#if there’s one i agree with it’s that katrina could’ve been a little more well rounded as a character
callixton · 9 months
just finished light from uncommon stars and loved it soo much. wonderful read to finish out the year. usually i am so easily swayed by other reviewers’ opinions but i just disagree with basically all of the bad things anyone has to say
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nicklangfordmuse · 3 years
“I took a test. A pregnancy test.”
Nick knew he was going to get a call but he also didn’t want to expect too much. Katrina told him that her dad would have to give Nick a call to set things straight but knowing Paul, he can be quite proud so there’s also a possibility that he wouldn’t ring him. So, he went on with his morning, working on floor with some clients. He kept his phone in his pocket just in case he gets a call but there was nothing, the entire morning until noon. It was only when he got back from lunch that he heard his phone ring. Checking it, it was the same unknown number so he figured this was it.
“Hello?” Nick answered.
“Nick. It’s Paul.” He revealed and Nick could feel his heart pumping out of his chest already. This is it, the conversation that’s been years long overdue.
It was quiet for a bit before Nick spoke up again. “Hey. Uhm...yeah, Kat said you’d...uhm, you’d call. What’s up?” He asked, trying to play it innocent for a bit.
“I’m...I’m near Boston. I was wondering if you could meet up for coffee. We can meet halfway...if you’re not busy.” Paul initiated which surprised Nick. A phone call was weird enough but this was beyond he ever imagined. Would it be a good thing to meet up or a bad thing? Nick decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and just take this opportunity while it’s presented.
Clearing his throat, Nick looked around. There weren’t that many clients anyway plus all he has left to do are paperworks so he’s cleared for the afternoon. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll...uhm, meet you halfway. Let me know the name of the place.” Nick finally agreed as the two men decided to meet up 30 minutes later.
When Nick got to the cafe, Paul was already there, sipping on his cup of coffee. The entire ride there, Nick felt confident and excited but when he saw his future father in law’s face, his heart felt like it was beating out of his chest. They’re both there for the sake of their favorite girl.
“Hey.” Nick said, nodding at Paul as he took the sit in front of the older gentleman.
Paul smiled the best he could, nodding at the guy. “I already ordered coffee, by the way. Would you like anything?” He offered as Nick took the menu from the table. Looking through the list, he wasn’t really finding anything he likes so he shook his head. “I actually just had my lunch about an hour ago so I’m good.” Nick said before his eyes stopped at an item on the list. “No way.” He murmured with the biggest grin. A server came up to them, expecting an order from the newly arrived guest. “I’ll have the s’more cookies please. Box of six, to go.” Nick said which made Paul look at him in confusion. Is he rushing to get out?
Nick saw the look on his face so he figured he’d explain to him. “It’s for Shawn, later. The last time we made cookies, he brought up the idea to me about combining s’mores and cookies and how we wants to...well, his term was to invent it. He called it smookies.” Nick shared proudly, chuckling as he remembered his little boy’s face when he thought of it.
Paul couldn’t help but grin at the guy, seeing genuine joy in his face as he talked about his son. He’s never seen this before but then again, he’s never really looked at Nick properly ever since he came back to Katrina’s life. “Give the little guy my regards.” He said, in the usual Paul way, too proud to even be smushy. Clearing his throat, he nodded, figuring he’d get straight to the point. “I’m not gonna...beat around the bush here anymore. I’m sure Katrina told you why...why I’m reaching out to you.”
Nick nodded, biting his lip a bit. “She...she told me you’d call but...I didn’t expect you’d want to meet up with me...alone.” Paul took a sip of his coffee, surprised by his initiative as well. “I wanna make things right with my daughter. The last thing I wanna do is lose her again. I know I did when I first... rejected the idea that...she was to be a mother. And...if I’m gonna make things right with her, she made it perfectly clear that my first step is to make things right with you.” Paul started as Nick sat properly, realizing the conversation is about to go deeper.
“Yeah, yeah. I agree with you. Maybe not for...our own personal sakes anymore but for Katrina.” Nick agreed, knowing Paul was going to say more so he just decided to listen first. “We’re way past apologizing, Nick. And...maybe it’s best that we stop the apologies and start the explanation instead. I want you to understand my point here. Several years ago, my daughter came down the stairs for breakfast, distraught and upset. She said she couldn’t contact you for whatever reason but Beth and I trusted you. We told her that you were probably just busy and no guy wants a clingy girlfriend who needs their attention 24/7. She waited and we all waited for the house to be filled with smiles from her again, but four days later, she started locking herself in the room. The house could’ve flooded with the amount of tears she cried just before noon. My heart felt like it’s being shattered into pieces because even I couldn’t find you in town. Your own mother didn’t know where you were.” Paul felt tears building in his eyes as he recalled those moments.
“We never saw Katrina properly but we didn’t need to, to know how broken she was. It took three weeks before she came down for breakfast again. We thought things have finally calmed down but you know what her first words to us were? The first words she uttered in three weeks to us...” He paused, letting out a breath. “I took a test. A pregnancy test.” He revealed, letting Nick know that’s how they found out. Katrina tried to be honest with them but she was only met with disappointment from her parents. On top of that, the father of her child is basically missing at this point. Paul was quiet, as if he was still processing those words like it was yesterday.
“I didn’t...I didn’t know she was pregnant when I left.” Nick had to make that clear, just in case Paul thinks he left because of the baby. “I would never have left if I knew she was pregnant.” Nick added but Paul shook his head. “You wouldn’t have found out anyway because you left her before she found out.” This was all Paul’s frustration, coming out to finally clear the air between them.
Nick was quiet, pressing his lips together as the older gentleman had a point. His excuse is basically invalid because he wouldn’t have known that Katrina was pregnant anyway since he left way too soon. Looking up, Nick figured it was his turn to talk. “I thought I was doing the right thing, Paul. Do you know why I left? Because I knew you had plans for her, for her future. And I didn’t want to get in the way of that. She was torn enough so I had to make a decision. Let her go to college while I get stuck...nowhere. I wasn’t getting anywhere that time and I didn’t want to drag her down. She had dreams, and passion and...and you guys...made sure I remembered that, the entire time we were in a relationship. That no matter what, her career would go first.”
“Are you blaming us for that? For wanting a good life for my daughter?” Paul quickly questioned him as Nick shook his head in response. “I’m not blaming you, I understood you guys, that’s why. I didn’t want Katrina to...break her promise to you that she would go and have a career in ballet like what you’ve always wanted for her. It was wrong of me...to have made that decision for her back then but I thought I was doing the right thing. I know you said we’re way past the apologies but I don’t think we will...unless you give me a chance and sincerely...forgive me, Paul.”
The two men locked eyes with each other, trying to meet halfway to make peace. “I’m sorry, Paul...for what I did to your daughter but...you can’t call our son a mistake, the one who got in the way of her dreams. That was me. Not Shawn. That’s why I’m doing my best now to make it up to her, to show her that her dreams aren’t impossible anymore. She can still take that stage and own it.” Pressing his lips together, Nick saw that the server placed the box of cookies on their table. “She’s a mother, she’s a dancer...she’s a daughter and she’s gonna be my wife...but she’s her own person first.”
Taking he glass of water in front, Nick took a sip to calm himself down a bit. Paul suddenly nodded, sitting properly as he cleared his throat. “This isn’t easy for me to say but...I’m just gonna go and say it, because I love my daughter...and I have learned to love my grandson. The least I can hope is to learn to accept you. I’m sorry...for giving you a hard time. If my daughter can forgive you...then, I will...forgive you too. I hope you can do the same for me. I can see how much you love Katrina...more than you did before. And this?” He said, pointing at the box of cookies. “The little things you remember about Shawn, that just shows how much you love him and love being a father to him. And I admire that, Nick.”
The mention of his name from Paul’s voice felt so weird but it was like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. Smiling, Nick nodded as he wiped the little tears forming in the side of his eyes. “Thank you. I appreciate that. And..I forgive you too. Let’s just...put all these in past. It’s time for a fresh start, as a family.” Nick insisted as Paul patted him on the back, smiling to show a good relationship has just been reformed between them.
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jess-the-vampire · 4 years
Sky And The Forces Of The Multiverse, Chapter 37
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-Angel was in slightly better spirits the following day, in fact he and sky both were, the two of them surprisingly hanging out together and talking. Angel was smiling more then usual, and so was sky for that matter. Though with the mess that happened no one could really blame them either, seems both of them being targeted seemed to have brought them closer then it did before.
With Sky spending time with Angel and Nora being busy with her mom surprisingly it left judas to focus on other matters, more specifically, his own younger brother.
Landon had been giving judas more of the silent angsty treatment ever since he got caught sneaking out of bed to check Queen Butterfly's office, though with their parents being alerted landon was in a world of trouble. The only bright spot of this being landon took the full blame for the situation, considering no one else had anything to do with this.
Even Celeste was ignoring the boy, giving him the silent treatment in her own frustration.
Landon's closest ally here, considering Bernard was on earth and could mostly on text landon throughout this.
Sky had promised to get in contact with Melanie as soon as she could and now that the scare was over it was back to business. And For the demon prince, that meant confronting his younger brother and dealing with this situation once and for all. His gradnfather was dealing with Fae, Sky was talking to Angel and was going to chat with mel, Sunny and Galexia were off going through the library with Katrina who'd been nice enough to lay off on judas as long as he didn't go anywhere beyond the two kingdoms.
Yep, back as usual.
Judas headed inside his room real quick, closing the door behind him, before he was going to talk to his brother he needed one more little thing. There was no point in delaying it, he needed to talk to his brother about what happened and what he did. Especially since landon didn't really mention it himself before, and whatever it was might be important.
Though he felt someone's presence in his room and he quickly turned on the lights, in a fighting post before he noticed the small girl sitting on his bed.
"Hello Judas".
The girl was kicking her feet on the side of the bed, "We need to talk about your brother...". She looked frustrated, frustrated at landon, frustrated she had to talk to Judas about this, frustrated she cared about this so much. Judas calmed himself down, with Celeste living here with them, he couldn't be surprised she popped into his room to see him, though he would've preferred a call or text beforehand.
"Yeah...I figured that's why you'd be here...we haven't exactly had the closest relationship here all things considered..."., the girl huffed but she had to agree, though granted she didn't have a close relationship much with anyone at all.
"Well considering luna ditched this place to live in the woods and sky's chummy with the spider guy...guess you needed another princess to talk to...and since sunny and lexi are out...you're stuck with me...but anyway...", She huffed, breathing through her nose, "Honestly normally i wouldn't go to you to deal with this stupid stuff but Landon doesn't listen to me...dealing with him is like-".
"Dealing with another you?", Judas continued with a hint of amusement.
"Don't push it...look we worked together on trying to start out own group because we thought you and sky weren't focusing on the task at hand and we got sick of it, then we ended up being worse then you because the three of us, luna me and landon...we're all buzzkills and we don't get along...I mean mainly it was blondie's fault but still...so then me and landon worked together...yada yada...he just wanted to be seen as a hero above you...".
"Yeah...I guess I had a feeling about that...".
"Look...I can't believe i'm saying this...but I care about landon...and helping him before well...I wanted to do it so I could go home and whatever...but He only cares about it to beat you and prove himself and he doesn't seem to care nearly as much about me and how I feel...your brother's a weirdo but i'm sick of him thinking he needs to do all this nonsense to be considered...someone...".
Judas looked astonished, clearly not used to celeste talking to him or anyone like this for that matter.
"I knew you both were close...I didn't know you both were...well... THIS close...but...I am really glad to see someone really cares about my brother this much...", Judas walked over to the girl, ruffling his hair, "I'm...me and landon don't get along on the best of days...but with everything going on I had to put the stuff aside with him, I knew he was doing stuff but I didn't know to what extreme or...really exactly why...".
"Well that's obvious...your family seems to basically ignore him...".
"Hey, I don't mean any harm by it...so much has just gone on and i'm set to be king...and...".
Celeste sent him a glare.
"Ok, It doesn't excuse my parents...but the situation is more complicated...and he knows that...", he took a seat next to her, "I know landon's not useless and he's talented in his own way...we tease each other but...I don't think of him as useless..". Though as the words left his lips he thought about it more, he really couldn't speak for how landon felt, even if he didn't feel like he did anything wrong intentionally.
"Even if I told him face to face...you know he wouldn't listen to me though...he'd tell me I was too perfect or something and go back to how it was before. I can't really...fix the situation, mom and dad can't just ignore me to focus all on him, celeste I get it...I just...what can I be expected to do about it? Landon doesn't even want to look at me sometimes...".
"Ugh...I'm not really entirely blaming you...I just want landon to stop caring about this stuff...".
"You know you can't-".
"I Know i can't make him...", she responded quickly, "But I don't know what I can do...I...I feel like he's going to hurt himself trying to be better then you..". She sounded actually worried, her fists clenching, "He's so frustrating, He craved attention and love from people but when we show we care he doesn't listen to anyone and it's just...UGH!".
Then she stopped, sighing.
"Yeah...guess he is kinda like me...".
"We can both talk to him...together...I would've taken sky but she's busy with angel today so...I'd be happy to have your company if you'd like to join me. We'll...see what we can do at least...". He seemed confident on the outside even if he wasn't much so on the inside, whatever landon felt, it was deep, and a simple talking to probably wouldn't just fix it.
But at least it might do something.
Judas helped his somewhat sister up and escorted her through the halls,Celeste grumbling under her breath, "You...did pretty well for yourself...yesterday...with the trial and the whole scene...". Celeste seemed to rarely hand out compliments, so Judas was happy to take it, "Hey it's ok...I was just protecting my friends...I was honestly surprised to see you get along with angel last night...talk to him and stuff...".
She went silent.
"I know opening up to other's is not something you tend to do often...but I think it was sweet. Just like how you healed my injury when sunny hurt me on accident that time.". She kicked at the floor, "I've seen people hurt before...I uh...I dunno...I can't help it...". She still seemed embarrassed to talk about it, even about her revealing why she knew so much about healing in the first place.
But Judas seemed to understand, not prodding any further, "Well...I'm glad you care so much...and I think it's great your so talented with healing injuries like that...it's actually hard to do so it's impressive to see you do so well at them with ease. You should be proud.". He almost thought he saw a smile on her face as they continued further down the hallway.
"I can tell you're scared about her...".
Judas felt his chest clench.
"Ever since Angel told you she had the book, you've been slowly been getting more bothered by it...more scared what anyone could do with the notes nora had on you. Y'know it's not going to do any good to ignore it...i mean I think people would get it if you're worried about some creep taking over your body and making you do things you don't want to do...", she spat at the floor, "You maybe wasted time when you could've helped but...no one wants you to go through that...".
"I know...I know...I think before with all the work on my back it was easier to ignore how nervous it all made me...but with sky taking the charge...well...I thought about it more...and what if i'm not as brave as I thought I was?", though as the words left his lips, he shook his head, "Maybe I am being too hard on myself...It's not about what others think...it's about what I think of myself...".
"And what do you think?".
"I think i'm not sure what'll happen if...anything happens...but I know no one will hold it against me...anyone that matters at least.", he took a deep breath, "I don't think I'm ever going to properly get over it...I've been haunted by this kinda stuff since I was a kid...sky knows it...she knows how much It scared me as a kid...and how terrified I was of myself for years...it's just...not easy for me to not be scared...even no matter how hard I try...".
His eyes looked over Celeste, eyeing her expression.
"I'm sure you've been scared a lot too...and felt you had to ignore it...".
Celeste again, said nothing, but it was as good as any yes.
The rest of the walk was quiet as they approached one of their family living rooms, where landon was currently grounded for the time being till it was meal time. Judas looking to his companion as the guards let them pass, at the very least landon might be able to help out or apologize or do something if they could get past his thick skin finally.
But that was a major if.
Regardless, there landon was, lying around with his violin nearby, bored out of his mind on the couch, sitting up at the sight of his sibling and half sibling. He seemed almost excited at first but his face dropped quick, because he knew exactly why they were here. He'd already been scolded by his parents earlier that day, forced to stay here till further notice as punishment.
Though at least it meant he didn't have to see anyone.
Until now.
He turned his head away, grumbling, Celeste grabbing a nearby pillow and throwing it at him, "You could've gotten HURT! Something could've happened to you out there and we'd have no idea! Being exposed to magic too much is dangerous! And lucifer, no matter what i say to you you don't seem to listen to a single word of it, do you? ". Celeste got mad quick, judas unsure what to do though first he took Celeste's arm before she could throw anything else at the demon boy.
"HEY! WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU!?", Landon hissed, "Jeez...you guys make it sound like I was the one robbing everyone, I just went to peek at the findings, you would've done it too if you had been given the chance considering how much you guys sneak around behind our parent's backs...the secret meetings? All the times you evaded katrina? Don't go acting like you're such a upstanding demon prince...".
That seemed to shut the two of them up, Landon standing up and grumbling.
"You guys might have never gotten a chance to see what I saw without me...I helped...even if It was because...I wanted the upper hand...", he mumbled that last part, "Look...can't I have this one? Just this once? I want to be the successful brother...just once...I'm so tired of my brothers being so imfamous for doing this and that and everyone just...GOD!".
Flames seemed to erupt from his fingertips as she stomped the ground.
Then he simmered.
"I'm so sick of...everyone thinking i'm useless...I have to hide out in a stupid coffee shop club thing to even feel some sense of...importance...".
He sniffled, "Just let me have this...ok?".
"Don't landon me...even if it's not your fault...even if...even if i'm a failure...I just...I WANT this...I'm so sick of feeling second rate...or even third rate...I don't need to prove anything to you...I want to prove it...to me...", he turned away from his siblings, "I'm good at music...but...that's it..i'm not magically remarkable...i'm not good with emotions or feelings...I want to feel like I matter judas...".
"Landon..you do matter, you matter to everyone...me, celeste, our parents, mason...Bernard...", Judas placed a hand on his brother's back, trying to soothe him, "Landon...even if...you don't feel important...or loved...I want you to know we all love and care about you...I...don't know what would happen to me if...something happened to you...you're my brother landon...".
"You can't make me feel differently...".
"Maybe not...but...I still want to tell you regardless...", celeste tapped her fingers together, seeing the brothers come face to face. "Landon...I'm not doing this because I want more attention...or to be better then anyone...I want to do this because...I want to help celeste and sunny and galeixa and...luna...they have people to get back to...people who love them as much as I love you...frankly...I always wished I could be you...".
"What?", Landon almost sounded...surprised.
"Everyone looks at me like a freak most of the time...it'd just be nice...to not have that kinda attention...to not have so much pressure on me...to have the freedom to do whatever I wanted without so much on my shoulders...but...I don't have that choice...so...for now...i'm going to do the best I can...by helping out my friends...and keeping them safe...landon you don't have that pressure...you can be whatever you want...do whatever you want...not to impress anyone...but to make yourself happy.".
"You wanted to be me?".
Judas nodded, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder.
"Landon...I...can't change how you feel...I can't change what happened...but you have the chance me and mason don't have...the chance to make your own life how you want it, no pressure from anyone stopping you...landon you can do so much...and I know you have so much to give...maybe you need time to see it...but you have so much potential..".
"You're just saying that to make me feel better...", Landon shoved his brother's hand off of him, "I'm useless...if not useless i'm forgettable". Though as he turned around someone grabbed his shirt from the back and tugged, and considering how well landon knew the two people behind him he could easily tell which one it was. Celeste made him turn around and face her, her arms crossed and her eyes away from his.
"Dude if you were forgettable, do you think i'd be spending so much of my time trying to help you? You're not useless, you held part of the investigation yourself, that's not useless...you're not useless landon...you should stop being so down on yourself...those idiots insulting you don't deserve your time and attention. You keep doubting yourself...you don't need to catch some weirdo to be cool.".
"You're right...you can't change how I feel...but without this...what do I have?".
The two looked to each other before back at landon.
"Well, you have a lot of time to think about it...you don't need to know right now...but you'll get there someday...", landon seemed to have finally calmed down a little bit, pacing around the room. "I'm sorry...I can't help it...every time I think i'm going too far i think about the...my situation...I think about what I could be and what It is now and I can't help it.".
"I know...".
"I...I'm not trying to sound selfish...I just...I don't want to...deal with this any longer...".
He paused, getting onto his knees on the floor, "I'm...sorry for being a butt I guess...you got separated from your family and I guess I've made the situation about myself..when it's kinda...terrible.". He actually did kinda sound like he actually felt sorry, in fact he looked tired more then anything. Like keeping all this buried inside him ate away at him.
And it probably did.
"It's alright landon...we'll take it a day at a time...is that ok?", judas kept his distance from his brother but seemed to constantly be checking to see if his brother was alright or not.
and with a small nod, that was enough.
"What I saw...what they found...", he started, "W-when the explosion happened...it seems the uh...person under the mask did get hurt...well I mean...I think so...they didn't seem to find them but...their mask...their mask broke...they collected it.". He looked up at his companions and judas processed the information before looking to celeste, "I'm guessing since they don't know who it is still..they got no dna off the thing?".
There was a silence between them, only stopped when just let out a large sigh.
"I'll...ask out parents about it later...maybe have sky come with...we'll look into it...but if they lost their mask...then their face must have been exposed...unless...they had another mask...they're magic after all they can change clothes with it.". The blast was bound to do damage but if it broke their mask then what did that mean for their face? Queen Butterfly had been in the presence of those blasts before and they had varying effects.
Sometimes destroying your entire body, sometimes leaving you unharmed if you were good at self healing to any degree, sometimes it just depended. Magic was unpredictable after all, and in ways that only made it worse for the people who had to use it. Though whoever was out there, if the blast was enough to break their mask, it as bound to hurt a little.
"Thank you landon...for letting us know...".
As conflicted as landon's emotions were, he did actually seem rather happy to have helped regardless.
This was going to take some work if they were ever going to sort things out together with landon, what he was dealing with was deep and wouldn't be solved with a simple conversation. Judas watched the sad face of his brother and felt his heart sink some more, making a mental note to himself to spend some more time with his brother in the near future if he could.
"I...hope mom and dad weren't too hard on you...", landon's ears flickered, "They weren't...they knew I meant no real harm...they're just...upset I snuck into her office during an emergency for seemingly my own selfish needs...mom was just kinda disappointed in me but they didn't do anything too bad...just grounded me...I didn't tell them I decided to join in your little gang...because they'd assume you learned nothing...they think I did it myself...".
"Well...I guess that's a relief...but...are you sure you're ok with that?".
"Well, you had nothing to do with me doing this...so...yeah", the scene still felt a little tense and awkward but landon wasn't mad anymore and judas and celeste got out what they wanted to say. Landon went to take a seat back on the couch, keeping to himself, "Look I just need to be alone for a bit...ok? And i'm sure you both have better things to do out there then stay here...".
They exchanged looks, knowing landon wasn't entirely wrong, though neither seemed to want to leave him alone like this.
"We can hold off for a bit...I think sky's going to be busy for quite a while anyway...", and then proceeded to take a seat next to his brother who looked pleasantly surprised, celeste joined him, curling up on the couch. Landon, who had told them to leave, didn't protest, in fact instead of arguing against it, had a smile creeping among his face. Looking over to his violin nearby.
"You guys...want to hear my new song?".
"So this Melaine girl?".
"My earth pen pal...she's into theories and pop culture on earth and aliens and all kinds of stuff...I thought maybe since she's been helping put theories and pieces of evidence together...she'd be perfect to consult and get more from...", Sky pulled out her compact to text her friend, angel sitting on her bed, clearly a little awkward being alone with her in her room.
"How'd you meet?".
"Went to earth to meet my grandparents, plus my moms love earth to death...they like to go to do fun stuff and get off mewni once in awhile. You might like earth, it's weird but kinda neat. Anyway mel saw me and saw us do magic and was ENTHRALLED ever since, especially finding out i'm basically an alien almost since she's obsessed with extraterrestrials."
"Aliens...it's an earth thing...".
"Ah...", he still didn't seem to have any idea what she was talking about but maybe it was better not to ask further. It would take sky all day if she had to explain exactly what aliens where, and why earth was obsessed with things that probably weren't nearly as weird on mewni. On earth lizard people were a conspiracy, on mewni they were people sky saw get groceries every day.
"Hopefully she can help us out, having an earth pal who knows like..earth things and makes connections better then me sometimes is really handy...though uh...be careful. Mel's cool but she's also a little...well she doesn't know mewni too well so she makes a lot of assumptions based on earth stuff, it's not her fault, just don't be surprised if she..well...is incorrect about stuff.".
Angel now looked even more puzzled then he was before.
"Just follow my lead...", she smiled when melaine texted her back, the human eager for another video call.
"Human compacts work on our own?".
"Yeah? Who knew?", she laughed in utter embarrassment, at least she wasn't the only one who hadn't known that.
"I'm so glad you called, I missed ya! Is the fact you're asking for my help mean your parents finally ungrounded ya?", Sky made a face, glancing over to angel, "Yes and no kinda...but...nevermind that...mel I'm going to update you on everything we know, I want you to help us as best we can...put the pieces together...you're kinda made for this honestly.".
Melaine's eyes lit up, a sparkle in her dark eyes that could light up galaxies.
She immediately started grabbing papers off the shelves, making a huge mess around the room, Angel took a seat closer to sky to get a peek as to what was going on on Melanie's end. His four eyes blinking in curiosty at the excited human piling stuff everywhere messily. He'd seen her at the sleepover but other then that, this was his first time REALLY meeting her.
Sky could only hope melaine didn't make it painfully awkward considering how much she used to complain about the boy to mel.
Mel was luckily occupied setting up before jumping into frame with a notepad and pen, papers trapped in her wild curly hair.
"So where do we begin!?"
Then her eyes looked to angel's and she almost squeed, "Is that spiderboy?! Sky, i didn't know you were bringing spiderboy!". Sky suddenly felt a bit of secondhand embarrassment as angel looked at her quizzically, "It's just a nickname she has for you...uh...mel?". Her attention went back to her earth friend, who was already sketching angel out for her board.
"His name is angelus...or like..angel for short? I think he'd prefer that. Please?".
She signaled with her face to mel this was one of the times she really needed her to listen, and Melaine...thankfully, listened.
"Alright, Angel spider, got it...".
Well it was better then nothing, they had work to do.
Sky and Angel started listing off a few new details that had been caught up, the human girl writing them down with the speed of a race car and pining them up on her board, covered with articles, notes, pictures and more. Melaine was used to this, after all she made plenty for the mothman and for the mole people sightings before, this was like tying her shoe for her.
Even angel seemed impressed, he didn't know all that much about humans outside of the ones that visited mewni and jude and sky's own moms, much less about human culture and what humans did with most of their time. Though granted, considering angel was rather sheltered, there was a doubt angel would even know people made theories and stuff like this at all to such an extreme.
"You...found a person who spends her time organizing facts and coming up with solutions?".
Maybe she outta leave out the other stuff melaine does like go out hunting for lizard people and reading up on horrorscopes, angel seemed confused enough without her explaining the rest of melaine's active lifestyle. Melaine seemed especially excited at the mind parasites, much to angel's discomfort, though at the very least she didn't focus so much on his mom and more on who could access them.
"Any enemies?", she asked Angel, who shrugged.
"Honestly...we haven't made enemies for a long time...our kingdom just kinda...sunk into the shadows, avoiding conflict as to not make anything any worse for ourselves. We fought back when the spiderbites took over but other then that, and well..solaria...", he went silent for a moment, "We never had much of direct conflicts with monsters...especially not recently...".
"And i doubt the spiderbites would poison your mom, they have no reason to, they seem to talk with each other fine...", Sky piped in, "No one has any real reason to attack you or your mom...". Then sky tapped angel on the shoulder, "Is there anyone who'd have anything to gain by hurting your mom? Or i dunno...maybe they were trying to get someone else and ended ep with your mom?".
Angel looked visibly uncomfortable, and sky quickly reached out to him.
"Sorry...maybe i should...uh...".
"No...it's fine, I know there's no easier way to ask me stuff like that without mentioning her...", he tugged at his light pink hair, huffing, "I don't know sky...even If i were to blame the one under the mask...I don't know who is under the mask, rendering it all back to same question...I...personally want to think it was all an accident If i can help it.".
"Well, it could be...if one got out and ended up on your dinner table because someone didn't know it wasn't good to eat...then yeah.".
He seemed a little more reassured from that statement, something about someone coming after him seemed to only increase his worry and anxiety. He already had one masked foe who was pissed with him, what if he had another? Melaine was writing stuff down and sky was wondering what she could possibly write if there were no enemies to really speak of.
Though as she placed more on her board sky could tell they were drawings of the spiderbites, the masked foe, solaria, and everyone angel mentioned basically.
Guess even if they weren't at fault melaine felt they were important enough to at least mention.
Sky turned to her companion on the bed, who coughing into his fist, ears folding.
"A lot has happened...recently and I...I know it's hard to properly forgive me...and maybe to a degree you also feel bad because of...everything that happened before. But I um...wanted to suggest, we...um...uh...", Angel's social skills were pretty on par with a mushroom at this point, he'd clearly still had a long way away till he could properly talk to others without stumbling a little.
Though Sky was more then used to it at this point, and despite his stumbling she seemed to tense at his wording.
"Are you asking me on a date?", Sky looked at him, shocked, though he was quick to devolve the situation and try to explain himself better.
"What?! No no no no no no no NO No, I mean...", he looked embarrassed,red and ears pressed against his face, "I was hoping we could properly make amends...I want to make amends...I still feel guilty...I want to make it up...if you'll let me?". Sky seemed oddly charmed as awkward and embarrassing as that was, smiling and trying to keep her cool, "Yeah, that sounds...nice...honestly...I want to maybe try and make some kinda amends as well...if possible.".
He smiled back, the embarrassment flushing away from his face, angel smiling these days was a treat honestly.
Thankfully mel was distracted enough not to notice the scene, heck knows what she would say, she had a loud personality and was quick to make assumptions sometimes and that was something sky already needed to work on with her before she got herself in trouble for it.
She finished setting up and turned back to the royals, "Alright then, so there's my set up, i'm going to start working on this right away, text me any info you get on any of this, i'll keep adding and text you any revelations I can come up with...". She immediately started using markers on the board, typing together the pieces she knew connected together before pulling a book out of her messy bookshelf and holding to to show them.
"Maybe considering the proof of the multiverse, maybe you should study up on the stuff? I've been going through these books ever since you told me about it, maybe you can use it to help make some cool magic...". Sky glanced to her gemstone before going back to melaine, "Well...uh...maybe yeah? Thanks mel...uh...maybe you could send me some picks of the most relevant chapters?'.
She sent sky a thumbs up, "Gotcha! Oh, and if you see me any mothmen, send me pics as well! I made a bet with some classmates!". The mention of a mothman seemed to make angel puzzled though he didn't dwell on it too much as sky motioned to him that she'd try to explain it all later. Melaine on the other hand was eagerly waiting for her kinda sorta butterfly monster friend's reaction.
Sky sent her a thumbs up back as the screen turned black, returning the two royals back to themselves in sky's dirty room.
"She'll keep me updated...she tends to be good at that...".
"You...have a lot more friends then I realized...", he mumbled, "Uh...that's not to be rude or anything, I had just never seen you with anyone other then judas...you...seem to have friends all over.". But she was quick to stop him before he went on, "Nah...not really...I mean even if I ignored that mewni thought i was inferior or evil or something...i'm not good at...making friends...i'm not as friendly or easy to get along with as judas...or maybe at least...i wasn't when I was younger...".
"Perhaps we had more in common then we thought...", he added, "We always acted as if we could never understand each other and we were so different...but...maybe we were wrong."
And when she thought about it a little more, he was right.
That almost made her smile a little more considering how funny that was, though the thought of it quickly transferred to thinking about the bad aspects of their lives and she became silent. Angel was almost worried he said something offensive to some degree but sky shook her head and coughed into her hand, before asking the question she wanted to for some time.
"You still talking to eclipsa?".
Her question caught him by surprise, coughing into his hand, "Not since yesterday...after the trial...I um...I think she wants to speak to me after what happened last night regarding my mom but you've been with me ever since and she um...know you're not a fan of her right now, you're probably more angry with her then you are with me about what happened...why is that?".
"Sky...I...went behind your back, I was working for the enemy, even if i barely did much that harmed you while doing so...I still went behind your back...eclipsa went behind your back as well...but you seem more fine with me...then her.", she huffed as she laid back on the bed, "It's not the same, you both were doing it to protect me...but you didn't reveal this big team to my mom and get everyone in trouble...something we tried to avoid.".
"I always figured with you coming after me on your mom's orders...you well...were used to working under her...".
"I never liked working under my mom's shining shadow...I didn't want her fingers all over it, i didn't know what she'd do and i didn't know if she'd use this as another way to well...make me feel like...like i'm not good enough. That's one thing we can't relate to, my mom is a hero of mewni, i can't top that...and mewni knows it, i'm not as gifted as her...or as powerful.".
"You're powerful to me, even if you claim you aren't", he said back, and by his tone, he truly believed that.
"You haven't seen powerful unless you've seen mom, i don't compare.", sky was quick to tell him, god was she just good at beating up on herself? She tore herself down everytime someone gave her a compliment it felt.
"Well...you helped her help my mother...didn't you?", angel pointed out, "If she needed the help of another butterfly then clearly she wasn't powerful enough alone to handle the task.".
"Well I...yeah, i did but...well...I mean i was the one who got you to help...well tiny you...Angel your being too nice about it, mom did most of the work, i stumbled my way into that situation and she was the one who knew how to help at all...i'm not nearly as powerful if everyone else does the work and i accidentally stumble in and help somehow...".
"Well...I don't think there's anything to be ashamed of...you still did it, didn't you? Without you my mom...well...", he wasn't wrong, even her mom said herself she needed sky's help to even finish the process. Without her there nothing might've been fixed at all, angel didn't seem to care that she stumbled into it or didn't have the plan ready as long as she helped and cared.
But then again, angel didn't exactly care about sky's level of skill personally either, he thought she was powerful no matter what.
"I guess I still have some issues to work out...concerning my mom, i've been rethinking my feelings on her and maybe I was too judgmental...just assuming everything was easy for her...she...almost failed..without me to help. Though she's still...she's still so much more powerful and experienced...I've never been that way"., her voice was full of sadness and loss, in fact it seemed she no longer felt angry at her mom, but more sad then anything.
Though Angel was quick to attack that, huffing in that pompous way that he used to when they used to tease and mock the other.
"Well I for one don't see any reason you need to be as powerful as her to be great, you're clearly just fine without that power. This entire situation proves you have the ability to do so much, even if you're not the strongest at magic.", she smirked, "Well yeah, I guess the same goes for you, you spent your time training to use your powers? You're not perfect at it yet...but you're smart without it...sometimes...".
"Thank you...I think.".
"We should go...no point in staying here any more...let's find sunny", Sky hoped off the bed, "We'll...talk about what we wanna do together later...but for now the best thing we can do is keep focus on the task at hand and worry about it later." Angel got up and off the bed too, though his legs nearly knock down mannequin sky was using for one of her hat designs, catching it just in time.
Sky quickly readjusting the thing as angel observed the sunhat, cute but still creepy with it's greens and eyes.
"This is for nora...isn't it?".
"It's not finished...but yeah, I promised her one awhile back but I got sidelined...but it's nearly complete.", angel looked at it with curiosity as sky looked between him and the hat, then away from both of them, thoughts rolling in her head as she changed the subject. "Y'know...nora reached out to you...she talked to you to help, how did she...your families didn't like each other for so long...how'd...", it was hard to get the right words out.
Though angel knew what she meant.
"Nora...and me...we...we didn't share the same hatred as our ancestors...we never really talked, nora was well...scared of me and I never put my focus on her...I feel like I put so much blame on you when nora's family took our land...but something about nora I can't really hate. Nora was just as alone as I was...she wasn't hateful or bitter...she was nothing but sorry and sympathetic...".
"and I was antagonistic if not ignoring you entirely...", sky finished.
"I didn't mind nora's help...I think...she's different from her family...but...I think we all seem to be in one way or another...".
"Maybe that's for the best...like you said.".
"Yeah, I hope so.".
Sunny's first instinct when seeing the two enter the room was to run up and hug them both, angel still not used to all the affection of these new friends but complying regardless. Sunny's smile was nice to see after that mess, she tended to always seem pretty cheery and happy and right now it was needed more then anything to helps them feel a little better.
"Good to see you! Let's get started.".
She quickly dragged them away from the door and further inside the library, katrina glancing up and waving as she went back to texting on her compact. The library was closed right now, outside of them being allowed in to look for whatever they needed. Giving them more freedom to look around, mostly for info on mind parasite and how to handle them.
Or masked creeps.
She and Galexia seemed to have gone through several books together, making sure lexi didn't draw on any of them in the process. Sunny probably had every page memorized by this point knowing her, her amount of research was impressive. Showing off her notes she'd been taking, "The Spiderbites and your mom is taking care of the same info but I thought best we got a good grasp on it as well...and yeah, I think our-your mom is up to something here...the symptoms match perfectly to previous victims of the bugs...weak memory, inability to control body, near parallelization...".
"I'm not sure if we should consider that a serious relief or not frankly", sky laughed, sunny shoving her nearest open book at her, "A relief! It makes it easier to fix if we're careful! The reason most people are too late is because it's so good at being a regular illness that they never think to cure it as if it were an parasite infesting their body! But it still needs care and if we're not careful can really hurt her...".
Angel jolted for a sec, suddenly nervous.
"But it's alright, we're working with professionals...once the bug is out she can heal properly...if she's not too damaged.", angel shuddered again, he almost wanted to leave the room but sky kept him still, trying to reassure him. "She'll make it through...what do we do to get it out?", sunny nodded to the page, "There are a few things that work, like evil repression charms...if luna were still here...we could've used her's but for now...we outta ask eclipsa.".
"She was the one to give luna her's right? I believe you told me that thing is practically a repellent that takes out dangerous and dark magic. That's perfect for weakening the bug inside of her.".
Angel and Sky exchanged looks.
"Is...that the only thing we can do?".
Sunny looked between them before remembering sky's current feelings towards eclipsa, "Well, no, of course not, we can do other charms to draw it out, and other spells, it was just an option...magical charms like that are a safe way of scaring the little buggers...it doesn't fully remove them but it does start to weaken them. But we can try another spell...though maybe we shouldn't conjure it...healing spells are more celeste's thing...and i'm never tried a cruse repenting spells before and...maybe we should wait for mom.".
"I'll...ask eclipsa for one...".
She was very reluctant, but if it meant helping angel's mom, well...she'd be stupid to say no. Angel, knowing how mad she was, seemed super appreciative. He became a little less tense, his legs folding back behind them as to not accidentally hit anyone in his anxiety. Sunny looked equally happy, "Thank you! The sooner the better, it'll give it more time to take effect before we can do some of the other steps.".
"What are the other steps exactly? Nothing...crazy I hope?".
"Well, that depends on what the spiderbites and well...what your mom wants to do, the charm is just to slowly weaken it, removing it and convincing it to leave might still be hard, it is a magical being after all. But we have enough professionals we might be just fine, Arana's been fighting this long to keep it from destroying her from the inside after all...we're not giving up without a fight.".
"Is uh...lexi doing alright?", sky pointed to the brunette scribbling nearby, who looked up and waved at the three. Sunny laughing and turning back to the companions with cheer, "Well, I thought since lexi really wanted to help i'd play to her strengths, she's not the best at communication sometimes or with people, but she is great at speaking her mind through drawings and art in general...".
"What do you mean?".
"I mean I assigned lexi the role of our planner, with her dream knowledge and her abilities she can help plan ahead for what we should prepare for. Not to mention she's fantastic at design, she can visually interpret anything. And before you say anything, this isn't because i'm paranoid or obsessed with her...abilities, i think the best thing to do, is have HER be the one to deal with her own powers...if she finds something worth mentioning, she'll tell us.".
"You...think she can handle it?", sky said, worried and a little skeptic on if lexi would for sure know when to tell them anything significant. Looking at her drawings it was never really easy to be sure what they should be worried about or not, and it seemed like most of the time they were purely doodles and nothing that seemed logical enough to happen.
"Sky, ever since she's gotten here i've been the one talking to her the most, I know she can handle it, she's smart and great in her own way.", the girl was confident, she almost seemed like a proud mom as she looked over lexi. Sky knew they hung out a lot but she never really though heavily about it, at least about what they talked about or how they felt about each other. Sky had not talked to lexi much, and neither had anyone else that much either, so it was hard for her personally to say for sure this was something lexi could do.
But she did trust Sunny.
So she had to trust Lexi could do it.
"Alright then.".
"OH!", the small girl quickly ran over and collected her compact, excited, "Celeste texted me early today! She NEVER texts me, she wanted to let us know she was hanging with judas today to talk to his brother...er...landon. But I was just so happy cause celeste doesn't really talk to anyone other then landon so it was just...nice...having her speak to me.".
"How long will um...Judas be gone?", angel asked curiously, though sunny could only shrug, her focus had been elsewhere most of the day and judas could take as much time as he needed frankly.
"You'd have to ask him, i could text him right now if you want me to?".
"That's ok!", Sky interrupted, "He should get all the time he needs to deal with his brother...we'll talk to him when he's ready, anything else you want to share before we head out?". She was not looking forward to seeing eclipsa and was partially stalling for time, but she outta not leave until sunny provided her with any and all information she might need.
She tapped her toes, her third eye on them and her others eyes elsewhere. Whatever it was, she wasn't sure if she should say something or not, though considering the lack of time, better she came out with it now then ask later. "Sky...you're good with costumes and clothing right? I've been meaning to ask if maybe...you could...make me some costumes...?", she sounded as if this were embarrassing to ask, and sky's puzzled face was reason enough to explain sunny's worriedness.
"Why do you need costumes?", sky said, snapping back into reality, "Is this something to do with any of your plays or something? Cause this ain't really the time to be putting on plays or musicals right now when we got all this other stuff going on...". But Sunny shook her head, "No no...it's more like...with everything going on it's a lot harder to listen in on conversations and get details from the people, and I was thinking...with costumes we could sneak out and listen in on gossip or any news outside the castle walls...".
"You mean, you want me to make disguises?".
"Well yeah...you're so good with it...and it might help us out to walk around undetected...it'd be perfect! Everyone knows us, and some people are still well...against us...so maybe we could make disguises and see if we can get more from other sources on the matter of the bug and Her.".
"Well actually that sounds like a good idea...why didn't you bring it up earlier?", Sunny rubbed her arm, "Well, asking you to do that is asking you to do a lot of work and I wasn't sure you would want to spend so much time on something like that when we could put our focus elsewhere, with Katrina going on about being spies...well, with disguises...we could work with her...".
Sky eyed katrina, who had been listening in, "Well problem is...I don't think you're allowed to have us spy on anyone correct?". The frog woman nodded, "Nope, i am not allowed to let you out of the castle sunshine, but, i'll be fair, if you want to dress up around here? I have no reason to stop you, just don't go sneaking out of the walls, we're not taking that risk no matter how tough you guys might be...and i'm in trouble enough as is".
Sunny pouted, she'd probably been hoping to convince the spy to help them but seems the lady was quick to shut that part down, well...that's what it looked like. Sunny almost was about to leave when angel stopped her, his brow furrowing before he took a risk with his next words, "Um...forgive me...I uh...that was a well told lie but I uh...I think we'd appreciate more truth out of you...considering how much I had lied and you wanted me to be honest...".
He actually didn't know if she were lying, but it just kinda came out, and yet-
Sunny suddenly became embarrassed, her facade dropping, "Fine...it was a half lie...I do want some costumes for a play outside of the disguises...I know a place landon showed me and I thought it'd be a good place to perform...but it's not out of selfish reasons...I thought...maybe...we could set a trap there and you could make us costumes to help better disguise us to catch them there...and I've been writing a play for you guys in my spare time".
"Why weren't you honest about that from the beginning?".
"I though you guys would think It was a waste of time If i asked you for costumes for a silly play of mine...it's easier to ask for costumes to go around in public then to ask for costumes for a play I want to perform in...I mean you even said it was a waste of time before i told you.".
"Sunny no, that's a great idea, for a trap I mean".
"Ahem!", Katrina said from against the wall, "No scheming to go anywhere outside the walls. it's cute how much of spies your are but any traps laid about should be addressed with your parents sky".
"Aren't you supposed to be following judas?", katrina shrugged, "I am but after last night it seems king and queen lucitor decided maybe I outta give the boy a little more space...can't blame him, he looked really upset last night, i think the whole situation really hit a nerve with him. He's a tough kid but he's struggling with trusting himself and feeling comfortable and safe with himself...seeing the woman hurt probably made him think about it being one of his family members.".
Angel suddenly felt a ting of guilt, "I told him about Her having the book with notes on his condition in it...I told him i was worried about it and...he had tried to tell me he'd be ok...perhaps I...shouldn't have said anything...I was just worried and thought he should know...". His ears folded and his face turned pinker then usual, his mistakes seemed unending.
"It's not your fault kid, no one can speak for how judas feels then...judas, the kid can ignore how people feel and use this zappers all he wants, but honestly to me...I think what he needs to focus on...is his own mental health. Purple needs more help, and honestly better you tell him he might be in danger then say nothing at all and let something bad happen he can't prepare for...even if It hurts him...".
The prince nodded, "If you're sure.".
"Kid, you can hurt people, but not everything could be easily fixed by you doing nothing either. The stuff that kid is dealing with is more then just you, the best thing you can do now...all of you, is be there for him as his friend and reassure him and protect him. He'd do the same for all of you and the best you can do is the same for him while he's struggling.".
"We will...promise.".
"Good, now you ll better get back to...whatever your doing...and stay safe...call me if you need me. Right now i'm watching these two but If I need to help i will, if the guards don't alert me...". The two nodded and before they left Katrina nodded to Angel, "And sorry if I was too aggressive last night, I know that entire situation was emotional for you...but your safety and hers should be a priority and I couldn't jeopardize it".
"It's fine...", he didn't seem too forgiving by tone, but he couldn't hold a big grudge either considering the outcome of it either. He moved forward, following sky closely as the door closed behind them, leaving sunny, katrina, and galexia in the library. Sunny smiled at them leaving, "They're so cute working together...I knew they could do it!", going back to opening her book on medical magical practices.
"They're strange friends alright...", the older monster nodded, leaning against the wall nearby.
"But...I welcome them completely, honestly the more the merrier".
Sky definitely didn't want to meet eclipsa.
Not now, not anytime soon.
Of course when she blabbed on about how upset she was with her that's the day she HAD to meet her in person.
Of course, just her luck.
She didn't know if angel tagging along made it more awkward or less awkward frankly.
Though angel seemed to be right by her side on this no matter what so that was a little reassuring, at least he wasn't acting like she couldn't be upset on the matter, considering he technically went behind her back as well he didn't really have much of an excuse himself. He adjusted judas's old clothes he'd been wearing, nervous as they entered the garden.
"I could go...if you...don't want to." sky stopped in her tracks, huffing.
"I know you could..and you would...but I should do It, i'm supposed to be taking charge here...I shouldn't...make you do anything that I should be doing. I promised to help right? I'm just gonna have to suck up my anger and deal with it. I won't even have to look at her for very long...", then she paused, "I...I do miss our lessons together though...".
"This does seem almost like going to one somehow...doesn't it?".
Sky's annoyance was apparent, "Yeah...it does...".
But then she turned around to look at him, her face becoming a smile, "Maybe when all this is over...we could pick those back up again? If that's cool with you? Maybe with a different teacher? We...have a lot to work on if we're going to be in charge at some point...like a lot of work. Helping your family and people, trying to fix our terrible security, y'know...trying not to ruin people's lives?".
"I accept your offer...Queen Sky.", he was being playful, bowing, and sky actually seemed to find it a little amusing.
"Alright, now i'm just stalling...let's get it over with...".
She headed up to the tower door, knocking, angel close behind her as she became more anxious by the second. She found herself tapping her foot, waiting before she heard the door unlock, her blue eyes looking towards the door. Though as the door opened it wasn't eclipsa at the door, but Globgor, who looked excited and relieved to see the kids there.
"Back so soon?", he teased, "I jest...yesterday was quite a day wasn't it? You kids alright?". He was mainly looking at angel and the boy could only give him a weak nod as his answer, and that seemed enough for globgor who didn't push it further. "So what are you doing here? Lessons are cancelled and Eclipsa knows you're mad with her and...you need something don't you?".
Sky's face told all, looking away and shuffling, "Maybe...is there something wrong with that?".
The monster ushered the two in, "Of course not, you know we're willing to help. It's good to see you two again.". Globgor followed behind as she headed inside eclipsa's tower, though eclipsa herself wasn't there, globgor himself only sat down in front of them as they took their usual seats as if this were another one of eclipsa's lessons all over again.
"Eclipsa's out, she'll be back soon...she asked for me to hang out here to check in with the queens, we're going to head back to our place soon after...but for now you can talk to me if that makes you more comfortable. What's on your mind?", the royals exchanged looks between them as sky let it out of the bag, "We need eclipsa to make us a charm to ward off bad magic...".
"Oh...that sounds a lot worse then I was expecting, what are you getting into exactly?", the princess was quick to nod to her companion, "It's for his mom, it's all to help her...I'm only here to help him and his mom. So yeah, if eclipsa can make us a charm to use for her, i'd appreciate it, i'm not exactly knowledgeable on that and i know for a fact it's not in the book of spells...".
Globgor suddenly smiled in a way sky did not like, clasping his hands together, "Reminds me of eclipsa, she was so brave doing everything she did to be with me and make me happy. You're facing someone you're mad with to help someone you used to be enemies with, that's so adorable". Great, another one of those people, was this going to be regular thing from now on?
Just random people gaping at how sweet it was they no longer wanted to fight each other?
Was it too late to change her mind?
Even Angel looked embarrassed, coughing and trying to change the subject, "Yeah, ok...anyway...globgor...can eclipsa help us? I'm glad you're happy that we're friends now but i'm here to help my mom...I need to help her in anyway I can...if there's even a chance we can save her life...". Globgor understood, no doubt thinking back to the many monsters he lost back in the war, the friends and family.
"We'll help...promise, we'll have to wait till eclipsa gets back first.".
The monster king looked over to the unused teapot nearby, "I'm not good at it but...you want a drink?". Guess they were going to be here for awhile weren't they? Might as well in the meantime. Globgor attempted to make tea as sky took out her compact, looking for updates from any of her friends. Angel glancing over to take a look as well, "Any updates from judas...?".
"Not yet...but we'll hear from him soon i'm sure...".
Sky had to admit angel's attachment to judas and even nora was touching to her, it seems she and judas were no longer a pair of two anymore ever since this mess started.
"How do you know for certain that he's not in danger or anything? Not that I don't trust Prince Lucitor, but with everything happening...how are you sure he's safe?", the princess could only return his question with a nonchalant shrug, "I just know judas can take care of himself, despite the mess...he's...strong, even at his worst...and he's not alone either...".
"He isn't?".
"Landon is with him, landon's not the most powerful...but if judas was in trouble, landon wouldn't leave him...". she tucked her compact back into her pocket , "I wish we had a greater idea what they wanted...where they might strike next...without knowing their goal it makes it harder to figure out where to catch them...you sure they gave you no real idea of their plan?".
"I swear they didn't, they certainly didn't trust me enough to disclose that info to me...I wonder if to some degree they expected me to betray them and didn't think I was worth trusting with that information...all I know was the plans I was told about and that they were scary powerful with magic...enough to deliver on their promises to me to keep me in line...", he crossed his heart, "I'd spill if i could.".
"Magic is so limited to people in mewni...well...that kinda powerful magic...it has to be a butterfly, But i know it's not my moms, eclipsa, my grandmother doesn't have reason to do this...does anyone in my family have a big enough grudge to be targeting the other kingdoms like this? Though considering what they took...they seemed to want power I guess...", sky didn't know much about her extended family, but then again, how much did her extended family know about low mewman? Or the book?
Maybe it really was some kinda toffee follower...the butterfly secrets didn't exactly remain secret because of him or the people around him, maybe they should be investigating any living supporters of him.
Or maybe she was just losing her mind at this point and just desperate to make sense of all of this.
"Ugh...I wish i hadn't left the-".
Her eyes suddenly lit up, god had she really let that slip her mind already?
"The truth potion...it's here...I last saw it here", she aggressively whispered to her companion, if she could get that back, maybe she could find some use for it in their investigation, especially in terms of getting straight answers out of her family and other suspects.
Her eyes immediately scanned around the room, hoping to spot the blue potion somewhere in plain sight but finding nothing, instead globgor returned, presenting the pair teacups and immediately apologizing. "I'm not as good as eclipsa with this whole thing. so if it tastes bad...sorry about that...but boiling water and adding tea dirt feels like it's hard to mess up...".
They both took the teacups, even angel was looking around the room, his eyes darting around so much globogr seemed to be wondering if there was something wrong with him.
"Prince arachford?".
"Hmm?", suddenly all his eyes looked at globgor, taking a quick sip of his tea, he wasn't keeping a very good poker face right now.
"I wanted to appluade how you were in the trial yesterday, you really stuck it to those commissioners, it's fantastic seeing you tell them off like that. Normally before when a monster did so they took it as a sign of aggression and would've arrested them sooner, I'm impressed", globgor reached over to pat his fellow monster on the shoulder, "Not to mention they're in a world of trouble right now.".
"Well..I wasn't going to let sky get arrested for something that was my fault.", he mumbled, "It was my fault alone...and she could've been arrested alongside me.".
"Well I think you did great, I'm impressed.".
"Impressive because I fought back?".
"No, impressive because you were willing to take the fall to protect people you cared about, that's the sign of a true leader right there. I think your people will be happy to welcome you back once things settle...", oh right, his people were mad at him due to what happened, he'd been so distracted he seemed to entirely forget about that part of the situation.
He couldn't even return home because of what happened, his people were beyond mad he had done something that put them in possible danger, not to mention all of mewni. He did the whole thing in hopes of bringing them back to greatness, allowing them to use magic like they used to, but it seemed they hated it and the idea of it if it came under these circumstances.
He really screwed up.
Globgor seemed to notice he looked down but his voice grew softer, "Hey, you always had a great heart...what happened back then...honestly It's a guilt that's lingered with me as well...you can be mad at solaria...you can be mad at the butterfly family...you have every right to be. But it's great you've gone from wanting nothing but revenge...to wanting to work to fix things and form friendships...It's what we originally wanted as well...".
"Doesn't appear to always work...", he muttered under is breath, the hurt still present in his voice.
"No but...well...do you trust the ones you're working with to work beside you?", globgor eyed to Sky, was distracted looking around the room to pay much attention to the conversation. Angel of course couldn't say no, "I do trust them...even If I was too stubborn to even consider it before.". Globgor rustled his hair, snickering, "Well I happen to think the monsters will be in better hands going forward...so we can finally truly reach proper peace...hopefully.".
Globgor sighed, looking to sky now, who was still looking around rather strangely, and he set his full attention on her.
"So...what'cha looking for sky?".
Sky suddenly froze, clutching her teacup.
Yeah, no duh she'd get caught, her head was moving like a bird's right now, as unnatural as possible for a normal looking individual. She could've just asked globgor but there was no telling if THAT was a good idea or if it was another excuse for the lovers to betray them entirely and not let them have it at all. Though now that globor knew she was looking for something...well..oops.
But the monster wasn't stupid, smiling a toothy grin that almost seemed teasing.
"Oh right, when you came here to fine the young lad you ended up leaving a special potion around didn't you? You never came back to collect it since.", he took a seat once again in front of the pair, folding his arms. "Sorry kids...but you're a smidge late...King Lucitor...well actually...Dave...since he's no longer king. He requested some to question that young demon girl and since Eclipsa had it she let him borrow it, i'm sure he won't use it all though."
Oh right, Judas's grandfather had mentioned he wanted to further speak to Fae didn't he?
Sky suddenly pulled out her compact, and gave angel a knowing glance.
Cue team Judas.
Judas's compact buzzed, the boy waking up from a nap he'd been having and opening the device up, his brother and half sister sleeping next to him. Had he really fallen asleep? Guess it figured after how stressful things had been he'd be more tired then usual, though upon reading the message from the princess and seeing his brother alongside him, the thought of leaving their side did not resonate with him.
He did not want to leave landon, not right now.
There was still much to do with him and right now he seemed rather worried about his safety after that mess. At the very least he and Celeste both outta make sure he wasn't physically harmed due to magic or glass or anything. Because if there was, landon would be hiding it, just like he hid his tail from everyone, even from his parents at times when he was upset with them.
But what to do? If he had to stay with his brother for now, he needed another idea.
Granted, his grandfather would most likely give the potion back, but what if he didn't? In fact what if they couldn't remake the potion due to the strict hold on the garden for ingredients? But the real reason sky wanted judas to do something came to him quite quickly, fae was not a team player of any kind, but she knew about landon and celeste's escapades.
Knew they had been out when they shouldn't be and investigated on their own.
Not to mention the fact the girl was prime witness to the rescue mission to save nora, something that they were still choosing to keep mostly under wraps to keep sky from being further attacked and considering his grandfather was currently in the dark about who the girls were and about the truth about what was happening, having him find out his family wasn't telling him anything...was bad news.
Sky could be in trouble, and so could all of them.
If Fae spilled, they'd be in trouble.
He needed to make sure the two people next to him didn't end up in further trouble, not to mention the rest of them so they weren't further exposed. Not that he didn't trust his grandfather, but this sure wasn't the best way to bring that up to him.
But he couldn't just leave...could he?
But if he couldn't do it...
Judas quickly sent out another text, knowing the best person he could send for the job, without putting them at much of any risk. All he needed was to keep his grandpa from finding out anything he shouldn't, and hopefully, they could keep it together just a little bit longer.
He hoped.
"Mason...you got this.".
And nearby in his own room, mason's wings could be heard flapping in excitement.
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statusquoergo · 5 years
Part I
Oh, dear; it seems that Harvey and Louis didn’t check with Faye before they offered that settlement, and she is pissed.
Apparently “a settlement makes [her] look weak,” even though about 95% of suits end in them, because even though settlement negotiations aren’t admissible at trial, she’s confident that Mike and Samantha will “just say it anyway and have it stripped from the record.” (Stricken from the record. For fuck’s sake, are they being careless on purpose?) Harvey says that if she really wants them to win, they’re going to put her on the stand, she says no, and he argues that she specifically wants Harvey to be the one to beat Samantha, for some reason, so he’s gonna prepare her for trial whether she likes it or not. She accepts, leaving in a huff, and Louis wonderingly asks how Harvey “always [knows] when they’ll back down” to set us up for the third major callback of the evening: “It’s called playing the man, and it’s what I do.” (I’d say that’s been debatable of late, but it sure is good for the nostalgia factor.)
Alex stops by to tell Donna that not only has Faye dismantled a law firm before, she’s also…done something else. And Harvey needs to know about it ASAP. Then Mike catches Katrina on the street to complete the division of the firm into Red and Blue teams, and she agrees to do what she can, but she won’t collude against her own firm.
As part of that preparation Harvey threatened, the entire firm of SLWW gathers for a mock trial, which is a bad idea for a couple of reasons, particularly that the members of the firm are hardly impartial observers and the outcome is therefore highly likely to be biased and not at all helpful in emulating real-world conditions, but it doesn’t actually matter because this is basically just an excuse for Harvey to humiliate Faye in front of a large-ish group of people by bringing up that other thing she’s done before: “This isn’t the first time [she’s] been sued for wrongful termination.” He submits a sealed statement as evidence, which is questionably legal at best, but Judge Alex allows it, and this is exactly what I’m talking about when I say this farce is in no way representative of what a real trial is going to be like. Faye storms off the stand, accusing Harvey of executing a hit job on her, and to his credit he only spends about two seconds pretending that he really was preparing her for trial before admitting that he was taking shots at her as revenge for trying to regulate the firm. She calls Louis a sheep following wherever Harvey leads, and, uh…
“Don’t you say another word about my partner. When you stripped him of his title, you almost cost this firm the best lawyer it’s ever had. You want to know why I did that in there? ‘Cause you come after someone I love, you’re gonna get it back like you’ve never seen before.”
Louis looks up at exactly the right moment to convince me that this scene was written by a Larvey shipper, and I mean I personally am not, so the suddenness and sheer blatancy of it make me a little uncomfortable, but if that’s your jam, hey, enjoy. Oh, then Faye says Harvey had “better bring some of that A game to court tomorrow” because “a spot just opened up on the docket,” and. No. Just, no.
Samantha’s getting tired of Mike over-preparing her for trial, but Mike refuses to go in unprepared, warning her that “[he’s] been on trial before” and she “[doesn’t] know what it’s like.” I feel like they could’ve done more with this during the actual trial itself? Back in Season 5? Oh well, missed opportunity; if I went around complaining about all the opportunities this show has let slip by, I’d never shut up about, I don’t know, let’s say the prison arc.
The writers must’ve gotten an APB that this is their last chance to show how close Harvey and Louis really are, because they’re going hard as Louis finds Harvey in the bullpen (role reversal, get it?) to tell him how much it meant to him to hear Harvey say he loved him. Harvey denies it before he doesn’t, reasserting that Louis is “the best lawyer [he’s] ever seen, and…an even better friend,” and I mean, based on all of his behavior for the entire series, I don’t believe a word of that, but at least we have…a form of evidence that Harvey cares about someone other than himself. And Mike. And Donna. And Jessica. And I guess his mother. Anyway Louis says that in order to win the trial, they’re going to need to make the jury hate Samantha so much that they think they’d want to fire her, too, and he volunteers himself to do the dirty work because Harvey’s mother just died and he’s all vulnerable. The whole scene is very…cute. Sentimental. Shippy. Weirdly overtly shippy.
Then Samantha goes to Robert’s to ask him to be her plus one to the trial, and of course “nothing in this world would keep [him] away.”
But speaking of shipping, remember that unmailed letter Harvey got from Marcus? It seems that while they were “talking about her coming to meet Donna,” Lily decided for some reason that an appropriate thing to do would be to mail him a ring, and given that the accompanying letter mentions that Lily knows “[his] grandmother would have loved Donna,” I’m guessing it’s a matriarchal family heirloom, but my main question about all this is, if Lily was planning to come out for a visit, why was she going to mail this rather than give it to him in person? And if it was just in an envelope for safekeeping, why write the letter? The message isn’t especially long or complex or deep, it’s not exactly the sort of thing that requires crib notes. (”I don’t want to miss my chance. So I wanted to make sure you have this, just in case,” was she anticipating her own heart attack? Is there some kind of genetic cardiovascular disease in the Specter family line that Harvey should be made aware of?)
Either way, he’ll tell Donna what’s in the envelope someday, “but not today,” because right now it’s time to go to court. Donna suggests getting out the can opener, but Harvey doesn’t want to forever sully that sacred ritual with the memory of “going against Mike and Samantha,” so instead Donna tells him to practice his opening statement on her because she needs to be all involved with every single thing that happens to him all the time.
Finally using the courtroom set for its intended purpose—you know, a trial—we begin the scene with that overlapping switching back and forth thing the editors are so fond of, moving between Harvey’s and Mike’s opening statements as they argue that Faye was and wasn’t justified, respectively, in firing Samantha. Louis begins the examination portion by calling Samantha as his first witness, trying to frame her as hostile and argumentative in the workplace, and apparently one witness examination is plenty for the first day, because in the very next scene, Katrina confronts Louis to accuse him of behaving cruelly and he defends himself by hedging that “sometimes doing the job means doing something we hate.” Harvey and Louis anguish over not being able to tell everyone what’s going on before we smash cut to Samantha pacing Mike’s apartment and ranting about how Mike didn’t object enough to Louis’s character destruction (true), blaming him for all of this because if he’d never come back, none of it would’ve happened. (I don’t recall anyone holding a gun to her head to fabricate that evidence…) Mike tells her to hold onto that anger for tomorrow as someone knocks on the door, and Mike wasn’t expecting any visitors, “but if that’s who [he thinks] it is, [they] might finally have some answers.” Very mysterious.
More trial shenanigans! It’s Faye’s turn to take the stand today as Mike’s witness, and he wastes no time in finagling her into admitting that Samantha “wins cases” before claiming that Faye hates her, which she obviously denies, and then…Mike hands questioning over to Samantha? I must’ve missed the part where she registered as his co-counsel; in fact I distinctly recall him making a point of referring to her as his client. Violation of procedural conduct notwithstanding, Samantha brings up that last time Faye was sued for wrongful termination and then produces her termination paperwork (without submitting any of it into evidence, naturally) and accuses Faye of firing her without proof because she thinks she’s an asshole, which Faye of course denies ever having said, because…she didn’t. Mike then takes over to point out that Harvey just road tripped with Samantha to Pittsburgh and Louis invited her to his wedding, meaning that “[she] has friends at [Faye’s] firm,” whereas “two days ago, [Faye’s] own lawyer publicly stated that [she is] a bitter, vindictive woman who is hated by everyone at [her] firm.” (Two days ago? Yesterday, right after Samantha’s testimony, Mike said they were going back to court “tomorrow.” It’s like there’s one writer on staff who tries to establish a vaguely realistic timeline but they keep getting written over as soon as someone else notices.) Mike then asks whether the person who deserves to be fired is “the lawyer who wins cases and has friends or the one who lied about why she let [his] client go,” and I mean A for effort, man, but when you need to fabricate evidence to get that win, is it really worth it? (Maybe we should get Cameron Dennis on the line, I bet he’d have some thoughts about that.) Also having friends at the firm isn’t exactly relevant to her job retention, unless we’re talking about preferential treatment, but that’s another discussion entirely.
Not that it matters as we skip straight to Faye yelling at Harvey and Louis for leaking the sealed lawsuit and also the contents of the mock trial to Mike and Samantha, which they deny, but she “[doesn’t] give a shit” and tomorrow they’d better prove Samantha “crossed a line” (ugh…) or else. Louis and Harvey decide the best way to appease Faye is to “prove without proving it” that Samantha fabricated evidence (what) but the only way to do that is with Mike, who can’t testify because he’s bound by attorney-client privilege. Except “not according to Kern v. California, he’s not,” except that Kern v. California is either a misprint for Ker v. California, which is a search and seizure case that has nothing to do with privilege, or they’re just making shit up because it’s easier than writing a narrative that actually makes sense, but it doesn’t matter anyway because Harvey’s “not putting Mike through the wringer.” Louis fumes that they wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place if “someone hadn’t slipped [Mike and Samantha] this shit” and accuses Harvey, who in turn accuses Louis, who’s interrupted from his conclusion that it must’ve been Alex by Katrina appearing out of nowhere to confess that it was her, but she only did it because she thought Louis wanted Samantha to get a win and she was just trying to help them maintain plausible deniability. Harvey goes totally off the rails at her because, oh yeah, his mom just died, and he “can't even talk to the one guy who could understand what the hell [he’s] going through,” and Louis tells him he needs to give himself a break; he knows Harvey “[doesn’t] have Mike now, but [he does] have [him],” which is both very kind of Louis and also probably the sweetest and most touching acknowledgment since the end of Season 7 that Mike leaving really has been hard on Harvey, so I appreciate that very much. Even if it’s all shrouded in the obfuscation of his mother’s death.
Has it come through terribly clearly that I’m really fucking sick of Donna in this episode? Here she comes yet again to remind everybody that she knows what’s best for everyone all the time as she asks— I’m sorry, as she tells Mike to have a drink with Harvey, who “needs a break, and he needs it to be with [Mike],” because Mike is “someone who’s lost both parents,” and I mean yes I definitely want Mike and Harvey to go out for drinks and be supportive best friends, obviously, but she’s just so goddamn sanctimonious about everything that it’s driving me up the fucking wall.
So Katrina confesses to Faye and asks her to understand that people make mistakes and to please not punish Harvey and Samantha for her actions, and Faye respects her owning up to her mistake but fires her anyway, and Faye had a good run for awhile there, but she’s definitely the villain of the piece now. Grey area, what grey area? This is Suits, we have no time for subtlety.
At least we get to close the episode on a high note; sharing drinks and reminiscing a lot less ham-handedly than their last big reunion, Harvey and Mike remind us and each other of some of the highlights of their time together, including “keeping [everyone] from finding out all that time” that Mike was a fraud—and I know I literally just went off about this, but they specifically cite the fact that they didn’t have to hide it from Donna because “she knew from day one… Because more than anyone else, she gets [Harvey],” and I have had it up to here with this fucking bullshit. Has anyone on this show’s writing staff ever actually seen the show they’re writing for? Donna found out that Mike was a fraud because she was in the room when Harvey said, quote, “I just got reamed for lying to a client and if they find out that I lied about you going to Harvard, they’ll take away my license” (s01e01). There was no magical soulmate-level connection that clued her into Harvey’s insane recklessness; he literally told her what he’d done, and her response was, quote, “You what?” She was as surprised as anyone else, the fact that she found out first does not make her special.
Anyway they shoehorn in some clumsy references to Rachel that are super awkward considering that they can’t mention the whole “Duchess of Sussex” thing, Mike makes a joke about Harvey moving to Seattle and becoming a junior partner at his firm that Harvey blows off as ridiculous but makes me all kinds of suspicious about the finale, and Harvey apologizes as he serves Mike with a subpoena to appear in court tomorrow as a witness for the defense. Mike, making great strides toward figuring out Harvey’s secret plans but still a couple yards short of the finish line, demands to know what changed their plan and when Harvey stopped trusting him; to his credit, Harvey looks absolutely tormented at not being able to explain himself, but Mike misses the hint and concludes that “this was a nice break, but it’s over,” informing Harvey that he’ll see him in court and leaving him to finish his drink alone. Side note, the timing of the music cue here is really on point, but “Natural” by Imagine Dragons is…not the right song.
Well, that friendship is over forever. Or maybe they’re going to work together to pull “one last con.” Who knows. Not me. Tune in next week for the last episode ever.
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nathcnielarchibald · 3 years
define friendship | serenate
Who: Serena van der Woodsen ( @theserenavdw ) & Nate Archibald           Podcast Hostesses: Katrina and Michelle + 2 other podcast guests
When: January 17th, 2022
Location: At a studio in NYC
Summary: After their falling out a month ago, Serena and Nate both get invited to do a podcast for charity with the topic friendship. Unaware that the other will be part of this, they agreed to do it but both wish they could back out of it once they run into the other at the studio the podcast is recorded at.
Nate: So far his mission to avoid Serena as often as possible seemed to be going well. Maybe a little too well considering he’d never actively tried to avoid her and the fact that some places they possibly could’ve run into each other could’ve slipped his mind since their paths usually crossed more often than not should be an indicator that a run-in was bound to happen. But he didn’t think it would be today and most certainly not at the studio he’d been invited to record a podcast the hostesses did for charity every other week. The money that came from listeners and subscribers always went to a good cause as well as the donations from the guests so obviously he couldn’t say no to it. And his social media team did think it would be a good opportunity to get younger people to be interested in politics as well if he did partake and they’d realize politicians aren’t as boring and dull as everyone thought they were. He’d arrived a little earlier today, which led to him being engaged in a conversation with the hostesses (maybe he was also flirting a little because that couldn’t hurt, right?) while they were waiting for the other guests to arrive. Everything seemed to be going smoothly, one guest arriving after the other when he suddenly heard Katrina (who was one of the hostesses) say a name that was all too familiar - Serena. His head turned in surprise, regretting at that moment that he didn’t ask in advance who else would be a part of this (or did he?) and just when Michelle (the other hostess) wanted to introduce them both like she had done with all the guests so far, he interrupted her as politely as he could. “No need for an introduction. We have met.” He would be lying if he didn’t at least for two seconds considered pretending he didn’t know her, but he rather went for the option of not giving away how well the two actually knew each other. “Hi.” He said directed at Serena, showing his most professional smile. This was going to be fun. Especially since out of all the topics that could’ve been up for discussion on this particular podcast today it for sure had to be Friendship.

Serena: Serena didnt do anything involving media often, only ever so often when an opportunity felt like it came with the right kind of reason she agreed to lend her name, which for whatever reason still seemed to hold meaning in this city. Serena had made the mistake of not inquiring who else she'd be talking to, but who was able to predict that she'd walk into a room filled with the presence of a man she'd done her best to avoid. Was he actually flirting? She had a moment to just watch him before they were introduced - a joke all in itself. "We go way back!" Serena confirmed smiling at hostesses softly before she continued to greet them individually, turning her attention back to Nate, especially when she heard Katrina very much admit they were well aware of their past relations. "Right, you two went to school together? Manhattan is such a small island after all, isnt it?" The blonde needed to do her best to not just leave right then and there, instead she looked over at Nate. "Very small island indeed!" In fact, the whole podcast could have been just their friends and god only knew this would have probably been even more uncomfortable, then again, at least in that scenario those friends were still talking to her. "I am sure you guys want to sit together right? Its always more comfortable being around someone you know!" One of the hostess told them, leading them towards their recording studio, setting them up with the necessary microphones and cables before pointing toward to chairs next to each other. "Would everybody start by defining what friendship means to then - and Nathaniel, Serena, you dont mind us calling you by your name, do you? How about you two also share a little bit about your friendship? Since it goes so far back..?"

Nate: He could do this. It was only supposed to be thirty minutes of talking about friendship and they’d be free to go again. Never before did Serena’s presence feel uncomfortable before but as much as he would’ve liked that this was the only way it’d make him feel, he couldn’t deny that he was lowkey happy to see her. Especially since he was missing her terribly. But of course he’d never admit that. His gaze met hers for a moment before it settled on Michelle, unsure whether it would be better if Serena sat right next to him or anywhere opposite him because if she was next to him he at least didn’t always have to look at her. Then again, she’d constantly be close to him and yet feel so far away due to the emotional distance he’d created between them that it would probably feel like torture. Only half an hour, he tried to reassure himself once again. “Yeah, sure.” He then finally said, gesturing Serena to sit down first before he sat down in the chair next to hers. God, he wanted to scream. There were already too many potential threats for this to go completely wrong, and he started to ask himself how much the hostesses really knew about their friendship and if they were here on purpose - maybe he even questioned for a second if this was one of Blair’s schemes. “Uh, no, I don’t mind at all.” Nate answered, briefly looking at Serena. It was weird to have a microphone in front of him and to consider that everything he said from now on would be recorded. He’d thought he was prepared for it and usually he was sure he wouldn’t have had a problem staying professional but talking about friendship while Serena was next to him? Someone he just recently ended his friendship with despite not actually wanting to but figuring it was what would be best for everyone involved? It just felt so wrong. The other two started off with their pretty simple and common definitions of friendship until it was his or Serena’s turn and after waiting a brief moment to give her a chance to speak up, he started to talk. “I think friendship in general to me means that you have people in your life who always have your best interest in mind, who understand and respect your boundaries and feelings and who would always show up when you need them without having to ask them to. Though that’s what counts for those friends who I like to call the “chosen family”. It always depends on how close you are with said friend or for how long you’ve known each other. Serena and I… we basically know each other since I can think. When you’ve been friends for so long it’s obviously not always great. We’ve been through some hardships together, which…” he paused for a moment, trying to think of how he should phrase it best before he continued, “at times pushed us away from each other but we always found our way back somehow and then it just instantly felt like nothing ever happened because we… clicked so well. I mean at least when she didn’t annoy me because that happens as well when you know each other for so long.” He tried to joke, which obviously worked for almost everyone as he earned a few giggles or soft laughs. ”Now I’m really excited to hear what Serena has to add to this.” Katrina said with a giggle.

Serena: Serena had watched Nate speak, though his words and the moment didn’t exactly connect, her focus either on him, just watching him and therefore drowning out the rest, or she listened and looked away. There was no way she could connect the words to the person, not right now. The blonde was lost in her own thoughts for a moment when she heard her name, which seemed to be a cue for her to speak. “I guess the reason I annoyed him at times is because I disagree, I don’t believe in boundaries in friendships…not at the core of it. I think the reason we, the group of people I’ve been lucky enough to consider friends for as long as I have, we never had boundaries. I am not saying that’s not complicated sometime, but it also meant we were always there for each other, no questions asked or eyebrows raised!” She couldn’t help but look over at the man next to her as words came out of her mouth that, much like his words, she didn’t truly register. She did hear reaction, the giggles at her admission that she in fact that abbot him at times and the nods about the rest, but she didn’t really take it in. “It’s interesting what you two just said, now one of you mentioned hardships and, for those listeners who don’t know - and if we aren’t misinformed, of course, you two haven’t always just been friends, correct? How do you come out of a relationship and remain friends? I know this is something so many people struggle with, am I right?” The hostesses question made Serena’s eyes shoot up, thankful this was not a TV interview or her disdain for the question would have been evident. The fact that another woman was there to answer it first, talking about how she thought it was impossible to stay friends after seeing someone naked, Serena forced herself to smile, trying to project that smile into her voice that she could swear was trembling. “I think it always depends on the moment in your life. We were so young when we briefly dated and really, I think it was out of curiosity more than anything. If you know someone for so long…wanting to see if there is more to the story is tempting! To see if the love you share as friends can grow into something different or if it ultimately just feels like you’re…you know, chasing a fantasy!” The little laugh that followed from her own mouth was nothing but fake though if anyone noticed it could only be Nate, who perhaps was also the only one to detect the lie in her words - perhaps wondering if it was to spite or to help him out. Ultimately it was both. She didn’t want to get into their relationship, not on record for people to then dissect their words. Keeping this light for the sake of the recording was much easier, though perhaps it came with a little dagger nicely wrapped in a bow. “But you know, I’m incredibly fortunate to always be able to call him my friend, that’s all that should ever matter, right?”

Nate: When it was her turn to speak, Nate finally looked at her. He told himself he only did that because it was the polite thing to do when somebody was speaking but if he was really honest with himself then he’d know it was solely because it was hard not to. Fuck, did he miss her. The longing he suddenly felt to just have a normal conversation with her, alone, without any of those people around them overwhelmed him for a moment and he wasn’t even able to follow what she said anymore. That was at least until they were asked about their past relationship. It came so sudden that it was very hard not to break his professional demeanor and stare angrily at the person for even going as far as asking that a bit too personal question but he somehow managed to compose himself. His gaze once again settled on Serena who was now answering the question and what she said… hurt. Yes, he did obviously notice that this was as difficult on her as it was on him, that everything she said wasn’t exactly the truth, though he couldn’t help but wonder what out of everything she said was a lie. Was it all of it or did she really get together with him all those years back to figure out whether or not she was chasing a fantasy? He didn’t want to believe that was true so he forced himself to shake that thought off and somehow managed to fake a little laugh as well. After all, the way she phrased it probably helped them not to have to go too into detail about this. And despite all those conflicting feelings all he truly did in that moment was wishing he could comfort her. “And it was obviously just us chasing a fantasy so we realized a friendship works but a relationship never truly was in the cards for us.” He added to what she said with probably the fakest smile he ever smiled but the others were obviously buying both of their lies. Or at least no one protested. ”Agreed. It is all that should matter. I think it’s admirable that despite her cheating on you with an ex there’s no bad blood and you two are both sharing this wonderful story about your friendship and the obstacles you’ve overcome with us today!” Katrina’s words absolutely didn’t sit right with him this time but before either of them even had the time to react, she quickly kept talking. ”Share your secret with us and let us know how you moved past this and went back to your friendship. I’m sure there are some out there who are finding themselves in a similar situation right now and would need some advice.” At this point, Nate was no longer sure how good he was at faking his happiness or the fact that this conversation was completely fine with him when it actually wasn’t. He wasn’t sure how much the look in his eyes gave away that he started to dislike both of the women who invited them to do this podcast but the fake smile didn’t fade once. “Well, the breakup happened shortly before the annual summer trips so… Serena had that trip with her best friend planned and I had my own plans so we had a little space to deal with that brief time we dated and by the time she got back we slowly but surely fell back into the routine she already mentioned of just being there for each other without any questions asked or boundaries to be taken into the equation.” This surely was a hint at her relationship with Colin not too long after their breakup and the fact she’d kind of played with both him and Dan’s feelings at the time and as much as he wanted to play fair here, he couldn’t help it.

Serena: Even if it had been her own words, deflections of the truth but still her own words, hearing them confirmed and repeated by him felt like a punch right to the gut. If anyone would have looked at her in that moment they perhaps would have even noticed the visceral reaction, though she had long learnt that when Nate spoke, he captivated a room. Perhaps one of the many things they shared. Serena had assumed that was the end of this line of question, after all there were other guests surrounding them and surely their transformation from friendship to lovers back to friendship wasn’t completely unheard of. The fact that in fact, it was not the end but the line of questioning frankly got worse made her look over to Nate in irritation, as if he, like so often could make sense of this, make it any better, before she forced herself to smile back at Katarina. God the woman was lucky this was recorded or else Serena would have probably left the minute she had heard the words cross her lips. “I think it’s important to also note that I didn’t exactly cheat on Nate…it was just a kiss, things were complicated and there were some family matters that happened simultaneously! Not to mention that we were incredibly young…!” It irritated her that he didn’t defend her, being called out for cheating on air wasn’t exactly something she wanted, nor did she think it was fair. Plus, was he trying to make himself out as the good guy here? The one who’d never made a mistake and simply accepted and endured her friendship? It shouldn’t have surprised her given he had only very recently ended their friendship - for reasons she was praying would continue to be undisclosed to everyone, but god only knew what this podcast had in store. “Well, that summer wasn’t easy. I think we had very different ways to cope with..our breakup back then but by the time I got back to the city Nate had met someone who seemed so wonderful and I met a man I really saw a future for myself with and not long after that and we just fell back into..old habits?”She had wanted to be fair and for a moment she had considered to let his little dig towards her slide, especially since things in this room already seemed tense enough, but she couldn’t help herself. “All of this is absolutely in the past now though, Nates been an incredible support over the last few years…you should have probably invited my husband actually, him and Nate have a wonderful friendship, don’t you guys?”

Nate: Nate almost felt sorry when she was the one who had to correct the fact that she didn’t cheat on him. Well… technically, some people did consider kissing someone else while in a relationship cheating but he’d certainly be a hypocrite if he did. Even though he did back then consider it just as that, knowing that whenever two people kissed feelings were involved, these days he wasn’t really too sure how he felt about it. What he was sure about was the fact that he didn’t want her to look like a cheater so he decided to try and smoothen it out a little by nodding when she pointed out that it wasn’t cheating. “It really was just a kiss and not cheating. And also not the reason why we broke up. I don’t think it’d be easy to fall back into a friendship so soon after if you no longer trust the person since that is part of the foundation of a true friendship.” He looked at Serena for a brief moment, one of the other guests adding that she too thought trust was very important in a friendship before they all let Serena carry on. When she called Juliet a wonderful woman, he couldn’t stop his eyebrow from raising so high that it couldn’t be considered subtle anymore but what really made him struggle not to react to (and which he actively had to stop himself from rolling his eyes) was the fact she called Colin a man she really saw a future with. Didn’t she say that about almost every guy she’s been with? It almost distracted him enough to ignore that she did actually call their friendship an ‘old habit’ but if he really focused on that now, he wasn’t so sure if he’d really want to continue this podcast. Not that he’d been keen on it since the moment Serena stepped into the studio. If there was one thing he hated the most, it was having to fake something. ”That was a smooth transition, Serena.” Michelle grinned, looking at the two. ”We really did miss out on inviting a guest who’d have likely loved to give us a better look inside this very unique friendship you guys have. It does bring us to the next topic we wanted to talk to everyone of you - What do you think about guys prioritizing their friendship over their marriage or relationship? The whole ‘bro’s before ho’s’ or ‘chicks before pricks’ kind of deal?” Nate’s gaze went from Serena to Michelle and then back to Serena for a moment, hoping that by bringing her husband up the next topic wouldn’t be their most recent blast on gossip girl. Never before in his life did he want to leave a room so desperately as he did right now. When he heard somebody else say that they pretty much believed this was still a thing and it was important to prioritize your friends, Nate once again had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. “I personally don’t believe in that. I don’t like the negativity those sayings spread, let alone the words being used but I also think if your friends are truly your friends they’ll understand that your partner, who’s likely someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, is pretty important as well. And if you really are a friend, you make sure you get along with your friend’s significant other. That is one of the reasons I indeed do have a great friendship with Serena’s husband,” He once again briefly glanced at her before turning his head again to look at the others who were sitting around the table. “I don’t believe in the concept of prioritizing either - your friends or your partner. I do, however, draw the line when someone could potentially get hurt.” After he’d finished those words, he barely listened to what the others on the podcast had to say, unable to focus while his thoughts were running a mile a minute and the feeling of wanting this podcast to finally end. And when it did end, just after the goodbyes had been spoken, he already rushed out of the studio, thankful that he had the excuse of his publicist already waiting outside to get to the next event on his schedule with.
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christainsbitch · 7 years
Otto // Colby Brock
Request: Colby imagine where you guys get a dog together
A/N: If you want to be tagged just DM me anndddd I MIGHT post another imagine later tonight but I am not exactly sure? 
Tag(s): @honeycombharrison
Word Count: 844
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It had been a few weeks since Aaron got Buddy and it just made me want my own dog even more. Sadly I don't think I can since I live in a house with two dogs already. Since I was a little girl I have always wanted a husky. They're my favorite dog of all time and I just wanted one hella bad. It was like my dream.
"Hey Colby?" I rolled over on the bed, turning to face my beautiful boyfriend. "Yes?" He didnt look up from his phone but I knew he was listening. "Can we get a dog?" I asked and he looked over at me. "I dont know." He shrugged and set his phone on his chest.
"Please?" I begged and grabbed his hand, holding it in mine and kissing it softly. "We'd have to ask the other guys. What kind?" "You already know what kind." I smiled at him sweetly. “A miniature husky?" He asked and grabbed my waist, pulling me to him. "You know me so well." I smiled, kissing his lips. "Can we ask the guys? Please."
"Ugh fine. Are they all home?" He asked, releasing me and sitting up. "I believe so!" I bounced off the bed and grabbed his hands, dragging him from the room. “Family meeting!" I yelled and ran down the stairs into the main room. Colby followed slowly behind then a few minutes later Sam, Katrina, Elton, Aaron, Devyn and Corey came down. Rubbing my hands together happily I told them all to sit.
"So.." I began and looked at Colby for approval and he nodded. "I was thinking that maybe me and Colby can get a dog?" I said looking at the group with hope. "What kind?" Corey asked. “A miniature husky." I told them and the girls eyes lit up with joy. "I've been wanting one since I was little and there is one that needs a home. My friend couldn't take care of him so he asked me.." I said hoping they would say yes.
"I guess." Elton nodded. Sam then agreed and so did Corey and Aaron. I knew the girls wanted it. "Yes!" I jumped up and down, running over and hugging Elton. "You're great! Colby let's go get him!" I said excitedly like a little girl. Colby laughed and nodded. "We'll be back in a few hours!" I told them and dragged Colby to his car. "I'm so excited." I kissed his lips and jumped in the drivers seat since he didn't know the way to my friends house.
I had texted Jackson and told him I was on my way for Otto after me and Colby went to the store and got a few essential dog things that Jackson didn't have for us. "He doesn't have much food or toys but he has a bed, food bowls and a collar." I said walking to the food section. I got the best kind possible for puppies and then grabbed the cutest toys I could find. I was so excited and I just couldn't wait.
"Hey guys! I just gave Otto a bath so he's a little wet." Jackson smiled as he opened the door, allowing me and Colby in. Colby decided to vlog. "I'm so excited." I giggled and Jackson walked into the living room with the puppy. "Oh my god." I said and sat on the ground. Jackson handed me the puppy, I could've swore my heart had melted. "Colby look." I cooed at the cute thing in my hands. He was jumping around and licking me wherever it was possible.
"I love him." I smiled. "So did you need anything? Like money or?" Colby asked Jackson. "No no I just needed a loving family and I knew Y/N was the one." He smiled at Colby and he nodded back. "Okay."
"Let's get him home. Thank you so much Jackson I love him. You're the best." I hugged him and picked up the leash attatched to the little red collar. "Anytime. Can I see him occasionally?" He asked and I nodded. "Of course!" I smiled and after a few more minutes me and Colby had left.
"Otto is home!" I yelled to everybody and Colby let the puppy off the leash. "Puppy!" Corey and Devyn ran into the room. "Oh my gosh he's so cute." Devyn cooed and sat on the floor letting the puppy run all over her. “His name is Otto." I smiled and joined Devyn on the floor. Colby and Elton were both vlogging now. "Look at their cute new dog! Circa is gonna love him!" Elton cheered to his camera.
"Hold on photo shoot time." I smiled pulling my phone out. "Come here Otto." I cooed him out the front door and sat for about 10 minutes trying to get the perfect picture. "So how are you liking the puppy?" Colby sat beside me, kissing my cheek. "Loving." I smiled. "Thank you so much Colbs, you're the best." I kissed his lips. "I know." He smirked and kissed me again.
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ledenews · 4 years
Still Some Gems Left in Area's Class of 2020
Some of the Ohio Valley’s top basketball talent has come off the board recently. Wheeling Park’s Alex Vargo made his decision to play Division I ball at Youngstown State while Shanley Woods is keeping her game close to home and will suit up for Wheeling University next winter. Both of those announcements came within the last month, while other area seniors like Barnesville’s Luke Powell, Magnolia’s Kyndra Pilant, Beaver Local’s Jenna Riccardo, and Wheeling Central’s D-I duo of Eden Gainer and Kaylee Reinbeau made their selections known earlier in the school year. But not all the players have made their choices, and the Valley still boasts some top-notch talent waiting to find that perfect fit. While the ongoing coronavirus saga has grounded athletic competition to a screeching halt nationwide, it hasn’t hampered potential recruits' abilities to talk sports.
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Wheeling Central's Hannah White showed no signs of her injury slowing her down senior year, and became one of the area's best two-way players, showing a tenacity on defense to go with a versatile offensive skill set.
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Wheeling Central's Kaylee Reinbeau earlier signed to play at Division-I Bucknell
More Exposure Couldn’t Hurt Though
The conclusion of high school basketball season usually signals the start of travel and AAU seasons. While representing their schools is how players make a name for themselves locally, it’s on the road, at travel tournaments and collegiate ID camps where players are more visible to scouts and coaches. That’s obviously not an option presently with the sports’ hiatus. Bellaire’s Katrina Davis had planned on one finals season of AAU ball. The senior recently was named the Player of the Year in Ohio’s Division III and was a finalist in the voting for Ms. Basketball. She averaged 27.1 points a game this season and finished as the Big Reds’ all-time leader in steals (433) and wins (79) while she totaled the third-most points (1,564) and second-most assists (301). She’s on multiple radars, but a little more "out there" never hurts. “I was planning on playing AAU to get more exposure, so it’s put a hold on other offers that could’ve been coming my way,” Davis said. “But I’m focusing more on the schools that contacted me.” Davis is communicating with a number of schools, including Mountain East Conference teams like Wheeling and Glenville State, along with former WVIAC member Bluefield State in Division II; Marietta and Misericordia in D-III along with Rio Grande. Wheeling Central's Hannah White is another of the area's top seniors, who, as of yet, has not made her collegiate selection. White, who scored a career-high 33 points in the Maroon Knights' regional final win against Ritchie County, is keeping her decision close to the vest. Though White, too, could have benefited from one more season of AAU. As a junior, White suffered a season-ending knee injury that forced her to miss her junior track season, as well as travel basketball during the all-important junior-to-senior season transition. She finished with 980 points, despite missing most of her junior year, and averaged 18 points a game as a senior. But like Davis, her talents had long been known to college coaches, including the Horizon League's Cleveland State University, which had the then-sophomore in for a visit in October 2018.
Finding the Proper Fit
Davis was set to play in Ohio’s North-South all-star game which was recently canceled, as it was for another OVAC senior whose services are still available in Shadyside’s Kelly Hendershot. Hendershot capped a fine senior season with a 19.2 ppg scoring average, becoming the school’s all-time boys’ leading scorer in the process. He also earned honorable-mention all-Ohio as a receiver during football season and is quite adept on the baseball diamond as well. Hendershot has multiple avenues he could pursue, but he’s currently weighing his options as well, both in school, and in sport. “If I do get the opportunity to play at the next level, I would like to play at a school that will be the best fit for me,” Hendershot said. “I’ll play whatever roll the coach would want me to fill to help the team win.” Davis is hoping her roll consists of running the show from the point guard position. That’s where she feels her size and skill set can contribute best on the collegiate level and the interested coaches have agreed. “I see myself running the point guard position at the next level and the coaches and I have been on the same page with this,” Davis said. “Being as small as I am, that’s the position that best first me and my style of place, especially in college.” That fits her play style, but Davis is equally concerned about finding the right fit for herself academically. Davis carries a 4.16 grade point average and noted she intends to study occupational therapy, a degree field not every university offers. In fact, of the schools Davis is currently exploring, only Misericordia, a Division-III program in Northeastern Pennsylvania, offers an undergraduate program in OT. Whichever schools gains the services of either of these athletes will be acquiring welcome additions that could help their respective programs immediately. “The Ohio Valley has seen countless athletes come through over the years. In my opinion, I would put Katrina Davis, Hannah White and Kelly Hendershot up as some of the most talented, dedicated, and humbling athletes this area has ever seen,” said Jeremy Hays, owner and CEO of Fadeaway Fitness. “Their tireless work ethics and desire to be the best athlete he/she could become has really been put on display this year. Leading their teams to numerous wins but also demonstrating tremendous leadership for their teammates to follow. It’s hard not to root for kids like that. In addition to their athletic achievements, they are even better people.” Since starting his training and skill development company, Hays has worked with some of the best high school and collegiate athletes in the area and beyond, working to develop their skills and prepare them for the next level.
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Shadyside's Kelly Hendershot was Eastern District Player of the Year and finished as the school's all-time leading scorer in boys basketball after averaging 19.2 points per game.
Keeping the Skills Sharp
Hendershot was likely prepping for baseball season, so AAU basketball wasn’t in the plans. Like his counterparts across the valley and beyond, those plans are on hold at this point, with it growing increasingly likely that spring sports will be a no-go. In the meantime, he’s resorting to what many have to keep his skills sharp—a little backyard hoop. “I have a court in my back yard so I just go out there and work on the things I struggled with this past season,” Hendershot noted. Davis has also seen her senior softball season put on hold as she was again looking to double-up AAU basketball and Big Reds’ softball. The break has given her an unexpected amount of free time. The trick is finding places to work out. “I try to keep in shape and get out and run about four times a week,” Davis said. “I haven’t really been able to get in the gym because of the virus, but I try to keep up on my footwork and quickness as much as I can.” Read the full article
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thekittykitsune · 7 years
Kissed By Fire ~ Part II
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SUMMARY: Mitch Rapp was the best of the best. He was cunning, ruthless, and more importantly he has never failed. Not once. But all of that is about to change.
WARNINGS: Language; Violence; Death
WORDS: 1,617
To say that Stan Hurley was livid was an understatement. He was a natural surly bastard, and he would be the first one to admit it. The whole mess in Istanbul, however, made him unusually ranked. He didn't want to take it out on his niece but his temper got the better of him.
He and Irene Kennedy had spent the better part of the last hour yelling at the top of their lungs and it didn't seem like they were going to stop anytime soon. Kennedy, who's usually so calm and collected, was on her feet shrieking like a banshee in an effort to get her point across Hurley's thick skull.
"I warned you since day one that this would happen, but you didn't listen." Hurley snarled. "You keep that dog on too loose of a leash."
"That dog," Kennedy hissed. "That dog has racked up more field experience in two years than your ten operatives combined."
"The point is he still fucked up." Hurley said enunciating every word and cocked his head at the young spy who was sitting patiently still behind the glass wall.
Mitch Rapp paid his two bosses no heed. He closed his eyes and tuned out their voices the minute they started bickering. He replayed in his mind the series of events that led to this debacle, carefully assessing every detail.
It wasn't long after Katrina and her men left that Rapp forced himself up ignoring the stabbing pain that shot across his body. He would tend to his wounds later. For now, his mind was solely focused on getting out of there as fast as he could before the cops showed up. If he got caught that would jeopardize the entire operation and put an end to his career, if he still had one to begin with.
Rapp surveyed the destruction before him. Dead bodies and shell casings littered across the floor. Stepping over them, he made his way out of the safe house. Soon enough, he heard sirens blazing in the background and saw police cars heading towards the scene.
As casually possible, he headed towards the market in search of a payphone. He kept his head down but his guard up the whole way. He had to call his handler. It was of utmost importance for him to check in else the powers that be would get more nervous than they already were.
As soon as he found one, he informed Kennedy of the development in a coded message. Her voice betrayed no surprise. It was one of her traits that Rapp admired. In a calm voice, she told him to head back to HQ and so he did.
Throughout the travel home, Rapp let his brain wander in the past. He thought about Katrina. He met her during freshmen year in high school. He was trying out for the lacrosse team when he first saw her. It wasn't love at first sight. It was something better. And it was the start of one of the greatest love affair he had ever seen.
From then on, they spent every minute possible together. They planned everything. They talked about college, career, kids, etc. And just before graduation, he proposed. He never considered even the slightest possibility that one of them would be gone.
All was perfect –until that dreadful day that basically changed everything.
Katrina and her family had been on a road trip. One of their bonding moments before she goes off to college. They were at a gas station when the car blew up instantly killing everyone inside including two innocent bystanders. Some of the remains were so badly burned that they were impossible to identify. Further investigation revealed that a bomb was planted underneath the car.
When Rapp heard the news he was devastated. He refused to see or talk to anyone. He wallowed in his grief not able to bear the thought of not seeing, smelling, touching her ever again, and the list went on and on.
When it was time for the funeral, he pulled himself together. It was during the mass that he allowed himself to feel again. He shoved his self-pity in a corner and let his anger riot. He then vowed to kill those responsible for her death. And since then, he had been killing terrorists one by one and brought retribution to the table in honor of her memory.
The elevator ding brought Rapp back to the present. The man they had been waiting for finally arrived. Rapp stood up and shook his hand.
"Mr. Rapp. I wish we could've met in a far better circumstance." Thomas Stansfield said. He motioned for Rapp to sit down. Stansfield didn't like to dilly-dally so he cut right into the heart of the matter. He had already heard what happened from Kennedy and Hurley yet he still wanted to hear it from the man himself.
Rapp recounted what happened. Stansfield was quiet the entire time allowing Rapp to finish his story without interruption. After he was done, Stansfield asked, "What about Ms. Reilly? Finding out she's alive must have been a shock for you."
Rapp shrugged, unsure of what Stansfield was asking.
"Is it possible that maybe you let your feelings get in the way?"
"I won't lie to you. Was I surprised? Yes. Anyone would be. But did I let my feelings get in the way? No. That's what compartmentalizing is for."
Stansfield leaned on his chair. "Hurley thinks it would be a mistake to send you in again."
"The mistake was I didn’t go alone." Rapp deadpanned.
Stansfield arched a brow. "Care to elaborate?"
"If I was alone I could've handled the situation better and I wouldn't have to worry about a double agent smacking me at the back of my head." Rapp said without flinching.
Stansfield stroke his chin as if deep in thought. He looked at Rapp and smiled.
"Thank you, Mr. Rapp. I'll keep that in mind."
With his usual composure, Stansfield stood up and walked in to the glass office.
"Thank God," Hurley announced.
With great disappointment, Stansfield glared down at the length of the table first at Hurley then at Kennedy. "Sit," He ordered. Kennedy sat. But Hurley remained standing. "The first one who raises their voice will be stuck behind a desk for the rest of their life."
"You can't put me behind a desk," Hurley called his bluff.
"No. But I can think of something much worse," Stansfield threatened.
That was enough for Hurley to shut up. He knew all too well what Stansfield was capable of.
"How bad is it?" Stansfield asked both of them.
"Bad," Kennedy answered.
"And Richards?" He inquired.
Hurley shook his head. "The only information we have is from what Rapp told us. For all we know, he could be lying and he's the traitor."
"You're really still milking that?" Kennedy asked annoyed.
"Yes. I'm still milking that."
"So you think that Mitch Rapp and Katrina Reilly conspired with terrorists to kill her entire family then fake her own death, all so that he could be a mole in the CIA? Do you hear yourself?"
"With all the yelling I've been doing, I do and you should too." Hurley said sarcastically.
Wanting to avoid another screaming match, Stansfield changed the subject and asked Hurley, "What did your sources in Zurich say?"
"Nothing specific yet. All they know is it'll be in Moscow." Hurley replied.
Of course it is, Stansfield thought. From their enemies’ perspective, it would make perfect sense.
"I'll put my team together and we'll fly to Moscow first thing tomorrow." Hurley offered.
"What about Rapp?" Kennedy asked.
"What about him? The little shit fucked up. Sending him in would be a preposterous."
"And sending you wouldn't?" Kennedy pressed. She looked at Stansfield and pleaded her case. "I know we don't usually let it get personal here but think about it. She has history with Rapp, yes. But she also had the chance to kill him but she didn't. You know I'm right."
Stansfield pondered on the thought for a moment. That definitely was a complication but it could still work in their advantage.
"I agree with Irene." Stansfield said.
Kennedy inwardly smiled but kept her face neutral. Hurley on the other hand was furious.
"What?" He exclaimed. "You can't be serious."
Stansfield stood up and with finality said, "Rapp will go alone. End of discussion." As he turned to leave, he motioned for Kennedy to follow him as they needed to discuss matters in private.
On his way out, Stansfield nodded at Rapp signaling his approval. He then made his way to the elevators with Kennedy on his tail.
As the elevator doors closed, Rapp turned to Hurley who was now standing next to him with an incredulous look on his face. He crossed his arms and waited for Hurley to speak; bracing himself for the mouthful he would surely receive.
Hurley lit a cigarette and said, "I don't care what Stansfield says, you're not going alone." He was well aware that he would be disobeying a direct order but he didn't care at this point, not when the stakes are these high. He took a long drag off his cigarette and asked genuinely curious, "What are you going to do if she comes at you?"
Rapp asked himself that same question since their encounter. And after a lot of thinking he made his choice. The Katrina he once knew and loved was dead and whoever he met in Istanbul was an empty shell. He gave Hurley an icy glare and with a voice devoid of any emotion answered, "Then I'll put a bullet in her head."
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persephonestourrp · 7 years
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Marley Rose | October 4 | 24 | Lincoln, NE | Vocals for The Sirens | Kitty Wilde
Pretend famous lead singer. Lifelong writer. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Cats. Please, cats.
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@marleyrose: do you ever wake up and can’t tell if you’re awake or not so you keep trying to fight the big marshmellow monster (aka your pillow)?? #no #justme ?
@marleyrose​: no, @norahpuckerman: i can make my own dinner after the show, mom, I’m a grownup now #thanks
@marleyrose: just told someone Kat was my sister… sometimes I forget we’re not.
trigger warning for eating disorders
♫ 'Cause I’m just a girl, little ol’ me ♫
Once upon a time, there was a woman named Millie and a man named James. The two were together, but things started falling apart and James left Millie high and dry in her little apartment in Lincoln, Nebraska. Millie did her best to move on, only to realize that she was two months late.
So, yep, that was how Marley Rose entered the world. But if you asked her about it, she would just smile and say she grew up the best way possible. If her dad didn’t want her mom, why would she care about him? Her mom was always her hero, working long hours on her feet all day serving ungrateful kids in a school cafeteria, all so Marley could have a better future. 
Millie and Marley never had much those first few years, but Marley never cared. Her favorite things to do were free or rather inexpensive, like singing to the radio or writing poems in her journal or watching Disney movies with her mom. Sure, she was never popular at school due to her mom’s job and she often wished she could get more presents on her birthday and for Christmas, but she was happy.
Eventually tragedy struck another part of Marley’s family. Her mom’s half-sister died from a car crash. Marley had met her Aunt Elizabeth a couple of times since they lived only a couple hours away, so the news truly shocked Marley. Her aunt was always so sweet and kind and she was so young. What was worse was that it left Elizabeth’s husband a widower and her daughter without a mother. Burt had no idea how to cook and clean, and his daughter was too young to take over those duties, as much as she tried to at first. So after some phone calls and tough decisions, the Roses moved down to Overland Park, Kansas, that summer. Marley was nine, nearly ten (that October birthday got her to start school a bit younger than everyone), and about to start fifth grade alongside her cousin, Katrina Hummel. 
At first, things were awkward. Trying to find the new family dynamic was hard and Kat was so quiet and sullen at first. Marley couldn’t blame her; she didn’t know how she would do if her mom had died, even if she did have a dad. But over the summer, the two cousins grew closer. They bonded over the same things Marley loved to do back in Nebraska--singing, writing, and watching Disney movies. Marley always noticed that Kat stayed a bit silent when she brought up which prince she wanted to marry, but she knew not to ask her about it. She even bonded with her uncle Burt, since he liked watching football, which was basically a religious pastime in Nebraska - Marley was always going to root for the Huskers, even though Burt tried to convince her to be a Jayhawk fan. 
School was a different story. Since Millie was working at a different school now, no one had a reason to make fun of the new kid until they realized she was related to Kat. A lot of kids were awful to Kat and she didn’t understand why. Eventually some kid said that Kat made out with another girl in the girls’ bathroom the year before. Kat denied it and insisted it was a rumor, but Marley didn’t quite get what the big deal was either way. She stuck by Kat’s side, which did neither of them favors. Both of them were ostracized throughout the rest of elementary school. But, well, at least they had each other, and that was more than enough.
As they grew older, things got better. While they were still each other’s best friends, more like sisters than cousins, they managed to make more friends. There was a fashion club that welcomed Kat with open arms, and Marley managed to convince her to join a few musical programs with her. 
Throughout middle and high school, Marley also found herself learning guitar and getting Kat to teach her piano. She was never as good at piano as Kat was and she wasn’t any sort of Taylor Swift on guitar, but Marley used it as a way to make those poems she wrote into songs. Her old beaten diary started carrying small melodies written in the margins and chords shoved under lines of poetry.
The summer before their sophomore year of high school, they both ended up confiding huge secrets in each other. Marley told Kat about her songs, something she had never admitted to anyone. Kat, of course, had a bigger secret to divulge and, while they sat on the couch in their shared bedroom, Kat told Marley she liked girls. Admittedly, Marley wasn’t really that shocked. While she wasn’t a stereotypical lesbian, there had been signs, and not just that totally false rumor in elementary school. So Marley was able to help comfort a stressed and worried Kat and helped her come out to the rest of their family.
Something else big happened that school year, though. After some rude comments, dress size dilemmas, and body insecurities, Marley started finding herself purposefully taking too long to get ready for school so she wouldn’t have time for breakfast. She’d skip lunch most days and just eat dinner so her family wouldn’t get suspicious. The more stressed she got, the less she ate, which led to her fainting before the practice PSAT at school. But it wasn’t until Kat found Marley bent over a toilet with fingers shoved down her throat that she was forced to get help. 
Between her mom, Burt, and Kat, Marley was supported throughout therapy treatments. Kat was nearly obsessive, reading every bit of advice she could get her hands on and doing whatever she could to help Marley through her disorder. Kat became even more of a rock in Marley’s life, and Marley knew she wanted and needed her there.
♫ Well don’t let me out of your sight ♫
The idea of going to college without Kat nearby was terrifying. So when Kat stated she was applying to schools in New York City for fashion, Marley immediately followed suit and applied to music schools in the same city. With her grades and financial needs, Marley was able to score a pretty good scholarship, and the two ended up in New York together, sharing a crappy apartment and enjoying freedom together. 
Through her commercial music program, Marley soon met Norah Puckerman. Something about Norah’s attitude actually reminded Marley of Kat once she got to know her, but she was also unlike any other person Marley had met. She had this raw confidence and this lack of a filter that made her so fun to talk to, and that voice and those skills on guitar...Marley was amazed by her. And she was even more amazed that Norah found her fascinating back. The two were put together for a songwriting project, and the results were simply amazing. They started hanging out more and more, jamming together and talking about their favorite musicians while they did homework at Marley and Kat’s place. Eventually, after loving all of her collaboration with Norah, Marley suggested they start a band. After a bit of hesitation, Norah agreed.
Kat took a little more time to convince. Kat always wanted to make clothes, not albums, and she was already busy with her YouTube channel. Marley pointed out that Kat played upright bass in orchestra for a few years and she was the one who taught Marley piano. Marley found an old electric bass at a secondhand store and she already had a keyboard in the apartment that she used for school, and so Kat decided to join for the hell of it.
The three of them put up flyers around town and ads on Craigslist to find other members, eventually scoring a rhythm guitarist, Quinn Fabray. Quinn completely nailed her audition, and after some time working together, she eventually came up with calling themselves “The Sirens”. And that was the name that stuck.
Marley would always note that they found a drummer who lasted for a little while, but, for whatever reason, they could never get a drummer that actually fit their band. They wanted a female drummer since their band name and all, but female drummers were always in other bands. Whatever, they worked around it with their sound and either hired drummers for gigs or programmed a keyboard with a beat.
Over the next few years, they practiced covers and wrote new material in between their own class work. They offered their services at all kinds of events and at open mics around town, slowly working their way up to paying gigs, including weddings, bar and bat mitzvahs, and bars that wanted live music. Eventually they were heard at a paying gig by Sabrina Smythe who quickly signed on as their manager. That led to a demo and then a record contract and then, in Marley’s final semester of college, an album. The first single, “Crazy Things” was released just a couple of weeks before Marley, Norah, and Kat graduated and the album was released soon after their graduations. The album eventually became much bigger than they ever could’ve dreamed. Suddenly Marley was getting tons of new followers on her social media profiles and comments raging from nasty anti-feminist tweets to emoji-ridden sentences ending with #puckerose. 
Now the band is about to start on its first world tour to promote their second album, Persephone in the Underworld. Marley is beyond excited to see what happens, but, well, she’s a bit nervous, too. Of course she is, who wouldn’t be? It’s hard, and part of her worries her old issues with food will start to flare up even more, especially since she’s been toying with the idea of becoming vegan. She’s had some issues in the past of it flaring up when she’s stressed, so it’s a real issue she has to fight against. It doesn’t help now that she’s in the public eye and constantly judged on how she looks; she’s seen people say she’s too thin one day and then the next day she’s apparently put on too much weight. Her past eating disorder is an issue only the band and Sabrina know about, and while all of them care about her and want her to be safe, Kat and Norah are obnoxiously overprotective. Maybe it’s well deserved, seeing as Marley does feel the pressure of touring, and she does catch herself not eating from time to time, but she’s got it under control.
Regardless, all this watching and parenting by her friends is just starting to annoy her. Sometimes it feels like she’s never truly gotten to live; between being a responsible student in college and watched over by her family and band-family so closely and then being a role model as a celebrity, Marley has barely even been to a real party. She hasn’t even been completely drunk before! Just kind of tipsy! So her main goal on this tour, besides giving great performances for her fans, is to live a little. And if that means having to sneak around her friends in order to do so...well, that’s just what she’ll have to do. 
♫ Oh I’m just a girl, all pretty and petite ♫
Katrina Hummel: Kat is Marley’s rock, her soul sister, her fashion guide, her, well, everything. During their last tour, Marley definitely leaned on Kat a lot, especially since they always ended up rooming together when they were offered two bedrooms to split between the four band members. And as grateful as Marley is for Kat and as much as she loves her and her constant support, she can’t help but feel a little suffocated at times. Marley knows the protection comes from a good place, but she wants her independence. That’s why she’s relieved that Kat has found herself a studio and that Norah agreed to live in a place with her. And now they both decided to split up and room with different band members this time around; Kat’s going to keep an eye on Norah and Marley gets to room with Quinn. It’s also why she’s glad Kat and Kitty have hit it off so well, since Kat needs a distraction.
Norah Puckerman: Marley is insanely inspired by Norah’s talent and personality and everything. She knows Norah admires her for her optimism after what she considers a “hard” life, but Marley doesn’t see it as anything special, especially not compared to Norah’s life. Marley loves writing songs with Norah and is sure they wouldn’t be half as good if Norah wasn’t there. She’s forever grateful for so much of what Norah has done for her, like encouraging her talents and making her laugh and teaching her some street smarts sort of things. Sadly, Norah’s a lot like Kat with the protectiveness thing, or, well, at least she is now. Marley was looking forward to living with her and thought it would be a lot of fun, seeing as Norah was always the one who tried to buy shots for everyone when they were underage. But somewhere between the move and recording their second album, Norah suddenly became as over-protective as Kat. Maybe even more worse. Marley knows she should feel grateful that Norah keeps checking up on her about how much she’s eaten, but she hates being treated like a child all the time. 
Quinn Fabray: Marley has always been impressed with Quinn, ever since she marched into their audition with her high heeled boots and smoky eye shadow, her acoustic guitar in hand. Quinn has more talent than she even seems to realize, from song writing to guitar and flute playing to singing, something Marley keeps trying to encourage her to do more of. She loves Quinn, especially since she doesn’t treat her like a little kid. Quinn cares about her, but she knows Marley can handle herself and doesn’t need to be mothered. Sometimes Quinn seems to be the only one who recognizes that, which Marley appreciates. In fact, when Marley admitted she wanted to go out and live a bit more, Quinn agreed to help her. 
Rachel Berry: Originally “Stars in the Sky” was going to be a duet between Marley and Norah, but Sabrina said they should use this new singer on their label. So Marley and Rachel worked out some different harmonies for Rachel’s voice and changed some lyrics and...woah. Rachel pushed some great work out of her and Marley pushed her as well, and that song ended up being one of her favorites on the whole album. Beyond that, Rachel has been nothing but nice to her, and she’s been enjoying her company. Although, she’s noticed that Rachel seems really stressed about the tour. While she doesn’t think it’s her place to interfere, she’s made sure to ask about her day and try to lift up her spirits when she sees her. Marley’s even volunteered to give her some touring tips, since she knows how truly stressful it can be. And hopefully all the stress she’s seeing is really just in her head or something.
Samantha Evans: So, Marley’s dated a few guys, and she’s had sex and she’s enjoyed it for the most part. She never really put a label on her sexuality, though she always just assumed she was straight. However, that view has been challenged by one Samantha Evans. At first, Marley just enjoyed talking with Sam and hearing her various impressions, and the two bonded over growing up rather poor, even if Marley eventually got extra support from moving in with the Hummels. Then she saw Sam’s abs, and finally noticed her lips and her eyes and suddenly the girl she had always seen as dorky but beautiful was now hot. It’s just a little crush and she’s trying not to think about it, since it just makes her question a lot of things she had assumed to be true over the years.
Kitty Wilde: Marley was excited to meet Kitty, since Quinn made it out to be that she was basically a miniature version of her. But when Marley finally met her and got to spend time with her one-on-one, Kitty didn’t really say much. Even Quinn later commented on how Kitty was acting weird. And that continued on for a while, basically until Kitty’s band signed under the same label. Slowly but surely, Marley has gotten to know Kitty’s personality, and she makes her laugh a whole bunch. She hopes to get to know her better on tour, especially since she’s been such a great friend for Kat...and Marley’s probably wrong, but she thinks Kitty might be into Kat. And seeing as Kat wants a girlfriend (and could use a distraction from babysitting Marley every minute of their lives), Marley might be “shipping” them. Just a little. What? #KittyKat is cute, so who cares if she tries to push it a little?
Blair Anderson: Blair confided in Marley that she was intimidated by her at first, which made Marley laugh. Intimidated? By her? Really? But it was meant to be a compliment about her stage persona which, honestly, made her feel really good about herself and helped her build up some confidence for performances on her lower-energy days. Blair’s been really sweet and thoughtful, and Marley’s heard she’s written some songs. Maybe some day, if she has the time, she’ll give them a listen. After all, she could use that push, right? 
Jackie Puckerman: Jackie is someone Marley hasn’t really talked to much, but she seems sweet. It’s also kind of adorable seeing her look up so much to Norah, and she’s a killer dancer. It’s actually pretty insane to watch her move. But, beyond that, they don’t necessarily talk much, but maybe that’ll change on tour. Hopefully it will. She especially likes how much she talks to and supports Norah; Marley loves Norah, but having anyone distracting her in any way would be helpful for her, honestly.
Santana Lopez: Santana is hilarious, for one thing, and she’s been really nice to Marley. It’s actually kind of strange, since Marley didn’t expect her to get along with her so easily since she can be a bit...intense. But the two of them have gotten along well and Santana has even brought up the idea of getting her some sponsors and ads for instagram and that makes her super excited. Santana also always has excellent advice, and Marley appreciates it.
Fiona Hudson: Soooo Fiona’s kind of like Marley’s family now? Despite basically being sisters with Kat, they’re actually only half-cousins or something weird like that. Barely related, but related. So Fiona would be like a step-cousin, which really isn’t anything, but whatever. Regardless, Marley is well aware that her best friend isn’t too fond of her new stepsister, and she gets it. Marley’s actually pretty relieved to not have to share her mom anymore, no matter how selfish that sounds (and, no, she hasn’t told anyone that). But she also gets Fiona’s point of view and wants the two of them to get along, at least for the sake of Burt and Carole. So Marley’s acting as Switzerland, and hopefully she can get the two of them to actually get along. Or at least talk.
Sabrina Smythe: As much as Marley respects Sabrina, she doesn’t always get her. Maybe it’s just a part of being in the entertainment industry. Or, more likely, maybe Marley just feels like that because Sabrina never seems to realize how Kat looks at her and that is totally not okay with her, since her cousin deserves someone that sees how amazing she is. It doesn’t help matters that Sabrina pushes for more Puckerose posts, something that makes Marley uncomfortable since it’s basically lying to her friends. There’s also the fact that Sabrina wants Marley to come forward on her past ED issues is another problem. Marley wants to help others who may have that problem, as Sabrina has pointed out, but she’s not ready to reveal something so personal. She’s not sure she ever will be.
♫ So don’t let me have any rights ♫
How does it feel to be “shipped” with one of your best friends?
I think it’s cute. But only to an extent, you know? I don’t mind people thinking we’d make a good couple, it’s only hard when people get pushy about it, since, you know, we are just best friends. Dating Norah would be like dating my mom… Otherwise it doesn’t bother me too much, Norah is definitely a catch and if I thought we’d ever work as more, I’d want to jump on that opportunity, who wouldn’t??
Are you afraid of an eating disorder relapse?
I’m not sure afraid is the right word for it. It’s always going to be with me and while I’ve learned to deal with the things that are difficult for me, there’s always a possibility that I could resort back to bad habits. If I let myself be scared, it’ll be on my mind too much. Not that it really leaves… the internet is a black hole of body image picking and trust me, staying away from that will be the best way to keep me from going that path again.
JBI asks: Do you ever get annoyed with your bandmates?
Seriously? We spend like 99% of our time together, so yeah, sometimes we all get a little snippy. But on a general level? Nope. These girls are my family and I love them so much, without them I’d never be close to where I am, so if I’m every annoyed it’s short lived.
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jess-the-vampire · 5 years
Sky And The Forces Of The Multiverse, Chapter 31
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Judas sat across his parents, crossing his arms as they both sat across from him in disbelief, Judas constantly trying to keep his cool and fix his hair throughout the confrontation, it almost felt like be was about to be punished again, and honestly that's what he expected when he was called here. He almost couldn't look his family straight in the face anymore, though he could tell they were probably disappointed at him and keeping this behind their backs for so long. He couldn't even managed to speak another word to them, waiting to hear what they had to say as they processed the boy's information. Marco was pacing around the room, rubbing at their face as Tom sat at his desk, tapping on the wood and seemed just as worried and stressed as judas and marco were. Though eventually tom finally managed to find the words to actually speak to the older boy and get his thoughts out on everything he found out.
"So...the girls are....our kids.....from alternate timelines...". Marco stopped in their tracks. "And....you think this masked person was behind it.....". Judas felt himself tense. "And you've all been conspiring to catch them and find out their identity behind our backs....even putting your little brother in harm's way?". Every word felt like a knife in his gut, at this point he'd be lucky if they didn't just hand the throne over to landon and denounce him entirely, he took risks but they were serious risks and his parents had every right to be more then mad with him at this point. He only managed to nod a little as the adults looked at each other before looking back to judas, "Judas you....you really could've gotten hurt you know? You all could've gotten seriously hurt...and you all could've.....judas why didn't you get any of us involved?". "I.....I couldn't bring myself to.....", he sighed, "We didn't know what could happen if you knew...especially to the girls, or even to your sanities....we just wanted to help. You....all of you are afraid to let us do anything, to help or take care of these problems, you let me sit in on your meetings but you never wanted me to take any actions...when i'll be king soon! These girls shouldn't have to deal with all of you on top of them as well! All we wanted to do was get them back home and protect them....". "Judas..". "Everyone wanted to do this, we didn't make anyone join, mason felt so alone and useless and he was more then happy to be apart of something then feel untrusted, landon stayed in his room all day but wanted to help because celeste and him are friends and doing this finally got him out of his shell, sky...everyone thinks she might be evil or weak and....she's none of those things, but she's never allowed to truly prove herself outside of grueling tasks and getting herself out of problems....and nora...you know her family shut her out...and now she's making friends and taking risks....I...Maybe they shouldn't have helped....maybe I should've said no....but...they really wanted to and sometimes...I couldn't help it...". "The magic high commission-". "The magic high commission has constantly wanted to accuse sky of being the culprit, my best friend! She doesn't deserve this and she doesn't deserve to not be able to defend herself. she never intended to hurt anyone she just wants to help...and no one lets her. These girls are her sisters...she can't just abandon them. The MHC have a bad history, and i'm not judging them entirely for it because it's long in the past but that still doesn't mean it's right...they hurt eclipsa and now they're trying to hurt sky.". "We're just saying the magic high commission should've known about this, omni especially, I'm going to need to have a word with them....though...", Marco looked over their son's distressed face, "I suppose that's the worst outcome for you...isn't it?". Judas nodded, "Look, we did think about going to them to bring the girls back, we really did.....but we don't truly even know how they got here though...we have guesses....we don't know who sent them here and if one of them-". "You're accusing the MHC of potential crime?". "They're not exactly out of the question, if they could possibly send them back then...they could send them here....I don't know why though...", his parents exchanged looks as Judas made his plea, "Look, I know it sounds easy at this point to just take them there and have them be sent home but until we know what's going on....we just weren't sure it was a good idea, for all we know they did this to set sky up because they wanted to dethrone her for being weaker then other magic users.....like all those jerks out there who...just hate me for being cursed...". Was he crying? He was definitely crying, he could feel something running down his nose from his third eye. His parents took a moment as Tom took a deep breath, "We still need to talk to the Butterfly's, even if we do choose to disclose this, all of it, to the commission, and keep it under wraps from the rest of the kingdom as much as possible, that doesn't stop them from doing so...the spiderbites and the arachfords don't yet fully know as well, just that you all were there at the scene and in a fight before getting hurt...the culprit getting away. Judas...how long till they do find out? These lies won't evade them for long...". "Well if they have a part to play, then they already know...". They were silent as judas huffed, "I want to talk to angel, I know he's still recovering since his wounds are a little magical....but me and sky know him, we should talk to him...he....he'll have a much easier time talking about the situation if it's us asking him....". He wasn't wrong, despite everything, there was no way their parents could question the boy without them, even if they gave him a truth potion he'd probably go entirely mute and heck no they wouldn't make the boy talk. "Judas....I promised you i'd do whatever I could to make sure I didn't keep you apart from your friends...and....I still want to do that despite this...mess...but I am worrying you'll do something dangerous and get yourselves hurt....please understand that...", though Judas just leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms, "Then we'll take that risk...I'm...I'm tired of not really being able to help and not be able to really to show i'm not some baby you have to take care of and worry about...I'm the next king....I need to start taking action...". "That's right!". The door opened quickly and out popped the former king of the underworld, Tom's father, and he seemed.....more happy then Judas expected about the recent events. His arm wrapping around his grandson and smiling to himself, "Look at this boy, he organized his own group to take out a hidden threat, all while keeping under the radar...that's impressive, and they were even super close to catching the culprit. Dangerous? Yes, but you can't tell me you're going to punish him completely for all of this are you?". "Dad...stay out of it...I know judas is a grown adult practically but-" "But he should be allowed to be an adult! Thomas you can't shield him forever, he should be able to make his own decisions during this time of crisis! If the boy wants to keep finding new ways to help his arm he should, if he wants to be apart of the action he should, he's not 7 anymore...perhaps he should not have gotten younger ones involved but do not punish him just for helping...". Dave crossed his arms as Tom sighed in frustration, "Dad I can't let judas off the hook for taking on a task without informing us...It's commendable...but...it's also something that at the very least, we should've known about...if something happened....we'd have no idea what had been going on...". "But he had his reasons...especially since you might've shut him out from helping If it was mentioned-". "Hold up!", Judas stood between the kings, keeping them from arguing any further, "Look...I did screw up...I don't....I don't wanna be let off the hook for everything....I'll...own up to everything I screwed up on, I never should've put them all in that kinda danger. But I meant no ill intent towards any of you or with any intention to hurt mason or landon...or sky....It's not that i don't trust you but that you don't trust us...or even...me. This stuff...what's happening, it's personal to me..and especially sky and I had to help her...". The royals continued to glare at each other as Marco came forward, "Judas.....you're grounded for endangering your brothers and all those other younger kids in this...however we'll try to make sure you can stay in contact with them, If Queen Butterfly and Janna agrees as well. As far as you being involved, we'll talk about it...and how far this news should spread as well....star told us but I don't know who else she's spoken to, in the meantime...no more sneaking around...well....at least outside of the butterfly or lucitor kingdom.". Judas nodded, understanding, however Tom also stepped up, still looking at his father, "I'll allow you to speak to Angel, however....any and all info you receive from him returns to us, Katrina is now keeping closer tabs on you...even i can't argue that he'd talk to you or sky before either of us...the girls will stay in their respective rooms for now...though...we'll discuss more on them later....you can go, me and my dad need to have a chat it seems...". Judas gave a look to all of them before exiting, feeling emotionally exhausted. As if he hadn't been for days before this moment. There was some relief, but not much, though he was happy enough knowing he and sky could still see each other and hang out despite this. Though he did imagine a very similar discussion going on on sky's end and he didn't imagine her moms handling it any better, he stopped in his tracks, he should go see her, if he wanted to see anyone right now it was her and having nora there and angel was probably a positive as well. Here he could only face landon, mason, celeste and sunny and considering the situation and how it'd feel for the grumpy pair and that two of them were pretty young he didn't feel too enthusiastic to see them for now. He quickly arrived to the scene though despite not seeing her he knew Katrina was watching him. Yeah, that was bound to be an issue as well. Though upon arriving into the hospital wing he brightened up as nora waved to him, sitting next to sky, however much to his surprise....the rest of the girls were here as well. Celeste, Galexia, Sunny, and Luna, guess his parents didn't force them to stay in their rooms yet after all. Luna looked incredibly displeased, and for fair reasons as they got caught and who knows what would happen now, celeste had her wand full out now, and galexia and sunny seemed rather happy. "Celeste healed up angel and sky fully with her cool magic!", Sunny squeaked, "They feel a lot better now, I mean, angel seemed pretty messed up....I don't know if it was worse then when I hurt you on accident or not but.....he's moving....he's just....sleeping a lot...". That was fair considering the situation and what happened to him in particular, he needed more rest then anyone considering how tired he had looked before the incident, judas had so many questions for him and he knew sky did too. Though Sky's gaze seemed to avoid angel in general. He approached her carefully, and he didn't even get a word in before she spoke, "Mom's not back yet....my other mom went in to make sure her brain didn't go all....goopy or anything....did everything go well on your end or did your parents uh...?". He laughed, trying to make light of the situation as best he could, "As good as you can get under this situation, I'm in serious trouble...but....my parents aren't so cruel as to..well....do their worst to me about this...I just hope nora's ok considering...her parents...". He looked over to her, as she spoke to galexia, sunny approaching them both. She was still here so that was something, though her parents would be silly to move her again.....unless they wanted to change dimensions or something insane like that. "Hey.....are you holding up ok? I know that whole thing really got to you in particular, with eclipsa and angel and.....a lot happened back there....and...is there anything you need right now? If that's ok to ask?", sky buried her face in her hands, dragging them over it, frustrated. "I really don't want to talk to eclipsa, at all...ugh she just.....she blew our cover! I trusted her! and she sold us out! Now what? What's going to happen to us? Am i going to be arrested? Lose the wand? I mean I know my moms witnessed the situation enough to know It wasn't me but..if this gets out there someone could warp it....I-....UGH!!", she yanked off her hat and threw it onto the bed, sighing, "The worst bit though, is angel....I started to really trust him....and...ugh what did he do during this? Did he spill our info? Did he lie to me to use me for something? I can't even be sure all the stuff he said was genuine anymore...". "Sky...angel tried to-". "I saw what he tried to do but that doesn't change the fact he lied to me judas...he got me to actually care and feel bad and he still lied to me...of course it's easy for you to forgive him cause you always thought he was some good person and you weren't the one he probably manipulated...but that doesn't work for me." she tugged on her hair harder as the tall demon took a seat next to her, "We should question him when he wakes up, maybe we need the full story of what was really going on, after what happened, they certainly can't let angel go back home....he's going to be in serious danger unless your mom comes back with Her.". "I'm just not....maybe you should talk to him first...I kinda want to be alone for awhile, I know I was suspecting him of lying I just...I didn't it to be true...shame on me I guess...". She got up and was about to head out, before the door to the room slammed open, Kelly entering and looking around, "Princess Butterfly, your mother has returned...she wants you, Luna, Galexia...the demon and the frumpy one in her office right now.....". Sky felt her heart drop, though she didn't protest as her and her sisters left the room, luna being the last and unsurprisingly the angriest about the ordeal they were now all in. Leaving Judas alone with nora, angel, and the other patients in the room. "Judas....I'm sorry this is happening to you...", nora approached him softly, she'd clearly been crying judging by her face. "It's not your fault nora....we couldn't keep this a secret forever, someone would find out....i'm just sorry you got dragged into it....I don't...your parents are probably mad aren't they?", the slime girl shuffled her feet nervously, "Well they aren't happy but....not at you....I-I told them I choose to do it...to go out there and help...I may of.....told them off...I got mad....cause they were blaming you and sky and thought you forced me to go on a wild adventure with you...and I just...told them that it was my choice....". "You really did that?". "Yeah...I uh....I think i'm in trouble...". "Nora i'm...I'm sorry-". "No judas....I'm really happy i did it.". "Wait...you....", his eyes widened as nora broke into a smile, "I've never wanted to tell them that more in my entire life....and I finally did it, they never thought I'd ever have the gulls to go against them or fight back and I did! Sky was right, I'm.....I'm cool....". Though her smiled faded as she looked around the room, "Though...I wish the situation was....better, judas...i'm going to help in anyway I can, regardless of what my parents tell me to do....if you need anything I-". "Nora, right now I just want you to be safe, a lot just happened and we should....rest...get something to eat.....", nora understood, "I'll go....I'll get us something to eat...don't worry, my parents are mad but....I think they're too scared to leave the castle or know how much to even ground me so....i'll be fine...you can rest in one of these beds if you want....". She patted one of the mattresses and quickly headed out, eager to bring something back for them both, Judas almost found himself stunned. At least someone got something good out of this mess. His attention was then turned back to angel though, who was now wide awake and staring at judas with so much intent that judas almost jumped when he saw him. Angel looked sad, even embarrassed as he turned his head away all of a sudden and judas took a deep breath and took a seat on the bed next to him. "Hey...I'm glad you're feeling better....", it was the best he could muster for now, though angel didn't respond back, his head turned away completely from the demon. Judas shuffled his feet on the floor, looking down at them, the thoughts angel had going through his head must've been intense....how would he even begin to question him about what had been going down? Maybe it was better to start with something light? Something conversational and friendly? Though angel typically wasn't that kind of person so even that seemed like a possible bad idea in the long run, judas bit at his lips before clumping his hands together. "Hey I uh.....your dad told me you.....got into fights over me....is....is that true?". Angel didn't turn or respond but his ears did seem to flinch. "I mean it's not that important I just think it's....touching...that you really cared about me...I mean maybe it's not the smartest idea to get into fights with other kids, but.....you really cared that much you defended my honor like that? even before we really talked much at all or got along? The only person who even really did that that i knew of was....well sky...you really never had to do that for me, I know I didn't pay much attention to you as a kid...I guess I just think...it's nice.". "Nice....?", judas almost jumped at angel finally speaking to him. "Yeah...it was really nice of you Angelus....". 'You were being picked on and outed for something out of your control......and....I didn't like it...", angel still sounded messy, like he'd been crying, "Sky was....her family to me...they had ways to fix their mistakes but something like yours? There truly isn't much you could do...I don't know.....I just ran across kids...monster and mewman who saw you like....well...meteora...that you were going to bring the end of mewni and that you were a mistake and the king should've just mated with someone else instead of creating you....and I just...I was angry....". Something felt reliving about hearing angel speak, though he wished angel himself was telling him this under more ideal circumstances. "You didn't have to...". "I know but.....I just didn't think you deserved it...I....It was hard....being outed in my own kingdom...I didn't like seeing it happen to...someone else.". "You're a good person angel, despite everything.....", though the monster boy didn't seem to agree, shaking his head, "Princess Butterfly hates me, I knew she would when she found out but.....I was at least hoping maybe...maybe....". He slumped against the soft pillow underneath him, "I failed....I missed....I had to miss and fail and....disappoint everyone all over again.". He would probably rip the pillow up at this rate by how much he was gripping it, judas quick to reach out to try and clam him down. "Angel....c'mon, sky doesn't hate you....she's just....there's a lot going on right now she has to deal with...she's hurt but she doesn't hate you...I certainly don't hate you-". "Prince Lucitor you're practically incapable of hating anyone, you barely have a cruel bone in your body....I earned the princess's respect after assuming it'd never happen and now she refuses to look me in any of my eyes...if i hadn't failed I-", He shoved his face onto the pillow, screaming into it before going back to laying down. "Now her life is in shambles, my people are in danger, my mother will be gone forever and i'll be hiding here till she finds me and destroys me....I failed...and everyone will pay for it...", he wiped is nose with one of his sleeves before trying and failing to get comfortable in his bed. Wow he was messed up, this had a serious emotional effect on him, more serious then he had been expecting. Angel felt so hopeless, he sounded so drained of any life or happiness in the slightest. And judas just sat back and placed his hands on his lap, "Angel....look, we're not going to let that happen, we're going to protect your people and save your mom and you're going to be safe....i'm sure this is like utterly terrifying for you but we can all help....maybe you can explain what you know and we could use it against them before they hurt anyone else?". Angel twitched in response, "Or throw me out to the side and let her get me for what I did...I'd probably deserve it....". "Angel, talk to me....what happened? I'm asking you to trust me...she's not going to get you....we're not going to let her, you screwed up but we're not going to let you die for it, just...please tell us what happened.". He blinked at him and dug his head deeper into his pillow, wiping his tears on the surface. "Judas she.....look I received a note.....told to call a number if i wanted to know how to save my mom and my people and finally get what i wanted and....i didn't have a mirror or compact so I....". The demon's ears pricked up, "You stole my compact......", and his companion nodded. "She hid the number as some pizza place and we talked....she made me an offer to help and I was skeptic but...she told me to meet her and prove she could help...". "Angel....". "She....he...they......whoever....showed they could bring magic back to my people, make them slowly grow as powerful as they used to be and save my mother's life....and all I had to do was tell them was be their little...helper....find them things, tell them about events...about meetings going down...the night of the sleepover...they....they portaled me here, while I was sleeping, to use me as a distraction...It....It didn't take long for me to realize I was in over my head..she somehow knew i was a terrible liar and tried to help me so I didn't blow her cover though....most of the time I avoided lying when I could...It...tends to make me feel sick doing it....". "What about the medallion robbery?". "They wanted me to steal it for them, cause my father mentioned it to me when he returned from the party and I talked about it with her...thought it could be useful...so...I-I tried to find intel on the inside of the castle for help, and I failed....the servant i tried to get in contact with never got back to me...but then they found the tunnels underground and suddenly they did it, without me even involved....but....I found out your family went into lockdown and was terrified and I realized I actually hurt you and you could've been in danger and I felt sick...I felt sick when she ran into you during the sleepover too, but I couldn't step out of the deal either...so I just kept at it, pretending there was nothing wrong....till I couldn't anymore....I couldn't do it...you were constantly trying to make me fell welcomed and want to help me and forgave me and...I was just..". He coughed and wiped his eyes again, "She was delighted when I was going to class here, wanted more intel...but the more I was here...the more I just wanted to leave the deal...I...I couldn't go through with it, everyone wanted to help me, and I just...I like it here....a lot.". He sat up on the bed, trying to look judas in the eyes, "I....I like spending time with you....and sky....even....nora....I like buttered roles and Eclipsa and....I like being here....even though I knew I'd probably lose it when you found out...". "Angel, you should've-". "Should've what? Just tell you I was working against you? You know Sky never would've taken it well, she would've just thought worse of me....", but the boy argued back, "She would've been hurt no matter what, but saying something earlier could've prevented much worse, we could've caught them....then again....I guess they wouldn't trust you yet without more time to prove yourself...". The princes looked at each other worriedly, the pink one cupping his face in his hands, "Princess Butterfly would take one look at me and think less of me then she already did, typical me right? Ruining the lives of others...". "You don't ruin the lives of -". "Judas, stop....you know what I did, you know how everyone felt about me. I wanted so desperately to get what I wanted I took their deal and I couldn't get myself out of it....and now I'm suffering for it...and so is my mom...and my people....", he pressed his legs against his chest and cried into them, sobbing like judas had never seen before. "Angel, you're not a bad person for wanting to save your mom..or help your people...you made a mistake...but it's not the end...". He could spot one of angel's eyes poking through his knees as he reached out for the prince's shoulder, "You tried to back out of it, you tried to take her out....angel we all screw up and do stupid things and hurt people, you can't really go back and fix it...you can only try to fix things now....you tried to paralyze her, that's....pretty scary for someone like you and you almost did it....". He was still silent, judas trying to comfort him further," Angel, look, I screwed up too...I put my friends in danger I put my family in danger...I've done so much dumb stuff I should've thought more about....but...it's part of life...and you still have time to help fix this and put an end to this...you know, this person...". He ran his sleeves across his four eyes and sniffled, "I thought I could do it, master my ultimate and take her out, eclipsa was teaching me and she reassured me i could master it and that you all would accept me as....well.....well actually she seemed to be thinking of something more extreme but I at least wanted us to be....on better terms? I know I said I didn't want....friends...and wasn't sure If i could have any....I just....I guess I didn't know I wanted one till I felt I had one...and...I wanted you both around". "You really liked us huh?", Judas felt a smirk coming on, and Angel seemed embarrassed at what he just said, face red, ears pressed down and eyes diverting from the demon's. "Ugh....I....always admired you...you...get things done and find ways to get people to like you,.....I just...never thought I.....or you you would.....or that I needed....don't be snarky about it, apparently the small demon girl could figure this out with one look at me it seems...", he trailed off, "Everything was too complicated prince lucitor, I didn't want friends because I wanted to focus on the cause and helping and It took a toll on me....doing this alone and feeling worse and worse about myself..., but when you and sky...and princess spiderbite...cared or wanted to help and.....treated me like a friend......and not as a failure you wanted nothing to do with......but then I knew i was already too deep to try and be friends because I was hurting you and had already hurt you and...I couldn't do it, I just didn't know what to do...and then...you wanted to save my mom and...". He was about to cry again and judas quickly pulled him in for a hug, "Hey....hey.....I get it....you're probably going through a lot of emotions with all this......you can give yourself some time if you need....we're all really emotionally tired after that...". Angel was practically clinging to him, his spider legs wrapping around them as well as he buried his face in the boy's shoulder. "We're going to fix this, and I promise you and sky will be able to patch things up....she can't stay mad forever..not even to you...she needs time to cool down....". "You can't promise me that...". "She's my best friend, we fight...but....we can't stay mad forever...we talk and we work things out....you can still help us fix this and I promise at the very least...I won't abandon you as a friend....", angel sniffled but nodded, "That....I can believe coming from you...I-I'm not surprised you're...being nice to me...but...It doesn't fully make me feel any less sick". Angel sighed into his shoulder, "I'm sorry....for everything, they....they knew everything about me....and...um....thanks.....for saving me...you and sky both...I wouldn't be here without you...I'd...probably be worse off". "Thanking us? Wanting to be friends? You really have changed...but you're very much welcome"., he snickered, patting the boy on the back, that's....that's really nice coming from you.". "Don't rub it in, I feel sick enough as is dealing with all this...", Angel pulled away from judas but a hand was still clutching his arm, "I guess i'm going to be staying here until the threat is gone, maybe i'll even be staying in a cell....though perhaps that's just cruel thinking on my part.". The other prince patted the hand to reassure him as best as he could, "They won't put you in a cell...hopefully....if I have to, I'll vouch for you to stay in the underworld, we have lots of rooms and my parents might be more willing to help and forgive...I can probably offer you some of my clothes if you're staying here or there...i mean, they're not your style..but..they're better then what you're wearing now...". He looked over the boy's messed up clothes, covered in dirt, blood, and torn from the fight. "I'm sure my father could bring me clothes...you don't have to offer me anything...besides....you'd have to cut holes....for my legs...they'd come back damaged...", he sighed, having finally calmed down though he was now looking more towards the floor, though the demon persisted, "Your dad after this is going to be in more danger and so is your kingdom, and someone has to stay back there to manage everything going on....especially when the kingdom finds out what happened. He might be able to bring you something but until our parents can say he'll make it back and forth just fine, you might have to deal with our giving....and it's ok, you can keep some of my old stuff, and if you don't want it...we can repair it with magic...it's not a big deal". "Fine....but um....I'm not sure about...leaving my mother....". "It was just an offer, you don't have to....It's just in case....the people of butterfly castle and the butterfly kingdom in general make you feel unwanted....", the spider monster looked off to the side brushing more of his light pink hair away, "And the lucitors aren't mad about the stealing of your amulet? The lucitors are allied with the butterflies, me going against the butterflies is basically like going against the lucitors...I'm just going to have to deal with...wherever I end up...". He tightened his grip on the boy's arm. "I'm sorry.....". "Trust me....the amulet isn't a big deal....". Angel simply blinked at him in confusion as judas got back on topic. "Angel....we're gonna figure this out....and look, my family is mad about this mess, but if you do want a room, I'll try my best to make sure you're comfortable in it....Ok? I don't want you to feel...alone during all this, and a nice room in the Underworld at least means you can talk to me whenever you need to...it's optional though...and I know I sound...really forgiving...maybe too forgiving for you working with the enemy...but...you were trapped...you couldn't escape, and you tried to fight it and...angel I just don't want to see you hurt...I know you only had good intentions...I just...I don't want to watch the world turn against you again". He silently nodded. "Thanks...judas....". Just then the door opened and Nora reentered, carrying containers of hot soup, blinking at the two of them as angel blushed and quickly moved his hand away from judas's arm, though nora beamed at the sight of him. "You're up! I'm so glad, I got you soup and rolls as well but I wasn't sure you'd wake up before it got cold! We can all eat together if that's ok? We should all get our strength up". Angel couldn't even protest if he wanted to as judas invited her over happily, taking a seat next to him. Angel watched the others laugh and try to make light of things before taking a slurp of his soup in front of him. He wasn't feeling totally perfect, in fact he still felt anxious and sick and terrified, but there was something nice about being free and having a quiet moment surrounded by people who liked his company that seemed to put him a little more at ease. He jerked at the hot soup and watched as the others smiled and laughed, and he felt himself laugh in response. There was no telling what would happen next. But he couldn't deny, he liked this. - Sky had been dreading seeing her mothers after this mess, and she dreaded it more having her sisters with her. What was her mom even going to say about something like this? She was looking at her own kids from alternate universes, how would ANYONE react to that? Would she take all their wands from them? God she sure hoped her mom wasn't bad enough to go so far as to take their wands for herself, or just hand everyone over the the commission for this. The moment they were inside her office, sky was ready to face the music, however, she was surprised to see the mom sitting at the desk was not star but Janna. The queen smirking at her, leaning on her fist as she got a good look at all the girls, "Star's still hunting in other dimensions....but uh...someone had to come back and ground you. So now you've got me! Though for the record, oof, the magic dimension can be hard to get around without wings like she does....needed a lot of pudding to get through there...". Luna seemed less then impressed to see Janna there, though Janna seemed incredibly happy. "Y'know....now that i'm looking, you all do look like star a little bit...gotta admit, it's pretty cool.....freaky....but cool", wow they caught on fast, at the very least sky assumed they figured maybe she had friends who made additional wands but no, they figured out they were her sisters. Or maybe eclipsa told them, actually that would make more sense. Janna was a little too happy if Sky was being honest, and when her mom was this smiley it usually meant bad news, and indeed her mom smiled as she looked over the other girls and tapped her fingers on the desk. "Sky sky sky.....man I knew you got up to things but multiverses was not on the top of my list these days. To be fair, I guess considering how much omni drones on about multiple timelines and universes i can't be surprised these four exist.". "Are you going to-". "Hurt them? Heck no, timeline stuff like that is super wonky and like....even i'm not getting into that mess though i admit it'd be fun...Am i cool in your worlds girls?". Looking behind her, sky could see luna was unamused, galexia blinked at her if not sure, celeste snorted, and sunny nodded. "Well anyways so yeah this is KINDA a big thing to have kept under wraps considering the situation but until your mom gets back we're going to continue keeping it under wraps, just because well....if word got out there were multiple wands to steal or other universes people might FREAK, which sounds hilarious but probably would make it harder to actually do anything so...". "You're not planning to tell the public?". "Are you surprised? Like unless we have to we might wanna keep them hidden so we don't got more masked folks running around looking to steal our things...though honestly that's not the weirdest thing we've dealt with on mewni.". The girls exchanged looks and sky grumbled, "Ok so....what? What now? Are you going to keep them here? Send them right back home or......?". And Janna snickered, "Send them home? You mean through Omni? Oh HECK no, Star already dealt with those losers throwing meteora away....she's kinda worried they did something to cause this...". "Well that's exactly why we kept this hidden...", luna stepped up, "You can't trust anyone around here, especially in a universe where you aren't as familiar with how everyone is different and how much everything is different, we needed to handle this on our own...and we almost had them....before you arrived.". Something about the blonde seemed to amuse janna, kicking her feet up on the desk and sitting back in the chair, "That weirdo summoned herself into the magic dimension, you would've lost your mind in there and got taken by her instantly...they were clearly prepared for this kinda ambush". "And they teleported how exactly?". "Well, they had something magic on them, they used the magic to take them to the source after it was destroyed.....tricky part is...". "Only butterflys are supposed to know that spell...", sunny piped in, "They're either a butterfly or someone very close to the butterflys....there's no other way they could be anyone else.". And janna commended her with a nod and spreading her arms out as if she were performing, "You got it, and c'mon....the MHC would arrest sky immediately if they knew that....and yeah, we got witnesses to prove she wasn't under that mask but it's easy for anyone to say she told someone and staged it...". "Why are they after sky so badly? For being part human? That's really stupid...", Celeste huffed from behind sky, crossing her arms, "Ok sure, they have some evidence but not enough, why not let them question angel down there or something for some truth?". The queen seemed to think about it but shrugged, "Eh, even I agree handing them another monster to persecute sounds like a bad idea, don't get me wrong, they're trying to do better...but the monsters would probably not like the idea of the high commission well....handling this sorta issue....though honestly i just think they're looking for something to blame...". "Something to blame?". "They messed up, got put on a leash, and want to make themselves look good again, they want to show they know what they're doing and won't screw up again, but they just suck at it. Star is like PISSED about their first instinct being to say it all was you, but boy....I guess you were up to something regardless. I gotta admit, I'm a little proud of you....you really did all this behind the scenes, reminds me when I was your age, schemeing behind everyone's back...". "You still do that.". "Touche.". "So....why did you call us all here, you're not going to reveal them, take their wands...send them back....why are we here? Mom this isn't funny, it's not like one of your pranks, this is kinda too important to just be fooling around with.", janna shook her head, "Sky c'mon...I called you in to let you know we want you all in, at least I do. I mean, you're still grounded but....as far as this situation goes, it's kinda clear to me at least, we probably should be working together on this, you've gotten closer then anyone on our side sure has to handling this....probably because you're more under the radar and they're targeting who they think is more threatening." "You took us here, to work with us?". "I mean, I need everyone else to agree but I personally, am all for it....minus the whole "Getting you guys hurt" and everything, Eclipsa freaked out about this stuff but honestly I think it's pretty sweet, you really pulled that charade for this long huh? I mean, you're still in serious trouble, like...I don't think you're leaving this castle anytime soon but....I mean, after all of this? We'd kinda have to be stupid to not have you help us with whatever you know.". Luna snorted, getting everyone's attention as she nearly laughed, "Oh, so after this mess, you decided we're valuable enough to work with you? That's it huh? We had been doing mostly fine without you, how are we even expected to believe you at this point? You're taking this situation so casually! ", though the woman only laughed, "C'mon, you really think multiverses are that strange to us? We knew they existed, we just kinda don't have a big reason to focus on them...until now, seeing you isn't nearly as strange as other things we've seen, I mean sure.....it's insane and honestly you should've said something but....like, there's a creep running around mewni...we'd probably be better working together...". "So you're not going to separate us?", sky mumbled, "I thought after something like this you'd never want us in contact again...". "Well I mean, the Lucitors could back out but they're too nice to keep you all apart, especially since you'll be no help apart...you two were clearly the masterminds behind this...we'd be stupid to keep you two apart when we kinda need you....honestly the only thing no one's sure about is what to do with the kid. I mean, despite everything, his family is a Butterfly ally, so he technically was committing treason by working with the enemy against his allies. I mean, probably not smart to put him under trial of the commission but there's no way he's getting out without a scratch on him....I'll be surprised if he even manages to walk out of this castle without being attacked for it...". Sunny gasped, "But he tried to help! He went on his own to break their deal and take her out! He went against her to help us! How can you all still go against him, he's just a kid!". There was some irony of that coming from sunny, someone younger then angel, but after how she felt about angel it wasn't a surprise. Sky didn't even need to look Luna in the face to get the feeling luna felt the opposite though, sky could even here her breathing through her nose behind her. "It'd still be considered treason for working with her in the first place, I mean he was harmless before but who knows what he told her about our kingdoms, if anyone's in the hotseat right now, it's him. i mean you guys had a secret organization to catch a criminal and hid secret princesses in your group but you didn't exactly allow an enemy a chance to take over mewni and gain access to powerful objects and info. I mean, he's 16, so he's not going to be killed for it, but boy if his kingdom didn't like him before....maybe the queen or king has a cousin they can pass the crown to...". "What? But like, angel cares about his kingdom more then anything! I mean like....he annoyed me for ages just because he wanted it to be treated with more respect and be helped from what our family did to it! I mean, maybe he never went about it in the best way but we both agreed to actually trying to work together to properly help it and-", sky stood up, waving her arms around in anger, "I mean, apparently he did this all in the first place just so he could bring them back to life with magic again and....he could be...ugh! Mom, he was just scared! And he tried to fix things, that's not....it's not fair!.". "Skyler....I love you, but like, you can't do a lot for him, he's probably going to be on trial regardless and we'll see where he stands....and if the high commission finds enough on you, you'll probably be standing right with him, court in mewni is wonky. I mean like...he's kinda going to have to deal with the situation he put himself in....I mean, i dealt with detention all the time in school, I mean, that's not quite the same thing as losing your crown but still...". "Don't...decrown him, c'mon now he doesn't deserve that....", sky muttered, "Despite everything...don't let that happen....". "Well, you might be able to figure something out to get you both off the hook, but you can't do it alone...only way that boy's getting off the hook is if he makes a good case for himself, and no doubt the trail's already being planned, we're not going to tell them about the girls, considering if that gets out we'll have more then Her to worry about. But they kinda have to know about angel and what he did to the kingdom...everyone has to know and he's going to be on trial...and considering the situation, good chance he's screwed.". Sky grumbled as she caved in, she had no choice did she? "Fine....we'll work together.....but....don't be surprised if some of them don't trust you mom....they're kinda peeved at you and I think they will still be if you force them to not help, they want to help...", sky ushered to her sisters in the back, janna smiled, "Oh trust me, i think this situation will be awkward for awhile, but we're kinda in a pitfall and well....looks like it's time for a new strategy....besides you kinda don't have a choice, I am your mom.". The princess only grumbled, "I really hope you're not lying to me, cause right now is not a good time to be lying to me...I don't need mom to come in and...and take them away...". "Nah...at this point, your mom would be crazy to say no on you helping, and honestly, if she does, i get the feeling eclipsa and me would probably fight for it. I mean, eclipsa doesn't want you in serious danger but she also goes on and on that that you should help and be active how you can so....you tell us what you know, we tell you what we know and maybe we can crush them instantly. I mean, I honestly can't complain about working with kids to take down people, we were teens when we took down threats...about your age...". Janna stood up, fixing her suit and crossing her arms, "Your still grounded to all heck and back sky, but girls......welcome to the team.". - Sky was so sure she'd be punished honestly, like SEVERELY punished for this, she had been expecting the worst kind of outcome and it to be the end of the world, but not only was she actually asked to help, but her mom actually wasn't going to lay a finger on the girls? Maybe she really had thought the worst of her family, though her other mom was the one who needed to agree, not to mention the other parents in the situation, she felt relieved, though still upset. She didn't want them to know for a reason, they'd take the credit, they'd restrict her. There was no way she would've been able to do what she did if they worked with her beforehand and she knew it, the only reason her mom thought they should work together is because sky already got so far and they needed her if they wanted to get any closer. Angel would never speak to her moms, and all the stuff they learned and experienced they would have no knowledge of, it was an uncomfortable task, if she said too much would she be useless to her moms after that, back to being cut out? She believed her moms needed her and wanted her around to help. She wasn't sure to believe that this wasn't temporary. Though after the whole meeting everyone was sent right to their rooms, including her, not even getting a chance to see judas before being escorted in and having her doors shut behind her. She wasn't sure about seeing him anyway, and it's not like she couldn't text him. She was relived, more then relieved, but that didn't mean she was happy, there was no telling i they knew...how long it might take to spread all over mewni. Not to mention she couldn't be sure or trusting of anyone right now. Angel. She was still mad with him alright, but treason? There was no telling what could happen to him if the worst came to be, the crown being handed so someone would break his heart. Was he a poor prince? Yes. Could he have been miles better then he was? Yes. But even Sky had to admit this was unfair to someone who despite everything really did want the throne and did want to actually help, she wondered if he was aware he'd lose the crown  when he tried to break from the deal. He probably did, angel wasn't that stupid. He really sacrificed all that for them didn't he? Sigh. She fell on her bed and shoved her face into her pillow, she didn't know what to think anymore, she didn't know whether to feel safe or terrified, whether to be mad or happy. She was in a mix of so many emotions as she turned on her side, holding onto her wand tight. She could go through that portrait on her wall, go see eclipsa, but she didn't want to, seeing her right now was probably worse then going to see angel or even her mother in fact. At least she was used to years of her mom treating her like she was incapable to handle important things, or angel going against her and her further being disappointed in him. She was not used to Eclipsa of all people being against her like this, not even that eclipsa was such a big presence in her life, but whenever she was it was always praise and encouragement of sky. Eclipsa just outright exposing her like that? God, so much for putting her trust in her. She should sleep, she needed more rest, all these thoughts going through her head were starting to mess her up, she needed to sleep it off and worry about it later. Thought honestly she wasn't even sure she could fall asleep under these conditions, even if she really wanted to, she didn't like being so alone, she didn't know about texting judas, didn't want to talk to eclipsa or angel. Here she was instead, lying down in her room, all alone, slightly bruised up, and emotionally drained. She almost didn't hear the faint tapping coming from her window, though when she did, she immediately clutched her wand in utter fear, only to be relieved when the face she was seeing was....Nora's? She headed over to open the window and thankfully nora wasn't floating in mid-air but was being held by a familiar purple demon, judas helping nora through the window before heading in himself before shutting it behind them. " I had to try and evade katrina at least a little, but if she finds me she can't scold me for just seeing you....". "Why'd you sneak through my window?". "Nora didn't want to run into her parents, besides, your room is uh....still guarded, didn't think they'd let us in...", his shoulders sagged in relief and he wiped at his face, "Sky i'm....I'm really happy to see you...did....did everything go ok?". His friend sighed, walking up and immediately pressed her head against his chest, "It was my other mom....and uh....well...look, it's....i'm grounded but....my mom wants us...all of us, to work together and catch the culprit together.". "Really? That's....that's great! My parents....are actually kinda on a similar path....it's....better then I thought at least...", Judas felt a wave of relief overcoming him, though sky was quick to shake her head. "Judas....it's not....the only reason they're doing this is because we know things and they need us, sure...they're not gonna separate us and thankfully do nothing to the girls but....I....they know, what if they're lying to us? What if we tell them everything and they just don't want us to help anymore afterwards? If we hadn't almost captured that....Her, who knows what they would've done to all of us, but judas...we caught...we caught a criminal, backed her into a corner that they had to run to get away...". "So you worry after they get our help....they won't go easy on us anymore...that they're not punishing us because they need us?". She nodded. "And worse off, angel is going to be trialed for treason.....". Judas shuddered, "Oh.....oh....that's....", he wasn't surprised, if anything he expected this to happen, angel would never get off the hook for doing this even if he had been successful and caught Her. But hearing Sky say it made him freeze, god that, kid wasn't caching a break at all. "Sky...I don't think we have a choice in this situation, if we want to stop them, we have to help our families, though yeah I'm not sure what'll happen afterwards. We can't just back out of not helping them, and going off on our own will.....cause more issues..maybe..maybe we'd be better off holding back...?". "Wait...judas, you want to...hold back?", the words that came from his mouth sounded so strange for the boy sky was bewildered. Though the prince quickly tried to explain, "It's just....in doing all this, I put my own brothers in danger, I put you in danger..and if you mom hadn't jumped in to save you.....maybe we shouldn't be trying to track her like we were and putting ourselves so far in the forefront... not because i don't trust you sky, or nora, or landon, or any of you....but...back there...we could've lost somebody...". "You're starting to sound like eclipsa.". "Sky i'm not saying we shouldn't be involved at all, we should...I'm not backing out of doing this....this concerns us greatly and we can't back out of it at this point. I'm just saying maybe what we should do is work behind the shadows, maybe they should be at the front and we work from behind the scenes, sky most of us are still kids....mason should've never been involved in that and If i hadn't been so stupid to get our guy I would've sent him home...but I didn't..we saved Angel, and I'm glad we did...but we're in more danger then ever right now and we can't keep doing things how we did....". Sky's gaze turned to Nora, who was standing awkwardly between the two friends, "Ok, what do you think nora? You're here too....if we gotta work with our parents...well...". Nora blinked at them, trying to raise her voice and clamping her hands together forcefully, "Well....it's...I'm glad I went...I....I really am glad....but...maybe..judas has a point,...maybe we should help in our own way. I mean....just...if she comes after us...we're doomed if...if angel is crownless or sky is in prison or.....if we just let her take us all...". "What are you saying...?". "I'm saying...maybe if we want to fix this and fight back, we should be doing things like getting you off the radar fully or helping angel....with his mom or not lose his crown, we can't keep putting ourselves at the front lines of peril, at least...not while they knew we almost caught them...but....we can at least keep you from losing your wand or angel from being dethroned and just see what we can do to help....we should do something sky...we...just because we aren't going after her full force doesn't mean we can't help...your moms have no reason to help angel...but...we do....despite everything...". Judas seemed to agree, "You can still be mad with him, you have every right to be...but he needs us right now and he's our best bet if we're ever going to get close to watching them....we might be able to sway his kingdom on his side again, which considering how much they sorta hated him before is a bit of a tough bet, but it might help him from being dethroned. Angel thinks she's going to come after him sky, he....he's worried he'll......he can't even leave this castle....we should help him...he screwed up but....he also tried to put an end to it too and risked his life to do so...we can't give up on him...". "And his mom...?She's not going to hold in much longer and if she does pass? Who knows how that might affect our relationship with that kingdom, especially considering the sitauion and her in our care..", her gaze heading back to Nora. "I'll offer my freedom to have my parents help with a cure...", nora mumbled, stepping forward, "I.....Mason is offering his garden, and we have the resources to help...I....I know it's....scary I just...I almost lost my parents....I don't want to watch him lose his....". That made Sky backtrack, Nora would really go back on her freedom, finally getting out there and making friends, just to help out someone her family was supposed to hate? Even Nora still seemed to be dealing with this choice, but seemed to accept it. "You'd really do that? I mean, Nora, I don't want you going back to....that mess...". "Sky I....your magic does scare me..a lot of things scare me...angel scares me....but...I've been training forever to save lives...so....I can't walk out on this, no matter what..... I should do something....", she was almost demanding, something new for her, and she seemed proud of it? "If I can save a life and maybe help fix the scar left between our families....shouldn't I? Shouldn't I try? The past is....gross, it's gross what....my family did to his....but...I can help." "So....what's the plan then?", sky leaned against her wall, looking at her friends, "You don't want us in the direct line of danger since angel could've gotten well...yeah....if nora is giving up her freedom to help, then we won't be able to speak to her much at all, even if her parents just lock her in this castle....how the heck are we supposed to keep me or angel safe in this mess? I want us safe as much as you do but even I'm not sure how to keep us safe...". "We'll help our parents with their search,we won't tell them...everything...we certainly can't admit...the galexia thing, just what we need...in the meanwhile...we need to help angel and get more from him, and we need to figure out whatever the high commission is using against you and shut it down officially before they use it against you, we can't keep going out into the field and putting ourselves in direct danger because we've already exposed ourselves, but that doesn't mean there's nothing we can do here...we're just going to have to be more sneaky...more smart...and more safe...". "Sky, we can't change the past, they know now and there's no telling what they'll do with that information, but all we can do now Is help where we can and keep each other safe until further notice...is that ok?", the bluenette tugged on her hat and mumbled, "I already agreed to my mother's offer so....I guess we just have to deal with it...". She felt judas pull her into a hug and she sighed into his chest, "I'm glad....I'm glad we're still..". She struggled to get it out but he happily finished it for her, "Sky, you know i'd never let them keep us apart....we'll figure something out, it's not over for us and we'll prove ourselves....to our parents and everyone else...we're not done until we say we are..". - Landon huffed in his room, staring up at the ceiling and trying and failing to play his music, he was a little too distracted for that despite his attempts. He nearly managed to catch her, she was in his grasp and he even had a potion he could use to question people but I guess that's what he gets for allowing his younger brother into the group without really mentioning landon wanted to be the one to do this himself. Knowing judas he was already working on a backup plan despite being in serious trouble. There was no way judas would give this up, even if he did want to change things to avoid making the same mistakes again. And even Landon couldn't get mad at him for that because he was considering the same thing, that being fled to the magic dimension of all places, a universe landon had never stepped a foot in before, but he was more then familiar with. He was young when his parents went there to see if the goo could help cure his brother, returning with a ton of empty pudding cups and disappointed faces, there had to be evidence in there right? Unless the Queen had already gotten everything there was to get out there. Not to mention Sky's wand, maybe he needed a better look at that wand himself. He wondered, if maybe he should.... No, that would be stupid and entirely dangerous, especially now, though he couldn't help but think about it. He'd never been to that dimension before and for good reason, losing your memories in there to the magic was dangerous and getting them back could be worse, his parents would certainly ground him worse then before. Judas was already bad enough taking so much of the heat, good chance if landon went there they'd think judas was responsible. But he couldn't seem to stop thinking about it. His compact rung and sure enough, it was his brother. Judas: Landon, I'm sorry I dragged you into something so dangerous...I never should've gotten you involved in this mess, you don't have to help if you don't want to anymore...me and sky right now need to work on helping angel and figure out our next course of action Judas: We might have to do it on our own, I just don't want you hurt like angel was... Judas: If you want out, then you can stay out, if you want to help us...then just let us know Judas: Please stay safe Yep, sounds like judas alright. What were their parents bound to do with this information? Go to those other universes themselves? Ask the girls about their worlds in response to their problems in the then and now? He didn't like the thought of his parents questioning celeste considering how uncomfortable she already was around them and about her life back home in general. God, this entire situation was a mess, a complete and utter mess and he wasn't sure what they could do in this condition. For once, he couldn't even be entirely mad with Judas because this was way out of his hand, they got caught because of eclipsa or even sky, not because of him, and he was actually apologizing and taking most if not all the blame for it. Though it was almost surreal having the boy not want to take any direct action or fight back, his brother wasn't stupid but he was more inclined to handle something directly then wait at the sidelines for other people to fix his problem. If judas wanted something, he'd ask for it, he'd ask for help. He'd never seen judas be pushed out of putting himself in the direct line of fire to solve an issue before. He'd almost expected judas to text him telling him the plan was still going and then had some secret plan to avoid getting in further trouble but no, if landon wanted to, judas was giving him an out while he and sky continued to help from wherever they could, no longer creepy doll hunting. Sure, all their parents were powerful so maybe they could handle it but what a way for their team to come to an end, found out and then just flop apart. He had an out, he could go, just focus on his music and Bernard. That was what he should do right? They lost, they failed, they shouldn't be pushing the bubble any harder then they already did, it was almost as if if they did another wrong move they'd be done for. Judas already was taking most of the heat, and he was paying for it. Landon could just move on, he could go back to normal life at this point and let the adults handle it. Like they've been handling issues and attacks in mewni for years and years. Yeah, back to normal.... Where Landon was unremarkable in any way, the forgotten brother. Landon sat up, grasping his compact in his hands, thinking it over before quickly texting judas back. Landon: I'm in, what's the plan?
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nicklangfordmuse · 6 years
in my head | cops
How did we get here?
It’s only been three weeks since we started hanging out. I mean, I’m not complaining at all but I swore to your father that I would never pursue you. And I’m not the kind of guy who pursues a girl. Usually, you girls come after me and if I like you enough, I might just spend two more weeks with you. 
But with you, it’s different. How is that possible? It started with three times a week. A visit your office and bring you back to your apartment and after an hour conversation, I go home. And then the second week, it became five times a day. Same shit goes, I visit your office and then bring you back to your apartment. But...I go home at 2 in the morning? I need to clock in at work at 8 o’clock! I’m a lazy person and yet, even with 4 hours of sleep, I still get up for work because you send me those good morning texts and remind me that I need to save the day of a child who lost her pet. Cute. 
So now, we’re in week three. I’ve been in your apartment everyday for four days straight now. There’s three more days left and I’m pretty sure this is where I’ll still be during those days. Of course, we’ve kissed. We’ve settled that last week. But tonight’s different. It’s very different. It looked different and it felt different. 
Game night is on TV. It’s the final round for wheel of fortune and somehow, we managed to stay close even when we try to get the answer correctly first. God, you’re so competitive! Why is it so fucking cute? And don’t you dare act like I didn’t notice how you would kiss my hand every now and then? And my cheek too. Of course, I had to try it too. And it just felt natural to be like this with you. My arm across your shoulders and our fingers locked together. 
“You want some more ice cream?”
That meant letting go so I had to shake my head and refuse the dessert.
“What about you? I can get the second tub from the fridge.” I offered and you answered the same way I did. I’m guessing you didn’t want to let go either. And so we sat there, trying to get through the game.
The category is movie scenes. How general? No way the contestant’s getting this right. We watch as he tries to guess as much without adding any more letters. We sat there in complete silence, trying to get a win from this silly game night we’re having. 
“It definitely has ‘kiss’ on the phrase.” I guessed as the two s could only mean that. And after a few seconds, you answered. “Rain Kiss.” It was a whisper but it sounded so loud to me, like a request. I had to turn my head at you as the smile slowly grew on my face. Why am I looking at you like I’m part of that movie scene they’re trying to guess? 
The contestant wasn’t able to get it but you did and if you were actually playing, you could’ve won a million dollars already. My imagination was interrupted as you jumped up and started celebrating that you got the right answer. I watch as you danced like a little girl in front of the TV, moving freely as if you actually won the prize. Honestly, sitting here and being with you, that feels more like getting the grand prize. As you jumped back on the couch and cuddled with me, a thought came to my mind.
“How did you guess that? Have you tried it?”
Your face looked confused as you turned to me. “What? Be in a movie scene?” You asked with that adorable laugh of yours.
“No. I meant...the rain kiss.” 
Still giggling, you kept your attention at me with your legs stretched over my thighs like it’s the most comfortable position for you. “Never. It sounds romantic though. And cute. Maybe one day. Who knows?”
“Wanna try it?” It suddenly came out of my mouth and like toothpaste, I couldn’t put it back in. It’s out there now and instantly, my face turned red. Of course, you noticed that with how you’re smirking at me. 
“It’s not even raining outside.” Yep, I know that. No need to tell me the obvious, Katrina. “But...I do have an idea.” Of course, you smarty pants. You always have an idea. The greatest, actually. I don’t get why your boss still hasn’t given you that promotion. “Tell me.” I dared you as you jumped out and ran to your bedroom. What could you be getting there that would help a rain kiss?
After a couple of minutes, you’re carrying your laptop bag and projector to the living room. I found it funny so sorry for laughing. I’ll kiss that cute little pout of yours later. “Why do you have a projector?” 
“I told you about my presentation for tomorrow. It’s out of the office so I had to bring this home so I can use it.” I awkwardly pressed my lips because I forgot about that. It wasn’t making out or sex related so it didn’t really stick in my head. Sorry.
“Right. Of course, I remember. What’s your plan?” I had to divert the topic as you set up your laptop and projector. You were quiet for a while and I’m really getting curious about your plan. Suddenly, the wall lit up with the projector pointing at it. A picture of the stars at night. Seriously?
“Since...we cant really go out in general. You know...with people seeing us, I figured, we’d bring the outside world here.” Okay, Maher. Not a bad idea. But...there’s more, right? “And...” You added and I was right. There’s more. You pressed one button and the sound of the rain filled the living room and it felt so real. Everything feels so real with you, it’s kind of scaring me. Nothing has ever come close to this for me with a girl. And somehow, I like it. 
Chuckling, I move to where you are, standing by the projector with the stars in the night sky as our background. “Well, this is interesting.” That’s all I could say? How stupid of me! Or wait, am I getting speechless with you? I’ve never been genuinely speechless unless someone’s kissing me. 
“Cool, right? Does it feel real?” Your question sounds like you’re reading my mind!
Swallowing hard, all I could do is press my lips and nod at you. You’d look really beautiful under the light of just the moon and the stars. You’re the brightest among them. We’re just quiet for a few seconds, just looking at each other like we’re actually out there, under the rain. 
“Should we...say something before we...?” So, now, I can’t complete a statement?
You shrug your shoulders and look at me with that beautiful smile. “In movies, they usually say what they feel before they...kiss. But...I know that you... I mean, I get that you’re not...into...feelings and all.”
“No.” I suddenly say and the complete shock was so evident in your face. I knew I had to quickly follow it up with an explanation. “It’s...it’s your first kiss...under the rain. I can do...feelings. But let’s just...keep it simple. Like...five words each. Or less.” It’s a stupid suggestion but I didn’t want you to feel like I don’t exactly care the way you do. 
Surprisingly, you agreed to it. “I can start.” Thank God, you volunteered. I wouldn’t know what to say if I went first. “I...like...having...you...here.” You say as you count down the words.
I couldn’t help but smile at you because it sounded so simple. It’s the perfect balance to the serious and not so serious aspect of our relationship. Or friendship? What exactly do we call this? Okay. My turn. “I...” Paused with one word. “Like...being here...with you.” I added and it made you chuckled as you realized something. “Thats six.” As you continued to laugh, the perfect response came out of my mouth. “I just figured...’you’ and ‘I’ could be one.” 
And just like the movies, after one smile, my hands cupped your face and your arms wrapped around my body as our lips connected. ‘You’ and ‘I’ did become one. 
Out of all the kisses we’ve shared, this felt the most special and realest. Maybe it was the stars or the sound of the rain. Or maybe it’s just you. I’m honoured to have been the first guy you’ve had your rain kiss with. And guess what? You’re mine, too. I don’t think I would’ve wanted to share that with anyone but you, anyway. 
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nicklangfordmuse · 6 years
They had been making out any chance they get when they’re together and Nick was finding it very addictive. He’s been addicted to having sex and getting dirty with several women but rarely he comes back to a girl as much as he does with Katrina. Commitments are really scary for him and he just doesn’t like getting tied down in a relationship anymore since all it does is hurt him. 
One of the reasons why he loves coming back to Katrina is the thrill of sneaking around. Frank doesn’t know a thing. No one knows a thing about them but themselves. He’s been coming to her apartment for three straight days now and he even stayed there the night before his day off. Still, he’s unlucky with having sex with. She’s been saying no every time he brings it up but that’s not gonna stop him from asking. 
Nick luckily got another day off that day but he met a girl earlier that wanted to meet and maybe he’ll have a better chance of having sex with her. So, instead of telling the truth, Nick told Katrina that he’s been put on the night shift again. She asked if they can just have a quick dinner in her apartment instead before he goes to work. Figuring that shouldn’t hurt, Nick agreed to it but to play the part, he had to wear his uniform too. It was a quick dinner and surprisingly, Nick didn’t bring up the topic about having sex. Katrina found that weird but she was just glad that she didn’t need to turn him down for another night. 
Heading to the door, they didn’t make out much as he only had limited time before his “shift” that night. Standing by the door, that’s when they caught up with the kisses.The simple pecks turned into a hot five minute make out session. His hands were going down on her butt and when she felt it, Katrina groaned against his lips as they both chuckled. Pulling his hands back up to her waist, Katrina glared at him. “Too low.” She said and Nick chuckled. “Sorry. I just tried it.” He said, looking at the time as he sighed. “I gotta go.” He said, rubbing her cheeks a little.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Katrina asked and Nick still isn’t sure of his schedule. Pressing his lips, Nick shrugged his shoulders and sighed. “I’m not sure yet. I’ll text you when I can drop by again.” Katrina looked a little surprised at his words but then remembered, they’re not together. He’s not her boyfriend so she can’t exactly ask why or demand his presence so instead, Katrina nodded at her. Kissing her a few more seconds, Nick finally said goodbye and went out. 
Going to Bailey’s place, Nick was glad that she didn’t question why he smelled like lavender. Katrina’s scent has rubbed on him even if they hadn’t done much. The moment he steps inside that apartment, he will instantly smell like Katrina. Their night started fast as he was instantly led to the bed. It got as far as Nick was just in his pants. Bailey was grinding on him but Nick just wasn’t getting hard. He was just getting uncomfortable with his eyes open but whenever he’d close his eyes, he could see Katrina grinding on him which made him smile. 
“Open your eyes, baby. I want you to look at me.” She asked and Nick tried, squeezing her breasts but he just had to close his eyes again. “I said, open your eyes. Watch me.” She said and Nick tried opening his eyes again but he was just getting uncomfortable. Shaking his head, Nick stopped her. “Sorry. I...I can’t do it. I’m not getting hard enough.” He said and the girl got offended. “I’m doing my part. What are you doing?” She asked, getting off of Nick as she put her clothes back on. 
Was he feeling guilty? Why can’t he stop thinking about Katrina? More importantly, why does it feel so much better to make out with Katrina than to have sex with this girl? He doesn’t want to think that Katrina is above every other girls he’s been with because that would be like admitting that he’s in love with Katrina or something, which he thinks he isn’t at all. Maybe it’s just the wrong girl. “I gotta go. I’m sorry.” He said, putting his clothes back on. About five minutes later, he was out of the door and walking back to Katrina’s apartment. Standing in front of the building, he wondered if she’s still awake. He also wondered if he really should be there right now.
Ringing Katrina, he stayed outside, staring at her window.
Katrina was just on her couch watching TV when she noticed Nick calling him. Smiling, she answered. “What? Break time already?” She asked jokingly and it made Nick chuckle.
“What are you doing? Why are you still up?” He asked her curiously as Katrina muted the TV to hear Nick better. “I’m...just watching TV. Can’t sleep, to be honest.” She admitted and Nick chuckled.
“Thinking about me?” He asked teasingly.
“Maybe. Why are you on the phone? Shouldn’t you be working?” She asked and Nick closed his eyes as he sighed, hating the feeling of lying to Katrina. “I... You’d be surprise at how stupid I can be. Turns out, I’m not the Nick who has the night shift tonight. It’s Nick Wheeler. Not Nick Langford. I’m given the day off today.”
Katrina was surprised, chuckling at his revelation. Did he just miss his second day off, thinking he has to work tonight? “Well, that sucks. You could’ve done more things today, you know?” She said, teasing him as she laid down the couch. Shrugging his shoulders, Nick kept his eyes on the window. “Making out with you for five minutes by your door was enough for me.” He said, pressing his lips together. Katrina was quiet for a while and Nick wondered if she fell asleep but no, she was just listening to him breathe as it gave her comfort.
“Or...maybe...not enough. There’s still 15 minutes before the day ends. Mind letting me up there?” He asked and after a few seconds, she ran up to the window and saw him. They both had the biggest grin on their faces. “Wait for me down there.” Katrina said and Nick was confused. He could’ve just gone up there so she wouldn’t have to go down but the call was dropped and he could tell she was running down to him already. Once she was out of the building, Katrina ran up to him and Nick caught her perfectly and naturally. Their bodies knew what they would do as their lips connected. Nick closed his eyes and opened it. It was like the best feeling he’s had in a very long time and he knew coming back here was the right decision.
Katrina pulled back and had to smile in the small distance between their faces. Her arms were around his neck while Nick held her properly around her back, making sure his hands don’t go down to her butt like she requested. “God, it feels good to kiss you in public.” She whispered and that made Nick chuckle. They could be themselves in public now that everyone in the neighborhood is already heavy in their sleep.
“For the record, ever since I went out of your apartment earlier, I couldn’t stop thinking about you too.” Nick said with a smirk and Katrina chuckled. “I said maybe. I didn’t say I was thinking about you.” She said with a laugh. “Maybe is like the 95% equivalent of yes.” Nick defended and Katrina just glared at him again before thinking of something. “Do you want to stay the night?” 
“Maybe.” Nick said before kissing her again as they went upstairs to her apartment.
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