#if that happens i might just die
mokutone · 2 years
i am trying to find a image of the outside of kakashi's window to see what textures i should use for jōnin housing, and i am not finding it but i did find this. look. look
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i have so much to say. firstly, everyone wears their shoes in kakashi's apartment, kakashi wears his shoes in kakashi's apartment. i think there is an absolutely and entirely unused shoe rack. there, that blue vertical cubby thing next to the door. it has at least seven slots and there's not a single set of shoes in there!
there have probably NEVER been a set of shoes in there. no respect for Kakashi's living space allowed.
secondly, if i am correct, the caligraphy on that wall just says shinobi. it's like. this is really funny to me. imagine just having ur job title in caligraphy hung up on the wall. a little like having this hung up on ur wall
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u feel me? did he pick that out himself. did it come with the apartment (jōnin standard housing...obsessed). what about that weird abstract art behind sasuke in the front area, the one that kinda reminds me of the inside of Jiraiya's frog jutsu. did kakashi hang that up in his own room. did he see that and go "yeah, this is something I want to wake up and look at every morning that I'm back in Konoha"
also. skjghsdkgjhsdkgjhsdgkjhsdgkjshdgkshdgdsg. hello to mr ukki on the window sill. and hello to kakashi's shuriken blanket. that's so cute. what the hell is his interior design sense. it seems like.
if everything is put together. it seems like...well, as kate said, pinterest shinobi...
also sidenote he takes off his shoes even when hes just poking around his students homes w/ the hokage
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so its Just his own apartment that gets this disrespect. when i told kate abt this they pointed out "well, that's probably because kakashi has no ownership of his own space and feels transient always but he respects the space of others send tweet" which is so true, so true.
(it should be noted that in the manga his home is a lil more cluttered)
#i want to meet the jōnin housing interior decorator. who is the one who designs these apartments. what are the principles they use going in#i like the cluttered idea of his home more bc while the idea that kakashi keeps his home absolutely spotless bc he doesnt live in it#and doesnt have a real ''home'' personality is loaded in a very compelling meow meow way#but for my interest...i have to say its not as compelling to me bc kakashi is not an empty man! he's bursting with feelings#i very much like the idea that hes incapable of letting go of the past and so he keeps a lot of trinkets#people leave and people die and people vanish but if you have something of theirs—in some way its a tangible memory#a way to hold them in your hands#i think hes careful with his trinkets though i think he keeps the important ones in sealed containers out of sunlight or elements so that#they remain unchanged by time#(of relevance: exposing things to sunlight is one way to break down odors quickly)#its not clean and feelingless and efficient but i think kakashi might be a little bit of a pack rat...#i think that naruto gives him drawings when hes first appointed sensei of team 7....and he keeps them in a little cardboard box bc#he doesnt know what to do with them but the idea of getting rid of them doesnt even cross his mind. so hes got all these goofy kid drawings#of naruto as a huge badass fighting sasuke and enemies with lots of teeth and spikes and like kakashi and sakura#one day like 20 yrs later when narutos in his thirties kakashi finds them again and loses his fucking mind laughing#gai + yamato (who live with him now bc they need to share the fridge) are like what. what happened whatd you find#kakashis the kind of person where if you give him something he just holds onto it for eternity
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swankpalanquin · 3 years
I actually think these are going to be the “teams” by the end of tonight:
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milkweedman · 2 years
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Oh to have a schedule thats just 'sleep on a wool blanket... maybe sneeze a little'
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starbuck · 2 years
Let’s take a closer look at the “You’re Spanish Jackie?” “Yeah.” “Are you Spanish?” “No.” “Then why do they call you ‘Spanish Jackie’?” “I don’t know.” interaction from episode 7.
There’s no way in hell that Spanish Jackie doesn’t know why she’s called ‘Spanish Jackie’, it’s only that she doesn’t want to say why for some reason, and I would like to propose as theory as to what that reason is.
I think that Jackie is far more involved with the Siete Gallos than she lets on to Jim in ep 8. I mean, what are the chances that she’s married to TWO of them, yet has NO idea about the whereabouts of the rest? Pretty unlikely, I’d say.
More likely, to me, is that the rest are also among her (as of yet unseen) husbands and she’s either also one of them herself or she’s in command of them (or both). So her telling Jim they’re probably all dead anyway so Jim should “get over” their need for revenge is a means of protecting herself by throwing them off her scent.
And you might say “but why did she kill her own husband to avoid a fight with Jim, then?” Well, I think that’s pretty simple too. From what we saw of her interactions with Ronaldo, she couldn’t stand him. He disrespected her by calling her terms of endearment in public when she’d told him not to (ep 3) and gave her unsolicited advice about how to run her establishment (ep 6). From all we know about Jackie, it’s a miracle she hadn’t killed him already (even he thought so!).
So her killing him, one of the seven, seemed like an act of solidarity to Jim but, in reality, it’s just what Jackie was looking for an excuse to do anyway and, helpfully, doubled as a means of making Jim stop suspecting her of having any further involvement with the Gallos.
I would not be at all surprised if Jackie encourages Jim to return to the Revenge, without telling them about the plot with the English, expecting that to be their end without Jackie needing to get her hands dirty at all. But things won’t go according to plan and Jim will survive, setting up a continued and heightened antagonistic relationship between Jim and Jackie into next season.
#our flag means death#ofmd#i reiterate: i am VERY concerned about Olu#like. the Gallos slaughtered Jim’s entire family right? but now HE’S their family too!#which means that ~symbolically~ he’s now in the line of fire#i REALLY do not want to believe that the show’s gonna kill him (because i’ll die too if that happens)#but I still think my theory that he’ll get injured trying to protect Jim might hold some water#gotta give Jim something solid to beef about with Jackie into next season after all#PLUS injury-recovery is a GREAT place to explore romantic tension - especially if it at first seems like he might not make it#as a sort of parallel to what Lucius and Black Pete had going on in ep 6#but even more romantic bc (in this scenario) Olu’s injury happens while he’s protecting Jim#and maybe Jim witnesses it and it’s like a flashback to when their father was killed and they freeze up#and then feel like a failure bc they didn’t do more in that moment to protect him#but he’s like ‘no it’s not your fault - you’re not weak for not being a killing machine 24/7 - ilysm’#(i’m writing fanfic-long predictions again - help me)#but YEAH!!!!!#i think i need to update my bingo card… it’s NOT cheating - it’s not like i know any more than i did last week#i’ve just had more time to Think#i also think that Jackie was lying about her age to Jim - again - to try to throw them off re: her involvement with the Gallos#def getting the Vibes that she’ll be a major antagonist in s2 - if not THE main antagonist#and god i hope so bc i love her a lot and i want to see and know EVERYTHING#ofmd spoilers
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beaft · 2 years
i've yelled about this extensively both online and in person but
it's been a year and i'm still not over the fact that the makers of The Lokey Show made this huge deal about how loki was gonna be canonically genderfluid and talked about how excited they were to explore that and how hard they'd worked on getting the representation right and blah blah blah
then! not only did they not follow through on that, but they actively closed off the possibility by having the variants react with disbelief at the idea of a "female loki". and then it turns out that out of countless multiverses, there's just one version of loki that's a girl, and she's so unusual that she causes a nexus event just by existing.
we didn't have anything to start with and somehow they still managed to take it away from us. it wasn't enough for the writers to wimp out and go, "ooh, maybe he's trans, maybe he's not, teehee who knows". they had to be like, "loki is so incredibly cis that if he were ever to become female it would literally break the universe"
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tls123 · 3 years
not to constantly go "okay but i get it" whenever i'm talking about any given jiang cheng moment but the scene where he finds wangxian at the ancestral hall...... wei wuxian literally doesn't even look at him until he feels he has to defend lan wangji. and i'm not talking about not making direct eye contact, wei wuxian keeps his back to him at all times. he turns away the second jiang cheng steps further into the hall.
and we know why he can't make himself meet jiang cheng's gaze but, listen, the idea of my sister refusing to even fucking look at me when, hey! you've been dead for more than a decade and you're back home for the first time after being resurrected, and having.... no fucking context at all as to why?? yeah just the idea of it makes my blood boil, i won't lie.
fuck, i'd pick a fight too. i'm not saying it's right. i'm not saying there's not nicer ways to do this. i'm not justifying it. i'm just saying..... yeah i might get the sentiment.
you won't look at me? fine, i'll make you look at me.
#and the thing is that the second wei wuxian turns around jiang cheng is right there making direct eye contact as if his life depends on it.#like ah there you are. so this is what it takes. i'm only worthy of having your attention if i act like /this/ fine. okay. watch me.#and i'm not saying it's literally canon but right after he goes 'oh should i be nice to him? (takes another dig at lan wangji)'#you know it's both impulsive and so.... controlled. so planned. there's logic behind it despite the fact that it's all emotion at its core.#attention is attention after all and sometimes you want your sibling to pay attention to you so much that you are#willing to let it be... not the good kind. so what if they're looking at me to scold me or because#i poked and prodded a little too hard and they're done with it? at least they're looking.#and before you come for me: no. i do not treat my sister like this. well.... it's not a habit at least lmao.#i might have done it a few times when i was a kid because i was.... a brat. really. not often yeah but can't deny i've done it.#sometimes you just gotta make your sibling mad#cause you have that power. you know how to make it happen. and you know how to make it happen fast.#this is a terrible post. i love my sister very much and i would kill and die for her i'm JUST saying i kinda get it.#don't know how people write pretty + eloquent + well structured analysis#i'm like 'well to be fair older siblings bring out the worst out of you' and then let the people of tumblr do the heavy lifting#me sighing: brothers!#untamed.txt#wei wuxian#jiang cheng#yunmeng shuangjie#rs: he cares so much about you in his heart#this IS nonsensical but hopefully it makes just enough sense to be understood#fra.txt
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pocketramblr · 3 years
Wsit, wait imagine. Due to fuckery, Pops finds Tenko and AFO finds little Kai
- AfO let Tenko wander around a bit before his staged rescue, so he kinda... Loses him a bit. Then he finds Kai, and squints. He looks older than AfO remembers the Shimura brat being, but people around him seem to age so fast these days. To be sure, he asks, "Is that blood from your own family?" Little Kai nods and admits he killed them. AfO thinks that the odds of two filthy selfmade orphan boys wandering around the city would be tiny, so he scoops up Kai and renames him Tomura
- Meanwhile, the other little filthy selfmade orphan boy wandering the city is scooped up by Pops and brought home to meet his new big sister. Tenko tells the story of what happened to the Shimura's, afraid of repeating Hana and Kotaro's deaths, and Pops is just like "well ok here's gloves that cover one finger, how about you see this as a second chance to make up for that accident? You be a good family member and we'll help you learn control and discipline and be a good family to you." And Tenko-Chisaki is like "ok" because he is five.
- AfO doesn't remember the quirk he gave Shimura to be so quickly destructive, watching Kai-Shiggy destroy with a single finger, but hey, he's got a lot of quirks to keep track of. And the kid is obsessively clean, even breaks out in hives at the thought of dirtiness. AfO thinks about how his younger brother didn't help with chores or do anything to keep himself clean and healthy, and decides to take it as a win. Three years later when Kai-S learns he can also reconstruct things, AfO gets insanely jealous instead and wants the Overhaul quirk, but the Doctor warns him it's too late to massively rewrite memory again, and besides, he can get the quirk when he takes Kai-S's body. AfO isn't patient and sulks, but agrees.
- Rather than being giving Kurogiri, since Kai-S is clean and manages on his own, he gets more training with the Doctor than canon Tomura did, and is rather a quick study. He finds it disgusting, but he'll do anything Sensei asks- especially once the Doctor whispers his theories of quirk singularity, that only AfO can somehow save them from that.
-Tenko-C, likewise, is entirely devoted to Pops. Pops didn't mean "Family" family when he said what he said, but as soon as Tenko learned there was a crime aspect, he jumped in to help his new dad and defend him. He adored all the yakuza style teaching, and imagined what would have happened if his first family had a neighborhood community that watched out for each other like this, instead of depending on heroes. He is fine with not using his quirk in combat, for he doesn't want to add to the hero-villain conflict that destroyed the traditional ways of his new family. But he does get into fights at school lol and can't believe his big sister would just leave the family like that. When she comes back to dump Eri on them and run, Tenko-C has flashbacks to killing Kotaro and breaks down, thinking he cursed his new family to repeat what happened, but then Pops tells him to get a grip and focus on being a good uncle to Eri, which he awkwardly attempts, and help train her quirk, which he's actually pretty good at! For a emotional 17 year old... Pops says he should go into teaching or quirk counseling, which Tenko gasps at because no, obviously he's supposed to be a criminal heir and drug ring runner! Pops tries to explain he can be both but is ignored.
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yeraskier · 2 years
god please let yennskier be the kind of ship whos first kiss (or first time) happens as a result of a heated fight between the two of them
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francy-sketches · 3 years
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twow leaked scene
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wits-half · 2 years
shoutout to the sexiest movie fr
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i randomly screenshot'd some stuff, and seeing the set in colors made me feel things because of how soft and enveloped in light everything is.
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 3 years
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Lilith manipulating Sabrina into fulfilling Lucifer’s plans, through concern for her friends.
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driftwoodcryptid · 2 years
i’ve come to realize that i’m actually the ultimate dazai apologist. like chapter 101 came out and suddenly i’m seeing ppl being like “I hate dazai now :(” “how could he do this!” “:(( I actually think less of him now” blah blah blah. not me tho. i’d let him get away with anything.
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spearxwind · 2 years
actually since the Funny Asks stopped immediately after I answered that big post, I wanna make sure I’m not coming off as rude? Especially for dismissing some of the indeed Funny Asks™ with very specific answers. I want to clarify that if you see me use this tone it’s probably specifically for Adri-related responses, because I have had people try to woobify him before and its a very hard no-go for me as you can imagine, and I really dont want it to spiral out of my hands if I dont keep it in check
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w0lfwren · 3 years
the implications of jimmy’s stupid little 2nd best lawyer cup from kim in bcs and saul’s worlds best lawyer mug in brba keep me up at night. don’t even get me fucking started on the fact that the brba mug is Literally being smashed on the Fucking ground in one of the bcs title sequences
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tiredpaladins · 2 years
I need to write a Hawks with a migraine fic already. Had one last night and every time I get one I immediately start thinking about Hawks feeling the same to get my mind off it. ESPECIALLY because I use heat for mine because if you use icepacks you're clinically insane and you know who's a walking heater? Yah.
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crumble-cookii · 2 years
Clove Concept
[close-ups under cut]
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he has lil fairy wings
they turn into his cloak
he has a natural aura around him which passifies any sentient being near him
he was a simple spirit given form my MT
he can communicate with plants and formless spirits
he's pretty cryptic most of the time
remember literally everything and every detail of everything
#cookie run#cookie run fanart#clover cookie#ok so basically i didnt know how to explain the aura thing because its supposed to be a small bullet point but#the way it works is like. if you are in earshot of his music youll be instantly calmed but not passive. same thing if you look upon him#if you get next to him(about 10 feet/3 meters) youll be passified entirely#another way it works is that you cant intentionally cause him any harm no matter how far you are. your body just wont even think of it#you can like. approach him with the intent of harming the first thing you coming across for whatever reason and youll just walk right past#you might be like: what just happened i thought i was gonna hurt someone. but you just physically cannot hurt him#accidents are possible though so he has definitely experienced pain but theres never been blood drawn#the only one who could get past this is the legendary cookies#but only getting past the thoughts. they can think of harming him but they cant actually do it#except MT but he wouldnt anyways so its all good#im backtracking and saying that hes bled before and it was because hes tripped a few times in areas where tripping isnt very good#anyways so since hes immortal and been around a reeeeeally long time and remembers everything he puts them all into songs#he likes spreading his knowledge through lyrics even if people wouldnt believe what he says or dont really listen#his goal is to put absolutely everything he knows into songs but since he keeps learning he just keeps making them#he doesnt really understand people(or.. cookies)#he doesnt entirely understand that they die(hes immortal and was mostly surrounded by other immortals) and have needs#he understands desire well but not that cookies need things like food and sleep to survive#he indulges in these things but he doesnt NEED them and is confused why so many others do it#he totally photosynthesizes#he just flops down in the sun real quick and then hes charged for the day. solar panel clobe smndsj#if his cloak gets caught on a branch and rips he can feel it physically. his wings don't have nerves so it doesnt hurt but he can feel it#he doesnt like the feeling and tries to be careful but he much prefers keeping them as a cloak so its just bound to happen
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