#if it seems a bit rushed its cause i didnt want to black out but at least i made it in time okay
wonbin-truther · 13 days
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˚⊹ ᰔೀ dream boyfriend: incoming ˚⊹ ᰔೀ
╰┈➤ mixer pt 2
the mixer was practically full wall to wall with bodies. you had lost soobin within the first few minutes of arriving, although you assumed he was with the baseball team. your sorority sisters had left some time ago, telling you they were going to grab a drink and sit outside. you told them to give you a second to join them, wanting to first finish your bottle of water before you filled your body with liquor. you craned your neck on your tiptoes, trying to peer over the crowd that had inexplicably bunched up near the kitchen entrance.
"the alcohol cant be that good," you mumbled to yourself. stepping back down. you pushed a bit closer until two voices started to become recognizable.
"shut up asshole," the distinct shrill voice of your cousin rang through the air. you froze as another voice shot back at her, although it was somewhat quieter.
"can we please not do this here?" mark pleaded, glanced around at the crowd that had formed. somi scoffed, "so you think you can block me on everything and get away with it? over my dead body," somi scoffed.
"somi plea-" mark was cut off by a stinging pain across his face. the air seemed to still as the loud slap echoed through the party and settled in the whispers of the crowd. mark touched his reddening cheek, staring at the smaller girl in front of him with disbelief.
"i dont want to hear it. this is probably because of those dumbass friends of yours. god i told you to stay away from them. they would only fill your mind with lies and try to get you away from me."
you looked over and watched as jeno extended an arm out in front of haechan who was two seconds away from jumping in.
"anything to say?" somi crossed her arms in front of her body. marks head hung low and you felt a pang in your chest seeing him look so small. with one last disgusted look, somi turned on her heels and walked away.
you watched as his friends rushed to his side, questioning him about whatever just went down. you didnt know if you should walk over or mind your business. mark looked up, suddenly making eye contact with you. your feet started moving before you could even think.
"what’re you pouring," you asked the man standing in front of the counter. he held the labelless bottle of clear liquid in front of you.
"not too sure. wanna test it out?" he smiled. something about him gave you an icky feeling but you pushed it away, excusing it as just lingering feelings over mark and somi.
"sure just a little though," you watched as he grabbed a red cup, pouring the mystery liquid into it. "you're not gonna drink?" you stared at him.
he shook his head, "designated driver for tonight. im just serving the drinks." you hummed, downing the small amount in the red cup. he watched tentatively as you scrunched your face, "ugh definitely tequila."
"you came with anyone?" the guy asked. you didnt realize but he started to inch closer and closer to where you stood. "yea choi soobin. hes number 5 on the baseball team. im just trying to find my sorority sisters," you tapped your phone screen to see if you had any texts from any of the mentioned people.
"i dont see them around."
your fight or flight started to kick in as a hand found its way to your waist. you pushed the man away, "i have a boyfriend."
"i dont see him anywhere here either," the man only got closer to you, leaning closer and closer.
"dude seriously," you tried to back away but your balance felt shaky and your vision was starting to blur.
you shook your head, trying to gain ahold of your senses as the man laughed, taking your wrists into his with a hold youre sure would cause a bruise later.
"hey! what the fuck do you think you're doing with her?" was the last voice you heard before everything faded to black.
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synopsis! it wasnt your fault mark was the first profile to appear on your instagram! and it was most definitely not your fault when you told your annoying older cousins that mark lee, the captain of your unis soccer team, was your boyfriend and somehow got him invited to the next family reunion...
tags! (closed) @haedgaf @onlyhyunjin @mmjhh1998 @nctrawberries @multifandomania @hyuoonp @kittydollzz @bathilda @413ktz @alethea-moon @meowmarkie @urlocalbeaner5 @nanaxwi @lvrholic @sunghoonsgfreal @jakeshuneybby @nosungluv @evilsailorsenshi @calumsfringe @haesungie @tommina @vantxx95 @markeroolee @soobsung @tynlvr @morkiee @sehunniepot @starfilledgaze @pickmedolls @xcosmi @nneteyamss @slayhaechan @neozon3nha @nneteyamss @lionzyon @jakeslucifer @bbina @winwintea
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smolcuriouskitten · 6 months
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"Denton! Come hither, we must finish dinner!" Amara called for her son, waiting by their cottage door. It was another night her son didnt come running fast enough, teenagers will be teenagers after all. "Dont be dizzy dear, hes out with those...ruffians." Diminicus responds, gently pulling her back inside and shutting the door. "He will join when he can. The years are catching up to him, you must remember he isnt our kid anymore." He reassures and she looks over at him confused.
"But why must he be so daft? Not consider our feelings? Its always such selfish nature with him, imagine how his wife will feel if he can stop moving about so freely for one!" She fusses and Diminicus shushes her with a kiss to the forehead. "Gives us more time for solitude. You must remember with him not being home...We have much more time for each other." He teases and just like that, Denton was an afterthought in both of his parents mind.
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"Such a dolt! Waving his riches in front of us as if we are just as crow as he!" A kid yells at Denton, making him roll his eyes and wave him off. "You consider cleanliness to be a sign of wealth? How your parents must be proud of you for not going to the creek to wash. Take a gob of soap and a rag the next time you depart your home." Denton responds, annoyed at being considered an outcast.
The year was 1644 and Denton just turned 21. It was a year after the English Civil war and he had to stay with his parents for a bit to get back onto his feet. He disliked it though, having departed their home when he was 18 for war. The experience was traumatic and caused him to grow a phobia of being filthy. Even if he wasnt alive for the plague, he would be damned if he was going to be a casualty in it. Gods, people lived as if living in filth and squalor was a normal occurance.
Looking at his pocket watch, he curses and heads home to greet his family for dinner. He was bickering with his mates for too long and lost track of time. Passing by a creek, he notices a body face down in the water. This would be a normal occurance except for the clothes they was wearing. They didnt look to be of a material he recognized, his mother being a seamstress so he had some knowledge of fabric.
They were wearing silk. He never seen silk before, no one within his town had it and traveling was still limited due to the world. What the hell is going on? He rushes over. "Are you okay?!" He calls with no response, which causes a silent curse from him as he had to get wet to retrieve them. He hated getting dirty but this was a good reason even if he can already hear his mothers scoldings.
He didnt want to risk not saving a life and living with that for the rest of his days. He drops his things and dives in to save them, grabbing them, swimming them back to dry land, which he could feel their chest still moving. "I got you...I got you. Come on stay with me." He began to do heart compressions, giving them mouth to mouth. In that moment he didnt care who seen him, even if it was looked down at the time to do such a thing with a man.
Wait...This isnt a man. Long hair, breasts, feminine features. A woman. A strange woman wearing a silk dress but he was too focused on reviving them, gender didnt matter. After a few minutes, he stopped upon the person sitting up and spitting water out. A wheeze left their mouth as they laid back on the ground. Denton looked down at them, out of breath himself. "If I didnt know any better, I would think you were trying to steal my lungs in order to save your hide." He teases, patting his chest.
"Did....Did I die and go to heaven?" The person asks, sitting up holding their head. At that moment, Denton realized what the person was. It was a woman. A beautiful one at that. Hair black, curls all throughout, covering her back like the finest fabric. Her skin was the color of the sunset, her skin seeming to absorb the light effortlessly. Her eyes were just as brown as a cocoa bean and lips the size of a small saucer. He looked at her with a flustered gaze and chuckles shyly. "If you died, that means I failed the job of saving you." He responds, sputtering over his words.
The woman looked over at him, smiling at his flustered nature. "You are quite charming. Whats my hero's name?" She responds, Denton finding it difficult to even piece a sentence together. God, he thought he had crushes before but she gave them a run for their money. Without a word, he covers her with his jacket, helping her off the ground. "Well...since I get my hero's name...My name is Renia. I hope your kindness extends further than covering me in your jacket. I am a bit famished.." She comments, which he nods, still not looking at her. He doesnt even know if he could.
"Denton is...is my name. I can lead you to my home, apologies for not having anything dry to give you. We need to get you in front of a fire." He keeps his gaze anywhere other than at this woman. Nothing he could help, female attention wasnt something he got very often on account of his long hair and deep voice. It either scared someone when he had his back turned to them or his voice echoing along the small walls of rooms made people rumble with fear.
"Pleasure to meet you Denton. May I be straight with you for a moment?" Renia asks and stops, making Denton stop with her. He was still looking over her head, refusing to make eye contact. "Yes?" He responds and Renia reaches up to take the hat from his head and put it on hers. "I'm not of this world. I would hate for us to be burned at the stake for....other worldly features." She teases and he looks at her as if she has 4 eyes.
"Eh?" He asks, confused then she lifts up the hat which exposes the cat ears on her head which he freezes and looks at her with eyes as big as saucers. "I come in peace. My ship just crashed here. Keep this between us, I will give this back before I return home." She winks in response, starting to walk ahead of him, leaving him behind with his jaw to the floor. Leave it to you Denton, you always get the weird situations.
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A thick layer of smoke filled the air as they were closer to his home. Denton tried to keep conversation but as soon as he looked over at her, he was stuttering and stumbling over his words. It seemed as if her eyes sparkled when he looked at her, putting her deeper under his spell. He pauses when they get closer to his home, looking over the horizon. "What in the gods..?" Denton interrupts Renia midsentence, not quite spotting his home yet.
"What is it?"
"My home." He responds breathlessly, sprinting ahead, which Renia quickly follows behind him, getting that feeling in the pit of her stomach. Oh no. "MOTHER! FATHER! Oh gods!" He sees his home engulfed in flames and immediately drops to his knees.
Renia scrambles to look around the rubble, wanting to find some resemblance of life. Then a flaming bottle was thrown over in their direction and Renia screams, quickly hopping on top of Denton, covering him in a protective bubble. "WHAT IS THIS?! WHAT ARE YOU-?!" He screams until the bottle explodes, raining flames above them. They went untouched, the flames dissipating as soon as they sat on the purple protective bubble.
Denton looked stunned but looked at Renia with admiration. "I suppose you arent of this world. We...We need to get put of here." He calms down, picking Renia up and sprinting to safety. The clambering noise of horses and yelling began to fill the air, Denton's legs carrying them to an area out of sight and he delicately places Renia on the ground. They waited for the noises of horses and yelling to subside, Denton clutching his heart with a groan. "My parents...My family...Those mealey-mouthed bastards!" He sobs, Renia sitting up and looking around. "I must have landed in Liverpool..." She mumbles, gently clutching his fist.
"Denton." She gently calls and he looks over at her, both of her hands holding his face. "You saved my life...I want...I want to give you something. Something that will help you get revenge and much more of this world. Do you wish to have it?" She asks, Denton crumbling in her hands, tears running down to her hands. "I want to kill all of them...All of them who caused me this pain. They deserve to pay." He sobs and Renia nods.
"Your wish...is granted." She mused, kissing his forehead. His fate was sealed after that day. Immortality was his from that day on.
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chaecchi · 3 years
day after day ▸ k.j.m
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when the earth turns her head, her sun is always there
suho/junmyeon & fem!reader - his homecoming
words: 8.1k
warnings/tags: pure love, domesticity, acts of service, unprotected sex, kinda sub!reader, mostly romance, smut at the end - DNI unless 18+
a/n: this is for all of junmyeon’s babies in celebration of his return!!! he’s BACK
One day left. Tomorrow when you woke up, he would be coming home to you. The sweet, gentle man you loved more than anything would be back where he should be, by your side. You finally made it, having waited nearly two whole years for this. In the grand scheme of things, anyone could say that wasn’t very long, but you felt every single day as if they were decades. And you were counting. It wasn’t just two years and he wasn’t just a man. 
He was coming back just before Valentine’s Day, and usually you wouldn’t go all out for the holiday, but this felt like a worthy occasion. You wanted to make him feel special and loved and do something grand for him like he’d done for you so many times. You wanted to make up for lost time where you couldn’t shower him with affection and love and even gifts. You wanted so much. After so long without him, you weren’t sure how you were going to act. But you did know that you had one day left to get yourself together and start preparations for his return.
You knew him and you knew he didn’t like people making a fuss over him, his humble nature not allowing him to enjoy too much attention. But you also knew how pink his cheeks would get when you would do something special or take care of him in an intimate way. How shy and giggly he would get whenever you got him nice gifts or praised him. Your heart was doing leaps just imagining his face. It was easy to decide just what you would do for him, and even easier for you to do it.
In the last twenty-four hours, time seemed to speed up all of a sudden, which did no favors for your trembling hands. You had gone shopping and gotten everything you needed, spending the last day before his discharge preparing his surprise and yourself. You brought everything to his apartment, making sure to go in through the back with your key so not to be seen, and started your preparations immediately.
Junmyeon was the sweetest, most accepting man you knew and loved you as you are, but you still felt the desire to put extra effort into your appearance for him. You bought yourself a nice dress, something flattering to your form and a bit elegant. You made sure to give yourself enough time for self-care and grooming before coming over. You wanted to be as close to perfect as possible for him. He deserved it and so much more.
After you finished putting your things away, you began putting together his gifts. With shimmering silver wrapping paper you carefully wrapped the first of his gifts, a white gold Cartier love ring nestled in a signature red box. You checked for any imperfections and finished it off with black ribbons and a bow when you found none. The other gift you had in mind was less of a material one, but an experience. It was something you had been researching for a while and practicing so you could do it together once he returned. You wanted to have something to show for it, however, so you put together all required materials in a small gold bag with sparkly tissue paper. 
It was still early once you had those all put together, so you got a head start on his final gift. Most of it would need to be done tomorrow before he got home, but you prepped as much as you could before fixing up the house and adding a few small touches here and there. You couldn’t stop yourself from getting the cheesy ‘Welcome Home’ banner and some other party decorations, so you made sure the living room and dining room looked perfect and stayed out of them for the rest of the night. You figured you had time for a bath, both of  you loved his deep tub and jets.
As the night went on you felt yourself getting more and more jittery thinking of how soon he’d be with you, his skin pressed sweetly against yours for the first time in so long. His deep brown eyes that always made your heart flip. You wondered if his temperament would change and if he would be more reserved with you. If he would be a bit shy at first, hesitant with his touches. You weren’t even sure how you would be. Since you met you had never gone this long without seeing each other, much less since you started dating.
You found yourself feeling like a teenager getting ready for your first date, which is one of the things you loved so much about Junmyeon. He made you feel so much in so many ways. He made routine feel new. He made the mundane exciting. He made you, someone who was so ordinary, feel so special just with the way he loved. It was overwhelming. Just the thought of him could have you falling all over again as if it was the first time. You couldn’t wait.
After your bath you helped yourself to his wardrobe, opting to wear his much larger clothes to bed than your own. He always encouraged you to take them, letting you know how much he liked seeing you in them with his wandering hands. It was also his idea to have you stay at his place tonight. He asked you to stay in since the public was aware of his discharge date and he knew he’d have eyes around him until he got home. Fine with you. You got to sleep in his big, soft bed that no longer had his scent, but held on to an essence that was so uniquely Junmyeon. Even without him by your side, you had nothing but pleasant dreams when you came over and slept on his silky sheets.
Choosing only one of his baggy t-shirts, you got yourself into bed early so you could try to calm down enough to sleep. You need to be up early enough to prepare for tomorrow. He would be discharged early, but you knew your sweet man, so you knew that he would be visiting a few people before he finally made it home. You knew how caring he was and how much he loved his friends and his fans, so you had no problem with waiting just a little bit longer for him. Especially if that meant you would have him all to yourself. 
As you were lying on your side hugging his pillow to your chest like the desperate case you were, you heard the text tone you had assigned to your one and only. He would always try to text you goodnight if nothing else, but you were still surprised somehow. When you turned over and grabbed your phone, you took a second to adjust to the brightness and read his message eagerly.
‘Just one more day, my love. I can’t wait to see you.’
Your whole body hummed at his words, hearing his voice in your head as he would say it. You smiled wide, sitting up on your elbows to reply without hesitation and tell him the same thing. He told you that he would still be there for dinner time and that he would text you if it was any earlier, which you thanked the gods for since you were going to need the time. You wished him a good night and put your phone away, his words swirling in your head enough to lull you into a deep sleep. 
The next morning you woke up just before your alarm, well-rested and ready to begin the day. You also woke up to a message from Junmyeon, a photo attachment with no other message. It was a picture of the sunrise behind a park, the bare trees still beautiful in the yellow morning light. That meant he was already out. You jumped out of bed and hopped around, giddy like a child on Christmas morning. Your sun was coming home.
You replied with only a picture of his bed, sheets messed up and looking warm and inviting. You also made sure your own discarded panties were visible at the foot of the bed, hoping he would notice. Though you knew if he did, he wouldn’t say anything and would keep it his mind for later.
Slipping on a pair of his sweats and tying them tight at the waist, you got to work in the kitchen. For his surprise, you were going to cook him the best dinner you possibly could, and hopefully one of the best he’ll ever have. Taking care to prepare his favorites and even little side dishes he only got to enjoy when he went out or had dinner with his family. You got everything you needed and had even asked his mom for help so you could get it perfect. You were buzzing with excitement, knowing how much he would love it even if you managed to mess up. He was so good.
Once you had started, the time began to fly again. You weren’t worried about the time, all of the practice you had cooking with his mother making you confident in your execution. After hours of chopping, mixing, frying, baking, cooking, and more baking, you were close to being finished with the whole meal. The last thing you needed to do was cook the meat, which you wanted to do right before he got home so it could be as fresh as possible. 
You were ahead of your own schedule, wrapping up with all of the dishes that could be stored away with ample time to spare before he would arrive. The table was set and the house was in order so you had little left to do. It was going into the afternoon and you hadn’t heard anything else from him, so you figured he would be on time for dinner as he said. Not wanting to fall behind, though, you got a head start getting yourself ready.
With every step you took, you thought of Junmyeon. You laid out your freshly steamed satin dress, glancing at it every now and then and imagining the way his eyes would move over you once he saw you in it. The way his hands would always find their way to your back and shoulders like they were magnetized. The thought made you burn, but you couldn’t fight it. You were doing this for him. It was all for him. 
As you sat in front of his large closet mirror and did your makeup, your mind wandered to all the times he had made you feel truly beautiful. You thought of all the compliments he would shower you with at the most random times. Obvious ones, like when you would dress up and put more effort into your look. When you would sneak over to his place in dark comfy clothes, your form barely recognizable to yourself. When you would come out of his shower and return to him in bed with nothing but the skin you were born in and he would hold your face and stare at you like you were the most precious work of art. All of them felt the same coming from him. He always made you feel like he was seeing you instead of just looking at you on the outside.
You found yourself choking up, overcome with emotion at how lucky you were just to know him. Just to have existed in the same time and space as him. To be able to have him and have him know you, too. To be able to feel him and be loved by him. And to love him, most of all. You could hardly bear the weight of your own emotions, glad you were getting the brunt of this out of the way now, before you finished your makeup and he was finally here in front of you. It was starting to become real to you now.
By the time you finished your little moment and then your makeup, it was just after five. Junmyeon purposely left out a time in case he didn’t make it on the dot, but you figured it was safe by now to ask for an estimate. As soon as the message sent you became nervous. You knew once a number was involved it would hit you and you were already feeling unstable. He gave you little time to overthink, however, responding immediately with one of his cute smiling emojis and the number six.
Your knees buckled and you had to sit down and breathe for a second. Why were you so nervous all of a sudden? It was just Junmyeon. The cute, kind man you had spent so many years with already. How could he still make you feel so out of control of yourself? You were aware that he had too much power over you, but it was so easy to fall into him. He was so good.
Snapping out of your spiraling thoughts, your eyes found the clock and you trembled. You had just over half an hour if he got here right on time. That was enough time for you to put the food in the oven as it would need to cook and broil in there for about forty-five minutes before you would be able to finish off the meal. You quickly got that out of the way and that gave you enough time to gather your bearings and get dressed. 
You watched yourself in the mirror, fidgeting with your hair and adjusting your dress, satisfied with the way it all fell into place. You were thanking the heavens that everything had gone so well today, and the excitement for him to see what you had prepared was returning. 
The minutes passed like seconds and soon enough you were only a few away from six o’clock. The familiar sound of his text tone nearly made you jump out of your skin, a warning that he was just five minutes away. Your hands had been trembling all day, but now your entire body was shaking like a leaf. The excitement was incomparable to anything you had ever felt before. It was even worse than when he asked you out for the first time, the handsome twenty-five-year-old Junmyeon still fresh in your mind when he asked you to dinner and turned your stomach inside out. This was definitely worse, so much worse. 
The overwhelming mix of excitement and nervousness was starting to make you dizzy. Time was escaping you. You wanted to ask him for updates to ease your nerves. Ask him for when he parked, when he got into the building, when he reached his floor all the way up to when he got to the door. You felt unprepared, even with everything in perfect order. You were starting to feel sick.
You didn’t need to wait much longer until you heard movement in the hallway, your body positively vibrating because you just knew it was him. The steps grew louder up to the door and you were suddenly unsure of what to do with yourself. Should you open it for him and help him in or just stand and try to look nice? In your game of mental ping-pong you stumbled in front of the door, the lock clicking into the still air and the handle turning right in front of your eyes. You swallowed, your heart stopped.
The first thing you saw was his head poking in and his dark eyes searching for you from behind his already grown out black hair. The entire room flipped upside down. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears and you were overcome with the desire to run to him, so you did. As soon as he stepped in you made your way toward him with haste, prompting him to throw his bags on the floor and meet you in your stride. He caught you in his arms and swept you up, his warm hands pressed firmly against your back and preventing you from moving even a centimeter away from him. Junmyeon lifted you in his arms and buried his face in your shoulder, letting out a string of sweet words onto your skin.
He was the first to speak, pulling his head back to touch his forehead to yours. “I missed you so much. I can’t believe that didn’t kill me. You have no idea how many times I wanted to just run home to you. I love you so much, oh my god.”
It took everything you had to stop yourself from crying and ruining your hard work right there. You were tearing up in an instant just hearing him say those words. Feeling how much he wanted you back. You could only return the sentiment and squeeze him tighter, barely able to breathe but feeling like you no longer needed to.
He sniffed and tilted his head up and kissed you, and you were okay again. Everything was warm and light. His presence filled in every crack that had appeared in his absence, sealing them like he had never left them in the first place. You were glad he was holding you, since you felt like you were about to fly away. All your nerves melted away with his warm lips. It felt so right. You missed him so much.
Junmyeon pulled away slowly and gently let you back down on the ground, his grip on your arms never letting up. It was only then he seemed to take in his surroundings and notice what you were wearing. His eyes traveled over your body, slowing over your curves and drinking you in. A small gasp escaped his lips and he looked back up to catch your eyes. 
“You… You look so beautiful, baby. Absolutely angelic.” He shook his head and slid his hands down to grasp your own, stroking your knuckles with his thumbs. That’s when he noticed the rest of the house and the decorations you had put around the living room. 
“You did all of this for me?”
You chuckled at his question and pulled him in by his hand. “Of course. I wanted it to be special.” 
You began to lead him to the dining room when he stopped walking, halting you in your step. 
“Wait, wait, I don’t feel right being the only one not dressed up.”
“It’s just the two of us, Myeon, it’s okay,” you giggled. 
He pouted and shook his head, backing up toward his luggage by the door and grabbing it all at once. “Nope, if you’re gonna get all pretty for me then I need to look nice for you, too. I’ll be right back!”
You quickly followed him into the bedroom and whined. “But Myeonnie,” you dragged it out cutely, “we need to have dinner.”
He stopped digging in his suitcase to look up at you with round eyes. “How much time do I have?”
You looked at the clock and the reminder you set for the food, rounding it to about fifteen minutes before everything would be done. He smiled and continued pulling things out of his luggage.
“Perfect! I’ll only need that much. I learned to shower quick, be right back.” He stood and kissed you on the head as he passed you toward the bathroom and you just shook your head. You thought about what he might do to get ready but swiftly pushed that thought aside so you could finish this dinner in time.
Once the food was perfectly cooked, you heated the dishes that you had pre-made and plated everything as nicely as you could. The table was set with his best china and silverware, rose petals scattered around between all of the plates and the tall candles lighting up the space. You had to admit, it looked amazing. You couldn’t help but feel proud and hope that he would like it as much as you enjoyed doing it.
Junmyeon called to you from the bedroom, telling you he’d be right out and to take a seat, which you did willingly. Your legs were a bit tired from standing in the kitchen so long, but it was well worth it for this. Not even a minute later he emerged from the hall and walked into the soft candle light from the table in front of you. Your mouth fell open at the sight of him.
He was all dressed up in a neat black suit, one that seemed to be made for him as it perfectly fit his broad shoulders and worked so nicely with the lines of his body. His dark hair was slicked back neatly to his head and his smooth face glowed in the light. He had even put on dress shoes. Somehow he had managed to make you feel underdressed, even though your outfit would have been perfectly appropriate for the finest restaurant in the city. He was too beautiful to stand. 
From the moment he entered the room his eyes had been locked on yours, but he quickly noticed the table and all of the food as soon as the scent hit his nose. His eyes darted around wildly, taking in the numerous side dishes and the way you set everything up with such detail and care. It took a minute for him to process, thinking about how long this must have taken you on your own and it had his eyes watering instantly. 
When you saw his eyes shine you stood and went to his side immediately, taking his face into your hand and making him look at you. Junmyeon pulled you into him instead and hid his face in your hair, your scent grounding him and keeping him together. He held you with all of the strength and tenderness of the universe, his heart nearly touching yours through your chests.
“You did all this? How…”
You didn’t pull away, only holding him and running your hand up and down his back. “Well I knew how to make a lot of it myself, but I played intern with your mom so I could get it just right. I know it’s your favorite.”
At that, he squeezed you even tighter, letting out a soft sob over your shoulder and taking a minute to gather himself. You rubbed circles into his back and swayed him gently back and forth, waiting for him to speak up when he was ready. 
Rather than words, he pulled away and kissed you sweetly, something quick and light, and looked into your eyes. “You’re so amazing. Thank you.”
You smiled, heart swelling in your chest with his handsome face so close to yours. “Don’t thank me yet, you still have to try it.”
He chuckled and nodded, grabbing your hand to guide you back to your seat. “You’re right, let’s eat then. I can’t wait to.” 
Like a true gentleman, he pushed in your chair and stepped over to his seat across from you, sitting and immediately grabbing his chopsticks. You tried to quell the nervousness in your stomach, a bit anxious because you didn’t want to disappoint if he was comparing it to his mother’s. As soon as the thought came, he took his first bite. You watched his expression carefully and in a second it was melting into one of pleasure. He sighed and shook his head, looking between his plate and you. You giggled and nodded for him to eat some more. He did so eagerly, taking another big bite before he was even finished with the one in his mouth and groaning all the while.
Your chest swelled with love and pride, elated to see the man you adored enjoying the meal you cooked for him. He continued to pick at other sides before sitting back and sighing again. “Baby girl, this is so good,” he sat forward and looked you in the eye, “truly, so good. There’s really nothing you can’t do.” 
The words and intention were pure, but his praise shot straight to your lower half. Hearing his noises and watching him enjoy his food had done something to you, and you had barely touched yours. You suddenly weren’t very hungry for this meal.
Junmyeon seemed to pick up on the shift and questioned you, but you covered it up by saying that you had been taste-testing all day and weren’t as hungry. He smiled and looked satisfied with that answer, so he kept eating until he was full. He had finished what appeared to be two plates worth of food and was glowing even more now. You had to think of something else to stop the inappropriate thoughts flooding your mind, and that’s when you remembered his gifts.
You jumped up from the table, walking to his side and pulling him from his chair to the living room. “Come on, it’s time for gifts!”
He let you drag him to the couch where he plopped down, sitting with his legs spread and looking too inviting. You shook your head and ran to grab his presents, returning with them hidden behind your back.
“Okay, first one,” you chirped and handed the small silver box to him. He took it into both hands and looked around, complimenting your wrapping job and making you even more excited.
You watched his fingers work open the paper on the back, carefully pulling it off and giving you too much time to focus on them. The veins in his hands were prominent as he delicately undid the tape and discarded the paper at his side. Your throat felt a bit dry. 
He finally got to the box and opened it after looking up at you through his eyelashes, head tilted like he was confused. He gasped when he looked inside at the ring shining back at him and snapped his head up to you.
“Oh my, why did you spend this much? Please, you shouldn’t have.”
You giggled and held your hands together in your lap. “Because! Myeon, you always go above and beyond for me, so let me do this for you. It’s fine.”
He looked reluctant, still staring at you with his eyebrows tilted up.
“Besides, it’s not only your homecoming, it’s also Valentine’s Day.”
His expression shifted once you said that and you wondered if he forgot about the holiday entirely. He looked back down to the red box and slowly took the ring from its cushion, slipping it onto his finger with ease and admiring it. 
“Well, thank you. I love it,” he pushed the box to the side and scooted closer to you, pulling your hand into his much larger ones, “but you have to let me do the same for actual Valentine’s day then.” 
You scoffed, scrunching up your nose at him teasingly, but you agreed anyway. How could you say no to that?
“Okay, okay. Next one. This isn’t really something that can be wrapped, so I just put this together so you had something more to open for it.”
He nodded and took the gold gift bag from your hands, pulling out the tissue paper and peeking inside cutely. You smiled, watching as he pulled out the bag’s content slowly, slight confusion visible on his face. 
“Body lotion? How is this not something that can be wrapped?” 
You laughed and bumped his shoulder at his sarcasm. “Yeah, yeah, smart guy. Keep going.” 
He flashed a toothy smile at you and pulled out another bottle and a tool he had never seen before. “Huh? Is this for the bath?” He knew how much you loved baths.
“Not quite. You’ll see.”
That was all you gave him and then you were up again, snatching the things from his lap and making your way into the bedroom. You could hear the heels of Junmyeon’s shoes on the hard floor behind you, following you in. 
“Your second gift is something else I want to do for you,” you smiled, “or with you.”
He tilted his head at you but stayed silent for you to continue. 
You paused. You hadn’t expected him to shower before dinner, so you didn’t have the chance to set up what you needed for this. You wanted to do it while he wasn’t in the room so he could come back and see and understand, but you had to work around that now. Thinking fast, you told him he couldn’t be all dressed up for this and pulled him toward the bed by his tie. 
He was stiff but let you lead him, falling on the bed with a gasp as you pushed him down by his shoulders. His eyes went wide as he watched you sink to your knees in front of him wordlessly.
You tried not to smile at the cute look on his face as you got down and started removing his shoes, busying yourself with the laces and promptly removing his socks. When you looked back up, his eyes had relaxed, but his shoulders were still visibly tense. You climbed up to his level on the bed and straddled his thighs, your dress riding up and revealing more of yours. 
“Relax,” you spoke softly, hands smoothing down his strong shoulders to begin undoing his tie. “You deserve some rest now, you’ve worked so hard for so long.”
His veins were prominent in his neck as he watched your delicate fingers work at removing his clothes. He couldn’t seem to get himself to move or speak.
You bit back a smirk, making quick work of the tie and moving on to his jacket, throwing it with the tie somewhere on the floor behind you. You paused, taking a moment to look at him after so long and noticing the way his white shirt stretched over his shoulders and arms. Had he gotten bigger? You almost whined at the feeling of his chest under your fingers, greedily roaming over every inch you could reach.
He let out a shaky breath, one hand moving to hold your waist and making the skin there burn. He didn’t want to ruin the fragile atmosphere, but he wasn’t sure if this was part of his gift or something else entirely. 
You caught his eye and ran a hand up his chest to his neck, leaning forward to whisper into his ear. “Let me take care of you.”
Junmyeon shivered, nodding once and then tilted his head back to look at you. You avoided his eyes and went straight for the buttons of his shirt, working through each one with precision and speed. Just as quickly, his shirt was discarded and his skin was finally visible to you. Removing his shirt allowed another scent to mix with his cologne and shampoo, his. It was strongest around his neck and chest, and now with it overbearing, you barely kept yourself from burying your nose into it.
It had been so long, too long since you had him like this. Too long since his scent had you surrounded, clouding your senses and only leaving room for him. You were already losing your composure, his slightly tanned skin adding to the mix, glistening and taunting you. You were feeling dizzy for the second time that day.
Junmyeon was watching you, anticipation for your next move causing a flurry in his stomach. He wanted to let you make all of the moves until he knew where this was going, but his hands were aching to touch you. He wasn’t sure he knew how to handle himself after so long. 
You felt around his chest some more, marveling at how toned and large he was. You had almost forgotten. Before you could get stuck in that spot, you lifted yourself off of him and knelt in front of him again. With a gentle touch you started moving your hands up his legs from his calves, squeezing softly where his muscle mass was and focusing on any hard spots and areas that were tense. As you got up to his thighs, they stiffened with your touch, making you look up at him and search his eyes. He looked down at you silently, waiting for your words. 
“This is your gift. But I need these off to get started,” you punctuated your sentence with a sharp tug at his belt and pulled until he was standing. You looked at him to make sure he was still okay with this and you were pleased to see his eyes nearly pleading, begging you not to stop. You pecked his cheek, pulling away before he could suck you in to him and derail your plan entirely. 
Without hesitation you began undoing the buckle of his belt, sliding it out of the loops slowly and letting it drop to the floor at his feet. You were onto his pants in a second, carefully unbuttoning them and pulling down the zipper, holding it away from him so it wouldn’t catch anywhere. Slipping them over his boxer-briefs, you slowly dropped to the floor and pulled them down with you, helping him pull them off over his feet. When you rose again, Junmyeon looked a bit nervous.
“Don’t worry, baby. You don’t have to do anything. Can you lie down on your front for me?” You asked softly, encouraging him with a hand on his forearm and a small smile. He nodded and got into position on the bed, his head turned to the side in an attempt to see what you were doing. You moved away from the bed toward a box you had left close by for this moment. You took out a few things and brought them over to the bed, laying them out by his feet where they weren’t visible to him.
“No peeking. Just relax, close your eyes.”
Junmyeon heard you walking up next to him by the bed but kept his eyes sealed shut. He felt your warm hand on his chin and he lifted his head at your touch, leaving enough room for you to slide something under it. You turned his head and moved it back down where it rested comfortably on the neck pillow you brought. He let his head relax where the round pillow held it without blocking his nose or mouth. Almost like he was getting a — oh. Like the flip of a switch, he got it. He knew what his gift was.
You continued fiddling with things behind him and he tried not to let you see how much he was shaking. You had never done anything like this before, and if he was right, he didn’t know how well he would be able to relax with you touching him like that.
Sure enough, he heard the sound of a bottle being uncapped, but he kept himself from turning around. He heard you shuffling and then heard something fall on the floor far off to his right. Before he could ask any questions, you beat him to it.
“Can I take these off? I have a towel for you, if that’s okay.” Your fingers were prodding at the waistband of his underwear, dangerously close to dipping underneath. He tensed again and nodded, realizing that it wasn’t visible before humming a response.
You hooked your fingers under the fabric and guided his hips up, pulling them down and over his feet to join the rest of his clothes on the floor. He tried not to think of how exposed he was, even though you had seen all of him before. His heartrate was increasing and he could feel your eyes on him before you covered his backside with a warm towel. So he was right.
You could tell he was tense and still confused, so you decided to get straight into it, squeezing the body oil into your hands and spreading it over the back of his legs, working it carefully into his skin and taking your time on his calves. You alternated between his calves and thighs, pressing your thumbs into the pale flesh and making him sigh deeply.
He didn’t even have the time to think before the warm liquid and your hot hands were melting away any coherent thought. You were able to get him to relax instantly, your touch soothing to him and taking over his mind. Right after you started on his legs, the sweet scent of sugar filled his nose and he realized you had lit a candle at some point. He thought again about how much time and effort you put into all of this, and it had his heart full with love for you. All of his senses were overwhelmed by you, and he wanted nothing more than to be able to sit up and kiss you as hard as he could. But he didn’t want to mess up what you had worked so hard for, and he wasn’t sure he had the coordination to do so at this point, so he didn’t move.
You watched as the muscles in his back became more and more relaxed, the ones under your fingers getting less tense with your ministrations. Once you felt it was okay to move on, you climbed up over him on the bed, one leg on each side of him and grabbed the bottle from behind you.
Junmyeon felt the bed dip at his sides, feeling the heat of your body hovering over his and tried to stay relaxed. He heard the cap of the bottle and the feeling of your warm hands followed, rubbing the oil into his back. You started from the small of his back, spreading it upward to his shoulders where you dug your thumbs in a bit harder. He couldn’t stop the moan that escaped him, glad that his face was hidden because it was certainly flushed at this point. You had barely done anything and he was already losing it.
You smirked when you heard the lewd noise from him muffled by the pillow. You were glad to know that this was having a similar effect on him, as you were starting to lose control just looking at his huge back. His shoulders were so warm and broad, the definition of his muscle making beautiful shadows with the light of the candles in the room. You could smell him so strongly and it was driving you crazy. You thought for a second about stopping and just letting him take you then and there, but he was enjoying this, and that’s what mattered most. 
Pushing away your greedy thoughts, you continued to massage deep all across his back, using the technique you had learned from all of your studying. You wanted to make him feel as good as possible and ease all of the stress that had accumulated in the knots in his poor muscles. His reaction to this was even more intense, his back arching under you and a high-pitched noise leaking through the pillow. Heat was starting to pool in your stomach, and you knew this wouldn’t last long for both of you.
He got impossibly wider as his breathing quickened, ribs expanding and making him look huge under you. You couldn’t play this game much longer. You wanted him so bad. You were torn because you wanted to drag it out, you wanted to make him feel good but also to get him desperate and have him wanting you just as much. So you changed course. Pouring more of the oil onto his back, you capped the bottle and threw it to the floor, making him flinch at the sound. Finally, you lined yourself up with him and lowered your body down onto his, your bare chest fitting perfectly into his back and picking up all of the excess oil.
Junmyeon nearly jumped off of the bed as soon as he felt your weight on him, confused and overwhelmed and losing a lot of blood in his head at the feeling of your small body pressed to his. Did you mean to do that? Was this part of it? He stopped questioning when you started to move, sliding yourself up and down his back and making his head spin when he felt your full chest pushing into him. His head was empty. All he could do was lie down and take it. 
You tried not to think too much about what you were doing, focusing on what you had learned from the videos and things you read about these massages. You thought this would be a fun thing to try, but you were losing your patience now and you just wanted him to let go and fuck you senseless. He was tense again, and you could tell he was feeling similar to you. But you wanted to push him to his limit. 
Leaning into him completely, you slid your hands out on both sides over each of his arms, massaging his biceps and rolling your hips lightly into him. You were teasing him now, no longer working with just his pleasure as the goal. It had been too long.
He seemed to pick up on what you were doing, a low rumble sounding in his chest as you worked your hips over his. He was beginning to feel cramped with his front smushed into the bed, his length straining against the mattress. Once he heard your small gasps, he snapped. 
You were caught up in the feeling of your own pleasure when you were flipped onto your back on the bed in a split second. Before you could even process it, he was climbing over you, his knee pushing your legs apart and putting you on display for him. His eyes traced over your curves fervently and had your face burning. He looked so different from the cute, gentle man you had been eating with just an hour ago. He looked a bit crazed — and hungry. It was exactly what you wanted.
He was the first to break the long silence. “I can’t… wait any longer. I know we talked about this but I need you so bad. I can’t take it.” 
You thought back to the conversation you had one of the nights he had free during his service months ago and had come to visit you. You had stopped him from touching you, telling him you wanted to wait until he got out so he wouldn’t have to leave you in the morning. Stupid. That was so stupid. You shook your head, unable to find the words but you wanted him to know you didn’t care anymore. You needed him just as much.
“Please, I don’t want to wait. You’re here now. Please, Junmyeon, take me.”
It was like he expected those words to come from your mouth, his lips crashing onto yours in a second and rendering you thoughtless. You felt his lips everywhere, moving down your neck to your chest, sucking and biting and pulling a string of moans from you. His hands were roaming around you with urgency, like he was trying to be everywhere at once and overwhelm your system. He was fitting himself between your thighs, his bare skin meeting yours and heating up your whole body. You could feel his length poking into your thigh and it had you whimpering pathetically. 
“Junmyeon, please.” That was all you could get out, hoping he would get the point.
He looked up at you and paused to take in the sight. Your eyes were squeezed shut, your mouth falling open to let out your sweet noises. He was so deprived for so long, it was like he forgot what you sounded like. What you felt like. He wanted to take his time and drink you in, taste you on his tongue, but he couldn’t deny you when you were begging so nicely.
“How do you want me, baby girl?” 
You whined at the pet name, grabbing at him and trying to get him to keep touching you. “Like this, I want to see you. Please, I can’t wait-” 
Your words died in your throat when you felt his hot hand run up and down your slit, collecting all of your wetness and coating his fingers with it.
“How long has it been since you last did this?” 
You blushed, looking away and answering truthfully, knowing that if you lied he would take longer. “Maybe a week, not long. I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
He groaned at that, his fingers prodding at your entrance and making your whole body writhe in his hold. He loved how needy you got for him, and loved hearing you say it even more.
But you were growing impatient. You wanted him to skip this, you really didn’t need the warm up after all that. “Myeon, I want you. I’m aching. I’ll be fine, I promise.”
Luckily he didn’t try to press it, accepting your words and quickly moving to give you what you needed. He lined himself up with you, giving a few experimental thrusts over you and covering himself in your essence, before pulling back and finally pushing into you. You lifted off the bed, arms seeking him out and wrapping around his neck to keep yourself steady. You couldn’t believe you had denied yourself of this for so long. Denied him. You wanted him to just let go already.
“Please, Myeon. Fuck me.”
He groaned into your neck, hips twitching and pushing him all the way into you. You couldn’t make a sound, so focused on the full feeling you had forgotten somehow. The feeling you had gone so long without. He stretched you so perfectly and it felt so right, you could almost cry. 
Junmyeon pulled back to look into your eyes, noticing how shiny they were and worrying that he had hurt you. You shook your head and told him you weren’t in pain at all. You needed him to move. He got the message at last and wrapped his arms around to hold you closer. “I’ve got you, baby. I’ll take good care of you now.”
With no more inhibition, he was pulling out of you slowly, only to push back in and start thrusting at a rapid pace. The force of his hips stole all of the air from your lungs and you could already feel that telling feeling in your core building up. His lips were all over you, peppering your face and neck with kisses that felt too loving for the assault he was delivering on your hips. The pleasure was overtaking your senses along with him. All you could process was him, and you were getting close embarrassingly fast.
Junmyeon was struggling to keep himself together just the same. He was trying to pace himself so he could drag it out longer, but he was no longer used to the velvety feeling of you. Your warmth. How perfectly you squeezed around him. His thrusts were quickly growing sloppy and he knew he wouldn’t last if you didn’t finish soon. So he brought one hand down between your bodies, expertly locating your sensitive bundle of nerves and circling it with his fingers.
His movement ripped a moan from your throat, so raw and loud, and you felt the tightness in your core after a few seconds. “Myeon, I can’t-”
“Me too, baby. It’s okay. Let go. Come for daddy.”
Your back arched as your orgasm ripped through you, your whole body trembling and burning white hot. His words swirled in your mind, but you couldn’t hold on to them as the pleasure melted your brain. You couldn’t hear yourself, but your throat felt sore and you knew you were being loud. All you could focus on was Junmyeon’s voice as he finished right after you, spilling into you and making you feel fuller than you’ve ever felt before.
He whispered soft praises into your hair, stroking your head and kissing all over the side of your face. You could have sworn you were ascending. 
“So good, baby girl. I love you so much.”
You tried to say it back but he stopped you, pulling out of you slowly and turning you over to hold you in his arms. Sleepiness weighed heavily on you, no longer being able to fight against its hold now that you had your safe place again. You quickly drifted off in his warm embrace, the last thing you thought of being how glad you were that he would still be there in the morning, now and always.
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baroquebucky · 3 years
fool for you
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bucky just wants to be with you forever
word count: 1.9k
a/n: hi bffs !! hope u are all well <33 pls enjoy this v fluffy one shot inspired by own post :’ ) let me know what u all think !!
You were tired, your eyelids felt heavy and you struggled to pay attention to the tv. Your head falling to the side as you drifted off, eyes shooting open when you realized you were falling asleep. You got up quickly, splashing your face with water and settling back on the couch, rubbing your eyes and focusing on the tv again.
1:57 a.m.
You checked your phone in hopes of a “five minutes away :)” text from bucky, but there was none. You yawned again and changed the channel, flipping through some channels to try to wake you up before deciding to just switch to netflix instead.
You smiled as your favorite show played, nuzzling into the blanket bucky had given you and focusing on the show. The sound of keys rattling woke you up, you hadn’t even realize you had fallen asleep.
“shit” bucky whispered as the door slammed into the wall. “sorry” bucky spoke, apologizing to the wall before dragging his suitcase as quietly as he could. He kicked off his boots and his eyes landed on you asleep on the couch.
“buck?” you mumbled, willing your eyes open. Your vision was fuzzy and you could hear the tv still playing, you moved a little, forgetting you were on the couch and slipped off the edge. You couldn’t even process that you had fallen by the time bucky caught you in his arms, smiling at you.
“hi doll” bucky smiled at you, kissing your forehead gently and easily lifting you in his arm. He turned the tv off and carried you into your shared room, gently placing you on the bed.
“what time ‘s it?” You mumbled, rubbing your eyes and yawning, finally waking up.
“almost 3” he smiled at you softly, rummaging through his drawer and taking out a change of clothes. You nodded as he pulled out a black t shirt and some boxers, walking towards you and kissing your temple.
“I’m gonna shower doll, you can go to sleep” he assured you and you nodded, knowing full well you’d end up waiting up for him anyway.
“don’t slip” you smiled and he rolled his eyes, waving you off with a small smile on his face.
“it was one time!” He groaned before closing the door to the restroom.
You smiled to yourself as you heard the shower turn on, rolling over to your side and closing your eyes. The sleep that had been taking over you earlier was nowhere to be found. You kicked the covers off you and groaned, frowning as you stared at the ceiling. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and scrolled through Twitter for a while, waiting for bucky to finish showering so you could cuddle up to him and fall asleep.
You could feel yourself growing hungry, glancing at the time on your phone you frowned a bit, it was already 3:07 am. you drank some water and tried to fall back asleep, cuddling into your pillow and letting out a soft sigh when you finally got comfortable. Right as you were finally going to sleep bucky opened the restroom door, the sound making your eyes shoot open and heart race. 
“did I wake you?” bucky whispered, a frown on his face as he heard your heart rate quicker than usual. You shook your head with a small smile. He knew you were lying but he didn't say anything, he just threw his dirty clothes in the laundry basket and settled next to you under the covers. He threw his right arm around you, pulling you closer to him and kissing the top of your head. 
“g’night doll” he mumbled and closed his eyes, already falling asleep from how exhausted he was. 
“goodnight buck” you replied softly, closing your eyes and relishing in the feeling of his arm around you. It was silent, with only the sounds of the city flowing through the Brooklyn apartment. 
Then your stomach growled, causing bucky to looked at you with wide eyes and you stifled a giggle. You mumbled a ‘sorry’ before closing your eyes again, hoping it wouldn't keep growling. 
You were wrong. Your stomach was relentless, and finally you got up, slipping from Bucky grasp and scurrying into the kitchen to find something to eat. Bucky felt your absence almost immediately, he opened his eyes and frowned, getting up and making his way into the kitchen. 
“didnt mean to wake you angel” you apologized as he walked towards you. He shook his head and wrapping his arms around you, letting his chin rest onto of your head. His eyes fluttered closed as you relaxed into him, your arms snaking around his waist and leaning your head against his chest. The sound of the microwave made you pull away from him, grabbing the hot cup of Mac and cheese and setting it on the dining table, Bucky soon following you and sitting next to you. 
“now im hungry” he frowned and you laughed, giving him some of your Mac and cheese which he gratefully ate. Within minutes the small bowl of Mac and cheese was empty, the two of you still hungry.  You stared at bucky, a small smile creeping onto both of your faces. You were both thinking the same thing. 
“no we shouldn't” you shook your head and bucky agreed. 
“yeah no its almost 4 we should get to bed” he replied, you both got up, making eye contact before bursting into a fit of giggles and smiles, heading straight towards the kitchen and definitely not bed. You pulled your phone out and put on some music. 
“you were thinking about French toast right?” you asked and bucky smiled, already opening the fridge for the ingredients, you grinned and you opened the pantry to get the other things you needed. You both sang along to the music softly, swaying to the beat. 
As bucky made the mix you grabbed the bread and two plates, heating up the pan and putting some butter on it, letting it melt. You moved easily in the kitchen with bucky, ever since you had moved in together everything just seemed to work for you guys. 
As you dipped the bread into the batter before putting it in the pan. Turning to bucky and using the spatula as a microphone, singing along to some 40s song you had added for bucky. You smiled as he took the spatula from your hand, setting it down and grabbing your hands, dancing along to the song. 
Bucky had the brightest smile on his face as you followed his lead, letting him twirl you around as the song played. You looked up at him as he danced with you, meeting his light blue eyes. Your eyes met and bucky couldn't stop himself. 
“I can't wait any longer oh my god” he rushed out, letting go of you and rushing back into the bedroom, leaving you along in the kitchen. 
You frowned, did you do something wrong? You focused back on the French toast, flipping the slice so it wouldn't burn before placing it on Buckys plate. You frowned as you looked for the powdered sugar. Realizing you hadn't taken it out you turned around to get it, your back to the bedroom door. As you searched for it your mind raced, was he breaking up with you? Was he just really tired?
Meanwhile Bucky was rummaging through all his drawers, wondering where the hell he put the ring he picked out with Steve seven months ago. His heart was racing as he heard you cooking the french toast, confused as to why he left you. Finally he found the black velvet box in the back of his sock drawer, smiling as he ran back out to meet you in the kitchen. 
Bucky saw you facing the drawer, so he wasted no time sneaking up behind you and getting down on one knee silently, opening the small box to reveal the ring. 
You finally found the powdered sugar, opening it and turning around. You turned quickly, eyes immediately landing on bucky, right in front of you. 
On one knee. With a ring.
You dropped the powdered sugar, causing it to land all over you, bucky and the ring. Your hands flew to your mouth as he smiled at you brightly.
“are you joking? this is a joke right?” you questioned and bucky shook his head, still on one knee despite having powdered sugar all over his shirt. 
“y/n I love you so much, I wanna spend forever with you. Everything feels so right with you I just- its like we’re just meant to be, I can't imagine a life without you. I wanna make you happy, I wanna travel the world with you, I wanna dance in the kitchen at 3 am and make French toast at ungodly hours with you for the rest of my life” he rambled, you felt your ears burning as he continued, your mind still processing that he was actually proposing. 
“-I love how competitive you are and how excited you get over anything and everything, I just love you so much-” he cut himself off when he looked at you for the first time since he started rambling, smiling softly up at you as you looked at him, fondness in your eyes and a tear rolling down your cheek. 
“will you marry me?” he spoke, breathless. 
Never in your life have you nodded so quickly. 
“yes, of course yes” you whispered and bucky smiled, jumping to his feet as you cupped his face, crashing your lips onto his, smiling into the kiss. You pulled away with a sniffle, smiling as he took your hand and slid the ring on, he blushed at the sight of it. 
You looked at each other with a smile, kissing once more before you realizing the french toast was cold by now. You pulled away quickly, grabbing the powdered sugar bag from the floor and sprinkling some lightly on your plates. 
“sorry about all that” you laughed, motioning to the powdered sugar all over the two of you and the floor. Bucky just grinned, waving it off as the two of you ate the French toast, a smile never leaving either of your faces. Both pf you giggling as the sun came up and birds began to sing. 
Not long after you finished Bucky cleaned up your mess, you changed into one of his t shirts and slipped into bed, a smile on your face as he walked into the room, taking his shirt off and slipping out of his sweats before moving into bed next to you. 
You wasted no time as he laid on his back, moving his arm so you could rest your head on his chest. He cradled you gently as you got comfortable, kissing the top of your head once you settled in. 
“love you so much angel, can't wait until we get to spend forever together” you mumbled with a smile on your face, already drifting off to sleep. Bucky smiled at your words, letting his fingers run through your hair. 
“and I love you more than yesterday” he whispered, “but less than tomorrow.”
Bucky meant his words. He meant them with everything he was. He fell in love with you everyday. He always found himself falling deeper and deeper, but he never complained. Now could fall in love with you for the rest of his life.
1K notes · View notes
violetnotez · 4 years
HC: Seeing Them Shirtless for the First Time | JJK
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Should I be getting ready for work? Yes, yes I should be 💀
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
Music Genre: Rock | JJK
Characters: Gojo, Itadori, Megumi 
Warnings: cursing, suggestive content
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
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Shop Owner Note: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS ONE-Gojos in particularrrrrr
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The first time you saw Gojo shirtless was during your first time being intimate with him.
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Gojo was just-perfect. You honestly couldn’t describe him any other way...yeah, he could sometimes be a pain in your ass with his boyish antics, but that somehow adds to that special charm he possesses. Even now, with his hands pinning yours above your head, lips molding into yours in a lustful heat, he was smiling as if he was having the time of his life. Gojo moved down from your lips, finally allowing you a second to breathe, instantly finding a spot on your neck, sucking and licking the skin as if his life depended on it. The sensation was overriding your system, your throat desperately trying to release a groan from the overwhelming sensation, intense heat traveling through your core. You felt him find the spot you were most sensitive in, that held back groan finally being stolen from your swollen lips. Embarrassment burst into your stomach, your knuckles tightening as you shifted to to the side, desperately trying to hide your face from making such a lewd reaction.
You felt Gojo chuckle against your skin, the vibration sending a shock wave throughout your spine and limbs. “Ah, Cmon doll, don’t be so shy,” he cooed, a devilish smirk encasing his features, “I like it when you make those little sounds for me.........and only me, right?” It was a taunt, a trap, and he knew it-if Gojo Satoru was anything, he was always confident in his abilities. And his ability to completely be able to control you, to keep you by his side, was no exception. Any other day, when you were thinking clearly you would Probabaly retort back with a back handed quip that would make him chuckle. But right now, with your head buzzing with adrenaline and only the thought of the way his skin felt against yours, his kisses burning into your flesh and the pulsating heat in your core...you just wanted him.
“Only you,” you whispered, voice wavering with nerves and adrenaline as your digits found the edge of his shirt, craving for more of his skin against yours. Gojo chuckled again, the sound warm and rich like molasses. Yet, his hand since again were on top of yours, now halting you in your pursuit of undressing him. “You really wanna do this doll? I’m not against it, not at all, but you dont have to-“
“I want to,” you interjected, face flushed with desperation, eyes wide with lust, “I want to so badly Gojo...I want you.” Gojo’s chest tightened at the words, a feral need exploding in his chest-god, the times he dreamed of this day and it’s finally happening...you were just too adorable, your hair tosseled from the heated make out sessions, lips puffy and skin so warm, your eyes practically begging him to devour you. How could he deny you that luxury, especially since you wanted it so much? He leaned in to your lips, digits tracing your skin in designs only he could imagine. He pulled away, mere centimeters from your skin. “You sure little one?” He asked again, using the nickname he gave you that always made you roll your eyes with a smile. It did just the trick, making you giggle at the name as you looked to the side-“I’ve always been ready, ya know.”
“Oh really?” He teased, that delicious smirk gracing his features. He leaned away from you, sitting up in the bed. “Well, I’m not too sure about that....” His digits wrapped around the hem of his shirt near his neck, pulling the fabric over his head and tossing it to the corner of his room. Gojo shook his hair out slightly, making the tendrils look even more chaotic than before. You felt your chest tighten by the sight of Gojo shirtless....you had imagined many times before, but seeing the real thing was way different, and way better. Gojo was built as perfectly as his personality, each muscle taught and visible in his abdomen and arms, the veins in his hand even more noticeable in the lighting. You gulped, staring at the way his sweatpants accentuated the dips of his hips, following down to the waist band of his boxers peaking out from his sweats.
Gojo noticed every gesture you made, loving how you drank in his form as he hovered over you. “Why don’t you take a picture-itll last longer,” he said as he leaned into your ear, earning a playful eye roll form you. He chuckled at your reaction, leaning back into your body, hands trailing the side of your waist. “Well if you’re not gonna take a picture....I don’t think it’s very fair that I’m the only one shirtless here....” your felt his digits find the hem of your shirt, teasingly tracing your skin under from underneath..
“So how about we change that, hm?”
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The first time you saw Itadori shirtless it was by pure chance- He just cant seem to remember to bring a spare tshirt into the bathroom when he showers.
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Yuuji cant seem to understand why your so flustered- he is so adorable and innocently oblivious its almost painful. Especially when he comes out of the bathroom from a shower, cotton candy pink hair still dripping with water droplets, slick adomen in full view, the “V” of his hip bones partially exposed from the band of his sweatpants. You just wanted to have a chill movie night with your boyfriend-but how can you think about choosing between a horror or a comedy when you have that in front of you? You gulp down a ball of saliva as Itadori casually talked about the different options of films, rummaging through his drawers for a clean shirt as if this was all a normal event-which it was not. Your eyes were glued onto him, drinking in every deifned dip and curve and trying to hold yourself back from thinking about...other ways this cozy date could end up....
But Yuuji knows you like the back of his hand....he knows when something is wrong with you, and you most deinfitely are not your self right now. He instantly begins to ask you questions, voice softly laced with worry. You reassure him your fine, really, but Itadori knows you way too well. He gently raises your chin with his pointer and middle finger, forcing you to look into his eyes. Your breathe gets hitched in your throat, brain suddenly and unbelievebaly clouded from being so so close to him, now knowing that the boyfriend you love so dearly looks like a damn god under his clothing making your heart ram against your chest. His voice was comforting and warm, eyes scanning your face for any sign of sadness or even maybe sickness. 
“Whats on your mind?” he asks gently, trying to coax a response out of you so he can put his worries at ease....until he hears the words “your abs”, blurt out of your mouth at warp speed, your tone dazed and then immediately embarrassed, horror on your face for saying soemthing so honest. He blinks a few times, clearly not expecting that to come from you....but he would be lying if he didnt say he enjoyed it once it set in. A warm chuckle tumbles out of Itadori, that bright boyish grin plastered on his face. He really didnt mean to make you so flustered,..but he’s not complaining
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The first time you saw Megumi shirtless was by force-he just hates being taken care of when he’s hurt.
Crimson red clumped against Megumi’s face, sticky and smeared glimpses of his pale skin glowing under the moonlight. His hair was matted down to his face from the slashes oozing out of his head, suit was slashed to bits, his ribs were killing him, and he had a limp on his left leg...but he was fine-honestly. Or that’s what he was trying to tell you...but you wouldn’t listen to a single second of the bull crap he was trying feed you. He was conflicted with emotions-on one hand, it almost annoyed him how utterly selfless you could be for him. It was 1am, the moon on its highest peak in the sky, and you were willing to play nurse for him....but on the other, it warmed him up inside that you did care so much. If he would allow himself to dwell on that emotion, he would admit-that it was .... nice....to have someone take care of him for once. He was used to bandaging each wound on his own, cleaning and disinfecting the soon to be battle scars, hissing to the walls at the pain it caused him. But with you there, you were soft, so gentle with him. Your touch was like a second adrenaline rush for him-you had yourself cradled in his lap, the skin of your thighs barely crazing his tattered uniform. Hands gently positioning his hair, pushing the wispy jet black strands away from the wounds.
“I can do this on my own,” he retorted quietly, his voice a few octaves lower from fatigue. “I bet you could..” you completely ignored him, continuing to busy yourself with closing a scrape on his skin with butterfly bandages. “-but why would I let you?” Megumi felt his breath hitch, taking a sharp breath in....any type of annoyance he felt with you being so god damn persistent instantly left his body, the only thing he can focus on was how much he loved your selfless nature-even if it could be annoying at times. But the instant he took in that deep breath, he felt a deep, guttural pain in his side, making him groan before he could stop it from spilling out of his mouth. That soft gaze you had turned to worry, your hands wrapping around his face, thumbs running smooth circles on his pale skin. “Your hurt....we’re going to need to-“
“N-no, I-“Megumi stuttered out, obviously flustered by the prospect of you seeing him so bare. “I-I’m fine. I can do this on my-“ his voice was stern and cold, yet the wavering tone made any attempt of sounding firm go invalid. You gave him a small smile, your fingers still running circles against his skin, making him look at you with nervous eyes. “Megumi, you are not fine,” you stated calmly, with eyes that simply said the opposite-you were genuinely worried for him. “please...you could have broken a rib, or done soemthing to cause a lot of damage...please, Megumi, I don’t want you to be in pain anymore.” You were asking him, pleading with him, and it broke Megumi in his core-he just couldn’t stand to see you look that scared for him of all people. Megumi sighed, eyes drifting down to the floor in hopes you couldn’t see his embarrassment as he gave in to you.
You helped Megumi shuffle out of his uniform, opting to cut it with some scissors halfway (as it was tattered to shreds already). Both of you were quite nervous...in your relationship, you had never down anything that would warrant for you to see each other’s body’s. So you being able to see him without a shirt felt like a huge step, even if it wasn’t such a big deal to an outsider. Once the fabric was finally off, you both sat in silence, your minds reeling. You knew Megumi was fit, but seeing exactly how much that work paid off brought heat flooding your body, your eyes focused on the way his breath contracted and relaxed his muscles, the moonlight catching the divots of his lower abdomen deliciously. Pale white Scars littered his skin from training, making his body even more mysterious to look at. Each scar was a story, some sort of battle, a lesson he had to learn...you wanted to learn about each and every one. Your hand felt drawn to them, digits slowly checking for signs of bruising, purposefully tracing those scars in order to burn them to memory. Fushigori was practically panicking, desperately trying to keep his heartrate lowered, the cool night air biting at his heated skin as your digits traced against his sides. You were only trying to detect the spots that could be damaged on his abdomen...but damn was it firing something inside him. He was feeling more comfortable like this, just relishing the feeling of your skin on his.
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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simpforhoon · 3 years
just you. (p.js) *ೃ༄
pairing: soft dom! jay × female reader
genre: smut, fluff, soulmate au! kind of angsty it has a happy ending I swear (praise, making out, protected sex, oral (f-receiving)).
summary: in a world where everyone gets the name of their soulmate tattooed on their wrists when they turn 18, finding out your best friend is your soulmate was not how you planned your 18th birthday to go. now, what’s so bad about that you might ask? you see, jay despises the thought of soulmates. but maybe he doesn’t despise them so much when it comes to you.
please note, this work is purely that of fiction. and not meant to represent what the enhypen members are like in real life.
A/N: guys no why am I so soft,, anyway I’ve been wanting to write this for a while now, so I hope you enjoy!! and I'm reposting this now, as this didnt get a lot of notes on my old account cause of all the reporting and stuff!
word count: 3.4k
warnings: mentions of heartbreak, crying, mentions of food.
1 week ago
you bit your nails as you paced up and down your room, a nervous habit you’d picked up in your junior year of high school whilst dealing with the tremendous stress and pressure school put on you. well lucky for you, you had graduated now and your 18th birthday was just around the corner. specifically, exactly a week from now.
your best friend jay sat on your bed staring at you with amusement written all over his face as he quietly observed you, before moving up to stop you and pull your hands away from your face. “you’re going to wear yourself out” he mumbled softly, pulling you to sit next to him and rubbing your shoulder in a comforting manner.
“I know I know, I’m just nervous, what if they’re all the way on the other side of the world? or even worse, what if they’re someone I know??” the panicked expression on your face was seemingly too much for jay to handle as before you knew it, he had almost rolled off your bed, laughing his ass off at you.
you see, your “dearest” best friend jay never believed in soulmates. he himself never actually got a name on his wrist, a sign that his soulmate had not reached the age to get theirs. to say he was ecstatic would be an understatement as he was at a party that very night, hooking up with a random girl before going over to your house the next morning with a massive hangover and a sullen expression.
it hurt you to see him that way, hooking up with random people, praying that he wouldnt run into his soulmate. and it hurt even more when you thought of how his soulmate was probably so excited to meet him even if they didn’t know him yet.
if only you knew where you would be a week later, wishing it was you who never met him.
present day
the time on your phone read 11:57, and jay had shown up to your house at exactly 11:30, punctual as always, giving up his usual saturday night parties to spend the night before your special day with you instead. he held your hand in his, one thumb running up and down the expanse of your knuckles soothingly, the only thing grounding you in the tense moments before what was basically the biggest moment of your life. your eyes never met his once, only flickering from the clock to your wrist every few seconds, almost as if it would appear before time if you stared long enough.
12:00 a.m.
it was almost as if everything stopped in that moment as the words appeared on your skin. the crickets stopped chirping, that one car alarm outsode your house stopped beeping and both you and Jay stopped breathing, even if it was just for a few seconds. one by one, letter by letter, black ink slowly trailed up the soft skin on your clean wrist, marking your skin for the rest of eternity. you watched with bated breath as tbe letters curved their way into your skin, into your soul.
“P-A-R-K” looks like your soulmate would have the same last name as your best friend. “J-O-N-” that was when the realisation of what was about to happen dawned upon you. “no, no, no, no” was all you could think. “this wasn’t supposed to happen”
meeting jay’s eyes for a split second, you could see the shock on his face, the same shock you knew was written all over your face at that very moment. yanking your hand out of his warmer one, you stared at the 2 words displayed on your wrist. “park jongseong” you whispered as a one lone tear ran down your cheek, falling to you chin before disappearing into the soft material of your sweater.
this prompted jay to push up his own sleeve, the words that seem to have appeared on his wrist confirmed what you both already knew by that point. jay park, your best friend since you were 5, your rock, your everything, was your soulmate. if the situation were anything but this, you would have been jumping for joy, ecstatic that your soulmate was the man you’d grown up with your whole life. but unfortunately, that was not the case.
“_______” he whispered, voice hoarse as he held your hand in his again. gripping it tightly this time so you wouldn’t be able to let go this time. not that you wanted to anyway. “jay” you whispered back, attempting to smile at him, despite the tears that were threatening to overflow at any moment. “I-I need time to think” he said, so softly, his eyes full of nothing but remorse. “I understand jay, take your time, don’t rush okay?” you replied, squeezing his hand in reassurance. he wistfully smiled at you one last time as he pushed himself off your bed and walked out of your bedroom, closing the door with a small ‘click’, leaving you alone in the darkness of your room, mind racing and wondering what were you were going to do with this newfound information.
you fell asleep after much tossing and turning, your mind full of nothing but jay and his name that was now tattooed into the inside of your wrist. you were woken up by the bright smile of your parents, you mother holding a plate of pancakes and wishing you a happy birthday. the sight alone was enough to make you burst into tears as you wrapped your arms around her, seeking her familiar scent and comfort after the rough night you had. your parents seemed shocked, but did not press you to open up, wrapping their arms around you as they attempted to comfort you.
your mom was no foolish woman, as she seems to have caught on to what was bothering you on your special day. “its about your soulmate isn’t it?” she asked as she placed a glass of your favourite chocolate smoothie in front of you, wiping her hands on her apron. you looked up at her, disbelief written all over your face as she chuckled at you. “how did you know?” you asked as she smiled slyly at you. “I have my ways, and besides, I’m your mother” she replied with a wink. you groaned, dramatically resting your head on the counter as she laughed and gave in. “I saw jay walk out of your room last night with tears streaming down his face, and considering you woke up crying too, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what went down there”.
“you should talk it out with him sweetie, he’s not just your soulmate, he’s your best friend. despite how he feels about this whole fate thing, I’m sure the both of you will be okay.” her words reassured you as you grabbed your backpack, and walked through your front door. not even 2 minutes later you heard the biggest scream and you were tackled into a hug. giggling, you wrapped your arms around the taller boy as he squeezed you tightly. “happy birthday ______!” he said as he let go of you and continued your walk to school. “thanks sunoo” you said, smiling at the younger boy who had the biggest grin on his face.
“soooooo” he began, looking at you with an expectant expression on his face. you pursed your lips, already predicting the question that was due to escape his mouth any second from now. “jay” you said, cutting him off before he could even open his mouth. “JAY?!?!!?” he said, a little too loudly, mouth agape as he processed the information. you shrugged as he linked his arm with yours, understanding that you didnt want to talk about it.
luckily, no one pressed you about your soulmate for the rest of the day, warded off by sunoo’s glare the moment they looked like they were going to ask. you sat next to jay in all your classes, the atmosphere tense and awkward between the two of you. everyone seemed to have figured our what happened by that alone, your normally boisterous voices muted and soft. you went out after school with sunoo and riki, your mood heightened by the laughs and jokes of the two bickering boys.
when you got home, the house was eerily quiet, your parents nowhere in sight, all the lights turned off save the one in your living room. and there on the sleek grey sofa sat Jay, looking down at his hands as he anxiously played around with the rings he always wore. your footsteps alerted him of your presence, as he shot up off your sofa to greet you with a crooked smile on his face, black hair sticking up in every direction.
you smiled at him, already preparing yourself for the worst, as he walked towards you. “your parents have gone out, they handed me the keys and told me to come and talk to you if I wanted, and-” he cut himself off in the middle of his sentence, taking a deep breath and holding your hand. here goes nothing he thought. “I want to try. this whole soulmate thing I mean. maybe i wouldnt be this way if it was anyone else, but it’s you, my best friend, and I don’t want to lose you.” he mumbled out the last part, but it was still clear enough for you to hear. you couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face at his words, his own face breaking out into a grin at your expression. you reached up on your tippy toes to wrap your arms around his neck as his hands went around your waist.
he buried his face in your hair, your soft vanilla scent calming his racing heart, and that was when he realised how much you really meant to him. he loved when you would always being him snacks after soccer practice, he loved when you let him lay his head on your lap and you ran your hands through his hair, he loved seeing the expressions you made when you ate his food, he loved you.
“I made something for you” he said, pulling away from your embrace, leading you to your kitchen and making you sit down on the counter. he grabbed a plate of your favourite pasta and a fork before lifting up a mouthful and holding it out to feed it to you. you smiled, wrapping your lips around the fork as the flavours exploded in your mouth. “oh my gosh, this is good, you’ve really outdone yourself.” he smiled at the complement before pressing a kiss to your cheek and muttering a little “happy birthday love”, leaving your face feeling hot and an uncontrollable smile on your face.
the rest of the evening went by in hin feeding you food and taking a few notes of it himself, lots of little cheek kisses, before the two of you settled down on the couch to watch a movie. it seemed like jay had gotten over his awkwardness as he pulled you to sit between his legs the moment the movie started. you looked back at him in shock, wondering when he got so bold before he pressed a kiss to your lips and told you to focus on the screen.
it might not have been the perfect first kiss, but it was with jay and that was enough. he played with your hair throughout the movie, and moved it aside at one point, pressing little kisses along the expanse of your neck. it was when he landed his lips on one particular spot that you let out a little noise, one you never even knew you could make that made him sit up a little straighter.
it was almost as if a switch flipped within him as he tightened his grip around your waist, one hand slipping up your hoodie to caress the skin near your waist. “I didn’t know you could make such pretty noises baby” he whispered in your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. “well i didn’t know i could either” you whispered back, the realisation of what was about to happen making your body feel like it was on fire.
“are you sure you want this? we don’t have to do anything you dont want to sweetheart” he said, pulling away with a kiss to your cheek. you shifted so that you were facing him, legs wrapped around his waist and you reached your hands up to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I’m sure jay, theres no one I’d rather do this with than you.” that was all the affirmation he needed, as within seconds you were being dragged to your bedroom by an overexcited jay.
he pressed you up against your room door, hands coming up to lift your thighs and wrap them around his waist, your core meeting his very obvious bulge. taking advantage of the gasp that left you, he allowed his tongue to skip into your mouth, taking control of every aspect of the kiss. pulling away, he brought you to your bed, gently letting you down onto the mattress, and reaching up to pull your hoodie off you.
“so beautiful” he whispered as he reached behind you to pull your bra off, before lifting his own arms to pull his own shirt off, leaving his body on display for you. just for you. he reached down to tug one of your nipples into his mouth, gently sucking and wrapping his tongue around the sensitive bud, his actions leaving your mouth open in a silent moan.
within minutes, both of you were left completely naked as jay continued to trail his lips down your body, pressing little kisses to your inner thigh before his mouth finally met your core, the smallest motion of his lips leaving you breathless and squirming. “stay still sweetheart, good girls don’t move around so much”. his words sent vibrations spreading throughout your body, not doing anything to help with the heat that was coursing through your veins.
his tongue delved in and out of your dripping hole, one of his hands rubbing your clit while the other held your legs open for him. “jay- i- I’m gonna-” but he was gone the moment the words fell from your mouth. and he was a sight to see. your juices mixed with his, drool and spit dripped down his chin, as he ran his tongue over his lips with a smirk on his face.
“oh so the baby wants to cum? don’t worry love, I’m going to make you feel so good”. he reached into his jacket and pulled out a condom before rolling it on and lining himself I with your entrance. he grasped your chin gently, pulling you up to look at him and planting a loving kiss on your lips. “I love you so much sweetheart, so so much” he whispered, pulling away from your lips. “I love you too jay” you said back, watching as he smiled once, before intertwining your hands and then, pushing himself into you.
nothing had ever felt as good in that moment as he gently, softly pushed himself inside. the feeling was euphoric, having your soulmate inside you in such an intimate manner. your bodies moulding together perfectly, bursts of colour lighting up the back of your eyelids as your eyes closed at the feeling of him in you. he began thrusting in and out of you slowly, not wanting to hurt you. but at your signal, he began moving faster, groans and moans escaping both your lips, finding pleasure and love in each other.
it didn’t take long for you to reach your high at all, his length hitting you in all the right places, leading you to ride out your high much faster than you expected, jay following soon after. he finished inside the condom, reaching out to pull it off and throw it away, before walking to your bathroom and grabbing a wet cloth to clean you up with.
he was greeted with the sight of your tired smile as he returned, gently cleaning you before tossing the rag and gathering you up in his arms, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “does this mean you’re mine now?” he asked, reaching down to bury his head in your hair, his hands absent-mindedly tracing shapes and figures on your bare shoulder. “it does if it means you’re mine too”. he smiled at your response, pulling the blanket over the two of you as you drifted off to sleep in the arms of the one person who would stay with you forever.
thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed and I hope you drank enough water today! ♡♡♡
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twatshag · 3 years
Warnings: SMUT, DADDY KINK, edging, established relationship with !TIMESKIP! Suna rintaro
[11:30 PM]
You sighed while rolling your eyes as you put your phone down by the night stand. "Stupid fucking bet." You hissed.
If you were going to see another glimpse of a half assed 'good luck 🤭" message from your groupchat you might as well just throw your phone out your window.
I mean why were you doing it anyway? paying up to 360¥ per person Just because your best friends all made love with their boyfriends and you don't, doesn't make your sex life with Suna any less intimate and loving.
He knew what you liked and what you didn't like and that was enough proof right ?
No you wanted to shut their faces up and shock your boyfriend by just letting him relax and show you his love physically.
As funny as it is to say but Suna isn't the one who keeps fucking you shitless because, god does he try to take it slow with you. To show you his love through physical intimacy but you 'always want to be a damn brat' as he always says.
Always telling him that you need more of him, you beg him to go faster, to show you stars. For him to have his way with you. But sometimes he wishes to just kiss you deeply while giving you slow strokes for hours, appreciating your beautiful face and the way it shifts when he glides against your g-spot. He wants to be the only one who sees you like this.
But he didn't mind he was grateful for your beautiful fucked out face. The way you moaned his name was enough to make your wishes his command.
He'd always describe it as "bribing" or "straight up black magic" with the way you had him wrapped around your little finger.
Sometimes he would huff and pout after sex and tell you how he was excited to make love to you but you had to use "your black magic/bribing" mechanisms and ruin a sappy loving moment.
What a dork you smiled as you thought about him. Speaking of the devil there he was. The man responsible for you limping to your idiotic best friends when you all agreed to hang out, going to his games, going out of his games. The man responsible for you limping in general really.
Everyone thought he was the mean dom who just won't accept to fuck you less rough because he wants to have you corrupted but you both knew who really was the one responsible for your limping.
Suna smiled as he walked into your shared room locking eyes with you as his own laced with worry. Drying his hair from his shower. Abs on full display only wearing boxers.
Thank the gods for such a sexy boyfriend you thought.
"You wanted to talk princess ?" The bed dipped down as he sat next to your figure and he opened his arms for you so that he got a head start that you wanting to talk wasn't you breaking up with him.
Humming in response you snuggled closer to the 193 cm man and kissed his neck burying your face against his chest.
"Yeah, I wanted to ask you something." His hand now in your hair scratching your scalp and kissing the top of your head responding with a small "Hm?" Against your soft hair.
You looked up at him pulling away softly while biting your lip. he looked down at you, love and adoration lacing his eyes as he stared in yours smiling while still scratching your scalp softly. "Do you want to..well, make love to me?"
With that said his movement comes to a halt with wide eyes. last time you said something like this it ended up with him breaking the bed with you and he gave you the silent treatment for 5 hours because "you were a damn brat and had to fuck it up last minute." As he stated.
He rolled his eyes and flicked your forehead and pushed you off him softly. "Not falling for this again y/n."
As he got up and decided to finish getting dressed or he might just give in to your little games again.
"Rinnnnn I'm serious! I really want you to make love to me !!" You pouted following him like a lost puppy into the open closet.
He sighed as he searched for his sweats. "No, I am not going to do this again." Brushing past you to look in the other collection. You groaned mentally cursing yourself for always ruining a beautiful moment.
You whined as you hugged his bare back "But daddy-" oh at that ? He was listening he turned his head and body to face you faster than the speed of light. Because last time you did this you didn't call him daddy and you totally didn't sound as whiney as you do now.
He smirked at you "mm?" He leaned forward a bit just so you were at kissing height. "Daddy what? Princess?" You gulped already wet at the way his eyes sparkled with lust.
"I..want you to make love to me..daddy." suna loved seeing you like this. He loved seeing you beg for him. But there was something about fucking you so painfully slow for your own pace and stopping just when you finally feel that you're cumming made him harder than iron.
Smirking smugly he closed the 2 cm gap between the two of you, kissing you softly. Resting his forehead against yours.
"Okay, I'll play with you bunny. But are you sure you can take it?" You nodded against him "Yeah, I've taken worse before" he chuckled yeah that was your causing though he thought.
"Alright then lead the way pretty girl." Smiling sheepishly you grabbed his hand and interlocked your fingers with his and pushed him in the bed as you stripped.
He smirked at the sight of your skin becoming exposed by the mili-second. Wow you really wanted him to do it huh? He thought.
You got on top of him as he grabbed your waist settling you nicely on his hard member.
You moaned at the contact and kissed him hungrily as he smiled against your devouring.
Pulling away just as you were enjoying yourself, whimpering at the loss of his warmth. "You know that, when you want to attempt to make love you're supposed to kiss slowly and not try to eat my face up right?" He chuckled flipping you as you're now under him as he kissed you slowly and lovingly shutting you up from any comeback you had to throw at his statement.
You moaned as he slipped his tongue inside your mouth letting it explore the oh so familiar wetness and warmth.
His hand rested on your thighs squeezing it , moving his hand up slowly to the hem of your knickers letting it slide under the fabric where it rested on your hips.
He groaned against you as you grabbed his hand to show him your wet core through the fabric. Silently begging him to do something about your gushing cunt. But suna had no interest in rushing things.
Pulling away slightly to breathe and hearing you pant under him to move to your neck and give it the appreciation it deserves.
He moved his hand to knead your breast in between his beautiful strong veiny hands softly appreciating its warmth and softness sliding your bra down to pinch and play with your nipples while his tongue dragged against your neck.
You bucked your hips up at his hard member allowing the male ontop of you to groan as he pushed your hips down into the mattress so that you don't ruin his moment of pure body worship.
"Ahgnn- Rinnn" you whined as you desperately clung to his wet hair for grounding. As he sucked and nibbled on your neck making every shade against it.
Leaning in to kiss your earlobe as he whispered against it "shh let me love you pretty girl, I'll give you what you want, greedy baby." He cooed.
His hand reached to unclapse your bra and toss it to the side of the room. He buried his face in to your breast as he sucked and ran his tongue on it. Nibbling on your nipple to ignite the fire in you even more.
At that point you could've sworn you're a burning hungry for more-bonfire.
Moaning at the sudden contact your grip on his hair tightened throwing your head back a bit as he glided his tongue all the way to your earlobe biting softly at the skin and kissing it.
"Tell me what to do bunny hm? Where do you want me ?" His voice so raspy like that you wanted to scream for him to just fuck you right now but that meant losing the promise you made to yourself and your friends or rather the bet. You wanted to do something for him just like he always gives in to your greedy slut needs.
"Whatever you want to do to me daddy I'd accept it I just want to feel loved by you." was suna dreaming ? No he can't be right?
Just how long are you willing to keep this act up? But he didnt care even if it was an act he wants to enjoy it as much as he can while it lasts.
He pulled away as he stared wide eyed at your flushed face and panting figure. "Is that what you want bunny?" You nodded "Are you sure ?" You giggled at his concern as you wrapped your arms around his neck "mhm, one-hundred percent positive" he smirked kissing your lips innocently one last time before he decided to play along.
Oh how you wished it was as innocent as it seemed.
Suna dipped his head as he began to kiss your body down to the upper hem of your knickers biting it down to reveal your wet cunt and let it go as he kissed your clit through the fabric.
Moaning at the warmth against your throbbing core he looked up at you.
Savouring this memory of you in his head forever he decided that it's time to give you what you want.
He is making love to you after all.
He pulled your knickers off you slowly kissing each and every inch of your thighs, inner and outer, your knees, your ankles all the way until you were completely bare under him.
He smiled at your figure silently appreciating it.
"Hey, stop staring its embarrassing." You pouted at him deep shade of pink on the apples of your cheek the sight of you leaving the brunette chuckling as he lowered himself to kiss your lips as he hummed against your lips.
"You know this isn't the first time I see you naked right? And I sure hope it'll never be the last" he smiled as he leaned against you placing a sloppy kiss against your lips. The way he explored your mouth was hungry and full of lust.
He reached to pull your leg up so he had better access to your folds. Playing with your wet core as you let out a whimper against his lips.
"So wet for me, and I barely touched you bunny." Without warning he slipped a finger inside your throbbing hole allowing you to moan at the sudden contact.
It's been so long since you've seen Rintaro, with him on away games all the time your hole shrunk without his thick, long cock stretching you out.
And boy did he love the tightness of your small cunt against his finger. His cock swelled so badly at the feel of your hole clenching on his finger.
But of course suna was in no rush he pumped his finger into you slowly staring at the way your cunt kept swallowing and spitting out his finger.
Lewd sounds coming from your cunt at the action. You grinded against his hand wanting him to do more as he smirked.
"Will you ever let me enjoy one moment of appreciating your sexy body bunny? Why are you so greedy?" Pouting at you he leaned into your cunt as his hot breathe hit your clit.
You wanted to kick him. He was trying to break you so bad he wanted you to beg for him. But you wanted him to enjoy this. Oh boy was he enjoying this. Maybe too much even.
Silently begging for him to do something as if he could read your mind he licked your slit as he fingered you, hitting your spot flat with his finger tip.
Oh did he love tasting you, after all suna is human and even he is greedy sometimes. He wants to always, always taste more of you.
That's exactly what he did. Sucking and licking your clit leaving you a whimpering mess under him.
It boosted his ego so bad. "R-ahhgn-Rin please, god ye-s." You moaned against your orally gifted boyfriend.
Curling your toes as you felt you could literally die from the way he was hungrily handling you right now. He looked up at you, his snake like eyes staring you down enjoying the way your face would shift to various emotions pulling away to harshly spit against your clit perfectly.
As you jolted at the sudden wet 'slap' on your clit he attacked you hungrily adding another finger and curling them both so that they hit your spot perfectly as his tongue swirled onto your throbbing core. He moved your clit around and sucked on it while his fingers stretched you.
Feeling your high already approaching from the over stimulation of his actions you buckled your hips upwards moaning loudly.
"G-ah f-fuck i-m gonna cum Rin d-dont st-op." He was now aggressively thrusting his fingers into you and licking harder against your clit as you felt the knot in your stomach began to loosen the brunette decided to play a little game.
What was it? Oh to edge you. He pulled away as you moaned loudly in irration. "RINNNN.." you whined clearly annoyed at this. He chuckled as he shoved his fingers back into your wet cunt and curled them hitting your spot just like he was doing earlier.
"Shh bunny, be a good girl. Let me play with you." He smirked as you groaned at his statement. continuing to reach your high as he licked your pussy hungrily searching for something. God knows what exactly was he looking for with his tongue attached to your gushing cunt like that.
"Aaahgnn- y-es o-h god y-es Rin y-ehes ahh fuck mhmm, please let me cum ah!" You felt your high approaching once again as if your body was upset too that it didn't release its arousal, this time your body demanded to cum.
You felt yourself shake under suna. He knew what that mean. You were going to squirt and he loved watching you squirt for him but not when he's like this. Not when hes trying to break you first. Just as your wetness interrupted the cream on his fingers he pulled away immediately and looked up at you with his hungry eyes to see your reaction.
[12:10 AM]
Suna edged you as if you were his little pocket pussy for the next forty minutes. You cringed at yet another sign of yet another edge as suna decided to keep playing this dangerous no cumming game.
You let out a whimper and a sob. "F-for fuck's sake st-op edging m-me !" You spat at him as he smirked and got on top of you now face to face with the professional athlete.
"Then tell me what you want, bunny." Suna could do this for hours breaking your walls one by one because he was a sadist. He loved not letting you cum, edging you and frustrating you to point of begging.
You stared into his dark eyes they were gushing out lust. He wanted to fuck you, slow strokes and neck kisses maybe pick up his pace and let you cum on his cock but not today. Nootttttt todayyyyy he thought he wanted you to beg for him. To beg him to ruin you. Just like you always do.
You shifted your gaze blushing deeply at his gaze. "To make love to me suna." You rolled your eyes at him trying to hide your desire for him to just rail you.
He smirked at you "oh yeah? Okay I guess I'll keep eating you out then." He lowered himself but was deemed unsuccessful as you grabbed his face making him look up at you.
"N-no i want you to be inside me.." he smirked at you happy he broke two walls by now. One more to go he thought.
He lowered himself to give you a sloppy kiss, his tongue already on your lips and then your own as he rubbed your swollen clit. Harshly pulling out all the air your lungs saved with his kiss he decided to finally let you breathe again.
"I'll give you what you want bunny." He smirked, sitting up straight, grabbing you by the thighs to pull you closer to him or his swollen cock really.
You whimpered while biting your lip as he brought his cock along side your slit teasing you as if it was asking for entrance.
"Pl-ease j-just put it in- AHGN!" Suna decided to surprise you and push it deep into you without waiting.
Arching your back as his cock hit your cervix perfectly. He always filled you up to the brim.
As you finally thanked the gods for getting the thrusting you deserved suna had other plans.
He was in no rush so he began to kiss you. The lewd sounds of the way he groaned against your lips and tongue swirling aimlessly.
You clenched so roughly around him begging to be fucked and he knew that. But he wanted to hear it from you.
He wanted to edge and tease you as long as it took for you to beg for friction.
"R-in please.." he hummed in response as he sucked on your neck and massaged your breast and adjusted himself so he was in the perfect position to cockwarm you.
"Stop teasing m-ah-Me." He smiled against your breast "hmm? if i recall correctly you said you wanted me to do anything i wanted to do to you bunny. Isn't that right?" he said between kisses and licks you whimpered as he bit your nipples and tugged the sensitive bud between his teeth rolling his hips to tease your spot.
"P-please j-just f-ah f-uck me." you whisper moaned. Ah there it is, suna thought.
truth is you gave up trying to make love with suna along time ago because it never worked out suna was an edger and a teaser. only giving in when you begged him to. And well, you were like putty in his hands and you hated not finishing.
"hmm? i can't hear you princess." he smirked as he contiued rolling his hips sitting up as he stared at your flushed frustrated face. this was gonna end in two ways he told himself.
one> you were going to keep this act up for another 15 minutes until breaking
two> you were going to break right about...
he widened his eyes at the desperation lacing your tone but he smirked because that's exactly where he wanted you. he lowered his face staring intensely into your eyes "I thought you'd never ask." and at that he was thrusting sharply into you.
you yelped at the sudden rush of adrenaline his dick had runting into you. Pain mixing in with pleasure.
Suna was big..Bigger than the average person and if it was possible for him to rip you apart he was doing just that.
you moaned loudly as he grabbed your hips roughly, thrusting into you as if he wanted to kill you with his dick.
"F-fuck you're so tight-ah shit. You damn brat, Always begging me to fuck you like a whore." he knew just how slutty you were for him, for his cock.
he loved to break you, salvoured every moment he got as he broke you. you moaned at his pace and the way his cock was banging against your cervix making you roll your eyes backwards, mouth drooling from the overstimulation.
"God look at your whore face so fucked out already. I love it, No I'm obsessed with it." he leaned in to kiss you deeply. Even though suna's thrusts were the exact opposite of loving his kiss was truly something else.
you panted trying to escape his runting and sharp circles being drawn on the sensitive bundle of nerves by attempting to push him as your hand weakly rested on his toned stomach.
"Sl-ow D-down R-Rin." you whined against his hips.
Suna loves when you tell him to slow down because that is his green card. He had you exactly where he wanted you . He now has full access to fuck you into oblivion.
And that's excatly what he did. He runted into you hungerly making you scream and cling onto him for balance.
nails digging deeply into his back as you threw your head back and he sucked and bit harshly at your neck.
"You take my cock so well princess mhm, you're so good for me. you like that huh ? you like when i fuck you like this huh ? Such a dirty whore for me bunny." sitting up straight to have better access to your spot to thrust into as he wrapped his defined hand around your throat.
"A-h a- oh my - god Ye-s D-daddy Y-es pLea-se yES!" You moaned loudly as he kept his bone crushing pace up. His stamina was insane. For such a lazy person he'd always have enough energy to fuck the hell out of you.
Feeling your hole clench hardly around him he smirked knowing you were going to be cumming soon so he grabbed both of your thighs pushing them against your chest and keeping you in that position.
you laid perfectly for his eyes to see the way your cunt swallowed him whole. "I-m g-on-naaahh- mhhmm - I'm cumming daddy P-lease." your legs were shaking violenty because of the position you were in and the easy access he got to hit your gspot and the spot to allow you to squirt in one go. groaning at the way you clenched and how your walls were like heaven against his cock.
"F-fuck, agnh- You're clenching so hard around me, bunny. Let daddy see you squirt. I wanna see you cum and squirt for me baby." he sucked his bottom lip in as he felt his high approaching the harder you clenched.
he reached to your clit letting your throat go and he began to rub circles as fast as he could and pounded faster in you.
throwing your head back. You saw stars, eyes crossed completely fucked out of your brain moaning loudly as you unraveled and dug your nails deeper into his skin. the knot in your stomach finally broken. as his thrusts got sloppier pulling out to cum on your stomach.
As Suna pulled out once you both came, he shoved two of his fingers inside you curling them and thrusting into your sweet spot mercilessly giving you no room for coming down off your high.
making you shake and try to escape from his fingers he grabbed your hip with one hand silently telling you to take it.
"R-IN AAA-hhhhh P--l-e-aseee S-s-st-AAAAAHHHH" you shaked as you squirted all over his body. he kept shoving his fingers into you trying to rob every little drop of water inside of you.
"Thaaaaat's it baby, that's it let me see you squirt." he finally pulled his fingers out of your poor weak hole after the bed sheets were drenched and so was he.
you panted as your legs were shaking violently bringing your hands to your face to try to come off your high and to process what you just felt.
Suna moved your hands out of the way as your eyes shot open and he smiled at you. "Well? Have we learned our lesson?" you rolled your eyes at him and hit his chest "Shut up, it was your fault that i was so needy!" he chuckled kissing your lips as he said in between kisses "I wasn't the one who said ruin me." "I said shut up".
He pulled your blushing figure into his chest as he cuddled you and lifted your chin up to look at him.
"I love you, pretty baby." making you blush even more he decided that teasing you can be done at anytime just not now. Kissing you deeply as he enjoyed the warmth you raidiated for him.
cuddling you closer as you drifted off to sleep in his arms, vowing to himself that he'll always be the one to make you moan like you did.
[ 12:30 PM]
you groaned at the sharp pain in your legs as you tried to drag yourself out of your bed to the kitchen.
Suna thought you needed all the rest you could take because he knew this would happen.
he smiled at your grumpy figure walking around mumbling curses under your breath as you literally dragged your self around clutching any surface for support as you entered the kitchen.
You felt Suna's gaze on you ignoring his smug stupid smirk that you saw from the corner of your eyes.
"Wow and what happened to you there bunny?" you had about enough of his shit you were limping because of HIM and he had the nerve to ask you about it!
"I really don't want to talk to you right now Suna. You broke my hip."
He chuckled standing up and walking over to your leaning figure against the counter and wrapped his hands around your waist kissing your shoulder and pulling your ass towards his hard cock as your breath hitched.
he brought his lips to your ears letting his breath shiver down your spine. "You know..i think i can readjust your broken hip for you bunny.."
Suna Rintarō was going to be the death of you. But you didn't mind. at least you had him even though each of your friends were now 360¥ richer.
It still didn't matter because he was here and that is all you needed.
A/N: Heyyy sorry yall i've been so busy with exams :( this was inspired by my irl friends LMFAOOO they aint shit i do be freaky but they ain't have to say it like dat..💔 hope you guys enjoyed!!-kira
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Where Were You
1) Dont You Say That....Not you
31) Your Alive
10) Where Were You When I Needed You
Ok so this was originally an ask but I goofed and just posted the prompts. So after saving them and trying to figure out what to write for the longest I have no idea who requested this because they were anonymous (so this is for you Anon if your out there)
Characters: you x Loki
Warnings: angst, fluff at the end, Loki being a slight asshat, hurt reader
Summary: You were Lokis only good thing that had happened in his life but when the hunger to rule over the kingdom gets the best of him and he fails where does that lead you? Your one love gone to never come back.
Announcement: I have been on a much needed LOA and after coming back I have been elbows deep trying to catch up woth everything going on at work. Was the trip worth it? Yes and i had some much needed time off with the fam and the babe. Would i do it again? In a heart beat. Did I miss work? Gods no but I did miss my little tumblr family that i have. So after a good bit of relaxing and my toes in the sand i am back!
I also wanna give a shout out to @high-functioning-lokipath for reading over this MULTIPULE times while I was freaking out about what to do!
Loki Masterlist
"Loki!" You ran after him as he headed to the bit frost. "Please stop! You dont have to do this! You dont have to be someone that your not!"
"See that right there is the problem everyone seems to be having lately. Maybe this is who I am. Maybe this is who I want to be. After all Lady Y/n you are the one that has always told me that i could be anything I want to be. And I want to be king of Asguard." He said turning on you.
"Loki you are smarter than this! You are just upset about finding out who you truly are." You walked up to him and placed your hand on his cheek. You seen him almost give in before snapping back out of it.
"Ah yes, a frost giant? Someone who couldnt be loved by neither the family who abandoned me or the family that took me in." He spit the words at you.
"Loki, I love you. I have always loved you. You know that better than anyone." You grabbed at his emerald green cloak pulling at it causing him to turn around to face you with a cold look. You could tell that all emotion was gone at that point. You took a step away from him.
"You might love me but I have never truly loved you. You were mearly there to keep my bed warm at night" He said stepping closer to you. With the words came a cold creeping into your chest. Pain literally tore through your heart as they slowly sunk in.
You raised your hand and slapped him as hard as you could causing his head to jerk to the side. "Dont you say that, Loki Odinson, dont you dare compair me to one of your whores."
"Get out of my way." He said grabbing you by the shoulders and shoving you to the side. You crumpled to the cold stone floor moving your hand to your stomach as you watched the man that you had loved your entire life walk out the front of the castle.
You wasnt really sure how long you sat there crying when you looked up you could see the sun barly peeking over the horizon and you stumbled to your feet and slowly made your way back to the room you and Loki had shared.
Pushing the door open you heard a sniffle and seen Thor sitting on the bed, his head in his hands. "Thor?" He jump up off the bed and ran to you pulling you into him.
"Lady Y/n! I didn't know what had happened to you. I thought.... I thought that he might have done something before....before." He pulled you away to look at your face.
"Before what Thor?" He turned away from you a tear trailing down his face. "Before what Thor?!" You yelled.
"He fell." Your heart sank, emptyness filled you with the darkest feeling you would have never thought possible. You stumbled to the nearest chair and collapsed into it barely feeling the warmth of the fire that was slowly dying out. "I looked for you after. I couldnt find you, I thought that maybe he had done something, but I knew that he would never do anything to hurt you."
"Thor, I have to tell you something that not even Loki knew." You stared directly into the flames watching as they slowly died as the sun rose higher in the sky. "I was waiting till this was all over but now I wont get a chance to tell him." You take a deep breath and look up at him. "I'm pregnant. I am going to have his baby and he isnt even here to do this with me." You placed your head in your hands and started to cry.
"We will figure this out Lady Y/N. We cannot let father know but we can tell mother and she will help us." Thor said pulling you up from the chair and rushing from the room.
Two years later
You sat with your daughter in the all mothers garden waiting for your husband to arrive.
"Astrid, please dont chase the cat." You called watching her almost grab its tail. The almost two year old stopped to look back at you and giggle before taking off again. She was so much like her father with her black hair and green eyes along with her always trying to cause trouble.
"Lady Y/N, your husband will be arriving soon. He asked that you meet him in the throne room, but let one of the maids take the princess back to your living quarters." One of the guards called walking into the garden.
"She is always there to greet him when he returns. What could possibly keep him from wanting her there?" You asked as your daughter ran up to you giggling.
"Dada." She cooed clinging to your leg.
"He has brought a prisoner and he doesnt think that she should be there. He hopes that you will understand, and that once everything is said and done he will be able to spend some much needed time with his family." Your heart sank at the words prisoner. Leading Astrid to one of the ladies in waiting and kissing her head you promised you would be back soon. As you walked down the halls you could swear that you heard your heart hammering. As you opened the door to the thron room your eyes locked with Thor.
"Darling! I am so glad you are home." You said throwing your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek.
"I see it didnt take you long to find another prince to bed, my pet." Your blood ran cold as ice when you heard the voice from behind you. As you turned you looked at none other than Loki. Tears sprang to your eyes as you looked at him. He looked weak, thinner than you remembered almost sickly.
"I thought you died." You placed a hand over your mouth in shock.
"Seeing what has become of my once true love I wish I would have." He said looking between you and Thor.
"Loki, hold your tongue." Frigga said from across the room.
"But arent you proud mother? With me out of the way all your dreams came true it looks like." He said smirking looking back at you and Thor. You had grabbed ahold of his arm for support.
"Loki th-" The door had burst open at that point as Astrid came running to you and Thor a maid chasing behind her.
"Dada! Dada!" She threw herself into Thors arms as he picked her up.
"Hello my little love." Thor said kissing her and tickling her with his beard causing her to giggle. Loki stood observing, watching everything take place. He wasnt blind to the black hair that she had or the mischievous gint in her eye that he also had.
"Wow, stricking resemblance brother. She looks just like you." He grined looking between you and Thor.
"Loki, shut up." Thor said handing your daughter to you. "Why dont you take Astrid back to our quarters and I shall be there in a moment." He said kissing the top of your head.
"How sweet brother, a girl who simply rolls from one bed to another, and now a built in family. The girl must be about two now? How absolutly interesting."
You sat Astrid down next to Thor and walked over to the man that use to mean everything to you and stood right in front of him. "You, Loki Odinson, do not need to look, breath, or assume anything. Not towards my daughter."
"Interesting use of words dear my-" he was cut off by a sharp slap across the face.
"Come darling. Lets get you in the bath." You said opening your arms, your daughter running into them.
After you have made sure all the dirt was washed from her and she was nesseled into your bed nice and warm you sat by the fire with tears streaming down your face when Thor finally entered the room looking exhausted.
"Let me help you take your armor off. There is a warm bath for you also. Make sure the dirt is all off before climbing into bed, those are clean sheets." You stood walking over to him and undoing the straps that held his chest plate on.
"What did I do to deserve this kindness from you?" He asked placing his finger under your chin making you look up at him.
"You took me in, loved me after your brother couldnt, you have helped me raise a child that is not your but you let her call you dad. Me and my child both think the world of you Thor and honestly I couldnt imagine it without you in my life." You placed a hand on his cheek and brought him down to kiss him.
He leaned his head agintst yours and sighed. "You must go talk to my brother. He is down in the cells."
"What if I dont want to? What if I want to keep this happy little bubble that we have created?" A tear rolled down your cheek.
"If not for you or me, go talk to him for her." He said motioning over to Astrid who was snorring lightly in the middle of the bed. "I will look over her. For tonight and for always, it doesnt matter what happens tonight I will always love both you and her. And I know you will love me to but not as much as you have loved my brother." You were both crying now, you had decided two years prior that you would give this man what was left of your heart because the love of your life was gone but now? Now you were torn between the safty of being with Thor and the uncertainty of if Loki could ever love you the way he had before.
You kissed Thor on the cheek again making him promise to take a bath before going to bed causing him to laugh. "Yes I promise. Now go before I decide to keep you here with me." He handed you your dark blue cloak and shoved you out of the room.
Silently you made your ways to the dungeons under the castle not being noticed by anyone at this time of night, you pulled the hood up as not to be spotted by any of the other prisoners.
"I was wondering if you was going to make an apperance Y/N." Loki said, he was facing away from you his hands placed behind his back. "You've made quite the impression on my brother. Such a good impression that you two are married. Tell me dear is he as good as I was?" He asked turning to finally face you. You stood there shocked.
"Loki," you looked up at him. "This is not the time nor place for talk like that. I came here to ask what happened to you? I thought you had died."
"So you crawl in bed with my brother?!" He yelled hitting the shield between you and him with his fist.
"So I married your brother to save not only me but our daughter!" His jaw dropped at the admission. "Oh dont act so suprised. I know you know that she is yours. For norms sake she has your hair."
"I never thought you would admit it."
"I cant hide it Loki. Your mother is the one that came up with the plan for me to marry Thor."
"I bet father loved the fact that you were pregnant before the wedding." He said rolling his eyes.
"Odin would have killed us if he knew the secret!" You yelled, fire in your eyes. "Its not like you were around to protect us, to keep us safe. Your daughter has magic and is part Jötunn." He froze staring at you wide eyed. "Where were you Loki! Where were you when I needed you? When we needed you?" You screamed at him tears running down your face.
Neither of you had noticed Thor or Frigga talking to the guard in the shadows, neither of you had realized that the shield keeping Loki in his cell had been dropped until Loki had actually reached for you yanking you to his body. You clung to him like if you let go he would disappear all over again. You buried your face in his neck, his hair tickling your face as you felt his pulse aginst your lips for the first time in a long time. His hand was at the base of your neck as his face was buried in your hair, you felt his tears land on your cheek. He pulled back from you, both hands now on the side of your face as he wiped your tears away with his thumbs.
"I promise on all nine realms y/n I will never leave you or my daughter again. I promise that i will never leave you alone, I will always be there as I should have been in the begining of it all. You should not have had to go through alone." He leaned forward kissing you. You melted into the kiss, it had been forever since you had felt so connected with anyone like this. His lips were cool aginst yours as you both moved in perfect sync batteling for dominace over the other finally you gave into him. You pulled away slightly out of breath.
"I wasn't alone, I knew that I had a peice of you with me and i knew I wasnt alone at all. I knew you would come back. You always come back." You smiled at him.
"For you my queen, always." He said pulling you into his arms again whispering words of love.
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cd-head · 3 years
Code Red
Prompts: “It burns” and “He’s going to be okay”
Characters: Xisuma, Etho, Stress, Ren, and False
Characters MENTIONED: Beef
Might be out of character but.... its a AU so shhhhh (/lh)
TW: Angst, burns, blood, horror, mild body horror (? not to sure if it counts but tagging just in case) gore, murder, guns, and swords
Space outlaws again! Sorry I love the AU a lot, go to @martuzzio !! they post really good art and made the AU!
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Everything was going right.
To right.
Something had to be wrong, Xisuma knew something had to be. Nothing could go this swimmly for them unless it was gathering or talking with each other. 
Not a battle.
His thought was cut off when a loud pained scream rang out before a yell of ‘Code red’ rang out in a females voice. He barely spared a glance over to see False guarding Ethos curled up armor suited body that was trembling, his helmet gone and his face in his hands while noticeable blood was dripping onto the armor covered hands
Xisuma fought back the urge to run over to Etho, anger trickling into his system as he launched forward into battle. Sticking his sword right through a enemies chest and he charged forward into battle, fed by the need for revenge for his friend.
Pale hands clutched at the burned skin as pain withered him in a terrible way. Hes felt pain before but never this tainting. Never this horrid, it felt like he had step foot in lava and there was no way out. This time, there were no hands coming to grab him, no hands to tug him away, no hands to pet his hair and comfort him, no person to open the spice cabinet to ask for something and then leave him alone.
There was just pure raw agony that shook him down to his core, a sob wormed its way out of his throat while the blood didnt seem to stop. He curled up tighter and forced his eyes open, he sobbed harder when the vision in his left eye was gone. Just black void, empty, and useless.
He tried to focus, his vision in his other eye was spotty and blurred. He couldnt see anything, he let out a small gasp as the pain in his body grew when he pressed down on his face by mistake, he whimpered.
False looked down at him for a bit, worry filling her eyes before she blew a loud whistle which caught the attention of a werewolf whos head snapped over. His helmet discarded in the ship as he rushed out without thinking. His brown hair waved beautifully in the strong winds of the planet while the familiar sound of the clinging of weapons and gunshots rang out around him.
His ears propped up more before he tilted his head and his gaze trailed down False before horror filled his eyes and the man ran over, his big eyes flooded with worry, he quickly holstered his weapon and placed his hand on the terrified and wounded mans side who tensed at the sudden touch before relaxing when he heard the familiar voice of Ren.
“Hey... I’m going to pick you up... that alright man?” The werewolf asked, though he knew it would come down to not mattering if Etho was alright with it or not, they had to get him out of there and treated before the wounds could get more dirty and raise the change of him getting more wounded on the battle field. 
When the white hair man nodded, he heard the clink of metal before he was pulled up into the air, tensing on instinct while the sound of something being dragged across sand and a helmet rested peacefully pressed between him and Ren.
Ethos vision swam worst as the pain grew when Ren took off running, he knew blood was dripping onto his friend but he couldnt move. To panic filled from the pain and the lost of vision. His breathing was short and heavy, hyperventilating no doubt. 
He gasped a bit in surprised when he felt the cool breeze of the wind and yet its horrid touch caused a unwanted whimper to escape him, that was all that was needed to trigger Ren to run faster. They had reached the ship but they came to a sudden stop when two men stood in the way. 
Rens eyes flicked around, his ears pressed up against his hair as he takes a step back, his grip on his fading friend growing tighter and more protective. Etho was unaware of what was going on, the need to sleep overpowering most of his systems but he was to busy fighting it off to pay mind of the men moving closer to the man holding him.
The werewolf bared his teeth, gently pushing Ethos head closer, careful to not rub against the new wounds and hurt the man further, his tail swayed as he took a protective stance, his eyes seemly glowing but the men paid no mind as they stepped closer, one taking aim with their gun at Rens head and the other was holding a towel, their eyes glowing a bit with danger.
Not that the eye showing the danger and anger to know. He knew these men wanted something, and he knew that something just happened to be a someone. Someone who was part of Rens pack. One of Rens good friends.
Beef would slaughter him, the moment he was able to walk as he got shot in the leg a few missions ago, if he let Etho get captured. The two were close friends after all.
Ren felt his tail fluff up a bit and the swaying growing, he tugged his friend a bit closer still careful before a battle cry rang out and False charged at the one with the gun aimed, toppling all three of them over in one go. She used one of her pair of arms to choke out one of the men while she shot the other.
Ren gave her a grateful smile before his eyes flickered over the battle field but that was cut off by the scent of someone he didnt know. It mixed poorly with the smell of the terrible red sand and the werewolf was barely able to duck as a sword swung out where his head shouldve been. He quickly took off running and manged to jump over False with the womans help.
He skidded on the sand a bit, his shoes digging downward and he tried to not pay mind to the whimpers that were leaving his masked friend that normally showed no pay. Was normally so calm and collected, now withering in his friends arms out of pure white pain.
Ren quickly took off running again and charged right for the ship, slamming his hand onto the keypad and screamed. “LET ME IN!”
The door slowly opened but Ren quickly slid in, wrapping his body around Etho, his chest to the mans back and the door shut again. He scrambled to his feet and took off running, running right to the medbay where he prayed that Stress was instead of watching or in battle.
Lady luck must of been on his side because as he slammed into the doorframe of the medbay, Stress was rewrapping Beefs leg and she quickly looked over and forgot about what she was doing and ran over. Quickly dragging Ren to a bed where he laid Etho down.
Stress shooed him away and tugged the curtains around the bed so no one could see the mans face. She carefully took off Ethos mask that somehow had not gotten burned off and gasped at the gorely sight before her.
Ethos face was dripping blood right from his left eye, blood rolled from his mouth and a massive burn laid right over his left side, all the way to the young mans chest from what Stress could guess.
She made quick work of removing her friends chestplate, leaving him in his white button up shirt, as she was grabbing things from the cart not to far away, she felt a weak hand grasp onto her hand and she looked over. “i---it.... bur--burns........” A small weak raspy voice croaked out.
Stress’s heart just about shattered into a million pieces as she grabbed what she needed and brushed a hand over the mans white hair. “I know love.... but youre gonna be okay...”  She promised. He needed to be okay-
He had to be okay.
So while the eyes fluttered close when the bandaging was done. Stress carefully removed the rest of the mans gear, somehow not waking the white haired male as she placed the armor in a chest until Xisuma would come and collect it.
As Stress turned back to Ethos discomforted face even in his sleep, she swore to the gods and whatever else was above them.
To keep her friend safe.
To keep her brother safe, to keep him alive, to keep him okay, to keep him healthy.
For, that was all the young woman asked.
For her family to be okay.
As she turned dulled the light above Ethos head and fixed the curtains after tucking him in and walking over to Beef again. She gave him a calming smile at the scared and panicked look Beef gave her. 
Stress placed a calm hand on the older mans shoulder. “Hes going to be okay.”
And Beef had no other choice but to believe her.
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sokkas-honour · 4 years
dream boy: part 3 - sokka x reader
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pairing: sokka x fem!reader
request: part 3 was requested by @missmorosis
wc: 2.7k
notes: i’m terribly sorry if it may seemed a bit rushed or not exactly consistent but i personally liked the way it ended. also this is the final part, i might make an epilogue if i actually finish everything i need to do.
part one | part one 1/2 | part two
sokka wasn’t able to see you until monday, purposefully ignoring all the texts from yours friends, not wanting to know if sokka actually told them what had happened or if he had decided to keep it to himself, either way, you were better off just staying off your phone until school started. you only unlocked your phone to text zuko back and even then you didn't always have the courage to do so.
you had made sure to wake up early in order to not cross paths with the watertribe boy, his sibling or just any of your friends until you absolutely had to, preferring to simply distance yourself from the others. of course you couldn't avoid them forever, you had over half of your classes with at least one of them, two of those being with sokka, the guy who you especially didn't want to see, history and gym. gym would be easy to avoid him in, you had become acquaintances with this lovely girl called jin, whom you also shared your math class with, you could just spend the whole period with her and avoid him. your real problem was going to be history. your teacher, mister kuzon, had informed the class that there would be a group project on any cultural aspect from the water tribe, and he had chosen the groups. the chance of you actually being paired with sokka was miniscule but the universe hadn’t seemed to be going easy on you lately.
and much to your dismay, the universe was in fact against you. when your history teacher’s voice had posted the groups, your heart had started racing as you approached the board to see the pairs, your heart was racing in fear and it dropped when you saw the name y/n next to sokka.
after being asked to sit next to your partner to get started, you stayed silent as you plopped down on the chair next to the boy who you were still trying to avoid, staying silent and keeping your eyes in front of you.
“are you going to work with me or is it going to be a silent treatment the whole time.” he questioned, turning to face you, arm hooked around the back of his chair as he looked at you desperately for any sign of you acknowledging his presence.
“i was thinking we could talk about the differences in the cuisine in the north and south.” you mumbled, chin on your hand as you kept your gaze on the board in front of you, ignoring the boy who was still searching for an answer.
“yeah, sounds good.” sokka sighed, giving up on receiving a straight answer from you. he turned back in his seat, disappointment radiating off of him, making you bite your lip in guilt. you shot him a glance from the corner of your eye as you saw him discreetly take his phone out to open the notes app but before you could see what he was typing he turned to face you, catching you right in the act.
“uh, saturday at your place?” seemed like the only logical way out of the embarrassing situation you had just walked into, still not breaking the staring between the two of you. you felt your heart speed up a bit at the extended eye contact, not having looked into his blue eyes in awhile, the last time being before you stormed out of his house after your confession.
“sounds good.” he offered you a small smile, happy to see that your attempt at a cold shoulder was somewhat backfiring, knowing that you couldn't avoid him forever. he let the stare linger a bit before turning his attention back to his phone and you quickly snapped back to your notes taken during the class. thanking yourself for not letting the stupid smile heat your cheeks up, now all you had to do was finish the class with a not so uncomfortable silence between the two of you.
the bell didn't take too long to ring before you had to move onto your next class which was the one you detested the most, science. courage surged through you as you waved goodbye to sokka, earning a bright smile back from the boy before you dashed out of the class. to anyone, that might have seemed rather pointless that you felt as proud as you did, a wave goodbye was considered an act of politeness, but that had been the first time you had really addressed sokka in any way since the unplanned confession. he had probably realised that as well, giving a reason for the sudden bright smile on his features.
you practically sprinted towards your science classroom, holding your books tightly to your chest to not let them fly out of your grip. you hoped zuko was already there, knowing he’d want to hear the rather big step you’d just taken in repairing your friendship with your childhood friend. you were surprised that the thought of slowly getting over him in order to just be friends had slipped your mind, remembering that this morning you didn't want anything to have to do with him for the rest of your life, wanting to just stay away from him to not ignite anything in you, but you were slowly realising it was ridiculous to throw away the friendship for your unrequited crush. you two may not be as close as before but you could still stay friends, you could still hangout with him without feeling like your heart was shattering every moment you’d meet his beautiful ocean eyes.
“zuko!” you called for him as soon as you spotted the back of his black haired head, whipping his head around to greet you with a grin, happy that you weren't ignoring him like he thought you might, considering your answers to his texts were rather sporadic and vague.
“happy to see you’re alive y/n.” he joked as soon as you caught up with him, both of you walking at the same height as you entered the room, taking a seat next to each other as you always did, even when the two of you werent as close as you were now.
“i think i’m ready to fully start moving on.” you announced, taking a deep breath before letting him know of your future plans, determination in yours eyes and tone as you felt set to move on from your crush.
“really? i'm surprised it didn't take longer.” his eyes grew a bit at your proclamation, not expecting to hear you say those words this early, thinking he’d have to see you distance yourself from everyone for weeks but it only took a day or two, making him slightly septic at how long you would actually last with your new resolution but nonetheless he was proud of you.
“yeah well i’m kind of stuck with sokka for a history project and i figured might as well start moving on from him. i still want to be friends with him.” you explained, taking your science homework out so you were prepared whenever the teacher would come on in.
“i’m proud of you y/n, its very mature of you.” he placed his hand on your shoulder, sincerity in his tone lifting your spirits up at the thought of repairing whatever damage you might’ve caused and the thought of the damage you were avoiding by taking action now instead of later.
saturday rolled around and you had managed to have some sort of small talk with sokka during your classes, still deciding to spend your lunch period with jin instead of your usual friends but it was a start to where you thought you would be saturday after you left. you had stopped eating with your friends a little over a week ago, opting to spend time with the lovely girl from your math class. you had had trouble sleeping friday night, scared of going to sokka’s house and falling back to where you started, back to square one, back in love with a friend who was already taken by a lovely girl.
your feet felt rather heavy as you walked down the familiar path to his house, bag with a your notebook and history course around your shoulder as you retraced the steps you had followed almost everyday during that particular summer, always going to sokka’s house to entertain yourself while school was out.
you first lingered in the air above the door for a couple of seconds, taking a deeo breath in to calm your nerves before you finally knocked. it didnt take long before it was opened, sokka with an eager smile on his lips was who greeted you behind the door.
“finally, you shouldve been here an hour ago!” he lamented jokingly as he moved out of the way to let you in, causing you to roll your eyes at how dramatic your friend was.
“sokka, im five minutes late.” you deadpanned, hastily taking your shoes off, leaning against a nearby wall for support.
“exactly!” he exclaimed, his voice cracking slightly and suddenly you felt as though nothing ever happened, as if your feelings had never come to make you want to change whatever relationship you had with him, simply feeling as though the two of you were just friends.
“really sokka? dont you reme,ber when i waited an hour for you outside in the freezing cold in the woods so we could make a campfire together? or that time where we were late in eight grade because someone accidentally put on ripped pants? or-”
“alright i get it.” he held his hands up in defeat at your inquisitive look, knowing you were only joking around with him to make him feel slightly guilty for all the times he had been late.
“my dad made seaweed noodles for us to eat while we work, hope thats okay.” shoving his hands in his pockets, waiting to see you reaction at the mention of one of your favorite dishes that he’d always insist his father to make you whenever you’d come by.
“no way!” you dashed into the kitchen, leaving sokka by himself at the entrance, surprised at how fast the two of you had seemed to ease back into things and some part of it seemed to good to be true but he was happy to have you back.
“wait for me!” he called for you, spending slightly to join you. a reminiscent smile on his lips as he watched you excitedly poor yourself a bowl, knowing where everything in the hous ewas from it practically being a second home for you during all those years.
“you’ll have to say thank you to hakoda.” you told him as you eyed the noodles, your stomach rumbling as you brought it to the table, it had been too long since you had eaten his father’s cooking.
“y/n, you havent even eaten it yet, how do you know its good?” he laughed as he watched you carefully bring the bowl to the dinner table, trying to get to it as fast as you could but still making sure to not let any of the broth spill out.
“because your dad’s seaweed noodles are the best!” you defended your previous statements, taking a seat as you waited for sokka to make his own bowl and bring chopsticks for the both of you. the watertribe boy nodded, slightly mocking you in his own playful way. while you waited for him to rejoin you, you took out the notebook you used for your history notes and grabbed a pen that was sitting on the table.
you scribbled down the title of your project and tapped your pen, impatient waiting to be able to dig into your steaming hot dish.
“have any ideas for the presentation?” sokka startled you slightly, coming from behind you to lean over your shoulde to see if you had written anything but he was met with a blank page.
“no, now get me my chopsticks idioy.” you shoved his head away, earning a protestful ‘hey’ from him as your brought your hand back to wram themselvbes on the bowl.
“here.” he placed the chopsticks next to the bowl before making his way around the table to sit in front of you, slowly blowing on his soup to cool it down.
“took you long enough.” you teased before you grabbed them to pick up some of the noodles, cooling them off with your breath before shoving some of it into your mouth. sokka started laughing at how quickly you engulfed the noodles that his father had spent the morning making.
you flipped him off, not caring at how ‘unlady like’ you might’ve looked but it had been forever since you had tasted his father’s seaweed noodles, during winter it was a staple food for whenever you would spend the night but since the weather had gotten warmer and you had grown more distant, it had been a hot minute since you had a traditional dish of the southern water tribe, something you’d most definitely use in your comparison of the different cuisines.
“before we start, i wanted to talk to you about something.” sokka brought his hand down, deciding not to eat just yet but rather address the elephant in the room.
“yeah?” you knew where this was going so you finished chewing what was in your mouth and swallowed, keeping your eyes on the food as you wiated for sokka’s question.
“so where do we stand, us? i mean two days ago you stormed off, after weeks of us not actually talking and now it feels like everything is fine. i just want to make sure that you’re okay.” you took a deep breath in, knowing this was coming, knowing you had to confront your feelings upfront now and not just push whatever you were feeling down, hoping it didnt blow over one day.
“if im being honest sokka, i like you, still, but i want us to be friends. im happy to see that suki makes you happy, but it might take some time for me to get over you so we might not ever be as close as before for my own sake but im willing to try my hardest to fix anything i mightve broken in the last couple of weeks. because i love having you as a friend and no matter how much it wouldve hurt to be with you before, i still missed my best friend.” you slowly lifted your head up, pouring out what was your mind without any filter, letting him know where you stood, sincerity written on your features as you wiated to see sokka’s reaction.
“that sounds good, whatever works for you. just happy i dont have to lose my oldest friend” he finally answered after silence settled between the two of you, letting your words settle and let him process your new confession.
you smiled back and then the two of you turned your attention back to the noodles, the two of you practically inhaling the food as the only sound was the muching of the seaweed and the slurping of the soup. a nice moment shared between two friends.
“you know, theres still girl that i just know you’d like.” sokka was the first to speak up, a small tease in his tone as he tried to set you up right after you told him you were trying to move on from him.
“sokka.” you threatened, not wanting him to go down whatever road he was about go down to, you finding it to be the wrong moment to bring this up.
“i’m just saying i have yue’s number if you want it!” he recoiled on his claim, but made sure to name drop the girl he supposedly thought was perfect for you. blood rushed to your cheeks at the mention of his ex girlfriend from middle school, rmebering how beautiful you thought the white haired girl was and how you had a small crush on her while they were dating.
the boy in front of you simply laughed, feeling content at where he now stood with his friend since kindergarten. he was your dream boy, but maybe not in the way you first thought. he was the boy of your dreams but not all dreams need to be romantic.
general taglist: @draqondance @biqherosix @sunnypluto @butterfly-skinnylegend @staygoldsquatchling02 @yuesallura
atla taglist: @welovediaaxx @ilovespideyyy @missmorosis
sokka taglist: @firelady-jay
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creepsmcstuffins · 3 years
Living with a Irish Fae
I live with a Dullahan. No, it's not some grotesque headless horseman that throws its head at you or takes its spine whip and snatches you up into a skeletal wagon. Nor does it throw a bucket of blood on you when you get too close to it.
Sorry, if you think that, but its.... Rather HE is just an asshole. Who eats all my food, leaves the lights on, terrorizes (not really though) my dogs and shits with the door open to the bathroom. He's am Irish bloke, with a smart damn mouth. And yes he does, indeed, own a horse. His horse is better company than the loud asshole that lives with me. His horse is a black stallion that goes by the name of Caboose. A friendly boy, and I even get to ride him, when the dullahan isn't working.
Cullen O'Houlihan. That's his full name. He's a bastard man. But I'm sure your wondering how we met. Well, I'll take you back a bit.
My name is Ebonie Brown. And I was driving home one morning after working a long 10 hours. The old country roads that I drive are usually empty. Save for the occasional deer or possum in or on the side of the road. And maybe if a neighbor, I say that lightly, left one of the gates open and a cow might be grazing along the road. In the early hours of the morning, the sun could be seen peeking over the mountains. I live in a heavily mountainous area, where a lot of agriculture is farmed. Mostly corn, if I'm honest. The sun was leaving the sky pink and red, lovely hues that I enjoyed seeing.
Without warning, a horse was in the middle of the road, barely smashing into the animal, I turned the steering wheel, swerving away from the horse. Not completely hitting it, but not missing it either. I hit its rear, or what seemed like a hit. Spinning out and luckily not going into a ditch or being bent around a tree, I got out.
"What the hell!? I could-" the horse still stood. Like nothing happened! Though it... It shimmered like a... Phantom of some sort... it... looked at me, with... Big black eyes... Empty hollowed eyes, black as night. It snorted at me, black smoke pooling out from its nostrils. I took a glance at the rest of it, like it's head, the body shimmered. Black shadows enveloped it, shifting at the horse moved his neck to look at me better. I shivered as it moved.
"Uh... nice horsey?" I asked, more of a whimper, and holding my hands up. In defense, hoping this... Nightmare wouldn't decide I was food... or something... Jumping at a rustling sound, coming from the tree line near where I was standing. The horse let out another snort. And a... A man came out. Tall... tall as shit. Im a 5ft 2in woman, a little overweight, if I'm honest. And he was a giant! At least 6ft... He was wearing black armor, accompanied by an obsidian sword and a spine whip.
I know. I know, I said that he doesn't use the whip, but let me continue.
This man... He didnt have a fucking head. Scratch that, he had a head, he was just holding it in his arms. The head looked at me. At my eye level. He had brown thick hair, and golden eyes. The eyes were shimmering like the horse's eyes and body. The head had gold light flowing from it and the body had a purple aura pouring from it. Power, dark power came from both, the horse and its rider. I stepped back, and stared at the head.
"The fok you starin' at?" It spoke, thick Irish accent prominent, "You ever seen a man at night like this, ya idiot!?"
I was speechless, frozen. I didn't expect the head to talk. It frowned at me,
"Well!? Don't stand there gapin' like a fish! SPEAK!!" His voice rang out loud and even made some sleeping birds flutter past us. The horse snorted, pawing at the ground. The head looked at the horse then back at me.
"You hi't 'em?!" He barked at me, snapping me out of my stupor,
"N-no? I.. I mean... he... i..." I stuttered, still not moving. The head huffed and the body moved, reattaching the head to itself.
"Whats your name?" He crossed his arms, and leaned his weight off to one side, the sword swinging as he shifted his weight.
"Ebonie... Brown." I spoke slowly, eyeing the sword more than the whip. Then looked back up at him.
"Well I'm Cullen O'Houlihan. And you hit Caboose. You hurt his feelings. Now. You owe us." He smiled evilly at me. I frown, starting to drown in whatever shitty possibilities he had in mind. The male bent down and smiled at me,
"Well Miss Brown. Where ya live at? I'm gonna need a place to rest m' weary 'ead." I shutter, and nod, getting back into my car. He mounted his horse and followed me home. We arrived at my mother's home... Thankfully she and my sister were sleep still. I parked and got out.
"Uh... what are you gonna do with... Your horse? He-"
"He'll be fine out here." Cullan yawned and dismounted. And strode up to me.
"Cute lil' house. Your Ma?" He nodded at the house. I nodded,
"Yeah. Come on... I only have one bed so..." I walked to my door, and unlocked it.
"Oh?" I could hear the smug look and smile on his face,
"Care to have a night with an Irish lad then?" He bent close to my cheek. I could feel Cullen's breath. It was cold, like a frozen wind, on a snowy December night. I hit him with the screen door.
"You can sleep on my dogs bed. I don-" Cullen barked out a yelp of surprise, rather than pain. I smirked and walked into the door. Slipping my shoes off. He followed, having to bend a bit to get through the door.
"Well. This is... not what-"
"Shut up. If your staying the night-" He threw a bag of money, gold rather at my head. And shot me a look, that said "that aught to be enough." I rolled my eyes. His armor melted, and transformed into comfy pajamas. Cullen gave a stretch and looked at me.
"Bed? I'm quite tired." I nodded, pointing at my room. Walking through the doorway, he plopped, face first into the bed. Snoring before I could walk in after him. I sighed, stupid bastard was supposed to sleep elsewhere. It's fine I guess... just for one night. I slipped in next to him, careful not to get to close to him. I pulled my plaid blanket close and then reached over pulling another blanket over Cullen. I huffed and fell asleep.
I woke up to clattering and a scream, I shot out of my bed. Cullen was looking for whatever, not stopping to look at him I rushed outside, snatching my gun and pulling the slide, loading a bullet into the chamber. My mom was screeching at the black (non shimmering) horse standing in the garden. Caboose was eating her cucumbers... I lowered my gun.
"Shit...." Cullen followed me out, spoon in hand, eating out of my applesauce jar. He was snickering.
"WHO ARE THEY!?" my mom yelled at me, pointing at Cullen and Caboose. I held my hand up and she stopped panicking.
"This is..." I paused... I didn't know what to say! What was I supposed to say!? As if reading my mind, Cullen stepped forward, pushing the jar into my hands.
"Hello!" His voice clear and friendly, he stepped forward and extended his hand,
"Im Cullen! Cullen O'Houlihan! Pleasure to finally meet you Miss Boyd! I'm your daughter's boyfriend." He smiled widely and as charming he could.
My mom took his hand and her eyes grew clear, as if I had mentioned this random ass man before.
"Oh! Cullen! I remember Eb saying something about you! Wonderful to finally meet you!" She smiled at the man, then scolded him,
"You need to move your horse though! He's eating my garden!" At a snap of Cullen's fingers, Caboose, the nightmare horse moved.
"So sorry about the inconvenience. I'll make sure he stays out of the plants Miss." He walked back over to me, flashing me a look. And he plucked the applesauce jar from my hand, and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. And pressing our cheeks together.
"I hope you don't mind me crashin' here! I've got rent money for us." He pulled out a stack of money from his pocket and held it out to my mother. She gratefully took it and nodded. Leaving us alone outside to stare at Caboose who was eating the weeds next to my old red Chevy. Cullen didn't move, but stood still smirking at me, and gave me a pointed look.
"Well, Darlin'," he drew out the word, "Darlin'", "I guess your stuck with me." He kissed my cheek, his lips cold. And walked off. I sighed, now I have a.... I realized I didn't know what the hell he was. I turned and followed him inside,
"A Fae. Specifically a Dullahan." He mused. Ok so he could read my mind. Cullen looked at me and smiled, sitting in my spinning computer chair. I opened my mouth again, he spoke, this time in my head, smiling that stupid ass Cheshire cat grin,
"I'm here cause I'm curious. Tired living in the fuckin forests and meadows of Ireland. But the civilization was a bit much for me and Caboose, so I opted for a cooler area. The mountains was what he and I agreed on. You just happened to be unlucky to come across us. I found a dead dog in the road where you "hit" Cabose. And I wanted to give the poor thing a decent burial." Cullen finished his story and plopped the empty applesauce jar on my computer desk.
"This is my new home.... But if you move, I'll move with you."
So... I guess that'd the first thing? To write about... for now. My new boyfriend is a Dullahan. A legit one... his... head is floating over here now. I gotta go... I'll write again soon.
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whimsicalbumblebee · 3 years
So uh it has been... a while, but I have more thoughts in relation to Sunny getting his Keyblade and how he met the rest of the group so heres a bit of a prequel bit!
In Faraway town, kids are given a test on their 12th birthday, to see if the Keyblade has chosen them.
(remember, this is prior to the events of BBS in KH Canon so there are potential keyblade wielders in each world but the number is falling because of growing darkness in hearts)
This has gotten long.. .so under the cut it goes!
The nature of the test is secretive, most people unaware of the keyblade existence, kept secret to prevent it from causing more people to fall to darkness.
The test is one where you're supposed to face your darkest fears, if you call upon the keyblade to fight it, you pass, if you cannot, you, fail.
Sunny faces the test on his 12th bday, its a room with a singular mirror. All he was told is he has to defend himself. There is no weapons or tools in this room he could use...he knows *some* magic, noticing a pool of water surrounding the mirror and hoping thats enough for him to call upon blizzard or water magic strong enough to fight.
He faces the mirror, and sees Omori facing back, but he doesn't recognize it as Omori at the time, just himself. He steps out the mirror, Darkness enveloping him, forming into a spider like monster.
Sunny is... terrified.
His vision starts to darken, he steps back. Spidersomething steps forward, Sunny steps back again, swaying, sweating, unable to scream. He starts tearing up.
Spidersomething strikes. Sunny brings his arms up, a glow of light enveloping him for a second before he blacks out, falling into the water.
He could have sworn he heard a familiar voice yelling his name as he hits the water.
Mari was one of the people watching the test. She had permission to, already entrusted with the Keyblade and thus allowed to be present as her baby brother tested for his. That is to say, Sunny had no clue Mari was watching.
When she saw Sunny summon the keyblade to defend himself before falling into the water, she didnt hesitate to jump from her spot looking down on to the room to save him.
Sunny awoke to yelling. He recognized the voice, it was...Mari. She seemed to be outside the room he was asleep in...wait.. asleep? He was in a bed, it wasnt his...he didnt recognize the place. But Mari is here... so its okay, right?
But she was upset, yelling, Sunny has never heard her raise her voice like that.
"You said he was going to be safe!"
"And he was! We weren't going to let him get hurt"
"But he almost drowNED!"
"I can assure you someone would've saved him if you hadn't gotten there first!"
There's a scuffle and a yelp... it sounded like the person Mari was upset at.
"Please Mari, I'm sure your brother will wake up soon!"
"Its been 2 day! If he's not injured then why isn't he waking up???!"
"I- I'm not sure but it has to be because of the shock of the situation!"
"You better be right."
There is another sound, a thump. The other guy must have fallen.
The door to the room opened and Sunny saw Mari's face go from anger, to shock, to tears as she rushed to him, hugging him.
Sunny...started crying too. He recalled the test, how he cowardly passed out... he failed Mari... and now he made her worry.
He mumbled apologies into her shoulder, and Mari pulled back, asking why.
He mentions he failed her, the test too and now he won't go to the same school as Mari.
Mari made a "O" at that, before breaking into a smile, her thumb wiping Sunny's tears.
"Silly Sunshine, you passed the test."
Sunny...passed? Was she just saying it? But Mari didn't give him room to say that, moving to the side of the bed.
"Hold out your hand Sunny" She instructed.
And so he did. What he didn't expect was... a beam of light, a key, appearing in his hand.
She explained to him the true purpose of the test, how the Keyblade chose to protect him.
Soon, Sunny would be going to the same school as Mari. It's what he's always dreamed of.
He starts school the next day, and is introduced to a handful of new people, or rather, Mari is the one to introduce him to them.
"This is Henry, but we call him Hero! He's my age so we're training together!"
"Nice to finally meet the Sunny, Mari kept talking about!"
Hero, to Sunny, was kind, his voice gentle like Mari's. Not loud at all. He didn't like it when Hero ruffled his hair though.
Next up was Kel.
Mari didn't get to finish introducing him before Kel butted in, excited and eager.
"I'm 12 too! But older than you, obviously! Can I see your keyblade?"
Sunny was a little overwhelmed but he summoned his keyblade for Kel.
"Oh its so small! Just like you! Look at mine!"
Kel Summons his keyblade. "Heh, its the best one!"
"No its not!" A third voice intrudes. "Don't listen to him, he's just like that all the time! I'm Aubrey! I'm also 12!" The girl introduces herself.
"What do you mean its not the best, it clearly is!"
"Nuh uh, thats mine! See its PINK!" She summons hers. It was indeed, pink.
"Pink is gross!" Kel made a face at Aubrey.
"He-hey thats enough both of you! We don't want Sunny to get a bad impression of either of you, do we now!" Mari breaks them up.
"Sorry Mari, but Kel started it!"
"No I didn-"
Hero thankfully comes by to separate Kel from the group before he and Aubrey start fighting. Mari explains that Hero is Kel's older brother.
Sunny goes to Hero, looking at him expectantly. Hero looks confused for a moment before holding out his hand and summoning his Keyblade. It was...pretty cool. Wow...
Sunny thinks this is all of them but then he spots a person in the distance, watching from afar. Mari follows his gaze and her eyes go wide.
"Oh Basil! Are you feeling better?" She rushes towards the person, Sunny following behind.
"A...little.." the boy gives Mari a small smile.
"Sunny this is Basil! He's been feeling ill for a bit but hes your age too! Basil, this is my little brother, Sunny." She introduces them.
"Hi Sunny!" Basil smiles, he looks pretty fragile, Sunny notes, and like he hasn't been sleeping well.
Sunny waves with his free hand, bringing attention to his keyblade in his other.
"Yours look a lot like Mari's!" Basil points out.
"It does, doesn't it?" She smiles holding out her hand so Sunny could see hers.
It really was similar...
Sunny looks at Basil expectantly but Basil only averts his eyes.
"Maybe...some other time, I think I should head back to bed."
Theres something curious about the way Basil was acting, but Sunny doesn't know him quite enough to be sure.
In any case, Sunny starts classes.
There are major introductory ones, where rules of keyblade are taught. About keeping the secrecy of it, how they aren't allowed to let anyone hold it or present it outside of the school unless of an emergency.
There are basic magic courses too, as well as training grounds for physical attacks.
The others are quite a bit ahead of sunny, with him being the last to join.
Mari and Hero are training for their eventual Mark of Mastery and... Basil still hasn't been coming to any of the classes.
Sunny almost forgot Basil was even a student until he found him sneaking off after training.
Sunny follows Basil into a part of the building he's never been to before. Basil doesn't notice Sunny until after he's stopped in front of a door, Sunny standing besides him.
"Ah! I wasn't DOING ANYTHING MA- wait... you're Mari's little brother, Sunny...right? Wa- wait what are you doing here?"
Sunny just looks at Basil.
"Oh- you followed me.. didnt you? You can head back, I was just...doing something."
"..." Sunny knows Basil is hiding something and doesn't quite budge.
"Ah... alright, I'll tell you... the truth is.. there was an accident during training a while back and now.. I can't summon my keyblade." He opens the door, "I found the mirror they use for the test and I thought.. if I could summon my keyblade like the first time, everything will be better."
Sunny nods and follows Basil inside. Basil doesn't expect Sunny to stick around, why would he? But he does, giving Basil two thumbs up as he returns it with a weak smile.
Basil faces the mirror, a shadow stranger looks back at him. Something envelopes the shadowed figured and escapes the mirror, tendrils coming out from all ends.
Basil is... terrified, holding his hand out waiting for the keyblade to appear. It doesn't and the creature attacks Basil. Sunny....rushes over, using the basic Blizzard spell at the creature to freeze it in place before pull Basil to the side.
"It ... was hopeless after all, huh Sunny?" Basil has tears in his eyes.
Sunny summons his Keyblade and holds it out to Basil. "Sunny?" Sunny nudges it towards him, hand out towards Basil.
"You want me to take this? But the rules-"
Sunny simply points to the shadow demon. "Not strong enough..."
"Oh right, I guess you...don't know how to fight..,alright, I'll fend him off, get somewhere safe"
Sunny's keyblade in hand, Basil fights black smoke and tentacles coming from the shadow figure.
Basil's fighting is sloppy... compared to how he's seen Hero and Mari fight, but he's still weakening the beast, the shadow backing into the mirror with each attack. A sudden attack knocks the keyblade from Basil's hand, it hitting the ground and vanishing. Basil is knocked back, huffing in pain as he watches the tentacles lash out towards Sunny further back.
"Sunny!" Without thinking Basil rushes over towards Sunny, leaping into the air and slashing down with a glow of light. In his hand, a keyblade, glowing gold and green. The creatures hisses, completely vanishing into the mirror. Basil stares at the rematerialized keyblade, his keyblade in awe, before realizing the situation and turning to seal the mirror.
He's smiling as he faces Sunny, happy tears in his eyes.
"All I could think of was protecting you... and my keyblade came to help...T-Thank you Sunny, I couldn't have done this without you. You wanted to see my keyblade right? See! This is it!"
He holds it out proudly, basically glowing. Sunny couldn't help but smile at him back, "Pretty."
Its after this day that Basil rejoins classes, and becomes closer to Sunny, his best friend from those in his class ^^!
And this is! it! A lot longer than expected with more dialogue than anticipated but! here it be!
If you've read this far, thank you! Please lemme know your thoughts!
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Its All Good Business
Summery- 2.4k Mob!Steve x You x Mob!Bucky. You are there girl and they will use you as they want to. Warnings- Drug Use and Sex. This is an 18+ Only Blog. Lyrics in italiacs are from Lana Del Rey Off To The Races. 
Owned Sinfully Sweet Masterlist
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My old man is a bad man But I can’t deny the way he holds my hand And he grabs me, he has me by my heart He doesn’t mind I have a Las Vegas past He doesn’t mind I have a L.A crass way about me He loves me with every beat of his cocaine heart
Swimming pool Glimmering darling White bikini off with my red nail polish Watch me in the swimming pool Bright blue ripples, you Sitting sipping on your Black Crystal, oh yeah
Light of my life, fire in my loins Be a good baby, do what I want Light of my life, fire in my loins Gimme them gold coins Gimme them coins
Sun sparks off the pools chlorine blue ripples when you step out from glass doors, dropping your sunglasses to cover your eyes, toned body slick already with a touch of baby oil, They liked you tanned, all long legged golden thighs to spread when desired. They took care of you, met your needs with flourish. All you had to do, was be theres completely. It was an arrangement that worked out well for you in all aspects. 
Your fingers slipped along the ties of your white bikini just as Bucky stepped out, black crystal clinking cubes among dark liquor, and as you pulled them loose to drop them, he came up behind you, cold lips brushing along the back of your neck and fingers plucking at the string holding your top up. That to billowed down with the bottoms and you arched your hands to dive in, shattering the diamond gleam the sun was causing. 
He smirked watching his girl glide, moving over to a lounge nearby, and on the table he pulled the tray closer, leaning forward to line up rows of white powder, neat and precise, he swirled his drink once more and sipped from it. “Doll, come on out” He directed as you lapped back around, twisting to return to his side of the pool, you brace hands against the side and pull yourself up, dripping a trail behind you. Reaching for a nearby towel, you pat yourself while, biting your lip. Using a rolled up bill, he snorted the first line and reached to pull you in his lap, when he grasped your chin, his tongue sweeping over your teeth and you moaned softly, cupping his face. 
“Testing it out?” you take his hand and draw his finger in between your lips, sucking lightly tasting where he had handled it, all big eyed staring at him. Bucky you never knew what to expect, he liked to tease you once in a while.  
You could see that flint cold glint flash in his eyes, mouth cocking in a grin at your actions. “I know my shits good baby, just wanted to share with you.” He flicked the rolled bill in his fingers and held it out for you to take. “Figured we could get ready for going out tonight.” 
Taking it you shifted in his lap so you could lean over the table, red manicured nails pinched the bill between them and you dragged it over the line, the hit, euphoric. Snorting a bit to clear your passage, Bucky was already turning you to face him again, skimming a hand over your breast and closing his mouth over your nipple to suckle and tug, there was no way you could stop him if you wanted to. You were his, he could do whatever he wanted with you. So when his fingers slipped between folds, you ground your hips for him, triggering a rush of arousal. “Always such a slut for me, right in broad daylight to” He leaned back, just watching you ride his fingers, twisting your fingers into his suit jacket. “Dont be messing this up to much” 
You nod in understanding and you know what he wants to hear. “Yes Daddy, I will be good.” Biting your lips when you could feel two of his fingers slide into you, slick as you were, clutching around him. You roll your hips more vigorously, that little bundle of nerves firing all senses to heat you, coiling in your belly. The cocaine had done its job, making you extra sensitive. Was he going to let you cum this time? Bucky loved leaving you on the edge, wanting, waiting till he was damn good and ready for you to release. 
Leaning into him, your lips whisper over his, flick of the tongue trailing along his and he brushed back your hair that had fallen in your face, fisting his fingers tight into the back of your head. “Do you deserve to cum today Doll?” You whimper for him, and he kisses you hard, growling against your lips. “Do it now” He demanded, and you sped yourself up, driving to finish now before he got impatient, and with a gasp, your mouth falling open into an “o” your orgasm rolled through you, his hold in your hair loosening so you can lean into his chest, whimpering “Thank you Daddy” against his neck. 
Giving you an open mouth kiss, sliding his fingers from your still aroused pussy “Your welcome Doll, now go inside, Steve is waiting for you” He sucked off his fingers and took another sip from his drink, winking at you. “Better hurry now”
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My old man is, a tough man But he got a soul as sweet as blood red jam And he shows me, he knows me, every inch of my tar black soul He doesn’t mind I have a flat broke down life In fact he says he thinks it’s what he might like about me, admires me The way I roll like a rolling stone
Likes to watch me in the glass room, bathroom Chateau Marmont Slipping on my red dress, putting on my make up Glass film, perfume, cognac, lilac Fumes, says it feels like heaven to him
Light of his life, fire of his loins Keep me forever, tell me you want me Light of your life, fire of your loins Tell me you want me, gimme them coins
Quick to go back inside, you didnt even bother putting the bikini back on. When Steve is waiting, he doesnt like to be kept waiting for long. Searching him out, you find him in your closet of all places. Going through your clothing, and you move to where he would demand you to be. On your knees, quiet and watching him work. Pulling out a deep red dress, he finally made his decision on what you will be wearing for them tonight. “You can get up Sweetheart” he drawled out without glancing at you yet. 
Moving to get up, he bypasses you in the closet entrance and lays the dress out on the bed. Now he turned, beckoning you over to him, his large hands slide down your bare hips. “Did Bucky tell you we were going to the club tonight?” The one they owned together, where they originally found you when you applied to be one of there dancers. How fucken long ago does that seem now.
“Yes Ste-” You started when suddenly his hand grips your jaw, squeezing and anger flashing in his eyes. You are to never call them by there names, and sometimes it slips. 
“What was that Sweetheart?” His face is stern, commanding and you whine out before he releases his grip, you would make it up to him later, but the apology falls from your lips in the mean time. 
“Sorry Daddy, and yes he did tell me. Is this for me?” You motion towards the red dress, and he goes back to being tender with his touches, a light brush of his fingers here, tracing the natural curves of your body. 
“That it is, go clean up and put it on. Gotta have our girl looking good tonight.” You squeal and arch up to kiss him, his hands tightening there hold to help you stay to the balls of your feet, kissing back deeply, the taste of his cognac made your hightened drugged senses swarm and you pressed yourself into him hungrily. His hand moved to grasp your ass, grinding himself into you momentairly, breaking apart from you kiss, his voice deeper, graveled. “Go on now” You stepped away, taking the dress in your hands and into your bathroom, perching on a bench in front of a vanity, you start prepping your face. 
It wasnt long till Steve came in the bathroom, catching you dab red lipstick on, and run your mascara brush through your lashes. Coming up behind you, let his hand trail along your face. “Love it when you wear that red, getting it sloppily all over my cock. But I dont want your mascara to run, at least not yet.” He dipped his head to kiss your shoulder “Stand up Sweetheart and brace your hands against the vanity.” 
Steve was always the one who meant exactly what he said, you learned early on. He liked rules. You finish blotting your lip stick and move to a stand, your hands bracing on the vanity. He came up behind you, able to see you in the mirror, as his hand slipped along your back, and down till his fingers rubbed on your folds, still wet from before. “Spread your legs further” Which you did, pushing your ass out, round tempting for him to grasp. He didnt though, he kneeled behind you and ran the tip of his nose along the inside of your thigh “You smell like Heaven.”
“Taste even better Daddy” You purr, resting your head on folded arms. Sure enough his fingers spread you apart and he took a long lap through your cunt. He hummed with appreciation, and bit lightly on the inside of your thigh. 
“Your right, even better” And he drove in like a man starving, quick licks and long dragging laps, sucking your clit between teeth and pulling enough to make you jolt, thrusting his tongue into your entrance and swirling to make you clench “Dad-dy” You shudder out from ragged breaths. He knew exactly what he was doing to you, and as sweet as he was being, bringing you closer to cumming on his face, you better not mess up like earlier, cause then it would all stop. You dig your hands around the edge of your vanity to keep from wriggling to much, and he replaces his tongue with fingers for just a moment, stretching you open.
“Say it again Sweatheart. Who are you a slut for?” He rose from behind, the zipper of his pants unzipping, and the head of his cock slipped along your slick wet slit. 
“Yours Daddy, yours! Please I need you now.” You lift your gaze to the mirror, and that was all he needed to thrust into you, crying out at the relief after what they had done to you, he pounded into you hard, jerking your hips till you were falling apart, thank god you were leaning on the vanity, cause you wouldnt have been able to stay up. All your makeup, scattered all over the floor with it all. Feeling him pull from you and the warmth of his ejaculation falling onto your back, you pant waiting to come back down. “Good Girl Sweetheart” He praised, rubbing along your quivering arms while he lifted you to stand again, gentle as he grasped your chin and kissing you softly. “Be ready in half an hour, the car will drop you off. Bucky and I have a business matter to attend to, and will join you there.” Before he left, he helped pick up the make up all over the floor, and left you to finish dressing. 
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My old man is a thief, and I’m gonna stay and pray with him till the end But I trust in the decision of the law To watch over us Take him when he may, if he may I’m not afraid to say That I’d die without him Who else is gonna put up with me this way? I need you, I breathe you, I’ll never leave you They would rue the day, I was alone without you
You’re lying with your gold chain on Cigar hanging from your lips I said, “Hon’ you never looked so beautiful As you do now my man”
You arrived and proceeded to go into there specially reserved section, chatting with a few of the dancers whom you were friends with, you ordered yourself a club soda, still feeling the effects from earlier. You turned back to them with a smile.
“They will be arriving later, had business to attend to”
Now there was no need to reflect amongst themselves what this business would be, Steve and Bucky were well known for there illegal activities. How else would the three of them live a life of luxury. At all the doors, members of there crew stood, brazen not hiding the guns on there hips, and the amount of money, drugs, and other goods would pass through the club tonight. 
And speaking of the Devil, first Steve enters, with Bucky right behind, the crowd parted out of there way, and telling by the smirks on both there faces, they were quite happy with themselves. “Ladies” Steve steps around them and into one side of the booth, addressing them. They were all smiles to the man who paid there paychecks, Bucky came up the other side, kissing one on the cheek “Busy night girls?” Always the flirt, you knew he was affectionate with everyone, but YOU were his. You got what all the others didnt get. 
“Oh certainly, in fact our shift is about to start” and they parted with goodbyes, Bucky sliding into the booth on the other side, Steves hand rested on the inside of your thigh, grasping lightly and Buckys arm went over your shoulder. 
“Everything go good?” You question, while Bucky waved over for some drinks to be brought to the table. Steve lounged back, and releasing you, pulled out a cigar from his pocket, handing it over to Bucky and drawing out another for himself. 
“Sweetheart, deal of a lifetime. Think we got it good now. Its gonna get better” 
Your eyes widened at the news, and Bucky smirked as they brought over the drinks, tipping a few bills before turning back to you.
“Nothing but good business Doll.” Bucky nipped at your shoulder, kissing deeply on the curve of your neck. Steves fingers twirled in the loose locks of hair, winking at you. 
Fuck you loved these two, you would follow them anywhere. 
@jtargaryen18​ @what-is-your-plan-today​ @p8tn0lish​ @mariaravn1982​
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wavbleu · 4 years
Jordan powell: Punishment pt 2
Goes the tall cold man's heavyweight boots echoing through the halls; You looked up at the grey door, watching the doorknob steadily turn left.
It was him.
You sat in the cold room, wearing nothing but dainty, fragile, pink panties, braless ; Still tied down to the lumpy uncomfortable metal chair, silenced by the rope around your mouth.
You shook in horror and dismay thinking about what he'd do to you this time, would he seduce you with his charms , tie you up and use you like a toy? Or would he finally develop mercy and let you out. Ha. Hardly doubt that. Thats what you hated about Jordan, there was no definite answer of what he'd do to you and he always kept you guessing your fate.
Although you hated how you were tied down majority of the time and Jordan's boastful and cocky attitude , you guiltily liked the fact that you were getting used and put into your place; like a good little whore.
Jordan walked into the room welcomed by the cold air, "Geesh why didnt you tell me it was so cold." He'd look at the rope around your mouth and chuckle , "oh right."
He lightly kicked the door shut with his boot and walked towards you, he had 2 slices of pizza placed onto a paper plate in one hand and 2 cold sprites in the other.
What kinda kidnapper feeds the kidnapped.. and on top of that decent food? You thought to yourself.
He placed the food onto the gray table in front of you, making your mouth start watering, you were hungry and you haven't eaten anything all day.
But instead of untying you to eat, Jordan grabbed a wooden chair and swiftly sat backwards on it, he opened the sprite and it let out a small "tssst" before he started to slowly drink it in front of you.
You looked at the food then at him; just hoping he would take a hint and untie you. But he just stared at you, sipping his soda.
He's taunting me isnt he?
"Something bothering you? its ok you can tell me." He joked and laughed continuously taking a small swish out of the sprite.
You let out a loud frustrated groan at how he's playing stupid.
"Calm down princess, i just wanna finish my drink." He mocked, then started to sip his stupid sprite even slower than before, even making sound effects along with it.
Your stomach let out a loud growl making you crunch up as a reaction; you looked up at him again with an obvious face that showed how done you are with his bullshit antics.
"Fineeee!" ,"Gee your no fun." He mumbles before getting up , slamming the sprite can on the table and untying you. 
He satirically let out a loud groan as he untied your ropes and unraveled the hard knots he put in place . Starting out with your mouth, enabling you to talk, your shoulders and arms, and lastly your feet.
You were free, the tension the rope put on your arms and legs gradually began to release itself from your body .
Jordan got onto his knees in front of you and began softly kissing and caressing your thighs nibbling at them and leaving hickeys on them. You felt a tingling sensation go down your body as he started to kiss up your thigh, you wanted him to stop but no.. keep going. Until you remembered how hungry you are and how the pizzas right there.
You jerked and moved your thighs throwing him off of what he was doing, he then looked up at you and seemed to be pissed off.
"You know toys are supposed to be fun." , " and your fucking boring."
"Well if im boring then let me out." You snapped back, "Not till your broke ass parents give me what i want darling." He sternly yet angrily replied. Pissed off you tried to get up from the stupid metal chair, but he lifted you up and threw you over his strong, broad shoulder. "Put me down!" you screeched, he took your orders (for once) and placed you onto the grey table where the still- pretty-hot pizza was.
What a tease, you thought.
You were close enough to grab the pizza so, you attempted to stick your hand out and hopefully, oh so hopefully you'd be able to grab it and eat, but lucks out, Jordan slapped your hand and cooed "Aw my babygirl wants to eat?" He grabbed the now warm slice of pizza and circled it around your mouth , "Here comes the choo choo train say ahh." You opened your mouth desperate to have a bite , but instead of being welcomed by a nice thin slice of that oh so cheesy pizza, you felt his saliva enter your mouth instead.
Impulsively you kicked him, he bounced back from the impact of it and when he had realized what you've done he got pissed.
You seen the anger rise  in him; he balled his fists and his face dropped into a furious look. You grew fear and distress in your heart.. you had a deep feeling it was gonna be worst than last time.
"Im so sor-" you tried to apologize but was interrupted.
"Oh so the little bitch is hungry so she goes and kicks her daddy." he licks his lips and stares at you "I know what you can eat."
He'd grab a chunk of your hair and drag you off the table forcing you onto your knees, "On your knees bitch . Reply." , "Yes daddy." You gulped knowing you deserved this.
You felt your breath quicken as he angrily unbuckled his pants and whipped out his big dick, dripping of pre-cum and shaking. You looked at his dick then up at him, waiting for your instructions.
"Listen here baby, your gonna take this dick down your throat and were gonna count by 10, every 10 seconds you can breathe. Got it?" He grabbed your face making you look up at him, you slowly nodded and swallowed your spit again, preparing yourself for what your about to take.
"Good girl." He smirked before pushing you onto his dick, from the tip down to his thick base, you gagged up spit struggling to take all 8 inches. His dick slowly entered down your tightening throat, making him release a deep moan.
He started to stroke himself down your throat, going slow since its the first set, He counted to 10 before pulling out and letting you breathe, then sticking his dick down your throat again.
He fucked your throat faster this time, his balls lightly tapped your chin and saliva started to stick onto your face, "Thats a good little toy, thats right, spit up all over it." He stroked one last time before pulling out once again, "thats 20." he moaned, then stuck it down your throat again.
"Use your tongue baby." He groaned, desperately fucking himself into your throat. You took demands and worked your tongue on his dick, he threw his head back and moaned, losing count and forgetting to let you breathe.
"Fuck!" He let out fucking himself deeper into your petite throat, your eyes began to water and tear up as you kept gagging up spit repeatedly. Your pussy was dripping wet, you went to fulfill its needs for before Jordan saw and stopped you.
"What the fuck are you doing?" He growled in a pissed off manner, "No, bad girls dont get to touch their selves." he snatched your hand and placed it onto his hip. He grabbed your hair again and stuck his dick deeper inside you, angry at not only how you kicked him but how you decided to touch yourself aswell.
He picked up his black shirt and bit onto it, showing off his sexy six pack, sliding his dick in and out of your throat , his breath quickened and he let out small moans; He bit down onto his shirt and looked up at the ceiling desperately trying to hold himself back from cumming.
"Son of a bitch get on the table." He growled, quickly lifting you up and placing you onto the table, ripping off your panties and sticking his penis into you. You gasped as he forced all his inches into you effortlessly instantly being lubed by your wet pussy. He took notice of how turned on you are by this "Yea you like this dont you my little cum dump? Only stupid sluts enjoys this shit."
He threw your ankles over his shoulders and started to deeply , roughly and aggressively force himself in and out of you, grasping onto your hips and letting out loud deep moans.
The loud claps of his hips thrusting onto you and your thighs filled the cold sex-ified room.
His dick felt absolutely marvelous in you, he made sure to angle himself perfectly thrusting, working at your g-spot and showing it some love.
You held onto his strong forearm to brace yourself for the powerful and compelling orgasm ahead, you looked up at him and moaned, "Im sorry daddy~"
He loved how you moaned and creamed all over his cock, reminding him who has the authority here.
"Who owns you?" He grabbed onto your neck and looked down at you " You do." You cried as you could feel his dick in your womb, "Thats right." He pulled out and opened your legs wide open, beginning to eat you out.
Your legs shivered as he gently sucked onto your clit and softly rubbed it , then stuck his cock back into you. That was your breaking point , you released yourself all over his thick cock letting all of the pleasure override you, causing you to tighten.
He grunted, beginning to dig his nails into your hips bound to leave a mark. Seconds later you felt his warm cum rush into you, Jordan threw his head back and rolled his eyes letting out a deep and sexy "Oh fuck!"
You were happy and proud about how you once again pleased your master , "You better worship that load whore. Now eat up and clean yourself up. Ill be back in an hour." He pulled up his pants and exited the room.
You finally enjoyed your pizza.
MIGHT edit this one later but yay the hoe finally got ha pizza
More requests and scenarios please!🤞🏾😍
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corvidshipping · 3 years
modern au red/milo dump while i try to get myself together to answer asks nd work on ATJ:
(tw for alcohol mentions near the end, also this is an EXTREMELY long post, its so long that even after i split it into categorized sections each section could be its own post)
milo absolutely has no sense of fashion. i feel like this is basically canon - for the styles at the time, he dresses fairly basic, mostly focused on looking put together for his job (definitely dresses aimed more towards how he would like to be treated by his peers, despite his actual position - then again our best example outside of the expedition is when he's about to deliver what he considers the most important presentation of his life, so who knows, maybe he usually dresses like a slob). aside from that his main concern seems like practicality and comfort. his wardrobe is dominated by earth tones - beiges and greens set with white and greys. all of that taken into account, i can see him dressing like this in a more modern era:
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basically- a lot of cardigans, usually collared shirts or comfortable turtlenecks (since he does still occupy a research position at the smithsonian, even if only in title), big ol' coats, khakis and chinos and slightly stiff dress pants complete with ironed creases. i can see him wearing similar clothes outside work, just more comfortable - jeans and knitted shirts, henleys, more turtlenecks, and comfy cardigans over short sleeved shirts. i dont really see him wearing a lot of prints, i think he'd veer more towards solid clothes in lighter colors, but maybe he has a few. hes definitely the kind of guy to think of wearing the single graphic tee he owns as "bold and wild".
im very married to the idea of him wearing converse though. i cant explain it. milo in converse keeps me going in this world
hes kind of broke so i think maybe he got the converse secondhand maybe? or a gift of some kind. aside from the converse i can see him wearing a lot of oxfords and maybe wingtips
i want to see him in a hawaiian shirt so bad. i am losing it at this thought. he buttons it all the way up to his neck like someones awkward dad. milo wears a hawaiian shirt to "let loose". he wears it with like, khakis. or knee length jorts AHHHHDJHDSGJHDSJGh
a tie??? does he wear his hawaiian shirt with a tie???? does he think it makes it look cooler?????????? i am sobbing
red is the COMPLETE opposite. in the canon 1914 setting, red is already very rebellious for an AFAB person of their era- theyre openly a suffragette, they frequently refuse to wear skirts even in public and dress in mens clothes even before they were openly nonbinary, despite not being accepted into the male-dominated research fields and colleges they continue to educate themself with or without help, they purposely aim for an "unfeminine" silhouette when they dress, refuse to wear corsets, etc. (spoiler alert- there's a clear reason they get on so well with audrey in ATJ)
theyre also easily mistaken by people that didnt know them prior to their transition for being just a very small/young cis man- even though they canonically have a very soft "traditionally feminine" face
so basically, in any era theyre set into, red is always gonna aim to be ahead of the curve- both in their personal beliefs and practices and in their fashion. theyre also very androgynous in their clothes, although they tend to aim a bit more masculine (thats partially due to the era though, and having been forced into skirts exclusively for their entire life- i think in a modern setting where its more acceptable for AFABs to dress and act in a less hyperfeminine way, theyd be more okay with a fluidity in their gender presentation).
all that taken into account, i can see them dressing like this:
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lots of baggy clothes, especially baggy jackets and shirts. they like loose fitting high waisted pants like JNCO jeans, cargo pants, etc but they arent averse to pencil legs. they rarely ever wear skinny jeans or drainpipes though. messy hair is a lifestyle for them- their haircut is definitely home-done
you know how in BICSTLY they used to have really long hair before they cut it? in a modern au i can see them impulsively doing the cut at like 3am and waking milo up at his door cause they screwed it up and he ends up having to help fix it (even though hes literally no better at cutting hair than them. worse even)
definitely have an undercut bob- bob on top, shaven on the bottom layer. they might end up growing their hair into a mullet at some point if they get bored. probably dyes their hair all the time out of boredom and then regrets it later and has to use dye remover.
lots of ripped tights and fishnets, leggings with big loose crop tops, big hoodies, safety pin jewelry and homemade jewelry. maybe some sticknpokes.
all that said, they still know how to dress in a professional situation. since its a modern au theres really nothing holding them back from the education and career they canonically want but cant get in the 1910s, so i imagine they would work at the smithsonian as well, maybe their father helped them get the job? potentially in that case they might be his assistant- after all, he trusts their opinion on artifacts more than anyone else's.
at work you can still very much see the punk/skater/grunge/goth style but its more understated- turtlenecks, high waisted and looser dress pants, lots of black, slightly unbuttoned collared shirts with a loose overcoat and no tie
since i elaborated on milos shoe taste i may as well elaborate on red's: they definitely wear converse as well, probably newer than milo's since their father is fairly wealthy and they can afford it. they also have a doc martens collection. they have a pair of demonias but they never wear them and milo is really the only person to even know they own them, let alone see them in them. they really dont like to wear heels much, but they own a few just to play around with. they have a bad habit of wearing any laced shoes untied, but they never trip over the laces. they also use lace code- their most-worn Docs have purple laces on the right foot and yellow on the left. some of their Docs have (reclaimed) pink laces.
has an extensive pin collection including feminism pins, anti-racism pins, punk-related pins, skater-related pins, and pop culture pins (80s music, modern music, old movies, etc)
milo's into a lot of older music- stuff from the 50s is his favorite. really into jazz and ballroom style stuff. his favorite band is queen, i think- he likes the old-fashioned sound, the jazz-chamber-ballroom influences, the diversity of their lyrics, and the complexity between the guitar riffs, the basslines, and freddie's vocal runs as well as the vocal harmonies.
sometimes he hums good old fashioned lover boy to red and they two-step in the living room in their pajamas :pleading:
also very into rush. yes, he is a rush guy :pensive:.
also listens to a surprising amount of lo-fi? he really likes stuff that remixes older music with hip hop and lofi elements, like earl grey. nearly exclusively into instrumental stuff but also very into louie zong. he listens to it while he works a lot.
knows a lotttt of foreign artists, especially niche ones. fuckin LOVES casiopea
red's spotify is a goddamn mess. everything from 2000s emo, to classic 70s punk, to post-punk and new wave, to 90s pop, to rap. they cant be easily classified at all
their favorite bands are oingo boingo, prince, queen (they listen to a lot of their harder-rock music, but milo knows theyre into the ballads too. theyll never tell anyone else though), doja cat, lil nas, fall out boy, and billie eilish.
red recites the intro monologue to lets go crazy very seriously to make milo laugh, sometimes. they get very into it with their facial expressions. sometimes it devolves into a full air guitar/keyboard/drum and wild dancing session. milo does not know how to participate in this but he loves watching them have fun with it. sometimes they pull him off the couch to make him dance with them, though
they are a huge sucker for dark pop, vaporwave, retrowave, EDM, hip hop, emo, punk... etc etc. anything that combines any two or more of those genres in an original or interesting way gets their attention right away
there's a lot of sharing between the two of them- even though their music tastes are so different, they like a lot of the others taste, and theyre always up to listen to whatever their partner is playing.
red is a huge softie, and milo has found them more than once listening to or humming something he was playing for them the other day because it reminded them of him
speaking of which- in the 1914 canon, red can play piano. i think that carries over to a modern au, where they could play piano and by extension keyboard. i like to think they experiment with a lot of instruments but i doubt they ever really mastered any others. maybe theyre okay at drums or bass?
they learned to play and sing teo torriatte for milo, as a surprise. when they first performed it for them, they had everything set up for when he got home from work- the lights were dimmed, they had candles lit around the keyboard, they draped stuff in cloth to make it look pretty, they scattered flower petals around. when milo walked in and saw it all, he almost proposed then and there- the only thing that stopped him was that he would kick himself for the rest of his life if he did that without a ring.
milo is still an avid chess player in this, but i like to think hes in some kind of groupchat or text or discord server for it. he doesnt necessarily consider any of the others in the chat close friends, but he does know them all by name
he tries to get red into chess but they never really get it
he tells them all about the stuff that goes down in the games and they just. do not understand. but they love listening to him get excited about it anyway
"red you're not gonna BELIEVE this, eddie played an italian game on star today! i thought for sure she would see through it since everyone knows it but she slipped and he beat her in like, 13 moves! i wouldnt have believed it if i hadnt been there!"
"yes sweetie please tell me more" (barely disguised pained expression)
red is a skater and a regular at the skate park by the smithsonian
most regulars there know them by name, they can spot a newbie a mile away
they have a sticker of a broken tv with a skull inside of it on the underside of their board, its become recognized as a symbol of them unofficially
since theyre so regular and have been going there a lot longer than most of the other skaters that frequent the place, a lot of what they say is kind of just accepted as the rules
they have a bad habit of lecturing new kids who show up without knee/elbow pads or helmets at the very least. all the other skaters enforce it too. kids dont end up showing up without protective gear very often after their first visit
they brought a first aid kid and left it there and everyone has kept it stocked pretty well without them having to have much input. its kind of just a communal first aid kit
they once drew the broken tv symbol on the inside of a half-pipe and everyone started calling it red's ramp after that
they also started calling the bowl at the center of the park the Soup Bowl and now thats just accepted as the name. some of the newer kids genuinely thought that it was called that by the park and were shocked when they found out it was just a random nickname red gave it one day
theyve brought milo a few times but hes extremely awkward on his feet and could never really get his balance on a skateboard, and quite frankly red is afraid of what might happen if he tried even a low ramp, so he usually just sits at the rim of the bowl while red skates around
everyone knew he was their boyfriend before they even met him. a few of the regulars called him by name right away. one of them was certain red had brought him before.
but no
they just talk so fuckin much about him that its like they already know him
aside from skateboarding, red is pretty good on rollerskates/blades
they tried to take milo to a roller rink once but it was a disaster and they ended up going home, changing into pajamas, ordering chinese food, and marathoning movies till they fell asleep on the couch together. so not a total loss
theyre both very into movies. red is deep into horror and milo likes indie/art movies and just Cannot handle horror at all, but they both agree on old movies, from the 80s and 90s to like the 30s.
red has shown milo some of the classic horror movies and the niche old ones (from like the 40s) since theyre not difficult to stomach
every so often when red brings up wanting to see a horror movie milo is like "aw babe we can watch that tonight i promise it wont be bad" and he genuinely thinks he can handle it this time
he cant
he never can
it is always a lie
red ends up holding him every time and talking him to sleep, but it thankfully never causes like a major panic attack or anything like that
they love going to museums together, of all kinds. they love art museums. they also go to aquariums and aviaries
sometimes they like to go to other history museums and criticise the veracity or accuracy of exhibits/translations, all in good fun of course. theyre never actually being mean about it
they both used to work at starbucks, when they were younger and before they worked at the smithsonian. they worked at separate stores 2 blocks from each other.
milo cant stand soda or carbonated drinks, red can and will chug a java monster in order to survive a long workday if they must. milo is constantly concerned for their health and wellbeing
they r both lightweights when it comes to drinking. they can split a six pack and both be falling-over drunk by the end of the night.
given the changes in beauty standards people DEFINITELY think milo is more attractive than they would in 1914. cmon. hes a lil twinky nerd. you think people wont eat that up?
he never really catches onto the flirting much though
did u think i would forget ki/da and the others? youd be wrong.
i simultaneously like the idea of something similar to the movie happening, but also just like... ki/da just being a regular person living on the surface. in either case they r all friends still
in the case of ki/da just being a regular person on the surface- i like the idea of atl/antis just being A Place in this au, maybe its a bit of a closed off country though? like, not many foreigners live there and to get there you basically need to be there as a diplomat or a scholar
maybe ki/da visits DC as a diplomat? she is a princess, after all
red meets audrey online cause they both yell at the same misogynistic asshole on twitter
they exchange discord names in the replies of the tweet and tell the guy not to interrupt them while theyre talking in his replies
i like to think red and milo are selected to go on an academic visit to atl/antis (to learn about the culture, with permission of the king), and audrey ends up as the mechanic on the ship during the visit and theyre like (spiderman pointing meme) at each other
red and audrey have so many inside jokes that they basically speak a different language. milo gets some of the terms from context and pop culture (they use "so very" in real life- as in "wow, that shirt is so very.") but he is hopeless to learn all of it
one of their inside jokes is any variation of "milo hot girl summer" and they REFUSE to explain it to him no matter how much he begs
milo wears that iconique tank top on the ship and they say it literally any time he bends over, picks anything up, reaches for anything, moves, BREATHES. he is bewildered and at this point concerned
(in truth, the joke came from red taking a really blurry picture of him in a short sleeve shirt where he looked pretty cute and captioned it "milo's having a hot girl summer rn" and they just could not stop repeating it once audrey met him IRL)
they have a minecraft world. i do like to believe that every so often vinny finds a way in- theyre never sure how- and griefs the shit out of them by blowing up EVERY. monument.
this post is getting long bc im enraptured by the idea of an atl/antis modern au so im cutting it off here but expect WAY MORE later
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Hello my sweet!! I was wondering if maybe I could request a lil Dewey headcanon about the reader asking dewey to go and see the infinity war/Endgame marvel double bill at the cinema?? And at first he’s like noooo but then he actually loves it and wants to watch them all??? Lotsa love my angel!🥰💜
Of couse darling!
Suuuuuuperfluffy Dewey Finn x reader ahead!
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Marvelous Marvel Movienight.
"PLEASE!!! Dewdrop! You gotta see marvel at least once okay??!! Its just so gooooood! " you pleaded to your boyfriend, tugging at his shirt like a 5 year old toddler would do, to get what he wanted. Anything to watch Marvel with the love of your life.
Dewey had been stubborn and wouldnt budge... you had been whining and begging him to join you to your favorite movie in the world, but Dewey just deadpanned: "Darling... listen... This might seem shocking... but shirtless superheroes with tight abbs, aren't doing it for me..."
You chuckled a bit at his dramatic floppy hand that matched his scentence. What a man...
You sighed, pulled out your phone quickly... typed something with the speed of lightning, and turned the screen to the unimpressed face of Dewey Finn. His eyebrows shot up and he smirked a tiny bit more then he had before. He hummed: "Well... youknow im not into redheads... but... this certainly makes it better."
You grinned back at him: "Yeah... should have known Black Widow wouldn't be your cup of tea... but hey... What about Scarlet Witch?"
You turned the phone towards him again and he hummed approvingly at the picture you showed him.
"Hmmm.... Yeah... okay... thats... okay."
You glanced at him happily over your phone and watched him nod once.
You squeeled a high pitched note in happiness and victory and bounced into his arms. "YESSSS!!! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!! Yaaaaay Dew! Its gonna be great!!!"
Dewey looked at your stoked happy bouncy form and his eyes softened when he spoke: "Yeah... allright champ... But the witch isn't nearly as gorgeous as you are."
You bounced into his arms and pecked his lips happily.
You told him: "Im gonna call the cinema for spots..." you turned away, phone in hand ready to call for seats this evening when Deweys hand around your waist stopped you.
You whipped your head around in confusion, frown on your face as you looked to Dewey again.
He kissed you again and whispered between kisses:
You hummed happily in the kiss and combed your fingers through his hair, he moaned in pure bliss. His hair always had been his weak spot. And you loved touching it. So. Match made in heaven.
Dewey deepened the kiss with a small growl when you scratched the hair on the back if his neck. But when his hands slid lower onto your back you pulled away.
You chuckled when you saw Dewey trace after your soft lips as you removed your mouth from his.
Always so needy for more.
"Hey HoneyDew.... Better get your rocking ass take care of those seats okay?"
Dewey was slightly frustrated and grunted through a tight jaw: "Anything for you my angel..." his lips kissed yours one more time before he swiftly turned on his heels.
Phone in hand he walked away, yelling over his shoulder: "On it!"
Dewey wouldnt tell you where the two of you were heading tonight, and you weren't having any of it tonight. He promised you he would take care of it.
After a 10 minute drive he passed your usual cinema. Passed it...
You had been driving for about 50 minutes now, and Dewey was on the wheel, with a stupid satisfied smirk on his face the whole drive. He wouldn't tell you where you were going. Or what you two would do when you got there.
You just wanted Marvel movie-night damn it.
Through your ranting thoughts you didnt notice Dewey was parking the car.
You were just about to give your boyfriend a lecture and ask him where he was taking you for the 100th time this drive, when he stopped the car and looked you in the eye. He smirked and bounced his leg in excitement when he exclaimed: "WE'RE HERE BABY!"
You were gonna ask him: where the fuck that was....
When you heared the familiar tune of a marvel movie behind the car.
Dewey cheered, jumped out of the car and rushed towards your door to open it.
You hadn't even time to ask him where you were, because in a heartbeat he had pulled you out of the car enthausiastically. He tugged you towards the back of his van, and threw open the door.
Cozy pillows and 3 blankets where spread across the back of his van. Dewey even hang up actual fairylights.
When you tore your amazed gaze away from the back of the van, Dewey was standing in front of you with some cozy home-socks in one hand, and some popcorn in the other.
A happy but insecure smile tugged his lips upwards and he stepped aside to show you where the Marvel Theme was coming from.
Behind your happy DewDrop there was a giant screen, where Civil-war just started to play.
It...was a drive in cinema.
Of course! What a fool you were.
You squeeled happily and just in time saw the glint of relief in Deweys eyes when you hugged him as tightly as possible. Dewey chuckled and couldn't actually hug you back, cause socks and popcorn.
He watched you get cozy inside the van and handed you your popcorn and fuzzy socks.
A smile crept up his face as he took in how adorable and utterly happy you looked.
*gosh... how much he loved you*
Dewey crawled into the fluffy pillows beside you and tugged you closer to him. Craving you. Your happy vibe. Your absolute beauty. And your cuddles. It was never close enough for him.
Deweys eyes lit up when he watched your entranced face, your eyes glued on the screen before you. He kissed your cheek lovingly, but let you be after that. You were *so* keen to watch the movie, he didn't want to disturb you.
Dewey couldn't care less where he was with you. He didnt even watched the movie. His eyes were as glued on you, as yours were on the Marvel movie before you.
He would go anywhere... do anything... anytime...
As long as you would be there with him... it was allright with Dewey.
When the movie was halfway, the lights went on for a little while.
Your stoked face turned to Dewey and he beamed a happy smile your way.
Deweys hand started to scratch the back of his neck and he started to mutter somewhat insecure: "Listen sweetheart... iknow... i-it... i-is... isnt quite an a-actual cinema... bu-but... erhm... you... i..."
You shut him up in the kindest way possible. You pressed a gentle, loving kiss on his soft lips, and his muttering faded away.
You breathed against his lips between kisses:
"Thankyou Dewey.... its perfect. I love it... but I love you even more..."
Your hands found his hair again and started to scratch his scalp as you deepened the kiss. You smirked in the kiss as you heared Dewey produce the slightest, quietest moan. Almost like he was embarresed by the sound he produced in public.
Deweys hands roamed under your sweater and brushed lovingly circles on your sides.
This time it was Dewey who broke the kiss. And you pouted instantly when his lips left yours. You scooted closer to his body to compensate the loss.
Dewey brushed his calloused fingers against your cheekbone and he muttered with his nose against yours: "Happy to see you this happy. Are you cozy enough for round two after this one?"
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion and you said confused: "Wha.... what? Dew... round two?"
Dewey chuckled and kissed your nose before humming: "Yeah love... half of Infinty War to go. And Endgame later...?"
Your eyes turned wide in amazement and you squeeled loudly in excitement again.
"No way!! Both???" You yelled happily to Dewey and he nodded. His eyes beaming as he took in your glee.
Dewey continued after: "...Wanna do a marvel-marathon at home after?" He scratched the back of his neck again and flipped his hand through his own locks. A trait that showed you he was nervous about something. Dewey spoke again: "...they... erhm... are... actually... Marvel is... kind of good? I enjoy... it? I would like to see the rest too if you're into that?"
Your hands found Dewey's scruffy cheeks and you held them firmly when you kissed the boy senseless.
Dewey's grin turned into a smile, his smile into chuckle, his chuckles turned into a full on hollering laughter. As you continued to kiss every inch of his beautifull face.
You smirked towards your rockstar: "I... Dewey Finn... would love nothing more..."
Dewey looked absolutely beautifull, laying on his side against you in the back of the van. A single bit of pocorn was stuck in his messy brown locks. He held his scruffy cheek with one hand, and the other was on your waist. Holding you as close as possible. Deweys brown eyes seemed to glow into the fairylights... admiration and love for you was seen in them.
You slowly moved towards him and let his upper lip slip between your lower lip, kissing him softly.
When you pulled back you both muttered in sync: "Iloveyou."
Best date night ever.
You loved Marvel.
But you loved your marvelous rockstar even more.
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@ironmansuucks @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @little-miss-shy-goth @thats-specific @vicunaburger @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings @gegehaddock @bugdrinkss
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