#if we are on the same page pls rec me some too!!
applehairchim · 1 year
Huwaina's Kdrama Recs
i loveee dramas that just makes you want to wrap yourself in a blanket and not leave you on the edge of your seat. if you know me, then youll know i hate (LOATHE) thriller/ psychological dramas UNLESS theyre mixed rom-com, feel good, slice of life, coming of age etc 😌
Crash Course in Romance
Alchemy of Souls Part 1
When the Camellia Blooms
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo
Do you Like Brahms
Move to Heaven
Love to Hate You (love the start and the concept and plot but towards the end things escalated quickly so that was disappointing to me :/ and some scenes were questionable but alas it is 10 eps)
Recipe for Farewell
Attorney Woo
Hospital Playlist
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
Dr Cha
When the Weather is Fine
Celebrity (NOT AT ALL rom com but ahhhh its too good not to recommend i legit stayed up just to finish 8eps in 4 hrs dysjbshsb)
Castaway Diva (mentions of abuse, so I skipped those parts but other than that they have my heart <3)
Tell Me That You Love Me (the cutest🥺🥺🥺 that kind of slowburn, innocent but careful kind of love when you both mutally respect one another)
** also if youve watched any of my recs, feel free to inbox me so that we can fangirl together!!
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im cheating and sending u the same numbers that you sent me because theyre like, the best questions okay 1, 2, 15, 19 KISSES
hiiiiii bestie my answers aren't nearly as interesting as yours sadly, i could NEVER be as well read as you. this got long so the tldr is don't listen to me for book recs just go to jess :)
1. book you’ve reread the most times?
technically it’s probably twilight but let’s say it’s not, and in that case let’s say it’s the raven boys by maggie stiefvater. it’s definitely my most heavily annotated book and i tend to date my annotations and well there’s just a lot of them
2. top 5 books of all time?
i’m gonna do a fiction list and a nonfiction list and again be nice bc i’m not super well read 😭😭 also in no particular order
catching fire by suzanne collins sorry i’m a slut for the second book in a series
a gathering of shadows by v.e. schwab see above
the dream thieves by maggie stiefvater sigh. see above
six of crows by leigh bardugo
the secret history by donna tartt sorry women
dark waters: flood and redemption in the city of masterpieces by robert clark
the power broker: robert moses and the fall of new york by robert caro
the line becomes a river: dispatches from the border by francisco cantù
dopesick: dealers, doctors, and the drug company that addicted america by beth macy
unsettling truths: the ongoing, dehumanizing legacy of the doctrine of discovery by mark charles and soong-chan rah sorry for listing a book on religion. also if these guys names mean anything to you pls do NOT look at me
15. recommend and review a book
ok ok gonna do my fave nonfiction i've read recently and some of you have been unlucky enough to hear me talk about it but it's the power broker by robert caro, it's a 1,200+ page brick of a nonfiction book published in the 1970's as a biography of robert moses and just new york city infrastructure in general. i read a lot of nonfiction and honestly a lot of the writing is just bad even if the content is interesting but this was seriously one of the most well-written pieces of work i've ever read and it completely changed the way i think about local government. some fun excerpts and all my notes:
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granted, part of the fun was i read it with my dad and we had a lot of fun bonding over it, but still! it's been such a cool foundation for other works on urban studies, too - i recently finished davarian l baldwin's in the shadow of the ivory tower: how universities are plundering our cities and there was a whole chapter on new york that i felt really well-equipped to engage with
19. most disliked popular books?
ok not to be one of those ppl that are like teehee i hated it before it was problematic but genuinely i never got the hype about harry potter. i think the problem is i read them out obscenely out of order and probably just a little too young (i started with the order of the phoenix when i was 10) but nevertheless i've just never cared. more recently i read the midnight library and i was so unimpressed i was this could've just been a supernatural episode we didn't have to do all this
book asks <3
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washymylifeaway · 3 years
Haikyuu SakuAtsu fanfic recs: series edition ;)
As I was making that cursed SakuAtsu fanfic rec post (it really is cursed, but it’ll get done eventually cause I do love the SakuAtsu too much, when tho? only god know LOL), I decided that if I’m gonna finish it, imma have to break it up. SO that’s why this is our lovely series edition post LOL. Originally, it WAS writers, tags, series, then single fics BUT I decided to scrap tags and even then I was like it’s too long..... And so, this post materialized LOL (mayhaps writers next? who knows anymore cause I certainly don’t LOL). These are ONLY some of the series that I absolutely adore, and I say some because 1) the tag is literally like 4k fics long and I was on like page 20 something and I have SO many tabs open rn for SakuAtsu, so chances are I missed one or five LOL :’((((( and 2) my ao3 account hasn’t been made yet (should’ve done this a looooooong time ago) and so I don’t have them all saved anywhere :( (these just sound like excuses LMFAO) So these are just the ones I saw and was like OOP I LOVE and then added LOL (and so they’re in no particular order hehe). I also didn’t *** any of them cause they’re all so freakin good and even if you randomly chose one, you will not be disappointed.
As per usual, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for series and each individual fic before reading and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3
I would also be more careful cause there are a lot more TW in these fics than other ships!
Terminal Curiosity by favspacetwink, moonlumie (E) // CHECK WARINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES!!! this is one of the BEST series I’ve read for this ship and even though I tend not to read WIP, IT’S WORTH IT! Please read ALL the tags before going into any of the fics in this series because there’s some real spicy stuff that may not be your cup of tea!
your highs and lows by astroeulogy (T,M,E) // this fic made me go on a roller coaster of feels from start to (tentative) finish :))) It’s great and I love it AHHHHH The progression in their relationship is just so ajfkjsf, and I just adore how Atsumu just broke(?) during that first fic and the number of double takes he did, v relatable LOL.
Different Kinds of Dysfunctional by DeathBelle (T,E) // I LOVE the entrance to this fic and how it flowed so well. I think Atsumu is characterized really well throughout this series (I could totally see Atsumu bringing the same thing up over and over again LOL), and his development was done beautifully (You just want to make me say it.,,, Kinda, yeah.). I really freakin love this series so please go ahead and read it don’t be shy hehehe.
we call everything on the ice, "love" by awkwardedgeworth (T) // I LOVE this fic omg,,, it’s in series, but it’s only two fics LOL... Anyway, Notte Stellata is one of my favorite SakuAtsu fics and I have reread it way TOO many times and the fanpage fic IS SO AMAZING (AND FUNNY ASF PLS). I really love ice skating AU’s too so this really made this ‘series’ all the more better <333333
know you better & related stories by theglitterati (T,M,E) // this is definitely one of the best relationship development series I’ve read, I love it so much! It really touches all the bases, and the progression is just SO good. It really is the fic version of the get along shirt, extended edition LOL.
flutterbird (a collection of sakuatsu one-shots) by wordstruck (T,M,E) // this series is such an easy pick up because it’s a bunch of one-shots (esp. if you’re not into smut cause there is some), BUT all of them are def worth a read. Personally, the third one, the sakusa kiyoomi listography, is my favorite (cause imma sucker for Sakusa), but that’s just personal preference hehe :)
Atsumu + Sakusa + The National = ? by isaksara (syailendra) (T,M) // this is another stand alone fic series but with AUs :D I don’t even know like most (ie. all) of the references (LMFAO), but I still read all of them LOL. Again, a personal favorite (without any references LOL) is the second one, famous angels (never come through england), it’s really funny and good and I just love it okay?
Better For Us Both by abrandnewheart (M) // (this was CP from my angst fic rec post LOL tho it is slightly edited cause istg my writing style changes every post LOL) THE MUG FIC. There is a sequel and when I saw it, it took me another week to read it cause I was like,,, am I ready to have my heart break again? No LOL. But the sequel is actually not as angst (but there’s still angst), so if you want to be like semi-broken or whatever, just read the sequel LOL (also it’s Sakusa POV HEHE). It’s so sad and it made me physically hurt every time someone even mentioned mugs afterwards (LOL why am I so dramatic but it’s the truth :///). Go ahead and hurt with me. You should read it even if you don’t like angst because you know what they say, no pain no gain :’)
parallax error: angle of inclination by min_mintobe (T) // okay so technically this ‘isn’t a series’, but it is two fic that are related, and what is that if not A SERIES :DDDDD Anyway, I really love this fic enough that I would find loopholes in my own dang post to recommend it LOL. I really love the service ace bet between Sakusa and Atsumu (I do think it is a superior headcannon (it’s hc right?)) but I also love what’s left unsaid by both in each other’s POVs hehe. If you want to go straight to Sakusa’s POV (cause their different POVs of the same fic), here it is parallax error: line of sight. You can read either first, but I recommend you read both eventually :)
to make any other mistake by honeymilktea (rosevtea) (T) // I, myself, am a very big fan of college Haikyuu (tho idk if it seems like that LOL), and this fic is very much up my alley hehe. I really like the idea that they are both TA’s and that Atsumu would totally bribe Sakusa into fake dating him as well as Sakusa wearing his brightest outfits to spite Atsumu.
How Do You Know? by awkwardedgeworth (T) // these fics are both so funny omg. The google search histories, the trial and error, and just everything in these two fics gives me so much dopamine LOL. There’s one POV for both end of the ship, though their tragedies are slightly different.
the human disaster chronicles by firtree (G,T) // is this another Atsumu gay panic fic? Yes, yes it is and I have absolutely no shame in recommending it hehe. I realllllllly like this fic and Atsumu having a break down cause Sakusa didn’t follow his routine? It is the move. Anyway, pls read this series cause like the title suggests, it really is a disaster (but at least there’s love right? LOL).
I Love You (Though it's Inadvisable) by Anubis_2701 (T) // okay the series itself is a wip (as in only one fic for now LOL), but the fic is so good, I couldn’t leave it off :))))) First, I do love a good soulmate AU and although I’m not a big fan on the body switching AUs, THIS one was SO good!!! It gets really cheesy and fluff at the end, but the beginning of this fic was just so immaculate, that we’re gonna ignore how much the ending made me want to stick my head into a hole (cause it was so FLUFF OMG).
The Germaphobe and the Asshole by metaandpotatoes (T,E) // so this series is also actually a WIP, but it’s okay I only read the first and the last one anyway cause they’re basically stand alone’s LOL. This series focuses a lot on Sakusa’s mysophobia, so if you’re not a fan of the hc, you should prolly pass hehe. TBH, my favorite is the third one, Avoidance Behavior, but that’s mainly cause I really like SunaOsa and I love the brother bond in it!
you are the cause of my euphoria by SugarHighs (T) // ajsfljksadhjkdfk is my first thoughts while reading this series cause ATSUMU WOULD. He would start posting thirst trap pics (which really reminded me of Wonho) in order to prove he was the most good looking member of MSBY. Tho, we do love the clowning of one Sakusa Kiyoomi, as done in the third fic (PLEASE NUMBER 17 AND Cheezel). Even if you can’t get yourself to read the other fics, read the third one, 5 Ways To Tell If The Person You're Dating Is The One, for the free serotonin boost plsplspls.
'basis' - noun. the underlying foundation for an idea or process. by auvelli (T) // like I said, college AU is a great AU, love it. This one, I do love indeed. We do stan having microwaves and mini fridges hehe. I support the ramen endeavors but oatmeal is gross, I said what I said. Anyway, I love the tags in the second fic, so even if you don’t end up reading it, read the tags,,,, they’re funny okay?
and i press you to the pages of my heart by volchitsae (T) // I LOVE THIS ONE, teehee again the college AU makes another appearance LOL. I REALLY love this writer, and this one is so funny but cute at the same time. It’s another two POV fic, but you’ll want to read this one in order hehe. Again, the ending is so FLUFF, that my head wanted to take a visit to the underground BUT ITS OKAY.
affection and acid reflux by volchitsae (T) // so the first fic is ~angst~ but IT GETS BETTER OKAY, happy endings. HAPPY ENDINGS. Anyway, there’s some really cute Sakusa in this one (esp. when he talks to the boy at the village LOVE HIM) and a healthy amount of angst as well. I really like this fic and guess what it is? Say it with me, COLLEGE AU LOL.
how big the hourglass, how deep the sand by volchitsae (E) // did I just recommend the same writer three times in a row? Yup and I think that says something LOL (tbh I like some of their stand alone fics more tho LMFAO but that doesn’t mean these series are bad nononono not at ALL (this sounded sarcastic but that was not the intention LOL)). This one is ~magical~ (v literally) and has some kinky stuff (holy water ftw) in it, so tread carefully :) I would make sure to read the tags before each one because it gets kinda steamy LOL.
^^ if I had to choose between these three, I liked and i press you to the pages of my heart the most just cause the plot was my type LOL. But they’re all good hehe.
a study on you(th) and reverie by sieges (G,T) // this series is such a sad series :( The first two are the only SakuAtsu but the third one is an angst Osamu one so there’s that LOL (and ofc the fourth one is KuniYama (is that their ship name idk)) But the first one is a moving on fic (which I liked) and the second is like basically a fake break up (which I liked more LOL) and both have some nice shares of angst and fluff so choose your battles wisely (or just read both LOL).
Burden of Blame by DeathBelle (E) // CHECK WARINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES!!! ah yes, the mafia fic LOL. I REALLY LOVE THIS FIC. I felt so bad for Atsumu the entire fic and yes it is, ATSUMU BEST BOY time. Did I really just recommend this series AGAIN for the THIRD TIME in THREE SEPARATE POSTS? Apparently LMFAO I didn’t even know TBH LOL. I just really like this one,,,,,, okay? But pls Atsumu just here for the ride man cause he BEST BOY. Anyway, if you want to see my other comments of this fic that I forgot I did links here :D (links and here are two separate links to two separate posts LOL).
OKAY so that’s most of the series that I saw and was like gotta put this here LOL. And do you see how long this is (I know I’m missing so many series I like istg when I find them later imma cry or just make another post LOL).... Can you imagine how long my actual fic fic one is LOL (i’m not kidding tho it’s so long I might just do fics with their actual summaries instead of adding my invalid, piss poor reviews :/). Ugh the more I think about it, the more I lose motivation to finish LMFAO, so imma go be no thoughts head empty, but I hope you enjoyed reading these series! I love SakuAtsu SO much, so there’s lots more to come (is that good or bad idek). I know I was kinda lazy on the warnings (my bad), so I hope you all were attentive and made sure to check before reading! Also if there are any errors, send me a message/ask! PLS, they’re v embarrassing LOL. (Also tell me if I forget to cap my I’s bc I do that sometimes and I can’t tell cause of the font LMFAO.) The way my posts get slightly more chaotic every time I post LOL.
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lovelylogans · 3 years
Yes. Please Open The Box. I've been on hp brainrot cause I've been rewatching the movies with my mom. Please
i feel like i have a lot of opinions that are popular opinions, and fuck terfs, but nonetheless:
regulus black would have been the perfect example of a brave slytherin that albus was named after
arthur, hagrid, or remus could have served as other father figures instead of albus; tell me hagrid would not burst into tears upon hearing his child was named after him? also, arthur, for both ginny and harry!
i read the occasional drarry fic but it has to be very, very well-written; or, at least, it has to have the understanding that draco has to go through some sort of redemption, either through atoning for his own actions, or an au in which he already has—some fics make him the next-gen spy, a bit like snape
uh, draco and dudley are perfect foils, and people would simp after dudley if he was as “conventionally attractive” as tom felton
dudley had more of a canon redemption arc than draco did
fatphobia is rampant in the series—villains are the vast majority of fat rep, and even good fat characters like molly or hagrid still have faults (hagrid is “big and dumb,” a bit like dudley tbh, and molly is kind of just? a Mother? like that’s her defining character trait. nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom if that’s what you want, of course, it’s just that molly didn’t have much of a personality outside of her children until the later books.)
misogyny too—molly was so mean to hermione in the fourth book and fleur in the sixth, ginny was mean to fleur too, hermione gives off “not like other girls” energy especially concerning lavender and pavarti
poc harry and hermione—sure, jkr says she’s cool with it, but she gets a lot of credit for the bare minimum. she could have written them that way.
there’s a whole lot of white people in hp. wish there’d been better rep
same with dumbledore! it’s so clear she said he’s gay to get better credit for rep that’s barely there, but now she has the chance to expound in it in the fantastic beasts movies, she isn’t planning on addressing it. right. okay.
should i even get into the antisemitism of the goblins
most -isms jkr ticked, tbh, and described better by other people who these -isms directly affect, so i won’t get too much more into it
wish hufflepuffs had more house rep, in general, they mostly just get cedric, and i wish that “good slytherins” were expounded upon, especially concerning the whole “no slytherins stayed” for the final battle you cannot TELL ME that there wasn’t ONE slytherin who had ambitions to fight voldemort
(i’m a ravenclaw, btw)
cho, angelina, and ginny are all overhated; movie!ginny was albeit lacking a lot of the Spice of book ginny, and movie cho got shorted bc they didn’t include marietta as the betrayer of the da, but like. god. pls chill ppl
albus probably considered that sirius was innocent but decided to leave him in azkaban, even though he didn’t know for sure; albus probably also laid out the traps for the stone with eleven-year-olds in mind, just in case harry wanted to try and prove himself; albus was behind a lot of the machinations, and at the very least he left a child to be abused for years on end
i wrote a ten page essay on why snape is a garbage person for that college class i mentioned. i got a perfect score.
like seriously i could talk about how much snape sucks and why him having a crush on lily isn’t redemption, but like. we get it. c’mon. “i see no difference,” threatening to kill a student’s beloved pet, being that student’s worst fear....... come on.
harry should have been the dada professor when he grew up. like it’s right there.
tonks is genderfluid you cannot convince me otherwise
i love wolfstar as much as the next gal, but if we get a marauders tv show slash movie, you know she’d make that shit as straight as possible. no thanks.
someone on tiktok said florence pugh as helga hufflepuff tho and. yeah.
mmm jkr really should have kept her hands off a lot of the international schools; i know she messed up at the very least native american representation, even though native americans requested she not do that, and there are really big Colonization Vibes from those expanded schools. which like, i get, bc colonization was happening, but. still. so many fics have done better with those concepts.
speaking of! fic recs! these are all on ao3
the changeling: slytherin!ginny. takes her through all seven years and addresses various kinds of magic. i absolutely adore it. harry/ginny
boy with a scar series: takes various “what ifs” about the harry potter series and writes them; mostly canon ships
sunshine in my eyes: lily is raised by professor mcgonagall. jily
true, and unafraid of toil: a character study of autistic newt scamander
the dogfather: petunia turns down taking in her son, sirius escapes azkaban much earlier, and harry’s adopted by muggles. only the first year of hogwarts is written out in full, but there’s ficlets that follow through to the end of the wizarding war. wolfstar.
(the completely unwilling participants on) the bachelor: james is the first british bachelor; lily is a journalist who is sent on the show, undercover, by her shitty boss. james/lily
swung by serafim: a characterization of snape that i do not completely hate; i avoid the last two chapters, bc i do not like snarry, it squicks me out, and i didn’t see the tags for it until the very end of the work since it gets more textual in those chapters, and also it involves real life events that feels a bit strange to write about in fic, but. that’s just me. i think there’s cho/harry/cedric in there?
turn: genuinely just one of the best-written harry potter fanfics i’ve ever read. harry after the epilogue gets sent to an alternate universe where things went a little different. drarry
the debt of time: obligatory “hermione gets sent back in time to the marauders” fic; these were super popular on fanfic.net, where i started out, but i read this recently and really really enjoyed it. sirius/hermione, remus/hermione
the pure and simple truth: everyone goes out to a bar. drarry, romione
hogwarts, to welcome you home: harry as the dada professor from mcgonagall’s perspective
stealing harry: sirius never went to azkaban, but harry still went to the dursleys for a bit. it’s written up to part of the third book, but it has notes for how the rest of the series would have turned out. wolfstar
hermione granger’s hogwarts crammer for delinquents on the run: if harry was told he was a wizard at age seventeen, instead of age eleven. drarry
the reclamation of black magic: harry’s grandmother dorea was in a coma and never died. now she’s come to adopt her grandson and seek a reckoning on the wizarding world. this is unfinished and is in harry’s first year; sirius black/remus, for a bit, but also remus/female oc and sirius/male oc; probably harry/hermione, by the end of it.
if any of you have fic recs (especially fics featuring ginny, jily, or wolfstar) (i’ve been meaning to read atyd, i’m saving it) please let me know!
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hello i would like to know ur favorite angst fics in return pls thank u ily
Heyyy! God I NEED a better system because there are so many i can't find!
Here are some of my favourites:
• we're having a baby, my baby and me by @hazzabeeforlou loooove this author! This topic is always a painful one but it's so beautifully described in this fic! Also I'm in love with their Louis characterization
• always you series by @hazzabeeforlou really sad and angsty canon! My jam!! As always I love the writing and the characters!
• little Technicolor things really poetic and beautiful writing! Read the tags because it's not everyone's cup of tea
• picking up the pieces by @halosboat i love this author's way of writing angst !
• Falling again by @halosboat again, great angst, great pain, i cried
• thumbing my way back to you (series) canon in a wonderful raw and painful way!
• 'lambing season'
etched in salt
alien roadtrip all by @helloamhere
All great! All angsty! My favourite is the last one! Also can you tell i love this author ajajaj
• 'a prayer for which no words exist' sooooo good!!! Honestly every single fic by this author is so amazing
• 'the dead things we carry' by @mediawhorefics you said you've already read tired tired sea so you already know how great this author is !
• turning page i think it's a pretty known one but it definitely deserves the praise imo!
• boys of summer this one just has a certain ~~vibe~~ that's so magical to me
• I'm falling again by jaerie another great author, another great canon break up fic
• heading for limbo my @kingsofeverything loved this one god, the pain! The slow burn was driving me insane! Also love this author!
• don't want shelter by @kingsofeverything first of all, OLDER LARRY! Second, growing up together! Third, they are stuck together in the same place! Literally everything i want!
• Constant debauchery by blake love this author too! And i love the a/a trope!
• Wishing you were them by momentofclarity @gaycousinlarry this fic is ??? Just??? So amazing ! Also I'd pay to watch the movie version!
• Don't let the tide come and take me by @icanhazzalou biiig love for mermaid harry fics! This is one of my faves if that genre!
• The best part of me (was always you) by @louislorde another break up fic! Love love love this one! The first fic I've read by Mel and still one of my faves!
• Soul of the sea it's a different type of angst but i definetly reccomend this one!
• Be my once in a lifetime by @pattern-pals , painful, beautiful, love this author
• Amor victorious same author but abo this time! The a/a trope is explored so beautifully here! And everything is so raw and real! God!
• an entire desert in our hourglass beautiful apocalypse exes to lovers fic, i cried obviously
• the orchards of jessop by jaerie another one that had such a magical atmosphere! Almost melancholic in a way but i loved it
• Best intentions by @girlhoodandothercults maybe not the usual type of angst but i loved this fic a LOT! The moments of intimacy were just SO tender!!!
• I can’t do this alone (sometimes I just need a light) by @beau-soleil-louis again, not suuuper angsty but i thought it was really lovely!
• reeling through the midnight streets very unique fic imo, the atmosphere felt very fragile and sad (but it gets happier in the end!)
• not to love the person you are with is a crime this author is very unique in their writing style imo, very intense and real. i liked all their fics, but this one really stood out to me, probably because it's the first one I read that deals with grief in such a raw way! And through the eyes of someone else!
Also i feel like it's due to tag @twopoppies who made me discover most of these fics and authors thanks to their amazing fic recs! And who also is writing great fics so go check them out too!
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velvetgons · 5 years
junkyu x gender neutral reader
genres; angst, fluff 
word count; 6.2k 
song recs; home - seventeen and bloom later - jesse !!
warnings; mentions of cheating, insecurity, self-doubt, pls don’t read if you think this could make you feel insecure or bad abt yourself!!!, copious amounts of fluff, kissing (is that a warning?)
requested; yes!! thank you angel :) [requests are open] 
a/n; not much angst because uhh i am not so good at writing long angst oof
gif credit; hynsks on tumblr!! please tell me if you’d like it removed at any point :) 
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His footsteps receded into dull thumps as you remained sprawled across the surface of the sofa in your living room. The TV continued to blare on in front of you, your eyes trained forward on it as you could already feel yourself begin to miss the presence of him beside you. You huffed softly, focusing on another mindless action sequence mid-way through a movie you didn’t care about, squinting as you watched the lead drop multiple stories of stairs to land perfectly on his feet. A scoff passed your lips as you mumbled out a realistically too-loud-for-when-you’re-alone, “Is that even actually possible?”
“Is what even actually possible?” You heard Junkyu’s voice call back in response, your head twisting to see that he must’ve been yelling from the kitchen, the living room still devoid of him.
You dropped your head back toward the screen in disappointment before yelling back a quick, “Do you think you could drop down six flights of a stairs and be, like, totally unaffected?”
You received a loud laugh in response, “I can’t even walk upstairs, so, I’d say no.”
Biting back the laugh bubbling up in your throat, you huffed dramatically before re-wording. “No, not you, I just mean, like, a person.”
“Am I not a person?” Junkyu called back, multiple clanging sounds as he attempted to put dinner into the oven for you both meeting your ears in harsh jolts.
You hummed just loud enough for him to hear, “Barely,” you called in a sing-song tone, hearing him gasp in response, “anyway, who cares about that, answer my question.”
He laughed again, a bright grin turning your lips up at the sound, almost wishing he wouldn’t actually stop to speak just yet. “I care about that,” he began, before another banging sound resounded through your apartment, “but, hm, yeah, I do think it’s possible.”
A far louder, more offended scoff passed your lips then, “Seriously? I don’t.”
“Obviously,” you heard him call in response, your grin spreading across your features as you heard the oven door finally open, “check, so I can finally be right about something.”
Your hands dropped onto the soft cotton of the sofa, fingers splaying out as you swiped your hands around in an attempt to find your phone. You lifted your hips off of the sofa in an ungracious check to see if it’d ended up underneath you, finding nothing again. Double-checking the coffee-table, you remembered rushing upstairs only twenty minutes ago to charge it after it’d died while you’d been showing Junkyu dumb cat videos you’d found late the night before.
“Can I use your phone?” You called back in inquiry, knowing already he’d say yes like you both always did.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be, like, two seconds, but go ahead.” Part of you felt suspicion bubble up at whatever he was still doing in the kitchen, the slight worry that he’d broken another almost impossible-to-break appliance hanging over you as you picked his phone up from the top of the table. You typed in his password without really thinking, his phone opening up to the picture of you and him from earlier that year, making you groan softly at the sight. It was one of his favourites – for evident reasons – he looked absolutely perfect, dressed well and smiling brightly at the camera; while you were wearing an oversized shirt of his, your hair messy from the day spent lounging around with him and Yedam, and you were caught off-guard, staring at him as if he was some kind of alien being.
Quickly moving onto opening the internet, you waited patiently for the home-page to load up, tapping your fingertips against the back of the phone. The sound of his text notification noise going off made you jump slightly, an embarrassed laugh passing your lips as you realised what it was. You’d usually ignore them, swiping them away as not to invade any sense of his privacy, but the sight of an unknown number peaked your interest. You pulled the text down to be able to read the whole thing, feeling your chest tighten at the words.
[19:28] unknown: I had so much fun today :) we definitely need to do it again soon, text me when she isn’t there and we can make more plans?
You breathed in sharply, feeling annoyance burst through you at yourself for jumping to conclusions. Breathing in deeply, you re-read the text, knowing it was probably nothing. It was probably a friend with a new phone, they probably weren’t doing anything bad, it was just bad timing to be catching one of their texts out of context.
Opening the message thread, you saw no more texts from the same number, sighing as you could already feel the likelihood of you obsessing over this growing. Just as you were about to close it and seek out Junkyu to get the asking him over with, another text came through.
[19:30] unknown: Just make sure she doesn’t find out!! We don’t want her knowing about this :) x
Junkyu dropped onto the sofa beside you, just as you closed the message thread to go back to the internet, your fingers stuttering over the keyboard. “So, who’s the smartest in this relationship, then?” You heard him ask, looking at you with raised brows.
You forced yourself to laugh in response, immediately feeling confusion at why you did that afterwards, “Wasn’t sure what to type, really.”
He laughed brightly, slipping the phone out of your hands before stopping and speaking again, “Oh, did I get a text? Thought I heard my phone go off.”
Humming softly you shrugged, “Uh huh, I clicked on it accidentally, but I went off it as soon I did. Sorry,” you mumbled softly, wondering if this would prompt him into anything.
He just shrugged, nodding, “It’s okay,” before his thumbs began tapping against his phone-screen again, “now, let’s see who truly is the intellectual here.”
           That had been a week ago now. You’d told him when he’d texted to tell you he’d gotten home safe that you weren’t feeling well, so you’d go to bed early and couldn’t respond to his texts. He hadn’t seemed to have noticed anything, telling you he hoped you felt better soon and to tell him if you needed anything.
Suffice to say, you weren’t feeling better soon. You’d been using this sudden and strange illness to avoid Junkyu and all of your other friends for the entire week, only daring to leave the safety of your apartment to go to school and work, grabbing small amounts of shopping on the journey back and forth. Rationally, you knew that isolating yourself and allowing your mind to spin different versions of a story you truly didn’t know any detail of would only aggravate the issue. But it was like you couldn’t stop yourself; the second he’d stepped out of that door, you’d began picking at the possibilities like a scab, trying to dig past the surface and figure out by yourself what was going on underneath.
Clearly, it had been slow work, the pressure of beginning to imagine and picture your boyfriend in a relationship with someone else behind your back had gotten to you enough to make solitude feel like the best option. Before, in the unusual instance of you and Junkyu arguing, you’d seek out a mutual friend, you’d rant and they’d know him enough to give you suggestions on how to fix it. It was the exact same thing he did in response to arguments with you. That was one of your favourite things about the two of you, the fact that you were able to put your stubbornness aside and figure things out together. This time just felt different. It didn’t feel like a matter you could take to a mutual friend and ask for an un-biased opinion on.
Slumping further back into your sofa with the blanket bound around you, you groaned in discomfort, feeling like your head had a heartbeat as you attempted to figure out what had to be the hundredth theory you’d come up with. This is, you noted, where things had evidently gone very wrong, turning in a direction you had first thought was unattached from the beginning picture of him cheating on you.
Every day when you woke up now, you’d feel an ever-growing and ever-painful need to stand in front of the full-length mirror and pick yourself apart, piece by piece. Over these seven sessions going in-depth on why Junkyu must no longer love you and be attracted to you and therefore feel a need to cheat on you, you’d come to conclude that perhaps that was a lot more wrong with you than you’d first imagined. Even when you’d been at your lowest with insecurities, you’d never thought that you weren’t worth anything. In fact, you were all about things being about more than looks, that was a thing you always spread around within your friendship group.
Now, though, things felt more difficult than they ever had. You stood in front of that mirror and stopped seeing a person worthy of love and respect and care, a person with worth and meaning. All you saw now was someone made entirely of flaws and imperfections, someone who didn’t have a single redeeming quality that someone could fall in love with.
You were sure that by now you could write someone a numbered list on all of the things that must have made Junkyu fall into someone else’s arms. You had decided that there was something wrong with your hairstyle, your eyes, your nose, your mouth, your cheekbones, your neck, your chest, your stomach, your arms, your hands, your thighs, your calves, even finding a way to choose multiple flaws in something as minuscule as your temples.
It was overwhelming, the constant crushing weight of feeling yourself rationalising the possibility of somebody cheating on you, on top of trying to give a timeline to events you couldn’t even be sure were genuinely happening. Your phone went off, alerting you both that someone was trying to get in contact with you again and that you were, indeed, crying again. Sniffling softly, you picked your phone up from the sofa, turning it over to see if it was Junkyu again.
[17:40] yedam: :(( are you still sick? If you are pls let me bring you some medicine…you’ve been sick for so long now
You felt your heart warm softly, the slight concern for making someone as sweet as Yedam anxious weighing down on your chest for a few small moments. Swiping at some of the tears still falling down your cheeks, you supposed that you should probably check the other constant loop of messages you’d gotten from friends – and namely, totalling up to over twenty from Junkyu – that you hadn’t responded to. Worry bit into you, although you couldn’t find the energy to give any of them a coherent response, you figured if you just told one of them they could circulate it around themselves and be content again.
[17:42] to yedam: yeah, i’m still not the best :(( sorry bub, but i promise i’m 100% fine!! i got myself some medicine today, i’ll be ready to go in a couple days
You sighed softly, preparing to drop your phone back face-down onto your sofa and go back to binge watching movies you’d already seen to make yourself feel better, however the sound of your phone dinging again you decided to check it again.
           [17:43] yedam: Oh my god!! A response!! I feel so special :)
          [17:43] yedam: Anyway…Junkyu’s been really stressed over this…maybe you should…you know, text him back
You felt the dramatic side of you flare up again, telling you that you should explain the situation to Yedam and have him help you in any way he thought he could. However, the rational side of you told you that he’d go right back to Junkyu to tell him everything you were thinking of. You felt like all of those people who said they were at, ‘the end of their rope,’ and you couldn’t even fully explain or figure out why you were so wound up.
More tears dripped down your face as you gave in, letting yourself lift your knees up onto the sofa and curl into yourself. Soft sobs left your lips as you reminded yourself that crying loudly was okay, because there was, as per usual nowadays, no one else here. Your phone dinged again, and again, going off a few times while you gave up on counting them, your sobs growing in volume. You let yourself continue on like this, feeling your breathing finally begin to even-out again as you reached over to curl your fingertips around your phone.
Lifting it closer to your face so you could check what the collection of texts had been. Your breathing that had just finished slipping back to a good, steady rhythm, it suddenly went off again, feeling as if your chest was being pressed down on again.
           [17:48] junkyu: you’re still sick?? is that why you haven’t been responding??
           [17:50] yedam: Okay I’m sorry but I told Junkyu you’re still sick
           [17:52] yedam: He’s just gonna come check up on you, ok? Don’t start worrying about how you look again bub I’m sure you look fine :) ily
         [17:57] junkyu: hi babe i’m kinda uh gonna be at ur place in 5 so pls open the door 4 ur favourite boy!!!
Coughing softly in an attempt to quicken the process of evening out your breathing, you checked the time, seeing it was already 6pm. You yanked yourself up to your feet, rushing down the hall to your bathroom and checking your splotched face. You fumbled, hands shaking as you gripped onto the cold steel of the cold tap and spun it, hearing the water splash against the sink as you closed your eyes and focused on pulling full breaths back into your lungs.
You took handfuls of the water and threw it onto your face, scrubbing it into your face and sighing when you saw the little it was doing to help clean up the evidence from crying on your face. Sparing a glance down to your outfit, you wished you could find the time to change, but you could already hear him knocking at your front door.
Heading back toward the front door, you could physically feel your heart moving up into your chest, your eyes clouding over with tears again of their own accord as you pulled the door handle down. Pulling the door open to reveal Junkyu, you almost let yourself cry again, feeling the mixed emotions clang together inside your chest and throat. Part of you wanted to cry at the relief of finally seeing him again, knowing you’d missed him more than you were ready to accept over the week, but the other part of you was reminding you that this was the boy who was going to break your heart.
“Baby!” He shouted, stepping into the apartment as he immediately swept you into his arms, locking them around your waist tightly as he tugged you impossibly close to him. “I wish you would’ve told me you were still sick sooner, I would’ve come.”
A pang of guilt ran through you at the sentiment behind his words, the feeling of knowing that he still cared for you rushing through you. Although, you pondered, could someone truly care about you if they were cheating on you, if they were doing something that would hurt you in the long run. You hummed in response, your arms curling themselves around him of their own consciousness.
He pulled back from you, his fingertips meeting yours and linking your hands together as he dragged you back in the direction of the living room. Seeing him navigate his way through the place you called home so confidently and naturally made an entirely different feeling wash over you, one of nostalgia and slight shame at the notion that you were lying to him purely because you doubted him so entirely. You weren’t entirely sure of what to do with yourself now that you had any lingering – or constant and overwhelming – negative feelings directed towards him. You’d never been caught in a position like this with him before, and now it left you wondering over how you were expected to act around the person you had definitively decided had cheated on you.
By the time you got far enough away from your thoughts to look at him confidently, you saw him smiling back softly, observing the way your face scrunched up in discomfort with worry ghosting on his features. “Do you think it’s a virus?” He began gently, keeping his voice low and whispered as if not to disturb a headache you didn’t really have.
His actions made you double-guess yourself, thinking back to what could now be construed as completely irrational threads of thought if he debunked them for you. The feeling of his hand coming to clasp yours warmly, gripping it within his own as he leant across to press a quick kiss to your cheek as if he was deeply concerned for you in your silence. Every piece of his actions made you desperate to flinch away, maybe in disbelief that this boy who was – in acceptance of the cheesiness of such a statement – literally made from honey with how sweet he was could possibly hurt you like this, or maybe more so for the belief that he’d see things you thought he’d fallen for, when in fact they could have been what ruined you. You could feel your hand begin to tremble as you felt the first salty trail of tears begin, wishing against all reality that they would just stop in their tracks before he noticed them.
Seven days’ worth of insecurity and shame smacked against you, washing over you like a wave and swallowing you up, spreading across your chest from the inside. You suddenly felt as if you were far too exposed, as if a hundred eyes were pointing at you like you had become some kind of exhibit. The examples of things to fixate on and hate about yourself suddenly sprung themselves to the forefront of your mind, your eyes shutting tightly as more tears fell against your mental protest. Insecurity had never, in all honesty, been something you had been good in any way at dealing with – perhaps, though, what you’d found comfort and honesty in before had been the things surrounding you, which, to your current dismay, must have always included Junkyu.
The weight of an arm wrapping around your shoulders and tugging you to be pressed safely against a sturdy chest made your heart speed up. Butterflies had been something you found yourself experiencing a lot with Junkyu, the knowledge that there was so much emotion and tenderness behind the small mundane actions always making you feel so swarmed with love. Now, though, the butterflies slammed against your rib-cage and made you feel like your head was pounding with some subdued panic you couldn’t fight.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he soothed softly, pressing a flutter of feather-light kisses to your temple in order to calm your sobbing, “does it hurt?” He pressed forward, all the while tracing calming circles and minuscule hearts onto the skin of the hand still linked with his.
Your immediate reaction was to nod, and you found yourself doing so as your hands tightened around the fabric of his shirt, burying your face into his chest to avoid the fear of him seeing you looking worse than you already pictured yourself. Your mouth opened and then closed again, and you found yourself scrambling to form a sentence of some kind that would summarise how you felt, what you were thinking, all the questions you had wanted to fire off at him since he’d left your apartment a week ago. But you just couldn’t find it within yourself, you couldn’t find the ability to question him when you were so sure you already knew why a boy like him would do this to a girl like you.
“Can I get you something, baby? Where does it hurt? Do I need to call someone?” Junkyu’s voice had risen slightly, making you wonder if you’d missed something he’d said in a haze while you fought to keep yourself hidden despite his protest. He seemed to be trying to figure out how bad you were feeling from looking at your face, but the panic that rose within you at the prospect of him doing so made your hold around him tighten.
His rush of panicked questioning only made the pit of confusion in your stomach open up further, and you couldn’t quite find a safe conclusion for all the things you were feeling at once. For a moment, his movements completely stilled, before he softly pushed you away from him, your body not having the strength to cling onto him any longer. As you slipped away from his body, his arms still firmly locked around your waist, you kept your eyes trained downwards, avoiding ever catching his eyes directly.
“Baby,” he began cautiously, “is…is something really wrong? Are you, like, badly sick? Do I need to definitely call someone?” The pure fear and apprehension tightened behind his words made the knot form itself back up in your throat, threatening to cover over the previous track of tears once again.
Shaking your head lightly, you knew that you didn’t have any room to manoeuvre a story in your favour anymore, that it was time to finally confess what was going on in your head to him. A searing jolt ran through you then, seeing the words tumbling past your chapped lips acting as a kind of finish line, as a brick wall on everything you’d built with Junkyu for the time ahead of you both.
“I’m not…Junkyu, I’m not sick.” You choked out, making sure to avoid looking into his eyes, knowing the moment you did would be the moment you lost all the strength to continue this conversation with him.
He tilted his head at you, eyebrows scrunching together in confusion, “What’s, what’s been wrong then?” For a moment, he stopped to wonder over something, before one of his hands found their way to cup your jaw, tilting your head upwards to look at him, “Why couldn’t you tell me there was something wrong?”
This question, although he didn’t know the meaning you were reading behind it, slapped you across the face. In all honesty, you knew you couldn’t be angry with him if he walked away from this, even if he had been entirely faithful, even if you were broken down by now, you couldn’t be angered by any reaction he had if he wasn’t at fault, because it was a painful thing to be accused of. You wondered what was worse – being accused of cheating on the person you loved most and were entirely faithful too, or feeling the need to accuse the person you loved most and trusted entirely of cheating.
“I’d have helped, whatever it was, you know that, right?” He questioned, his voice filling the silence and the hollow in your chest. At this, you searched across his face, trying to see if there was anything that could give you an answer before you dived head-first into the deep end of a conversation you didn’t ever want to have with him.
You exhaled softly, closing your eyes and willing the lump in your throat to just disappear, or maybe you were just wishing someone somewhere could give you some kind of extra emotional strength in that moment. “Junkyu, I, can I ask you a question? One that’s probably not…the nicest, I guess. I just…I need you to be completely honest when you answer me.”
Watching him intently, you observed the way he seemed to hesitate at the request. This immediately came across as a bad sign, a red flag that whatever his answer was it had to be picked at, it had to be torn apart until you could twist it into something you could believe. However, he nodded afterwards, swallowing thickly as his hands adjusted to slip more of your balled up fist into it, allowing you to feel the warmth of his palm as he tightened his hand back around yours.
You basked in this action, wondering if it would be the last time you’d get to feel his hand in yours. “Okay, I…” you sighed, moving your free hand to rub at your tired eyes before beginning again. “Are you cheating on me?” Once the words had actually left your mouth, the notion of not finding the confidence or the will to say them beforehand seemed almost comical. The easiness and fluency behind saying such a simply string of words and not thinking about the weight the order of them held was almost too funny to imagine being a difficult task.
At this, Junkyu recoiled, his mouth dropping open as his eyes narrowed at the space around, as if the words had become a physical thing he could see floating tauntingly in the air around him. “I, am I what? Why would…why do you even believe, for a second, that I even could do something like that to you?” The words left him in a jumbled, loud mess, but you knew what he was getting at.
How could you ever actually accuse him of cheating on you? What had made you believe that he had the ability to complete such a cruel act in the first place? If you were going to bring up the texts, you knew it had to be then. It was strange thinking about the concept now, your only proof and backing behind such a bold idea being two short texts that had popped up on his phone, that you could easily have asked him about seconds after you saw them. And now, you sat across from him, an entire week later, spewing a question that had so little to hold it up directly to his face.
“Junkyu, I, I saw some texts on your phone, from this…unknown number. And I get it, you probably think I’m overreacting, but they were weird texts, and I didn’t feel good about them.” You rambled, your empty hands now knotting together to tug at the fingers of each other in an attempt to escape the sheer anxiety building up inside you.
He looked confused for a moment, like he truly didn’t have any idea what you were talking about. “What, last week?” You nodded in response, dropping the eye contact as he huffed in response. “It’s been seven days! Why didn’t you just ask me about them if you felt weird about it? I would’ve answered!”
“You’re not answering now!” You scoffed, finally finding the courage to look up at him as he tilted his head at you in a lost manner again. Something about his actions made him seem almost childlike, as if there was no way possible he should be involved in a moment like this one.
He raised his hands to push his hair back out of his face, “Okay, okay, fine, I just, I don’t,” he paused to breathe in shakily, “you told me you didn’t see them.”
“Would it have been better if I didn’t? Are you…actually hiding something, Junkyu?” Your voice cracked at the end, the foreknowledge that he’d start crying soon under the pressure and strain of the argument starting to get to you.
You heard a small sniffle before he continued, “Well, I mean, yeah, but not for the reason you think it is, I…you, just, you lied to me, you know? I wish you would’ve just told me, baby. This isn’t…it’s not what you think it is.”
Having watched a lot of drama movies in your life, you knew that line was straight out of a cheater’s handbook. But, as he’d said earlier, looking at it in a full picture, did you really believe that Junkyu was genuinely able to do something like that? You weren’t so sure anymore, but the insecurity and fear inside of you was beginning to nip at your skin again, leaving you in an uncomfortable position of not even understanding your own logic.
“Then, what is it, Junkyu? I know I…I lied to you, I know, I just, I was scared. And I know you are, too, but if you did it…I get it, okay, I really do.” You breathed out, feeling a few stray tears escape to make their way down from your eyelashes only to be swiped at by the sleeve of your jumper.
At this, he seemed to jump as if you’d yelled at him, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to string together a sentence. “What are you talking about? You’d get it? Why…why would you understand someone doing something like that to you?”
“I didn’t say someone, I said you,” you began softly, a bitter laughing bubbling past your lips, “you’re, you know, you, and I’m, well I’m not exactly anywhere near your level, am I?”
Junkyu visibly startled, staring wide-eyed at you, looking more offended than when you’d posed your initial question. “I…baby, okay, um, let’s, take this one step at a time, alright?” You looked at him sceptically for a quiet second, nodding your head softly as he swiped harshly at the first tear to slip down his cheek.
“I didn’t cheat on you, okay? I wouldn’t. I’m, to be honest, I’m a little offended you think I’d ever do that, but, it’s, I can understand why it looks bad.” He fumbled about in the back pocket of his jeans for a second, pulling his phone forward so you could see it, skimming to tap in his password before re-opening the message thread again. Briefly, you wondered if this was something you actually wanted to see, but you knew you’d have to put your faith back in Junkyu as some point soon. He swiped up from a couple of messages, allowing you to briefly see the name had been changed to a saved contact, but you couldn’t read the screen from the angle you were at.
He turned the screen toward you, prompting you to read whatever was on it, as you took it from his hands. Your eyes skimmed across the messages as you felt your stomach rise from the pit it had been slumped into for the week behind you, although the guilt at your actions seeped into its place soon after.
The contact name simply read, ‘Mashi ♡.’ The texts underneath the one’s you’d seen all followed basic format, with normal day-to-day conversations and dumb jokes, Mashiho always finishing off the texts with little kisses or smiley faces. You were sure, from knowing him a while beforehand, that he did this with nearly everyone at some point or another during a conversation.
Your eyebrows scrunched up, “What…what was he talking about, then? It, just, I’m sorry, I just, I don’t understand, am I missing something?”
Junkyu chuckled softly, his eyes watery as he looked directly at you, “Yeah, uh, I wasn’t really supposed to tell you but, given the circumstances…we’re kind of, planning a surprise trip for you.” He shrugged, eyes leaving yours in an almost boyishly shy manner that you wouldn’t have expected to see from his earlier demeaner.
“A what?” You asked, a blush curling up to your cheeks as you looked down, unsure if the sudden bashfulness within you was from the embarrassment at your accusations or the sweetness behind their actions.
Junkyu hummed again, “You’ve just been stressed a lot lately, you know? So, we wanted to give you a break, take you somewhere nice, but…I know you hate planning trips, so we wanted to keep it a secret so it didn’t make things worse.”
You dropped your face into your hands, guilt flooding through you as you noticed just how kind both him and Mashiho were being about a situation you had no idea about. “Mashi just got a new phone, he, he asked me to give you his number but I forgot and then you got sick and I, I was gonna give it you when you were better.”
His ramble made you look up again, seeing his swipe at his cheeks again as he noticed the tears falling freely down your face for what seemed to be the millionth time that week. His hands moved to quickly cup your face, thumbs swiping tears away as he shook his head, “Don’t, don’t cry, it’s, I’m not angry, I’m a little upset, but, it’s okay, we’re okay, okay? Can you…can you tell me it’s okay? I just wanna fix this.”
Seeing his tears fall faster, you moved the fabric of your jumper to cover your hands and moved them to mirror his actions, swiping the sweater paws to catch the tears as they fell. He laughed lightly, smiling at you as grinned back at him, your head falling onto his shoulder at how ridiculous the situation seemed now. “There’s nothing to fix, I…I should’ve just asked, I’m so sorry, you know, I, I should never have let myself believe you could do that to me, or anyone.”
At this, he cleared his throat, rousing you from his shoulder and back into his line of sight. “We need to talk about what you said earlier, yeah?” You swallowed nervously before nodding, feeling his hands tug you up and into his lap. “I…can’t even begin to explain how wrong you are,” he mumbled, “how long have you been thinking like this?”
“Not long, I promise,” you began, watching as he seemed to breath out a sigh of relief, “I just, ever since I saw the texts, I guess. I just feel like I’m never gonna be able to be on the same…level as you, you know? I’m never gonna be good-looking enough for you, or have the perfect enough body type for you, I’m just never gonna be enough for you.” You said softly, your voice dropping into almost silence as you spoke.
Junkyu stayed quiet for a few minutes, as if trying to process and then understand the words being spoken to him. “No.” He said after you could feel the air begin to grow thick with apprehension of his answer.
You rose your eyebrows at him, “No?”
“You’re wrong.” He concluded, nodding once at you as if to lock the fact into your brain.
Unsure of how to argue with him on this, you simply sighed, “Junkyu, I, it’s okay. I’m okay just, being with you for as long as you need to find someone who’s…enough.”
Junkyu jolted underneath you, his hold on you seeming to tighten as his face curdled in disgust at your comment. “Baby…” he began against, his voice laced with weighed down sadness and panic, “that’s not, you shouldn’t ever lower yourself to think that way.” Just as you opened your mouth to confirm that in your mind, this was just a line in the sand, something you wouldn’t be able to cross with him for however long he stayed with you.
“No,” he interrupted your thoughts again, even gentler than before, “just, listen for a second, hm?” He waited a beat for you to nod in confirmation before beginning, “You’re enough. Not just for me, though, okay? You’re…hard-working, strong, smart, determined, kind, and…so, so much more, I don’t even have the words to begin describing you, you know? You just…you inspire me so much, and you don’t even know it. Everything you do is so beautiful and powerful and, don’t even get me started on your looks because I could talk all day. If you’re enough for yourself, then you’re far more than enough for me.”
You knew you were crying by the time he finished speaking, his hands had began flailing to hammer in just how specific he was being, his eyes shifting all around the room. When he finally looked back at you, a soft and shy smile turned the corners of his mouth up, his hands moving to swipe your tears away.
“Happy tears?” He checked, stooping his head down lower so he could finally look into your eyes again.
You nodded at him, a laugh falling past your lips, your head dropping further into his palm pressed to your cheek, “Happy tears,” you confirmed softly.
A bright smile lit up his features as he leant himself upwards slightly, his hand resting on your jaw bringing you close enough that your noses were touching, lips hanging centimetres apart from one another. “I know you say I don’t have to this anymore,” he began, making a laugh tumble past your lips again, “but, you know, can I kiss you?”
You nodded, your lips falling from their smile as he pressed his own against yours. The kiss was soft, his lips moving slowly and sweetly against yours as he dropped a single hand from your face to grab at one of the hands laid flat against his chest, curling his fingertips back around it. You felt his lips move upwards into a small as you squeezed his hand in response, you mirroring his action as he tightened his hand around yours in response.
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hwiyyoung · 6 years
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THIS IS SO LATE but I have about 1.1k followers right now and I’m just ???? ???? literally overwhelmed ahhhhh - to everyone: thank you all so much; these past 3.5 months on tumblr have been so fun and everyone i’ve interacted with has been so supportive and amazing. for all of you who have followed me, liked/reblogged my posts, or just even looked at my content - thank you so much. I love you. ♡
this blog is such a multifandom trashbin and whether you followed me because of sf9 or any other of the 230948329950 groups I post about, just know that YOU’RE AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU and I do notice followers that regularly like/reblog my stuff and scream in the tags :’) you guys are the best and if you ever want to talk I’m always here for you.
this is going to be super long (sorry about that) but I’m starting off with personal love letters:
@051db ASH DID YOU KNOW THAT I CONSIDER YOU MY FIRST TUMBLR FRIEND EVER??? you were the first one to reblog my things and put my name in your tags and it just made me SO HAPPY that you took the time to find my name and associate with my url and basically I LOVE YOU. i also love love love your blog so much and i check up on it every so often and the aesthetic always makes me so happy to see ♡ anyway I always get super happy when I see your url or your name in the gc asldkjdg;l I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH AHHH
@velvetjjks KRYS ! ! ! ! you were also one my first ever tumblr friends and i want to thank you for being an amazing admin for fantasy9network and fantasy9nation!!! i know you're a smol bean but you've accomplished so much and i love you so so so much! i love your love for jungkook and basically all your posts make me super happy whenever I see them (which isn’t that frequently because time zones rip).  i hope you're always healthy and happy and that sf9 goes to malaysia and you can see them!!! taeyang loves you!!!! (ALSO THANKS FOR ALL THE INFO YOU GAVE ME ABOUT SG CAN’T WAIT TO BE IN THE SAME TIME ZONE AS YOU THIS SUMMER ASLJKDKS)
@baejacob aka @ihsoh​ JACKIE!!!! um ok i love you so so so much. every single one of our interactions makes my heart burst with happiness - every!! single!! one!! you're literally the sweetest person ever and i love how i can scream about kevin to you for hours on end and you'll scream back and we just have this amazing fangirl bond and I hope you’re doing well at school!!! I love you and I hope you have a great day!!!! ♡♡♡
@himeaegyo KAREN YOU ARE SO TALENTED OMFG TEACH ME YOUR WAYS. i always get super happy when i see you on my dash like literally everything you post is A+ material. thank you for tagging me in all of the tag games posts - i feel like i know you really well just by reading through your answers on those posts! anyway i'm glad we got closer after i got into stray kids and popped up into your messages screaming about them sadlkkladjfs I HOPE YOU’RE DOING WELL ♡ *gives you a big virtual hug*
@amohyunwoo aka @rowoonst yoelin yoelin yoelin~ uhh so i think #mulletcourse really brought us closer together and i'm very thankful that it happened.  the group chat is 10000000x more wild with you in it and i love it so much.  there have been so many times where i've literally laughed out loud because of something you've said and so i want to thank you for being such a bright person in my life :(((( it always makes me happy to see you on my dash! YOU’RE THE BEST ILY
@baek-juho aka @knkz​ hi danielle i just want to say even though you don't admit you're a zuhoe and even though you're anti-mullet i still love you and i admire all of your gifs!! I hope sf9 comes to England one day so they realize how amazing their fans there are :’) ♡
@jaevoon uh liz just so we're clear this isn't a love letter. it's a h8 letter. anyway thanks for being a fan of my work and participating in hellovoon war with me (you lost btw). you’re sometimes cool i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ anyway...sf9 aren’t furries!!! and when’s our fanfic going to get written again?
@hotswaggerzuho CANDACE MY FELLOW HWI LOVER sorry about his face in the header; i know you’ll have to text your friend swag now :’) anyway ILYSM and sometimes when I’m in a bad mood I just go through your animal tags on your blog and my mood gets 100000x better so thank you thank you ♡
@jooheonni hi lissa i know we don't talk that much but i want to tell you i love you and thank you for always being so level-headed in the fantasy9network gc and dealing with people (mostly yoelin and me) screaming our heads off about mullets.  your blog is really cool (i love all of your gifs pls teach me your ways) AND SO ARE YOU! I hope you have a good day~ love you! ♡
@miniwaves waverly!!! tbh every time i see you on my dash i just think “aw waverly so smol and cute” LOL anyway you're a really soft stan which i admire and love and thank you for indulging me with your love for yang yang that one time (have you watched love o2o yet?) anyway i hope you have a great day!!! 
@yngbin Gillian!!! I’m glad you started making content for sf9 and literally everything you make is GOLD. I’m glad we’re starting to talk more and I hope we get to know each other better in the future!! Thank you for following me and I hope you have a great day!! I LOVE YOU!
@bestfluteninja hi hannah i just wanted to thank you for being the first person to come to me not on anon to ask for sf9 recs - i always love helping you and when we talk it makes me happy! your text posts are so funny and literally give me life - you’re awesome and I love you!!
@shutupxiumin aka @kangchanhoe hey g i just wanted to thank you for being one of the first people to tag me in tag games you're the best and i love both your blogs (that I follow) so much ♡ I hope you have a good day & I love you!!!!!
@hyunjinh aka @byeongkwn jas you're a really cute soft stan and i really admire your love for a.c.e and stray kids and both of your blogs are so freaking aesthetic i sometimes literally just go onto your blogs on my desktop and just stare at your different pages lmaooo anyway even though we don't talk too much i love you a lot and I hope you have a great day!!!!!
@felox-the-great asldkjgal caitlin ily and if I hit a milestone on my sk blogs I’ll definitely write more for you than this but basically i hope you get to go to an sf9 fansign one day and rowoon remembers you as the girl with crutches ;) love you lots ♡♡♡
@jeongn Nicolle this paragraph is essentially just fanmail. You’re literally the most talented person on this website.  When I’m low on inspiration, I go through your gfx tag and somehow I always get inspired.  I’m so mad that I didn’t start following you until after I got into stray kids because you deserve all the followers in the world!!!!!! literally all your content is A++++ (even things that you say aren’t ARE)!!! anyway I hope we can talk more in the future because I am literally such a big fan of you omg asalkdjgs
@javajaeyoon ok alex so I have a confession i think i've been following you since 2016 or maybe even earlier idk (but on my other blog that i never posted anything on ajsldgkjd) and so when you started following me here i literally fangirled so hard!! anyway i really love all your content ok i hope you have a nice day!!
@war-of-hormoan hi ramsey even though we've been mutuals for a while we still haven't talked much and i'm really sorry about that but anyway i just wanted to say that i love your blog a lot and thank you for reblogging my work i always get excited when i see you in my notifications :((( and thank you for sending me those svt fancams that one time!! i really like how you've gotten into girl groups because i always need more girl group posts on my dash~~ anyway I LOVE YOUR WRITING AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY!
@younggbin rach i just wanted to thank you for being such a great admin of neweraboygroups (i know i've spammed the tag a lot on certain occasions from my stray kids blog LOL) and also we should definitely talk more!!! whenever you do tag games you seem so interesting and cool :((((( anyway i love you and i hope you have a great day!!
@taenyang leanne~~~ i started following you because of your tags LOL but i just wanted to say that you're hILARIOUS and literally sometimes when i'm sad i just go through your blog and smile at everything on it.  you're so fun and i love you a lot i hope we can talk more in the future!!
@taechimseok hi joyce i know we've never really talked buttttt i just wanted to take this moment to say i love your work and your blog like literally everything you post is gold and i was really happy when i found out we were mutuals (didn't realize that taechimseok was a sideblog at first lol) anyway i hope you have a great day!!!
@zhengtng mare thank you for always blessing my dash with good idol producer content and in general with good content I really admire your love for rowoon and your ability to remember so many ip names asdlfkajg I hope we get to talk more in the future and I hope you have a good day!! love you! ♡
@peacheseok @changbeanie (ruby ily and you’ll get a paragraph if i hit a milestone on my sk blog aslkdjlfds) @lee-hoe-taek @pororowoon @snoqlax @sunnietora @walnut-kyun @youzhangjing @lykimlip​ @one-jisung​ @zuho-bby​​ @haknyeons​ @jungwoocas​ (aka @pixietaeyong​) @fanta-ceo​ @kimseongs​ @llynnfics​ - thank you all for talking to me/tagging me in things/interacting with me in some way that made me happy i love you all ♡
@meatmeinthemiddle-mark @straycuties @changbln @dysfancional-straykids @stray-bi-kids @kangchanie @realnct @jeonginsyang @strayboys​ @06pray​ @twelveboyz @kinosmile @hyungtop @superdoveh @meth-seyers @sunnmo-on @eunhaswifey @incorrectsensation @baekhyunnjebunny @sweetyoungbin @curlydawon @fantasywicked @taeyamg @cutieyoungbin @roweun @99hwis @incorrect-sf9 @sf9bin​ (aka @xkaihao​) @tyangie @welcometochanskitchen​ - I don’t know you all as well but thank you for following me and I hope we get closer in the future!! ♡ (also all of y’all stray kids blogs TELL ME WHY YOU’RE FOLLOWING THIS BLOG LIKE DO YOU LIKE SF9?? WHO’S YOUR BIAS I’M SO CURIOUS LMAO)
to my anons if you’re reading this :’) - emma!, secret valentine, ♡ anon (you’re probs already tagged in this?), anyone who has asked for sf9 blog recs & anyone who has sent me asks on anon - thanks for talking to me; answering asks always makes me really happy! I LOVE YOU!
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miraimisu · 6 years
Ask a Writer!
Tagged by the lovely @i-masshiro​, thanks babe! Love you tons, such a sweetheart D’: 
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
It doesn’t mean anything in particular! An old best friend of mine helped me pick it up when I was struggling with new decent nicknames. This is the one I use for all my accounts now.
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/favorites, follows/subscriptions, visitor hits, kudos)
These Stones We Skip, definitely. It’s got like 90 comments (half of them me responding to those, so it’s narrowed down to 45 haha) +2k hits, 100 kudos more or less, and a bunch of bookmarks! I’m super happy with how the fic is being read and that people like it this much! Also if anyone waiting for an update is reading pls forgive me I’ve been busy I promise I will update pls don’t sue ;;.
3. What is your FFnNet/AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
Actually, I think all my icons are Uraraka icons, excepting the one I got for FF.net which is actually Asuna from SAO. Last time I updated the page I was heavily into SAO so... pretty self-explanatory. My love for Uraraka needs no explanations either.
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
I do! And most of them are an incredibly fun bunch of them. Long, usual commenters are my shit, not gonna lie. Although I have lost some of them as my updates have become slower, but I hope they come to read someday.
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Not really, unless it’s for some kind of reference. There was this line I hit where my style got smoother and a bit more polished, but from there below it’s kind of rubbish and I can’t read anything. All good things I write I can’t usually read because of self-awareness.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
None and none lmao, I always drop kudos but I don’t think I have ever bookmarked anything, nor subscribed to because I don’t really have much time to check out stuff-- and when I do, I totally binge read it.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
Fantasy AU because it’s consumed my life now.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
I got 10 subscriptions on AO3 and 60 bookmarks!
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
I would like to someday find the strength to write something venty someday, as I recently found out I somehow write much better and feel more satisfied when I vent my anger on writing. Something that doesn’t happen really often, but it happens and it’s great therapy!
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
Tons of things, most particular. I would like to become less paranoid over people not seeing my scenarios, thus making my style less complex to the untrained eye. Also, fighting scenes make me cringe because I suck so hard at making them depsite having clear pictures in my head /cries. 
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
I am now very focused on Kacchako and iirc ir used to be a rarepair? but I think it will break out of that zone soon.
12. How many stories have you posted on FFNet/AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
3 on AO3, and 31 on FF.net. 
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
Tons of them that sounded great in my head. It’s that small snapping process of realizing a powerful story is too weak to be posten, and kinda let it rest.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
I keep them in my head and plan to write them. Only the fantasy AU for kacchako has made it out of my head, lol.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
Yes, and it was a wonderful experience.
16. How did you discover FFNet/AO3?
Weirdly enough, from DeviantArt! I would usually go there searching for art pieces and found some deep small fics, whose authors would usually have a FF.net account. I only knew of AO3 last year, but I think I read one a bit before that. Not exactly sure when.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on FFNet/AO3?
Not at all, there is too many talented people in this damn kaccha house  (⁎˃ᆺ˂) they are all so good jdskak
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
People usually call me Mira, but use others for Discord. 
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Lots of them! Every author that lies in my recs gallery has inspired me in one way or another. Though that place is kinda outdated so I may have to add some more, but all my friends have inspired me overall. They are all wonderful writers and artists and it’s amazing to be so surrounded.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Don’t feel pushed to write queality straightaway, and always read other stuff to build new vocab and structures. Everytime you read, you will most likely learn something new as every author’s view gives you a new perspective on things. I have found it to be a great practice!
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
Plot, always. Everytime I am listening to music and come up with a new snippit, I jot it down anywhere I can. Google’s Keep is a pretty nifty tool for this!
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
Well, I only got maybe two! One of them was pretty lukewarm and more of an advice that I followed, and it was a good one despite the harshness of it. On the other hand, I got one comment that told me they were giving up on my story because it was too thick style and lore wise, but I didn’t mind at all tbh-- I already knew I was facing these kinds of risks when I started writing long things like these.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Fighting scenes in general kind of take a lot of time for me to work with, and same with some simply dialogue bits that I am like: and what now!? D:
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
My fantasy AU! pls if sb is reading Im sorry I will update soon don’t press charges thank
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
I usually jot the deets down and push it aside until I am done with my main thing. It’s probably my best habit when it comes to planning, lol.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
Not really. I usually try to plan when I wanna update, divide my chap’s aproximate word count and split it in days!
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
Oof, definitely. Mostly because my English has improved along with my writing and that helps. A lot.
28. What is your favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
I did write one in Spanish that got lots of good feedback and invested readers, and I had a blast writing its lore and characters.
29. What is your least favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
I wrote a pretty dark fic once and it’s a fic I know I wrote well? but I am kinda ashamed of looking back at it.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
Maybe working on something that is a little bit more professional, or just enjoying myself. Got no clue tbh.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
I think I can be pretty ominous in some parts and be very subtle with foreshadowing. The art of subtlety is something I worship everyday.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Trying to live up to those little scenes I had in my head, and writing them as good as possible. And description in general, sometimes. And word count consistency is something that worries me sometimes. Oh, and the endless fear of poking a plothole bigger than a damn blackhole.
33. Why do you write?
To make people entertained and happy if they want something to read!
I nominate the great artists and gals @animeniac​, @kacchanswife​, @hondaroo​, @kacchas​ and @liltoothbrush​! If you don’t reply I’ll press charges so hahaha! 
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daily-yoificrec · 7 years
June 2017 Rec Roundup
Top ten list for fics that were updated/posted in the month of June that I recommended! I say top ten, but they’re listed in no particular order. 
Bc I’m so busy, I chose to post w/o additional comments. but all of these fics are ones I highly recommend as must-reads, and even ones that are wips you should def give a try. 
1. if this be error by alykapedia || Rated T, 7.8k (WIP)
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom. If this be error and upon me prov’d, I never writ, nor no man ever lov’d
Yuuri Katsuki wants nothing more than to retire back to the country and busy his days with managing his family’s declining finances. At twenty-three, he is facing his fifth season in society unmated and with no prospects in sight.
At least until Lord Viktor Nikiforov makes him an offer he would be foolish to refuse.
“It is a truth universally acknowledged that an unmated omega in possession of a not-inconsiderable dowry, is in want of an alpha.”
JFALKJDA;FJS;LA THE PRIDE AND PREJUDICE ECHOES. This isn’t a p&p au though, it’s a regency au, but still that first line had me right away. This has an absolutely delightful beginning, with background offered and hints of worldbuilding throughout. The interactions are lovely, the setup is lovely and just
♡✧( ु•⌄• ) super duper fucking recommended wip to follow
just read it oh my god (⌯⌅⌄⌅)
2. boy next door by wingchestr || Rated E, 4.8k
“Hi, welcome to the Green Bean,” Yuuri says, in the way that’s become something of a joke between them. “What can I get for you today?”
In which Viktor buys way too much coffee from the cute barista at the coffeeshop on the corner, and Yuuri has a terrible crush that Viktor never, ever needs to know about, and somehow it all works out in the end.
Really cute a/b/o and coffeeshop au! The author’s other fics are amazing, so I have really high expectations for this one. Yuuri and Victor have great chemistry.
3. What it feels like to be Loved series by tothebatcave53 || Rated M, 19.4k
Being blinded by love isn’t a bad thing, unless it blinds Victor to all of Yuuri’s less than subtle hints about being a dragon.
Comment: I love!!!! This series!!!!!!!! Really funny and really fun to read, with touches of worldbuilding and wonderful interactions between Yuuri and Victor. I reread the entire thing when I saw the fourth part go up. Magic realism is great, dragons are fuckin A, and I’m very weak for the idea of Yuuri hoarding Victor. The affection is just wonderful.
Heck. Read it please.
4. can’t count the years by counterheist || Rated T, 4.8k
A local magazine features Mila’s as the best breakfast spot in town one year after it opens. The opposite page is devoted to a pie shop Mila has heard of, but never been to. Easy as Pie gets a paragraph of text and three photographs. One shot is a slice of blueberry pie, another is of hands kneading dough. The last one is of a woman with long, dark hair and olive-toned skin holding an armful of large blue ribbons. Sara Crispino, the caption reads, owner and baker at Easy as Pie holds all six of her National Pie Competition blue ribbons.
Mila drives over the same day she sees the article, as soon as the breakfast rush ends.
Pls read this if you love saramila bc it’s so good and there aren’t nearly enough saramila fics in this fandom. There’s also side vicyuu! But seriously, read this for diner owner Mila and pie master Sara. I really love the dynamics built between everyone, especially Mila and Victor’s friendship.
5. learn to love the skies I’m under by LinneaKou || Rated M, 11.3k (WIP)
The day after the Sochi GPF banquet, Katsuki Yuuri disappears without a trace.
The day after the Sochi GPF banquet, Viktor Nikiforov finds a stray poodle and takes it home with him.
These two events are, oddly enough, connected.
Comment: Sadder than one would expect. The premise isn’t unfamiliar, as it’s inspired by another fic (which the author lists, and I’ve read) but the author still executes it really well. Expect feelings when you read this, no matter how soft some things may seem.
6. kiss and cry in the corners of my castle by unexpectedtrash || Rated G, 6k (WIP)
Yuuri only wanted to go back home to Hasetsu, where the ocean was warm and life was mundane and comfortable. Take it back, he wanted to beg. I never asked for this gift. Magic was a double-edged sword, and with Voldemort advancing, Yuuri wants to turn tail and run.
Only, Yuri might have a thing or two to say about that.
Comment: There are A Lot of Hogwarts AUs, but this one is setduring the events of the Harry Potter books themselves, and I love how it’s kicked off. Slytherin Yuuri vs. Umbridge, Angry Badger Yuri Plisetsky, and this makes me very excited about how they’re going to integrate the characters with the story.
7.Night is Young and the Music’s High by opalish || Rated T, 3k
“Best press conference ever,” the Japanese Nationals silver medalist says when asked. “Ten out of ten, would medal again.”
“I would die for Katsuki-kun,” Minami declares, with terrifying sincerity.
“He doesn’t need a shovel talk, he needs another gold medal. And that’s something I never thought anyone would say about Victor Freaking Nikiforov.“
“Freakingevich,” Yuuri corrects him officiously, adjusting his glasses. He’s been studying.
“Well, it won’t affect me,” Victor says dramatically. “Not when I’m just Breakdancing Sensation Yuuri Nikiforov-Katsuki’s unnamed but spectacularly beautiful husband.”
“You’d better be Figure Skating Legend Yuuri Nikiforov-Katsuki’s unnamed but spectacularly beautiful husband,” Yuuri mutters, vowing to never dance in public ever again.
Beautiful hilarious characterization, dialogue that has me cackling, just in general this fic has me throwing it as a rec to various group chats as well.
Ten out of ten, would read again. 
*zooms off to do just that*  ≡ = -└( 。 >ω<)┐
8. a covenant with a bright blazing star series by seventhstar
The A/B/O Regency marriage of convenience AU no one actually wanted.
In which the reclusive and highly respectable Lord Yuuri Katsuki is offered fifty thousand pounds if he remains married to poor, scandalous trademan’s son Viktor Nikiforov for a year. Desperate for funds, he accepts.
It’s only one year, after all. What’s the worst that could happen?
comment: I am, admittedly, slightly confused as we still don’t have the background yet but so far this series is great omg. The vicyuu relationship promises to be great, the Pride and Prejudice influences make me bounce excitedly, and this is certainly a series to stalk if you don’t mind A/B/O fics.
Pride and Prejudice influences, people. tryyyyyyyy iiiiiiiit
9.  Driving Mr. Katsuki by CullinanKatsudon || Rated M, 13k (WIP)
Yuuri Katsuki gets into Victor Nikiforov’s car, mistaking it for his Uber ride…and Victor doesn’t correct him.
Comment: Oh my god this au and this fic are ridiculous but holy hell, the author has me fuckin invested as yell. I’ve laughed and pitied Yuuri and facepalmed at Victor and this fic is just a ride. Super duper fucking recommend, it’s hilarious and brilliant and I just. I laughed so hard.
10. cancel your reservations by renaissance ||  Rated T, 5.4k
Yuuri is a college student conducting private fencing lessons for a handsome, rich, and mysterious student. Viktor is not learning to fence because he does medieval reenactments.
ak;ljdskafl;jsa; I saw this prompt floating around only a few days ago, and the author’s executed it so damn well. Yuuri and Victor hit it off amazingly, Yuuri is amazingly oblivious to something other than Victor’s romantic overtures for once, and this is 10/10 recommend would read again.
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A furniture drove along the flooring without care can easily create scores that could never ever visit. Pirelli flooring ceramic tiles are one of the floor covering sector's oldest and most-respected labels. Like stone floor tiles, the elegance and also structure from slate ceramic tiles may also be kept through effective maintenance. To get genuinely impressive cleaning end results, this cleansing device based on steam features various other attachments, such as floor burnishers, streams and also scrubbers. . If you have any kind of concerns with regards to where as well as how you can utilize yellow pages advert bike (http://dosc-nadwagi2017.pl/), you are able to email us in the site. After filling place the floor need to be washed precisely with weaken oxalic acid remedy, be actually dried out and wiped along with clean cotton waste. When polished it shines, typically taking place marble is formed coming from a blend from limestone and quartz as well as. Tiles are effortless to clean and run the variety in rate from the really low-priced like along with ceramic to quite expensive marble as well as slate tiles. A marble flooring was created properly to combine with apparent facility in to each top quality place. This is actually since rubber floor appears to take in sound better compared to most alternative floor options; so if you are actually considering preparing flooring in the gym where you could be battering the ground frequently, or even an apartment hallway where you don't want to agitate your neighbors, rubber flooring tiles will take in any added audio - instead of bouncing this around the room like wooden or marble floor will perform. This article is actually penciled by Lora for Goal Floors, a Brooklyn Playground, MN located floor company that are actually the leading commercial & commercial floor specialists. The various marble floor tiles on call today deliver a wide variety of requests and make uses of, that makes some individuals like certain types of marble ceramic tiles over the others. Unlike carpet, if you blow one thing on your rubber floor, a fast mop and also rub will definitely remove the mess and leave your floor ceramic tiles in beautiful circumstances; creating it ideal for cooking areas, or even for rec rooms for the youngsters to skip all around on. While rubber flooring tiles typically aren't as cushioned as rug, they are actually slightly supported for safety functions to make sure that if you carry out trip all of them, you will not be entrusted a huge bruise; the rubber flooring will certainly soak up a few of the impact. A slate ceramic tile wall surface, utilized as an example in a restroom, may use ceramic tiles reduce evenly, with sharp edges to create limited junctions and the surface area honed soft and flat. No two pieces are the same when the slate tiles are assembled, the flooring resembles a huge piece of artwork. Marble tiles possesses different colours, along with various layouts and structures, therefore you have array from arrays to choose from, which one that will greatest satisfy one's residence. Regarding the business flooring is actually concerned, you are actually demanded to carefully select the form of floor needed that can pair up with the inner parts. Dirty cement is actually usually an outcome from certainly not knowing effective ways to tidy marble floors; the usefulness of using a tidy mop and also utilizing way too much water. Marble stones are offered at different quarry/rocks and also are recognized due to the name from quarry/rock including Makrana Marble, Dungri Marble, Rajnager Marble, Abu white marble and so on This makes this easier as well as even more environmentally friendly to tidy as well as preserve your floor, giving you assurance that your Karndean flooring will appear excellent for many years to follow. The pads could be used at the ideal velocity from 1800 turnings every min which is appropriate for dry brightening as well as don't even generate any watered-down clutter even at a maximum speed of 3000 rotations every pads also aid moist brightening. When marble becomes dull and damaged, it certainly loses its own shine and lustre. For properties as well as private residences, the best common residential uses of marble are for home window sills, hearths fireplaces, aesthetic halls, bathroom floors, outside yard paths, columns, steps and other surface areas. While this is actually a much less sturdy choice you could have to think twice before mounting it. An additional possibility that you can not miss out in flooring for steps is actually plastic floor covering. Marbled surfaces can reveal put on very swiftly, however could be quickly rejuvenated through buffing and also refining. When this concerns opportunity to do property improvement for either your delight or for reselling, an excellent factor would be actually to speak to the pros from your neighborhood absolute best floor firm to aid you improve your floorings with items, installation, and care recommendations that will definitely extend the beauty from your financial investment for a long times ahead. Leave and unpack the flooring to partake the room - this will stay away from the slabs or even ceramic tiles compressing or even extending after they have actually been put. Raised House Market value: Marble provides a classy, classy appeal that entice house customers. Every customer could individualize solid hardwood floor along with the ideal color of stain. Should you wish your flooring tiles to stand out, you will certainly want to blend that along with a countertop to match, as this is an excellent method of giving your cooking area or washroom a relaxing and also sophisticated sense. These highland flag ceramic tiles may be what you need - warm and comfortable however along with a tip of grey.
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