#if someone tries to support this by bring up Terra do not fucking talk to me
fluffypotatey · 1 year
Robraes bashed beast boy and starfire so much. I wish they had just done paired the spares (cause like BBstar is a ship that while i dont see lasting, would be fun and enjoyable in the moment) instead of character assassinations. LIKE NO starfire would not be violent or a bad friend, NO beast boy would not become an incel
omfg bbstar would be so cute!!!! and yeah, I agree, they would prob be a short relationship but a wholesome one nonetheless 💅
imagine assassinating a character just to benefit your ship :/ couldn’t be me
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stargayzingidiot · 2 years
My thoughts about Fate: The Winx Saga season two:
- my overall faves this season: Terra, Stella, Grey, Beatrix, Flora, and Aisha
- loved the Stella and Beatrix friendship
- was surprised by Terra being queer but I’m not at all mad about it. I loved her coming out scenes and how they were all so supportive of her. Although I’m not sure I liked the way they handled her interest in Kat. Like, did Kat just suddenly forget about her girlfriend during Terra’s inspirational speech?
- I’m sorry but Sky’s and Bloom’s relationship and some parts of their storylines just bore me so incredibly much. I just don’t really care about them okay
- Bloom and Beatrix are similar in that they both search for answers about where they came from but their moral compasses diverge. Beatrix doesn’t hesitate when selling someone out to get what she wants, but she doesn’t directly endanger those she cares about, and she’s good at seeing the whole picture (the way she knew to stop Sebastian to ensure the safety of the Otherworld) They’re both a bit selfish in their search for answers and Bloom definitely doesn’t always think things through. I feel like Beatrix is what Bloom could have been and I’m sorry but I just think she’s much more interesting
- I don’t like the way Bloom is always like ‘I have the dragon flame, I’m the only one powerful enough to stop this, let me go alone’. Like first of all, they are trying to help you, you dumbass. Second of all, have some faith in them, they ended up saving the day and you.
- Another ship opinion that is most likely unpopular; I don’t ship nor do I want Riven and Musa together. Sorry. I know people are rooting for them bc of their relationship in the animated show, but I don’t like them together. I feel like it’s only fanservice and I don’t like how they’re just throwing away Sam for it to happen.
- Terra had every right to be mad at Musa. She told her that it was a bad idea to take away peoples’ emotions but she did it anyway (I understand why she did it but that doesn’t excuse it). Musa was part of the reason why her dad and brother had to leave
- on the other hand, Musa also had every right to be mad at Terra when she kept pushing for her to get her powers back. I just wish Musa would have talked to Terra about it
- what the hell was up with the outfit choice for Terra during the banquet? I was so disappointed. It was essentially a fucking pajamas. Let her wear clothes that fit her for fucks sake! And don’t try to tell me it was bc she wasn’t going to the party bc why would Stella be painting her nails when she had to get ready herself too if it wasn’t to help Terra get ready as well?
- I hated that only Bloom got to hug Farah goodbye. Musa literally told Stella, Aisha, and Terra to give her a hug from her, implying that they’d all get to hug her goodbye. But then she disappeared right after Bloom hugged her.
- the transformation scene was rushed and the fight with Sebastian lost its impact bc of that. I wish we had gotten a scene where the girls sat together and tried to transform without luck bc they all had trouble embracing all their emotions. That way it would have been so much more epic when they finally did transform during the fight. They should have been fighting without transforming first and then when they were losing they should have finally transformed. There, I said it
What I’m hoping for next season if there’s gonna be one:
- more focus on the friendships! I feel like it’s a bit too focused on all the romantic relationships right now
- although, I want Terra and Dane to have a proper development of their relationships. We’ve seen the straight couples fall in love during the two seasons with specific storylines focused on them. But the only queer couples got a couple of scenes and boom they were in relationships (that feels a bit *cough* homophobic)
- I feel like they’re gonna bring Beatrix back and I’m overjoyed at that. But I also want to see Stella grieve and talk to her friends about it
- I want Terra and Riven to figure their shit out and become friends again. They could be such an iconic and badass duo. I am begging Netflix to please let them be friends
- I know Bloom is the main character but I kinda want it to be less the Bloom show and more the Winx show. Please and thank you
- I want better outfits for Terra specifically, and I want different outfits when they transform and not only wings
Yeah I think that’s it
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etheshadowlord · 4 years
Sorry but I need to vent about Alien Worlds on Netflix.
Okay so let me preface that I love speculative biology and even speculative xenobiology but I’m no means an expert in the subject. I’m just someone who writes things.
So Alien Worlds is a documentary series kinda showing how life “MIGHT” evolve on other worlds. One of my first problems with it is that it spends a lot of time comparing it to life on earth which is fair since it’s the only planet we know that’s teeming with life but seriously it felt like it was talking more about life on earth than out there in the stars at some points. Nor do we need a 
Not just that, there’s also the problem I have with their specificality of the evolutions which I will go into in order. Putting the rest into read more so as not to spoil it for anyone who....might be interested in watching it.
Personally I would put it as a skip.
ATLAS: So first world they show is a planet that has twice the gravity as earth and thus has a much denser atmosphere as the gravity pulls the air together so you get essentially these creatures that live aloft.
So one thing that annoyed me for this episode was the limited view of ATLAS’S biosphere. We were shown “SKYGRAZERS”.....the flying cows I’ll call them, Balloon falcons which have the wrong type of mouth and wrong size for their prey and pack size. And then we got the......meat tumbleweeds.
So first thing I’m going to rant about is the flying cows method of reproduction.
Essentially they land to give birth and the wee ones crawl their way to a cliff to jump off and start life anew while momma dies like a beached whale. What’s stopping the mother from giving birth to a flying cow calf in the air similar to a whale at sea? Or why couldn’t they just carpet bomb an area with reproductive materials? It’s probably gross as fuck but hey, life is gross.
Secondly we got the balloon falcons which like they’re name implies drop out of the sky to attack their prey....in a pack. So my first problem I have with this is the means by which they raise up to attack prey....with bacteria producing gas and expelling that gas to begin hunting. But I’ll forgive that to focus on their mouth parts.
From what I saw it looked like they latch on trying to bring prey down but what we see of their mouths it looks more specialized towards leeching onto prey. Like if you’re going to have hunters hunt prey they need the mouths to actually eat their prey and by extension the teeth for getting they’re nutrients.
Finally we have the meat tumbleweed which tumbles around eating anything it can get which....from we see looks to be pretty much flying cow offspring.
Now they tried to say that they were generalists and by being generalists they would survive say....a mass extinction event that would destroy both the specialized flying cow or the balloon falcons.
One problem, even this eldritch horror katamari needs food and if their food sources go extinct....so do they. The crocodiles and alligators didn’t survive on sheer spite they had to have something they could eat and that thing had to be able to eat as well and what we’ve seen of the atlas biosphere, I’m not confident in their survival.
JANUS: So this is a planet that’s gravitationally locked facing it’s star.... so one side is always day and the other always night and on this planet we have the pentapod....a super adaptable dominant species that’s like an alien roomba. Except a few issues i have with them from what the documentary was showing.
1) Them having venom ala scorpions.
2) Them eating small prey via the pick up and put into mouth method while having venom.
Look, scorpions are cool but here’s the thing regarding venom, the point of it is to immobilize prey to make it easier to eat. Picking up prey and shoving it into your mouth is inefficient especially if you’re eating prey the size of chicken nugget compared to you that can swarm and kill you.
It’s like watching a crab eat ants and then the turns have tabled. A more efficient show of eating is like a pangolin. 
It has defenses against stinging prey in its scales and just slurps up prey with a sticky tongue. No need for venom when you can just be protected and slurp up your prey.
EDEN: Gods, so beautiful looking planet but spend the whole episode focusing on the relationship of these predator, their prey, and the fungus that binds them all together....
The biosphere focus is so on these three that I just want to scream. We can tell there are birds on that planet you have bird sounds. There has to be other creatures for the predator to hunt, plus and this is an important thing....if the grazers are spawning numerous of these....embryo pods that all seem to carry one of their babies in them, the forest should be littered with them...to make up for the whole....everyone wants to eat us...plight. And the sac being....some sort of.....tree climbing....whatever is....unrealistic.
TERRA: The final episode of the documentary and it’s talking about hyper advanced species....that have “Evolved” beyond the need of a bod-
OKAY! Let’s start with something basic. There’s no such thing as evolving beyond the need for a physical body. There’s no way I can think of to naturally adapt to being a mass of neural tissue in a box being taken care of by robots with advanced artificial intelligence.
The only paths leading to this...scenario involve either being the last of your kind trying to cheat death by just....cloning your own neural tissue. Or by essentially sentencing the entirety of your species to be brains in cases. Which could only work if there was no viable means to prevent extinction otherwise...or your a cruel dictator and all detractors were forced to be brains in cases.
Like....that’s the only thing I have to complain about is the fact the Terrans are just brains in glass boxes being taken care of by advanced AI robots that are preparing to transport them to a new planet.
If this AI is so advanced that they can self replicate and make their own decisions, they could logically just....leave the Terrans to their own demise. The robots are getting nothing from helping these masses of neural tissue. They’re even losing numbers to solar flares caused by the dying star the planet orbits.
Like this is what I noticed from the entire series is a vast misunderstanding of the intricacies of evolution and adapting to one's environment and how many species it takes to support a rich biosphere.
Cool concept.....poorly executed in my opinion.
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fandom-rants · 5 years
Fandom’s Favorite Fallacies
Fandom loves to use shitty arguments to make its opinions ‘right.’ Allow me to arm the victims of their bullshit with the twin weapons of knowledge and defense. Knowing these arguments are shit, and have been recognized in debate and logic circles as shit, may help you all hold your heads high when the next purist stan comes storming in looking to silence you.
Fallacy #1: Judgmental Language (An Appeal to Emotion Fallacy, which is a Type of Ad Hominem Fallacy)
This one’s the most popular attack when it comes to the subject. Acting as if the things they dislike are contemptible is a quick way to get idiots who read others’ feed without critically thinking on their own to mindlessly agree, simply because the person made the thing they don’t like seem really bad. It is often inaccurate and, as it’s a type of red herring, usually has little to nothing to do with any original point, save to make the subject seem so awful it doesn’t deserve any real discussion at all.
Examples: 1) “Kingdom Hearts’ Terra is an idiot. Because he trusted people too easily, he ended up causing countless problems.” 2) “The Sokovia Accords are written by people who are just out for power and control.” 3) Tony Stark’s war profiteering was what caused him trouble in the films.”
Fallacy #2: Poisoning the Well (An Ad Hominem Fallacy)
This one’s the most popular attack when it comes to speaking of the opponent. Acting as if their opponent is reprehensible is a great way to malign opponents into silence and a phenomenal way to get idiots who don’t think to also attack someone, as well, and repeat the insults as if they are factual.
Examples: 1) “You don’t like this female character because you’re a misogynist!” 2) “Putting those two characters together is supporting pedophilia!” 3) If you put two white characters together when you could ship them with a black character, you’re racist.”
Fallacy #3: Abusive Fallacy (A Red Herring Fallacy)
This one’s the other side of the same coin to #2. Instead of insulting anyone who might stand against them or make a certain argument, they deliberately verbally attack someone who says what they don’t like. This one is not only a good way to just bully someone into submission; it also allows others to do the same.
Examples: 1) “Fuck you, you misogynistic asshole.” 2) “You like that ship? You’re a pervert. Pedophile.” 3) Of course someone like you likes Tony Stark. You’re an idiot with a giant ego, so of course you like a character just like you.”
Fallacy #4: Argumentum Ad Populum, or The Bandwagon Fallacy (A Red Herring Fallacy)
They’re right because a large number of people agree that they’re right. This one is usually used to try to bring in others who agree with them in order to ‘prove their point.’
Examples: 1) Lots of people love Steve Rogers, so your hate is just bullshit. 2) Terraqua is so beloved by fandom it’s pretty much canon. 3) Nobody cares if you don’t like Wanda Maximoff. She’s super popular.
Fallacy #5: Argumentum Ad Verecundiam, or Appeal To Authority (A Red Herring Fallacy)
Someone in some position of power said it, so it must be so. This one’s usually used with the whole ‘Author Is God’ shit. So if a producer or writer or actor says it, it is absolutely true and must never be questioned. Another way to try to silence an opponent by acting as if they can’t know as much as the person whose arguments they’ve decided they like.
Examples: 1) Jensen Ackles hates Destiel, so it’s never been a thing in the show, not even so much as hinted at. Get over it. 2) There was an interview in which Nomura said Terra is around twenty, so he is. Period. Yeah, Nomura also said he never considered it before, but he answered the question, so that’s how old he is. 3) The producer said Tony Stark was trying to kill Bucky, so he really was. It doesn’t matter what the movie shows or what capabilities other movies have shown Tony to have. The producer confirmed it.
Fallacy #5: Argumentum Ergo Decedo, or Traitorous Critic Fallacy (An Ad Hominem Fallacy)
You aren’t a part of the ‘group,’ so your opinion is not only wrong, but unwanted. Get thyself elsewhere; your statements matter not one whit. A great way to just shoo an opponent away and act as if they have nothing of worth to add to the discussion.
Examples: 1) You don’t like Steve, so of course you dislike Stucky. This post isn’t about you. 2) You don’t even like Dalish elves, so don’t bother talking about their vallaslin. 3) If you don’t like our meta, then just leave.
Fallacy #6: Tone Policing (A Red Herring Fallacy)
You’re being rude, and your tone is argumentative, so no one’s going to listen to what you say. Also, you’re wrong. A wonderful way to shift the entire argument into a discussion on how you should talk. It also tries to shame the other person, so even when they change their tone, they’re still talked down to. Oh, and the arguments they made? They have to start all over, because the other person wasn’t willing to actually read their argument because of the ‘rude tone.’ Literally just a way to avoid answering their opponents arguments or rebuttals.
Examples: 1) I’m not going to listen to anything said with that kind of language. 2) Maybe people would be willing to hear you out if you didn’t sound so aggressive. 3) Change your tone and then we’ll talk.
And Finally, Fallacy #7: Argumentum Ad Nauseum, or Proof By Assertion (An Informal Fallacy)
They keep repeating their shitty argument until people get tired of refuting it. The ensuing lack of opponents leads them to say that, since no one else is bothering to try to argue anymore, they are right.
Examples: 1) Tony Stark is a warmonger. 2) Kingdom Hearts’ Terra made a mess that Aqua had to clean up. 3) Kudos is thanks enough for writing that fanfiction.
Now obviously, these are not the only fallacies used by popular fandom. But these are the ones employed the most often, from what I’ve seen. To those who get attacked with these sorts of arguments, please recognize them for what they are: proof of the person’s idiocy. The people who use these arguments to try to silence or attack others are complete dumbasses. Their opinions are popular because idiots flock together. That’s it. They aren’t right. They aren’t accurate. And using these rebuttals proves they don’t have a leg to stand on.
Ad hominem arguments have long been considered evidence that the opponent has no way to counter your position. It’s the equivalent of handing the victory over to you. The instant your opponent has to insult you in some way, they have run out of arguments. They have been defeated and merely wish to curse you out in their impotence.
You’ve won. So fuck them.
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megwritesfanfiction · 6 years
Let Go, Chapter 10/?? (Raven/??)
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans. This is work of fiction that I am not making a profit off of.
A/N: Soooo, full disclosure, I have not started the next chapter lol. I am hoping I'll be done in two weeks, but... My schedule has changed. We shall see... *fingers crossed*
Also you can read of FFNET if you want to!
Do you need to catch up? I got you! ->
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine
“Why are you here?”
Raven folded her arms over her chest as she slouched against the soft couch. “Honestly?” She questioned, raising her eyebrows as she tightened her lips.
“That would be preferable,” the woman smirked, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Her other hand curled around the pen as she pressed it against the notepad in front of her.
“Well,” Raven sighed. “My pain in the ass team leader has decided to suspend me from duty until I sit down with you, so-“ She’d said to to be honest. “Here I am, Iris.”
The woman scribbled down a few notes, nodding her head, “You don’t think you have a problem?”
“What exactly did Robin say to you?” She was going to have a little talk with him after this appointment. It was bad enough Robin was forcing her to see a psychiatrist, but she didn’t need him talking about her issues to this random woman.
“That isn’t important.”
“Actually it is.” Talking to this woman was a very clear risk of privacy. Raven wouldn’t be surprised if somehow, someone found out about this and reported it to the tabloids.
Teen Titan Half Demon Unstable
It wasn’t like the media hadn’t already labeled her that and a long list of other unflattering epithets.
She didn’t need to give them ammunition to support their case.
“I think it is more important to establish what you think about why you’re here,” Iris told her, resting notebook in her lap.
“I think it’s bullshit,” Raven shrugged with a satisfied smirk. “So, what did Robin say exactly?”
Iris nodded. “Why do you think it’s bullshit?” She pushed.
Either this woman didn’t understand she was sitting across from an impatient half demon or she didn’t care. “Look, I understand that you’re doing your job, but you get paid no matter what I say or don’t say. Let’s just do ourselves a favor here and stop,” she paused, shaking her head in frustration. “You can sit and do whatever for the next forty-five minutes we have left in the session, then I can leave here and tell Robin whatever he needs to hear so I can get back to doing my job.”
“Okay,” the silver haired woman shrugged with a small smile. She delicately pulled her glasses from her face, tucking them in the pocket of her sweater. “We could do that.”
Sounded good to her.
“Or we could talk about why you think Richard felt like you needed someone to talk to?” She smirked as she leaned back with a satisfied little shrug. “I think it would help pass the time.”
Raven felt her jaw loosen in shock as her arms slowly fell by sides, “How did you know his name?” That definitely wasn’t a lucky guess.
“Richard, or Robin as you know him, is a patient of mine,” Iris told her.
Why was she saying this? “Isn’t that confidential?”
“Typically yes, but he requested I share that information with you.” Iris set her notebook on the little table in front of them. “Remember a few years ago when your adversary Slade nearly killed him?”
“Which time?” Raven questioned dryly. To be fair, there were many.
“The time where you entered his mind,” Iris explained. “And created a mental link that saved his life.”
“He told you that?”
The woman nodded, “Yes.”
“And you believe him?” Raven knew the world had witnessed things from superhuman and paranormal. She and her team along with several other heroes dominated the media at times, but there were still people who had trouble believing in things beyond humanity.
“I do,” she nodded again. “Look, Raven, I get that you have been through some things that I will never have the ability to comprehend, but maybe I can help you work through them.”
“Maybe,” Raven sighed running a hand over her face. “You can’t work through some things.”
“You don’t get it.” This was one of the main reasons she didn’t want to come here. She didn’t want to have to open up an old wound that didn’t have a chance of healing. “I’m the daughter of an interdimensional demon and some poor wayward woman from Gotham who thought it would be cool to worship Satan, but she didn’t realize she was basically a virgin sacrifice.”
Raven wasn’t coming back here after today, so she could put a little extra venom in her voice.
“I destroyed the the place that tried to save me, then I destroyed the Earth by bringing about the apocalypse. And even though I managed to save it, I’m still doomed to an eternity of suffering whenever my luck runs out. But, hey, I’m getting a taste of my eternal damnation now, so,” Raven sucked in a tight breath, voice wavering. “Forgive me if I want to drink. snort a little coke, and have sex with random men.”
“You aren’t worried about getting addicted?”
“I’m half demon. I’m genetically a walking sin.” Addiction wasn’t really an issue. She had to worry about the physical effects of the drugs, but her demon side delighted in the use of illicit substances. It was like eating a piece of chocolate. Delicious, but Raven could resist the temptation. “It doesn’t hit my pleasure center the same way.”
Iris nodded, “That can’t be a healthy way to deal with your problems though?”
“Does it matter at this point?”
“Why wouldn't it?”
Raven frowned as she considered the question. “No matter what I do, I’m doomed.” She shrugged, throwing her hands up defeated. “So, forgive me if I’m tired of having to be okay.”
“No one is saying you have to be okay, Raven,” Iris explained gently. “You’ve been through a lot-“
“It’s fine.”
“It’s understandable that you have some things you need help to come to terms with.”
She shouldn’t have said anything. “Can we please just forget I said anything? Look I’m sorry Robin wasted your time, but I don’t think there is any amount of talking that can help with the massive amount of shi-“
“What happened on your birthday a few years ago?”
Raven froze, feeling a cold wave of numbness flood her veins. Her eyes fluttered dizzily as she felt the air drained from the room. “Why?”
“Just a question.”
She felt her chest heave and her stomach twist in painful knots, “What did Robin tell you?”
Raven stood up, feeling her fingers cracking with energy. “Don’t.”
Iris stood, stepping in front of her carefully. “What are you feeling right now, Raven?” She softly placed her hands around Raven’s wrists.
“Stop! I’ll-“
“No, you won’t,” Iris assured with a little smirk. “I want you to focus on what you’re feeling. Don’t worry about me.”
Raven’s teeth sunk into her lip as she swallowed the emotions and memories bubbling to the surface, body trembling violently.
“What are you feeling?”
“I-“ Raven’s mouth fell open as a silent scream escaped. Tears stung her eyes, mouth twisting in a pain grimace. “What’s the point?”
Raven had done her best to swallow her trauma and wash it down with partying, isolation, and insomnia.
“It won’t get better.”
Flash Forward
“You’re up early.”
Changeling yawned, scrubbing his hands over his face, “First time for everything.” Truthfully, he hadn’t slept. After Terra had come back into their room, there were too many words wrestling on the tip of his tongue. He figured it was best to camp out in the main room for night.
“Or the start of a new habit,” Nightwing smirked, walking over to the coffee maker.
“Sleeping on the couch? Fuck no,” Changeling groaned. He was going to have to talk to Cyborg about getting a new couch. Unless Terra had woken up in a particularly forgiving mood, he figured he probably was going to be sleeping out here for the rest of the week.
At worst, if she was still pissed at him, he would have to go mattress shopping before he moved back into his old room. Either way, Changeling was stuck with that lumpy ass couch for awhile.
“My back is nine levels of messed up, I’d rather not make this a permanent arrangement.”
Nightwing tossed him a knowing nod, “Terra kicked you out?” There may have been a time or two he was on the other side of his girlfriend’s rage.
“Nope,” he sighed loudly. “We had an argument-“
Nightwing’s eyebrows rose with interest as he bit his tongue.
“About Raven-“
“So,” Changeling shrugged, combing his fingers through his hair staring at the wall in front of him. “I figured I should sleep out here before I said something even dumber.”
Oh really? “What exactly did you say?” Nightwing asked, leaning against the counter. His arms folded across his chest, eyes going to the changeling with a hard stare.
Changeling placed his elbows on the table, pressing his hands underneath his chin. “Well,” he breathed, eyes slowly sliding to the masked Titan. “We talked about how Raven decided to leave without mentioning it to either of us, but,” he chuckled tightly. “Somehow she decided you, Starfire, and Cy deserved notice.”
Nightwing’s hand tightened around his mug, head sharply tilted to the side. “Changeling,” his jaw clenched as his mind crafted careful words. “We didn’t know-“
“Don’t,” Changeling warned, tired eyes narrowing. “Don’t sit here and insult my fucking intelligence.”
That was completely fair. “I’m not.” Nightwing still had a promise to keep.
“So don’t lie to me.”
Nightwing set his mug on the counter. “You need to talk to Raven,” he decided shaking his head.
“How am I supposed to do that when she won’t answer me?” Changeling questioned, voice cracking with exhaustion and confusion. “Do you know why she left?”
“You should talk to Raven about this.”
He knew. “Why did she leave?”
“Ask Raven.”
Changeling clenched his fist, feeling his frustration bleed into his temper. “If she’s in trouble, we have a right to know!”
Nightwing lowered his eyes, exhaling loudly. “You need to ask Raven.” He knew Changeling was trying to pick past his calm responses to trigger an emotional confession. The best thing he could do was remain indifferent and avoid reacting.
“Is it her father?!”
“Again, you would have to ask Raven.”
“Is she sick? Dying?!” It wouldn’t make sense for her to transfer to another team in that situation, but he was getting desperate at this point. “Does she hate California?”
“I’m sure Raven will tell you when she’s ready.” Nightwing knew she probably wouldn’t, but these words were the best he could offer at this point.
Changeling roughly leaned back in his chair. “She’s got till the end of the week to contact me.”
“What does that mean?”
“Ask Raven.” That line seemed to work just fine with him, so Changeling figured he could borrow it.
“I miss the tipi.”
Roy laughed as he kicked his feet up on the dashboard. “You miss the mosquito bites?”
Raven’s fingers strummed against the wheel as she continued driving. “I,” she started, checking her side mirror as she changed lanes. “Did not say that.”
“Well, mosquitos were part of the whole tipi experience.”
“So was delicious roasted chicken, peace and quiet, s’mores-”
The redhead released a delighted little moan remembering the delicious gooey chocolate, marshmallow, and graham cracker delights. They’d gone through at least three bags of marshmallows and an obscene amount of candy bars, but it had been worth it. “God, those things were delicious.”
Raven nodded, “We should go back.” The peace and the amazing view definitely made it hard for her to leave, but s’mores were enough to make her want to just abandon whatever her future held to just live under the sky and eat by the fire every night.
“And miss the splendors of Kansas!” Roy’s hands waved at the passenger side window at the view of the land.
Raven looked at the road ahead of them, “It’s flat.” She wasn’t sure how long they’d been driving through Kansas, but she found herself amazed and startled by how even the ground was.
“The Great Plains.”
Raven nodded, leaning her head back as their drive continued. “Yeah.” They’d flown over this area a dozen times on their way to Gotham and Steele, but she never realized how flat the ground actually was. She figured it was the aerial view of the plane causing the illusion. “They weren’t kidding.”
He laughed, picking up the water bottle between them, “I can drive for awhile if you wanna take in the sights.”
She smothered a chuckle tickling up the back of her throat as she looked to left and then right. “It’s a shame I don’t have my cell phone. Could’ve gotten a picture of the wide open road for my scrapbook.”
“Hey now!” He pointed a playful finger at her and gently poking her shoulder. “I had to literally drag you to get you to take a picture at the Four Corners.” Roy had quite literally picked her up and carry her to the intersection of the four states to get a picture of her at the monument. “And, if you really want a picture...” He slowly pulled out his phone, waving it. “I also didn’t know you scrapbooked.”
“I think I need one.” Raven nodded, looking ahead to the animal standing at the gate ahead. “I need to remember that horse.”
“Okay,” he shrugged. “Pull over. We’ll get a picture.”
She shook her head laughing, “No way. We’re not trespassing.” Even though she was against his request, Raven found herself slowly pulling the car over.
“You need a picture with Eli.”
“Eli?” Raven tilted her head looking at the grey horse a few feet away from them.
“He looks like an Eli.”
She leaned over taking a good look at the horse, “I’m not entirely sure that horse is a boy.”
“Hmmm…” Roy unbuckled his seatbelt, quickly hopping out of the car. He walked over to the gate crouching down to check for proof. “Yeah, um…”
Raven crumpled over the steering wheel as she howled at his boldness.
“Eli is definitely a boy!” He shouted with a firm nod.
“You’re ridiculous,” she sighed. Without question, she followed him out of the car approaching the horse. Raven took a step closer to the gate opening her palm to the horse. “And his name is clearly Theodore.”
“Theodore?” Roy snicked.
“Theodore.” A slow smile grew on her lips as she watched the creature lower it’s head toward her a bit. “Or Theo.” She gently placed her hand above his nose giving the horse a soft pat.
“He doesn’t look like a Theo,” Roy teased taking a step back as he raised his phone to take a picture. “Rae!
“Uh,” she turned her head, catching him with the phone raised. “You’re taking a picture of me?”
“You wanted one with Eli.”
Her eyes narrowed at him with a little smile as he horse nuzzled against her hand. “You mean Theodore.”
“Ha!” Roy cackled, stepping back as he couldn’t contain his amusement. “What happened to Theo?”
Raven shrugged, moving her hands underneath the horse’s chin happily. She couldn’t help but wonder if horse’s wagged their tails with delight as dogs did. “His friends call him Theo.”
“Are you saying Eli and I aren’t friends?”
“I’m saying,” she chuckled, delighted at the little whinny. “I think a couple of sugar cubes would help. I wish we could give him a couple marshmallows.”
“Eli likes apples better.”
She rolled her eyes, “Let me see the picture.”
“You remember how to use one of these things?” Roy questioned, holding the phone out to her in one hand his other hand out to the horse.
“Yes, but,” she took the phone from him smiling at the candid image of herself. Her eyes were wide and awe stricken as she faced the camera, the other hand rested on the horse. “I’m kind of enjoying life without it.” For the past couple days she hadn’t felt changed by whatever was going on at Titans West.
It surprised her how apathetic she felt toward her unfinished conversation with Changeling.
The physical distance away from him caused her heartache, but the mental space allowed her head to clear. Raven wasn’t sure what to make of it.
The clarity was nice though.
“Pink cloud.”
What? “Pink cloud,” Raven repeated, looking up at him.
“It’s an AA term,” he told her softly as he leaned against the fence. “It’s the feeling you have really early on when you first get sober. Everything is clear and,” Roy inhaled deeply as he looked out into the field. “You feel good because you’ve taken a step away from self destruction, and you finally feel in control.”
Her fingers tightened around the phone as she leaned against the fence. “Is that bad?” She raised the phone, capturing an image of him. “The pink cloud sounds like Kori land.”
Roy chuckled, nodding, “It’s nice.” The pink cloud was happy, warm, and safe. He remembered one of the guys in AA describing it like being wrapped in a warm fleece blanket after being left out in the cold for years. That warmth allowed your mind to reset and make sense of chaos for the first time in awhile.
“It is.” She beamed showing him the photo.
He smirked, chuckling quickly at the photo she’d taken.
“I think I may have misjudged the Great Plains,” Raven whispered looking out into the field beyond the fence.
He didn’t have the heart to tell her that eventually clouds faded.
“I would have to say so.” Roy carefully watched her.
He remembered a month after the first time he’d gotten sober. After the nausea and cravings had faded, Roy was able to find peace and clarity. He was sitting with his sponsor in a stuffy church after an AA meeting. The hot summer sun illuminated the stained glass as he felt himself melt against the pew. He couldn’t forget that moment.
No matter how he tried, Roy found himself clinging to that memory
The stale coffee and powdered sugar clung to his senses when he recalled the moment the clouds in his mind faded. For the first time, he didn’t need the burn of vodka or the pinch of an injection in his veins. Warm feeling of resolution washed over him as sweat beaded down his body.
It was the first time Roy believed he was going to be okay.
That he was going to survive this.
“We should get some ice cream.” Raven sighed as her hands pressed into top rung of the fence, leaning into the breeze.
Roy had also relapsed a week after the clouds had dissipated.
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margridarnauds · 6 years
Ronan/Laz and Wash/Mira
Thank you!
To fully understand my relationship with this ship, we have to go into one of the darkest periods of my life, a period of time that, to this day, I struggle to talk about: The first time I was into 1789, circa 2015-ish. I was young, I was impetuous, I was heavily closeted (to myself; my mom had already given me my “YOU KNOW I WILL LOVE AND SUPPORT YOU NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS” conversation) and…I shipped…Ronan/Olympe. 
Like, “Google Translated French Fanfiction on FF.net to get more content” shipped it. (Now, I suspect it’s because I was a bisexual mess, but I digress). 
As I said, a dark, cursed time where I shipped the *100% canon* brother-in- law/sister-in-law. 
I barely remember it. I scarcely acknowledge it happened. It physically pains me to mention it.
I had the Takarazuka version, but I didn’t have subtitles to it and, as a result, I didn’t really…watch it…all the way through, instead skipping around as it suited me. I knew about Laz’s sex dungeon, but it really didn’t…register, I suppose? How very, very gay it was and the chemistry that was there. I did NOT like Lazare, I didn’t see why he occupied a considerable piece of fandom time (Not enough) when he has such a small role and he’s portrayed fairly consistently as an asshole throughout the musical (Yes, he’s an asshole, but he’s my asshole now). R/L has NOTHING on FF.net to this day and, I don’t think at the time, there was anything on AO3? And if there was, I don’t remember seeing it and, if I did, I’m pretty sure my initial reaction would still have been, “Who cares about Lazare? He’s so mean! EW!” (Oh, my sweet, naive, teenaged self. How the tables will turn. How the tables will turn.) 
Now, it’s hard to sustain an interest in a show with negative chemistry between the leads and the growing realization that French!Ronan is an asshole, and eventually my interest in 1789 dimmed considerably. Not entirely faded, but dimmed. 
Then came The Stream. 
So, last year, around June-ish, the Moraholics set up a series of European Musical streams that lasted around half a year and was an absolute masterpiece of cooperation, and among them, we had the Takarazuka 1789, as subbed and hosted by the utterly phenomenal @berncat, who I’m eternally grateful to but who is also still not off the hook for getting me back into this Hell. And, suffice it to say (1) Having the Japanese actually translated and, for example, hearing Lazare promise to “give [Ronan] release” while looking at him with bedroom eyes, (2) Watching Magee with that whip, answering many questions about my sexuality that I didn’t know I had, and (3) Watching it with a group of people who were likewise cheering it on was a completely different experience with the musical than I’d had before and I jumped onto the ship HARD. (Btw, whoever said, “Someone should write a smutfic with Peyrol/Ronan” fuck you because it’s been nearly a year and the Abomination is, well, the Abomination and my 2k-4k pwp is now a sprawling universe in its own right currently clocking in at around 31k words and most of them aren’t even smutty, damn it). And, the week immediately afterwards, we watched the French and, well…
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If I had any doubts about the viability of French!L/R, this kind of showed me that they were unfounded, with the Other Maniaque video (You know the one to which I refer) being the clencher (Was it really necessary to nuzzle your future arch-enemy, Ronan? And Laz, couldn’t you have been at least a little more proactive in making sure you didn’t get peasant germs on your nice fur coat rather than leaning into him?) That’s the weakest ass intimidation tactic I’ve ever seen and the only way I can justify it is Laz being in a constant state of “CUTE PEASANT BOY ABORT ABORT. CONCEAL DON’T FEEL” Right now, the only production I’m not really certain about is the Toho, since it looks like the Lazare there is significantly more…brutal than we’ve gotten before but, tbh, I can probably find some way to ship it there by selectively ignoring the canon as I always do. 
So, yeah, I’ve basically been stuck in 1789 Hell since then, because apparently my brain said, “Special Interest? SPECIAL INTEREST?” It’s a bit unusual to me since I’m really not used to actually creating content for a ship this much (even if very little of it gets published). 
I still ship it as hard if not harder than I did when I first jumped on; I think that they both have the most potential for growth and development from each other and the most potential as far as an overall plot arc (and delicious, delicious angst, hence why, across the board, no matter how much of the French production I bring into a given WIP, I always keep Peyrol being the one responsible for Ronan getting shot, though there’s also significant angst potential in Peyrol not knowing, thinking bitterly that Ronan had gotten what he wanted but still going back to their apartment only to find it empty, keeping hope that he’s alive for the rest of the night even as it becomes increasingly unlikely, thinking that perhaps Ronan’s still mad at him for everything that happened in Nous ne Sommes, only to learn the next day that Ronan’s dead). I can drop them into roughly any situation, both in the French Revolution and outside of it, and, for the most part, I can have fun with it. September Massacres? Check. Zombie Apocalypse? Check. Being dropped into the Cretaceous Period? Check. One of them’s a dragon who abducts the other one? Check. Afterlife Fic? Check. Going to Disney World together? Check. I was going to say “Childhood Friends AU” but we both know that only leads to pain but, otherwise? CHECK. 
It’s very much a multipurpose ship for me; I can do basically whatever I want with it as it suits my mood, and Lazare de Peyrol is an absolutely fantastic torture subject.10/10 would recommend. 
I hadn’t even considered this one until you brought it up and I’m very, very grateful you did because ANGST! PAIN! BETRAYAL! ANGST! WASH GETTING CHARACTERIZATION! ANGST! BONDAGE! ANGST! It’s definitely my dominant OTP for Terra Nova, I absolutely love it to bits. I liked both Wash and Mira the first time I watched it; I thought that both of them were more interesting than the main plot we got and, tbh, I wanted Wash content that wasn’t necessarily Wash/Taylor centered because I tried it once and it just felt…off. It’s not “NO BAD WRONG” for me and I have the distinct feeling that it’s what the writers were edging towards (which, given the other relationships in TN, might be why it felt off), but I definitely ended up preferring it as mutual, longstanding respect/loyalty rather than an actual romance.
 So, Mira was definitely a better fit for me, in the sense that there’s a lot of potential there for Wash’s characterization that’s not really touched on in the show, there’s a chance for conflict for both of them, there’s a lot of potential as far as backstory, etc. And, looking at the trajectory of the series after Taylor goes, to use the clinical term, bat-shit insane, I think that there’s a lot of potential for a team up between the two of them and a moment where they basically end up meeting in the center so they can fuck up their respective old sides together, get Sienna, and live happily ever after. (Which is also why the Taylor/Mira team up was such a waste compared to Wash/Mira, because WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SET UP THAT OPPORTUNITY FOR A PARALLEL SCENE IN A FEW SEASONS AND NOT USE IT.) 
The only reason I’m not as active with it as I am with, say, Laz and Ronan is because I feel significantly more uncomfortable writing in sci-fi and fantasy settings than I am with historical fiction/modern day fics. Because with that stuff, I have a decent grasp of the world I’m dealing with, how it works, the basic technology I’m dealing with, how to navigate it, etc. whereas with a sci-fi/fantasy element, it’s harder to nail it down, especially with something like TN where we got so little time in the world and most of it was wasted doing other things. (GIVE ME A SERIES BIBLE, SPIELBERG YOU COWARD; NOT JUST THE ARCS AND MYTHOLOGY WITH CREEPY!!TAYLOR.) I can’t really do research on it the same way I can for, say, The Women’s March to Versailles, and I don’t personally feel like I have as good of a grasp on that universe as a whole. I’m fine taking the characters in places that would make the original writers faint, but I want to have a decent grounding for it when I do it. 
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amollion · 7 years
Newcomers Pt 24
It had been days since the bombers burned Geeda and still fires ravaged parts of the city but survivors were still being found buried alive under the rubble. Supply's were dwindling and more and more of the Humans resources being directed to helping those suffering. Riots and protests were feared form the Benemar but to the shock of many there was very little unrest. The Human commanders were surprised by this and when they found out it was because of a young Benemar who was calming the population and directing their anger where it should be. Three more times bombers had tried to strike the city but had to turn back as the Humans increased their air patrols, they were not about to be taken unawares again. Finally Jenkins called a meeting of his commanders.
“How much longer must we wait?” Hopkins complained.
“He has been speaking with Admiral Winston and Captain Kiev for three days, I think we can wait a little longer” Cho counted.
“Well I hope he comes out soon I am really hungry”
“Me too”
“Why are you two here?” Cho said pointing at Hesky and Cathy.
“That's a good point why are we here?” Cathy asked her husband
“I don't know I followed him” Hesky pointed at Hopkins.
“Well I was following you” she said
“Why were you following me?”
“I was horny?”
“Guys!” Hopkins shouted “Just, be quiet”
They both saluted but Hesky grabbed his wife's hip with his tail and pulled her closer.
“Well” Cho started “I don't mind them being here but what about him” he pointed at someone sitting close by reading.
Cassion looked up from a book he was reading and seemed shocked as if he didn't notice where he was.
“Oh shit if I'm here that means something needs explaining”
“Just ignore him” Hopkins said dismissively.
“Good idea, if you don't acknowledge me maybe the readers wont notice I'm here”
Finally the doors to Jenkins office opened and he emerged, they saluted him as he took his place around the table.
“Thank you for coming...and you two as well I guess” he said looking at Cathy and Hesky.
“So do we have a plan?” Hopkins asked.
“After our next resupply, we are to muster our entire force and march on Potellan”
No one spoke, it was one of the two options open to them and they had all thought about which one they would do but now the decision has been made. They will attack in an all or nothing assault.
“I don't think I need to explain what hangs in the balance here, if we fail to take the city even with Kievs force on world we will not be able to end this war with complete confidence in a positive outcome. But if we take the city, the central power on this planet will fall and all other resistance will fall with it like dominoes”
“But, can we even take the city? I've read the reports from out camo troops and I am not certain we have the means, not after that bombing raid” Cho said.
Jenkins nodded and turned to Hesky and Cathy, “You two, what do you think?”
They had read about the city's defences as that information was not withheld from the soldiers.
“Well..” Hesky started “I could link my hands like this and I can give my wife a boost over the walls, or may be put her in a cannon?”
“Sod that I'm planning on using you as a Human shield” Cathy shouted.
“Guys!” Jenkins shouted “Seriously”
Hesky and Cathy looked at each other “The mood in the soldiers lounges and bars is of impatience, they want to get going and we think we truly can. Use the Link to ask them if you don't believe me”
The Link was still so new to them that it was easy to forget that they could use it that way, it took Jenkins little more than a few seconds to ask the whole army what they thought and they told him basically what Hesky had. They wanted this over, they had been idle for too long and wanted to get back into the action and bring the High Chiefs down and to justice for ordering the attack on Terra.
“How long till our next resupply?” Cho aksed.
“Three weeks, we have three weeks to prepare ourselves and put Geeda in a better position than it is now” Jenkins replied.
“I have a really bad idea” Cathy said holding her hand up.
“All you ideas are bad” Hesky pointed out.
“Explains why I married you”
“Touché my love”
“This idea?” Jenkins pressed.
“Oh yes, why don't we leave the city in the care of the Benemar”
“You're right that is a bad idea” Cho said.
“Hang on” Hopkins said “Explain Cathy”
“Well, if what I know of Benemar culture is true they elect an elder to be a Chief of a city and there are plenty of elders in the city but since we are in control there has been no need for a Chief. What if we allowed them to elect a new Chief of the city”
“What if this new Chief turns on us?” Cho asked.
“Then that would be their decision, but do you think they will?”
“I don't” Hopkins said “But the reason is not because of us”
“The boy?” Jenkins asked
“Not a boy any more, Ceran has become quite the leader and I think he will do well”
“He is not an elder though so he cannot by their laws be elected but if he is present and like he has been doing speaking to the people and appealing to their rational sides” Cathy added.
“See it done, let the people choose a new Chief, let them decide their own fate”
They all left soon after leaving only one person alone in the room sitting a still as they could. Cassion looked around confused “Wait, if there was nothing to explain why the fuck am I here!” he shouted at the ceiling.
(Authors note: Hehehe)
“You bitch!!!”
Ceran spoke to the crowed, so many had now come to hear him speak that his image had to be streamed to the media outlets so that they did not all swarm the gathering area that had been allotted to him. Most of the time he simply would debate others, he would call for those to give their opinion on why the current ways or old ways as he was calling them were the right way. He would then argue and give his own opinion and point out the good and bad in both arguments. He often told stories of how Bento Prime used to be, before the rise of the High Chiefs and how the soil was fertile everywhere and the air was clean. How many of the city states lived together and traded goods without fear of the outlaws that roam the wastelands between them. He did not say they return to living on carriages pulled by animals but switch from simply scavenging the planet for anything useful to instead they work to make it a beautiful world once more. When challenged that they lay down all their weapons he argued that those who wish to continue their peace but often fight those who wish to see it destroyed, there will always be those who cannot or will not see the beauty in life rather the harshness of it. But war should not be the first action but the last resort after all other possibilities had been exhausted.
He had also been approached by the elders who had been nominated to be the Chief of Geeda asking for his support, but he openly refused them all. He simply said “I will not support any for I wish people to make their own decision on who they should vote for”
So they all left him disappointed and more than one cussing under their breathe.
“I'm so proud of you Ceran” his mother said hugging him “You have truly grown into your own man”
“Mother not in front of everyone” he complained but she would not let him go.
He was in the middle of a break from his talks and some were coming to him with questions, these ranged from when should one seek revenge to what profession they should pursue. But one man caught him off guard.
The man bowed low to him.
“You do not need to bow to me please” Ceran said and the man straightened.
“Very well, I wish to introduce to you my daughter, Pewloni”
A young girl emerged from behind him and bowed in the traditional female way.
“I would be honoured if you would consider taking her as your wife”
“My what?”
“I would bare you many children Chieftain” she said her eyes down.
“You would what?”
His mother burst out laughing at her son suddenly becoming uncomfortable.
“I have two daughters who would both make excellent wife's” called another man.
“Wait your turn!” shouted the first and soon he was being pressed by nearly a dozen men to consider their daughters as wife's.
“QUIET!” he shouted and everyone suddenly froze and went silent. He turned to the first man's daughter and pointed at her. “What did you call me just now?”
She looked up at him almost frightened “Chieftain, I called you Chieftain”
The men looked at each other.
“Do you not know?” asked the second man.
Suddenly then a group of Human soldiers came in making all heads turn to regard them “There he is” said the leader and they made their way over to him,
“It is my duty to inform you that you as of one hour ago, you were elected by the people to be the new Chieftain of Geeda”
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inacciaio-archive · 7 years
okay so today I woke up from this really vivid dream, read below to get the full story
It was about faeries in a modern world (as well as other magical creatures but specifically faeries were the main characters) (yes my dreams have main characters idk what’s wrong with me) and in this universe, faeries are typically in relationships of four people, since that’s the only way they can produce children. It centers around this one faerie who lives with her mother in her shrunken down faerie house (faeries can also shrink to small size as well as have a human form) , her mother being afraid of the outside world and is convinced that there are horrors out there and everyone else besides her and her daughter is evil. She’s a bit nuts honestly.
so her daughter sneaks out now and then to work in civilization, she has a job and does volunteer work. She and this one human guy at her work have crushes on each other and it’s him who actually finds out that she’s a faerie, through him suggesting an interest in going to her place (he has a bunch of roommates at his place) and thinking she can get him when her mom’s asleep (she sleeps a lot) and that she can shrink him down with her magic and then size him back up without him noticing, she agrees and takes him home. It all works well until the human guy walks out of the faerie house still small because he wanted to look at the outside (idk) and not wanting him to think he’s gone absolutely insane because everything in the outside world is suddenly huge, she tells him all about herself and then he tells her his own surprise; he actually knows all about faeries and other magical creatures as well, because he is actually a fanatic about magical creatures. He introduces her to a support group of magical creatures (again idk XD) and she joins it. (It also includes two faeries, one male one female, and they come into the story later) She talks about her issues with her mother and how she’s insane and how she’s overly protective of her despite her being an adult, and she really doesn’t want to leave her mother alone either because of how out of her mind she is. 
Someone gets the bright idea to have all of them go to the mother’s house to show her that they’re not all evil and the main faerie agrees (okay I should really give them names I’m realizing because while they didn’t have names in my dream weirdly enough, I should give them names to make this explaining thing easier so we’ll call the main faerie Ariana, the other female faerie Sera, the male faerie Joshua and the male human Robert, these were just the first names that came to my head) So Ariana brings them all to her home, shrinks down all the non-faeries herself and they have a house party. They’re all extremely nice to Ariana’s mother and though she still is like fuck these people for coming to my house, after a stern talking to from Ariana, she decides to at least accept the fact that Ariana is an adult and can interact with them if she wants. So she does, and she does more than just interact with some of them, she forms a relationship with Robert, and eventually she forms a relationship with Joshua and Sera, who are already in a relationship with each other. Though uncomfortable for Robert at first, he eventually gets on board with the polyamorous relationship and starts to feel affection for Sera and Joshua as well. They even have children together, Sera giving birth to a boy and Ariana giving birth to a girl. And then something happens that I don’t quite understand.
So there’s this disk, a very important disk apparently. And Sera accidentally gets it broken? I think? Idk something happened to the disk. And apparently this act is unforgivable by Ariana, and she kicks out Sera, Joshua, and Robert of her mother’s house, insisting that she can raise the baby alone with her mother. My theory here is that her mother convinced her that these people were in fact evil and Sera breaking the disk proved it, Ariana convinced that she did it on purpose. And here’s where things in the dream really get fucked up. 
Sera, Joshua and Robert all try figuring out how they can get Ariana to accept them again. She’s taken the children as her own and they all really want their children back. But though Sera has tried, through begging, trying to replace the disk, making an exact copy of the disk (I still don’t know what was so important about this disk anyway) but none of it works and Ariana still won’t forgive her. She breaks down crying in Joshua’s arms and Robert is just sort of there, trying to give comfort to her. But all three of them are angry about wanting their kids back. 
So Ariana tries raising them as humans, she and her mother move with the children to a new location and it breaks Sera and Joshua’s hearts. Robert however, he is welcomed back into her life and despite his discomfort with feeling like he’s betraying Sera and Joshua, he reluctantly agrees, feeling no more love for Ariana but wanting to be a father to his children. Because of the grief they have, Sera is no longer able to have a human form, and Joshua is quickly becoming the same way. Now aged a bit older, just as the children are young pre-teens now, he carries Sera around in his pocket while they desperately look for their children. Eventually they find them when Sera is exploring the school unnoticed because of her small faerie form. She immediately feels connected to the twin brother and sister and knows that it’s them, also based on names and their features, I imagine. (Speaking of names, let’s give these two names as well, we’ll name ‘em Terra and Aqua, yes these are names of characters from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, again, the first two names I thought of on the spot) 
So Terra is real into football and Aqua’s a cheerleader. Ariana wanted them to have the most normal and best human life that they could possibly have. By now, her cray mother has died. She also got a promotion in her job and is now directly underneath the CEO, which has brought her to be very rich, so they live in a nice mansion now. Sera approaches Terra (I just realized that I unintentionally made that rhyme, whoops) and using her small form as a selling point for her story, she tells him all of what happens. At first, he doesn’t believe her, but his sister points out that she was a faerie like she was claiming, as neither of them could think of another explanation for her tiny, hand sized form. She introduces them to Joshua then, who immediately hugs them and is just so happy to see his children again and this happiness finally gives him enough power to stay in his human form and to keep his magic as a faerie. Unfortunately, not all is resolved yet and this uncertainty and worry is what keeps Sera from gaining her power back. Terra and Aqua have the idea of bringing Sera into the house with them, due to her small form they can keep her hidden in their bedroom, and they do for a while, until Ariana eventually finds her. 
When that happens, she’s so angry that she picks up Sera, as well as a pair of scissors. She takes the scissors and much to the horror of Terra and Aqua, right in front of them she slices at Sera’s hair with the scissors, then at her hand, then at her foot, and then with two fingers, she breaks one of Sera’s tiny legs, before dropping her to fall on the ground. Aqua manages to catch her though and both she and Terra try running away from Ariana. Ariana stops them though and takes Sera back, placing her in a cage and then telling Aqua to find Joshua. She tells her to tell him that if he wants Sera back, that he needs to come get her. After this, Aqua asks her mother why she’s being so cruel. Ariana explains that her mother taught her the truth about these people a while ago and that they weren’t to be trusted. Aqua goes and tells Joshua the message and with Aqua’s help, he gets into the mansion undetected. However, it was a trap, and Ariana immediately shrinks him down and keeps him that way, draining his magic from him, and throws him in the small cage with Sera. Aqua and Terra feel that they have to do something, that their mother has gone too far, especially as they see how wounded Sera is. They go to Robert, they know now their human father, and beg him for help. He agrees, only because he felt that he betrayed his two loved ones so long ago for the sake of his children, and now his children were asking him to help them, so of course he would. 
Robert explains to them how they have magic too, that it is stronger than their mother’s when combined because of being faerie/human hybrids. Together, he, Terra and Aqua attack Ariana. Terra and Aqua pin their mother down, and they drain all of the magic from her, including Joshua’s previously drained magic. Now small, they put her into the cage and take Sera and Joshua out of it. Robert forms a plan as Terra and Aqua return Joshua’s magic to him, as well as giving Ariana’s magic to Sera. His plan involves burning all the money they keep in their safe, and then calling the police and reporting that Ariana took all the money from their safe and ran. The children back up this story to the police. They keep Ariana like an angry pet then, in her cage and with food and water, and Joshua, Sera and Robert join in a relationship again and raise Terra and Aqua together.
so yeah that’s how my fucked up dream went XD
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...whoa. Iiii definitely tripped down a rabbit hole somewhere.
But did I ever clarify that, while I personally don’t like Terra as a person (it takes an AWFUL lot to impress me), I still think that she and Beast Boy had one of the most complicated and layered relationships ever to exist...? And I see it as overall a very good thing?
And yeah. Okay, so I ship it. I did as a child. I thought about it and wondered what would have happened. Then Things Change aired, and I figured “okay? can’t ship that, you can’t be in a romantic relationship you don’t even WANT”. But then, Tara Strong said something in a panel I attended about Terra having more of a story arc that never happened. And I was--? Shocked? Wait, that was NOT supposed to be the very end?
So anyways, my point is, we don’t KNOW how Beast Boy and Terra’s relationship would’ve ended up... had her story actually been COMPLETED.
Had Beast Boy’s maturity, and Terra’s reconciliation, ever been completely seen through.
And I can’t help thinking... it would STILL be good if he was able to get her back.
I mean. That moment, in the comic, that the movie reflected. The kiss. Hell yes, THAT.
Beast Boy reached out to her-- and TOUCHED her, and got her to show a crack in that geokinetic armor, like nobody else had ever done. Not even Slade.
Once she opens up to him: I see it in the movie. (...a LOT in the movie, actually. Whether it was romantic or platonic, he was her lifeline, and HE was getting her out of the mindset Deathstroke had trained into her.)
But what I’m really getting at here is in the cartoon.
Sure, Beast Boy and Terra are volatile people. But volatile people understand more than any other person you’re in a relationship with, how to talk about it, what goes in your mind-- how to FIX it, what to DO. They RECOVER from flare-ups better than people who crave calmness and stability.
In fact: In my experience, people who talk before they think tend to feel a lot more catharsis after fights than people for whom conversation is a chore.
I have never once seen a relationship with a volatile person and an extra-stable person work out to the depth and levels of connection that two unstable people, who pull through their instability TOGETHER, have. Because when everything crumbles when they shake each other up, they're usually pretty good at rebuilding it from the ground up. They can HANDLE each other.
(I don’t mean to generalize, and please don’t think that’s my intention; this is merely my observation, in my own life, from having five sides to my family, being the person people I don’t even know want to tell their life story to, and naturally wanting to reach out to somebody who’s struggling, and help them through it, help them resolve whatever they need to resolve, and celebrate with them when it’s finished. Psychologically speaking? The cliche’s are wrong. Opposite really don’t do that well together. Because talking is nice and all... but being able to UNDERSTAND someone, and to feel understood, is absolutely essential in a romantic endeavor-- in ANY relationship!)
I digress.
But, Beast Boy and Terra. What really gets me about them...? Is that in Terra’s darkest times, Beast Boy is the one who stands by her side. He’s the one who still sees good in her. He is the ONLY ONE that sees everything she’s done, and still thinks she’s worth trying to save.
She had a breakdown. He stayed loyal to her through the whole thing.
How on earth is that not hella important....?
That’s incredible. That’s special. That... is the kind of relationship that if you are ever to find in your own life, you had better hold onto, tight. Because you don’t FIND that kind of love, and loyalty, and support, just from living around someone for five years of your life.
And don’t think it’s a parasitic kind of relationship. Because sure, we see Terra struggling.
But we also saw the way she made his eyes sparkle; SHE made HIM laugh! Which is, I hope I don’t have to remind you, something that keeps him healthy, emotionally? It’s his COPING MECHANISM, it’s a pretty healthy one actually, and in the show, she just absolutely EMBRACES that. In the movie? She lets him have some moments.
(In the comic... i don’t know. I don’t remember the nuances of that scene, because gray-aroace RHS was never terribly interested in that since I read it last.  It could just as easily be that she was very much manipulating him.)
But the way she makes HIM smile. The connection they have, over silly things like photobooths and pie. Those are the things you share with someone you care about, not just grand adventures and childhood trauma.
(...you know what’s funny? I wouldn’t have written that paragraph fifteen years ago, but my relationship with my girlfriend has shown me that, yes, those vulnerable moments are to be treated with kindness and respect, and come ONLY if you love someone, on some level. But it’s in the little moments that you really BUILD your relationship, and keep it strong. You can have these big dramatic moments to catalyze all you want, but it’s the compounds and the in-between moments that really set the tone...)
...Idunno. It’s... complicated, and love is different for everyone, and Terra was fucked up, and Beast Boy was immature, and he tried to show off, she tried ot be tough.
But you know what? When their disguises fell away, they bonded.
I honestly cannot sincerely ship Beast Boy with anyone else. Because A) Nothing else is, uhh, actually CANON, in the stories that matter to me. (In the stories that actually felt, you know. In-character?)
But more importantly: B) Because nobody else has ever drawn out such a listening, engaged, sincere, and actually pretty mature side of Beast Boy, either.
Their dynamic is undeniably powerful, and I can’t... I just can’t, look at the way Beast Boy clung to his loyalty and faith in Terra, this terribly amoral traitor, this girl who, regardless of WHAT version you look at, was just absolutely filled with brokenness and lostness and HATE, and see the way he still wanted to help her... I just can’t see that as anything but love.
Because he knew there was still good in her.
And I always pity her, especially because she was never given the chance to really bring it out.
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