#if we ever do get a frozen 3 and Hans comes back I’ve always imagined him to be a jaded antihero
galaxygolfergirl · 11 months
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'Cause you colour me clear
Now, what you, what you waitin' for?
Yeah, you colour me clear
Now what are you waitin' for?
(@frozenvanillaz credit for the reference pose)
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Things won’t get better unless you make them better Survey by emptyspaces
Do you agree with the quote in the survey title? For the most part, yes. A lot of the good things that have happened or come to me did so because I did something about them to some extent. I wouldn’t have begun dating my girlfriend if I didn’t ask her out, I wouldn’t have gotten this internship offer if I didn’t send a letter of interest, etc.
How many windows are on the front of your house? There’s one tiny window on the left side, then on the right is one big window but with three panes.
What common problem have you never experienced? Commuting at rush hour or getting the chickenpox.
Alternatively, what's an uncommon problem you have experienced? Being chased by a giant bird that I was trying to take a quick snapshot of from a distance.
Do you know anyone who opposes marriage equality? You mean the entire Filipino population who isn’t a millennial or from Gen Z? Sure. I can give you a novel with a list of names.
Are you an early riser or a night owl? I’m...both. I barely sleep. I have a 9-6 day shift but I also accompany Gab for a few hours on her 9-6 night shift, but honestly I don’t get tired from it at all. I seem to do well with only 3-4 hours of sleep.
What was the last thing you got really emotional about? Her and I.
What's the longest amount of time you've been ill for? That week-long fever I had a few months ago. Prior to that I only ever had quick overnight fevers, so you could just imagine my horror when my fever turned into 2 days, then 3, until a whole week passed and I was still playing around 38-39ºC.
What's your cure for hiccups? I hold my breath but it doesn’t always work. I don’t have other cures for it and I just let it naturally go away.
Who is your closest male friend? My eldest cousin on my mom’s side. Or Hans, but we only ever talk when Angela’s present or involved.
Do you track your spending? Yes. I only get an allowance so it’s not much, and I especially had to track it when I was still in school because back then I had to allot for gas, food, and course readings. 
Are you addicted to anything? I love love love my dogs, but I don’t know if that counts as an ‘addiction.’
What was your life like 5 years ago? Where were you living, working, etc? I was in my senior year in high school. It was two months after I went through a bad breakup, less than a month since I went through a grandparent’s death for the first time, and it was around the time I had taken the ACET. Not the best of times, and I can’t believe my life is as turbulent five years later. It just doesn’t feel fair, lol.
Have you ever let a mental health issue go untreated? It’s been untreated for around a decade now. Idk man, it will take a lot for me to be convinced to share my life story and most inner thoughts to a therapist who is also a stranger.
Do you know anyone who hunts for meat? No.
Have you ever lived with a boyfriend/girlfriend? I haven’t. I wouldn’t want that at 22, I think it’s way too early to be doing it. I don’t even have my own place yet.
What do you wash dishes with? Sponge, scrub brush, rag, something else? A sponge and the wire ball thing that makes it easier to scrape off dried rice.
Is there anything you prefer to do the old-fashioned way? Weddings. I will always fall head over heels in love over weddings where the color scheme is super simple and there aren’t a lot of over-the-top gimmicks that will kill the vibe of it being a serene ceremony.
How old were you when your parents first let you have a TV in your room? Well I shared a room with my parents and siblings up until I was 10 and we had a TV. When I was 11 and we moved in to a new house, my new room already came with my own TV. They eventually removed it when I was around 17 because I never used it anyway.
Are you more practical or creative? Practical. Not a creative bone in my body.
Have you ever seen Requiem For A Dream? I have seen it twice, unfortunately. I really should’ve seen it just the one time. I felt for the women the most, especially Marion. That girl had a goddamn dream, man.
Do you put your glasses and mugs right side up or upside down on the cabinet shelf? Upside down.
Are you planning to make any big purchases soon? Like what? For how much? Nothing big. I’m just trying to save my internship allowance so that I get to buy my parents nice things. The only purchase I’m planning for myself, admittedly, is a vape lmao and that’s like ₱199 or a little under $4. Otherwise everything is going to either savings or treating my loved ones.
Are you a recent university grad? I am indeed.
What changes to the environment/climate have you noticed in your lifetime? The highway I live on used to be peppered with trees, now there are buildings everywhere. It’s also impossible to see the stars at night, especially in Metro Manila; thankfully it’s not as bad where I live.
Do you own any power tools? We have some at home but none of them are mine.
How old were you when you first flew on a plane? 11.
Does everyone in your family get along with each other? My brother and I don’t.
What did you have for dinner last night? My dad prepared sisig and munggo, but I only ate the sisig.
What was the worst part of your childhood? The alcoholism and domestic violence I was exposed to the second I was born.
What grocery items do you buy the most frequently? I don’t buy my own groceries yet but I would say my parents go for eggs, bread, onions, garlic, frozen meat, and some veggies the most.
Have you ever seen a high school relationship last long-term? (like 10+yrs) Not from my own high school, but someone I used to work with from my first internship has been with her guy for like 15 years now or something.
Do you know any cancer survivors? Yes.
What color is your bed frame? It issssss black.
How old were you when you first started dating? I’ve never really...dated around. Doesn’t happen as a demi. I started liking someone for the first time when I was 16.
What's the highest-level science course you've taken? I’m from a humanities/arts course so I never needed to push myself when it came to science courses haha. I took only the most basic biology and physics electives because that was all that was required for journalism students in my school.
Have you ever had something stolen from you? Yes.
Leftover pizza for breakfast... yay or nay? YAY. Cold, fast food pizza is my guilty pleasure.
Do you personally know anyone who's a psychopath or sociopath? No. Again, what’s up with surveys asking the exact same questions? Y’alls telepathy games are strong, lol.
What is your most used kitchen appliance? I don’t use any of them other than the refrigerator.
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calenheniel · 4 years
Helsa Week 2020, Day 7: Free
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Frozen | Oneshot | Hans, Elsa | Drama | K+
She often found herself drawn to her father’s coronation portrait in the library, waiting for the day he might look back at her, and see her, for the woman she had become. 
FF.Net | AO3 | Wattpad | deviantArt
Author’s Note: Based on a prompt from long ago: “Why did you do it?” Takes place shortly after the end of Frozen, but hints at some of Elsa’s internal conflict leading up to Frozen 2 (though I will never consider that film to be canon, and you can’t make me!). I can never get enough of their (imagined) conversations. It ended up being happier (?) than I expected.
»»————- ❈ ————-««
“Your Majesty.”
She didn’t look up from her mountain of papers, scanning the page in her hand with intense concentration.
A cough echoed in the room. “Your Majesty.”
She glanced up for a moment, her pen never ceasing in its scrawl along the signature line. “Yes, Kai? I heard you the first time.”
The older man frowned, pulling back his shoulders. “I was asked to inform you that Prince Hans of the Southern Isles will be sent back home today.”
She paused. “Hans.”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Kai confirmed. “If you may recall, the trip was delayed a week due to—”
“Repairs on the ship that needed to be done after I…” she finished, and then trailed off. She grimaced. “Yes, I remember.”
She greeted his gaze, and noticed behind him the ever-present coronation portrait of her father.
“Remind me, Kai: when was that portrait painted?” she asked suddenly.
The older man blinked, then turned around to face the object in question. “Ah, well, let’s see… it was probably about a week after he was crowned.”
She tapped her pen against the paper below. “He must have been nervous, becoming king at such a young age.”
“Younger even than you are now,” Kai noted, looking back at her with a small smile. “He would’ve been proud, seeing how far you’ve come.”
She returned a half-hearted smile, and touched the crown atop her head with some self-consciousness. “Sometimes, I forget what he looked like,” she admitted, looking sheepish at Kai’s confusion. “I mean, I know his portrait is right there, but…”
“It’s not him,” Kai finished for her. “I know, Your Majesty. But I believe he is still here, in spirit, watching over you as always.”
Her teeth grit at the words of reassurance. “I want to believe that, but…” she managed, unable to stifle a frown. She stared at the painting again – at the hands grasping the orb and scepter with such seeming steadiness, at the posture upright and proper, at the eyes frozen in place for eternity, looking past her into an unknowable void – and suppressed a shudder, dropping the pen to the page. “I don’t think he can do that anymore.”
The silence that followed her remark lay like a heavy snowfall in the room until she cleared her throat.
“When is Hans’s ship due to sail?” she asked.
“In a few hours, around 3 o’clock,” Kai answered after a moment, taken off-guard by the question. “Is something the matter, Your Majesty?”
She took a deep breath, tracing the outline of her pen. “I’d like to see him before he leaves. Can you bring him here?”
Kai’s brow lifted. “Your Majesty, that’s—I really don’t think that’s advisable, given how dangerous he is—”
“I’m well aware of that, but you know I’m more than capable of defending myself.” she cut him off, conjuring a snowflake for effect. Seeing his concern, however, she sighed, evaporating the magic. “Obviously, he should still be restrained in some way when he is brought here. And the guards should be posted just outside the room.”
Kai frowned. “It’s not his physical strength that worries me, Queen Elsa. It’s… his way with words,” he explained. “He fooled us all, not just the Princess.”
Her eyes tightened. “I know, Kai. But it won’t be like that this time. I promise.”
His lips pursed. “I hope so, Your Majesty. But what about the Princess? If she finds out he’s here—”
“She won’t,” she said, “because no one is going to tell her.”
They stared at one another, and at length, Kai swallowed. “As you wish, Your Majesty. I will bring him here within the next hour.” He bowed and left the room, his hands clenched behind his back.
She watched those hands until they were out of sight, and then looked down at her own.
They were shaking.
»» —— ««
She paced the floor of her father’s library – her library, now – and tried to steady her breathing.
Ice tendrils had been creeping from her fingers every so often in the last hour as she waited for him, snowfalls starting and stopping around her, her breath coming out in cold puffs. Kai’s words of warning hung in the air like a storm cloud, obscuring her vision, and her crown felt heavier than before.
She clasped her hands behind her in the same way that he had done, hoping that it would calm her. Instead, feeling her skin bare, without gloves – a sensation that was still so new and foreign – unnerved her further, and eventually her hands found their way back to her sides.
A heavy knock on the door jolted her to attention, and she finally stopped, though her heart continued to race. She licked her lips on instinct before speaking, finding her mouth suddenly dry.
“Come in.”
As the thick oak doors opened, she felt and heard every thump in her chest with alarming clarity, though she took care to look unaffected as she caught sight of the prince.
She allowed herself one last, deeper exhale. “Close the doors, please,” she instructed the guards. All four of them – the two who had brought in the prince, and the two stationed outside her door – blinked at her in surprise.
“But, Your Majesty—”
“I’ll be fine, Leif,” she interrupted the oldest guard. “Now please, if you will—return to your posts, and close the doors.”
Leif frowned in disapproval, shooting the prince a threatening look, but did as was commanded of him, maintaining eye contact with his queen until the doors were finally shut.
Her attention turned back to her guest, and the thump returned louder than ever.
“Your Majesty.”
Her stomach turned.
»» —— ««
“I hope you’ll excuse my poor appearance,” he said, his bare and shackled hands gesturing at his dirtied uniform. “I didn’t have the chance to clean up before this, so I look more or less like I did the last time we met.”
She ignored the jab. “I was told you’re leaving today, on the French ambassador’s ship.”
He rolled his shoulders back, standing upright. “So I was told as well. Though I wasn’t expecting to see you again before I left.” He eyed her hands with wary interest, and then met her hard stare. “May I ask why I have the pleasure of being called upon by Her Majesty for a… private audience?”
She frowned and crossed her arms, and then looked away, gazing out the window at the mountains in the distance. She listened carefully to the jangling of his cuffs, assuring herself that he had not stepped any closer, and breathed.
“Why did you save me?”
She heard the surprise in his voice. “Why did I—I’m not sure what you mean, Your Majesty.”
She glanced at him, and then towards the window, directing his gaze there. “Up on the North Mountain. You brought me back here, alive,” she repeated, “and I want to know why.”
“I told you in that cell that I needed you to stop the winter,” he replied, his brow furrowing. “You were the only one who could.”
She frowned. “Don’t lie, Hans. There’s no need for it anymore.”
He matched her expression. “I don’t know what it is that you want, or expect, me to say.”
Ice crept up her crossed arms from her fingertips until she noticed him staring at it—at which she reddened, disappearing it again. “You could’ve let me kill Weselton’s men, and then killed me, married Anna, ruled Arendelle like you planned to,” she explained. “Or you could’ve just killed all of us, and blamed it on me. Everyone would’ve believed you either way, after seeing what I did at the coronation ball.”
She looked up at her father’s portrait briefly, behind and a ways away from Hans, and felt filled with dread. She pushed past it, asking again: “But you didn’t. You brought me back here, to that cell. Why?”
His gaze narrowed at her. “Because I’m not an idiot like Weselton,” he retorted. “And I’ve spent enough time in libraries reading up on old folklore to know that killing you wouldn’t necessarily have done anything about the eternal winter.” He eyed her meaningfully. “And, as it turns out, I was right. Magic could only be undone with magic,” he said, adding with distaste: “That is, if you consider love to be magic.”
She glowered at him, and then took a few steps closer, stopping just within two feet of him. He regarded the move with suspicion, but did not budge. “Something tells me you’re not satisfied with my answer,” he remarked.
“Because there’s still something missing from it. Because…” Her face flushed suddenly, and she placed a hand over it to calm herself. “You saw what a danger I was to myself, to others. But you still thought you could… what, control it? Convince me to ‘come back to the light’?” She shook her head. “It doesn’t make sense. Someone like you should’ve known better, should’ve—”
“Killed you?” he interrupted, earning a dark look from her. “Is that what you wanted?” At her silence, he sighed. “No. I didn’t think so.” His brow rose. “I didn’t see someone who wanted to die, on that mountain. You were fighting for your survival—desperately so.” He added: “I respected that.”
Her cheeks pinked, and she looked away from him. “You don’t respect anything,” she muttered, “especially not me.”
A strange light came into his eyes.
“Is that what this is about, Elsa?”
The informal address, coupled with his predatory look, made her skin crawl and the air grew colder. “What are you talking about?”
He suppressed a half-smile. “I understand, it’s a… difficult question to ask,” he replied, “especially to someone like me.”
She frowned. “Stop being cryptic. It’s not in the least bit interesting.”
He continued to eye her with discomfiting attention. “Then be honest. Ask me what’s really been on your mind, all this time.”
Ice traced the outlines of his cuffs and stung at his already raw and red wrists, making him wince. She scowled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Hans,” she repeated through gritted teeth, “so if you’d like to keep your hands, you’d better come right out and say what you mean.”
She watched as he struggled to answer, frostbite creeping into his skin, his breath coming out in shorter bursts.
Don’t be the monster they fear you are.
Her eyes widened as she stepped back, and she clutched her hands to her chest, the ice retreating from his binds with them. He gasped and shuddered as it did, rubbing his hands together for warmth, glancing at her all the while.
She turned away, unable to face him. “I—I didn’t mean to do that,” she stuttered. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“I do.”
»» —— ««
The room came back into focus.
“You do,” she repeated in disbelief.
“Yes,” he replied, “because I understand the instinct to lash out when you’re feeling trapped. I’m the same way.”
“Don’t compare yourself to me,” she snapped, her temper alighting anew. “Don’t pretend you understand, or know, anything about me. You’re just trying to get a rise out of me, to catch me off-guard so that you can harm me in some way, like you did to Anna.” She took two steps closer to him, her hands clenching into fists. “But I’m not her.”
“No, you’re not,” he agreed, staring down at her with unabashed fascination. “In many ways, you’re hardly alike at all. And isn’t that why you brought me in today?” There was an unsettling sort of understanding in his look. “To prove that you’re different; to prove that I chose wrong.”
Her skin boiled under his gaze. “That isn’t true,” she seethed, feeling an odd heat spread throughout her body until she was nearly shaking from it. “I don’t have anything to prove to you.”
“Of course not,” he nodded, “but…” He paused to raise an eyebrow. “It seems to me there’s still a part of you that wants to know.”
Her lips were dry again.
“Know what?”
He took one step forward, leaving only a foot of space between them.
“Why I chose the Princess, and not the Queen.”
»» —— ««
She couldn’t hide the color of her face from him—not when he was that close.
“Anna already told me why,” she said, frowning. “I was ‘preferable,’ but ‘nobody was getting anywhere’ with me—those were your exact words, I believe.”
“She – and you – have a good memory,” he returned, making her frown deepen. “Yes, I did say that. But that explanation wasn’t good enough for you, was it, Elsa?” He craned his head forward a little, his expression dark and knowing. “You thought – no, you knew – that there must be another reason. A better reason.”
Her skin was crawling again, but in a way that felt unfamiliar.
She almost choked on her words. “And what, exactly, would that be?”
He smiled. “Do you want the real answer, or the answer that you want to hear?”
“There’s no difference,” she rejoined, her voice cracking. “I only ever want the truth.”
“Oh, Elsa,” he countered with a sigh, his head falling back, “I really must beg to differ.” When he peered down at her again, there was something akin to pity in his eyes. “What you want, I think, is for me to admit that I was wrong: that I should’ve gone after you, tried to woo you and become King of Arendelle through you, and not Anna.” He paused to take in her enraged, fearsome blue irises. “You want me to tell you that I was a fool.”
Her teeth ground so hard together that her jaw hurt, and she found her mouth too dry to form a response. He studied her appearance closely, and continued: “Well, Elsa, if that’s what you want, then yes: I admit that I was impatient, and was looking for the easiest way in—which, unfortunately for your sister, happened to be her.” At her warning look, he added: “Which was, of course, terrible of me to do. Especially when her older sister happened to be a much better match.”
The crawling sensation reached her stomach, and she nearly gasped at the sensation.
“You disgust me,” she spat.
“I know,” he said. “And that’s perfectly reasonable, given what I’ve done to you and yours. In fact, I’m being shipped back to certain punishment at home for it.” His eyes tightened. “But that doesn’t mean you haven’t thought about it. That you’re not thinking about it, still.”
He smiled at the appalled shock that spread across her features at the comment. “And that’s the real answer, Elsa: that I’ve thought about it, too. More than you can imagine.”
The heat in her stomach was unbearable, but she couldn’t break eye contact with him. “I’m sure you have,” she said, though with less repulsed conviction than she’d wanted to convey. “You’ve had an extra week to think things over, after all.”
“I’ve thought about it for longer than that,” he replied, causing her cheeks to flush anew. “I was just distracted, before, by my poorly-plotted ambitions.” At her eye-roll, he continued: “On that mountain, when I saw what your powers could do… it moved me, Elsa. Like nothing else had in a long, long time. And if I’d been smarter then, if I’d been thinking properly, I—”
He paused for effect, and she couldn’t help but take the bait.
“You’d have done what, Hans? Tried to ‘get somewhere’ with me, while I was weak and vulnerable and out of my right mind? Use my powers to your own ends?” She scoffed. “Yes, I suppose that would’ve been like you to do. But you didn’t. And even if you had,” she went on, “do you really think that I would have fallen at your feet, just like that? Especially after that… inane display you put on with Anna at the ball.” She glared at him. “I knew you were just a stupid pretty boy chasing the crown, and I wasn’t proven wrong.”
A grin tugged at the corner of his lips. “So that did bother you,” he remarked. “I thought you might’ve been a little jealous at the time, but I wasn’t sure ‘til now.” He chuckled a little. “I can’t say anything for certain about what might’ve happened, had I acted differently,” he admitted, “but… neither can you.”
She wanted to deny the claim outright, but her mouth was drier than ever.
»» —— «« 
The silence in the room was suffocating.
“That’s not true,” she said finally, her lip trembling as she met his stare again. “I know I wouldn’t have. I know it.”
“You don’t sound too convinced, Elsa.”
Her eyes crackled. “What does it matter? You made your choices already, what’s done is done—and now we’re here.”
“Indeed we are,” he concurred, peering at her. “But is this where you want to be?”
“I am where I belong,” she snapped, “and soon you will be, too.”
“Yes, I suppose that’s so,” he said, his lip curling at the reminder. “But that won’t stop me from thinking about it. And I don’t think it’ll stop you, either.”
Her head tilted up until she was sure that he could see her contempt. “I told you, Hans: don’t pretend like you know me, or my thoughts. You don’t know a damn thing.”
He didn’t miss a beat. “You’re right: I don’t know you,” he echoed her, “and I can’t know what’s in your mind.” His olive eyes gleamed under the afternoon sun that streamed in through the windows. “But I see you, Elsa.”
Her blood pulsed under her skin, and tears pricked at her eyes. “I don’t believe that,” she murmured, shaking her head. Her gaze traveled up, and stopped.
He glanced at the crown atop her head. “Is it so hard to believe that someone could see you as you really are?” He followed her eyes to where they rested on the portrait of the old king, and sighed. “Oh, Elsa. You know he probably never did.”
Her jaw was tight as she blinked back her tears. “I know,” she replied, turning to him. “I can’t rely on his pity anymore, and I certainly don’t want yours.” 
He looked surprised by her hardened expression, and she continued: “I know the stories you told Anna about your brothers, and of how cruel they were to you. If they’re true, I can only imagine how lonely you must have been growing up.” Her stare was probing. “And that’s why you think you understand me: because you think we’re not so different.”
He frowned at the remark. “Elsa, I…”
She drew closer to him again, and glared at his downturned lips. “Perhaps we aren’t, Hans. And that’s the real reason, isn’t it? Why you could never really want me.” The sun retreated behind the clouds, casting her in shadow. “Not if you pity me, as you must pity yourself.”
He flinched under her interrogation, opening his mouth to speak—and then closed it again, chuckling dryly. “I guess you’ve got me all figured out, Elsa,” he muttered. “So there’s nothing left to say.”
She paused to study his face, noticing every bit of dirt caked into his skin and hair, and stepped back. “No,” she agreed, “I suppose not.”
She held his gaze for a few moments longer, and then walked to the window, observing him in the reflection behind her.
“You should go,” she said, her head turning halfway over her shoulder. “The ship will be leaving soon.”
She heard his cuffs clink as he stepped back. “Then I’ll be going. Goodbye, Queen Elsa.”
Her breath caught in her throat, and by the time she was ready to speak – to say anything at all – he had already left the room, the doors closed after him.
Alone, she found her gaze drawn to her father’s portrait once more. He continued to stare into the distance, never looking back at her—never seeing her, just as Hans had said.
She turned away from the painting at the thought, looking back towards the window, and regarded her reflection. It seemed different from before – as if her features had been imbued with a new and strange light – and she wondered if it was real, or just a trick of the sun as it escaped the clouds, illuminating the earth in a warm glow.
Is it so hard to believe that someone could see you as you really are?
Her heart thudded dully at the recollection as she stared, watching as her eyes sparkled like sapphires, a rare smile forming on her reflection’s lips.
“I see you,” she whispered to it, tracing those lips on the glass with her fingers.
Her tears fell even as her smile grew.
“Maybe for the first time.”
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helsaguy · 4 years
hi i love frozen and just found your blog and was hoping you could answer some questions because i see a lot of stuff on your blog that surprises me and that i haven't known. i hear rumors of some course correct going on but i was wondering if this is true and how people know this? what would happen? did they really think to redeem hans at one point? where did they talk about how they got hans' actor to come back? can helsa become canon with honeymaren and people wanting elsa to be gay?
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If you love Frozen, I’m afraid you find my blog at a dark time. As I no longer consider myself a Frozen lover. Yes, I still hold some good old memories from the first film but all my love and respect goes to Helsa (Elsa and Hans). I love Elsa, I’m a Hans fan, and a Helsa shipper forever and always. None of those categories include me being a Frozen fan. And I don’t even want to talk about my extreme hatred toward- I don’t even feel like typing the title of that forsaken sequel.
Having said that I’ll try to respond as much as I can, as much as I know, and as much as I heard.
I’m going to add a cut here because this is a very long message. Like 1900 words long.
I have a little of an idea about those “some course correct” you talk about. But first of all; I don’t think anything is confirmed. It all started most likely with this video #StarsInTheHouse #30: Bobby Lopez, Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Santino Fontana, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff. If you go to ‘1:07:50′ you hear Kristen Anderson-Lopez mention “Frozen 3″ but nothing is really said about a third movie happening. I think someone asked if there was a wedding somewhere. And Kristen says that’s Frozen 3. So I assume she’s talking about a Kristanna wedding happening for Frozen 3. Then again I don’t even know if they are being serious or they are just playing around talking about a Frozen 3 that is not in the making.
Josh Gad then jumps saying that ‘he won’t come back for a Frozen 3 if Santino Fontana doesn’t come back.’ Josh says that Santino has to come back. Santino either is touched by Josh’s words or he plays being touched by Josh’s words. Then Kristen says that there are a lot of angry people on the internet complaining about the same thing; I assume she means Santino not coming back for the sequel. And Robert adds that some people complain or blame the Anderson-Lopez for that? But the couple says they had nothing to do with that. Jennifer is the main culprit. Santino seems to appreciate that people want him back but comments about being hard to do so after “hanging a sword over a girl’s head” and he goes to talk about him now being father to a girl. Josh Gad goes to talk about how Darth Vader tried to kill both his children and he still was redeemed, meaning that there’s still hope for Hans.
And here I have to say that people seriously need to stop with the idea that Hans is this demon that came from Hell because they couldn’t be more wrong. This whole thing of Hans being an “Irredeemable monster” is so f*cking stupid and so f*cking forced. I’m so sure it came right from Jennifer Lee’s a** to spite fans. There are thousand of Disney villains, real villains, who are real monsters. Who have done far worse than Hans. But Hans is the one getting this absurd amount of hate? Are they f*cking kidding me?
I don't hold anything of importance said on that video as set in stone. But anyone who wants or needs to think there is truth in that conversation can come to the conclusions of:
A Frozen 3 could happen. I think anyone knew already that if this franchise keeps being popular, Disney would figure out a way to make a third film. Because all they care about is dirty money. Personally I'm only interested in a third film if they bring back Hans, redeem him, and have Helsa happening at-freaking-last. If they are going to make a third film all about Kristanna getting married and Elsa being treated like an immaculate supernatural being in the forest, all the while Hans keeps being forgotten and mocked for some cheap laughs, Jennifer Lee and her crew can very well go f*ck themselves with a giant cactus for all I care. That's just my personal opinion. My very strong personal opinion.
Josh Gad and the Lopezes, mostly Josh Gad, want Santino Fontana back. Which at that I’d like to think it is because they see how much he is missed and they know his character has so much to give. Also I would like to believe they are talking this way for the sake of the fans. Hans not coming back at all is one of the main reasons for why I’m beyond pissed at the Frozen sequel and I know I’m not the only one feeling this way.
“What would happen?” I don’t know what you mean by that.
“Did they really think to redeem Hans at one point?” Definitely yes. And this is the interview that gave many Hans fans, me absolutely included, hope 6 years ago. Jump to ‘minute 17′ and they start talking about the Frozen sequel. Santino got in contact with the writers to see if he was going to be in the new film and - I’m really feeling like insulting the writers right now. But I won’t because I have to focus on the fact that it is the directors and not the writers calling the shots - the writers tell Santino that they want to bring him back and redeem him. This has been known for years and the fact that Hans’ “participation” in the sequel turned out to be f*cking nothing, is a huge problem for me. A very huge problem. If there’s not foam coming out of my mouth right now, I’m sure that at least my blood is boiling in my veins.
I’ve read more about the dropped redemption plot from @leepunzel​. But I don’t know how reliable she or “her source” really is. So it’s up to you if you want to ask her more about this.
"Where did they talk about how they got Hans' actor to come back?” I don’t know where you get “Santino coming back” is a fact. Like I said, I don’t think anything of that Stars in the House video is official. As far as I know there’s been talks about a “Frozen 3″; I’ve seen people on YouTube who have access to press information drop the title, “Frozen 3″. But nothing is fully official or confirmed yet.
Also, 6 years ago Santino was ready to come back. Now? I don’t see him that convinced if the opportunity presents. Which, being brutally honest, I find truly sad. Painful even. I want Santino Fontana to come back. Hans’ redemption and Helsa are the only things that would make me want to give my money to Disney again. But I don’t blame the actor if for whatever reason he doesn’t come back if this “third movie” ever happens. God, there’s nothing I want more than for Hans’ redemption and Helsa to happen. Disney can come up with all the animated movies and live action remakes they want. But all I want, all I need, all I care about is Hans’ redemption and Helsa. Nothing more. Nothing less.
“Can Helsa become canon with *one*m*r** and people wanting Elsa to be gay?” Yes. Personally I don’t care about the new characters. They could be dropped and completely forgotten for a third movie and I seriously wouldn’t care. I think most people wouldn’t care. None of the new characters are relevant or important. And I think the only new characters people really care or talk about are the fire and water spirits anyway. I dare say that Helsa happening has even more chances of succeeding because that would be a compelling story and it wouldn’t cause the film to be banned in other countries. Besides, every time Disney (or Pixar) has come up with LGBT characters in their films they always seem to get backlash. It’s clear that it doesn’t matter how much Disney tries to insert an LGBT character, it just doesn’t work in a positive way. That’s what I’ve seen anyway. Very few people show their approval at the revelations while most only critique, bash, and complain. And I doubt very much Disney wants Elsa to be victim of that kind of treatment. While if Helsa happens, the story will obviously have to show how Hans really doesn’t want to be “the monster everyone thinks he is” and they would show how Hans and Elsa really grow to care for each other. Could something like that generate backlash? In my opinion it shouldn’t. Maybe a little? But it really shouldn’t. However I’m convinced that story would be beautiful.
"If we get Frozen 3 what do you think will happen and what do you think they can do with the characters with where they are right now?”
If Frozen 3 happens, I will always want nothing more than what I have already stated several times. But I really don’t trust the directors and writers. So I have no idea what they will do. Probably come up with bad ideas and poor development and characterizations like they have done already in the sequel. It’s going to be super hard for them to come back from that fiasco in my eyes.
What do I think they can do with the characters? First of all I think they should break Kristanna up. There’s this deleted scene from the sequel where Kristoff actually has a serious character arc that involves him being insecure or uncomfortable living a “royal life” and I think it hints at Anna thinking that maybe they shouldn’t be together? I think that’s neat. I think I haven’t seen that in a while in a Disney movie. The last time I saw a couple deciding they shouldn’t be together was at the end of Pocahontas 2. But not many pay attention to that direct-to-video sequel xD Quite frankly the whole idea of Kristoff being married to a queen and having to live as a royal is one of the most uncomfortable things the sequel came up with. I can’t imagine for the life of me that Kristoff is the type of character that would want something like that. For a character like Aladdin that story works. He wanted the life in a palace style and I loved how in the live action movie it is clear that Jasmine is the one who wants to rule the kingdom and Aladdin just wants to be there for her as her right hand. But as much as I imagine Kristoff wants to be there for Anna, the palace life doesn’t suit him. He never expressed wanting that life. And the same goes with Anna wanting to be queen. That’s not the life she wanted either. The whole “Anna being queen” thing did ruin Kristanna for me.
Hans is easy because he is a resourceful and adaptable character. To me his home lies with Elsa. If Elsa stays in the forest, Hans can adapt. I would imagine he would even adapt faster than Elsa to that life. If Elsa goes back to Arendelle, Hans definitely has things he could do. He could want to take a simple job as a commoner if he doesn’t have his royal title anymore. He could go for a military position as he already has military training. Or he could be taken as an advisor for either Anna or Elsa (if Elsa wants to take back the responsibility she literally dumped on her sister’s shoulders), as Hans has shown aptitudes as a diplomat and leader. He could be a big help for the inexperienced Anna, or he could help lift some of those duties from Elsa’s shoulders when she feels she needs some time out for her sake. Hans is more valuable as an ally than an enemy. And the directors were seriously stupid when they decided to keep him out. No wonder Hans wanted to “find his own place” in Arendelle. He really does have so much good to offer.
Something also interesting, although too political maybe, would be the "what if" Anna and Elsa want to end the monarchy? What if Elsa doesn’t want to be queen again and Anna doesn’t want to be either? Maybe Anna remembers she actually wants to have an outdoors life with Kristoff, or she just doesn’t find herself as queen? I honestly think that job will consume her. What if Elsa and Anna come up with an idea to turn Arendelle into a democracy or whatever? Both sisters would be free to do and go wherever they want.
This last option is the most unlikely to work, but who knows. Disney could find a way to not make it sound so political.
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lunatens · 5 years
campus antics
word count: 1744
genre: fluFFFFF
pairing: han jisung x gender neutral reader
summary: college!au where jisung’s the cute, popular kid you’ve got an intense hallway crush on but you can’t seem to avoid embarrassing yourself every time you talk to him
a/n: lemme know if y’all want me to write a part 2 to this!! it’ll probably be better than this flaslkjdfsk sorry
song rec: can’t blame a girl for trying - sabrina carpenter
there he is, sitting at that picnic table he seems to always be at, headphones on and intently focused on his laptop like usual. his foot taps a steady beat on the ground as his head bobs slightly and you think you see him mumbling to himself. you’ve had a crush on han jisung since the moment you first saw him, and ever since then you find yourself silently hoping you’ll pass by him in the halls (not that you’ll do anything, but there’s no harm in admiring from afar, right) to catch a glimpse of him and his cute face.
you’ve discovered his favourite hangout place is this picnic table—it’s a beautiful day, and the breeze keeps ruffling his shaggy hair. annoyed, he moves to brush it out of his eyes, and when he does so he makes eye contact with you on the pathway. it’s only now that you realize you’ve stopped walking entirely, and when jisung flashes you an awkward, close-lipped smile you immediately turn and walk away briskly. your face is burning red as a tomato; hopefully you turned around quickly enough that jisung didn’t notice you practically drooling over him. you silently curse yourself, internally groaning as you pray jisung doesn’t think you’re a creep or a weirdo.
you’ve never actually spoken to him before; for one thing, he’s in a different program, so you never have classes together. he’s a music kid (which you think is the coolest thing ever) while you’re a med student. you love your program and you excel in all your classes, but you always admire the more creative and artistic people—like jisung. he also happens to be a member of several of your college’s clubs, which you suspect is how he became so popular. it seems everyone on campus knows jisung’s name, and when he’s not alone at the picnic table he’s almost always surrounded by a group of people laughing and talking with him—yet another reason you’ve never gathered the nerve to talk to him. you’re certain he doesn’t know you exist; that is, unless he permanently remembers you from the awkward eye contact you just made (you know it’s definitely seared into your own memory). you try to push the embarrassment to the back of your mind as you make your way to the lab—although as you fall asleep that night the moment replays over and over in your head, and you really hope you get a chance to redeem yourself.
unfortunately, the next time you come face to face with jisung, it doesn’t go much more smoothly—if anything, you’re even more embarrassed now than before. you’re running late to one of your classes; literally, you’re sprinting down the hall trying to make it on time (you know this professor hates students coming in late and interrupting his lesson, but you don’t like missing out on class so you’re trying your best to make it on time). you whizz around a corner, then WHAM! you find yourself flat on your stomach, although rather than feeling the cold surface of the floor beneath you, you wince as you realize there’s a person underneath you.
“i’m so sorry!!” you say as you scramble to get up, gathering the few things you dropped. you’re extremely flustered now, and would really like to just leave for class, leaving all this embarrassment behind. but, being the kind, considerate person you are, you stick out your hand to help the person up. he groans and grabs your hand, sitting up from the floor, and you quietly gasp as you recognize jisung—if you thought your face was red before, you should see it now.
“oh my god, jisung! i-i am SO sorry, i was just really in a rush to class and didn’t see you, wow i can’t believe i did that!” you pull jisung to his feet, half mumbling to yourself.
“it’s okay, i get it—you’ve got places to be! how did you know my name though?” he asks; he seems mildly confused, but not overly alarmed. you, on the other hand, are burning bright red, unable to believe you really just let slip you already know who he is.
“oh uh, doesn’t like everyone on campus know who you are?” you say in an attempt to play it off. jisung laughs softly and looks down at the ground.
“yeah, i guess you could say a few people know me. well listen, it was nice to meet you…” he says, voice trailing off as he waits for you to finish his sentence.
“oh, i’m just y/n,” you clarify, smiling shyly.
“y/n! you seem like you’re in a hurry and i don’t wanna keep you from where you’re going, but it was nice to meet you! i’ll see you around campus,” jisung says and with a small smile and wave, he’s walking down the hall towards where you came from. you stand frozen for a moment before remembering you have a class to get to, so you turn and make your way to class, not really caring about being late anymore since walking in and interrupting class can’t be more embarrassing than what just happened.
“you didn’t even get his number??” minho asks, astounded and, frankly, disappointed.
“minho, i RAN INTO HIM!! i don’t think he wants my number,” you say. you were studying that night and you made sure to facetime your best friend minho to tell him everything—you always go to him for advice. you look up from your notes to see him roll his eyes at you.
“well i mean he still talked to you, so he couldn’t have been THAT grossed out by you,” minho teases. “but you gotta get a chance to talk to him again,” minho says.
“…i’ll try,” you tell minho, although you know you’re still way too intimidated to just go up and talk to jisung. “now we should probably actually study, exams are coming up,” you remind minho. just like that the topic is switched and the two of you are studying, although jisung is in the back of your mind the whole time.
the third time you interact with jisung is, unfortunately, probably (definitely) the most embarrassing of all. you’re in the library, notes and textbooks spread across the table as you frantically scour them for helpful information, coffee always within arm’s reach. you’ve been spending a lot of time at the library recently, studying as hard as you can to ace your exams. a couple times you’ve seen jisung in passing, either at his usual spot or walking by just in the halls (on the rare occasion he sees you he’ll flash a smile your way and yes, your heart flutters every time), but you’re careful to avoid much interaction in fear of making a fool of yourself. you’re trying not to think about him too much anyways; your exams are really important, and a distraction is the last thing you need (although maybe you wouldn’t mind so much if it was jisung).
“uhhh, y/n?” a voice says from beside you. you look up to see jisung, surprisingly. “is this seat taken?” he asks, gesturing to the chair beside you. you shake your head, mildly in shock. jisung pulls the chair out and takes a seat beside you, pulling out his own study notes.
“what’s up jisung?” you ask, still confused as to why he’s studying with you.
“oh, i need someone’s opinions on some songs i’ve been working in for my final assignments. my friends are too biased to give me an honest opinion, but when i walked in here and saw you i figured it might be worth a shot. wanna listen?” he says. offering his headphones to you. dumbfounded, you take them. he clicks a couple things on his laptop then turns to see your reaction, biting his lip nervously.
as the song begins to play, your eyes widen and you look at jisung (who’s quite flustered and sheepish). you figured jisung was talented simply by the sheer amount of time he seems to spend working on his laptop, but you never imagined he’d be this good.
“jisung…this is amazing,” you say as you take off his headphones.
“you really think so?” he says, and you can tell he’s trying to hold back his excitement.
“yeah, like, wow. i can’t believe you made that,” you say, truly amazed by the song you just heard. you move to hand back his headphones, and that’s when it happens; you accidentally knock over your coffee cup. the hot beverage spills, staining your notes brown and dripping off the edge of the table onto the carpeted floor. thank god nothing got on jisung’s laptop, however it did happen to spill onto his lightwash jeans and white shoes.
“oh my god. jisung i-i’m so sorry!!” you say, looking at him in horror. how you manage to embarrass yourself every time you do something around him you don’t know, but you wish you could run away and hide forever.
“y/n, it’s okay, don’t worry about it. it’ll come out in the wash,” jisung simply laughs a little and reassured you. “you’re really clumsy though,” he says, poking fun at you.
“i feel so bad!” you pout, and it’s true—especially because jisung is so frickin CUTE and talented and popular and why the heck he’s talking to you you have no idea but you really wish you could stop making a fool of yourself for once.
“okay fine, i have a way you can make it up to me. take me out for coffee tomorrow, i’ll meet you in front of the library tomorrow at 2, see you tomorrow y/n!” jisung says, and before you get the chance to answer he gets up and leaves, with you watching him hurry out, bewildered. you turn back to the mess on the table in front of you, and as you start cleaning up you notice jisung’s number scribbled on one of the dry sheets of paper (he’s also drawn a little heart, which makes you smile to yourself). you decide you’re done studying for the day, so after you clean everything up and apologize to the librarian, you head home, wondering how you of all people managed to get ask out by jisung of all people—you’re not complaining though, and you find yourself almost skipping gleefully back to your dorm in anticipation of your date tomorrow.
requested by anon <3
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srawesleyghuewrites · 5 years
Back To You - Chapter 8
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Series: Back To You(Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7)
For desktop users: masterlist
For mobile users: mobile masterlist
Pairing: Drake x MC(Anna Grey)
Faceclaim: Daniel di Tomasso as Drake Walker, Elizabeth Olsen as Anna Grey and Paul Wesley as King Liam
Book: The Royal Romance
Word Count: ~ 2200
Rating:  M for language
A little green velvet box and Anna’s harsh words send Drake into a trance os possibilities, a future with her and one without. But which one should he choose? Which one could he choose? 
Disclaimer: The characters don’t belong to me(except for Anna Grey),  I just borrow them from Pixelberry!
Completely, Inevitably, Deeply
And what's the point in hiding?
Everybody knows we got unfinished business
And I'll regret it if I didn't say
This isn't what it could be (isn't what it could be)
It’s been twenty minutes since Anna left and Drake hasn’t moved at all, still frozen in place, trying to absorb everything that happened. Since she told him her decision seems like time passes at a weird speed and while he’s only processing the first information there’s already a new crisis to stop.
And then when time has finally returned to him, his silence towards her question and it’s importance hits him in the gut right away. He swears, letting out a deep breath as the weight of the situation finally sinks in.
The first thing he should do is find her and fix things, but he can’t do that before figuring out what he can actually give her. And for that, he’s gonna need to understand how the box in his pocket connects to everything.
Maxwell was experimenting some of the appetizers when Anna poked him in the side, she had tears in her eyes and a look that said “don’t ask why” so that’s what he did. He’s competing against her on who can put more appetizers on their mouth at the same time when Drake enters the ballroom again. And it doesn’t take more than a second for him to realize that whatever is wrong with Anna has to do with Drake. Especially with the apprehensive and guilty way he’s looking at her, and how she’s intentionally ignoring him.
“Don’t ask Max. Because I might not know what to answer.”
She says after quickly swallowing the food on her mouth and drinks a little champagne to help.
“I was...not...goinf-...! Mouth...too..full!!!”
He babbles the words and she takes a moment to understand, he has to open his mouth to make it easier and prove the point that he won. They both laugh at his goofiness and Maxwell’s happy that he was able to put a smile on his best friend face, until Drake approaches both of them.
“I’ll leave you two alone.”
The young Beaumont tries to leave them be, knowing this isn’t his business, however she holds him by the arm and turns to fully face Drake, her grey piercing eyes burning with anger on his.
“No Max, it’s not… just don’t. Drake and I have nothing to talk about.”
“Yes we do. Come on.”
“No. You don’t get to do that, not tonight, not ever, not again. You don’t want a future with me and you’re not gonna get one, so excuse us.”
Her words make time stop again and even before they leave Drake’s already lost in thought again. They echo in his brain until he’s found himself imagining exactly what they mean, and how they affect him so deeply and completely.
“I thought you wouldn’t come.”
Hana smiles at him, holding his face on her hands and giving him a peck on both cheeks before adjusting his tie. Everything he can give her is a weak smile.
“I almost didn’t, we both know how much I hate this Han. I’m here because of Liam.”
And Anna. That’s what he almost blurts out, luckily he caughts himself and then a well known voice came from behind him.
“As always.”
She looks as beautiful as ever in a red dress, but doesn’t have her usual amazing smile, instead she has tears in her eyes that quickly start falling. He cleans them with his thumb, wondering what happened to leave her like that.
“What happened Grey?”
“I’m just giving you what you want.”
She’s sobbing now, her always so strong and fierce eyes look empty and so lost he can’t help to embrace her. Bringing her body close to his as a relief for both of them, kissing the top of her head when he wants to be kissing her lips and telling her everything will be alright.
But the minute he pulls her close she disappears from his arms, becoming just a puff of nothing, a void of pain. Drake searches the room for her or any sign that he didn’t just dream that, but it all seems normal, even Hana standing next to him with a friendly smile.
The night goes on as if nothing happened and when he asks about Anna to people, they simply ignore and go on about their lives. After a lot of whiskeys he forgets about the incident and searches for her in the ballroom, hoping his partner of sneaking out of parties will be with him soon enough. Except that soon never comes because she’s nowhere in sight, like she’s been erased from his future.
“It’s not too late you know.”
Hana’s real voice brings him out of his trance. She’s standing next to him with a sympathetic smile and two glasses of champagne. Her eyes are focused on the other side of the ballroom and Drake follows her gaze to Anna, the sight of her makes his heart flutter. And then break, because as soon as their gaze meets he can see the teary eyes, that immediately turn to Maxwell asking if they could go out for air or something. She just can’t stand him looking at her like that and he knows it.
“Are you sure Han? Because this time it’s all a hundred times more fucked up than before.”
He takes the champagne she offered and drinks it at once, trying to ease the pain it was to see her leaving like that and worse, to know he’s the reason why she’s hurting so much.
“And I have no idea how to fix it.”
“Oh honey, that’s easy.”
She puts a comforting hand on his shoulder, shifting his attention from the place where Anna were to her own friendly face. Even after all of this, he’s still not sure how he got such an amazing friend like Hana, especially when he keeps screwing up with everybody. But Hana sees it differently, she acknowledges how deeply he cares about the people he loves and how Drake has no idea about showing that care. So the next words come out of her mouth naturally:
“I know you love us Drake and we love you too, however you really have a hard time showing it. Something inside keeps you from truly showing this, and right now? Anna needs it. She needs to know you love her. Because we both know you do, completely, inevitably, deeply.”
“And telling her that doesn’t erase or change your love for Liam. You’re not hurting him by loving her, in fact, I think it hurts him to see you walk away from your love.”
“She wants to know about the future. If I want one with her.”
He lowers his head and lets out a shaky breath, the subject and her words tossing and turning in his thoughts. Hana touches his chin to make him look at her, and Drake’s very surprised to see her grinning at him and then moving her hand from his chin to his chest, right over the heart.
“I believe the answer is right here and it’s been there for a while.”
He doesn’t know if she’s talking about his heart or the box she just squeezed on his left pocket, but either way, it takes him to another reverie.
It’s been a fucking long long day for Drake, who angrily walks away from the castle doors, his footsteps strong and firm as his deadly gaze. Liam follows close behind with a huge tension vein popping just between his eyebrows and the million meetings he’s been attending might be the reason why. Or maybe he is simply guilty about how he’s been asking so much from Drake, causing those wrinkles on his forehead or the red eyes that betray his lie: “I’ve been sleeping just fine.”
He stops before entering the car and looks back at his friend, gaze softening at the worry clear in Liam’s features. Drake opens the door without saying a word and then drops his head, thinking of how to say for him to get the hell out without being rude. Then he realizes that every second he wastes thinking is a second longer away from home, so he takes a deep breath before staring back into those blue eyes.
“It’s fine Liam. I didn’t mean to storm out, but I’ve been in this castle, on those dreadful meetings, for over a week. Do you have any idea what another week would be like?”
“I’m aware of that and I’m deeply sorry but I don’t know what I could do to change. You are in charge of security and it’s necessary that you’re here for this, it’s about bureaucracy but also about danger. I thought we both knew that.”
Drake stiffens his hold on the door, letting out a gasp of incredulity towards his words and then more aggressively than necessary he answers:
“And we both know Valtoria is in danger too, my wife is in danger and I can’t stand here another day without her, without making sure that I can protect her.”
He enters the car and closes the door, quickly sending a message to his staff about going home when Liam’s head pokes inside his window. Drake couldn’t leave him alone to deal with that, not before the agreement has been signed.
“No Liam, I won’t change my mind. I gotta go.”
“I need you here Drake.”
“And I need her, more than anything.”
Drake takes off. The trip isn’t long but for him sure does sound like it, especially since he spent half of the time staring at their beautiful wedding pictures on his phone. It’s been barely over a year since they got married and he’s still crazy about her, so much that those two weeks away, those two weeks where he couldn’t touch her or protect her because he was protecting the kingdom were the hardest of his life. 
When he finally reached door to their bedroom, his heart was beating so fast it was almost like he was having a heart attack. Happens whenever they spend time apart but he’s not used to it yet, nor the butterflies still on his stomach by the time he opens the door.
She’s sleeping peacefully, since the clock on the nightstand marks 2:34 AM, and her breathing eases the worries he had. The slight sound of him closing the door wakes her and it takes about two seconds until she has a huge sword pointing at his chin’s height. This time away made her think a lot about safety, because her source of safeness was all the way in the palace and after everything she couldn’t take any more chances.
Her moves don’t scare him, there’s even a hint of a smile for how she’s capable of defending herself, which he already knew, but they hurt him because he can see how unsafe she feels without him around.
“What a welcome huh?”
“I’m sorry… I didn’t know there was a right time to enter my bedroom.”
“Our bedroom.”
“Yes, our.”
Once the shock is gone her eyes light up like they only do for him and her arms embrace him so tightly he can barely breathe. Then he kisses the top of her head and hugs her back, caressing her exposed back.
“I thought you would stay for another week.”
“I thought you didn’t allow a sword in the room.”
“I was sca-…”
“I know Grey, I was too. But I’m here now and I’m not planning on leaving you again.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, especially when you point my own sword to me.”
The vision is all it takes for him to know exactly what he wants, and he kisses Hana’s cheek as a ‘thank you’ before starting to walk fastly out of the ballroom. It isn’t hard to find Maxwell and Anna hiding near the font, Drake tries to create the necessary courage to say what he needs and approaches them slowly as to not make her run away like last time.
“Grey… I need…”
Anna says a little too loud, attracting some looks and then to smooth things over she continues in almost a whisper, but a firm one:
“You don’t get to talk to me again. Don’t you get it? You broke my heart Walker, you don’t get to try mend it now, or ever.”
With that she walks away, not even asking Maxwell to follow or saying anything, simply leaves him there. All the bad scenarios in his head become true at the same time and Drake feels like he’s wasting his time being around. Especially when neither her or Liam want him near.
“I’m leaving.”
“Drake, no.”
Says Hana, surging from the ballroom doors and understanding the situation quickly. However Drake ignores their words and starts walking away, not before hearing Hana’s last question and answering:
“There’s nothing left for me here.”
To be continued...
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damndescendants · 7 years
Princess to Queen
Writer - @damndescendants
Requested - @onehellofacaptain
Wonderful! So I was thinking that me (or my character, I should say) is the daughter of Prince Hans from Frozen and she's Uma's best friend and part of her crew along with Harry and Gil. She's good at sword fighting. She's really good friends with three three but she's crushing on Harry. She's envious of Ben and Mal because of how close they are to royalty. Maybe the imagine could take place during the scene on the ship and she taunts Mal with Ben on the plank? Ooh and can there be some sword fighting please? And since she likes Harry, can there be some cute moments between them, maybe while they're waiting for the others to come and possibly after the fight? Oh gosh I hope this makes sense and isn't too jumbled
Disclaimer - I do not own any of Descendants’ characters and/or ideas all credit goes to the creator and producers of Disney Descendants
Pairing - Harry Hook x Reader
Summary – The fight between Mal and her gang and Uma and her crew has a deeper meaning to (Y/N)
Warning(s) - mention past of abusive incidents from a parent, undressing (nothing sexual), blood and fighting
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“I still cannot stand them.” I started, “I’m more royalty than that little witch. Why are we stuck on this wretched island.” I slammed my hands down on the little table that sat in one of the small room on the ship. Uma, Gil, Harry, and I all were in the room watching the reruns of Mal and Ben from earlier.
“My princess.” Harry’s accent ran threw my ears as he tried to calm me down, I felt one of his hands touch my face and I leaned into it, closing my eyes, enjoying its warmth and comfort.
I’ve always had a crush on the hook handling pirate named Harry Hook. Although he was a little out there and as mad as the hatter he was caring, smart, and protective over the ones he loved. 
“We’re getting our revenge very soon. It’s almost time.” Uma said pulling all 3 of our attention towards her.
“I have a feeling that Mal and her little gang are gonna have some type little trick up their sleeves.” I said as I stood up and walked over to the window looking out it.
“Just because your father tricks everyone doesn’t mean every person is the same.” Gil pointed out and I saw Harry and Uma look at him angrily then looked at each other.
“Come with me Gil.” Uma said as she grabbed the back of his jacket forcing him to his feet, “I’ve got a job for you.”
“Oh! Cool, sounds fun.” Gil said as he was pushed out the door, Uma sent us a wink before closing it.
“He’s an air head.” Harry mumbled as he walked over to the tv monitor and turned it off.
I pushed my right gold glove covered hand across my body and underneath my white leather jacket and blue ripped up shirt feeling the large gash and bruise my father placed on my left shoulder.
“Let me see it.” Harry said just above a whispered from behind me as he pushed all my hair to one side and tugged at the jacket. I realized he set his hook on the table before coming over to me.
“No. Harry, I’m fine.” I mumbled back and tried pulling the jacket back up.
“I know you better than anyone, (Y/N).” His grip was stronger than mine, “Now let me see.” I gave in and let him pull the jacket down and my shirt up and off, I held my breath.
This was another reason I had fallen in love with Harry. He knew how I was and cared, he didn’t ignore it no matter how much I wanted him to. He truly did know me better than anyone because he was the only one I allowed to see all the parts of me, good and bad.
“I should’ve been there.” He said lowly as I felt his hand start running across the slash that started at the very top of my shoulder near my neck and ran downwards on an angle to the middle of back.
“No.” I whimpered out as the wound was still painful to the touch. “It was my fault, I talked back and made him mad.” I turned around to face him and saw as his eyes filled with tears.
“You don’t deserve that. I should’ve been there to make sure you were safe, princess. I failed you I’m so sorry.” Harry said hoarsely, grabbing my hips tightly in his hands as he tried hard to keep his tears from falling.
“Stop being sorry. It wasn’t you.” I said and grabbed his face in my hands.
“(Y/N), I’ve never told you this but you really need to know that I actual am in lo-”
“Guys!” Gil said as he cut off Harry by bursting threw the door, Harry put his body between me and the door, blocking my bra-cladded self from Gil, “They’re always here.” and with that he was gone.
“Let’s go get our revenge, princess.” Harry said as he grabbed my shirt for me and pulled it over my head minding the cut and completely abandoning what he was previously saying.
“Let’s go.” I smirked at him as I pulled my white leather jacket back over my shoulders and followed Harry out the door and towards the deck of the ship.
“Guys! They’re here!” Gil yelled out as we looked to the tunnel to see Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, and another girl come through it.
“Welcome!” Harry’s voice said as he held his arms out wide, holding his hook once again as I then strolled over to Ben and began pulling him towards the plank.
“Finally!” Uma yelled out and walked towards Mal who met her on the bridge that connect the docks and the ship.
Uma and Mal began arguing with each other as I taunted her with Ben on the end of the plank, Mal looked over every couple of seconds looking concerned for the boy. I pulled my sword from its sheath.
“What Mal? Did you think just because you left for Auradon that you’d get your happy ever after?” I poked the King’s back and he instantly moved forward out of fear, “You of all people know that never happens.” I let out a laugh and so did the rest of the crew.
“Give me Ben!” She screamed out.
“Give us the wand!” Uma yelled at her holding her hand out to Mal as she held the wand in her hand.
“(Y/N). Harry. Bring him over.” Uma said not taking her eyes off of Mal.
“Why can’t we ever have some fun.” I groaned out and handed Beasty Boy over to Harry who dragged him over to Uma but not before Gil told him to tell his parents what his father told him.
Harry pushed Ben to his knees on the bridge and Uma placed her arm on top of his head then put her hand out for Mal to put the wand in and Mal put her hand out towards Ben. I stood behind them next to Gil.
“Cut him loose, Harry.” Uma never took her eyes off of her.
“(Y/N)’s right. We never get to have any fun.” Harry said as he cut the ropes around Ben’s wrist with his sword that had red cloth tied around its handle.
Uma’s hand then held the wand and the deal was made, Uma came back to us and attempting to break the barrier but we discovered that I was right the had something up their sleeves; the wand was a fake.
“You don’t get to win every time, Mal!” Uma yelled out as Mal and her group quickly grabbed swords and come towards us ready to fight.
“Be careful.” Harry’s voice said from besides me before he went off to get a hold of Jay.
I ended up in front of the Auradon girl that none of us knew. Being the daughter of Prince Hans, I knew how to fight but so did this girl but I was not going to let some princess whose been handed everything in life win against me.
The loud clanking of our swords continued on and on, neither of us giving up easily. Then suddenly I found extra power and got the upper hand and topped over her our swords pushing against each other as she struggled not to fall.
“Real fighting is harder than it looks isn’t it.” I smirked down at her as she obviously struggled against my force. 
My left shoulder began hurting and the girl took advantage of it and quickly over powered me, pushing me back but I was able to recover and went back for her when she tried to knock my sword out of my hand, missing and ended up cutting my inside forearm causing blood to start pouring out, I dropped my sword and grabbed my arm out of instinct and she took her chance to leave and did so. I picked up my sword and started after her when I heard Harry’s voice.
“(Y/N)!” He was sopping wet and reaching a hand out and I took to help pull him up, Uma ran by and helped me slightly seeing my wounded arm.
“Mal’s mine!” She said after helping me pull Harry up and ran after her.
“You’re bleeding.” He said as he grabbed my arm looking at the cut.
“I’m fine, let’s go!” I said and began running towards what was happening, my adrenaline was still pumping.
I quickly got back into the fight with the same girl using my left hand instead after getting in a good few hits and a couple of cuts on her, the fight was cut short when Evie threw a smoke bomb onto the deck confusing us allowing the group to run off to the tunnel where Mal pushed the bridge connecting the docks and Isle down and into the water then vanished.
“This isn’t over.” Uma said and grabbed hold of her necklace and headed towards the beaches, grabbing Gil on her way.
“Dammit.” I yelled out and threw my sword down and away from me.
“Hey.” Harry said and grabbed me, “Uma will get her. That’s why we have the back up plan.”
“I hope so.” I growled out, still facing the empty tunnel.
“Let’s go get you fixed up.” Harry tugged me towards the ship and into his room below deck.
“She was right there. We could’ve won. If only I didn- Ow! Harry!” I said out in pain as Harry finished putting on the bandage.
“M’sorry.” His accent rang out. He was on the chair in front of me only wearing dry shorts as I sat on his desk on the left side of his room, my jacket and his wet clothes were lazily thrown onto the other side of the room. 
We sat in silence as he finished the bandage and I realized that he never did finish what he was saying earlier.
“Harry?” I asked.
“Mmm?” He sounded without looking up from his work.
“What were you saying earlier? Before Mal and them showed up.”
“Oh.” He laughed lightly, “You remembered that?” I nodded, there were a few more moments of silence when Harry finished taking care of me and looked up at me smiling slightly.
“I was telling you that I’m in love with (Y/N). With everything in my body. I always have and always will.” Harry stood between my legs and looked me dead in the eyes and I was taken back.
“I love you too Harry.” 
Without needing any other motivation Harry lent forward and kiss me deeply and full of passion.
“You’re never leaving my side now. I promise I will always protect you from harm and give you your true and deserved crown, my Queen.” Harry said once we pulled away for air.
“And I’ll have you by my side as my King.” I smiled at him and that’s when I realized I didn't anything but my pirate and soon to be King.
A/N I hope this is what you wanted, I have no idea where it went honestly and it wasn’t proofread as pure usual lol
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dividivisee-blog · 7 years
Photograph #1
PART 1 (AO3)  / Part 2 (AO3)  / Part 3 (AO3) / Part 4 (AO3)
Pairing: Hyuk x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 2,196
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Summary: You’re a frustrated amateur photographer who just got a surprising phone call from an old friend. Thanks to her, your first professional gig will be photographing famous idol group, VIXX. You hope this will be your big break but it seems like it could lead to something more with the maknae Han Sang-hyuk.
Author’s Notes: I didn’t have a particular era in mind for this, but I imagine it anywhere from Fantasy onwards. I planned this to be a small one-shot to test out the waters but I might continue this, especially if readers enjoy it! I’m always open for messages for anything VIXX. Thank you for reading!
If you enjoyed the story, I would appreciate any comments/kudos on the Archive Of Our Own Page!
You're sitting in a buzzing photography studio, clutching your DSLR camera tightly to control your trembling hands. You breathe in and out. You feel your feet pulse as they ache in your cheap office shoes. You can already see a small tear on the bottom of the flats.
While you fidget in place, you can hear Ara's voice play in your head, I've got a gig for you (Y/N) but you've got to come here now! This is only the beginning! You couldn’t recognize her voice when she called you in the middle of a busy weekday. You don’t get calls from cool creative directors of fashion magazines everyday, but when she mentioned replacement photographer, everything clicked in your mind.
You pull out your phone from your pocket, ignoring the missed calls and unread texts, and turn on the front camera. You see your melting makeup and Ara’s lipstick mark on your cheek when she greeted you. You try to blot it out with a white handkerchief from your pocket right before today’s guests arrive.
Suddenly, the room bursts into greetings. Six tall, handsome men and the rest of their entourage enter the studio. Ara bounces towards them, gliding on her high heels, and waves you over. You hear her making small talk with the men as you approach them.
"(Y/N), this is VIXX, your models for today!" She introduces them one by one, and they each bow towards you. You return the gesture.
Their leader, N, smiles, "We put ourselves in your hands today, (Y/N)-ssi."
"I will do my best!", you reply a little too fast, hoping they don't notice the shakiness in your voice. They all laugh and agree.
Ara signals for makeup and styling to take over and she knocks you with her elbow. "You'll be fine. Great, actually."
“I hope so”, You say as you let out a sigh.
As music blares over the speakers, the men get groomed and dressed. Today's theme is the boyfriend look: denim jackets, big sweaters, comfy sneakers, soft makeup. You make adjustments to the lighting with your assistants as Leo, their main vocal who hasn’t spoken a word, is getting final touch-ups before the makeup artists scurry off. You take a few breaths before locking in your lens to the camera. You're ready for this. You deserve this opportunity. You feel your heart pumping in excitement.
"Okay, let's start!", You say.
You take a few test shots and check the photos quickly on the laptop. We're fine, we're doing this. "Leo-ssi, could you please bend your knee and lean to one side-Yes, perfect!" Leo quickly adjusts to your feedback and settles into the pose.
You feel the adrenaline of directing and shooting and you keep going until, before you know it, you hear Ara, "I think we got it!".
"What?", You ask.
"I think we got everything for Leo-ssi, let's move onto the next," Ara says, as she gives you a thumbs-up.
You sling your camera to the side and walk over to her. She's sitting in front of the laptop, clicking through the photos.
"Are you sure? I can still take more." Your heart squeezes in anxiety and your arms grow numb.
Leo walks over to the two of you and bends down to take a good look at the pictures. You mentally hear a clock ticking as he looks at himself, his pose changing at every click. "Ah, these are nice," He says nodding with the first small smile you see from him.
"Thank you, Leo-ssi!" You smile and you feel a weight lift off of your shoulders, your body releasing your worries. He straightens up, nods at you, and walks off to get changed.
You look at your friend and she scoffs. "Told you. But we're just getting started."
Time seems to pass by easily as each member steps up to get photographed. In these brief moments you can see flashes of their personalities as they pose for you. Ravi exuded his signature swag but surprised you with a soft thank you for a smooth session afterwards. N quickly got into the groove of the shoot and gracefully changed poses and expressions, while asking for feedback to get things perfect. Ken couldn't resist messing around with his aegyo energy before Hongbin jumped in to join Ken's pictures as the handsome visual. You're feeling confident as a photographer, as if you’ve been doing this forever. It's been awhile since you've had so much fun.
Laughter drowns out the music playing in the studio, as Hongbin and Ken start to get physical and push each other around while still mugging for the camera.
"Hey, hey, hey!" A voice cuts through the noise and Hyuk walks past you, onto the backdrop, shooing away the rowdy duo.
Ken and Hongbin instantly get on their hands and knees to beg for mercy from the tall maknae but they quickly skitter off when he feigns kicking them, swinging his long legs. You take a few pictures of their antics and when Hyuk finally notices the flash going off, he looks at you and smiles. His eyes crinkle at the corners as he sheepishly bows towards the crew.
"I apologize for our behavior!" He jokes, as the other members snicker at the sidelines. He lastly bows towards you, "I will work hard so please take care of me!".
Before you could reply to his cheeky manner, his hyungs holler, "Go, Hyogi!".
You shake your head and point towards where Hyuk should be standing. He follows and you hold your camera, "You ready, Hyuk-ssi?".
He nods, slides his hand into his pants' pocket, and pushes back the ash-gray hair from his eyes. His playful smile suddenly changes to a piercing smolder, catching you off guard as you look through your camera's viewfinder. For the first time today, you hesitate to take a picture, feeling his gaze through the glass. Your nerves return with a vengeance and you’re frozen on the spot, unable to breathe or make a sound.
Ara shouts, "Hyuk-ssi, could you please make it cuter! We're going for the boyfriend look!".
Your daze breaks as you hear your friend's voice and you quickly press the shutter before Hyuk returns to his mischievous smile. What was that? You lower the camera from your face.
"(Y/N)-ssi, are you all right?", Hyuk asks lightly.
"I'm fine!", You stutter as you fiddle with your camera's knobs and settings.
The rest of the shoot goes without a hitch. After Hyuk's portraits, the team scrambles to set-up for the final group photo with all the members of VIXX. You plop down on a seat next to Ara, who is scrolling through the photos, and she hands you a bottle of water. You gulp half of it down and sigh.
"Final stretch, my professional photographer," Ara says both jokingly and sincerely. "Just get this group photo down and we can get some drinks, on me!"
"Sure, that sounds nice." You take a moment to look at the pictures you took as she taps the keyboard of the laptop. It's the first time you've ever photographed celebrities, let alone popular idols, and you feel a swell of pride in your chest. You shyly turn towards Ara. "Um…I just wanted to thank you for this opportunity-"
"Opportunity! I think I should be thanking you!" Ara avoids your gaze, embarrassed, “If you weren’t around, I would’ve been so screwed.”
You don't want to push any further, as you can see Ara fighting a smile. "Thank you."
"Okay, break time over." Ara perks her head up and you follow her gaze. You look at the backdrop and VIXX is there, in new outfits and getting touch-ups and adjustments to their clothes. You stand up and stretch, ready for the last push.
You cross your arms as you chew on your bottom lip. You’re trying to imagine the composition of the shot as VIXX fidgets awkwardly in a line. Ken wriggles in anticipation and Leo can't resist giving him a small push to throw him off. The members quietly laugh and talk in hushed tones, waiting for you to give them instructions. You take a test shot and review it on your camera. You sense something wrong and scratch your head. You raise your hand shyly.
"Sorry, I hope it's okay that I'll position you myself. Please, excuse my intrusion!"
You walk towards each member and gently arrange their stance, the placement of their hands, the position of their heads, prodding and moving them here and there. You lightly touch Leo's broad shoulders to face at a certain angle. You tilt Ravi's head just a few inches to the side. N reassures you that it's okay to direct him any way you'd like and Ken mocks him by pretending to be a mannequin when you pose him. You poke at Hongbin's feet to get them in place.
When you're finally in front of Hyuk, you feel the longest moment pass as your eyes meet his. You carefully take his hand and guide it towards Hongbin's shoulder, arranging his fingers one by one.  Without thinking, you hold his hips and make him shift his weight slightly to the side. His body stiffens to the sudden touch but you step back and look at him and it's perfect. You pause to admire your work but then feel the delayed embarrassment of your actions.
"Ah, sorry, sorry, Hyuk-ssi! I was just posing you!", You say.
He laughs. The tips of his ear are tinged pink and he clears his throat, "It's all right."
You quickly turn around hurry back, at a distance, avoiding looking at his direction. Trying to keep your composure, you raise your camera and find all the members ready, carefully arranged. You take a deep breath and take the shot.
When you step out of the studio, the sky has melted from a deep orange to blue and the cold air seems to wake your tired body.
"Good job, everyone!" Ara proclaims as she follows right behind you. "Let's get those drinks, but just give me a second. Got to update the team."
"Sure, no problem," You reply.
Ara walks off to the side and immediately switches to business mode as she begins making calls. You feel a warm buzz from the rush of the photo shoot as you walk further down the driveway. You see the crew exchanging thanks towards each other while waddling towards the vans to pack up the cases of lighting equipment, racks of outfits, and makeup trolleys. A few of them see you and they congratulate you on a job well done. You’ve never felt such satisfaction from work before and silently hope you get the chance again.
You pace back and forth and check your phone while waiting for Ara. You scroll through the missed calls and texts from your office. I guess I'll be resigning soon, you think as you read the angry messages. I hated that job anyway. You shove your phone back in your bag and walk back towards Ara's direction.
"Let's get going!" Ara waves at you as she stands beside her car.
You get into the front seat and shut the door.
"I hope you don't mind that we have some company for our drinking session tonight." She quickly starts the car and locks in her seatbelt.
"Who's the company?", You ask.
"VIXX just invited us to join them and they've asked specifically for you to come." Ara gives you a wink, places her hands on the wheel, and drives off onto the night roads.
You feel your phone vibrating in your bag. You take out your phone and see it’s an unknown number. You hesitate. You wonder if it’s your boss, getting ready to fire you or your officemate, ready to chew you out, but it’s not. It’s Hyuk.
"Good evening, (Y/N)-ssi, this is Hyuk-ssi. Our manager is already drunk but he said to make sure we give Ara-ssi the directions to where we are since it's kind of a hidden spot. She’s not answering her phone though."
You feel your heartbeat race a little.
"Good evening, Hyuk-ssi. Ara is driving right now but just give me the directions and I'll tell her."
"All right!" Hyuk gives you the directions to a small restaurant hidden in the side streets of the city. "The owner is an old friend of our manager and he's not very good with technology so it's not on the map." You hear laughs from the other members around him and the bright, clinking of glasses.
"Ah, I see! Well, thank you for your help! We'll be there soon." You internally congratulate yourself for keeping your cool.
You're about to hang up until you hear faintly Hyuk calling your name. You think he must've given the wrong directions or you consider maybe that they made a mistake in inviting you. You try to relax.
"Yes?" There's a pause. You imagine him smiling, with his eyes crinkling at the corners.
"I'm looking forward to seeing you again."
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evaceratops-art · 7 years
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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
Happy 40th anniversary to this beautiful, beautiful saga.
In honor of the occasion, I want to write about how I got into Star Wars, because I’ve shared bits and pieces of that story but never written it all out.
I’ve only been a serious fan for about a year and a half, but… looking back, it’s always been a part of my life in one form or another. My earliest Star Wars memory is of being so excited that I was finally tall enough to go on the Star Tours ride at Disneyland. My siblings and I had never seen any of the movies, but we loved that ride so much - we even listened to the soundtrack on car rides just so we could pretend we were there, hurtling through hyperspace and navigating asteroid fields and narrowly escaping the clutches of Darth Vader.
A few years later my interest in Star Wars had a little bit of a setback: around the time Revenge of the Sith came out, I was out shopping with my parents and the aforementioned movie was playing on a display TV, which is how I ended up accidentally watching the Mustafar duel as an extremely squeamish 7-year-old. That duel was brutal enough to scare me away from the live-action movies for quite a while, so my little brother got to them long before my sister and I did. But he got a lot of guidebooks to go along with them, and I would read anything, so I absorbed everything I could from them - I definitely picked them up more often than he did. (Admittedly, I didn’t absorb all of it correctly; for the longest time I thought holograms and Force Ghosts were the same thing and that Han Solo died when he was frozen in carbonite, I never quite made the connection between Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader despite the famous “I am your father” line, and the timeline was mostly a mystery to me, especially when it came to the Original Trilogy)
So, by the time my mom took me and my siblings to see Star Wars: The Clone Wars (which was animated and therefore safe from the horrors of the Mustafar duel) in theaters in 2008, I knew enough about Star Wars to be slightly offended by Ahsoka giving Anakin Skywalker backtalk, and even a little bit shocked that Anakin Skywalker even had a padawan, because hey, that wasn’t in the guidebooks. And I loved that movie. For a while I was interested enough in The Clone Wars to buy the Monopoly game - which I still have - and to watch at least one episode of Season 1 - I don’t remember how much, because the only thing I remembered from it before I rewatched it was that scene in Hostage Crisis where Bail Organa almost walks in on Anakin and Padme making out and Anakin has to hide under a desk.
Fast forward to 2015. Star Wars was getting a lot of attention again due to the hype for The Force Awakens, and sometime over the summer I started thinking, "you know, maybe I should give the Star Wars movies a chance - they’re such a huge part of pop culture, and it might be nice to understand the references.” By December, I still hadn’t acted on that idea (although I think my brother and I rewatched the TCW movie at some point), but I’d heard good things about the new movie, and one night I suggested that we go see it.
Watching The Force Awakens felt like coming home.
Rey’s theme music in particular, I think, is what really hooked me, but the whole movie gave me such an overwhelming feeling of wonder, and I left the theater thinking, “why didn’t I ever watch the Star Wars movies?” I fell in love instantly, and we went to see it two more times while it was in theaters.
From then on, I couldn’t get enough. None of the live-action movies were on Netflix, but The Clone Wars was, and I dove right in, excited to see where the series had gone. It only took me 3 or 4 weeks to watch all 6 seasons, and I immediately went back and watched it all again after I finished - my grades might’ve actually slipped a bit because I was spending too much time watching TCW instead of doing homework. My sister and I watched the original trilogy and the prequels together - I cried at the end of Return of the Jedi, she cried at the end of Revenge of the Sith. I initially dismissed Rebels - which was a huge mistake - but when I found out Captain Rex was in it I figured I’d give it a shot, and I was attached to the new characters within seconds. Rogue One was a religious experience and an absolute masterpiece, and I was on the edge of my seat for the entire duration of the movie with the widest, brightest smile plastered on my face. And I still wanted more, so I went to the novels, and the comics, and before I knew it I’d absorbed the entirety of the Star Wars canon.
And to this day I haven’t found even one piece of it that I didn’t love. Because, apparently, just the fact that something is Star Wars is good enough for me. I love Star Wars, all of Star Wars, so much that it’s overwhelming, and even though I’ve only been a serious fan for a year and a half, I can’t imagine a life without Star Wars anymore. It already means so much to me. Maybe it always has, and I just didn’t realize it until now.
To George Lucas and everyone else who’s ever been involved in Star Wars, to everyone who's helped bring so many amazing adventures to life, no matter what the medium: thank you so much for everything you’ve done, everything you’ve given us. And thank you to all the fans who love Star Wars just as much as I do, and who provide a community for us to share our love.
May the Force be with us all.
- Eva
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kipsyq · 6 years
Talking about the worlds of KH3
I wanted to share some of my thoughts on Kingdom Hearts 3.  I’ll keep it as spoiler free as possible, but if you don’t know what Disney worlds show up in this game, ignore this post because I’ll be talking about most of them.   
So here we go!
Olympus (Not Olympus Coliseum).  I liked this world.  It was a good world to start with and had a lot of hype in it.  I was always wondering if this world existed in just a colosseum and people magically appeared to see the competitions, but apparently not.  No, there’s two cities AND Olympus too!  The world expanded so much and I liked it.  Also they finally addressed the movie’s plot, which was nice.  Also, I loved how Sora broke the fourth wall at the beginning, asking where the usual fan fare was, since there wasn’t one this time.  Plus it was so full of twists, like characters actually talking over text boxes!  The acting was....a little off.  And sadly we don’t hear Phil talk, which is okay because his model looked horrific.
Twilight Town: Boy does this town look as beautiful as ever.  The music is great and it’s full of people!  ACTUAL PEOPLE WHAT.  Everywhere you go, there’s someone talking and it feels alive.  Also, if you happen to find the outdoor theatre and watch the movie, you hear some hilarious reactions from Donald, Goofy and Sora.  They don’t mention how it’s a movie about Sora and Mickey, but it’s still cute.  Also Remmy!!!  I loved Ratatouille!  It’s a shame they don’t call him by his real name, but in reality, how would you know what his name is if he can’t speak to anyone else other than mice?  I also loved the story here.  Later on, a certain three characters become one of my favorite things about this game.
Toy Story:  The hyped out world we’ve known about since the beginning!  Was it good?  It definitely was.  The story was great and I loved watching the interactions between Woody and Sora.  Woody and Buzz also have this strong friendship with each other that feels so genuine.  I loved the story and the minute you enter the world, you’re faced with something both epic and out of nowhere.  Not saying what it is, but it made me think that Square Enix was doing a commercial in the middle of the game.  It’s a huge world though and I got lost a lot.  I did like the different places we went to and some of the mini games were fun.  Not to mention, Woody is now best toy.  FIGHT ME.
Tangled: How the absolute HECK did they get that animation so close to the original?!  I’m dead serious, they nearly REPLICATED the animation, but you can definitely tell it was redone for the game.  It’s so impressive to see every major moment of this movie get great treatment.  I love how much they stress how innocent of a character Rapunzel is.  She’ll divert the journey a few times to catch birds or play in the water with Sora, which is freaking CUTE.  Yeah, sure some moments are skipped because reasons, but it was still fun.  This world showed me how sweet and adorable Sora can be and I genuinely cared about everyone.  Also, this world introduced some of the most dramatic cutscenes ever and interactions between Sora and a certain person we all hate.  One of them at least.  The boss fight was also epic as heck and had a really cool design.  If you read the description of the boss, it actually makes a ton of sense why it was designed that way.  There were also moments I just imagined Sora walking in on with no clue what the heck he missed.  Also the dancing mini game was so fun and filled me with so much happiness because Sora is actually a pretty good dancer.  And also watching him, Donald, and Goofy spectate some of the bigger scenes made things feel more genuine.  There’s this one scene of them watching the lanterns fly that looked so beautiful, I screenshotted it and am considering making it my background.  It was beautiful.  Everything was beautiful.
Monster’s Inc:  Would you believe me if I told you they made a unique story for this world?  It’s actually a sequel to the first movie!  Not the prequel, but a sequel.  I LOVED THAT.  Sully and Mike were so cute with Boo.  They constantly show their love and affection for her and how much they genuinely care about her.  They also make use of the “laugh power” thing that actually gives us hilarious moments between Sully, Mike, and the three.  I love to see goofiness in this game.  The world was okay.  I wasn’t particularly a fan of the mechanics and gameplay of the world, but the story was fun enough to continue through.  And the biggest surprise I saw was that we were fighting unversed.  I didn’t expect to see those come back.  The ending cutscenes were almost as suspenseful as the previous world’s which BLEW MY MIND.  So much exposition dumped on poor Sora and then we have DOORCEPTION.  You’d understand if you saw the cutscene.
Frozen: I’m both impressed and disappointed with this world.  On one hand, the interactions are nice.  I liked how Sora interacting with Elsa added more to the pain you feel when she tries to push them away.  I felt that in the movie, but more here.  The world was beautiful, but kind of bland because snow was everywhere.  Sora turning from islander to snow lover to snow hater was hilarious.  Kind of a spoiler, they get knocked off the mountain a couple times, and Sora is literally tired of it.  This world showed me how flexible Haley Joel Osment is with his voice.  Also, remember when people were speculating this world would be like the Ariel worlds with singing segments and were fearful it would be just as bad.  Well they were partially right.  Did you really think Disney wouldn’t try to find a way to incorporate two of their most popular songs into a Frozen world?  Don’t worry, Sora doesn’t sing at all but he’s in the scene.  And actually, the songs fit into the narrative and weren’t just put there because it’s Frozen.  They showed Sora and his friends what kind of situation he’s dealing with.  Also the animation, like the Tangled world, was almost EXACTLY LIKE THE ORIGINAL.  I’m convinced the song Elsa sang was the same version from the movie, not altered or redone, but it’s still nice.  But what was I disappointed by?  Well, we hardly see Anna or Cristoph and Hans isn’t even relevant enough to get a scene.  I’m dead serious, even the game sees him as unimportant.  He just takes Elsa like he does in the movie and is revealed to be covered in darkness.  That’s it.  They also don’t explain why Elsa was taken down the mountain by Hans or Anna, who was left with Hans, was suddenly not healed.  If you never watched the movie, you’d be confused.  Also, the world just...ends.  No big ending or goodbye like in the other worlds.  That was kind of strange to me and it left me kind of confused.  But the world’s keyblade is great.  One of my favorite weapons.
Pirates of the Caribbean: I didn’t watch the movie, so I had to talk to my friend to kind of get clarification.  Actually though, if I had just waited, I would have gotten an explanation.  The only thing I’m left confused by is what the heck the white crabs are.  Don’t ask.  I loved the art style of this whole world.  Sora almost fit in entirely with the regular people and Donald and Goofy’s color palettes were so pleasant for the world.  It does lead to some funny moments though, like a group of regular people in a cutscene and Goofy standing just kind of on the edge of it.  It’s so surreal, but at the same time very refreshing! At first, the world irritated the heck out of me.  The flying segment was tedious and swimming was kind of annoying, especially since we had to do a fight underwater.  I don’t think it’s like the KH1 Ariel world, but it’s still kind of irritating.  But after that, SHIP BATTLES.  Oh boy, those were fun.  A little annoying, but fun.  I also loved watching Sora drive a ship like a teenager just beginning to drive his own car for the first time.  It’s surreal but also fun.  Also Sora is having a ton of fun in this world, more than before.  You can tell how excited he is to be a pirate and I love it.  Also is Sora a blitzball player?  He has the lungs of one because he never needs to breathe underwater.  One thing I did know about the story was the big whirlpool scene.  I wasn’t very good at that ship battle because you’re micromanaging three things at once: keeping your own ship safe, keeping someone else’s ship safe, and defeating the giant boss in the center.  Then the other boss comes and he’s not that hard to defeat, but can be at times because he almost blends in with the world.  I loved the story and the ENDING OF THIS WORLD.  Holy CRUD THIS LAST SCENE.  It’s the fight between Jack and another guy.  It seemed so fluid, well animated, designed, and scripted.  Even Sora looked like he belonged in this entire scene.  There was one moment, that I won’t spoil, that shocked me entirely.  Sora did something that made my jaw drop and it was probably the most emotional and epic thing I’ve ever seen this character do.  Like literally Sora, THE HECK.  It was also a very satisfying ending that left me happy to end this world.
Big Hero 6:  I’m still on this world, I just started it, but so far it looks great.  Sora is even more hilarious.  He had a moment when he saw all these cars and the giant bridge and freaked out about how cool and techy it was.  He even wanted to call Riku to tell him how cool it was, even though they had just gotten there.  And then the scene where he puts on an AR visor and thinks he sees a heartless was akin to a woman seeing a bug and freaking out trying to get someone to kill it.  I died laughing.  I’m already excited to see more of this world.
And that’s it for now.  
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laura2017-blog1 · 8 years
Letter of Intention
Dear All,
I'm Laura, 20 years old and I wish to apply for the Character Animation line. Please find my portfolio here: http://laura2017.tumblr.com/
My love for animation goes way back. I still remember how I got my first photo camera in 5th grade. There were so many stories in my head that wanted to get out. So whenever I had a friend over, we would grab my old Barbies and photograph them in story sequences. It was so difficult to photograph them in a way that our hands supporting the puppet wouldn't be seen. Naturally, I was thrilled to be able to record videos with the next camera I got. I still have some videos saved where I would dress my friends up in costumes and let them run through our neighbourhood to get my stories on the computer screen.
As a young teenager, I discovered my love for drawing. I used to draw days and nights just copying photos or drawing cartoon characters I liked. But what has changed my approach to drawing was a semester at TDA, which I attended fall 2016. After my rejected application last year, I was determined to get better. With my teacher Maja Vendelbo I studied anatomy and tones; the concept of core shadows blew my mind. It's still incredible to me how much I improved in such a short time span. (Here's my old portfolio: http://lauraischneider.blogspot.dk/) Moreover, I never would have believed how amazing an environment Viborg is. The students, teachers, and professionals are all so kind, fun and encouraging that I really feel this is the best place to thrive as an artist. My time here has been the most humbling and inspiring time of my life. I want to attend TAW because I want to improve and learn so much about the field I love; create interesting characters and bring them to life. When I think about studying at TAW, I'm just filled with happiness and excitement, and an eagerness to work hard.
Film and Drawing both being dear to me, I feel that animation is the perfect combination of my passions. Yet I think animation leaves a sense of wonder that live action movies do not. I really look up to Satoshi Kon and especially his work „Paprika". For me, this film is a great example of what makes animated films special. It merges the lines between reality and fiction through its fast pace and matching scene transitions. Paprika is a movie that truly lets you dive into the dream. Compared to "Inception", which presents the dreams as almost logical, too constructed, Paprika is much more imaginative and therefore I think it fits better.
I am convinced that the choice of medium is essential to tell a story properly. Take the classic "Jungle Book", which has so much charm, given by the rhythm of the traditional animation. While the 2016 remake was visually absolutely stunning, it didn't have quite the same impact as the original one. The animals seemed more relatable in the older one, as they were caricatured. The 2016 movie's ape king Louis threw me off – because the set was so realistic, the singing felt out of place. In a cartoon movie, you can get away with funky movement; it is an illusion of life after all. Still, it is certainly amazing to see how far the integration of 3D and live action has come until now... and how much further it can go!
After graduating from High School, I knew I wanted to work in the Animation industry. So I applied for an internship at the 2D Animation studio "Trickstudio Lutterbeck" in Cologne. I enjoyed my 6 months in their team, learning about puppet rigging and animation. Thanks to the time there I am proficient in Photoshop and intermediate with Toon Boom.
In addition, my colleagues and I would visit the Zoo once a week after work and observe and sketch animals. Now, drawing from life has become a habit of mine or the closest I've ever been to an addiction. I draw everyone, wherever and it's almost like a diary for me.
When my internship was over, I got the chance to intern at the VFX studio "Pixomondo", in their Frankfurt office for 3 months. There I looked at animation from a new angle, working as coordination. It was exciting to be part of this big studio, especially since they were working on the dragons of "Game of Thrones" when I came. Naturally, both studios were very different, the size of the team and thus the communication was most striking to me. While I was helping to communicate between the different departments at Pixomondo, at Lutterbeck we were all sitting in a big room together and would just call each other. However, they were also similar in one regard: both studios relied on good teamwork. I am of the opinion that animation is a team effort and everyone needs to be reliable and confident to communicate their side of the story.
Besides Art and Film, a passion of mine has long been Journalism. Together with a classmate, I was the chief editor of our High School's newspaper for well over 3 years. We instructed a team of around 15 students and had to take care of accounting, creating content, as well as getting it laid out and printed. It was a good lesson for me, as I learned how to lead and also work together with a team. Without all of our combined efforts, we never would have achieved 2 issues per semester, winning as many regional awards as we did.
Apart from the school club, I have been working freelance for the newspaper "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" for around 4 years now and I enjoy sharing my views and giving my audience food for thoughts. The same goes for my art - I always try to incorporate stories, ever since I read the book "Drawn to Life" a few months ago. Walt Stanchfield stresses how important the storytelling and the simplicity in a drawing are. Before, I would just draw a pretty picture, without much thought in the backstory. Now, I find the storytelling to be the most fun. With the basic skills I learned at TDA, I just want to bring interesting characters to life and tell their stories. In studio "Ghibli" movies, I really enjoy the characters. Take "Princess Mononoke" e.g., where they are all relatable to some extent. Even the ‘villain' has a motif and is not just evil; it's not just black and white. Eboshi (the antagonist) wants to save her people from the wild animals, and that is why she wants to kill the God of the forest. At the end of the movie, she realizes her fault and wants to rebuild the city in a better, righteous way. I really like this development in her character. "Frozen" on the other hand has generic characters with little development. Not only is Prince Hans a boring villain with little motivation. But even the main character, Elsa, acts without a goal and I do not see her as a good role model for children – and they are the main audience. Mostly, she behaves like an angry teenager. To put it in a nutshell: Good movies have a message they want to convey, just like good drawings hint at a deeper story. And interesting characters need to have a motif and need to grow with their challenges. That, for me, makes a great film.
An example I would like to mention is „Persepolis", which has simple, graphic style. Yet, it shows the character growth and the change in her world in a touching way. I think we as artists hold a responsibility to our audiences to entertain them and but to make them feel and reflect on a deeper level, as well. It is a privilege to share your views and to show how you see the world. Therefore, I want to use the skills I learn at TAW to create films with both a meaningful story and beautiful visuals.
For the future, I think the industry will rely more on smaller studios. In our global time, a lot of independent studios can reach a larger following now and get a better exposition. I also hope that the animation industry in Europe grows further. In Germany animation is unfortunately not really being invested in. It's a pity that what little 2D animation there is, is being outsourced to China because it would otherwise not be affordable. That takes away from the art form and treats it like a mass product. But stunning projects like "Song of the Sea" show that the co-productions in Europe can be successful, both artistically and financially. I look up to "Noerlum" and I hope to contribute to the art of animation just like they do. As for the medium, I feel there are a lot of options to explore: Take the "SPA Studios", which I admire, for example. Their innovative approach to 2D animation with a 3D look is very promising and I can't wait for their project "Klaus" to come out!
Born to a Spanish mother and a German father, their two cultures surrounded me growing up. Maybe that is why I am so intrigued by new cultures and languages. In 10th grade, I got to spend 5 months as an exchange student Nova Scotia, Canada. I really benefitted from being away from home as that made me more self-reliant and open for new perspectives. Besides that, I have traveled a lot throughout western Europe, of course spending many summers in Spain. The most precious travel memories are from a one-month Interrail trip through Italy I made alone last spring. Instead of sleeping in Hotels I tried out Couchsurfing and got to be more close to the actual life there. It was super interesting learning about my new found friends‘ lives and stories. Now I'm living in Viborg and learning Danish, which is luckily very similar to German. The reason why I like languages besides the culture is also because I want to be able to communicate with as many people as possible. I believe that Animation is communication in its essence. Work by Sylvain Chomet like "The Triplets of Belleville" and "The Illusionist" demonstrate this, as they work without words and yet communicate brilliantly on many different levels - through the story, the characters, the atmosphere.
Jean Giraud (Moebius) with his grand imaginary worlds is pure creativity. How he incorporates storytelling into his art is unrivaled and always lets my imagination run wild. I also like Käthe Kollwitz and her way to process personal experience through her work. They make her artworks feel precious and intimate. I would also like to mention Andreas Deja and his work on Scar in "Lion King" or "Dschafar" from "Aladdin". It is amazing how he manages to give the characters distinct facial mannerisms that make the characters feel real. On the other hand, I adore Ryan Woodward's flowy, seamless animation style. There are so many great artists out there and I hope to find my own voice, just as they did.
I am very lucky that my family absolutely supports me and my dreams. So they offered to finance my education. In addition, I have some savings from my internships.
 Viborg is a special place and I would be overjoyed to get the chance to learn here for the next 3 and a half years. I want to develop my art so much more and I know that there is no better place than TAW for my goal to learn the art of animation in an international environment. I sincerely hope you got to know me a little bit in this letter and that we will meet at the interview.
 Yours faithfully,
Laura Schneider
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