? theatrical ? besides the vcrs, even the performances themselves seem to continue from each other in a sort of plot arch :) (if you care to read that much into it which, you should)
- very cool use of the background screens, feels more integral to the performances, rather than just something as a backdrop. the set design is super cool in general !!
- overall elegant and theatrical feel !! a lot of emotion in this. i go insane over sirius lore once per month
- space wolfs [!!!!]
(also known as "TMI concert") [DL link]//[watch link (eng subs)]
- a "little prince" themed concert with some of my favorite costumes and visuals out of any of them (i own the photo book :] )
- THE INCLINE !!!! a large portion of the stage is inclined and incorporated into the dance in very very cool ways
- ^^^ the incline !!!!! (emphasis) its very cool and steep, a lot of time he's on it he has to be held with a bungee, but since hes taemin, uses it to make the dance even cooler :)
- he debuted "identity" and "heaven" here (before they were full versions u know today) !!!!! the identity opening is one of the coolest things ive seen, he has so much power
- the very concert that gave us "taemins media bible" & songs transitioning into each other a lot (plus a taemin+shinee mashup)
- stone heart and back to you VCRs !!!!!! basically bonus music videos :) stone heart got the mv it deserves considering its the best song of all time :)
- overall cool cool cool feeling, prettyboy taemin strikes again, the feeling of a taemin music video, but 2 hours long
- the first taemin concert i watched :) my recommendation for newer or more casual fans
[DL link]//[watch link]
- his most recent in person concert, extremely good and epic !!
- i've seen this so so many times, also amazing costumes and visuals, so much power, he's truly living up to being called "king"
- there isnt really a gimmick but it has some of the most solid taemin performances ive seen (eclipse lives forever in my heart <3 most underrated performance) & a generally amazing setlist
- the famous album came out during this tour so a few songs from famous were debuted here :) !!!
- specific shoutout to the slave performance.... yknow
- the lighting and camerawork is so amazing !!!!!!! seriously, i can not sing the crew's praises enough they deserve a raise
- they surprised him with an end of tour video it was really sweet :(
- "FLOW" & "CRYONICS" vcrs !!!! are so crazy... i still dont understand the lore but they fuck
- overall very solid and powerful feeling, taemin simply showing off what he does best !!!!
in summary: i can not stress enough how experiencing a taemin concert in full is very different from seeing the same performances isolated. him and the crew clearly give so much thought into them, the sequencing, the continuity, the set and costume design, lighting.... the secret lore thats going on maybe sometimes ??? i really think they deserve more appreciation (even if they get a lot lol, never enough !!!) so... yeah :) bye
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typekiku · 6 months
thoughts on TYPE MOON stuff
well these are my the type moon stuff i have read or watched or whatever so far. this is my opinion only so its inherently correct argue with the wall or touch grass as the youth say SO here it goes drum roll
boring as shit. no joke im sorry its just booty cheeks but of the not sexy kind. its beyond mid its so mid i cant even act like i enjoyed it. it has an interesting concept and world sure but everything else is doo doo butter.
only good part is nero being hot asf and ig whatever servant there is because i only used nero (lmao i aint playing it all over again) she was funny at times
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see shes hilarious at times... im sure CCC will change my mind... right? it has sakura what am i saying its PEAK
also fuck them for including arcueid in this crap
i honestly dont have much to say about this one it never really clicked with me nor did i ever feel anything about it... BESIDES TOUKO
clears throat
that aside yea i genuinely dont have any opinion on this series of movies good or bad besides movies 3 and 5 which were my favorites
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maybe i need to rewatch em one day and really try to get into it
my favorite spin off in the whole fate franchise. it has some of my absolute favorite characters and GIL like what else would one even want in life amirite
some of my favorites are:
Richard: the absolute goat and one of my fav servants ever
Enkidu: i want a spinoff of gil and enkidu... is that so hard to ask??
Flat: my son
Jack: my uhhh child ig
alcides: the closest we will get to archer herc but just pure cool regardless
hansa: cyborg priest. nothing gets cooler then that
and many more im already too ti- FILIA - red to mention
i've only read up to volume 7 so i gotta get to reading the rest soon
its just pure chaos and is fun while doing so despite being slow as shit
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ok this is the most complicated series here in a way since its so incredibly mixed.
there are some of the highest peaks in fate and then some of the lowest lows so lets see
Highest peaks:
lb5 (YES olympus and atlantis im tired of acting like olympus isnt peak NO heian kyo its mid)
the rest of the lostbelts are good but not that good
goetia is an incredible villain
lowest lows:
first five singularities
solomon im sorry the stuff with goetia was peak but the rest was average
serious lack of male summer servants like cmon i wanna see them abs
overall fgo is alright but some parts of it is straight up incredible HOWEVER all of it is seriously held back by being a gacha mobile game and has to work around that limitation
also it has barghest whom i absolutely adore
also fuck fgo for forgetting medea...
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now this is peak. the most gorgeous tm work by far i have to say its simply an incredible read all around. even tsukire did not look or work or sound as good as mahoyo did even tho it came out almost ten(?) years after
on the story front i loved it too with a special shoutout to soujuuro being one of my favorite characters in TM (i say this often not my fault type moon keeps releasing bangers)
however mahoyo has two issues for me:
the story is clearly incomplete: i dont mean its just nonsense or whatever but when nasu said its the first of a trilogy you can just feel that in the story with alot of things being left in the air. this wouldnt be an issue really if mahoyo 2 wasnt basically dead....
i didnt vibe with the slice of life scenes as much as i usually do in nasu works: this isnt a flaw in the story more so i just didnt like em idk how else to word that
mahoyo is a great read however and i highly highly recommend you read it or else
it also has touko enough said
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TSUKIHIME (original version)
Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction
ok fr tho its actually incredible and you should read it right the fuck now
all of the characters are simply chefs kiss. while the visual novel is incredibly dated and the art is even worse you have to understand this is nasu and takeuchis first ever visual novel made on a barely existing budget.
boy do they make up for that.
the vn is split into two with a near side and far side.
while the near side is really good with arcueid and ciels route (ignore how ciel was actually really fucked over even in her own route its laughable and my girl deserved better) the far side is so much more better and really is where the soul of tsukihime and shiki the main character lies
i cba to review it properly besides saying PLEASE READ IT RN or ill cry and you dont wanna see that do you....
heres my ranking of the routes btw best to worse:
shoutout to satsuki you finally are gonna get the route you deserved
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um it has some cool lore and some really good short stories and... yea thats about it...
dont have much else to add...
play it with a guide because the structure of the game is abysmal
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what is there to be said about such a masterpiece? what else could be written about fsn that hasnt been written before? i am but an ant in the shadow of the giant that is FSN only seeking some crumbs to feed and live off of. idk what that means but it sounds cool.
FSN is simply tms best work all around. while i prefer tsuki over it and find the tsuki side of TM more interesting FSN overall is much stronger on most fronts but especially its main characters
Shirou emiya is simply the goat nothing else to be said tbh
heres my ranking of the routes:
issei route
heavens feel
we need more medea and kuzuki holy shit are they cute
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thank you type moon for making a good kagetsu tohya. its actually impressive just how much better this is then KT like seriously what the fuck did they take to drop this banger of a vn
KT had such shit comedy i didnt even giggle throughout it but THIS
THIS is a emotional rollercoaster of a whole different kind.
introducing the third (arc and medea are first and second) love of my life Bazett and angra we go through an incredible main story intermingled with hilarious and wholesome slice of life scenes that never overstay their welcome
this vn completely changed my opinion on some characters especially illya who went from someone i was kinda 50/50 on to adoring her overall
ALSO MEDEA SCENES YES I WON MOTHERFUCKERS I WO- huh? whats that? fgo basically replaced her with medea lily?
one hour of sobbing later
if you have read fsn and not FHA then i must ask you.. wtf is wrong with you psycho? you like missing out on good things? that wouldnt be me is all im saying
read it.
(in case you're wondering yes there is someone i deliberately didnt mention because my opinion on them is too complicated)
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im not a fan of remaking classics on the level of tsuki. with all its flaws i still find the original to be good enough to not need a remake...
this is how you do it folks. the story was elevated on nearly every level and if it was the complete story id say its the best ever in existence ever forever fr. its just that good.
there are three things i really want to point out:
while maybe goin overboard i really liked the buffs all the characters received and in general the whole worldbuilding is so much better now with idea bloods and principles and vampire hierarchies and arcueid inflation scenes (heh) its just epic
ciel got a so much better route that actually feels like a ciel route and not just arcueid route 2 electric bugaloo (and getting fucking cucked)
noel is peak
this is peak type moon and when red garden comes out it will be even BETTER especially with satsuki route because satsuki deserves it
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there are some other short stories i havent mentioned like garden of avalon, notes, MAGNITUNING (look it up you wont regret it) its all great and worth the time of reading
eventually i wanna play CCC and read some other stuff like maybe prillya DDD, fgo jp like lb7 traum and whatnot
i just wrote this for fun so dont really take anything i say seriously except for the teeny little part where im inherently correct.
uh if you are reading like or share or whatever tf it was idk
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purgemarchlockdown · 7 months
for the milgram ask game!!! i looked through your answers but if anything repeats im sorry😭
9,10,11 - kazui
15,16 - amane
9,10,15,16 - muu
Its alright! Everytime someone sends me an ask for an ask game my power grows...
9. do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own?
Hm, well, gonna be honest I'm not super sure what his crime is now. I know what I find the most interesting storytelling wise but Kazui is also a Lying Liar Man.
If were referring to specifically lying to his wife...I think id forgive him...I think.
Like its a horrible fucking thing to do but...I understand that "if you just lie it'll be Fine Eventually" mindset pretty well. I see how he got here. Still: Horrible thing to do! Im a bit conflicted here! I should have an easier time with this considering characters who I've forgiven before but damn, me not being really sure what he did is Getting To Me.
Though its also (presumably) NOT ACTUALLY MURDER and I know law isnt a big deal here but ALSO I dont think he should be tortured and possibly given the death penalty for this, yknow? Bit Much I Think.
10. is the answer to the previous question different from your vote(s) on the character themselves (do you vote them based on anything else aside from the crime)?
My forgiven gets a bit stronger if thats the case? I vote him forgiven because of a lot of things. For example: Even if I didn't like his character so much Id have forgiven him for Amane's sake...
11. what are your favorite points about their story and the narrative surrounding them?
I Love It When Characters are Horribly Resigned To Their Situations!!!! "Tragedy Enjoyers when The Tragedy Happens" Moment Fr. Kazui's super interesting to me since he's basically...given up. He's given up on getting anything he wanted and he has horrible self-loathing and is just resigned to never being really Happy, and yet he still Wants and that Wanting is already "bad" no matter if he acts on it or not.
Jupiter: But if it's only what I feel inside that matters, what am I supposed to do? I can't stop that kind of touch.
(this is an ask I get to put in appropriate quotes from Jupiter)
He's unsatisfied and disillusioned and self-destructive and it be so much easier if he was just...not "like this". Whatever This is. His family seems to be very traditional overall too and there's a lot of discussion going on about societal normal and standards.
Also also! His relationship with love fucks me up, both him and Mahiru's. It's like an obligation of sorts. Something that makes them more marketable and presentable. Their love can feel so...impersonal as a result if that makes sense. Like it's just a quota they need to fill.
Even Mahiru's actually! It's weird to think about considering how loud Mahiru is about it but there's something so vaguely impersonal about Mahiru's love. Like "This is how to be in love with you" as a title plays off that in a way. The other person doesn't get to put any input into it, this is how your Supposed to be loved.
Kazui's relationship with love is so interesting to me as a result, it's so performative and is used for his own Marketability as a person. I'm still obsessed about how Kazui and Mahiru portray love as something that is sold to people-
Plus all of this gives him some Fun Parallels with the other cat person he's paired up with. It's interesting to see how both of them deal with being perceived as inherently sinful in some way and against societal norms.
I dunno I just think Kazui is super interesting! He's an interesting fella!
15. what do you think of their voice?
I love how she sounds so much! She can sound so happy and cheeky and sweet in one moment and then ominous, angry and downright terrifying the next. Her VA is great, Tanaka Minami does such a fantastic job as her. Amane can sound so very different and yet still sound like Her. Compare Animal to Positive Parade or Magic to Purge March and even though they sound so different they still sound like Her! Magic's mostly consistent tone and emotions making it feel restrained and carefully presented vs Purge March's various different emotions and tones and just how Different it can sound depending on the part is So cool! She can go from angry to sad to bitter to defeated to joyfully ecstatic and all of those at once!
Like at the end of Purge March, Amane always sounds like she's at the verge of crying to me. The emotional catharsis was so very real there!!! It's so good!!! It's so good!!!!
16. how do you think they actually sing in regular life?
Once again directing people to how Amane seems to be in Choir.
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I know people who were in choir those people can Sing Alright. Out of everyone in the cast she is probably the most likely person to know how to actually sing properly. Plus I always think it's funny that Amane quietly calls the cult's music boring in an interrogation. I choose to believe she can Sing Really Well and that when she gets out of the cult she gets Really Into Metal.
In the wise words of my dad: "Metalheads are the happiest because we let out all our anger through the power of METAL!!!!!"
9. do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own?
I Do Not Forgive Her! Sorry Muu but the Consequences of your Actions are here! I know you have a lot of problems and that the murder seems actually pretty impulsive overall but like...sorry Muu can't really forgive you if we're judging my your crime alone.
10. is the answer to the previous question different from your vote(s) on the character themselves (do you vote them based on anything else aside from the crime)?
Hmm, maybe? I still want to not forgive her honestly for some personal reasons but I do know that not forgiving her might not be the best decision overall...I dunno very conflicted I guess.
15. what do you think of their voice?
Kouri Arisa is a wonderful singer and I'm incredibly impressed with her vocals and acting. I don't have much to say on her compared to Amane but I love how she sounds so much. There's something kinda...floaty about it I guess? I dunno how to describe it, it's just sort of airy and whispery like, Muu is telling you a secret. I think it's really cool and it makes the parts where she sounds more confident and loud contrast really well.
It's so good I love it hhhhh-
16. how do you think they actually sing in regular life?
Decently I think? Like average overall. I think she knows a few songs by heart though and for those in particular she sounds really good.
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