#if there's demons and hell and witches who says there aren't any vampires
radarchives · 1 year
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Hi! Just read this fic (https://archiveofourown.org/works/33748141) and the post that inspired it (https://ladycrimsonandblack.tumblr.com/post/658164849325604866/brawltogethernow-brawltogethernow-tama-gives), and was wondering if you knew any other fics where Luffy is a Fae or a Changeling or just not really human? Thanks!
Hello ! Sorry this took us a while, as it seems there are very few fics that fall under that category, but here's what we've got for you:
The closest that comes to mind is :
Wild Wind At Dressrosa by khepiari (M)
[Mod notes: I am personally recommending this one as it is set in a world of magical realism. Luffy is not explicitly a magical creature, but there is certainly a certain magic and mystery surrounding him, which gives this story a whole air of surrealness and fairy tales.]
Doflamingo has troubles- to govern Dressrosa, collect taxes for the King, a womanizing Secretary, a stupid Brother, an angry Wife and a Rebelling Son who is romancing the Biggest Troublemaker- a Wayfaring Godless Curio-Shopkeeper, who is storming the calm streets of Dressrosa. Law's heart is hell-bent to unite with the Wild Wind called Monkey D Luffy- a tale of food, books, friendship and love.
The Moonwitch And His Dumb Werewolf (also) by khepiari (T)
A.U., Fantasy. Happy Ending. Three Part. LawLu (Switch Couple) When his village gets burned down and family captured by the bounty hunters, a young werewolf pup, Luffy, finds himself in the protection of a witch boy named Law and his father Corazon. As the war ravages, the magical creatures must unite to fight their biggest enemies; humans.
Perfect Completion by quackquackcey (E)
Water sprite Luffy curiously happens upon a gathering of vampires and falls at first sight for a certain golden-eyed vampire…but will his feelings be returned?~
A Crown of Flowers by @hyperbolicreverie (M)
The Wild is a mirror, a magic realm of possibility parallel to the mundane one, and people like Luffy, changelings who've made a devil's bargain for power, walk the line between worlds daily. When Luffy makes a mad dash to rescue his brother from certain death, he sets off a chain of events that makes the very foundations of that realm shudder. Soon, he's got several other people along for the ride, and the situation quickly spirals out of control. There's something the people in power aren't saying, and it might be the key to all the strange events that keep happening around them. Luffy just wants adventure and fun and freedom. Law just wants to be left alone to live his life. Kid wants to never be beholden to someone else again. And Ace just wants some goddamn agency for once. But there are other entities in the Wild with agendas of their own, and they don't care about what others want at all.
How To Snare A Life by xairylle (E)
Accidentally ensnaring a parasitic sexual demon and being his host wasn't exactly how Law wanted to end his night or his life for that matter. LawLu/LuLaw.
A Fleeting Moment (When the Sun Can Kiss the Moon) by purplehairedwonder (T)
Once upon a time, the Sun fell in love with the Moon.
[We also recommend checking the #Sun God Luffy tag for godly Luffy material.
And finally, not Fae Luffy, but we'd like to recommend Fae Law]
To Give You My Name by cosmicatta (M)
Trafalgar Law, last of the faes, had committed a fatal mistake 15 years ago: he had given Doflamingo his full name. Now, even after having escaped, the looming threat of his ownership still follows Law everyhwere he goes. He can only try to survive as a runaway, hoping to, someday, find a way to cut the invisible string tying him to his former captor. Until he meets Luffy. He’s just a regular human. But maybe that’s all Law needs.
And, ofc, the one you recommended:
waters of the wild by ladycrimsonandblack (T)
Even to his nakama, Luffy sometimes appears just a little bit too odd. (Or: Five times a Straw Hat notices something strange about Luffy, and the one time someone knows what's going on.)
We're also happy to tell you that your ask prompted some of our writers to give Fae Luffy a shot, so expect some new fics under that tag soon enough.
-Mod Gigi
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ladyhindsight · 5 months
Hi, I saw that previous ask that was sent by someone else about the parallels between the Shadowhunter society and Israel and it reminded me about the way that Cordelia is portrayed in TLH. When CC initially said that there would be Iranian characters (Cordelia and Alastair) in TLH (before the series was released), she was asked on her tumblr blog if these characters would be Muslim. She said that they cannot be Muslim because Shadowhunters do not follow any religion therefore they are all atheist. But this was really strange to me because in all of her books, the characters reference God a lot, their swords are named after angels in the bible, they are always quoting bible verses, and they also reference events that happened in the bible. So it always seemed like to me that the entire shadowhunter society was based off of religion. If Shadowhunters are all atheist then why are they always talking about God and the bible? In TMI, it’s stated that the two first Shadowhunter parabatai were Jonathan and David who were close as brothers; this is referencing Jonathan and David from the bible. It’s stated that the entire Shadowhunter race was founded when the angel Raziel mixed his angel blood with human blood which means that in this universe angels are REAL. I also think it was stated that Raziel was sent down by God or something but I can’t remember. the demons of hell (Asmodeus, Belial, etc) are also real. Hell is real as well apparently.
So basically the implications of this are that Cordelia assimilated into the Shadowhunter religion rather than her own. Since she’s a Shadowhunter that means she’s half angel.. so of course she can’t be Muslim because her entire existence disproves that in CC’s view. So since CC chose to make angels and God real in her universe, and also saying that Cordelia and Alastair cannot be Muslim, what is she even trying to say?? That God and angels and the bible are real but other religions aren’t??
Not to mention that Cordelia and Alastair are half white by father and have English first and last names (just like all of CC’s characters of colour..)
The faith of Raziel has been a previous discussion point on the blog years past, so I'll reiterate some points here. The topic has rared its head every now and then again, mostly because it is inconsistent and senseless and pretty insensitive to the whole concept of religion.
Clare created a religion for the Shadowhunters to follow, to believe in Raziel as their angelic creator, and formed some base rules for it, which essentially are that Shadowhunters have their own religion and thus don't practice others, and the Ascendants have to convert from the any previous religion to the one of the Nephilim. When discussing Sona, it is stated that "some Islam and Qur’an stories have been blended into Sona’s beliefs, though she is not exactly Muslim as Shadowhunters do not conform to any mundane religion and have their own where they worship Raziel." Which is still yeah, alright, but the whole faith in Raziel is still contradictory at best.
How can you draw so much religious inspiration while at the same time divorce yourself from it completely? The Nephilim religion is based on their creation, mundane religions also based on creation myths, so how is the Nephilim one the one everyone has to adhere to when all the stories are true? It's ludicrous that the Shadowhunters are brought up with such doctrines as "all the stories are true", basically act atheistic, but also at the same time demand other people from other religion to join their faith instead and adhere to their doctrines in which you wouldn’t necessarily believe in.
It seems "all the stories are true" don't apply to religion but fantasy elements such as witches, warlocks, vampires, werewolves, and faeries. With religion (Abrahamic ones to be exact), Clare is being picky.
The Shadowhunters aren't even particularly religious themselves, they have no culture or customs surrounding the faith of Raziel, no rites or holidays or sacred traditions or anything. They might as well be atheistic in the sense that none of the characters, sans Cristina (and her family?), practice the Nephilim religion. But even with Cristina, how does her faith show other than her belief in angels and her religious medallion she wears? Clare not being particularly religious is really reflected on the fact that not much though went into this. Previously when discussing Jonathan Shadowhunter, I said that:
Jonathan’s country of origin is never told, but of course from when the map was what it was during the Crusades. Not that it really matters because we can pretty much deduce they were Europeans since the First Crusade was initiated by the Latin Church and was partaken by the contemporary European kingdoms and empires. There’s also the fact that the roots of the birth of the Nephilim are in religious wars, and trying to remove Jonathan Shadowhunter and the origin of the Nephilim from that is evasive. Okay, let’s leave this thing here and go do this completely other stuff, totally didn’t just try to invade another land and get distracted. It’s interesting to note some liberties authors and filmmakers take when it comes to representing a part of some culture, religion, or myths. What makes inspiration differ from misrepresentation and all that. The wiki states that: “Jonathan then transformed his sister, Abigail, and his friend, David, into Shadowhunters. Inspired by the tale of their coincidental biblical namesakes, Jonathan and David took that story and became the first parabatai, performing a ritual where they took each other’s blood, spoke the oath, and inscribed the runes upon each other.” In Books of Samuel, Jonathan and David, bonded by a strong friendship, form a covenant by taking a mutual oath. “Now it came about when he had finished speaking to Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as himself.” It’s funny that an author writes their coincidental biblical namesakes when there is absolutely nothing coincidental about it. It isn’t just that Clare was inspired by the writings in the Old Testament, she outright writes that her characters took that story, being coincidentally named the same, and created the parabatai bond based on it. They acted on religious texts. And of course, Jonathan’s sister just happened to be named after the second wife of King David. [...] Why is their faith so centered on Raziel alone when their universe is obviously filled with other god-like beings and entities? I guess it’d be fine if Raziel was worshiped as a patron but didn’t exclude other faiths and the Nephilim didn’t outright demand you to just drop the religion you practice. Why is it suddenly the Shadowhunters’ business what you can worship and what not? There plenty of polytheistic religions so why can’t the Shadowhunters be polytheistic too? It’s nothing away from worshiping Raziel.
Clare made ground rules for the Nephilim religion but failed to ask the follow up question that essentially makes the basis crumble. Let's even consider Jace Herondale who first said that he does not believe in angels or a god. As the series progress, it becomes all the more evident and rather glaringly so that angels (Ithuriel) and Raziel himself/themselves(?) are very real. Jace experiences no growth or acknowledgment as to this. When Jace is faced with Lilith, he throws her and Sammael's love and Sammael's earlier demise at hands of the archangel Michael at her face, names his angel blade Michael when fighting Lilith, but at no point do we really see how did we get from point A to point C where any of this contradictory behavior is realized or discussed between the characters. Or even acknowledged that holy shit, these biblical beings actually exist.
Hell, even The Last Hours has God (or a god?) himself smiting down Belial, a fallen angel, and NO ONE EVEN BATS AN EYE. Most Shadowhunters are really apathetic towards heaven-level stuff happening right in front of them. In some other older post I said:
The thing that strikes me as particularly odd is that they constantly cite the Bible, and their oaths—the parabatai one, for instance, from the Old Testament—are of biblical origin, and Jonathan Shadowhunter himself was told to be a crusader, yet none of it is considered Jewish or Christian. Angels are inherently religious beings, and Abrahamic religions and whatnot where they appear are far older institutions than Shadowhunters are as a race. I just don’t see it as a good idea to draw so much from their religious mythology but completely cut ties with their spirituality and meaning.
[Here's a link to a post compiling some of the earlier pondering on this mess.] If you want, you can also check my Jonathan Shadowhunter tag, I've been sent some great thoughts about him and the Nephilim creation.
Part of the problem also lies, once again, within the worldbuilding, the major lack thereof, because I don't think materializing the Princes of Hell was in the early plans for Clare, at least considering books 1-3 of The Mortal Instrument. None of it was essential to her nor a primary objective in the development of the Shadowhunting world.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Supernatural!MultiVillains x Reader || Drabbles
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Plots / Includes: I wanted to do some more traditional monster/victim stuff so here we go! Okay so Bowzer isn't exactly traditional but he's serving as the sorta dragon-type. Let me have Bowzer. Sort of fairytale/black and white movie feels hopefully.
Basically- MONSTERS.
Bowser x reader || Monstrous Captor ||- Your Prince Charming is on his way- but maybe the way the monster gets your heart beating, and the size of his hands; the total non-humanness of the thing, and the honest way he talks to you... will get to you first.
Ghost!The Deathslinger / Caleb Quinn x reader || A Ghost ||- You work at what used to be, the Hellshire Penitentiary, which is now a hotel rather then a prison. Not all of the place is used, and what isn't is creepy as hell and rumoured to be haunted because of its terrible history, but these abandoned depths are exactly where the laundry room is. And you are in charge of laundry... which leaves you plenty of time, with the mysterious ghost you know i truly real, and who sometimes reveals himself to you; Caleb Quinn.
Duke (The Night) x reader || A Vampire ||- You've always wanted more then this plain, typical life that's been set out for you by the universe. And he's offering you so, so much more... but you know just as much will be taken away if you accept. Still, its getting harder and harder to hold out.
Hades x reader || The King of the Underworld ||- Some people get proposed to by men with dowries, and flowers, and a nice townhouse. Some people say yes the first time. Some people's suitors stop asking after they say no. In none of these ways are you some people.
Inkubus x reader || An Incubi Demon ||- You meet a mysterious fellow on your walk home from work, late at night. And he says all the right things.
*PLATONIC Seedeater x reader || A Wild Beast ||- You're out camping one night with an insufferable man, who you refuse to even consider as a suitor though your family desperately want you to, when a wild beats tears into your camp ground and an interference from you causes your suitors bullet to miss- and the monster to kill him, instead.
Ursula x reader || A Sea Witch ||- You make a deal with the devil, and now you belong to her.
Warnings: Monster loving (Perhaps some monster fucking... later... ). Kissing. And Duke must drink your blood a lil. Just a tad. A LIL. A sIP.
Song recommendations: Just A Little Peck (I Kissed A Vampire), Twisted Teeth (35MM), Enchanted Ballroom (Derek Fiechter), any part of Danny Elfman's Alice In Wonderland Soundtrack, Queen Of The Damned (Richard Gibbs)
Bowzer || Monstrous Captor ||
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"Let me out! Let me- Edward will come." You assure your captor, a tone in your voice that is demanding and proud- just as royal as your ancestors had been. His glowing golden eyes grin at you from the darkness beyond the bars you're locked behind- they force you to feel their stare. They demand that you know, he's looking.
Nevertheless!- "He's going to come save me, and when he arrives he's going to slice your head off!"
"Hm," The monsters deep voice reverberates throughout the room, ricocheting off the stone walls as he turns and heads for the door. "Graphic language for a young royal. You've haven't been here an hour yet and you talk like that? Heh, you'll fit in perfectly."
You gasp, outraged and scowling as your fingers encircle the cold metal bars- tightly. "Go to hell."
"Ohhh, scary." He rolls his eyes, opening the tower door and slipping through it. His parting words, though, seem to hang in the air even after his heavy, stomping footsteps disappear down the stairs.
"Aren't we already there, sweetheart?"
He came back hours later when the sky is a deep blue, and the stars are out and you have an oddly lovely, calming view from your tower prison, with dinner- some blue sludge and chunk of bread. The monster slides it under the bars of your human-sized cage
That calm feeling from looking at the sky disappears the moment he looks at you; Replaced by a powerful, aching feeling all over your body.
Bowser's voice is akin to massive, heavy tires carrying a dense load slowly over the ground. That crumble and growl of slowly crunching stones under rubber.
He also sounds amused. "Sorry, your highness. But you'll get better to eat once you start behaving yourself; Actin' like the consort for me that you're going to be- for now, though, chow down. That's the best you're going to get from us."
"Consort for you?" Your head swims, but your eyes narrow like you're stable, and not shocked. He wants you be to what now!?- The corners of his strong mouth lift up an evil grin. "Like hell."
His face twists up in a mischievous grin, now, reminding you of what he had said earlier.
This is hell as far as you're concerned... as far as he knows.
As it should, be...
You press your lips tightly together and kneel down to your food, not quite sure what to say. What is there? There's no point! All you can do, is wait for Edward to come. He's probably close, just trying to get into the castle... figuring out where you are... As you tear off some bread and eat it, you find a little spark of dread blossoming in the pit of your stomach at the thought.
Despite being locked up, the last couple hours here have been peaceful, to be entirely truthful. Not that you don't want to leave this cell, but... at least nothing has been expected of you. Nothing except for you to be you, in your rawness. Just sit, and be alive, and be the person some people call Y/N.
You haven't been expected to talk like you know what the hell your talking about, or to think like those stuffy old goats that call themselves royal advisers... or worry about getting married to a virtual stranger...
Yes, Edward is lovely. Or he, seems, lovely. You've only known him since his parents shipped him over a few weeks ago, and most of your meetings have involved your parents. But while he's very handsome, too, and also admittedly has quite a decent sense of humour, and you do like him - you may even develop a crush on him one of these days, - , your relationship is certainly in no shape resembling engagement!
... But you are engaged. Neither of you have a choice.
And so he makes your stomach turn a little bit every time look at him, no matter how much you might like him otherwise.
As you're contemplatively chowing down on your bread, slowly making the chunk disappear, Bowzer is watching you... wondering what you're thinking. You're so lost in your thoughts, which are so full of dread and misfortune, that you somehow completely miss the monstrous form slipping across the room and into your cell- only getting your attention when he clicks the cell lock loudly into its place again. Your head snaps his way, eyes widening to see the creature in your cell now, with you. It makes your heart start to beat rapidly with panic as your eyes resemble dinner plates.
"You seem pretty lost in thought there, Y/N." He says your name casually, lightly, like he's known you for years. His eyes narrow, then. "Care to talk about it?" The corners of his tough, gnarly mouth lift up in the smallest grin, looking out the little window. "S' not like I'm gonna tell anyone- no one listens to the monster."
You roll your eyes, immediately dropping your shoulders in frustration and muttering through grit teeth, before you can think through what you're telling him. "Yeah well no one listens to me, either." He just seemed so right- he's separate from your normal life. If you're going to talk to someone, it would have to be him.
It might be a mistake... but now words are tumbling out of you and there's nothing you can do about it. "Everyone seems to know what's best for me without my input!... " Suddenly you get quiet, eyes downcast. "At least that's what they say... - my parents, - that what they do," The decisions they make without you. "is what's best for me... but sometimes I think its more like; What's best for the kingdom. Not, me."
The King Kooper is contemplatively silent for a few moments, still gazing out the little window - that shows little more then starry night sky and ocean, - , his big leathery arms held behind his back in an uncharacteristically thoughtful pose- eyes calm looking. Its a weird way to see the violent Kooper King, that you've been told for so long is noting but filth and fury... act calm, and thoughtful.
And its because of something you, said. You told him something and he's stopping to actually, really think about it...
That makes you feel powerful, for the first time in who-remembers-how-long. Maybe ever. You feel like you aren't just talking to a wall... like your parents. And the ambassadors, and the advisers, and the maids and cooks and everyone else that tells you what to do back home.
Eventually he shifts, and you listen to his words with an entirely knew outlook on him for the first time. Really wondering what he has to say. Really considering any proposition he may have come up with.
"... So you're saying, that if I promised that you would be made involved in decisions, and whatever, that you would be more inclined to... say yes?" He peaks over his shoulder at you, dangerous, dark eyes narrowed and lips pressed firmly together, watching you for any physical responses. He looks so imposing at this moment - well, he always does, - but in this moment it doesn't scare you. Rather, it intrigues you. Impresses you.
He really is impressive to look at, you find as you finally allow yourself to really look... He's spiky and tough, from head to toe, with a shock of red hair atop his head. He looks like one of his hands wrap around your body very damn nearly, and lift you up all on its own- easy. Muscle bound and... monstrous, yes. But is that such a bad thing?
Really, you aren't so sure that it is. Certainly not enough to stop you from wanting it, even just secretly.
You tilt your head to the side. "What kind of decisions?"
You watch his imposing - which is a word that can so easily turn into magnificent, - shoulders roll back, as the penny finally d r o p s, - along with your remaining inhibitions.
"All of them?"
When Edward comes, its already far too late. This is days after your capture, days after you agreed to stay with Bowser,
Days after you married him.
He comes thrashing in, outfit torn and sword dirty- mud leading all the way up to his shoulder and from his feet to his knees, and face stuck in a concerning state of... shock. Maybe it would soon turn into unabashed fear - As far as you could tell, Edward was never the type to pretend when he was anything other then charming. Its one of the lovely things about him. But you wanted more then lovely, - , but right then he had a job to do.
And you saw this look, and you understood it... too bad you weren't going with him to complete that job. You didn't need to be saved. And you didn't want to go home.
Still, as soon as you saw him break in through the front doors - as Bowser had let you out of your cell the moment you were married and allowed you free reign of the castle, - , you rushed over - nearly tripping down multiple stairs but not really caring, - and catch him before he slipped to his knees from exhaustion, and brush back his hair- assessing him for any serious wounds. "Edward! Are you okay??"
He lifts his head to assess you in turn, finding you perfectly fine and being slightly confused- bust mostly relieved. "I'm fine... I'm fine... Are- are you alright?"
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." The words the slipped so easily out of you cause you to cringe- maybe you should have lied a little bit? Here is Edward, clearly worn and tired from fighting his way to save you... and you're 'fine'? Damn.
Edward lifts his head again, then, and raises a brow. "You're fine? Well, uh, that's good. Um... " Carefully you lift your hands off of him, and he straightens up as you both quickly calm down from seeing each other- returning to your typical polite awkwardness around eachother. The way it would have always been, if you had married him. You watch his -lovely, - green eyes slip over the scenery, focused and looking for the threat as you chew the inside of your cheek, hugging your arms to yourself now- how do you break it to him?
And how do you do it before Bowzser realises he's here?
"So um, come on. We should get out of here- " Edward goes to pick up your hand and lead you out, but you flinch away from him... and he seems to finally gather, at that, that something here is off. Or, he already knew, but now he admits it to himself. Something is not quite right. You're not quite right. His brows furrow and knit together, lips pressing together as he tilts his head to the side in bewilderment, and concern. "Are you okay?"
"Edward... I... " You run your bottom lip through your teeth, looking around for any signs of the King Kooper yourself; Nervous he might turn up and hurt Edward. And even more nervous about telling Edward... what you've done. "I'm not going back with you."
"Wait- what?" You had his full attention from the start but now you can feel it- his scepticism and his patience. Waiting for you to tell him why- why he has just made it through miles and miles of fiery earth and fought through monsters to get to you and save you... just for you to tell him it was for nothing. Why he's going to have to return to your parents empty handed.
You want to explain it to him, you do. But how do you even begin? "I'm sorry, Edward- " You suddenly hear heavy movement down a hallway to your right, and your wide eyes snap back to Edward who's mirroring you, but gripping his sword- ready for a fight. "- But you have to go. I'm- I'm really sorry- " You turn him around by the shoulders and guide him out the door, shutting the huge, grand front doors behind the both of you and leaning against them and listening out for any sounds inside.
"Y/N- " Edward looks seriously at you, slightly miffed but easily controlling himself - because he's a genuinely good guy. - , searching for an answer. Waiting for it. "You need to tell me right now, why I stuck my neck out for you on a journey that is going to be just as hard on the way back, just so you could tell me to bugger off."
"I'm- " What can you say? I'm married to him now? I'm happy here? None of that sounds quite right. Maybe there's no way to say it. Your cheeks are aflame in embarrassment, and you're looking away to the ground beside his feet in unsureness. You just want this all to be over.
Then, finally, your eyes flicker up to Edward's, and slowly raise your hand. His eyes widen and he takes a step back.
On your ring finger sits a ring made of igneous rock, and Edward realises what that means immediately- and one look at your face tells him all he needs to know about your willingness in the union. He lowers his sword.
Neither of you say a thing for a few moments, just looking at each other. Its an odd thing, two people who were supposed to be more then they are or ever would be, who could have been more, looking at each other with fresh eyes and knowing neither of those things are ever going to happen. You have no clue what's going through Edward's mind, and you wish he would say something. Just say something, so you know where you stand. What you should be doing. Should you disappear quietly or explain yourself more?
Finally, finally, he opens his mouth. For a moment no words come out, and you're afraid he's going to close it again, when he takes a deep breath. "So- "
Then the doors behind you suddenly open and, as you were leaning on them, you plunge backwards- before a huge almost-familiar, but certainly not unwelcome, hand catches you and pushes you up right- and when you look behind you and up, Bowser is glaring daggers at Edward. That huge hand rests on your shoulder and his tail sets itself on the ground around you, protectively. "What's happening out here."
Edward, not a fool, takes up his sword again at seeing the threat, eyes hard. He does not swing though. He does not make a move as stupid as that. Bowzer smirks, his bumpy, gnarly lips pulled into a grotesque, obnoxiously dangerous grin. You take in a deep breath. "He's leaving."
"Doesn't look like he's leaving. Looks, like he's threatening me."
You look up at him again, craning your neck to do so, and crossing your arms. The look on your face determined, and firm, and just slightly annoyed. He said he'd listen to you- he better not be going back on that deal. It takes a few moments, but eventually he gives up on stubbornly keeping his gaze averted from you, looking down his chest at your little face that demands so much respect, and eventually love, from him, and rolls eyes deeply. "He's leaving." You repeat sternly, hissing out the words. Showing your meat as a Koopa royal yourself, now, and he cant help but listen.
You look back to Edward, who's eyes go from Bowzer to you... surprised. His sword arm slowly lowers again. "Fine." Bowzer growls out, in displeasure as your eyes soften on Edward. In goodbye. "You can leave alive, prince. But don't come back."
"Trust me, I wont." Edward agrees, flashing Bowzer a glance half-respectfully, but mostly just glad to leave. Then he looks at you one final time, not-quite understanding why you're doing this, but understanding that you are. And that you want to. And knowing that's enough, and that he has no stake in the matter. "Goodluck."
You cross your arms over your stomach, flashing him a warm, hesitant smile, and return to sentiment wholly. "Goodluck." For even though you're staying back in the Koopa Kingdom, with Bowzer... he's got to return to your old lives, and fix up your mess. In both your minds, the other has the worst situation.
Then finally, Edward turns his back on you, waives and walks off- along with the life you never wanted. And you feel total relief.
Because while he is lovely, and fancy foods are lovely, and your parents, are lovely... Lovely isn't for you.
As Edward slinks off, Bowzer returns his full attention to you, a small victorious grin on his face. His eyes flicker deliciously over you, and you turn around all to happy to sit and splendour under his attention. "Now your majesty... what shall we do with the rest of our day?"
Your flash him a dark, mischievous look.
Ghost!The Deathslinger / Caleb Quinn || A Ghost ||
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"Oof," You moan, as the load of sheets in your arms is dropped off into the washing machine, and you're released from its burden weighing you down. Throwing the door closed and listening to it click shut, you press a few buttons on the top of the machine and turn a dial before walk away listening to it rumble awake.
As you walk back towards the centre table, you feel that familiar prickly feeling, the nauseated sick feeling, the unmistakable inkling that you're being watched crawl up all over you suddenly, where it hadn't been for the first ten minutes of you being here. It means that someone, a ghost certainly, and Caleb hopefully, is watching you. A smile slips across your lips as it always will at the notion of Caleb, and even better the idea that he's near, but you do not say anything- lest you scare him off.
He does that, sometimes. Your ghost; Caleb. He makes his presence known - by grazing his fingers over your skin, or hair, or sliding and clicking the barrel of his shotgun into place,- , but apparently doesn't want you to respond, so quickly then disappears again when you call out to him.
And you're no fool- you've picked up on it. And you wont act like a ditz and try anything too accelerated for his tastes. Not if seeing him is on the line.
So you just hop up onto the folding table, your legs hanging off the end and swaying slightly, and pick up your book. You bring it for times like these, when you're stuck doing laundry for hours and you know you'll have to wait out Caleb - assuming he comes out at all, - , to make the time go faster. Or- not faster. Because you enjoy this time, in the spooky, dark depths of the old penitentiary turned bed and breakfast. The place has a gruesome past, which is the whole reason you went out for this particular job, and the foreboding feeling of terror that climbs all over you and makes an almost stifling home on your skin like ectoplasm that comes with feeling that... and all the ghosts watching you, wondering about you... is really entertaining. In fact, its the only time you truly feel alive- so close to death.
Especially sweet, horrifying, cranky, secretive Caleb.
Humming, listening to the washing machine toss and turn the pretty flowery sheets so mildly violently, you read. You don't know for how long you read, but it felt like an all-consuming while, though not long enough for the washing to be done,... before, finally, you get a sign.
See, the laundry room is made up of a couple of rooms - they used to be cells, - and the hallway between them which is where the folding table is situated. The bars had long been taken away from most of the old cells and inside them live various washers, dryers, and basic storage. To anyone sane, the place would be far too horrible and scary to sit in so calmly - and don't get yourself wrong, you do find it to be both of those things... even unbearable at times... but it just so happens that that sets off a dangerous heat between your legs, and delicious excitement in your soul, -. But anyway, a few feet in front of where you're sitting, is a cell that still has its bars attached. In fact, the door is still locked, and no matter how hard or what the construction workers had tried- it would not budge.
You assume, nowadays, that that was Caleb's cell. And he doesn't want anyone else trespassing.
In that cell, right now, you watch out of your peripheral vision as the dust kicks up off the floor and the bed suddenly, in the dark of the room, and leans back as it shapes itself slowly into the vague image of a man. At least, you assume its a man. You're afraid if you look up now, he'll dissipate and wont return again for hours; You wont risk that, so while your attention is on the movement inside the cell, your eyes are glued to the pages in front of you.
Excitement fizzes in you like fireflies. Dead, swarming, dimly lit fireflies; But fireflies none the less. Zooming and flittering around in your chest- aching for you to look up and risk it all. Just to get a glimpse of him, which you've never done before. Although you've 'met', many times before now... you have never actually seen your ghostly companions face.
You assume that its grizzly, and perfect in its disgusting, gory messiness, of course. And you do ache, to your very core, to look him straight in the eye... but you're also terrified of him leaving. Of him leaving you to the rest of these other, B-Level ghosts. Spirits that don't make you feel nearly as heightened, as he does. He's like a drug, like cocaine, and these other ghosts... are but morphine. Not enough. Not, nearly, enough.
But... still. You cross your ankles, swinging them back and forth underneath you in badly kept excitement. Surely, a glance... wouldn't ruin everything...
You can see him too-vaguely, as you strain your head to continue facing your lap but your eyes to be pushing their limits, upwards. He - this figure, made entirely of the dust that in its absence has left the rest of his cell perfectly clean, and like new, - is sat on his old bed, legs spread like he owns the damn place, with his gun set over his thighs; Sitting in companionable silence with you. Even so, you feel his coat brush against your hanging legs as if he's standing closely, in front of you.
For minutes, you fight with yourself over whether to look up... what could happen if you did... when finally, his voice sounds around the cell block. Err, the laundry room.
"Y/N... sweetheart... " His voice is nothing but a pained whisper at this point, but still- you can hear the subtle huskiness to it that must have been its totality at some point and the deep, old-fashioned southern accent that leaks into every word he makes, and must squeeze your thighs together. "C'mere."
That one contraction causes you eyes to widen, and your fireflies to freeze. The darkness, the fear in your heart at his very presence builds and you finally look up, and over at him.
He's moved back, into the darkness of his cell so you cant quite see him... but that doesn't disappoint you. Not when he's asked you closer.
Hopping off the table and leaving your book behind, not caring that you've lost your page, you walk deftly over to the bars of the cell and press yourself gently to them, wrapping your hands around two. "Caleb?"
"You look... " In the darkness you see his outline, and watch his head tilt to the side. You feel fingers run through your hair and graze your neck, and shiver. You know this is dangerous, you're well aware. "Mighty nice today... "
You grin broadly, unable to help it. Most compliments you get are nice, but they never quite hit the spot... you never quite believe them... but Caleb's- oh, Caleb's. His are everything. They light up everything in you for days. "Thank you... and how're you today?"
He pauses for a moment, thinking about it, before you hear the sound of fabric rustling from his direction. "Unsure actually sweetheart...
That's up to you."
You tilt your head to the side. "How so?" How can I make it good for you?
"I wanna... try something... Think I'm... strong enough, now... "
This time you aren't able to say anything, before he speaks again. "Close your eyes."
You're all too willing to do as he commands, eyes shutting closed quickly, tightly so you see nothing.
A few moments later, and your anticipation, and anxiety, is building up in your chest like the pyramids thousands of years ago, to unimaginable, and terrifying, heights... when you feel the texture of his cold non-tangible fingers graze over your cheek again. You feel his whole body, in fact, behind the bars. Close to you. Not just his fingers, and not just his coat. His whole, fricken, body.
To your utter surprise, you feel those hands - rough, and freezing cold, and more like air from a fan then actual, physical body parts. But pleasantly enough, not at all like dust, either, - on your neck; His thumbs on your jaw. They tilt your head back, forcing your face to look upwards, almost towards the ceiling. It would be uncomfortable, if you weren't nearly shaking with excitement.
A moment later, he's dragging your face slowly closer to the bars, till the cold metal bites at your cheeks, and lips - cold and not-totally-real, like the hands, - press ever so gently... against yours.
A gasp slips out of you, as this is all you've wanted for a while, and you immediately kiss back, aching for nothing but to pull his body flush against yours and experiment with all the things maybe you could do with him, if he can kiss you like this. You cant help your thoughts spreading out to other things, as he slowly, deliciously deepens the kiss- an icy, slimy tongue sliding over the tip of yours.
If he can kiss you, surely he can touch in other places, cant he? He can let his fingers stray from your face, and towards your chest? Or lower?
What about his cock? How would that feel; Cold, and hard, within your walls?
And on top of that, regarding just his kissing skills, if he can do this much, turn you to mush with just his kiss, then there's no doubt in your hopeless, dumb, horny little mind that he could totally wreck you in a bed.
When he lets go of the back of your neck with one hand though, and wraps it ever-so-softly around your throat- feeling your pulse beat-beat-beat... you forget everything. Your mind goes empty.
In fact you go so totally dumb that you snap your eyes open-
But before you can see him, he's gone.
The cell is covered in dust again, and you cant feel him kissing you anymore; You're left pressing against the bars of the cell he wasted away inside in life, missing him already.
Duke || A Vampire ||
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The feeling of having blood literally sucked out through little pierces in your skin, never gets less weird. The pain of having your wrist bitten into, does. The ticklish feeling of having Duke's lips attached to your wrist for a prolonged amount of time, does. But the weird, slightly nauseating feeling of having him siphon and guzzle your life force out of your veins, will never ever get old- unfortunately.
Still, every once in a while - which is becoming every week with all of Dukes nagging, honestly, - , you'll sit down and flick through Tumblr, letting him sit next to you, hold your arm in his hands and carefully drink- not too much, he knows when to stop. But just enough to sate him.
Then, like now, he'll slip his fangs outs from your skin and veins - coming out perfectly clean and white like they never touched anything but apples and bananas, -, a smug, pleased smirk on his lips as he cleans up his mess. And while you're wrapping up your own wrist, he sweeps off to get you juice and a plate of cookies- like when you donate blood for hospitals.
"Well you did donate." He teases, holding your juice and your cookies for you while you stick down your bandages, rubbing your thumb over the sore spot. "For a really good cause, too. Huh? Keeping your, uh," Duke glances at you, mischief pulling the corners of his lips up. "Snuggle bunny, going?"
Rolling your eyes, you yank the plate of cookies from his hands as he chuckles and take a chomp out of one. "Ugh, Duke... I was sleep talking! Let it go!"
He just giggles, fixing his collar with one hand and continuing to hold your juice for you as you quietly chew on your cookies.
As you do so, Duke turns his head to watch you. There's nothing extraordinary about the way you eat, nothing particularly sexy or gross, but as a vampire - an old one, at that. One that certainly doesn't remember the taste of normal food like a newer one might, vaguely, - one of the things he does enjoy watching his human mate do, is eat. Its adorable. So delicate, so human. Especially if one day, hopefully someday soon, they'll allow him to turn them.
Speaking of... His eyes narrow as a cheeky grin spreads his lips. "So, love... " You take the juice from him, giving him a suspicious look. Yes? He shifts closer to you on the couch now that his hands aren't occupied, and your sceptical expression - because you know him, - deepens. "Have you put anymore thought into my proposition?... "
Immediately you make a 'Pfft' sound and snort, bringing the glass up to your lips. "Ah, yeah. No need. We are never, ever doing that in the bedroom."
Dukes expression immediately falls, and you laugh at his scowl/pout, before taking a sip of your juice with a smile. Oh, he's an idiot. But he's also very cute. "Well- while I think you're making a huge mistake on that front, love, and this is not over- I wasn't talking about that proposition." Looking back at him at that, you watch his eyebrows raise meaningfully up his forehead..., and realise.
"... Oh."
He nods. Then his eyes flicker down to your hand, laying on your lap by the now empty cookie plate, and picks it up. Then gives you an uncharacteristically gentle smile. "I'd, really, like to do it." He presses the brim of his hat to your forehead affectionately. "To experience eternity with you, has been my dream since- "
An easy grin slides across your lips and you chuckle, nudging the brim of his hat back. "Lemme guess... the night I suggested you mix chocolate syrup with your 'Bloody Mary' drinks?"
He snorts, squeezing your arm gently, and lacing his fingers through yours. "Well, with ideas like that, how could I resist you?" Then he presses forward, taking the juice from your hands and setting it on the coffee table, before crawling over you, hovering over your body. "But I was thinking of a different night... " He raises your chin up so you're looking at him, and your brain wants you to push his annoying, horny ass off you and off the couch too, but the part of you that really likes him wants you to kiss him- so you just end up looking perturbed.
"Duke... " You whine, relaxing into the couch. "If I become a vampire... if I say yes... what's going to happen with my other relationships?" Your eyes flicker from everything but him, to his eyes finally, where he sees how reluctant you are, and sigh. "I don't want to lose them."
Duke shrugs. "But you'd have me, forever. They're all gonna die, anyway."
You promptly push his insensitive ass off of you, to the floor, and step over him as you head towards the kitchen- picking up your drink on the way. You're going to put tequila, in this-
Before you can get through the kitchen door, its slammed closed in front of you and Duke's cornered you against it. "... Okay maybe that was rude. Still working on my manners, Y/N, my bad. But I am working on them, huh? I get points for that!"
"Points?" You ask, crossing your arms and rolling your eyes over your shoulder to him.
Dubious and dumb, Duke raises a brow. "What's improvement without a point system?"
"Ugh- " You try to open the door again, but Duke uses his strength against you this time- turning you around and swiftly pinning you to the door.
His eyes catch the glass, still halfway full, and despite your disagreement, taps the bottom. "Drink that juice." He tells you firmly. "You lost quite a bit of blood, and I don't need you collapsing at any point."
After a stubborn moment, you sigh and do as he said, gulping down the juice at a steady pace as to not shock your system. Its also a good excuse not to think about the conversation you're having.
Because... its just... the hardest decision, you've ever had to make. The hardest decision you may ever have to make. It depends on hope so's (Will Duke stay in love with me? Will I stay in love with him? Will I like being a vampire? I hope so.), and faith, and not having faith in what if scenarios, too (What if I never see my family again, what if we come upon a hunter, what if Duke gets staked and I'm still there forever?), even if they're just as dependable as hope so's. And on one hand, staying human means you get to stay with your family, and your friends. You may not get Duke as well, but... he's just a guy, right? You can meet someone else... you cant replace your family, quite so easily. Right? You would be hard pressed replacing them, but guys... come and go... right?
But on the other hand, you're in love with Duke. You've never felt this way before, you cant even take it sometimes how irreversibly, unexplainably in love with him you are including everything obnoxious about him. You know you'll never find another Duke. You tell yourself you can, and you might have to so you will... but under the surface you know he's the love of your life. He's it. And there's no replacing him.
Ugh. Thinking about this does your head in... Your gaze lifts up from the window over his shoulder, to his face, and you knit your brows together. In frustration and apology. You know he's been patient... and you do feel bad for that... but this is also a huge decision, and you're not going to make it out of want to make him happy. "I don't know yet... I'm sorry... "
For a moment, he doesn't react... but then he sighs, and collects you up against him in a hug. "Take your time, love... we have a long time, to go... " He squeezes you tight, and you relax under his affections, totally. "But there is a cut off date, so, just try to make your decision before you die okay?"
You chuckle. "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."
Hades || The King of the Underworld ||
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Rolling your eyes, you kneel over the campfire and sprinkle the seasoning on the roast instead of kicking those two 2 foot tall dwarf's to Tim Buk Tu like you really want to do. Alas- making your dinner delicious and refraining from taking it off the hot fire, and throwing it at Pain and Panic, will have to do.
And this is your reaction from just noticing them hiding in a bush nearby. They haven't done anything yet, but you just know. You know, that when they turn up, it has something to do with Hades. Usually, that he's not far behind. And you're so damn e x h a u s t e d, by turning him down. Over, and over, you have to do this. Tell him no, you wont marry him, thank you for stopping by now go home. Thanks...
And after the last time he did this, you really aren't in the mood to humour him this time. You get a prickly feeling all over, just thinking about looking at him, after what he did.
A week ago, you had just finished getting ready for a date, and the one who was taking you out was surely close by, and you were giddy. Excited, to for once, not be working, or fending off the Lord of the Dead, or falling down drop dead exhausted in bed every night. Tonight, you were going to have a good time, for once. You were so, so excited.
But, then Isa was late. And a few minutes... turned into an hour... and that turned into two... and by that time you had totally given up. The ass had stood you up!
You were so looking forward to this, and that bastard left you all alone at home, looking hot, waiting for absolutely fricken nobody. What a dick. How could you have been fooled, into thinking they were worth your time? Your rare quiet night, at that?
"Gods!" You cursed, throwing your shawl down on the kitchen table and wiping a hand up through your hair. "I should've known. I feel like such an idiot!"
Then their was a knock at your front door, and you snatched up your shawl and raced off to get it. Maybe they had an accident???
You swung the door open, and
immediately, deflated.
"Hades... its you."
An amused grin graces his features as his gaze licks up and down your form. You're all ready for a date, and you look gorgeous. "Well don't sound quite so ecstatic about it babe, I might forget you don't actually like me- or so you say."
"I don't. And especially now, I'm having a terrible night. Thanks for stopping by, no I don't wanna marry you, no, no, no, did I cover all the bases? Great, so please go home-" You attempt to close the door on him, but smoke shoots out from the mysterious whatever's-under-his tunic and shoves itself, solid, between the frame and the door. A deep groan escapes you as you roll your eyes, opening it again. "Drat." You hiss, letting go of the door and leaning against the frame instead, crossing your arms. "Look Mr Lord of the Dead, I have had a bad night- "
A smirk creeps across his lips, mischief gleaming in his eyes. Or was it worse? Yes, you think. Its a lot worse then mischief. Still, you don't let up your cold, blasé front, nervous - afraid? - of his reaction to anything else. How might he use your discomfort? "Oh yeah, you got left all high and dry t'night, huh? Yep... Shame."
There's something about the way he's talking... that just sets you at total unease. How did he know? You lift carefully, slowly, cautiously off the doorframe, confused. "Um... yes... he did. How did you know?" Your eyebrows shoot up your forehead. "Stalking me?"
"Oh, of course. How else am I supposed to get to know you? You sure as hell wont sit down for a dinner with me, you've made that clear." He runs his bottom lip thoughtfully through his teeth. "At least- without a little sweetener, eh? And I am a great deal sweetener- if I do say so myself. So!" You watch him turn around, clapping his hands together firmly- a call; A signal.
And sure enough, a moment later, the bumbling fools Pain and Panic came tottering out of the woods beside my house, whipping a poor, squealing pig ahead of them.
Your brows furrow at it- something really not quite right at all, about any of this.
You watch the pig for a few moments, unable to figure out why it makes you feel... something; You aren't quite sure what... until a sharp blue finger touches the underside of your chin, and guides your head up to look at the face of Hades, instead. Another evil smirk presses his smug face. "That's what happens to little fuckers that try to touch what will be, mine." At that, your eyes widen and snap back to the pig. Is that... Hades grabs your jaw now, dragging your attention back to him, this time uncaringly. "Remember that, sweetheart. Its up to you how many poor sods I turn into swine."
"Hades- " You gasp, horrified.
"I'm a God, Y/N." The fire sparking as head flickers orange, well-hidden fury showing itself for just a moment- enough to terrify you. "We're notoriously bad at taking rejection."
"You gotten over your little human melodrama yet, Y/N?" Hades voice rings out through the clearing in front of your house, and you feel your skin prickle all over; Knowing he's here again. After that awful thing he did, last time. "I had to do that, showed you who's boss I guess. But I'm sick of staying away from you... " He appear across the fire from you, but you refuse to look up at his face. "So... what? You want an apology?"
Wincing, you wrap your arms around your knees and press your nose into your dress. "No."
"Whadaya want from me?"
"I want you to go away," You mutter, still not looking at at him; Rather into the flames flickering up under and over your dinner.
"Well, that's not gonna happen." Through your peripheral vision, you see Hades disappear from across the fire, and a yelp come out of you when suddenly he yanks you up by the arm, straight to your feet. Then he gathers your waist in one hand and presses you to him, leering down at you. You don't fight it, just deftly lean away; Afraid of how he might react to anything more. "So what'll it be? An apology? A present? A kiss maybe?"
He leans in, but you jerk your head back.
"What makes you so sure you can win my affections with pain, and bravado, Hades?" You finally snap, eyes flickering up to his pupils, which stare back at you in that familiarly amused way he always does when you get the courage to stand back up to him. "Making people I like into pigs, making me hurt... and then smiling about it? Thinking you'll just get away with it? That wont make me like you, you bastard. That's not sexy."
"Oh sweetheart, you're sexy enough for the both of us... " He grins, tracing your lips with a thumb. Marvelling at you even as you're mad, even as you're telling him such cold, hard facts.
Knitting your brows together, you tighten your lips into a confused scowl. "Do you even want me to like you?"
"Oh I want you to love me, Y/N... " For a moment, you see genuine in his eyes... before he turns it off again. And yet you believe him. "I promise you, one day I'll make you. One day you'll be death's partner, in sickness and in health. Just, you, wait." With those last three words, he boops your nose.
For a few moments... you just stare at him. How, in his deluded mind, does he think that's going to happen if first of all, he isn't forcing you, luckily enough, and second of all, he refuses to even try. Try, to be a genuine person. Try, to make you enjoy his company.
Its amazing how entitled Gods can be.
"... Maybe you're right. Maybe I will marry you one day,...
but first you'll have to make me like you- and that wont be such easy a feat. Not even for a God."
Inkubus || A Incubi Demon ||
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Walking down the street late at night will always set you a little bit uneasy no matter how many times and how often you do it. Around any and every corner could be a monster waiting for an easy kill, a simple little victim to grab and run with.
But that doesn't change the fact at all that its just something you have to do, as long as you don't have a car and refuse to spend money every night on an Uber ride. So you collect your wits and take out your headphones as you hop off the bus, holding your keys between your fingers like wolverine claws like a back alley street fighter; And a cheater, at that.
Hey, you're brave, for sure- but you're not stupid.
You must keep your ears open, your eyes focused, and your senses as heightened as possible. And if someone's going to jump out at you, you couldn't care less if being prepared with sharp tools at the ready is not exactly sporting. If someone is going to try and hurt you, then they're about to get the rudest slap-in-the-face of an awakening of their goddamn lives.
Also, though... the quietness, can be peaceful. So while your senses are open to any hint of a threat, the rest of you... enjoys it. The quietness, the stillness, the all-together aloneness, despite the constant, faint feeling that someone is near. In a world where everyone is connected, its a really valuable feeling; Of being on your own. With no one watching, or listening, or even thinking about you.
You just get the moment, to be... To be. Just, to exist.
So happily you walk down the street, slipping into the darkness of your neighbourhood and enjoying the peaceful, slightly terrifying time.
Until you run into something your senses didn't pick up on even the slightest bit- you didn't even see him, which is weird seeing as he turned up right in front of you. "Oh!"
You have a mind blank and don't even think of the keys between your knuckles or the idea that this is a threat. Especially not when you look up, and see his face.
Every almost-suspicion and near-scepticism disappears from your mind.
"Oh hello, I'm sorry. I should have been watching where I was going." He steadies you, before taking his hands away from you. For a split second, you find yourself wishing he hadn't.
"That's okay!" For a moment, you get caught up in the mans eyes, before managing to break yourself free, and step back from him. Awkward... Your eyes purposefully turn downcast, avoiding his gaze that had so oddly swallowed you up a moment ago. "Um, anyway, enjoy the rest of your night!" Slipping past him, you continue on your way down the path towards your house, when you hear a gentle whooshing noise behind you, and turn your head to find the man walking casually beside you, like its not a red flag at all. Surprised, your eyes widen.
"Sorry to seem a bit of a creep- "
"Oh no, you're fine!!" Why, on earth, are you so eager to assure him?
His lips curl up in a pleased grin, his handsome - yet... somehow, oddly disconcerting, - features lifting pleasantly in the dark, and all you think is... that's why. Shadows leave shade all over his face and it is a bit frightening but its like your body has a mind, and ideas, of its own. Your footsteps are slowing down, your heartbeat's relaxing to a calmer velocity then even before this strange man turned up, a gentle heat is rising up your neck.
"That's good to hear, I wouldn't want to scare you. You know, an odd man following you late at night... some people mind find that a tad bit threatening, you know?"
A spark of nervousness, the first since you've been with him, lights up inside your chest. "Well... y-you're not wrong... "
Just as quickly as it ignited though, your anxiety is stripped away with just a kind smile, from him. "But don't worry- I bare no ill will." Your eyebrows lift up at that.
"And I'm... just supposed to take you at your word?"
Exactly, you think. Finally, your body is catching up with your mind! Isn't this precisely what you were just scared about, getting off the bus at this late hour? That a terrifying stranger would turn up??
Well now one has- so why aren't you doing anything? Why aren't you slipping away? Why aren't you running?
God, you want to... But... you cant. Even as the words leave your lips, you feel your feet be leaden to where he wants you to be- beside him, and only slowly walking. Easy to guide, easy to control.
His grin turns mischievous as you watch, a speckle of darkness flickering beyond poisonous green eyes. "Of course not. You're a clever little mortal." Your brows knit together now, confused. Mortal? The green hues flash to yours again and one side of his mouth quirks up a tiny bit higher; Revealing wisdom and wickedness beyond his appearance. "Then again, mortals have always been intelligent. Its how we've survived for thousands of years, right?" He gives a well-humoured wink.
... Yet... you find, that the way this man said 'we've'... just didn't sound right. Like the word was heavy on his tongue. Like a lie.
Still- you don't find yourself feeling the urge to raise your fist, at all. You're almost... hypnotised. You witch every movement he makes, take note of every calculation. From the way his coat whispers in the dark wind to where his hands are.
"I... guess... Um, what's your name?"
His eyes narrow but a corner of his mouth curls up in another mischievous - devilish? Demonic? - smirk that sends your head rushing. "Hmm... lets go with... Klaus, for now... And oh, you're free to tell me a fake one as well if you'd like. Its a tad reckless to give away your real information, like names and telephone numbers, in a situation like this, isn't it?" You cant argue with that- "But, whilst acknowledging that, I still cant help myself sweetheart," Sweetheart- your heart plummets down to your feet and your eyes widen; You can't help but love the sound of that. "I'd really like to get to know you a little bit. Would you please allow me the honour, please?" Oh my goodness- he just looks so pleading at you! Its adorable. How could you possibly, say no?
Every word that comes from him solidifies the hold he has on you already, too, that he so easily took in the first place with just his presence. Arousal and intrigue sinking into you like fangs by the second.
You cant help smiling; And saying yes.
The predatory look that takes over his face now causes a pit in your belly- but it only excites you. Suddenly he puts a hand on you- just the crook of your arm, stopping you in your tracks immediately, like you knew in your very workings that that is what he wanted from you right at that moment. "Is this your house, dear?"
... Oh, um- You shake yourself of whatever trance you're stuck in just long enough to look over at the house your passing, in wonder. How did you even get here... God, you just feel so disorientated... "Uhuh... "
"Wonderful; Now, I consider myself a gentleman dear so I shan't invite myself inside- especially not even having a name for such a pretty face. But... " 'Klaus' shrugs a bit, a perky little knowing look on his face- because he knows, what you're about to offer him.
"Of course, you can come inside!" You smile. "And- " Don't give your real name, don't do it. Pick any other name. Please- "I'm Y/N." The words slip out easily, like there was absolutely nothing inside you begging you not to.
And, just like that, there isn't.
Seedeater || A Wild Beast ||
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"- Oh I should tell you about that summer. Ah, Y/N darling you would have just loved to be there, trust me! Once I've told you all about it, you'll wish you were, I promise you. So! Let me set the scene... "
This man has been jabbering on to you about who-knows-what for far... too... long... God, you're afraid to pull out your pocket watch, for fear of discovering you are nowhere near the acceptable moment to excuse yourself.
Because for sure you are not about to engage in any more courtship with this insufferable peacock of a man but also- you would rather die right here then go home early and have your parents nag at you over insulting the Duke' right hand man like that.
Even as... you long... so so very deeply... for your bed...
Oh, perish the thought. To be in your warm, cosy bed. Wearing nothing but your nightgown, with the fireplace roaring nearby and a book open on the pillow in front of you... perhaps nibbling at pilfered muffins from the kitchen.
You're just relaxing into your fantasy world - whilst managing to make yourself seem interested in your... eugh... 'suitors' story, with well-placed hums and 'Oh please tell me more's. - when suddenly the slow hum that his droning voice had become to you rather then actual vocabulary, just... stops. Your eyes flicker to his form on the log next to you, to see him perked up. Alert. Like a meerkat.
"What happened, Nigel?"
Hmm... well, you certainly aren't crazy about that... Brows furrowing deeply and lips creasing into a severe frown, you straighten your back more so and take a deep breath with which to give him an earful, when-
You hear it, this time. What's concerned your date so.
Its a rustle just outside of the clearing the of you are set up in, and its definitely not just the wind. Or a bird.
Its slow, and heavy. A twig snaps as if under some huge, terrifying, calloused foot.
Immediately your freeze, gazing around slowly, cautiously for whatever is out there. You like to think its a beast, rather then a man. A man would be far, far worse. You've always thought so. A beast could hurt you, for sure. Scratch you to death or eat you alive... but a man, a man could take you. Steal you away, and sell you for drug money. Or humiliate you... Yes, you've always thought; To be ripped apart by canine teeth, would be better.
But then again, a beast is not ideal either.
You want to live!- and that has never been quite so blatant then right now as your heart hammers in your chest and you feel your cheeks grow cold as ice, despite the raging campfire before you. You want to life, in order to get past this terrible date and go on better ones. Or far better yet- never go on a date again.
Even so, though, when Nigel slowly picks up his shotgun, raising up to his feet and carrying it with purpose- you feel the most impassioned, ardent repulsion towards it and total, striking fear bang in your chest. He's going to kill it??!
I mean... if its a man, go right ahead, but if its not-
"Nigel." You hiss, making the man jump and look down at you in a mix of horror and anger. It reads clearly to shut up, but you aren't concerned with Nigel's needs. "Put that bac- "
A horrible screeching sound fills the campsite and you immediately slap your fingers over your ears, pressing into them firmly to keep the sound out and squeezing your eyes shut. Oh, that's terrible-
Then a beast emerges from the tree line, growling and blowing steam out of its bar-boned nostrils. Your eyes crack open to see Nigel lining up his gun with the monster's head, which surely wouldn't work in the first place as it seems to have some kind of helmet made out of bones. Or maybe that's just its head. either way your eyes widen to the size of saucers, and leap to your feet; your hands on Nigel's gun before you even realise the danger of your actions. "Let go!" He snaps, but you refuse.
"You will not kill this creature!"
"I most certainly will!- " His finger presses down accidentally on the trigger, and immediately a loud BOOM sound crashes from the gun, making you gasp. "Look what you made me do, woman!!"
The creature suddenly rears back on its hind legs, frightened by the noise, before slamming back down like a horse and rushes forward- all gangly, uneven movements as he's too heavy to really move as fast he's going but doesn't care at all. It brushes by you and all you can do is hold your breath and grip the gun like your life depends on it, so you don't run and startle the beast even more. Embedded in its fluffy hide are sticky substances - tree sap, supposedly, - and leaves, and little sticks, and a lot of dirt.
It tears through the camp site, crazed, and when its done - now huffing and puffing and still furious, standing at the side, - the little tent that Nigel had set up and cooking equipment is all ripped to pieces. Destroyed. Your heart's beating a million miles a moment inside your chest, hoping you aren't about to look like that, too.
After a few silent moments, apart from the monster's hard breathing, you turn from the creature to Nigel. Both your hands are still on the gun. "... Nigel... " You breath out in a whisper that is only as loud as a breeze. His eyes flicker up to yours, terror gleaming in them; And he's breathing pretty hard, too. "You need to let... go... of the gun... now... "
"No... Y/N... I have a plan,... don't worry... "
Ugh! You think. Even scared out of his wits, he thinks he knows better then me. If only he would just stop-
Suddenly, all far too suddenly, he wrenches the gun out of your hands and turns its aim upon the beast again. Your face goes slack at the too sudden, too jerky, too cocky motion and look from him- to the gun- to the beast and its glowing red eyes, staring down the barrel.
"Now stay still, monster... this wont hurt but a moment... "
And in that second before Nigel presses the trigger again- you see all your futures before it even happens. The beast will tear you both apart with the bullet submerged in its skin. You will not survive, this way. And neither will it.
Just as Nigel is pulling his finger against the shotgun's trigger, you lunge for him. Pushing the barrel of the gun upwards, instead. Another terrible, crashing BOOM sound bangs against your eardrums as the bullet ricochets out and into the air. As you're wondering, horrified where it's going to come down, the beats roar accompanies the thumping sound of your heart in your ears and your head whips around just in time to see it gallop forward-
Its powerful jaws wrap around Nigel's entire face, and they both go crashing down to the ground as Nigel is ripped from you.
You can do nothing but watch, as in a matter of seconds it seems Nigel stops screaming in hat blood curdling way you do when you're being gnawed at alive... and goes limp. As soon as he does, the beast backs up off of him, a gentle and calmer woof coming out of it as it... just... sits back.
It sets its behind down the ground, and using a long... bear-like, tongue, licks at its paws. Cleaning itself.
Blood is still rushing hotly in your ears as you shake like leaf, between this beast and your date's mauled body and turn slowly to look at the hideous, petrifying monster.
Its eyes are no longer red, so they're but shadows hidden inside the bone coverage that is his head, and for all intensive purposes, the beast looks... relaxed. Like you aren't there at all. But you feel its gaze on you, even so. And your skin tingles creepily at the feeling.
After a few more minutes of just standing there, being scared - and maybe going a little bit insane, - you open your mouth slightly. Jerkily, slowly... and whisper. "I- I'm sorry... th-that Nigel... he... t-tried, to kill you... "
Another growly woof is your answer, its response to hearing a foreign noise. Your voice.
But it isn't a threatening noise at all, so you relax a little bit.
Then, suddenly, the dog... bear... monster, creature, gets up again. Its shakes off its behind of some of the dirt there from the floor, and creps closer to you. Its so huge... you have to crane your neck to look at its face.
Or, more specifically, its teeth.
You hear a sort of... fluttery sound, over your beating heart and look around curiously. There are no birds, or anything else that would normally make a noise like that, that you can see... The clearing is still, and empty.
Then your eyes catch sight of something, dark, fluffy and long flying up and down against the ground, behind the creature. When realisation occurs to you that the thing is its tail, and its wagging, you cant help the tiny smile that slips across your face. Gaze slipping back up to the creature, deciding it has no ill intent in the moment, you decide to try something.
Reaching over with one hand, you tentatively slip it through its main. There's so much black fur there that you're unsure that it even feels your touch at all - and there is certainly no reaction as it just looks around the clearing, keeping watch, - and your hand disappears entirely in the surprisingly wonderfully soft fur.
Smile widening, you enjoy the feeling with one hand for a while, before getting adventurous. Your take your pointer finger, and lean up to carefully stroke the bone of its face-
And as soon as you start, the creature startles you by moving- but you don't pull back far before you realise what is actually happening. It isn't readying to attack, its preening. It stretches its neck up, shaking itself slightly, before lowering its head for you. As if to ask; Please, again.
The smile comes back full force, and you do as it so politely asked; Stroking down its smooth snout over and over again. You can feel its warm breath on your arm and various bits of the forest stuck in its fur but you don't care. You just enjoy the feeling- its actually like a big dog rather then a monster!
"Aw... you're a good one, aren't you? ... I'm so sorry we frightened you earlier... "
Ursula || A Sea Witch ||
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"Yes, yes... " Ursula rolls her eyes, sighing out her words in an irritated way; Getting tired of going through the deal, over and over again. But you cant stop wording it slightly different- as if it will ever get better, for you. Because its quite simple. "I'll save your precious baby brother, let him live on happy and healthy and all that rubbish for another 30 to 40 years... and you get to come down and stay with me, eternally. Happy?"
"... yes." You force the word out from between your lips as soon as you've worked yourself up to agreeing, not allowing yourself to back down again. As you suspected, the moment that word makes it into the open air, materialising into steam from the cold air as you kneel by the murky, foggy morning waters and the monster waiting for you in their depths- you regret it. You want to take it back... but you forced the word out for a reason.
For him.
And you refuse to even try to take it back, because the one thing you desire in life is to keep him safe... and this is the only way you can do that.
Tears well up in your eyes, as a wet hand curls around your own outstretched one, long red nails scraping into your skin as you shake. Bright eyes with pitch black pupils and wicked intent not-at-all hidden away gleam back at you, as thickly painted lips pull back on either side in a pearly, sinister, grin. Like a switch, your heart suddenly plummets down to your feet, and the cavern of your chest feels as cold as the unforgiving waters, below.
"Its a deal, then, doll~ " The sea witches voice is rough, that black heart of hers and ill intent bleeding out unapologetically through in her tone, and you know you've made a terrible mistake for yourself.
But the right decision, for him.
And as Ursula's hand slips out from yours and she disappears back under the water, the gentle waives slipping over her violent tinted skin until she's gone, your eyes slip closed; You must remind yourself, of that fact. He will be safe now. That's all that matters. It has to be.
Because you know, that she'll be back soon enough- and you'll be hers, for good. Just as she wanted it to be.
These are your last few moments of freedom, before she comes back with a disgusting tonic or filthy ointment or horrible scent, or something, that'll make you like her,... tied to the sea rather then the shore... and you use them to think about him.
Taking a deep breath, you think; You'll be okay now.
Take care of yourself, because I cant anymore. Create a good life, for yourself.
Don't miss me too much, please.
The fear striking sound of waives lapping harder against the rock you're perched on alerts you that she's back, and when you open your eyes she is indeed there; An expectant look on her face, and a closed clam shell in her hand. "Well? Come on in, darling... I promise I'll hold your hand, if it gets too rough."
"Y-you want me to come in... to the water?? Now??" Before you've changed? Before you have a tail, and gills? Surely it'll be freezing- you're cold just looking at that water.
"Well I wouldn't want you convulsing too hard when you transform and hitting your pretty little head on the rocks! Trust me, honey."
Trust her...
The concept repulses you, but what other choice do you have anymore? Taking a deep breath, you dip your legs in first- before shuffling off the shire for the last time and dipping silently into the frigid sea.
Your eyes are squeezed tightly closed as your head disappears under the waives, and the only feelings you know are the freezing fucking cold and, and thick tentacles wrapping gently around you. Holding you still.
Under water.
"Now, now~ Don't panic, that'll just make this worse for you." You're starting to run out of air - you've never been good at holding your breath, - , and as Ursula's thumb brushes over your lips you struggle, like an impulse, away from her. You try to wrestle out of her hold- reach the air, again. To breath- Air- God, fuck- Need to-
But her grip just tightens around you, her new play thing, constricting like a boa constrictor until you cant fight anymore. "I said don't panic, lovely...
now open that lovely mouth, now."
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revchainsaw · 3 years
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Buffy: the Vampire Slayer (1997)
Season 1
Hello and Welcome back my creepy congregation! We will be taking todays service from the Big Screen into your living room for our first Personal Devotional. That's Right! We're reviewing full seasons of television series now and what better way to bring the spirit of the genre film to the idiots lantern that with the 90s Television sensation and all around love letter to the horror genre, Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
The Message
Regardless of how one may feel about Mr. Whedon we can't deny how much we love Buffy Summers and the Kids who live and die in Sunnydale! Season one of Buffy was a spin off/reboot of the earlier film and an attempt by Whedon to course correct the franchise by breathing a little charm and attention into the subject matter.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season 1) focuses on Buffy Summers, a not so typical California high school student who, due to the events of the movie, has been relocated to Sunnydale High. Buffy is not just a cute, athletic, teenage girl looking to enjoy the prime of her life, though she is those things, she is also the Slayer, an anointed warrior who has been reincarnated throughout the generations to protect our vulnerable weak human world from the forces of evil; particularly Vampires. Buffy is a sort of supernatural Captain America, that is a peak human being, but instead of Nazi Science she was born with her powers.
Joining Buffy are; High School outcasts Willow and Xander (a nerd and a nice guy respectively), The ridiculously sexy librarian Rupert Giles (her mentor, guardian, high school librarian, and all around precious papa bear), Jenny Calendar (a technopagan computer teacher armed with all the mystery an ignorant 90s boomer could attribute to the internet), Angel (Spoiler: He's a Vampire, but he's a good guy. A hunky, broody, good guy vampire love interest), and her loving but entirely oblivious mother. The Scoobies as they have come to be called aid Buffy in her quest to protect Sunnydale from Dark Forces.
And Speaking of those Dark Forces, they are primarily vampires, led by the Master; an ancient vampire who resembles to some degree Nosferatu and a Bat, a look that Guillermo Del Toro would later perfect in his own series the Strain. The Master seeks to fulfill an ancient prophecy that would open the Hellmouth (a portal to hell, exactly what it sounds like) and free him in order that he and his kind should conquer the world.
The first season is fairly short consisting of the following adventures.
1. Welcome to the Hellmouth - Buffy moves to Sunnydale seeking to leave her Vampire ways behind, but the vampires just won't let her catch a break.
2. The Harvest - Vampire Shenanigans continues. Buffy learns of the Master.
3. Witch - A fellow Cheerleader is possessed by her witchy mom.
4. Teachers Pet - Buffy vs Giant Mantis
5. Never Kill a Boy on the First Date - Buffy vs the Anointed One (Not Really)
6. The Pack - Buffy vs Hyena Possessed High School Bullies
7. Angel - Buffy vs Angel but actually Darla
8. I, Robot ... you, Jane - Buffy vs Internet Demon
9. The Puppet Show - Buffy and Sid the Dummy vs Organ Harvesting Demon
10. Nightmares - Buffy has bad dreams
11. Out of Mind, Out of Sight - Buffy vs Invisible Nerd
12. Prophecy Girl - Buffy vs The Master (also Buffy Dies)
Overall the short season, while not allowing for too much world building, kept the show to a format that allowed very little filler. So although we mostly only get vampires as villains, we don't have enough time to really be bored of it. Some of the shows dynamics and cultural concerns definitely date the series but overall Season 1 of Buffy is definitely not a difficult watch, and can be enjoyed over and over again.
Let's get to the Benediction:
Best Character: Slay Girl, Slay!
As far as season one goes the titular Buffy Summers is the best character. Sarah Michelle Gellar is absolutely charismatic in the lead role and though at times she may seem selfish or reckless it makes perfect sense for the character. The character is allowed to be weak, to be selfish, and to be unlikeable. She avoids the foibles of a Luke Skywalker or a Harry Potter. She joins the ranks of primary protagonists who are not constantly outshined by their supporting cast. I believe when Buffy is sad, I believe when she throws a punch, I believe she struggles with her destiny. The only thing I don't believe is how ditsy she let's on.
Best Actor: Head's Up!
Anthony Stewart Head. Head as Giles is just fantastic. His balance of frustration with Buffy and genuinely parental concern is heartwarming and absolutely makes Giles one of the warmest father figures in television history.
Best Episode: A 'Master'ful Finale
It all builds up to Prophecy Girl and for good reason. Television shows often have mini-finale's at the end of their first seasons because the teams behind the series are not sure they will have a chance to tell more of their story. For that reason you can see just the first season of most television series and feel like you've heard the whole deal. I wish this habit was kept up in other seasons as we wouldn't still be wondering what the hell happened to Joel at the end of the Santa Clarita Diet. Buffy is no exception to this phenomenon and therefor attempted to tie up much of it's narrative in Prophecy Girl. While that often means big bads will be dispatched, I think it's a small price to pay for not winding up in a cliff hanger. Buffy and Giles just shine in this episode, Angel is given a more heroic role, Willow finally values herself as she should and Xander stops being a fucking horrible human being for once. This episode really satisfies in all areas.
Best Villain: Sweet, Sweetheart Killer
It's such a shame that Darla was killed so early on in the franchise. She is such a great presence on the screen that she overshadows all the villains that play alongside her, even the Master. I would have loved to have seen an alternate season where she offs the old coot and assumes the role of big bad much like Spike does in Season 2. Lucky for everyone that Darla is featured throughout the show in flashbacks and I hear she is even resurrected in Angel. Also, for Scott Pilgrim fans I feel like she and Envy Adams are very much sympatico. Maybe if they reboot Buffy all my dreams will come true.
I'd also like to take this time to recommend the song Angels and Darlas by Say Hi! It's pretty good.
Best Monster Design: Internet Troll!
While I can't speak for where the money in Season 1 of Buffy went, I can say that at least some decent cash was spent on both the forms of Moloch the Corruptor from the Episode "I, Robot ... You, Jane". Moloch was pretty wicked looking as a machine toward the end of the episode, he looked like a Mortal Kombat villain, but it's the green scales and ram horns the actor is sporting at the beginning of the episode that really catches the eye. In fact, I'm feeling compelled to hunt down any Moloch the Corruptor merch that may be out there on the internet. It's certainly no mystery why the demon's face is featured prominently in the theme song. It just looks great! Good job to the make up department there.
Most WTF moment: "Pack"s a Punch on Principle
While not the greatest episode in season one "the Pack" is certainly worth the watch if for no other reason than the horror is kicked up when a group of high school students under the influence of a malevolent Hyena God, decide that the School Mascot is not enough to satisfy their bloodlust turn on the principal, and yes, THEY EAT HIM. I remember being completely caught of guard the first time I saw that scene, and it kickstarted the running gag of Sunnydale high principles meeting their demise in horrific ways.
Worst Character: No More Mr. Nice Guy
When I was in college I often felt bad for Xander. The funny guy who just had no luck with women. He was sarcastic but had a big heart, and used a horny gimmick to mask his loneliness, or so I thought. But now I am older, I am wiser, I have known the touch of another human being and I have to say that Xander Harris is a really scummy fellow. I don't remember thinking so poorly and I wonder if the character develops a more nuanced view of women as the show goes on. As it stands there's barely a point in the series that Xander does not view the female cast as objects for him to enjoy or be embittered towards for one reason or another. It's not charming, it's foul. Xander Harris of season one is absolutely a terrorist attack waiting to happen, if Buffy had happened today it would be much more concerning to see someone so embittered, horny, and entitled to womens time and energy as Xander Harris. Dude is one step away from pulling an Elliot Rogers. Calm down buddy and maybe actually listen to a woman and you may find you aren't as much of a 'nice guy' as you think.
Worst Episode(s): If you're not first ...
It's a toss up on this one. Season One of Buffy is actually so short and concise that the 'Monster of the Week' episodes will have to be up for grabs as the worst episode by default, but even they are pretty watchable and don't warrant the vitriol a "worst" dub usually entails. I'd say there is not a worst episode of season one, just some episodes that aren't as good as the rest. In that vain, take your pick from "Witch", "Out of Mind, Out of Sight", or "The Puppet Show". However, I'd be doing a disservice to those episodes not to mention that each one of them takes what could just be a basic Buffy Vs (insert Villain), and does something unique and interesting with the idea. The villain of "Witch" actually turns out to be a has been cheerleader actually possessing the body of her innocent daughter to relive her glory years, The Invisible Girl is actually the victim of social cruelty, her peers disinterest in her manifesting in her condition becoming quite literal and she is picked up by the military in the end, then the Puppet show, well, it's just about the stupidest most absurd thing that could possibly happen and it's completely unafraid of that fact.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Season 1) is not the most groundbreaking TV, but it is absolutely evident why the show was such a phenomenon. Season 1 is particularly rewatchable. It does not demand too much investment or attention, but it will get it from you, especially on a first viewing. It's not afraid to take itself absolutely seriously or to plant it's tongue firmly in it's cheeks. It is to a degree a product of it's time, but in many other aspects feels timeless.
Overall Grade: B
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no-error · 4 years
Fantasy Klance Ficrec
Finally new list for fic recs. Hope ya all enjoy these awesome fics. :)
Remember check out tags!
Of Wolves and Wisps
Lance knows not to seek with his mind in the woods. The fae have a habit of twisting the desires sought by those who chase after the wisps. But when given no other choice, Lance makes the decision to alter his path. To change his fate.
He should have known, really, how things would turn out.
Never call out to wolves. One may just answer.
Words: 145,585 AO3
The Criminal Witch and His Knight of a Husband
Under the rule of an unjust king, witches not employed by the crown had become illegal in the kingdom of Altea. Not wanting to work for a filthy murderer of a man, Lance spitefully refused to get his certification at the normal age of sixteen. But that was over half a decade ago. Altea is now ruled by the beautiful and reasonable Queen Allura, and Lance finds himself happily married to her head knight, despite his fugitive status.
Lance struggles with helping hot headed, prone to danger Keith stay alive, while simultaneously keeping his ability to cast spells a secret. He can't have him figuring anything out. After all, the last thing he wants is for his own husband to arrest him.
Words: 80,309 AO3
Star Cursed
A Dragon familiar is the last thing Lance expects to summon when he graduates lowest in the class at the Magerium. All he wants to do is summon a toad or a cat and get to work, but summoning a High Magic creature like a Dragon is something no one has done in hundreds of years. The Dragon, named Keith (why, WHY is he named Keith), is trained to be a familiar for the most powerful of mages.
Unluckily for him, Lance is assigned the task of lesser potions master. Lance has to navigate a precarious balance of grumpy-Dragon-with-nothing-to-do on top of his workload of boring tasks. That’s when he isn’t enduring the ridicule of the other students, who believe him to be “Star Cursed.” To make matters worse, discontent in the Magerium is brewing and it might mean danger for all High Magic creatures, which currently includes one Dragon named Keith
Words: 152,239 AO3
fit the crown to my head
“What’s the fun in a masquerade if you don’t flirt outrageously with the prettiest person in the room?” the young man says flippantly, and then winks at Keith. Keith huffs a laugh, amused.
“You keep saying things like that, but you haven’t seen my face,” he says, gesturing to his mask. “I could have warts under here. I could have spots, or scars.”
“You’d be lovely even with all of those,” the young man says, and he suddenly sounds serious. It takes Keith by surprise, makes his heart twist along with his stomach. “Your eyes,” he continues, tilting his head. “I’ve never seen eyes like yours before.”
Words: 75,705 AO3
Magic Bound & Unbound
Set in a world where familiars and witches are paired to perform magic together, Lance is an aspiring witch who is desperate to find his bondmate. He's dreamed of the day when he would be able to perform bonded magic, but hides a dark secret that could ruin everything. Keith is a familiar who's seen a little too much of the world. He's been paired with witches multiple times and each one has forced and broken a bond on him, so now he swears off ever letting himself be paired again.
When they meet, though, Lance triggers something in Keith and it scares the hell out of him. A part of him desperately wants to be paired, but he's not sure he can take rejection one more time.
Words: 56,345 AO3
Regarding Park Benches and Demon Bites
Lance forces his eyes open, all the way this time. It takes them a second to adjust, and when they do, his stomach plummets to the center of the earth. The man is in a black shirt, the sleeves rolled up on his forearms to reveal the runes inked across his pale skin. There’s a sword strapped across his back, a big one.
“You’re a Shadowhunter,” Lance blurts. Lance’s mother had warned him about getting mixed up with these bloodthirsty maniacs, and here he is, half conscious next to the very people he’d worked so hard to avoid the last two years. He’s fucked. Royally screwed. He isn’t sure what kind of punishment is handed out to warlocks for public intoxication but his mind races through options like indefinite imprisonment, dismemberment, death?
Words: 8,999 AO3
you build your tower (but call me home)
In the land of Arus, the youngest Nalquodian prince—Prince Leandro—is hidden away in a little castle that overlooks the kingdom; a countermeasure to protect him from the Galran assassins that have sworn to take his life.
And in the tallest tower of the castle, behind a grimy rose window and under a dusty sheet, is an enchanting gargoyle that the prince finds himself compelled to visit every day.
Almost as if by a spell...
Words: 63,041 AO3
Wild Magic
The Vastaya are an ancient and proud race, born of magic and man, and they are dying. The spread of humans makes the magic of their homelands run thin. What is left is preyed upon and corrupted by the rising galra influence.
After losing their home, what remains of the Marmora tribe scatters, fighting the spread of corruption where they can. For the last few centuries, this is the only life Keith has known. And with Shiro’s disappearance, he’s more alone than ever. But he keeps going, even if it means losing himself. For the fight. For his people. For their future. For his homelands. For magic.
The last thing he expected to find is another feathered vastaya, one with wings that shine like the sky and move like waves when he dances. He never asked for company, never wanted it. But as Keith finds himself growing fond of Lance’s flippant attitude and determined blue eyes, he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he doesn’t want to fight alone anymore.
Words: 151,776 AO3
A Touch of Magic
"Keith—" He feels his heart lurch as Keith squats down next to him. One hand on his wolf's head, scratching behind his ear. His eyes, however, remain fixed on Lance, and he had really hoped that the whole dry-mouth-lump-in-the-throat-heart-skipping-a-beat thing would've stopped happening when he turned, but here he is. Vampiric and still the flustered mess he was when he was human. "Buddy, I can't breathe—"
"You don't have to breathe," He says, that ghost of a smile still fixed and the whisper of amusement in his voice.
It sends chills down his spine.
Lance huffs as much as he can when there's a large wolf crushing his chest. "That doesn't mean it's not uncomfortable."
"You'll survive." He pats his wolf one last time before pushing to his feet. "Better luck next time, Lance."
"I'll get you one day, Keithy boy." He calls out as Keith walks away, disappearing from his vision and continuing down the path. "Just you wait."
Words: 19,953 AO3
For Fox Sake
Foxtail series
Photography has always been an passion of Keith's. Being able to capture that perfect moment - grant it immortality and unleash it to the world so that the people may decide what stories they tell - is what he lives for.
So when given the opportunity to expand his horizons, Keith finds himself on a month long excursion in the middle of nowhere, with only his camera and his own thoughts to keep him company.
And this forest - this mountainous landscape seemingly untouched by human hands - holds more than just a vast array of scenic landscapes and wondrous wildlife worthy of being captured in film.
It holds a secret. One Keith hadn't anticipated discovering, much less believing. And though they say "take only pictures, leave only footprints", Keith worries that when he finally has to return to his mundane world, he'll be leaving more than just tracks on the ground.
But his heart has always belonged to the woods, and he knows the fox will guard it well.
Words: 80,888 AO3
Ghost on the Shore
After moving into an desolated house in a swamp, Keith finds that the area's not as abandoned as he anticipated. He soon meets Lance, a mysterious boy that apparently lives out in the marsh, and who seems to possess magical powers to a certain degree.
Words: 37,055 AO3
It Never Rains on Saturday
Rain or Shine Series
In the magical kingdom of Altea lies an ominous tower filled with monsters. Every day, adventurers battle through the tower’s levels in a never-ending quest to slay the Demon King who lives at the very top.
Lance, a talented archer, is one such adventurer. However, Lance doesn’t want to kill the Demon King.
Lance wants to marry him.
Words: 22,726 AO3
Lance McClain was not pale. He enjoyed the sun as much as any other, and though he was often run down or fatigued, this was due to his steadily amounting college work, not his need to sleep upside down. He was everything a vampire wasn't. Oh, except for his constant cravings for blood, and the name in cursive permanently scrawled over his wrist.
Since the name had appeared on Lance's thirteenth birthday, he'd been desperately waiting for the day he'd finally meet his soulmate. And it finally comes, the first day of his second year of college, delivering a boy that causes everything Lance had fantasized to come crashing down around him. Not only is his mate a human, but he's the kind of human that despises vampires. A hunter named Keith.
But matters of the heart aren't the only thing standing in Lance's way, for a much greater enemy is on the horizon, posing a threat not only to Lance and his family, but to Keith, too. The nameless are coming for them, and soon.
Words: 102,409 AO3
Living off the grid is one thing. Keith had been doing it his whole life. However, now that the mountain he has lived on his whole live is slowly being developed thanks to a ski resort it's getting harder and harder for Keith to keep to himself. Especially when he happens to catch the eye of a rather cute looking townie.
Words: 133,954 AO3
An Eternal Flame
“Do you have a deathwish?” The phoenix answers him with a question this time, apparently intent on dodging the question about its name. Maybe it’s for the best, Lance’s mama always warned him that he tended to get attached to things once he’d named them. He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath.
He isn’t going to get attached this time.
Making sure that he’s still holding the phoenix’s attention, he reaches down and pushes his cloak aside, then lifts his shirt. There, bright red and ugly against his hip, are three long slashes. They aren’t scars, they aren’t healed in the slightest, they’re still red and open wounds. They don’t hurt, not in the physical sense, but Lance can’t help the repulsion he feels whenever he looks at them.
“Not a deathwish, a death sentence.”
Words: 63,692 AO3
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staytiny-angel · 5 years
Safe Haven 3/?
Co-written with @scream-qween
Pairings: Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch, Eventually Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch/Seth Rollins, Jon Moxley/Renee Young, Sasha Banks/Bayley/Charlotte Flair
Warnings: Violence, Language
Word Count: 1799
Summary: After an 8-year absence, 25-year-old Seth Rollins returns home to his pack but in no way resembling the Beta Werewolf that ran away after a violent misunderstanding with his brothers.
Seth is feral, and trapped in a form the bitten wolf shouldn't even be capable of, it turns out that he is the victim of a powerful curse that would make him a mindless slave.
Meanwhile Alpha Werewolf Drew McIntyre and his Part Banshee, Part Sea Witch mate Becky Lynch have joined the unorthodox pack of Haven in search of the final member of the Triad a seer told the pair they were destined to be apart of.
Taglist: @sethsevolution @feathers-and-flesh-and-wrestling @deepdisireslonging @writtingrose @pikapuff316 @hitory--chan @finnsauroraborealis @the-beastslayers-queen
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Becky took a step back, "What the hell is that?"
Finn sighed, closing his eyes until they returned to blue. "It's a long story"
"I got time, explain" Becky demanded, Drew stepping up next to her
Seth whimpered and licked Finn's face, causing Finn to smile, and lean down to rub his head against the wolf's.
"You know he doesn't like that story" Elias says gently
"I know" the vampire replied "Go play with Baron, Seth. Ember should be around somewhere as well."
With a huff and one last lick to the face of each vampire Seth ran off though the mansion to find his other friend, Baron following closely behind him.
"I recognize you as well, Cailleach na Mara and you are supposed to be very much dead." Finn says standing up and brushing off his black slacks before reaching down and helping his wife to her feet.
"So the hell are you cousin." Becky says with a snort
"Cousin!" Everyone exclaimed
"How…" Stephanie started to say
"I'm older then I look." Becky says easily, "MUCH older"
"You were killed by a Vampire." Becky says as if putting the pieces of a puzzle together "The clan told stories about seeing you still walking around after you'd died but…"
"Attacked by a vampire? Yes. Killed? Not so much"
"Prince Devitt did die that day, remember your memory problems?" Violet said.
"If you hadn't found me, I'd gone completely feral" Finn remised, kissing her head.
"Explain" Becky said
"I found him." Violet says "Dying. My sister attacked him and I saved him but his transition was….brutal and he lost a lot of his human memories. Balor has been slowly healing that part of his mind for well over a century"
"Now somebody explain why our child is a fully shifted wolf" Finn says
"Paul Heyman. He tried to turn Seth into...a slave for whatever reason. It didn't work out so well, but Seth's been like this for a while" Elias answered, making sure to step back.
Finn took a shaky breath, his eyes flashing between blue and red before finally settling on red. "Really Bálor?" Violet asked
"That....walrus, he tried to enslave our Puppy?" Balor roared causing everyone to wince and take a huge step back from the demon king. From somewhere in the house you could hear a howl and heavy four-legged footsteps, then from a corridor came Seth running, followed by Baron and a smaller wolf with orange-tipped black fur.
Seth, much to the discomfort of both Drew and Becky ran straight for the demon, who in a surprising show of strength caught the huge wolf.
"He's close with a demon...cool" Becky said, uneasy.
"We need to tell Shawn about this" Violet spoke up. "Tell a broken hearted fire sprite, 'Hey, the thing that killed your wife and twins? Yeah, his buddy tried to enslave your youngest nephew!' That? Is a death sentence" Eilas argues
"And it'd be better for him to find out later?" Violet asks
"I would highly suggest we save that conversation for after Seth is back in human form" Hunter says knowing his adopted brother well. "Seth is one of the few people who can keep Shawn calm, "
"We need your summoning circle and we need Balor to put one of his Shields around it, so we can turn him back" Stephanie explained to the pair, before asking Seth "How big are you now, so I can conjure you up some clothes"'
Elias looked down in surprise "Really? Finally had that growth spurt?" he smirked at the wolf before telling Stephanie "He says he's 6" 2" and kinda beefy?"
"Can finally fight me brother" Mox grinned, Seth growling playfully. Bálor set him down gently before summoning a ring of black fire around him. "How are we doing this" he gestured to Becky
Becky stepped forward and gestured to Stephanie,"Guide me through the counter-curse?"
Stephanie nodded "Are you ready, Starshine?"
"He's ready." Elias answered for the wolf
"Everyone back up, and keep that shield up Balor." Stephanie says taking the sea witch's hand and beginning to chant, her own golden magic soon being joined by Becky's ocean blue.
Stephanie began to pant with exertion as gold, blue and black magic surrounded Seth, who howled in pain
The magic flared almost all the way to the top of the high vaulted ceiling, completely obscuring the form within before finally fading and revealing a tall, tanned man with long dark, blond tipped hair and a thick beard, shivering and panting, with sharpened nails and fangs.
Stephanie magiked clothes on him before collasping into Humter's arms.
"Welcome back baby brother" Mox said.
"Glad to be back" Seth replied in a voice raspy from disuse, before he started to laugh for a few minutes until his eyes landed on Becky, who was now sitting on the floor with Drew wrapped around her from behind holding her up
Almost in a single leap Seth crossed the room and landed in front of the pair, startling them.
"Here we fucking go" Elias murmured
As soon as the pair locked eyes with the man crouched in front of them sonething…clicked.
"Son of a bitch" Drew swore. "You can only sense your mates for the first time when their in human form."
"Bingo" Elias says with a smirk, "Seth knew as soon as he was in his right mind"
Stephanie's eyes darted between her son and the newest members of their pack, "Goddess Above" she whispered "Xavier was right"
Everyone looked at the witch who was being held similarly to Becky by her own mate. "What?!" Mox says looking at his mother.
"Xavier had a vision about 3 months ago. He said we had to let the next two people who came to us for sanctuary into Haven, that they would be the key to getting Seth back. You two showed up about a week after that."
"We were told to come here to find our third" Drew muttered.
"Sorry we had to meet like this" Seth said. "With me all growly and shit"
Becky leaned forward and petted Seth's beard much like she had petted him in wolf form, Seth leaning into the touch "It's okay. You were kinda cute. Much cuter this way though"
"Anyone else notice that the redhead has a type?" Mox asks, pointing out the similarities in Drew and Seth's appearances
"All werewolves kinda look alike though" Violet argued.
"True but two mates looking like they could be related? Kinda a stretch" Mox replied
"I have to talk to Uncle Shawn" Seth said, turning to Stephanie "Mom. The twins aren't dead. Heyman has them under some kind of mind control spell. They both wear these amulets that they aren't allowed to take off for any reason. I managed to snatch Rhea's off of her when I was in wolf form and she recognized me, that's how I escaped from his compound. She blasted me out but The Beast caught up to us and Heyman put it back on her."'
Stephanie covered her mouth in shock. "Oh my god, Shawn always said he knew they were alive, but...we could never prove it" Seth hugged her tightly.
"What made Heyman target you?" Drew asked
"I'm not what I thought I was." Seth said quietly "Heyman's spell didn't work right on me...because I'm part warlock. Remember Mom? We always wondered why I was so good at seeing magic?" Seth waved his hand in the air creating a shower of silver sparks. "My birth mother was a Wolf and my birth father was a Warlock, they worked for Heyman but escaped when they found out they were gonna have me. That's why Heyman was here the day he killed Aunt Chyna and took the twins. He was looking for me"
"He will never have you again" Violet says. "You are our son, my baby." she caressed his cheek, Seth grabbing her hand.
Ember nudged Bálor, who scratched her head."You're gonna have to be careful Seth. Heyman won't just let you be free"
"That's why I'm here, he's going to try and get an pure Alpha. He think Omegas and Betas shake off his magic too easily and it isn't just Wolves that are vulnerable The Beast was a Dragon before Heyman fucked with him" Seth explained "When I was here the only Pure Alphas were Roman, Dad, Xavier, Charlotte and Renee"
He looked up at Drew "I'm gonna assume you are too?" He asked "Honestly, don't know for sure" Drew replied. "And I don't really care. Alphas have to protect everyone, I just have to protect Spitfire"
Seth nodded and continued "Whatever Heyman's magic did to me I have no fucking clue what I am anymore, I know it broke the seal my birth mother must have put on my magic, cause I can actually do shit now"
"I can help teach you" Becky quietly offered walking toward her new mate.
"Thank you" he says gently, with a slight bow. "I know I come with a fuckton of baggage, so I do understand if neither of you want to be mated to me"
Their impromptu meeting was interrupted when a golden blonde Wolf came barreling into the house and ran straight to Elias barking furiously
"Slow down, Renee what's wrong?!" The siren knelt down and placed a hand on her head. "I'm just gonna look okay honey?" he says gently as he closes his eyes only for them to snap open in horror a moment later.
"Elias?" Stephanie asks
"The Beast was here. Heyman took Roman."
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Dean and Sam; Hunters Vs Men of Letters
So all through season 12 I noticed there were a lot of highlights to show the difference in the Hunters and Men of Letters, using Dean and Sam as the example.
Sam has many parallels with the Men of Letters. The Men of Letters are shown to be the ‘intellectuals’ who look down on hunters for being ‘brutes’. One of the first things Toni did in her conversation with Dean was insult his intelligence and imply Dean didn’t even know what a book was. This isn’t saying that Men of Letters are smarter than hunters. Hell, Renny was ‘top of his class at Kendricks’ and was still so much of a dumbass to stand right behind the enemy as someone is shooting as well as having ZERO people skills. He had NO idea what he was doing in the field. Same with Mick on his first hunt with Sam and Dean. Many of the men of Letters seem to think that the hunters have no intelligence to offer. Now Sam is usually seen as the ‘intelligent one’. He got a full ride to Stanford and many of the enemies had commented a few times that they thought Sam was the smart one. Sam is highlighted to like more intellectual things in this season, like listening to the same pod cast as Mick about the 99 thesis of Martin Luther, or spending his time in a three star motel only going over new lore books. 
Meanwhile Hunters are seen as ‘barbarians’, who lack intelligence. This isn’t true at all. Look at Bobby! He is fluent in at least four languages (Japanese, English, Greek, Latin), he knows just about everything when it comes to lore and when hunters needed an answer they would call him. Dean is also smart as hell too, but it is a different kind of intelligence than Sam. Sam is book smart, but Dean is smart in common sense. Dean mostly just hides how smart he is. We know he’s well read, something that surprises even Sam when they hear Dean speak as they sometimes forget that Dean does that behind the front he puts up; he is a mechanical and electrical genius having been able to not only rebuilt and maintain the Impala over the years but build a EMF meter out of scraps; and he knows hunting and lore so well that when he’s on solo hunts he has no problem figuring out what they are dealing with. Even Sam still looks to Dean for guidance on hunts. However what Hunters do, unlike Men of Letters, is spend a lot of time in the trenches, getting dirty. They highlighted this in one episode where Dean and Sam come in from three back to back fights where Dean is completely covered in blood and guts while Sam doens’t even have a speck on him. Men of letters refer to hunters as their slaves, who do the dirty work and are expendable. Dean describes himself as expendable, a grunt who is going to die with a gun in his hand.
The Men of Letters are big picture thinkers, something Sam is associated with. They have no problem making sacrifices along the way if it means that they will help the world for the greater good. There has been a few times through the series where Sam is shown willing to accept sacrifices for the big plan. Like in Jus in Bello where Sam considered letting Ruby kill Nancy, a single woman, to stop a hoard of demons from killing an entire town. The Men of Letters think more strategically, shown by their plans on how to exterminate all the vampires in the US. Sam is usually the one of the brothers that yells that they can’t go into a situation without a plan. They are also ‘end justifies the means’ thinkers, like Sam is quite a few times. Sam has done a few things that he knew were bad and horrible but figured it was alright because they were getting results. That was Sam’s whole argument for signing up with the Men of Letters to begin with, that while the shit they did was horrible they were getting results.
Meanwhile Dean and the other hunters are pretty short sighted. They see what is going on in front of them and act based on that. Dean is also never willing to accept any kind of give. He is not willing to lose a single life even if it will save thousands. Dean and hunters as a whole are usually more focused on the morality of the act then the results of it. Dean showed this when cared more about the fact Sam was relying on demon blood than the fact Sam was able to exorcise demons. When most hunters become monsters, like shown with Dean as a vampire, Claire as a werewolf, and even Garth’s initial knee jerk reaction to being turned as well as Gordon’s, they are willing to die then and there instead of becoming the monsters that they worked so hard to hunt. They don’t care that it might make them better or stronger, once they become a danger to others, chancing hurting people, they are done. Hunters for the most part aren't’ willing to stoop to things like magic and powers either to fight. Max is a rare exception to that rule, but Max is a special case because he is a natural witch and was born with those powers and hadn’t had to do anything that would hurt his moral code (until like episode 19) in order to use them.
The Men of Letters have a strict hierarchy, one Sam and Mary had no problem assimilating into. They have a strict code with rules and order. On the flip side hunters have no hierarchy. Dean and many other hunters rejected the very idea of reporting in to a superior. Dean has had an issue with authority since the Pilot. Dean has never just fallen in line for anyone but John. Hunters as a whole like the idea of being outside of society and not having to answer to anyone.
There is a huge difference in technology and training as well. Men of Letters go to school to study on the Supernatural. They have access to some of the the greatest weapons and tools made. Many of their new weapons make it so that they can kill whole groups of monsters without even having to swing a weapon. Hunters are more learn on the job and use what they can grab lying around kind of thing. Again this is illustrated in Sam and Dean where Sam is the more technologically advanced of the brothers, always quick to pull out a tablet or laptop to work and teasing Dean for not being as up to date, like being shocked when Dean mentions he got an app, telling a witness that Dean only just learned how to ‘poke’ on Facebook, and so on. In this season when Sam goes to explain a computer algorithm to Dean, Dean just gives Sam a blank look until Sam summarizes it as ‘a computer told me’. Meanwhile Dean rejects most of their fancy tools, saying all he wants is a handful of silver bullets. While Dean is good with technology, like hacking into security cameras and using the computer when he needs it, Dean isn’t the biggest fan of them and usually goes for the more old fashioned methods. The Men of Letters is shown as more ‘progressive with technology and the times’ like Sam while Dean is more old fashioned like hunters.
There is also the difference in lifestyle. The Men of Letters had been shown to have a very upscale lifestyle. When Mary showed Sam their compound, she says the Brits act like they are slumming it. When Mick checks him and the boys into a hotel, he tells them it’s unfortunate it’s so shabby when it was a three star hotel. Sam seems to align more with this, adjusting rather quickly to the hotel, even commenting to Claire that a hot meal does not include microwaving something at a gas station. Hunters meanwhile usually stay in slummy motel rooms. Dean acts like a little kid in awe as he goes around the hotel, he gets offended when Sam made the comment about the microwaveable food, even asking Sam what is wrong with that.
The point seems to be that for most of season 12, there were many times where Sam was drawn toward the Men of Letters, and even setting up parallels with him to characters like Mick, even Dean labeling them both as ‘nerd soul mates’. Meanwhile there were a lot of parallels drawn with Dean the hunters like Claire and Eileen. Dean and Eileen even had the same word for word interactions with Renny.
Dean has always been more like the sterotypical hunter and Sam like the more sterotypical Men of Letters. However at the end of the day they aren’t really either. Dean and Sam aren’t as surly and untrusting as hunters but they aren’t as close minded and uncaring as the Men of Letters. Sam is more caring and compassionate than the Men of Letters and Dean is more open minded then most hunters. Both brothers show traits of both groups as well. Dean’s main issue with the Men of Letters is that they were an organization that knew what was going on an ignored it, who are quick to judge but not willing to get their hands dirty, and had too many secrets to be able to be trusted. Sam’s issue with hunters is they are too closed off an weary of everything, that they just only go after what they can see so the damage at that point has already been done, and that they aren’t open to change.
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Least favorite zp characters
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And here we are, the other post I promised and totally didn't stall on putting out because lazy.
First, I'd like to address something. One thing that bugged me in my favorite list was that I put characters that didn't even appear in the comic on there. This was kind of unfair in my opinion. I rather give characters a chance to shine and not just go off of a few pictures and a bio. I rather see them in action first. This is why I will be excluding any characters that did not appear or have a prominent role in the comic. Hell, to put this in perspective, if I just went off of Damian's character sheet and not his role in the comic, he wouldn't be my favorite character.
And just in case you guys wanna know what my favorites list would be like if I excluded those that didn't make an appearance, here you go:
Honourable mention, Carrie. 5, Cameron. 4. Mackenzie. 3, Addison. 2, Jack. 1, Damian.
We good? And before we get into the list proper, let me say that I don't hate these characters. Some on here are characters that I like. I just like them the least for some reason.
Also, here are some unmentionables (aka, characters you probably expected to be here but aren't )
KAYLA: yeah, yeah, I went on an unnecessarily long tangent about her introduction (which I'm not proud of and plan to re do). I also said that I hated her in arc 2. I just wanna clear something up, I don't hate Kayla. I dislike how she ended up being written, but ultimately her problems came solely from her being the victim of a bad introduction, not the character herself. So, I'm leaving her off the list.
DAPHNE : I know, she's a femin-nazi, everyone else hates her, I ought to hate her too. Daphne, however, only made a brief appearance in the comic. She didn't even get any lines. I want to see her in action before I declare her a least favorite.
NOW onto the list! I will warn you all that since I limited this to characters that played a role and had more then 2 lines of dialog, there are going to be entries that you are NOT going to like. And I apologize for that. I didn't have fun putting some of these characters on here, so let's suffer together. First, a dishonorable mention.
Yeah guys, I wasn't kidding when I said that I was split on Addison. Look, there is plenty to like about him, and after the headcanons, he's grown on me. And he was an alright character in the comic. Not impressive, but alright.
Then came chapter 5.
Oh boy.
Guys, let me ask you a question. Have you ever come across a character who, no matter how many stupid or irrational decisions they make, they never get called out for it? Their dumb decisions never backfire on them? And like that, I think you know where I'm going with this.
A lot of us know by now that Addison was created by Xirxin, and that they do try to recapture him, and that he knows they're after him, right. So, Addi. ... WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU GO OUT WITH SOMEONE YOU BEARLY KNOW!? Don't you have some sort of PTSD from being experimented on that is triggered by people touching you? Well, maybe not because you clearly aren't concerned about being recaptured by Xirxen. If you were, you wouldn't be heading out ALONE with a stranger. The funny thing is that, despite what Addi is doing by going on a date with Gustav, the story treats Addison like what he is doing isn't stupid. At most, Damian is made out to be irrational for being against this whole thing, and at most, Addi's mother only gets SLIGHTLY concerned about this.
Oh yeah, and there was that incident with Mackenzie. Look, story, I get it, no one likes Mackenzie, but are we just going to ignore that Addison attacked her when she was trying to help him? She didn't know about his PTSD, and yet not only does Addi not apologize to her, characters like Gustav act like Addi did nothing wrong. It's just brushed over as a meltdown. Um, I'm sorry, but no. Addi might have some issues, but Mackenzie didn't know, and is blamed for the incident by others instead of Addi because she committed the awful crime of trying to help. Kill me.
Look, I love Sahara. She's cool, and I love clumsy witches. The problem here is that she's kinda forgettable.
The issue is that not only has she not really done something no one else could do (no, really. Her role in arc 2 could've been anyone else, and nothing would have changed), out of her, Addi, and Dame, Sahara is the least interesting of the group.
Granted, she is going up against Mr." I was created in a Labratory, evil scientists are after me, and I'm cute and sassy" and Mr. "I am literally the anti christ and if ch 3 suggested anything, it's that I have issues and I'm somewhat sociopathic since I can torture my cousin and not give a damn". And besides, Sahara could still be compelling if given a striking personality by the comic. As my buddy, lillysash97, pointed out to me, there are some things here and there we can use to read between the lines and get an idea of who she is.
Still, what puts the nail in the coffin for me is that Sahara's lack of a compelling personality and story is made worse when you put her beside characters who have a lot more going on with them, and even vivziepop has called Sahara "that one friend no one gives a crap about " . Vivz realises that Sahara isn't as interesting as Dame and Addi, yet nothing is done about it.
I personally believe that Sahara is underrated, but at the same time, I get why not as many people like her.
Again, love this character. Especially love his moments with Cameron. However, when I started analyzing zoophobia for my rewrite series, I realized that Zech actually makes some of the wierdest decisions in the story. For instance,
In arc 1, he goes on about how horrible it is that Cameron was not informed about safe haven and what it was. He then proceeds to have her not know what safe haven is until CH 3, where she had to yell at people to get answers.
Also, Zech knows he has a demon as a student in school and that demons are outlawed in safe haven. And yet he apparently never tells the SH authority that Damian is attending school and is allowed to be up here. Kay then.
Look, Zech, love you, but for someone in a position of power, you might want to start making better decisions.
Now we get the characters I really don't like.
Not too much to say about Gustav here. I wish we had gotten more then just straight up douche before CH 5 for him. When he appeared in ch 2, he was just kinda there and didn't contribute much. When ch 5 rolled around, it was like "who's this guy again? "
Also, can we talk about how he treats Mackenzie. It actually makes no sense. In arc 2, he kicks Mackenzie off for wearing an odd costume. Gustav, you're in the theater world. How is a Fucking cat hoodie wierd to you? People dress up in much weirder things for Broadway musicals. Also, in ch 5, not only does he blame Mackenzie for Addi attacking her (victim blaming is definitely going to make people like you Gustav, totally ) when she was trying to help Addi, he says that he would've reacted worse. Gustav, please tell me you wouldn't have stabbed someone if they accidentally spill paint on you and then tried to help you. Oh, and apparently tripping is a terrible thing to do, and anyone who does it should be ashamed.
Even when Gustav defended Addi from Tom, I couldn't help but feel that the only reason he was acting nice now was because his smol baie was in trouble.
Basically, Gustav is a straight up douche. Apparently we were going to learn more about him later on in ch5, so maybe he might get better.
Oh yeah, and thus far, he hasn't become that interesting, but at least he isn't one of the main cast and hasn't had almost 2 chapters to star in. So maybe we can overlook him not being too interesting for now.
Oh yeah, and speaking of the character I was referring to just now.....
You guys remember how I said that Jack and Dame were interesting characters that had a lot going on for them and how both had strong introductions and were entertaining to watch?
What if we looked at the complete opposite? We'd get Zill.
Look, I'm sorry, but Zill is not that interesting. His introduction barely sets up his character. In ch 2, the most interesting thing involving him was the vampire attack. We get subjected to his and Kayla's relationship problems without being given a reason to care, and in ch 4, all we get is that he can sing, he is a good guy who does good guy things, used to be a womanizer, is in love Kayla and is drifting away from Jack. To once again reference something my buddy lillysash97 mentioned, it's disappointing that we can read into characters like Sahara who hasn't had as much time to shine than Zill.
Also, you have to admit, ch 2 made Zill seem like the most oblivious fucker on the planet. When Kayla dumped him, I couldn't help but feel that he kinda deserved it. I mean, is Jack really the only one who knew about the anniversary? We see Kayla telling Vanex about it, and since Sahara clearly knows about it, clearly there are other people who know about the anniversary. Are you telling me no one asked about or mentioned the anniversary to Zill in a week? I don't think Damian locked every student in ZPA in a locker. Either by some magical coincidence, no one brings up the anniversary to Zill, or Zill is so oblivious, he doesn't know that people aren't talking about the talent show.
Maybe Zill will become more interesting later on. At least he isn't a FUCKING WASTE OF SPACE -- --
Why did this bird show up? Not only is he kind of annoying, he had no reason to show up. Just have Vegenza f stuff up, leave him out, and nothing would change.
Even as I look more into zoophobia, I don't get why this character exists. Look, a character can be boring. They can be a terrible person. At least they'd probably have a reason to be there.
But this character. ...
And that's all I have to say.
Feel free to ask questions and tell me what you think
I apologize for wasting your time
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