#if it weren’t for the wheel guard you’d see that he’s kinda. floating on the side of the chair
rotdecaydraw · 2 years
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Thanks for the dtiys @sproutwiki !! This was so fun to do ^-^
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mcu-fan-fics-blog · 3 years
The Helping Hand
Summary: Y/N Krast Illegitimate Daughter of Tony Stark. Product of an unwanted teen pregnancy. What would Howard Stark be capable of doing to assure his sons future? What will happen when Tony meets our Beautiful, young, genius, rich philanthropist.
Word Count: 2000 approx
A/n: I will try to finish part 2 during the week maybe Wednesday or Thursday. I did change what happens in the movie but it will call make sense I promise. See you soon!
Tw: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Drug use, Drug addiction, Teen Pregnancy. (If there are any I missed please tell me.)
Chapter 9: Civil War Pt.1
Secretary Ross what a bitch. I mean you save the world you'd expect a thanks maybe a parade or something, but no. Instead they ask you to legally give up your rights, your anonymity basically all you value. "We can't seriously consider signing this." Steve spat out. "You're being Hyper nonverbal." Nat points tony out. "That's because he's already decided." Steve points out calmly. "I can't sign… I won't sign the accords." You mutter out quietly. "I'm not even an official part of the 'team'. I don't even have a hero name." Pietro chuckles giving you an approving nod. 
Nat brings you and Pietro back to reality. "You were still there." She points out matter of factly. "Either way that does not change that we have made some very public mistakes." She continues. "We need to be put in check." Tony states. "If we don't do it now they will do it to us later and they won't be asking nicely." He says. "I agree it's better to keep one hand on the wheel, than letting go completely." You're honestly not listening at this point anymore. You jump back in after Visions statistics. "My friends are dead because of you." You point out. 
"You blame Wanda for an accident. When I saw your effect on Sokovia way before you blew it up." You mention spitefully. "If you want to sign because you feel guilty go ahead. I'm not being forced into this..." Tony sighs hurt by your comments' brutal honesty. "I'm just trying to protect Wanda." He says looking at you. "Too little too late… where were you when she was in Lagos." This is when Wanda steps in. "Just calm down okay… Just- lets just hear him out." She says looking at you. "Either we have her here with her brother or they become government property." He continues. "You can't just not sign… think about everything you'll lose." Steve jumps in again. "If we sign, we lose our chance to choose. We work under our own authority now, but people have agendas and you know that better than anyone." Steve points out.
Tony and Steve go at it for a minute when he abruptly leaves. Soon you find out why… Peggy passed. You and Nat flew out to be with him for a moment. After which he told you he was not signing the accords. "Wish you the best Captain Rogers." Is what you said. You hesitated but pulled him into a hug. "If you ever need anything talk to me… I'll do my best to help you out." You tell him and he hugs you back. Nat convinced you to fly to Vienna with her and sign the accords there. So you did and regretted it not long after you arrived. It was a complete bore fest. You let Nat do her own thing and you just walked around like a lost puppy until something called your attention. You rush back to her immediately. "Nat, something's wrong, something is very wrong." You repeat then you look out the window confirming your theory. "EVERYBODY GET DOWN" you yell as you leap on Natasha. She's about to reprimand you for causing a scene when the whole building shakes.
It was a blur and everything hurts. You stand up and all you can hear is ringing and a faint voice. As you stand you hear your name faintly Natasha is calling you but there's something else. Your head begins to throb. The voice it's clear now. It's repeating words. "Zhelanie, rzhavyy, Semndtsat', Rassvet, Pech', Devgat', Dobroserdechnyy, Vozvrashcheniye na rodinu, Odin', Gruzovoy Vagon." You grab your head to try and steady yourself. But the voice gets louder and then you recognize it. "Don't believe what you see… dig deeper Y/n. It wasn't him." Then you're pulled out of your daze by Nat standing before you. "Y/n are you okay?" She asks worried. You only nod turning your head and noticing that somehow you made your way outside. "I umm- I need you to call tony and tell him it happened again." You say calmly she nods and takes off to make the call. As she did that you called Steve. "Yes, Steve I'm fine we're fine… but you need to listen to me."
He was scared and the news spread like wildfire. "It wasn't him… Steve it wasn't him." He's quiet. "How do you know?" You sigh. "I just do Steve okay. I believe in you alright. But you can't look for him. If you find him the rest will find him. Keep your distance a week two tops just listen to me please." You plead with him he eventually sighs. "I'm trusting you Y/n" you sigh in relief. You hang up when Nat begins to walk back to you. "Tony is sending a Plane." She mentions looking around them fixing her sight on you. "How did you know something was going to happen?" Her voice nearly a whisper. You shake your head. "Y/n you told me something was wrong very wrong at least 30 seconds before the bombs went off."
"I-i don't know Nat something felt wrong… off then I looked out the window." You say trying to piece together your thoughts. "Lets go… let me drop you off at the airport." She says helping you up. The drive was quiet and uncomfortable. She wasn't sure she believed you, she saw that you called someone. Her walls were up and your answers were not helping that. She helped you board the plane and said her goodbyes and walked out. The ride was quiet what you wanted. But those words kept circling your mind. You couldn't have heard them more than three times but they were burnt into your mind. Vision and then twins were waiting for you when you landed. "Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner will not get here in a couple of days." You nod taking your time getting off.
"Are you okay?" Pietro asks when you trip down the last step. You shake your head. "I'm just tired, plus it's not everyday that you live through an explosion." You chuckle. "I just need some rest." You finish. Your sleep was not as peaceful as you'd like. Your head kept going back to that state of limbo the same words repeating over and over again. In the morning you're feeling well enough and make your way down to the kitchen. You weren't surprised when you found the Maximoff twins already up and going. "Good morning" you say as you walk up to them noticing Vision floating in a corner. "Good morning do you feel better?" Wanda asks as she flips a pancake. You nod watching Pietro chop vegetables extremely fast. Wanda clears her throat catching your attention. "Your thoughts were very loud last night…" 
"Oh my Wanda I am so sorry if I kept you up." You begin apologizing but she cuts you short. "It's fine I only brought it up because I can hear them… they are there, but I can read them?" She says questioning whether or not you understood. You nod. "Did it happen again?" She asks, worry filling her eyes. "I-i don't know how to explain it. Yesterday I felt something was off. I heard a voice after the explosion." You mention trying to wrap your head around the situation. "It was repeating these words. I can't stop thinking about them." You finish off. She gives you a confused look. "Bruce said it's kinda like the green guy… It keeps me alive." 
"Is that why I can't read you anymore?" She blurts out. "I don't know probably." You shrug. "Nat, she doesn't believe me… I saw it in her eyes." You mention quietly. Pietro rushes over to you and puts his arm around you, messing with your hair. "Well we believe you, isn't that right?" He looks at Wanda and she nods. He has to throw a piece of fruit at Vision. "Yes, I think there is something to your condition." He mentions a smile growing on his face… Or what you think he thinks is a smile. It causes everyone to break out into laughter. After that you and the twins have a nice couple of days hanging out and living in some type of normalcy. You would watch the Dik Van Dyke show and Bewitched per Wanda's request and then one night something was off again. "Wanda… something's off. It's different." Is the last thing you manage to say before Vision rushes over to your side. This time the threat was internal… your heart. 
"Y/n to my understanding your heart is going into cardiac arrest. Stop fighting your mind, it will protect you." He mentions. You clutch your chest and let your mind loose. "Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner have been informed and will be here soo…'' is all your hear before you black out. You're in and put at one point you think you see Bruce but you're not sure. Then you're back in that white tundra and she's there waiting for you with a warm smile on her face. "Why do we keep meeting like this?" You ask as you run towards her. "It's you…" Is all she says hugging you. "Yes, who else would it be." You say playfully. She chuckles but she shakes her head. "It's you we meet on your terms. You only let me in when your guard is down." She steps back. "Are your okay?" She asks cautiously. "I really hope so." You say honestly taking a seat on the floor. "That's not what I meant… I-i um I had to give you a push in Vienna." She sits next to you. "That was you! Of course that makes sense. What do they mean." She smiles. "You'll figure it out… I know you will." She says again and you lay your head on her lap. She runs her fingers through your hair humming. "How long can I stay here with you like this?" You ask with your eyes closed. "As long as your want monkey."
"Where is she, is she okay? What the hell happened?" Tony burst into the compound the anger masking how scared he was. "Dr. Cho is in there right now and she's stable. She's almost done. Dr. Banner is assisting" Vision answers Tony calms down slightly turning to the twins. "What the hell happened?" They both shrug and Pietro speaks up. "You should ask her." He says his head nodding towards Nat. Tony makes a double take when Steve and Sam walk out behind her. Natasha walks up to them "What happened?" Tony only signs "That seems to be the Billion Dollar question." Wanda jumps back in. "She said something was off… something happened in Vienna." Now Pietro get defensive and jumps in to back his sister. "She said you didn't believe her." Tony turns to Nat. "Did she tell you this?"
"What was I supposed to believe Tony… she knew a building was going to explode before it did." Tony is now pacing. "She told you something was wrong… MY DAUGHTER told you something was wrong, that something was wrong with her. And you didn't think to tell me!" Natasha is left speechless and so is everyone else. That's when Dr. Cho walks back into the waiting room. "The surgery was a success and we replaced the damaged heart. She should wake up in a couple of hours depending as their medications wear off." She says not noticing the tension. Tony sighs in relief and Dr. Cho walks off. Tony points at Natasha. "You will stay away from her agent Romanoff." With that he walks off. 
It had been more than a few hours. It had been days and you hadn't woken up. "What is happening to her?" Tony hadn't left your side. Everyone had stopped by everyday their hopes diminished. Bruce calls him over and makes him take a seat. "Tony we have to wake her up soon!" He nods. "Of course we do!" He says looking at Bruce shake his head. "Her medical directives legally bind us to remove all life sustaining measures after two weeks."
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wellimaginethat · 4 years
Pairing: Adam Ruzek x (female) Halstead!Reader, Will Halstead x sister!Reader, Jay Halstead x sister!Reader!
Word Count: 3003
Author’s Note: Okay I freaking love this request and this was super fun to write, hope it’s close to what you were looking for dear requester! I know you said if I wanted I could add in a loopy reader, and I did to an extent but I didn’t want to go too overboard with it because every time I’ve been given pain medicine I’ve never been that loopy from it, and I wasn’t entirely sure how to write it without it just being completely bizarre, hope you don’t mind!
Trigger Warning(s): Car accident, minor injury, overprotective older brothers, overprotective boyfriend, pain meds, talk of starting a family (i.e. talk of planned pregnancy, and even though it doesn’t go into detail and no one is actually pregnant, I know it’s a trigger for some people with tokophobia so I want to put it out there just in case because I don’t want to cause anyone any discomfort)
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: Y/N Halstead is the youngest Halstead sibling and her older brother’s have always been overprotective, even well into her adult years. She never minded it, but it was definitely the main reason she didn’t tell Jay that she was dating his coworker, Adam. However, when she gets in a car accident and ends up at Med, her relationship with Adam comes to light.
Y/N = Your Name
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Being the youngest sibling was one thing, being the only girl was another. It caused you to be a bit of a tomboy growing up, always wanting to tag along with your brothers. You adored your older brothers and they adored you. Both of them were insanely overprotective of you as a child, and that didn’t stop even when you reached adulthood. It also caused you to be one of the most protected little girls in Chicago.
Will was always making sure you kept up on your physical health, going to the doctor when you weren’t feeling good and getting regular checkups.
Jay was always making sure that you were safe, whether it came to where you were living, where you were working, or who you were dating, he was always making sure that it was ‘safe enough’ for you.
This is part of the reason you didn’t tell Jay that you were dating his coworker, Adam. Partly because Jay didn’t think any guy was good enough for you, and partly because you knew of Adam’s track record with women. You just didn’t think Jay would be too thrilled, so you kept it quiet.
You confided in Will, which was an odd thing because usually you told both of your brothers everything and never kept something from one that you told the other.
Will told you to talk to Jay, that he would understand and that Jay only ever wanted what was best for you and for you to be happy. Which you knew was true, but regardless you were extremely worried. So that is what had you keeping your six month long relationship with a certain someone on the down low.
Until you were in an accident. It wasn’t your fault. The lady ran a red light and t-boned you.
You were taken to the hospital in an ambulance, you were insisting you were fine as you were wheeled into the ED. You’ll never forget the look on your older brother’s face when he saw you being wheeled in.
“Y/N?” Will asked worriedly as he rushed over to your side. “What happened?”
“An old lady ran a stop sign and t-boned my car.” You told him before looking at Sylvie. “Is she okay?”
Sylvie smiled at you and nodded. “She’s in the ambo behind you but she seems to be doing just fine, you got the worst of it.”
“Okay good.” You nodded some before looking at your brother. “I’m fine. My head hurts but I’m fine.”
Will shook his head some, he wanted to help you but couldn’t because of the code of conduct, so he stepped back and allowed Dr. Marcel to step in to treat you.
They gave you a shot of some kind of pain medication, you weren’t sure if it was morphine or what but it was good shit and made you feel like you were floating.
You were staring off into space when Will walked in. “Hey, you doing okay?”
“I am doing just peachy keen, dear brother.” You told him with a goofy grin on your face.
Will chuckled and shook his head at you. “Glad to hear it.” He paused and looked at you for a moment.
Your face fell as you looked at him. “You called Jay, didn’t you?”
“I had to.” Will told you. “You know he’d want to know and if I didn’t call him he’d get mad at me and I’m not having that.”
You huffed some and crossed your arms, staring at him. “This is gonna cause problems, William.”
Will laughed at you and shook his head. “It’ll be fine.”
“You know he’s gonna overreact.”
“I assured him that you were okay.” Will told you.
After receiving Will’s call concerning you, Jay was noticeably upset.
“Voight I gotta go, my sister was in a car accident. Will says she’s okay but I need to make sure.” Jay told him, the worry very evident on his face.
Voight just nodded, they weren’t busy with a case so he was fine with Jay going to check on his sister.
“Wait, Y/N was in an accident?” Adam asked, his ears having perked up when Jay mentioned you. “Is she okay?”
Jay gave him a bit of a confused look, not understanding why Adam was so worried about you. “Will says she is but I have to make sure.” He told him as he headed out.
Adam jumped out of his seat, turning to Voight. “I gotta go too.” He told him. “She’s my girlfriend.” He explained when Voight gave him a strange look, turning on his heel and following Jay out. “Halstead, wait! I’m going with you!” He called.
Voight shook his head. “That’s gonna cause problems.” He muttered as he turned to head into his office.
Jay stopped to look at Adam. “Why?” He asked him, not having heard Adam call you his girlfriend.
Adam stopped five feet away from him and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Well, we’ve kinda been seeing each other.”
“What?” Jay asked, anger rising. “You’ve been screwing around with my little sister?” He stepped toward him.
Trudy jumped in between him and Adam. “Woah there.”
“It’s not like that!” Adam insisted quickly, holding his hands up in surrender. “It’s really not like that man.”
Jay glared at him, still angry, a fire in his eyes. “Oh? Then what is it like? Are you not sleeping with her?”
“Well, I am.” Adam started, taking a quick step back when Jay stepped forward.
“Hey!” Voight shouted at them.
“We’re not just sleeping together, I love her.” Adam told him honestly. “I really love her.”
Jay huffed and looked from Trudy to Voight before turning and storming out.
“Ruzek.” Voight called after him as he started to follow Jay out.
“I’ll fix it.” Adam told him, not stopping. “Hey man, wait.”
Jay spun to face him. “I wouldn’t come out here, no one’s here to save your ass.”
Adam shook his head. “Listen to me.” He insisted. “Please. I love her. Okay? I love her, completely and I’m not gonna hurt her.”
“You better not.” Jay told him threateningly.
“I’m not gonna.” Adam told him, not backing down. “She’s the one, man.”
Jay stopped and his expression changed some, having been taken off guard. “What?”
“She’s the one.” Adam ran a hand over his face. “I can’t lose her. If something were to happen to her, I don’t think I could live with myself.” He told him honestly. “She’s the one.”
Jay’s expression softened and he nodded slowly. “You love her that much, huh?”
Adam nodded. “I really do.”
Jay sighed and looked away for a moment. “Come on, let’s get to the hospital and make sure she’s okay.” He beckoned Adam to follow him to his truck.
Adam got in the passenger seat.
Jay got in the driver's seat and started the car, pulling out onto the street and heading towards Gaffney. “So how long have you two been together anyway?”
“Almost seven months now.” Adam told him.
Jay nodded as he drove. “She didn’t tell me.”
“She was worried about how you’d react.” Adam explained. “Given my track record and all.”
Jay huffed out a laugh and shook his head. “Of course.” He rolled his eyes some. “So you really think she’s the one?”
Adam nodded. “I know she is. I can’t picture my life without her, and I’m gonna do everything in my power to keep her in it.”
When they got to the hospital, Jay heard you arguing with Will from outside the room. You were upset that Will bothered him, and Will was telling you about how he would want to know.
Jay walked in and wiggled your foot. “Hey brat.” He greeted you with a smile. “Heard you were in a bit of an accident.”
“I’m fine.” You insisted but smiled at him, then your eyes saw Adam waiting inside the door, you cleared your throat. “Officer Ruzek, what’re you doing here?”
“He knows, Y/N.” Adam told you.
You looked at Jay. “You know?” You waited until Jay nodded in confirmation before continuing. “And you didn’t overreact?”
“He did, but Trudy broke it up.” Adam told you. “And then I assured him that I wasn’t gonna hurt you.”
You smiled at him. “Aw, how sweet.”
“She’s a little loopy.” Will told them both. “They gave her some pain meds.”
Adam smiled as he walked over to your side. “So you doing okay?”
You nodded to him. “Uh-huh, I don’t even feel any pain anymore.”
“Good.” Adam said softly, taking your hand in his and kissing the back of it.
“You didn’t have to come all the way here to check on me, I know you were working.” You told him.
“We weren’t busy, plus what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t make sure you were okay?” Adam asked you, still holding your hand.
“You’re such a good boyfriend.” You told him, smiling droopily up at him from the bed.
Jay made a grossed out face and looked over at Will, who was smiling. Both were glad that you seemed happy, even if they were worried about who you were happy with.
“She’ll be here overnight for observation, she had a pretty nasty gash on the side of her head.” Will told Jay, but Adam caught it too.
You began to zone out and Adam nudged your upper arm lightly. “You tired, babe?”
“A little, I think it’s cause of the pain meds they gave me. They’re starting to wear off some, but I’m just so tired.” You told him, yawning after the words were out of your mouth, almost like your body wanted to prove your point for you.
“You should get some sleep.” Adam said softly.
“You should get back to work.” You told him, then looked at Jay. “Both of you should, before Voight gets pissed off.”
“He’ll be fine as long as we don’t kill each other.” Jay grinned at you.
“More like as long as your brother doesn’t kill me.” Adam chuckled a bit.
“Don’t you dare!” You pointed at Jay.
Jay chuckled. “I won’t, I actually believe that he loves you.”
You smiled some, your cheeks turning red. “Yeah, he’s such a good boyfriend. He really is.”
Adam smiled softly down at you, leaning down to kiss the top of your head, making sure not to kiss you near your injury. “Get some rest, I’ll be back as soon as I can be.” He assured you softly.
You smiled tiredly up at him and nodded. “Okie dokie.”
Two months after the accident and you were all healed up, you and Adam were still together and getting more and more serious about each other.
Adam was out getting beers with the team, he followed Jay to the bar when he was getting a beer. “I just want you to be aware that I’m going to ask your sister to marry me tomorrow night.” He told him calmly.
“Oh okay.” Jay stopped and had to do a double take. “Wait, what?”
Adam nodded. “Yeah, I’m gonna ask her. And if she says yes, then this time is gonna be different.”
Jay stared at him for a moment. “You’re actually going to ask her?”
Adam nodded again, taking a swig of his beer. “I told you two months ago that I can’t picture my life without her.”
“I remember.” Jay told him, nodding. “She’s gonna say yes.”
“I sure hope so.” Adam admitted, chuckling a bit. “I’m actually nervous.”
Jay looked at him. “Why? You’ve been engaged before.”
“Yeah, but like I said, this time is different.” Adam told him. “And what if she says no? I mean, I know she’s outta my league and that she deserves better.”
“Then be better.” Jay told him. “It’s that simple man. Be the man you think she deserves.”
Adam looked at him. “I don’t think I’ll ever be the man she deserves, but I’m gonna try.”
“Good.” Jay told him, nodding. “Because I’ve never seen her so happy before.”
Adam smiled. “Really?”
Jay nodded again. “Yeah, she loves you and you make her happy, it’s nice to see.”
Adam nodded some and took another swig of his beer before setting it down. “Screw it.” He said, causing Jay to look at him again. “I’m gonna do it tonight.” He headed out of the bar.
“Where’s he going?” Kevin asked, looking at Jay.
Jay shrugged. “Not sure.” He lied, knowing it wasn’t his place to tell anyone what Adam was up to.
It was a bit before ten when Adam showed up at your door, knocking insistently.
You pulled the door open and looked at him, confused. “Adam? Is everything okay? I thought you were getting drinks with the team?”
He nodded to you, stepping inside and shutting the door behind him. “I was, but I needed to see you.”
You raised a brow. “Why?” You asked slowly, a bit worried.
“Well I was gonna do this tomorrow night at dinner, but I couldn’t wait any longer.” Adam told you, pulling something from the pocket of his jacket and briefly looking at it before dropping to one knee.
You gasp. “Adam, what’re you doing?” You asked quietly, staring at him with wide eyes.
“Y/N Halstead, will you do me the honor of marrying me?” Adam asked you softly, looking up at you.
You couldn’t contain your smile as you nodded. “Yes.” You breathed out. “Yes!”
He stood up, pulling you into a hug and lifting you off the ground, spinning you. The minute your feet were back on the ground he was kissing you. He pulled back and took the ring out of the box, tossing the box aside, and took your hand in his, slipping it on your finger.
You couldn’t stop smiling, tears welling in your eyes.
Adam smiled wide at you and pulled you in for another passionate kiss before pulling back. “Come on.” He said softly. “I wanna tell the world how lucky I am.”
You raised a brow.
“The team’s still at the bar and Will’s there too.” Adam told you. “I think we need to celebrate.”
You smiled and nodded some. “Okay, give me a minute to change, I am not wearing this out.” You motioned to your pajamas.
Adam chuckled and nodded. “Okay, I’ll wait.”
You hurried off to your room and quickly changed before heading out and putting your shoes on, you grabbed your coat and followed Adam out.
You walked into the bar, hand in hand, still smiling.
You immediately spotted your brothers and the two of you walked over.
“Well she said yes.” Adam told them.
Jay smiled. “I knew she would.”
“Wait, you knew?” You asked him.
“What am I missing?” Will asked, feeling left out and confused.
“Adam asked me to marry him.” You told Will, smiling wide. “And I said yes.” You turned your attention back to Jay. “So you knew?”
“He gave me a warning.” Jay told you with a slight shrug, taking a swig of his beer and beckoning Herrmann over. “I’d like to buy these two lovebirds a celebratory drink please.”
Adam ordered a beer.
“Just a sprite for me please.” You told him. “I’m designated driver tonight.”
“One drink won’t hurt.” Jay told you, trying to get you to order a drink.
You shook your head to your brother before turning to Herrmann. “Just a Sprite, please.”
Jay narrowed his eyes at you, watching you. “Is there something you two aren’t telling us?” He asked you skeptically.
Adam caught on to what he was saying and looked at you. “Babe?”
Will looked at you as well.
You laughed and shook your head. “I’m not pregnant guys, I just don’t feel like drinking, okay?”
Jay and Will both nodded and left it at that, but Adam almost seemed disappointed in your answer.
After chatting with your brothers for a bit, you pulled him to the side for a little privacy. “Hey, you seemed disappointed when I said I wasn’t pregnant.” You said softly, looking at him, you two had talked about kids very briefly and you knew he wasn’t ready to have kids yet. “I thought you wanted to wait.”
Adam shrugged some. “I don’t know, I thought I did but I got a little excited at the idea of you being pregnant.” He admitted quietly, not meeting your eyes.
You smiled softly. “Really?”
He nodded to you, finally looking at you. “I know I want a family with you, Y/N. I thought I wasn’t ready but I am, whenever you are.”
You smiled and kissed his cheek. “We’ll talk more about this when we get back to my place.”
“That’s another thing we need to talk about. We’re engaged now so I think we should live together.” Adam told you.
You paused before nodding. “Okay.”
“And my place is bigger, in case, you know, we do decide to start trying soon.” Adam added.
You smirked some. “I think you just don’t want to be the one moving.”
Adam smiled a bit. “I really like my place.”
You laughed softly and nodded. “Don’t worry, I’ll move in with you.” You assured him softly, you really had no problem with moving into his place instead of yours, he was right when he said it was bigger, and it was closer to where he worked and actually to where you worked too, so it only made sense.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and led you back towards your brothers, who had been joined by Hailey and Kevin. Adam smiled at them. “So guess who’s getting married.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” Kevin teased him, chuckling but putting his hand out to shake Adam’s hand. “Congrats, man.”
Adam shook his hand, still smiling. “Thank you.”
Hailey hugged you. “Congratulations.” She told you with a smile.
“Thanks.” You had never felt happier than you did in that moment.
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anika-ann · 4 years
If You Stumble... - Pt.1
Step One
Type: Three-shot, part of a soulmate AU series  (part 1 here)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader    Word count: 3300
Summary: If you stumble...make it part of the dance.
In which you ask Steve what your date would look like if you lived the forties. He decides to show you instead. There are few flaws, holes to see through to glimpse beyond that illusion. 
But what life would be besides boring if everything was perfect? Perfect dress. Perfect date. Perfect gentleman…?
CH1 - Starring: innocent questions, soft, witty and badass Steve, unfazed Fury, likeable Agent M. and Tony being a surprisingly good bro.
Warnings: swearing, light angst, FLUFF, very brief violence if that even counts...
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It was an innocent question really or you thought so.
Steve was walking you home after date number seven – officially anyway, with how attached you became to your phone, you might as well say you were on one never-ending date, only taking a time-out when sleeping –, talking about everything and nothing. You had been bowling, your idea after you had found out he had never played before and yet he handed your ass to you, kissing it better (kissing your loser’s pouting better, not your bottom, you still weren’t there).
“So… you got a taste of a 21st century date. What dating looked like in the late thirties and forties?” you hummed, glancing at him curiously as you walked side by side, hand in hand.
You purposely didn’t ask him about dating in ‘his time’; despite him telling you he wasn’t fully accustomed to the 21st century, you couldn’t see it 98% of the time. He belonged here as much as he had probably belonged back there.
“Hm…” Steve mused, apparently giving it serious consideration and you smiled for yourself, wondering if he was thinking about an ideal date he would come up with in the past. In the end, he shrugged. “Dancing was popular back in the day. Music and dancing. Going to pictures too.”
He fell silent then, not elaborating, seemingly lost in thoughts. You leaned into his arm, guilt settling in your stomach. You hadn’t meant to sadden him.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, earning a confused glance. “I didn’t want to… poke at sore spot.”
He blinked and you could almost hear the wheels turning in his head as he shook it and stopped in his tracks – hence preventing you from continuing your gait too as his fingers were still interlaced with yours. His free hand cupped your cheek and his lips found your forehead first before pecking your own.
“You didn’t,” he declared, giving you a half-hearted smile. You looked up into his eyes, knowing for sure he wasn´t telling the truth, and raised an eyebrow. His smile grew more sincere after that, his thumb stroking your cheek softly. “I promise.”
You sighed, but shortly met his lips once more, letting it go and obediently started rambling about your first experience with bowling.
You knew Steve wasn’t quite listening, mostly because when you stopped talking, he didn’t react. You spent the rest of the walk in silence, him lost in another world and you mentally kicking yourself with vigour, anxiety twisting your insides. You hated you had made Steve brood.
Stupid, stupid woman!
With Steve having been absent-minded for the past few minutes, it took you off guard when you reached your building and he suddenly tugged sharply on your hand, forcing your body to spin, and caught your mouth in a searing kiss.
You blinked, shocked, gripped his shoulders to maintain your balance, but soon let yourself melt into him, relaxing into the kiss that set you on fire despite not expecting the lunge. His fingers curled around your nape, his tongue dancing with yours, stealing the air from your lungs and effectively turning your bones into goo.
Your head was spinning by the time his forehead rested against yours, your lips parted, unable to form words. Steve tenderly caressed your nose with his.
“Let me take you out,” he breathed out, making your eyes, fallen shut at some point of his ministration, snap open. A baffled chuckle escaped you at the request.
Both of his palms framed your face as he stole another kiss, this time softer, soothing. He was smiling, his eyes twinkling with something that brought the butterflies in your stomach to life.
What was he talking about though? Did you miss something? You thought you were dating. Wasn’t going out, spending time together, kinda the point? You’d admit your brain was floating a bit thanks to his unexpected display of affection, but you weren’t that out of loop, right? Why would he ask that?
“Let me take you out,” he repeated, voice firmer. When you inspected his face for any hint of what he meant, still confused, he finally clarified. “You said I had a taste of the 21st century dating. Well, I’d like to show you a bit of the old Brooklyn charm.”
Your heart pondered in your chest, threatening to burst at the sweet suggestion. You observed his expression for a long time, seeking any trace of the idea bringing back painful memories, regret of unfulfilled wishes of the past, but you saw none. He radiated nothing but hope and eagerness.
Your lips unwittingly spread in a smile nearly wide enough to tear your mouth.
“Really?” you checked carefully, his barely audible ‘yeah’ brushing your lips. “Then yes.”
You didn’t think his expression could light up more, but clearly you were wrong. He rewarded you with another breath-taking kiss, lifting you few inches above the ground, which caused you to giggle.
Was it possible to burst from happiness? You were feeling pretty close to that, the L word threatening to roll off your tongue. You barely held it back, but still did, worried it might ruin the moment, so preciously shining with delight.
“Okay. Thank you.”
He pressed another firm kiss to your forehead, himself grinning like a fool, and set you back on the ground. You didn’t want to say goodbye, but you knew it was inevitable. He had told you he was heading out for a mission in the morning; simple one, he had claimed, but he still needed to get some shuteye.
Looking up to him seriously, you pleaded him to be careful and stay safe. He promised to do so, the giddiness not quite leaving his aura.
You found yourself falling asleep light-hearted, leaving worries for tomorrow.
Steve finished the mission the very same day he left for it. The relief washing over you was way bigger than you were willing to admit; to be fair, Steve may have been slightly more hurt than he was willing to admit, so you called it even. He also insisted on ‘taking you out’ on Saturday, knowing too well that kind of talk would distract you from your fretting. Lovable bastard.
He said he would let you know the details during the week.
And he did. Those were seemingly random bits of information slipped into your conversations; wear a dress.
Don’t do any exercise on Saturday.
I have a meeting before that I sadly cannot escape, but I’ll pick you up at half past seven.
You’ll probably want to have light dinner before the date.
It was only one piece of info at time and you could hear the mysterious smile in his voice every time he refused to tell you more. To be fair, you had a good idea of what was going to happen. You were going dancing. Which was a bit funny and bit intimidating, because you had already tried something that might resemble that activity on his birthday and your technique definitely needed improvement. However, you trusted Steve; if you were about to make an ass of yourself, he would make sure it was in private at least.
Then the last piece of information came when you were talking on Friday night: wear dark nylons.
You had thought your outfit through; you were making your best effort to look a bit like the women of the old days, but not overwhelmingly so for Steve. To say you were surprised by his request was an understatement; you would have never imagined Steve would want you to wear anything in particular and you had no idea what to think of it.
“Just do, please?” he pleaded, the trademark smile of past few days no doubt creeping into his tired voice. The upcoming meeting had been keeping him busy, you knew that much if only because you had managed to meet for lunch once and that was it. But tonight, he sounded just exhausted.
You bit your lip when an idea on raising his spirit occurred to you.
“So… is that a practical issue or is it simply something you like on a girl?”
It worked. He chuckled, surprise and disbelief colouring his next words.
“Doll! Come on!”
“What?” you asked innocently, laughing at his exasperation. He was blushing. You were sure of it. “Alright. I’ll make sure to dress to your liking, Mr. Rogers.”
“Not to be too daring, but you’re being mean today.”
“Are you complaining?”
He sighed. “I guess I’m not. I hate to say goodbye, but I gotta go.”
You huffed, knowing he must have had tons of work still ahead.
“Okay. It was good to hear you, Steve. Take care? I’ll be thinking of you so you survive… figuratively speaking!”
“I’ll try, doll,” he reassured you and you imagined his smile turning tender. “Hey, I… I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. I miss you.”
Your heart swelled in your chest, happy grin finding its way to your face.
“I miss you too, Steve. I-“ love you “-I can’t wait. Goodnight.”
He ended the call and you whined, hiding your face in your palms. The urge to confess your feelings was getting stronger each day. If he wasn’t going to say those words soon, you might actually slip. Would it be so bad, though? If you said it first? Hard to tell.
With a determined huff, you made your way to the bathroom, wanting to wash away all the worries in the shower stall.
Well. You could at least try.
You were giving your make-up the last touch when the ring echoed in your apartment. Slow smile spread on your lips, as you finished, grabbed your purse and a thin sweater and nearly ran downstairs; well, as much as one could run in heels.
When you opened the front door though, you were met with an unfamiliar dark-haired man in a suit. He stood straight, hands by his sides, face serious, but inviting.
You frowned. Who the hell was he? Why was he here? Now of all times.
You were just opening your mouth to ask when he beat you to it.
“Madam. I’m here to drive you to your… date,” he informed you formally, wavering a bit at the end as if he didn’t know what the proper word was. It had you frowning harder, a chill of fear creeping up your spine. “Captain Rogers got held up in the meeting and asked me to pick you up.”
Your suspicion spiked. Yeah? And why didn’t he let you know? Surely, he could shoot you a text at least if that was the case?
What the hell was going on?
“And who you might be?”
“Apologies, madam,” he swiftly pulled out a simple and very familiar card from the front pocket of his jacket. You squinted at it. “Agent Morales of SHIELD, at your service.”
Was he… was he really showing you… that?
“Why are you showing me your driving licence?” you asked, perplexed. What the hell? Either this was a bad guy with zero experience or he was simply an idiot.
A smile played on his lips when you looked up at his face. “Captain Rogers said you’d be able to see if it was fake unlike with our service badges.”
For few moments, there was deadly silence between you. You stared at the licence in front of you, surprised he actually handed it to you to inspect it. You only needed seconds to tell this truly was George Morales’ proper driving licence. Still, you watched it a little longer, unable to form words.
And then you burst out laughing, the tension in your shoulders easing.
You gave Agent Morales his licence back, the amusement on his face not escaping your notice.
Turned out he wasn’t an idiot in the end; he was just victim of Steve’s wit, not that he seemed to mind. It had been a short and unpleasant talk with Steve, about someone possibly wanting to get to him through you if they knew you were dating – or worse, actually knew about you being his soulmate – and it was followed by longer, not any more appealing talk encouraging you to be slightly paranoid.
So you were. Nevertheless, this man definitely convinced you he had been sent by Steve.
Agent Morales beckoned to a car with dark windows standing nearby.
“Shall we?”
You only nodded in response, unable to hold back another chuckle as you climbed in the back, silent ‘wow’ escaping you when you saw the black leather of the seats.
“Can I ask what held him up?”
“Meeting, madam. If I may… people in high places can be rather insistent.”
“Yeah, I bet…” you murmured, trying to contain the shadow of sadness at not seeing Steve just yet.
One hand on the steering wheel, the agent offered you his phone. You tilted your head in confusion, but accepted it. There was an unmistakable triangle in the middle of the black screen – a video to watch, you realized.
“What is it?”
“The gathering is at the Tower. We were informed that everything will be recorded. Mr.Stark was generous enough to provide me the footage for you,” he explained, but you weren’t sure what exactly it meant.
“A footage of what?”
You caught his grin in the rear mirror. “You’ll see, madam. Let’s just say I watched videos of Captain Rogers in the field-“ Well, at least someone did. “- and training, but this is the most badass thing I saw him do.”
Your eyebrows shot up at the informal language he used all of sudden and you tapped on play.
The frame was rather small for such space of the conference room, but you could easily recognize Steve and Tony siting at the table as well as a black man with an eye patch – what the hell – and three more men in suits; Agent Morales by the door and two sitting at the table, looking like very important people you wouldn’t want to cross paths with.
It was Tony’s cocky voice you heard first. “Look, just because you said-“
He was interrupted by an alarm beeping and everyone’s head snapped Steve’s direction, while he straightened and slipped his hand to his pocket, pulling out his phone and silencing it.
Your breath hitched for two reasons; firstly, did he really set an alarm to… what, tell him it was time to get ready for a date? That was incredibly sweet. Secondly: fear. Was he about to get in trouble for that?
“Oh, that’s nothing. Wait for it,” the agent uttered, a knowing smile in his voice.
“What the hell was that?” the ‘eye-patch’ man demanded, sounding more annoyed than exasperated.
Steve rose to his feet. “I gotta go.”
Your hand shot up to your mouth. Oh. Oh, Steve.
“I beg your pardon?” one of the suited men hissed.
“Excuse me, I need to go.”
“You have a hot date or what?” the black man asked and… did you see a smirk on his face? No, must have been your imagination, there was no way you could see their facial expressions, the screen was too small for that.
Tony in the video snorted.
“As a matter of fact, sir, I do.”
“Oh my god,” you muttered into your palm, hearing a real-life chuckle from the driver’s seat.
“Gets better.”
One of the intimidating white men in expensive suit rose from his seat, leaning onto the table as if he wanted to intimidate Steve. Ha, he wished. But worries twisted your gut. Was Steve getting into trouble for this? It didn’t look like it, judging by Agent Morales’ momentary amusement, but still.
“This is a matter of national security! It holds the greatest importance!” he sputtered, his face getting a shade of red.
“With due all respect, Senator Brendon, so does she,” Steve announced evenly.
Your jaw fell into your lap, your eyes going wide and filling with tears under the wave of emotions hitting you. You gasped, staring at the device in your hand, blinking.
Did he… did he really just say that? To Senator’s face?!
Clearly, the men in the room were equally shocked – and not nearly as moved as you were.
“You’re not leaving this meeting just so you can go see your girl-toy and get la-“
The Senator never got to finish the sentence which immediately struck you with humiliation and indignation.
You only blinked, wondering when exactly Steve had moved to have the man pinned against the table, hand twisted behind his back, hissing furious words, his voice like venom.
“Do not talk about her like that!”
Despite the horrifying situation, the picture was almost funny. Why? Because Tony was calmly examining his nails as if they held great importance, the other senator’s face was terrified as he jumped back, the black man only had his eyebrow raised and… Agent Morales stood by the door, seemingly unfazed as well.
You paused the video, unsure you wanted to see the rest, your mind racing.
“Weren’t... weren’t you supposed to… I don’t know, draw a weapon at that point?” you asked, overwhelmed.
That would make sense, right? Make sure the senator didn’t get hurt by an angry soldier? Supersoldier, but whatever.
“Probably. Honestly though? He deserved that and a punch to his face on top. Please, finish it, madam. It’s just few more seconds.”
The respectful ‘madam’ sounded incredibly out of place as he was being brutally and possibly unprofessionally honest. You obediently resumed the video, eyes still wide.
“Well. Now that we established that Senator Brendon is an obnoxious ass,” Tony hummed, his voice carrying a surprisingly sharp edge, making your jaw fell lower.
What the hell was he doing speaking like that to a senator?! Also, was he defending you? Tony Stark, who seemed to never run out of double entendre when you were around, always poking your intimate relationship with Steve? Colour you impressed and shocked once more.
“Can we send Agent Morales to drive Captain Rogers’ very respectable woman for their date and then finish the meeting real quick so we can go separate ways? Cap, let go of him, please. He needs that hand to sign a lot useless papers.”
Tony Stark just became your best friend. And you started hating politicians more than you had until now, but that was beside the point.
“Good plan, Stark,” the eye patch man stated calmly, eyeing Steve who was still literally breathing at Senator Brendon’s neck. “Captain?”
Steve reluctantly released the man, watching him like a hawk. You tried to hold back the smile at him defending your honour, but it was really hard.
“Let’s get this over with. Agent Morales?”
“At your service, Captain.”
Steve wrote down something for him then – your address, you presumed, as well as the point of meeting – and told him to show you his driving licence. You looked up and met the agent’s smile at that.
The last words before the video ended were from Tony.
“Agent Morales? Jarvis will send something to your phone to entertain Cap’s lady when you’re driving her. Be so kind and treat her with respect unlike some people in this room who didn’t seem to move on from pre-historic view on female population. She’s a good and brilliant woman.”
The agent in the footage nodded as Tony did something on his phone and then the screen went black.
You had to fight tears now, silently staring at the phone.
“Sorry about hearing Senator Brendon. But I think the rest was quite spectacular, wouldn’t you say, madam?”
You choked on a laugh, too many emotions swirling in you.
“Yeah. I’d say.”
You wondered what you should give Tony for being such an incredibly kind advocate for you; given the fact he could have everything in the world with the billions he had on his account, you decided you would just had to settle for a hug.
As for Steve…. well. You weren’t sure if it was wise to bring it up in the first place. You decided to act after you’d see his mood; you definitely wanted to show gratitude though.
The rest of the drive was spent in silent awe.
Part 2
@cxptain​​ @mermaidxatxheart​ @smilexcaptainx​ , @murdermornings​​@irepostthingsiwanttoseelater , @polarcrystall​​ @eliza5616​​@rayofdawnworld @victor-criss-bish​​ @skychild29​​  @elysianecho​​ @simmisblog​​ @scentedsongrebel​​ @orions-nebula​​, @sergeantrosabellaswan​​ @songofcosplay​​, @ilovesupersoldiers​​ @wxstedhexrt​ @silver-winter-wolf​ @nova3312​​  @guardian-tn @janieavalos​​, @vxidnik​
If you wish to be added/removed, let me know in a DM or an ask:))
This was supposed to be ‘the First Time’ fic, mostly plotless smut. Somehow, there are like… things happening? Oops.
Still, the fic is spectacularly self-indulgent. You’re welcome? :D
P.S. – Feedback always appreciated.
Love, AA
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