#if tumblr explodes my internet popularity explodes with it
wait I still need to make that Link Bank post
let me do that
in case tumblr explodes
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scampthecorgi · 11 months
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Thursday night we had to say goodbye to our boy Scamp. He lived a very full and happy life for nearly 13 years, but it will never feel like enough time.
Scamp’s life with us began when my brother chose the breed for our next family dog: a corgi. This pup was Mr. Personality! So I thought I’d make a blog for him as corgis gained popularity online. What started as this fun tumblr blog in 2013 exploded into Scamp popping up all over the internet. He got reblogged by Doctor Who, retweeted by Lin-Manuel Miranda, and his pictures-turned-uncredited-meme made Buzzfeed’s list of 40 most important corgis one year! His pictures and gifs still show up on various sites.
Scamp even helped my brother become a certified dog trainer! He was by his side quickly learning the commands and creating routines to pass tests. I illustrated 7 coloring books about Scamp which helped me pay off my student loans, so he was my business partner too!
He had many health issues through his life, but he would work miracles and bounce back time after time. The poor guy had seizures when he was younger, a blockage, a ruptured disc, cancer, chemo for a year, low blood platelets, kidney failure (which he miraculously reversed??), and vasculitis. This past summer he got very sick and we really thought he would go soon. But again Scamp worked his magic, recovered, and we got four more months with him that we didn’t expect.
He brought so much happiness to our family, and I thank you all for being part of our lives too. I will still use this blog to post old pictures of him now and then, but I will miss our photo shoots. His brother Rufus will carry on some of his traditions on Instagram if anyone would like to follow him @goldenpuprufus . And if anyone has one of Scamp’s coloring books and posts a picture of their work, please tag me or send it to my inbox- I would love to see it!
I will miss seeing him relax at the fishpond, hearing him woof for a boost into the kitchen, and waddle through the back door with that smile persuading me to give him treats. He was the best pal we could have asked for.
I know you’re looking dapper over the rainbow bridge in your bow tie. Love you, buddy.
🐶🌈 12/1/2010-11/2/2023
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
So, way back when I was a wee little cringe nerd (tentatively affectionate), I was absolutely bonkers obsessed with Percy Jackson. I also had basically zero access to the internet and only an extremely vague idea of what fanfiction was, and I definitely wasn't immersed in the fanfiction culture of the time. So that meant whenever I had Thoughts and Ideas, I was writing those fuckers straight into my class notebooks for all the world but especially my teachers to see. That being said, I just remembered my very first ever fanfiction idea, of which I wrote three pages of looseleaf in my seventh-grade social studies class with my best friend in between assignments. Which I will now elaborate on as an Adult because honestly, what else do I have a semi-popular Tumblr blog for?
The basic idea is that, in the Son of Neptune, instead of heading straight for Camp Jupiter, Percy very vaguely remembers that the mysterious Annabeth lives very close by. He skids down the hill next to the Caldecott Tunnel, but instead of crashing into the highway, he lands in the back of a pickup and is carried away by a very panicked+annoyed driver who wants the kid in the back of his truck out.
(Please imagine Frank and Hazel, standing guard, watching some random kid go screaming down the side of a hill on a serving platter while pursued by gorgons, land in a pickup, and, still screaming, swordfight said gorgons. Who get whacked out of the air and run over by a school bus. Can you fucking imagine)
(Please also imagine Juno, waiting invisibly next to the road, also watching Percy go screaming by in a truck. She had been waiting there to give Percy her mysterious "choose safety or your memories" spiel but now he's fucking gone)
The pickup driver pulls over to the side of the road near the bay and tells Percy to get the fuck out of the back of his car. Percy, seeing the gorgons in hot pursuit in the distance, makes the logical move and jumps straight into the bay. He lets instincts and muscle memory guide him to the edge of one of those fancy neighborhoods that border the edge of the water. He continues following muscle memory and instincts and ends up at Annabeth's house, and he knocks on the door.
Fredrick, opening the door: Percy Jackson??
Percy: ...who are you
Fredrick: you exploded my car four years ago! my daughter has been looking for you for months. ANNABETH COME DOWNSTAIRS I FOUND YOUR BOYFRIEND
Annabeth gives him a flying tackle hug and Percy is 60% confused, 40% relieved because finally this is someone he remembers. Annabeth starts talking about how they need to get Percy to CHB stat, everyone is so worried about him, they knew Jason had had amnesia but it had been so long they weren't sure if Percy was still alive, etc etc,
Percy is nodding along in confusion and pretending he knows wtf she's talking about.
Juno appears in the Chase house. She's mad as hell that a) percy isn't already in Camp Jupiter and b) he's with Annabeth (derogatory). She teleports Percy straight into CJ but Annabeth manages to hang onto him and come with.
They land on the near side of the Little Tiber, where Frank and Hazel are reporting on the weird screaming demigod in a pickup that had gone by twenty minutes ago. Juno realizes she accidentally brought Annabeth along and is Very Unhappy about this.
"Romans, I bring to you the Son of Neptune-" ("I'm the son of a planet?" Percy muttered). "For months he has been slumbering [etc]. Instruct him in your ways, induct him into your legion. As for the daughter of Minerva…” The Romans gasped, staring at Annabeth. Juno curled her lip, shooting an icy look at the girl. Annabeth snarled wordlessly in response. “She is extraneous. Do with her what you will.”
Juno disappeared
More will be added in the reblog
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
02/12/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Parrot Analytics; Cast & Crew; Kristian Nairn; Nathan Foad; Erroll Shand; Trends and Stats; V-Day Video for Prime; In person events and Watch Party reminders; People of Earth; WooAsACrew; Kudoboard for Cast & Crew Update; Love Notes; Daily Darby; Tonight's Taika; Well folks, it was another busy busy day. I apologize, I'm a bit exhausted today so I'll be making this quicker than normal.
== Parrot Analytics ==
Some Q4 data was released by Parrot Analytics for HBO and Max and as you can probably imagine, this made most of the internet explode. Referencing @adoptourcrew here since they did a great bit of research.
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SRC: HBO's Most Popular Shows - hidden behind Paywall
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== UK How You Can Help==
Below are actions to do every day to capitalise on #OurFlagBBC! More info below on how to use YouGov. Tumblr
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=Cast & Crew Sightings=
= Wee John Wondays ==
I think everyone's favorite part of the day was when Nathan Foad appeared on Wee John Wonday's. He is by far one of the best guests ever.
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Please go watch the whole damn live, but if you don't have time right now. Here's a clip from our fabulous friend @edscuntyeyeshadow who recorded it for us, I have just left it on repeat so I can continue to laugh.
A few quotes/highlights in case you can't watch anything right now:
Kristian's Garage Fire
Nathan's Writing
Nathan was VERY sick at the beginning of filming S2, Sick AF and had to learn how to roll and smoke cigarettes.
Nathan was not aware he was on camera when the sandwich hit him in the face.
Gypsy made him a jacket to wear IRL that matched his gorgeous one in the show (Gypsy is the best)
Nathan's favorite scene was the one with Matt Maher with the Art on the Wall.
Kristian's favorite scene was the one with Con O'Neill and asking to put on make up
"Sniffed the air like a fox in heat" - Kristian
"You little gay bitch" - Nathan
"Mid town special" - Nathan, as Kristian
"Im a horrible un wanted nipple twister" - Kristian
"Needy puffs" - Nathan
== Erroll Shand ==
As usual our dear friend Erroll is out here really pushing the SaveOFMD material/data.
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== Trends and Stats ==
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== Valentine's Day Video For Prime ==
It’s Monday, which means it’s time to send Prime Video all our love ! Let’s #WooAsACrew 🐙💜 Vocals: ferventrabbit on Twitter Video: Giulianaazr on Twitter
== Event and Watch Party Reminders! ==
= OFMD Matelotage Processional =
Tues Feb 13: 8-11 am at: Kismet Salon 4111 W Olive Ave. Burbank CA 91505
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If you show up-- you get free stickers!
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= People of Earth Watch Party =
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People of Earth Season 1: Episodes 3 and 4 tomorrow! If you don't have access reachout to @iamadequate1!
10 PM GMT / 5 PM EST / 4 PM CST / 2 PM PST
= WooAsACrew =
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Tue 13: Send @netflix some love!
== Cast & Crew Kudoboard ==
Hey all, I already made a short post about it but the Kudoboard was overrun by some absolute twats today so I had to lock it down with a password. If you'd like to still submit something to the cast and crew that's still doable, you'll just need the pw. Please just DM me here or twitter, or Instagram, or wherever you can find me or the @saveofmdcrewmates folks also have it. We will be sending it off / locking it on Valentine's day early morning so please reach out prior!
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies, I am really low on spoons tonight so I'm gonna let some other folks send you love on my behalf. See you tomorrow, all the love. <3
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's gifs are courtesy of:
Taika: @chrysalis-writes and Rhys: @thunderwingdoomslayer
Happy Murray Monday and Enjoy tomorrow's Taika Tuesday!
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
I'm probably gonna regret attaching my name to this but I slept on it and I'm still really upset but now more coherent (so please delete this if it's unwelcome).
First of all I'm really sorry you're dealing w this shit. I hope you're taking care of yourself rn.
Second of all.... holy fuck Inneskeeper has handled this horribly. I'm trying to extend the benefit of the doubt and say he just needs time, we all do, but it's very hard when he's been acting as though a day is enough time for everyone to get over the fear he spread.
It's really upsetting to see him bring up both his schizophrenia and his career as reasons why he was upset without ever actually uttering the words "I'm sorry, I was wrong." without needing to read between the lines.
It's a really concerning trend I've noticed reappearing now that actual celebrities and just plain old popular users are becoming more open with their mental health, that "I was having a psychotic break/I was having a manic episode/I was blah-de-blah" somehow taking the place of an actual apology. As if explaining it means you no longer have to take action or responsibility.
Especially given he was bringing up his profession during all this. As a professional especially he has a responsibility. I know "this is tumblr" but this is TUMBLR. People don't fact-check. You have sway. Especially as a professional.
He could've made the post unrebloggable, but if he did I haven't seen it. He could've pinned a post that actually contained information/a retraction/a quick apology and explanation, instead we got "I'm taking a break". He edited the post, but given part of his defense was that reblog chains are uncontrollable an edit you would not see unless you clicked back to his blog is...
I'm really hoping that once he comes back he'll say something. Because I know parasocial relationship and all that but I really did respect him, as someone transgender and with some of my specific mental illnesses in a field I'm deeply interested in.
But now I'm just... tired. He spread that same cycle of panic and delusion to everyone who read that post. Here I was thinking that I just got my dog back from the vet and now she and everyone else I love was going to die, that the apocalypse was coming.
Until I did the googling he as an actual ecologist did not do. As if me taking a tumblr post and freaking is less acceptable than him taking a twitter post and freaking.
I don't want to cancel him or bully him. I don't doubt that he's gotten some ableist nonsense, because the internet sucks. But he really hurt a lot of people and did a lot of damage. All I want is him to plainly say "I'm sorry, I did it because [x/y/z] but it was still wrong and I hurt people. Here is some actual information. I'm going to log off." Without a billion asterisks.
And honestly maybe apologize for siccing people on you but frankly given how hard my opinion of him has tanked I'm not gonna hold my breath.
I'm fine. The block button is a wonderful thing.
My feelings are mixed. Yes, I see that it would be terrifying to have your mental illness warp your perception of an event, but...you're not the only mentally ill person on Earth, and it's no less terrifying to be triggered into an episode by false information.
I have been asked by several followers to trigger tag #unreality because that kind of thing really messes with them. And the post was framed in a particularly triggering way—encouraging conspiratorial thinking by saying that there's a "media blackout" and that the official sources are downplaying the severity.
The post is still circulating as of this morning, and the misleading version is still hitting people's dashes and suckering people in. Why would you not just make it unrebloggable?
I don't know. I really don't know what to think of the whole thing.
The Twitter OP makes me honestly furious, claiming that "the cops" "blew it up" when it was first responders putting their lives in danger to stop the burning train cars from exploding. It's so frustrating to see people acting like they're calling it a "controlled burn" to cover up idiotic mismanagement. The crews that responded to this accident at great potential risk to their lives don't deserve to be called cops and slandered for making the best decision they could have possibly made.
In general it's worrying how folks on social media are responding—by encouraging paranoia and mistrust by attributing malice or idiocy to the people trying to manage the accident.
Folks say "fuck cops" but they can't distinguish cops from firefighters and hazardous materials crews working to save lives. That's scary to me.
I don't think we know enough yet to ascertain the causes of the accident, but I want to caution against looking for a specific party to blame as being at fault, because...these things can happen even when we do everything right. As long as we use these hazardous chemicals to make things, this is always a possibility.
And it's not necessarily a "preventable" failure of society that we make and use PVC, either. One of the causes of how widespread plastics are is that they are genuinely useful materials with properties that no other materials have. PVC pipe is what probably makes the plumbing in your house. Before PVC, there was copper, which is incredibly expensive, has a tendency to burst with temperature changes, and corrodes and reacts with various chemicals.
And the sad fact is, environmental disasters like this happen a lot. Many of them worse than this.
Not too far from where I live, there was a case where tons of radioactive waste were dumped into a municipal landfill. This radioactive waste was being handled by workers who didn't know what it was and had no protection. This was a case of malicious dodging of regulations. Mining coal creates radioactive and toxic waste that is constantly mismanaged. I was doing reports on local environmental news for my geology class a while back and many of the coal mines in Eastern Kentucky have a hundredfold violations of environmental and safety regulations, and companies usually dodge responsibility.
I hope this incident inspires people to think and talk about environmental regulations and rights of workers in the rail industry. What with the railroad strikes going on, I think it's worth considering that this is why we need to look out for the welfare of rail workers—you want the people handling the shipment of hazardous chemicals to be well rested and well protected.
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sarioh · 2 years
its impossible for me to think of etho as a tumblr sexy man. that dude is like the IT guy i call up when my router explodes and he rube goldbergs me the best internet ive ever had in my life but only if i make him coffee for it. hes kakashi from accounting if anything
anon i agree with u 100% and was on the same boat as u but i was rewatching an old project ozone 2 episode a couple days ago and thought to myself I cannot believe how badly ethoslab has been mischaracterized by the fandom, hes so awkward and a little bit pathetic and utterly unsexy. and then it clicked. being a tumblr sexyman has nothing to do with your objective levels of sexiness, it's about the degree to which popular fanon has bastardized your actual personality to make you seem cooler than you actually are. the very fact that he has awkward IT guy vibes and yet is generally characterized as a mysterious scheming mastermind is exactly what makes him a tumblr sexyman. hope this helps
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Hi, Hello! Uh- welcome to my little corner on the internet!
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“. . .”
Out of all the social media that I didn't code myself, I have to say that Tumblr is the best! I'm looking forward to all your questions and interacting with friends and fans alike!
Oh! And check out THIS post to see all of my friends!!
Ask + Interaction rules:
Feel free to reblog, like, send asks. Just spam me with notifs! I won’t mind, it’s all part of the fun. If you’re scared to ask something, send an anon my way. There’s no judgment here, I mean, I’m literally running a Tumblr rp blog for an 8 year old from Sonic the Hedgehog.
I’m not good with separating information, so my Tails is a mix of pretty much every adaptation except for the comics (I'M SORRY I NEVER GOT AROUND TO READING THEM, I’M WORKING ON IT I SWEAR)
Just a few informational headcanons, believe it or not I've been affected by the trans Tails propaganda, but my own little twist nobody knows because yeah. I would explain but we would be here for a while. He goes by He/it (The it is just because he’s used to it from west side, don’t let him fool you.). He’s an Autistic little feller and we love him for that. And he can talk to flickies. I forget if that’s canon or just a very popular headcanon. Regardless he can!
Please keep things Sfw?? I mean- violence is allowed, yk what I mean. He’s 8 guys, relax.
Angst calms the voices in my head, so I am VERY open to receiving and answering questions that might be a tad on the… darker side. Although for Sonic's sake, give at least some nice questions??? He's going to explode if we keep doing this.
Have fun! Show support to blogs that interact, and if you feel like it, set up a side blog and join in on the fun! This isn’t a closed account.
I'm bored more often then not, so the quote changes on what I think best suits his mood! Time your questions accordingly to get the results you're looking for.
As of recent, Tails has made a little robot that you all can use to interact with him! It's pretty much the T-pup, so think of all the tools that little guy has (minus the weapons- he doesn't need you guys killing him in his sleep) but in his own image because yes.
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alohaasaloevera · 7 months
Uhhhhhh I promise I’m cooking something up guys. Promise… I’ll even show you the plan(?)
(Directly pasted from discord but I make it more Tumblr Talk A.K.A punctuating and rephrasing my unpunctuated word vomit)
Klance post canon, but the internet is obsessed over Keith. Since the internet is the internet, they end up graphically talking about how much they want to smooch Keith and do some Stuff with him, and Lance is not very happy about this.
Some random event comes up, and overnight Lance is instantly trending on social media!! He now has a bunch of people drooling over him too!!
The paladins do go attend galas and interviews and all that schmooze because they are celebrities (they literally saved the world??). People eat the content that is posted up, and that’s when the first few klance shippers rise. Most people are like “??? Where did you get that from” but the klancers are confident in their ship.
Keith and Lance are put into their old “rival” dynamic—instead of combat-related issues, it’s now about who is hotter. People argue about this A LOT and honestly KL probably talks about their rivalry in at least one of the interviews,which makes the fans EVEN CRAZIER!!
The Klancers are seen as delusional for picking up the (VERY REAL) fond looks Keith gives Lance in interviews because “Keith isn’t gay!!” (*cough* Lance is openly bi)
AND THEN LANCE GETS CASTED TO STAR IN A TV SERIES??? Everyone is pumped especially because he’s one of the main characters and he’s being paired with this one pretty girl (IT COULD BE ANY POPULAR WOMAN IDK) that he’s met up with a couple of times.
Flash forward to the series debut (and maybe even the second season) and people ARE GOING FERAL! Not only because Lance and the girl in the show are depicted as a really cute couple and have a really good development of their relationship throughout the first like 2 seasons before they get together (WHAT KLANCE COULD’VE BEEN, DREAMWORKS.), but mainly because there’s a NEW leaked bts where Lance is spinning the girl around in the rain and doing romantic stuff idk and people are posting about how they want to go jump in a highway
But then someone posts a video of lance spending time with keith IN THIS LITTLE LAKE WITH A WATERFALL!!1!1!!1 AND HE’S TWIRLING KEITH AROUND JUST LIKE HE DID WITH THE GIRL??1?1!!1?
The internet explodes again.
things to note:
Keith is giggling in the video. Don’t ask why, I’m just correct.
The romance between Lance and The Girl in the series WILL BE 200% non-toxic. This is so I can make a plethora of people scream and cry over it in the fic, just like how they did with klance in 2017 (Except for the fact that. Y’know… they didn’t end up together 💀💀).
Jealousy will be a huge element in the story. Whether it’s Lance/The Girl or Keith/I don’t fucking know, there is going to be lots of yearning.
Uhhhhh I’m terrible at making stories and consistently updating so I can’t promise you a completed fic!!
If I do end up committing to The Bit and completing the story, I would aim for it to be around at least 50k(?), with like 20 chapters at most.
I am NOT finished with VLD (currently on 4x6), so as I run through the seasons there is probably going to be more and more references to the show as I update!
Thanks for reading this whole little thing!! I will say some of this was inspired by the fic Headlines by an orphan account. I highly recommend the fic!
I hope to get the first chapter of this fic out by next week (the 27th), but I am also notorious for procrastinating, so we’ll see.
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x-choutenchan-x · 4 months
Hi! I wanted to ask a question about Jirai kei <3
For a bit, I've wondered if I'm a jirai kei girl. I've been doing my research, gotten some girly kei clothes, been making some of my own in fact (I'm in America and my parents don't trust most websites I can get girly kei clothes from), but I'm aware that Jirai Kei girls have been wearing more of a punk type style. I wanted to know if I can be a jirai kei girl even if I wear girly kei clothes, even if the style is changing? Also, I wanted to know if I can even be a jirai kei girl. I'm an indian living in america, and my skin is darker than most (ik it sounds silly), and i do live some of the jirai lifestyle (sh, and bpd, no drugs yet), and I really wanna know if I qualify. I couldn't ask on your jirai kei blog, so I hope I can ask here. Please feel free to delete this, but if you do respond, thank you so much!! <33
thanks for the ask! and i will say: anyone can be a landmine—though it is a subculture primarily in japan, it is also a subculture that has become rooted in the internet as well. otherwise, i myself would likely not be jirai kei. the only thing that really matters in labeling yourself under this term is that you are aware of the nature of the subculture, and label yourself as “jirai kei” knowing it is not supposed to necessarily be a good thing. the term is derogatory for a reason, this kind of suffering should not be sought out.
this also brings me to say that jirai kei isn’t the clothing you wear, despite it being a subculture related to certain kinds of clothing trends. though it has become less common, girly kei is still sometimes worn among landmines. and, if it’s what you like wearing, then wear it! just like how wearing girly kei doesn’t make you a landmine, not following clothing trends doesnt really mean anything as to whether or not you are a landmine.
to clarify the current trend, to my understanding the “punk” look is more of just an alt fashion:
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something sort of like this (after a lazy google search that’s the best picture i could find)? i personally am not completely confident in my understanding of current trends, but i believe it focuses on the look of a baggy print tshirt/hoodie, leg warmers and arm warmers, fishnets, etc. and both twin tails and jellyfish haircuts are popular. of course, black is a common color but platinum is another choice. heavy piercings on the ears and face still are common, and skirts can be worn underneath the shirts (usually pleated). once again, i could be entirely wrong on this and would encourage you to do your own research on this if you’re curious.
and, once again, anyone can be a landmine. jirai kei is determined by the person’s mental health—hence the “landmine type.” if you’re going to emotionally explode, you pretty much fit the bill. of course, the other big factors in the subculture is the pien and booze, but drugs, sh, and of course the bpd like you mentioned are also all factors. the tokoyo kids are one big part of jirai kei’s history, and i’d encourage you to learn about them if you can. there’s also the kabukicho stuff with the men in host clubs taking advantage of vulnerable women and eventually putting them into sex work under the guise of a “romantic relationship,” and even the jirai kei not directly involved with these groups have their own turmoil that they suffer with. whether you “qualify” to be jirai kei is really up to you, and if you decide to take this label, then i hope you find comfort here.
i will reiterate, it is good to do your own research and take everything i say with a grain of salt. however, i would ABSOLUTELY avoid tiktok at all costs when it comes to information on jirai kei. from anything ive ever seen, tiktok is invaded by fashion landmines who would absolutely harass you if you were to tell them any of the info ive said here. they view lifestyle landmines as insane, and insist that jirai kei is only girly kei fashion. there are various accounts on tumblr that discuss jirai kei as a subculture, and one of the best people ive seen for this info is zirazyo (hello if you stumble across this post btw), and they probably have better sources than i do for a lot of this. i am only one person in this community, and i absolutely do not know everything. but, i hope that i was able to answer your questions well! ♡
also, thanks for letting me know that my inbox isn’t open on my jirai blog—i’ll make sure to go fix that!
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
Honestly, can we please take a step back and laugh over how absolutely hilarious the spectrum that is humanity? This turned into a bit of a tangent so the muskrat dragging will be under the cut.
Like, on one hand we have Elon Musk who is throwing the world’s biggest, most publicized temper tantrum over random internet strangers being mean to him and rightfully calling his bullshit out. This man is trying so hard to cover his tracks after buying Twitter and time after time after time again he keeps being his worse enemy. If he would just shut his mouth and stop giving the rest of the world fuel to clown the fuck outta him, Twitter wouldn’t be actively burning to the ground in real time right now. Sure, these memes are incredibly funny and I am very much thriving over these homefires, but I do feel bad for those who relied on Twitter for business like small artists. This is only the iceberg tip of his vileness, mind you.
Moving on, on the other side of the spectrum we have the backbone of our society, truly the peak, dare I say the PINNACLE of humanity- softly apologetic ao3 writers. Literally some of my FAVORITE ao3 experiences is opening up the update and seeing author’s notes like, “I’m so sorry I haven’t updated in a while, my cat’s ovaries exploded and on the way to the hospital I got into a major car crash but don’t worry the doctor who took care of me was amazing and next thing you know we’re wives now with like, two kids and yes my cat is perfectly fine after all of this time.” Obviously this is a dramatization, but we all know and have seen those authors who literally went through the most traumatic, the most absolutely life-changing shit and STILL genuinely apologize to their readers for?? For what??? Not updating this Wenclair Griddlehark AU 200k words enemies to lovers slowburn??? Like, you are the least problematic person to ever exist please don’t ever apologize for not cranking out surprisingly well-written smut about some popular Tumblr Sexyman getting the wizzy dizzy glizzy gulp gulp guzzler 9000 because real life obligations got prioritized. 
(In all seriousness, yes, I love getting updates on my favorite fics as much as the next media enjoyer, but self care babes self careeeee. You may be a content creator of any variety, but you’re your own person first. Don’t ever feel the need to apologize for living your life because us shippers, shitposters, and all in-between can (and should) wait.)
tl;dr: The sheer duality of humanity is absolutely hilarious and I think we should talk about this more.
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gorgeousemoon · 8 months
Tumblr is weird. Someone you view the same as an internet celebrity or popular YouTuber will just follow you back and you expect my brain to NOT explode? Giggling kicking my feet.
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bones-plus-meat · 7 months
Tumblr as a community
Early on into this semester we were asked if we thought internet communities were just the same as physical ones, and at the time I considered them to be similar but not wholly the same. I thought of online communities as too niche to really simulate the same scenario, but over the course of my research I’ve come to the conclusion that online communities don’t just resemble physical communities, they fully mirror them. None are a better example of that then maybe Tumblr.com, the disgraced and many times derided blogging plat form.
It seems that over the course of this class I’ve had a real emphasis on Tumblr. I use it for my class posting, I’m focusing on it now, and I plan to use it for the final project. While the reason for that largely is due to the fact that Tumblr is the soil form which I was birthed, it’s also due to the understanding that the website is nearly entirely incomprehensible to the general public. As Aja Romano said during a 2020 interview, “-people just don’t get the basic functionality of Tumblr.”
This in one such way it relates to a physical community, with real barriers to entry and cultural clashes. People don’t understand the edict, what is considered rude and not rude. They don’t know that liking art without rebloging is looked down on, they don’t know that using the default Tumblr icon will get you blocked, they don’t know how to appropriately tag their content. They don’t even understand the basic sense of humor they must be fluent in to grasp the day to day interactions. I can promise you if I said ‘Me and my three weed smoking girlfriends are at the children’s hospital after the human pet guy exploded me with hammers, but Misha said he likes my shoelaces’ it would make close to zero sense to most reasonable people. On Tumblr though the full comprehension of that sentence, and all the nuances, is expected as a form of tacet knowledge.
Tumblr has created its own vernacular and ways of interaction with each other (Bronner pg.23) which is more than a good indication of an independent culture forming. Along with that Tumblr has its own, fairly standardized, values. Years before things like the me too movement, or other such groups, Tumblr was already having in depth conversations about the legal system and mishandling of rape. Feminist thinking was already at a full roar, as well as several other social justice movements. (Popova pg.85) After all, in the words of a long lost Tumblr post, Tumblr is one of the only places where people are presumed queer till proven otherwise. With that a certain level of progressiveness is bound to be present.
Speaking of long forgotten Tumblr posts- That’s another aspect of the sight that makes it even more reminiscent of a physical community. It’s true that the internet is forever, well, except for on a place like Tumblr. Due to the truly disorganized and strange system of tagging and rebloging, most things are simply lost. Posts that you know for a fact exist simply vanish into the wind, and even if you look them up word for word there is a good chance you won’t find them. I myself have gone digging for posts I have personally made and been utterly incapable of relocating them. As such, unless a post is spread widely, there’s a good chance it will all but vanish.
In a way this reminds me of oral traditions. Most of those stories, those times, are gone now. Only that which was spread widely, and recorded by many, had a real chance of survival. And even then, the chances were iffy at best. Tumblr is one of the few places that truly rely on just the internet equivalent of word to mouth. That’s why it’s considered rude to like but not reblog, as likes do functionally nothing on Tumblr. There’s no true algorithm, not really, and the only way to pass information along is to physically reblog posts. To make another copy of someone’s words and place it on your own blog.
The community, as a collective, decides what will be a popular post. Not some code deciding that it was posted at the right time of day to be noticed or used the right tags. This is part of the reason that I suspect Tumblr posts are so frequently used off-site even if those consuming it don’t know. (Ramano pg.65) Unlike most sites the content you see fully found its way due to its own content. There was no post nepotism, or algorithmic miracle. You can’t even see follower counts on tumblr.
This is another way further reflection onto tumblr has shown me just how similar the online world is to real life. The reason most people don’t realize these screenshots they enjoy are from tumblr is there is an inherent bias against Tumblr and its users. This is due to the association between the site, and queer and feminist groups. Spaces deemed more ‘female oriented’ have long been discredited or viewed as lesser, even if the times are more progressive now. Tumblr, though online, is very much suffering from that age old stigma.
Which brings us to the interesting aspect of the screenshots. The archiving of these posts, all the while scrubbing their origins away to make it more palatable. Emily Midkiff and Sara Austin in their paper Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, remark that there is some difficulty in archiving the taboo. It seems the solution to that problem is simply to strip what is wanted away from its context to make the user feel more comfortable. This has long been the case in history, for almost every marginalized group.
So yes. The online world is much the same as the physical, right down to the bigotry.
Bronner, Simon J. “Digitizing and Virtualizing Folklore.” Folklore and the Internet: Vernacular Expression in a Digital World, edited by Trevor J. Blank, University Press of Colorado, 2009, pp. 21–66.
Popova, Milena. “Tumblr Time: How Tumblr’s Temporal Features Shape Community Memory and Knowledge.” A Tumblr Book: Platform and Cultures, edited by Allison McCracken et al., University of Michigan Press, 2020, pp. 81–100
Romano, Aja, et al. “Under the Radar: A Conversation about Tumblr in the Public Sphere.” A Tumblr Book: Platform and Cultures, edited by Allison McCracken et al., University of Michigan Press, 2020, pp
Emily Midkiff, Sara Austin Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, Vol. 31, No. 2 (108) (2020), pp. 179-181 (3 pages)
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I know this isn’t 100% me, but I saw the XKCD version of the song (there’s also another version on the YouTube channel Let Me Explain Studios) and I had to make the post. The original song is called I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General, but this song uses the Animaniacs version (which was the first one I saw).
I am the very model of a Tumblr individual / My posts can be confusing, abnormal, or a bit whimsical
I’m quite fluent in hellsite gags / Internet theory I have read / From gimmick blogs and inside jokes to VAs that fall on your head
I’m very good at reblogging (the button even pirouettes) / I’ll slap my mutuals with some notes - I know my Tumblr etiquette
I reblog traumatic things (the news is really quite a fright) / Then make up with Flowey throwing real exploding dynamite
With writer’s block my projects stop, the cursor on the page has froze / Then writing-prompts puts out some stuff, I get ideas, down they go
I am quite proud to have avoided higher popularity / Unlike PM Seymour, Puckicho, and Bettina Levy
To suit our moods we have a lot of fun shenaniganry / Like evil wizards, colored skies, and Tumblr University
From these tags here, why you can find most anything imaginable / Like fun fanart and silly posts and “Jeff please change your URL”
You see, in matters confusing, abnormal, or quite whimsical / We are the very models of Tumblr individuals
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presidentoneko · 1 year
i also forgot to post anything but i am happy knowing i have achieved 35 followers on tumblr
it's pretty surprising considering normally my art doesn't get attention. I have to say, i don't post much often due to college and stuff hitting me like a bus but i almost make sure to make something or at least update people that "oh wow! i still am alive!"
it's been quite a while ever since i created this blog, i didn't have much expectation in mind, just like any other social media i thought i'd simply get drowned by all the billions of artists in the internet struggling to get recognition as well.
I still think to this day about the wtf creature fanart that somehow achieved 2,5k notes on tumblr, it made me flabbergasted how something so small suddenly exploded into popularity, like:
Tumblr media
i have to admit i've been sharing my art more on discord than anywhere else since i'm an anxious mess and often think that maybe people won't enjoy what i have to offer, seeing the good and silly amount of people who are willing to see my content makes me happy and maybe kick my feet in the air as well while i continue producing what makes me happy
this is a thank you message to everyone who has been following me so far until now, you could even call it fate that we somehow met in this social media.
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the-invisible-queer · 2 years
The dream took place in some nearly distant future.
Panic and IDKHow were dropping their albums on the same exact fucking day. It was Panic's final one and the world held their breath because some people were curious if Brendon's finale was gonna be good or his usual shit.
A few nights before the drop some completely empty Tumblr blog was created. No pfp. No bio or title. The url was the release date. It posted a single post that Brendon stole one last song from Dallon and it became one of the most reblogged posts because people were divided and discussing it because Panic stans were like "Brendon doesn't need to steal" but Dallon stans were like "he fucking would".
The night of the releases, Tumblr lit up like the fucking 4th of July and went down THRICE to the point that staff put up a "Hey we know but calm the fuck down" kinda post.
People immediately compared the two track lists but they didn't have any matching song titles.
The cryptic Tumblr blog posted a post with both songs. I don't remember the titles, but it indeed was the same song just in their different styles.
Dallon didn't address it but did post a "thanks for supporting my album" post on Instagram. But Breezy was like I am DONE and wrote a scathing post about Brendon being a shit stain. She didn"t hold back. She ended up deleting it but not before people screenshotted it and it spread like wild fire.
Brendon, Sarah and the official Panic socials got deleted. And the Panic tour band announced that they all stepped down from touring with Panic. But then it came out that Panic wasn't even doing a final tour to promote the album.
It was Panic's worst performing album. Brendon posted a public apology video on the Panic YouTube channel for "infringing" on Dallon's work. Apologized for treating Dallon like shit while they worked together. Blamed it on the "record company big whigs" without taking full responsibility. And announced that he and his family are stepping back from the spotlight and for people to respect their privacy.
Bro, the internet EXPLODED!
Brendon apologists clung onto to the "Brendon is perfect it was the record company" defense.
Dallon stans were like good fucking riddance.
Dallon posted a video thanking everyone for their absolute love and support. And announced the IDKHow tour and that he got the greenlight to re-record the songs he wrote for Panic.
So we got a Dallon's version album. It featured Ryan Ross and Jon Walker on it which made a lot of us lose our fucking minds collectively.
We defeated Mr. Disco once and for all.
Life was good.
The cryptic Tumblr blog released one final post which was a poll asking who we thought was behind the blog. And the discussion went on for MONTHS even after the blog was deleted.
We never did find out officially who it was. But the most popular theories were that it was Ryan Ross, Spencer Smith, Breezy Weekes and for some reason Ronnie Radke.
It was wild and all I have to say is IDKHow's version of the song that caused all the drama was so fucking good but my brain really AI generated an IDKHow song. But I wish it were real.
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simcardiac-arrested · 2 years
im having a normal one today. Anyway i just need to say this im so fucking sick of those tumblr users, especially those post-ironic fandom popular funnyposters or Whatever, thinking they’re the most hilarious people on earth for being mean and telling suicide jokes. Like no. You’re not funny. You’re not cool. Your friends are not cool. Your ^_^’s and haaaiii’s and whatever are Not Endearing. and you’re literally exhausting to be around you’re like a tar pit contaminated with radiation. it’s literally physically detrimental to even look at your posts. no wonder drama and discourse is your favorite thing and you love leeching off of it. that’s weird!! that’s weird!!!! like why do you think being an asshole for likes and bullying people is funny!!! what’s wrong with you. just stop being cruel and mean for once and say something actually meaningful. or maybe get off the internet. go outside. look at the sun. otherwise im fucking exploding you with my mind. and i hope you die. i hope we both die
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