#if someone who likes that shit actually read through all of this... block me LMAO
donghoonie-3 · 8 months
Don't look at the tags if you get triggered easily... just ranting down there 🤕
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I'm very late to the party it seems, because only after getting more weird asks than usual, and a few explicitly naming the bloggers involved did I learn today of the ugliness that went down a short while ago. Storm has already said her bit and I respect her choice to quietly step back so this isn't me resurrecting a dead horse to bludgeon. I'm writing this because I've been on the receiving end of this sort of campaign before, have seen it play out too many times with the same types of people, and because I want it on record somewhere that I don't know anybody here personally (a conscious choice) but that all my dealings with Storm showed her to be a forthright and thorough person. And even if she wasn't, that wouldn't excuse any of this bullshit.
Normally if this were a private matter I'd keep my opinion to myself after all I don't know any of you. But the moment anybody brings this shit into the public then anybody gets to have a go at it. We've all seen these sorts of takedown posts before, and I'm not always opposed to them because sometimes they're for good reason. If someone is actually racist, or idk a serial killer, it's good for the public to know that shit. Differing opinions on jikook being real, someone cussing you out, or blocking liberally do not meet that threshold for me, but everyone's different.
When I see these takedowns happen, including when it happened to me, I've observed it usually involves HCP personalities in this blogging space that take certain actions extremely personally and nurse grievances until it festers into fuel for drama that they gratify in because in their heads they believe they’ve been scorned and therefore are right. They usually think in a very tribal sense, rope other people in and force people into camps of friend, neutrals, and foe, and wear their egos on their sleeves.
In my case, I'd only been blogging here actively for less than 5 months before a pair of bloggers and their followers accused me of feuding with them, using them for clout, and that my opinions on my blog somehow prevented them from running their own blog and speaking freely. They'd been nursing that grievance for months with the followers who felt as they did, while I was oblivious, blogging with abandon so to speak, even interacting with them, until the call-out post. And my followers had been receiving messages about how much of a horrible bitch I am (I mean, I can be a bitch but hadn't been to anyone here at that point).
Thankfully I hadn't been blogging for long so most people could go through my blog to read what I actually think, see how I actually engage, and decide for themselves if anything those bloggers said made any sense. Storm has a longer blogging history and the campaign against her more widespread since she was very active in jikook spaces, plus she legit needs a break so I get why she's decided to take one now. I still get weird asks from people who claim to be devoted to those bloggers and that shit, that behaviour, that mentality is ugly. The point here is too many people take shit personally and then try to make it everyone's problem. Some HCP people can't help it if they have those sorts of personalities, but that doesn't excuse it. Seeing shit like this just kills the vibe for anyone who doesn't get high off that nonsense, and it further frays whatever community people are trying to build here. I usually keep my distance but I admire the people who have tried, even if only in public, to connect with people here and build community. Not everyone has to like everyone else, but there's enough abuse and BS to jokers from outside the community and fandom, for anyone to think their momentary satisfaction is worth poisoning this space, or character assassinating someone else.
Apparently anyone who has voiced support for Storm, has themselves become a target, and that in itself should tell you how weird this all is lmao.
For the people flooding my inbox who think we're in kindergarten and I should declare where my loyalties lie, get a fucking grip. If you have a problem with my arguments or views, I'm always happy to engage on that basis. But if you think me liking Storm and interacting with her posts is reason enough for you to act a fool in my inbox, you must be high out of your goddamn mind. Take my advice and block me because nobody here has time for all that. Vous pouvez vous attendre à être complètement ignoré par moi à partir de ce moment. J'ai entendu dire que le sexe anal peut soulager la pression sur la tête, vous pouvez l'essayer et me dire si cela fonctionne. Ça, je le posterai sur le blog. Tout le reste sera supprimé.
Borahae. 💜
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velvet-games · 3 months
intro post
I'll probably add more to/change this later; I've just needed an intro post for a while, and this is what I could think of. you should probably remind me to update it if this section is still here after like six months lol.
name/pronouns/age/gay shit~
honestly you can call me whatever, but I probably won't know you're talking about me unless you use vel/velvet.
prefer they/it; any pronouns are fine.
I'm probably non-binary I guess.
I'm an adult.
I basically just identify as queer at this point, but I'm like,, vaguely aroace-spec probably? still figuring it out. I'm actually very happy to talk about it more specifically, but I might have to sit you down for an entire day to explain it lol.
what I do/post~
I mostly post fandom stuff, and my original posts include a lot of art + occasional meta. I'm starting write fic too, so that might be a more regular thing in the future :)
other accounts~
@/velvetygames -- explicit nsfw twitter/x account, not very active
@cornerbytes -- old dragon prince account that I will probably revisit when the new season comes out
@/velvet_games -- ao3 account
I post occasional nsfw here (never super explicit; that's saved for my twitter); it'll be tagged #nsft.
current fandom: hazbin hotel
previous fandoms:
hannibal (will always have a very special place in my heart)
arcane (will revisit when the new season comes out)
ofmd (literally so happy this exists; devastated it's not getting a new season)
the dragon prince (will probably revisit when the new season comes out)
good omens
lotr (I also read like 2/3 of the hobbit and will hopefully finish it this summer lmao)
things in media that make me go insane (in a good way)~
happy endings
good visuals (even if everything else is shit; extra points if it's animation)
this one's weird but I love situations where a character is really helpless; I thought I liked whump because I can be borderline sadistic about it sometimes, but whump is really not necessary at all to this concept
religious stuff, mythology, angels specifically for some reason (especially when they're terrifying and/or fallen)
gay people
you are welcome to send in ideas through comments, DMs, asks, etc., but I can't guarantee I'll draw them. if I don't, it doesn't mean that I don't like your idea; I'm probably just busy or have too many brainworms about a specific thing to draw anything but what's on my mind.
I randomly get really anxious about feedback on stuff sometimes lol, but I promise I read every single comment/tag and cherish them very deeply <33
also, like/rb spamming is totally fine and welcomed! I know some people don't like it, so I just wanted to make it clear that it's completely cool with me.
for a really long time, this was my pinned post, and it's still true! definitely welcome any interactions from mutuals <3
I do have a problem with randomly ghosting people though; I've been much better with it recently, but please try not to take it personally if I don't respond to DMs quickly. I'm probably just being insane and in my head about it. I'm really sorry.
this is an account that is purposely removed from my irl stuff; I'm here to have fun and relax on my mostly fandom-oriented blog.
I don't block often since I mostly meet nice people on here, but I am very happy to block accounts that make my experience on this app shitty.
I try to tag triggers when appropriate, but please let me know if you need me to tag anything I haven't.
art for me is just a hobby I use for fun and self-expression, so while I really appreciate concrit, keep in mind that my goal is ultimately to make stuff that makes me happy.
I am also very protective of young artists that get made fun of for being beginners or making unconventional art; you should never assume why someone is making art, and you especially should not assume that they are focused on becoming more skilled or making things that are beautiful to you. if they're not hurting anyone and you're not their target audience, get the fuck out.
I am of the mindset that media is not real, but that your reaction/the things you learn are. liking cannibal media does not make you a cannibal, but seeing bigoted portrayals of minorities can feed your biases (doesn't necessarily mean you can't consume it; does mean its effect on you/others irl should factor into if/how you decide to interact with it).
I'm vaguely fucked in the head. just keep that in mind.
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ornithia · 2 years
lmao i got blocked for this
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i, a living, breathing, real-life existing aroace individual, a literal example of the very category you specifically attempted to white-knight, asked a genuine question regarding the puritanical "white-washing" of the general identity to which i and several of my peers belong to - but i suppose confronting your own bigotry was just too much to handle, eh?
let's go over your "values":
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so you're not a "radical inclusionist" (w/e that means) ... but by your own logic, excluding certain marginalised groups (such as the select "undesirable" and "dirty" asexuals that do not fit the pure stereotype mold) precisely means you're also not a real leftist, but a "Republican in training" (this is literally YOUR own definition in YOUR own words)
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so ... people like you, then? also awfully convenient that all of this info that constitutes blocking was hidden below a read-more, btw. (also, you commented on someone ELSE's post. i'd say that's fair game - maybe DON'T comment publicly at all if you truly don't want to engage with anyone, especially not if you're requiring them to read a whole TOS essay of your "voids" and "warranties")
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this one was a little further down ... buddy. MOST people who ship alastor are asexuals themselves, safely exploring their identities and analysing their experiences through a fictional proxy. i can ASSURE you the majority of us are not aphobic, we're simply diverse, as human beings are wont to be. trying to fit us all into a neat little box and weeding out those who do not fit your standards or rhetoric, on the other hand - now THAT'S aphobic as all shit
going over the DNI list now and:
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lmao WHAT. please research the history of humanity and the arts, i GUARANTEE you that most people who've written/created analogs of terrible things (since the very dawn of human creativity) have not PERSONALLY engaged in horrific deviancy so much as commentated on it, in order to make a point about its horrors and use it to tell a greater message. (also "predators in the making" is literally a dog whistle used in right-wing circles, specifically the ones that embrace terf-rhetoric, are homophobic, anti-feminist, and pro-censorship with the intended goal of resetting society to the "nuclear family" aka institute a social order in which the queers don't exist, women exist purely to spread their legs and pop out babies for their masters Men, children are DANGEROUSLY isolated and taught to be ignorant of the world that exists beyond their neighborhood so that when they eventually grow up they end up xenophobic Adults unable to cope with the notions of Different and New and far less able to creatively relate, empathise, or put themselves in others' shoes, for better or worse.
also, THIS is why ACTUAL critical thinking matters, and not just lazy broad strokes of some supposed "general morality", like holy shit you'd think you'd realise this given you consider yourself a "💜Beginner Satantic-Pagan Witch" and all the maligned things that THAT would imply based on a surface-level understanding of satan/lucifer's origins without actual research into the religion, like - based on the name alone, most people would assume you have a sadistic and LAUGHABLY disproportionate desire to see humans suffer due to a petty and envious "sibling rivalry" over the fact that god doted on humans just a little "too much" for lucifer's personal liking (per the canonical texts of the abrahamic religions)
OBVIOUSLY that's not the case, as there's ALWAYS more to the picture; you criticals should try applying this philosophy more often, you all seem so miserable all the time it's hard to imagine how this COULDN'T help
as for the rest of the list ... honestly, it isn't terrible. MOST of it is reasonable. pity, as we could've potentially been friends - had you just chosen to NOT speak on behalf of ALL asexuals with 0 consideration for our varied and complex nuance and spooked yourself into blocking me over a reality check
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banjjakz · 8 months
"oh shit someones already figured it out" hehe i saw right through ur tricks LMAO just thought that gloomy yandere shoko would b Very hot (oh pretty neurotic woman w eyebags... u have captivated me). that was my argument. that one meme that says "my pussy has led me to places i wouldnt even go with a gun" HAHAHA
and abt final girl thoughts... squeezes ur gojo in my hand.... hes so dear to me, in all of his charming asshole and eldritch horror glamour. no cuz the way he chuckles and grins while demeaning reader !! he is not driven by pure love but by deeply rooted obsession, and its only suguru whos at its core- not reader. i love how neither gojo or reader respected each other despite their interactions taking place in the "gojo route". sure it is an otome route but you get no sweet lovin at all! you get literallyreduced to shreds, dissolved into particles scattered across the universe instead! sighs dreamily. anti-otome final girl fanfiction written by banjjakz youre so dear to me........
btw the gojo dsm comment took me out LMAO kinda unrelated but i know psychologists would NOT b welcomed in the jjk world lmao. the stigma around mental health matters between non-sorcerers pales in comparison to how a mental health professional would b treated by a higher-up, for instance. supposing ur goal is to have young sorcerers manage their negative emotions so that they dont go mental and die before they turn 18 then youre unfortunately getting executed for sabotage at best... i remember reading a yuuta fic in which it was mentioned that he had seen a psychologist after the rika incident. makes me wonder if thatd mean hes learnt (within that au) lets say breathing exercises and if he practises them whenever he gets anxious. every other sorcerer watching him like: https://www.tiktok.com/@androidg1rl/video/7291743972991503649
anyways sorry 4 rambling lolll thanks 4 writing final girlll loved it smmm and will be waiting for the secret endings eagerly :> !
no truly like serial bereavement was written for yuuta fans sure whatever but the actual intended audience is the #real sick and twisted individuals with a penchant for off-putting women who lowkey look like they'd be into consensual vivisection
"anti-otome" why am i obsessed with this label LOL wow this is really high praise anon like thank you???? crying.... we are inventing new genres of fiction over here..... just another day on banjjakz.tumblr.com
as for gojo's route, yeah, to be quite honest i can't in good faith imagine him in any lifetime or in any universe with anyone other than suguru. not even in a sappy stsg otp way, but like, just going off of my own personal notes of his characterization.... to me, pairing him with someone else -- even a self-indulgent MC -- would be egregiously out-of-character LOL. this was actually a point of writer's block for me as i was drafting final girl. like, i knew i wanted to tackle satoru. but i also knew there was no way i could convincingly or ethically produce a route where you were the object of his affections. had to take the cowards way out and have him kill you, lol, but at least we get lore? (more will be revealed in the final updates... i promise...)
KJHKSJDK mental healthcare in the sorcery world is actually insane like let's focus on physical healthcare and increasing the life expectancy first maybe
also if you'd like to slide the link to this therapized!yuuta fic.... [eyes emoji]
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callmearcturus · 2 years
I feel like people find you intimidating because you're confident and because you have firm boundaries and will quickly block people for crossing them or being assholes? All of those are good things, but communicating online is hard and there's a lot of room for misunderstandings. I've seen people being frightened of people who interact with randos and first-offense block assholes, not because they intend to say anything assholish, but because they're afraid of accidentally saying something that reads differently than they expected and never having a chance to apologize or continue to interact.
Also so many people who interact with a lot of randos are entirely terrified of the people following them and that's extremely unhealthy but it's so much the norm that someone who isn't afraid of the opinions of their followers can stand out as some kind of iron-willed badass. That may also contribute.
I mean. That tracks, all of that is accurate. I've been on the internet for a long time and my boundaries are extremely well fortified at this point. Tumblr and fandom broadly are a huge part of my life, so imo the safety rails are necessary. I do recall being younger and less aware of that necessity, and it was much less fun.
But also, I cannot overstate how people cannot control my blocking, lmao. I think the last person I blocked was on one of my How To Read Whomstve posts talking about Well Actually The Epilogues Where Good And yadda yadda i blocked them, because funnily enough I don't think we need to interact further. XD I don't think I'd like their content and they wouldn't like mine.
The idea of being an iron-willed badass is fun but also a little sad. People who make you uncomfortable in fandom have no right to access to you, and once you start ignoring or blocking the folks who incite that reaction, you will be demonstrably happier.
All of these are not easy lessons. I had to go through a lot of fucking vicious harassment before I learned. Hell, the harassment I got from sw/amp wi/zard and their cronies last go-around shoved me back in the fucking closet. That ain't no joke and it sucked. So, we learn from that shit, hopefully. I just hope everyone else out there gets to learn it without the vaguely traumatic harassment campaigns. That'd be sweet.
One more thing: I know a lot of people feel more comfortable using anon to send messages. I leave it on for that reason. But I do want everyone to know that when you use anon, you are assuming the same greyface of every person who has sent me suicide baiting and threats and harassment. There is inherent baggage to hitting that 'anon' switch that you are opting into. I've said before that Anon Isn't. It isn't "anonymous," there is a collective identity to it. So I am more likely to nuke someone sending me a bad anon message.
On the flipside, when you sign the message and don't use anon, you both enable me to reply to you privately if that is more appropriate/comfortable to me, and you automatically get a cache of Good Faith that you absolutely do not get from being anon. I don't expect explaining this will cause ppl to collectively stop using anon, but I think it's important context to keep in mind.
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creedslove · 1 year
Loved part 3 so much!!!!!! <333
I just hope you don’t rush with the story, you’re an amazing writer I am so impressed, I usually only see smut or the storyline doesn’t resonate or feels forced. The fact that for once you’re giving so much thought into this, you’re building the anticipation, you have gotten us rooting for the reader, even if you write 100 parts of the story I know it’ll all be amazing because you’re great at delivering !!
For a long time I was looking for a fic with Pedro x reader but writers only choose his characters from shows/movies. I wonder what made you think to start writing about him and not his characters?
Take care writer, you’re putting amazing work out here, we love uuuuu <3
thank you so much anon, your words are motivating and really sweet! ❤️💖
I don't think I'll rush any chapters I mean, all the chapters were absolutely not planned, I wrote Betrayed as an one shot but people got into it and asked for a part two, which brought a part three, then part four and five (that's being written right now) I have absolutely no idea how many chapters we still have ahead, I just hope I won't go into any writer's block because I'm really enjoying this story and the ideas come naturally and when they don't, I get lots of amazing anon suggestions to work on, so I feel really lucky, to see people are actually invested.
I'm happy you are enjoying it, when I write a story, I try to write something interesting it would catch my attention and I would read it if I someone else had written it, you know what I mean? And I've always loved angst with happy endings, but I like the build up more than the ending when it's done properly and I noticed there's a lot Pedro stories that are rushed to the happy ending, which I don't blame because honestly who wouldn't want to live happily ever after with that man lmao and he is all the time a ray of sunshine to reader which I also enjoy because it brings us comfort when we read it but I thought to myself: what if he is just a normal guy who screws up like everyone else and is too stubborn to admit it? And people enjoyed that portrait! And we all project ourselves into reader, just like I said in another ask, in my mind reader is me just like she is you when you reader and so on, so we honestly just root for ourselves to be strong enough to fend for ourselves no matter how hot Pedro is while breaking our heart 😂😂😂
And the main reason why I began writing about Pedro is because I got into him because of him and not his characters. I had never watched anything he was on and I always saw people gushing about him on Twitter but never got the fuss about it, until about a month or so when whenever I logged on Instagram random pictures or reels of him would show up in my suggestions. I would usually ignore them until I came across that one where he talks about how people usually pronounce 'Pedro' and then he tells the interviewer his full name, using his beautiful accent and as I study Spanish I just LOVED the sound of that. Then other videos of him would appear and I would send them to my friend who really loves him because it reminded me of her. So I went from this guy isn't that ugly to he's not ugly at all to holy shit he's very handsome.
But the cherry on top was about three weeks ago I was going through a rough time where my immune system wasn't great or whatever and I was constantly sick, I had been sick for over a month before that and each week I would have a different problem lol and that week i was again sick and it just drained me emotionally because i was feeling so weak and all the antibiotics I took made me feel physically bad as well and my work schedule was hectic as always, long story short I was a walking corpse that week until I began dreaming about him at night.
The first time I dreamed about Pedro, it was silly but also really sweet, I dreamed I was at the mall, running some errands and with my headphones on, then the song 'Otro día que va' by RBD began playing and I sang along to it and it caught his attention because it was in Spanish so he made small talk and we began chatting, then he invited me for lunch and it was adorable because it was kinda a lunch day. So when I woke up I felt so happy and comforted about the dream and the following nights I also dreamed about him, he was always so sweet in flirty in my dreams and we spoke a lot of Spanish that spiced up things a little bit lol and by the end of the week I already had a massive crush on him, lol
But I wrote for one of his characters: Javier Peña because he makes me feel things™ and I'll probably write more when inspiration comes, just like I'll probably write for Joel Miller in the future because he also makes me feel things™ but so far, my main focus is nuestro dulce pedrito porque lo amo 💖
Thanks a lot anon, your ask was amazing and don't forget the only reason I write it's because of you all and how amazing and support of my work you all are!
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bossyuri · 1 year
Ima put my random thoughts about SRV in here! It probably won't make much sense but wtv sdfsg
again I haven't placed the last building or conquered the whole map yet, as context, but i did finish the main story aside from that.
So ima start of with thoughts while disregarding how the bugs affected the experience!
Overall, I had a good time! I really enjoyed it. I love the new crew. I loved the focus on friendship. I'd say the story overall is nothing really special though, which I don't think is necesserily a bad thing. Sometimes a chill story packaged in a fun game is good ya know.
I loved finding out bits and pieces about our friends through dialogue, I think that was great, and I really liked that it felt like a solid friend group. Modern Yuri (as I like to colloqually call him lmao) is so much more mellow from having a good support system early on lol. But he's still got some Classic Yuri in him.
The rival gangs I think that thematically, visually, their music and stuff, they were great. I liked them a lot, they had good contrast, their music when you fight them rules. I do think that they were a little underused in the actual story though so they don't quite leave the impact that say, the Syndicate did. The threat they posed felt more theorical than anything you actually see. Again not the worst thing, but I feel like they could've used a bit more time to be more present. (I did like how the Panteros stuff ended because it tied in with other things later though!). Like I think in particular that the collective could have been used a lot more.
That said I did play with looong months-long break for the first quarter of the game so idk how that affected my impression. And the last few missions I think were really, really cool, I really liked them! But I felt like the middle parts after a certain point weren't quite as memorable.
But I don't think it was bad! And the game isn't quite over yet, so I'm looking forward to what's to come.
Also I did like how narratively the game tries to give you a nice fantasy release from a lot of real life issues. I'm sure many people at Volition had to face these frustrations in their lives and it felt like. relatable yknow.
Now though.....so I work in game QA, going on my 7th year, and the game released in....really an unnacceptable state, which was really a bummer and really harmed it. I don't blame the devs. Devs want to give us good games. But they don't control release dates.
and they did not control covid. I know a lot people see covid as an "excuse" to fuck up games but trust me as someone who was working in the industry through it all, it absolutely messed up a *lot* of stuff that you may never know about. My setup from home is still not ideal. And thats not even getting into employee burnout but anyway-
I've had crashes to desktop, blockers in missions (regularly), broken multiplayer (tho i havent had a chance to test it again after patches) needing full game restarts for a variety of reasons (clothes broken, face broken, world stopped populating, quest blocked...) the clothes system still breaks for me after so many months after release (thought its a lot better. i dont fear the stores as much anymore lol). I don't know if it's a quirk of the PC version, but it would have been so much more of a good experience if they had had the time to polish the game more before release. Lots of gamers don't have much patience for this kinda shit, and it's a shame for a game that has a lot of love put into it.
But they're still patching the game, and the QOL changes that they keep adding are really good. The game is a lot more stable for me too so I will definitely keep playing, and I'm hoping that my mental state will allow me to make some fun content from it. I'm still kinda hoping for a steam release sometime so I might get to replay the story again if that happens. Because taking screenshots on epic is a goddamn pain.
So huh anyway. I don't think anyone cares that much but if you've read that far thank you! And also thanks for sticking around with me for so long despite my dropping off the face of the earth in a depression spiral. But I'm still around and Yuri is still around. And Saints Row V is fun!
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vynegar · 1 year
ch 10 liveblog
just the quick reactions i have while reading the chapter! updated as i go. i'm making a separate post for translation-related things, but that'll be posted when i finish the whole chapter
so for artem/mc interactions, he feels normally protective and careful of her but the awkwardness is still there he doesn't know if she's mad at him TT (immediately blocking her from view in the car!! and realizing now that he was so shocked because things were awkward between them!!!) also i'm gonna note his reasons for taking the case as close enough to the post-ch9 predictions
hmm artem's acting being SHIT in this chapter. clearly he can act when he wants to, so i'm interpreting this as him thinking the prankster is such a clown that he can half-ass this performance xDD
vyn on leave of absence w/o informing us... they really ARE functioning separately omg
also this guy thinking he has leverage over them with vyn. LMAO. i'm starting to see why vyn was so cruel with him in that screenshot
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so bold of this to be in an artem-focused chapter. they knew what they were doing
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oh ok he had me in the first half i'm not gonna lie
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wait hang on this actually reminds me of artem personal story ch 1... maybe this whole separation charade thing is also to help develop mc's independence...? much to think about...
rhino horn spotted on the workbench in the investigation section! which reminds me, i should add a thing about that in the translation post for some added cultural/language context that non-chn speakers probably wouldn't catch
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just screenshotting this since it feels important, as part of artem's philosophy of the role of a lawyer
omg the person who scratched marius is coming back as a plot point. also MARIUS <333
screenshotting the marius convo to think about later. is his other purpose for investigation luke and/or artem since they also got talismans? but i don't think he would know that, or at least he should be pretending he doesn't know in order to feign distance
omg that's another entry for the ch 10 translation post. why does marius keep getting shafted by the eng translation TT he keeps ending up harsher and more CEO-like (but the jp dub makes him sound softer so maybe it evens out? lmao)
the contrast of his appropriate distance at the detention center vs his insistent closeness when they seek out jonah zahn... add that to the theme of closing the distance from the first year of cards... nice nice very nice
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a follow-up to his encouragement from ch 9 that mc could handle this?
also another patient of vyn's (or someone who sought treatment at his research center at least) who met a tragic end....
oh nooo )): jerome is like 100% framing felicia securely for this case. kind of ironic because he told her to go through all the trouble of making a show out of it to ensure justice for her husband, but then he went through so many hoops to frame her instead... also tot is kinda interesting in just how much public opinion affects how the cases play out. here felicia was told having the "curse" cause a stir was the only way to catch the true culprit, but another common thing in stories is the harassment that rosa and artem face as attorneys for high-profile cases... another thing to think about. court of public opinion and whatnot
ok hate to admit it but... AI voice kinda slayed that line. ladkfjadsfj vyn i'm so obsessed w you when you're on a warpath
oh u know that vyn secretly loves having rosa threaten him like this
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this is what vyn haters THINK he's like. I FUCKING WISH
anyway. CONTINUED evidence of putting on a hostile performance. just wondering when we can get some answers
uhhhh so CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT bryan wing has connections to a secret auction where selling humans isn't off the table?? oh things are getting dark
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i have no words...... first of all, writers turning THIS into a comedy moment with the clown bgm.... "capiche".....
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i think another interpretation of artem's acting is that he's particularly good when it comes to being aggressive/arrogant/A. i like to believe all interpretations especially overly specific ones
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vyn what the hell are you involved in that you have sway over something like this
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ugghhh okay it's really getting good now but gotta sleep :// also might be translating some parts of vyn and ogier's convo (10-19) bc there are slight paraphrasings that i'd like to keep the original implications of
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oh i was actually thinking about this during the scene... i'm sorry vyn i have failed u....
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this entire scene feels very significant... another thing to go back and chew over...
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the way i instinctively yelled "NO! >:(" at the screen
ROSA WHAT THE HELL KIND OF IDEA i know we readers have semi-omniscient pov but oh my god
nah there's still gotta be something with this report. maybe jerome lied. we can't just rule it out like this
ok so the black market drugs are still more like medicinal with severe side effects including hallucinations, while the traces on the cup had acute poisoning levels of NXX (just taking notes)
oh hell yeah an entry for the translation post
hmmmm ok jerome is REALLY getting the potential-redemption/sympathy edit?? idk just this continued gentleness that they keep showing from him. i feel like it's going beyond the level of just "this villain is emotionally intelligent enough to garner allies and manipulate others"
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god he's so insufferable (affectionate)
wait so vyn has talked to brigid too? ok so basically confirming that he's doing the aforementioned psychotherapy
wow vyn is really just the only therapist in stellis or sth
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lasdljfks;alsdjf okay what a chapter. lots to think about and i need to process it. honestly i'm kinda tempted to just go directly into reading ch 11 since i can xDD
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sussoro · 1 year
hi, we have questions for indi and yourself! for indi: 3, 30, 38. and for you: e, g, h. <3
hi, ri! i hope you're doing well 💖 i've said it to you already but, once again, sorry for the late reply (tumblr stop-eating-notifications challenge, lol).
ohohoh these are all such good questions! 👀 here you go:
3. "how do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking)?"
fun fact #1: indigo has always been a night owl, first and foremost, so she tends to go to sleep at ungodly hours (much to orion's dismay, sjksjk) if she ever goes to sleep at all. right after the breakup with seven and all that media shitstorm, she used to lull herself to sleep after spending the night at some club dancing, drinking, doing drugs, hooking up with strangers and trying to drunk text/call seven (not a great spectacle, tbh). i headcanoned that rowan — after witnessing a particularly bad rock-bottom moment — decided to help her in blocking seven's number and social media accounts. at present time, though, i'd say that indigo puts herself to sleep in a couple of ways: a) if she's not tired at all, she will take her notebook to write songs and whatever is going through her mind at that moment; b) fun fact #2: aside from singing, indigo loves dancing as well (she literally doesn't know how to stand still and how to not be a menace) so, when she is so tired that her brain is all fuzzy, she likes to watch dance practice videos on youtube to relax;
30. "who do they most regret meeting?"
her parents, lmao. jokes aside, i don't think she ever regretted meeting anyone (yep, not even seven). indi is a social butterfly and a very flirty gal by nature, so it's really easy for her to make friends and having one-night stands, the real problem is who will still be at her side through the good and the bad. as i said, she doesn't regret meeting seven but, if given the chance to do things differently, she probably would fight for him more/relish their relationship more before everything went down the drain (she won't take back the fact that she voted him out of the lead singer spot because, to this day, she feels like it was the right choice, marketing-wise).
38. "what memory do they revisit the most often?"
i think it's the night where her and seven got each other's initials inked on their inner wrists. it was the first of many tattoos for her and it was a very special moment (despite everything that happened, and the fact that indi is really petty, she didn't remove/conceal the tattoo).
e. "are they someone you would get along with? would they get along with you?"
honestly? i don't think so, sjkjsk. i am an introvert person, who literally has to psyche herself up in order to talk to people i don't know that well, and i usually prefer to listen to others instead of commanding a crowd with my talking. i genuinely believe that we could get along if we really wanted to, but we have very different lives and interests so it won't be an ever-lasting friendship, i'm afraid *squeaky noises*
g. "what trait of theirs bothers you the most?"
oh, the childishness for sure. i literally cannot stand people that are actual adults on paper, and then act like five years old children. i'd also say the unhealthy coping mechanisms (drugs + alcohol).
h. "what trait do you admire the most?"
indigo's social butterfly skills are something that i wish i'd have most of the times (i made my peace with being an introvert a long time ago, so no worries. it's mostly a "what's this? silence? c'mon brain, get your shit together and come up with some hilarious conversation topic!" type of thing, sjksjk). i'll throw in the "she can actually sing" bit too, lmao.
again, the gift of summary skipped me completely when i was born and, if you reached the end of this, i will be eternally grateful.
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dilfdoctordoom · 1 year
4, 6, 7, 11, 14, 16, 17
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
i was trying to be less liberal with the block button this year (cause I've blocked people for posting actors in character tags like I do not give a shit fuck off) buuuut that didn't last long & it was when someone tried to argue with me about ships while being a proshipper.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
The specific brand of Starmora shippers that have never read a comic in their life but go out of their way to harrass people for. even speaking about Peter & Gamora's other canon relationships.
(Actually adding onto the one above -- I blocked someone for commenting about how Adam & Gamora would have never be together because Starmora was endgame in the MCU... on a very clearly comics one shot.....)
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I've read significantly more DC than Marvel, I just rarely talk about it 'cause fandom has made me hate so many of them. I see Dick Grayson nowadays and get filled with violent rage. It's so much worse for Tim Drake & Jason Todd.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
... Over 100. Mostly DC, tbf, but GOTG has added a lot too!
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
Sure as fuck isn't Gamora lemme tell you that much--
Uhhhh I tried to get back into DC so. Dick is sunshine, Tim loves coffee, Jason loves Jane Austen, Duke "threw himself out of a moving car" Thomas is the sane one. I want to die.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Starting off very softly with Peter Quill x Nebula, I think it's just fundamentally fucking stupid. Nebula's whole thing is that she hates always coming second to her sister & people want her in a relationship with a man that isn't over her dead sister in like 10 years um. why.
To get a little more controversial... MCU GOTG personalities. Like I like 'em! But there are people who seem genuinely convinced that they're better than the comics which. lmao.
I'm also gonna toss in Barbara Gordon, in her current state, because even if I ignore the ableism. jesus fucking christ as a woman I feel insulted every time she pops up.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Richmora, Adamora, Moonmora, Angelamora, LET GAMORA KISS MORE PEOPLE GODDAMN IT.
In light of vol 3, some more Gamora fix-its would be fucking great.
In general, more of the 616 Guardians cause they're my pookie bears & I deserve a treat for suffering through GOTG2023
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be-side-my-self · 1 day
Rewatch of ONLY Murders In The Building to prepare for season 4 (V)
<Part I> // <Part II> // <Part III> // <Part IIII>
Block #OMITBRewatch if you don’t want to read notes that will have spoilers up to seasons 3. Just to make it clear, while quoting, I use M, O, C for the main characters.
Also I’m putting this under a read more because it gets long. (also, also this is the fifth part and I finally added "only" to the title.)
S2 E7
Episode of Mabel.
There is Theo and that is a really nice apartment.
M: "Is that me? Did I stab someone? Again?"
Detective Williams baby is so cute! Keith.
Mabel: "Nice accesory." Theo: *Looks down at his ankle* Mabel: "You steal jewelery from dead people, and the state gives you and anklet. Kind of poetic." Theo: *slams the mug, pissed off.*
THEO DIMAS I'm deaf. I write, or use ASL _I catch only 1/3 of what you say,_ through lip-reading.
*insert that video from american psycho about the business cards.
Theo: "When you got off the train, you were in shock so I took you to my place like creep."
Theo is really nice.
Detective Williams is so great.
.... they are so stupid it's amazing... but also that apartment is poorly soundproofed
Talking about a two-men job on the toilet is a really weird thing to say.
M: "Ah, yes. The adventures of a teenage grave robber. Got it."
Theo likes the simple solutions. Nice.
Someone with frustration is playing Whak-a-mole
Crane game... my sister is so good at it. Better than Theo.
So, how did he manage to get the ring in the crane-game? Sleight of hand? He could have put it in there when Mable did not look.
Oliver probably has probably flash-back to the time Will was a baby.
The dads are consulting.
Oh Mabel :(
Of course she is angry, her dad is dying and he can't keep his promises and she does not know.
Uh oh... glitter.
That is such a good scene.
So, the background on Mable's phone... is that her fursona?
Omg... please... I know you need to look at the lips Theo, but please look at the street.
M: "Thank you for stealing my fish."
Oh right! A blackout!
S2 E8
Sith-Avenue Slasher
Something about this was correct...
Also love the fan-made merch. All the tie-die stuff.
You always get Oliver with dips.
Howard! Go for it!!
Psycharatist: "There may be more to life than cats."
... lmao Charles and Oliver bonding over the guy who operated their knees. Besties.
Howard: "Sevenlyn Marie Morris, num num!"
Smooth, Howard!
It's actually nice to see some side-characters in that episode...
Howard and that other guy are a match made in heaven... pity it does not last :/
Also the scene with Nina and the door-man is really good.
Oh... the whole house singing sound of silence. That is such a nice scene.
Mabel takes the dips with her!
lmao everyone getting drunk in the lobby XD
M: "But why are you here? Other than interrogating teenage girls? Detective Kreps: "That's just one part of the job I happen to like."
S2 E9
Rose Cooper and Leonora Folger are the same person iirc.
Well the alimony is probably partly your fault, Kreps.
Kreps: "And she, or he, if that is your thing, they smile at you, and your whole goddamn universe turns upside down. And that's when shit gets really crazy."
M: "That is ASL for glitter." C: "Oh, that is kind of fun."
Congrats Oliver! You are the father!
O: "There's no real difference. All the European countries are esentially the same."
... boy.
Hey, Alice!
As I said, I did not like Alice but this is really tragic. It would have been nice for Mabel to have an artist as a girlfriend.
Oh lol... Rose just acted like she was Leonora.
And... now I think I remember that Oliver is lying about being greek... but it's a white lie?
25 Willow Dr Lake Placid New York
"Excessive Force Fighting Gym" ... that sounds fun and not serious at all. But gosh the upcoming scene is so good.
Hey, Teddy!
Lmao... Oliver just going for Teddy's throat.
O: "You're my son's father, you piece of shit!"
Kreps: "If I'm so stupid, how come I was able to land the smartes woman on the planet?"
It they weren't murderers their story would have been kinda cute.
Teddy: "Ow!" O: "Can I get you something!? Coffee? Water? A swift kick in the dick?" Teddy: "Look, Oliver, let me explain--" O: "Oh no, no, no. You know you don't have to. I was up all night talking to Roberta. She told me what happened." Teddy: "Did she tell you it only happened once?" O: "She said twice." Teddy: "One night, two times." O: "Well, now you're just bragging."
Mabel figures it out but comes to the wrong conclusion... I mean I would too.
Teddy's whole family was a bunch of crooks.
Teddy: "Aren't we square at this point? You send me to jail, I fuck your wife?"
Well, shit.
S2 E10
I remember that I really enjoyed the episode.
Poppy really had a shitty life.
The Mayor... yikes, yikes, yikes...
Cinda is such a bitch.
O: "Torture? Can we torture her? Charles, get your concertina and whatever you consider your 10 most intersting stories." C *rubbing his nose with his middle finger*: "Hm, let me just muse on that, uh, for a second." O *smirks*: "Mm."
No, Oliver it does not feel like a finale yet... but at least we got to see Poppy's background story.
M: "Oliver, what did we agree on?" O: "You and Charles do the talking."
I know people who are disgusted by the inside of the tomatoe but also someone who gets an allergic reaction when eating unprocessed tomatoes. I on the other hand can eat a tomatoe like an apple. And I enjoy it.
Liverwurst? Yum. Marmelade? Yum. Togther? ... nonono
Uma is great.
Lester's (Doorman) story is hardcore.
Oliver is so fast with giving away Charles' money.
O: "The sexual energy between you two was obvious. I'd say more, but this is a family murder podcast."
Charles and Oliver doing slow motion is so hilarious.
Don't waste food.
... love how Mabel ist using the ego of Poppy to confess.
Holy shit what a scene.
I remember the first time I saw that I was so freaked out.
And the fact that Cinda is now complimenting Mabel...
Again... if they weren't murderers, I would have wished Krebs and Poppy all the best.
C: "Hallelujah! It's a miracle cure!" Lucy: "Nice. you got de-dementia'd."
LMAO... How Charles tries his best to ask out Joy and luckily she understands his grunts.
Pity, that the mural is painted over.
Also it seems like Mabel and Alice stayed friends at least. Maybe dated some longer, who knows?
Awww... Will and Oliver having a moment.
I screamed when I saw Paul Rudd in that role.
But like what kind of ass do you have to be to get on the bad side of Charles?
*dramatic yodeling*
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ithisatanytime · 7 months
had both parties agreed to a short amatuer match id still think sean was fucked up for going through with it but way less so than i do now because sparring is like a prowrestling match, its about TRUST. sneako is throwing punches but hes way out of his element, hes outmatched and importantly OUTWEIGHED by his oppenent to a comical degree, and remember he thinks hes SPARRING? the whole time sean is manipulating him too "im goin easy on you but soon im not gonna go easy on you and its really gonna hurt" these headgames are fine in a match but this is sparring you fucking dork what is you actually doin!? so sneako thinking hes playfighting with his dad keeps his shots to the body for most of the fight, throws jabs and straights at seans face occasionally (almost no hooks are thrown this is a clear sign sneako is not fighting but sparring, the most obvious tell in my eyes between an untrained and trained fighter is trained fighters fight straight back and forth, straights jabs crosses, while untrained fight side to side or horizontillay, so hooks and haymakers and uppercuts) its clear sneako is trying to play along and following seans lead as best he can, he may have been talking mad shit before this oh i could kick seans ass, but sean is a ufc champion hes more than used to that i assure you, sneako above all wants to impress sean, he knows hes not going to "win" i mean its sparring, but deep down he wants the ufc heavyweight champion to go "for a youtuber your not bad!" this would make his entire life. sean knows this too, and he uses it as an opportunity to hurt someone who had no real desire nor ability to hurt him back. anyway i hope sean strickland gets bone cancer i never liked him
to clarify about the straights and jabs sneako was throwing, i wasnt saying thats a sign hes trained, but rather its a sign he wasnt heated. if you watch sam hydes celebrity match, sam had been training in boxing for around six months to a year at that point i wanna say but i could be wrong, but he definitely took it seriously he got the bite for it. but when you watch his match, he dominated the entire match, was never in any sort of danger, but heres whats most important, he threw maybe two straight punches in three rounds. one of the two happened to be the most significant of the fight, and is the one most often shared in slow motion gifs. he was nervous as hell, he was in no danger from his oppenent but the lights and the crowd and the adrenelin took over, so he reverted to instinct not training he throws hook after hook after hook. its only late in the fight when his opennent is gassed, watch the gif, you can literally see sam SEE the opening in his openents defence, you can see him THINK "i should throw a straight" and then he throws a straight lmao, had his oppenent been a little better and/or less gassed he would have had ample opportunity to read these tells and dodge or block, but thats my point, even after a long time of serious training that you take seriously, he still had to THINK about throwing a straight. sneako throwing entirely straights with good technical form shows me that he wasnt heated at all, and he still knew where they were and what they were doing (sparring) while sean seems to have had a different idea. its unusual to see an amateur throw so many straights if they are heated is my point, sneako was nervous but relaxed he thought they were sparring when they were about to be in a real fight.
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so glad i dont interact with anyone in the k///rby fandom right now considering all the drama thats been happening recently... started reading that document but it was really tldr and i realised i literally dont care about any of the people involved. ok i do care about one of the people who is tangentially involved but nothing that doc says will change my opinion of them (decent person, for the record. frustration that your friends are going through shit is normal lmao).
is kinda annoying that this keeps coming up , maybe some people just need to... block. move on. world is a big wide place and you can definitely find community among like-minded people.
sorta reminds me of that person i followed years ago who kept being accused of ***phobia for the stupidest reasons by a bunch of teenagers, despite being *** themselves. stupid reasons as in identifying strongly with a fictional villain, and drawing r-rated content. but instead of blocking said teens, this person would just engage with them every few months? maybe i just dont get what its like to be on the receiving end of that kind of petty bullying. i guess you get a morbid curiosity, to a self-harming degree, to see whats being said about you. i hope that person is doing well anyway, they haven't been online in years. and i hope those teens have grown the fuck up.
ok I kinda do get the morbid curiosity in a sense. someone i blocked (also in the k///rby fandom mind you) was being awful to someone i followed and i every now and then had the urge to see what they were up to, even tho i shouldnt. hope that person is having a bad day but just one bad day to make up for the bad day they caused to the person i follow even tho that was years ago im spiteful but not too spiteful.
im sorry to see that person who i followed leave this world. i really enjoyed their work and i hope their soul rests in peace. tragic for someone to pass that young. i shouldve offered my wishes to the family but its been quite a while and also i never interacted with them beyond liking and reblogging so i felt out of place among their actual friends and family. maybe my wishes can reach them from here...
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sevdoesnotexist · 2 years
Hey do you know what happened to @cock-dealer/morg? Sorry for the random ask i saw you reply often but like. i was offline for like a week straigh5 and now hes gone + im genuinely sad and also worried bc he was one of my fave bloggers lmao is he okay?
Hey so a lot has happened since March if you haven't been around. Essentially (from my understanding), Morg experienced abuse at the hands of medical staff during a hospital stay that left him in a really bad place dealing with the trauma that was brought on by that. He is and was often posting about his poor mental health and suicidal ideation.
A few weeks ago he had attempted to kill himself, I don't know him well enough to say what attempt # it was for him overall but I'll say "the first time" even though I don't think it was. In around this time too, there was "slur discourse" happening around who should and shouldn't call themselves a cripple and a lot of discussion around honouring Tai's memory by respecting the origins and meaning behind the cripplepunk movement.
A lot of emotions were running high and honestly I had seen the discourse in the community as petty insquabbling until shit hit the fan. I was kinda not touching it past my opinion on cripple being a slur that only some people can reclaim. Anyways through this discourse Morg had been receiving a lot of anon asks egging him on, telling him he's a shit person, really just generally horrible stuff and some anons who weren't necessarily approaching in bad faith got caught in the crossfire, which those interactions were used by the handful of people vocally disagreeing with Morg to further the narrative that he was a Big Bad Exclusionist™
Eventually Morg got pushed past the point of frustration and presumably while under the influence of whatever he had taken in an attempt to take his life or I also know he has mentioned the stress of it let to a psychotic episode which seems to make a lot of sense to me. Basically, he sent an anon to one of the people who was one of the instigators and main users furthering the discourse vaspider an ask that read along the lines "you got what you wanted" and posted that he had tried to kill himself for the "second" time. Around this time I know I was personally very worried and constantly refreshed his blog and sent him anons with kind messages like everyday just trying to combat the SHEER amount of hatred he was receiving not FROM users like vaspider and happysadyoyo but BECAUSE of how they were framing his mental health crisis was definately resulting in MASSIVE amounts of anon hate and suicide baiting.
The final straw for me is when I made a vent post about my feelings on the matter and vaspider literally shouted me down and called me an asshole for venting about my medical trauma and my feelings on the cripplepunk discourse. It was a really mask off moment for me I think they felt like betrayed that I didn't side with them since we were mutuals or something but regardless it made me really uncomfortable and honestly was incredibly triggering also so I blocked them as well as y'know, whoever I felt like, as I'm allowed to :))
Then like a week after that all happened, happysadyoyo, a user who WAS mutuals with me and vaspider but had actually NEVER interacted with Morg in his life, made a fucking YOUTUBE VIDEO about morgs suicide attempt, relating it to the show Thirteen Reasons Why and his own time spent being a manipulative asshole, essentially trying to insinuate that Morg had tried to take his life as a way to guilt and manipulate someone over Internet slur discourse. Yup. I was disgusted by the behaviour and openly said as much. The link is actually still up as far as I'm aware, yoyocunt refused to take the video or even the post with the link down, citing "his own psychosis"
From there I guess people who were watching this happen to Morg from the sidelines thought it would be funny to give those users a taste of their own medicine and started sending them a lot if gross anon hate including stuff like scat porn. I also think this was probably an attempt by some to paint Morg and his followers in a bad light. I mean while we had a giggle over the misfortune of people who had been royal douche canoes, we also all have made it pretty clear that we don't condone sexual harassment or suicide baiting. Those users often take screenshots of posts Morg makes without the context of a reblog or the notes cropped out in order to give the impression Morg is like, actively telling his followers to send them death threats and poop vids but like, that's just not the case.
So like you missed the most batshit insane turn of events, I don't think I covered everything concisely because I'm high but yeah basically people started disrespecting a dead kids movement and memory as well as trying to villainize a mentally ill trans dude for disagreeing with them and being rude about it
And, he's still here by the way, he's just @penis-peeper now.
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
child reader (Pt.4)
tommy x child!reader || whys he here??
someone comes to the tundra to fight the blade (also some cute fluff)
pt1 pt 2 pt3 pt4 pt5
this took so long lmao, part 5 coming soon
This story will diverge from the cannon. Since i cant remember it well im just gonna do my own thing.
The three of them, techno tommy and little (y/n), lived together peacefully for a bit. Techno and tommy would occasionally spar and commit minor terrorism, while (y/n) got to play with tommy and uncle techno. 
(y/n) has grown a bit sense they had arrived there, being a happy kid like they should be.
On calm nights, techno would read to the little kid, stories of gods who ruled over the lands. Stories of himself in his times of adventure. They enjoyed all his stories, for they held a sort of unreachable curiosity that they loved oh so much.
“Im not reading you a story.” techno says. Sitting in his usual arm chair. He had come back from the nether not long before, just wanting to rest after a long day of fighting withers. He didnt expect the kid to want to hang out with him. “Pwease uncle tech!” they said. He shook his head. “I said no.” (y/n) huffed, getting off the arm of the chair, walking to the pile of books that stood in the coroner of the room. 
They looked through it, trying to find the one they wanted. Once they did, they let out a happy ‘aha!’ and stumbled to the grumpy piglin, book in hand. “This one this one! Pleaaaase!!” they said. Showing techno the book. He examined it, realizing that it was the story about himself that philza had given to him as a joke gift. His eyes widened. ‘Why would the brat wanna read about me?’ he pondered. He just sighed, gently grabbing the book from the small hands it was being held in. “Fine, fine, I'll read you the story.” 
(y/n) smiled, climbing up to sit on the piglins lap, wanting to try and read the book along with him. He huffed, not really agreeing to them sitting on him. None the less he opened the book, reading the unfinished tale to the child sitting before him.
“Once centuries ago, there was a young lad cursed to hear ungodly voices…”
Those were nights (y/n) enjoyed the most. They couldn't read, but having techno read to them was much better than reading a book all alone.
On most days Tommy would play with (y/n) outside. Neither of them got bored of the snow, being used to the sunny weather that was logstedshire. It was a nice change of pace that (y/n) enjoyed. 
The two of them usually had snow ball fights, or tried to build towers and mini houses out of the snow. Tommy would build them snowmen, ones that looked like the people they knew. Others were sometimes ones they hadn't seen before, that Tommy would tell stories of when they would go to bed.
“Papa look!” tommy turned to his kid, who was happily standing next to a snow version of himself. It was small and barely looked like himself, but he easily recognized it. He came up to the small child, picking them up happily. “That's me!? It's amazing little (f/i)! You did so well!!” he said, ruffling the young ones hair. They giggled at the action. 
“Wanna see mine?” (y/n) nodded. He walked over to the snowman he had built, showing them to his kid.
They looked familiar, (y/n) thought. These were the people in the storys (y/n) was told, the man with words of wisdom and guitar playing skills that calmed every citizen, who had tragically died in their last battle. The boy who was by papas side, who loved bees and everyone he knew. The young baker who had a kind heart and a smile that could put anyone at ease. Jack manifold.
Tommy spemnt a very long time creating this, purely so he could show (y/n) his old friends at least once. “Whos that one??” (y/n) asked, pointing to the the fox looking one, standing tall next to the leader, wilbur. “That's fundy. He didn't do much in the war, but he was an amazing fighter, and also a furry.`` Tommy replied, setting the child down. They ran up to the snowman. “Furry furry furry!!” they chanted, making the young boy laugh. “Yes furry!”
Most days now were spent with all three of them playing games inside till the late hours. After (y/n) had gotten sick from being outside so much, Tommy decided to just stay inside the warm cabin. They would bug techno alot, but he enjoyed the company some days. It was better than staying inside alone with an enderman who didn't really like him.
Today however, was different. For they had an unexpecting visitor who was very friendly. 
Techno was making breakfast, as usual. He had learned that if he didnt, neither of the innits would eat till dinner when their bodys couldn't handle it anymore. It wasn't good for a young baby like that. Not that techno cared tho.
He was putting the dirty pots and pans in the sink, knowing he'd try and force Tommy to do it later. He started to put the food onto plates when he heard shouting coming from outside. "TECHNOBLADE GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!!!" 
Techno stops for a second. No one could possibly have the balls to fight him, let alone twice. Technoblade put the stuff in his hands down, walking over to the window to try and see who was out there. As he thought, it was none other than Quackity trying to pick a fight with him once more. 
"I CAN SEE YOU PIGMAN! COME OUT HERE AND GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!!!" The duck man was actually prepared this time, with enchanted netherite armor and an axe to go with it. It seemed he upped his game sense last time. 
Techno chuckled, going upstairs to grab his things real fast. There's no way someone can try and beat technoblade like that. He came back down to see Quackity opening his door. "Heh!? Why are you inside my house!?" Quackity stood there, axe gripped tightly. Techno reached the floor, grabbing his sword. "Why can't I be in your house techno? Hiding something?" 
Ah shit he's onto us
Kill him
Haha he looks funny
Techno shook his head. "Just thought you'd play fair duck man. That's what you government people love to try and do." Quackity stepped forward. "Why would I play fair with the man whos supposed to be dead? This has been a long time coming," Quackity readied his axe, "get ready blade, cause i'm finally killing you." Techno readied his sword as well. "I'd like to see you try." 
Just as they said this, someone came up from the floorboards. "*yawn* techno are you done with breakfast yet- HOLY FUCK QUACKITY!?" a tired Tommy says, holding a nearly sleeping (y/n). The two men turn to Tommy, seeing him and his child. "Oh? So this is what you were hiding. Haven't seen you sense the exile!" Quackity says, getting closer. Tommy got up from the ladder, shrinking behind technoblade, trying to protect his kid. 
"What are you doing here big q?" Tommy says, hiding his kid. “I could ask you the same thing. What's that you've got there? Technos kid or something?” 
“Well no-” “quackity leave them alone.” techno cuts off tommy, moving more so in front of him. He cant let the baby die, he knows phil would pumble him if he does. “This is between you and me quackity. Leave them alone.” quackity shook his head, pointing his axe at tommy. “Anyone alined with you is an enemy of mine. Even if he's an old friend.” quackity lunged at techno, who blocked the attack swiftly. Quackity tried to get around the man, so he could grab the child from tommys arms. (y/n) was now awake however, and they weren't very happy.
“Papa?” they ask, realizing there was an axe lunging towards them. Quackity got around the blade, and was already trying to get to them. Tommy noticed the axe coming their way, completely ready to take the hit for his kid. 
Techno blocked the attack however. “Tommy get them to safety! I can handle this.” tommy nodded, running as quackity and techno dueld. Wuackity tried to run after tommy, but techno blocked him. “Not interesting enough for you q?” he smirks, swinging his sword at the duck man. Quackity blocks, scolding. “You're really full of yourself aren't you?”
Tommy ran outside, running to the only place he knew big q wouldn't find them, (y/n)s old hut. He ran and ran for so long, it had reached past mid day when he reached the small home he had made so many months prier. He sighed, closing the door behind him. (y/n) had long since woken up, and was very agitated. They had not eaten yet and it's been hours. “Shit shit sorry (y/n).'' Tommy says, laying the child in their old bed. He looked around the old home for anything he had left behind. He found some stuff, but he still had to go out to get food. 
When he was done, he quickly fed the crying child. “I'm sorry kiddo, I didn't think this would happen. I didn't think quackity would wanna harm you. Sh shhh im sorry.” he picks up the crying child, kinda like how they first met. A crying (y/n) and a terrified tommy. 
“Pappa- '' Tommy cuts them off, shushing them. “Just rest, Just rest…” the kid nodded, calming down slightly.
The two of them stayed like that till the sun rose the next day.
The next day Tommy got a message on his communicator by techno. Apparently quackity had won the fight, having threatened to chase after them and kill them. Techno begrudgingly went to get executed a second time. Thankfully he lived however, thanks to ranboo and tubbo stopping it. The two of them were currently at the blades house. 
Tommy didnt wanna deal with seeing tubbo, but he knew he couldn't stay out here for more than an hour. He sighed. “Hey (y/n), how would you like it if you might get to meet new friends?” (y/n) looked at him, smiling. “Yeah new friends!!” he smiled, picking up the excited child. “Let's go back to uncle technos!” “uncle techy!!!” Tommy and (y/n) laughed. Tommy got ready and left for the tundra.
Hopefully tubbo wouldn't be there when he got there.
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