#if my internet will cooperate that is
isjasz · 1 year
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rattini · 5 months
Honey Whiskey // x
The honey whiskey's kickin' Go down, go down I think I better go before I try something I might regret But if you wanna free your body tonight It's our secret, it's our secret
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The Ghoul x F!Reader
Set years before the events of the Fallout TV show.
The unfortunate plaything of a drug lord with a bounty on his head, you’re dragged to a bar as his little pet. With nothing else to do but drink with them, you try to lose yourself in liquor, wondering how long this was going to be the theme of your life. Luckily for you, the bounty on the head of your captor has attracted the attention of a ghoul with nothing to lose. A man you noticed eyeing you and the men accompanying you from across the room for more than an hour, before letting loose his bullets into the heads of everyone but you. Hazy from alcohol, you ponder if you should return the favour, the only way that has worked for you so far.
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You’re used to being a ‘pretty thing’ on the arm of a man trying to prove his power, it had been your primary mode of survival not long since you were evicted from your vault. Sneaking around the desolate wasteland with minimal water and just enough drugs to curb the pain of your current skin affliction got old fast. Your self-doubt had convinced you that surviving alone wasn’t an option. When a group of leering, greasy men cornered you one afternoon in the highest heat of the Mojave sun, your fight or flight response chose fawn. It was easy enough, you figured standards had dropped significantly out here these days, yours clearly had.
Right now, you were tethered to a sweating hog of a man with a severe lack of investment in personal hygiene, who had made himself more than acquainted with your inner thigh. He bragged endlessly about being untouchable, the most powerful fucker in these parts. Men and their need to showboat. Eyes were not on you at present, that you were aware of at least, so you allowed yourself to roll them in response to his gloating. Fortunately, as a perk of being his little toy, you were welcome to help yourself to the liquor decorating the bar where you sat.
Perched delicately on a stool, you had little choice but to sit properly, since you were donned in a less than savoury getup that didn’t really flatter you in the slightest. Either way, it crept uncomfortably far up your thigh, you were pretty sure your asscheeks were stuck to the cracked leather of the bar stool…but anything for easy access, right? That’s all that mattered for you now. You had made your bed, now you had to lie in it, on your back usually. For every grubby prod of his fingers, you sip a little harder at the old whiskey in your glass, a task in itself since your wrists were bound. You had just enough freedom to grip a glass and bring it to your mouth, but your ankles were also bound, so you weren’t going very far any time soon. Swallowing down the sting in your throat, you barely grimaced at the taste as the heat spread through your chest. It was rather pleasant really, or at least, the growing fuzziness in your limbs and face were.
Your boredom grows as the evening drones on, your eyes wander across the room. A dingy old bar, all but a few patrons scared off by your adoring captors. Except one. You’d noticed them from the corner of your eye near an hour ago, focus shifting away from them easily from the liquor. An unmoving figure draped across an old couch, head bowed low, crowned with a cowboy hat with legs lazily spread. You find yourself pondering them some more, intrigued by their mystery, coyness lost on you at this point as alcohol seeps into your bloodstream.
Just as your focus intensifies, you notice their head rise, the brim of their hat revealing a dark, masculine jaw. His body remained unmoving, but you can’t help but feel like his attention is fixated on you. Attempting to shake the feeling of being watched, you turned your own attention fleetingly back to your glass, which was near empty. Disappointed, you attempted to reach over the counter for the bottle of whiskey balancing on the edge of the bar. Unaware of the flesh you were flashing to do so, you park yourself again, fumbling the bottle with your barely free hand to pour yourself another glass and meeting your lips with it. Tilting your head back far enough for the liquid to escape down your throat, you glance once more at the man in the corner. His eyes, visible through dark sockets under the brim of his hat, are hooked on you more obviously this time. Feeling warm and brave, you meet his gaze, trying to decipher what kind of face is hiding beneath the shadows. Visible are his sclera, but his irises appear dark, along with the rest of his features. You didn’t mind his gawking, enjoying the dangerous entertainment it provided for you.
Interrupted by the poking grip of stubby fingers above your knee, your eyes dart back at the raider, drug lord, scumbag whatever-he-was. He wasn’t looking at you, but his hands were wandering all the same. Gliding up the inside of your thigh, causing shudders to rise from the base of your spine. The encroaching tipsiness meant hiding your grimace was more of a challenge, and so you twisted your neck with a look of disgust you hoped no one would notice. But it didn’t go unnoticed. Lifting your eyes again, you notice the man is still looking at you, posture leaned forward, revealing his visage. A ghoul. Not awful on the eyes either. Hell, not that your current company was anything to compare to. He noticed your eyes widen and it cracks a smirk on his mottled skin, head cocking to the side. Unblinking, your cheeks flush hot for a second, your only choice to swallow hard and shake it off.
A sharp tug on the rope slowly cutting into your wrist yanks you from your drifting gaze. A waft of halitosis and liquor exposes his intoxication, which probably also meant his desire to have his way with you was near. Encroaching on your personal space, which didn’t really belong to you anymore anyway, he leans in with an open mouth, ready to take what he wants from your lips. The pungency of his breath almost knocks you off the stool, and when he notices you lean away from his kiss, he makes sure that you do end up on the floor. Crashing to your knees with an audible pop of your joints, you let out a cry that brings a wicked grin to his lips. Stifling a growl as you ride through the pain of your aching joints, you’re ordered to return to your feet. Knowing full well that you’re unable to get up, the raider boss drunkenly draws his shotgun to meet your forehead.
“Up, bitch.”
You shoot him a furious but desperate stare through furrowed brows, despite being in no position to argue with him. You attempt to return to your feet to no avail, through stifled groans of pain that radiate in your kneecaps. Growing more frustrated by your lack of movement,  the raider disables his safety and your heart drops. A cold sweat beads rapidly against your back, this time bracing yourself for his inevitable itchy trigger finger.
A gunshot.
Followed by another.
Eyes squeezed tightly shut, reflexes delayed by your assurance that at least one bullet was lodged in your flesh, but no pain followed. Your ears ring from the gunshots and you spring your eyes open to check yourself. The spattered blood of the man accompanying you covered your front, but it seems you were free of any further injury. Vision darting around the room, you attempt to collect your gall and figure out the situation. To your right, two more raiders, the lackeys, guns poised straight ahead of them. To your left, the ghoul on the couch, now standing with a revolver in each outstretched hand. The standoff is short-lived before the ghoul sinks a bullet into the forehead of each raider, splattering their grey matter across the dingey walls of the now abandoned tavern.
Silence fills the room, besides a few debris clattering to the floor and the thudding of your heartbeat pounding through your ringing ears. Your chest heaves as the panic sets in, you may have been spared, but that means very little in the wasteland. You come to the assumption that you’ll be next by association. Unable to return to your feet, your hands reach to cover your head as you hear the clicking of the ghoul’s spurs approach with each heavy step. As the footsteps cease, you dare peek at the boots that have appeared at your knees, following them up until you find the face of the man they belong to. Towering over you, his eyes darken to an almost predatory look. His gloved hand finds your bound wrists and he lifts you to your feet in one rough swoop, propping yourself on shaking legs as you stand uncomfortably close to him.
A knife emerges from its sheath to meet the soft skin of your neck, drawing up to linger on your bottom lip. You don’t take your eyes off him for a second, hoping the familiar deer-in-the-headlights tactic will prove useful once more. It was almost embarrassing how often it had saved your life out here. The ghoul keeps your gaze, unblinking, cocking his head to the side as if he were considering something. His stare bores into you, eyes oddly warm brown to match the heat radiating from under his duster. The blade slowly raises past your eyes, where he still firmly holds your aching wrists above your head. With a swift tug and low grunt from his throat, the rope bindings loosen and release the pressure from your joints, and you check your them for blood.
Feeling his eyes still on you, you scan back up to his face again, silence filling the entire room as your world still gently spins from the alcohol. The rope remaining tightly around your ankles begins to chafe, rubbing away the top layer of skin. A quick glance down to your feet and back up at him again, hinting. The smirk he flashed you from the other end of the room prior to the shootout creeps back on his lips and yellowed teeth peek through. He practically leans over you, encroaching on your space much like the raiders and those before him had done, but this was different. This time you liked it. The liquor buzz and tingling fear created quite a thrill, one that engulfed your entire skin with prickles and sank into the pit of your belly with a fluttering warmth.
Without uttering a word, he slowly descends. Close enough that you feel the heat of his breath as he meets your face and continues down your form to crouch in front of you, head now level with your navel. Time slows in the room, hazy with excitement, or was it your life flashing before you? Gripping the back of your knee, he slowly reaches down to slice at the bindings on your ankles with the other, almost as if he were savouring the moment, the brim of his hat tickling your lower belly as he tilts his head down. A familiar release, as you reposition your feet to stand more comfortably, skin itching from the rope. The grasp of your knee pit rises until his fingers digs into the meat of your hamstring. Your leg twitches as you imagine the sensation of his rough, ungloved hands wrapped around the underside of your ass cheek. His blade makes contact with your skin once more, cold and stinging on the inside of your calf. Your body stiffens and you hold your breath, before the knife begins to rise up the soft flesh of your leg, past your knees and settling mid-way up your thigh. A gasp escapes your lips as the cold metal tickles your sensitive skin and sends jolts into the heat of your underwear. You dare not move but your body betrays you with a soft tremble. He emits a low hum, humoured by your obvious attempt to hide your growing fear and excitement.
Nonchalantly, he returns to his feet, examining his blade before sheathing it again, the corners of his mouth still curled slightly. As his attention returns to you once more, he reaches over your diminutive form, the collar of his aged shirt almost brushing the tip of your nose. His aroma is powerful, perhaps not in scent, but certainly in the way it makes your belly rise and flutter and tingles creep into your throat. Old leather, Mojave dust, and a musk that was fairly pleasant, all things considered. He recedes with a glass in his hand, your glass, as he knocks back the remainder of your drink before tipping the glass to you with a nod and returning it to the bar.
Stepping around you he strolls over to the body of the man you had belonged to until now and makes quick work of looting his pockets and removing his head with efficiency. He examines the head with a scoff and glances back towards you, almost mocking your choice of company. Grabbing a fistful of hair, the head now dangles by the ghoul’s side as he steps off to leave the bar. As he reaches the fractured door frame, you dare to finally move. First your lips, a wobbly “Thank you.” escapes them, but you remain with your back to him. His gait halts and he twists to peer back at you, raising an eyebrow in  surprise, but says nothing still. Perhaps pleasantly surprised by the rarity of manners, perhaps wondering how well those manners could serve him. He stands awaiting you, a dark figure almost filling the doorway. You wonder if he left already, but are met with his widening, lopsided grin. He tips his hat to you and slinks off beyond sight.
Intoxicating…intoxicated. You’re intoxicated. Your fight or flight response drags you back to your sobering reality. You had been spared by a bounty hunter, and a ghoul at that. Unfortunately for you though, the group of thugs providing some sort of protection were now splayed out on the rotting wooden floor, decorated by their own blood. You were alone, again. The reality of your situation sinks in as you fumble to collect the least bloody jacket from one of the bodies as an attempt to cover as much of your bare skin as possible. Your mind has other plans however, as the lingering image of his sultry eyes are fixed into the back of your eyelids, and you can’t help but wonder how those hollowed features would look if you were underneath him.
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jamiethebeeart · 6 months
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Dash said something stupid in the food court and is about to learn why Phantom's enemies fear that face (I kid, but that would be a terrifying face to see out of the blue) @dashing-through-ecto @green-with-envy-phandom-event
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mixmangosmangoverse · 4 months
So why did Rika.Ren entirely collapse as soon as the game being over was announced
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forcedhesitation · 3 months
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dead by daylight-- the game where you can play as steve harrington from stranger things, and can get sent to partake in a match of murder hide and seek at midwich elementary from silent hill, where you can then use a lute to perform bardic inspiration from dungeons and dragons to give a bonus to your teammates, except for the one who is being chased by nemesis from resident evil 3.
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einsteinsugly · 10 days
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Castle On The Hill, a new JH fic!
April, 2015. After the birth of their first grandchild, Jackie and Hyde briefly venture back to Wisconsin. Lots of things have changed, but some things haven't.
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blushingzephyr · 9 months
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whats a matter baby
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imreallyloveleee · 2 years
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i feel like i win when i lose, chapter three
“So…when is the wedding ceremony?” Jughead asks through a mouthful of mini crab cake. “Or…do they not do vows the second time, since they already broke the first ones?”
“They did that yesterday. Courthouse.” Rising onto her tiptoes, Veronica rests one hand on his shoulder for balance and narrows her eyes as she scopes out the other side of the room. She’s been distracted ever since they arrived, fending off a series of handshakes and how-are-you’s from the blandly attractive 50- and 60-somethings in suits who make up most of the gathered crowd.
Jughead chews his crab cake slowly, deep in thought. “So…today is just…saying ‘I do’?”
(Jughead is recently divorced, and he keeps running into Betty Cooper at weddings. AU.)
read it on ao3.
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putellas14 · 4 months
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i've always found it to be such a bland choice for the gang to recruit the Panda King, although as i grew up i realised it made for some more mature storytelling because Sly has to co-exist with someone who killed his father and Panda King, as someone who isn't the most colourful character, contrasts nicely with the rest of the cast. but today i want to indulge in that infatuation i had of having the gang work with their past enemies, and discuss what would happen if Bentley decided to recruit any villain other than the Panda King
i remember how much i wanted them to recruit Mz Ruby, because i used to be obsessed with her as a child. and honestly i think it's within the realm of possibility. i mean, apart from Muggshot (who got more development in Sly 3) and Clockwerk, i think if they were ok with Panda King joining why wouldn't they be with the rest of the Fiendish Five? also, sidenote: i'm kinda bummed we never got to see Panda King interact with Muggshot like two ex-team members but one's still rotten and the other's working with the heroes? give us the banter give us the drama honey come on where is it
i feel like if Mz Ruby joined she'd get along most with Murray, the Guru and Dimitri, but she'd absolutely loathe Sly, Bentley and Penelope. Murray would show her some long overdue tlc and make her feel like she belongs (which would tug at her heartstrings because that's what turned her to a life of crime); she'd exchange notes with the Guru on mind-control and stuff; and i think she'd have a massive crush on Dimitri honestly, two reptiles and all. i also think that Sly wouldn't be so vehemently pressed about the whole thing and i'm not sure why. maybe it's because we see Panda King outright bury a whole-ass village in snow in A Perilous Ascent, whereas, to our knowledge, Mz Ruby only robbed banks with her voodoo. i can't see her getting close with the gang or sharing any sweet moments but i think she'd be a valuable member, albeit very similar to the Guru. she could definitely fill in for Panda King in Kaine Island but instead of fireworks she'd shoot some ◻︎◎△, she'd help Guru with controlling Crusher, and she'd give some valuable insight on the hopping vampires although without Panda King in the picture A Cold Alliance would probably never happen.
moving on to Sly 2, the only available options are Rajan, Contessa and Jean Bison. due to the segment in the credits where they're shown moving on with their lives as well as the fact that they didn't murder ConnEr, i feel like these three are even more realistic candidates than Panda King. out of the three, Rajan would definitely be the most beneficial asset because he could summon lightning like duh ??? (although unsure as to whether he could still do that without the Clockwerk heart) but i think he'd reject the offer after how hard the gang fucked him over like they really destroyed the guy. personally, Jean Bison as a member would be as bland as Panda King, so that leaves us with the Contessa. yay, another female member but oh my god would she be a nightmare to work with. she'd undoubtedly betray the gang, probably hang out with them for like one or two adventures, try to sabotage the missions, and then secretly contact Dr Mauricio and tell him everything, leading the gang to Kaine Island just to snatch Sly's cane and then get half of the contents of the vault (or betray Dr Mauricio too after delivering the cane). she'd hate everyone on the team but would tolerate Bentley and Penelope. i'm unsure as to how she'd behave around Dimitri though.
anyway i'm in a very feisty mood because i've just had Toblerone ice cream so let's discuss other, more far-fetched possibilities. what if, after getting fired from Interpol, Winthorp contacted the gang to join? he'd be such a disaster like combine Bentley's cowardice from the beginning of Sly 2 and Murray's uselessness from Sly 1 and he'd match that lmao. he'd also cream his pants every time they had a run-in with Carmelita. 0 redeeming qualities as a gang member but i kinda want him to be the underdog. maybe like a romcom montage of Dimitri teaching Winthorp how to "get the girl"? hmmm... what about the gang recruiting Don Octavio after literally just sending him to jail a few months prior? 'if we wanted to get inside the Cooper Vault, we needed a musician - we'd have to break Don Octavio out of prison' and the episode would be like Jailbreak: the Sequel and its climax would be a Jailhouse Rock operation where Sly and Murray organise a prison riot as a diversion and the Don narrates it musically, occasionally breaking the fourth wall. you'd have to shake your controller to get him to sing the more difficult notes (bellydancing-gate flashbacks). i mean, it's not like he has anything better to do, opera isn't coming back any time soon. i'd also suggest Mrs Puffin from the orphanage but she'd probably be dead by this point, right? anyway, what do you guys think about them recruiting Le Paradox?
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clownhara · 1 month
Man I should stream on twitch again.... would anyone be interested
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youthslost · 8 months
thinking about xichen recognizing mingjue's decapitated body via his tits today.
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nedlittle · 1 year
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cesiousblue · 1 month
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starting in just a few minutes, I'm gonna be sketching from google maps for a bit over at https://www.twitch.tv/cesiousblue
come hang out!
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hollygl125 · 2 years
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rodismancave · 9 months
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Keep looking at this and I think there should’ve been a moment when he got back w the matrix where ratchet almost threw up when he saw Rodimus was no longer boob height
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