#if it's still bad by Monday I'll walk into my clinic
arctic-hands · 1 year
Things I am craving while in the throws off food poisoning and also on my period:
Nacho cheese
Things I should absolutely not eat while in the throws of food poisoning, while on my period, and oh yeah I'm lactose intolerant
Nacho cheese
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bellysoupset · 2 years
Bella was cold, almost too cold. She tugged at the blankets, then rolled on the bed in hopes of snuggling close to Luke, only to find out that the spot next to her was empty.
Groaning, she opened her eyes and blinked to situate herself. She was still in his room and the grey light filtering from the window told her it was still fairly early. The temperature had dropped overnight, so she could hear the wind blowing outside.
"Luke?" she called out, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. The bathroom door was open and the place was empty. She got up and washed her face, brushed her teeth before walking outside of the bedroom, in search of her boyfriend.
Lucas was sitting outside, in the balcony that was connected to his living room, bundled up in a blanket and looking out to the grey sky. It was an uncanny behavior from him and she frowned, opening the glass door that separated them and touching his shoulder.
"Lucas? What are you doing out here?"
"Uhm?" he turned his head to look at her, then tried to bring up a smile, but failed quite miserably at that. Instead he just grimaced and looked out once more, "just needed to think, that's all."
"Okay..." she shivered from the cold and circled him, sitting on his lap so she could steal some of his warmth. He was welcoming, wrapping the blanket around them both and hugging her closer, planting his lips to her temple, "think about what?"
He shrugged, "just... Just my mom, I guess."
It made her heart sink. He rarely talked about his family and when he did, it was about his absent dad. Never about his mom.
"Oh baby," Bella sighed, hugging him a little tighter, "...Do you want to tell me about her?"
She waited for him to say something, anything, a good memory... But instead Lucas shook his head, "...My father called."
Alright, Bella thought, readjusting herself so she could look at him. She had no sympathy for Kit, the man could drop dead for all she cared, but she knew that Lucas' feelings about his father were complicated, to put it mildly.
"What for?" She reached in, pushing his hair back and he closed his eyes, leaning into her touch.
"My yearly check-up," Lucas' voice fractured and suddenly Bella couldn't even breathe.
"Your... Luke? What about your yearly check up?" her heart started racing and he sighed.
"It's Monday."
Oh. She swallowed a hysterical chuckle. It was yet to come, not that it had happened and the results were bad. Bella sighed in relief, leaning in to press a kiss to his brow, "hey..." her heart was still trying to regain its normal pace. She cupped Lucas' face, "babe, you're the healthiest person I know, there's nothing to fear..." she said with feigned calm.
He nodded, squeezing her a little tighter, "I know, I just... You know I don't like doctors and stuff, that's all."
Bella nodded, covering his face with kisses, "I'm going to go with you, okay? I'll be there the entire time."
True to her word, she called in sick at work next Monday and seeing as winter break had just arrived, neither of them had classes to skip either.
The exam was scheduled for 10 AM, so she let him sleep in, double checking if they had all the necessary documents, calling the clinic just to make sure the appointment was still up.
"Luke," Bella whispered as the clock hit nine and she knew he'd want to shower and be a little sleepy before leaving, "Luuuke," she repeated, getting on top of him on the bed and kissing him awake. His lips curled under hers.
"Hey," he smiled and Bella wrinkled her nose, pulling back with an even bigger smile.
"You have to get up, babe, so we're not late."
His lips turned down and he paled, "Bella..."
"It'll be quick," she promised, kissing him again, "remember last year?"
"When I puked on your shoes?" he raised a skeptical eyebrow and she cringed. She had forgotten that part.
"Well, yeah, but I meant it was quick, wasn't it? It wasn't as bad as you thought it'd be..."
"I guess," he scoffed, rolling them on the bed, "don't wear any shoes you're particularly fond of though."
"You can always get me new ones, captain," she teased, kissing him again, "go wash up."
He had blood exams first, so he was in fasting and it was definitely playing a part on how cranky he was. She hadn't told him, but her purse was filled with snacks, for as soon as the exams were done.
"Alright, I'm ready," Lucas said, ten minutes later. His hair was still damp from the shower and darker, green eyes looking brighter than normal in contrast with his pale skin. He had hidden his hands in his jacket's pockets, but she knew they were shaking "...you drive."
"I gotcha," she dangled the keys before his eyes, "let's go."
It wasn't a long drive, his health insurance was the best in the country, they went out of their way to make Lucas' life easy. Still, as soon as she pulled onto the parking lot, he let out a groan and grimaced so much that she wondered if he was carsick.
"Luke? Are you gonna be sick...?"
"What?" his voice wasn't nauseated, just pissed off, "No. He's fucking here."
Bella wracked her brain, trying to figure who he meant. There was only one person who elicited such a vicious reaction from her normally loving boyfriend, "...your dad is here?"
"Yeah," he scoffed, a frown on and Bella looked ahead, scanning the parking lot. Sure enough there was a silver bentley parked right ahead of them. Bella squeezed the steering wheel, suddenly angry.
"What is he doing here?"
"Fuck me if I know," Lucas grumbled, the remaining of his good mood completely out of the window, "let's just get this over with."
It seemed to have slipped his mind that this meant it was Bella's first time meeting his family. Or he simply didn't care. Regardless, she was nervous and angry in his behalf as she parked the car and jumped off.
The Bentley's door opened and a man in his early sixties walked off.
She had googled Kit Howard before, but he was taller than she had expected him to be. His hair was fully gray, perfectly styled, with the same flick of hair that fell over his forehead that Lucas had. He had the same green eyes, except his were framed by wrinkles, neat wrinkles that Bella was aware a dermatologist had kept in order to make his botox look more natural. He was wearing social trousers and t-shirt, under a blazer.
It was too early for this, Bella thought sourly, eyeing him up and down with displeasure.
"Luke," his voice was smooth velvet, friendly and warm, "how are you?" he stepped in, pulling his son for a hug and Lucas was stiff in it, but he didn't push the man back.
He cut the hug short quickly, though, putting an arm around Bella's shoulder, "dad, this is my girlfriend-"
"Bella," Kit interrupted him, all smiles, "I know. Nice to meet you, Bella, I'm Kit."
She was 90% sure that Lucas had not told his father her name, considering they only spoke four times a year. Bella squinted at him.
"Nice to meet you too, sir" she shook his hand a little too hard, then turned to Lucas, "let's go? Or we'll be late."
"What are you doing here, dad?" Lucas asked, guiding the way for them. With his arm still wrapped around her shoulder and her head hitting his chest, Bella could tell his heart was racing away.
"I was in the area, you sounded a little nervous last we spoke. I thought it'd be best to come check on you."
"Lovely," Lucas' voice was dripping with sarcasm, "well, I'm fine."
"Clearly," Kit nodded, "but I'm already here, how about I stick around and we have lunch together?"
Bella felt Lucas sigh, more than she heard him, "whatever you want, dad," and then his whole body stiffened as the front desk lady recognized him and called him forward.
He was instructed to head to the room at the end of the hallway for the blood test and immediately he was turning around, eyes filled with panic.
"Hey," Bella ignored Kit's uncomfortable face, stepping forward and cupping Luke's face, "I'm here, alright? It'll be just a prickle, it won't hurt..." she stroked his cheek, "c'mon, babe, it'll be just a second."
Much to her displeasure, Kit happily sat down in the waiting room, legs crossed. Bella wasn't sure if she was more pissed he was making zero effort to calm his son down or because he was sitting there, as if this was his version of a walk in the park.
Lucas wasn't paying his father any mind, much more concerned about the exam room ahead, "Bella, I don't want to..."
"Shhh," she pressed her lips to his bicep, over the hoodie he was wearing, "it'll be over before you know it."
"I'm going to throw up," he groaned as she lightly pushed him inside the sterile room. The nurse - Gina - clearly knew him from other appointments.
"Hi Lucas," she gestured for him to sit down, "how are you holding up today?"
He groaned, white as milk, "not well," then to Bella, gulping down, "please, Bell-"
"You have to, baby," she cupped his face, pressing her forehead to his, "I promise it won't hurt at all, you don't even have to look."
"You won't even feel it, Lucas," nurse Gina agreed, moving closer on her rolling chair, utensils in hand. Lucas squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a whimper and it broke Bella's heart in a million pieces.
It wasn't right for him to be this scared, it didn't fit him. Lucas was the type to take life by the horns, this was completely out of character.
Bella hugged him with one arm, standing next to his chair, and combed his hair as the nurse wrapped the elastic band around his arm in order to force the blood flow. He audibly groaned.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-" Lucas chanted, turning his head and hiding it against Bella's stomach, panting. She looked worriedly at the nurse, watching as she did her job as quickly as possibly.
Once the needle was in, Bella was so nervous because of how Lucas was feeling, that she felt woozy herself seeing the blood. She faltered a little, closing her eyes too and gripping him tightly, "almost done," she lied cheerfully through her teeth.
It was fast, at least, and less than a minute or two later the nurse had several flasks of Lucas' blood pocketed away and out of sight, a bandage over his arm, "there you go, Lucas. All done, breathe in."
He pulled back from Bella slowly, shaky as a newborn cat and pupils blown wide in his eyes. She let out a sigh herself, knowing a bruise would form where he had squeezed her wrist, "you did it," Bella whispered, planting a kiss on top of his head, "I'm so proud."
"Ugh, don't be," he leaned forward, head in his hands, "I feel dizzy as hell."
"He just needs a moment," the nurse winked at Bella, reassuring her, "and a cookie."
Lucas let out a weak, exhausted snort, "not really feeling like I can handle a cookie right now..."
Suddenly Bella remembered that had been exactly how she had gotten puked on last year. She rubbed his back, it was damp with cold sweat, "maybe in a bit."
He took long, deep breaths for a minute, until the world felt more steady, and then used her for support to get up. The fact that she had seen him concussed but with more stability made her even more nervous.
"End of the hallway for the MRI and then you're free to go, darling," nurse Gina told them and Lucas flinched as if he had been slapped. Once they stepped outside the room, he stopped in the middle of the hallway, refusing to move further in the clinic.
"I can't, I won't," he said adamantly, jaw clenched. He hadn't gotten the MRI check up the past year, had been sent home after hurling all over her shoes and simply not returned after. Bella bit down on her lip.
"Babe, it's important-"
"I'm not going-" he shook his head vehemently, but then a cheery voice interrupted him.
"Ah, there you are," Kit said happily, hands in his pockets, unable to read the room, "all done?"
Bella threw him an incredulous look. He couldn't see his son was seconds away from a panic attack?
Lucas licked his dry lips, eyes darting from his father to his girlfriend, "I don't want to do this..."
Then Kit took notice of the situation and frowned, crisping his lips, "you haven't gotten the MRI done yet?" he sounded frustrated and impatient, "frankly, Lucas, you're an adult."
"Sir, you're really not helping," Bella snapped, planting a hand in the middle of Luke's chest, "baby, can you take a deep breath for me?"
"Lucas, you know how important this is. We don't want to be taken by surprise like it was with your m-"
Luke gagged, unable to stop and bent forward, hands on his knees. Bella jumped out of the way just in time to salvage her shoes this time, avoiding as he vomited up nothing but water and bright yellow bile, all over his father's fancy and shiny shoes.
Kit shouted and scrambled back but no one paid him any mind. Luke too worried panicking, Bella too busy handling him to give a shit about the other man.
"Shh-shh, you're okay, you're okay-" she rubbed his back with one hand, the other planted firmly in the center of his chest, "it's alright, we don't have to go in."
"I'm sorry," his voice was shot, completely hoarse and choked up, "I just can't, I can't, please-"
"I know, I know, Lu," she pressed her lips to his temple, chest squeezing, "we're not going in, okay? We're going home."
He was too out of it to understand her, but it was his father's strong voice that centered him. Kit had seemingly gotten over being puked on and he stepped closer, holding his son strongly by the shoulder.
"Lucas," he said and Bella glared at him, but the next words surprised her, "sweetheart, please breathe."
She was shocked when Lucas did take in a shaky breath, inhaling through his nose and letting it out through his mouth. He closed his eyes, doing it again, just as his father told him to once more.
Bella's cheeks burned when she looked past Lucas' head and caught Kit staring at her. He opened a reassuring, million dollar smile, "he's okay," he said calmly, "right, Lucas?"
"Y-yeah," he nodded, straightening up, "I'm okay."
"Alright..." Bella stared between the two, more weirded out than ever, "let's go home...?"
"No," Kit interrupted before Lucas' agreed with her, "he still has to do the MRI."
"It's okay, Bell," Lucas reassured her, although his hands were shaking bloody murder, "I can do it."
She scoffed, "we can come back tomorrow and do it-"
"He's alright, Bella," Kit interrupted her a little harshly, squeezing his son's nape and guiding him in, "this way, Lucas."
And easy like that she was left behind, worried and pissed.
Nurse Gina stepped forward, arms crossed, carefully avoiding the mess on the floor and watched as they disappeared inside a new set of doors, "first time meeting the big guy?" she guessed and gone was the softness she had used with Lucas.
Bella nodded and the woman smiled at her in a cynical way, but not without sympathy, "you get used to him."
"He's been here before?" Bella felt anger increase inside of her, bubbling up.
"Not in a while," Gina shrugged, "back when it was Lucas' first year, I think, he came in twice. Then the big quarterback started coming with him and now you."
Vince, Bella guessed. She picked at her nails, biting the inside of her cheek, "I guess I'll wait in the car..."
"You do that, honey," Nurse Gina sounded almost as pissed off as Bella felt. Without any other option, Bella stepped out of the hallway and back outside.
It was the end of the year and the sky was grey, clouds filled with snow threatening to fall. She hugged herself and sat down on a bench in the parking lot, refusing to go back to the car out of simple spite.
Kit Howard had some nerve showing up and commanding everyone and everybody. Treating his son like that. The worst part was that Lucas let him.
"Fucking hell," Bella grumbled, glaring ahead. The minutes dragged, but finally, nearly twenty minutes later, both men walked out of the clinic.
Lucas looked even more washed out than before and although he had washed his face, she could clearly see he had been crying. He opened a painful, reassuring smile and she couldn't bring herself to smile back.
Mr. Howard had his shoes once more all shiny and clean. Perfect plastic smile on.
"You're here," Luke's voice sounded relieved as he pulled her in a hug, but Bella couldn't stop glaring at his father to hug him back. Still she wrapped her arms around him protectively.
"Everything's alright?"
"All fine, they'll send all results next week," the older man said cheerfully, causing her to raise an unimpressed eyebrow.
"Great," Bella said coldly, turning away from him and getting on her tip toes to cup Lucas' face, "are you okay?" she asked quietly.
"Yeah, I'm fine," his voice was much clearer and stronger, but his smile was... Too bright. All Kit Howard™.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah," he chuckled, eye rolling her worry, "I'm fine, Bella, don't worry"
Kit Howard was a fucking bodysnatcher, she thought, squeezing Lucas' cheeks under her fingers, even though he was giving her that soulless reassuring smile.
"Alright," she turned away from him, "it was nice meeting you, sir, but I think we have to go home now."
"I thought we'd have lunch?" Kit frowned, glancing between the two, "of course, I understand if you two had plans..."
"No," Lucas shook his head and Bella gaped at him, watching as he said strongly, "no, let's have lunch, I'm starving."
She sighed, she was in for a long, long day.
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WEEK 23: Card Cutting & Monday Group Session
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Let's start by appreciating the clean cut cards. All dry and shaped up they feel amazing and expensive in my hands. The hope is that they are interesting to touch and memorable in design so that they won't be thrown out as easily as some flimsy, cheap alternative. And if someone does throw one of these away I think they'd feel at least a little bit bad about it. I'll probably bring them with me to networking events and job interviews to be able to give people a little something to remember me by and make it easy to find my work + get a feel for what my style looks like.
Scott did an amazing job in cutting the cards with care and great attention to detail. As per Tony's request I left some behind for the technicians to use for teaching future generations of students. So if any prospect UAL, LCC students read this - you might see these again if you're trying to litho print some business cards yourself, haha!
*definitely DM me if you do see them irl though! That'd be CRAZY!!*
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Now to the Monday Group Session. I have a love-hate relationship with them for a number of reasons but first, let's look at my attendance: Before the Spring Break I attended 4 or 5 Monday sessions (to be honest I lost track but I wasn't there for all of them):
-I'm pretty sure I was there for the FMP official brief but at that time I was still working on my EC dissertation submission so it's a haze and I had no time to think about the FMP at that point yet.
-On the 16th of January a few of us were waiting in the usual room only to get an email by our year leader 30 minutes into when our session should have started saying the following:
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Everyone who was waiting in D305 left after we saw that email, myself included but as it turns out later a substitute tutor apparently came to get us but we were gone at that point. Very odd how that all went. I think we should have been contacted sooner and actually been made aware that there was a substitute tutor in the email they sent out. Kind of annoying cuz I have a 1.5h journey (one-way) to uni and that day I wasted the travel expenses basically. But oh well, scheduling errors happen. [I was also using a temp pass at the time cuz it was right when I had lost my student ID]
-There was one time I attended and the session was with our regular tutor, where we shared our FMP ideas in small groups and gave feedback to each other. At that point I was sharing my idea-mind map with the group and making up my mind about whether or not I should make my projects on Cryptids.
-The next session was with VJ instead of our usual tutor. At that point I was playing with the idea of making a comic book for the FMP in which the Cryptids were everyday-people in our society. Remember the idea of Mothman as a window cleaner? That was also when VJ told me better not to try out smth new for the big project and rather to stick to something familiar - print making in my case.
- The last Monday session I attended before the Spring Break was with our year leader, substituting for our usual tutor, and at that point I had pretty much figured out what I wanted to make for the FMP:
- a Cryptozoology Zine including 2 cheesy quizzes(Digitally Printed)
- Cryptid Posters A3 or A2 (Digitally printed)
- Criptid T-shirts (Screen Printing on fabric)
Our year leader liked the idea, which was great and I felt motivated.
I know there is at least one Monday session right before the Spring Break that I missed because of my stomach issue, that had me going to a walk-in clinic, as mentioned in previous posts. And I think another Monday session might have been cancelled because of the OXO exhibit or smth.
I don't have a 100% attendance rate but when I show up, I'm participating and enjoying talking about my work with the tutors.
Now let me tell you why I have a love-hate relationship with Monday sessions: On one hand I love seeing and hearing about everyone else's projects and work because it's really motivating to hear other people who love the same stuff you do talk about what they are doing and how and why. On the other hand, there have been times where the amazing work of everyone around me left me feeling like a damn failure. I think it's a double edged sword. Because you are rooting for your peers and boosting each others inspiration but at the same time they are your future competitors and if you don't thing you're measuring up, you're left feeling like garbage. So there have been times where I nervous cried on the way home or on a quick bathroom break because I was feeling like my work was waste.
Secondly I love talking about my projects but I know I am slow to find a grip and get started (especially in case of EC submissions, other projects deadlines are cutting into new projects beginning and you're starting out on a delay). So when I talk about my projects I am excited but also super anxious, thinking I should have done more, I have nothing to show and everyone is judging me and it can get all very overwhelming. With the Cryptid project especially I have run into issues of people in my group and tutors not really knowing the topic and I can explain what Cryptids are and bring examples like Nessi and Bigfoot, which most people recognize, but it's still unfamiliar territory and so the feedback sometimes reflects the unfamiliarity of the others with the topic. Thats fine. It just adds to my insecurities of - oooh maybe this is a bad idea.
My third point is the PDFs and briefs we are being presented on some Mondays. Because I'm a terribly anxious bean I am always on moodle, looking around and re-reading briefs so by the time we are being briefed in person I most likely have read the document like twice before. So during the briefing I am doing work on my ipad or smth and that can make me look quite unapproachable, which brings me to my 4th point: I can seem like a dick. Because I am anxious about the quality of my own work compared to others, intimidated by everyone's amazing work and selfconscious about being behind, I'm usually quiet until asked to speak. I don't think I come across as very likeable in class because I keep to myself and am nervous. But I like helping people with questions in the group chat and giving and getting feedback in group rounds is great. I just never really found a friends group in my course.
Now, why am I going about such a rant on Mondays?
This Monday I felt really overwhelmed by the amount of work that has yet to be done for the FMP and I emailed my tutor that I'd rather just return home after my appointment with Print Finishing (cutting and picking up my cards) so I can work for the rest of the day rather than stay for the group session between 2-6pm.
My tutor said she hasn't seen me in a while and I should come to the session so we could catch up. I mean I'm not NOT going if she tells me I should. So I went.
My appointment for the cards was at 2 so I came to the session about 40minutes late but it was alright because the brief that was going on was about PDFs and slides I had found on Moodle and read over the Spring break already. Then there was a 10min break and our tutor went around talking to everyone. I sat kind of secluded so it took her a little while to get to me, which made me nervous on one hand because I was freaking out about the work I needed to do but on the other hand it gave me some down time to sketch and I enjoyed that very much actually.
When it was my turn with our tutor she opened the conversation saying she hadn't seen me since before Christmas break and that she knew nothing about my project, which threw me off because I remembered clearly the session where I was narrowing down my ideas and I explained Cryptids to her. As I mentioned Cryptids she remembered the session and agreed I had seen her once since. Maybe I was overthinking it but I felt put on the spot and low-key called out for not attending more. I was however at meetings with other tutors and made an effort to attend at least once more, the day we got that email and all went home because after a 30minute wait still no one had come to get us (this is not meant to be salty, it was a scheduling mistake I'm sure, but I made the effort to show up that day and I want to note that). Also the doctors appointment on a Monday right before Spring break was annoying but I'm glad I went there instead of to uni in pain.
Anyway, I don't want to linger any longer on my attendance.
I told her my project idea, showed her my business cards and told her about the matching tissue paper i had printed. They aren't exactly final outcomes that fall under the Viable Practice brief but they are part of it and she agreed that i should mention them in connection to the Viable Practice chapter in my final PDF. We discussed how much space each of us would have at the end of year exhibit (max 2 x A2 sizes on a wall OR smth to put on a table) and I a bit sad I wouldn't be able to show off both, my Cryptozoology zine AND a few posters. Most likely it'll be have to be a singular Cryptid poster and one of the Quizzes only. This brings me to our next talking point, the quizzes. She liked the idea of them but we had a quick back and forth about whether or not it should be one or 2 quizzes. I am heart-set on 2 separate quizzes but because we didn't quite agree I will whip up 3 options (2 separate and 1 full one) for her to review next Monday. My concern is that if i make one tree-diagramm quizz for 8 cryptid-outcomes the writing would be too small on an A5 sized page. She said I could have the quizz fold out but that would complicate the whole Zine layout and finishing process and with the lack of time I really don't want to overcomplicate things. She liked the idea of the screen printed t-shirts and agreed that if I couldn't print them in time, I could make online mock-ups to put in my submission PDF instead. - Glad to have that solution work, otherwise it'd mean more stress!! Regarding the posters I came up with the idea of adding descriptive arrows, which would describe their features, to the creature Illustrations so that they'd be a bit different to the zine illustrations. Now to the illustrations themselves I told her I hadn't decided on a color palette yet and she gave me the homework of finishing at least 2 Cryptid illustrations and in 3 different palettes each so next week we could decide on one combo. She asked for a zine mock-up and i told her i had made one for each, the research zine and Cryptid zine already but hadn't brought them in that day. I had however layout sketches on my iPad but I didnt end up showing them because our conversation drifted off to the research zine and it turns out I misunderstood that a bit. The focus was more on the resaerch methodology we used than the fruits of our research. A different approach than what I was going for with my mock-up. I was focusing on the research outcome, not HOW I WAS DOING THE RESEARCH. A shift of focus and I had understood what was asked of me. Still I think the research zine is the scariest part of all the FMP.
To conclude my homework for next week is:
- 2 Cryptid illustrations in 3 different color palettes each
- Write 3 Quizzes
- Don't forget to bring the Zine Mock-ups
+ I want to make a list of different research methodologies I used so I can check with my tutor if it's enough for the research zine.
As panicked as a I was about this Monday session, it was helpful. The start was a bit rocky because I felt kind of put on the spot and and indirectly accused of not attending enough, which added to my anxiety in that moment but we had a productive discussion and I'm glad my tutor took the time to go over everything with me. I like talking to her and the other tutors, even if it's scary sometimes.
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Stout hearted
(Adj): having a brave heart
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Chapter 3
Hanma x older sister reader x Black dragon founders
Warning :Abuse,injuries, Drunk Dad
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"It's Friday so dad won't be home,wanna go hang out at the park?" She asked looking at him, he relaxed hearing that their father won't be home for the night and nodded "Shu what do you want for your birthday??" 
"It's your birthday next week,  do you want anything?" 
He stared at the ground holding onto the straps of his bag, she had been working and been helping around the neighbourhood to earn money for them. "Come on bud it's your birthday " 
"You like batman right? Wanna have a movie night and watch that?" 
He gave her a nod still not looking at her, she stopped walking and made him look at her "You're overthinking again, you know I love you" she moved his hair from his eyes
"I'll give you the best birthday "
He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her as he teared up. She rubbed his back letting cry, his birthday was always hard but she tried her best to always make them smile. The two had learned to avoid their father during this week, he was more tense during the week.
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 "So this is your brother " 
She really didn't mean to punch him, he just surprised her and she swung her fist at him. Shinichiro held the tissue to his bleeding nose while the (Y/n) kept apologising for punching him. Kezio and Wakasa didn't seem surprised that she had punched him. 
Shuuji was by his sister's side looking at the boy she had punched, were they her friends? Could he trust them? Were they as nice as Lee? The Shinichiro guy looked at him and grinned " You're Shuuji right? " 
"I'm Shinichiro… I'm friend's with your sister "
This shocked both the Hanma siblings as they stared at the pompadour haired boy. Shuuji was happy that his sister was making friends,  even if he didn't really trust these guys just yet. This guy seemed to care about his sister.
"Take care of my sister!" 
Shinichiro grinned at the boy nodding at the kid "I promise I'll be a good friend " he vowed before looking at (Y/n) who looked like she was lost " How's your nose?" 
"Huh?... its fine" 
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".. Thanks for walking us home " 
"Can't let you get jumped again"
Shinichiro insisted on helping the girl buy groceries and walk her home, Shuuji was a good kid. He was protective of his sister and at first Shinichiro had to keep his distance but he had managed to gain the boy's trust. She unlocked the door, immediately placing the bags on the floor. "Sorry my Father he's strict…." 
She didn't want to get Shinichiro involved if her father came home, she took Shuuji from Shinichiro. He poked her head when he noticed her over thinking again "told you it's no big deal, I'll see you Monday?"
"Bye Shin"
She locked the door behind Shinichiro before tucking Shuuji into his bed. She had to put away the groceries before she could start doing her homework. She was busy putting away when she heard the door unlock, she studied her surroundings checking for any exit. She moved quietly and quickly to her room. 
"It's his fault you know"
Shit when he follow her, she stood in front of the door protectively. He was drunk with cheeks flushed, she could smell it on him. He stumbled towards her barely being able to walk. "It's his fault!"
"Go to bed, you're drunk" 
She grunted when her body slammed into the door. "Admit it! You hate him!" He yelled hovering over the girl, she glared up at him "No mom wanted Shu!" 
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Miss Amelia had always tended to wounds of criminals, she said everyone had the right to be treated to medical attention. Sure some delinquents she treated were pretty young and she always lectured them for causing trouble,  she made sure her clinic was a safe place for anyone. It was a neutral turf and no delinquents would cause trouble out of respect. 
This wasn't the first time the girl showed up with injuries , always claiming she had gotten into a fight or she fell.  The brunette didn't believe the girl, no she couldn't have such bad luck that she would be here once a week at least. (Y/n) always brought her brother along too, maybe something was going on at home. Did the two live alone maybe??
"How did you dislocate it again?" 
"I fell down the stairs…"
Amelia frowned not believing a word the girl came in a while ago, how (Y/n) had managed to bring her brother along was a mystery. "You have to spend the night...I'll set up beds for you two" 
The white haired boy popped his head into his office "Miss Am-....(Y/n)?" Didn't Shinichiro walk her home? What was she doing here? His eyes landed on her shoulder, she had a sling on and her shoulder looked bruised. He was sure that his friend made sure the girl was safe, did someone break into her house?
After helping Amelia guide the girl and her brother to their beds, he stayed behind staring at (Y/n). She shifted in front of him "What?" 
"What happened"
"I fell down the stairs " 
Bull shit, she did look like some who fell off the stairs,did  someone hurt her? Why was she protecting them? He couldn't be the only one who had suspicions, she showed up to school with a bruised nose and now this.
"You're friends with (Y/n)?"
Wakasa turned around facing the doctor "Something like that" he didn't know much about her, other from rumours and from what he learned today. "Do you know if someone is hurting her?"
"She was fine when Shinichiro dropped her off"
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Proof reader: @lostinthe-jojos
Tags: @erishaitto
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lick-me-lennon22 · 3 years
George caring for a sick Dhani 💜
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(thank you to @pmak2002 for this request!! it was supposed to be just a blurb but I did a little research beforehand and it ended up pretty much becoming a whole fic 😅 oops... either way, I hope you enjoy this one! 💕)
When Dhani wakes up for school on Monday morning, he immediately knows something his wrong. His throat is sore, his nose is runny, and his muscles ache like nothing he's felt before. He painstakingly drags himself out of bed, clutching the sheet around him, and heads straight to his parents' bedroom where he finds his mum Olivia still in bed. Dhani notices that the bathroom door is cracked open and cautiously steps inside to find his father, George, brushing his teeth. "Dad..?" he says quietly, voice hoarse. George startles, turning around to see Dhani in his unfortunate state and spits his mouthful of toothpaste into the sink, letting the water wash it down the drain before turning the tap off. "What is it, my boy? You sound bloody awful..," he gently presses the back of his hand to Dhani's forehead to assess his temperature. "You seem to be running quite the fever, son- let's get you to the doctor, all right? Just let me finish up in here and I'll be right out to take ye" George says. Dhani nods weakly, coughing into his elbow, and shuffles out of the room. George jumps into action- he swishes and spits some mouthwash, changes out of his sleepwear into a button-up and jeans, and sprints to the car, his son following close behind him and hopping into the passenger's seat.
"This is ridiculous.." George mutters under his breath as he walks his son out of the clinic and gets into the driver's seat of his car. They had been able to see the doctor almost instantly upon arriving; he had taken some swabs, run a few tests, and determined that Dhani had contracted the flu: "He probably picked it up from school," the doc had said. When George had requested a prescription of some kind to alleviate his son's symptoms, the doctor simply shook his head: "I'm afraid there isn't much we can do for him. The flu's been going around at many schools, I've seen a lot of children this past week with the same complaints. As it stands, all I can tell you is to give him some over-the-counter medicine, bring him some saltwater to gargle for that sore throat, and be sure he gets plenty of fluids and bedrest." George tried to argue, stating that there must be something he can do to cure Dhani of his illness sooner- but as the doc's hands were tied and George didn't want to subject his son to more stress, he took Dhani by the hand and led him out of the office, through the lobby, and back to the car. "Alright, my boy," George sighs- "seeing that the doctor was no help whatsoever, we're headed straight to the drugstore for anything that'll help you feel better. Sound good?"
"Yeah Dad, sounds good" Dhani croaks out and smiles weakly, glad just to spend some time with his father. Being a famous musician and all, George isnt able to spend as much time with his son as he'd like to, a lot of it consumed by work and media-related endeavors. Dhani admired his Dad more than anyone else in his life and though they rarely got the chance to hang out nowadays, they were practically best friends and had formed a close bond throughout his childhood. George was always a fun parent, bringing his son along to festivals and such ("Don't tell yer mum," he'd say with a grin), and sticking up for Dhani to authority figures and even other kids at his school- he was fiercely protective of his boy. However, he was also a gentle parent who allowed Dhani the chance to explore and express himself, and had fostered a mutual respect between the two of them since his son was but a toddler.
"I'm pulling you from school for the whole week" "But what if I'm- *cough*- all better before then?" "Just in case, Dhani- it's not like you really need them and their indoctrination, anyway.." George grumbles, never having been a fan of traditional schools or their teachings. Dhani however has always cared about his grades and paid close attention to the lessons he's been taught, in spite of what his father thinks. "...Okay, Dad" he says meekly, wanting to protest but unwilling to sacrifice more quality time with his famous father. George pulls into the parking lot of the nearest drugstore and marches in, intent on gathering all the supplies his sick boy could need: tissues, lozenges, cough syrup, pain medication, ice packs, and even more tissues- 'just in case.' He makes his way to the checkout, queuing up, paying for the items and hauling his bags back to the car. He drives Dhani home as quickly as possible, carrying him to bed and tucking him in before calling and cancelling any studio time, interviews, or collaborations he'd previously planned. There's only one committment he can't cancel- dinner with Paul tonight for the first time in ages. George sets his son up with all of the remedies he'd bought and tells his wife Olivia everything about the situation, including the "unhelpful and useless" doctor they had gone to see. She of course agrees to care for Dhani, sending her husband on his way to dinner with one of his long-time best friends.
The following day George rises just before noon, having stayed up late to pal around with Macca. He runs the few errands on his agenda, including grabbing his family some lunch, and pulls into his driveway back home where he spots the vehicle of none other than Richard Starkey parked outside. He makes his way to his son's room to discover that Uncle Ringo had come to visit the sick young lad (having found out from Paul that Dhani had come down with a bad case of the flu), joking and cheering him up to distract him from his poor state. The two close friends chat for some time in the living room before Ritchie departs, Olivia checking up on Dhani in the meantime. George thanks his wife and dismisses her from her nurse duties, taking on the responsibility himself. He tiptoes to his son's bedroom cautiously and enterd to see that he's been tucked in, the ice pack George had picked up from the store the previous day resting on his forehead, half-lidded eyes trained onto the telly. "Dhani..?" "Oh- *cough*- hey, Dad"
George approaches the bed and sits down carefully, holding a paper bag out to Dhani. "I brought you a burrito- your favorite," he grins down at his son, who takes the bag: "Really? *cough*- Thanks Dad, you're the best!" he says, hands emerging from the blankets to tear into the treat. George stays sat on the bed, determined to spend time with his sick boy and make sure he knows how loved he is. Glancing around the room at the piano and guitars he's bought and played with Dhani, then back to the young man, Ringo's words from earlier echo in his mind: "He's growing up into such a wonderful lad. He's just like you, ye know- good looks and all."
Olivia had always said they were very alike, but he'd usually dismissed the observation... until now. George couldn't help but realize that they were right- though he was but eleven years old Dhani was already becoming a very talented and creative musician, having learned much about music from his dad. He'd certainly taken after his Beatle father in that regard, and they were in fact very similar- not to mention their near identical looks. Sharing his Dad with the world had been difficult and a bit isolating for Dhani despite his many school mates. He admired and looked up to George from a very young age, always striving to be just like him. As Dhani grew up before George's eyes, he became more and more like his father by the day and George was immensely proud.
His train of thought was broken suddenly when Dhani finished the burrito, crumpling the paper bag and tossing it into the bin. He landed the throw, earning a hearty laugh and a high five from his father. He closed his eyes and laid back, George stroking his hair gently, the two of them cherishing this moment of father-son love. "Are you gettin' sleepy, Dhani?" he asked tenderly- his son nodded in response, already drowsy despite the brightness of the late afternoon sun. "Tell you what- I'll play you a lullaby, that way you can rest easier and know that I'm here beside you." "Dad," Dhani chuckled, "aren't I a little too old for that?" he lied, secretly longing for the affectionate gesture. George grabbed his son's acoustic guitar from its stand and begin to tune it: "You're never too old for yer old man's love and attention, eh? Now you just relax, close your eyes, and rest." Dhani didn't protest any further, heeding his father's instructions with a soft smile on his face. With that, George began to play- he chose "Here Comes The Sun," fingers strumming the strings gently and with care, dedicating the sweet words to his beloved son. By the time he was finished Dhani was fast asleep- grin faltering as he drifted off, but still visible on his lips. George placed the guitar back on the stand gently, taking care not to wake the sleeping lad. He smiled to himself, tears welling in his eyes as he turned to admire his son's peaceful face. "I love you, my boy," he whispered, placing a gentle kiss on Dhani's forehead before tip-toeing out of the room and shutting the door cautiously. Back pressed against the wooden door, George let his eyelids fall shut and sighed: "Sweet dreams, Dhani." ♡
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 34)
"I've Got You. Forever. Locked."
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Monday is insane.
After collecting themselves out of the studio the night before, Luna and Colson had hung out with everyone for the rest of the night, drinking, laughing and smoking. They decided to release Bad Things on Friday but were still unsure if they wanted to shoot a video. They both have a lot of projects in the pipeline and he has a show in NC on Friday with a tour kicking off in less than a month. Both so tired, they passed out holding each other in comfy clothes instead of naked, after fucking, as usual.
They wake up to chaos. Luna has 137 missed calls. On top of the ridiculous amount of texts, Snaps, and emails. Knowing she pre loaded everything, she had silenced her phone before falling asleep. She had Colson do the same.
"Kitten, this is fucking wild! The internet is lit the fuck up. You guys are all over it!" He says to her excitedly. Grabbing her chin for a solid kiss.
"I know." She sighs. "It already has over 100,000 views."
It's not even 11:30A.
"That's a bad thing?" He looks at her confused, noticing her tone.
She puts her free hand over her face. "This is gonna blow me out." She sighs.
"What do you mean?" He asks, still confused.
She drops her phone, stretches out long as she pulls the covers over her head. Wiggling her exposed feet. Red toes dancing.
"Mmmmm...." Colson thinks as his dick hardens, getting distracted.
"I'm not mainstream, Bunny. You know this. I have my fan base but...." She sighs again from under the blanket. "I'm small because I wanna be. And this just put me out there to OVER 100,00 people. That's a Fucking lot."
He pulls the covers off of her face. Stroking her cheekbone with his thumb, he tells her "Because you create ART, Loons. That speaks to and for people. What you and Ash did is amazing. You guys are giving a LOUD voice to so many women. AND think of how much the merch is going to help out those clinics." He kisses her on the forehead as he slides down the bed to meet her eyes. Laying on their sides, facing each other, he continues "You always say it's important to use your platform."
Sighing yet again, she agrees with him "I know. I just have a feeling that this is really gonna change a lot of things. You have to think Bunny, we've been living in a bubble for the last 2 weeks. No body knows about us yet. Once Bad Things drops, we're out there and our bubble pops." She looks at him concerned.
He loves that she doesn't chase the limelight. Kissing her lightly he then says "It's gonna come out eventually. I'm not worried about it. We got this on lock, Kitten. I've been dealing with this shit for years. I got you."
"I know. I just have my hands in too much illegal shit. I don't like my name being out there like that."
"Well, as of 7 this morning, it is and like I just said, I GOT you." He tells her firmly before pulling her carefully on to him, mindful of her shoulder. He brushes her hair out of her face before he kisses her. "Now stop worrying." He rolls her on to her back. Kissing her jaw down to her neck. He sits up pulling his white shirt off and briefs. Following suit, she carefully slips off her gray one and panties. She lays back down as he bites the scorpion on her stomach, making her jump as he kisses his way back up to her face. Her body is flashing with heat as she drags her chipped nails up his back. Both of them moaning. As he pins her right arm above her head, she guides him into her. "Oh Fuccck..." She lowly lets out.
"UnhHunh." He agrees, feeling the warmth of her tight pussy. Pumping into her slowly, his head is floating. She pushes her hips up into him, following his rhythm. He pulls her head back by her hair, kissing her hard and sloppy. Panting, they exchange sweet "I love yous." into each other's eyes. Fucking each other deep and slow. There's a soft intimacy instead of their usual raging hunger. Legs wrapped around him, he feels her clench.
"Go head." He tells her pleading eyes. Making her cum with him. Laying inside and on top of her, he lifts his head out of the tangle her blonde hair. He looks into her eyes "I've got you, Luna ADELAIDE Smith. Forever." Kissing her.
"Fuck you, Richard." She giggles through his kiss. Pulling back to look into his bright blue ones, she tells him he fucking better before kissing him back.
"I'm gonna start calling you Addie. 🎶You know I keep that Addie, yeah🎶 He sings to her smile and rolled eyes.
"You're an idiot." She giggles.
🎶An idiot in love with an Addie, yeah🎶 He continues singing to her as she kisses him to shut him up.
Luna's in the kitchen. Colson in the studio. The Band scattered through out the house. Dressed in a loose tank and ripped jeans, she calls Ashley first. Before Luna can even say Hey, Ashley spits out excitedly "You're up? I'm coming over!!!" Then hangs up to Luna's laughter.
She then calls her grandmother. "Oh, Luna!!" She gushes. "It's INCREDIBLE! So strong and unrelenting. I'm so proud of you and Ashley"
"Thanks, Mom-Mom." Luna beams into the phone. "That means a lot." They talk about Joni and the other's thoughts. Luna tells her they've all texted or called and that she intends to respond individually. She lets out that she's a little overwhelmed at the moment. She expresses her fear of over exposure. Pattie comforts her, advising her to do what she's always done. Be true to herself and follow her instincts. Ashley walks in the door as they're on the phone. Luna passes the it to her.
"Hey, Mom-Mom!!!" She greets Luna's grandmother happily. Pattie loves her like a granddaughter. They chat happily for a bit before she passes her back to Luna. Congratulations are given and love exchanged before they hang up.
"DUDE!!!!" Ashley grabs Luna by the arms. "Last time I looked, over 200,000 views. My way over, 3 different fucking stations. This is fucking HUGE. We gotta get it streaming." She says seriously.
Luna sighs. "Charles was next on my list...."
"You ok?" Ashley asks her.
"Enhhhh... Nervous about where this is gonna go. I'm not looking to be fucking famous, Ash, ya know?" She says, sighing.
"Well Bitch, you're basically living with a famous musician and are putting out bangers on blast. What do you expect? FUCK, Loons, you're That Brooklyn Bitch. You're ALREADY famous."
"You know what I Fucking mean, Ash." She gives her friend a dirty look.
"I do." Ashley responds, knowing Luna all too well. "But, I don't know what to tell you, because if it isn't here already, it's coming. Fucking ride it, Loon. You're way. The way you do everything. Now, let's talk about this merch." She finishes dismissing Luna's fear.
Luna lights a joint, knowing that's the end of THAT, as she pulls a notebook across the kitchen table. The girls pass both back and forth. Getting high and creating together.
As they're working, Colson comes up saying he's running out for a bit before kissing Luna goodbye.
The girls decide on 2 black shirts, a long sleeve and a T, with 2 options. One being "No, I won't smile. But I'll show you my teeth." or "You smile, Asshole" both in deep red. Towards the bottom of the shirts, the idea being should someone look at your ass, it will be in their eyesight. They choose to make a black hoodie also. Ashley has the perfect image in her phone, it's of her friend Lucy clenching her teeth, she's going to call her for permission to use it. They wanna place the word "BULLY" under it in the same color red as Lucy's lipstick. The last item they choose to create is a leather studded fanny pack with Nightmare acrossed it in the original deep red.
Excited and confident, they begin to make phone calls. Luna to her lable first. Ashley to Lucy and a couple others.
While on the phone with Charles, Luna keeps repeating "Check my contract. Check my contract. Check my contract." The bills started coming in early and he's screaming his head off. Especially after she told him that the song needs to be streamed, that she wants merch and for the proceeds to go to a non profit. "Fight me for it." She dares him. "I'll go straight to fucking Peter." Even more pissed to lose the profits off the merch but knowing Peter will side with her because he's already pissed at the idea of her walking next month. "Check my contract." Luna repeats again as he agrees. She doesn't give a fuck. "You want a Top 40, Motherfucker. You gotta pay for it. Bitch. Monica will be in touch." She says before hanging up.
She calls Monica next. It's a quick conversation. Monica praising the song and confirms the link up with Yellowhammer. Before they hang up, she tells Luna that she's been in contact with the ACLU. This delights Luna as she thanks Monica. Telling Ashley to her equal happiness.
Luna takes the time to call each of her grandmother's friends, thanking them for their help and support. She then sends out personal texts to the 24 women in the video. Doing the same. Her phone's been going off all day. After, she goes on Twitter to love and personally thank each of their release tweets. She still has a ton of texts, Snaps and emails to get through.
Lucy happily agrees to allow her picture to be used. She loves the song. Congratulating the girls and excited to be involved. Excited or not, Ashley and Luna know that they need a contract. Luna texts Monica again.
Luna and Ashley call Hannah together to thank her and rave over her skill. It's a fun conversation, ending with promises of hanging out soon.
After, Luna turns to Ashley. "Wanna sit by the pool?" She asks her.
"Totally." Ashley replies.
"Beer and a suit?"
Definitely." She agrees, grabbing beers and heading upstairs behind Luna.
Sitting by the pool, drinking and smoking with her friend, they laugh at the crazy Snaps of their and Luna's friends freaking out over their song. She continues replying to them, plus texts and emails before tiring from it and diving into the pool.
"She's gonna fucking LOVE this." Colson thinks to himself walking out of Tiffany's in LA.
Later in the evening Colson, Luna, Ashley and The Band are all in the kitchen. They're talking about the show on Friday.
"We're gonna drop Bad Things Friday morning, what do you guys think about adding it to the show that night?" He asks looking at The Band, then Luna.
"I think it'll kick ass live." Rook says.
"Yeah." Baze agrees, nodding his head.
AJ chimes in "Shouldn't be a problem. It's not like we didn't record it in one take."
They all look at Luna.
"What about the piano?" She asks Colson.
He thinks for a minute. "You open on it, then I bring you main stage with me and we'll have someone drop in for you?"
She nods. "That'll work."
"WORRDDD!!!!" He shouts. "The World feels Bad Things on Friday!!" He declares, lifting his beer to everyone.
Upstairs, in Colson's bedroom, Luna's sitting on the bed, still responding to incoming texts, Snaps and tweets.
"This is FUCKING exhausting." She thinks, rubbing her forehead. Fingers falling into her hair. Gripping it.
Colson sees her annoyance as he walks in. He takes her phone, kissing her "Take a break. I have something for you." He says slipping a blue box into her hands instead.
She looks up amused with her eyebrows raised "Not my usual style..." She says flatly.
"Just shut up and open it." He tells her shaking his head.
"She can be such an Asshole." He thinks, smiling to himself.
She opens the box. Pulls out the soft blue bag, a heavy sliver chain with a tiny padlock on it slides out of it into her hand. She looks up at him smiling with That One Look. He crouches in front of her, producing a key. Her nipples harden as he takes the necklace from her, unlocks it and places the chain around her neck. Looking into her eyes as he seals it with the lock around her throat. "I've got the only key because you're mine. And I've GOT YOU forever. Locked." He tells her as she feels her body flush. For all her wildness, there's something sexy about about him locking her down.
"I love you." She states firmly. Kissing him, pulling him onto the bed with her. She's learning how to function with this stupid shoulder. She kisses him deeply. "I love it. Thank you." She tells him in between kisses, touching his promise.
"I knew you would." He smirks "Doubt me. Bitch." She laughs kissing him again. He runs his hands through her hair before gripping her breasts. He lifts up to take off his shirt and the rest of his clothes. She does the same. He hates that he can't undress her. She looks at him coyly, before biting her lip and getting on all fours. "My dirty little whore." He smiles before ❗ SLAP ❗ his big hand hard on her sweet ass. She yelps out. Running his hand up her back he asks "You want it, don't you?"
"Yes, please." She begs. He loves that she's a Fucking Cunt in real life but submissive to him in the bedroom. ❗ SLAP ❗ He hits her again before grabbing her hips and working himself into her. Once inside, they both moan in pleasure. "I fucking love your cock!" she tells him, slamming her thick ass into him. He's thrusting into her deep, with a steady pace. She arches her back, throwing her head back, hair brushing his face. This picks up his pace. Slamming hard into each other, they're both panting on the brink.
He grabs her hair, pulling her body up, hand around her throat, necklace laced in his fingers "Cum NOW." He tells her to her relief as they both burst.
To be continued......
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canaryatlaw · 3 years
okay, well today has been a Monday, not too bad as far as they go though. woke up same as regular time, I had two cases up in court but momentarily forgot about the second because it wasn't on the calendar until the client called me and I was like OH RIGHT but luckily it was easily fixable. I can't like, get into details of course, but there was something that happened that has given me pause about the case, and I'm not sure what to do with that, I'll probably email my boss about it tomorrow. but that didn't take too long and I filled the rest of the day with random stuff, not having all that much to do still, but I helped out with clinic a bit since I was backup supervisor, and while I don't mind assisting, my work buddy who was the lead supervisor seemed more willing to follow up with things on his own rather than asking me to do it, which was nice because tomorrow's my clinic day and sometimes when I'd end up doing stuff for him it felt like two days in a row, which is no fun. but yeah, not terribly eventful. I had a PT appointment at 5:30, so I headed out for that around 5:10. the appointment was fine, they had me walk on the treadmill for like ten minutes to see what happened and I didn't have any real issues, but again my worry is it can be so arbitrary and apparent progress in PT might not match up to my real world abilities. I have been curious about how I would do with walking longer, so I may give that an actual try soon. but yeah, otherwise it was fine. I had to cancel my Wednesday appointment because I got asked to be on a podcast episode recording at 5 pm on Wednesday (I didn't say that was the reason though haha). It's for The Flash, because this week's episode (which airs tomorrow night) is mostly focused around a court case, so of course they want the legal opinion to more or less tell them how much the show bullshitted things, as they very commonly do in court settings on tv shows. so that should be fun. my uber ride back home was in a pick up truck, and I had a nice chat with the driver, just trading stories and laughs, it was nice. I got home and made some ramen (tried a hack that was on the kitchn website involving an egg, mayo, and a sauce packet, but it didn't really do it for me) and then watched 911 and 911: Lone Star, and then the Legends premiere from last night. I didn't know how I would feel about the episode given that I'm not on the best of terms with the show right now, but it was a solid episode and I very much enjoyed it, so that was nice. once that was done, I watched the news into Jimmy Kimmel. Somewhere along the way my roommate came home and decided to put in our window AC unit since it had been getting warm lately, which turned into a bit of an ordeal, including the cat first running out the back door of the apartment and had to be chased down the stairs, but also her sticking like half her body out of the window in the space next to the air conditioner before it was covered, my roommate who was right there was able to grab her, but it truly scared the shit out of me (like I know the whole cats land on their feet thing, but it's still pretty scary). I also have a lot of anxiety about AC units in windows and them being installed, it just makes me really anxious, but we ended up figuring it out for the most part. and yeah, after that I got in the shower then came here to get ready for bed, and now I'm here, it's almost 2 am so sounds like a good time to go to bed. Goodnight my peeps. Hope your Monday didn't suck.
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anxietalyn · 7 years
ACL reconstruction
so. last week on Tuesday I got ACL surgery, and I've looked on a few tags on Tumblr for tips and what to expect. but, I didn't find a lot, and when I did they weren't really descriptive. so ima do one to maybe help some folks out. this is tips and my experience so far.
Edit: this turned out waaaay longer than I thought it would
THIS IS ALL BASED ON MY SURGERY AND RECOVERY. I'M NOT SAYING THIS IS EXACTLY HOW IT WILL GO. I WENT TO A TOP ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON BC MY FAMILY HAD HEARD A LOT ABOUT MY DUDE AND THEY TOOK MY INSURANCE(he turns out to be one of the top orthopedic surgeons in Texas. If you live in the Houston, Texas area, the dude is Dr. Barrett Brown at Fondren Orthopedic Group in the medical center. whoop.) :
if you have the time, money, and availability, go to therapy a few weeks before the surgery. it'll strengthen the muscles in the injured leg, and the leg that isn't going under the knife. it'll help you after the surgery when you're having to use crutches or a walker. trust me on that. I was going to therapy 7 1/2 before my surgery. my orthopedic said that I should've gone at least six weeks.
when I went to therapy for the first time after tearing my ACL and MCL back in October, he was concerned. *I was also in a wheelchair for ten days*.
don't do that
I wish I would've looked up how or asked a family who is a doctor how to use crutches. because I was miserable in that wheelchair. my muscles in my left leg(injured leg) shrinked because they weren't used in a week and a half. and my leg muscles are pretty strong for my height and weight. that was the most difficult part of therapy leading up to last Tuesday. the fact that my strength and body changed.
if you're learning how to use them, or they are unavailable for a day or so, go ahead and use a wheelchair. bc, I'll be honest, it is a lot easier.
You might be at the hospital for a while before they take you in. I was told to be at my surgeon's office at 9:30, and I wasn't taken back for prep until 13:00(1:00pm)
You might also be in the prep area for a bit.. but there is where you get the hospital dress, no-slide socks, a "fall risk" bracelet(which I should've gotten when I started to walk when I was little bc I'm hella clumsy), your IV, I was offered a numbing shot for the area of the IV but I dunno if that's universal
if you have a family member or friend back there with you, ask for them to distract you. I had my goofy brother to make faces at me
if you are offered that numbing shot, they will tell you this, but for about ten seconds it burns like hell
at my hospital, everyone who would be in the OR had to come introduce themselves before surgery, so if you have any questions, ask! they are there to answer your questions. no matter if you think they're stupid.
my Anesthesiologist(the dude who gives the knock out juice) came over, asked if this is my first surgery, and when I told him yes, he explained EVERYTHING. He said that all the folks in the room(for me it was 6) would come by, ask my name, birthday, what was happening during the surgery, and which leg. he then said that the anaesthesia I would get was a non-narcotic which is to help you not throw up after surgery(which I didn't).
five more people then introduced themselves
when they were wheeling me to the OR, they said it would be cold so they gave me a second blanket
they wheeled me up to the table, had me crawl onto it, had a foam pillow for my head, and extended arm holders for my arms to lay outta the way
Steve(anesthesiologist) then asked if I was ready, I said I was scared. one of the nurses then held my hand as he put in the knock out juice. he then said I did good, and to help the anaesthesia work faster, put an oxygen over my nose and mouth until I was out.(last thing I remember)
when I woke up, I was still in the OR, but I was incredibly dis-oriented. I know ASL, so I started signing "want brother" over and over. none of the OR folks knew what I was signing, so they found someone who knows a little ASL and they interpreted what i was signing
they told my that I had to wait for a little bit so they could check to make sure my vitals and wrap up my leg(it's a 30 minute waiting period)
when my parents came in, I was offered sprite(You can't eat anything after ten o'clock the night before, or drink anything(even water) after midnight.) because my sugar level was low
!!!start drinking water a week before the surgery!!!it's so much more difficult to find a good vein for the IV!!! my grandma was poked seven times in different places to find a good juicy vein!!!
the anaesthesia will most likely make you feel weird.
I called everyone cute. everyone. nurse, doctor, patient, people who I don't know. everyone. I asked my nurse out on a date. I told my mom who Is married she's jealous of my "mad flirting skills"
You need to eat something on your way home. I stopped and got soup to-go. I recommend soup, just because it is easy on the tummy
You will not have an appetite for at least a week. regardless, you need to eat protein during recovery bc it'll help your Incision.
your leg will hurt. there's no way to sugar coat. it will hurt a lot.
find something to distract yourself. my Alma Mater was in the state championship for football, and I love football and star wars. I watched The Force Awakens an ungodly amount, that I could quote every. single. character.
just find things to do that you don't need to exert yourself too much. I like colouring books, reading, and watching movies. just have something to do while you recover. please.
you'll get prescribed four things: pain medicine, meds for muscle spasms, meds to help with nausea, and a shot that helps prevent blood clots in my leg while I can't move it regularly
I'm about six days into recovery, and the shots are the worst part currently.
The first three to four days are the worst of it. your nerves are waking up, you're getting used to not bending your knee, your learning how to walk again. they are just bad.
take the pain med when your pain level is a 3 or 4 on a 1-10 scale. it'll kick in right before it gets too bad
when you stand, it will hurt.
when you put pressure on it, it will hurt.
when you move it, it will hurt.
when you hit it(on anything), it will hurt.
when you have to adjust the brace strap that is riiiiight on top of the incision, it will hurt like no other.
that pain, will pass.
I PROMISE you that the pain will reduce. in the moment it may seem like your leg is on fire, but fight on, Strong Warrior. fight on.
elevate your leg from behind your ankle
elevate when ever you can. you're told to, and 10/10 recommend it because it will reduce swelling
you're gonna swell anyways. a little bit of swelling is normal. it's your body trying to heal it's self.
don't take Ibuprofen: it flushed out the good things that the swelling is bringing to heal your body
ice your knee. ice. ice. ice. it will help with over swelling
you don't HAVE to elevate your foot while you sleep though.
You will not sleep for a couple nights. it will suck. it will be frustrating. and it will awful. last night was the first night since Tuesday(it's a Monday) that I got more than four hours of sleep. You will eventually get sleep though. and personally, I was able to take small naps during the day.
I personally, have self-harm scars on my left thigh. so I was slightly uncomfortable with people being around them. You'll have to have someone wrap an ace bandage around your leg(mine is wrapped from my ankle to mid thigh.). Have someone you are comfortable with touching them wrap your leg.
You may not always be fully comfortable during recovery, but try to get as comfy as you can
Go to physical therapy.
it will help(and it's prescribed)
and for goodness sake. Do your at home exercises they give you. they seem like a waste of time, but they honestly do help.
find a PT group you like. **look on your insurance to find a place that is "in network". it'll cost a whole bunch less.**
for PT it's completely okay to go to different people until you feel comfortable. You will do so much better when you're with someone you trust and can tell they know their shit.
I'm curious by nature, and my therapist has the alphabet behind his name. so if you get a card, Google the letters!
for example, the alphabet behind his name is: PT, DPT, FAAOMPT. When I searched them, I found that PT is the good ol' fashioned Physical Therapist. DPT is Doctorate of Physical Therapy. and FAAOMPT is  American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists("The “Fellow” is a physical therapist who has demonstrated advanced clinical, analytical, and hands-on skills in the treatment of musculoskeletal orthopedic disorders and is internationally recognized for their competence and expertise in the practice of manual physical therapy." Basically, my dude knows his shit).
Warning though, if you're curious about what a certain exercise does, and you ask,they might touch your body and physically show you what muscle the exercise works. and while you're doing an exersice, if you're doing it wrong, they will fix your position themself. this is why I say find someone your comfortable with. They are very hands on. I was lucky because the first one I went to, we hit it off. we both have mutual interests, and he isn't annoyed when I sass him. he sasses me back.
In pictures of me within a couple weeks of the operation, you can see how swollen my foot is. the brace I have is a pretty general brace, and it I locked straight. I cannot bend my leg while I have it on. under it is two ace bandages, and then on my incision there is a steri-strip. My nurse said not to touch it/try to remove it because it's keeping it clean and helping it heal. I got four holes in my knee for a camera and tools. the graph that is now my ACL is from my Patellar tendon, so the incision is between 6-8 inches.
I'll continue to update this as my recovery continues. and if you have any questions, feel free to message or send me an ask!
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