#if only this footage existed
mrsweasley23 · 2 years
Steve the voyeur gets his hands on some footage (Part 9) NSFW
Full fic available on ao3
Part 8 Part 7 Part 6 Part 5 Part 4 Part 3 Part 2 Part 1
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"I've been thinking..." Steve murmured, twisting his fingers in Eddie's hair, as his head rested so perfectly in his lap. 
"Uh oh..." Eddie trilled.
"Fuck off asshole" Steve bit back, lip jutting out in a pout.
Eddie twisted around to plant a kiss on his lips. "You're so fucking hot when you're angry"
Steve give Eddie's curls a little yank. "Want to hear it or not?"
"I'm enjoying Fiesty Stevie tonight" Eddie grinned. "But yes...always keen to hear what's going on in that slutty little brain of yours"
"Hey, how do you know what I was going to say was slutty?"
Eddie cocked an eyebrow. "You're telling me I'm wrong?"
"Well, no...." Steve laughed, hiding his face in his hands. "Guess you've got me nailed"
"That I have...."
"Just...urgh...fuck off"
"Soooooooooo....you were thinking?" Eddie flipped around on the bed so that he was looking up expectantly at Steve, chest pressed across his lap.
"Yeah. I was thinking about....ummm...you know before when you talked about your toys. Could you, um, maybe...I'd like to...um...maybe know a bit more about that?" Just spit it out, idiot. 
"Stevie, you're blushing and..."
Steve pressed his hands over Eddie's mouth. "Shurrup"
Eddie gripped his wrists hard, and pulled them away. "...and it's really, really fucking hot. You're getting all tongue tied talking about my toys. Have you been thinking about it? How I get myself off? Have you been touching yourself thinking about me?"
Steve's breathing hitched. "Haven't needed to. You've been fucking me so good" Eddie grinned broadly, all teeth. Smug fucking bastard but, fair play. Deserved. "But I'm just, ya know, curious. What you do? What it feels like? I didn't even know that was a thing until I met you..."
"Sweet, innocent little Stevie" Eddie cooed into his ear. "Happily jerking off over and over and over again. Clueless. Pretty. Little. Thing" . He pressed a kiss against Steve's cheek. "Luckily for you, I'm a fucking deviant. So happy to provide you with Sex Toys 101". With that, he disappeared into his room, and came back to Steve's room holding a black holdall. "Take your pick. A veritable treasure trove of fake dicks"
Steve burst out laughing. "You're really something, Munson"
Steve peered nervously in the box. Fuck. Me. Silcone dicks, bullet vibrators, huge fucking dicks with suction cups, weird bumpy sticks like fucking wands, handcuffs, metal, glass....
"Quite the collection". What the actual fuck?
Eddie shrugged. "You try living with a super hot straight guy... who is super fucking casual about nudity by the way... for a year. I needed a fucking outlet".
Steve picked up one of the more obscure looking toys, a large, curved metal bar, turning it over in his hands. "Does that mean that you used these thinking of me?"
"Are you joking, Stevie? I only have these because of you. Because of your stupid little gym shorts and your hairy fucking chest and your tight little ass and your mouth that I swear was just made purely to be fucked..."
Steve was positively glowing. Because of HIM. He drove Eddie wild. So wild he'd bought a bag full of sex toys to scratch that itch... 
"Can you maybe show me one of them?"
"I can do better than that, sweetheart". Fuuuuuuuck. Sweetheart. That was a new one and Steve liked it. A lot.
Eddie grabbed his phone. "Turns out I might be something of the exhibitionist"
"Never!" Steve mock gasped.
"Who knew!?" Eddie grinned, flicking his tongue out at Steve.
He tossed Steve his phone.
"So... I sometimes like to film myself"
Steve almost fucking stopped breathing, eyes wide, jaw wide. "Uh huh?" he urged. I'm literally living a fucking dream come true. 
"I like to film myself playing around, watch it back. See how I look getting fucked". Oh. Getting fucked. Imagine how he'd look getting fucked by me. Oh shit... 
"I think I'd like to see that" Steve managed to whisper. Please, please, please. I want to burn it onto the inside of my eyelids. 
"Of course you would, you little fucking pervert" he sneered and hit play. Steve was catapulted to Heaven. No Hell. Fuck. Eddie
Eddie watched Steve as Steve's eyes fixed on the screen. Eddie had his knees bent towards his chest, asshole centre stage, loose, ready, as he slid a dildo in. He took it so fucking well. Steve's mouth watered when he heard Eddie. His moans, breaths, squeals, a mainline to Steve's cock. Minutes passed, Eddie got more frantic, pushing the dildo deeper, faster, lifting his ass up, reaching, desperate for more. Steve could see a glimpse of Eddie's hard length bouncing in time but his attention was on his ass, practically sucking in the dildo with every thrust. Eddie was writing, groaning, growling. "Fuck me, fuck me, oh, you're fucking me so good". Steve was fixated on the slick, wet sounds as he fucked himself faster and faster, one hand pushing the toy as far as he could and the other stroking his cock, which was quite frankly obscenely hard. "Fucking Jesus Christ, Steve..."
Oh. Oh!
Eddie didn't flinch. Steve kept his eyes on the screen, palms sweating, hard dick a fucking giveaway.
"Oh Stevie, you've fucked me so good. I'm gonna come". Eddie's telltale roar, cum splattering onto his chest, dildo slipping slowly out of his ass, slick. Panting, low moans. Wow. 
"That was seriously fucking hot, Eds. Um, when was that?"
Eddie laughed. "Keen to find out how long I've been geting myself off thinking of you?"
Steve grinned, a playful smirk. 
"Three or four months ago maybe? It was that night we'd been at the bar downtown. The rock one? Don't know if you remember. It was driving me wild seeing you flirting. You're a literal fucking magnet, Stevie. Everyone was throwing themselves at you. They always fucking want you. Of course, they do...just fucking look at you" He shrugged a little and Steve felt sad that Eddie had felt this way and he'd had no idea." "Anyways, I was drunk and fucking horny and you didn't come home. So....I fucked myself silly and thought of you".  He chuckled.
"I wasn't flirting. Just being nice"
"I can't imagine how many guys and girls end their night frigging themselves over Steve Harrington because he was 'just being nice'".
A swift punch to the arm. "I am! I don't mean to..."
"Stevie. It's a fucking gift. Embrace it. I'm well and truly embracing the fact that your slutty ass now belongs to me".
"In which case, please can you send me that video?"
"Oh yeah?"
"Need to, erm, deepen my research a little further"
"Please don't use the word deepen right now..." A sneer, a quirk of his full lips.
"Are there, um, any more videos?"
"Is the Pope fucking Catholic, Stevie? You want more videos of me fucking myself? What do you fancy? Me working myself open with my fingers? Bouncing up and down on a dildo? Edging myself with a vibe?"
Fuck. What? All of it. Everything.
"Anything you're happy to share"
"And tell me Stevie. If I send you these videos, what then?" 
"Well, I'm fucking broken for a start" Steve laughed. "But I think, maybe, I'll like to try some of the toys out" 
"I'll make you a deal" 
"I'll send you my videos. All of them. Watch them, decide what you want to try out, then you can have your pick. But....." 
Steve flushed, he knew what was coming. "I want to film you. I want to watch you play and film it so I can watch you desperately fucking yourself over and over. I won't use the toys on you, not yet. I want to watch you discover them for yourself" 
"I, yeah, I like the sound of that deal" 
"I can tell" Eddie pushed his hand against Steve's cock, now fighting its way out of his sweatpants. Steve groaned. Every touch from Eddie drove him insane. More. More. More. The burning pit of desire in his stomach never went out, constantly crackling, until Eddie touched him and a sudden burst of heat would shoot through his body, fingertips, toes, cock. 
Steve swung his leg over Eddie, his cock grinding down on his boyfriend's. Eddie indulged him for a moment, a deep, messy kiss, sucking his tongue before pulling back and planting a kiss on his cheek 
"I think". Another little kiss. "This is going to be a lot more fun if you're frustrated" 
"No no no... " Steve pleaded, circling his hips, driving down against Eddie's growing cock. "That wasn't.  I didn't agree to...please" 
"You know I love it when you're needy" You love me when I'm needy. Say it. Say it. "I cannot wait to watch you fucking yourself stupid and hear you pleading, begging. 'Please Eddie. More Eddie. Fuck me deeper, Eddie' "
Steve let out a high pitched whine. "I fucking hate you" 
"You won't when you learn how to pound your own prostate, Steve". Wide eyes. A gulp. "In fact, I might be doing myself out of a job here" 
"That good, huh?" 
"Can be.... with patience and practice. And some really fucking hot source material"
"Eds, when I watch, can I touch myself?" 
"Absolutely fucking not. As much as much as I love the idea of you jerking off to me jerking off" 
Another pitiful whine.
"Best send me all the videos then. Let the torture begin" 
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apriloncil · 10 months
butterfly amv circa 2009
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morsmortish · 3 months
i’ve missed yapping about bartylily so here’s the thoughts i’ve been thinking lately:
lily evans finally has the earth-shattering realisation at 19 that maybe there’s more to life than colour coding notes and smiling at everyone and pretending to be so goddamn perfect all the time just to please others. she’s much to afraid to do anything about this, but you know what? she privately decides she’s allowed to let loose (in the most minuscule ways possible). she allows herself to maybe start trying to feeling a tad more alive.
for one, she starts shoplifting. just small things: drugstore makeup, a diet coke, a cheap pair of earrings. things she doesn’t need, but the thrill of walking through those glass doors, the anticipation of whether or not the alarms will go off, whether or not the cameras have caught her, whether or not she’s going to be stopped…yeah, the way her heart starts beating really fast, the way she goes hot all over? maybe THAT is what life should be about.
enter barty, who had that same Maybe I Don’t Have To Live Up To Everyone’s Expectations All The Time epiphany as well, but at 17 and to a much greater degree. he DID blow his whole life up- dropped out of school, got tatted and pierced all over, started flaunting his substance abuse, made his father unspeakably ashamed. he’s working as a bored security guard in a chain store drugstore, but the kind that sits in the room at the back with his feet on the desk starting absently at the cameras as he hits his vape and swivels on his chair.
barty being the unnerving genius he is, naturally notices lily’s Little Habit as she stops by the store every few days, and he recognises her through the screen as that one girl in the year above him who wore those cute little pleated skirts and always carried a light blue notepad and hang on didn’t she used to go out with regulus’s boyfriend? barty could swear that someone mentioned she was valedictorian as well at some point, but christ, when did she get so fucking hot?
he doesn’t report her for stealing at least a hundred quid’s word of stuff. of course he doesn’t. he just takes a mental note of every single thing she ‘borrows’ and starts to get excited every day at the prospect of seeing her again, just through a screen. he watches her every single time she comes in, making the effort to actually kick his legs off the table and lean in to the screen to get a better view. he even starts looping the footage of her over and over when she’s not there, and he can’t help but laugh at how terrible she is at shoplifting. he also can’t help but find it cute.
yeah, maybe one day he’ll work up the courage to go speak to her, maybe blurt out a comprehensive list of every item she’s stolen, watch that pretty blush break out across her freckled cheeks. or maybe he’ll be content with sitting back in his fuckass swivel chair, fiddling with his belt loops and resisting the urge to stick his hand down his pants as he watches that goddamn redhead pretend to roam the aisle of fucking boots every day.
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love-is-a-pearl · 10 months
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pearlshippers dont eat turkey for christmas, we eat pizza in honor to the ancient legend
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vimbry · 4 months
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king-crawler · 6 months
The only good line in ralph breaks the internet
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around-your-throat · 5 months
uuuuugh obviously any changes you make to a character regarding gender is gonna be surface level genuinely what meaningful difference exists between a man and woman and cis and trans that can be conveyed without a full itinerary of their entire life journey attached to any damn drawing obviously you could never be the same person you are when your life experience and identity is so drastically different but then what even is the point of changing anyone's gender ever
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longelk · 1 year
as someone who isn't a huge fan of the Luke Carder POV aspect of Inscryption, would you be willing to share what you dislike about it? personally I feel like it breaks my immersion but I'm curious to see if it's just me :0
maybe the immersion breaking isnt what bothers me since that's going to happen regardless in act 2, but the fact he's... really annoying and unlikable to me sadly... i feel nothing but seething hatred every time he mocks leshy's bosses if you're repeating act 1 after beating leshy. i dont want to be a fucking tuber guy, i want to be me! why cant i just be Me or an anonymous challenger? you're anonymous in pony island and even the hex and it feels a lot more personal and satisfying. i get its supposed to be jarring to go from the cabin to the footage but theres way to make a game erratic and meta without making it feel like im eating soap
this post pretty much sums up how i feel about the video segments and ending. inscryption really did not have to be like mullin's other games lol
and i know luke is a vessel to carry Plot B and while i wish there wasnt even a Plot B there could absolutely have been a way to have this meta-narrative happen while keeping the player anonymous! imagine you beat leshy and your game crashes revealing the player's desktop like on the Freaking inscryption website!!
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and every time you go to your desktop there's new notepad files about the player's thoughts! you can go through their emails emailing gamefuna!!
maybe even further, imagine youre able to stand up from your desk and walk around your room, mirroring the moment leshy lets you stand up from the table! god just anything from having to watch a tuber guys fucking annoying videos and have him commentate over MY game and have him have MY steam friends augh augh augh augh
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mariocki · 3 months
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La tumba de los muertos vivientes (Oasis of the Zombies, 1982)
"Why are you burning the body?"
"You must burn it. Otherwise it comes back. Yes, we must burn the bodies of the damned. He had met the sentries who guard the great secret. They would have reclaimed him after his death."
#la tumba de los muertos vivientes#oasis of the zombies#horror imagery#gore tw#jess franco#jesús franco#ramón llidó#1982#video nasty#horror film#manuel gélin#eduardo fajardo#france lomay#jeff montgomery#myriam landson#antonio mayans#javier maiza#eric viellard#caroline audret#albino graziani#miguel ángel aristu#so in 1981 Franco started work on Zombie Lake‚ a euro nasty about undead nazis around a body of water (more on that when i eventually get a#quote for my post). he left the production in protest at the meagre budget and set to work on... this. film. about nazi zombies around a#body of water (and made on a meagre budget). whether he was trying to prove something or show someone up idk but the result is.. at least#marginally better than Zombie Lake. only just. it has better fx and better zombie makeup and a much prettier setting than that film#but that's about all. this still feels half arsed and shoddily made‚ including much recycling of footage for a lengthy ww2 flashback (in#which the character we're following is conspicuously never in shot with anyone else). it also limps into a very bleh ending that just sort#of happens as if Uncle Jess had simply run out of steam (he may well have). apparently there exists an alternate Spanish cut with#extra footage‚ stronger sex and violence and (most importantly) Franco's right hand arm Lina Romay but sadly this was unavailable to me#and depending on who you read may even be considered a lost film. so it goes. a mess of a thing but at least it's not Zombie Lake
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dollhousemary · 1 month
brainstorming for sapphicnatural and i can think of SO many ships but i’m struggling to come up with actual Ideas 😭
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silverfoxstole · 1 year
I expect most of you have seen this but for some reason I hadn’t until just now and it’s hilarious.
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the inherent fourth wall breaking of found footage stories not in the sense that the characters are leaving the fiction or able to look outside of it, but in the other direction that the audience becomes part of the fiction
#thinking of doug eiffel logs that we listen to that have the in-universe purpose to keep the main antagonist updated on their situation#thinking about characters in the bright sessions finding out and being upset about their sessions being recorded#the very recordings that are our only way in to the story#thinking of the hard-to-pin-down-at-first identity and purpose of the microphone in ars paradoxica#so omnipresent that you might not even register it as found footage at first#only to find out way way later on the whole town is bugged#(i think that was the reason? been a while)#thinking about the camera in carmilla that sometimes seems to have a will of its own and just Turns On when theres smth interesting happeni#the nature of being a character means you Are Being Watched#you only exist to be watched and when you are being watched#but sometimes#you can reach out and touch not the watcher per se but the medium#and you can look back#you can take control#you can unbug the house#turn off the camera#use it against the watcher#who is fucking up your life#because often that is what theyre doing#the in-universe watcher#it's almost impossible not to feel implicated as an audience member#and you are being cut off too#from the story#when the character fights against the watching of the antagonsit#when the character deceives the antagonist#you are also being deceived#like what they say abt hera when pryce is on board like. shes compromised. assume everything hera knows pryce knows. so you cant tell her#anyway
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sietegotas · 7 months
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ALICE BRAGA (and Peter Gadiot) Interview for QOTS 2016
+ bonus Peter
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the-force-awakens · 9 months
hello hi, very quick - did you know i love him
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estradasphere · 8 months
Whoever submitted Radiation 4 to hyhtb show yourself so i can kiss you on the lips. This shit fucking rules
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postmakerkiwi · 10 months
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🦴 Skelos Badlands Sounds - Badland Wildlife 🔥
Skelos Badlands is home to a wide variety of fauna besides the Bonebuilders. Keep quiet (and out of sight) and you can safely (probably) hear any one of these local creatures: catbats, lava toads, fire wizards, pterodactyls, lava lizards...
photos via Spyro Wikia
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