#if my brain was a little guy standing in front of me I would beat the absolute shit out of him bare handed and It would feel so so good
v-iv-rusty · 2 years
I think the best way I've found to deal with intrusive thoughts (at least at night when I'm trying to sleep and they won't let me) is to listen to music but like. specifically to focus everything on feeling the shapes of the notes in such a way that prevents any thought from occurring at all, if that makes any sense
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When BSD men have to carry you.
Pairing: Fem!Reader/BSD Men
In this post: ✨Osamu Dazai, Chuuya Nakahara, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Doppo Kunikida, Atsushi Nakajima, Yukichi Fukuzawa, Edogawa Ranpo, Fyodor Dostoyevsky✨
Synopsis; Various scenarios where the BSD men have to carry you in their arms.
Guys should I double space or single space my paragraphs? Let me know…Bro this turned out to be a BEAST! Please requests are open!! Request for bsd or any other character!
Edogawa Ranpo
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You had been walking home with your boyfriend, strolling peacefully as the dying sun elongated your shadows on the empty pavement. Your hand rested in Ranpo’s right hand, his left hand holding a lollipop he was happily licking.
Your eyes were staring at your feet, but your mind was elsewhere, thinking back to day you had spent in the office, more precisely Kenji’s small cousins coming to visit him from the countryside. The very unplanned visit had obviously caused chaos in the already disorganized life the Armed Detective Agency lived (Kunikida had almost died on the spot), but soon everyone started having fun. One precise moment had remained etched to your brain, recalling memories of your childhood you yourself had forgotten: Dazai carrying the little children on his back, twirling them around as they laughed.
The last time you had been carried in someone’s arms was so long ago the memory was fuzzy, and almost non-existent in your brain. Slowly, you wondered if your genius boyfriend would maybe comply to your very childish wish. The words bubbled in your chest, quickly pressing against your lips. You tried to calm down your beating heart, slightly embarrassed, but before you could even utter the first syllable, Ranpo turned to look at you, his eyes glittering in the sunset.
“I’ll do it just because it’s you.”
“H-how did you know what I wanted to ask?” Your boyfriend’s mind never ceased to amaze you.
“I was watching you today at the agency, and I immediately knew what you were thinking when you looked at Dazai.” Your cheeks became an even darker shade of red, and you nibbled on your lip, feeling embarrassment running all over your body.
Ranpo cleared his throat, and you glanced back at him, finding him kneeling in front of you, his lollipop hanging lazily from his lips. Your heart skipped a beat, and a happy giggle flew out of your mouth before you climbed on your boyfriend’s back. He quickly adjusted his hands to hold you more comfortably. “Hold on tight.” He called to you, before standing up.
You gasped, throwing your arms around his neck, and nuzzling your lips against his neck. “Ah, (Y/N)! That tickles!” He whined, making you laugh even more.
Ranpo started walking again, heading towards your home. You were on cloud nine, happily expressing your joy by kissing every inch of Ranpo’s skin that you could reach. “I love you, I love you!” You kept repeating, an idiotic smile practically glued to your lips.
“The things I do for you!” He exclaimed, faking annoyance, even through his heart beamed with joy, knowing he was the one who had made you smile so brightly you were rivaling the sun.
Ryunosuke Akutagawa
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You had been lying down on the couch in Akutagwa’s office for the past hour, patiently waiting for him to finish working on some paperwork that had to be absolutely handed in by the end of the day. You had first come in as you two had planned to walk home, but your boyfriend had quickly explained the situation. Working in the same organization, you understood, and simply pressed a kiss to his pale skin before settling down comfortably, and waiting for him to be done.
As time sluggishly went on, the cozy warmth in Akutagwa’s office and his delicate cologne that permeated everything around you, slowly started to make you drowsy. The constant scratching of his pen against the paper did not help either, and you were soon slipping in and out of consciousness.
Akutagawa finished the last report he had to write, exhaling quietly, a little bit of tension easing from his shoulders. He slipped the lid on his pen, ordering the pages on his desk, knowing his assistant would deliver them as soon as you two would leave. Akutagawa stood up, stretching his back. “(Y/N), I’m done, let’s go…” His words trailed off when he turned to face you, finding you to be adorably sleeping on his couch.
The sight almost melted his heart, before he sadly realized he had to wake you up, even though he knew you had had trouble sleeping last night. He sincerely did not want to wake you up, desiring you to get the sleep you so needed. Akutagawa brainstormed for a few moments, thinking how to solve the issue, before an idea stepped forward: quietly, and delicately, Akutagawa commended Rashomon to slither towards you, picking you up with the most care in the world to not wake you. The dark coils carried you to your boyfriend’s back, placing you vertically against him, so your chest was pressing against his back. The black tendrils wrapped around your torso, safely locking you to Alutagwa’s back, making you become an almost human backpack. Your boyfriend reached to place your limp arms around his neck, and commanded Rashomon to hold your legs against him, so they wouldn’t accidentally drag on the floor and hurt you. And finally, one more coil gently supported your neck, your cheek now pressing against Akutagawa’s shoulder.
He made sure that you were soundly asleep before he walked out of the office, non caring of the other Port Mafia members who glanced at you two, clearly confused. The only unfazed one seemed to be Chuuya, but what could surprise him after years of living with Dazai?
The whole way home, Akutagawa made sure you were always sound asleep and comfortable, timidly holding your hand when he was sure he was very very very far away from the Port Mafia headquarters. When you two were in the elevator in your apartment complex, Akutagawa looked at you through the reflection, feeling his heart flutter when he realized you had started drooling in your sleep. You were truly the most beautiful women in the world.
He quietly shut the door of your apartment. Akutagawa gently laid you down on your bed, making sure you weren’t about to fall off the edge of the bed, before he finally allowed Rashomon to retreat. Just as he turned around to go grab his phone, he felt your warm hand on his wrist. He turned around, seeing you sleepily look at him, your eyes caked in sleep and barely remembered dreams.
“Come lay in bed?” You asked sluggishly.
Akutagawa could not resist. He quickly climbed bed next to you, welcoming you in his embrace, watching as you used his chest as a pillow. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, suddenly wincing. Before Akutagawa could ask what was wrong, you mumbled, “There’s a wet spot on your back,”
Akutagawa could not help the small smile on his face, kissing your forehead. “I know. Don’t worry about it.” You complied, quickly slipping back into slumber, and Akutagawa soon followed, closing his eyes.
Osamu Dazai
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You had spent the whole day walking around Yokohama with Dazai, holding his hand tightly, eating whatever your hearts desired. Your last wish for the day was to go on the Ferris wheel, offering a night view of the twinkling city, making it resemble a field of fallen stars.
The both of you were at the very top of the Ferris Wheel; you were admiring the view, and Dazai had his head resting on your shoulder, observing the view of the city as well. His dark curls tickled your shoulders. “Did you have fun today, belladonna?” Dazai asked quietly, not wanting to destroy the magic of the moment.
“I had the best time of the my life. The only thing that put a blemish on today’s perfection was this skirt.” You pointed to the short skirt you had decided to wear that today.
Dazai glanced down after hearing your words, perplexedly staring at the article of clothing he had quite enjoyed on you: the skirt was beautiful on you, accentuating your gorgeous body. “Why was it a bad choice?” He asked, playing with the hem of it.
“Well, not the skirt in itself, but I usually wear some biker shorts underneath, because my thighs rub against each other and it hurts like a bitch! And I forgot them today!” You quickly hitched it up to show Dazai the reddened skin between your thighs. “And today’s heat did not help. Every step is an agony.” You admitted, hastily shoving your skirt down when you realized the ride was coming to an end.
Dazai chivalrously helped you out of the Ferris wheel, holding onto your arm. He noticed how you subtly tried to waddle instead of walking, not wanting your thighs to brush together again. “Bella, seeing you in such a dramatic situation makes your poor boyfriend’s heart bleed!” He dramatically stated, over exaggerating every word.
You chuckled. “I, your valiant boyfriend will sacrifice my knees for you.” He called, quickly kneeling in front of you.
“Are you sure, Dazai? I don’t want to hurt you…”
“My dear, you could never hurt me.” Dazai smiled at you, looking over his shoulder. You blushed, finally deciding that you could not walk anymore, and you gratefully climbed on his back, pressing a kiss to his head and whispering a soft, “Thank you.”
Dazai adjusted his hands to hold you comfortably and started walking home. “Am I not a gentleman, (Y/N)?” Dazai asked, turning to look at you and wiggle his eyebrows.
“Well, I am not so sure.” You laughed.
“Oh! You doubt my honor? For what reason, my lady?” Dazai whined.
“Well, I don’t think a gentleman would use this opportunity to touch my ass.” Dazai’s hands had been initially supporting your thighs, but his elegant fingers had soon slid further back, deciding to hold your butt, and you were sure that had not been just to carry you better.
Dazai tsked loudly. “T’is simply the fare to pay for this unique transport system.” You laughed, letting your head rest against his broad shoulders.
The rest of the walk home was peacefully, the two of you talking about random subjects. When you got home, Dazai gently rested you on the bed. “Do you want me to apply cream on the irritated skin?” He asked, starting to unbutton his shirt.
“Yes, please.”
Dazai quickly grabbed some Aloe Vera gel from the bathroom, coming back to the bedroom. You had removed your skirt, and were now lying in bed in just one of Dazai’s old shirts and your underwear.
Dazai knelt in front of your legs, quickly and efficiently applying the cream to all the irritated areas. After finishing, you pressed a kiss to his lips to thank him.
“Hey, (Y/N),”
“Since you can’t close your leg until the cream has dried, can I eat you out?”
“Dazai!” You screamed, throwing a pillow at him. Your boyfriend ducked just in time.
“Hey! It’s not my fault! You’re lying there with your legs spread so enticingly!”
You threw all the pillows you had on the bed at Dazai’s head, and yet, somehow, he managed to have his way, keeping your legs spread way long after the cream had dried.
Doppo Kunikida
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The day had been spent with the rest of the Armed Detective Agency at the beach, splashing in the water, running around and chasing each other in the water. You had built a sandcastle with Atushsi and Kyouka, sun-bathed with Dazai, and had taken strolls along the shoreline with your boyfriend, Kunikida.
You were currently helping Kenji and Rampo make another sandcastle, while Kunikida held a book in his hand, sitting in the shade. He wasn’t reading the book, too focused on watching you laugh and giggle, the story in front of him long forgotten. The sun was slowly descending, disappearing behind the thin line of the horizon.
Slowly, every member of the Agency had retreated to their rooms, and now only the four of you remained, wanting to enjoy every moment left in the dying day.
Kunikida glanced down at his watch, stretching his neck, and thinking maybe it was time to head home, leaving the day at the beach to became a memory. “(Y/N)!” He called, waving his arm to catch your attention. You turned around, smiling. Kunikida gestured to his watch, and you threw a thumbs up in his direction, quickly waving goodbye to Kenji and Rampo, before sauntering over to your boyfriend. You pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, before you started helping him pack your towels and the various books the two of you had brought to the beach.
Holding one bag each, you started the walk back to the hotel, feeling the warmth of the cement underneath your flip-flops. “Today was so fun!” You squealed, sliding your hand in Kunikida’s.
“It sure was.” He answered back, threading your fingers together.
“I think my favorite part was when Dazai managed to convince the president to lie down in the sand and then made him a mermaid tail with the sand!” You giggled, also recalling Kunikida’s exasperated expression when he had caught Rampo trying to eat a snack that had fallen in the sand.
Kunikida chuckled. “It was a fun day today. We should take more holidays together.” He thought, already starting to meticulously plan the next one in his head.
You nodded, a sudden wave of exhaustion scaling your back and implanting its fangs in your head. Kunikida started mentioning other destinations that would be fun to visit, but your throat suddenly felt parched and your head boiling. You didn’t hear his words, the world starting to melt into confusing figures around you. Suddenly, the ground seemed to have been yanked away from you.
You managed to whimper Kunikida’s name before your legs gave up and you tumbled to the ground. Kunikida turned around, his smile evaporating when he realized your eyes had rolled to the back of your head and you were fainting. The bag he was carrying toppled to the ground and he dove to catch you, holding you in his arms.
“(Y/N)? What’s wrong?” He asked, fear gripping his insides.
“Don’t worry, Kunikida. I think it’s just heatstroke. I did run around underneath the blazing sun for most of the day.” You chuckled dryly, trying to not worry your perpetually panicking boyfriend.
Your words did little to help Kunikida, who started digging through the bag closest to him, trying to find a water bottle he knew was there, his mind already flooding with self-deprecating thoughts because he had not thought about making sure you wouldn’t catch heatstroke.
Knowing your boyfriend, you could read his thoughts reflected in his gorgeous eyes, and gently squeezed his hand. Kunikida turned to look at you, water bottle in hand. “My darling over-thinker, it’s fine. This is not your fault.”
Kunikda gulped, nodding curtly, before opening the bottle and helping you drink half of it, pouring the rest on your head to help you cool down.
You waited a few more moments, resting in Kunikida’s lap before nodding. “Okay, I’m fine. Let’s keep going.” You tried to stand up, but before you had even managed to place one foot perpendicular to the ground, Kunikida had wrapped one arm around your back, and the other underneath your knees, lifting you up in his arms. You gasped, holding onto his neck.
“Kunikida! What are you doing?” You asked, as you watched him start walking.
“I am not making you walk when you are in these conditions.” He said, not wanting you to get even more tired. Seeing you collapse had already made him lose thirty years of his life; he didn’t need a repeat.
“But Kunikida, darling, I’m fine! I’m not that sick! And I’m too heavy for you!” You rambled, trying to get down. Your wiggling only made Kunikida hold onto you more tightly. The moment you uttered the last sentence, Kunikida stared at you, clearly waiting for you to take back what you had just said.
You pouted, realizing you could not win this fight. You rested your head on his shoulder, letting him take care of you.
The minute you got back to the hotel, Kunikida laid you down on the bed, raiding the mini fridge for ice, and gently placing it on your wrists and ankles. Only when you were lying in bed, slowly gaining back the sparkle in your eyes did Kunikida feel his heart stop beating a thousand times a minute, and let himself collapse on the bed.
Let’s just say, for the rest of the holiday, you were basically dragged back into the shade by Kunikida every 30 minutes.
Yukichi Fukuzawa
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The evening was finally over; you had spent the whole night at a charity event held by the most powerful people in all of Yokohama. Your boyfriend, being Fukuzawa, the president of the Armed Detective Agency, had to attend, and to make his evening a little bit more bearable, he had asked you to accompany him.
The night had been relatively fun, talking to various people and enjoying some expensive champagne. The only tense moment was when the two of you had stumbled on Mori, who for some reason, was there as well. Luckily, no fight erupted between the two men; they curtly nodded at one another and then moved on with their own affairs.
The best part of the evening, for you, had been when they had played some slow, romantic music, and invented everyone to dance with their partners. You had enjoyed swaying in Fukuzawa’s arms, getting lost in his eyes. But you were paying the price now, your feet aching at every step in your stiletto heels. Every step feeling like shards of glass stabbed your already aching skin.
You and Fukuzawa were heading home, but every step was torture, a grimace carving itself in your face. “My dear, what is wrong?” Fukuzawa asked, his deep voice momentarily distracting you from the pain.
You glanced at him, your heart fluttering when your eyes caught his handsome face glimmering in the moonlight. You nodded down to your feet, lifting your dress’ skirt slightly to reveal your two personal torture machines. “My heels: they’re killing me.”
“Would you like to take them off?” Fukuzawa asked, glancing down at your black heels. He had never worn any type of heeled-shoe, but could imagine what they felt like.
“I wish, but I can’t walk home barefoot.”
“I’ll carry you.”
“What? No, Yukichi, I can’t let you carry me! Our house is far.”
“(Y/N), every step you have been taking these last few minutes makes you visibly wince in pain. I cannot let the woman I love suffer so.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest, and couldn’t help but thank whichever divinity had gifted you this man. Using his shoulder for your balance, you slipped off your high heels, immediately becoming way shorter. You grimaced in pain when you noticed the shoes had managed to create various blisters on your feet. Your right foot had been more unlucky, raw skin visible in the silver light, and even a few trickles of blood.
Fukuzawa gently kneeled down in front of you, inspecting your feet. You saw concern paint his eyes, and his lips pressed a soft kiss to both your ankles. “You should have told me sooner,” he scolded gently, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
You nodded shyly, knowing he was right. You bent down to retrieve your heels, holding them with the tip of your fingers.
As soon as you straightened your back, you suddenly felt Fukuzawa’s warm hands hold you, before you were hoisted into his arms, suddenly finding yourself to be almost kissing your boyfriend’s lips. You blinked, using your free hand to grasp his shoulder. “I thought you would carry me on your back,” you admitted, not complaining that Fukuzawa had decided to carry you in his arms instead. You could feel his warm, and solid chest against your body, making you feel safe and cared for.
“I already get to see you so little, I would like to spend the rest of the night with your beautiful face in my line of sight.” Fukuzawa said, glancing at you warmly. You leaned forward, pressing a fervent kiss to his lips, knowing that Fukuzawa wasn’t always the biggest fan of PDA. But this one time, your silver-haired partner, kissed you back, mirroring your passion, the moon’s inconsistent light shielding you from any unwanted attention.
You pulled back from the kiss, leaning against his shoulders, getting lulled by his rhythmic breath.
When the two of you got home, Fukuzawa immediately tended to your feet, disinfecting the wounds, and wrapping them with bandages, before the two of you cuddled underneath the blankets to fall asleep.
The next day, Fukuzawa seemed to hover around your desk more than usual, making sure you could walk without problem and did not need to be carried. You told him not to worry.
At the end of the day, Kunikida looked outside the window of the Armed Detective Agency, and quickly looked away, seeing his president pressing a soft kiss to your lips before whisking you into his arms.
Nakahara Chuuya
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Chuuya downed the remaining champagne in his glass, chuckling alongside with Koyo. The Port Mafia Christmas party was in full swing around the two of them. The buffet had been adequately raided, and Chuuya noticed quite a few people drunkenly wobbling around. Higuchi was heavily leaning on Akutagawa in the left corner of the room. He knew that you were somewhere around the room, having fun with your friends. Chuuya had only spent a few moments with you, pressing a kiss to your hand before leaving you: being an executive, he terrified the rest of your friends who were of a greatly inferior in rank. To let them enjoy their evening, he had stepped aside.
Koyo poured some more champagne in his glass, the melted, golden liquid sloshing around the delicate glass. “This champagne is real good,” Chuuya chirped happily, suddenly feeling a tap on his sleeve and turning around. Tachihara was standing in front of him, arms crossed around his chest.
“(Y/N) needs you.” He pointed his finger behind him, gesturing to your current location. “She’s shit-faced drunk and is just calling your name.” After having done his job, Tachihara walked away, joining Akutagawa.
Chuuya sighed, setting down his glass. The remaining champagne called to him, but he had to go. “Sorry, Koyo. Boyfriend duty calls.” He waved goodbye to his companion, start to head in between the crowd to find you.
As soon as people noticed that it was Chuuya, one of the most powerful executives, they quickly moved away, letting him through. But alcohol had rendered their reaction time significantly lower, and Chuuya still struggled.
“If we get attacked now, we’re fucked.” He grunted, after he had managed to push past a huddle of people who had formed a dance line and had somehow managed to run into itself, creating chaos. Chuuya adjusted his hat, scanning the purple couches that had been set around the room for the party: you had been there, the last time he saw you.
Your twinkling, beautiful laugh reached his ears over the cacophony in the room, like a siren song luring him. He followed the sound he loved so much, and finally reached you. You and your friends were sitting where he had left you. Your table was littered with empty bottles of various alcoholics, some of them open, and languidly dripping on the tabletop. Most of your friends were snoring, passed out, but a few them resisted stoically, dancing, or more wobbling clumsily, to the music. You were sitting on the couch, your cheeks red with alcohol, your hair beautifully disheveled, and singing along to the song with slurred words.
Chuuya stepped closer to you, gently placing his hand on yours. “Princess, I heard you were looking for me.” You turned around, hearing your boyfriend’s voice.
“Chuuya!” You called, your happy voice almost reaching a supersonic level. Without warning, you hooked your finger in his belt, dragging him down to the couch with you. Chuuya had only the time to blink before you climbed in his lap, straddling him. “I missed…*hic*…I missed you!” You giggled, poking his cheek continuously.
“How much have you had to drink, sweetheart?” Chuuya asked, adjusting your skirt so nothing would be revealed to anyone in the room around you.
“I don’t know!” You smiled lopsidedly at him, suddenly feeling sleepy now that your boyfriend was here. You almost fell backwards, Chuuya bringing you back against him in time.
“Okay. That’s it. We’re going home.” Chuuya decided, knowing that tomorrow’s hangover would shatter all plans he had to go ice skating with you.
You were so tired, and the room was spinning so rapidly around you that you nodded, wanting to go home. But you still had one more playful spark inside your chest. “But you have to carry me!” You whined, gripping your boyfriend tightly.
Chuuya caressed your clothed back, sighing. You were adorably cute when you were drunk. The feared port mafia executive was putty in your hands, and he adored every moment of it. Using his ability, Chuuya made you lighter in his arms, starting to walk with you clung onto him like a drunk, but beautiful koala. You giggled happily, inhaling your boyfriend’s musky cologne, and feeling lulled to sleep by his rhythmic walking. Your fingers traced heart shapes on his vest, humming a nonsensical song you were making up on the spot.
The sleepy silence of the deserted street was suddenly broken by a loud laugh that escaped you, scaring Chuuya. “What’s so funny, doll?” He asked, his heartbeat slowly calming down.
“I just realized that I love you to the moon and back!” You singsonged, smushing Chuuya’s cheeks together. Your boyfriend stared back at you, nothing but love glimmering in his eyes.
“I wuv y’too.” He managed to mumble through his squished cheeks, his heart almost on fire with joy. A gorgeous smile decorated your face, and you looked as gorgeous as an antique painting, before you suddenly collapsed against his chest, snoring loudly.
“Doll? What? You can’t just declare your love for me and then start sleeping!” Chuuya called, trying to shake your arm. But you had said what you needed to say, and was now happily in dreamland, sleeping peacefully in your boyfriend’s arms.
Chuuya realized waking you was impossible, and decided to press a kiss to your forehead, instead. He pulled you closer in his arms, enjoying the stroll through the moonlit Yokohama with his drunk koala safely in his arms.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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You had been lying in bed for a few days now. Your throat ached, as if someone had sandpapered it, and your nose had become red from all the tissues you had used. Your body temperature was acting weird, swinging from absolute boiling to absolute freezing. Right now you were freezing, gripping the duvet around you with your trembling fingers.
Your boyfriend, Fyodor, had been staying away from you to avoid getting sick, his anemia not providing a strong enough shield for him to be there. He did come in the room a few times, wearing a mask, but bringing you food and water, and caressing your forehead.
Your teeth were chattering from how cold you felt, and with a sudden whine, you realized that the heater had accidentally gone off in your room, rendering it even more freezing. You tried to convince yourself that you could get out of bed and walk the few steps to the heater. With an inhumane effort you, you dragged yourself up to a sitting position, immediately falling into a brutal couching fit.
When you opened your watery eyes, you noticed Fyodor was sitting on the edge of the bed. You immediately covered your mouth. “Fyodor, what are you doing here?” You asked, your voice broken.
“I could hear you coughing from the other room, milaya.” He called, a cold finger caressing your cheek. You averted your gaze, feeling embarrassed that you were being a burden to your permanently busy boyfriend.
Fyodor quickly read what you were thinking in your body gestures, and decided that actions would cure your scared heart more than his words. He slowly approached you, lifting a chin and pressing a kiss to your nose. Your already flushed cheeks became even redder. Fyodor then slowly cradled you into his arms, feeling your quivers shake his body as well. He grabbed the duvet, and threw it over your body, making sure you were safely encapsulated in its warmth, before picking you up.
“No, Fyodor, I don’t want to tire you out and then make you sick,” You protested meekly, weakly trying to push yourself away from his body.
“You’re freezing, milaya.” Fyodor stated, pulling you closer to himself. He expertly avoided your question, not wanting to admit that hearing you sick, and alone, in the other room had slowly destroyed his heart. The shards had slowly blossomed into the realization that he would not mind getting sick, if he could just hold you against himself while working. But he would never admit it.
You were too weak to try and convince him, happily giving up and allowing yourself to rest in your lover’s embrace as he sat back down in his office chairs, returning to work. You adjusted yourself, trying to get comfortable, accidentally uncovering your feet. Fyodor immediately tucked you back in, not wanting you to feel an inch of the cold air on your skin.
It wasn’t rare that you slept in Fyodor’s arms while he worked, his scent lulling you into a deep slumber. Your blocked nose was preventing you from smelling anything, and you shifted around his lap helplessly.
Fyodor blocked your movements. You stared up at him, slightly afraid that he would kick you out for disturbing him. Instead, Fyodor gently pulled you against himself, making sure you were comfortable, but starting to hum a quiet, Russian lullaby.
You instantly calmed down, your eyelids becoming heavier. Your body felt at peace, the shivers no longer wrecking your body. Right before sleep dragged you under the surface, you slipped your hand in Fyodor’s and pulled it close to your chest. You snuggled against his chest, starting to snore adorably.
Fyodor could not help but gaze lovingly at you, singing the Russian lullaby till he was sure you wouldn’t wake. And only then, did he lean down and kiss your lips, murmuring a quiet, “I love you,” to your ear.
Nakajima Atsushi
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Your weretiger boyfriend had thrown himself down the Armed Detective Agnecy stairs when Kunikida had told him you were coming back from a mission and had severely twisted your ankle. He was now anxiously pacing in front of the building, waiting for you.
When your taxi stopped in front of him, Atsushi almost ripped the car door off, worry sinking its claws in him. You smiled weakly at him, clearly very much in pain. “Hey darling,” you called, trying to calm Atsushi down, because he was clearly on the verge of a mental breakdown: his eyes were wide, his chest heaving, and he immediately ducked down to wrap you in his strong arms, irrationally fearing you might die from a twisted ankle.
You held him close to you, whispering that you were fine, and nothing was going to happen to you. When Atsushi’s heartbeat had steadied enough for him to not crumble on the ground crying, you pulled away from him, anchoring your left hand to the car door to slowly, and carefully slip out.
You put one foot down on the ground before Atsushi intervened. He would not let you walk on your foot, for no reason at all. He leaned down, and easily picked you up in his arms, his fingers digging into your skin, as if he were afraid you would slip out of his hold and hurt yourself even more.
As Atsushi carried you, you dragged your hands through his hair, scratching his scalp to further relax the panic that was tainting his gaze. The ironclad grip he had on you slowly loosened once he was in the elevator. “My knight in shining armor,” you giggled, caressing his chin.
“My love, please, please be careful from now on,” He whispered, looking at you with eyes that almost made you start crying. You nodded, pressing your forehead against his. And in the moment of peace, neither of you noticed the elevator door opening, signaling you had arrived to your destination.
You did, however, hear Kunikida shouting his head off because Dazai had accidentally poured coffee on his notebook. You and Atsushi giggled quietly, sharing one more chaste kiss before entering the chaos that was your office.
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letstrip-teamblue · 3 months
Treat you like a lady
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• Your boyfriend doesn’t pay enough attention to you. Chris doesn’t like that.
• This is extremely cheesy!! That’s just how I am. Contains smut.
• Word count: 2,031
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Today is a weekend like any other; you’re lounging on the triplets’ couch.
The tv is playing as background noise. Chris is on his laptop working on new Fresh Love designs while you lay next to him scrolling pinterest. You've known each other long enough that you can enjoy each other's company without forcing conversation. Simply being around him allows you to relax, and vice versa. You can’t find that with many people.
A sex scene causes the pair of you to look up. You exchange looks and chuckle like teenagers at it.
Chris breaks the awkward silence.
“Is it actually that good or is she playing it up?”
“Don’t know.” I shrug and go back to my phone.
I can see Chris’s brows furrow from my peripheral vision.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I’ve never had a guy go down on me before.”
You look up from your phone.
“…What.” You echo.
“No, what do you mean you’ve never had head before? You have a boyfriend. You’ve had a boyfriend for 3 months.”
Your cheeks get warm.
Think of a way to brush this off.
“It’s not a big deal. Not everyone’s into that.”
He seems stunned, gaze focused on his sneakers.
“... Do you do it for him?”
A sigh leaves your lips, “Chris-”
“No, listen to me. If he’s not reciprocating then the problem clearly isn't that he's uncomfortable. It's that he's selfish.”
Who does Chris think he is that he can judge your love life?
“This is none of your business.” You scoff.
“I think I should go.” You stand up and grab your bag.
Chris doesn’t give up yet.
“Okay, forget about that part for a second. When’s the last time he took you out? When's the last time he surprised you?”
You're struggling to swallow down a still-beating heart. You're avoiding eye contact with an angry version of one of your closest friends, and you’re trying to block out the possibility that what he's saying could be true.
“I’ll see you later, Chris.”
7:00 pm
Chris: I'm sorry. I overstepped earlier. just think you deserve better.
You read and reread the message. Typing out a reply and deleting it. Maybe what you need is space. You put your phone on do not disturb and crawl under the covers.
Trying to distance yourself from Chris would prove to be a waste of time because you end up having a dream about him.
“Hey gorgeous” a voice whispers in your ear.
It sounds familiar but there’s no one else with you in this room, so you can’t match the voice with a face. Whoever it’s coming from, their voice sounds like silk.
You're twisting your head around to try and find the source. Whoever’s in here with you finds that amusing because laughter follows.
“I'm over here, goof.”
It’s him. He walks over to you with a smile on his face and those big blue eyes.
“What are you doing here?” you asked
“I just missed you.” he says as he grabs your hand and twirls you around.
1:12 am
Well, that’s a first.
Chris opened the front door.
“Hey, I’m so glad you wanted to come over.” He said smiling.
Your face however wasn’t as cheerful.
“Yeah about that,”
You cleared your throat and walked inside.
“I think we should spend a little time apart. Like a refresh.”
His expression dropped instantly. You can’t keep eye contact. It’s too hard.
“It’s not personal, it’s-”
“Did he put you up to this?”
“Chris , this is my relationship, stay out of it.” You say sternly.
“How can I when you’re all I think about?”
The air in the room gets thick.
“I mean,” He scrunched his eyes and rubs his forehead. Flipping through the pages of his brain for the right words.
“I could treat you better than him.”
You laugh, “What are you talking about?”
He slowly brings his hand up and tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
“You know it’s true.”
He takes a step toward me, his breath on my cheeks.
“I can make you feel good.”
You involuntarily gulped, which caused him to smirk. He tries to hide it.
Your mouth moves but no sound emits from it. You feel paralyzed.
He must be bluffing… right?
“Let me show you.” he whispered, pulling you out of your thoughts.
You don’t know exactly when he stepped closer but your noses are now touching.
I need to stop this.
“I have a boyfriend.” You say in a meek voice.
Chris very lightly put his right hand on your stomach. You can feel the warmth of his large hand through your shirt.
“Does he make you nervous like I do?”
Chris' eyes fall to your lips.
“If you want me to stop, I will. Just say the word.”
Soft, pink lips touch yours. You don’t kiss back but don’t run away either. Just wanting to take in the dimensions and texture of his lips. He starts to pull back.
Wait, don’t go anywhere.
You press your lips forward, chasing him.
It makes him smile into the kiss, which in turn makes you smile. The weird sensation causes you both to start laughing.
He straightens up.
“I wanna be with you too. Wo don’t know why I was ever with him in the first place.”
Chris can’t contain his smile. He covers his mouth.
“Sorry. I know I should be more… apologetic? I guess? But I’m not. I want you all to myself.”
“Yes, you've made that quite clear.”
You pull Chris back in for a kiss by his hoodie, it makes his insides stir. He places both his hands on the sides of your face, deepening the kiss.
You pull back for air.
“I should go tell him it’s over before things go any further.”
But Chris goes right back to kissing you. Sliding his thumb across your cheek.
It’s so dreamy. You have to will yourself to stop.
“Ok I’m serious this time!” You chuckle. “Can I come back tonight?”
“I’d really like that.”
4:15 pm
Me: just left his house. whew.
Chris: im proud of u and so grateful.
“How long have you liked me?”
“Almost our entire friendship. I don’t think I realize it until you started dating Andrew.”
Laying on Chris’s chest is the happiest you’ve felt in months. You two have been talking about all the things that made you fall for each other. He’s been rubbing your back for the past 20 minutes but decides to put his hand under your shirt to enhance the feeling.
You sighed and relaxed even more on top of him, closing your eyes.
“Damn, you have some knots right here.”
“Ugh, yeah. That’s where I carry stress.”
“Here, lay on your stomach. I bet I can relieve it.”
Chris moves so you can lay flat. Once you’re comfortable he straddles your hips and brings his hand to the hem of your shirt.
“Is it ok if I bring this up?”
He lifts your shirt to where your bra starts ,then gets to work.
Maybe it’s the skin to skin contact, or the fact that your muscles were tense, but his hands feel heavenly. You can’t help but let out a string of sighs.
“That feeling good?”
“Yes, oh my god. Thank you so much.”
He chuckles. “Anything for my girl.”
After a few minutes of the same motions he decides to explore new territory.
He rubs his hands over your hips, your ribs, and now your thighs.
“Seems like there’s a lot of heat coming from your legs, baby.”
“You’re such a good massager it’s hardly my fault.” You tease back.
You try to close your legs together but he doesn’t like that. Keeping a hand right between them.
He brings his mouth right next to your ear. Lowering his voice.
“Do you need relief somewhere else, baby?”
While he talks he maneuvers his hand so it’s nearly flat against your clothed center.
You try to keep it together. You can’t already be at a loss for words.
You nod into his pillow.
“Turn over for me. Let me see that pretty face.”
Your cheeks heat up immediately as you position yourself on your back. The two of you make eye contact and any anxiety you had about intimacy with Chris is gone.
“We can stop whenever you want.” He says before kissing you.
“Let me show you how a real man behaves.”
He smirks and lowers himself to your stomach. Kissing your happy trail. Leaving tiny bites.
Since you’re wearing sweats he slides them off in seconds, taking your underwear with them. He tosses them over his shoulder and they hit some things in his dresser, causing them to fall. It makes you giggle but Chris is entranced by the sight before him.
“Jesus Christ.” He says to himself.
He runs his nose where your leg meets your hip. Kissing further and further. Creating a puddle before he even touches you. He licks your inner thighs. Painting them with purple marks.
Finally, his mouth is where you crave it. He’s apprehensive at first but once you let out your first moan it’s all over for him.
Chris sucks your clit and your mind goes blank. Nothing ever felt like this before.
“I can’t believe you’ve been hiding this from me.”
When he goes back down he licks a stripe from the bottom of your pussy to your clit.
Your back arches off the bed.
“That’s it.” he says into my skin.
He’s lapping at your folds like it’s water and he’s been in a drought. Grabbing onto your thighs to make sure you don’t go anywhere. Not that you'd want to, but his actions do cause quite a bit of squirming.
“God, you’re everything.”
It almost seemed like he was saying it to himself. Like he couldn’t believe youre real.
“Next time you want something done right, come to me.”
“Fuck yes.” You moan.
When he lifts his face up again, your juices are dripping down to his neck. You’re so mesmerized by the sight you don’t register what he's saying. It just sounds like white noise.
Chris tsks.
“Looks like I fucked you dumb, huh? Poor thing.”
“Shut up.”
You push his face back down. He starts fucking you with his tongue.
“Yes ma’am.”
Your thighs tighten around his neck, he squeezes them back as a response.
“You taste so sweet, baby. Like syrup.”
You can’t do anything more than whimper and grind into his face.
Chris grabbed the hand that was clenching the bedsheets and guided it to his hair. You happily thread your fingers through.
He touches you like you're all he asked god for. The sounds coming from you are his favorite song. This is the alchemy he does.
“Oh god,” your voice goes up an octave.
“Are you gonna cum for me, pretty girl?”
“Please, so close.”
“Cmon, be a good girl and cum on my face.”
He made you a whimpering mess. Arousal dripping down your legs, down his lips, on the sheets. Chris continues to reach his tongue deep inside you while drawing figure eights on your clit.
In an instant your vision goes black.
The next minute was spent shaking and catching your breath. Goosebumps littered all over my body.
You don’t know when but at some point Chris must’ve turned you so you were laying on your side. He pulled a lightweight blanket over you and was now playing with your hair.
“Hey pretty girl.” He said softly as you opened your eyes.
“You did so well for me.” He kisses your forehead. “I’m so proud of you. Don’t move.”
He quickly wet a washcloth and grabbed a water bottle.
You could drift off to sleep at any moment, but Chris made sure to clean you up first.
It felt nice to be taken care of for once. He made sure you were warm enough. every few minutes he laid kisses on your face. You were too tired to say anything but he could see how happy you were. That was enough for him
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ketaundkrawall · 22 days
Keta und Krawall ☽。⋆ Joost Klein
Summary: a stupid accident leads to something you didn’t expect to happen.
Warnings: 18+ but read at your own risk, smut (lmao), alcohol consumption (mentioned), drug use (don’t do that guys), oral (m! receiving), public shenanigans in a club toilet and I guess that’s it
WC: 1k
A/N: abow guys here we are this is my first EVER published work lmao so pls bear with me. This shits not proofread bc I’m lazy. Also pls bear with me bc English isn’t my first language 👹
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18+ under the cut!
To say the music that was blasting through the speakers in club was loud would definitely be an understatement.
“Want another one?” Helen, your best friend, screams over the music.
A nod and she was gone, leaving you swinging your hips to the music alone.
Nights like these were your favorite. Sweaty bodies moving in sync together to the beats of the music, mixing with the feeling and the high of just being free.
The sudden feeling of wetness against your back pulled you straight back out of your little bubble into reality.
Turning around you were met with a pair of blue eyes, widened in shock. “WHAT THE FUCK?!”
You could barely hear him say a sorry, since the music was way too loud.
“Fuck!” Giving him one last glare, you stormed off into the restrooms of the small club you were at.
It was small and definitely looked like it had seen better days. But you didn’t care.
Taking off your soaked shirt you let out a deep sigh, leaking against the sink.
Startled, you turned around to look at the source of the voice coming from somewhere.
The guy who just poured his whole drink over your outfit was standing there in the doorway, scratching the back of his head. His blonde hair was messy, hanging in his eyes.
Sweat was covering his face as he looked at you. “I’m sorry about- uh that.” He said, nodding at the shirt in your hands.
“Oh it’s fine.”
He could definitely hear the venom in your voice. “Can I make it up to you somehow?”
That was surprising. Eying the man up and down you couldn’t suppress a grunt forming on your red colored lips.
“You’re Joost Klein.” That wasn’t a question.
Joost let out a small chuckle. “Alive and breathing I guess. So? Can I?”
Nodding, you grinned at him. “Actually yeah. Got 5€?”
Taking a small baggy out of your back pocket you looked up at him.
“Uh yeah sure.” Joost did look kinda confused as he looked at the small baggy in your hands while handing you the bill.
“Ever took ketamine?” You asked as you poured out a line on sink.
Seeing his adam’s apple bop in nervousness you knew what answer was coming. “No.”
“That’s okay. You don’t need to.” You said while sniffing the line, throwing your head back and closing your eyes before looking at him.
Holding the rolled bill out to him you grinned. “Unless you want to?”
And he didn’t need to be told twice. Laying out another line, you watched him sniff it.
Biting your lip as he threw his head back, exhaling softly.
The smile on your face didn’t fade as he looked into your eyes, making you both laugh.
When the laughing slowly started to bubble down, neither of you knew what was happening next.
Joosts hands were suddenly on your hips, pulling you into his lap while your mouths clashed together into a heating kiss.
Feeling his tongue on your chapped lips, you opened them, giving him permission to slip it inside, fighting for dominance with your tongue.
And then your brain stopped working.
His growing hard on was suddenly very prominent against your thigh, only being separated by your tights and his jeans.
Pulling away your eyes met his again, silently asking for permission.
“Fuck.” He mumbled. “Go for it schatje (baby).”
Not breaking eye contact you got up from his lap and let yourself fall to your knees in front of him, pulling at his belt and opening it with shaky fingers.
Helping you, Joost opens the button of his jeans and pulls the down to his ankles along with his boxers, freeing his erection.
Your eyes widened in shock. How was that even supposed to fit in your mouth?
“Are you okay?” Joosts voice brings you back to earth.
God, you probably just looked like an idiot staring at his cock.
“O-oh yeah just- fuck!” You exclaimed. “Never had one this big.”
That made him chuckle. “Well then better go for it before someone comes in. Suck my dick bitch.”
Rolling your eyes you wrapped your hand around his shaft, pumping it slowly. Keeping what he just said were lyrics from one of his songs.
He looks even more angelic from the spot you are in right now. His hair still messy, eyes closed and head drawn back against the wall as you worked him in your hand.
Dipping your head down you finally worked up enough courage to take him in your mouth.
The taste of salty precum hit your taste buds instantly, making you moan out around him.
His hands are now both on your head, holding your hair out of your face into a messy ponytail.
“You like that don’t you? Sucking my cock in a bathroom where everyone could just walk in.”
And then he thrusted his hips upward, taking you aback and making you gag in surprise.
Joost slowly starts to fuck your throat. And you liked it.
He slowly gets faster, your hands gripping his thighs, eyes watering as he starts chasing his high.
Letting out a breathy moan, he looks down at you, watching his dick disappear between your lips.
Suddenly he pulls you off. Wrapping a hand around his thick shaft he strokes himself a few more times before spilling his seed all over your beautiful and fucked face. “Here it comes prinses (Princess).”
As the first drops of cum hit your cheek your lips turned into a smile.
Opening your mouth you try to catch some of it before he lets go of you, slumping back against the wall and covering his face.
“I usually don’t do this you know.” The embarrassment was visible in his voice.
Getting up, you take a wipe to clean yourself up. “Neither do I.”
Leaning against the sink again you watched him putting himself back into place. A soft sigh escaping your lips as you turn around to leave.
“Hey.” His voice is soft. “What’s your name?”
Stopping you turn around one last time “Y/N.”
And with that you leave him alone.
The sound of Keta und Krawall by Ikkimel is all you can hear again as you walk back into the club.
A/N: if you made it to the end, thank you. Hopefully there’s more to come 🥹
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dilxcc · 9 months
:: eyes on me. yuno & asta.
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contains. gn!reader, fluff, asta and yuno sharing one brain cell when it comes to you, grammatical errors (?)
summary. when it comes to you, they would do anything to grab your attention . . .
requested. @kaixserzz
notes. HFHSJJDJAJSJ I ENJOYED WRITING THIS (sorry that i procrastinate)
it wasn't always... this chaotic. no― actually, it's always this chaotic. "y/n! look at me! look at me! i have something cool to show you!" asta shouted, jumping up and down excitedly while running towards you.
you could see yuno right behind him, trying to cut him so that he could arrive at your side first. "y/n! don't look at whatever that stupid asta is trying to show you!" yuno shouted.
you let out a chuckle at their rivalry dynamic. "i'm sorry, asta. maybe next time? captain yami asked for my help," you smiled apologetically, making asta pout.
yuno only smirked with his arms crossed, seeing it as victory because he "sabotaged" asta's plan to impress you.
"y/n, i found your favorite flower while we were on patrol in the city," by found, yuno meant that he bought it. "ah, thank you, yuno," you said softly, giving him a gentle smile.
"y/n! don't take that flower!" a shout came from behind you. "asta?" you tilted your head when you saw his figure running towards you. he stopped in front of you and panted heavily before taking out your favorite flower from his pocket, though a little bit wilted and disheveled.
"i... also got you your favorite flower," he smiled proudly. "oh... thank you, asta," you smiled awkwardly as you take the flower from his hand. despite the flower's state, you appreciate his thoughtfulness to give you the flower.
"should i beat you to make you understand that y/n don't like you?" yuno asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "well, they don't like you too!" asta countered. "anyway, i was here first. leave. i will be the one to take them out for their birthday," yuno looked back towards the door to your room.
"i'm taking them out too! you already took them out last year!" asta pointed. "you were also there," yuno muttered in an annoyed tone. "it doesn't count!"
"um... why are you guys here?" you asked, smiling awkwardly at the two standing in front of your room. "y/n!" the two of them said in unison. "i want to take you out!" "please go out with me!"
you stared at the two of them, dumbfounded on what you should do with them. "why don't you two take me out?" you suggest. "no! it's specially for you since it's your birthday so yuno shouldn't be there!" asta quickly interjects.
"i agree," yuno then replied. for once, yuno actually agreed to asta. you couldn't make a decision at all. was this what you would be going through every year till the day you die?
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bytez4life · 1 year
Aomine, Kise, and Murasakibara god they are just amazing but you know whats even more amazing about them when they refuse to admit they're a little spoon/sub its adorable and i love them so much omg
aomine, kise + murasakibara
tw; none
a/n; OH WOW YES </3 GREAT IDEA ANON + u didn't specify pronouns so i used gn, hope ur ok with that!
(+ i didn't want to include the sub part in this request, you can submit another one asking that if you want!)
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- oh my god this one is the most stubborn one
- he 100% tries to put up the "im an alpha male >:(" front
- *gags internally*
- he finds comfort in your hugs, and he's yet to find out about your cuddles
- anyways, this man loves naps way too much
- (probably stayed up all night beating his me-)
- invites you over one day thinking you guys could just chill
- so how did he get into this situation?
"y/n, why are you like this?"
aomine grumbled, face tucked into your chest. he had mentioned once, only once, and now he was on his bed forced into this too-comfortable position.
"mm, you mentioned wanting to take a nap, so that's what we're doing."
"arg, yeah, but why are you the one holding me?!"
"because i can."
aomine let out a frustrated grunt, attempting to push himself up. he was soon pulled back down when you hooked an arm around his neck, making him lose his balance.
"stop whining like a baby, you're making the bed cold!"
accepting his fate, he allowed you to wrap your arms around him. despite his constant whining, both of you knew deep down he wanted this.
he's a tsundere, but he's your tsundere.
- this mf would be too energetic man
- he's so talkative you'd probably have to tape his mouth shut to have a full night of sleep
- well i headcanon as someone who had to be that manly person because of his fangirls
- (yeah ik he hates them but who doesn't like praise + attention?)
- and he wants to impress you and keep you happy
- so one day after he got hit particularly hard by kasamatsu
- he came crying to you, so you did the only thing that made sense
"come here kise, why are you just standing there? didn't you say you wanted to cuddle?"
he looked at your expression for any sign of trickery, yes he did want to cuddle you but were you sure you wanted to hold him?
"like that? don't you want me to- AAAH!"
tired of his rambling, you had promptly picked him up and thrown him on the bed, flopping next to him. before he could protest, you wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your face in his neck.
"shut up already, just relax alright? i don't know whats going on in that pretty brain of yours, but you can let it go for now."
oh yeah, he's definitely getting you flowers tomorrow.
- dude, the least concerned about what position he's in
- he just wants snacks and sweet candy
- unfortunately, that constant snacking finally caught up to him
- when his mom texted you if you would take your big baby of a boyfriend to get some cavities removed
- 😀⁉️
- you agreed nonetheless
- waiting outside of the room was a little stressful
- very funny when he finally came out, a sleepy giant of a man just allowing you to pull him along to the car
- when you got home you made him change the cotton pads in his mouth and rinse his mouth
- unbeknownst to you, you were about to deal with THE biggest baby in the world
"but y/n-chin i want candy!"
"atsushi, no. the dentist said you could only eat solid food in 24 hours, which includes candy." you scolded, trying your hardest to push him back into your shared room. surprisingly, he was compliant when he was under anesthesia, allowing you to guide him to the large bed.
he sat on the edge while watching you with dazed eyes as you rushed around trying to get him prepared for bed.
"y/n-chin looks pretty."
that definitely threw you for a loop, choking on air as you fumbled with the clothes in your arms,
"uh, thank you you do too. now, lift your arms so i can change your clothes."
after you finished the tiring task, you flopped on the bed with a sigh ready to take a nap. you soon felt a hand grip your waist, and before you could look up murasakibara had already placed his head on your stomach and fell fast asleep.
"i did not do that."
"you totally did."
murasakibara narrowed his eyes at your form, reluctantly sipping on a smoothie you made him.
"i did not, you're making it up."
"then explain this."
you whipped out your phone, holding it up with a satisfied smirk. there on the screen was the purple-haired giant snuggled up on your midsection as you held him in your arms.
"why did you take pictures?"
"atsushi stop dodging the obvious and admit that you did do it."
"well i guess you arent getting any snacks from me-"
"im sorry."
"that's better."
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@BYTEZ4LIFE - do not plagerize/copy
a/n: someone asked me this, but if you get ideas from me please tag me! its not really for credit but i want to see what you guys make <3
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Unpredictable, Part 5-Limoreau x black!fem!reader fic
A/N: Again, thank you for all the love on this. It started off as a one-off and I'm glad people enjoy it. Please keep letting me know what you think!
Warnings: some violence, some mention of issues with eating, swearing, allusions to sensuality.
Word Count: 3.4k
Series Masterlist
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For a while, all I could hear was my heart beating in my ears. Even though I could see everyone’s mouths moving, their words were muffled. If I could understand, I didn’t know if I’d be able to speak.
Was I breathing? Yes, it was just a little erratic.
Focus, Y/N, focus. There are more important things going on right now.
I held in a breath for a few seconds and then exhaled. It was fine, everything was fine. Emma was alive, Jordan and Marie were together, and I was breathing. It didn’t matter if my chest felt like it was on fire.
I jumped at the sound of my name and snapped my attention to Marie. Her eyebrows knitted together as we made eye contact. Then, I realized that they were all looking at me and swallowed.
“Um, sorry?” I uttered.
“We were just saying that we need to stop Sam from doing something to Dr. Cardoza,” Jordan explained.
I nodded slowly, willing my brain to start working. “Okay.”
“Can you sense anything about what might happen?” Emma asked.
“I can try.”
I closed my eyes but as soon as I tried to picture Sam, it felt like someone smacked a percussion mallet against my head. I flinched and started rubbing my temples.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Marie asked.
I carefully opened my eyes and straightened back up. “I can’t see anything. I think I used my powers too much because I’m getting a migraine.”
“Sorry,” Emma muttered sheepishly.
If I didn’t think my brain would throb out of my head, I would have playfully elbowed her. Instead, I massaged my temples and sat on Emma’s bed. The racing thoughts and my ability were starting to become too much for my brain to handle.  If only there was a way besides alcohol or weed to shut it off for a bit.
“Maybe you should stay behind,” Marie proposed gently.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and kept my eyes on the toes of my black Prada loafers.
You should stay behind since you’re useless.
“Yeah, I don’t want to hold you all back,” I agreed. “I’m feeling nauseous anyway.”
“That’s not what I meant. I mean---” Marie paused as she stepped closer to me.
I tried to force my muscles to relax as she squatted in front of me and placed her hands on my shoulders. It was hard to know where to look since she was right in front of me.
“Your blood sugar is really low,” she stated.
“You can see that?” Emma and I unisoned.
Marie didn’t acknowledge us as her eyes glided to meet my own. Suddenly, my chest didn’t feel like it was on fire but more like it was melting. I didn’t know which one was better.
“Have you eaten anything today?” she asked.
“Yes,” I answered.
“Besides the protein bar, I gave you,” Jordan commented, striding over to stand next to Marie.
He looked like a disappointed mother and made me want to shrink further away from everyone.
“I’ve been a little busy trying to help you guys solve a mystery, find my best friend, and keep up with school and Si Chi,” I defended. “I can take care of myself; just go find Andre and Cate and they can help you stop Sam.”
Jordan scoffed. “Obviously, you can’t be trusted to do that, freshie.”
“Don’t call me that,” I bit.
My tone wasn’t supposed to be that harsh and I wasn’t sure why I even said it in the first place; it just flew out of my mouth.
“Sorry, I don’t know why I said that,” I quickly apologized.
“It’s because you’re hangry; you turn into a monster every time,” Emma said.
“No, I don’t!”
“Do I need to remind you about how I had to stop you from ripping a girl’s hair out because you didn’t have a snack?” Emma retorted.
“How old were you?” Marie asked.
“Thirteen,” Emma and I answered.
“I guess I got off pretty easy,” Jordan joked.
My eyes flew back down to my shoes as the others chuckled and I wrapped my arms around me. Seconds later, Marie’s hands gently grabbed mine and she pulled me to my feet.
“Why don’t we stop by Vought-a-Burger before this…adventure?” she suggested.
I wrinkled my nose at the thought of greasy food, but my growling stomach agreed. “But I don’t know if my powers will work.”
“We can’t leave a member of Mystery Incorporated behind,” Jordan teased.
When I finally looked up, they all looked determined and I had a feeling that even with my best efforts, I couldn’t argue with them. I could feel some relief bubbling up in the pit of my stomach.
“I call dibs on Velma,” I managed.
Honestly, it would have been nice to have some space from Jordan and Marie so I could process my thoughts. They swirled around my brain like a tornado and destroyed everything in their path. The cheeseburger and fries that I had eased some of it, but I was still functioning at about half my capacity.
It didn’t help that every time I blinked, the image of Jordan and Marie kissing flooded my brain. They were so passionate that I almost felt bad for interrupting. They both held each other like they were afraid that the other would disappear if they didn’t. I thought that kind of thing only existed in movies but I guessed they were the lucky ones. It was so stupid that I was so close to buying into Emma’s delusion; they obviously didn’t like me. Plus, I’d wanted them to like each other since their rivalry started so I got what I wanted.
Didn’t I?
“What?” Emma asked.
I jumped in her lap, realizing that I was in the back of Andre’s car. The sun was almost down, and I could hardly see any of the trees or houses we passed on either side of the road. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Marie and Jordan seemed to be trying very hard not to touch each other.
“Nothing, sorry,” I muttered back.
“So, what are Sam’s powers again?” Jordan asked.
“He’s crazy strong; it was really hard to take him down that one time,” Andre replied.
“He’s also basically indestructible. I saw him rip off so many guards’ heads in the Woods,” Emma added.
“Why do you sound like you enjoyed it?” I asked.
“I didn’t,” she insisted. “It was impressive, though.”
I laughed but it was hollower than my usual laugh, but no one would notice.
“So, he’s basically like Jordan’s male form,” Marie concluded.
“Great, chemically imbalanced and strong; perfect combination,” Cate dryly stated from the front.
“And what’s our plan of attack?” Andre asked.
“Well, we need Cardoza alive if we’re going to find out anything else about the Woods and we also need Sam alive as a witness,” I observed.
“So, we should detain Sam and keep Dr. Cardoza safe,” Marie concluded.
“And it sounds like it will take all of us to do that,” Jordan added.
I shrugged and leaned back against Emma. “Well, not all of us.”
Marie’s hand nudged mine. “Hey, are you still not feeling okay?”
“I’m feeling better but with how you all described Sam, I’m not a good match, especially not like this,” I replied.
“Then you can help me get Dr. Cardoza and his family out of the house,” Cate offered.
“And let me try to talk to Sam before we do anything…violent; we connected,” Emma insisted.
“Emma has a boyfriend,” I sang.
“Shut up!”
“You first!”
A few minutes later, Andre parked around the corner from Dr. Cardoza’s house. He lived in a nice neighborhood where the neighbors were spread out enough that they would not notice six strangers sneaking through greenery to reach the targeted house. Andre led the group with Jordan not too far behind him and Emma and Marie in the middle. Somehow, Cate and I took up the rear and I chuckled.
“If this was a horror movie, we’d be screwed,” I commented.
“No, if anything, we’d be the reason everyone lives because we would know the killer or the demon or whatever was coming,” Cate playfully refuted. “I know this is kind of shitty timing but what’s going on with you?”
I hesitated. “What do you mean?”
“I mean you’re zoning out way more than usual and even though you love solving crimes and mysteries in class, you’re acting like we’re holding you hostage.”
Sometimes, I thought Cate didn’t need her powers; she was already super observant.
“I said I wasn’t feeling well earlier but they all insisted that I come along,” I explained.
“‘They’ as in Emma, Jordan, and Marie?” she asked.
I nodded. “I tried to stay behind but they wouldn’t let me.”
“So, what happened with Jordan and Marie?”
I balked. “What makes you think this has anything to do with them?”
Cate paused in her steps and arched an eyebrow. “I don’t have to be a mind reader to know that something’s up with you three. You’re all acting super tense and it’s weirding me out.”
As quickly and quietly as I could, I explained everything that happened once Emma and I got back to her dorm. Cate nodded and her expression barely changed as I spoke.
“It’s okay to be jealous, Y/N,” Cate concluded.
“But I’m not jealous; there’s nothing to be jealous of. They’re my friends and now they’re…something else, with each other, and that one time I kissed Jordan doesn’t count---” “What?” Cate exclaimed.
“It doesn’t matter. What matters is we’re supposed to be helping a crooked doctor not be pulverized by Luke’s little brother.” “Oh no, it matters. I need context if I’m going to help you.”
“It was during a sparring match; I had a vision it would help me win and it did, happy?”
“Very; you’re making progress out of your denial. Now, if you would admit that you’re jealous, you’d be even better.”
Before I could argue that I wasn’t jealous, we’d reached the front door. Andre signaled us to be quiet, which made Jordan roll his eyes, and pushed the door open. As soon as we walked it, the scent of homemade pasta and general coziness cloaked us. The house was nice and modern but eerily quiet. When we made it to the foyer, Andre signaled for us to split up.
“Who made you the leader?” Jordan hissed.
“Do you have a better idea?” Andre quietly shot back.
As they were about to continue arguing, someone started shouting from another room. We ended up splitting up, Cate, Emma, and me in one group and Jordan, Andre, and Marie in the other. After some navigating, we all ended up in the kitchen, where Dr. Cardoza and his family were cowering under Sam’s glare. In person, he was much taller and more intimidating. His glare was fiery and his jaws were clenched so tight I wondered if he broke skin.
“Sam, I’m Andre, I knew your brother, Luke, and I know he wouldn’t want you to do this,” Andre implored, calmly approaching Sam from one side.
Sam whirled around towards Andre. “I know you, you caught me when I escaped!” Andre pressed his hand to his chest. “I’m sorry about that, man, I am. I wouldn’t have done that if I knew what was going on.”
“Let us help you,” Cate added.
“Help me, how can you help me? They’ll just send me back there!” Sam turned back to Dr. Cardoza. “No, the only person who can help me is dead and the only thing that can help me stay away from the Woods is if he is dead.”
“Sam, don’t do this!” Emma pleaded.
Sam paused for a second and the look he gave her was chilling. It wasn’t scary but it was like he had given up in a way.
“Don’t try to get in the way, Emma,” he warned.
“But if he dies, they’ll send you back,” I blurted out.
His eyes snapped to mine and I tried to steady myself.
“She’s right, Sam, they’ll send you back. I can help you too,” Dr. Cardoza added.
“SHUT UP!” Sam roared.
I flinched at the noise. “The only way you win is to let him live. You won’t like it but you can’t kill everyone.”
“I can get pretty close.”
At the same time Sam began approaching Dr. Cardoza and his family, Andre started using his powers to slow him down. The screech of his shoes against the wooden floor grated my ears but all I could do was watch as Sam faced Andre and shoved him with so much force that he went flying into another room.
Cate grabbing my wrist snapped me out of my fog and I let her drag me to the other side of the kitchen island, where Dr. Cardoza and his family were still in shock. Cate grabbed Dr. Cardoza’s arm.
“Come with us if you don’t want your face punched in,” she instructed.
Dr. Cardoza and his partner seemed to hesitate but their daughter stepped towards me.
“We don’t have a lot of time!” I insisted.
The two men shared a glance before following Cate and I out of the kitchen, through some hallways, and outside.
“Stay in whatever motel or hotel you can get to and drive fast,” Cate panted, her breath visible in the cool air.
The family agreed and Dr. Cardoza’s partner started helping their daughter into the car while Dr. Cardoza faced us.
“I don’t know how we can thank you for saving us,” he expressed, his voice choked.
“Don’t get killed,” Cate offered.
He nodded and as quickly as he could, he scrambled into the car and Cate and I watched them speed down the road.
“Well, that part went well,” I noted.
Cate nodded. “Hopefully, they’ll keep a low profile.”
Then, there was a loud crash inside. As Cate and I ran back into the house, there were several more crashes and destructive sounds. I thought my feet moved quicker than they probably did in reality but when I finally got to the kitchen, it wasn’t good. Andre was still passed out on the living room floor and Marie had long blood tendrils wrapped around Sam’s ankles as he tried to approach Jordan. Sam looked like a rabid animal as he fought to move and snatched at the blood around him. Somehow, he managed to fling it off and flung Marie across the room as well.
She landed with a yelp and I instantly bolted forward. Once I reached Marie’s side, I started looking her over.
“Are you okay? Is anything broken?” I rambled.
“I’m fine. Y/N!”
Her exclamation came a little late as my head jerked back violently and I was pulled to my feet. The pain was so distracting that it took a few seconds for me to recognize Sam was holding me by a handful of braids.
“You helped them leave,” he stated.
My mind raced for anything to get him to let go of me. This was different from any other spar I was in; in those situations, it was clear that the other person wasn’t going to fatally hurt me and that it was all practice. With Sam, I was positive he would kill me if he could. We never talked about what to do in these situations.
“You were going to hurt the family too…they have nothing to do with this,” I gasped.
Sam tightened his already iron grip and I yelped. “Don’t do that; you’re not real!” “Let her go, Sam,” Jordan rasped.
 I glanced up and noticed him slowly approaching Sam from behind. Jordan’s eyes were darker than usual and trained on Sam. His jaw tightened and something strange ran up the back of my neck.
“Don’t hurt him,” I pleaded.
“We said we wouldn’t kill him. Anyone can get hurt in a fight,” Jordan said, eyes never leaving Sam.
Desperately, my hands clawed at Sam’s but he didn’t move. Instead, he turned his head towards Jordan and challenged him with his eyes.
“Oh, do you like her or something?”
Jordan seemed to hesitate and I frowned at his response. Jordan never cracked under pressure, especially not when it came to fights.
Then, blood splattered across Sam’s face and he released me with a shout. My knees stung as I hit the ground and I scrambled onto my feet, narrowly running into Marie, who pulled me towards the dining room. There, Cate was standing in front of the table, watching the scene stunned while Emma ran over to us.
“Are you alright?” she asked.
“Yeah, but my head’s really sore.” I turned to Marie and thanked her.
“You’re welcome,” she responded.
We couldn’t talk as Jordan and Sam began struggling. They were both basically at a standstill and holding each other off, both their feet digging into the floor. After a few seconds, Sam yelled and started pushing Jordan, creating cracks under his feet. Then, Jordan shifted, slipped from Sam’s grip, and got behind him. Before Sam could turn, she sent an energy blast at him that knocked him through the glass door leading to the backyard.
Jordan ran after him, and Marie and I trailed after her. Sam was writhing on the grass holding his side but it was easy to tell that he could get back to fighting if he wanted to. A moment later, Andre limped outside and stood next to me.
“Okay, what do we do now?” he asked.
“He’s not even getting tired,” Jordan spat.
“If Cate can get close enough, she could get him to calm down,” I breathed. “Where did she go?”
Before anyone could answer, we were interrupted by the ground shaking beneath us. All we needed was an earthquake to cap this perfect night. However, it wasn’t a natural disaster causing the ground to shake, it was Emma. She emerged from the house about nine feet tall and she moved slowly towards Sam.
“Emma?” Marie asked.
“You can get big?” I chimed.
“Can we talk about this later?” Emma voiced.
In three steps, she stepped over the four of us, reached Sam, and carefully pinned him to the ground. Sam instantly began wriggling under her grip.
“Let me go!” he roared.
“No, Sam, you’re just gonna hurt yourself and other people.” Emma looked over at us. “We need to---”
Waking up after going out was always a strange experience. Sometimes, I felt like I’d been poisoned and stayed in bed all day. Other times, I woke up sleeping next to one of my Si Chi sisters or a friend in someone else’s dorm or house. That day was different since I was rudely awakened from a deep sleep.
“Shit, sorry!” a male voice called before a door slammed closed.
The sheets shifted around me, and I groaned as I started to tug them back over me, refusing to open my eyes. My body felt much heavier than usual and as I shifted, my leg touched something warm and soft. It almost felt like someone else’s leg and that guy who left sounded like Andre.
My mind was still halfway in a dream as my eyes blinked open. It felt like my body was fighting between consciousness and unconsciousness and unconsciousness was so close to winning. At some point in my blinking, I noticed that the sheets wrapped around me were gray.
Weird, I thought, mine are powder blue.
“Y/N, wake up,” a feminine voice urged.
“Five more minutes,” I whined.
The owner of the voice started softly pushing my back and their hand warmed up my back.
Wait, their hand was touching my bare back.
I bolted upright, the sheets falling into my lap. My eyes scanned the room and instead of pristine Etsy printouts and tasteful home décor accenting ivory walls, the off-white walls were peeling and covered in graffiti. My breathing was heavy as I glanced to my left and found Marie sheepishly looking at me, holding the sheets up to her chest.
We didn’t, we couldn’t have. This made no sense; we barely spoke since…since something. It felt like there was a gap in my brain but all I knew was that this didn’t quite feel right. But also, my heart skipped a beat when our eyes met. Then, my legs and everything else below my waist suddenly felt sore, and the more I thought about it, so did my chest and neck.
“Morning, freshie,” Jordan sang.
I gasped and my head snapped to the right. They were in their feminine form and eyeing me in a way that was not helping my breathing. When their eyes trailed down, I remembered my chest was exposed and quickly yanked the sheets up to my chin.
What the hell happened last night?
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luvneymar · 1 year
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SUMMARY: After coming back from a one-night stand with his his best friend, Jude realizes you don’t see him. He’s in love with you and you don’t see him.
PARING: bestfriend!jude x bestfriend!reader
NOTE: DRAMA?🤣 jude is a literal simp and my mission during this fic is to make sure y’all know dat !!!
“C’mon guys! Hustle! The tournament is in 3 weeks and you all are sloppy! Mount & Grealish stop giggling like schoolgirls and start running!” The coach for the men’s England World-Cup team screeched from the sidelines rubbing the sweat off his forehead as his veins bulged in anger.
The rest of the team were causally jogging just fast enough for the angry man to not yell at them but not Jude. Jude was either right behind them or right in-front of them ignoring all of them despite their best efforts to talk to the boy.
With his headphones on his ears he was in his own zone, his own space thinking about what you both had talked about just around 2 weeks ago. Your words ran laps around his mind 24/7 for the last 14 days.
“I slept with Trent.”.
“I fucked Trent.”
“I had sex with Trent.”
No matter how he worded it in his mind it was still the same, the deed had been done. You fucked him & there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. He felt like a non-consensual cuck. Stuck in a three-way that didn’t even exist.
I mean how can you not know that he’s been pining for you since forever. Ever since Trent & all his other friends constantly mentioned how hot you looked in this & how great your rack looked in that he finally saw the bigger picture & came to terms with the weird fuzzy feeling in his stomach he’d get every time you’d kiss him on the cheek or hugged him.
“Jude! Why you running all alone? Join us!” Trent yelled out signalling Saka, Phil & Marcus to slow down & wait for him to catch up. Jude hadn’t even acknowledged Trent’s call despite hearing him loud and clear. He jogged right passed them as if he hadn’t heard.
They all looked at him with a weird face jogging up towards Jude stopping him as they grabbed his shoulder stopping him from running off. “Hey didn’t you hear me? Slow down.”
Jude shrugged his hand off and tried to jog off but Trent’s hold was quite strong forcing him to stay in place placing him into a full-stop. He pulled off his headphones in anger shrugging his hand off as he turned to look at the group. “Oh my days, What!”
“Geez dude, what bug crawled up your ass?” Phil muttered through a chuckle which caused Marcus & Saka to snort causing some weird domino of laughter, Jude’s eyebrow twitched in annoyance as he motioned to place his ear phones back onto his head.
“Sorry sorry, what’s going on with you? We haven’t talked in like two weeks.” Trent asked concerned smacking Jude on his butt lightly signalling him to continue walking jogging after he caught the look of annoyance on the coach’s face.
“Nothing I’m just anxious for the tournament.” Jude brushed him off with a statement that wasn’t even true. Just seeing his face pissed him off so bad which made him angry all the time.
“Your right. France is definitely going to hand a lot of countries their asses on polished silverware.” He joked looking around to see if anyone else laughed at his joke, Jude rolled his eyes as he prayed that Trent would cut the conversation short.
How can he just make a causal conversation just weeks after he literally told him so casually that he had sex with you in details that ran laps in the right, left, front & centre part of his brain. Just thinking about it made Jude want to beat the shit out of him.
“Whatever.” He grumbled with annoyances laced in his voice.
“What’s wrong? You’ve been acting like a little bitch ever since I told you about what happened a few weeks ago.” Trent questioned also irritated that his friend was ascribe flaky.
“What happened a few weeks ago?” They all questioned, wanting to find out what was making their friend so pissy.
“Y’know (Name)? (Name, Last Name)? Jude’s friend? Yeah met her at the club we went to a 2 weeks ago and managed to get her into bed. Told Jude how mind-blowing it was and now he’s pissy.”
“Oh her? Shit I’d be mad too. She fine as fuck, I’d just be mad you got to tap that before I did.” Phil mentioned in a broken sentence unable to control his laughter.
As the group laughed Jude poked his cheek with his tongue trying remain calm & collected, it was quite hard seeing as how he was literally listening to his friend objectify you in a vulgar manner with no respect for you at all.
“Judey lighten up! There are other girls out there. Girls your age. She wouldn’t shack up with you even if you were the only man on earth. You have girls flocking after you left & right.” Marcus slapped Jude on the back after finally calming down from the laughter than had went around.
“She’s probably not into younger men anyways, I mean you just graduated high-school a few months ago. She probably graduating soon.” Trent mention remind Jude once again about the age gap you both had in.
“Won’t that make her look like a cougar anyway? Find out if she has a sister of something. You gotta forget about her.” Trent added making the group burst in laughter once again.
Hearing them home about you in that way in an attempt to try and make him feel better about the fact that you were “too old” for him just pissed him off even more.
Jude stopped in his tracks & pulled Trent by his shirt stopping him his tracks too abruptly, “Im not pissy i’m pissed you cunt, my “problem” is that you slept with my friend knowing damn well I had feelings for her you fucking ass!”
After he said nothing but chaos insured, Jude spun Trent around so he could face him as he proceeded to give him a dirties punch of the century. Trent stumbled back a bit holding his nose in pain cursing all sorts of profanities before walking up to Jude & within the same split second punching him in his eye.
“You fucking bastard.” Jude mumbled before proceeding to jump on-top of Trent punching him in his face a few times before Trent managed to roll him over getting a few punches on his face as well.
Many different rows of profanities were passed around until the group had decide to step in thinking about the nearer future & how this could effect the result of the tournament they were training for.
“Guys knock it off!” Phil shouted out trying to pull Trent away from Jude as they assaulted each other just to get punched in the nose instead, hearing the groan he let out the rest of the team turned around to see the commotion altering the coach as-well.
The coach rushes over towards the pair who had bruises & a bit of blood on both of them as they continued to drown in testosterone using their natural male instincts to figure out their differences.
“What the hell! Guys break it up now! Whatever your fighting about I promise you it isn’t worth it!” The coach yelled out standing in between the 2 men sending a reasonable distance between the two stopping them from sending anymore punches each others ways.
Once the fight had ceased to exist the coach turned to Trent seeing as how he was in worse shape than Jude with a busted lip, a head laceration & a bruised eye. “Who started the fighting?”
“That fucking cunt right there.” Trent spit out the blood that rested in his mouth before pointing to Jude who stood there with Phil trying to hold him back from trying to attack Trent once again.
“Jude come with me. Now.” Jude wiped away some of the blood from his forehead as Phil wrapped his arm around Jude helping him walk away from the circle that formed and towards the building where the coach’s office was.
Once they reached there the coach signalled Phil to exit the room as he wanted to talk to Jude alone. As soon as the door closed the coach bursted in the a fit of anger yelling at Jude as he throw different types of things off his desk onto the wall behind Jude.
“What the hell were you thinking? Has your cranium suddenly stopped working and all your common sense has been flushed down the drain?” He yelled out poking his finger into the side of his head as Jude stood there staring at his shoes that were stained with mud & some splotches of blood.
“But He—!” Jude tried explain with no avail.
“No speaking when I’m speaking! I don’t want to hear it. Your my star pupil. Hand picked from the best of the best. You cant be fighting with your companions like that.” He lectured Jude finally calming down enough to speak to him rationally.
The coach looked up at him just to see his eyes hadn’t moved from the spot on the floor it had been for the past minute, “I’m honestly disappointed Jude. I didn’t expect this from you of all people. You’re much more mature than the others even for your age.”
“Well tell that to the bastard talking shit.” Jude muttered under his breath trying to get a word in his defence.
The coach raised his eyebrow as he heard what Jude said but wanted him to say it with his chest. “Did you have something to say Bellingham?”
“No sir, sorry.”
“You’re going to apologize to him and you’re going to be benched for the a while for the starting games. That’s your punishment.” The coach walked towards the door signalling Jude to follow him.
“But I—!”
“No buts. Now get out before I start searching for a replacement for you.” Jude’s hands failed down to his sides in defeat as he walked out of the office grinding his teeth in frustration.
if you could just get a word in the coach would see how this situation wasn’t even his fault, but he knew there was no point in trying to explain himself once the coach made up his mind he made up his mind. 
 As he walked back onto the field, bandages decorated all over his face he heard the whispers from his teammates. see who was whispering about him just to see the same four who instigated the whole problem. “Look, look here he comes.”
fortunately, the rest of the practice goes smoothly without any more disturbances from Trent and Jude as the coach make sure that they were both separated heavily and did the exercise at two different times just to make sure another fight wouldn’t happen. 
“I’m back.” Jude announced in a solemn and dull voice like a defeated puppy, how could he possibly come back home and face you after he basically went all warrior ninja on Trent because of you. It was too embarrassing on his part.
As he works as he walked towards the common area, he heard a voice that was all too familiar to him. He couldn’t exactly put a pin on it, but he knew that it was somebody he knew. 
“Hey Jude.” You greeted him turning your head from the screen playing a random Christmas movie quickly before turning it back snuggling into the mysterious figure that rested beside you.
as he looked up from the floor, all the pieces finally came together for him the very person he beat the shit out of that very afternoon with sitting beside, you, snuggled up into your chest casually scrolling on his phone.
“What the fuck? Why is he here?” The words came flying out of his mouth before he could even stop it, you turned to look at him with a sheepish smile on your face pulling your hand from around him to fidget with your fingers.
“Well you left so abruptly this morning I wasn’t able to tell you.” You muttered pausing the movie which caused the anonymous man to look up from his phone cunning smile on his face as he waved to Jude head still semi-snuggled into your chest.
“Hey man.” Trent waved to him half-assed stupid smug smile still resting on his face.
“Don’t ‘Hey Man’ me I’ll fucking kill you.” Jude dropped his bag by the side of the couch, and walk towards chance just for you to stand up in between them, trying to stop a fight from arising.
“Jude no! No more fighting. If you have a problem make your issues vocal. Just, no more fighting. Please.” You begged him looking up at him with the eyes you had to know had an hypnotic effect on him.
“Fine.” He muttered absolutely defeated. he had been utterly shame today not only had he basically confessed his feelings to his friend about his newfound girlfriend he beat the shit out of him just for him to get his wounds licked by you.
He walked away towards the direction of his room & closed the door quite aggressively, he hadn’t even recognized himself. He he isn’t the type of person to slam doors whenever he’s upset or try to fight people whenever they have a difference.
but that was just the effect you had on him.  you were able to make him go absolutely insane basically put him under your spell like a wizard. even though you were currently resting in trance, arms, kissing on him, loving on, and touching on him, and fucking on him.
He was determined to make sure that you’d be his at the end of the day. Ever since the day you both met he was sure that you’d be his one day even if he had to get rid roadblocks like Trent, he’d gladly do so. 
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briannajade12203 · 8 months
Zoros Training Session (18+)
Zoro x female reader. NSFW DNI if you are a minor
Warning: Pet names, face fucking, swearing and unprotected sex.(This is just a fantasy, please use protection lol)
Word count: 2,584
This is my first time writing like this so please go easy on me lol. I’m just hoping at least one person can enjoy.
Today as you rode the waves on the Thousand Sunny, your surroundings seemed more peaceful than normal. Instead of his normal antics, Luffy was passed out on the deck of the ship. Ussop, Chopper and Franky all sitting gathered around for a game of cards. Nami and Robin sat in lounge chairs soaking in the sun, sipping on fruity drinks Sanji made them as he was working in the kitchen. Since he was out of sight, you figured Zoro was up training in the crows nest during his free time. Everyone was at ease, besides you.
It had been 8 months since you agreed to join Luffy’s crew. As much as you loved it, you couldn’t help but miss the little things about life before you became a pirate. Like being able to walk down the street without worrying if someone was after you due to your captains large bounty. Or going to your favorite little spot on the edge of town looking out into the sea for hours, but most of all you missed sex. It has been so long since you’ve felt someone’s body pressed up against yours, their hungry hands tracing every inch of you leaving the feeling of excitement behind.
Normally if it were any other day you would have indulged in the moment with the rest of the crew, but today other things were heavy on your mind. Out of all the people on your crew, only one man peaked your interest. Zoro. You couldn’t tell exactly what it was about him that drove you wild. It could be his determination and loyalty to his captain, his nonchalant idgaf attitude. Or maybe it came down to something more simpler than that, more primal. When it came down to his physical appearance, everything about him had you weak in your knees.
As you sit there letting your mind wander, you can’t help but think. “Would he even be interested in me?” After debating it for some time you give out a sigh and say fuck it. You get up and make your way up to the crows nest. As you make it to the door you hesitate to reach for the handle. Instead, as if you had some sort of instinct you lean forward and press your ear on the door. Expecting to hear the usual grunts and groans of his regular work out, you were more than shocked to hear him moaning. Not only was he moaning, but it was your name. “Oh Fuucckk y/n, I bet you would feel so good wrapped around my cock.” Hearing those words made your core feel hot. You back up, completely taken aback by what you just heard. A million thoughts racing through your mind but the most prominent one was “open the door”. And just as your brain thought of it, your body followed in pursuit. You open the door to find Zoro pantsless sitting on the floor against the wall stroking his hard cock. Immediately, you guys make eye contact.
“It’s about time you came in” he says with a sly grin. “Wh-what do you mean by that?” You say trying to keep eye contact and not stare at his hand wrapped around his hard dick. “Don’t play dumb with me y/n, I heard you eavesdropping outside the door”. His confession makes you beat red in the face. As you begin to try to defend your actions he stands up and walks over to you. On his way over, you can feel his eyes piercing every bit of your exposed skin. Especially keeping his attention on your large breasts squeezing into a bikini top one size to small.
As he stands in front of you, your brain renders itself useless. You can’t manage to let the words in your brain escape to your mouth. Instead you stood there staring into his eyes as you felt the wetness growing inbetween your legs. “What? No words princess?” He reaches up and grabs your jaw. Trying to think of the right thing to say, the truth slips through your mouth. “I want you Zoro, I want you buried deep inside me!” with those words Zoro didn’t hesitate. He grabbed the back of your neck pulling you into a rough sloppy kiss, navigating his tongue around yours as if he were a professional. You couldn’t help but let a little moan out with his forcefulness. He releases you from the kiss using his hands to grab each side of your head. “All you had to do was ask y/n, but just a warning. I won’t go easy on you”
Zoro picks you up with ease, placing his rough and calloused hands tightly on your ass as your legs wrapped around him. He walks you over and places you on the workout bench. His same lustful stare burning straight into your soul as you try not to squirm under him as he stands tall above you. Zoro grabs the base of his cock with one hand, and uses the other to pull at your bottom lip. “Open.” He says under his breath, sounding more like a growl. The way he was acting you didn’t dare hesitate to do what he says, you’ve never seen Zoro like this before. Zoro was normally stern, that was nothing new. But this, the way he was talking to you, the way he was acting, you couldn’t help but crave him more and more. As you part your lips for him he doesn’t give it a second thought before shoving his cock straight to the back of your throat. The feeling of his member was so warm, it was so thick you could feel his pulse. You were so busy focusing on him you didn’t realize your eyes were tearing up, or the gagging sounds you made as his cock stayed deep in your throat. “ Mmmm, Are you gonna let me fuck your pretty face y/n?” Zoro says placing his had on your cheek wiping your tears away with his thumb. You manage to release a muffled “mmmhhmmm” while trying to focus on your breathing. Zoros lustful eyes still stared down at you, this time he was taking in the beauty of your sweet mouth around his cock. The pleasure was already immense and he hasn’t even started fucking your mouth. “Fuuucckkk that’s my girl” he groans with a smirk growing on his face.
Zoro removes his hand from your face and uses it to tightly grip your hair into a makeshift ponytail. As he begins to thrust in and out of your mouth you can’t help but let tiny moans loose every time he hits the back of your throat. Your eyes begin to scan his body. Intently staring at his abs as your eyes work your way up to his muscular chest taking quick shallow breaths. You look up at his face and you feel a sense of pride seeing his head thrown back and his mouth gaping open. “OH-MY-FUCKING-GOD-Y/N” Zoro says with each thrust as he grips your hair tighter. You could tell he was close by the way he started to pick up the pace and pressure, the harder he went the more tears began to fall from your eyes. Without warning his thrust became faster and faster until he forced himself as far as he could into the back of your throat, releasing his hot sticky cum deep in your mouth with a low groan. Zoro pulls his cock out of your mouth leaving a string of his cum and your saliva stretching from your mouth to his tip. Without a word your mouth follows the string of your guys mixed fluids onto his cock. You swirl your tongue around him making sure to get every last drop.
“I never knew you were such a good girl” Zoro says with a sexy laugh as he wipes the bit of cum sitting on your chin. “I’m only a good girl for you” you barely manage to get the words out through your shaky breaths. “That’s what I like to hear, now stand up.” You stand up, you’re so close his cock presses against your stomach and you can feel the heat coming off of his body. Zoro reaches his hands around your back and unclasps your bikini top revealing your plump breasts. Staring down at you half naked he begins to mutter a few curse words under his breath.
In one swift motion, Zoro leans down, cups your breast’s and places one in his mouth. The feeling of pure ecstasy as his tongue swirls around your sensitive bud makes you cry out. “Oh Zoro! Your mouth feels so goo-“ before you could finish, Zoro reaches up and places his hand over your mouth. “You have to keep quiet princess” he says muffled while his mouth was still on your breast. You started to squirm at the anticipation of what’s going to happen next. You can feel the wetness continuing to build in between your legs as Zoro toys with your body. He begins to take his free hand, rubbing from your breast all the way down to your navel. His hands kept going back up and down but every time his hand went down, it would get a little closer to your pussy. “Please Zoro, I can’t take it anymore. I need you, please give me your cock. I - I can’t take it anymore” with that being said he releases his mouth from your breast revealing a smug look on his face. “Am I making you that crazy y/n?” He says in a teasing way as his hands travel down to the waistband on your shorts.
Zoro doesn’t hesitate, he pulls your shorts and panties down in one quick move. You kick your clothes to the side, beginning to blush as you can feel him devouring you with his eyes. “Fuck” he says heavily eyeing your now completely bare body. He leans forward, grabbing his dick at the base as he begins to squeeze it between your thighs. Zoro begins to pick up his pace, rubbing himself against your sensitive clit. You tilt your head back enjoying the pleasure that only he can give you. He sees this as an opening and leans forwards leaving little nibbles in the nape of your neck.
“Ple-please Zoro mmhhp - I need you so bad” you say between soft moans as he continues working your body, grinding against your clit in almost a teasing way. “Are you sure you can take it?” Zoro says in a cocky tone. Seeing you begging this way was is certainly an ego boost for him. He stops moving in between your thighs, you can feel tears of frustration forming in your eyes. Zoro leans down a bit licking from your collar bone to your ear, sending shivers down your spine. “Stop teasing me, please I’m begging. Just take me already” he lets out a slight chuckle at the state you are in right now. He’s never seen you so desperate before, but he really enjoyed seeing this side of you. “Ah, so needy. But I guess since my pretty girl asked so nicely I can help her out.”
Zoro lays you down on the floor and places your legs on his broad shoulders . He begins to glide his tip along the wet folds of your entrance making you whine out in anticipation. “ I love how wet you are for me” he says as he slowly glides his cock into your entrance, making sure to go little by little so you have time to adjust to his size. When he finally bottomed out inside of you, both of you couldn’t help but moan at the feeling. “Oh Zoro!” You say while biting your hand trying to keep quiet. “Damn baby girl” he says while pushing his hand on your lower stomach. “You feel how deep I am?” He finally began to thrust in and out of you, keeping a slow pace at first until he began to speed up. Every thrust going deeper than the last until his tip kissed your cervix.
You’ve never felt this good before. Yeah, sure you’ve had sex here and there, but those times were nothing like this. The pure ecstasy you feel in this moment can’t be compared to anything. With his pace quickening, the pleasure became more intense. Your core began to feel hot and tingly, and you could feel yourself tighten around him. Zoro could feel it too. He released a low groan at the sensation, then he leaned forward pinning your body in half with his hands placed pushing on the back of your thighs, he began to hit all the right spots to bring you closer to your release. “Yeahh baby- just like that” he says with a shaky breath. You could tell he was close too. “Are you gonna cum on my cock princess?” There was no way the rest of the crew couldn’t hear how he was pounding you right now. The pornographic noises leaving the two of you, the smacking sounds of his hips slamming into yours. But both of you didn’t care, all that mattered in the moment was the orgasm that was approaching you.
“Yes, Uhhh fuck baby I’m gonna cum!” You moan, now trying to grind your clit against him. Zoro notices, he lets go of one of your thighs and begins to circle your puffy clit with his thumb. This sends you over the edge. That warm knotty feeling in the pit of your stomach explodes, sending waves of pleasure all over your body as you tighten around his cock, digging your nails into his hips as his thrusts begin to become more sloppy. You could tell he was close too. “Shit y/n!” Zoro says as his shaky breath begins to quicken. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take. Let me cum inside you” his eyes stare into yours looking for confirmation. You can only manage to give a small nod as you recovered from your own release. With your approval he beings to slam as deep as he could into pushing hard against your cervix, you couldn’t help but gasp. He pulls out and pushes in one last time holding himself deep as possible as if you are pulling him in. His hot cum spills inside of you, coating your walls. The sensation makes you both shudder pleasure.
You both laid there for a moment as he remained inside of you. You could feel your juices mixed with his cum spilling out of you and all over him. The sight began to make him hard again. “You wanna go again?” You say with a small laugh as you look up at him. Zoro gives you a smile and pulls away from you. Letting everything spill out. He leans over to grab a towel he was saving for after his workout. Using it he gently cleans the mess the two of you made on yourself and the floor. Zoro sits down beside you and pulls you into him, planting a sweet kiss on your forehead. “I think we should continue this another time. That is, if you’re up for it?” He says muffled as his face is resting on the top of your head. “Oh yeah definitely, but only if you let me take charge next time”. He lets out a little laugh “Whatever you say sweet thing.”
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darkbluekies · 1 year
In the middle of the night
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Yandere!doctor OC x reader Y/N
Summary: You wake up in the middle of the night in panic and Dr Kry does everything he can to make it better. While getting you something to eat, he is confronted by a man who seems to have caught onto his obsession with you and has to be dealt with quickly.
Warnings: drugs, overdosing, killing, framing/faking someon's death, panic attack, obsession, yandere
Word count: 2.4k
There are a few times you call for Dr Kry during the night and tonight is one of those nights. You wake up, drenched in sweat and filled with anxiety in a panicked state. A tight pressure sets over your chest, making you even more frantic. You're lying in your bed with a thick pillow behind your back to keep your head high. That's how you always stay — day in and day out. You can't breathe if you lay flat on your back.
You reach for the phone hung up on the wall that is connected to Dr Kry’s cellphone. You hold the white, plastic phone to your ear while twirling the spiral cord around your finger. 
“Y/N?” Dr Kry asks quickly when he picks up. “What’s wrong?”
“P-Please come”, you cry. 
“I’ll be there in two minutes.”
And then he hangs up. You sink down on your bed with your hands over your chest, manually trying to help your body breathe again. Two minutes later, Dr Kry runs into the dark room, wearing light blue pajamas and silk robe in the same color. You’re in the hospital dress every patient gets. It’s the only type of clothing you’ve worn for a long time. 
“What’s wrong?” Dr Kry asks and crouches down in front of you to be able to see the face of your hung head. “Look at me.”
And you meet his blue eyes. 
“Please don’t cry”, he whispers and pats your tears dry with a soft napkin. “It hurts my heart so badly to see you cry."
“I-I can’t breathe”, you sob. “I want my family. I want my mom."
"They can't be here", Dr Kry says softly but can't help but feel a burning hatred for your family at this moment. "Only I am."
"I-I want my m-mom! I think I’m having a heart attack.”
Dr Kry stands up and starts to move towards the window. You hurry after him, refusing to spend even a second alone in this fragile state. You need someone by your side to reassure you that things will be okay. Dr Kry gasps as he feels your arms wrap around his waist from behind. He looks down at your hands that are clenched together in a stronghold. He can swear that he feels his heart burst at that very moment. You're so sweet, what would he do without you?
He turns around in the embrace and finds you looking up at him with the most precious teary doe eyes imaginable.
"Please don't leave me", you sob and lean your head against his chest.
He freezes, brain going empty. He gulps hard and looks around in disbelief. Is this really happening? Is he dreaming? Suddenly he doesn't feel like the muscular guy he actually is, he feels like he's that little boy he once was getting a hug from his first crush. Shaking arms come up to wrap around you. One hand meets the small of your back and the other on the back of your head, to secure your head in his chest. He thinks he'll die if you remove your head from his heart.
"I'd never dream of leaving you", he smiles and caresses your face, trying to not sound as mushy as he feels. "I was just going to open the window."
You shake your head and bury your head into his chest again. Dr Kry starts to worry that you can hear how hard and how fast his poor heart is beating. His entire body has become limp, he doesn't know what to do. His head starts to feel oh, so light.
"What … what do you want me to do then?" he asks and hears how his own voice is so distant. God, he's dizzy. 
“Please just hold me”, you beg. “I know it’s not professional … but I really need it. I-I’m sorry-”
He gulps hesitantly. “Don’t be … I’ll hold you …”
He picks you up in his lap and sits down on the bed with you in his arms. Dr Kry has never held someone like this before. Not even past lovers. It has never been something he’s been comfortable with and he wouldn’t do this to just anyone. But you’re his darling, his miracle. You’re not like his past lovers. You have made his life worth living. If you need to be held, he’ll hold you. 
You lean your head on his broad shoulder and feel how his muscular arms wrap around you protectively. 
"Am I going to die?" you sob.
"Of course not", Dr Kry says softly, squeezing your hand gently. "This is just temporary. You'll see that you feel much better soon."
"Do you promise?"
"Of course. Do you want me to do anything for you?"
"Can you read for me? "Please?"
"Of course.”
He lets you go carefully and walks over to the bookshelf and picks out the one he's currently reading for you and returns. Gliding back on his rolling stool with a reassuring smile.
"We were on chapter three, right?" he asks.
You nod and sniffle. He reaches out his warm palm to wipe your tears. All he wants is to kiss your pretty, wet lips and take the pain away from you. He wants to break the barriers between doctor and patient, but if he does, he might risk never seeing you again. 
"Thank you doctor", you say quietly and glance towards the clock on the wall. 2:30. "I feel bad for bothering you so much."
"Never feel that. You are my number one patient. I'd do anything for you — and I really mean that. Nothing you'd ask from me is too much."
He starts to read for you and you try to relax and control your breathing again. His voice doesn't take away the pain, but it distracts you enough to enjoy the chapter. After he’s done reading, you seem to be a bit calmer, but something still doesn’t feel right. 
"You know what, Y/N?" he says after a while. “How about we go down to the kitchen and see if we can get you something to eat?”
“I can come with you?” you ask in surprise. 
“I don’t think there’s so many people down there at this hour. I think we’ll be fine.”
You don’t know if you’re hungry or if you just really want to explore the hospital, but you accept his suggestion. There’s only been a few times you’ve been let out of your hospital room, but you’ve never been down to the kitchen.
Dr Kry gives you his silk robe to cover you up and give you some warmth before taking your hand and leads you out into the empty corridor. He walks you to the elevator and pushes the button. 
“Do you have a partner, doctor?” you ask as the elevator takes you down. 
“No, I don’t, why do you ask?” he says.
“You deserve someone. You’re a good guy.”
He sighs. He wants you. That’s all he wants. 
“Thank you, Y/N”, he says instead but wishes that he could say more. 
They step out and Dr Kry looks around to make sure no one watches the two of you. He doesn’t want people to look at you. You’re for his eyes only. 
The only part of the hospital that is in full use for the moment is the ER. Dr Kry leads you through corridors until you reach the kitchen. It’s a large space filled with pots and pans and fridges and stoves. You can’t see where it ends. 
“What do you want?” Dr Kry asks. “If there isn’t anything ready, I’ll cook for you.”
“I don’t know”, you answer. “I don’t feel so hungry.”
“I want you to eat something before going back to bed, Y/N. I will choose for you if you don’t make up your mind.” He lets go of your hand and gives you a gentle push. “Go on, go look through the fridges.”
With his encouragement, you walk over to the metal fridges and start to see if there’s anything in there that could make you feel better. He leans his back against one of the stoves with his arms crossed, watching you. A sound behind you makes the both of you turn. A doctor is standing in the door opening, looking displeased.
“Dr Kry, finally, there you are”, he says shortly. “I need to speak with you.”
You look at Dr Kry in confusion and a bit of fear. Will he scold you for being in the kitchen? You don’t want any trouble.
“Continue to look, I’ll take care of this”, Dr Kry says and moves away from the stove.  
You turn back to the fridges, hearing how the door closes behind them. You can’t help but feel a shiver run down your spine. That look that Dr Kry had in his eyes reminds you of death. 
Dr Kry looks at the man with fury in his eyes and doesn’t start to speak until he’s sure the door has closed behind him — sure that you can’t hear him. 
“What do you want?” he asks and doesn’t even try to hide the annoyed feelings he’s feeling. 
“That woman’s/man’s family has been asking for them for weeks by now”, the other doctor sighs. “I want to know what you are doing with them! Why aren’t you letting the family meet them?”
Dr Kry sighs frustrated. Why does he have to talk about this at three am? You’re not feeling well, Dr Kry has to keep his eye on you. This man is ruining the sweet moments you had together tonight. 
“Can’t this wait?” he mutters. “I’m literally busy.”
“You’re always busy”, the man spits. “If I want to talk to you, I have to search you up in the middle of the fucking night because you’re gone during the day.”
“How did you know I was awake anyway?”
“I saw you pass by the reception.”
“And why are you up?”
“Because I have to help the ER nurses, what else? Stop trying to change the subject. Don’t you know how much trouble you’ll be in if you continue to deny the family any information about your patient or let them see them?”
“Then let me get head deep in trouble.” Dr Kry grabs the door handle harshly, a clear signal that he wants this conversation to be over. “I’m doing my job. Y/N is in no way or shape ready to leave the hospital yet. Besides, they’re an adult. We don’t have to give out information to family members unless they’re underage. Y/N doesn’t want to meet their parents or any family members, so tell them to drop the subject and leave us alone. Now if you don’t mind, I’m busy.”
With that said, Dr Kry opens the door, walks into the kitchen again. You look over your shoulder at him with the sweetest eyes that makes him melt. He locks the door behind him as he feels all anger wash away. 
“Are you finding anything?” he asks softly. 
“I think I found some muffins”, you say and hold up a frozen package. “But … it’s frozen.”
“Let’s put it in the microwave.”
He walks over to you and takes it out of your hands, almost gulping at how soft your skin is feeling. You watch how he takes out two muffins out of the package and places them in the microwave. He presses a few buttons until the two blueberry muffins start spinning around.  
“What did he want?” you ask. “That man.”
“Nothing”, Dr Kry smiles and leans against the stove. “He just wanted to ask me about some work.”
“You looked mad though. Are you sure everything is okay?”
“Everything is fine, Y/N. You’re the patient, I’m the doctor, remember? Let me handle this.”
“Did it involve me?”
Dr Kry laughs softly to cover up how shocked he gets. You watch him in confusion. 
“No, no, of course not!” he lies. “Don’t worry about it. You haven’t done anything wrong. And even if you had, I would take care of it for you. You have nothing to worry about. All you need to do is relax and focus on healing and I will do the rest.”
“Thank you, doctor”, you say quietly.
“No problem.”
The microwave’s beeping ruins the moment. Dr Kry picks out the steaming muffins and gives you one of them. You only hold it for a second before the warning signals shoot through your body and forces you to drop it down on the metal table in front of you with a yelp. 
“Are you okay?” Dr Kry asks quickly and takes your smaller hand in his. “Did you burn yourself? I’m sorry, I should have waited before giving it to you.”
He blows some air on your hand and fights the temptation to kiss it. You bring out the sleeves of the robe to cover your hands and pick it up again. This time, you have an easier time eating it. Dr Kry watches you fondly, smiling at your cute expressions. Gosh, he loves you so much! He can’t imagine his life without you. These sweet moments are the ones he treasures forever. 
“Let’s go back to your room”, he says. “You need some more sleep.”
You nod. Dr Kry places his hand on your back to guide you back, your hands being occupied with holding the hot muffin. You walk by the reception when walking towards the elevators. Dr Kry catches the eyes of the other doctor. He looks at the two of you in a manner that makes Dr Kry clench his jaw. From now on, Dr Kry will keep an eye on that man. Something about him makes him uneasy. If he ever dares to try something with you, Dr Kry won’t be very forgiving. 
He puts you to bed and waits until you’ve managed to fall asleep again before making his way out of your room. Dr Kry has to get rid of that man before he manages to figure out just what you mean to him. If more people understand your relationship, they’ll take you from him and put him in jail. He can’t let that happen. He has to get rid of that man before he can tattletail. 
Dr Kry makes his way to the medicine storage and searches for sleeping pills. A few of these in the man’s coffee and he won’t notice a thing. It’s not easy to get rid of people in a hospital, but Dr Kry has become a natural at faking others death. Overdosing on sleeping pills and then taking a bath could only be the man’s own fault. He just wanted to relax after a long night of hard work! He didn't mean for it to end so tragically.
By the end of the night, the man no longer breathes. The last bubbles have left his mouth. And he’s no longer a threat. Dr Kry smiles as he makes his way over to your room. You’re safe again. 
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hwanchaesong · 2 years
"Cliché? Cut!"
Badboy!Seonghwa X RichKid,Nerd!Reader
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Synopsis: A promise of not ending up like those couples in sappy dramas in a fake relationship is the best idea for facing reality.
genre & warnings: fluff, smut, angst, cursing, university au, mentions of weddings and cheating, appearances of other idols, alcohol, break ups
word count: 7.3k
requested by: my lovely friend @hwadump (ps i am so sorry for this late af request 😭)
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Park Seonghwa believes that he is the king of ATEEZ University.
All boys want to be him and all girls want to be with him.
People respect him, worship the floor he walks on, look up at him like he just walked on top of the sea.
Those came crashing down right at this moment, in front of you, L/N Y/N.
Truth to be told, all of these are for the sake of winning a bet.
Okay, let's get this straightened up.
A popular guy like him means that he is also in a prominent group, a circle that contains the other known men in their school.
It's only natural for them to get on their high horses and play with other people's feelings for fun, and that includes banging innocent girls just to break their heart afterwards.
And it happens that you, the school's infamous nerd and teacher's pet, was his group's next target.
"It couldn't be that hard." Hongjoong mused, showing Seonghwa a photo of you in his phone. (something that he got from your social media of course)
Wooyoung nodded his head in agreement before adding, "True. Besides, girls like that are easy to read and manipulate."
Yeah right, easy to read and manipulate. He will never, ever believe his friends again, especially Wooyoung, after this because what the fuck.
Who would even believe it when he says that the school's geek is currently trapping him in his seat, trying to seal a deal with him in the middle of an isolated library.
"So, whaddya say?" you smiled at the gaping man, your voice effectively snapping him out of his minute daydream.
"Uh? Pardon?"
'Damn it, Seonghwa. You could've done better than that!'
Seonghwa cursed himself internally for his stupid reply.
"I said," you leaned closer to him, close enough for him to smell your strawberry perfume, "I heard your little bet with your friends a while ago."
He gulped, at loss for words because even if he's handsome as hell and is good in bed, covering up a discovered dirty secret is not his forte.
"So, like I was saying before.." you continued, taking a long pause before spilling out the beans in one go.
"I'd participate in your bet willingly, but do me a favor and pretend to be my boyfriend as well so my family will stop pairing me with random guys."
Seonghwa blinked, once... twice.. his eyes widened when your words sank in his brain.
How will he handle this uncanny situation?
"Why? I- Can you. No, b-but are you-"
"C'mon, it couldn't be that hard." you parroted his friend's statement from before, bringing him back to reality as he straightened his self up.
"Okay, let's talk about this one by one." Seonghwa replied, able to form coherent sentences this time.
You shifted in your position, creating some space between you two, "Sure thing."
You sat down on the table, crossing your legs and casually raising an eyebrow, signalling for Seonghwa to continue.
He cleared his throat, adjusting his position as well as he tried to keep his cool, "First, you'll go along with the bet and let me win all those money."
You nodded your head. Upon your confirmation, Seonghwa carried on.
"Second, in return, you want me to act as your boyfriend."
"Exactly!" you happily exclaimed, standing from your seat with a cheery bounce, elated that he finally got the idea.
Seonghwa opened his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it.
"Here's the catch though." you removed your glasses, perching it atop of your head. Your eyes glinted as the corner of your lips curled, "let's make this a bet ourselves."
This is a new look that no one had ever witnessed before, an appearance that only Seonghwa had been able to see.
It's astonishing to say the least, you keep on surprising him and he couldn't help but be interested in your offering.
"I'm listening, Ms. L/N."
You scoffed, "Don't go and be formal like you didn't try and flirt with me a few minutes ago." you stood up from your seat and walked towards the window, gazing outside for a bit before facing an amused Seonghwa.
"I don't want this to end up like those sappy romantic movies." you looked down at your shoes for a bit, pondering your next words.
"That is why let's make some rules." you voiced out, approaching him and raising your hand for a handshake, "The one who falls in love first will have to pay the consequences."
Seonghwa smiled, standing at his full height and accepting your handshake, "That's a deal, my girlfriend."
It's safe to say that you guys laid down all the rules for the both of you to follow during the 'dating era.'
Which consists of:
1. No one is allowed to speak of the details of the agreement, family and friends are not exempted.
2. Act like a real couple in public so everyone will believe the lie.
3. Falling in love is strictly prohibited.
4. The first one to fall in love will be considered the loser and shall be punished by paying a fee of $10,000.
5. This 'relationship' shall go on within the duration of 3 months.
"Oh my fucking god, I said fuck her but really? You're dating her?!" Wooyoung shrieked when he saw his hyung's wallpaper which consists of a photo of you and him in a photo booth.
It has been a full two months since the pact and everything is going smoothly.
Seonghwa made up a story of how you hooked up with him in his car and voila! He won the bet and got the money without any problems.
On the other hand, you have already introduced him to your family. No more blind dates on your side and bonus points - your parents highly approved of him.
Seonghwa looked at his phone, staring at the sweet picture where he has his arms around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder while you have this surprised pikachu face going on.
"Well duh," his eyes moved up to the younger boy, "is it really that surprising?"
"Surprising?" his other friend, Yunho, piped up from behind him, "It's ground breaking!"
"True that. It's not like you to settle down with someone. Especially if they are just supposed to be a one night stand." San concurred, making Seonghwa sigh.
"Is that really how you see me?" he tried to make them sympathize with him to no avail. Everyone in the room collectively agreeing that yes, they all thought that he'd die alone because of his playboy behavior.
"You motherf-" before he could curse at his friends, his phone rang, your name flashing on the screen.
A series of 'oohs' and 'aahs' resonated in the entirety of the living room.
"Shut up." he glared at them, "I'm leaving now, and I swear to God, if y'all make a mess out of our dorm, you'll regret it."
His eyes landed on Jongho and pointed at him, "You're in-charge since Hongjoong isn't here." he declared before walking out the door, not minding the fuss that followed.
"What? But I'm the third oldest! Why is our youngest in-charge?!"
"Suck it loser, now obey me."
1:24 PM
You stood there at the entrance of the mall, waiting for Seonghwa to arrive patiently.
"Good grief, I told you to wait inside because it's too hot in here." a voice from beside you startled you, turning around and meeting face to face with yours truly.
"And I did say I'll pass on that. I want to walk together with you." you insisted, entering the mall with him trailing behind you.
Seonghwa smiled a bit, endeared at this attitude of yours.
Truth to be told, everything about you is unexpected. Your whole demeanor is not what he thought really is.
You may be the school's nerd, but you are so much more than that.
Within the span of 30 days, he had already learned a lot about you.
You came from a rich family but still remain humble, your dreams and aspirations in life, your favorites, likes and dislikes. It is kind of alarming with how much he pays attention to you, or the fact that he's enjoying his time with you.
It's a red flag, he knows it, but paid no attention to it because c'mon. He is THE Park Seonghwa. This feelings of his? Pft, it's nothing but a simple admiration of how free and bubbly you are outside of school.
"Are you listening? What looks better on me? Blue or red?"
Seonghwa blinked, snapping out of his thoughts, "Pardon?"
You rolled your eyes, "It has been two damn months and you still say that word to me." you feigned an offended look, "When will you even listen to me properly for once?"
His eyes widened, thinking of the possibility that he might have done something wrong, "I am listening, I'm sorry. Okay, sorry. Please tell me what you just said again, I swear m-"
Your laugh interrupted his rambling.
What a dork, really.
Until now, you still can't believe that this man is treated like a deity in your university.
His image is far too different from who and what he really is. You have learned that much, of course you would, you spent almost every day hanging out with him since your bet begun.
"Oh goodness gracious, Seonghwa." you tried catching your breath, stopping yourself from laughing out again when you saw his confused face.
"It was a joke, you dummy." You lightly tapped his shoulder before showing him the dresses again.
"Blue." he immediately answered, getting the context of what you're asking him a while ago.
You raised an eyebrow, "That's fast." you placed the red dress back on the rack, turning on your heels to face the mirror with the blue dress on your arms. "You really think that this looks good on me?"
"It's my favorite color, so yeah." he mumbled, to which you almost didn't hear it... almost.
You giggled, finding his shy nature adorable, "Alright, I guess I'll buy this one then."
4:36 PM
Seonghwa offered to drive you home, saying that he won't let you commute because that is his purpose as a 'boyfriend.'
"So when's the wedding again?" he asked, staring straight ahead on the road but still paying attention to what you'll say.
"Next week, on Thursday. And that reminds me, we have to go to their place a day before the event." you shifted from the passenger seat, unlocking your phone and scrolling through the messages.
"Because Uncle Eden said, and I quote, 'Let's have a family reunion first before I finally tie the knot with the love of my life.' end quote." you read the message that your uncle sent you, perfectly mimicking his voice that made Seonghwa snicker.
"I'll get ready for that."
After his sentence, you realized that you're finally home as he parked his car and... what the fuck? Why is your mother waiting at the gate like she's expecting you any minute?
"Don't tell me.." you whispered, terror coating your features.
"I'll tell you." Seonghwa smirked, getting out of the car and going over to your side, acting like a real gentleman for opening the car door for you. "I did tell your mom that I'm coming over, and guess what, I'll even stay for dinner."
You groaned, not happy at this at all. As much as you love having his presence around, you hate it when he's visiting at your home.
Your mother gushes about him all the time. With how handsome, respectful, charming, intelligent and the fucking list goes on. You're getting tired of it, especially when she lets the "Have you ever thought of the aspect of building a family?" question.
You don't like it, but now you're beginning to think that Seonghwa finds enjoyment in this horrible, terrible scene.
"Welcome home!" your mother greeted you with a hug, doing the same with Seonghwa. "I am so glad to see you again, son! Come in, I have something to tell both of you."
You made eye contact with Seonghwa, shrugging it off and thinking nothing of it. Upon arriving at the living room, your mom dropped the bomb.
"What?" you screeched, was that right?
"It's not a big deal. It's fine." Seonghwa interjected, holding your hand as an attempt to calm you down.
Your heart is beating wildly at the idea of sharing one room with him.
"What are you overreacting for?" your mom crossed her arms, "You're dating, it's not a crime for you to share a bed."
Yeah, fuck she's right. You still have to carry this damned act on even if it kills you. One more month, and everything will end soon.
"Yes." you took a deep breath, "You're absolutely correct."
Everything will be fine. It's not like difficult things will come your way when you spent a few nights with him in a single room.
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"Boo." a sultry voice startled you from behind, making you almost yell and curse at the perpetrator.
You closed your eyes and held a deep breath, calming your annoyance down. You are so not gonna embarrass yourself.
You had arrived at the site of the wedding, a resort, today and you were given a luxurious, spacious room to hibernate in while waiting for the d-day.
It could have been treated like a vacation if it wasn't for this dumbo with you. No choice though, he is still technically your 'boyfriend' so it is mandatory for him to be with you on occasions like this.
Currently, you two are getting ready for the reunion party tonight. And frankly, you want to look like a total princess, partly because you don't want to be criticized by your relatives and mainly... you want to look pretty for Seonghwa.
Okay, in your defense, he looks like a charming prince with his white suit and neatly arranged hair. You certainly don't want to look like a pauper beside him.
"Seonghwa." you called his name out menacingly, "I swear to heaven and hell if you did that again I w-"
You were cut off when he yawned and plopped down on the bed, "You what?" he challenged, unfazed and he's sporting this snarky smile that irritated you further.
You went closer to him and sat down on the edge of the bed, "Shut up and braid my hair."
He gasped, complaining that you had degraded his status as a boyfriend into a hairstylist. You then felt him stand up, his fingers threading through your looks gently. Despite the complaint, he still complied with your request.
It was silent for a few minutes until he decided to break it, "Do you still remember when I first braided your hair?"
You giggled a bit, recalling that hideous incident. How could you forget that when it was so memorable that you think that was the turning point of your fake relationship.
It was a big mistake for you to go and fetch Seonghwa from his last class, I mean, it really is especially when you see him kissing this snotty girl.
"Park Seonghwa." you mumbled his name lowly, and your voice seemed to wake him up and he immediately pushed the girl away.
"Y/N, this isn't what it looks like. I'll explain."
You just stood there, contemplating whether to hear him out or leave. You did neither when the bitch decided to clung unto Seonghwa and commented some rude remarks about you.
"Oppa, who is this? Why is this ugly nerd here? Will you go away? I am having some alone time with my oppa here."
Oh it's on.
Fire burning in your eyes, you stomped towards her and forcefully pulled her away from Seonghwa. A loud thud followed when she fell right on her butt, to which you didn't give a shit because she deserves it.
"Let's go, Seonghwa." you ordered, but one step and someone has their hands on your hair.
The pain was unbearable and everything was a blur, you couldn't discern what was happening. Not until a teacher broke the fight and hearing the faint voice of Seonghwa stating that the other girl was at fault.
You just got your hair pulled like a k-drama scene, huh.
Fortunately, the teachers believed that a good student like you wouldn't even harm a fly, thus, you were out of the principal's office without any problem.
You speed walked outside the school, keen on getting away as soon as possible. After a few minutes, you sat down on a bench in a nearby park. Only then did you realized that Seonghwa didn't follow nor check up on you.
You looked down at your trembling hands, no no no. You ain't gonna cry because of a pathetic excuse of a man like him.
Suddenly, tender hands are massaging your scalp and his familiar soothing voice began talking about how he didn't mean for that to happen.
"Y/N, please believe me that I am not cheating on you. That piece of shit suddenly lurched at me and I didn't have the time to react."
You continued looking ahead of you, focusing on the scenery of bright orange skies caused by the sun setting. You won't look at him now, because if you did, then you'll cry.
"I really am sorry, Y/N. Please."
You stood up, walking back home and you know that he's following you all the way, making sure that you're all right.
It somehow made your heart all mushy, knowing that he cares, but that is still not enough for you to accept his apology.
You made a bee line towards the bathroom when you arrived at home, wanting to take a warm bath and sleep the bad day away.
You halted in front of the mirror when you saw your reflection, it was your hair... beautifully braided.
The next day, the whole university was shocked when Seonghwa announced that the two of you are dating.
He is officially yours and you are officially his.
That was the day when you two got the title of "The Nerd and The Bad Boy Couple."
That was also the day when you learned that Seonghwa carries some girl stuff in his bag for you to use whenever you need it.
The gesture is sweet and wholesome, it made you forgive him in no time. Surely, that was a weakness of yours.
Back in present time~
"Yeah, I do remember that you were an asshole back then." you cheekily replied, an affronted expression crossing Seonghwa's face in return.
"You have the guts to tell me that when here I am, braiding your hair almost everyday." he sassed back.
"Well, I love the way you braid my hair." you admitted openly, inflating Seonghwa's pride knowing that you found something to love about him.
His hands cupped your cheeks, mushing it together and craning your head backwards so you'll be able to make direct eye contact with him, "You mean you love me?"
You scoffed and lightly pushed him away, "You wish. Now let's go and make a grand entrance there."
Grand entrance means you, linking arms with Seonghwa as you greeted every relative that you encounter.
"This is tiring." you groaned, slumping in your seat and your mood further slacked when you heard your female cousin's voices.
"Ooh, Y/N, is this your boyfriend right here?" one of them asked, to which Seonghwa answered for himself.
"Yes, pleased to meet you. The name's Park Seonghwa." he bowed exactly 90 degrees, impressing the older women.
"What a handsome young man!" a man's voice interjected this time, another uncle of yours that seemed to take interest in Seonghwa.
He's like a star tonight, everyone has taken a liking to him and truth to be told, you can't blame them. You understand why they naturally gravitate towards him.
"Is it okay if I borrow him for a bit? Ya know, man chitchat." your uncle asked, to which you agreed in a flash.
You watched as Seonghwa got dragged around, and before he could leave your sight, you saw him mouth an 'I'll be back.'
"Man, your boyfriend is like an actor. People are all around him."
You looked at your side to see who talked and see Jungwoo, a close friend slash cousin of yours.
"Yeah he does. I mean, I can see why." you smiled and picked up a glass of water, chugging it down.
"And I can see how much he loves you."
You choked.
"Easy there!" Jungwoo tapped your back, "What the hell Y/N, what was that for?"
You tried to calm your coughing fit down, "I'm sorry I was surprised. But, what was that about how he loves me?"
Jungwoo grimaced, kind of like he was so ready to beat you up for not noticing.
He held his fingers up, counting the things that he observed, "The way he looked at you. The way he talks about you. His actions towards you. H-"
"Okay enough." you interrupted him before the list could go on, you couldn't believe what you are hearing.
You stood up from your seat, getting all panicky about the recent discovery.
"Where are you going?" Jungwoo asked, puzzled that you're suddenly acting weird.
"I am gonna serve us some drinks."
And maybe you had too much wine because you now find yourself in Seonghwa's arms as he carried you back in your shared bedroom.
"Damn girl, did something happened while I was gone?" he asked, softly laying you in bed and was about to go and get you some water but his footsteps halted.
"Do you think I'm ugly?" you queried out of nowhere.
The ambience of the room turned into something indiscernible. It was suffocating.
How could a one question do this?
Seonghwa slowly faced you, and fuck, the view is enough to make him crazy.
There you are, vulnerable and your hazy, innocent eyes are begging him to do something that he might regret in the future.
He closed his eyes and willed himself to look away, "No, I think of the opposite." he answered truthfully.
He had always thought of that, from the bottom of his heart, he genuinely viewed you as someone who has a gorgeous face and personality.
It was unreal at first, that is why he did say that his feelings are nothing but a jolt of admiration for you.
And now that he's in this position, his mind begs to differ.
Is the attraction an actual one and not imaginary?
He doesn't know, but he does know that his friends had pointed out multiple times with how he turns into a completely different person when you're around.
"So you think I'm pretty?" you asked again, and this time you groggily sat up, holding onto Seonghwa's hand.
The man before you hasn't moved an inch, and you took that as a cue to continue.
"Seonghwa, I-I... My cousin told me that you love me and I don't know what to do with that information."
His eyes widened, was he really that transparent?
"But what made me more anxious is that, I didn't hate the idea of you loving me." you stared at him, silently imploring him for any refutal.
This is a dangerous territory that you both are trespassing, and when the bullet have been fired, there is no going back.
"What about you? If I told you that I love you, what will you do?"
And he snapped.
Without any hesitance, Seonghwa bent down, kissing you fully on the lips. You reciprocated it within a second, no more pretending and rationality out of the window.
The lip lock was full of vigor, an overflow of hidden emotions had begun to spill out, and nobody could stop whatever would transpire for the night.
Seonghwa bit your lower lip as he guided you down back to the mattress, lightly nipping on it before slipping his wet appendage inside your mouth.
You didn't have the energy to fight back, allowing him to completely dominate you.
A whimper escaped from you when his mouth snaked down just below your ears, "If you told me that you love me, then I'll probably do the same." he whispered, causing goosebumps to raise over your skin.
You gasped when he bit a sensitive part of your neck, and you did it again when he sucked on your skin.
He is leaving his marks all over you, it would be a herculean task to hide all of those but you couldn't care less, basking in the feeling of his hot mouth in your blazing skin.
"S-Seonghwa." you moaned his name out, a small hum coming from him as a reply, "I have never done this before."
He pulled away for a bit, examining your features and caressing your flushed cheeks, "Don't worry baby, I'll take care of you."
And he meant that, he will make you enjoy this night to the point that you'll never be able to feel anything like this if it didn't come from him.
He started removing your articles of clothing one by one, and the more skin you showed, the more excited he becomes.
You look like an angel, so pure and sinless and he couldn't wait to wreak havoc in you.
"Nu uh, baby, don't cover that up." he stopped you from hiding your breasts when he got rid of your bra, pinning your arms on your side.
You are beginning to feel shy, feeling his gaze on your body, "You look so perfect and..." Seonghwa licked his lips, "delicious."
He released your arms, his hands going around and in between your chest. He proceeded with a small massage, his palms squeezing your busts, lightly tickling your areola until your nipples are hardened enough to his liking.
All Seonghwa could feel is the cloud-like softness of your boobs and he just wants to bury himself in it.
His eyes peered over yours, looking for any hints of resistance, and when he saw none of it, he dived right into you. Putting a nub in his mouth and experimentally doing all tricks for you to feel good.
You squirmed in his hold, the growing pleasure is now running in your veins.
He started with small flicks, then he had gotten more bold and circled around it. A buzzing sensation came through when he sucked on it.
The anticipation was worth the wait, considering how skilled he is.
He suckles hard, then slows down into kitten licks. Your other boob never forgotten, his fingers tweaking and playing with your nipple.
When he's certain that he has gotten his saliva all over your breast, he had gotten another mission in mind.
His hand slides down to your belly, prying your legs open in a gentle manner.
"You good?"
You nodded your head, not able to form a word as you tried to comprehend all the things that are currently happening in your body.
Your confirmation was enough for Seonghwa to continue devouring you.
And oh boy, did he went wild on you.
No mercy as his middle finger began to rub on your clit. You had never felt like this before and it's too much.
"If you want to cum, then let it all out."
You were about to ask what does he mean by that, but there is no need to when he demonstrated it to you.
He plunged two fingers into your sopping core, easily taking him without any problem.
"Ah! S-Seonghwa!" you cried out when he positioned himself in between your legs to prevent you from closing them.
"If you can't take this now," he came face to face with your heat, "then how will you handle me later, hm?"
Another loud moan was elicited out from you, his tongue prodding and teasing your bundle of nerves.
You knew he was good with his tongue, you had observed it a lot of times, especially when he darts it out like a chameleon.
You knew that, yet this is a domain that you never knew will feel so heavenly unless you tried it for yourself.
The loud noise of you moaning, him slurping all of your juices, and the lewd wet sounds coming from below you every time he curls his fingers inside are insane.
Seonghwa felt your muscles tensing, a sign that you are close to release. Thus, he switched his style into something more of a challenge for you.
His digits went to your clit, rubbing it in a circular manner and his tongue slid inside your pussy.
The electrifying feeling of having your sensitive nub get played with, along with the constant darting of his tongue inside you were enough to send you over the edge.
Seonghwa continued his actions for you to ride your high, only stopping when you tried to move away from him.
You were breathing heavily, eyes closed and ready to go into dreamland. Until something hard poked in your entrance, "You think this is over?"
His voice snapped you awake and you were crying out in both pleasure and pain after he entered you in one go.
You are still vulnerable from the previous orgasm, but that also allowed you to feel how big and thick he is.
He momentarily ceased his movements for you to adjust to his size. On your side, he was stretching you out so good and fuck, you want him to move.
See, you are not the type to do shit when you get desperate, but you are already out of your mind and your hips begin to move on their own in search of friction.
"I can't Seonghwa, please move." you pleaded, which sounded so sexy for him.
He bit his lower lip, bending downward and putting a chaste kiss on your nose before whispering, "Your wish is my command, princess."
Yes, you did say for him to move, turns out that he really planned to go all out on you right from the start.
He snaps his hips so hard, his pace is also fast that the bed started shaking.
Seonghwa loves the way you react to him, not only that but the sensation that you're giving him.
You are so tight and warm. Just exactly how he wants it.
Your pussy effortlessly pushes him out, yet the moment he starts pushing in again feels like he was getting hugged by wet, mellow vacuum.
You can also feel how he slides in and out of you, mind blowing even when he shifted the positions.
Lifting your legs and putting it over his shoulders let him pound into you on a deeper level.
So deep that his tip grazed over your g-spot, making you arch your back and that gave away the fact that he had hit the prize.
"Finally, I have been looking for that for a while now." he muttered victoriously, smiling darkly as he held onto your waist.
"Get ready, baby."
With the last warning, he thrusted into you relentlessly. His speed is faster than before and he rams harder than before.
Your hands went over to his toned arms, clinging to it like your life depends on it.
"Don't stop." you whimpered, and you really don't want this paradise to end.
You could say that he is a monster in bed, literally.
He is destroying you, tearing you into pieces yet you are all down for this.
You are willing to be demolished, as long as its him.
"Shit, you feel so fucking good baby." Seonghwa praised, his eyes roaming all over your appearance.
And he was stoked.
Strands of your hair are sticking to your face due to the sweat, reddish skin, boobs jiggling because of the amount of force he's using to fuck you silly and mouth open in a silent moan.
Even in your disheveled state, you still managed to look like a goddess and... oh my god he loves you.
He doesn't know what to do with this information, but he'll ignore this now and focus on giving you more pleasure.
"S-Seonghwa, I'm close." you said, looking at him tantalizingly. You couldn't hold it back, the euphoria began washing all over you like a wave and it felt so marvelous.
The overstimulation is getting too much for you to handle after a few minutes of your orgasm yet Seonghwa's still railing into you like there is no tomorrow.
You unintentionally clamped on his length, with a grunt and a few more thrusts, Seonghwa pulled himself out and came all over your stomach.
Sticky and dirty, two things that you'll normally hate but under these circumstances, it is weirdly comforting.
You weren't aware of your surroundings anymore, too tired and sleepy to care.
Still, you vaguely notice Seonghwa clean you up, cuddling you close to him and whispering a sweet goodnight on the crown of your head.
The glaring light of the sun woke Seonghwa up, he was in a good mood, but that turned sour when he saw that you weren't beside him anymore.
"Seonghwa! Are you awake?! C'mon you have to prepare too." The door opens, revealing you in a robe, clearly getting ready for something.
"What?" he dumbly asked.
"What do you mean by 'what'? you playfully rolled your eyes, setting foot in the room and coaxing him out of the bed, reminding him that today is the wedding.
He had no choice but to comply for now, and he'll talk to you later. But there is a bad feeling inside his stomach, he couldn't put his finger on it but... why are you acting normally? Like nothing happened last night.
Are you seriously gonna do this?
You went on with your day like you usually would. Excitedly clapping throughout the wedding and being giddy until the end.
It was suffocating, and he couldn't wait to confront you during the party.
The reception hall was like a palace, with the gigantic chandelier in the middle of the ceiling, marbled floors and touches of red and gold. The wedding planner did so well as he managed to make the place look magical with the set of decors.
But Seonghwa doesn't have any time to dawdle, waiting for the dance part to come so he can zone in on you.
"For all the couples out there, this is your time to shine." the emcee announced, much to his ease.
A slow song was played, and now is his chance. He went and approached the table where you are sitting with your female cousins, doing this gentlemanly thing of asking you for a dance.
In the middle of the heavily populated room, the background is blurred and all he can see is you.
The blue dress that you bought together is perfect on you, hugging your curves just right and it elevated your charms.
His heart is pounding so fast and he doesn't know what to do.
"Y/N, I-"
"Let's forget what happened last night."
And his world shattered into pieces.
You took a deep breath, gathering every bit of your strength and gazing straight into his orbs, "We only have a week, and what happened last night was a mistake, right?"
Reality struck Seonghwa in the face, reminding him of the actual setting he's in.
He's not supposed to fall in love with you. He's not allowed to fall in love with you and vice versa.
Curse this.
"Yes, that is what I was about to say." he agreed despite the bitterness that was pooling in the pit of his stomach.
You smiled a bit, albeit a tiny hint of sadness is hidden behind it, "I'm glad we're on the same page. I don't really want to ruin our friendship."
Suddenly, your arms that are dangling on Seonghwa's neck are heavy and his palms on your waist feel like fire.
So that is what you are, friends.
Either way, life goes on. After the wedding, going home in your own places, you two felt like you did the biggest mistake of your lives.
It was the regret after all, knowing that the cards had been laid out yet the decision you made is to turn a blind eye on it.
Funny thing is that the both of you continued hanging out every day. Spending time with each other day and night, like you are making the most of the remaining time.
It's worse though, because the more you make memories with Seonghwa, the more it makes it difficult for him to accept that the finish line is near.
"Hyung, are you okay?" Yunho asked the drained older man, slumped on the sofa.
"Yeah, I am." he answered blankly.
Before Yunho could badger for more information, Seonghwa stood up and exited the dorm, saying that he has to attend his next class.
On the negative note, he can't concentrate. His brain is doing him a favor by thinking about you, and as if on cue, his phone dinged.
Flashed in the notification of his screen is your name. Upon, opening it, he read a text message from you.
3:17 PM
From: Y/N
Hey Seonghwa, are you busy right now? Can we meet in the school garden, I have something important to say.
He was always good at making excuses, but this might be the best one where his brain cells worked so fast to make reasons for him to be able to get out of class, bolting towards you like the flash.
Upon arriving in the garden, he saw you in a crouching position, petting a stray cat.
As much as he loves to watch you, he's still curious about the urgent matter that you need to address. Thus, he calls your name to catch your attention.
"There you are!" you beamed at him, and before he could react, you grabbed his hand and tugged him along with you.
"Wait! Y/N, what are you doing?!" in his panicked state, which is rare, he doesn't understand what your motives are.
"Isn't it obvious, we're skipping classes!"
He can't believe what he's hearing. You, the top student is skipping classes with him. Isn't it supposed to be the other way round?
Seonghwa was too busy in his own world that he didn't notice you stop in a familiar place. It's the park where he first braided your hair.
"Come sit." you happily tapped the empty space next to you, to which he obeyed.
You examined his side profile.
That was the only word that you could think of if someone asked you to describe him. Well, that was the adjective that popped in your head whenever you remember how he looked above you that night.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." he teased, making you smack his shoulders.
"Very funny."
"I know."
The ambience before was tense, a complete 180 of today's atmosphere.
Everything is chill, but the bomb is about to be dropped.
"All good things must come to an end." you quoted, and Seonghwa took a sharp intake of breath at your insinuation.
"This is it, huh?" he stalled, just a few more seconds, please.
"Yeah." you looked down at your feet, closing your eyes and getting ready for the final moment.
"You are one of the best things that happened to me, surprisingly." you took off first, lifting yourself off of the seat and raising your hand for him to take.
"It was a wholesome three months with you, Mister Park." you were waiting for his reply, but got flustered when he enveloped you in his arms.
"And you made me the happiest man on earth during these three months, Ms. L/N."
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At the time of your separation, Seonghwa thought he'll be fine.
The 'break-up' was mutual, he was actually stunned that he was able to go through that without shedding a tear. So he really was convinced that he's okay and that he will be able to move on from you.
He has never been wrong.
"Seonghwa, get up and eat." Hongjoong, his friend, turned on the light in his bedroom, making him grumble a small "I don't wanna eat and go away."
Hongjoong sighed and sat at the edge of the bed, revealing a secret that he had been keeping for days.
He's tired of seeing his friend like this.
Dark circles under his eyes, tangled hair, pale complexion, and frankly, he needs to take a bath asap.
"She cried."
Seonghwa immediately removed his covers, eyes wide and ears ready to listen, "Come again?"
"I said, she cried, dumb ass."
"And you made me the happiest man on earth during these three months, Ms. L/N."
Seonghwa let go of you, and you couldn't bear to look at him anymore or else you'll cry on the spot.
"Alright then... bye!" you bowed, turning around and running away from him.
When you're sure that you're out of his sight, you collapsed in a nearby tree and clutched your chest, the area exactly where your heart is.
You expected this, you gave yourself a long peptalk about this last night. But the agony is still unbearable.
Withdrawing him, breaking things off with Seonghwa, is fucking painful than getting punched in the face.
"Excuse me miss, are you okay?"
You looked up at the source of the sound, acknowledging the presence of yout student council president, Kim Hongjoong.
"Oh, yes. Yes, I'm sorry I was just.. doing some things." you felt awkward, knowing that he's one of Seonghwa's friends.
He raised an eyebrow at you, aren't you Seonghwa's girlfriend? Why the hell do you look like a kicked puppy on the side of the road?
You quickly stood up and dusted your skirt, fixing yourself in a hurry, "I gotta go."
When Hongjoong got home that day, he saw his brooding friend's broken hearted expression. He looks so down, and that was enough evidence for him to piece two and two together.
"And that's what happened." Hongjoong concluded the story, relieved that he's been able to get that off his mind.
"Really?" Seonghwa rhetorically asked, and something inside him sparked.
"I should go to her. No! I must go to her!"
He left in a hurry, leaving Hongjoong alone in the room and muttering to himself, "He should've at least taken a short shower."
Seonghwa ran around like a mad man, looking for your whereabouts.
The mall, market, park, convenience stores. He's sweating like crazy and the sun is about to go down, where the fuck are you?
Then like a meteor hit him.
The library!
"Y/N!" he opened the door, shouting your name that scared you to death.
"Oh my fu-! Seonghwa?!" you were astounded when you saw him, that increased further when he marched closer to you.
You backed yourself up on the table accidentally, no room to escape when he held you in his arms and kissed you like there's no tomorrow.
You returned the kiss, enjoying the moment that you've missed dearly.
You two are now back in the same place where it all started. Determined to turn a bet into something more realistic.
Pulling away for air, Seonghwa took in every detail of you.
He yearned for you, and he was miserable without you.
"Seonghwa." you murmured, this feels like a dream, because you have come to terms that you'll never be able to see or hold him again like he was truly yours.
"Y/N, fuck the rules." he mumbled, getting straight to the point. "I don't fucking care if I'll turn into loser, as long as I become your lover."
Your eyes turned glassy, tears forming the corner of your lids. Some had already fallen down as Seonghwa kissed all of them away.
"Seonghwa.. I-I need you in my life." you confessed, not at all ashamed, "I know I said that falling in love is forbidden but I love you so much."
Your sobs were muffled when Seonghwa closed the distance between you two once more, sealing the deal.
"Then that's it." he said against your lips, "You are finally, officially, and eternally mine."
The corner of your lips curled up, burying your face on his sculpted chest, "I accept."
There is nothing more than you could ever wish for more than an agreement like this.
@hyuckilstan @ateezbabysitters @minkiflwr @kpopcrossworlds @hwadump
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elliesflower · 1 year
i saw you in a dream [5]
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summary; you attend ellie's open mic performance. and meet her...roommate.
chapter; 5/? 3.1k words
cw (per chapter); recreational marijuana usage, language
an; hi lol. i love u guys, thank you endlessly for dealing with my slow updating of this story. anyways, i think this may be my favorite chapter yet, please let me know what you think! i love a good cliffhanger ;) (as always, find it on ao3 here)
chapter 4 here
Friday came entirely too quickly—you breezed through your last final exam on Thursday, which left you way too much time to anxiously anticipate your upcoming…event.
“Date!” Dina exclaimed. “Ellie asked you to go because she likes you, it’s practically a date,” she singsonged, twirling a piece of hair around her finger childishly.
“Yes, because I’m sure we’ll have so much time to talk one-on-one and gaze longingly into each other’s eyes in between performances,” you replied sarcastically, continuing to rummage through your closet. “And, you don’t know that she likes me, maybe she just asked me because I was right there.”
“Okay, for someone so smart, sometimes you’re a little stupid,” Dina said, and you shot her the most evil side eye you could manage. “Ellie may or may not like you like that, but she likes you enough to invite you to something that sounds personal and important to her. This is your in! Now, you just have to get flirty.”
“‘Get flirty?’ Do you even know me at all?” You scoffed, turning to face her. “I am, like, the most awkward human being on the planet.”
“Okay, I take it back,” Dina laughed, standing up. “Let’s just focus on finding you an outfit.”
“What the hell do you even wear to an open-mic?” You complained, turning back to continue looking through your closet. 
“You could wear something of mine, if you want,” she suggested.
“Uh, no thank you,” you smiled, pulling out a plain black mock-neck from the depths of your closet, turning around and holding it up to your chest.
“Hey!” Dina gasped. “What’s wrong with my clothes?”
“No offense, but I don’t really think…whatever look you have going on is the one for me.” It’s not that you didn’t like the way Dina dressed, rather, you really did like it—but expressing yourself through clothing had always been hard for you, sticking to more muted tones, blacks and greys. Dina’s wardrobe was loud and colorful, she always looked so put together, and she never seemed to wear the same thing twice. You admired it, really, but still found yourself gravitating towards more basic clothing.
“Whoever said saying ‘no offense’ actually makes a statement any less offensive needs their ass beat, to be honest,” she replied casually, and you could hear her sorting through hangers in her own closet. “Just try this, at least. It would look nice with that shirt, I promise!” She was shoving a colorful chunky-knit cardigan into your hands before you could protest, and you grimaced. 
“I don’t know Dee,” you held up the sweater, contemplating. “I never wear stuff like this.”
“Just put the damn sweater on and let’s go!” She smiled at you. “Don’t you want good seats?”
You rolled your eyes, but went to look in the mirror nonetheless. “As if there’ll be a fight for front row seats at a college open-mic.”
“Oh perfect,” she sighed exaggeratedly before rummaging in her desk drawer. “Then you agree, you have time to split this with me before we leave?” She held up a small, white tube, and you pursed your lips. 
“Okay, fine,” you gave in, quickly pulling your shirt off over your head before pulling on the black long-sleeve. 
“Just one hit.”
You did not, in fact, take just one hit. It was more like four. Or five…or six, or who could keep track, really?
It seemed like a good idea, a little something to take the edge off, maybe soothe the bundle of nerves that had formed in your stomach and in your brain and in your chest at the thought alone of seeing Ellie—god forbid, having to make conversation with her.
And while it did help a little, you hadn’t smoked as much as Dina, so it still felt as though your heartbeat grew louder with each step toward the theater. All that stood between you and Ellie—and, well, a handful of other attendees and performers—was a short corridor. 
“It’ll be okay, just chill out,” Dina tried to subdue you, and her voice was thickened by her intoxication, slower and almost more serious. Her eyes were low as she smiled over at you, bumping into your shoulder softly. 
“Thank you, Dina, because telling someone to chill out always works so well,” you quipped, shaking your head as she led you through the doors. Though, you did try to chill out, as it were, taking a deep breath and sliding the sleeves of the oversized cardigan up your forearms, nervously tugging at the neck of your long sleeve, fidgeting with anything you could think of to distract you from—
“Oh!” You exclaimed as you ran directly into a body around the corner, staggering backwards slightly before someone was gripping your arms, keeping you steady. Your eyes trailed up the body before you were met with—oh god, “Ellie!”
“We have to stop meeting like this,” she laughed melodically, smoothing her hands down your biceps before flashing her teeth at you. The chatter of the other attendees faded into the background as you felt your body heat up under her stare, painfully aware of her hands that were still on your arms. 
You could do nothing but let out an awkward laugh in response, nodding your head as she took her hands away. Dina cleared her throat obnoxiously from behind you and you turned your head to give her a look that you hoped conveyed: please for the love of god save me.
“Hi, I’m Dina by the way, or you probably know me as ‘the roommate,’” she said, sticking out her hand past you for Ellie to shake, and you had to admire her confidence for a second, the way she could unapologetically be herself in any situation. You’d think that from spending so much time with her, some of that confidence would have rubbed off on you, but no, you were still just…you.
“Nice to meet you, Dina,” Ellie smiled, and her voice was laced with honey, rich and slow spilling from her lips. She reached her hand past you to shake Dina’s, and you moved out of the way slightly.
“I’ve heard so much about you,” Dina dropped her hand and stood next to you now. You looked over at her in shock, and you hoped the shaking of your head and wide eyes weren’t noticeable. 
“Uh, not so much,” you laughed nervously, trying to subtly kick Dina’s ankle. 
“Wow, you really do have that guitar player look to you,” she ignored you, gesturing to Ellie. “I love the tattoo!”
Your eyes were daggers glaring into the side of Dina’s head, but neither her or Ellie seemed to notice—though it was debatable whether that was good or bad. Ellie chuckled, instinctively looking down at her arm and holding it out as if to show it off. You felt like sinking into the floor, watching her arm flex as she rotated it, skimming her fingers down the length of her forearm, tracing the pattern. 
“Thank you,” she was slightly bashful, despite her eagerness to show off. She caught your eye for a moment and—were her cheeks turning red? It is pretty warm in here with all these bodies…yeah, that’s it. 
“Well, anyways, nice to finally meet you Ellie, I’m gonna go grab a snack,” Dina smiled politely between both you and Ellie, before patting your shoulder and slipping away. Oh god, why would she leave you to talk to her alone?
“I’m so glad you could make it,” she said, and suddenly everything was fading away again. You took a moment to look down at her outfit, trying to be as discreet as possible. She adorned a light blue flannel, cuffed just above her elbows and a pair of dark Levi’s—her hair was pulled back, save for a few pieces that fell loosely around her face, which you noticed she tucked hastily behind her ear when a strand tickled her nose before she said, “I love that sweater, by the way.”
Dina was going to have a field day with that one. 
“Oh, thank you!” You exclaimed, instinctively wrapping your arms around yourself. She smiled at you before continuing. 
“Anyways, I’m up last, so don’t feel like you have to stay for the whole thing, if you get bored or anything,” she explained, pointing at the stage behind her. “I’m just glad you could make it.”
On the inside, you were swooning, your eyes were in the shape of hearts and you wanted to reach out and embrace her—you wanted to smell that warm vanilla musk and the earthy savor of weed, you wanted to tell her you wanted nothing more than to spend all your time with her, know her inside and out, you wanted it all. 
“No, no, I came here for you,” you said instead, making fists around the material of your sweater and smiling at her. “Of course I’ll stay.” 
Ellie’s face flushed again, and you continued to insist it was due to the heat of the room. She glanced behind her, and you followed her gaze to see Dina filling up a plate with what looked like one of everything from the table. 
“I should go get ready,” Ellie mumbled before turning back to you. “Why don’t you go grab some snacks with Dina and I’ll catch you after the show?” She sounded hopeful. You nearly choked. 
“Yes, I’ll be here!” Of course you’ll be here, where the hell else would you be? You mentally face-palmed yourself before she was giving you a smile and disappearing into the crowd. You took a deep breath and made your way to the snack table, where Dina was still loading up. 
“Oh, hey!” She said when she finally saw you. 
“Hey, thanks so much for embarrassing the hell out of me,” you complained, stealing a cheese square off of her plate. 
“Embarrassing you? Please, I was helping you,” she laughed before stuffing a grape into her mouth. “And it kinda worked, didn’t it? I set you up for a nice little chat with your girlfriend.”
“Oh, shut up,” you bumped her shoulder, but you couldn’t fight the warmth that climbed up the back of your neck. “Let’s go grab a seat.”
The acts that preceded Ellie were actually entertaining—a few songs, a poem or two, and a stand-up act that wasn’t…terrible. Not to say it was good but…you know. 
And then the host, who you assumed was Ellie’s roommate, was waltzing back on to the stage as the audience applauded, her short black hair reflecting almost blue in the spotlight. She was eclectic, all mismatched patterns and silver jewelry that hung from her neck and her wrists and her ears. She was funny and vibrant, commanding the attention of everyone in the room every time she stepped onto the stage to introduce the next act. 
“Alright folks, please give a warm welcome to my best friend, the one and only, Ellie Williams!” She tucked her microphone under her arm before clapping, moving out of the way of the small stool that was behind her. Best friend? Ellie had only said she was her roommate. 
But it didn’t matter, because Ellie was walking on to the stage with her guitar in hand, smiling nervously at the crowd. You clapped as loud as you could, trying to reposition your body so that you could see her slightly better over the heads in front of you, though you doubted she could see you from your seat somewhere in the middle row. 
“Uh, good evening, everyone,” Ellie started, positioning herself on the stool and pulling the microphone down to her level. “I’m gonna sing a little song for you guys, if that’s cool.” There was a bit of scattered applause and Dina whooped loudly from beside you. You smacked her with the back of your hand. 
Your heart was beating out of your chest, partly from the excitement at getting to see Ellie perform, and partly from your second-hand stage fright. Even though you weren’t the one performing, you always seemed to absorb the nerves of the performer, just waiting for them to make a mistake, even if you didn’t want them to. You especially wanted this to go well for Ellie, and you bounced your leg nervously as she positioned her guitar in her lap. 
She strummed the first few chords and you nearly had a heart attack.
C, A-minor, F-major. You could probably play those in your sleep, now. 
“Holy shit,” Dina whispered from beside you, and of course, she knew too, from the hours and hours you spent listening to the song, practicing the song, getting taught the song. 
“Did I drive you away?
I know what you'll say
You say, ‘Oh, sing one we know,’
“Dina,” you whispered back, leaning into her, but not being able to peel your eyes away from Ellie. “Is that…?” But you already knew the answer. 
“Dude. She’s so. Into you.”
“But I promise you this
I'll always look out for you
Yeah, that's what I'll do,
You couldn’t help the smile that slowly spread across your face as you leaned back up, watching Ellie lose herself in the song. Suddenly, you were back in her room, the air thick and heavy, watching her sing softly and strum along when she thought you weren’t watching—that little crease between her eyebrows and the dreamy look in her eyes as she sang with the voice of a thousand angels. 
Maybe you had a hard time believing Ellie was into you, but she picked this song knowing you would be here. There was no denying that. 
“La, la, la, la, o-oh
La, la, la, la, o-oh,
The song ended entirely too soon, and she was smiling, standing up and adjusting the microphone back into a higher position. Applause was erupting from every side of you and you clapped as though you were the only person in the room, as if she could see the intensity in which you showed your recognition and your appreciation and your utter giddiness. 
The host was waltzing on stage again before you knew it, and gave Ellie a hug. You ignored the jealous twinge in your heart, for god’s sake you had literally hung out one time, and the applause continued as she thanked everyone for coming, wrapping her arm around Ellie’s waist and requesting one last round of applause for all the performers. You continued clapping, watching Ellie raise her guitar in the air like a glass of champagne for a toast, before the host whispered something in her ear that made her smile. You again ignored the skip of your heart, instead focusing on Dina’s hand gripping your arm. 
“Oh my god, you have to go say something to her, ask her out, something! The suspense is literally killing me,” she whined, pulling you along as the lights slowly turned back on and people shimmied out of the aisles. 
“I can’t just ask her out, it’s not that easy for me,” you replied.. You wished it was easy for you, you wished you could be more like Dina, just walk right up to her and say: I think I really like you, and we should go out sometime. But your anxiety paralyzed you, rendered you completely helpless when it came to love and lust.
“I swear dude, if I have to sit through any more of your pining and love songs I might request a roommate swap,” Dina said, leading you back to the snack table. “She likes you. And if you can’t see that at this point I don’t know what else to say.” You pouted a bit, like a petulant child, crossing your arms over your chest and surveying the room. Before you could even formulate a response, Ellie was emerging from a group of people who had gathered opposite the table. You quickly uncrossed your arms as she caught your eye and made her way toward you. 
“Oh look, who would have guessed,” Dina muttered, popping a grape into her mouth. She smiled exaggeratedly at Ellie before grabbing a handful of crackers. “I’ll leave the two of you to talk,” and you wished so badly you could flip her off without it being obvious. 
“Hey,” Ellie said quietly, and her voice was almost timid--a laughable comparison to barely five minutes ago when she had the entire audience wrapped around her finger. 
“Ellie,” you breathed, shifting your weight from one foot to another. “Your song choice was…inspired,” you said, wrapping an arm across your body. She looked down at her feet, and you wondered if her cheeks would be rosy when she looked back up. 
“Oh, yeah,” she looked up at you now, and you were right. Except, it wasn’t actually that warm in here. “Well, it’s a good song, you know.” Her hand went to the back of her neck, just like it had before, and you wanted to pull it away, to intertwine your fingers and just tell her, just tell her you want to go out, somewhere where she doesn’t have to teach you to play guitar and you can just talk, and mentally map the freckles that littered her face and learn about how she got that scar in her eyebrow and find out if she’d rather go to a tea house or a coffee shop and fuck, you had to ask her, now, before you lost the courage and your mouth was moving before your brain could catch up, 
“Ellie, I was wondering if--” 
“There you are, superstar!” A voice suddenly came from behind her, and you recognized it immediately. The host--or I guess, Ellie’s roommate--oops, wrong again, Ellie’s best friend, was appearing behind her, grabbing onto her shoulder and looking at her with admiration. Ellie seemed surprised to see her, somehow, as she turned to face her, plastering on a smile that looked…forced. 
“Oh, hey,” she replied, before the raven-haired girl was pulling her into a hug. You stood awkwardly as they embraced, looking down at the ground in an attempt to seem casual. Oh god, you couldn’t believe you were actually about to ask Ellie out on a date. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve met,” the girl said abruptly, pulling back as if she’d just noticed your presence. She left an arm around Ellie’s waist, and you noticed the way Ellie suddenly appeared tense. Like, in a bad way. 
You offered the girl a small smile and stuck your hand out politely, giving her your name. She took it and shook firmly, her small hand deceivingly strong. Her eyes were painted with thick, black eyeliner, and they raked up and down your body. You felt like shrinking away under her intimidating stare, averting your eyes after a moment.
“Uh, this is Cat, my roommate,” Ellie said after an awkward pause, giving you a sheepish look. 
“And best friend,” she chimed, pulling her hand away. She leaned into Ellie’s side, resting her head on Ellie’s shoulder and using her free hand to pat her chest. 
“Ellie and I go way back.”
chapter 6 here
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doki-doki-imagines · 4 months
hiiii!! may i get something really cute for tomas? 🥺 maybe like a scenario where the reader is his secret or not so secret admirer and he finds out and accepts them? it could be obvious or hidden in the little things that he's barely noticed until now!! sorry if this is too specific, but thank you if you get to this hehehe
author note: changed the prompt a tiiiiny bit. Happy Valentine!
You walk towards the Shirai Ryu quarters, a beautifully wrapped heart box in your hands. It is Saint Valentine's Day, the day of lovers and if your heart keeps going with this insane rhythm you won't reach the end of the day. Your infatuation for the grey ninja led you to deliver little trinkets and gifts for the passing months, obviously never leaving any clue about the "mysterious admirer".
Tomas never talked about this to anybody, so you thought he maybe was ashamed about that. But he never said he was annoyed about the situation! Maybe he just didn't want to share this situation with the others; for sure they would have teased him to the end of his days. This is the day where you confess your feelings, tired of pining over a guy who will never reciprocate you. That doesn't mean you won't give him one last gift! You made the cookies inside with Tomas's fave chocolate, milk one with hazelnuts. You'll get rejected but at least you'll be remembered for being nice even in defeat!
Your steps are wobbly and you feel your legs giving out when finally you see him in front of his house. Sun is still high in the sky, light illuminating his perfect face and body. He is sitting on the wooden floor in front of his house, eyes closed and taking the sun in, slightly leaning back. The sight makes your heart skip a beat.
"Oh! Hi!" You don't see him opening his eyes and waving at you, too awestruck.
"Is that for me?" He points at the package in your sweaty hands. He has a big smile on his face, but you think it is mocking, more than sincere happiness.
"Y-Yes. I-I" You can't say a single word out, emotions fumbling your brain. "I was waiting for you! After all the gifts you left me I would have been crushed not to see you today."
"WHAT" It is the first word you are able to sputter out. "So you know!" You shout, one hand now covering your face, blood flow thumping in your ears.
"Yes! I may not be a grandmaster, but I'm still number two Shirai Ryu ninja." His smile now reaches his eyes, now twinkling with joy.
"For how long have you known it?" You gasp out, stepping back. It's useless tho, now Tomas is standing up, slowly walking towards you. "Since day one, you aren't the best at sneaking around, plus all your gifts had your smell."
"Y-You can recognize my smell?" You are sure you won't reach alive the end of the day.
"Your crush isn't sideway, honey. So, are you going to give me the sweets?"
"Yes!" You finally push the heart-shaped package on his chest, hitting it against his ninja suit. "Hope they taste good!"
"Oh, you aren't sure?" Tomas opens the package, red ribbon sliding to the ground, one of your cookies pinched by his fingers "Taste it before me." The cookie touches your lips and you welcome it. It tastes scrumptious and it makes your body finally relax a bit.
"It is good." You mumble.
"Good, I'm gonna try it."
It all happens in a matter of a second, his lips lock with yours, licking your mouth and sucking on your tongue. It doesn't last much, but your heartbeat returns to the insane rhythm of before. Then Tomas pulls away, licking his lips, thumb cleaning the corner of his lips where a bit of saliva is stuck.
"The chocolate taste is amazing. You are really wonderful." The compliment adds to the turmoil of emotions in your brain, everything is going too perfectly and you didn't expect any of this.
"This is not a dream, right?" Tomas chuckles, side-hugging you walking you away from his house.
"Hope you don't have anything planned because I booked a table at Madame Bo."
"Oh! Nono, I'm free!! Let's go." You hold his hand, now you are the one taking the lead. You are so happy you feel like flying, not walking. You are on cloud nine. And when sitting down at Madame Bo, with the mind a bit more clear you can finally see your same feelings in his eyes.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 1 year
Humbling Him
Henry was a real jerk, but he could afford to be. Being rich, tall, and the star of our college's soccer team made many overlook his irredeemable qualities, but I hadn't overlooked them. I've been scheming a plan to humble him ever since the day we met.
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Stepping into my dorm room, I'm greeted with the smell of his body odor and the sight of my messy roommate lounging on my futon. His sweat is soaking into the fabric and the remnants of his lunch are tossed carelessly across my rug.
"Hey bro," he calls with a stupidly boyish grin.
Henry had been chill with me so far, but it's just a matter of time before he finds out I'm gay and beats me up like he did the other guys.
"Hey, man," I mask my annoyance, "Could you not leave food on the rug?"
"Whatever, bro," he doesn't look away from the game on the flat screen, "Your sis stopped by a minute ago. She's fine as hell by the way."
"You talked to my sister?"
"Yeah, bro. And that rack on her!" he goes on, "She was so easy too, but she said she worked in the cafeteria."
"Don't call her easy, man," I try to stay cool, "And whats wrong with making money?"
"Whatever, I'm not banging the lunch lady."
"Shut up, Henry!" I finally snap.
It was time to put my plan into action. This jerk needed to realize the world didn't revolve around his money, his good looks, or his athleticism.
Since my first night with him, I've blasted binaural sound waves as he sleeps. It's a technology that installs weaknesses into one's psyche, and Henry's brain now had a trigger word that would open his subconscious to anyone who used it on him.
"Bro, I thought you were chill!" he sneers, standing in front of me. He's trying to intimidate me with his height and muscle. It works a little.
"I am chill," I stand my ground, "As long as you know your place, boy."
He scoffs at the word, but I see his furrowed brow relax a little, "Why'd you call me that, bro?"
"Why'd I call you a boy?" the jock cringes at my words, "Because you are a boy."
"What the hell, bro," even his voice relaxes a little.
"Don't call my 'bro,' boy. I'm not your bro, and a boy like you shouldn't be calling me bro."
Seeing him flustered is empowering. Finally, Henry isn't being cocky or assertive. He takes a step back as I step towards him. His bulky frame is still impressive, but it feels smaller as his shoulders drop and knees quiver.
"Whatever, br...," he corrects himself, "Whatever."
"That's it boy," my own voice sounds more confident, more assertive.
"Then what the hell do I call you!" The jock growls in frustration.
"Call me boss if you need to call me something," I answer. I hadn't expected to say that, but it felt so natural to demand.
"Whatever, boss," he mumbles in defeat.
"Good boy!"
Henry swears at me under his breath, clearly feeling his masculinity become more and more threatened.
"Woah! Good boys don't swear!" I raise my voice, "And you're a good boy. You won't curse anymore. Will you?"
"No, boss," he mutters, looking at the floor.
"Look at me when I'm speaking to you, and speak up!"
"Yes, boss," Henry's voice cracks.
I think I've actually broken the bully. Letting out a victorious chuckle, I examine his well-defined muscles beneath his sweaty tracksuit. Without, a second thought, I grab a handful of his perfectly rounded glutes.
"Woah, boss," he recoils with disgust, "Are you homo?"
"Sure I am, boy, and that doesn't bother you at all. Does it?"
"No, boss," he answers honestly, staring into my eyes respectfully.
"You're going to let me touch you when I want to. Right?"
"Sure, boss," the former bully replies meekly.
"And if I bring some guys over, your going to let them grab at you too. Right?"
"Yeah, boss. It's whatever," he frowns.
"And you aren't going to talk badly about them, or anyone ever again," I continue instructing him, "Especially not my sister. Did you insult her when she was here earlier?"
"No, boss!" he assures me, "I told her how fine she was."
"And that's it, boy?" I press.
"No, boss," he hangs his head in regret, "I told her to get lost when she said she was a lunch lady."
"That's what I thought," I reply, hatching a plan in my head for how to degrade him even further.
A couple weeks later, I see Henry behind the counter in the cafeteria, dishing out the greasy mac and cheese. His soccer buddies had just left, but they did nothing but tease their friend for his new menial job. Henry, took all the jokes with a smile, but I knew that spoiled rich athlete was dying inside.
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Stepping up to the counter, Henry's eyes widen nervously at my presence. The jerk has become semi-aware of the control I have over him, but he still can't keep himself from obeying my words: no matter how humiliating they are.
"Boy," I address him.
He checks to see if anyone is near before replying, "Boss."
"I have friends coming over tonight. You know what that means."
"Yeah, boss. I'll clean our room when I get off."
"Bring some snacks and drinks back for us too," I add, knowing he gets a discount from working in the cafeteria.
"Sure, boss," he gestures to the pans of steaming lunch, "So do you want some or not?"
My stomach lurches at the smell.
"Nope, just keep working hard, boy."
"Wait, boss!" he calls me back, "Your sister has been all over me today."
"So what, boy?"
"So what do I do, boss?" he casts a nervous glance to my sister working at the cash register, "She keeps flirting."
"What do you mean, 'what do you do,' boy? You'll wine and dine her. Treat her to every expensive thing you can afford," I command.
"So I can take her out?" he grins that dopey smile of his. I've forced him to quit hooking up with random girls without my permission, so he's a bit pent up.
"You can, but she calls the shots, boy," I snap at him, "If she wants to mess around with you on the side, you'll make yourself available whenever she wants it. If she wants a guy to dump all her emotional baggage onto, you'll listen and comfort her whenever she wants it. Hell, if she wants to marry your ass, you'll be the most devoted husband a boy like you can be!"
I watch as the words sink in, and he accepts his fate as my sister's bitch.
She has a strong personality. I know the kind of guy she needs, and even if she doesn't need Henry, she can toss him aside without any worries.
As I leave, I see my sister cast a glance over at the stud with a hairnet, serving lunch to a line of freshman. I have to admit that I hope she drags that cocky rich athlete down the aisle. She'll have his money, status, and body to boss around.
And I'll have even more fun when he's my brother-in-law.
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palmtreesx3 · 11 months
GET OFF - The V-Card
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The V-Card
<- Prologue || Next ->
Series Masterlist
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Series Playlist
The V-Card Mood Board
Summary: (3.7k) Everyone is nervous for their first time, right? Steve and Robin are busy tackling a lot of their firsts - first day in the shop, first week in the city, first friends (or something) in the city. It’s all a little intimidating and both quickly find that old habits die hard - particularly for Steve. It’s going to take more than just a new city to really give these two a new life. Be sure to read the Prologue before reading! 
Warnings: it's a sex shop, guys - so it's generally just NSFW 18+. In this AU Hawkins is weird and cannon events happen to some extent, but not to all familiar characters. If they are present in Chicago for this AU, they have no ties to Hawkins. Absent parents, excessive drinking, poor coping mechanisms, M/F hookups and implied/light smut, mentions of female oral, our boy on his King Steve shit, one night stands, careless hookups, and a coming out. 
Shout out to @loveshotzz for the blatant Whatta Man nod in this chapter. IYKYK. 
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Chicago: That Saturday, 1993
The sun was beating in through the front apartment window as Steve sat on the couch with a can of High Life, taking a breather from all of the unpacking. He has been hyper-focused all weekend on getting settled and unpacked - a complete 180° from Robin's settling in approach, which looked more like making sure her sheets were on her bed and simply ignoring the rest of the boxes stacked up inside her doorway than anything else. 
For a split second Steve considered picking up the phone and calling home just to check in, let his parents know they've got their bearings and are all safe in the city, but as that thought settled, he realized how absolutely ridiculous it was. They never cared where he was and what he was doing before, so there's no reason for them to actually start caring now that he's finally gone. Worming it's way deep in his brain another thought occurs to him - if he just would have packed up and left, it probably would have taken them months to even realize it. 
Plus, the second he talks to either one of them he knows they're going to ask about a job, and he's not quite ready for how that conversation might go. Yeah Dad, we're all set, start at the sex shop 10am on Monday!  He shakes his head and laughs to himself at the thought before throwing his head back letting the beer, just starting to warm and lose its crispness, run down his throat. It's tasting a bit bitter now…and Steve can relate. 
Pulling him from his self-deprecating thoughts, Robin swings open the door with the sound of jangling key chains being shaken like maracas, the soundtrack to her grand entrance. 
"Got your keeeeys, Dingus! It's officially official now!" She tosses the key ring over to Steve, who has his eyebrows raised as they land about 5 ft to his left on the other side of the couch. 
"Nice one, Robs. Maybe one day we'll find you some aim."
"Long shot, buddy. Better chance of me confidently shooting my shot with Stevie Nicks than that ever happening. But good on you for thinking I have any potential whatsoever."
"S'wat friends are for, Robbie." He grins at her sideways before leaning over to pick up his new set of keys. "The hell is this?" He asks, dangling the keys up in the air. 
Hopping up and down with incredibly youthful glee, Robin beams at the boy and exclaims "A TAMAGOTCHI. I got one too. Orange for you. Blue for me. Pretty sure even if we could have a pet in this building it wouldn't end well, so I got us these!" 
"This is ridiculous. I can't believe you got us a toy." Robin slips on the couch nestled up close to Steve, pressing the button on both to initiate their hatching as she presses her shoulder into his side. A beat of silence goes by before he throws his arm over her shoulders and says, "Show me how to do it, Robs. Can't wait for mine to outlive yours." He smiles down at her. 
"Eat shit. Whoever kills theirs first buys the other a drink."
The twinkling sound signaling the hatching of each of their eggs echoes through the apartment as they eye up their pets and glare back at one another.
"Oh, it's on. Never been more confident about a deal before in my life."
"Speaking of drinks … " Robin muses. " Whaddya wanna do tonight? "
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Steve's not quite sure how long it's going to take for him to get used to the sheer quantity of people here in Chicago. He's pretty sure there's as many people in this club right now than there is in the whole of Hawkins. 
When they arrived, Steve was feeling a lot. It was overwhelming and nothing in Hawkins flashed so bright and shook so loud… except maybe the 4th of July Carnival and their fireworks on the outskirts of town, but that was nothing compared to this. 
One drink in and finding a place to hunker down near the bar at a table, he felt more comfortable. He was enjoying Robin's running commentary while she spent the better part of an hour people-watching, still passively feeling the heat radiating off of the dance floor, when he decided to switch over from the lukewarm beers to a sweet and sharp whiskey and soda. 
Three drinks in and sufficiently loose, Robin is fluttering around the edges of the bar and the dance floor - now making friends with some of the people she's been eying up all night with her inhibitions down as far as Steve has ever seen them. He's drunkenly grinning at his friend, happy to see a kind of social side of her that feels new, even though he knows the roots of it have been buried deep inside her for her whole life, interwoven through her heart and her brain stem, just waiting for permission to come out and untangle itself. 
"Steve! STEVE!" She shouts over the thumping bass of the music, wildly gesturing for him to come over to where she now stands, in the center of a group of people who look friendly enough for him to oblige. 
Four drinks in and now the group is laughing, hollering and leaning in hard to catch an ounce of what the others are saying. Steve's eyes are squinting trying hard to read their new friends lips as they try and converse over shots and the loud music in the dark. Turns out Robin found a whole group of people that live in the same building as they do and, as one does when they're absolutely shit faced, they all immediately began talking about how they're all new best friends, curling arms around one another's necks and slurring "I love you guys" over drinks number five and six. 
Steve is feeling a familiar twinge. It's not his fault that he has no idea that there are ways to make friends other than people pleasing or trauma bonding. Now relishing in the ease of finding city-friends over an open drink and the immediacy of acceptance that comes with puffing out his peacock feathers and playing the delicate social hierarchy game he mastered in his teens, he barely even notices that he's dusting off his King Steve party tricks. The stress of the last few years that have him wound up tighter than a watch melt away as the coy and flirty remarks start flowing like a waterfall and the locker room talk comes back like riding a bike. 
Six drinks down the hatch and Robin can't find Steve. Any other time, and Robin would be absolutely losing all the marbles in her basket worrying over Steve. Especially in this new city. She'd assume he was dead. That someone finally came to whisk him away and lock him up for all the things that he's not supposed to know. Sure, Steve can handle things. He's definitely the most capable person she knows and he quite literally raised himself, and saved himself more than once, but none of that even matters right now because she's just swaying to the beat of Janet Jackson pumping through the club speakers with her new soulmates who live on the top floor. 
Instead Steve is at the bar, queuing up drink number seven for him and drink number who-knows-what for the absolutely smoking girl at his side named Melissa, who apparently lives just up the staircase, too. She's reminded him three times so far that he can just call her Missy, but not without leaning in close, just next to his ear to make sure he hears just how sweet she sounds. And boy does he want to know more about how sweet she sounds. 
Steve's eager hands are hooked in her belt loops, the girl's bright red tube top riding up her stomach as she pushes herself into him. Her fingers are tangling through his sweaty hair and his are ghosting over her collarbone and down her arm. His lips are on hers before drink seven is even delivered, so he caps off his night with her tongue down his throat instead. 
He has no clue what time it is as they tumble through the apartment door, Melissa Missy still giggling at his orange Tamagotchi keychain as his lips chase hers once again and the door slams shut. Perfect. Robin's not home, he thinks. Completely forgetting he was there at the club with her in the first place, he tugs at the girls long blond hair at the roots, runs his hands over her glistening and glittered shoulders and shoves her down into his plush comforter the second they reach his bedroom. 
He's so caught up in this big-city hottie he managed to get into his bed on his first weekend in town, he doesn't hear Robin come in the door, nor does he notice her clanging around the kitchen to chug down a few huge glasses of water in hopes of being at least a little conscious tomorrow morning. Robin, however, does notice Steve clanging around the bedroom, especially after she hears a deep and throaty moan that is unmistakably female. 
"Ha. Fuck yeah, Stevie. Losing that Windy City V-Card." She says quietly while wobbling to her room. Meanwhile, Steve's got his head buried deep under the sheets, blindly grasping at the girl's perky tits while he lavishes at the thought of this being the kind of opportunities that present themselves here in Chicago. His first time in this big sprawling city made him feel like he was on top of the world. 
The confident bubble he found himself in all night popped when he later woke to feel the warm summer breeze from the open window tickling his now exposed back, comforter slipping down and exposing his hips along with a peek of his ass to the girl who was accidentally pulling it off as she stood up from the bed. Unabashedly naked, she stretches her arms in a yawn, Steve rolls to peek at the clock. 4:36am. "Where are you off to?" his raspy, sleep laden voice cuts the silence as she finds herself caught gathering her things. "Are you try'n't sneak out on me?" He mumbles with a smile, thinking he's being flirty and cute. 
"That's exactly what I'm doing, hon." She winks, as she snags her cheeky hot pink thong off the back of his desk chair and shoves it in her pocket on the way out the bedroom door. "I'll be quiet on my way out. Don't worry. Maybe I'll see ya around. Maybe I won't. It was fun though. You were a KING with that tongue so I wouldn't be opposed…but it's honestly unlikely." 
And Steve is there, left tangled and alone and feeling stone cold sober after that dose of honesty from Melissa, left wondering if this is how all the girls back in Hawkins felt after he dipped out on them. Having his fun but knowing it wouldn't go any further than that. Getting off under Skull Rock, in the back of his BMW, atop their pink frilly pillows with their parents in the room next door - all hanging on to the hope of just a little more - the potential of being needed and wanted and good enough for the likes of King Steve, but waking up empty and disposable instead. If he didn't already hate himself before, he definitely does now. 
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"Sooooo." Robin sings out, while twirling her spoon through her milky cereal. "We gonna talk about that little Bedroom Rodeo last night or what?" 
"Robin. Please. It's too early for this." He presses his palms into his eyes, trying to stave off the pulsing just beyond his sinuses. "and did you just say Bedroom Rodeo? The fuck?"
"Well, yeah. Bedroom Rodeo… ya know. Crushing the buns? Two person pushups? Horizontal Tango? Please tell me with all that racket you at least got off?" 
"Ew Rob, where the fuck are you coming up with these?" He looks at her as she shrugs, slurping the last of her sweet cereal milk straight from the bowl as she did it. "This may be shocking, but… probably the most annoying thing you've ever said. Crushing the buns? Are you serious?" he says as he walks over and face plants dramatically onto the couch. 
Rolling over to his back and sliding on the wire rims of the glasses he never lets anyone but Robin see him in, the apartment comes into focus and so does his best friend, sitting at the counter grinning from ear to ear while tugging up her eyebrows to him in a taunt, chomping on her cereal and looking far to comfortable in his own goddamn yellow sweatshirt. His hand jutting out abruptly and gesturing to her morning attire with a furrowed brow and a questioning look, she says absolutely nothing in response. "Are you serious? Get your own clothes!"
"Eh, yours was already unpacked and my box of cozy stuff is on the bottom. I didn't get to it yet." She says casually. 
“Yeah okay. The box pile huh? Well don’t think we’re going to be sharing everything around here.” 
To which he watches her lips curl up in a Cheshire cat grin as she responds “Aw man, not even the ladies?” 
He hates this already. 
"Need some coffee, tiger? Probably a little sluggish after testing out that mattress."
His groan was loud at that one. "ROBIN! "
"Fine, I'll leave you alone…for now. But we're gonna talk about some rules for when we're Jamming the Clam later over a smoke, ya got me? Roommate ground rules at all." She winked as she sauntered down the hallway to her room. 
"Sure Robbie. Whatever you want. But do me a favor… if you're so goddamn chipper this morning maybe you can unpack a freaking box from that mega-pile. Won't be bringing back some hot piece to your room to Jam the Clam in that fuckin' disaster zone!" He shouts at her back. 
Throwing up a peace sign and swaying her hips a little more (albeit awkwardly) she makes a show of acknowledging her friends request before shutting her bedroom door behind her. 
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"Robin, right? And… " Murray looks at him up and down.
"Steve" the boy scowls. 
"Wow. Okay then. Cheer up Rico Suave. Robin! You didn't tell me your friend had this much charisma when you stopped by last week."
Murray Bauman is the manager of The Hideout. Maybe he owns the place, it's not entirely clear, but what is immediately crystal is that Murray is always ready to dish it out. "Alright then, welcome to The Hideout. I wanted to name it Murray's Pleasure Emporium but that got shot down pretty fuckin fast by my partner, so it is what it is."
With his salt-and-pepper hair, neatly groomed yet slightly disheveled, and a well-maintained beard framing his jawline, Murray's appearance hints at a man who has seen his fair share of adventures. Despite his brash exterior it's quickly clear that Murray effortlessly creates a comfortable atmosphere, so it's no wonder he finds himself successful in an environment where he can push boundaries and help others to explore their fantasies and fulfill their desires.
"So here's how this is gonna work. You two are gonna work retail. You'll need to run the register, oversee the displays, manage the inventory and help the customers. Peace-a cake, right?" He spurts off while simultaneously counting the money in the register for the day. 
Robin and Steve spit out a garbled acknowledgement while Murray looks back and forth between the two. "Red, did you say you two were... roommates?"
"Uh, yeah. Why?"
Eyes knocking back and forth to look between the two friends, Steve can already see where this is going. Been there a thousand times. So he cuts off Murray's silent analysis and offers up the information needed to satisfy his curiosity. "No, we aren't dating. And .. ah ah. Wait." He cuts him off as Murray starts to open his mouth, ready to counter back "...and NO, before you go there, we aren't fucking either. Didn't happen. Won't happen. Platonic."
"With a capital P." Robin finishes the end of Steve's sentence. "We can't promise we won't be weird, but we can one hundred percent promise there will not be any lovers quarreling with us."
"Well alright then. Loud and clear." Murray says in response. He claps his hands loudly and rubs them together before continuing on with his sex shop monologue. 
"Back to business, then. Covered the retail bits - Ah, yeah here we go. As you can see, the shop offers an extensive selection of adult toys, lingerie for the ladies…or the men, sensual massage oils - a personal favorite - and other products that cater to a wide range of tastes and sexual preferences. I like the good stuff, because I have taste. So that's what I sell. I also like to have all the latest shit because I'm progressive. Call me sexually innovative, if you will. If it's new, we're gonna have it."
Steve and Robin follow dutifully behind him taking it all in. Robin's eyes are as wide as saucers and she's distracted by all of the things she does not yet understand as Murray continues to spout out information on products, business and his own personal sexual philosophies. Steve poked her shoulder and she grimaces, and returns to planet earth to hear the rest of Murray's great new hire speech. 
"The people who come in here are not sex freaks. You got that? They're normal people. Don't gotta be some pervert to want to get off and feel good, so if you can't be open-minded and nonjudgmental then you might as well not even clock in after this. Got it?"
Both nod in agreement and the edges of Murray's lips curl up in a smirk. "Perfect. Come." He directs as he walks to the register and it's adjoining display case where a wide array of colorful dildos stand spread out for selection. 
"Not that it's a job requirement or anything but, I'm assuming if you're wanting to work here and my pleasure palace your… ahem.. sufficiently experienced. Cause you're gonna need to sell the product if you get my drift. People have way more questions than you could imagine. Just yesterday I had to tell a kid that Anal Beads are, in fact, for your anus..."
Robin's mouth is aghast. Steve looks around again taking it all in and he finally laughs at Murray, who is looking them over as if he can't believe these two kids standing here in front of him know anything about the kind of sex he sells. "Listen, Murray. I didn't set out to move here to this city and work in a shop full of dildos. Surprisingly, my incredibly inexperienced friend here signed me up against my will to hawk condoms like morning coffee. Robin doesn't know shit - sorry Robs, but you don't." She shrugs her shoulders, looking at Murray and nods in agreement at her friends words. "And while I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that I'm not what you might consider all that adventurous, I've got more notches than I'm proud of and unlike most guys I can find a girl's clit. SO… I'd appreciate it if you stopped talking to me like this is 6th grade health class and let us get to work."
"I have very little to add." Robin says, "and after what I heard the other night, I'll attest to what Steve says. He sure can make 'em moan." 
Murray stands behind the counter looking Steve up and down. He lets out a loud, boisterous laugh into the still air of the shop before he starts again "Well then, Steve. I can respect that. I think you both are going to be a mess, but I can work with it... So let's hop to it."
Beyond the merchandise, the pair learn that Murray hosts educational workshops and events at The Hideout for its patrons and the community and often has specials and promos going inside for shoppers. After the first half of their day, it's clear that Murray runs a business that he is proud of and his customers are loyal. Steve decides that when people ask, he's just going to tell them he works retail. Because he in fact… does. 
As their training winds down, Murray comes out of his back office carrying a giant tray and welding some embarrassing dance moves as he delivers it delicately to the counter. "Hey, hey, hey assholes! Before we head out, we have to set up this display for tomorrow. Let's rock and roll my friends!" Robin scans the contents of the tray curiously, not so sure how all of the items fit together to make anything that resembles a display. "Uh, okay but like… what is it?" She says. 
Steve snickers as he takes in the tray full of cupcakes, bananas and condoms. "Well Robbie, despite what it looks like I don't think Murray is letting us set up snack time. I'm not sure what the cupcakes are for, but these here look like they're to practice getting the condoms on the banana."
"Bingo! Rico Suave gets the points! We're doing a condom demo tomorrow, so he's right on that. What he's wrong about though, is that the cupcakes ARE for a snack." Murray fist bumps Steve and turns to see Robin's gears turning at maximum speed. 
“What’s the matter, first time, Red?” Murray spits out, through a wide gleaming smile that Steve swears sparkles in the light, like some goddamn cartoon. 
"Actually.. ." She draws out "while I don't have the clit-finding prowess of my friend Steve here, I only strive to one day be able to eat pussy as well as he apparently can. So yes, this is my first time sliding on a condom, thank you very much." 
Murray nods and his grin never ceases, although now there's a bit more approval and admiration than taunt behind it. "C'mon then, lemme show you how to slide these on like a fuckin pro." 
Steve is beaming watching his friend speak so casually about it. Murray really is good at what he does and making people feel comfortable, or this city really is just what Robin needs, either way, the way Murray doesn't skip a beat and starts teaching Robin the art of rolling on a condom like it's just any old day makes Steve think about how many wild things they're going to get into here. And honestly it's all fine, because there’s a first time for everything.
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🏷️ TAGLIST: @livsters @katie-tibo @johnricharddeacy @angywritesstuff @k-k0129 @tisthedamnseason69 @middle-of-the-earth @thebrazilianatheist   @mochminnie @micheledawn1975 @falling-throughthe-hourglass @rafaaoli @ash5monster01 @gabessock @onyxslayss
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nkplanet · 4 months
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you sighed as yet another person entered the cafe danielle was supposed to meet you in. it had been fifteen minutes so far and she hadn’t showed, nor had she texted you to tell you she’d be late. you didn’t even really know what she wanted to ask you about or why she needed to do it in person. all she’d said was, “hey, can we meet to talk about the class work?” you pulled out your phone, leaning your chin on one hand and texting danielle with the other.
“who’s that?”
you practically jumped out of your skin at the sight of riki standing in front of your table.
“what?” “the person you’re texting. who is it?” “oh… just danielle. she wanted to meet here but, well-“ you gestured to the otherwise empty table. “jay told me to meet him here too but he’s no-showed. can i sit?” riki said, looking at you with mirrored sympathy as you hummed sadly at him. “yeah, of course."
you talked with riki for a while. he seemed a little nervous, if not shy, and you could feel butterflies in your own stomach. when did you start feeling like this? you looked at him once again and realised that you could see every detail of his face, from the flecks of gold in his eyes to the moles on his face and even the streaks of blond he'd put in his hair. anything you hadn't noticed before, any freckles or tiny blemishes, now stood out to you as clear as day, and they were gorgeous.
shit. riki was gorgeous.
you stopped talking abruptly at the realisation, leaving riki confused. he was taking in everything that he could see on you, too; the way your hair blew slightly from the ac in the cafe, the slight shimmer of your cheeks in the sunlight, the way your clothes sat perfectly on your body. your cheeks coloured slightly as you made eye contact, and riki felt himself blushing a bit.
he cleared his throat. "should we order?" "yeah," you said, clearing the love haze from your eyes, "yeah, i'm pretty thirsty."
you called the waiter over, only to be told that your drinks were on their way already. "we haven't... we haven't ordered anything." you said, furrowing your brow. "oh, someone kindly ordered and paid for you. they also told us to tell you, 'you're welcome'. your drinks will be out shortly." the waiter said, smiling and turning away.
"what the fuck?" riki whispered, immediately taking out his phone. you did the same after staring confusedly at the place where the waiter had been previously stood.
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"oh my god," you said, looking up at riki, "they've set us up." riki's jaw dropped, and he blushed. "shit," he groaned, "this is so embarrassing." "uh... why?" you asked. your heart was beating a thousand miles a minute. if riki was embarrassed, did that mean he didn't feel the same? "it's just, well... i wanted to tell you in my own time." he mumbled, looking at the floor. "tell me what?" he didn't answer. "riki?"
it was at this moment that the waiter came back with your drinks. or rather, drink.
it was a pink valentine's day milkshake with two straws.
upon seeing it, riki's cheeks turned bright red. he his his head in his hands, groaning once again.
"i guess this is a better time than, well, never," you said, shifting in your seat. riki glanced at you through his fingers. "i know i said when you came back that i would never see you this way again. hell, i even said i didn't want to be friends with you, but look where that got me-" you laughed breathlessly "-and yet, for some reason, every time i'm around you my heart beats faster. i get all warm and fuzzy inside when you touch me, and even just thinking about you gets me flustered and excited. ricky and i didn't break up just because i had a crush on some other guy. we broke up because i... i like you."
riki was silent. your heart began beating rapidly, and your brain was filled with thoughts telling you that he didn't feel the same, that he would hate you now, until-
"can i kiss you?"
"if you're playing with my feelings right now i swear to god-" "i promise i'm not. please. i'd never do that to you again." you looked down at the milkshake sat between the two of you, then back up at riki. the sin was shining behind him, hitting his back perfectly so that the rays spread out around him. he looked angelic. "okay," you said. his eyes lit up and he grinned.
he got out of his seat, leaned down next to you, put his hands on oyur cheeks, and kissed you.
your breath hitched. it was nothing like you remembered, and nothing like you had been expecting. his lips were soft now, much softer than they had been two years ago. he seemed to have more practice, a fact which left a pang in your heart until he deepened the kiss.
you broke apart, gasping for breath. riki leaned his forehead on yours and smiled.
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NOTE : lol sorry for disappearing but it’s been a BUSY couple of weeks omd 😭 anyways RIKIYN!!!!
TAGLIST : CLOSED : @yvjw @k1ttylvr @soobs-things @daniels-hlini @asteria-wood @eneiyri @sel1uv @tzuyusluv @natalunae @eleanorheartschishiya @candyhere @ttylxox2 @maoyueze @haechansbbg @whippedforbeomgyu @nyfwyeonjun @lazysmushi @lcv3lies @beomgyusonlywife @lazy-miya @laylasmother @syuuji @melbsvrr @who-tf-soddhi @coolikeh @luchiet
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