#if the opportunity arose
thefawnfallacy · 1 month
I’m thinking about Hannibal and Mischa and how Hannibal is a monster but before he was a monster, he was still this growing thing trying very hard to fit into his human skin that simply ceased speaking because the brain was a monster but the heart was just a very small, very sad boy who loved his sister and then perhaps, hated his sister for making him feel the things she did when her death was used to nourish his body.
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rocksanddeadflowers · 6 months
Need the mechs fandom to know I'm going insane over the Rat-Tailed Rover album (the songs Kofi did for the game Small Saga). I'm just. Obsessed. Combining some of my favorite fantasy genres AND music. AND KOFI'S VOICE!!!!! It's so good no thoughts head empty just adventuring rodents........... If y'all haven't listened yet I demand you do (no pressure really but I am feral over this).
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foryouwereinmysong · 10 days
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here today
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You said Woo is attracted to Introverts- NIFBFJBJDN please im an introvert, could you please elaborate on how his relationship would be with an Introvert girl 👉👈
Hey...I'm an introvert too so what up???
I'm an INFP so I'm an introvert as well!
Um but also in Wooyoung's last live he did the MBTI type and it came up that he's an ISTJ so technically he's an introvert now as well?
But anyway,
I feel like Wooyoung would be very protective towards his introverted partner, he would very watchful of you in social situations and even though he would be bubbly and outgoing, he would probably glance at you here and there, give you small touches, just so you know he's here with you.
You breathed out a sigh of relief as you felt Wooyoung's hand gently touch the middle of your back, giving you a soft glance amidst the hustle and bustle of the party.
'You okay?' He mouthed at you.
'Mmm' You nodded, smiling fondly as he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
'You're doing great, let me just talk to my friends for a few more minutes and then we'll head home soon yeah?'
An introverted partner would probably bring out Wooyoung's more dominant/caregiver energy because I've noticed with fancalls, Wooyoung's presence shifts when he's around the shy and giggly Atinys.
Wooyoung is a Capricorn Mars and men with that sign do tend to be romantic and quite intimate partners in the bedroom.
I do mention about Wooyoung being a fuckboi a lot but he does enjoy emotional intimacy and would make a very loyal partner.
He doesn't like being cute but he loves telling Atiny's that they're cute and I could definitely see him being quite reassuring with an introverted partner.
'You're so cute when you blush for me. Ahh, what was that? Did you just make a little cute noise for me? I wonder what other cute, little moans you can make'.
So, to summarise.
Wooyoung with an introvert partner would show a more gentle, protective and reassuring side of himself.
Bro, I went off with this ask omg.
I blame @kpopjust4u Mommy!Wooyoung's fic because that masterpiece is still stuck in my brain.
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bubblergoespop · 3 months
opinions on hummus
never tried it i’m afraid 😔✋
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bonefarm · 7 months
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Oopsie (see tags.. do not impulse buy birds I’ll eat you.)
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
[Wei Wuxian’s] strike wasn’t in the least soft. Wang LingJiao flew out, blood spurting everywhere, and wailed as soon as she hit the ground. Jiang Cheng’s palm went toward the crown of her head.
—Chapt. 53: Courage
But Wei Wuxian was the only one who acted out during the indoctrination camp. Wei Wuxian is the one who brought the Wen to Lotus Pier’s doorstep 🙄
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itspileofgoodthings · 10 months
The sky is like a peach-rose flower tonight and I just went to confession for the first time in a while so things are good.
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bungostrayradio · 9 months
local girl trying to go about her day as normal and write her thesis after her favorite character died
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dr-lizortecho · 1 month
it is so silly to me that the show really equated Noah/Isobel to Jones/Nora, and Noah/Rosa to Jones/Louise and then never did anything with it
like the network really was out here switching story focus so much (and so badly/poorly) all the themes and symbolism and profound elements were wiped away leaving the husk of some generic sci-fi action time clock left with all my beloved characters trapped in the doom and gloom of it all
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nyaskitten · 2 years
Can someone please explain where the whole "Lloyd and Morro would be friends if Morro survived" type thing? Like I understand the APPEAL of Lloyd, a slightly more optimistic type dude, befriending a possibly more pessimistic/hateful Morro.
But, in-universe the "Green Cousins" friendship/dynamic seems odd, because according to "A Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye", Lloyd still HAS trauma and resentment towards Morro for using his body as a vessel to carry out his evil, world-ending plans.
Is it some sort of widely-accepted AU I'm unaware of? Please, someone, explain. /genq
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feygloom · 4 months
how do you view love?
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intense, silent, overwhelming. you have so much to give but it is too much to share. nobody ever reciprocates the way you do. makes you feel alien, unwanted. so you keep it and watch others. hoping one day that could be you too.
tagged by @xbadnews xx. tagging: @lyctoralsaints (astarion), @dcviline (shadowheart, katryn or thanatos -- or whoever you want!), @warm4iden, @raevildan and whoever wants to steal.
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creatureshrieks · 5 months
Frank given the chance to eat human meat: disgusting…. However……
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r-r-raf · 9 months
what’s your favorite TMA entity/entities and why?
OHH. God that's hard, I think a lot of them are funky. I know my least favorite are The Buried and The Corruption (as in, those two are the ones that fill me w dread <3 )
My favorites though uhhhh. The Vast is absolutely up there <3 god, I love space, I love openness, I love the vastness of the universe and our smallness compared to it, I love the idea that there are things much larger than me that I don't understand and will never understand, and it's okay because I don't have to get it to find things beautiful <3 And! The thrill of going fast, and feeling like you're flying, and falling <3 I find so much. Bittersweetness in the insignificance both. Of us as individuals, and humanity as a whole. I feel like it's easy to think that that means everything is meaningless, and maybe it is! But also, you're sooooo small, and yet you exist!!!!! You exist, in a world sooo much bigger than you, and isn't that so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I feel like I can't articulate correctly, but I think there's comfort, in that smallness. (On the flip side: I HATE the ocean <3 akdjqj)
THE DESOLATION is also absolutely up there. I've talked abt the beauty of fire and destruction. Several fucking times in the past akdjqj. It's destruction and its violence and it's consumption and it's burning and its warmth and it's comfort and it's the satisfaction of feeling something give away beneath your hands, and it's the strength that comes afterwards, and it's the control <3 I'd be very easily convinced to join the desolation
The Lonely is one that I find fascinating, bc it's just. So quiet in its cruelty. It's the fairest of the entities, in that it'll let you go if you remember a reason why you aren't lonely, but I think it's been made clear that it. Makes it very difficult for it to do that. It's so inviting, is the thing. It's so alluring, it promises comfort, and a place to rest, and for everything to finally stop, but it doesn't love you! It eats you up and leaves you hallow, allll while making you believe that that is what you wanted. I think a lot abt that in terms of Martin and Peter Lukas, the fact that (arguably) Peter Lukas attempted to fit the role of "father" because Martin never had that. The Lonely promises to fill something, but it won't, and it doesn't, and it never will, and I want to study it under a microscope.
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wern · 7 months
i literally feel like an escort sometimes the way some students are booking lessons just to talk and expecting the girlfriend experience...
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