#if we stayed in double digits all summer or most of summer this would be the best place to live on earth
strawbrerian-writes · 10 months
About Damn Time
This fucking thing was meant to be my contribution for @elucienweekofficial day 7 Prompt: AU. Did I get it complete in time? No. Life got in my way. Oh Well.
So here's a smutty, more plot than I meant it to have, really long Elucien one-shot. Which I am completely dedicating to @separatist-apologist for being a wonderful human and inspiring me and so many others out there.
Title: About Damn Time
Rating: Explicit
Elain planned to have a quiet, cool day off. The universe took one look at her plans and said "bet."
Elain Archeron was convinced that a good cup of coffee could stop wars.
She was equally convinced it was a lack of a good cup of coffee that caused them.
It was 7:30 in the morning, and she was struggling. Summer was in full swing. As a landscaper, she preferred to do her work as early as possible. It was both better for the plants and for her employees’ disposition, as working conditions from eleven on in the summer were the stuff of nightmares.
The sun would be relentless. The heat would climb well into the nineties and the “feels like” would push it into triple digits. Most people would retreat to the air conditioning or find some body of water and stay there.
If the heat weren’t bad enough, average eighty percent humidity meant that even standing outside for five minutes kept her entire body soaking wet without her consent and her hair threatening to mutiny even in its braid.
The heat wouldn’t stop the bugs, though. They’d swarm, getting stuck in her sweat and biting any skin left exposed.
Elain loved it. She loved the messiness of it. The way the dirt was always cool beneath her fingers, the way the right plants flourished under the burning sun. She was made for sunny days and warm weather and mess.
She wasn’t crazy, though. Even she had her limits. Like the fact that it was 90% humidity and 90 degrees at seven-thirty with the weatherman calling for over 100 degrees by noon when she’d meant to be up and at the jobsite by six. She’d had three of her five employees call in, taking advantage of her high temps’ policy.
She usually wouldn’t mind. Had even decided last night to call it, herself. She texted all clients on the books for the day to let them know her crew would get to them the following business day and turned off her alarm.    
Until her favorite client called that morning.
The director of the public library was in a panic, begging her to get the landscaping done before the summer reading program finale. Tomorrow. It was their biggest program of the year and auditors from the state were coming in.
“We have the potential to bring massive grants if everything goes off without a hitch. We could finally start the renovations we need. I know the weather is bad, Elain, but please I’ll pay double. Out of my own damn pocket,” Helion begged, his usually rich, smoky voice taking on a whine.  
“It’s not just that, Helion,” she sighed into the receiver. “I’m down three guys today due to heat. You know my temps’ policy; I can’t make them come in. It takes four of us total to do a job that big in a day.”
“How many do you have?” he responded quickly. Elain could hear shuffling in the background and a woman’s voice murmuring. Likely his wife, who has hired Elain on several occasions to spruce up her gardens.
“Including myself, three.”
“Great! I have a meeting this morning and then I’ll be out to help. Sylva is grabbing Aodhan. He’ll meet you in, what? Thirty?” Helion was determined. She’d give him that.   
“Aodhan Vanserra?” Elain questioned. She started to gather her things for the day. She knew the moment she answered the phone she was going to go. “Is he back in town?”
“He likes to get his hands dirty, and he’s strong. Put him to work wherever you need him,” Helion said loudly. She heard more scuffling, doors being shut and then her friend was back in a whisper, “Beron kicked him out, cut him off, and nearly killed the poor guy. Do not say anything about his ear.”
“What’s wrong with his ear?” Elain whispered as well. Even though she was in a room by herself and presumably no one could hear her.
“Later,” Helion hissed, then louder, “and you’re not paying him, dear. I am. As a thank you for this. Truly.”
“I didn’t say I’d do it,” Elain lied sweetly. Of course, she had already shoved the phone between her ear and shoulder so she could pull on her brown work boots.  
“E-laain,” Helion whined, drawing her name out ridiculously, “but you love me.”
She sighed theatrically. “You know I do. You don’t have to pay extra. Just take care of your step-son and provide us with lunch and hydration.”
“Deal!” Helion’s shout was nothing short of triumphant. “Love you, too. See you soon.”  
He hung up the phone, leaving Elain standing in her living room shaking her head.
Elain couldn’t bring herself to say no to Helion.
She’d spent most of her days in that library. Helion had become one of her closest friends over the years. Before he was director of the library, he was a high school history teacher and headed up the gardening club. He was probably Elain’s most favorite person outside of her family.   
So, she threw her hair in a rough ponytail and rushed out the door. Between the two employees who agreed to work the heat and Aodhan, maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad day. She’d be starting later than she wanted but with any luck, she’d been done before they all melted into plant food.
She’d do just about anything for her clients, especially Helion.
Well, except give up her morning large, iced coffee. He could wait another ten minutes. She was feeling chocolate peanut butter and whipped cream this morning.
Every muscle in her body tensed. She squeezed her eyes tight, counting to three before she turned around.
Standing in line just behind Elain was her ex-boyfriend, Graysen Lorde and a very petite, beautiful woman she’d never seen before. She had beautiful ebony skin and sleek, black hair down to her shoulders. They were both dressed for work, Graysen in the gray slacks and a white button-down that indicated it was Thursday, the woman in a sleek, black pantsuit and heels.
What was he doing here? Last she’d heard he moved, took a high paying position at a new bank out west. Not to mention, he hated coffee.
“I thought that was you,” he said with a nervous smile. “You look…good.”
Elain glanced down at her clothes. She was rushed this morning, grabbing the first set of anything she could find. Which meant wearing a pair of canvas shorts with tears from work, a white tank top with a dirt stain along the bottom hem where she’d undoubtedly rubbed her hands without thinking, and an oversized green flannel one of her little sister’s friends had left behind years ago, in an attempt to hide the stains and tears of her work clothes.
“Thanks, just heading into the office,” she joked lamely. Graysen was never a fan of her “blue-collar” job. When they met, she was a bank teller working through community college. She spent her days in business casual clothing, hair always curled, and her makeup flawless.
No dirt under her nails. No sweat. No mess. No fun.
Graysen looked as he always had. Handsome face, sandy brown hair cut close, clothes tailored perfectly to his body. He looked like he’d put on some muscle, and maybe gotten a little tan somewhere.
“You’re Elain Archeron?” the beautiful woman said smiling, her voice deeper than she expected. It was almost musical. Graysen coughed a little and seemed to give her some kind of a look from the side.
Elain tried to brush it off. They had split over a year now, halfway agreeable, but she knew her ex to twist everything to his advantage. There was no telling what he’d told this woman.  
She collected herself, standing a little straighter. She brushed her hands off on her shirt. “Uh, yeah…yes. I’m Elain Archeron.”
“Oh wow! You did the floral arrangements for my sister’s wedding this past February! The Rosenbluth/Cress wedding,” the woman smiled brilliantly, her pearly white teeth shining. She seemed…genuine. She even reached out her hand to shake Elain’s.
Elain remembered the wedding. It was a Valentine’s wedding. The bride wanted every pink, red, and white flower in existence. If that wasn’t a tall enough order, she’d waited until a week before the wedding to order anything at all. A week before Valentine’s Day. Every shop in a fifty-mile radius was booked up, and no florist would take her on.
Then someone had given Elain’s name to the bride’s mother.
“I remember her,” Elain mused. She took the woman’s offered hand in a firm shake. It was surprisingly calloused – just like her own. “I’d done some floral arranging before, but nothing to that scale. It was a nice challenge.”
They moved up a bit in line. She snuck a glance at Graysen. His face was quickly losing color.  
“Oh, don’t be modest! She asked for the moon, and you gave it to her. You pulled an absolute miracle out of thin air,” the still nameless woman gushed. Elain was starting to blush. There was something so kind and sincere about this woman that it put her at ease. She just had one of those sunny personalities that drew people in. Elain couldn’t help but like this woman. “I honestly wish I would’ve known about you sooner, and I wouldn’t have wasted my money on the hack who did our wedding.”
Wait, what? Elain’s brain stuttered. She prayed the shock didn’t show on her face. Our wedding?
“Cora…” Graysen started, a hint of warning in his voice. He had a thin line of sweat beading up on his hairline now, his face completely pallid. The woman paid him no attention.
“Don’t you remember, babe? The flowers were half wilted before the ceremony was even over. It was a disaster,” Cora – his wife, apparently – went on seemingly oblivious to the sudden tension in the atmosphere. “They were sunflowers, even. Hardy things, right? Perfect for a fall wedding, but no…the guy had cut them too early, didn’t care for them properly and they were dead before nightfall.”
In that moment, three things became absolutely certain to Elain.
First, Graysen had lied to her when they broke up. He’d said they’d drifted apart, and it just wasn’t working out anymore.  
Second, he had to get married within weeks of breaking up with her. Which meant either the man who took six months deciding on which tie to wear to a Christmas banquet suddenly decided to add some serious spontaneity to his life, or ...
Elain didn’t want to think about or, because the last thing that was very clear in that moment was that this woman – Cora, Graysen’s wife ­– had no idea who the hell Elain really was.
Cora kept talking, but Elain couldn’t hear. Her heartbeat was thumping so loud in her ears she couldn’t hear anything besides her own panic and rising anger. She was vaguely aware of the line jostling her forward. Cora was still smiling, going on about the wedding and flowers and what a wonderful job Elain did for her friend.
Bile was rising in her throat. She had to get out of here. She’d send Helion out for coffee. He owed her, but she had to leave.
“I couldn’t remember if you wanted Lemon or Raspberry, so I got one of each,” a confident, low voice broke through her panic. Elain turned to the source and looked up…and up.
A very tall, very handsome man in a black t-shirt and jeans was standing beside her holding out parchment wrapped scones in one of his massive hands. The other hand held two coffees by the bottom, impressively long fingers keeping them steady. She looked farther up at the curve of his nose, those full, full lips and the familiar cut of jawline. At the rich, auburn hair pulled into a tight bun. At the long scar running along the side of his face.
Oh thank God, she knew this man.
“Babe?” he said it as a question, head quirked slightly. Elain could have kissed him. Might have, had she not been frozen in place.
“Lemon,” she blurted more forcefully than she’d meant. She grabbed the correct scone from his hand and one of the coffees, as if he’d gotten it for her. She smiled gratefully at him. “I’m feeling lemon today. Thank you, Lucien.”
His name rolled off her tongue with ease.
Lucien grinned. “A little sour today, sweet-tart?”
“Don’t you mean sweetheart?” she teased back, trying to appear effortless. Graysen and his wife were still standing there, after all, watching with interest. Though by now color had started to return to Graysen’s face.
“I said what I said,” Lucien smirked proudly. He turned to the other two. “Good to see you again, Gray.” He nodded. “Cora.”
“That explains it!” Cora exclaimed, clapping her hands cheerfully. She turned to her husband. “That’s how you knew to recommend Elain! She’s Lucien’s girl.”
Graysen’s eyes hardened imperceptibly. His ears were turning red, a sign of rising temper. Elain held her smile as Lucien stepped a bit closer to her, claiming her space. At least now she knew how Mrs. Rosenbluth got her number.
“Yes ma’am,” Lucien answered for Graysen, still grinning like a fool. “Graysen mentioned how difficult a time your friend was having around the office one day, and I kindly offered my girl’s assistance.”
Graysen’s left eye twitched. “Yep.” He said, lips popping hard on the ‘p’. “That’s exactly right.”
Elain had to fight down a nervous laugh. This all felt so absurd.  
“It was good seeing you again Cora, Graysen, but I’ve got to get my lady to Pops. You know how he panics,” Lucien laughed. He gestured to the door, arms encircling Elain and ushering her toward it. “I’ll see you around, Lorde.”
Graysen nodded curtly, Cora giving an enthusiastic wave.
“It was nice to meet you, Elain!” Cora called sweetly. Elain smiled back, raising her coffee in the air as if in a wave.
“You too, Cora!”  
When they were outside the doors, Elain turned to Lucien. “Glass doors, Elain. He’s still watching,” Lucien said, smiling widely. Elain chanced a glance through the windows and sure enough, Graysen’s eyes hadn’t left her.
“Thanks,” she mumbled, staying close to Lucien so as not to break the illusion. She looked down into her cup. “What is it?”
“It’s a Reese’s Iced Coffee, extra whip,” Lucien answered as he swirled the cup in his hand. “Which sounds absolutely atrocious with a lemon scone, by the way.”
Elain narrowed her eyes. “How?”
“Pops,” Lucien shrugged in response. He took a sip from his cup. “The coffee is amazing, though. I’ll give you that. Come on.” He motioned down the sidewalk, towards the parking lot a few buildings down.  
“Helion told you my drink order?” Elain questioned as they started walking down the street.
“Apparently you have him and mom both hooked on it,” Lucien explained. His russet eyes twinkled. “Though the scones were a guess.”   
“Oh,” Elain said softly. She eyed her scone for a minute, replaying the interaction in her head. She didn’t even know Graysen was back in town. Lucien seemed to, though. “Do you work with him?”
“Who? Lorde?” Lucien asked.
She gave a small nod.
“Not exactly,” Lucien shook his head. He wiped his mouth with the back of the hand holding the other pastry. “Different departments. Different floors. I really only see him at functions or in the gym.”
“When did he get back?” she asked. Elain didn’t want to seem like she was digging for information about an ex, but she was so thrown off by everything that she couldn’t help herself. She wanted answers. Lucien seemed to have some, at least.
“About two months ago, but I know he interviewed with Jurian back in February,” Lucien answered honestly.
“He works for Jurian?”
“Fuck no,” Lucien spat, his head whipping back and forth. He was smiling. “Jurian hates that guy.”
Elain giggled. They walked for a beat in silence before she was brave enough to ask.  
“So … did you know about…?”
“Only recently. He brought her a luncheon with my boss. He’s trying to switch out of accounting,” Lucien answered when she trailed off. “Until then, I didn’t know a damn thing.”
Elain and Graysen had dated on and off all through college. Lucien had been around for the entire disastrous thing.
She wasn’t as close to Lucien as Feyre was, but Lucien had always been an important part of Elain’s life. He’d always bought her flower seeds and pastries when she was down. He would drive her to the library on rainy days. He was at every party in college, living it up and chasing unwanted idiots off her and her sisters.
He walked with her in Feyre’s wedding, being both friends to the bride and groom. She was at the hospital with him the night of his wreck senior year.  His father was her first client when she opened her business. His mother her second.
But life took them in separate directions, Elain and Graysen got back together for the last time and Lucien just kind of…stopped coming around.
“He’s a bastard,” Lucien uttered as they arrived at their vehicles. “And he can’t hit his squats.”
Elain laughed. “Can’t all have thighs like yours Dump Truck,” she said with a smile, using his old high school nickname.
Lucien threw his head back and laughed uproariously.
“You know, I always did wonder where that shirt went,” he said, pointing to the flannel she currently had on. “Though how the hell you’re wearing that thing in this heat, I don’t understand.”
Elain looked down at it and grinned. “You don’t remember? You gave it to me after Jurian threw me in the pool at that kegger freshman year of college,” she said, ignoring his last comment. He didn’t need to know how it comforted her to wear it.
“You were in a white dress. Seemed like the right thing to do,” he shrugged. He had a lazy smirk still plastered to his face as he leaned against the side of his sedan.
“So, you do remember,” Elain narrowed her eyes at him.
“Guess so.”
“Then why’d you say you wondered where it went?” she asked exasperated. She sat her drinks down on the hood of her red truck.
“Something to say, I guess.” 
Elain shook her head. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think he was flirting with her. She did though. Lucien had only ever seen her as he saw Feyre, a silly little sister he had to take care of.
“Thank you, Lucien,” Elain said genuinely as she unlocked her truck door.
“What for?” he teased. He didn’t move, just stayed against his sedan, watching her with those rich reddish-brown eyes.
“The coffee, the scone, helping me out of an awkward situation.” She paused and gestured to her chest. “The shirt.”
He shrugged. “It was the right thing to do. You looked like you were gonna throw up or stab him.”
Elain giggled. “Which time?”
“Both,” Lucien chuckled. “Same look, different guy.”
“Well, I appreciate it,” Elain said softly. “Both times.”
“No problem, sweet-tart.”
She couldn’t help smiling at him. Lucien was kind. Fun. “My hero,” she said rolling her eyes dramatically. He chuckled.
She needed to leave. She needed to get in her truck, back out, and get to the library before the heat got any worse. She couldn’t make herself do it. Not with him smiling like that.   
“I’m not getting my shirt back am I?”
“It’s been six years, Dump Truck. Give up.” He laughed again. Big and bold. She liked it. “I’ll see you around?” she asked, turning to get into her truck. She had to force herself to move.
“Yep, in about ten minutes,” Lucien said with a smile. Her hand stalled on the silver door handle.  
Elain cocked her head in confusion. Lucien’s smile only widened.
“Pops said you needed help,” he said, voice low and dangerously close to making her swoon. “Looks like I get to be your hero a little longer.”
“Two weeks! Two fucking weeks after you broke up?”
An older woman on the treadmill three machines down shot the three of them a dirty look. Elain mouthed “I’m sorry” before turning back to her sister. “Nesta, keep it down.”
“Like hell,” Nesta spat, flicking her long brown hair over her shoulder. “I own the place. I’ll talk however I want to.”  
After leaving the coffee shop, Elain went straight to the library, followed closely by Lucien’s silver sedan. Her two guys were already there, shovels and rakes in hand. So was another man, who she could vaguely remember as being Lucien’s older half-brother Aodhan. He was shorter than Lucien, with brown hair not red. He was also missing the top part of his left ear. Per Helion’s instructions, she said nothing about it.
She’d shaken the cobwebs from her head and began to bark orders. She put her guys doing technical work, like trimming the hedges, weed eating and edging the property. When Helion came out ten minutes later, she made him get out the old zero turn he let her borrow and mow the entire lawn. The two brothers she put on hauling mulch, bags of topsoil, and garden stones.
All in all, they managed to get done in record time. Every one of them were drenched in sweat and red as a beet. Elain had never been so thankful for the heat. Her face had been scarlet for hours, ever since Lucien whipped his black top off ten minutes into the job, exposing a massive expanse of golden-brown muscle. When he commented on her flush, she brushed it off as the sun disagreeing with her pale skin.
She went home after, to shower and eat and maybe nap. Anything to get her mind off the sweat dripping down Lucien’s spine as he hauled a bag of topsoil across the lawn and the surprisingly dirty thought she had of tracing its path with her tongue.
Predictably, her mind bounced from one extreme to the other. She drifted back to that morning, and her interaction with Graysen. She couldn’t believe she did know that he’d gotten married.
So, she did what any woman in shoes would do. She wound up in a social media deep dive that was borderline stalking.
Graysen’s page turned out to be an information desert. Cora’s was also surprisingly sparse. There were lots of photos of cheerleading competitions, a few of her family – all beautiful – and a ton dedicated to a dachshund named Buttercup. Nothing actually personal.
Finally, after a good hour of deep diving into her ex’s life – something she’d swore she wouldn’t do after the breakup – Elain hit paydirt.
An obscure friend of a friend of a friend, who Elain didn’t even bother to remember their name, had posted a photo of a Graysen and Cora’s wedding, two weeks to the day that he broke up with Elain.
She read every single comment under the post. Then she put on her gym clothes – an adorable neon pink matching shorts and bra set, with a baggy band shirt – and left to find Nesta.
“You sure you can trust whoever posted it?” Gwyneth Berdara – her sister’s best friend — huffed out on the stair climber beside her. Elain liked the redhead. She was quiet and friendly, but a firecracker when pushed. She was a good foil for her sister’s outright bitchiness.
“Yeah, I knew he moved out west,” Elain managed out as she worked through her exhaustion. “Apparently, she’s from out there. I found the engagement announcement online.”
“Why bother with an announcement at all with how fast they got married?” Nesta spat. Her anger was rising, Elain could tell by the silver sheen crossing her sisters blue-grey eyes.
“They got engaged on Christmas,” Elain stated. She waited for it to sink in.   
“You broke up in September,” Nesta said finally, voice cold as ice. She slowed to a stop on her machine.
“We did,” Elain nodded, trudging on the stairs.
A beat.
“That motherfucker!” Gwyn shouted.  
The old woman on the treadmill threw her hands up and stalked off mumbling. She’d likely left to find the owner, Cassian, who would likely tell her he had as much control over his wife and her friends as he did the weather.
“Language, Berdara!” the deep voice of their trainer barked as Azriel turned the corner into the room. He stopped by Gwyn’s machine and leaned his tall frame around it, facing Elain. “Who are we calling a motherfucker?”
“Why do you get to say it?” Gwyn complained, shoving at him while still keeping pace. Azriel stepped back and ran an olive-colored hand into his black curls.
“I’m not yelling,” he stated drily. He pointed to the logo on his shirt. “And I work here.”
“Shouldn’t that make you less able to curse?” Gwyn asked, teal eyes narrowing as she glared at their trainer.
“Elain’s ex,” Nesta interrupted from the other side, still seething.
“Why do we care?” Azriel asked, ignoring Gwyn’s question. One dark eyebrow disappeared behind the black curls twisting over his face like shadows as he faced Elain. “You guys broke up over a year ago.”
“Because he lied to me,” Elain grunted, stomping at the machine, as if it were the cause of all of her problems. She was struggling now. It was one thing to think they’d broken up amicably. It was another to admit that he’d lied to her. He’d cheated on her. “He got engaged at Christmas.”
Azriel shrugged, “he moves fast I guess.” Gwyn groaned and slapped the emergency stop on her machine.
“The fucking useless douchecanoe shit stain on the underwear of existence was cheating on Elain the whole time they were together, you thick, beautiful fucking dumbass,” Gwyn snapped, shoving her index finger into Azriel’s chest to emphasize each word.
Elain slowed to a stop; eyes opened impossibly wide. She’d never known anyone outside Cassian or Rhysand to speak to Azriel that way.
Azriel was slack jawed. Gwyn was breathing heavy, finger still shoved into his chest.
“I…” he started. His voice was breathy, low, as if the words were stuck. Hazel eyes bored holes into Gwyn’s baby blues, “am so sorry Elain.”
She did not believe for a single second that he gave any thought to her. His tongue came out to swipe at his lower lip. Gwyn’s hand slowly fisted into the top he was wearing, right over the logo he’d pointed out earlier.
Elain whipped her head around to her sister and mouthed the word “when?” She discretely pointed between the the red head and the bodybuilder.
Nesta shrugged, a wide grin on her face, and shook her head. “Now?” she mouthed back.
“I feel like I’m interrupting something.”
Elain knew that voice. Had heard it all day long.
She looked away from her sister to where Lucien had walked up beside her machine.
Holy fuck.
She’d thought he looked nice earlier, shirtless and in jeans. But now…Lucien in athletic shorts was…almost better than coffee.
“No, we’re good,” Azriel said, not breaking eye contact with Gwyn. “I’ll meet you by the squat rack, Vanserra.” He grabbed Gwyn’s hand on his chest and leaned in. He whispered something in her ear and the red head actually wobbled.
“You good, Gwyn?” Nesta asked slyly.
The woman in question nodded. “Uh yeah, I just…forgot to eat lunch. Gonna go…fix that now,” she said before hopping off the stair climber. “I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah, catch you later Gwyn,” Nesta waved her off.
Elain couldn’t help but notice that while she was talking to Nesta, she kept glancing back to Azriel. She also noticed the slight tilt of his head as he walked off.
“Okay then,” Lucien stared for a moment before shrugging.
“How are you not exhausted?” Elain asked him before she could stop herself.
Lucien grinned, rubbing his shoulder. “I’ve always had really high endurance,” he remarked, then winked at her. “Can’t help but notice you’re here, too.”
“I bounce back quick,” she quipped, unable to hide the little grin tugging at her lips.
“Hurry up, Vanserra!” Azriel called out. Lucien shrugged, nodded acknowledgement at Nesta and sauntered off to the weight racks with the visibly agitated trainer.
“When the fuck did that happen?” Nesta hissed, pointing at Lucien’s back.
Elain followed her finger to where Lucien had started to cool off at Azriel’s instruction.
Elain laughed brightly. “That has never happened. He just helped me out today at the library job. Well, and with Graysen.” She added as an afterthought.
“Helped you with Graysen?” Nesta quirked a brow.
The sisters resumed their climb. Elain wasn’t sure how long they’d be going today, she always just followed Nesta’s lead. Some days it was quick. Some days she couldn’t move when she got home.
“Yeah, he saved me from the whole encounter. Pretended to be with me, bought me a coffee and scone. Gray was starting to look like a tomato before we got out of there,” Elain smiled. Nesta gave her a side-eye.
“Pretended huh?”
“Don’t you start,” Elain warned. She hated her sisters’ meddling. From their attempts to set her up with moody Azriel, to dragging her clubbing all over the tri-county area, to one horrible incident involving a bag of flaming dog shit on an ex’s porch, she was done with letting them get involved in her love life.
“Whatever you say, Elain,” Nesta murmured unconvinced.
They continued their steps in easy quiet, the silence broken only by huffing and groaning. It was shaping up to be an ice bath kind of day, the rate they were going.  
Elain tried to get her mind off the burn in her calves or the way her sweaty hair kept clinging to her face. She kept glancing around the gym, watching the television in the corner playing basketball or trying to look out the windows at the sunset. Her eyes were traitors though. They kept going back to the weights. Where Lucien and Azriel were warming up, directly in front of them.  
Lucien had already taken his shirt off, the blue fabric flung across one of the chairs lining the back wall. His wine-red hair was braided away from his face and knotted at the top. He was wearing gray shorts.
Short, gray, athletic shorts that left nothing to the imagination. His thighs were on full display and Elain, for the first time since she’d heard her sister start calling him it, fullyunderstood why he was called Dump Truck. They were sculpted, thick and led up to an ass she wanted desperately to sink her teeth into.
She didn’t want to look at the front. She was scared to look at the front. The man had to have a shortcoming somewhere.
Nesta whistled. “You think Feyre ever tapped that?” she stage whispered, breaking the very comfortable silence in the most awkward way possible.  
“What? No!” Elain exclaimed. Lucien glanced up. He tossed her a grin and a little wave before readying himself for a pullup. She hoped like hell he couldn’t hear them.
“Oh, come on, they used to spend all that time together. They were practically inseparable,” Nesta drawled out. Had Elain been paying attention, maybe she would’ve seen the sly smirk gracing her otherwise elegant sister’s face.
“She was with Tamlin,” Elain pointed out. Her face twisted into a scowl. “Lucien would’ve never havedone that to Tamlin.”
“She wasn’t always with Tamlin,” Nesta sing-songed. “Remember when he keyed up her car? He told Jurian it was because he caught them in bed together.”
Elain tripped again. She hadn’t heard that. She’d never heard that. “Lucien admitted that?”
“No. Tamlin told Jurian he walked in on the two of them,” Nesta explained slowly. She waved a hand dismissively. “But that is just rumor.”
It better be, she caught herself thinking. She wasn’t sure where the possessiveness came from. Wasn’t sure she didn’t like it though.
“It better be, huh?” Nesta teased, answering her thoughts. Or, what she apparently had let slip through.
Lucien was breaking her concentration. It was his fault. Yes. His fault.
“What is he even doing here?” Elain tried to divert her sister’s attention. She did not want to talk about whatever feelings she may or may not have for Lucien Vanserra.
“Cass swiped him,” Nesta sighed, allowing herself to take the bait. Elain quirked a brow. Her sister pointed to Lucien. “Cassian wanted him on as an investor in the beginning. I put my foot down. Didn’t want Vanserra money if it meant being tied to Eris in any way.”
“Oh.” Elain understood that. Eris and Nesta had a … thing, once before. It didn’t end well. It was just another one of the many ways Lucien had been around forever.
“Yeah, anyway we ran into Lucien the other night at the movies. He was busy telling Feyre about how he couldn’t work out at the office gym anymore and Cass swooped in. Got a new client and Lucien agreed to a small investment in the business.”  
“He…couldn’t work out at the office gym?” Elain asked quietly.
Nesta shook her head. “Didn’t ask why. I just overhead him say he’d kill something or someone if he went back.”
He’d mentioned something earlier, but it would entirely too self-absorbed of her to think he couldn’t work out there anymore because of Graysen.
“Are you ok? Honestly?” Nesta asked, her soft voice barely heard over the whirring of the machine.
Elain sighed. “No. I’m angry,” she admitted, for the first time out loud. “He lied to me. For a very long time, apparently. And he did such a good job of it I never questioned it.”
She could feel the tightness in her chest building. She was angry. At Graysen for lying, at herself for falling for it. Strangely, there was no jealousy. She’d let that part go. Let him go. She wasn’t sure how easy it would be to let the anger go, though.
“He’s just…such a douchecanoe,” she hissed, using Gwyn’s earlier term.  
“Do you want me to stab him?” Nesta asked seriously beside her. “We’ll call Rhys to hide the body.”
Elain blinked at her big sister. Nesta slowly cracked a smile, and they both erupted into a fit of giggles. Tears of some twisted mirth sprung to Elain’s eyes.
“Thank you, Nes,” she smiled, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “You know Rhys isn’t mafia.”
“We don’t know that,” Nesta said conspiratorially. She winked one blue-grey eye. “And besides, even if he wasn’t –“
“Which he’s not.”
“—he’d do it anyway. He loves us,” Nesta paused for a second, smirking, “well he loves you. And he loves Feyre and Cassian both enough not to fuck with me.”
“You know one day we’re going to walk in on the two of you in matching pjs, wearing face masks and watching ‘Mean Girls’ together,” Elain sighed out rolling her eyes. She’d never understand her sister’s relationship with their brother-in-law.
“Elain, honey, you know that wouldn’t happen. Rhys and I are far more ‘The Devil Wear’s Prada’ type,” Nesta said in a faux-haughty tone that had Elain laughing again.
This was why she sought out her sister. Nesta was her rock. They lapsed back into a companionable silence, working out beside each other while watching Azriel correct Lucien’s pull up form. She knew Nesta never missed an opportunity to ogle Azriel when he was training – and unfortunately was aware of how good a night Cassian would have. Typically, Elain would be right there watching the tall, dark trainer in utter appreciation as well.
Today though, she took the opportunity to watch the muscles in Lucien’s back work.
She’d spent a large portion of her workday dreaming about those muscles. The way sweat traveled over the striations. The way she imagined they might feel under her fingers. Her core started to ache as she watched his face, reddened from the exertion, twist into a determined grimace. She could easily imagine that same face over her, working hard to keep his own orgasm at bay as he pounded into her –
“Well, you know the best way to get over someone is get under someone else,” her sister interjected, breaking Elain of her reverie.
Oh God, please don’t let her have said something else out loud.
“What?” Elain asked in a daze. Nesta said nothing, just arched one flawless brow and inclined her head towards where Elain had been focused. “I’m already over Graysen! I’m mad at the lies, Nesta!”
“So? Sex is a fantastic way to work off frustration,” Nesta crooned, reaching up to shut off her machine. “Come on, we’re done for the night. Let’s go cool down.”  
Elain walked down the hall of her sister’s gym rubbing her neck. Nesta had turned their cool down into a thirty-minute yoga session. She had adopted her husband’s obsession with stretching, and Elain often had to suffer for it.  
Nesta had deposited Elain in her own personal office, pointing out a small wardrobe with a handful of spare clothes. She had said that Cassian had a late meeting with an athletic director from the college looking for a better outfit for conditioning and weight training. As soon as Nesta made her appearance and went over the financials, she’d be free to take her sister out for drinks.
“And hopefully find you a rebound,” Nesta had added with a wink.   
Elain had passably cleaned up. Nesta’s clothes always fit a little loose in the chest, but this dress was a wrap, thankfully.  
“The place is really lovely,” a low, melodic voice drifted around the corner up ahead of her.
Elain blinked for a moment. She vaguely recognized that voice, but she couldn’t quite remember where from.
It had been a long day.
“You said the locker rooms are this way, right?”
“Yes ma’am, let me show you Mrs. Lorde,” Cassian’s booming voice carried, maybe a little louder than necessary. As if he wanted to be heard.
Realization dawned on Elain just as the shadows of two people, one tall and bulky the other petite and lithe, became visible.
Nesta’s office was in the same hall, right past the locker rooms. Nesta had been in a meeting with Cassian and some athletic director.
Elain had been in Nesta’s office.
Oh shit, Cassian was trying to warn her.
Oh fuck…Mrs. Lorde.
Elain had glossed over it in the woman’s bio, the little tidbit of information irrelevant as she was too busy hunting for evidence of Graysen’s infidelity. But it was coming back to her now
All the photographs of smiling cheerleaders – smiling college cheerleaders.
Cora Lorde was the athletic director of the cheer department at the local college.
Cora was Graysen’s wife who seemingly had no idea her husband had been leading a double life.
Cora was walking down the hallway that very second to look at the locker rooms.  
She saw a foot round in the corner and ducked into the nearest door.
Straight into said locker room.
Someone else was in there, too. She was vaguely aware of hearing the shower running as panic overtook her hearing.
She squeaked for just a moment and survey the room for the best hiding spot. As she wasn’t flexible enough to fold herself into the lockers, the shower stalls were really the only place available. Surely the woman wouldn’t want to check the conditions of the stalls.
She ran to the closest shower stall door, shoved it open just enough to slide into and quickly closed it, throwing the lock into place. She released a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. She was in the clear.  
She kept her eyes on the door and threw her hands out behind her. She intended to back into the corner of the stall, hug the wall and wait for trouble to pass.
Only, her hands didn’t hit the cold tile she was expecting. Confused, Elain spread her fingers along the surface. It was hard and wet and warm…and hairy.
“Fuck me,” she moaned. This was not her fucking day.  
“If you insist,” the fleshy, hairy wall behind her murmured in a familiar, smoky voice.
Great. She’d ran into the wrong locker room.
Elain twisted around, coming face to chest with Lucien, again. She meant to tell him to keep his hands to himself, or to scream, or do something. Instead, she stared.
And stared.
Lucien was naked. Completely naked, all that glorious golden skin on display and so close if she stuck out her tongue she could trail it along his chest like she’d been dreaming about all day. He was also wet, water droplets running the length of that powerful body. His broad shoulders blocked the spray from hitting her directly. His hair was loose and drenched.
Elain was in danger.  
“As fascinating as this is, I don’t think for one second you’re in here to actually fuck me, Elain,” Lucien said. This close she could see his chest vibrate with his words.
It caused a small stream of water to dislodge from the dip of his collarbone. Elain’s brain, which was already working at half capacity, had finally short circuited the second she realized she was standing in the stall with a naked Lucien fucking Vanserra.
She didn’t hear what he said. Couldn’t hear anything. All of her senses, all of her focus was on that single stream of water flowing down, over his chest into the dips and ridges of his abs, down further until it got lost in the line of red hair trailing down to the edge of what could only be described as the most beautiful dick she’d ever seen.
Lucien’s dick.
Lucien’s very erect dick.
Lucien Vanserra’s very erect, very large dick that was an inch from touching her hand.
“Holy shit,” she breathed. Elain’s legs chose that moment to finally give out, too.
Strong hands shot out to grab her arms, steadying her. He immediately angled his hips backwards to put space between them. Not that it did much good in such a small stall.
“Never had that reaction before,” Lucien chuckled nervously. He cocked his head. “Are you good?”
No, she wasn’t good. Right now she couldn’t decide if she was doing great or she was delusional. How is it that someone that handsome, that kind, that…fucking wonderful also had a dick like that. The universe was not fair.
She couldn’t look away from it. Even though Lucien was trying to angle it away. She felt like a creep, a drooling pathetic creep but … hot damn.
“You’re going to give me a complex, Elain,” Lucien joked shyly. Elain nodded.
“A god-complex,” she whispered reverently. How long had it been since she’d been with anyone? It was Graysen she remembered, at least two months before the breakup.
“Did you just call my cock a god, Elain?” Lucien said astonished. His large hands shook her shoulders gently, breaking her line of sight with his member. Her brown eyes immediately snapped to his. He looked equal parts amused and concerned.
Elain parted her lips, she meant to reply. Honestly, she did. But she heard those familiar voices carrying into the locker room. She jerked around, out of Lucien’s hands and peered down. The shower door would hide their bodies…but not their feet. There was a gap about a foot wide, and this was the first stall in the locker room. If anyone looked, they’d see two sets of feet.
“What is going—”
Elain cut Lucien off by jumping him. Literally.
She scrambled up his tall body, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and locking her feet together behind his waist. Lucien’s hands darted to thighs to keep her steady. He opened his mouth again and Elain began to shake her head viciously.
“COVER YOUR JUNK!” Cassian bellowed. “LADY COMING IN.”  
Both of them whipped their heads to the door. Lucien angled his body, trying to keep the water from hitting Elain too badly.  
“You sure you want to see in here? We try to keep it looking decent, but the guys can be animals. As you can see both rooms are roughly the same set up,” Cassian’s voice, back to a normal level, still carried as he spoke.  
“You said this room had an extra ice bath?” Cora’s voice floated in. Their footsteps were louder, closer. They were standing just a few feet away.   
Lucien’s eyes went wide in understanding. He adjusted his grip on her, keeping her flush against him. She dug her fingers into his shoulders.  
“Yes ma’am, right this way,” Cassian continued, footsteps carrying him right past the shower stall.
Elain trembled, burying her head in Lucien’s neck. A large, strong hand came up to rub soothingly on her back.
“I don’t have too much longer,” Cora said. Cassian’s footsteps halted. “But I wanted to see, you said this room had a sauna but the women’s doesn’t?”
“Not exactly. It’s a co-ed sauna,” Cassian explained. “Both locker rooms exit into a short hall that leads either to the sauna or the pool.”
“Oh! I understand now! How fantastic!” Cora exclaimed. Elain heard her clap her hands again. “I hate to rush you, Mr. Marcellus but I do need to get out of here.”
“Of course! This way, please.”
Elain held her breath as their footsteps retreated, their voices getting quieter.    
“You good?” Lucien whispered in her ear. She shook her head, finally releasing her breath but not raising from his neck.  “Want to get down?” A pause. Then she shook her head again. He smelled good. She wanted to stay there.
If she got down, she’d have to face the fact he was naked. That she very much liked that he was naked. That for some reason the universe decided she would be the pincushion they’d poke today, and all she wanted was to be held.  
Then preferably held down and fucked by that big, beautiful cock nestled under her ass right now.
So, no. She didn’t want to get down.
“To be honest,” Lucien began to murmur, one hand still running the length of her spine while the other was wrapped around her lower back for support, “I thought I’d have to at least take you on a date before I got you to shower with me.”
Elain looked up cautiously from his neck. Chocolate brown eyes met deep russet. He was smiling. “Y…you thought about taking me on a date?” she asked. Her brain was still mush, still struggling to catch up.
“Elain,” he said her name slowly, reverently. She liked the way his lips moved with the syllables, the way his tongue flicked his teeth on the ‘l’. “I’ve wanted you since the day Jurian threw you in that pool.”
“Wait…what?” she whispered. Lucien’s responding grin was nothing short of foxlike.  
“I’ve been crazy about you, Elain Archeron, since the moment I wrapped my shirt around you. It was the first time you smiled at me. Just me. I’ve been a goner since. And when I saw you in it again today…” he groaned. She felt it as it bubbled up his chest.
“I smiled at you before that,” she whispered again, afraid if she spoke any louder, she’d wake up from this dream.
“Not like that. Not like I was something…special. The only goddamn man in the room. Not like I was your hero,” he rasped out. He was struggling with something. Elain realized she’d been subconsciously rocking her hips against him in the tiniest motion.
“I already told you that you were,” she smiled, rocking her hips gently once again. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Lucien shut his eyes, a muscle in his jaw feathering. He was barely hanging on. “You kept getting back with Lorde.”
Elain’s heart skipped. She brought her small, calloused hand to his chin and tilted it down until he opened his eyes. She hoped to convey everything in her look because words were beyond her. “I’m not with him now.”
“No…you’re not.” Lucien’s eyes fell to her lips, barely a breath separating them.
Elain held his chin, her thumb coming up to caress his bottom lip. “I would’ve chose you,” she breathed against his lips. “Had you said something, Lucien, I would’ve been yours.”
“Elain…” he breathed her name against her lips, the feel of it somehow more erotic than if he had kissed her. His chest was heaving with his breaths, so deep and uneven.
She leaned in, as close as she could without touching. “What are you going to do now?”
Lucien answered by kissing her softly, barely a brush against her lips. It sent lightning down her spine all the same. “I’m going to do exactly what you asked…if you’ll let me.”
“What I asked?” She was breathless, delirious. Her hips still rocked gently into him, his hands now guiding the movement. When had they gotten there?  
“When you ran in here…now sweet thing, can you remember what you said?” Lucien teased, voice barely more than a rasp. A smile tugged at the corners of those lips.
She nodded. Oh, she remembered.
Lucien tsked, tapping her thigh with one hand in warning. “Words, please.”
“Fuck me,” Elain demanded, loudly.
“With pleasure,” he growled.
It was an unleashing. Lucien turned, slamming her against the back wall, water now spraying down on the both of them. His mouth slanted over hers, full lips sucking her bottom between the two. She opened for him, letting him deepen the kiss, his tongue claiming her mouth for its own.
He pinned her against the wall with his hips as his hands roamed her bare skin, pulling and tugging her dress open to give him more to touch. One hand ran the length of her body, skimming the side of her breast, her neck, her ear before delving into her golden brown locks and yanking her head back so his lips could wrap around her pulse and bite.  One calloused hand slipped under the fabric of her dress, sliding up and up her thigh until it rested on the curve of her ass, kneading the the flesh there.
“Sweetheart…where are your panties?” He breathed against her neck, tongue slipping out to lick a long stripe up to her ear.
Her giggle turned to a moan. “I…I don’t wear them to the gym.”
Lucien’s answering groan was nothing short of pornographic. He wrapped his large hand around the sweep of her ass cheek, squeezing and spreading while his pelvis ground into her. She could feel that cock, now somehow sandwiched between them. She’d been too delirious to know how it had gotten there. Until that moment her hands had barely left his shoulders or left the tangle of his long red hair.
She had to feel him. Had to touch him. The urge was overwhelming.
She reached down, fingertips skimming the top of the rounded head of his cock. He was weeping at the slit. She gathered the liquid with her index finger and used it as lubrication, rubbing it around the sensitive head. The tip alone was large, the length of him thick and long. She was fascinated with the silky, hard feel of him.
Elain relished in the strangled cry Lucien gave into her neck as his mouth worked her pulse there. She wrapped him in her hand and began to pump. He jerked, once, twice in her hand. She squeezed a bit tighter, made another pass around the top when his larger hand snaked between them and stopped her. He gently pried her hand off him.
“I’m not going to last,” he breathed heavily next to her temple, “all day…all my fucking life I’ve been dreaming of this. There’s no way … I won’t last if you keep on.” He began to lower her feet to the tiled floor.
One calloused hand came up to cradle her cheek, running his thumb along her jaw. The other ripped the last tie holding her dress together. The dress finally fluttered open, revealing her sun kissed skin and total lack of undergarments.
Lucien groaned. “You’re so fucking perfect,” he growled. He bent down under the spray, taking one peaked nipple in his mouth, nipping and sucking. The other he took in his hand, kneading and pulling at the flesh until Elain whimpered.  
She reached for him, but he angled his hips away again. “Nuh-uh,” he mouthed around her breast. He took one long, biting suck before pulling off with a pop. “Give him some time to cool off before I embarrass myself, sweetheart.” He moved his head to her other breast. “Give me some time to appreciate these gorgeous tits, huh?”
She nodded, bringing her hands up to tangle in his hair, nudging his head back towards his intended goal.  
Taking her lead, Lucien’s mouth descended on her previously neglected breast and went to work keying her up. He alternated between flicking the nipple with his tongue, nibbling at the soft flesh, or downright sucking it. His hands stroked down her sides, skimming her curves, nails grazing as he worked up and down. The sensations were intense, overwhelming. She’d never come from nipple stimulation alone, but…fuck.  
One hand slipped between her legs, long fingers slipping between her folds. The second his finger hit the slick of her his head pulled away from her chest and came to rest against her forehead.
“You are so fucking wet,” he moaned, eyes shut tight. “Is that for me?”
“No,” she lied breathlessly. “Watching Azriel work out got me all hot and bothered.”
“Yeah?” he asked, cracking open his eyes. His fingers didn’t stop their slow movements. Up and down the seam of her, not once touching her clit or her opening, carefully avoiding where she wanted him most. “You’re such a pretty little liar.”
“What makes you think I’m lying?” she tried to sound offended, but his teasing fingers stole her resolve.
“Azriel wasn’t at the library, Elain,” he chuckled darkly, his eyes boring into hers. “I saw how you kept looking at me when I was working.”
“How…how was I looking at you?” Her breath hitched. She tried to move, twist her hips or grind or do anything to get him to touch her where she wanted. She pulled his hair, raked her nails along his skin, but he was steady. Undeterred.
He dipped his head down to the curve of her ear and whispered. “Like you were in that weight room. Like I was a piece of fresh meat.”
“Felt…objectified, did you?” she whined. He pinned her hips back against the tiled wall with his free hand. Lucien nodded sardonically, parting his lips to no doubt give some asshole response. “Want to know a secret?” she interrupted him, voice shaking.
She leaned up as close as he allowed her, her lips grazing his jaw. She’d never been good at dirty talk. Graysen had hated it. She had no idea if Lucien would find this hot or tell her to shut up. “I had to take my panties off in my car after the coffee shop.” He went still, breath frozen in his chest. “I’ve been so wet for you all day, Lucien, that it’s been rubbing me raw,” she moaned, laying it on a little thick but he seemed too far gone to notice.
She took a deep breath and nipped at his jaw. “So won’t you please stop with the teasing and just fuck me already?”   
Lucien said nothing. He trembled in her arms for a moment, as if to collect himself. He pulled back just enough to meet her eyes again. She could’ve sworn there was literal fire staring back at her. In one swift movement, with no warning, Lucien filled her with his long middle finger. His pointer and ring finger held her open while he twisted slightly, crooking that middle finger and dragging it down inside her.
Elain nearly screamed. He quickly covered her mouth with his own, swallowing the sound. His tongue swept in, licking the length of her mouth while his finger pistoned in and out, dragging down with each thrust. It was incredible, but she needed more. Felt so selfish that she needed more.
She wiggled her butt and Lucien obliged, adding another finger, stretching her deliciously. She could feel how tight she was around his fingers; how great the stretch was. She knotted her fingers in his hair, tugging, keeping him against her.
He'd moved in closer, no longer angling himself away. He ground his cock against her hip for just a bit of his own relief as his fingers dragged her closer and closer to orgasm. She reached again for him, and he grabbed her hand, pinning it over her head, lacing their fingers together. Lucien shook his head against her, a clear no. He delved his tongue back in her mouth.
Elain moaned obscenely as he began to fuck her mouth in time with the fingers fucking her cunt. He devoured it, drinking in her sounds like a dying man. Just as she began to tremble, that weight in her core building and building, Lucien thrust in a third finger, scissoring the three a bit, stretching her beyond anything any man had ever done. He was readying her for his cock, she realized.  She was almost a goner right then with that thought.
Then Lucien ground the heel of his hand against her swollen clit as he thrust those fingers one last time. Her released slammed into her harder than she’d ever felt before. She saw stars. Every muscle in her body contracted, her abs caving in on themselves, her legs shaking uncontrollably. She may have screamed. She’d opened her mouth but either no sound come out, or the pounding of her heart in her ears was so loud she could hear nothing else.
Lucien hauled her against him, holding her tight between him and the wall, stroking her sides in soothing gestures as she started to come down.
“You with me?” he laughed shit-eating grin spread across that handsome face.
Elain nodded deliriously. “H-holy shit. Holy fucking shit. I’ve never … never…” she trailed off, head shaking, legs still trembling. Lucien laughed again, the sound the sweetest thing she’d ever heard.
“Should I stop?” he murmured before he kissed her gently one more time.
Elain shook her head viciously. “I’ll kill you,” she hissed, nails digging into his shoulders. “If you fucking stop now, Lucien Vanserra, I will kill you.”    
Lucien erupted in laughter beside her, his whole body shaking. The movement rocked through her as well, and Elain was acutely aware of him still holding her up and open. He had been lining up his cock against her entrance, the tip she had been playing with gliding through her slick. Now, he was holding back. She tilted forward a bit, dragging her still quivering cunt over the head.
“I don’t have a condom, Elain,” he whispered tightly, moving his hips so his cock ground into her slickness broadside, giving her delicious friction. “I am clean though. Haven’t…haven’t in a while, and I’ve been checked since.”
“I’m on birth control,” she said quickly. “I get checked once a year. I’m good.” She was going to die if he didn’t get inside her.
Lucien grinned, lining them up, leaning down to take her mouth in his as he slammed home with one powerful stroke.
Oh fuck…
Oh fuck…
“OH MY FUCKING GOD, ARE YOU SERIOUSLY FUCKING IN MY LOCKER ROOM RIGHT NOW?” Cassian voice thundered through the locker room.
Elain froze up, her pussy clamping down so hard on Lucien’s cock they both had to bite the other to keep from screaming. One hand shot passed her head to steady them as Lucien’s legs began to shake.  
What did she do to the universe? Was she a puppy killer in a past life? Did she burn down a village full of orphans? Had she stepped on too many cracks and her dead mother was torturing her from beyond the grave?
“I’m running a gym, not a goddamn whorehouse, Azriel Singer!” Cassian swore, walking passed their stall. “Vanserra’s showering in here for fuck’s sake.”
“LUCIEN WAS LISTENING?” a high-pitched voice squealed from somewhere further down.
No…no way. There was no fucking way that this was actually happening.
Elain knew that voice.
She bit Lucien’s shoulder harder to keep from making noise. Her body trembled with silent laughter, sending vibrations through her core, which felt so…fucking…good. She just couldn’t enjoy it. Lucien made a small, strangled sound as his hips seemed to involuntarily jerk forward. She felt his cock jump, his body tense and his release fill her.
That fucker just orgasmed.  
She tried to look at him, but he was hiding his face in her neck. She shoved at him. He raised up sheepishly, golden skin nearly as red as his hair. A rush of fluid escaped her as he gently pulled out but didn’t set her down. I am so sorry, he mouthed.
“I didn’t know shit!” he yelled, voice cracking. Elain held on tight, trying her hardest to fight off a grin. Lucien looked like he was slowly losing it.    
“Get out Cassian,” she heard Azriel growl. “No one’s going anywhere with you standing in here.”
A low huff. “Works for me, just stop fucking in my gym!”
“We’ll stop when you stop,” she heard Azriel yell as footsteps retreated out of the locker room. Elain sighed, slumping against Lucien. Poor Lucien, who was still trying to avoid eye contact.
“You’re welcome, by the way,” Azriel called out again.
She froze again, inadvertently clawing Lucien once more. His eyes finally met hers. “The fuck you mean?” Lucien asked for her, just as freaked as she was.
“You’re pretty loud, Elain,” the woman said with a laugh.
Elain and Lucien untangled from each other. Lucien wrapped a towel around his waist, his still flagging cock still large enough to tent the fabric. Elain wrapped her wet dress back around her, long enough she figured until she could reach the towel rack.
They stepped out of the stall.
Azriel and Gwyn were standing there, both with mussed hair and angry red marks, sharing satisfied smiles. Azriel still had the rope of one of the spa robes tied around his wrist. “Looks like you had fun,” Lucien remarked, no sign of the embarrassed man from a moment before.
Azriel’s grin threatened to split his face. Gwyn just brushed her leggings off, a little self-satisfied smirk playing on her own face.  
Elain couldn’t say anything.
She was suddenly hyperaware of everything that had happened in the last fifteen minutes. Lucien being quick off the mark. Her own powerful orgasm – which apparently, she was screaming—and the fact she used Azriel’s name while Lucien had his fingers on her pussy.
Yup. She had to have been a puppy killer in a past life. She wondered if she passed out right now, if everyone would forget they heard anything at all.
“It’s totally cool, Elain,” Gwyn laughed, laying a delicate hand on her partner’s shoulder. “Azriel makes me horny all the time.”
“I’m going to die now,” she moaned. Lucien wrapped an arm around her, possessively, pulling her into his side. It was comforting.
“Nah, don’t be embarrassed,” Azriel said in a near sickly sweet tone. He was such an ass when he wanted to be. “It was a good line.”
“How come we didn’t hear you?” Lucien asked, trying to throw attention off of them. His face was slowly returning to its normal hue.
“I gagged him,” Gwyn stated, matter of fact, shrugging her thin shoulders. “And having a twin sister constantly around means you learn to be quiet.”
Elain and Lucien just stared in confusion. She couldn’t speak for Lucien, but Elain just had so many questions. She opened and closed her mouth a few times. She felt like a fish gasping for air, but she just couldn’t make the words come out.
“We were fucking in front of the security cameras,” Azriel answered their silent question. He pointed to the other end of the locker room. “There’s a camera on the storage room on the other side of the lockers. We’ve got equipment in there there Cass wants surveilled, so no…we aren’t pervs with cameras in the showers. It’s not even really in the locker room.”
Elain cocked her head. Honest to God that thought hadn’t even crossed her mind. “Why in front of the cameras?” Lucien asked for her, pulling her in a little closer.  
“He ate your sister out on my desk last week,” Azriel stated plainly, turning to point at Gwyn. “She just fucked me on a new machine he has to assemble.”
“You’re evil,” Lucien chuckled. “But we owe you one.”
Azriel nodded. “I want Eris’s address.”
All three heads turned to Azriel. Even Gwyn looked at him skeptically. “Why for?” she was the one who asked. Lucien quirked a brow, awaiting the answer as well.
Azriel shrugged. “He pisses me off.”
Elain and Gwyn traded incredulous looks. Gwyn opened her mouth, no doubt to tell her partner how stupid he sounded, when Lucien began to nod. “Totally reasonable,” he muttered approvingly. “I’ll text it to you.”  
“Good man,” Azriel tugged at Gwyn’s hand. “Round two?” Gwyn’s answer was a smirk that could only be described as devious.
“Cassian and Nesta are going out for drinks,” Elain offered as she wrapped her arm around Lucien’s waist.
“Fuck yes,” Az said laughing, dragging a giggling Gwyn out of the locker room.
Elain turned to Lucien, “so…”
“I was already so hyped up, and you were so tight – oh my god Elain I’ve never in my life … and then you laughed. Do you have any idea what that feels like when you laugh?” Lucien began rambling. His eyes were wild, and the pink began to creep up his neck. “I’ve never done that before…I swear I –”
“Lucien!” Elain finally shouted, grabbing him by his chin once again. She gently urged him to look at her. “It’s ok. Just…what now?”
Lucien stepped closer, until she had to tilt her head back to see him. He smiled sheepishly. “I meant what I said. I’m crazy about you, Elain.”
“And I meant what I said,” she said breathlessly. “I really do think you’re my hero.”
“Come home with me?” Lucien urged, hugging her to his mostly naked body. “Let me make it up to you.”  
“For the night?”  
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christianvilhelmsen37 · 3 months
Newspaper Headlines: Nuclear 'espionage', Double Olympic Gold And Digital Reality Cycling
When looking for the perfect cellular magnificence Gold coast residents can check the varied experts in the locality. That is the reason why women, specially, respect trying to find stuff that might make all of them fairly. Here I will give you a video about how one can make gold quick in World of World of warcraft. Nonetheless the collection of style you will discover in wholesale silver diamond jewelry provider is magnificent. This same preference of males over gold footwear for their love one was the same sentiment used by gold designers in coming out with their gold designed footwear since they know that most people are desiring to have a pair of those gold sneakers which stay well-liked for longer time frame than common costume sneakers that would be fashionable for a month or two then fade away from the vogue scene.
This design has a rich history and its reputation by no means seems to fade. Developments in world extensive web technology like World huge internet three.0 - immersion into 3D websites and digital three-dimensional conferencing, and World large net 4.0 - intelligent digital assistants creating choices for us determined by data gathered out of your historical past of our on the web alternate options, are beforehand effectively underway. It was very sobering to see how I was blessed not solely with a very effectively stored and professional working setting: a real sense of belonging as each a customer and worker at Big Key Self Storage. Needless to say, gold stocks can be utilized so as to add a stability factor to any portfolio and with the correct investments, you will notice your self building a pleasant nest egg in your future.
Right this moment's prospector must examine not solely these exposures, but also broken rock on mine dumps and exposures of mineralized rock in accessible mine workings. In right this moment's international financial system you will get rare gold coins from many various areas. Whether or not you want gold as a security web within the event a forex fails or choose to retailer it for future generations to ensure their financial security after you're gone, the Georgetown Trust gold mortgage program offered through Caye Financial institution International permits you to borrow towards the worth of your gold stored in Zurich and affords unimaginable potential for investments. Some gold IRAs advocate the inclusion of sure coins in treasured metal IRAs; Nevertheless, the government has already investigated a number of of thesecompanies for deceptive customers and aggressively promoting numismatic coins as an alternative of silver bars. With this technique of buying and selling, there's little to do besides purchase gold as cheaply as possible and promote it when the worth raises up-to a major amount. In research gold iras with the large push to relieve the quality of waste deposited in landfills vacuum companies brought out a bagless system. For those who assume lift chairs of high quality and nice performance from Golden Applied sciences are all expensive, you are fully improper. There isn’t an excessive amount of to say right here but to get the gatherer mod.
The factor is, sterling silver has several industrial functions and in addition employs like energy packs, pictures merchandise, electronics, and so on. And since 1980, 90% of the sterling silver that was found is in terrain fills. There are several makes use of for bullion including trading on the inventory exchange and pressing into coins. She returned it to the bank the next day and exchanged it for a hundred 1 oz silver maple coins. To avoid the heat, baked, otherwise it can crack, the color will be darkish, so we must try to avoid the summer season sporting sweat soaked wood was a lot solar exposure.
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clickvibes · 6 months
Taylor Swift is Apple Music’s Artist of the Year for 2023
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After a remarkable, record-breaking 2023, Taylor Swift is Apple Music’s Artist of the Year. Across the charts, streams, and concert stadiums filled with screaming, bracelet-wearing super fans, Swift undeniably reached a new realm of superstardom this year. All told, in the first 10 months of 2023, she saw 65 songs reach Apple Music’s Global Daily Top 100 — more than any other artist. “I am so honored to be Apple Music’s Artist of the Year,” said Swift. “Thank you to every single one of you for making this year the most incredible, joyful, celebratory year ever. From streaming the music nonstop to screaming it together in real life at the shows, dancing chaotically in movie theaters, none of this would have been possible without you. Thank you so much.” “Taylor Swift’s impact on music is absolutely undeniable — not just this record-breaking year, but throughout her entire career,” said Oliver Schusser, Apple’s vice president of Apple Music and Beats. “She is a generation-defining artist and a true change agent in the music industry, and there is no doubt that her impact and influence will be felt for years to come. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to celebrate her achievements.” Today, Apple Music spotlights the music and moments that defined Taylor Swift’s Eras era — an event so culture-engulfing it turned songs from her past into some of the biggest of this year. Listeners can tune in to an array of radio programming celebrating Swift’s two decades’ worth of melodic album narratives, as well as interviews, album collections, and playlists that showcase the singer-songwriter’s journey leading up to this historic year. Tune in at apple.co/am-1. 2023 (Taylor’s Version) on Apple Music - Swift saw consistent streaming lifts throughout the year, particularly around the enormous success of Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour. The week the tour kicked off in March, Swift’s streams grew 61 percent globally. She continued to see double-digit growth in monthly streams throughout the summer. Set List: Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour was the No. 1 most-streamed set list of the year, and among the top 40 editorial playlists of the year. - Favorites like “Bad Blood,” “Blank Space,” “Style,” “Shake It Off,” “Wildest Dreams,” and “All Of The Girls You Loved Before” all reached the Apple Music charts for their first time in 2023. - “Cruel Summer,” of Swift’s 2019 album Lover, became one of the biggest songs of the summer on Apple Music worldwide. The song re-entered the Global Daily Top 100 in April for the first time in four years and has stayed there ever since. - Midnights still stands as the biggest album of all time by a female artist in Apple Music history by first-day and first-week streams worldwide. - She’s the No. 1 most-streamed female artist in Apple Music history, and is also the female artist with the most songs to reach Apple Music’s Global Daily Top 100.  As Apple Music’s Artist of the Year, Swift will also receive a physical award that represents the extraordinary craftsmanship integral to creating music. Each Apple Music Award features Apple’s custom silicon wafer suspended between a polished sheet of glass, and a machined and anodized aluminum body. In a symbolic gesture, the same chip powering the devices that put 100 million songs at listeners’ fingertps also sits at the very heart of the Apple Music Awards. Read the full article
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steveskafte · 9 months
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THE INESCAPABLE ACHE Death isn't beautiful because it isn't ugly, but as an unavoidable step in being fully alive. Nothing disturbs me more than the push to look away. For most of human history, keeping distant from death was never considered a possibility. There were no methods to outsource the process. We stayed connected all the way through, from the moment that life left the body. until after the burial was over. This continued later than most of us realize, especially in rural places where dedicated undertakers, coffin makers, or gravediggers couldn't exist as full-time occupations. It was up to the family to care for their lost. When photography came along, the practice of death portraits became common. Bodies would be set up with their living loved ones, and it would often be the only picture they'd have together. A few summers ago, I took some of my own. After hearing from a young woman who'd recently lost her infant daughter, I photographed them at the funeral home together. It was a heartbreaking experience. I believe that I was born with a sort of funeral in my heart. Everywhere I looked around as a child, I seemed to see the signs of entropy and loss. When I was young, this realization really unnerved me. There were a couple of years as my single digits doubled when I started believing that I was terminally obsessed with the worry. Every time someone was late coming home, the first thing I imagined was a tragic accident. That's a mindset I never lost, but learned to redirect. Rather than pushing those end-of-life thoughts to the back of my mind, I tried to embrace them a little. I started seeking darker forms of art – books, music, and movies that didn't dance their way around the inescapable ache of life. I started feeling an aversion to the toxic positivity of believing nothing ever ends. Don't drown my emotion with talk of ghosts and hopes for Heaven. If I can't see the beauty in death, then I've got no business living. August 9, 2023 Victoria Harbour, Nova Scotia Year 16, Day 5750 of my daily journal.
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wordexpress · 1 year
Soaring temperatures bad news for Bangaloreans, good news for AC makers
IMD’s prediction about a hotter-than-usual summer has put a smile on the face of AC manufacturers who are hoping for an improvement after two slow years thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. Manufacturers like Voltas, Hitachi, LG, Panasonic and Godrej Appliances are anticipating pent-up demand, especially in a city like Bengaluru where ACs weren’t a necessity.
Temperatures would usually remain below 30 degrees, but the temperature has been on the rise in the last few weeks with little chance of rain. Weather forecasters point out that April 2021 was much kinder than 2022. In the first ten days of April, Bengaluru received more than 60mm of rain. This was more than the monthly average of 41.5mm. At the end of the month, rain totalled a record 121.1mm.
Bangaloreans were not happy with this stark increase in temperatures. "Earlier there was no need for ACs in Bengaluru because the weather was AC-like. We had natural AC and now the temperatures have increased drastically," said Akshaya N from Bellandur. "It's so hot that, I only keep drinking water, fruit juices or majike (buttermilk) these days," said Suresh from HSR layout.
“AC sales are steady this year, but it was high last two years for a few months," said Munesh a local electronics vendor, “People were able to spend money on it and many people stayed at home. Most people loved buying ACs and Microwave ovens last year. Bengaluru is known for its changing weather, people are more likely to buy something that can work in all types of weather,” added Munesh.
Last year due to the COVID-19 outbreak and increasing temperatures, the Air Conditioner (AC) sales increased in Bengaluru, a city that has been known for its cooler weather even when the rest of the country is facing raging heat waves in summer. Many AC vendors are hoping for a similar pattern this year as last year the sales dipped in the middle due to the COVID-19 advisory of the spread of the virus in air-conditioned spaces.
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Prices for residential air conditioners may rise by 5% to 10% due to rising input costs in the industry, despite manufacturers expecting double-digit growth this year due to the early arrival of summer.
Air conditioner sales fell after increasing during the spring, as authorities declared that the coronavirus spreads more quickly in air-conditioned rooms and halls. Some anticipate increased demand this season, which may result in a unit shortage, putting them under pressure to meet the increased demand.
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bunndalton9 · 2 years
Burberry Brit Adjustable Waist Leather Belt Black 1016
The primary and the essential factor would simply get the septic tank pumped out. In this text, we’ll inform you the assorted tools or materials to place in or clean our septic tanks by ourselves. If you’re in need of septic service, perform a little analysis and see if you'll find one pretty a lot as good as Beaumont Septic. It’s best to find a local septic firm though to maintain your cost down. Keep the sketch and continue to framework structure limit. Burberry products are sold via Burberry.com, in Burberry shops and at chosen approved department shops, retailers and specialty stores. Most Burberry belts are produced from leather-based, and come in clean, grainy or monogram finishes. Some are created from the brand’s e-canvas, which is constructed using renewable resources that require less water and create less CO2 than regular coated canvases. There are some pieces that come in a mix of both fabrics for a singular contrast of texture, or a woven material that's durable with simply the appropriate quantity of stretch. Offering a extra neutral take on Burberry’s iconic examine, this Italian-made black and gray belt makes it easy to work pattern into your equipment collection. Further popularizing the ditch coat in Hollywood was the character of Inspector Clouseau in the Pink Panther movies, who wore a trench coat. Burberry founder Thomas Burberry's invention of gabardine not solely revolutionized outerwear, but in addition helped the Burberry model pioneer the ditch coat as we all know it at present. In fashionable occasions, the Burberry trench coat is amongst the brand's most enduring and iconic items, however the history of the ditch coat dates back greater than a century. This heritage stays key to Burberry’s iconic outerwear alongside a imaginative and prescient for fashion-forward collections, inspirational runway exhibits and an industry-leading position in digital technology. Belts worn with quite so much of interchangeable and cool belt buckles are sizzling right now. New fashions are specializing in a crisp architectural match, with the spotlight on the waist. Well, if you try the road of Burberry belts online, you would certainly not be disheartened for certain. The vary of belts from Burberry incorporates several of the Burberry checks, together with the Horseferry check and the Springfield Haymarket examine. There are hand painted waist belts, double buckle alligator leather-based belts and skinny bow detail leather-based belts. The vary also contains perforated leather-based and a variety of reversible types too. Complete your outfit with our luxe collection of Burberry belts this season. Discover your new favorite accent with our choice of Burberry classics and on-trend styles, that includes monogram, leather, examine print designs, and brand belts. Best prices on Burberry brit in Men's Belts / Suspenders online. In 2021, Burberry introduced that it would turn out to be a 'local weather constructive' company by 2040. The style model additionally announced that it would commit to a new target reduce chain emissions by 46% by 2030, a rise from an earlier pledge of a 30% discount. In February 2019 Burberry apologized for showcasing a hoodie that featured a noose around the neck throughout its show at London Fashion Week. The retailer mentioned it has eliminated the merchandise from its assortment, after criticism from considered one of its personal models led to a web-based backlash. https://phoenet.tw/replica-designer-belts/replica-burberry-belt.html In February 2020 Burberry was forced to shut 24 of its 64 Chinese mainland stores due to COVID-19. Riccardo Tisci introduces the Spring/Summer 2022 equipment assortment for men, featuring new and signature kinds elevated with unmistakeable house codes. In October 2013, it was announced that Ahrendts would take up the place of Senior Vice President of retail and on-line at Apple, Inc. from April 2014, and get replaced as CEO by Bailey. wikipedia handbags During her tenure, gross sales elevated to over £2 billion, and shares gained more than threefold to £7 billion. In spring 2014, designer Christopher Bailey became CEO of Burberry and retained the function as chief inventive officer. His primary wage was £1.1m, with total compensation of as much as £10m a year relying on sales targets being met. In 1856, tailor's apprentice Thomas Burberry based the British firm Burberry with a group of outerwear. The home's most well-known creation, the trench coat, was created for troopers preventing in the WWI trenches. Fast forward a hundred and fifty years, and right now the brand is known for classically chic ready-to-wear, fragrances, timepieces, youngsters's clothes, and extra along with timeless trench coats. Its iconic check pattern is recognizable all over the world as a mark of luxurious. The firm more than doubled sales per item from Bailey’s last catwalk assortment, though this was partly as a result of it cut the variety of gadgets obtainable instantly after the show. Bestsellers included a classic examine cap and a rainbow check tote bag. Contact the seller- opens in a brand new window or tab and request shipping to your location. Burberry bans the burning of all unsold objects and begins using fur to make merchandise. One of the company’s first measures was canceling licenses to spice up its exclusivity and cut back the Burberry verify use to about 10% of its products. Burberry realized that its ubiquity would make the brand lose its status as a luxury fashion home as a end result of upper-class customers have been wanting elsewhere. This is where our waste is being collected and within this might be wherever your time is decomposing before all exhausting it into the drain area. Your septic system is linked to your lavatory, sink, bathe, and every little thing else using water in your house. There are some instances during which it fills up and as quickly as it fills up there are some complications… Like your rest room, not flushing. There are instances wherever we want to either set up a model new septic tank however would possibly just have to wash it by ourselves and that we don’t precisely what to try and do.
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amstrup64lindsay · 2 years
Tips On How To Discover A Gucci Belt In Plus Size
Then, Harlem famous person Dapper Dan enters the sport to completely turn over the brand’s “dusty” enchantment. Whether you wish to put on it belted with a gown, a skirt, denims, shorts, extensive leg pants, you might have so many options! Here is a roundup of a few extra outfits I’ve styled with my GG belts to offer you concepts of the number of appears you possibly can create. This signifies that the products and costs supplied at each could also be completely different. The famous double G emblem of Gucci employs the two interlocking, daring “Gs” of the father’s – Guccio Gucci’s – initials in a very inventive and sensible means. The Gucci logo has become synonymous of luxurious and class. I love how the belt simply clothes up even essentially the most fundamental outfits – which I really feel like most of my summer seems are. You can actually pair this belt with pants, shorts, a dress, or a high waisted skirt. Anyways, I actually have linked this inexpensive pretend GG Belt manymany times on this publish. 🙂 You can see below a few ways I styled this belt and why I frankly, will never put it down. Shocked by the price of the product, the mother then declares that it looks just like the belts worn by college students of Delhi Public School , Ranchi. She additionally added that the same product could’ve been bought for Rs one hundred fifty if the Gucci buckle was changed with that of the varsity uniform belt. https://calsmedia.nl/replica-designer-belts/fake-gucci-belt.html If you look at the photographs you'll notice that an genuine Gucci belt has very regular and parallel stitches. I received mine from Home Depot however your also can get it on . First check to see which dimension spoke can fit inside your current holes – more than likely that’s the correct dimension to use. Remember, you presumably can at all times widen the holes but you can’t make them smaller. ' so at present I thought I would write up a blog post reviewing the sizing and different types of Gucci belts within the hopes that it helps you decide which Gucci belt to purchase. Gucci Marmont belts got here into style and so they're right here to remain, years down the road, they are a fantastic designer staple. Whether you resolve to go understated with a small Gucci belt or huge and bold, there's an possibility for everyone. Real Gucci belts additionally have a serial quantity which must be 21 digits lengthy. Typically, the quantity should start with “114” or “223.” wikipedia designer belt Gucci belts also use a font known as Granjon Roman is similar to the serif font used within the Gucci wordmark. Each product we feature has been independently selected and reviewed by our editorial team. If you make a buy order utilizing the hyperlinks included, we might earn commission. In certain instances, a coupon offered in Haute24 stores is probably not utilized towards purchases on haute24.com. As I mentioned above, some elements change in time but the newest authentic Gucci mud bag may be seen at the picture under. First of all, there are so many completely different ways in which this belt could be styled. I’ve worn mine so often that I’ve undoubtedly gotten my moneys worth out of it. I first began sporting it with my denims and shorts until I felt extra comfy styling it and starting placing it over my blazer or saggy sweater dresses for the Winter. Remember to suppose about your style, price range, and the authenticity of the belt before purchasing, and you’re sure to be happy with your money’s price. Given the hefty worth of Gucci belts, knockoffs aren’t an uncommon incidence – particularly if you’re buying off secondhand sites. Of course, to stop fraud, it’s greatest to stay to official retailers. The design is so simple and easy to put on, which is one of the causes it’s thought of top-of-the-line designer belts. The Gucci GG belt is so versatile and instantly elevates an outfit. Whether you’re dressing it up with a blazer or gown, or sporting it casually with denim, the Gucci Marmont belt is very easy to pair with completely different outfits.
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little-diable · 3 years
Once Lovers, Now Enemies - Bucky x Reader x Steve (dark!smut)
Okay I needed to write this, I couldn't stop thinking about this idea and I love how this turned out. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: The reader has been running away from Bucky and Steve, the lovers she now hates with all her heart. But what happens if they find her, what happens if she loses her memories due to a fight and can't recall that the lovers she once had are now her enemies?
Warnings: 18+, unprotected sex, threesome, double penetration, oral (f and m), heavy heavy heavy dubcon (probably noncon), memory loss
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader x Steve Rogers (2.4k)
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“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Steve’s eyes followed her every move, body pressed against the wall, trapping herself with no way out. Both Bucky and Steve were standing close by, staring at the woman that had once belonged to their team, the woman that had suddenly disappeared without a warning, the woman both men had loved for years.
“Let me go, Steve.” (Y/n)’s eyes flickered between both men, her heart twisted in pain as she recalled all those nights she had spent with the two pressed against her body, taking care of her needs. She hadn’t been in the right headspace back then, had needed the two to cosy her along as she felt lost and confused.
But now, after years of hiding and running away, she no longer felt that pull in her chest, the love she had once fostered for the two was no longer there, it no longer was the only thing that kept her alive. Disgust flooded through her as she stared at the two and the calloused fingers they would run up her body, hands she had once loved and now hated like the winter hated the summer.
(Y/n) could still remember the day she had finally seen through their game, their possessive ways, their sick and twisted behaviour. It had been her turn to free herself and her only resolution had been running away.
“There’s no way out, doll.” Bucky stepped closer, about to touch her as (y/n) reached for her boot, pulling out the knife she always carried around with her. Moments before Bucky could grasp onto her she stabbed her knife into his side, pushing him away to make a run for the door. She crashed to the ground, crying out as Steve straddled her back, keeping her pinned to the floor.
(Y/n) could no longer move, her head had hit the ground, knocking her out before she could cry out for help. Blood was dripping from her forehead, she fell limp, allowing Steve to pick her up, carrying her out of the room with Bucky in tow, gloved hand pressed against his bleeding side.
When she woke up again, (y/n) needed to take a moment to figure out where she was, her head throbbed, just like her body. No longer was she wearing her clothes, but she found herself dressed in an oversize shirt. The mattress she was laying on felt harder than she could remember, though familiar enough for her to recognise her surroundings.
Before (y/n) could stumble out of the bed to find her way out of the tower, the door got pushed open. Bucky and Steve studied her, eyes flickering up and down her body. She froze, didn’t move as she heard the door being locked, trapping her once again.
“Good morning, doll. Breakfast?” Bucky placed a plate down, filled with foods she couldn’t stomach. Her insides were churning, bile rose in her throat as her legs began to tremble, struggling to support her. Steve had to grasp onto her before she could tumble to the ground once again, keeping her locked against his body.
“Come on, let’s lay down again.” She wanted to struggle, but she couldn’t, didn’t have the strength to push herself away from him, so, (y/n) allowed the tall man to place her back down on the bed. Tiredness washed over her, pushing her in and out of reality, telling her that she would black out any moment now.
“You need to eat, darling.” Steve reached for the plate as Bucky pushed (y/n) into his side, holding onto the woman both men had been searching for. It felt good to have her back in his arms, like a blanket he had been missing, like a warm hug on a December evening, like a lover that had just returned after years of being away.
“No, please.” (Y/n) choked out, rubbing her eyes, trying to push Bucky away.
“Don’t be a brat, doll. We’re just trying to help you.” They were toying with her mind, pushing her into a dark corner, into a submissive state she hadn’t been in for years. The two of them held a special power over her, knowing that they could easily push her back into the memories she had tried to hide from.
“Why am I here?” She felt Bucky’s hands move up her naked thigh, moving closer to her heat, no longer patient with her stuttering self. For months he had tried to imagine what being inside of her had felt like, wondering how he could ever forget about the most heavenly feeling.
“Why shouldn’t you be here? You were never gone, doll.”
(Y/n) could barely remember anything, her head was spinning, keeping her from remembering what had happened in those past hours, but the last thing she could remember clearly was showering with Bucky, kissing his body as hot water ran down her body. She didn’t know where that feeling came from, that urge to move away from her lovers, had she dreamt of something dark? Had they done something she couldn’t recall?
A string of incoherent words left (y/n), her blurred vision kept her from taking in Bucky and Steve, otherwise, she probably would have noticed that they didn’t look like in her memories, both had clearly aged, something (y/n) couldn’t focus on.
“Maybe we need to distract you for a bit, darling. It was just a bad dream.” Steve’s breath fanned over her throat, lips met her skin, his beard scratched along her neck, feeling unfamiliar and strange. But the feeling of Bucky’s hand reaching her core distracted her from Steve’s touch, drowning out the voice in the back of her head, desperately trying to warn her.
“Atta girl,” raspy moans bled from her lips, eyes fluttering close to relish in their touches, the warmth they brought upon her like sun rays that were dancing on her skin after a harsh winter. Both their hands explored her skin, Bucky pushed her panties aside, calloused, experienced fingers brushed through her slit, coating his digits with her arousal, while Steve’s hands disappeared beneath her shirt, cupping her breasts, pinching her hardening nipples.
Her body was no longer used to the sensations, could still clearly recall all those years away from them, but her brain didn’t seem to catch up, keeping her rational thoughts from reaching her. She moaned and cried for them, shuffling closer to her lovers, finding herself pressed between both men - a strange feeling of security and safety crashed upon her, weighing her in false comfort.
“See, doesn’t that feel good, doll?” (Y/n) nodded her head, her eyes found Bucky’s, fighting against the urge to clamp her thighs together, to keep his hand locked between them forever. He pumped two fingers into her core, she trembled and quivered, not knowing whose touch she should focus on.
“I want to feel her mouth on my cock,“ Steve gave Bucky a slight push. „It feels like I haven’t fucked your mouth for years, darling.” (Y/n) didn’t understand the equivocation of his words, and didn’t even question Steve’s choice of words. Slowly Bucky let go of her, helping (y/n) onto all fours, he followed her down the bed, placing himself between Steve’s thighs so that he could eat her out while she would go down on Steve.
Silently both men found themselves praying that she wouldn’t see through their charade, that she would stay blissfully oblivious, allowing them to toy with her. Perhaps they would even understand the severity of what they had done if they weren’t blinded by their needs and urges, the heavy feeling of missing her that kept them selfishly clinging to (y/n).
Both Steve and Bucky shuffled out of their clothes as (y/n) tried to place herself. (Y/n) didn't seem to notice the wound on Bucky's side, the way he had wrapped it up to stop his bleeding. She moved her hands up Steve‘s thighs, stabilizing herself as she lowered her mouth down to his hardening cock. Her tongue moved up his length, swirling around his tip - it felt as if she had never done something else, knowing exactly how to tease him. Bucky slung his arms around her thighs, lowering her cunt down to his face, brushing his own tongue through her slit.
All three were one big moaning mess, (y/n) tried to take all of Steve’s cock, but she was too eager, choking around him as his hips jerked up. Her cries filled the room, sending sparks down to Bucky’s cock, twitching in anticipation. Her taste clung to his taste buds, filling him with that comforting feeling of finally having her back.
“That’s our girl, you’re doing so well, darling.” Bucky moaned in confirmation as (y/n) arched her back, trying to stay focused, not thinking straight as Bucky’s tongue kept on fucking her. Her hair found itself tangled in Steve’s grasp, not giving her a second to breathe, he fucked her mouth like she belonged right there, choking and gasping for relief.
(Y/n)’s head was spinning, pleasure burst through her veins like a firecracker being alight, taking up every inch of her rushing blood, poisoning it with their touch. Without another warning she came on Bucky’s tongue, the same time Steve came down her throat, filling her cheeks with his hot cum.
Both men glanced at one another, silently communicating as (y/n) tried to catch her breath, collapsing on Steve’s thighs. She felt them shift, letting go of her as they moved around on the big mattress.
Bucky pushed her down onto his front, forcing her to straddle his thighs, while Steve moved behind her, preparing to take her the same time Bucky would. Both could still recall all those times they had fucked her while she choked on their names, heart racing, threatening to burst out of her chest. Now, as she was still relying on the memories from years ago, she couldn’t find anything wrong with the situation she found herself stuck in.
“Ready for us both, doll? You’re dripping down on me.” Bucky spat into his hand, he pumped his cock a few times before he told (y/n) to move closer, aligning her heat with his tip. Slowly she sank down on his length, whimpering in pain, walls no longer used to his size, how he filled her like no other man ever could.
“Fuck, Steve, she feels so good.” This was all Steve needed to hear, he pushed himself closer, keeping her pressed down onto Bucky’s cock. He wasn’t patient with her, ripped her open as he entered her from behind, groaning as her tightness engulfed him.
Words spluttered from her lips, words both men didn’t spare any attention to, only focused on their own pleasure and the feeling of her swallowing their cocks. Merciless thrusts speared her, fluttering walls struggled to clamp down on them, desperately trying to adjust, even though they wouldn’t let her.
“You’re taking us so well, that’s our girl.” Steve pulled her down for a kiss, eyes keeping hooked onto Bucky’s, even as (y/n) moaned into his mouth. For a moment or two, her inner voice found its strength again, calling out to her to wake up, to force herself to remember what had happened, but the feeling of both men fucking her at the same time seemed to distract her.
(Y/n) swallowed thickly, her second orgasm was creeping closer, would hurl her over the edge without any mercy, rocking through her like a tsunami clashing upon a small seaside town, robbing lives as it took over the land.
“I, oh god,” her words got stuck in her throat, clawing through her, not allowing her to speak her thoughts. The nagging feeling wouldn’t let go of her, wanting to warn her, to make her aware of the situation she was stuck in, but as Bucky’s thumb met her clit, rubbing the sensitive bundle of nerves, her eyes fluttered close, savouring the feeling.
The sound of their bodies clashing together filled the room, Steve fucked her more carefully than Bucky, hoping to drag out the moment for as long as possible, but Bucky was prepared to cum, to fill her like he hadn’t done in years.
“We won’t ever let you go again, you belong to us, don’t you?” Steve’s words rang in her ears, vibrating on her skin like a poem written in the depth of the night. She could only nod, couldn’t reply as she was searching for the right words. (Y/n) hated the way her body reacted to his words, blindsided and trapped, desperately ringing for words she could use to tell them how much she loved them.
But did she really love them? Didn’t the nagging voice in the back of her head warn her, tried to keep her away from the men that were currently fucking her into oblivion?
“Forever ours, doll.” Bucky pushed her over the edge, kept circling her clit with his thumb, guiding her through her orgasm with his touch. Steve followed her shortly after, hands placed on her waist to keep himself stabilised, burning his fingerprints into her skin.
Lazily both men kept on thrusting into her cunt, Bucky was the last one to give in, his cock twitched as his heat filled her just like Steve’s, clinging to her body. He caught her trembling frame, pressed her against his chest, an act she misinterpreted as protective and loving, not seeing through his facade, his possessive self.
“Sleep, darling. We will take care of you.” Steve pressed kisses to her cheeks, smiling as she yawned into the crook of Bucky’s neck. She felt content and safe, falling asleep in the arms of the men she had once called her lovers and now her enemies.
“Jarvis,” Bucky murmured, eyes not letting go of her drowsy frame. “(Y/n) no longer has the authorization to leave this room.”
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Tᕼᗴ ᑕᕼᗩOTIᑕ ᗩᑎᘜᗴᒪ
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
Chapter 3: Au Revoir Gotham My True Home
Marinette explained what happened and that she didn't mean to cause trouble, she didn't know why the bats were looking for her (author to audience... it's because she looks like one of his bat kids gone rouge.) When she asked how they knew the Bat was looking for her, she found out that Selina was actually dating the Bat... So Marinette was very surprised at that, her family talked about it and a few days after her birthday she'll be going to Paris, France with Selina to be with a family friend of hers. Marinette was now really thinking she was cursed, but she made sure to take it in stride and spend as much time with her friends and family as possible.
"Doan wawhry suguh, we'll make sure tuh visit as much as possible, yuh can even visit us durin' summuh and wintuh break." - Harley held back the tears as she hugged Marinette, Bud, Lou, Ivy, Selina, Ed and even Frank joined in on it.
……… ………
Marinette was out with her friends still not sure how to tell them, she started with the obvious.
"Sooo... tomorrow I turn 10... the double digits." - Marinette
"Soon you'll be one of us!" - Garfield gave Marinette a side hug with a big smile, god he made it harder to tell them
"So what do you want to do? We can celebrate, tomorrow and the day after that, and the day after that, heck we can celebrate for the whole week while we're at it!" - Garfield
Rachel noticed the sad smile Marinette had as Garfield continued talking.
"Is there something you need to tell us?" - Rachel's words stoped Garfield in his tracks, he then looked at a slightly teary Marinette, and he felt a slight tinge of pain in his chest.
"I- um, I'm moving this Saturday... I'm sorry I really don't want to, but- *hic* I-" - Marinette was cut off by Garfield giving her a hug, he rubbed small circles on her back as she let out a few sobs. Rachel patting her shoulder to try and comfort her.
After they were like that for a few minutes, they decided to get ice cream
……… ……… ………
"I'm sorry." - Marinette eating her chocolate chip ice cream
"It's not your fault Mari, besides, we can officially say we have a pen pal in Paris." - Garfield with his chocolate mint ice cream trying to lighten the mood, managed to get a chuckle out of Marinette.
"We can still video call, or text you. And your parents said you can visit on summer and winter break." - Rachel just starting her strawberry ice cream
"But what if I need a friend to talk to when I can't sleep? Or if I need a movie buddy? Or gaming buddy?" - Marinette
"There are online multiplayer games we can play you know." - Rachel
"Yeah, and I'm sure you'll make friends over there really quickly, I mean you already know a few other languages, including French, so there isn't any communication problems." - Garfield
"I wish you guys could come with me..." - Marinette almost done with her ice cream
"... Didn't you say you always wanted a hamster, maybe one that's unique, like a the rare Green Gotham Hamster?" - Garfield with a mischievous grin
"Selina's family friends own a bakery, so no pets allowed. Sorry Rare Green Gotham Hamster, I'm afraid you're staying native to Gotham." - Marinette said patting his shoulder.
"Wait they own a bakery?! As in you can be on a sugar high 24/7?! Take me with you!!" - Garfield
……… ……… ………
Soon it was time for them to go home, when Marinette got home, she continued packing what she would need, making sure that her Siren plushies where safely secure, and then went to eat dinner.
The next day she made sure to get up early, Garfield and Rachel knew where she lived, and wanted to make sure everything was ready for them, setting up the games they would play into the night, and the movies they would watch after that.
She then went to the Gardens to greet her Mom and the plants, doing the usual routine of checking all the plants, complimenting and watering them. During which a sleepy Harley walked over giving Ivy and Marinette a morning kiss before going to make her coffee.
At breakfast she didn't see her Aunt yet, she assumed she was robbing someone rich again.
……… Over to Catwoman ………
"Come ta mama." - Catwoman mumbled as she used her claws to cut the glass surrounding an old elegant purple sapphire that belonged to one of Gotham's founding fathers' wives.
……… Back to Marinette ………
About an hour after breakfast Garfield and Rachel came over, holding Marinettes' rapped presents, they started the day off with trivia games, which they called the MIQ (which can mean either Marinette Isley-Quinzel or in this case Memory Intelligence Quiz) which Marinette and Rachel came to a tie followed by Ivy, then Harley, and Garfield. They then moved on to board games, Marinette decided to play The Game of Life rather than Monopoly (because lets be honest, who has ever finished that game in the time of a signle day? An extreme speedrunner... maybe.) while the adults got the cake ready. Surprisingly Garfield won, he got the acting career, a sports car, a nice old fashioned mid modern house, a wife, and 3 kids... Marinette got the fashion designer career, got a motorcycle, and a small, but nice victorian house, a husband, and one kid... and Rachel got the scientist career (because science is just simplified mortal magic), a delorean car (and even said "Since science is magic I can make it fly, so technically, I don't need roads where I'm going."), a modern cabin in the woods, single (she didn't want a significant other to interrupt her magic science) and got a pet bird.
Once Selina and Ed came over, they began the party, playing games like DDR, Ultimate Mecha Strike 2, and Racing games.
When it came time for Marinette to blow out her candles, she wished that everything would be okay, and that she will be able to come back to Gotham permanently, and blew them out.
She then got to open her presents, she started with Harley's, and got a custom baseball bat that was a dark steel blue, with a light grey handle grip, and it had the words "Quinn For Da Win" on it, putting a smile on her face, when she opened Ivy's gift she got seeds of her favorite flowers to plant over in Paris. She then opened her Uncle Ed's gift, which was a small watch that had special A.I., it had a cover over the inside screen that would flip open to reveal another screen. The cover was silver with a blue question mark, and when it opened, it showed the time, and the location you where in, it could also act as a GPS, and a phone (it could even play music AND had an incredible battery life span). She then moved on to her Aunt Selina's gift, finding a small purple sapphire in the shape of a cat paw, surrounded in silver. She then opened Rachel's gift, it was a travel mug that said "Coffee lives in my veins." (Marinette started drinking coffee recently) which made Marinette laugh, and then she got to Garfield's gift. When she opened it, she found a handmade charm bracelet, it had animals that she really liked around it, and there was one that was a small tiger, with it's eyes and nose having a light green peridot stone, to represent the first day they met. She put the bracelet on her right rist and thanked Garfield for it, and gave everyone a big hug.
She spent the rest of the day playing with her friends, having a wonderful time, and getting a massive sugar rush from all the cake they had. When it came time for dinner they were running low on energy, but were back to normal after Harley snuck some coffee into their food... The only thoughts that went through Garfield and Rachel's minds where "That's why Mari drinks this stuff..."
After dinner they played all kinds of video games, and ended it by watching Back To The Future. They fell asleep some time after 2am.
……… ……… …….
The next morning they all had breakfast and then spent the day playing parkour tag over roofs and playing I spy games. And at the end of the day Marinette gave her friends a big hug, before heading back home. She spent her time with her moms, Uncle, and Frank, playing more boardgames and discussing what she should do to make friends...
"Just be yawhself, we love yuh fawh who yuh are, and I'm sure everyone in Paris will love yuh too... if dey doan, den dey most likely have a massive defective reject of a brain." - Was Harley's opinion
"Riddle the f-ck out of their brain, if they can solve all of them, and like you for you, then they are worthy." - Which was Ed's opinion
"Use a chemical based compound from the magnolia flower, combined with three tulip petals, one rose petal, and pollen from a lilac to create a befriending potion." - Ivy's words made everyone silent before Ed spoke up
"... Harley if you're being mind controlled blink." - Ed deadpaned, which had Marinette cackling
"I'm not bein' mind controlled, also yuh nawhmally say ‘blink once or twice’ not just ‘blink’ I could blink at any random interval and yuh woun't know what tuh tink, and here I thoughtcha were a genius." - Harley with her head on Ivy's lap as Marinette starts wheezing.
"I think y'all broke her." - Frank just pointed to Marinette as she was still cackling and wheezing while in the fetal position.
That's when Selina walked in...
"What the hell did you guys do to Kitten?!" - Selina dropping the bags she got from some high end shop, and after they made sure Marinette was still alive they continued their game... and Marinette may have actually written the list of ingredients for that position, but only as a last resort. When it was time for them to sleep Marinette spent the night with her moms, like she use to when she was 4.
She got up early to make sure everything was ready, she had her sketch book in her backpack, as well as some pencils, ear buds, snacks and a picture of her with her family and friends. She decided to wear her new watch and charm bracelet as she finished checking her bag, she then went into the garden to say goodbye to all the plants, and to give Bud, Lou and Frank one last goodbye. She had about 3 hours before her and her Aunt were to head to the airport, and she spent that time with her moms, almost never leaving their side.
……… ……… …….
As the plane took off she looked out the airplane window, saying goodbye to Gotham, until her next visit home....
Chapter 3 complete, also just in case I didn't describe her B-day gifts good enough, here's what they look like (꒪꒳꒪)
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Hope you're all having an amazing day, staying safe and rockin' all positive vibes,!BUG-OUT! 💮🐞💮
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜Tag List〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
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vvitchering · 3 years
for your idea thing...how about various star wars characters (pick one or a few) react to the fact it is raining on tattooine for the first time in over a decade?? and it's like, a downpour?? as someone who lives in a desert, when it rains it often is accompanied by high winds, usually it's night time, it's during the summer season so it can be warm and humid, and is often begins with a big sand storm. (we call them haboobs but in star wars i bet they call it something else)
Cobb Vanth, Tattooine born and raised, with the desert in his veins, can take one good look at the sky at dawn and interpret how the day will unfold with surprising accuracy. There’s an art to predicting the weather; part instinct, part mysticism, with a dash of plain dumb luck thrown in for good measure. Cobb calls it intuition. Says the sands will tell you everything you need to know if you just hush up and listen.
Din, used to seeing the world overlaid with a digital display of atmospheric conditions and temperature readouts, scoffs a bit at the Marshal’s fanciful backwater notions. Cobb just smiles that crooked smile of his and says “Well, we’ll see, won’t we?”
There isn’t much for him to do, grounded and aimless as he is, so Din takes to keeping track of Cobb’s predictions and calculating their accuracy. If only to have something to rib the other man about later, when he proves there’s no replacement for a good scanner. It’s possible he needs to find a hobby, at least one other than Cobb-watching which is somehow both excruciatingly boring and endlessly fascinating. But far from giving him gloating rights, Din’s data suggests that Cobb is actually right about the weather most of the time. His predictions are almost always in the form of hokey idioms and therefore up to a certain amount of interpretation. But if the man proclaims that the day will be “hot enough to melt the stink off a herd of banthas”, Din knows he’s in for an especially sweaty time.
There aren’t many weather events that interfere with life in Mos Pelgo. The people work through heat waves, dust storms, solar flares, and all other manner of intolerable things. Din has sand in all of his least favorite places inside a week, which makes his decision to pack most of his beskar away in favor of the protective but loose fitting garb the locals all wear much easier. He keeps his vambraces, his signet emblazoned pauldron, and the guards on his left leg that double as support for his bad knee, but stows the rest of his gear in an old sturdy chest that Cobb loans him.
It feels a little like stripping away part of his soul and a little like discovering it anew, but those aren’t feelings he’s ready to tackle just yet. So he doesn’t. He dons the desert colored hand-me-downs that the townsfolk so generously donated and sweats just enough, rather than too much.
Sand storms, while they don’t grind life to a halt, do tend to throw wrenches into the routine. There’s machinery to tend to, livestock to check on, and periodic miserable shoveling of sand buildup off of the buildings and walkways to avoid the town being buried alive. Cobb proves to be just as reliably accurate at predicting the arrival of a storm as he is everything else.
He leans his arm against the curved entryway of his home, face lifted skyward but still aware of Din’s early morning bleary-eyed presence, and says “You’ll learn.”
Din doubts it. Cobb has his planet, his home, hot and alive, in his blood. Din has nothing of his home but a handful of ashes, tucked away in his box of beskar, cold and dead.
They weather the storm together.
In the aftermath, there’s a slight shift in the air that even Din registers. Although the sandstorm has passed, the wind still blows through the dusty streets, warm and heavy like a sigh. Cobb, ever the protector, is first out on the streets to take inventory of the damage and check on his people. Din follows just behind and almost runs straight into the marshal when he stops dead in his tracks to sniff suspiciously at the strange lingering wind.
Din can’t make heads or tails of the marshal’s expression. Concern? Confusion? Consideration? He thinks it might be all of the above and possibly more. Whatever is coming isn’t something Cobb is familiar with and that more than anything is what puts a chill in Din’s bones. But the man’s sharp hazel eyes suddenly widen in surprise, recognition dawning across his face, and he smiles, big and genuine. It makes him look younger, Din thinks to himself absently as Cobb turns to face him.
“Smell that, Mando?” he asks, toothy grin still in place.
Din shakes his head. It all smells like dirt and dust to him, though he does note that the temperature seems to have dropped several degrees. The other townsfolk start to emerge from their homes and businesses to gawk at the sky, some of them mirroring Cobb’s happiness and excitement, others looking as lost as Din feels.
Thunder echos in the distance.
It’s nearing the end of the day and the binary suns would ordinarily be low in the sky, casting long shadows, but the retreating sandstorm has left the world in an eerie sort of grey twilight. Thunder rumbles again, closer this time, and Din feels something cold and wet land on his nose.
It’s raining.
All around him, people raise their hands and cheer as the sparse drops turn to a steady downpour. Some rush to uncover anything that can be used to collect the water, others forget themselves entirely and dance in the streets like children.
Din begins to move towards the closet covered porch for shelter, less keen on being soaked through than the excited Mos Pelgoans seem to be. Cobb remains where he is, standing still like a statue, his own face turned up into the deluge. His hair is soaked, clothes dripping, and he’s closed his eyes, but his smile is still firmly in place. He looks like a man at prayer and Din thinks maybe a rainstorm in the desert might be something worth giving such thanks for.
He lets the marshal feel the rain on his face for a few moments more before he grabs him by the arm and tugs him towards shelter. Rain, rare and precious as it is here, will still give a man a mean cold. Din would rather Cobb stayed well. He’s needed, after all.
When they’re properly shielded from the storm, Cobb shakes his head like he’s waking up from a dream and stares at Din with bright eyes.
“It’s been so long. Thirty...no, more like forty years. A long time, Mando, since I’ve seen rain. I was just a boy, last time. Didn’t think I’d live to see it again.”
Din frowns. Rain is rare on the desert planet, sure, but not that rare. He tells him so and regrets it almost immediately as the smile dims slightly and Cobb turns away from him to lean his arms on the porch railing.
“Back then, I didn’t think I’d live to see a lot of things.”
The downpour continues. Thunder rumbles overhead. Din comes to stand beside the marshal and presses ever so slightly up against his side. They’re both wet and starting to feel the chill, but Cobb’s face lightens back up at the proximity and he leans just a bit into the contact.
Cobb Vanth, Tattooine born and raised, with the desert in his veins and a Not-Quite-Mandalorian at his side, looks out at his little town and recommits the smell of rain to his memory.
He’ll be ready for it next time.
Thanks for reading! Help a writer out and please reblog if you enjoyed :)
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wordexpress · 1 year
IMD’s prediction about a hotter-than-usual summer has put a smile on the face of AC manufacturers who are hoping for an improvement after two slow years thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. Manufacturers like Voltas, Hitachi, LG, Panasonic and Godrej Appliances are anticipating pent-up demand, especially in a city like Bengaluru where ACs weren’t a necessity.
Temperatures would usually remain below 30 degrees, but the temperature has been on the rise in the last few weeks with little chance of rain. Weather forecasters point out that April 2021 was much kinder than 2022. In the first ten days of April, Bengaluru received more than 60mm of rain. This was more than the monthly average of 41.5mm. At the end of the month, rain totalled a record 121.1mm.
Bangaloreans were not happy with this stark increase in temperatures. "Earlier there was no need for ACs in Bengaluru because the weather was AC-like. We had natural AC and now the temperatures have increased drastically," said Akshaya N from Bellandur. "It's so hot that, I only keep drinking water, fruit juices or majike (buttermilk) these days," said Suresh from HSR layout.
“AC sales are steady this year, but it was high last two years for a few months," said Munesh a local electronics vendor, “People were able to spend money on it and many people stayed at home. Most people loved buying ACs and Microwave ovens last year. Bengaluru is known for its changing weather, people are more likely to buy something that can work in all types of weather,” added Munesh.
Last year due to the COVID-19 outbreak and increasing temperatures, the Air Conditioner (AC) sales increased in Bengaluru, a city that has been known for its cooler weather even when the rest of the country is facing raging heat waves in summer. Many AC vendors are hoping for a similar pattern this year as last year the sales dipped in the middle due to the COVID-19 advisory of the spread of the virus in air-conditioned spaces.
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Prices for residential air conditioners may rise by 5% to 10% due to rising input costs in the industry, despite manufacturers expecting double-digit growth this year due to the early arrival of summer.
Air conditioner sales fell after increasing during the spring, as authorities declared that the coronavirus spreads more quickly in air-conditioned rooms and halls. Some anticipate increased demand this season, which may result in a unit shortage, putting them under pressure to meet the increased demand.
0 notes
shihalyfie · 3 years
A meta and analysis on Hurricane Touchdown
Hurricane Touchdown sure is one of the Digimon entries that’s really difficult to describe. Often said to be “confusing” and “like an acid trip” (for pretty good reason, honestly), it somehow also manages to have a lot of hold in public memory, partially due to being one of the three movies that got widespread international distribution via Digimon: The Movie. Moreover, its relevance has started to re-emerge thanks to Kizuna, the director of which has stated Hurricane Touchdown to be his favorite movie (multiple times). Rather recently, there was even an editorial written by a journalist who had been covering Kizuna, professing that he had watched Hurricane Touchdown as a kid and hated it, only to rewatch it as an adult and appreciate it much better.
With all that, plus the fact that the movie recently got a new translation, it’s probably a good time to go back over the movie and analyze it! Despite what popular sentiment may have you believe, the plot of the movie isn’t that fundamentally incomprehensible, just buried under some rather unusual production and execution decisions. But there’s a lot to be said about the themes and story of the movie, so let’s dig in!
(All screenshots and quotations from the movie are based off the Hudie translation.)
Hurricane Touchdown in meta franchise terms
The full title of the movie isn’t technically Hurricane Touchdown by itself, but rather “Digimon Hurricane Touchdown!!/Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals”. (The Japanese fanbase tends to shorten it to “Digimon Hurricane”, or, for even more shortening, “dejihari”.) The double-titling there is because of how it was originally screened; it was the 02 “summer movie”, screening in July (between the airings of 02 episodes 14 and 15). Functionally, the franchise has thereafter treated it like a single movie, but at the time, the fact it was technically “two” movies gave it the longest running time of any Digimon theatrical movie, clocking in at a little over an hour. (The tri. movies are officially considered OVAs and not theatrical movies due to their limited-screening nature, so as of this writing Kizuna, at 95 minutes, is the only theatrical movie to break this record.)
The movie itself has a pretty fascinating development history – for one, Akiyama Ryou was originally planned to be the starring character instead of Wallace. It’s also the first Digimon movie to be in “questionable canonicity” territory – this is very normal for Toei tie-in movies, since development for these kinds of movies usually starts at the same time or even before the TV series itself, making it hard to reconcile canon, but unusual at the time for Adventure, which had both its first and second movies be plot-relevant to Adventure and 02 respectively. It is generally understood that the movie takes place in “summer” – possibly between episodes 14 and 15, at the same position it screened in real-life – but, interestingly, the Western and Japanese fanbases’ opinions on why it’s questionably canon tend to differ: in the West it’s usually based on the appearance of Tailmon and Patamon’s higher-level evolutionary forms (which shouldn’t be possible as per 02 episode 27), but in the Japanese fanbase it’s based on Wallace’s existence posing a timeline contradiction (according to Adventure episode 45, there shouldn’t be any Chosen Children before 1995, but the movie states that Wallace had been one before then). Add to that The Door to Summer, which seemingly contradicts the ending of the movie (in which Wallace and Gumimon find what’s implied to be Chocomon’s egg, whereas The Door to Summer has the line “Chocomon isn’t here anymore”), and everything is just a tangled mess.
Despite that, it’s pretty remarkable how lasting the movie has been in public memory. Even with all of the factors working against it – the fact it’s often accused of being confusing (or, by many a Japanese kid, boring and slow) or an acid trip – Wallace is a very popular character, more so than you’d expect for a “guest” character in a one-off movie, especially one so controversial. 02 fans often even consider him an honorary seventh member of the 02 group. His article on the Pixiv dictionary wiki is pretty surprisingly thorough, at that. Questionable canonicity aside, the fact The Door to Summer even exists is pretty significant – how many one-off questionably canon movies have you seen getting an actual sequel?
As an aside, Hurricane Touchdown has a bit of an interesting relationship with Ojamajo Doremi, which is in some sense classic Digimon’s sister series (it aired at around the same time as Adventure through Frontier, and was also headed by their producer, Seki Hiromi). Wallace was voiced by Miyahara Nami, a voice actress who grew up in an international school in Austria and thus speaks fluent German and English, thus often putting her in roles that require speaking one of those. (If you listen to Wallace’s Japanese speech through the movie, it has a very heavy accent, which is deliberately affected on Miyahara’s part.) A year later, Miyahara would be cast as major character Momoko in Motto! Ojamajo Doremi, and The Door to Summer would prominently feature Nat-chan, a girl voiced by Shishido Rumi, who voiced Ojamajo’s Onpu (who is generally agreed to be Doremi’s most popular character, and Shishido’s most famous role). Coincidence? Opportunistic casting? Who knows.
The movie itself
But that’s enough beating around the bush. Let’s get to the movie itself!
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I’m not going to dwell on this too much because I’m going to be going more in detail about it below, but our story starts off in Wallace’s hometown of Summer Memory, a fictional rural village in Colorado, in 1995. (As mentioned earlier, this is a bit of a timeline contradiction; Adventure episode 45 establishes that “the one who wishes for stability” and the Agents didn’t get the idea of human Chosen Children until 1995, whereas the events of Hurricane Touchdown imply he’d been one before then.) Chocomon suddenly vanishes, and a gust of wind is left behind, implying that he must have been kidnapped. It’s not exactly said by what he was taken by (Digimon: The Movie ties it into Our War Game! by having both be traced to a “virus”, but no mention of such is made in the original Japanese version).
The mystery of what it is that took Chocomon away is never fully elaborated in the course of the movie, but as it goes on, it becomes increasingly apparent that it doesn’t actually matter. Why? Well, stay tuned.
So, timeskip to 2002!
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As Takeru and Hikari are visiting Mimi in New York, Hikari, who is known to have a bit of an empathic connection to Digimon, senses that there’s a “crying Digimon” (this will be important later), and Mimi suddenly vanishes – as do the other Chosen Children.
I think part of the reason this movie is often pinned as feeling like an acid trip is that the demeanor and attitude the 02 kids express in this movie feels a little too laid-back for the very urgent situation of their seniors having suddenly up and vanished (which is also not helped by the movie’s overall soundtrack being a lot more laid-back than the events on screen should suggest). This is especially odd because it’s absolutely not like the kids aren’t worried about their seniors at all! Rather to the contrary; “getting Taichi and the others back” is the major motive driving the whole group for the rest of it, and it’s constantly brought up as their goal in dialogue, shaping their actions throughout the rest of the movie. The execution of the dialogue and the overall direction create a bit of a tonal mismatch, but on its face, the actual storytelling checks.
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Shortly after, Chocomon – now evolved and corrupted into something – appears, and Wallace and Gumimon confront him.
The fact that Wallace refers to his partners by their Baby-level names (Chocomon and Gumimon) even after they’ve clearly evolved brings up a lot of interesting implications. One is that, not having been privy to any great adventure in the Digital World before, Wallace doesn’t have a lot of awareness of names changing after evolution the same way his Japanese peers do. But another important thing that comes out here is that, through the course of this movie, Wallace primarily sees his partners the same way he did as a young child. A lot of this movie’s story centers around Wallace’s difficulty in moving on from the past and accepting that things aren’t the same way that they are anymore – and so, just like how he has a hard time swallowing that the circumstances have changed, he has difficulty seeing his own partners as having changed, and calls them by the same names despite everything.
Takeru and Hikari catch on, and Hikari’s psychic sense catches on that something’s happened to her brother, too.
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Oh, and incidentally, said seniors aren’t in a pleasant place to be in at all.
The fact that the older kids are clearly Not Having a Good Time in the realm they’ve been kidnapped to – it’s depicted as cold, lonely, full of negative emotions, and eating away at their ability to even bodily function – is very heavily connected to what we later learn about what’s been going on with Chocomon through the last seven years. Moreover, the one truly coherent thing Taichi and Yamato can spit out at this stage is concern for their siblings – i.e., love. Keep that in mind for later!
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Wallace drops a line to his family (”Amy” presumably being his sister) saying that he’s going to head to Summer Memory, and skips town. Repeat: Summer Memory is in Colorado – he’s doing something as drastic as going out of state to follow Chocomon, which naturally does not amuse his mom very much (as we find out later in the movie). Patamon eavesdrops on the conversation and relays the information to Takeru and Hikari, who contact Daisuke in turn.
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So the remaining three kids nyoom all the way to the US using frequent flyer miles (which makes you really wonder whose those are, or what on earth they told their parents to allow three elementary school kids go around unassisted in another country) to go save their seniors, which apparently doesn’t fund their trip all the way to Colorado, forcing them to hitchhike from New York.
(We also get a quick scene implying that Daisuke has better proficiency in English than Iori and Miyako, as he translates some of the statements for the guy they take a ride from. This is pretty surprising, given that Daisuke hasn’t really been portrayed as particularly book smart…but then again, language skills sometimes just happen to come naturally to some people regardless of skill in books, and hey, it might just come in useful for his future ramen chef career in New York…)
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We get our first major scene of dialogue between Gumimon and Wallace, and we learn quite a bit about their characters in the process. Gumimon has a similar laid-back attitude to the more prominent Terriermon in Tamers, but beyond that (and a shared voice actress), it’s important to note that they have very different personalities otherwise. In this scene, Wallace and Gumimon get in an argument over how to handle Chocomon, with Wallace insisting that they shouldn’t have attacked him and that they should have just “talked” about it – even though, as Gumimon correctly points out, he was pretty obviously trying to physically attack Wallace.
In fact, at this part of the story, Wallace is being extremely irrational and in denial. You don’t even have to watch the rest of the movie to see that Gumimon’s very practical stance on the matter is reasonable – Chocomon was very much trying to attack Wallace, and getting caught in the fight was pretty much all he could do for Wallace’s safety. But Wallace, still stuck in the past, can’t accept that at this point in the movie, and, honestly, is being a bit of a brat about it too – he’s engaging in progressively more self-destructive behavior over the course of the movie (ditching his family to set off by himself in order to hitchhike to Colorado, for one). We later find out that Wallace is specifically obsessed with going back to the flower field where he lost Chocomon, having independently come up with the idea that this would somehow let everything go back to what it was before – even though there was really no sign this would actually fix anything.
The Adventure universe generally runs on a concept that a Digimon partner is representative of part of the self, and so, tying that into Wallace and his two partners, it can be taken that Gumimon and Chocomon reflect the duality of Wallace as a character – Chocomon representing his desire to latch onto the past and hope that everything can be the same that it was before, and Gumimon as Wallace’s sense of reason, advising him about the reality of the situation and how to practically get through it (and, thus, to move on). In fact, Gumimon is the one constantly advising him about said self-destructive behavior (reminding him that his mom is probably worried about him, but also berating him for just ditching the train as a result instead of thinking about how that’d leave them without reliable transportation for the rest of it).
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The symbolism is driven in even further when the only thing Gumimon has to say, in response to Wallace clinging further onto the idea that going to the flower field will fix things…is a cryptic statement that Chocomon didn’t like the heat, then suddenly offering to be a hat to provide Wallace shade. Because right now, Wallace and Chocomon are the same: clinging hopelessly to shards of the past.
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The other 02 kids make their way to meet up in Colorado, but run into some snags when Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori end up missing the exit to Denver (Takeru is not amused), and Hikari and Takeru’s train ends up stranded thanks to Chocomon’s interference…
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…and, making things worse, Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori try to take a plane back to Denver, only to overshoot it again. (Sorry, Taichi…your juniors are idiots.)
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Fortunately, they get lucky by running into the very same boy they’re indirectly looking for on their way to hitchhiking. We learn that Wallace has never had exposure to other Chosen Children before to the extent of knowing there were any Digimon in Japan, nor has he ever been to the Digital World, so for all intents and purposes, his experiences with Chocomon and Gumimon are all he knows (i.e. he has no awareness of large-scale Digital World affairs). He also apparently speaks Japanese, which is convenient for this movie so that they don’t have to have a language barrier, but, amusingly, Wallace claims that it’s because he “had a Japanese girlfriend once”. (Gumimon, who is much more reliable of a source, says that he’d apparently put an honest effort into studying, so an interpretation that Wallace really likes anime or something is not out of the question.)
It’s also interesting to see how the others react to him, especially considering that it’s becoming increasingly apparent that he’s involved with the disappearance of their seniors. Miyako is as openly friendly as she generally always is, Iori presses him very calmly about questions relevant to the disappearances and Chocomon without even batting an eyelid (future lawyer in training here), and Daisuke is suspicious from the get-go…which is exacerbated when Wallace starts flirting with Miyako. The running gag of Daisuke getting angry about Wallace flirting with Miyako has a lot to unpack here – the most obvious standby is the shipping interpretation (or, at least, that Daisuke may be as protective of Miyako as he is Hikari), but there are other points to observe as well. Firstly, Daisuke is a rather abruptly straightforward and overly honest person, and it makes sense that he’d play badly with people who seem dishonest – after all, his suspicions of Wallace started even before he started flirting, and he also shows similar hostility around Takeru (also not a very straightforward person) when he suspects he’s being made fun of. But also, the Pixiv dictionary entry takes the interpretation that Wallace’s personality had gotten a bit “warped” by his experiences – or, in other words, he’d developed this penchant for acting like a flirt, wandering off on his own, and altogether being incredibly wishy-washy because of the trauma of losing Chocomon and his inability to get over it.
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And as much as Daisuke’s being a prick about it (to the point that mocking Wallace for it gets him left there stranded with him), he’s absolutely right about the contradiction Wallace’s posing – he’s acting all high and mighty about trying to become an “adult” (meaning that going off on his own and flirting with girls presumably are part of his perception of what Mature Guys do), yet he’s being a total mama’s boy by constantly dropping everything to call her repeatedly through his trip. (It’s even worse than the subs here suggest; he calls her “mama”, the kind of super-affectionate language used by Mimi and Ken.) As Gumimon says, Wallace thinks he’s actually right, but he doesn’t actually have it together at all.
Another interesting thing to note here is that at this point of the movie, Wallace calls Daisuke “Daisuke-kun” (with honorific attached, slight distance). Remember this for later.
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Chocomon appears to confront them again, but he seems to not properly recognize Wallace – because, as we later find out, he doesn’t see the current Wallace as “Wallace”, and will accept nothing less than a younger Wallace from exactly the way he was when they were separated. (It is later stated in the movie that this is why he kidnapped the seniors and turned them younger; since he can’t recognize “Wallace” the way he is now, he’s taking anyone he can find with a Digivice and de-aging them in the hopes that he’ll find “Wallace” among them.) Gumimon recognizes that Chocomon is beyond recognition, and tells Wallace to not see him as Chocomon, but Wallace refuses to accept this and continues to intervene in the fight, telling Chocomon that they’ll meet again in the flower field. Again, Wallace’s mentality isn’t that different from Chocomon’s at this point – he may not be delusional to the point he wants to literally turn back time, but he still thinks that reproducing the conditions of seven years prior will fix everything and make it all better again.
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During this whole time, the older(?) kids are getting progressively younger, and it’s turning out to impact not only their physical bodies but also their mentalities. At this point, they’re starting to lose awareness of what’s happening to them, as they become more and more connected to Chocomon’s emotions.
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Daisuke is smart enough to catch on that Wallace definitely knows what’s going on, and starts to interrogate him. Recall that Daisuke is completely within his rights to do so at this point – Wallace is not only acting incredibly shady, he’s also being dismissive and refusing to give Daisuke any concrete answers about something that most certainly involves him at this point. As the 02 kids keep reiterating, their seniors have been kidnapped, and it’s pretty clear to anyone that Wallace knows something about this, but he continues to blow them off.
Wallace also doesn’t seem to be very happy about the fact Gumimon had evolved during the battle – remember, Wallace is very resistant to changes in his status quo, and especially when it involves Gumimon evolving in a similar way to Chocomon.
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Daisuke continues to pry into what’s going on with Wallace and Chocomon, and Gumimon, who understands that there’s no use in denying that this is a problem, tries to be straightforward about it – but Wallace, still stubbornly refusing to open up about it, won’t even let Gumimon tell Daisuke about the truth.
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Daisuke realizes that they’re not going to make any territory as it is, so he decides to have Lighdramon take them to Summer Memory for the time being, bonding a bit more with Wallace in the process.
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Once they reach Summer Memory, the kids learn about Takeru and Hikari getting stalled by Chocomon on the train, and the fact everyone else on it had disappeared – meaning that the responsibility that Wallace is carrying for not taking care of this problem begins to weigh further on him. Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori continue to interrogate him about what he knows.
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But Wallace, still stubbornly, refuses to talk, and being in Summer Memory only drowns him in further memories of his past with Chocomon and Gumimon. We learn a bit more about Gumimon’s past, too – apparently, he was quite the crybaby…
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And when Gumimon finally begins to spill the details of what’s going on – that Chocomon wants to see the younger Wallace and is kidnapping kids with his Digivice and turning them younger as a result – Wallace still continues to double down on his denial. Notice his wording – his specific insistence that things will go back to “how they used to be,” because it’s not just about getting Chocomon back, but also a fixation on recreating that happy childhood he had with him.
(There’s also a bit of a cute moment around here where Daisuke asks Wallace if he needs to call his mom – after having teased him for being a mama’s boy earlier, Daisuke really is starting to care about his welfare. It’s also amusingly mentioned that Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori are broke out of money until they meet up with Takeru and Hikari again…)
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That night, Wallace tries to go off by himself to the flower field, not even bringing Gumimon with him – as he implies later, he doesn’t even want to get Gumimon involved with this because he was the closest to Chocomon – but Daisuke, having finally caught on to his suspicion that Chocomon is not only relevant to Wallace but also Wallace’s partner, confronts him about it. Wallace thus finally spills the details – that Gumimon and Chocomon were born from the same egg, that Wallace kept them from his mother and stuck with them during childhood, and that, seven years prior, Chocomon suddenly vanished while they were playing at the flower field.
Wallace: I’ve never been able to forget about Chocomon since then. Not even after moving to New York, not even once. We were such good friends…So why did Chocomon have to end up like that? Does he hate me for not being able to save him? Daisuke: So the enemy we’re fighting is actually your Digimon? Your most important friend?! Daisuke: Of course you’d never be okay with that…
Daisuke is in shock, even though he’d already started to suspect this.
I said, earlier, that Wallace is being extremely irrational and in denial. I did not say that his feelings aren’t valid. Wallace’s situation sucks, and Daisuke recognizes why this hurts for him so much, especially after putting himself in Wallace’s shoes (and in fact it’s even worse for Wallace; Daisuke’s only known V-mon for less than half a year, whereas Wallace is talking about his formative childhood friend).
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Daisuke: I’d never be able to do it. If V-mon were to turn into something completely different…Even if he went on a horrible rampage…There’s no way I’d ever be able to bring V-mon down. Wallace: Daisuke… Daisuke: So then, what are we supposed to do? Wallace: It’s not something you need to be crying over. Daisuke: But…
This entire scene is an interesting one for many reasons, especially because of the position in which it aired – this was in the middle of the arc in 02 when everyone was getting their second Digimentals. Daisuke had, only a few episodes prior, expressed trepidation over “friendly fire” – fighting any friend who had become controlled by the Digimon Kaiser. This is consistent with that (and the 02 kids’ general bleeding hearts and difficulty with fighting friends), and it’s even worse – unlike before, when we were talking about evil mind control, Chocomon is pretty obviously a victim of his own madness. And although Wallace continues to insist that this isn’t Daisuke’s problem, Daisuke, for all he’s rough around the edges, is a genuinely kind person who thinks of others to the point he breaks down in genuine tears over the problem, and it’s consistent with not only his prior characterization of thinking about others’ feelings in 02 episode 8, but also how this eventually ties into his indignation over seeing others being hurt (episode 20) or their feelings being trampled on (episode 49).
Another interesting thing here is that at no point in the movie is “killing” ever brought up, but rather the word used is taosu, which literally means “defeat”. In 02 proper, its use is somewhat euphemistic – most famously, it was used in episode 44, when Miyako and Hawkmon have a crisis over killing LadyDevimon (so in short, there’s no illusions about the fact killing is in play here). But in this context, it’s not even really about killing. Wallace doesn’t even want to fight in the first place. The sheer action of physically beating up a beloved friend is painful, with killing as the ultimate unwanted outcome. Everything about this sucks. But Daisuke correctly points out that Taichi and the others’ welfare is on the line here, and everything feels like the wrong thing to do. “What are we supposed to do?”, indeed.
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So that’s why Daisuke momentarily indulges in Wallace’s denial-induced pattern of thought, because it really does seem like the only out here. (Especially because, from Daisuke’s perspective, Wallace seems to understands this situation better than he does – even if he doesn’t actually.) If they go to the flower field, they won’t have to fight and everyone will be saved and it’ll be fine! Wallace is irrational and in denial, but you can’t blame him and Daisuke for really, really wanting to believe this.
And Daisuke drops this zinger of a line, too:
Daisuke: So don’t say you’re gonna go alone.
Daisuke’s characterization really is important here, because, again, this movie came out during the first arc of the series, before episode 21 and the second half that centered around Ichijouji Ken’s redemption. At this point in the series, Daisuke was still being extremely deferential to others, especially his seniors, in almost all cases, and although episode 8 was a momentary glimpse into the kind of resolve Daisuke could have when it involved something he really cared about, this movie is really the first major sneak peek into how supportive of a person Daisuke is going to develop into, especially when it comes to Ken.
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And Gumimon reaffirms that he’s going to stick by Wallace no matter what – filling the traditional role of a partner that Chocomon won’t anymore.
So they go to the flower field, and everything…fails spectacularly.
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Well, before that, we get a glimpse of how the older kids are doing (they’re barely even conscious now), and we finally get to see Chocomon “in his element” and not as a rampaging monster. Things really, really aren’t going great for Chocomon either. He desperately and sadly jumps among the kids, trying to find Wallace among them, and what he really, really wants is just to be with his partner again. But they’re all “wrong”…
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At first it seems like Wallace is making headway – for a second, Chocomon even recognizes him as Wallace! – but he continues to insist that he wants Wallace to come “with him”, to where it’s “cold and lonely and no one is there”. The way he starts chanting that he wants to go back is represented by the young Chocomon’s voice getting progressively lost in the monster’s voice, and Wallace, starting to grasp how futile Chocomon’s clinging to the past is, makes his first statement of the movie’s core theme: you can’t go back to the past, the only thing you can do is look forward and think about what you can do from there.
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So after witnessing very clearly, in front of his eyes, how Chocomon is not going to listen to reason and will accept nothing less than something he can’t have, to the point of evolving and distorting everything around him, Wallace’s denial finally hits its limits, and he accepts that fighting him will be the only option out. (Again, note the use of “defeat” here – it’s not really about beelining straight to euthanizing him as much as Wallace has finally gotten over his refusal to fight Chocomon at all.) And considering that the situation is clearly rapidly escalating, and that Chocomon himself is clearly not in sound mind and having a terrible time himself, it doesn’t take much to see why the bleeding-heart Daisuke would also end up conceding so quickly. There’s a limit to how much you can hold out with pacifism when that just happened right in front of you!
(Also, Wallace no longer uses the honorific on Daisuke. Friendship level up!)
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Chocomon evolves further and further, and his personality starts to actually take a turn for the cruel as he starts toying with the Digimon. In fact, it’s made pretty apparent that they’re no match for him from the get-go – he keeps toying with reality and forcing the Digimon back and forth between forms. He ends up “altering the world” into something reflective of his own heart, and it’s repeatedly pointed out that it’s “cold and lonely” – in short, Chocomon is subjecting the world to feel the same pain and loneliness that he felt, the pain that was enough to drive him mad.
And Wallace finally has this to say:
Wallace: Like Daisuke said, I’m a big baby. But you’re not Chocomon anymore. No, you’re the one who did this to Chocomon…Chocomon was all by himself and lonely, and in that loneliness, he tried so hard…But you took his heart and locked it away somewhere! I’m going to fight. If I defeat you…If that means I can free Chocomon from you…Then I want to fight, too! I need strength…
Firstly, Wallace acknowledges that he’s been a brat – that he’s been philandering around and acting spoiled and stringing everyone around (character development!!). And secondly, Wallace finally acknowledges the truth of Chocomon no longer being recognizable anymore. The ending quarter of this movie focuses heavily on the idea that Chocomon has now become so distorted that he can no longer even be considered the same thing anymore – it’s ambiguous as to whether that “you” that Wallace refers to having taken Chocomon away is actually a separate supernatural entity, or whether Chocomon was drowning in his own loneliness to the point those negative feelings became their own entity and consumed him.
In actuality, though – it doesn’t really matter! 02 as a series would also go on to blur the boundaries between external interference and internal forces – Ken having the Dark Seed as an influence but also being personally responsible for his own emotions driving him over the edge, and having to take responsibility regardless, and Oikawa technically being possessed by Vamdemon but still being goaded on by his own fixation with the past (in fact, notice how all three of these cases have to do with a fixation on things that can’t be brought back). Right now, the only thing that matters is that Chocomon is no longer recognizable, the thing in front of Wallace is no longer the same friend he knew, and even being able to bring back Chocomon’s sense of self is something Wallace wants.
(Daisuke also throws in a more charitable interpretation of Wallace’s actions even when he’s being hard on himself, pointing out that he can’t really be called a “baby” when he also did have genuine determination to come all the way there to find Chocomon despite his age.)
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Hikari and Takeru arrive on the scene, and after Daisuke loses his marbles a bit over his happiness at seeing Hikari-chan there, Hikari points out the same thing: “You’re not the Digimon that was crying.”
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Chocomon starts turning the 02 kids younger too – and remember, it was established earlier that he was using the Digivice as a guide. That meant it made sense for him to target the older kids, since they had the same model of Digivice Wallace did. But Daisuke and the others have D-3s, and there’s no way to really mistake them for Wallace – so in other words, Chocomon has devolved to inflicting cruelty for no good reason, with the original motive having completely vanished.
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In increasing desperation, Angewomon and Angemon decide to evolve, and…look, I don’t have an explanation either, but I have to admit I’m somewhat amused by the fact that even they don’t really seem to have an explanation beyond “well, we’re desperate and hopefully it’ll do something!”
So they evolve, and Chocomon oneshots them. But that’s okay, because they released some golden Digimentals for Daisuke and Wallace to use! So V-mon and Gumimon get shiny new golden forms –
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– and Chocomon pretty much oneshots them, too. More specifically, he eats them…and within his body, Magnamon and Gumimon’s consciousness gets eaten apart to the point they start forgetting their partners. Wow, this situation just got worse.
Yeah, so, despite the movie being named after the golden Digimentals, the actual point being here is that power means absolutely nothing in this situation. Remember, I pointed out that even from the beginning Chocomon was straight-out warping reality – they really didn’t have a chance.
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So basically, everything devolves into complete chaos. Everyone’s being turned into little kids, with the mentality to match. All the Digimon are being oneshotted and being tossed around like tissues. But the one constant through all of this is that the kids are constantly running after their partners.
Remember how, back when the older kids were first getting sucked into Chocomon’s world, the one thing that seemed to remain intact at first was “love”? That “love” is what reaches out to Magnamon and Gumimon inside Chocomon, and makes them remember their partners again.
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And, more importantly, that “love” is what awakens Chocomon – the real Chocomon – inside his consciousness, and he wordlessly makes a gesture begging Magnamon and Gumimon to kill him. And so they do – with understanding and consent from all three involved.
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So in the end, the most extreme conclusion was reached. Chocomon died, at the hands of Daisuke and Wallace’s partners. But in that moment before he died, Chocomon’s pain was relieved, and he was himself again – Gumimon says that “Chocomon was smiling”, even in spite of his usual personality being that of a crybaby. They may have failed in their struggle to prevent the inevitable conclusion of having to kill Chocomon, but they did, to some degree, “save” him – so all of it did mean something in the end. And Daisuke promises that this still doesn’t mean the end of everything – they may have not been able to bring back Chocomon, and especially not in the exact way that would make things “the way they were before”, but the future is still there for him to return someday.
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So, we clean up loose ends. Taichi and the others are returned safely, and in the end, Wallace decides to still be a vagrant for a bit longer – and to flirt with Hikari and Miyako a bit before he leaves. In the end, Wallace still has a long way to go if he wants to really grow as a person. But as Miyako points out, he’s gotten a bit bolder than he was before – and he’s greeted with an egg in the end, as if opening up new possibilities.
The Door to Summer contradicts the finding of this egg, or at least opens up the possibility that this wasn’t actually Chocomon’s, so it’s ambiguous as to whether the frame of Terriermon and Lopmon at the end of the credits is meant to be taken literally, or if it’s just symbolic. But even in the case of the latter, Chocomon is seen as Lopmon, a form he never got to have in Wallace’s childhood – so, in the end, it’s about different possibilities opening up in the future, rather than replicating that of the past.
All right, let’s recap this movie for those doing a tl;dr! Or, more specifically, let’s recap the events in chronological order:
Sometime before 1995, an egg emerges from Wallace’s mother’s computer, and hatches into twin Digimon, Chocomon and Gumimon.
In 1995, while playing in a flower field in Summer Memory with Wallace and Gumimon, Chocomon disappears for unknown reasons.
For the next seven years, Chocomon is trapped in delirium, full of loneliness and pain from being unable to see Wallace, and starts to become obsessed with the idea of reuniting with him, but, in his madness, accepts only a version of that reunion that involves him being the same young child he was when they parted, as if nothing had changed since.
Wallace, likewise, develops a fixation with getting Chocomon back so that things can be like “the way they were before”, even after moving to New York.
In 2002, Chocomon begins to kidnap kids with the same model of Digivice that Wallace has, and starts to forcibly turn them younger and send them into delirium like his own, hoping that this will bring the “Wallace” he wants back. Wallace starts to chase after him and decides that returning to the flower field in Summer Memory will allow him to communicate with Chocomon and make him go back to the way he was before.
Takeru and Hikari, hoping to find a lead on their seniors’ disappearance, drop a line to Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori, who head to the United States, also hoping to find a lead in Summer Memory. On the way, they run into Wallace, who is evasive about his connection to Chocomon and the kidnapping incidents.
At Summer Memory, Daisuke confronts Wallace and learns about his story, emphasizing deeply with the difficulty in killing an important friend, and agreeing that they should reach out to Chocomon at the flower field.
Chocomon continues to fall deeper into madness at the flower field, and Wallace and the others realize that they have no choice but to fight him. As Chocomon becomes so distorted he’s no longer recognizable, Wallace declares an intent to at least save his consciousness.
As the fight carries on, the kids are de-aged by Chocomon in his madness, and Magnamon (V-mon) and Gumimon are swallowed by Chocomon. However, the kids’ love for their partners awakens Chocomon’s consciousness again, and he asks Magnamon and Gumimon to end his pain.
With everything settled, Wallace and Gumimon are able to face forward into the future in the hopes of meeting Chocomon again and starting anew from scratch.
The Door to Summer
Actually, there’s not much to really be said about Hurricane Touchdown’s spiritual sequel The Door to Summer, except that it revisits similar territory to the movie, observing it more in Daisuke’s context than it does Wallace’s. (The story is very much more Daisuke’s than it is Wallace or Mimi’s.) The short synopsis is that Daisuke, having had a pretty bad time recently, finds himself in contact with a mysterious “winter” (in the middle of summer!) that seems to reflect his own heart…and a mysterious amnesiac girl whom Mimi names Onpu “Nat-chan”, who immediately latches onto Daisuke. In the end, “Nat-chan” turns out to be “a Digimon who’s taken in a lot of evil data,” who goes on a rampage and forces the others to fight and eventually kill her.
Although the reason for Nat-chan going on a rampage is more concrete than what was given in Hurricane Touchdown (it’s portrayed as “data chips” that seem like fireflies), The Door to Summer also makes it very clear that it wasn’t just supernatural influence, but also Nat-chan’s loneliness, desire for a human partner, and jealousy of Daisuke and V-mon’s relationship. Daisuke, while showing immense hesitation about fighting her when she had befriended them, still manages to “save” her in some way, to the point she actually verbally thanks him as she dies. And in the end, Daisuke and the others decide to take her egg and find a partner for her – even if she can’t be Daisuke’s partner like she wanted, she can still start anew with someone else.
Wallace in Kizuna
Warning: The rest of this post contains spoilers for Kizuna.
As said before, Hurricane Touchdown has been said to be the favorite Digimon movie of the director of Kizuna – and certainly, while Kizuna references all four Adventure-series theatrical movies, Hurricane Touchdown’s references are the least subtle, with the plot point of de-aging kids lifted directly from it. (Except, in this case, it’s in the context of trapping oneself in blissful memories rather than being portrayed as the upfront listless torture it is in Hurricane Touchdown.) Moreover, the theme of warning against being fixated on the past is just as present in Kizuna as it was in Hurricane Touchdown, especially when Kizuna’s main antagonist (Menoa) also falls victim to something that’s part supernatural influence and part getting swallowed by her own negative feelings…so it’s only fitting that Wallace himself makes a cameo in the movie. Two cameos, in fact.
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The fact that Wallace is established as canonically existing within the Adventure main timeline has thrown a lot of people for a loop, especially since recent franchise events have made it questionable as to how it’s possible for canon to even make sense anymore because consistency has just gone out the window, but the Pixiv dictionary’s chosen rationalization for this is that, at the very least, “(some version of) Wallace exists in the timeline of the main story”. I’m inclined to agree with this evaluation; the fact that people around the globe can agree that the movie is questionably canonical but can’t even agree on how, and the fact that certain franchise entries considered canon (Tag Tamers) have their own contradictions, plus the fact that it’s not like Hurricane Touchdown takes a complete knife to timeline and lore common sense and more that it has some contradictory minutiae that are really easy to sidestep, it’s not actually that hard to say that some timeline of events that reasonably resembled Hurricane Touchdown (with maybe only some minor timeline or evolution differences) happened during the summer of 2002, and thus that Wallace exists.
Assuming that the story of our canonical Wallace is mostly the same or similar to that of the story presented in Hurricane Touchdown, Kizuna provides us with quite a bit of interesting information. We’re treated to two shots relevant to him: one in the form of his name at the top of Koushirou’s list of kidnapping victims, and one where he appears in person at the very end. It’s hard to miss him; he’s wearing similar colors to the clothes he wore in Hurricane Touchdown so you can identify him even at a distance, and he’s also the only loser around here with two partners. That’s right, two! Two!! Chocomon is back – and as Lopmon, exactly like the end credits card of Hurricane Touchdown depicted him!
So it looks like that, one way or another (after Hurricane Touchdown, after The Door to Summer, whatever, make up your own story), Wallace did manage to reunite with Chocomon and start a new life with him. It looks like not all of his habits have died – he’s depicted in a place with palm trees, meaning he’s definitely not in New York or Colorado, so either he’s moved again, is still maintaining the vagrant lifestyle, or just happens to be on vacation.
The other interesting thing here is that Wallace is depicted as one of the Eosmon kidnapping victims. According to Menoa, kidnapping victims were ones who were entertaining thoughts of wanting to go back to the past and remain a child forever – something that should intuitively be against everything Wallace learned in Hurricane Touchdown. But it’s important to point out that Eosmon’s lure is depicted as working on a subconscious level – certainly, if the kidnapping victims in Kizuna were to be outright asked if they wanted to be kidnapped and de-aged and trapped in their childhoods forever, most of them would probably say “no!”, and Wallace is likely no exception! But even if he’s starting his life anew with Chocomon now, it’s not hard to believe that there would still be lingering subconscious regrets about everything he’d lost with Chocomon and the childhood they could never spend together, ones that Eosmon’s allure would end up connecting with, even if the events of Hurricane Touchdown had consciously taught him better. Alas, being a human is hard.
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His Blood Runs Gold I
Percy is a God: Part I
Masterlist for the next part and more of my stuff
Y’all already know what this is!!!!!!!! But if you don’t then click this to find out. And i hope you enjoy Percy as a god cause i definitely do ;) *shivers*
We were warm and shivering,
and young and ancient,
and alive.
-We Were Liars, E. Lockhart
Time is non-existent anymore. Percy should be twenty this year but now that he has ichor flowing through his veins, he can be 102 or 5. He has done things Homer would write epic poems about. If he were around at the dawn of time Ovid would have happily dedicated the Metamorphoses to him. But today Percy Jackson has been a god for three years and he has never felt more mortal in his life.
“Percy my boy, what are you doing here?”
“Hello Father, Camp Half-Blood is throwing a campfire in my honour and I thought it’d be rude not to show my face.”
“Very noble of you son. I remember back in my day the Greeks–“
Percy zoned out, tired of hearing how people bowed down to all these stuffy Olympians. The camp threw a celebration every year on the day he got immortalized and in return he reinforced the borders and blessed every demigod before they leave at the end of summer. He doesn’t know if he’s doing a good job, he doesn’t even know if what he does is making a difference, but he doesn’t know how else to give back to the camp and the people that saved his life again and again; who loved him and fought next to him and oh gods followed him into battle.
He’s never had the chance to talk to Chiron, who’s always busy with this demi-god and that satyr, and this nymph. He barely gets the chance to talk to all his old friends– between the new campers wanting to hear his stories and the general chaos of end of summer camp-life. He thanked the powers that be–what a jarring thought that he was one of those powers now– that he managed to find days in-between to see Annabeth and Grover.
He smiled to himself as he remembered the last time he saw Annabeth. She had been moving into her own apartment to start her third year at the University of New Rome. To his unsurprised delight she had chosen archaeology as her major but somehow slipped Latin and Ancient Histories into her schedule. He had helped carry bags and bags filled with books up to her room and they spent the day setting her up and making sure everything was in its place before she started the year.
Their relationship had progressed so softly, so slowly, Percy sometimes felt like he had imagined the year they had as a romantic couple. After he became a god they managed to go on a few dates, some interrupted by hothead immortals and revengeful monsters, and some blissfully alone. But once Annabeth started university and Percy was called again and again to help with this problem and that, it became a hassle to set up dates and figure out when to meet. They didn’t grow apart, so much as grow between. And although he missed the softness of Annabeth, he had gained a friend who knew him more deeply than any being alive– he was eternally grateful for that, and he couldn’t hate what they lost out on.
“Son, are you listening?” Poseidon pulled him from his thoughts.
“Yes father, it really was a great time for you. I have to go now, but Iris message if you need me.” And without waiting for a reply Percy strode out of Olympus and into the streets below.
He considered snagging a car but decided against it, since you couldn’t very well drive into Camp Half-Blood. Instead he walked into the ocean and let the current take him all the way to Long-Island, till he could smell the strawberries on the ocean wind and hear the echoes of camp games and reedpipes.
He stepped onto the beach, loving the soft sinking impressions he made in the sand. After his blood turned gold he realized he could walk on the sand and make no footprints whatsoever. The idea scared him so much he sunk under water and cried for three hours. How could he leave nothing behind? How could he have no imprint? It was Tyson, riding on his rainbow hippocampi who found him and showed him how to balance his weight; showed him how to step into the sand and not on it. When his footprints reappeared once more, he hugged his brother so hard if Tyson weren’t a cyclops his ribs might have cracked.
So Percy walked up the beach and through the strawberry fields, taking the time to breathe in the forest air, the fruit breezes, and ah the smell of chaos.
“JACKSON!” Connor Stoll yelled.
And with that single announcement Percy was home.
The day was spent in good spirits: racing with various campers up the wall and avoiding every deadly thing it spat at you– even if he couldn’t really die; then eating in the dining hall and getting to travel between tables without getting glares from various houses or Chiron; laughing as all the food turned blue just for him.
When it was time Percy walked with some of his friends; Clarisse who grew to be a steady, if raging fire, by his side, and Connor Stoll who is now the oldest of the Hermes kids since Travis left for college, and of course Will who above everyone reserves the right to make sure his friends were protected.
In a moment of vulnerability, he broke down on Percy’s immortal shoulder and wept. I don’t want to bury anymore of my friends Percy. I don’t want to be tending to them as they die in my infirmary. I can’t do it anymore. For him, Percy double, sometimes in moments of obsessiveness, triple checked his border defenses.
Now the little group walks around the perimeter of the camp and talks softly and contentedly as Percy knocks against the shimmering force, leaking power into the hollow spots.
“How is everyone at camp?” He asked.
“Fine, nothing has changed much. Ever since the Giant War it feels as if everything has calmed down to a lull. I’m wary it’s the eye before the storm but gods-dammit we deserve a break.” Connor answered.
Percy hid the rage of that truth but let the ache of those words settle in his bones. He simply nodded at Connor and turned to Clarisse.
“Are there any new campers who need to be protected?”
“Only a few, a lot have moved to New Rome over the last years.” There was a bitter edge to her words, caused by the sting of loss.
“You cannot blame them for wanting a life that is not concentrated to three months of safety.”
“I know,” Her nostrils flared, she kicked the rock in front of her. “I know. It just sucks that there’s so few of us now.”
“Maybe we can see about hosting annual games at each camp over the summer?” He suggested, careful to not step where the cracks spidered underneath him– even if the labyrinth had collapsed there was still the chance something tunneled beneath.
“I think that’s a great idea.” Will piped up, “Maybe then I can convince Nico to stay for more than one week.” He rolled his eyes, but the glimmer of happiness in them gave away his annoyed pretense.
“I will talk to the Praetors over there and let you know.”
“Thank you, Percy.”
They turned to face him.
He stared at them for a moment, studying their faces. Even now, all these years later it was jarring to see the signs of growth in their make-ups. He couldn’t say aging, they were barely hitting their twenties, gods Will was still a teenager, albeit not for much longer; but it was weird to watch as they grew up, watch as time changed their features, changed them.
Clarisse, who used to be a spitfire of rage and fierce protectiveness was now, more a well-kept hearth. She was still full of flame, but it was contained, and her fierce was warm instead of scorching.
And Connor, who had been attached to his brother at the hip, was all grown up. Travis was three years into a degree and Connor, although a prospective honours student, had forfeited college until he could figure out what he wanted to do. He was the sole head of the Hermes cabin, but somehow, he kept up the mischief as if the two were still together. The shenanigans are some of Percy’s favourites to hear around the campfire.
And Will, who is dating Nico di Angelo. The two were often running between the camps, though Nico more than the child of Apollo. It was Will, Percy thought, who brought the camp together, more than anyone. And Will, who in the process had lost the most. For him, Percy would continue to be here every year, would continue to help if they called when they were in trouble. Because he too was tired of seeing his friends die. Tired of seeing his friends mourn.
“It’s almost time for me to go but I wanted to say,” He fought to choke back the rising wave of emotions, “I wanted to say thank you. For keeping my home safe. And thank you for being my friends.”
Their hug lasted many moments, ribbons of friendship passing between them. And when Percy walked back into the sea, he was glad no-one could tell the difference between tears and ocean.
Friends, the word echoed in his head. So few and far between since he became a God. It was not that people feared him, they just became… wary. They fell into that space in-between, where one wrong move could plunge them into fear. When he first turned divine, he counted on his fingers how many friends he had, and if he didn’t have enough digits, he deemed it a good day. Now he can count with aching clarity all the people who loved him, and still have fingers to spare.
Annabeth asked him once if he regretted taking up Zeus’ offer, if he regretted turning his red blood gold.
He hadn’t answered her till three weeks later, over a three am phone call.
I don’t regret it, he had said, because I know I can help this way. I know I can protect my family and friends better this way. And when the phone had gone dark, he had whispered into the void of his room– an alcove of coral far, far, far underwater– I don’t regret it, but I’m so lonely. The tears at that admission did not stop flowing for many hours.
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How are you feeling?? Cause i got 6K words for this fic and i don’t see myself stopping any time soon. Give me your thoughts young ones!!!!
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disillusioned41 · 4 years
Not waiting before such thinking takes firmer hold or begins to be put into action, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is speaking out forcefully against radical centrist pundits, so-called "Never-Trump Republicans," and corporate-friendly Democratic operatives trying to advance a post-election narrative that the Democratic Party's growing progressive base is a faction to be sidelined as opposed to one that should be embraced.
"I need my colleagues to understand that we are not the enemy. And that their base is not the enemy. That the Movement for Black Lives is not the enemy, that Medicare for All is not the enemy."—Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
As much of the nation—and the world—celebrated Joe Biden's historic defeat of President Donald Trump on Saturday, Ocasio-Cortez gave an interview to the New York Times in which she repudiated those in recent days who have tried to cast a new wave of progressive lawmakers—backed by an army of like-minded supporters and organizers—as somehow dangerous to the party.
Epitomized by a comment that made the rounds on social media Saturday by former Ohio governor John Kasich, a lifelong Republican, the thinking goes that progressives policy solutions (which, in fact, turn out to be highly popular with voters across the political spectrum)—such as Medicare for All, forgiving student loan debt, expanding Social Security, a massive federal increase to the minimum wage, a green energy transition and jobs program, demanding racial justice, and working to end mass incarceration—are toxic politically to Democrats.
"The Democrats have to make it clear to the far-left that they almost cost him this election," said Kasich, who endorsed Biden earlier this year and was given a speaking role at the party's convention this summer, during a CNN interview Saturday. The comments quickly drew ire among progressives, who have condemned the very idea that figures like Kasich should have any say whatsoever in the party's future projection.
"Yesterday," tweeted People for Bernie on Sunday morning in response to the comments, "we officially entered a new era of not listening to anything John Kasich says. The era will continue until further notice."
And Ocasio-Cortez was among those who rebuked the remarks online as she defended her fellow Squad member, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), from the insinuation that progressive House victories in key districts didn't play a large role—as observers have pointed out—in helping deliver the White House for Biden.
"John Kasich, who did not deliver Ohio to Dems, is saying folks like Omar, who did deliver Minnesota, are the problem," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted in direct response to his comments. "Please don't take these people seriously and go back to celebrating and building power."
Common Dreams reported Thursday how Omar in Minnesota—just like Rep. Rashida Tlaib in her Detroit, Michigan district—were "major factors" in helping Biden pull away from Trump in those key battleground states.
In her interview with the Times, published late Saturday night, the New York Democrat—who won her reelection with nearly 70% of the vote in her district—elaborated on that dynamic.
"If the party believes after 94 percent of Detroit went to Biden, after Black organizers just doubled and tripled turnout down in Georgia, after so many people organized Philadelphia, the signal from the Democratic Party is the John Kasichs won us this election?" said AOC. "I mean, I can't even describe how dangerous that is."
On Sunday, Ocasio-Cortez joined CNN's Jake Tapper to discuss the issues she raised in the Times interview and also emphasized the need for Democrats, as a party, to come together in unity:
Progressives like Mike Casca, former communications director for Bernie Sanders' 2020 campaign, applauded Ocasio-Cortez for both her critique and outspokenness.
"What I love most about this interview, and AOC," commented journalist Alice Speri on Saturday morning, "is that she says what she thinks, pulls no punches, and puts her name to it. Just imagine if journalists stopped allowing politicians to stay anonymous for no reason other than their lack of courage."
Tana Ganeva, a criminal justice reporter, said: "AOC is so fucking smart. I can't believe there was actually an effort to deem her 'not smart.' This is the smartest analysis I've read in months."
In the interview—in which she acknowledged that internally within the party "it's been extremely hostile to anything that even smells progressive" since she arrived in 2018—Ocasio-Cortez expressed frustration that the more left-leaning members of the caucus are now under attack for losses suffered by its more centrist members.
What the election results have shown thus far, she said, is "that progressive policies do not hurt candidates. Every single candidate that co-sponsored Medicare for All in a swing district kept their seat. We also know that co-sponsoring the Green New Deal was not a sinker."
Instead of blaming for progressives—something that ousted Florida Democrat, Rep. Donna Shalala, did on a caucus conference call after her defeat last week—Ocasio-Cortez said the party needs to have a much more serious look at what led to those failures.
As she told the Times: "If I lost my election, and I went out and I said: "This is moderates' fault. This is because you didn't let us have a floor vote on Medicare for all. And they opened the hood on my campaign, and they found that I only spent $5,000 on TV ads the week before the election? They would laugh. And that's what they look like right now trying to blame the Movement for Black Lives for their loss."
Ocasio-Cortez said the party must begin to examine some of its entrenched belief systems—as well as internal power structures—so it can have a more honest assessment of where shortcomings exist and how to better prepare for the future:
There's a lot of magical thinking in Washington, that this is just about special people that kind of come down from on high. Year after year, we decline the idea that they did work and ran sophisticated operations in favor of the idea that they are magical, special people. I need people to take these goggles off and realize how we can do things better.  If you are the D.C.C.C., and you're hemorrhaging incumbent candidates to progressive insurgents, you would think that you may want to use some of those firms. But instead, we banned them.
So the D.C.C.C. banned every single firm that is the best in the country at digital organizing.
The leadership and elements of the party—frankly, people in some of the most important decision-making positions in the party—are becoming so blinded to this anti-activist sentiment that they are blinding themselves to the very assets that they offer.
Ocasio-Cortez further explained that while she and others have tried to get other members to modernize their campaign operations, those offers have persistently been rebuffed.
"I've been begging the party to let me help them for two years," she said. "That's also the damn thing of it. I've been trying to help. Before the election, I offered to help every single swing district Democrat with their operation. And every single one of them, but five, refused my help. And all five of the vulnerable or swing district people that I helped secured victory or are on a path to secure victory. And every single one that rejected my help is losing. And now they’re blaming us for their loss."
"So I need my colleagues to understand that we are not the enemy," she continued. "And that their base is not the enemy. That the Movement for Black Lives is not the enemy, that Medicare for All is not the enemy. This isn't even just about winning an argument. It's that if they keep going after the wrong thing, I mean, they're just setting up their own obsolescence."
And what if the Biden administration takes the lead of people like Kasich—of whom there is much chatter that he could serve in the next cabinet—and proves itself hostile to its progressive base?
"Well, I'd be bummed, because we’re going to lose. And that's just what it is," responded Ocasio-Cortez, who elsewhere said it is her simple belief that "people really want the Democratic Party to fight for them" and that it's the party's responsibility to show that not in words, but in deed.
"It's really hard for us to turn out nonvoters when they feel like nothing changes for them," she warned. "When they feel like people don't see them, or even acknowledge their turnout."
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goldeneyedgirl · 4 years
Part 2 of MCU/Twilight verse
“That MCU crossover I’m writing that actually hasn’t mentioned the MCU at all yet.”
Alt 7: Found Family 
Rating: T for swearing
Words: 2,551
Summary: Twilight X MCU crossover. The Snap doesn’t just kill humans. What happens next?
Notes: Is this even Whump-y enough to count to Whumptober? I don’t know, everyone’s grieving. I made myself watch Endgame again and I found something useful. I know it probably feels like I wiped out a lot of characters, but there’s method to my madness. I’m desperately resisting the urge to make some obvious corrections to the MCU, and I’m pretty sure the last two chapters are going to be needlessly self-indulgent. And yes, I need a title. 
Part One here
two. survivors
What happens next?
It’s a good question, and one Alice used to be able to answer. Her predictions have… well, they haven’t stopped, but there are less. Maybe she’s not saying everything but he doesn’t press.
They stay in Forks. It’s the easiest option, really. They have resources at the Forks house - all of Jasper’s computers, Rose’s cars, Carlisle’s medication stash. And for, now, it makes sense to keep up the masquerade - the orphaned Cullen kids, in that big old house.
And Seth Clearwater. Neither of them have made more than polite inquiries about the Quileute reservation, because what can they do, really? They weren’t allowed on the land, and nothing they offer will be accepted. Seth doesn’t want to talk about it either, so they just… don’t. Not yet.
The first announcements and news reports are hard to listen to - half of all living creatures. Humans, animals, plants, sea-life… just gone. Then there are the people who survived, but died in the aftermath; the patients in surgery with the dust of their surgeons sinking into their chest cavity, the passengers on an airplane, the school bus with no driver. The news plays on, listing losses and catastrophes until he loudly asks if Seth wants to play Xbox instead.
Alice goes with them, and sits crosslegged on a recliner, watching them.
“Carlisle would have liked that,” she says suddenly, when Emmett realises the error in picking a war game - should have opted for a racing game instead.
“Liked what?” he asks, as he gets up to change the disc. Seth doesn’t say anything, playing with the recliner buttons instead.
“‘Half of all living creatures’,” she quotes. She’s been wearing one of Jasper’s t-shirts under her cardigan, and the scent of his brother is fading the longer she wears it. “Carlisle would have appreciated that. That the universe thought we were living creatures. Might have convinced Edward that we weren’t total monsters, either.”
Seth looks up at her, confused. “Why wouldn’t you be living creatures?” he asks, concentrating at the recliner tips him right back.
“We don’t breathe or age or change,” Alice says, a smirk playing around her face as Seth yelps when the entire chair begins to tip, but luckily it doesn’t fall.
“But you eat,” Seth accepts the controller Emmett passes him. “And you’ve got families. That means you still count.”
“I wish we didn’t.” Emmett doesn’t realise he’s said those words aloud until he realises Seth and Alice are both staring at him. He wants to explain that if they didn’t count, then there wouldn’t be five vases lined up on the mantel (three empty) full of dust. That he wouldn’t be sitting here playing Xbox with Seth Clearwater, and Alice wouldn’t be wearing leggings and her husband’s t-shirt, looking brittle and tired. That he wouldn’t go into their room every night, and bury his face in Rose’s clothes to keep himself from going insane.
But he doesn’t need to. They both understand - Alice sits with Seth when the boy sniffles and tries to hide it; Emmett hears Alice padding around Jasper’s office, having a conversation with thin air, questions asked to silence. If there was some loophole they could grab with both hands and exploit, he knows he and Alice and Seth would take it, humanity and life and all those upright and moral things be damned.
“Just what everyone needs,” Alice muses, leaning back and stretching like a cat. “A world where humans and animals were cut in half but the vampires weren’t.”
And she’s right. That would be a mess. The fucking end of times.
“That would be a cool movie,” Seth says absently, focused on the screen and forcing Emmett’s car off the road and into a ravine.
Alice watches them play for awhile before getting up. A few minutes later, there’s a knock at the door and low voices. Charlie Swan, with Carlisle’s phone.  Emmett lets Seth win a second race, focused on the conversation Alice is having - why it took Charlie so damn long to bring the phone, how they’re holding up; his irritation at the delay it took to get Carlisle’s phone is tempered when he hears the genuine concern Charlie has for Alice. He doesn’t know much about Bella’s father, but he seems like a good guy.
Not that Alice needs to act the part - she looks broken. Most of the time he feels like he’s seeing a part of her that he shouldn’t be seeing, that the loss and grief that becomes her is somehow shameful to witness; it’d be less awkward to see her naked than to see her twisting Jasper’s t-shirt in her hands with that glassy look of hopelessness she tries to hide.
Alice feels the same about him; that Emmett without Rose is devoid of that joie de vivre, that endless good humour, the extra joke. He feels tired in his bones, deflated, and distracted with the space in his chest that Rose used to fill. He feels like an old man, when he was never finished being a young man, never made it to middle-age.
But they are trying. Especially with Seth in the house - he’s taken over the bedroom that Esme planned to give to Bella, mostly because it didn’t stink of vampires as much as any other room; and neither of them wanted to dismantle Esme’s studio or Carlisle’s office. It wasn’t really much - a mattress and boxspring, a dresser and desk. Alice had given him a laptop to use, and found some new bedding for him, and occasionally even remembered that a fourteen year old boy shouldn’t be eating pizza six nights a week, and probably needed more boundaries than they were giving him. But Alice isn’t maternal, and her attempts at forcing vegetables and a bedtime on Seth usually get forgotten within a day or two.
Charlie Swan leaves, and he listens as Alice puts Carlisle’s phone into his vase, and then he focuses on the game so that Seth doesn’t think he’s letting him win because of pity or anything.
It’s not until late summer than people start bothering them. Parents of classmates who suddenly don’t have any children of their own to worry over. Colleagues and acquaintances who feel some kind of lingering responsibility. Busy-bodies, usually a part of some self-aggrandising self-appointed community group butting into everyone’s grief.
Alice ignores the early attempts to interfere, to crack open both the metaphorical and literal door for anyone who isn’t Charlie Swan. She’s taken to doing the oddest tasks, but Emmett doesn’t ask. At the moment, she’s painting every single door in the house with a swirling pattern of flowers that is tiny and detailed and fills up the day. Esme would have a conniption if she saw her lovely doors like this (he remembers when Alice and Jasper first arrived, and her art projects ran afoul of Esme - she had apologised and channeled that manic energy into embroidery instead; there’s a pair of unspeakably ugly curtains hanging in the Vermont house from one panicked week when Jasper went off with Peter and Charlotte).
Then the harassment starts - both her and him, since he’s apparently considered her ‘guardian’. Alice hangs up the phone numerous times wordlessly before being so outstandingly rude to Mrs Newton that both he and Seth stare at her before Emmett remembers he’s actually supposed to be in charge - as far as the rest of the town knows, at least - and calls to deter any more visits or phone calls or casseroles because Alice isn’t well and the disruptions are upsetting her.
If Carlisle or Esme were here, they’d think to send Mrs Newton flowers or something as an apology, but they aren’t, and no one can get Alice to apologise when she doesn’t want to, and Seth confided in him that she’s crying when he’s hiding in the garage and Seth is totally at a loss over what to do about a crying girl that isn’t Leah, so maybe they’ll just leave it at that. Give the town something new to gossip about.
But it does spark sudden realisation in both Cullens about a topic that has been long forgotten - school. Alice and Emmett have both graduated, but Seth had not. Seth had another four glorious years in high school, even if the Res school is down to double digits of enrolments, and probably won’t even run every weekday.
Seth whines and begs and negotiates until Alice stamps her foot and demands to know what Sue Clearwater would say and that makes Seth all small and miserable, and Alice hates herself and Emmett solves the problem by making a large donation through one of their anonymous charities to the Res school so that Seth can at least do online learning, and apparently that’s a huge deal that is on the local news, and that makes Alice and Seth laugh because only Emmett would stop a teenage boy’s whining by revolutionising a tribe’s educational provisions with a cheque large enough to sustain a small city for a year.
But it’s good help - it means the children who suddenly have no parents and have to raise siblings can still study; it means that half-empty classrooms don’t necessarily mean half-empty classes; it also means that other tribes with larger losses and no way of schooling are invited to join them.
That’s one good thing they’ve managed.
He also fixed the backdoor as good as new, so it should be two, but he’s pretty sure that doesn’t count now that Alice has painted flowers blooming and dying all over it.
At some point they both bully Seth into going home again, to get his own stuff - clothes and bedding and photos and all those things you look for when you’re in a house that isn’t yours. He yells at them, they yell at him, and he storms off. But now there’s a photo of him with his parents and sister on his dresser, and a bunch of books crowding his desk, and the world’s most beat-up DS under his pillow. There are more photos, somewhere - Emmett knows that because Alice knows where they are and then one day there are two framed photos joining the vases on the mantle - one of Sue and Harry Clearwater on their wedding day, and one of Leah laughing. Neither of them knows what happened to Sue or Leah precisely on that day, but Seth doesn’t bring the ashes with him, so they don’t ask.
Summer folds into fall, and what’s left of Esme’s gardens wither up. Charlie Swan checks on them every few weeks, sounding tired. There’s a lot of work for him right now - mostly community and social issues, like scared and orphaned children hiding, people struggling with money, grief, religion. There’s been some shortages of food, since there’s less being grown, less people to process and package and ship it, and a little town hours outside of Seattle is not a priority to whomever is deciding where to send a milk delivery.
They order Seth’s food from high-end places online that deliver them quickly and quietly; Alice starts choosing long-life and bulk items, and no one needs to ask because it’s obvious things will get worse before they get better. Seth holds a pretty intense grudge against the powdered strawberry milk, though.
But food shortages are the least of their worries, as Alice uses the dining room wall to start taking nonsensical notes, and Emmett’s heard enough stories to know that losing a mate can be… well, he’s not having much fun, but the very last thing he needs is to wrangle Alice if she’s lost her mind. Dead or not, he knows he could never lay a hand on her even if she did go nuts out of love for his family, out of respect for Jasper, and out of this funny bond they’ve somehow formed, being the last ones left.
The notes turn into lists, lists of everyone they’ve ever known, in her swirling handwriting. Even people they know are gone, like Bella, goes on the list.
Then she starts striking out names, like she’s slashing with a knife - Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, Rosalie, Edward, Bella, Charlie, Sue, Leah, Sam, Jacob, Paul… Slash, slash, slash.
Then it starts getting interesting. Peter and Charlotte are gone, but so are half the goddamned Volturi (Alice smirks as she crosses out Caius, Jane, Alec, Dimitri because imagining Aro on his throne with grief-mad Marcus and only the minions is a pretty picture indeed). Carmen and Tanya have survived, but Kate, Irina, and Eleazer are gone. Garrett is alive, but Randall and Mary aren’t. J Jenks didn’t make it either, which makes things… difficult.
Alice scowls darkly as she scratches out Maria’s name, and Emmett wonders if it’s because she didn’t get to do the honours of destroying the Mexican harpy herself. Or because wherever Jasper is now, so is Maria, and Alice is left behind.
Finally, she is done, and the list is nearly balanced in living and dead. Alice’s left eye twitches, and whatever she’s thinking she doesn’t say as she stands up.
“Alaska and then Mexico, then,” she says to him, and he gives her the Look that he gives her and Edward and Jasper every time one of them forgets that not everyone has a gift and some of them have to use their words.
“We need to check on Carmen and Tanya; I think they need us,” Alice explains, still examining the list. “I saw that we need to go. And then we’re going down to Mexico.”
“Maria’s dead,” he gestures at her list, and Seth wanders in stuffing his face with Pringles, and turns white at the sight of Esme’s freshly defaced walls; evidently Motherly Wrath is something universal across all of the species.
“Maria’s dead, and left behind a bunch of fresh newborns,” Alice sounds tired. “There’s no one left for clean up, Em, no one who knows. And it will be bad if we don’t step in soon.”
There might be something cathartic in that for Alice, undoing Maria’s life’s work. Maria’s lands weren’t exactly in the wealthiest or most populated lands these days - Jasper kept a secret map that wasn’t at all a secret - and if going down there and taking off a few heads saves a mother or father or child, then maybe it’s worth the hassle.
“Fine. Alaska and Mexico,” he agrees, and Seth cheers.
“Road-trip!” he declares around a mouthful of chips. Alice rolls her eyes.
“I’ll make you up a passport,” she says, not even bothering to argue with the younger boy that he’ll be joining them. “We’ll take the Jeep, Em - Rose just finished it.”
The words hang in the air for a second, and he nods in agreement. There might be something in that, taking the last gift-gesture-offering Rose ever did for him on their End-of-the-World Road Trip. Alice can rip the heads off newborns, he can drive around in the SUV his wife carefully and lovingly put together just to please him, and maybe he’ll buy Seth a beer in Tijuana.
Closest thing they’ll ever get to therapy, he supposes.
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Another incredible year of fics is complete!
This list is always nearly impossible to make, so keep in mind that this is just a small selection out of hundreds of incredible bottom Louis fics that were posted this year. We hope every fic writer feels appreciated because your works mean so much to this fandom. And we hope there will be even more amazing BL fics coming out in 2020!
The fics are listed by length and we included AO3 usernames and links to the writers’ Tumblr accounts if we could find them - so please go give these people love! And give love to every other writer who wrote a bottom Louis fic that you read and enjoyed this year.
All Bottom Louis Fic Fest fics - click this link to the December BLFF masterpost!
This list would be twice as long if we included all the fics for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest, so we’ve decided to instead simply link to the December masterpost of BLFF fics. These fics are ALL favorites of ours this year, so check them all out and give them love!
That Summer Feeling by laurelhips / @laurelhips | Explicit | 2093 words
"It was still a lazy summer evening, the sun was still floating in the sky and the balcony window was letting in a warm breeze. Harry thumbed at Louis’ hipbone, easing his lips off Louis’ skin just to mumble “Turn over, darling.” Louis cracked a small smile, turning over slowly and revealing the back half of his naked body. Harry’s tongue felt too big for his mouth. He swallowed as he took in the sight. He’d never get tired of this."
How Easy You Are To Need by sweetums / @darlou | Explicit | 2356 words
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic.
A day in the life type of drabble where Harry returns home after a business trip to his boy and a surprise visit from his niece.
Fine Line by Speechless | Explicit | 3281 words
This is just a tiny fanfiction that in my head was really just a Survival Instinct spin off, but then became a thing of its own.
No One But You Got Me Feeling This Way by runaway_train / @runaway-train-works | Explicit | 3787 words
Harry is well aware he should be studying or watching T.V or cleaning the kitchen or doing literally anything from a list as long as his arm instead of this, but he is. The list of reasons why he shouldn’t be doing this is probably at least double that, but here he most definitely is. He’s sitting on his bed, legs straight out in front of him, back propped up against the headboard and some fluffed-up pillows and his MacBook is resting on his thighs. His jittery fingers drum lightly on the edge of the keyboard as he stares at the tiny digital clock in the top right hand corner of the screen, willing the seconds to tick by faster. He wants to get into this and get it over with in equal measures.
Like Sangria by Harryskiwiposes / @hadtobelou | Explicit | 4152 words
As he looked up to the ceiling he imagined what it would feel like to have this man all to himself, all night long. He wanted the man in his bed, spread out underneath him, his skin begging to be kissed by a little more than just the sun.
Harry let out a small chuckle at the thought because he hadn’t even wanted to come on this beach vacation in the first place - he had wanted to go sightseeing in New York City. However, Niall and Liam had outnumbered him and so two days ago they had all boarded a plane to Jamaica for a lads holiday celebrating Liam’s thirtieth birthday.
Digging his fingers into the man’s hips, Harry sent a silent prayer up to the heavens that he was currently not sightseeing in New York and was instead on his way to hooking up with the sexiest man he had ever encountered.
Bad Idea! by rina_a / @lougendarey | Explicit | 4247 words
“I’m gonna ruin you.” And words had never felt so real in his life. Harry was going to ruin him in every way and Louis knew it. He had memories scattered all throughout his brain of the pain and pleasure of being destroyed by Harry. The feeling of ecstasy he was currently experiencing outweighed how much it was going to hurt in the next morning when Harry vanished. He was melting under Harry’s touch and that was the only thing that mattered. He could feel Harry’s smooth and strong biceps under his hands as he arched his back against the car door, unsure if he was leaning into Harry’s lips or moving away from them.
Can You Feel The Fever by delsicle / @emperorstyles | Explicit | 5113 words
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic.
Tour has Harry exhausted. Luckily exactly what he needs is waiting for him in his Sacramento dressing room.
Gotta Catch 'Em All by larryent / @larryent | Explicit | 5186 words
Louis loves Pokémon GO, he gets a little crazy and ends up ramming into a guy. Harry gets mad, calls him a brat and treats him like one. Oh, and they're in central park.
I'm Slipping Under by purpledandelion / @purpledandelion | Explicit | 5351 words
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic.
What better way would there actually exist than starting it filthily with Louis falling apart on his tongue? Nothing else could have surpassed that.
That's what Harry had thought at first, at least.
Just Fuck by rbbsbb / @rbbsbb | Explicit | 5565 words
Louis’ so drunk off Harry, though—even more than all of the drinks that he’s had—that he doesn’t even want to look anywhere else. He’s dying for it, for Harry to hold him down and fill him up, mark him inside.
Burnt & Tied Up by tilthesundies / @tllthesundies | Explicit | 6327 words
Come to the show tonight, Harry told him. Begged him. Pleaded with him.
Louis isn’t doing this for him.
Act Out | by feermartsant / @boldbabe | Explicit | 6721 words
Harry leans forward so he's closer to Louis's ear, and murmurs, "If I was your husband, I'd never let you out of my sight."
It’s ridiculous. He is his husband. There’s hundreds of photos, and official papers, and rings, and two babies with the last name Tomlinson Styles that prove it. But it’s also possessive, and hot and Louis doesn’t know what he was expecting when Harry told him he wanted to try roleplaying a little, but so far he’s not complaining.
Kisses and Coffee Breaks by youreyesonlarry / @youreyesonlarry | Explicit | 9350 words
Midterm season was finally here and all Harry wanted to do was study, however his boyfriend, Louis, seems to have a better idea.
Tattooed Heart by KrisStylinson / @zourry-a | Explicit | 10035 words
Note: This is a sequel to this fic.
“Is that fucking real?”
Harry grins. “Feel for yourself.”
A curious hand comes to trace over Harry’s chest, sighing in awe. “Harry.”
He watches him as he does it and wishes he had a camera on him, because the sight of Louis’ dainty hand caressing the beautiful L written in intricate cursive right over Harry’s heart has to be the single greatest thing he’s ever seen.
“Like it?” he asks.
“Harry,” Louis repeats, suddenly digging his thumb into the skin as if it was going to disappear at any second—it wasn’t, something Harry’s tattoo artist made sure of. “That’s—that’s permanent.”
“You’re permanent,” Harry replies, simple as can be.
Little White Lies by wickedarcher_08 / @wicked-archer | Explicit | 10450 words
Louis makes an off hand comment in an interview then comes home to find Harry has laid his old braces out on their bed.
All The Strings Attached by floweredhalo / @floweredhalo | Not Rated | 10517 words
“He wasn’t good enough for you anyway, H,” Louis says and continues eating. Harry’s still reeling from the fact that Louis is jealous. Part of him wants to prove that Louis has nothing to be jealous about, that Harry is fully Louis’ and no one else’s. The other part wants to punish Louis for acting spoiled. But Harry can’t act on either urge, he tightens his hand into a fist in his lap instead.
“No, he wasn’t. He didn’t quite fit the job.”
“Harry, it wouldn’t be a job to date you. It would be lovely,” Louis says, almost in a whisper. They’re sitting closer, Harry just now notices. Louis’ body is completely angled towards Harry and Harry’s body is not far behind.
Your Sins, My Vices by Jennifer_Kaid | Explicit | 12582 words
Louis hates soulmates. Harry has waited his whole life for one.
This Glorious Mess by theweightofmywords / @sunflowerrlouis | Mature | 14260 words
His head lolls to the side, and his eyes float open to focus on what used to be his bedside table.
It’s empty now, devoid of the framed photo of the two of them. And Louis knows that he has no right to feel hurt, but somehow, this only confirms what this really is.
“This is the last time,” he cries, his voice breaking both from pleasure and pain.
“I know, baby,” Harry breathes, burying his face in Louis neck.
Pleasure Over Matter by summerwine / @smrwine | Explicit | 15204 words
Harry is a bit out of his element, and an unsuspecting stranger provides him temporary relief.
Everywhere And Nowhere by 2tiedships2 / @2tiedships2 | Mature | 16547 words
Niall took a seat and said, “Apparently Louis’ downstairs neighbor is a fan of giving Louis creepy gifts. Maybe I should go introduce myself and tell him that Louis actually prefers food.”
“What has he given you?” Liam asked.
Louis shrugged as it were no big deal. “There was a rabbit’s foot keychain on the door a little after he left from introducing himself and there was a small teddy bear sitting by my door tonight. Obviously I can’t prove it’s from him, but they seem to have his scent. I could be wrong though.”
“Wow,” Liam said, looking deep in thought. “That’s old school.”
“What’s old school?” Niall asked. “Giving creepy gifts?”
“I’ve never known an alpha to do it, to be honest, but he’s courting you.”
Louis couldn’t contain his look of disbelief directed at Liam. “He’s courting me. Like some sort of romantic shit they’d do in the 1800s or something?”
Tonight's Not Over (Come Over And Stay) by louistomlinsons / @microlouis | Explicit | 16690 words
Zayn doesn’t say anything for a moment, pausing and worrying at his bottom lip. Finally, he asks, “Have you heard that Cox guy is coming out with a new song?” Louis freezes, fingers hovering over his keyboard where they had been typing his password. “No, I hadn’t,” Louis says truthfully. “Where did you hear that?” “Tell anyone this and I’ll kill you, but I’d consider myself a big fan,” Zayn says. His face doesn’t change in expression, completely serious as he admits this to Louis. “Big fan? Like run a blog and everything?”
I Been Feeling High When I Touch Your Body by notasawrap / @notasawrap | Not Rated | 16946 words
Harry is a boxer, Louis is an architect and Liam is the worst cupid that could ever exist.
The Post-War BP by jaerie / @jaerie | Explicit | 17732 words
The eight year war has left the country’s birthrate severely stunted with a lack of virile alphas left to bring it back up. To ensure the survival of the country, the government opens The Breeding Program where young omegas can apply to carry an alpha’s child in exchange for benefits. Louis’ family is struggling and the BP is one of the only ways to secure a roof over their heads. Harry was drafted at the age of eighteen and spent six years of his life defending a country he doesn’t recognize when he returns home. The government made the bed but it’s Harry that has to lie in it.
Be Mine, Dear by louisgrindsonharry | Not Rated | 20104 words
It really wasn’t fair. He was the oldest of all of them. He’s the one who dreamed about being bonded his whole life, while Liam laughed at the idea, until he met Sophia. Niall had always been indifferent, but when he met Heather six months ago, everything changed for him. He quickly went from being the only omega around two alpha’s, to the odd omega out. And it really wasn’t fair, because Liam and Niall both still protected him just as much as the did before, just as much they do their new mates now, but he was still bitter about it, so he’d pity himself as much as he wanted.
Deflower Me by thelesserneptune / @quelquesetoiles | Explicit | 20154 words
Everyone is 19 and horny, and Louis just really wants to get fucked by Harry.
Going My Way by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom | Explicit | 20261 words
"Hey Harry. Really sorry to do this to you but an emergency has come up with Vera’s mum and we’ve had to jump a flight home. My mate Louis is going to take over my LYFT clients while I’m away. He’s got my car and my phone and everything else. Hope that’s okay. He’s a good guy and I think you two are going to get along brilliantly. Catch you soon, Benny."
Drunk in Love (Last Thing I Remember) by MrsStylinson / @lovehoperomance | Mature | 22102 words
The one where Louis wakes up, naked, in a stranger’s bed and has no idea how he got there. Maybe it’s foul play. Maybe it’s just the kindness of a handsome stranger amused by his drunken antics.
Etched in Salt (Is a Cathedral of the World) by HelloAmHere / @helloamhere | Explicit | 24416 words
Note: This fic has mentions of BH. This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis asks for very few things in life, and they are: to solve cases, to keep bad people from doing their bad things, to get good coffee, to go home to a spacious apartment with nobody else in it, and to manage his stupid telempathy powers with minimal interference. And now he’s stuck in a tiny cabin in a snowstorm in the middle of god-awful-nowhere with Harry Styles. Because of course he is.
Welcome Back From The Friend Zone by 2tiedships2 / @2tiedships2 | Mature | 32354 words
The one where an idea to create a fake wedding with the sole intent to receive gifts from billionaires took a turn no one, but also everyone, saw coming.
Close to Nowhere by angelichl / @angelichl | Explicit | 34589 words
Louis and Harry are psychics who kind of hate each other. They go to Tennessee to investigate a haunting.
Let Me Feel Your Heartbeat by angelichl / @angelichl | Explicit | 34572 words
Harry is 98% sure Louis hates him. So he feels like his bewilderment is justified when the omega offers to help him through his rut.
If I Stay by Rearviewdreamer / @all-these-larrythings | Mature | 37226 words
Harry and Louis agree to a temporary arrangement that Harry can't seem to walk away from no matter how many times he tries.
The Only North Star by Skyebyrd / @skyebyrd | Explicit | 39299 words
A story told in two parts.
Part one: Harry meets Louis at NYU and falls immediately and deeply in love, despite Louis’ overbearing boyfriend. Harry interns at the local Daily Bugle as part of the Superhero/Crime Liaison Unit and learns how to study and track superheroes and villains and the damage they inflict on the citizens of NYC. Harry does what he believes to be the right thing. Come the end of the school year, he uncovers more than what he cares to know.
Part two: Louis gets bitten, gets sick, and gets strange powers (which come with…strange responsibilities). He has to learn to control them while also helping NYC’s most famous superheroes to fight off NYC’s newest, baddest supervillain. He also has to figure out his slowly detangling relationship with Harry. He only has the summer to save the city, and Harry.
Latibule by thelesserneptune / @quelquesetoiles | Mature | 49946 words
A Spirited Away AU of sorts where Louis just wants to heal and be left alone, only for all his plans to be destroyed by the hands of an infuriating British God.
Dog Got Your Tongue? by seducedbycurls / @seduced-by-curls | Not Rated | 50914 words
Louis is a dog walker.
Waiting for the Tides to Meet by nauticalleeds / @nauticalleeds | Explicit | 59637 words
Soulmate AU. Everyone is born with heterochromia — one eye is their own eye colour, while the other is the colour of their soulmate’s. It’s only when they meet their soulmate for the first time that their own eyes match properly. After a hazy night at a frat party, Louis wakes up to blue eyes and the shocking realization that he had met his soulmate, without any sober recollection. Seven years pass where Louis comes to terms with the fact that he’ll never know who his soulmate is. Then one fated summer, a beautiful green-eyed photographer arrives at Louis’ workplace, with promises of endless laughter and a familiar feeling in Louis’ heart.
I Just Wanna Get Back to Us by louiesunshine / @louiesunshine | Mature | 62131 words
Where Harry and Louis are divorced soulmates who are seeing each other for the first time in two years.
Swallow The Knife by whoknows / @crazyupsetter | Explicit | 76168 words
“You came,” Louis says, still breathless, clinging to Harry, uncaring that his sweat is getting all over Harry’s presumably clean dad shirt, or that he’s making Harry hold up all of his weight.
“Of course I came,” Harry says. He shifts, one arm curled underneath Louis’ arse, the other spreading wide in the middle of Louis’ back. “If I ignored you every time you pissed me off we would have stopped being friends a long time ago.”
Louis already knows that, of course. It doesn’t do anything to stop the pleased squirm in his belly every time Harry proves it, though. They fight like nobody’s business, both of them too stubborn to pull their punches when they’re arguing, and it used to get them in trouble, but they always make up.
Adrenaline makes Louis loose-lipped, and they both know it. He tightens his arms around Harry’s neck, buries his face in his hair. “I missed you,” he confesses, quiet. “Doesn’t feel the same up there by myself.”
Consequences by allwaswell16 / @allwaswell16 | Explicit | 78566 words
Two years ago Harry let his powerful family come between him and the love of his life, something he deeply regrets. Louis has tried to move on from their devastating break up. Sometimes, he even thinks he has. It only takes one moment to freeze them back in time.
An amnesia AU.
Like Water Over Fire (Like Water On Fire) by MCSSymon / @mcssymon | Mature | 119264 words
Prince Harry has 46 men and 13 weeks to find the husband of his dreams, Louis has a limited amount to time to live out a royal fantasy. They might just be exactly what the other needs.
Tainted Saints And Velvet Vices by Toomanytears / @toomanydreamers | Mature | 126057 words
A self-fulfilling Hogwarts AU in which Louis is new to seventh year and Harry is the resident devil-may-care Slytherin set to make his entire experience a living misery. Due to less than favourable circumstances they’re forced to forge an unwilling, tentative relationship for their own survival. Repressed emotions, decidedly unromantic ballroom dancing, Triwizard Tournament tasks, creative jinxes and twilight flying above the Forbidden Forest ensue.
Inevitable by Etoilenoire | Mature | 185917 words
AU where Louis and Harry used to be more than friends, but everything had to change the day Harry introduces Louis to his new girlfriend.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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