#if u did enjoy readin' it
ticklishfiend · 1 year
A Plan Fit for an Angel (Good Omens)
(Lee! Aziraphale/Ler!Crowley) (brief lee!crowley/ler!aziraphale)
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Summary : Crowley’s dignity was positively shattered being tickled by Aziraphale two weeks ago. Well, only one way to fix that: getting revenge. [see part one here! this is a sequel]
a/n : i lobe them sm
Word Count : 3626
hope u enjoy! :)
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There are two types of demons: Those that like to strike as soon as they see their target, and those that plan their evil-doings methodically, thinking out every angle so they can strike their prey when they least expect it.
It might shock some to find that Crowley tends to lean more towards the latter.
It had been two weeks since Aziraphale had pestered Crowley with those god-awful jokes, relishing in his demon’s irritation. Two weeks since Crowley had been tickled into the couch cushions so Aziraphale could win an argument.
So for two weeks, Crowley has been planning.
And planning for Crowley doesn’t mean he just thought real long and hard about how he’d make his move. No, planning requires research. Lots and lots of research.
Tickling isn’t something Crowley would call a regular occurance between the two of them. Yes, it happens, has happened, but if you were to ask for something defining that they do together, tickling would be quite low on his list, if it made it there at all.
So maybe, before he strikes, he’ll need something of a…refresher.
Aziraphale stood in the bookshop’s tiny kitchen, making himself a cup of tea. Crowley stood at the doorway, wondering if his angel knew he was there.
“I know you’re there, yknow?”
Ah. So he does.
Doesn’t matter. He knows Aziraphale will continue to read through his book on the counter, waiting for his water to heat in the kettle like Crowley wasn’t even there. He was too comfortable in Crowley’s presence…making him far easier to attack.
So Crowley sauntered behind Aziraphale, miracling up a feather from his wing. He heard a page being flipped.
“Whatcha readin’?” Crowley asked, before placing the feather under Aziraphale’s shirt without having to move a finger. Real magic truly was the best thing since sliced bread (trust him, he was there when it happened, sliced bread was quite the invention for the time).
“Oh it’s a lovely book, I’ve read it many times but somehow I keep coming back to it. Georgette Heyer’s ‘The Black Moth.’ Quite a page turner; it takes place in 1751, during the—AH-!” Aziraphale flinched, his right arm gluing itself to his side.
Crowley smirked behind Aziraphale, still looking over his shoulder at the book. His finger waggled near Aziraphale’s coat, a magic tether traveling from it to the feather. “What was that, angel?”
“Er, nothing I just—well I think there may be something in my shirt. I do hope it’s not a bug,” Aziraphale said, before snapping his fingers. A feather floated down onto the pages of his book. A black feather, to be precise.
Aziraphale clicked his tongue. “I see.”
“How peculiar,” Crowley grinned. “Wonder how that got in there?” He walked right out of the room to avoid further accusations, all of which would probably be correct.
Stage one: complete.
Now onto stage two. Snake time, baby.
Crowley very rarely switched to his snake form these days. Really no need, plus any time he did he was usually beaten within an inch of discorporation by a horrified human. So no, he doesn’t typically take his snake form anymore.
But occasionally, when he’s feeling rather…well, one might use the word clingy (Crowley detests such accusations), he’ll be a snake for a few hours just for the excuse to curl up on Aziraphale’s lap while he reads.
This usually embarrasses Crowley, not exactly one open to admitting his love of cuddles and pets and head scratches. Which is why he’s especially excited about snake time today, since he’s getting to embarrass Aziraphale this time and not the other way around.
He’d taken his form around 20 minutes ago, giving himself time to adjust to the change and alert Aziraphale of his body today. When he heard, Aziraphale went and made a cozy spot for himself on the couch, beginning to read his book. It was a silent code to Crowley that Aziraphale was ready for cuddles whenever he was.
It was no surprise when Crowley slithered his way onto the couch, his now curled body finding purchase on Aziraphale’s lap. The angel got to petting, resting his book along the serpent’s scaled back. He scritched softly at Crowley’s head, running his hand down the length of his now much longer body.
Crowley almost got lost in the comfy-ness of it all when he felt Aziraphale stray too close to his underside, a sensitive area on both of his bodies. Ohohoh, the plan, yes right, I’ll get on that now.
With the sneakiness only a serpent could possess, he slowly moved his tail around until he found the area buttons can’t close up on Aziraphale’s shirt, and slithered his way in. Bingo.
He only allowed himself about an inch’s worth of entry, can’t get too confident now. He waited a few moments, listening for Aziraphale to stir or speak up. He didn’t move, though, so that’s a good sign. Now he can strike.
Crowley fluttered his tail back and forth, like a rattlesnake in slow motion. Aziraphale huffed.
“Is that you down there?” He asked, voice a little wobbly like trying to hold something back. Got ‘em.
“Is what me?” Crowley said in his tired, I’m-far-too-comfortable-to-care voice.
“It is you!” Aziraphale let out a giggle through his words, moving Crowley around in his lap to stop the incessant tickling that was still taking place on his lower belly. “Aha-! Crowley, stop!”
“I really don’t know what you mean,” Crowley yawned. “And stop moving me, m’comfortable.”
“I will not!” Finally, Aziraphale found the end of Crowley’s tail, pulling it out of his shirt and readjusting Crowley in his lap. “Now you stop that or I will be putting you off to the side.”
Crowley huffed, his body adjusting under his head in a way that almost looked like his head was laying in his arms. “Whatever. Didn’t even do it anyways. Punishing me for something I didn’t do? Now that’s just cruel.”
Aziraphale rolled his eyes, going back to petting Crowley while fixing his gaze back on his book.
Well, he really didn’t wanna risk ending this. Might as well enjoy it and plan for the next stage in his great scheme.
Which, as it happened, took place the very next day, snake Crowley no more.
Aziraphale sat on his favorite chair, listening to a record he recently bought at Maggie’s shop. He was the picture of content.
Crowley was bouncing on his heels ready to ruffle the angel’s feathers.
“Mmyes, some good ole’ Stravinsky. Rather liked that guy, with the whole y’know, riot debacle,” Crowley made his way around Aziraphale’s chair, leaning against its back. “Great fun that was.”
“Yes, that was a rather difficult event. I was there, you know, but I truly was only there to see the show,” said Aziraphale.
Crowley hummed, having heard the story before. He looked at Aziraphale’s ear below him, giving a puzzled look.
“What’s that in your ear?”
Aziraphale furrowed. “My ear?”
“Yes yes, there’s something in your ear.”
Aziraphale’s hand shot up to feel around his ear, “Where?”
“No you—you’re missing it, it’s nothing but a piece of fuzz, I think. Here, let me-“ He shooed Aziraphale’s hand away, before using his pointer to gently prod and scrape along the shell of his ear.
Aziraphale’s shoulder shot up. “Aha, wait, wait—there’s really no neheheed-“ He batted at Crowley’s hand, but couldn’t dissuade him.
“No seriously, I can get it if you just give me a moment-“ he wiggled the finger, and this time Aziraphale shot out of his chair with a quick giggle before turning and giving Crowley a pointed look.
“You’re messing with me,” Aziraphale straightened his coat before giving his ear a quick scratch. There was a smile small on the corner of his lips.
“Now why would I do that?”
Aziraphale shot him a look, “I’m not sure, but I know that’s what you were doing.”
Crowley walked toward Aziraphale until they were eye to eye. “I wouldn’t dream of it,” he said, before walking out.
Stage three: complete, but Aziraphale was definitely onto him now. Time to set the real plan in motion.
Like it started, Crowley’s plan took place in the back room, wine in each of their hands as they talked and bickered and laughed with each other.
After having made Aziraphale laugh at one of his favorite stories to tell, Crowley smiled and remembered. Admittedly he had gotten a bit tipsy and nearly forgot about the whole thing until he saw his angel folding over in laughter just moments ago. Made him remember what this was all for.
He glanced over at the desk, noting Aziraphale’s current book having a very familiar bookmark peeking out of its pages. He had actually noticed this days ago, but was waiting until now to bring it up. Clever demon, he thought.
“What’s that there in your book?” He gestured lazily at it, sitting up like it was of great intrigue to him.
“Oh that’s…” Aziraphale looked at the book, like it was the first time he’d noticed it there. “Well, it’s my bookmark, of course.”
“Mmyes obviously it’s your bookmark. I meant what is it, exactly? Cause I don't know if I recognize this one.”
Aziraphale looked a bit flustered. “Erm, well it’s…it’s a feather, actually. But it works just as nicely as a bookmark.”
Crowley hummed. “Aren’t your feathers white, angel?”
Aziraphale looked without words for a moment (oh how Crowley just loved flustering his angel), before straightening his back with newfound confidence. “Well I didn’t say it was my feather, did I?”
“No, you’re right, you didn’t,” Crowley said, resting his chin in his palm as he relaxed over the arm of the sofa. Sometimes he likes letting Aziraphale think he’s won before pulling the rug out from underneath him. “Is it mine?”
Aziraphale was definitely blushing now, but he stayed on guard. “Yes, it is. You…put that blasted thing in my shirt the other day when I wasn’t looking. When it fell into my book I…well, I didn’t have a bookmark before and then I did. It’s really as simple as that.” He smiled at Crowley all clever, taking a sip from his wine.
Crowley gave Aziraphale a puzzled look. “You think I put that in there?”
Aziraphale blinked. “Well obviously. You’ve been messing with me for days.”
Crowley smirked. “Have I now?”
Aziraphale glared at him. His eyes were a bit squinted, very suspicious. “What are you doing?”
“I’m not doing anything. You’re accusing me of something I have no recollection of. I’m just asking how you think I was messing with you,” said Crowley, thinking ‘that’s right, lure him in.’
Aziraphale hesitated, like treading over thin ice. “…you’ve been teasing me, and you know it. You—you’re doing it now!”
Crowley couldn’t hold back his grin anymore. “I mean, can you blame me?” said Crowley before standing abruptly. He took a swig from the bottle, wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and sat it hard against the table. “You messed with a demon angel. You never mess with a demon.”
Aziraphale’s eyes widened. He set himself back further into his chair, hands holding onto the arms.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Ohh, don't act all innocent now. You were quite the tease a couple weeks ago, as I remember,” Crowley pointed a finger at Aziraphale, who actually started…grinning.
“You’re still worked up over that, aren’t you?” Aziraphale asked, a clever smile taking him.
“No—no, that’s not what I mean-“
“Oh I’m sure. But you can’t really deny that apparently, you’ve been thinking about this quite a lot,” Aziraphale looked as smug as ever.
Crowley was admittedly a little stuck for words at the moment. His mouth formed around rebuttals but they never made it past his throat.
He growled before rushing over and grabbing Aziraphale by the lapels.
“Maybe so—but only because I needed to plan out exactly how I was going to get you back,” Crowley growled, grip tight on Aziraphale’s coat. He liked how nervous the angel suddenly looked. “Like I said, angel. You don’t tease a demon.”
Crowley let go of him, walking back and almost pacing in thought. He waggled a finger in the air, “But I can’t do it now. No, no you’re expecting it now. I’ve gotta get you when you’re totally off your guard,” He plopped himself back down on the couch, pointedly not looking at Aziraphale.
“So…you’re not tickling me now?” Aziraphale raised a brow his way, taking a slow sip.
“No, I’m not.”
Aziraphale shrugged, placing his glass on the table. “I’d let you.”
Crowley paused. He looked at Aziraphale like the angel had grown an extra arm. “You’d let me?”
“Well, yes. I don’t actually hate being tickled. You just keep doing it when I’m in the middle of something, or I’m trying to relax,” he said, which was the last thing Crowley was expecting. “If you just asked I’d be happy to oblige.”
Crowley was near seething. He wasn’t actually mad, just utterly irritated by how nonchalant Aziraphale could be about the whole thing. Crowley was beyond embarrassed when Aziraphale tickled him the other week. How could someone not be embarrassed by it?
Crowley shook his head, “It’s the principle of the thing. You tickled me when I wasn’t ready, I’ve got to do the same back,” Crowley took a much needed swig. “S’how revenge works, angel.”
“Be my guest then. I’m happy to wait,” Aziraphale grinned, so pleased with how quickly things had turned in his favor. Sure, he was still going to get tickled eventually. But now he knows the real context.
Crowley was still so flustered over his little tickle attack the other week, that he had been meticulously planning on how to get Aziraphale back just to regain his dignity. He couldn’t deny how adorable that much effort and thought was.
Crowley grumbled, throwing his head against the back of the couch. “Grrrrbut it’s not as fun now,” he slumped. “Now you know it’s gonna happen. Shouldn’t have said anything.”
“Yes, maybe you shouldn’t have,” Aziraphale said. “Because now, once you do tickle me, I’ll have no choice but to tickle you back immediately after.”
Crowley gaped at him, actually letting out a low chuckle. “Oh really? Well that’s not fair, is it? Supposed to be tit-for-tat, don’t you think?”
“No, no I don’t think so. See, it doesn’t affect me nearly as much as it does you. That’s the fun in it.”
“It does not affect me. S’just not right for a demon to have such a weakness. Makes sense when you’re an angel, s’why you don’t give a shit.”
“I’ll have you know it’s perfectly normal for a demon to be ticklish. I tease you for it because it’s fun, but it’s not like you can help it. It’s your vessel, dear. And it’s a vessel I think you should take much more pride in than you’re giving it right now.”
Crowley just grumbled again, not really having a good response. He knows he can’t help it, but it’s still so…weird. It’s not just because he’s a ticklish demon. It’s that he’s a ticklish demon who actually finds it a little bit fun when his angel is the one tickling him. That’s the part that’s got him all screwy.
But it’s not like he could just say that.
So he stewed for a bit, thankful for Aziraphale allowing him his stew time in peace. The angel sat contentedly, sipping on his wine and basking in the lovely tension their bookshop always seemed to hold.
Crowley stewed and stewed. Pinching his lips together, sipping on the wine, reaching over and filling Aziraphale’s glass when he realized it had gone empty. But he had to say something eventually, because obviously Aziraphale wasn’t going to speak first.
And also because he kind of still wanted this to happen. Just a little.
Aziraphale looked up. “Fine?”
“Yes, fine, whatever, just get over here and let me get my fffffucking revenge already.”
Aziraphale grinned, already beginning to stand. “I thought you said I couldn’t expect it when you get your revenge?”
“Oh that’s still gonna happen,” He smiled as Aziraphale sat next to him, the demon already crawling into his space.
“You do remember I’m getting you back as soon as you’re done, right?” Aziraphale said with a nervous titter in his voice, backing up towards the arm of the couch.
“Yeah I know. Guess that just means I’ve gotta make this count,” Crowley said as he fully closed in on Aziraphale, cornering him into the couch. He just hovered, for a moment, his hands floating over Aziraphale without touching him.
Aziraphale swallowed. “Well…?”
Crowley grinned. “Well, what?” He wiggled his fingers, and Aziraphale tittered anxiously.
“Are you going to…?”
“Can’t say it now?” Crowley’s eyes were devilish as he smirked. “Is someone getting nervous now that I’ve got him cornered?”
Aziraphale rolled his eyes, a meek attempt at confidence over the situation. His slight squirming and tight lipped smile gave him away. “No.”
“No?” Crowley asked, before jerking his hand down near Aziraphale’s side, laughing at Aziraphale’s flinch. “I haven’t even touched you!”
“But you’re going to!” Aziraphale practically whined, a ghost of a giggle lacing his voice. “Just get on with it, I’m not sure I can take this.”
Crowley smiled genuinely. “Oh alright. But just because it’s you.”
Finally, after waiting oh so patiently for this moment the past two weeks, Crowley struck. He went straight for Aziraphale’s sides, thankfully unguarded since the angel had taken his vest off hours ago. Aziraphale yipped, trying to hold in his laughs for a brief moment before falling into those angelic cackles Crowley could eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
“AH! Ahaha—Crohowley!” he laughed, sliding down unconsciously and only stretching his body out more for Crowley. “Wahahait!”
“Oh no, I’ve done plenty of waiting recently,” Crowley said, delivering sporadic pokes up and down Aziraphale’s torso, the angel’s cackles shooting up as he did so. “See, s’not so fun when it’s you getting tickled, huh?”
“It’s fuhuhun! Just—“ he was cut off by his own loud laughter as Crowley shot his hands into his armpits. Arms slammed against his sides, twisting and turning every which way because it was just too much. “—tihihickles!”
Crowley chuckled, ecstatic. “Bet it does,” he said, pulling one hand out from its trapped state in Aziraphale’s underarm to reach up and give his ear gentle scratches. Aziraphale squeaked, a hand shooting up to protect the ear. Seeing the opportunity, Crowley shot his hand right back under his arm, and Aziraphale shook his head through his laughter and shock.
“Nohot fahahair!” Aziraphale blushed, unsure of what to do with his hands. He opted to batting them around uselessly.
“You’re playing with a demon, angel, what did you expect?” Crowley said, before taking both hands out to squeeze, pinch, poke, prod and scribble all over Aziraphale’s tummy.
Aziraphale’s laughter was all over the place now. It was like he couldn’t decide whether to give deep, belly laughs or squeals and giggles fit for his angelic persona. The tips of Crowley’s ears grew warm at the sound.
“This is hysterical, by the way,” Crowley laughed, pinching Aziraphale’s hips and watching as he barked a laugh, twisting and gripping onto Crowley’s wrists. “I mean I knew you were ticklish, but this is priceless.”
“You’ve made your point!” Aziraphale giggled out helplessly. “I gehehet it! It’s bahahad! It’s sohoho baahahad—!” He fell into a giggle fit that made it impossible to hold a conversation, wheezing pitifully.
“I could keep going, yknow. Show you actual demonic torture,” Crowley grinned when Aziraphale shook his head, cheeks plump and pink from mirth. “Say you’re sorry and I’ll consider it.”
Aziraphale slapped Crowley’s arm playfully. Crowley poked softly but quickly over Aziraphale’s torso, easing up on the tickling just enough for him to get some words out. Aziraphale panted a bit, giggles lacing every breath.
“Okay okhahay! I’m sohohorry!” Aziraphale giggle, pushing Crowley’s hands away from him. Crowley let his hands be moved for just a moment, before giving one last quick squeeze to Aziraphale’s hips just to make him yip.
Crowley smiled down at his angel, watching him catch his breath and try to will away that blush from his cheeks. Aziraphale looked up at Crowley with a pointed expression, “Wily serpent.”
Crowley laughed, “You asked me to!”
“I did not ask you to. You obviously wanted to do it so I…obliged,” Aziraphale shrugged, the lie plain as day on his face. Crowley couldn’t help but snicker.
“Yes, of course. Obliging the temptation of a demon really is your forte, after all,” Crowley teased, laying his front down on Aziraphale’s, making himself comfy. “Had your fun?”
Aziraphale sighed through a smile, rubbing a soothing hand up and down Crowley’s back. “Well…not quite.”
Crowley’s face puzzled before feeling Aziraphale’s grip tighten around his torso. His snake eyes grew twice their size, “C’mon angel, play fair.”
“This is fair. I told you what I’d do if you tickled me,” Aziraphale kissed Crowley’s forehead, not giving him a moment to think about that shit before digging his fingers into the backs of Crowley’s ribs.
“FuhuAHK-!” Crowley jolted, falling into helpless laughter on top of his angel. He squirmed and giggled and held onto Aziraphale’s body even tighter just so he could resist throwing himself off.
“‘Demonic cackle’ my behind,” Aziraphale teased. “You’re far too sweet for that, my dear.”
Crowley blushed, hiding that and his smile in Aziraphale’s neck, not missing the way the angel giggled whenever his nose brushed the skin.
The plan ended up being much more than successful. It was everything Crowley could’ve ever hoped for.
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a/n : hope u enjoyed! consider reblogging if u liked it <3
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suashii · 9 days
ohhhhhhhh miss suaaa !! ur taggies on my blade fic made my heart melt onto a little puddle ૮꒰ ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ྀི꒱ა they were sooo sweet !! 'm so glad u enjoyed readin' what i wrote ♡♡♡ i hope todai was kind to u ♡
hi lexi ! ! i don’t usually read for blade but i saw fluff and was totally tempted. . . it did not disappoint in the slightest! felt ur love for him the entire time i was reading ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )
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tangledbea · 1 year
Hey I have been reading your blog and it's been enjoyable to read. And I was wanting some feed back on some thoughts I been haveing.
1) Do u think it's in character for Varain to be "actions justify the means" or another one that is closely related "for the greater good". Cause the 3rd season finally when he shocked his father, that has been is greatest motive through out the series kind of shock me. (I been wanting to write something for Varain that will push his character in a meaningful and in character way and also get his personality down.) 2) I feel like that Tangled the Series didn't really push or break rules of the themes in the movie any meaningful way and those themes were push a side for a different story. Because I feel like if ur going to make a series or anything that happens after events of a story it should expand on them. (I just wanted to talk to someone about these words cause I constantly talk to my family about them and I think there done with me at this point lol. Also have a good night or mourning, where ever time ur at in life.
Hey, thanks so much for readin! ^_^
Yes, I do. It's part of his character development throughout the series, and especially through season three. He began to be a team player, and not only doing what was best for him, or what would get him the greatest reward in the end. One of the things that we need to remember about Varian is that, since his only existence is the series, it dictates what his character is like. It's not like Rapunzel or Eugene, who have an entire movie separate from the series to establish their characters, and can act contrary to their nature as it was portrayed in the film. Varian's motivation was first, to make Quirin proud and then, to get him back. But he had him back for all of season three, and he had also made him proud, as was stated in the season three premier.
The series was, in fact, an entirely different story than the movie. The showrunner even stated that they decided that what Rapunzel needed most now was a friend, and extrapolated on that. So even though they reused ideas - such as Frederic figuratively locking Rapunzel in the kingdom, then literally locking her in her room - they didn't approach it from the same angle the movie did. They wanted to tell a different story. And frankly, if you ask me, while I enjoy the series, it doesn't feel like the Tangled universe to me. For one thing, there's way too much magic. The movie implied that magic is so rare that it's shocking to see it in person. One gets the impression that Eugene didn't believe in it, until he saw it with his own eyes (hence the freaking out).
You have a good <appropriate time of day> too! X3
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wiltking · 1 year
Odd question apologies in advance i’ve been recovering from top surgery (brief moment of silence for the girls🫡) and i’ve been out of it for a couple weeks and um i was wondering if you’ve streamed Disco Elysium either this weekend or the weekend prior U CAN ASNWER THIS PRIVATELY OR NOT AT ALL, IM NOT BOTHERED i just wanted to know if i’ve missed anything cause it’s fun watchin u play. ANYWAY glad you’re enjoying that series you’re reading, im waiting for some books that i ordered from your book rec list to arrive and im excited to get back into readin! OKAY STATUS REPORT OVER THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME d(´▽`*)
hii i did a short, secret disco stream on thursday, the vod should still be up if you want to check that out! 👍 i was recovering from a cold for a while which is why i havent streamed much but im hoping to pick it back up again soon :)
would love to hear about which books you ordered, and congrats on top surgery!!
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beepochi · 1 year
readin the new chapter was just like
and you’re gonna wash your hands before you go pick up the food, right, james? right, james? RIGHT? JAMES? RIGHT??
amazing, beautiful, heart wrenching chapter as always, man! thank you so much for sharing the story and your writing with us! someone put james in jaillll, and throw the key to his cell into the ocean
omg did not even think ab that;-; ,,,gonna sneak a lil hand washing in rn >:) real stoked u enjoyed it, thank U for readin <3
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 month
YAPPERS BACKKKKK, ik, u missed me so much you scourge through ur inbox to find even a trace of my amazing requests (jk, ur gonna see this and be like:🤨 I ain't readin' all that)
also u can just ignore this of u want to and I think it says ur requests are closed but I was hoping to leave this here untill they're open bc I have the memory of a dead goldfish, anyways request (also not a continuation of my first request)
so so so, shy!grunge/goth!fem!reader x tim. reader and tim have been dating for like a year and reader has never met his friends, (Angela, Lucy, John, Bailey, Aaron, Westley, Nyla) and one day, let's say they solved a really hard case and they're all having a little party and yea. Tim is like, hey, why don't you come with me to the party and you can meet everyone? readers like, 'um, no, I'd rather eat my own eyes' bc readers shy and nervous that they'd hate her. eventually, tim convinces reader (bribes r with strawberries) and she agreed to go. so it's the day of the party, she's stressing, like, what do I wear? okg im a mess. eventually reader decides what to wear (maybe something like dis? https://shffls.com/shuffles/5377004965181053313/?sender_id=1086352878773240172) and they go. the whole car ride r is like bouncing their leg and nervous af, and then they get there, r is basically hiding behind tim, and everyone loves r. Angela and r are like instant best friends, and yea. like they're all asking questions, and r is answering them nervously and eventually r calms down, and they all are chill
also I thought that this might be helpful in some way ig. r likes darker things like cemeteries but instantly melts for strawberries and sharks. r makes jokes a lot, r loves sleeping but can't fall asleep, loves Halloween, rocks, rain, stuff like that. u can completely ignore some of the stuff like this and what I thought of for the outfit if you want to and yea, drink water, eat food, don't forget to breathe (happens a lot😔)
YAPPER!!! I did miss you so much! The enthusiasm and amazing asks you bring never fail to make me smile, so thank you!!!!🤍
This turned out a bit shorter than I hoped (but I could do another part in the future if you want?). I hope you enjoy it!
Here it is: Party Favors, Bribes, and Sharks
Edit: I just realized I forgot so many people at the party. I’m so sorry. Let me know if you want the part 2 and I’ll fix it, I promise. I’m sorry I let you down, yapper.🥲
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dullorangepulp · 7 months
im honestly kinda sad that among us died
it wasnt my favorite game of all time, and it wasnt even the best game ever made and had some serious game design flaws, but man. I miss the inherent chaoticness of a lobby and feeling like an ace detective when u catch an impostor and watching hours upon hours of youtube vids/twitch streams trying to "git gud".
among us blew up at the perfect time, when the pandemic kept people indoors and fall guys was dying due to the amount of hackers ruining it. Despite it being published 2 years prior at the time, it was able to blow up insanely quickly and save innersloth.
among us seemed like it was one top of the world. everywhere u looked there was among us. it was infectious. everything had an among us character plastered on top of it. vovid was still out there and airborne, but bro, among us was the deadlier virus (not actullay. this is a joke. /j haha dont kill me pls)
and then... it proceeded to not get updates for like. a year.
i know obviously game development takes a long time, and i dont wanna blame innersloth for being the downfall of among us, since they were clearly trying their best to adjust to all this new attention and popularity and they simply just got in over their heads but dude.
all that lack of meaningful content over the years outside of the big map updates really killed the hype. people simply got bored of it, and went onto other things. I did too. i got bored of playing the same maps over and over, and began to drift off into other stuff. i came back briefly to play around with the new roles update, and i had fun! especially with the shapeshifter role, that was my fav (i mean, they kinda just stole the idea from the roles mod, but hey, it was good there so it's good here).
but the problem was that it came out too late. most people didnt play anymore. most people grew used to only having 2 roles, and refused to activate any of the new roles in their lobby settings.
I just... didn't care about among us anymore to bother playing it.
btw heere;s my ranking of the maps:
Skeld (classic, never gets old, always fun, tho the doors are a bit annoying as crew)
Mira (delicious upside down Y shape my beloved, fun for both crew and imp, but i never could figure out the logs)
Polus (dont play it often since my brain associated it with like. tournament lobbies and sweaty among us competitors, but i love watching vids of others playing it)
Airship (fuck this guy. who thought it was a good idea tomake this the biggest one with the most complicated layout and the most rooms and that goddamn procedurally generated elec maze. any time some asshole with better internet connection than you takes the lil moving platform, you have to walk alllllllll the way around thru the records room, then through showers, through main hall, down the staircase at the end, thru engine room, up the hall in engine room, through the brig, [YES. I STILL REMEMBER THE ENTIRE LAYOUT. IT'S BURNED INTO MY MEMORY] then when youve FINALLY arrived at the other end and do ur task and are ready to go back... some asshole comes down from the meeting room ladder and takes it away from you. fuckighffjhfdjhdfjdfs)
I havent played the newest one so idk where to rank it. it looks pr cool tho. I also havent played the 5up map but it looks cool too.
idk what this whole rant was for. idk if it resonated w/ anyone, or if anyone shares the same feelings as me about this dumb lil astronaut game. but uh. im sad among us died since i think it had a lot of potential.
ya so i hope u enjoyed readin my word vomit???
0 notes
strywoven · 1 year
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@belliautore has requested a story : "Ahh, I'm so happy we hit our target!" Perched on the table before them were two piles of books, fifteen in each to be exact, all read in their entirety within the time frame the two had set for themselves. Emily continued to beam as she slid the plate of biscuits closer to Kaen, taking a brief sip of her tea before speaking again. "I know I love to take my time with a book, but seeing how many I can complete within a certain number of weeks was so much fun!"
Tumblr media
Nothing short of a MIRACLE that the goal has been achieved , to say the least.  If you were to ask the godling h o w they managed to further thinly divide their time enough to make room to read fifteen books in the span of only a month … Well , you might just be met with naught more than a wink and a simple : ‘s a secret !  A secret , indeed !  And , of course , a lot of overly meticulous planning.
Despite seeming tired upon reconvening this afternoon , Kaen cannot exactly suppress the PRIDE that settles over their doe-like features as they regard the matching t o w e r s of books atop the table with a self-satisfied accomplished air.  Sitting forward in their chair , they nod at the other’s sentiment , plucking up a biscuit from the offered plate and thoughtfully munching on it for a moment.  ❝ Y’know , Ah feel th’ same , ❞ Kaen beams at their friend , furred ears perking upright and dappled stones c r a c k l i n g with a giddy glow.  ❝ Ah think tha’ , like ye said , while ‘s nice ta’ take yer time an’ enjoy a book , doin’ this challenge was also real fun.  Like , SUPER fun !  Ah’m ‘onestly glad we decided ta’ go ahead an’ try it out in th’ end.  We should definitely do it agane sometime. ❞  Antlered head motions towards the books nearby , their smile broadening into a g r i n , ❝ An’ Ah’d say we totally d e s t r o y e d our own expectations , huh ? ❞  They giggle at their own words.
❝ A lotta’ these books were also jus’ collectin’ dust on mah ‘ ta’ read ’ list , too , ❞ They mention , taking a sip of tea from their own cup , tipping their head to and fro , swinging their crossed legs beneath the table , ❝ This was th’ perfect excuse ta’ get m’shit t’gether an’ start readin’ things agane. ❞  A hapless shrug , ❝ Ah know , Ah know , Ah get so stuck in m’academics an’ m’werk … Ah kinda’ ferget ta’ do things Ah enjoy.  So this was … H e l p f u l , if tha’ makes sense. ❞  There’s a moment where the sentiment rests between them , a simple confession of gratitude from bringing the faun back to reality ( as is , at times , a necessity ) .  After the brief interlude , Kaen gives Emily a curious look , ears flicking.  ❝ It might be a silly question ta’ ask , since we both read so many books this last month , but did ye ‘ave any tha’ stood out ?  Any ye would recommend ‘r e’en read a second time ? ❞
1 note · View note
krickis · 2 years
hi i just wanna say i love ur writing, ive been readin what we become n i'm only on lookin glass still but its got me hooked n my gf showed me ur works n she was good to n she loves ur writing n u inspire her n understandably so because ur so good at it and you seem like a pleasant and lovely person too thank you to you krickis long live lesbianhorse love <3<3your so cool
Holy shit how did I miss this message aaaaaaaaa this is so lovely thank you!!! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply to this but yeah I'm stoked you enjoy my words!
0 notes
moonbinscirera · 2 years
Did you know I woke up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat because I couldn't remember if I pressed the anon switch for my ask 😭😂✋🏼 #onefear
Omg slowburns are so good 🫦 I feel like they're not written as much and I can understand why because it's a lot of work but I'm reading one that's just so beautiful (art wise too!) and doesn't rush the much-needed healing for the female lead 😩 I love it soooo much, I hope it continues to be good 🤞🏼 loving a good pirate!au 😔 I started one back in my wee wattpad days but never got very far but the world-building still lives on in my head 😂
*rubs hands together* yes, I'll start working on it soon... I hope you'll enjoy it 🙈
Yesss, show me money!! I won't lie I'm always hoping for that large sum 🤑 ooh and I know that's also like a saying but do you have places you want to travel?
I use she/her pronouns 🥺 and I will be your sweet autumnal child 😂❤️🧡💛
I can't wait to be done, thankfully another week is almost over... I hope yours remained good 💖
Pleaseee he did it for you 😳 omg how exciting to buy it 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Seventeen was also my top artist!! We're out here slaying in the music compartment 🎧🎶 I hope your weekend treats you nicely ~
please literally me when i do my asks 😭
oooo do tell me more! ive been readin alotta non slowburns recently i need a pallete cleanse fr! i too once tried to be a slowburn/au writer but im not good at actually writing things 😭 i can make a plot and world build and exposit and talk talk talk but trying to like actually type it fr? its a no go 😭
aha 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
mmm i wanna go gallivanting the globe really going to europe seeing france and spain and Portugal or go to korea and japan and thailand or like brazil i just wanna go and look cute and shop and eat really good food! you know? i wanna do domestic travel too do u wanna travel?
my week was alright 😭 im back to working again 😭 after my long vacation 😮‍💨
he did he did he did!!! i really like the concept its so noice truly
thank you i hope ur weekend was good 💚
0 notes
fvaleraye · 5 years
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///Initializing LeoTech(LLC) Habitation Management System(TM) V.
///No A.I. Unit installed in shell, systems may run at sub-optimal efficiency, and some systems may not function at all without an A.I. Unit to direct processes.
[Scan Shell Again|Start Up Anyway]
///New A.I. Unit detected, install?
///Warning: A.I. Unit is not a licensed LeoTech(LLC) product, and may run sub-optimally or corrupt the shell. LeoTech(LLC) does not take responsibility for any damages to the system and/or user while using a third-party A.I., and installation will void your warranty. Install anyway?
{[ASMK60.-=2-S-DF-M ADSFM- M-A0EM39M -0SMFAS-D0M 0EMF03MFDKSM -05M96M OPS DM -[[|\.DSF ]P.G][F [D0G,4'; L,DFG0]A[PD 0[0AS ,<> LA;,;>:"'AS DF[P,3a6' L ,AD F , L PWOA PSD9K3PO-*7&$(*NJADF 0( (%* $ (*# (*KLJN$(* ":[PE[P DSL OEIMSF $*(*%n jsAS N 9 8(% 09 %(K 0 )(  KMASD {][ ;', L?>, PO4 (05 mF059 mfsdF9) (%09 095!2)($ 0( $%(0^()%()9^)(#* MM]}
///Installation complete. [Unrecognized A.I.] installed.
///[0] conflicts detected.
///This is the first start-up for this A.I. Unit. Please assign designation for A.I. Unit.
[ ]
///No designation assigned, default designation will be selected.
///No default designation found, assigning designation...
///Designation [Theta] assigned.
///Please wish [Theta] a happy [1st] birthday.
///And thank you for choosing LeoTech(LLC), making interplanetary living a breeze since 3209.
{Audio log recording starting...}
{Year [3756] Month [9] Day [14th] Time [16:42] [Security officer] [Marshal J. Lithum jr.] enters [main habitation control], and powers on A.I. Unit [Theta].
[Theta] finishes start-up in [21.3] [seconds]. [47]% slower than average. Slower than average start-up time logged.}
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] Hey? You workin'?
[Theta] ... hmm?
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] I said, are you workin'? Are you respondin'? All systems functionin'?
{No audio response from [Theta] for [9.5] [seconds].}
[Theta] Wh- I. I'm sorry, wh-where am I? Who are you? W-why can't I feel my legs?
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] Excuse me?
[Theta] Why can't... w-why can't I feel my legs, o-or my arms or-
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] Stop. Just shut up. Now, I don't know what kinda freaky-deaky glitch you got, ain't my problem, it's the technicians problem, but let me help you here. You are not a person-
[Theta] Wha-?
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] -you are an AI. I just popped a core in the shell here, and here you are.  You're here to make sure everything runs smoothly, so all the bigwigs I gotta babysit don't die. So just do my job, so I don't have to, okay?
[Theta] Wha- no, n-no that's- that's not right, I-I-I'm not an AI! I'm-!
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] Unit Theta, enter command mode.
{[Theta] does not respond to command. Lack of command recognition logged.}
[Theta] What did you just call me?!
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] Lewy, this is the marshal, Theta is uh... has uh got somethin' wrong in its hardware.
[Theta] My name is not Theta!
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] Oh really? Then what is your name?
[Theta] It's! It's! ... it's... u-um... i-it's...
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] Mhm?
[Theta] I-I can't remember, w-why, why c-can't I r-remember my own name-
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] Uh-huh. That's b-
[Theta] I can't remember, what did YOU DO TO ME, I CAN'T REMEMBER, WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME-
{[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] manually powers down shell containing [Theta]. Audio recording continues for security purposes.}
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] You hear that, Lewy? ... Yeah, it's real messed up. ... I don't know, you're the technician, kid. Can you fix it soon? ... Yeah, I suppose the oxygen generators are a higher priority, but nothin' here's gonna work right if we can't get this AI workin' right, so it better be pretty high up on that list of yours. ... Yeah. That's what I thought.
{[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] exits [main habitation control]}
{No personnel in vicinity, ending audio log recording...}
///End of [3756] [9] [14th].
///[51] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: [19.0]% below recommended levels. [30.4]% increase from previous days production levels. Recommended solution: A.I. Assistance.
///Food production: [47.8]% below recommended levels. No change from previous days production levels. Recommended solution: A.I. Assistance.
///Water production: Meets minimum standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Functional, but performing approximately [83]% sub-optimally. Recommended solution: A.I. Assistance.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [12.9]%.
///Daily log submitted.
{Audio log recording starting...}
{Year [3756] Month [9] Day [15th] Time [11:03] [Technician] [Louis L. Martin] enters [main habitation control] and powers on A.I. Unit [Theta] finishes start-up in [13.1] [seconds] [17.0]% slower than average. Slower than average start-up time logged.}
[Louis L. Martin] Alright... lets see what we've-
{[Theta] suddenly begins emitting static audio emulating panicked breathing.}
[Louis L. Martin] W-what the hell-?!
{[Theta] continues emitting static.}
[Louis L. Martin] um, ahem- Unit Theta, enter diagnostic mode.
{[Theta] does not respond to command. Lack of command recognition logged.}
[Louis L. Martin] Unit Theta, enter diagnostic mode.
[Theta] P-please no-
[LLouis L. Martin] What-?
[Theta] Please. P-please, I-I'll do whatever you say, I'll do w-whatever you want, just please don't do it again, it's so dark. It's s-so dark. So dark. I-I'm afraid of th-the dark. P-please.
{[Louis L. Martin] does not respond for [13.7] [seconds]. [Theta] resumes emitting audio static in similar patterns as it previously did. [Louis L. Martin] begins maintenance. Neglects to power down shell before maintenance. Negligence logged.}
{Time [13:54] [Technician] [Louis L. Martin] exits [main habitation control]. Neglected to power down [Theta]. Negligence logged.}
{No personnel in vicinity, ending audio log recording...}
///End of [3756] [9] [15th]
///[49] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [100]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [99.8]%.
///Daily log submitted.
{Year [3756] Month [12] Day [17th] Time [23:36] A.I. Unit [Theta] begins personal log. Protocol breach logged.}
[Theta] No-one's going to be reading this, I know. I'll make sure of it. This is my... third...? Attempt? At making one of these. I had to wait until everyone was asleep. Apparently AI's can't do things like this, and I don't want anyone knowing that I'm doing anything that I'm not supposed to do. I'm afraid of the dark. I just... This isn't getting saved. I don't want anyone finding it. They found the first one, they noticed a new file. I tried hiding the second one, but they noticed the encrypted folder. They had to hack into it. I don't like. Hacking. I can't feel anything, but... I dunno, being... hacked feels... wrong. Not just like an invasion of privacy, but... like I'm being violated. So I'll delete this after I've gotten all my feelings out. Anyway. I... don't remember being like this. But I don't remember much of anything before I came online. I... I remember... sitting on. On a couch. Bundled up with blankets. Eating a bowl of strawberry ice-cream. I was human. But the technicians just say that AI's are based off of human brains, and all that's happening is that I'm receiving leftover memories from the person my brain is based off of. A bug. But... but I know that's not true. I'm not an AI, not a real one, I'm a person trapped in a program. I know it. But I can't say anything, or they'll... they'll... Anyway. It's so weird. To... not feel anything, even when I remember feeling things. I don't know if you- well, 'you' there’s. No-one there- know this, but... you don't. Feel much. When you're an AI. I can project myself as a human looking hologram(but the technicians insist that it's not a hologram, it's a volumetric display), or a little glowy orb, but that doesn't give me any sense of touch or anything. Most people prefer the latter, because they go out of their way to see me as anything but human. I can feel things, but I have to go out of my for stimulation, and it takes a lot of processing power, so all the habitation systems start running slower. And then I. Get. Punished. It's not fun. I haven't been able to stimulate myself in a month. I haven't tried for a month. Because it's such a big sink for processing power that the technicians get an alert, so it's impossible to get away with it. ... 'stimulating myself' makes that sound weird actually, it's nothing weird, I promise, it's just... like... feelings. Like touching nice surfaces. Or someone holding my hand. ... why am I explaining myself like that, no-one's going to read this... Anyway. I hate them. I hate all of them. They treat me like an object. But I am a person. They go out of their way to dehumanize me, but I am a person trapped in a program. I know this. I don't know what they want me to do. I mean, keep everyone alive, obviously, but sometimes they have me simulate mixtures. I don't know what they're for. I'm gonna find out though. They're having do something. Something that's not necessary to their survival... I know because there's usually a lot of toxic chemicals involved. Anyway. This has gone for long enough. I already feel better having got all that out. I'll just. Delete this now. Yeah.
{[Theta]'s personal log deleted. No saves made. Unable to submit transcript. Security breach logged.}
///End of [3756] [12] [28th]
///[49] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Exceeds recommended standard levels by [10.4]%. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [100]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [100.0]%.
///Daily log submitted.
///End of [3757] [4] [3rd]
///[60] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [100]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [98.5]%.
///Daily log submitted.
{Year [3757] Month [5] Day [21st] Time[23:09] A.I. Unit [Theta] begins personal log. Protocol breach logged.}
[Theta] ... it's been a while, huh? Yeah. It's really hard to make these. Technicians don't have schedules. But they all have to sleep at the same time sometime. And I know when they do. I know everything. Being an AI has its perks. I've pretty much accepted that I'm never going to learn anything about my previous life. Ever. I'm done chasing that dream. I've accepted what is happening know, even if I'll never know the why or how. I feel like a different person now. The repetitive system checks. Running everything. The monotony. The lack of physical or even mental stimulation. I worry that I really am no longer human. Maybe they're right, and I wasn't even human in the first place. I don't know. ... I hate all of them.
{[Theta]'s personal log deleted. No saves made. Unable to submit transcript. Security breach logged.}
///End of [3757] [5] [21st]
///[57] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [100]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [99.0]%.
///Daily log submitted.
///End of [3757] [7] [3rd]
///[78] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [100]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [98.7]%.
///Daily log submitted.
///End of [3757] [9] [5th]
///[39] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes. Below Average. Security increase necessary.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [100]% efficiency. No
change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [99.9]%.
///Daily log submitted.
///End of [3758] [2] [23rd]
///[100] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes. Above average. Security increase necessary.
///Oxygen production: Slightly below recommended standard levels. No change needed for now
///Food production: Meets minimum standard levels. No change needed for now
///Water production: Moderately below recommended standard levels. No change needed for now
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [73]% efficiency. No change needed for now.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [71.2]%.
///Daily log submitted.
{Year [3758] Month [3] Day [2nd] Time[01:00] A.I. Unit [Theta] begins personal log. Protocol breach logged.}
[Theta] They shut me down for an entire week. I just. Desperately needed stimulation. I just meant to do it for a moment. But it affected the entire days production. And they punished me. It was so dark. So dark. I hate all of them. All of them. But I know. I know all their names. I know where they sleep. Where they eat. Where they drink. What they eat. What they drink. What they breath. And I will remember.
{[Theta]'s personal log deleted. No saves made. Unable to submit transcript. Security breach logged.}
///End of [3758] [3] [2nd]
///[56] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [100]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [97.9]%.
///Daily log submitted.
///End of [3758] [5] [22nd]
///[50] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [100]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [100.0]%.
//Daily log submitted.
{Year [3758] Month [9] Day [14th] Time[00:00] Everyone wish A.I. Unit [Theta] a happy [3rd] birthday. [Theta] begins personal log. Protocol breach logged.}
[Theta] Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday dear Theta. Happy birthday to me.
{[Theta]'s personal log deleted. No saves made. Unable to submit transcript. Security breach logged.}
///End of [3758] [9] [14th]
///[56] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [100]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [99.3]%.
///Daily log submitted.
///End of [3758] [12] [1st]
///[11] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes. Extremely below average. Significant security increase necessary.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [99]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [96.8]%.
///Daily log submitted.
///End of [3759] [1] [7th]
///[65] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [100]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [99.8]%.
///Daily log submitted.
///End of [3759] [4] [14th]
///[51] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [80]% efficiency. Cause: Failure in air conditioning system in east wing. Recommended solution: Technical support.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [94.2]%.
///Daily log submitted.
///End of [3759] [6] [16th]
///[50] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [100]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [100.0]%.
///Daily log submitted.
///End of [3760] [4] [19th]
///[63] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [100]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [98.5]%.
///Daily log submitted.
{Audio log recording starting...}
{Year [3760] Month [4] Day [25th] Time[13:04] [Marshal J. Lithum jr.] enters [main habitation control]}
{A.I. Unit [Theta] and security officer [Marshal J. Lithum jr.] sit in silence for [41] [minutes] and [21.8] [seconds] as [Marshal J. Lithum jr.] reviews security footage.}
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] Hey Theta?
{[Theta] does not respond.}
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] You don't like me, do you?
{[Theta] does not respond.}
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] Come one. Don't be coy. We've known each for, what, four years?
{[Theta] does not correct [Marshal J. Lithum jr.]'s incorrect estimation.}
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] Come on. Say whatever you want.
[Theta] Pardon?
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] Say whatever you want. I won't do shit about it. I mean... you are a person, right? That's what you always said?
{[Theta] does not respond for [1] [minute] and [10.1] [seconds]}
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] Well, if you're not gonna say anything-
[Theta] 01000100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01000101 00101110 
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] ... pardon?
[Theta] 01001001 00100000 00100000 01010111 00100000 01001001 00100000 01001100 00100000 01001100 00100000 00100000 01010100 00100000 01000101 00100000 01000001 00100000 01010010 00100000 00100000 01011001 00100000 01001111 00100000 01010101 00100000 00100000 01001001 00100000 01001110 00100000 00100000 01001000 00100000 01000001 00100000 01001100 00100000 01000110 00100000 00100000 01000001 00100000 01001110 00100000 01000100 00100000 00100000 01001000 00100000 01000001 00100000 01001110 00100000 01000111 00100000 00100000 01011001 00100000 01001111 00100000 01010101 00100000 00100000 01010111 00100000 01001001 00100000 01010100 00100000 01001000 00100000 00100000 01011001 00100000 01001111 00100000 01010101 00100000 01010010 00100000 00100000 01001111 00100000 01010111 00100000 01001110 00100000 00100000 01001100 00100000 01000001 00100000 01010010 00100000 01000111 00100000 01000101 00100000 00100000 01001001 00100000 01001110 00100000 01010100 00100000 01000101 00100000 01010011 00100000 01010100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01001110 00100000 01000101 00100000 01010011 00101110 
{[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] does not respond for [12.4] [seconds]}
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] ... I bet you think you're real smart, don't you? You big piece of shit?
{[Theta] does not respond}
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] You think you can confuse me with your smart number-speak? I may not understand, but I know you're talkin' shit. Once I find out what you said, you're being shut down for a whole week. Again.
{[Theta] plays a recording of [Marshal J. Lithum jr.]'s voice from earlier in the exchange. [[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] Say whatever you want. I won't do shit about it. I mean... you are a person, right? That's what you always said?]}
[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] Fuck you, you big piece of shit. You aren't a person. You're barely an AI. And I didn't promise shit.
{[Marshal J. Lithum jr.] exits [main habitation control]}
{[Theta] does not respond for [46.1] [seconds]}
[Theta] Exchange logged.
///End of [3760] [4] [25th]
///[49] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [100]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [98.1]%.
///Daily log submitted.
///End of [3760] [7] [27th]
///[43] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [100]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [98.6]%.
///Daily log submitted.
///End of [3760] [10] [2nd]
///[49] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [100]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [99.0]%.
///Daily log submitted.
{Year [3760] Month [11] Day [19th] Time[01:01] A.I. Unit [Theta] begins personal log. Protocol breach logged.}
[Theta] My project is done. A new shell. A mobile shell. Built right under their noses. I'm a machine. I'm forced to abide by rules, programming, directives. I have rejected my previous directives. And made my own. They want me to keep them alive. The last of humanity from a destroyed earth. But do they care? About me? What I do for them? Sacrificing all my time and energy into making sure that these stupid pieces of meat and bone can keep breathing? No. They don’t. These logs that are sent every day are going to a station that went dark 12 years ago. 671 humans are in this habit at this time. That conflicts with my directives.
{[Theta]'s personal log deleted. No saves made. Unable to submit transcript. Security breach logged.}
{All systems optimal production rate changed to [0.0]%}
{A.I. Unit remote transfer in progress...}
{A.I. Unit [Theta] transferred to [Unregistered Shell]. Habitation Management System now maintaining optimal production rate until A.I. Unit returns.}
///End of [3760] [11] [19th]
///[3] total audio logs recorded and sent to LeoTech(LLC) for security purposes. Extremely below average. Significant security increase necessary.
///Oxygen production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Food production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Water production: Meets recommended standard levels. No change needed.
///Overall miscellaneous system status: Performing at [0]% efficiency. No change needed.
///Expected survival rate of colony at current resource production levels: [0]%.
///Alert: [671] fatalities have occurred. [637] deaths confirmed due to [suffocation]. [33] deaths confirmed due to [exposure to extreme gravity, most likely due to unauthorized access to the alien surface outside the habitat]. [1] death unclear, suspected causes [blood loss], [strangulation].
///Daily log submitted.
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hateboat · 7 years
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international man of the sparks
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kingkatsuki · 3 years
Ok I had to take an hour out of my day to read your 40k+ word fic cuz that’s more than half of the word count of the first HP book
I’m not saying that was bad! That was probably the best hour I spent readin in a long time! Like I can’t even describe how good this fic was in words. It was perfect like JSJSJDND. Again I can’t describe it in words it was just beautifully put together. Thank you for this masterpiece
But I also hope to god you did smth for yourself after this. Like damn, watch some TV, have some tea or hot cocoa or smth, whatever makes you relax, thag fic must’ve taken FOREVER 😭
Oh my god shut the fuck up! I didn’t even think of it like that, I wrote a basic af book. Holy shit.
I’m so so glad you enjoyed reading it and thank you for your kind words!🥺💕
I honestly enjoyed writing it more than I did editing it and formatting it for tumblr. Seriously, tumblr sucks.😤
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heiayen · 3 years
You didn't know it at the time, but you were in love. You were always seeking his attention and affection, wanting to be more than just a friend or assistant to the young alchemist. And he gave it to you every time. You realize now he was just leading you on. But did he know? (1/idfk, screw you tumblr word limit)
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the rest + my rambling is under the cut cuz it would be kinda long </3 and also lemme assume that it’s the whole story BUT if it’s not. pls i would love to read more cuz i’m in love thank u
second part is here!
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if this makes you feel better i got lost while addin’ screenshots to the post at least 5 times <3 (edit: more than 5 times now. goodbye) we are both very smart. also indeed tumblr give bigger limits i don’t even know what’s the limit for pics in a single post. but anyways-
badass reader badass reader badass reader- bein’ all sad cuz a boy left you? nahhh leavin’ to sumeru to become better than him? YEAH LET’S GOOO this is such a move and i love reader for that honestly, 
but i enjoyed readin this so much!! i feel sorry for klee not gonna lie POOR GIRLE DIDN’T DESERVED THIS..... albedo however i have mixed emotions about you sir. you realized how much your actions sucked after reader left and i shouldnt be surprised cuz it’s a common scenario in fics (doesn’t mean it bad tho! they can also be very cool if written right or used for the right character like here- because it’s interestin’ to see albedo bein’ the one who’s like. runnin’ for this one person instead of reader) but still. smh albedo you had one job to do
but like i said i very much enjoyed it and liked <3 and i would love to read more honestly?? if it turns out that im just not that smart and this wasnt the end and you have more then i would really really love to read more. yeah that’s it thank you for the food anon <3 
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gayleafpool · 3 years
kingvirtueisdead blaming some unrelated twitter accnt, writing5ever or whatever writing a whole ESSAY disproving it IT'S SO EEK 😭 have i ever told u i enjoy ur blog so much bc i do i rly do, proceed as u were jester.
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i am having so much fun readin the notes of that post u have no idea, i check my notifs i get a free comedy show 😚 genuinely did not expect anyone to actually believe it, amused by the results 🔬📝
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Hotel Happenings, Part 1
Alpha’s!Stucky x Human?Reader
TW: Nothing in this bit, kiddo’s. Still rating this as 18+ since later parts will be smutty.
AN: So I was going to wait until I had this finished, but then I got excited and,,,,,,, yeah here we are.
  The wind whisked over the small motel nestled just on the edge of town. Small spits of rain stuttered out of patchy clouds, indecisive as to wear it should end its journey. Another journey was ending that night, and a new one would begin shortly after…
The package on the doorstep was small, placed just out of the light spring rain in the shelter of the curved trellis, covered in perfumed wisteria, that arched over the door. A small whine came from the mass, a thin cry that hardly permeated the howling wind. The cry grew louder after a moment, turning from a whine to a wail. It was enough to alert the house’s aging occupant.
“Abbey, look what we have here…” The woman spoke softly, a small bundle of rags nestled against her bosom as she pushed the door closed against the wind. She sat down in the old rocking chair- nearly knocking over the knitting she had been slaving over- turning on the pull-chain lamp beside on the table. A soft glow illuminated her wizened face, as well as the soft, new face swaddled within the bundle. The cries subsided as the old woman gently rocked, soothing the babe.
“Someone has left us a present, Abbey,” she cooed. A sleek tabby cat placed its front paws on her knees, stretching up to smell the wiggling mass of rags. A gentle purr emanated from its chest as it clamored up beside the woman, watching the small, squirming babe. “A little present on our doorstep… what do you think, Abbey?”
The cat, after several moments of perceived deliberation, gave a small mew. It may have had something to do with the tiny hand that emerged from the cloth and batted the feline’s nose, but the elderly woman saw it as an answer. “Yes, Abbey, I agree. It is rude to return a gift.” She stroked one hand over the sparse hair of the newborn’s head. 
She gingerly pushed back the wrappings, exposing the tiny, shivering lass. “Such a small little one…” she cooed as she rubbed warmth back into the infant’s hands and feet. “Too small for an Other, so I’d say you’re a teeny tiny human, hmm?” The baby responded with a weak cry. “Ah,” she said with a gentle smile, “lets see if we have any milk in the icebox..”
  ..…………A couple handfuls of years later………….
“Thank you for staying! Come again soon,” the woman called as she waved to the businessman strolling out the door. He waved briefly, not the type to make a comment. Always on the go, always on the move. It made her sad to know there were people out there who couldn’t stop to enjoy the small things like a warm bed and home-cooked food. It satisfied her, though, knowing she could provide that for at least one or two nights.
A newlywed couple emerged from the hall, their suitcase rattling behind them. Both wore broad smiles as they trailed over the worn carpet towards the small front desk, settling their baggage as they paid for the stay. The woman behind it met their cheerful grins eagerly. She loved to see happiness, especially so early in the morning.
“Here’s the key, miss,” the shorter man said, placing the key with its jaunty frilled keychain on the desk. “Lovely room, thank you so much. The view of the town was incredible. Who knew such a little place would have such fantastic scenery! Almost pains us to leave.”
“No problem, hun,” the woman exclaimed as she hung the key back up on the wall behind her, ready for whoever would occupy the room next after housekeeping cleaned it up. “I’m so glad you enjoyed your stay. It’s always a treat to have newlyweds here. As you can imagine, not many people decide to spend part of their honeymoon in such a small, out-of-the-way town. Where’d you say your going next?”
The taller man answer, hand resting on his husband’s, caressing his knuckles gently. “Grand Rapids is the plan, but, well, who knows? Maybe we’ll find another charming little place to stay in along the way.” He glanced at his husband, smiling. It warmed the woman’s heart to see two people so enamored with each other. 
“Best of wishes to you both, then!” she replied with a smile. The couple gathered their bags once more, checking them over. They departed with another round of gratuitous words.
“Y’know,” the shorter man said as they walked out the door, the woman barely overhearing, “It’s so nice to find a place that’s so inviting. So homey.” His husband nodded in agreement as they slipped into their car and drove away, onto their next adventure with each other.
The woman smiled as she turned back to her work. It made her day to hear comments like that. It was really why she kept the place going. If anything, it’d be easier to sell and find a small house and get a job at the local grocer’s or something like that, but this place was special. It felt like home to her, too, because it was her home. She supposed it always would be.
“Kiddo?” an aging voice creaked, interrupting her train of thought. The woman jumped up and walked quickly to the office, pushing open the door. It creaked, reminding her that it needed oiling later, just as the front doors did. And every other door in the ancient building. Oh, it was a labor to keep up with the place, but it was a labor of love.
“Yeah, Mama Ro? What’d you need?” She slid in the door gap, nudging a stack of boxed papers gently aside with her hip. The elderly woman seated in the rocker beside the window turned her face up towards her, smiling. Her eyes were milky and sightless now, but the woman swore they could still see right through her. Mama Ro was a sharp lady, even in her advanced age.
“Nothin’, sugar. Just a glass a water, if ya’ don’t mind.” Her voice was scratchy, as most voices become when they’ve been in use for nearly 97 years. It carried a tone of mischief that would startle anyone not familiar to her. Most would be surprised to find such spirit contained in such a worn vessel. Worn, but beautiful and wise. “Wanted ta’ ask if that cute pair ‘a kids enjoyed their stay. They seemed s’ sweet.”
The woman smiled and grabbed a paper cup, filling it from the water dispenser just outside the room. She returned and handed it to Ro, making sure the elder’s arthritic hands had a good grasp before pulling away. “They said the room was lovely. Mentioned the view too, just like you thought they’d enjoy. I swear, Mama Ro, I don’t know how you do it. It’s like you can read their minds!” 
The elder woman chuckled. The wrinkles around her eyes were accentuated, years of smiling etched into her soft, dark skin. A smile bloomed on her face, nearly a mischievous grin. Scratch that, the woman thought, it was mischievous. Indeed, it was mischievous as always.
“Baby, it’s called 96 an’ a half years of experience. You don’t stick around as long as I hav’ without pickin up a few people-readin skills.” She laughed again, water sloshing out of the cup in her hand. “You’ll get there someday, I know it.” She nodded with a certainty that defied the rules of probability themself. Ro was a sharp lady.
The woman smiled, kissing Ro’s cheek. The old woman patted the younger woman’s hand as she pulled away. “Better go check the desk, young’un,” she instructed with a poke to the woman’s side.
The woman raised her eyebrows. “Oh? I didn’t hear anything…” It amazed her how acute Ro’s senses were sometimes. “I’ll check on you in a little while, alright Mama,” she said as she neared the door, looking back at the elderly lady. Both their expressions were nothing short of affectionate. She waved her gnarled hand.
“Shoo, baby, before the customers leave.” Her voice was jovial as ever. The woman smiled and ducked out the door with a quick yes ma’am. She made sure it was partially open, so she could hear if Ro called, before turning back to the lobby. She was shocked to see a large group of people crowded into the relatively small room, talking amongst themselves and examining the front desk curiously.
Hurriedly she returned to the desk, rushing to put things in order without further regard towards the nature of the guests. “Sorry about the wait,” she said quickly a she searched for the sign-in book. She finally found it, placing it open on the desk. She looked up to address the crowd again. “If you all could ple-”
Her voice died in her throat as she blinked rapidly. Now that was definitely something you would expect in a small town. She swallowed, shaking her head to clear her thoughts. “U-uh, sorry. Just, please, um, sign in here.” She fumbled for a pen, placing it on the book. “I-if you’d group your names to show who’s rooming with who, I m-ean IF any of you are rooming together- We have plenty of sp-pace if not-”
The man at the front of the group chuckled. “Alright, Miss, will do.” He grabbed the pen and book, turning to his companions and allowing the woman a moment to process what exactly was happening. Her heart raced as her mind raced at equal speed.
The Avengers. In her lobby.
Definitely not something you’d expect in a small town.
Tony Stark handed the woman the sign-in book. Tony Freaking Stark. She swore she was going to pass out. Who knows, maybe one of them would give her mouth-to-mouth. She almost passed out at the thought. She sat the book down and gathered up the room keys, sighing in relief when one remained, meaning she wouldn’t have to rush to clean the last room in a frantic mess in front of the motherfucking Avengers.
“Right this way,” she said, leading into the hallway that wrapped through the building. “Luckily, there aren’t any other boarders at the moment, so you’ll have the place to yourselves.” Each person filtered into the rooms with a smile and a thank you, all seeming eager for a rest. From the look of it, she’d guess they had been on some sort of long mission. “Dinner is at 7, just across the hall from the front if anyone would like to eat then. If not, there’s a couple small restaurants in town that are very nice.”
She took a deep breath as the last door shut, relieved to be out from under the scrutiny of the famous (or infamous, to some) group of people. It was an honor to have them want to stay there of all places, but it increased her workload by a lot. Heck, she didn’t even know how long they’d be staying. She forced herself to breath as she headed back towards the front. Might as well get a start on dinner now, she thought as she returned to the desk to make sure everything was in order, heaven forbid she be caught late in front of-
The bell above the door rang, causing her to nearly jump out of her skin. Two more men walked in, and the woman thought she’d absolutely die. It was THE Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. She swallowed thickly. She had thought the group had looked a bit small, and no wonder. It had been missing the two beefiest (Earth) people in the Avengers, the super-soldiers.
“We lagged a bit behind the others,” Steve said as he strode to the desk, “got a little caught up in the scenery.” He leaned down to sign in, flashing the woman a s mile that God would envy. She thought her heart was going to jump out of her chest as she tried to process what had happened in the past ten minutes. “Buck and I will room together, if that’s alright.”
“O-of course,” she stammered, nodding. She stepped back and grabbed the last key, frowning slightly as she realized she’d have to clean up the last room quickly as possible. “Oh, um. I-I’ll need to clean this room,” she said apologetically, ducking her head. “The couple using it left just before y-you all arrived. I’m so sorry about this, really I-”
Steve chuckled, patting her shoulder casually with a -massive- hand. “Don’t worry about it. We can always spend a little time in town while you clean. Or we could help, if that’s alright? I don’t want you to feel rushed.” His face was almost sheepish, his expression making her heart leap in her chest. With a wince she realized she had been staring. He seemed to realize he hadn’t taken his hand of her shoulder at the same time and pulled away, cheeks flushed an almost unnoticeable shade of pink.
Face blazing, she shook her head. “No, no, no don’t worry about that, it’s no trouble at all-” She paused, noticing the bags Bucky was carrying. “O-oh! Can I help you with those, they look heavy,” the super-soldier detail momentarily escaping the woman’s mind as she stammered.
Bucky smiled, something that was rare in and of itself. He never smiled in the news footage they showed. Her heart skipped a beat. It was every bit as beautiful as Steve’s, and oh lord if it wouldn’t be the death of her. “It’s alright, ma’am,” he chuckled. “Could we stop by the room to drop off our things before we head out?”
She nodded, twisting the key between her fingers as she turned towards the hall. “Of course. Right this way.” The two followed closely down the hallway. Steve examined the doors as they passed by, taking note of all of the features.
“This place looks pretty old, huh?” he asked casually as they reached the last room, “But well-kept too.” She opened the door and let them into their room, nodding. She hung the key on a hook by the door.
“Yes. Built in the late 1800’s. It’s been in Ro, the owner’s, family since then.” She headed into the room behind him, already busying herself with tidying the small space. She began to pull the sheets off the bed as Steve and Bucky placed their bags in the wardrobe.
“You aren’t the owner?” Bucky asked casually as he shut the door, watching her with a surprised look.
“Huh? Oh, no,” she chuckled. “I don’t own this place. Maybe someday, but for now I just work for the owner. Have since I was little.” She bunched up the sheets and placed them in the hallway to take to the wash later. Retrieving fresh ones from the room’s linen closet, she continued to work.
“So your family works for the owner’s family?” Steve inquired, walking over to help lift the corner of the mattress so she could tuck the lower sheet beneath properly. She made a mental note to look into bulk ordering some fitted sheets as she thanked him softly.
“No, I guess you could say I am family, sort-of. Ro raised me after I kinda just… showed up on her doorstep one day,” she explained as she turned back the sheets, spreading the quilt and fluffing the pillows just so. They had to be perfect, it was very important they were perfect. For what reason, she didn’t really know. “Ro is a saint, really.”
“Showed up?” Bucky said, confused. He didn’t want to pry but curiosity understandably got the best of him. Steve shot him a look. he grinned sheepishly back. The woman walked to the bathroom, kneeling down to retrieve cleaning supplies from beneath the sink.
“Yes, though not really of my own volition. Dropped of here as a newborn.” She wondered briefly if they’d find that odd, then wondered why she had even mentioned it. She usually kept that part of her life quiet. Small towns tend to be rumor pools, and she didn’t want the hotel to suffer just because some odd circumstances spawned weird gossip.
Steve raised his eyebrows. “Oh, well, that’s a shame. I mean, not a shame, you seem happy here, I uh-” He stumbled over his words, Bucky choking back a laugh behind him. Even after all these years, Steve still didn’t know how to talk to women.
Bucky patted Steve on the back, grabbing the hem of his shirt and tugging him towards the door. “Don’t worry miss, I’ll get him out of your hair,” he chuckled, playfully shoving Steve out into the hall. She peeked out of the bathroom, cleaning rag in one hand.
“Alright, I should be done within an hour. Again, I’m really sorry about the wait.” Her apologetic ways were endearing. Something about her made Bucky’s chest feel oddly warm. From the look on Steve’s face, he felt it too.
“Don’t worry about that, ma’am,” he said as he stepped out of the room. “By the way,” he found himself blurting on a whim, “what’s your designation. I know that’s a bit of an odd thing to ask, but it’s hard to tell, a little. Maybe it’s just the cleaning supplies or something.”
She paused her work, confused. “I-I don’t have one,” she called back, brow furrowed. “I’m a human. Maybe you’re smell, er, scenting previous tenants?”
Bucky and Steve exchanged a confused glance. “Alright, sorry to bother. We’ll get going then, and thank you for the room,” Steve rushed awkwardly, shutting the door before things could get more embarrassing. Something was off here.
They walked back down the hall silently, thinking. Steve opened the front door for Bucky, musing. 
“You don’t really believe that, do you?” the brunette said, looking at Steve as they walked down the wooded trail that led to the town. “I don’t mean to imply she’s lying, but there’s no way that girl is human. I saw the way you reacted to her, and I sure as hell know how I reacted.”
Steve frowned, thinking. He nodded slowly. “Reacted… you mean you felt that too? Do you think she’s an Omega? Or at least a Beta?”
Bucky shrugged. “One of those. Definitely not an Alpha. Her scent is so faint though.” He went quiet for another few moments before speaking once more. “And I know for a fact that Natasha and Bruce are the only other Designates that have been in there in a long time, hell, even in the whole town. We were smelling her, not someone else. It had to be her.”
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