#and now i flop
hinamie · 23 days
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round 2 of prelim designs for @philosophiums n my lovechild of an au
first year trio
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exhausted-undead · 1 year
they're done. holy shit they're done
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lumentears · 3 months
🦴 boningthescions-bracket Follow
Preliminary Round! Who will be the Third's champion in the unofficial-official Most Smashable Scions bracket?
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💎 twinkovertheriver Follow
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👑 princess-ianthes-foreskin Follow
uh yeah i sure hope she is ;)))))
💎 twinkovertheriver Follow
thanks for the addition necrumblr user princess ianthe's foreskin
🦴 boningthescions-bracket Follow
By the King Undying, you people are dogs. I will reblog as usual.
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⚔ middlechild-diagnosed Follow
Me: Haha, I went to Ida and came back with snow blindness from all the fake glitz. :D Haha, I went to the Koinortus Court and came back seven years ago - I would have posted sooner but the joke was pending approval :D Always, Without Fail, Some Fucking Dipshit:
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🪐 p4x-d0m1n1 Follow
*Koniortos. Stay in school, kids.
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🥴 badjokesbyjohn Follow
A prodigy child spirit talker has escaped Fifth House custody after stealing a priceless artifact. That's right, folks, we've got a small medium at large.
👻 siphon-me-harder Follow
john we've talked about the name thing
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⚜ cavpositivity Follow
Hydration Check!
Has your necromancer had water and taken their vitamins/probiotics/perscriptions today?
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🗡 cavaliercot-suggestions Follow
(un)friendly reminder that there's nothing wrong with kinky roleplay and the suggestions and scenarios on this blog do not equal endorsement of irl cavalier-necromancer relationships.
🩸 saints-alive Follow
You know what? No. Fuck this, and fuck you fetishising cavalierdom. Frankly, as a necromancer, I'm digusted knowing that my cavalier can't even wipe the blood sweat from my brow without you making it sexual!
🗡 cavaliercot-suggestions Follow
My brother under Dominicus you literally write reader x Necrolord Prime x lyctor fanfic
💀 bonetopick Follow
are we forgetting that OP has literally admitted to owning unpaid servants?
🗡 cavaliercot-suggestions Follow
they're skeletons?????????????
💀 bonetopick Follow
they didn't die to pick up your laundry lazy motherfucker
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📜 solace-in-thighs Follow
taking my final exam tonight wish me luck guys!
📜 solace-in-thighs Follow
what thefuck. what the fuck. my cousin Throckmorton told me my metaphors were uninspired and my performance stilted. IF HE KNEW THE FUCKING NUMBERS MY EROTIC POETRY DOES ON NECRUMBLR
📜 solace-in-thighs Follow
joining the cohort. if anyone even cares.
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🌹 the-rose-blown-semifrequently Follow
a novel where a flesh magician and a spirit talker become roommates and have wacky adventures
plot twist: the spirit talker is super extroverted and slutty and the life of every party while the flesh magician is so prudish they keep their clothes on in the sonic and so timid they faint at the sight of blood
the novel is called "the spirit is willing but the flesh is meek"
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smallpapers · 1 year
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edit: print available!
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mehh141 · 1 year
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Morning Captain 🥱
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bug-eatr · 6 months
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trend going around on twitter right now to draw 2 of your comfort character s like this ☺️
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ironunderstands · 2 months
God I love being correct (2.2 leaks incoming!!!)
“Jade saved Aventurine!!!” “Jade helped him out of the kindness of her own heart!!” “Jade is such a mother figure to Aventurine!!”
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mmm yeah, definitely yup 100%
Honestly this fucking speaks for itself, and I’m so glad hoyo committed to the evil on her, she’s very compelling and that’s extremely cunty I must give her credit for it, but god do I absolutely despise the people who believe Jade and Aventurine have a healthy relationship, or that she “saved” him out of the kindness of her own heart or something.
To Jade, Aventurine is an investment, nothing more and nothing less, which is why she puts her faith in him, he’s a reliable business opportunity, but that’s not the same as caring about him personally and I really need people to get the difference
If Aventurine hadn’t proved himself useful to her, she would have left him to rot in prison or succumb to his death sentence, this isn’t saving, it’s exploitation.
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Jade knows Aventurine couldn’t decline whatever offer she made, and anything is worse than death or slavery, the things he’s trying to escape, so she offers for him to join the IPC to make more money for them. That’s it, that’s all she wants, she doesn’t care about how bad being in the IPC is for Aventurine’s mental health, how he literally took on a suicide mission so he could escape being a stoneheart, how even if she “saved” him, his banner name is literally “gilded imprisonment” and his lightcone “inherently unjust destiny”, so damn she did a real good job at saving him and fixing his life, definitely didn’t just put him in a pair of gilded chains.
Also like can we talk about how weird Jades comment about his eyes were? Like it’s genuinely creepy to me considering Avens eyes are a) one of his biggest insecurities and b) people fetishize them, something which Jade knows and chooses to still comment about. I hate to say it, but I feel like if this was a male Jade saying that to a female Aventurine, yall would never let that slide and Jade would never beat the p3do allegations. Aventurine was likely a teenager/young adult in that scene, and either way there is a visible power dynamic between them (I mean Aven is literally in chains looking up at her), and I don’t think if the situation was flip flopped people would be treating Jade like some kinda hero. If they were the same gender I feel like people would be shipping them though 😭
So, yeah. Being correct feels amazing, pls use your brains and realize that just because one character sounds kinda nice to another, does not mean they actually care about them or are a good person!
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I’ve started a new job and still gotta get used to the flow so for now have a peter dooble
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panevanbuckley · 8 months
a constant struggle as a multi-shipper is not only having to decide which fic to read next but also which ship 😭
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ch3rr13zk1n · 1 month
Lamperty hfjiONE
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I also have multiple alternative versions of this image since i never know which version i like more!! (I have a problem please help)
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Like and reblog or i'll force you to like Gnarpy or smth
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wild-magic-oops · 3 months
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kekathemao · 11 days
reblogs very much appreciated..
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its-wabby-stuff · 3 months
Mikey Goes To Oz
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<Time spent: 49 hours 17 minutes>
When Mikey takes some time away from a loud family squabble he accidentally ends up getting “flushed” down the sewers. This winds up sending him to the colorful land of Oz where he meets a good witch, a wicked witch, a brainless scarecrow, a heartless Tinman, a cowardess lion, and a powerful wizard, all disguised behind very familiar faces.
A canon adjacent spin off set before the season one finale but after they discover Splinter is Lou Jitsu
I wanted to fit each of the boys into their “you’ve had this all along” category. Leo isn’t brainless, in fact he’s pretty clever with a street smart, people reading ability on par with Donnie’s intelligence. Donnie isn’t heartless, he just has a tough time expressing his feelings. They are complex and unalgorithic but he can get just as excited or sad or angry as anyone, as much as he may deny it. Raph isn’t a coward, but being brave sometimes means admitting you’re scared and that you maybe don’t have all the answers. You dont have to be strong all the time and you don’t have to do it by yourself.
In the movie Dorothy’s journey home is also a representation of her running away. The important thing was to remember there were people who cared about her. Mikey is experiencing a similar phenomenon, wanting the escape the bad vibes in the lair. His “you’ve had it all along” is interesting because it is an object, since the Ruby kneepads could’ve taken him home the whole time. And sometimes getting home means going on a journey only to realize you never left.
I put April as Glinda because Glinda appears as a defender of the weak, and I see April in a similar light. Always willing to help and beat someone up if it is so required. Splinter as The Wizard of Oz represents Splinters own willingness to hide behind different personas, his running from the past and the pulling back of the curtain for Mikey in timeline. The Wizard grows through the movie, albeit quickly, and ends up leaving Oz to go home leaving his legacy with the scarecrow, the Tinman, and the lion. In this case the passing of the baton to his sons.
Meanwhile Draxum as the wicked witch felt much more how Mikey sees Draxum at this time in the show, mostly just an antagonistic force who wants something from them. Fun fact: I imagine throughout this dream, Draxum is uninterested in being the wicked witch but is pressed into it via plot. Hence his disinterest in being “melted.”
Additional characters not pictured: Big Mama as the Wicked Witch of the East (those were her Ruby kneepads!!) and Todd as the Mayor of Munchkin Land. If you can think of more, feel free to leave them in the comments or tags.
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kitamars · 11 months
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hello. um. sorry for disappearing for like two months. imagine me getting hit with a truck called “The Worst Creative Block In Your Life” and getting thrown headfirst into the gintama rabbit hole. it’s quite cozy down here. i think i need help.
anyways, have a bunch of accumulated doodles plus this terrifying kagura as apology tehe :3
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a-moth-called-mof · 1 month
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party like its 2021 in the electric chair 🌹🪼 skin designs by @codgod
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otrtbs · 8 months
hello!! wild thing!!
your girl (me) passed her dissertation this morning and i am now officially an owner of an art history masters degree 🥳🎉
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