#if you aren’t prepared to shut that shit down then you don’t belong at a protest
thatweirdtranny · 5 months
if you’re not ready to call out antisemitism at a protest, don’t fucking go to a protest
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hirukochan · 1 year
A Severus Snape x fem!reader Oneshot
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairing: Severus Snape x former student reader
Summary: Your former professor saves you from embarrassment when your blind date doesn't show up to the fancy restaurant you were meant to meet at.
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Warnings: Smut, Loss of virginity, virgin reader
Wordcount: 5007
Read on Ao3 or below the cut
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You did not expect life after Hogwarts to be…this. Whatever this is. Boring. That much is certain. You finished school five years ago with good grades and that was it. You celebrated your graduation with your friends who were already gushing about their future careers and their dream jobs, and you had nothing to offer to the conversation. You didn’t know what you wanted to do after school. And five years later you still don’t know.
You wanted to move out of your parents’ house and so you went to interviews for any job you thought yourself decently qualified for. You ended up working in a depressing little second hand bookshop in Diagon Alley. The owner, some rich fuck that doesn’t even live in London, pays you well to take care of anything that needs taking care of because the shop belonged to his wife’s grandfather, and she can’t bear separating with it. 
You also get to live rent-free in the one-room flat above the store. You have a kitchen, a bed and a bathroom and no controlling boss looming over your every move. Life is…good. It’s ok, nothing groundbreaking, but how many people get that? How realistic is an action filled, thrilling life actually?
Your friends seem content with life as it is and so you try to be content as well. 
In reality you feel lost.
You have looked into universities, but you aren’t sure if you’d be good enough and the fear of failing holds you back. Besides, what would you even study? In school charms had been your favourite, but was that because of the subject or your teacher? Professor Flitwick had made each class a delight to be in.
You shove the thoughts away, focusing on finishing up closing the store. A friend has set up a blind-date for you. Some guy she works with at the Ministry. She has gushed about him endlessly and you are sure were she not in a relationship herself - she would totally try to date him. 
That is a recipe for disaster, but you want to indulge your friend or perhaps just make her shut up and so you go along.
You lock up the shop and hurry upstairs to shower, change and put on some makeup. An hour later you are standing outside the shop, mentally preparing for the apparition. You are certain you’ll never get used to it.
Pleasant, classical music floods the street as you open the door to the wizarding restaurant and bar in central London. This is already outside your comfort zone. Too fancy and too full. Are you underdressed? Are you overdressed? Shit, what if he isn’t here yet?
“Reservation for Everett.” You say to the hostess who swishes her wand and looks through the list of reservations.
“This way, madam. Your partner is not here yet.” Shit. Of course, he wouldn’t be. You are early. Way too early. Pathetic, desperate early.
The hostess shows you to your table and you smile kindly as you sit down. A waiter hurries over to you and asks for your drink order.
“Wine. Red, please.” The waiter is gone before you can finish your sentence. A glass of wine floats to your table shortly after. You let your eyes wander over the room as you take small sips. A few couples sit at the tables, some more stand at the bar, chatting with each other.
You wait.
And wait.
Three glasses later you know you got stood up. You try to fight the tears stinging in your eyes and dig through your purse for some money to pay for the drinks and scurry out of the restaurant as fast as possible. 
How pathetic! Hot shame spreads through your chest, your guts twist at the mere thought of getting up and leaving. Your feet don’t work. They simply won’t respond to your command. With all your willpower you stifle a sob in your throat. This is your last straw.
All the disappointment over life after Hogwarts, the loneliness, being lost and left behind by the golden opportunities your future had promised you - and now not even your date could bother to show up! You didn’t even want to meet him. Prick!
“Ms. (L/N)?” You flinch. That voice. You are sure that voice would give you war-like flashbacks for the rest of your life. Running through corridors at night, blood pounding in your ears, already feeling safe as the entrance to your common room approaches just to be violently stopped by those words.
You turn and meet the dark eyes of your former professor for potions. 
Severus Snape has not changed in the five years since you last saw him. The same hooked nose, same pale skin. Black greasy hair falling into his face. The long black robes hiding every inch of his skin.
“P-professor Snape.” You reply, because you have to say something. His eyes wander over you, clearly made up for a date and then twitch to the empty seat across from you. They narrow as they see the three empty glasses and the slight redness of your eyes. Without saying anything he slips into the seat across from you.
“Two glasses of whatever the lady has been drinking.” He says as he grabs a waiter by the arm. He gestures towards the glasses. “And get rid of these. What kind of service is this?” The waiter apologises profusely and hurries away quickly. 
You stare at Snape in bewilderment. He is sitting across from you. He saw you got stood up and sat down. And he ordered drinks. 
He is looking at you. Say something. Anything. Shit shit shit.
“I was supposed to meet someone.” You say, cursing how meek you sound. You look away and try to subtly wipe the corner of your eye where a stubborn little tear tries very hard to run down your cheek. You know if you allow that one to pass your lashes, there is no holding back the rest.
“I gathered.” He leans back in his chair, his eyes still roaming over you. Instantly you feel like you are back in the dungeons of Hogwarts, trying your best to brew a potion while he stares at you, waiting for the moment you fail. You swallow hard as the familiar nervousness of being around Snape takes over.
“A boyfriend?”
“N-no. A friend set it up- never met him.”
“What do you do these days?” You blush. You were afraid he might ask that.
“I-I run a little b-bookshop in Diagon Alley…sir.” The ‘sir’ slips out before you can stop it. A smirk tucks at the corners of his mouth at the sound of it but dies instantly.
“A bookshop? And you’re happy with that?” You shrug. You aren’t, but you wouldn’t tell him that. You cling to your glass. This is worse than getting stood up and humiliated. Infinitely worse. Snape leans over the table, his dark eyes glinting with something you can’t quite place.
“I am not going to bite you. Unless-” You tense. Is he flirting? Merlin’s beard- You feel heat rise to your face and stare down at the wine in your hands. “I apologise. This is inappropriate and you clearly wish to be as far away from me as possible. I’ll leave you to it.” Snape says, an edge of self-loathing sneaking into his voice. He digs through his pocket and puts down a few coins on the table.
“Stay-” You have no idea how you manage to force the word out of your constricting throat but there it is. Out in the open. 
Snape stares at you in disbelief. You take a shaky, deep breath and look up to meet his intense gaze.
“Stay.” You repeat, firmer this time. That expression flashes through his eyes again and after a moment of hesitation he settles down.
“U-unless I am keeping you from meeting someone. I-” You hadn’t considered why he might be here. Shit, is he on a date? And instead of that he took pity on you? Does Snape date? 
He chuckles. The sound as foreign to your ears as kindness or praise from him. It goes straight to your core, and you gulp as you are violently tossed back into your old crush. That is the last thing you need now! 
Imagining him doing all sorts of things to you during class was bad enough already - mainly because it really messed with your grade - but imagining them now that you are no longer his student, no longer sixteen- You blush even more as you realise that - in theory - you could do these things now. 
It has been five years since you graduated, sure it is a bit weird maybe, but entirely allowed. You have not been in contact with him since graduation. He has made no inappropriate comment to you while you were his student ever- in fact he barely ever talked to you.
You feel Snape’s hot gaze burn through your skull. It’s almost like he knows. Which is entirely impossible. Or is it? He has the uncanny ability to know when students are planning mischief behind his back and such things as reading minds isn’t at all a ridiculous idea to wizards- shit.
Snape’s lips curl as you stare at him.
“Oh, yes.” His smooth voice says in your head. “I know. I know all the little fantasies you have been coming up with for years.” The colour vanishes from your face. You take a big gulp of your wine, downing the entire thing in one go to aid your suddenly parched throat. Snape swirls the wine in his glass, never taking his eyes off you.
“A-and is that some-something you’d…you’d want?” You ask. Your heart twists and turns in your chest, your insides clench almost uncomfortably. You have no idea where you take the bravery from to say it out loud. 
His grin grows, his eyes darken, snapping down to the neckline of your dress. In one smooth movement he gets up and holds his hand out to you.
This is it.
The one opportunity you’d get.
You take his hand. 
Your skin tingles where it touches him and a giddy feeling spreads through you. 
You are going to sleep with your Potions professor. Former professor. Dark, unapproachable, cruel Snape. The man you have been fantasising about since 6th grade. The man that terrifies you as much as he intrigues you.
Together you leave the restaurant. He guides you towards an abandoned alley and lets go of your hand to snake his arm around your waist.
“Hold on tight.” He whispers in his ear. You can feel his breath on your neck and a shudder runs down your spine. You take a shaky breath and put your arms around his waist. You are swept up in his scent, musky and herbal. It clouds your mind instantly and you bite your tongue so you don’t inhale deeper just so it can flood your senses more. His magic wraps around you and you squeeze your eyes shut, waiting for the apparition to pass. You can feel the chuckle rumble through Snape’s chest before you hear it.
“Still no fan?” 
“No.” You reply breathless and separate from him. He holds onto your waist, eyeing you as though he expects you to collapse. Right- You did. During Apparition training in your 7th year, you lost consciousness after your first successful attempt. He was one of the teachers overseeing the training. 
You blush as the memory of how embarrassed you felt waking up in his arms, your whole year watching, resurfaces in your mind. You clear your throat and look around. You’re in Diagon Alley, not far away from the bookshop. You dig through your pocket and get out the key as you walk towards it. 
You are going to have sex. 
You are going to have sex with Snape. He’s walking right behind you. Nervous doesn’t even begin to cover how you feel.
“This is it.” You say and close the door behind you. Your flat looks terribly small with Snape standing in it. 
“Do you still want me to stay?”
“Yes. I’m just-”
“Yes?” He steps closer.
“You intimidate me.”
“Is that a good thing? Or a bad thing?”
“Good.” You reply breathlessly. Your mind is already foggy just from him standing so close to you. His eyes roam over your face, as though he is determined to enter all its details to his memory. Your heart beats impossibly fast in your chest, smashing against your ribcage so hard you wonder whether Snape can hear it. He leans down, inky hair falling into his face, stealing your view of the room around you. 
Your insides clench and scream for him to kiss you. Finally kiss you. You bite your bottom lip to stop its pathetic quivering. His scent floods your senses and briefly renders your mind nonexistent. 
Snape runs his fingertips over your arm, starting at your wrist and drawing goosebumps across your naked skin, all the way up to your shoulder. Your breath hitches and you barely manage to withstand the urge to hold onto him.
“You’d have to take this off first.” He says, quiet, calm. His voice sends a shiver through your body. He drags his fingers over your shoulder to your neck. He takes the zipper and slowly pulls it down, the sound resounds in your room loud like thunder. 
He barely touches your skin when he peels the straps off your shoulder and gently tugs the dress down and over your hips. It pools around your feet on the ground.
Snape takes a step back and takes in your body. You aren’t wearing a bra, you own none that would have looked good with the dress and stand in front of him only in a pair of black lace knickers.
His eyes remain as unreadable as they always are. He seems to assess your body with the same impartiality as he used to look at your potions. You shiver, cold air swirling around your heated skin, goosebumps spread across your skin and your nipples harden. Your face is burning hot though, and you barely resist the impulse of covering yourself with your arms.
Just when you begin to think this is some cruel joke, he is playing on you to embarrass you, he closes the distance between you two - too fast for your mind to catch up. He grabs your waist and smashes your body against his. His lips crash against your collarbone, his teeth graze your skin.
You gasp and sink your hands into his hair, marvelling at how soft it feels. He kisses your skin, sucks and nibbles. White hot lust seeps into your skin from the saliva he spreads across it. 
He holds your waist in his surprisingly strong arms and attacks your chest, worshipping every inch of you as though you are some ancient artefact promising prosperity and luck to loyal devotees. He groans against you, and you join with a moan of yourself, arching your back, offering your chest up to him. He accepts without hesitation, with enthusiasm even. Snape licks broad, firm strokes over your exposed breast, roughly kneading the other with his hand.
His thorough attention is dizzying. Blood pounds in your ears and waves upon waves of merciless pleasure course through you, twisting your vocal cords into the strangest of sounds you have never heard yourself make.
“Are you a virgin?” He groans against your skin.
“Y-yes-” He stops, dead in his tracks. Slowly his head tilts back, his gaze snapping in on yours.
“Yes?” Hunger flashes through his eyes and he licks his lips. “How the fuck are you still a virgin?” You blush more fiercely if that is even possible. Your shrug and drops your hands to his shoulders.
“Um- nobody was ever interested in me like that.”
“You’re what? Twenty-one?”
“And nobody ever touched your gorgeous fucking body?” He sounds baffled, like your words are the most ridiculous thing he has ever heard.
“Touched, yes…snogging at parties in the common room and such, but-” Your voice trails off. 
“You are telling me.” He says, his voice growing to untamed deep turmoil of unabashed desire and feral lust. “Nobody ever sucked on these dainty, splendid nipples?” As if to emphasise his words he closes his lips around one, holding it between his teeth and flicking his tongue over it. You whimper. Your legs shake under the weight of your own body, and you cling to his shoulders. His eyes never leave you, the weight of them heavy on you, buzzing on your skin. You throw your head back, moaning like you’ve never moaned before.
He chuckles, the vibration of it ripples through the tissue of your breast and sinks deep into your body, melting into your bones. He kisses his way back up to your collarbone and neck.
“Fools. Every single one of them that did not realise what they are missing out on.” He gently sucks on the sensitive skin in the crook of your neck. He steers you backwards until your calves meet the frame of your bed and you allow your body to fall back.
Snape kicks his shoes off and slips out of his cloak before he follows you, crawling over the bed, up your body like a predator about to devour his prey. A shiver rushes through you at that thought. Yes- you want him to devour you, to worship you, to ruin you and build you back up. He braces his arms against the mattress on either side of your head.
“And you still want me to stay?” The words fall into the space between your bodies, filled with heat and want, desire and fear, buzzing with anticipation. His eyes are softer somehow, less intense, but not less hungry. They tell you how much he wants you, craves you but also tell you he’d stop. You just need to say the word and he will leave. Without shaming you, without a cruel word or ounce of disappointment. 
“You want to give this first experience to me? Of all people?”
“I’ve always wanted it to be you.” Snape groans and closes his eyes. His head drops, coming to rest against your shoulder, nestling to the crook of your neck.
“Do you have any idea-” He is breathing heavy, clenching his fists in your sheets, his body one large, tensed muscle. “-what you do to me?” Before you can answer he grabs one of your hands and brings it down. He presses it against his upper thigh where his cock is very hard, straining against its confines. You gasp at which Snape smirks. He rolls his hips against your hand.
“It’s big…” You whisper, more fear mixing in with your burning arousal.
“You can take it.” He leans down. His lips brush over your cheek. “I’ll make sure of it.” His breath dances over the shell of your ear, prickling. As soon as it passes your skin feels terribly cold, like it’s never going to be warm ever again just to be replaced by burning heat. Snape drags the tip of his tongue across the shell of your ear and back down to close his lips around your earlobe.
The whimper that falls from your lips at that is more of a high pitched squeak and finally, finally he kisses you. His lips are soft like silk and warm, reminding you of a mug of butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks in winter. 
You sigh and move your lips with his, threading your fingers through his hair. Despite the way he has been acting so far, he kisses you passionately, almost slow, but no less thorough. 
Severus Snape is nothing if not thorough. 
And he intends to savour you.
You part your lips for him, eager to move this along, eager to feel him and the pleasure he can bring you, but when it comes to actually deepening the kiss you hesitate. Snape senses your nervousness and takes over the decision making from you. The tip of his tongue meets yours and he slides it slowly over your own, easing you into the kiss and coaxing a small moan from you. 
You relax against him and surrender yourself to his touch once more. You have never been kissed like this. With want and need, with passion and hunger. He maps out your mouth as though he is trying to dissect a potion he has never seen into its separate components. 
His hands run over your body, your sides and stomach to your thighs. You whine at his touch and muscles twitch under your skin as if to reach out to his calloused fingers. The wool of his frock rubs against your skin when he moves. You reach out to work on the endless row of buttons but are rather abruptly interrupted by his fingers against your cunt. 
A surprised, shuddering gasp escapes you and your fingers tense against his chest. Snape chuckles into the kiss, never once stopping his assault on your mouth. Playful he circles your entrance, gathering you slick and spreading it to your clit. You cling to his shoulders and push your head back into the pillows. Pressure builds deep in your cunt, and you need him to ease it- need him to- to-
“Ahh-” You cry out and dig your nails into Snape’s shoulders. Your own fingers never felt that fucking good.
“Are we enjoying ourself?” Snape teases, watching the pleasure drunk expression on your face.
“Mhh…Snape-” You buck your hips into his hand. “Please- fuck me-”
“Patience, dear. I told you I would make sure you can take me.” He teases your entrance with a finger, coating it in your slick and then gently pushes inside you. “I will fuck you. I will fuck you so well nobody will ever compare to me, but first I’ll stretch this virgin cunt because as you so eloquently put it - It’s big.”
“There was this rumour back in school-” You murmur, blissful pleasure clouding your mind and rendering it utterly useless. “-that- that….oohhh-”
“That I’m a virgin?” He smirks. He pumps his finger inside you, curling it and pressing upwards slightly and a flash of searing pleasure explodes inside your cunt, and you squirm under him, rolling your hips into his touch to get more more more. “Does it feel like I am? Like I’ve never touched a woman?”
“Dear, believe me, I know your body better than you.” You want to get offended by that statement. What a man thing to say but then Snape does something with his finger, twisting and curling at the same time or something else, interrupting your thoughts harshly with another mind-blowing ripple of pleasure. 
Snape adds a second finger, stretching you carefully and kissing you the entire time, then a third. You are hot all over. Sweat clings to you like a second layer of skin. You are shivering from unfulfilled need and the steadily building pressure deep in your cunt just outside of Snape’s reach.
It builds and builds, beyond anything you were ever able to do to yourself and you have no idea how it keeps building and where all this pressure goes because the thought of it all staying confined in you is absurd!
You whine at the loss of his touch and buck your hips in a futile attempt of stopping his fingers from leaving you. Snape looks very fucking smug, but you are to wound up and needy to even care. 
He watches you squirm, your slickness dripping off his fingers. He traces your lips with his ring finger, spreading your own arousal over them. You are too far gone to really care. Your tongue darts out and licks your lips clean, accepting his finger into your mouth. You suck his fingers clean, one after another, Snape’s dark eyes never leaving you.
“What a good girl.” He coos. His voice rolls over your skin and sinks into your body, causing your insides to clench. 
You watch Snape undo the rest of the buttons and toss the black frock away. He opens his belt, the quiet clink of the buckle echoes in your mind. You’re about to see Snape’s prick. Snape just fingered you. You’ve been kissing Snape! 
Your heart beats faster, like a hummingbird forced to forever fly on the spot in a too small cage. Anticipation takes your breath away and impossibly so, more slickness rushes to your entrance. Every second he takes to open his trousers feels like another fire being lit on your skin. 
He slides a hand in his pants and now you are sure he is doing it to see you squirm because who moves that slow?
You let out an impatient whine and squirm, bucking your hips to grind against him.
“So impatient.” He chuckles and finally, finally frees his prick. 
It’s big is a pretty accurate description, you don't know what Snape has against your eloquence. Jesus fuck, is another option but you doubt Snape would find that more eloquent.
His plush, purple cockhead is already leaking pre-cum. Snape mutters an incantation, you recognise as a contraception spell, before aligning himself with you.
“Don’t worry, dear.” He coos. “I’ll be gentle. Just relax.” You try. You really try, but Snape has your nerve endings running in circles, screaming, while on fire. Stop, drop and roll is not an option that they can think of, mainly because thinking is quite difficult when on fire. 
He pushes against you, and you tense further. Snape rubs your thigh, and you take a deep breath and try to relax your muscles. Slowly, inch after thick inch Snape enters you. Beads of sweat collect on his forehead from the strain of going slow. Inch after inch of your tight channel is mercilessly forced to yield to his girth, stretching you open with a small sting. 
Snape grunts and sinks into you to the hilt, sacking above you to give you time to adjust and also catch his breath.
You are so bloody full. How he isn’t ripping you open is a miracle to you. Your knuckles are white from holding onto his arms. The muscles in your thighs quiver. You give tentatively rolls of your hips, earning a low groan from Snape another wave of deep pleasure.
“You’re breathing really hard.” He mutters into your ear. “I like that - keep working so hard for me, dear.” Snape’s thrusts are long and controlled, massaging your inner walls and hitting just the right spots. You are reduced to a pathetic, needy moaning puddle of bliss and want. 
Snape isn’t doing too much better. His breathing is heavy and loud right next to your ear which drives you deeper and deeper into your trance-like state of ecstatic bliss. His rhythm falters more than once and his groans take on an animalistic edge. 
“So tight.” He grunts and drives back into you. “Just for me-”
“That’s right. Saved yourself for me, didn’t you, dear?”
“Idiot.” You laugh against his jaw.
“No need to play shy - you can tell me.” Snape smirks and leans his forehead against yours. “I won’t tell anyone, I swear.” He snaps his hips forward, hitting that spot with more force than before and your breath gets stuck in your throat. You tense and convulse, somehow simultaneously. Snape grunts when you clench around him and your inner walls spasm.
“Keep coming- keep fucking coming for me!” He reaches between your bodies and rubs your clit. A violent wave of pleasure smacks you right in the face and you scream in pleasure. Snape whispers reverent praise and fucks you through your release, coming shortly after with a long groan inside you.
Sweaty, sticky and spent you collapse on the bed, both trying to catch your breath. Snape runs his hand over your thigh absentmindedly. His cum slowly leaks out of you. Your eyelids are heavy. A heavy blanket of bliss and contentment settles over you.
“Thank you.” You whisper into the silence of your flat.
“Whatever for?” He chuckles next to you.
“It was nice.” You shrug.
“Well, I should be thanking you for even letting me touch you.”
“Let’s thank each other.”
“Fine.” You stay there a while longer, but eventually Snape disentangles himself from you and gets up to get dressed.
Lying on your side with your sheets pulled up to cover your still shaking body you watch him.
“You know-” He says but stops himself, a frown appearing on his face. “A career isn’t the only thing to measure how accomplished or fulfilled one’s life is. Your friends might think their jobs are great now, but in ten, twenty years they’ll realise they have never lived a day in their life. This job…” He looks around the flat. “It seems pretty comfortable to me. It seems to give you the freedom to do whatever you want. Create art or music, write, research or go to university. You can do whatever you want - fuck what other people think. Not everybody dreams of labour.”
“What if I’m not good enough?” Snape fastens his cloak. He looks up. His eyes seem heavy with a burden you can’t quite understand. The corner of his mouth twitches and perhaps for the first time in the years you have known him you see him smile.
“I think you can achieve anything you put your mind to. And either way. How will you know if you never try? The day will come you’ll regret having allowed your fear to hold you back.” His cloak billows behind him when he turns to leave. His hand already on the doorknob he stops.
“I hope you find happiness.”
“I hope you find happiness too, Professor.”
“For some of us it’s too late.” And with those words he disappears into the darkness of the night.
Three weeks later Albus Dumbledore is murdered by Severus Snape.
| Part 2 |
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nats-revival · 9 months
Jealous and possessive abby - not in a toxic or abusive way but maybe you guys went to a party and your ex or some random decided to act up and be crazy and start hitting on you when everyone knows you're hers so she starts getting protective and marking her territory - she never blames you for it but she just wants to remind you who you belong to so she feels better with your consent if course and you find it hot asf
𝙢𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣 | 𝙖. 𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣
pairing: abby anderson x afab!reader
tags: alcohol consumption, mild language, theres a gross man, abby is possessive (per the request), i think that should be everything???, i still stuck at tagging
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a/n: was lowkey stuck on this prompt bc i don’t remember the last time i did smth like this but also, i procrastinated like, a lot. tbh i don’t rlly ever proofread anything i write i just post it with a hope and a prayer but wtv! i hope yall enjoy this. 🤍😙😙
bodies filled the house you and abby were currently in. the air smelled like alcohol, sweat, and a mixture of cologne and cheap perfume. this wasn’t particularly your scene, but abby wanted to go since one of her friends were hosting the party. you sorta stood on the wall, nursing a cup of.. something abby mixed for you. she wanted to prepare your drink herself. yknow, cause people are weird and like dropping shit in your drink without your knowledge. the screen of your phone illuminates your features softly under the red and purple LED lights. nobody dared to bother you much because everyone knew you were abbys girl. god, she never shuts up about you! but it’s only because she loves you so much. she also did it because she wanted to make your relationship known, and she’d gladly knock the lights out of anyone who dared to approach you cause she didn’t play that game.
the necklace around your neck had her initial on it. she’d gifted it to you during valentines day last year. it glints a little from the light coming from the screen of your phone. you’d been mid sip when some piss drunk man came stumbling over to you. and suddenly your settings app looked interesting as hell! he stops infront of you with a woozy smile and a flushed face from drinking. lowkey, he was like, really ugly. he’s the kind of guy a girl would only fuck in the dark. “what’s a pretty girl like you doing all alone?” he asked as he looked you up and down with obviously lustful eyes. “ah, im.. actually not alone. im here with someone.” you say as you give him an awkward smile and a chuckle. “i don’t see ‘em. why dontcha come with me? we could go back ‘t my place.. maybe order somethin’ to eat.” you politely decline and give him another awkward smile. while trying to ward this man off, you text abby.
“theres some guy over here flirting w/ me, help!!” you text her while trying as much as possible to ignore the man. he was relentless! he just wouldn’t stop talking and making gross comments. you look up from your phone to find your girlfriend pushing her way to you, through the couples grinding against eachother and making out. she smiles as she approaches you, then wrapping her arm around your shoulders. you lean against her. “so, who’re you?” she asks as she looks at the man, then tossing him an icy glare. “who am i? why should i answer you?” the man had a raised eyebrow and he’d been holding a now empty cup. “well, cause you’re hitting on my girl. so you should probably tell me why you’re doing all this.” her voice was low, raspy and a bit threatening. her possessiveness was dumb attractive, and you surely felt a little hot!!! “hah, this is your girl? she’s outta your league, bro. just give ‘er up. ill treat ‘er soo much better.” the man had become bold. abby didn’t like that. “mm.. nah. she’s fine with me. aren’t you, baby?” she asks as she looks at you. you nod with a small, stupid smile on your face. she presses a kiss on your forehead before she looks back at the man.
her touch had lingered on your skin even when you knew she wasn’t touching you. she sits on one of the chairs with a sigh and you sit next to her. “god, people are so disgusting!” abby said as she lets out an exasperated sigh. she hated when people treated you that way. but you just couldn’t seem to forget that voice she spoke in. the raspiness made this sorta electricity shoot through your veins. she was rambling about something, but you’d began listening when she’d been nearly finished speaking “—that shit wasn’t okay, and nobody should be treating my girl like that. i mean, gosh, some people just really can’t take a hint can they? i was so close to punching him just like id done that other guy but i controlled myself. and, ill just say, it isn’t your fault. i just really don’t like that. you don’t deserve that. not at all.” her voice softens towards the end of her sentence as she places her hand on your thigh gently.
your hand finds itself over hers and you smile at her. “sometimes you gotta punch people for ‘em to understand, yknow?” abby says as she looked at you with the same softened gaze. “abby, no, i will absolutely not be punching anyone… that’s what i have you for. and you hit like, waaaaay harder.” you chuckled. “well, maybe i should show you how to hit real hard.” you shrug, and she smiles at you, giving your thigh a gentle squeeze. “how bout we get outta this shithole?” she suggested with a smile. “oh, yeah. let’s go. im literally starving!” the both of you nod as you begin walking off the porch. as you walk to the sidewalk, the guy from earlier comes running and stumbling out of the house. he was after abby. you noticed and alerted her. “oh shit, we’d better run!” she grabs your hand and the both of you run to her car, giggling and looking back at the man (whos running slow as a snail) and forward at her car.
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cocogum · 4 months
The Great Wave - Chapter 6 Review
Warning(s): extreme use of foul language, aurora slander, mentions of racism, i’m cyber bullying an osamodas
So chapter 6 came out…
And I’m not happy.
Not one bit.
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Blue cow: “You sadidas are so impressionable…”
Sadidas are impressionable?? Tf are you even talking about?? What are they impressionable about?? This sad excuse that you call a companion screeched and it scared the shit out of that woman. What did you think was gonna happen??? “YoU PeOPLe ARe So ImPrESsIOnAbLE” I’m gonna eat animals right in front of your face and feed them to you like a bird. You know what they’re not, Aurora? They’re people who aren’t scared of facing death more than once you fucking sad excuse of a pro-animal blue-skinned wretch.
She looks way too cocky in this shot. You wanna go back to the war, little bitch? Let’s see if you’ll keep smiling like that.
Did I mention I fucking hate Aurora?
This actual cunt is more worried about some ugly crusty bat bird than an actual human being are you fucking kidding me.
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Blue cow: “Give that to me, you’ll scare him!”
Sadida servant: “I’m sorry, mistress…”
This is the very same woman who fled the people she was supposed to “lead” who called a servant, that did not belong to her, an idiot.
Are you fucking kidding me.
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Blue cow: “Go fetch some water, idiot, the little one is dying of thirst…”
Sadida servant: “Alright, mistress…”
She had also mentioned how her future son would inherit this monstrosity of a bat.
Sorry folks, but I was wrong, she actually is pregnant. Before chapter 6 had been released, I went on this full rant about how Aurora had actually lied to Amalia and the others and wasn’t expecting a child. But now that we’ve seen the Osamodas king talking privately to Aurora and claiming to be worried for her because she was pregnant, I unfortunately have to accept the fact that she is carrying a child.
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This chapter made sure that we got a better shot at her belly which has a slight rounder edge to it.
Like I would genuinely rather have a raging chihuahua ready to gnaw my flesh than whatever the fuck this is.
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Blue cow: “You will make a wonderful companion for my child!”
But to think about the positives, we at least have no idea if this blue-skinned dumbass thinks that she’s carrying an osamodas or a sadida.
For those who don’t know, the beast she’s holding is called a “skrot” (or “kougnard” in French). These beats originally came from Ecaflipus, the Ecaflip God’s dimension. Their main use is transportation but they can also be used as your companion. That means that anyone can just use them, you don’t necessarily have to be an osamodas to get one.
The skrot Aurora has at hand is a newborn so she was prepared to give her future child a companion. I think Aurora clearly meant that even if her child ends up being a Sadida, she will still give the beast to them since a skrot can be pretty useful every now and then.
So there is no evidence that she is expecting the child to be an osamodas. I think either way, she’ll be indifferent if the child ends up being a sadida or an osamodas. If they end up being a sadida, I bet it’ll just make her reminisce about Armand and love them even more (cuz omg this bitch can’t stop making everything about the Sadida kingdom about Armand).
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Cow king: “Your priority now, is for you to be liked…”
Aurora just insulted a servant. She couldn’t even hold her tongue. How the fuck do you expect her to hear the daily sadida complaints??? Omg this “family” should go back to their circus they’re making me physically gag.
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Blue cow: “If they think I’m just going to stand there and do nothing…”
Gurl shut the fuck up and sit your ass down no one is angry that you’re not there with them. Bitch is over here turning into McFry chicken as if she’s an actual menace. Literally go get yourself eradicated.
Stop breathing, you skank. Echo did the wing transformation far better than you.
But yeah, go ahead and ruin this interracial marriage with your stupid reasoning. Go ahead and get your ass kicked by the god-king and the experienced adventurous princess. Go ahead and try to fight them with your inexperienced fighting self. Go ahead and make every sadida realize that you didn’t fight in the war because of your pregnancy but you’re perfectly capable of fighting two rulers while pregnant. Go ahead and fight in a dress and an ugly crusty bat, yeah, I’M SURE you’ll win and won’t make yourself look like a demented moron.
Her dad should’ve honestly let her go “fight” (cuz let's be honest Yugo and Amalia would have ANNIHILATED her without even batting an eye) them instead of telling her common sense so we could get rid of her much more quickly.
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Blue cow: “But I am perfectly capable of controlling my emotions!”
A second earlier: *insulted a servant for being scared of a screeching bat*
A second later: *almost attempted to crash a wedding just because she saw a sadida with an eliatrope*
I would rather hang out with freaking Julith, a known terrorist, than to even be near this sad excuse of a royal. Actually, I’ve got something better: I would rather spend a full week in the necrome world than be around her.
If you care about being the queen of this land, then why the fuck are you insulting the servants??? Yeah, that’ll make them show you respect! They’ll definitely like you for sure! They will definitely not go to Amalia, the very same person who they’ve known for their whole lives.
Stop yapping on your own you cow, your existence is already sad as fuck.
And now she’s over here having a problem with a sadida and an eliatrope marrying.
Great, we just found out she’s an actual racist now too. What’s next?
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Blue cow: “A sadida and an eliatrope?!”
Armand was racist towards Eliatropes, sure, but he was at least hating because he can make options of his own (even though his opinions were shit-). While Aurora over here just hates them cuz her late husband hated them??? Wtf??? Is she that empty-headed that she’ll just follow whatever other people are hating? She doesn’t even have the intelligence to hate things for her own reasons??? Is she that much of a trophy wife???
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Blue cow: “My Armand would have never permitted this!”
Blue cow: “He hated the eliatropes!”
Omg this bitch is actually clinically dumb there is no way. At what point are you so mentally constipated that your likes and dislikes depend on what other people like and dislike???
She was saying how Armand would have never accepted the eliatropes so therefore she hates the idea of them being here as well.
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Blue cow: “This little pest is not wasting time!”
Blue cow: “In only a few months, she had given some funny ideas to my subjects…”
If Armand told you he hates Osamodas, would you also hate your own kind???
I literally don’t get it.
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Blue cow: “She spends her time showing off the traditions of the sadidas though…”
Uh yeah, so what?
Amalia is into the Sadida traditions as she should because she’s a sadida.
But just because she practices her culture, that doesn’t mean she cuts off other races????
Like what???
Aurora talks as if the sadidas have never brought other races inside their kingdom before. RACES LIKE HER.
Did she never know how King Oakheart used to be??? The sadidas, have more than once, accepted people that weren’t their own kind. They have taken in two cras from an infamous assassin. They sculpted a statue of a iop and gave him the title of “Savior of the Sadidas”. They welcomed an eliatrope and his twin dragon into the kingdom by giving him a guest room, told him that they would welcome his family, and even let him marry their princess.
How…are you this constipated to not have known this before?
Wait it has only been a few months since Season 4 so wouldn’t these two newlyweds technically be considered the second recorded interracial couple in history to have a twelvian and non-twlevian together?
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“Long live the bride and groom!!!”
Omg this would also mean this was Amalia’s first time marrying a couple!!
I just want to highlight that @onyichii was the one who initially suggested that the marriage could have been between a sadida and an eliatrope, and it turns out they were correct. I had previously believed that the eliatropes aged slowly like the primordial ones, which is why they couldn't have been able to get married with someone who already looks like an adult, so I didn't think one of them could have been getting married. However, it turns out that only the Council of Six ages as slowly as dragons. The female Eliatrope in question is clearly a grown woman, and the Great Wave is set to occur right after Season 4, just a couple of months later.
In Season 4, it's possible that the elite eliatropes all looked the same due to budget constraints at Ankama. This could explain why they all wore identical clothes, colors, and were the same height.
Now let’s talk about Amalia again and how she killed it!!
Our queen CARRIED the ceremony so perfectly and elegantly!!
Look at her, she’s so experienced already!
Yugo is looking at her as she’s doing her thing. He’s so proud to have her 💕💕 omg I can’t 😭😭 LOOK AT HIM SMILING AT HIS WIFEY‼️‼️😩😩💖💖💖💖❤️❤️❤️❤️
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I'm glad to see that there's no drama between the sadidas and eliatropes at the celebration, as Amalia and Yugo have enough on their plate. Amalia had to resolve a conflict between them this morning, so it's good to see the two races getting along here.
If we take a closer look at them, a good majority of the sadidas look young so maybe the new generation has a much faster and easier time accepting the eliatropes than the older generation.
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And here is the part that immediately cuts off the fun entirely.
The poisoning.
During the lively event, a female Sadida was seen carrying a platter with two drinks, which she handed to Yugo and Amalia before leaving. Her sudden appearance and departure raised questions about her identity and origin. Despite this, no one seemed to pay much attention to her, possibly assuming she was a servant due to her role in serving the king and queen.
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Unlike Aurora and her father, however, I actually would like to know what her deal is. Like I’m genuinely curious to know what could have been the reason to want to poison the king and queen.
Because yes, she didn’t just want to poison Yugo. She also wanted to poison Amalia.
The Osamodas king informed Aurora that he had been aware for weeks of the upcoming interracial marriage between a sadida and an eliatrope in the Sadida kingdom.
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Blue cow: “A marriage?! And no one told us?!”
Cow king: “We’ve known for weeks, my daughter.”
But Aurora had no idea about it.
If Aurora, the wife of the late Sadida king, did not receive an invitation or any notification about the Sadida kingdom's upcoming marriage celebration, it raises questions about how the Osamoda king became aware of the event. Aurora's absence during the war could be the reason why they did not invite her but it remains unclear how her father came to know about the wedding.
This can only mean one thing.
The Sadida kingdom may have multiple spies who could have warned the Osamodas king. It is possible that the female Sadida who poisoned Yugo was not the only one willing to go to such lengths to get rid of the king. If she holds such a strong grudge, it is strongly possible that there could be other Sadidas who share the same sentiment.
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By the way, it still surprises me that Amalia could have been poisoned too. How else would she have known that her cup had poison in it before trying to warn Yugo? The whole reason why Yugo had been targeted was because he wasn’t like them. So to have a sadida try to also poison the last member of the royal Sheran Sharm family is very off-putting.
Amalia knows her plants and remedies so the reason as to why she immediately thought something was up was probably because she either smelled something very deadly about the cup she was holding or she had a very strong gut feeling.
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Either way, she dodged a bullet from not drinking it. Unlike Yugo who could survive this, Amalia would have likely died from the drink (the results would have made her look like how she did in Yugo’s nightmare, choking to death).
This is what I mean when I say I want to know more about this sadida servant.
We know she’ll make a reappearance because we can see her on the cover of the 10th chapter of volume 1.
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I just don’t see why poisoning Amalia would have been a great idea. Because if she did die, who would replace her? Like I said, she’s the last member of the royal sadida family so was the female servant prepared to see Aurora replace her?? Why?? Is it because the sadida doesn’t like Amalia’s beliefs? To a point where she’d be fine seeing an osamodas replace her???
Man, Amalia has it rough. She knew that some of her people wouldn’t be pleased with having the eliatropes here but I bet she never imagined she would have almost gotten poisoned by one of her subjects.
Also what the fuck is the Osamodas king’s deal here?
If the sadida servant does work for him (for some reason), then he expected Yugo to have gotten poisoned. Okay, I get that part. So he wants Yugo to die because he’s too powerful to have him around.
So why did he tell Aurora that they were going to have to wait until they make sure the sadidas don’t trust Yugo anymore??
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Cow king: “This pretentious little Yugo has powers beyond imagination…”
Cow king: “He is the one who we must succeed in getting rid of.”
Cow king: “And the only way to do that is to turn the sadidas against him.”
By doing what?? Poison him??? What???? How will that make the sadidas not trust Yugo anymore?? They just witnessed him coughing and bleeding like crazy. And they just heard Amalia scream that he’d gotten poisoned. The only thing they’d wanna do right now is help him, not run away from him. In fact, after Yugo gets healed, they’d be very understanding if the Eliatrope king tries to distance himself from them because he had just been fucking poisoned by one of them.
This is some deep clown behavior right here.
Anyways, these blue-skinned clowns are giving me too much of a migraine to keep up with their bullshit. That sadida servant looks more entertaining than them because she at least did the work and expected Yugo to instantly die instead of whatever the fuck the Osamodas king is expecting to happen.
After the incident at the wedding, it's possible to claim that the Osamodas king has spies within the kingdom. It's likely that he convinced some sadidas to join him in his disdain for Yugo, gaining their support. The sadida woman in question may be one of these spies, potentially acting on her own agenda as well. Although she doesn't appear to harbor the same malice towards Yugo as the royal Osamodas family, her anger is evident, as seen in her expression on the cover of the last chapter.
Either way, I hope we get to know more about her later on. Also, I’m pretty sure Amalia didn’t focus too much on the unnamed Sadida’s face when she handed them the drinks so it’s possible she wouldn’t be able to identify who the assassin was in the next chapter.
In the meantime, while we’re waiting for the continuation, let’s just enjoy Yugo’s suffering ✨✨
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I swear there’s nothing personal about me wanting to see him like this it’s just that ever since I’ve seen him tied up on the ground shirtless and screaming in pain, I’ve been wanting to see more 😤😭
I can’t wait to see more in the next chapters 😍🥰🥰
But seriously no joke, this is not looking good for Amalia. The poor girl had recently experienced the loss of her father and her brother. On top of that, her husband Yugo, whom she had shared so much with ever since they were both little, was now coughing up blood from poison, adding to her distress. Even Yugo's wakfu wings appeared to be affected, suggesting a connection between their condition and his overall health.
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Just look at the sheer horrified panic in Amalia’s eyes as she could only stare down at him, feeling completely powerless.
I wouldn’t even blame her if she lost it then and there. Yugo is literally her only family left. So to have an unknown enemy (since she still doesn’t know who could have done this) do this to her on a day that is supposed to take the stress of everyday life away must be incredibly traumatic for her.
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Amalia: “The king has been poisoned!!!”
Also when you think about it, Yugo and Amalia’s cute kiss in this panel might as well have been their last kiss together if they both drank their drinks. It would’ve been over for them because Amalia would have instantly died. Yugo, on the other hand, will survive this but not without any damage to the body and brain.
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I really wanna know what happens now it’s only been 6 days and I’m getting stressed out. I hate how the chapter ended, I NEED MORE.
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peanut-tyrug · 6 months
Pink City AU: Hunt for the Boxman
Chapter 3 - Fixing what’s been Broken
Hoonis and Dento team up amongst the discord and havoc of the Pink City to fix what they themselves and others have torn apart.
NOTICE: This AU is partially based on my ideas/interpretation. If anything appears to be inaccurate, I apologize. I tried to work with what little I had to make smth. I also took a few artistic liberties.
Another thing: THE PINK CITY AND IT’S CHARACTERS DO NOT BELONG TO ME!! IT BELONGS TO GOOSEWORX!! Some canon lore for The Pink City has also been implemented in this story. This is just an AU/story I made based on it. If you’d like to check out The Pink City series itself, check it out here!
TRIGGER WARNING: This fic contains nightmares, threats, arguing, caps, swearing, an apocalypse, screaming, crying, death, stabbing, self hatred, and daddy issues. If you aren’t comfortable with these things, please don’t read this.
It hasn’t been long since the disaster that occurred live on television. Right on Bep’s show…
All she wanted to do was get her head back in the game. Get back into making her show. Forget all that had happened, forget that emotional breakdown with that… nosy little shit show host.
The stress hammers at Bep’s head like a mallet. She can’t help but stress over her show. How people will perceive her… all the disgust, confusion, rage…
It’s an absolute nightmare…
…A literal one.
Bep wakes up with a sudden gasp. She rises up and glances around, and hears her phone going off. She scrambles to her phone and picks it up. She holds the phone in her hand.
Her eyes squint angrily.
Someone’s calling her.
Hoonis is calling her.
…That blasted, dense man… the man the couldn’t help but press on about her deadbeat father. The man that couldn’t shut his trap about the person she hated with every fiber of her being.
The phone eventually stops ringing, going to the lock screen. Bep then goes into her messages and types out a message to Hoonis.
'Leave me alone'
Bep chucks her phone to the edge of her bed and lays back down…
…The nightmares continue to rage on in her head.
It’s the next day.
Everyone’s preparing for Bep’s next show. Setting up lights, doing sound checks. Everything must be perfect.
Perfect for her.
Bep storms around the small studio room, checking in on her employees. Although, she’s more uptight than usual.
“Hey!” Bep exclaims, pointing at a camera man. “Do NOT keep that lens cap on! I swear to God, you aren’t going to see the end of my wrath if you do!”
“Yes, ma'am!” The camera man says worriedly, fearing for his life.
Bep then turns to a sound guy, fiddling with the sound board. She storms to him, to which the employee responds by shivering in terror.
Bro slams her hands onto the sound board. “You better not fucking miss your cues, you hear me?” She says in a harsh whisper.
“Yes, Ms. Nemeni, ma'am.” Says the sound guy, his fear overtaking his voice.
Bep then turns to her small tech crew. Only few have actually stayed, including the team’s lead, since they need the money.
Bep struts over to the tech lead, Bendle. He quickly notices her approach.
“Bendle!” Bep begins. “Keep an eye on the tech team, please. We don’t need a light flickering or falling!”
“…Ms. Nemeni?” A tech guy questions. “Why are you always so hard on us?”
Bep averts her gaze to the questioning man. She forgot he was new here.
“…Well, that’s because I NEED TO BE!” Bep exclaims. “If I don’t keep you all in check, WE ALL PLUMMET TO THE GROUND!! We lose our AUDIENCE!! We lose our SOURCE OF PROFIT!! We mess up, we have NOTHING!”
“But why do you yell so much?” The tech guy asks. “I don’t think that’s a good work environment—!”
Bep proceeds to the yank the tech guy to her face. She stares him down, and he stares back, complete horror in his eyes.
“Sometimes I NEED TO BE LOUD!!” Bep exclaims. “I have to be the army general because people like YOU can’t get your work done! I need ALL OF YOU to get to work, RIGHT NOW, or so help me, I WILL TEAR YOU APART LIMB FROM LIMB!!”
Most of the tech team scatters to their positions.
All but one.
One of Bep’s most loyal employees. Practically her right hand man.
He stays in place, not even daring to move. Bep looks to the young man with fury. Bendle firmly glares to his boss.
“…Bendle?” Bep asks. “Didn’t you hear me?”
“I did hear you, ma'am.” Says Bendle.
“…Then why aren’t you moving?” Bep asks, voice seething with fury.
“Because I’m tired of the stress you put us through.” Bendle responds.
Bep quickly becomes infuriated and lost for words. As she stammers, trying to make a coherent sentence, Bendle speaks up again.
“You’ve done nothing but stress us out for ages.” Says Bendle. “You never seem to care about our emotional well being.”
Bep tries to retort, stammering, trying to make a good enough argument.
…But as she tries, a thought pops in her head.
“You’re a terrible boss, that’s what you are.” Says Bendle. “And I am so, so, so, tired of putting up with your shit. We all are. We could all leave, but we don’t. We need the money. If you want us to stay as bad as you do, why don’t you try to improve as a person?”
Everyone in the crew stares back at the brave man and his powerless boss. All Bep does is stand there, completely motionless, as a memory of old reappears in her head…
…A terrible memory. One that would make her seethe every time it popped up in her mind…
'Why not?'
'I don’t want to work on your stupid show!'
'But why? It’s done so well! You could get a lot of money!'
'It’s not what I want to do with my life!'
'But what about what I want for you?'
'What about what I want!? What I want to do with my own life!?'
'I am your father! You do as I ask!'
'But this is my life!'
'What about what I want for you?'
'…You don’t love me.'
'You don’t love me. You don’t care about me… you just wanted me for your stupid show!'
'No! I do love you!'
'Then why are you pressuring me to do something I don’t want to do!?'
'It would be good for you!'
'But what if I don’t want to do it!?'
'Then suck it up!'
'That’s what I mean! YOU DO NOT LOVE ME!!'
…That same argument… that same talk…
That same talk Bep had with her father…
The memory rings in her head. Reflects back to her...
Suddenly, a loud and thundering rumbling is heard from outside.
The ground begins to shake, causing equipment to topple and fall. The crew catches their equipment just before it hits the ground.
“The hell is that!?” A sound guy exclaims.
As the rumbling continues, loud bangs are heard…
Then, a sound that resembles the aftermath of a bomb slamming into the ground.
The ground vibrates even more, causing the crew to fall forward on their faces.
“EVERYONE!! GO!!!” Bendle exclaims.
As everyone scurries to the exit, banging is heard against the studio’s roof…
Suddenly, dark and inky tendrils protrude through the roof of the studio, quickly cornering the crew.
Bep watches as her crew is swiftly lifted into the air. Thrown against the wall. Chucked around the room.
…And slowly becoming disgustingly distorted.
Losing their logic and reason. Losing their ability to think. Losing their ability to keep a proper form.
“Come on!” Bendle exclaims, running to Bep. “We gotta go!”
As Bep turns to face Bendle, she watches as Bendle is lifted into the air through the hole in the roof. Bep watched as the young man is carried into the sky.
And Bendle watches as Bep becomes further and further away from his view.
The tendril carrying the young man comes to a halt. Bendle quickly turns his head around.
And comes face to face with something that would forever lurk in his nightmares.
A thin, magenta-suited man with a box for a head, said box being covered in a black ooze with spider-like legs protruding from the sides of the head. Front and center, looking directly into Bendle’s soul, colorful yet petrifying eyes. The types of eyes that haunt you while you sleep.
…Bendle feels as if he could pass out.
Suddenly, the tendril holding the young man up slams him back down into the building.
Bep watches as the man falls back to the floor of her studio, complete horror in her eyes. A crater is created in the floor of the room she stands in. Bendle lays practically unconscious, his body glitched and distorted.
The young man slowly brings an arm up. He then begins to rise to his feet, much to Bep’s horror.
Bendle isn’t who he was anymore. None of her crew were.
They were all like mindless, bugged out zombies. Completely void of whatever proper mental state they had left.
Bendle stares at Bep, his eyes a bright blue aura. His body glitching and distorting beyond what Bep can comprehend.
Bep swiftly turns to the exit and scurries out of the studio. She runs almost aimlessly through the halls and eventually skids to a stop by a closet. She shoves herself into the closet and shuts the door. She sits back against the door and curls up into a ball.
…She begins to sob.
…All of what she had caused her employees… the anger, the fear, the stress…
…She had become the very person she hated…
…Her father… the one who caused her all the stress, the pressure she endured…
She had done the same…
…What had she wrought…?
It hasn’t been long since the carnage had started to rain down upon the Pink City.
Hoonis huddles away in his home, within a closet, protecting himself from the danger outside…
He can hear all of it.
All of the screaming, crying, bugged out terror. People getting slammed against buildings. He can feel the quaking hits against the walls outside.
…It’s terrible.
At least he knows Dento’s safe in his home, with his family… very likely mourning Elain.
…Poor Elain…
She had been taken by Darly. Lord knows if she’s still okay, wherever she in sky she was. Wherever in that void she was… maybe she was okay…
…Although, it may not be likely.
Darles— or Darly, is not the man he once was. He’s been bent to Darly’s will. Insane, sick in the head… Hoonis can only imagine what he’s done with her…
…He needs to get her back. Get Darles back… that was what he settled out to do anyway, find Darles and just speak to him. Just that time… but Elain, she and Dento had helped him. He was grateful for them. They were his friends.
…He can’t sit in his closet like this. He had to do something to help his idol and friend, along with the dying city outside.
…He needs to find Dento…
Wherever he lived…
Hoonis goes through his pocket and grabs his phone. He texts Dento.
'Hey. What’s your address?'
…For a bit, nothing.
'What do you need it for?'
'I want to talk to you. I’ll explain when I get there'
Hoonis scrambles through the streets of the Pink City, trying to evade whatever could suddenly decide to chase after him and get to Dento’s home.
Nothing really seems to be on his tail… at least, for a time.
The glitched citizens roaming amongst the carnage quickly take notice of the one unlike them. The small group eventually forming into a mob of people.
Hoonis doesn’t dare look back. He continues to run, not even paying attention to where he’s going.
He needs to hide.
As he turns into another street, he swiftly slides to his right and enters a random building. He shuts the door behind him and rushes deeper into the building.
As he runs, the place quickly becomes familiar…
…Bep’s studio…
…Surely if she doesn’t notice he’s here, he’ll be fine… right?
He rushes down a hall and enters the closest room to his left. He slams the door shut and slams his back to it.
“…The fuck are you doing here?” A voice asks from Hoonis’ left.
Hoonis glances to the voice’s origin. His eyes go wide.
Bep is looking directly up to Hoonis, her eyes watery with tears… what happened to her?
“…H-hey, Bep.” Hoonis says worriedly. “…Sorry. I didn’t know I had—“
“No, no.” Says Bep, softly. “You’re fine… they likely won’t find us here anyway. They don’t have any of their sanity left, it seems.”
“…Are you alright?” Hoonis asks as he sits himself next to Bep, since he knows he’s now allowed in the room.
“��I’m sorry.” Says Bep. “For… breaking out at you the yesterday.”
Hoonis suddenly appears surprised. He never expected to hear her apologize. Before he can speak, Bep continues.
“…It was wrong.” Says Bep. “I only inflected hell upon you… just as I did to everyone else… just like my father…”
“…What do you mean?” Hoonis asks. “I-if you don’t mind my asking, heh.”
Bep quickly appears hesitant…
She can’t keep it away forever. She’s done that long enough.
“…My father, you know him, along with what he did, if you rememeber. He— he didn’t want me to do what I wanted.” Says Bep. “What I wanted to do with my life. He wanted me to continue his show, and I didn’t… I’ve felt for years that he never truly loved me because of that. Despite my efforts to separate myself from him, I think I only became him.”
“…How?” Hoonis asks.
“I-I stress my employees out constantly. I never give them time to relax, take a mental break.” Says Bep. “I’m pushing them beyond their limits, and I was completely blind to it… my father did the same to me, stressed me out to my breaking point… I did the same to my own employees… I’m just as bad as my father…”
Hoonis almost couldn’t fathom what he heard.
…He knew Darles loved his daughter, he said so himself… he never intended this.
“…He never intended you to be upset.” Says Hoonis.
“What?” Bep asks, almost fiercely.
“I-I-I’ve seen him.” Says Hoonis. “He said he loved you with his life— he feels genuine guilt for what he caused you.”
“How do you know that?” Says Bep. “You’re making that up, aren’t you?”
“…He’s up there.” Says Hoonis, pointing upwards.
“I-I don’t understand.” Says Bep.
“In the sky.” Says Hoonis. “He’s stuck up there.”
“What?” Bep asks.
Suddenly, banging is heard. The corrupted have found them.
“SHIT!” Hoonis harshly whispers. “Take my hand!” He whispers as he turns to Bep.
Before Bep can even retort, Hoonis rushes out of the room. He barely escapes the corrupted hoard, just before he can even get hit. He and Bep eventually scurry out of the studio and into the outside world.
“Look up!” Hoonis exclaims, looking back to Bep. “Do you see what I mean now?”
Bep’s eyes go wide as she looks upon the carnage. Buildings are cracked or partially crumbled. Citizens limp around the streets, completely void of an actual mental state. As she gazes upon the city, she spots something in the sky.
The figure is faint, yet close enough to be visible. A man with an eye-covered box on his head, coated in a thick black ooze with spider-like legs sticking from it’s sides. The physique of the man is thin. Familiar…
Bep can only pray that he won’t see her.
Suddenly, Hoonis and Bep find themselves in darkness again. Hoonis found an unlocked door to a nearby building. They’re safe now.
The duo quickly sits themselves down, breathing heavily.
“…I-I saw him.” Says Bep. “…What the fuck happened to him…? You know, don’t you?” She asks, turned to Hoonis.
Hoonis hesitates before finally finding what he wants to say. “…He’s a god now.” Says Hoonis.
“…WHAT!?” Bep shouts.
“Shh!” Hoonis hushes. Bep silences, letting Hoonis speak again.
“…He made a deal with these gods to make his show succeed.” Says Hoonis. “They took him, as part of their deal… and now he’s a god.”
Bep quickly appears suddenly confused. How did he even come across them in the first place? What are these gods?
“…He only gets worse…” Says Bep. “…He can’t improve… and if he can’t, then I can’t either…”
Hoonis processes her words… if she feels she’s like him, and he can’t change…
…She won’t change either…
“…Don’t think that way.” Says Hoonis.
“Why?” Bep asks, voice strained. “I’m just like him. I-I’m part of him— his genes are in me… I can’t change, just as he can’t…”
“Both of you can change, I know that.” Says Hoonis. “…Even if I have a terrible father who never loved me, who is a lost cause… whose to say your father can’t change? Why not give him a chance? Give yourself a chance?”
Bep processes Hoonis’ words…
“Why not try to actually change instead of wallowing in your guilt?” Hoonis asks.
…Why not change when you still have the time to do so in your life? Why not work to be better? Why not learn to grow as a person?
Suddenly, Hoonis places a hand on Bep’s shoulder. Bep swiftly turns her head to face the show host, her eyes wide with shock.
“You can do it.” Says Hoonis. “Just try.”
Bep hesitates before placing her hand onto Hoonis’. She doesn’t say anything, she only nods… she will try. She wants to try. She can only become a better person if she’s willing to try.
…Not only can she change… Darles can change…
The only way to know was to see him again… if she got to truly see his guilt… she wouldn’t believe it unless she actually saw it before her. To start her change, she can actually be less judgmental. Unlike Hoonis’ father… maybe her’s can change.
…Although, she appears hesitant to believe it. All that had happened in the past stays with her. All that she had done stays with her. Hoonis notices her hesitancy as she looks down to the ground.
“…I know that your hesitant...” Says Hoonis. “But I know you’ll see change in him, you’ll see change in yourself too. I promise.”
Bep doesn’t respond, appearing uncertain. Hoonis quietly accepts it and pats her shoulder… he knows she’ll see it. He knows so… he then gets to his feet and rushes out of the building and back into the city.
…Bep is conflicted… Can she change? Can Darles change…?
…All she can do is wait… All she can do is try. Instead of wallowing in your sorrows… she can’t sit here in guilt forever, right? …Just be less stubborn for a second. You can start your change there.
…Yes, she can change. She wants to change.
She just has to wait and see if he wants that change too.
As Bep sits, she hears a sudden banging on the door leading inside the building… along with the sound of bugging static…
Dento sits in his home, on the couch, moping quietly. Danina sits next to him, giving him comfort. Despite the assistance from his sister, Dento can’t help but feel like garbage.
If only he had known Elain would do that to herself, act ignorant toward her pain… he should’ve known… if she had known… this wouldn’t have happened.
If both of them knew…
“Oh, dear!” Says Dento’s mother, who is pacing around the living room. “Oh, where is your father!? I called him, he hasn’t come home—!”
“Mom!” Danina exclaims, cutting her mother off. “He’ll be home, I’m sure of it.”
“Who knows what danger’s out there, Danina?” Says the mother. “He could’ve gotten shot, or beat up, or—!”
Suddenly, someone knocks on the door.
“See?” Says Danina. “He’s home. You can shut up now.”
The mother seems to ignore Danina’s remark as she hurries to the front door and unlocks it. Suddenly, someone no one, except Dento, expected to see.
Hoonis slams the door open, causing the mother to get smacked onto the wall. “Where’s Dento!?” Hoonis exclaims.
“Where’d you come from!?” Danina questions as Dento swiftly moves his head to face the show host.
Hoonis closes the door behind him and notices Dento’s mother behind it. He gasps a bit as the mother recovers, completely fine yet dazed. “Sorry, ma'am!” He says.
“…Y-you’re alright, sir.” Says the mother with a slight chuckle.
Hoonis’ eyes quickly notice Dento sitting on the couch next to his sister. He rushes over to the Bounty Hunter, who jumps back in fright.
“Dento!” Hoonis says in a hurry. “We gotta talk, come on!”
“Hold it!” Says Danina, putting a hand in front of Dento as if to protect him. “What do you need him for?”
“You suddenly barged into our home without a purpose to be here.” Says the mother.
Hoonis turns to the mother. “I need to speak with Dento, miss.” He says. “It’s an emergency!”
“A-about what?” The mother asks.
“…I-it’s a lot, I’m sorry—!” Hoonis begins, before being swiftly cut off.
“You’re sending him back out there, aren’t you!?” Danina exclaims. “You’re crazy if you think he’s going out there, it’s a war zone outside!”
“I know, but I need him for this!” Says Hoonis. “It’s for a friend of his!”
“Wha— oh, her?” Danina asks, knowing who Hoonis’ referring to. Dento quickly notices who he’s talking about as well.
“Yes!” Says Hoonis. “I need his help to get Elain back!”
“He’s mourning right now.” Says Danina. “I don’t think he’d—!”
Suddenly, Dento hops off the couch and walks up to Hoonis. He looks up to the show host with a stern expression. He wants to help, even if he’s in mourning.
Elain is his friend. Even if she hurt him, he knows she didn’t mean it… they can speak about it later. Learn to improve…
“Are you sure?” Danina asks.
Dento locks eyes with Danina and nods.
“It’s dangerous out there, hun.” Says the mother to Dento. “I don’t want you getting hurt.”
Dento looks to his mother and shakes his head. He lowers his hands from the top of his body to the bottom, displaying what he was wearing: Bounty Hunting gear. He’s a Bounty Hunter. He’s seen a lot of terrible things in his life. If he can handle taking down a bounty, then he can handle this.
“…You have faced a lot in your life.” Says the mother. “M-maybe I should let you go.”
If Dento had a mouth, he’d have the biggest smile on his face. He slowly nods to his mother. He rushes to his mother and hugs her.
“…Oh, my little boy.” Says the mother. “Your father would be applauding you right now.” She picks Dento up into her arms and hugs him back.
Danina then gets up from the couch and head to her family. She faces Dento. “You better come back alive, you hear?” She asks.
Dento looks to Danina and nods. He wraps an arm around her, giving her a side hug.
Hoonis looks at the scene tenderly… he can only wish he and Bep’s families had that bond… even if his father can’t change, Darles can. He can see it in him.
They just need to find a way to get him back.
Dento separates from his family and the mother sets him down. He rushes over to Hoonis with a confident look.
“Are you ready, friend?” Hoonis asks Dento.
Dento nods confidently. He’s ready.
Hoonis nods back, then looks to Dento’s family. “I’ll be sure to bring him back. He’ll make sure of that too.” He says. Dento nods in response to Hoonis.
“Just be careful.” Says the mother. “Please.”
“We will.” Says Hoonis. He then turns to the door and points at it triumphantly. “To the city!”
Hoonis and Dento rush to the door and swiftly exit the house and rush into the city. Danina and Dento’s mother wave them goodbye as the rush out of the door.
“We love you, hun!” Say the mother.
“Don’t get yourself killed!” Says Danina.
Hoonis and Dento scurry behind buildings and through alleys, trying as best as they to avoid any of the mindless civilians roaming the streets. None of them seem to notice they’re there, walking in straight lines like NPCs, completely lifeless and without their free will.
As Hoonis and Dento run though, they slow down and come to a stop, right behind a vacant building, as if realizing something.
Hoonis turns to Dento. He leans down to the Bounty Hunter’s level and whispers. “…What are we gonna do?”
…Dento eventually shrugs, unfortunately uncertain… neither of them thought far ahead. Just how were they going to take down Darly and end this carnage?
Suddenly, two floating hands appear behind the show host and Bounty Hunter. The hands swiftly grab their backs and lift to the air. The duo then gets pulled away from their spot at a tremendous speed, they can barely process what’s happening to them as they suddenly enter a forest.
The hands quickly come to a halt, causing the duo to jerk forward slightly. The hands slowly lower the two to the ground, back on their legs, only for them to immediately fall to their bottoms. As they recover, the hands retract, and a slight rustle is heard from the bushes in front of them.
From the bushes, an old companion appears.
Hoonis and Dento see Vondu exiting the small pile of shrubs, another familiar person in a third hand’s grip.
The librarian.
“You! It’s you!” Hoonis exclaims, pointing to the Bounty Hunter and cult leader. Dento only stares, not looking shocked, although he is.
Vondu plops the librarian down to ground, although not as gently as Hoonis and Dento were placed. The librarian thuds to ground with a grunt. His gaze shifts to the show host and Bounty Hunter.
Suddenly, breaking the slightly uneasy air, Dento’s phone vibrates. He takes out his phone and spots a text from Vondu.
'He can tell you everything you need' One text reads.
Another text suddenly comes in. 'I heard you from here. I know you want this carnage gone'
Vondu then gazes to the librarian, his look demanding. He needs the cult leader to speak.
The librarian appears hesitant, not wanting to speak of the secrets of the Elders. He turns to Vondu, wanting to retort against him, before Vondu swiftly pulls back his coat, revealing his mighty gun artillery underneath.
The librarian shrieks. “Fine, pest!” He says. “…I shall speak of true word.”
The librarian turns to Hoonis and Dento, who await an answer. He steps to the duo, pulling out a ritual knife from inside his robe.
The librarian holds the knife before Hoonis and Dento. “Pierce the leech that sits on the showman’s head, and the world will be cleansed of this carnage.” He says.
Dento gradually takes the blade in his hands. He stuffs it deep into the pockets of his Bounty Hunting gear.
Hoonis turns to the librarian, appearing grateful. “Thank you.”
The librarian doesn’t seem to respond. He’s not happy that he had to share any of that. He’d rather live to preach of his gods than be dead.
Vondu then swiftly swipes the librarian in a jar… he’s a bounty. He averts his ominous gaze from the jar to Dento and Hoonis, who stare back.
“…T-thank you, sir.” Says Hoonis. Dento nods, also saying thank you.
Vondu continues to stare before ominously creeping back into the shrubs. Hoonis and Dento slowly back away before Hoonis suddenly dips the scene, sprinting away. Dento quickly follows.
As they run, they spot the faint figure of Darly hovering over the Pink City’s center, the world appearing slightly distorted and apocalyptic, the large gaping hole in the sky aiding the terrified feeling within them.
Dento and Hoonis stay hidden behind a building, away from the pedestrians. They peer over to the street, not seeing anyone, but the carnage being most apparent.
“…We still don’t have a plan.” Says Hoonis.
How were they going to get to Darly? It wouldn’t be easy to get to him, since he’s so high up… what would they do?
Suddenly, Dento looks to Hoonis with a stern gaze. He places the knife in front of the show host and swiftly bolts away.
Directly into the street.
Hoonis peers over the building with a gasp. “No! wait!” He exclaims to Dento. His plea falls on deaf nonexistent ears as he watches Dento bolt into the street.
As Hoonis desperately watches Dento bolt away, he feels something tap his shoulder. He turns and yelps at the sight of Vondu suddenly appearing behind him.
“You!” Says Hoonis. “What are you doing here, friend?”
Vondu points forward, and then glances to Hoonis, asking what he was looking out to the street for.
“…Dento left.” Says Hoonis. “He’s entrusted me with the dagger… I don’t know if I can—!”
Vondu places a hand on Hoonis’ shoulder, as if to console him.
Hoonis sighs. “…You’re right.” He says. “I need to do this. That isn’t Darles… I will do it! I have to!” He says as he turns to Vondu with confidence in his eyes.
Vondu nods. He then averts his gaze to the street ahead. He steps to the alley’s edge and peers over the building to the street. Hoonis huddles just behind him as watched Vondu and waits for him to act.
Vondu then points upward toward the city’s center, having spotted Darly a decent distance ahead.
“…What about Darles?” Hoonis asks.
Vondu looks back to Hoonis and points at the dagger, then points back to Darly.
“How am I going to get there?” Hoonis asks.
Suddenly and swiftly, Vondu picks Hoonis up and holds him in the air, as if preparing to chuck him to Darly.
Dento’s been running for awhile. His legs hurt, but he’s willing to do this… if Darly has Elain, then wouldn’t that make Darly want Dento too? If he wanted her so bad, and since he seemed to know a lot about her, he’d know Dento is Elain’s crime fighting buddy.
Dento runs through the street a bit, before stopping and coming to a halt. He turns a heel and stares upward, directly up to Darly.
…He’s offering himself up as a sacrifice.
Darly is so high up, Dento can barely see him… yet he can feel those petrifying eyes staring down at him…
Then, something pushes Dento down to the floor. He can barely process what’s happening as he slams onto the road… Dento’s eyes then come upon a horrifying sight.
Elain remains on top of her former partner in justice, keeping him pinned to the ground. She then picks Dento up by the arms, letting him hang in the air. Dento only stares in shock and disbelief, looking deep into Elain’s dead blue eyes.
…What had happened to her?
“Well, well, well!” Says a voice from above. An awfully familiar one.
Dento looks over Elain’s shoulder to see Darly looking down to the ground, looking upon his partner and her former friend. “Look at who we have here!” He says. “The puppet’s little partner? Coming to be almighty and safe his friend? Delightful!”
There is then a suspenseful, long pause…
“DESTROY THE PEST!!” Darly suddenly shouts. “BEAT HIM UP!!”
Suddenly and swiftly, Elain begins punching her former partner across the face. Dento can barely avoid Elain’s attacks as she swiftly chucks him into the air and kicks away with a leap.
Dento skids to the ground, his back grinding against the road. He slowly picks himself up to see Elain quickly approaching him. He swiftly pulls a gun out from his side… but hesitates.
He’s never had to shoot someone such as Elain. He didn’t like the thought of it.
She may have hurt him, and was still hurting him now, but he knows she doesn’t want any of this… she never did…
Before Dento can even move again, Elain throws him into the air once more. While Dento falls through the air at the absurd high altitude he had been thrown to, Elain mercilessly begins to smack and slap him around like some kind of toy. As the two approach the ground, Elain holds onto to the barely conscious Dento, allowing him to fall back to the ground first.
Elain holds Dento down to the ground. They lock eyes again as Dento hears an evil maniacal laugh approaching them. Dento turns his head slightly to spot Darles slowly descending to them.
“Pathetic!” Says Darly. “You couldn’t even lay a scratch on her! And I thought you were good at beating people up! Ha!”
Darly then goes into another round of awful laughter. As Darly laughs, it descends into an odd shriek.
As Dento stares upon Darly, he waits for Hoonis to strike…
…Until he suddenly sees the show host slam onto Darly’s back, the dagger in his hand.
“What in the FUCK!?” Darly shouts. “GET OFF OF ME!!” He exclaims as he struggles to get Hoonis off of his back.
“I’m doing this for you, Darles!” Hoonis says in an overly dramatic tone. He holds the dagger just above Darly’s head, but he appears to be shrouded in anxiety…
He just can’t do it. Not to Darles.
A tendril then yanks Hoonis of Darly’s back, causing the dagger to almost fall out of his hand. Just as he clings onto it’s handle, another tendril yanks the dagger from Hoonis’ hand and brings it to Darly to inspect.
Darly inspects the dagger in a cartoonish manner, rubbing his chin with his hand. He then turns to Hoonis. “Ah!” He says. “Publicly executing me, I see? How futile!”
“Why can’t you just stop this?” Hoonis asks, a terrible tinge of desperation in his voice.
“Unlike you, I’m not letting my feelings get in the way of what I need to do!” Says Darly. “That ungrateful man must see what his gift can bring onto himself! You are only a hindrance in what he needs to understand what a TRUE celebrity is!”
Darly then turns to the tendril wielding the dagger— he notices it has suddenly disappeared. His eyes glance around, wondering who could’ve taken it.
Suddenly, a large entourage of bullets soar through the area, causing Darly and Elain to retreat, Elain taking Dento with her as she hovers into the air and stops beside Darly. As Hoonis is brought into the air, the tendril he’s in gets shot at and eventually disappears, causing Hoonis to fall to the ground. Hoonis lifts his head, spotting a quickly approaching figure.
Hoonis sees Vondu rushing toward him, his artillery of fire arms revealed. The guns continue to shoot, as if they have unlimited ammunition. In one of his floating hands is the dagger. He had taken it when no one was looking. He stuffs the hand holding the dagger in his coat.
Vondu stops in front of Hoonis and glares at him, angry that Hoonis didn’t do his job. His eyes are like daggers staring directly into Hoonis’ soul, piercing his very spirit like a red hot spear.
Hoonis flinches. “I just couldn’t!” Hoonis says desperately. “I’m sorry!”
Suddenly, pedestrians begin flooding the streets, racing for the sane people standing in the road. Vondu begins to fire his artillery aimlessly at the hoard. All of them trip and fall as the bullets pierce their skin, only making holes with no blood seeping from them.
Hoonis stays huddled behind Vondu, not certain of where to go. Out of nowhere, a tendril grabs Hoonis by the waist and pulls him up to Darly.
“Three little lackeys in one day?” Darly asks himself. “What a show!”
On the ground, Vondu continues to shoot at the pedestrians. Most of them have been taken down and lay on the ground unconscious. With a few more shots, the city goes dead quiet. The zombies remain on the ground while everyone else stays entirely silent…
…Until the sound of another hoard is heard.
Vondu swiftly turns his head around. He spots a few bugged out office workers chasing after an unarmed woman. As he watches, and before he can swiftly react, he suddenly gets pulled into the air by a tendril. As he gets pulled away, the dagger falls out of his coat.
“You’re too slow there, pal!” Says Darly. “There’s nothing you can do! This world is MINE!! And MINE to own! …Now, where is that dagger?”
Tendrils then begin to shake Vondu, causing various random items to fall out of his coat.
…All but the dagger.
Down at the ground, Bep continues to run from the workers. She had been running from them for who knows how long, but she still tried to run away from them.
As she runs, she spots a dagger sitting in the road. She bolts to it and swiftly grabs it, holding the weapon triumphantly in her hand. She rushes to the zombies and begins to ruthlessly stab them until they fall unconscious.
“Where is that dagger!?” Darly shouts into the air.
Bep turns. Her eyes quickly face the demented man hovering above her.
Darly’s eyes swiftly glance down to the woman on the ground. He spots the dagger sitting in the woman’s hand.
Darly wants to attack… and yet, he doesn’t… he only stares at the woman. Not with any anger, no… he stares on with regret.
…He could never hurt her… not again. He had yet to attack her all this time, and he wasn’t doing so now.
His feelings are getting the better of him.
“No!” Darly suddenly shouts. “Let all your MORTAL compassion die down! You do not need it! WE NEED THAT DAGGER!!”
Suddenly, tendrils shoot from the sky hole and launch forward to Bep. She barely avoids them and begins to run… until the tendrils halt.
Bep continues to run, not trusting the tendrils sudden stop she sees as she turns back. She faces forward, running forward.
As the sane trio in Darly’s grasp watch Bep scurry, floating hands from within Vondu’s coat hurry toward the woman and pick her up. The hands carry Bep away for moment, out of sight from Darly as he struggles with his head.
Bro is swiftly hovered over the Pink City and swooped over to a safe distance behind Darly, before halting. A hand taps the dazed Bep’s shoulder. Bep turns to Vondu, the source of the hand. Vondu points to the dagger, then to Darly’s head.
Go for the head.
Bep, appearing slightly confused but determined, nods. Bep is slowly lowered to Darly. Once she’s there, the hands let go of the woman, allowing her to plop onto the demented man’s back.
Darly suddenly shrieks and hovers away from his captors, trying to get Bep off of him. Bep can barely hold onto Darly, but she tries to keep herself clung to him.
“GET OFF OF ME!!” Darly shouts. “HE DOES NOT NEED YOU!!”
As Darly says that, Bep becomes uncertain again.
She could totally jump off and end this fight now…
“…Tell me you love me, damn you.” Bep says desperately. “Show me that you can change… please.”
…Darly then goes quiet… before suddenly speaking again.
“…I loved you with my life, Bep.” Says Darly. “I didn’t want this, I did it to myself… and I fucking hate myself for it… please, understand me, when I say that I love you with all my heart… you are my daughter, and I love you.”
…Bep only stares upon the back of Darly’s head. She notices that Darly is beginning to slow and hover back down to the ground.
“I wouldn’t be letting you shank me in the head right now if I wasn’t willing to change for the better.” Says Darly. “We can end this hell, and start over. Right here, right now.”
Bep continues to stare…
If she wants to change, she has to prove it. Take his word… she knows he wouldn’t be saying any of this if he didn’t truly care.
her expression goes stern. She slowly lifts the dagger…
…Then she strikes.
A hard blow directly to the back of the parasite’s head. Darly shrieks with gut wrenching agony… the city then begins to distort and bug out. Colors and unknown sounds fill the Pink City grounds as the world practically falls apart…
…Nothing but darkness.
Horrendously quiet, deafening silence…
…And then… light.
Everything in the Pink City is quiet, practically dead, but it isn’t. Everyone that was once a dead brained zombie lay in the city’s center, so do the saviors of the city and the mad man. Everything is quiet…
Until everyone slowly begins waking up…
Everyone glances around. It’s like the entire universe suddenly reset… whatever god or legion may have allowed this change, they are eternally grateful for it.
As everyone wakes up, Darles slowly rises to his feet, the parasite no longer clinging to his head… his deal was broken, and the damage it caused was undone… he could actually change, even when he never thought he could… he can now.
Everyone in the city, including the idol hunters and Vondu, look upon the scene.
As Dento stares, he has a swift realization… he turns his head…
Elain stands directly next to him… Elain slowly processes the eyes looking to her, but she slowly sets her eyes back down, appearing ashamed.
…This shame stays, until Elain feels something cling to her side. She looks down to see Dento tightly hugging her leg, being too short to reach any higher. Elain only stares at the sight, appearing to be caught off guard by the sudden act… she wasn’t expecting this at all.
She expected he’d be upset with her, not even daring to look her in the eye, but he isn’t.
All Dento could focus on in that moment was his closest friend being alright. He could care less about what had happened, what they both caused.
That was in the past now. And they were going to use the future to improve. Change for the better.
Darles, in the crowd of citizens just coming to, stands in almost complete disbelief… it was done… he could actually try and live his life. A second chance…
“Darles!?” A voice shouts from the crowd. “Oh, golly, where’d you go!?”
Darles quickly recognizes the high pitched sound. His eyes dart around, trying to spot the voice’s source.
“…T-Thlouretta?” Darles exclaims softly into the crowd.
Suddenly, Thlouretta pops out from the crowd, appearing panicked. Her eyes glance around, until they halt onto the tall suited man in the middle of the crowd… a smile creeps up on Thlouretta’s face.
“…Darles?” Thlouretta asks in disbelief. “Is that you?”
“…I-I’m all that’s here now.” Says Darles.
Thlouretta, still smiling, slowly walks over to her old friend. As she stops, Darles gets down on one knee to be close to her height.
“…I missed you so much.” Thlouretta says softly.
“I did too.” Says Darles. “…I’m so sorry I left… but now that’s behind us. I can actually live again—!”
“Dad!?” Another voice shouts. Darles and Thlouretta look back to the crowd as Bep races through the citizens, marching directly towards her father. Bep gives Darles a stern look as she approaches him. Thlouretta steps to the side to give them so room.
Bep’s expression the softens. She’s almost in disbelief at what she’s seeing… her own father, actually willing to change. Bep and Darles exchange the same soft but awkward look.
“…I’m sorry, my daughter.” Says Darles. “I did you wrong, and I didn’t know… what I did was stupid… I can’t change what I did, but… I can at least change now, right?”
“…Yeah.” Says Bep, voice cracking slightly. “You can… so can I.”
The crowd softly gazes upon the the three in the center as Bep and Darles tenderly look to one another before Bep slowly brings out her arms, appearing hesitant. Darles never liked physical contact, and she knew that.
To Bep’s surprise, Darles tightly clings to his daughter in a hug. Bep gradually wraps her arms around Darles. Everyone begins to gush at the sight, including the idol hunters. Vondu though still appears stern, as usual.
Hoonis would love to ask to speak with Darles, but he believes he should give him time… he may not even want to be in showbiz anymore.
That doesn’t mean he still can’t speak with the showman… maybe, with time, he could befriend him.
It’s been a few days since the apocalypse had happened.
The Pink City has gone back to its regular cycle, for the most part. Some still appear traumatized by the attack, but with time, they will improve. A bunch of news reports had come out on the situation and it’s causes. Some didn’t pay attention to them, not wanting to think about the treacherous day.
Elain and Dento sit in their apartment’s kitchen, quietly eating the breakfast Dento prepared. Dento turns to Elain, who appears to look ashamed.
Suddenly, Elain’s phone goes off. A message from Dento.
'You ok?'
'Whats wrong? You can tell me'
'I feel horrible'
'All that crap I did to you. I hurt you'
‘Why do you still keep me around after all I’ve done to to you?'
'Bc you are my friend Elain. I care abt you'
‘Why? I hurt you?'
'Bc you’re my friend'
'Friends care for each other. I know you care abt me. You didn’t mean to hurt me'
'You were just being stupid. I was too, but ppl do stupid shit all the time'
'We just have to learn how to improve'
'You get me?'
Elain appears hesitant to respond. Dento gives Elain and stern look and rises from his seat. He walks to Elain and jumps into her lap. He rightly hugs her. Elain is swiftly taken aback.
Dento picks up his phone again.
'You weren’t telling me things you should’ve'
'And I wasn’t paying enough attention to you'
'We both did smth dumb, but that doesn’t mean we can’t change'
'We just gotta learn from what we did. I know we can do that. Work together to change, just as we always have'
Elain looks to the messages from Dento on her screen as Dento remains in her lap. Dento turns to face Elain, giving her a look that says 'You get me?'.
Elain turns to Dento, still appearing hesitant, before Dento gently hugs her… a realization then comes to her. It all finally hits her.
She can change. She will change.
Change for the better.
…Elain gently returns the hug, promising to Dento that she will change for the better. And she imagines Dento promised the exact same thing.
They make a great team.
After preparing for the day, Hoonis exits his apartment, heading to Bep’s studio. She was quickly beginning to get her show back together after the tender meeting with her father, and she was having her first new airing that morning.
As Hoonis steps away from his small apartment complex, he pulls out his phone and goes into his contacts. As he finds Bep’s contact, he gazes upon the contact for his father.
…Unfortunately, not everyone can change. Not everyone wants to.
Hoonis swiftly deletes the contact from his phone. He doesn’t need that sour, unchangeable man in his phone anymore.
Hoonis presses on Bep’s contact, and his phone begins to ring. It takes a moment, but Bep eventually picks up.
“Hello, Bep!” Says Hoonis. “Are you ready?”
“Almost.” Says Bep from the other line. “Give me a moment.”
“Alright, see you in a bit!” Says Hoonis.
“You too.” Says Bep.
Hoonis hangs up and proudly struts down the street to Bep’s studio.
Bep sits in a small dressing room, prettying herself up for her first airing in days. All while she prepares herself, Bendle stands outside, directing the crew.
Suddenly, there is a knock on the dressing room door.
“Who’s there?” Bep asks her from seat.
The door slowly opens, allowing Bendle to peek through the door. “Someone wants to see you, Ms. Nemeni.” He says. Bendle steps aside and lets the guest in.
Darles steps from beside Bendle and slowly enters the dressing room. As he approaches Bep, Bep turns to Bendle.
“Thank you, Bendle.” Says Bep.
“No problem, Ms. Nemeni.” Says Bendle. He shuts the door, giving Bep and Darles privacy.
Darles turns to face Bep. If he had a mouth, he’d have a wide smile on his face. “You look wonderful, Bep.” Says Darles.
“Thank you.” Says Bep. “I appreciate it. You look great too with that new look.”
Darles looks down at himself. He had bought a new suit and tie, the suit being an emerald green and the tie being an vibrant yellow, colors contrasting and pairing with his body tones of teal and magenta.
“Thank you!” Says Darles with a slight chuckle. “I thought it would be a nice change. I’m not wearing that old shit suit anymore.”
“Hey.” Says Bendle, peeking through the door again. Darles and Bep turn as he begins to speak again. “You’re almost on. And Mr. Boogie’s here.”
“Thank you, Bendle.” Says Bep. “We’ll be out shortly.”
“No problem.” Says Bendle as he exits.
Bep notices Bendle didn’t call her 'Ms. Nemeni' like he should’ve…
She doesn’t mind though. She knows it was an accident.
She had changed. She no longer snapped at people.
She changed for the better. Something she never thought she could do.
Another knock on the door is heard. “Come in.” Says Bep.
Hoonis peels in through the door. “It’s about to be showtime!” He says. “Come on!”
Bep and Darles look up to each other with confidence. They both them head to the dressing room’s exit, now being backstage. They stand next to Hoonis, who stands next to Bendle.
“I’ll let you know when you’ll be on.” Says Bendle.
The trio nods. Bep then looks to the crowd, gazing upon them with wide eyes.
“You ready?” Hoonis asks Bep and Darles.
Bep and Darles nod confidently.
Suddenly, intro music is heard.
“You’re on!” Bendle whispers.
The trio then slowly walks out onto the stage and take a seat as the intro music ends. They all look out to the audience.
“Hello, again!” Bep announces to the audience. “It’s been awhile! Welcome back! Today’s very special, as I have not one, but two guests here today! Do you two want to introduce yourselves?” She asks as she turns to face Hoonis and Darles.
“Hello, everybody!” Hoonis dramatically exclaims to audience. “I am full-time show host Hoonis Boogie! A pleasure to see you all again.”
Darles appears slightly hesitant to speak. “…Hello.” He says. “I am Darles Nemeni, former showman and Ms. Nemeni’s father. It’s nice to be here.”
“Today, we’ll be interviewing these two beacons of entertainment, discussing their lives since the recent apocalypse and where they’re going from there. Do either of you have anywhere you’d like to start?”
“Oh, well…” Hoonis begins. “I’ve been fine, mostly… nightmares are a pain, but that’s life! Am I right?” The audience chuckles.
Darles chuckles softly. “I’ve been okay.” He says. His eyes trail off a bit. “I’ve been at home, getting used to… living again… it’s refreshing.”
“Since recent news broadcastings after the initial attack, most people know about the involvement you two had in it.” Says Bep. “How do you feel about that?”
“…Weird.” Says Hoonis, chuckling slightly. “I never thought I’d be a city-wide hero. Now my dad can shut up about me being a failure!” The audience laughs, with some cheers sprinkled throughout.
Darles’ gaze averts again. He appears ashamed. “…I was almost surprised no one looked at me funny.” He says. “I caused that mess and yet… I’m not being attacked.”
“I think that’s because they saw that you wanted to change, dad.” Says Bep.
Darles chuckles. “…Maybe.” He says.
Bep then turns her head to face the audience. “To my audience, I want you all to know this.” She begins. “Anyone can change, if they’re willing to. To truly change means to show that you want to change, you want to be better. And that’s what my father and I have set out to do.”
“Not everyone can change, and that’s okay!” Hoonis butts in. “Focus on the ones who actually want that change. Like Darles and Bep here!”
“Exactly, Hoonis!” Says Bep. “You took the words right out my mouth.”
“…I may have another chance, but not everyone gets that.” Darles butts in. “Use whatever chances you have to improve. It’s good for you, for others.”
Bep nods. “You have the opportunity to change for the better.” She says. “Use it.”
The sound of the outro music then cuts through the motivational air. The interviewer and showmen look to the audience.
“Oh, it’s time for a commercial break!” Says Bep. “We’ll see you all real soon!”
As the outro music comes to a close, everyone who had been watching is left in a quiet awe.
Anyone can change. Everyone has the ability to be better, but not everyone can be better.
Such is the way of life.
Imperfection is very prevalent in our world, but that shouldn’t stop you or others from seeking great things.
- END -
Previous Chapter:
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aajjks · 9 months
alexa play angel by pinkpantheress
“noo, you don’t miss me too much while i’m gone” you throw back at him before you take the tray from jungkook’s hands and playfully shut the door in his face. you don’t know why but you really feel like today might be a good day and although you’re sleepy as hell, you’re sure it’s nothing a cup of coffee can’t fix.
after you eat your yummy breakfast and finish getting yourself together, you grab your belongings and go to wash the dirty dishes before you leave.
“where are my keys?” you ask yourself and then you remember “i left my car at the apartment. ughhhhhhh!!!!” you groan as you head back inside the home but then you remember jungkook mentioning that he had to be on time because of his strict father. instead of asking jungkook for a ride at your art studio, you walk to the nearest bus stop and patiently wait for the bus to come and get you.
you’re definitely going to swing back to the apartment and grab your keys from eunwoo because you aren’t sure how much of this you can take.
“good job mina!!” say to the 5 year old as you help her with molding her ceramic cup. yes, today’s lesson for your kindergartners is pottery, which is your favorite. you instruct the class to either make a bowl or cup and when they dry, they’ll get to paint them. so far, the kids are loving it and so are you.
after your 5 year olds, your next class are the 10 year olds who are learning about water painting. it gets messy and a bit rowdy but who said being an art teacher was easy?
“ms. l/n, look! i painted the sky!”
“it looks really good bo-young. very beautiful. you guys are doing such a great job”
you reassure your class as help your students and clean up behind them when it gets a little too messy for your liking.
“alright you guys! it’s lunch time. let’s clean up and put our pairings on the art rack for them to dry” you tell your class as they happily do as you instruct and then leave on time for their lunch period which leaves you alone to do your lesson planning.
“or how about her son?” says jungkook’s mother is steadily looking for rich and beautiful bachelorettes for her 26 year old son.
“lee kara is the daughter of lee jin. you know, the man who funds that tech company? kara is gorgeous, she looks smart, and you two would look so adorable together” she coos as she scrolls through kara’s instagram page.
“jihye, now is not the time. jungkook’s main focus should be the company”
“but we aren’t getting any younger~” jihye whines at her husband.
aah~ imagine being born to parents with high expectations unlike any other? jungkook is the only son to two beautiful and genius parents who made sure their son got into the best schools and only had the best things his entire life.
and while all of that sounds great, he grew up in a home where there was no love. it was always love for the money, the legacy, and thefamily name.
neither one of his parents tolerated a SINGLE mistake jungkook made. jungkook always had to look perfect which meant no breakfast (as gaining weight would decrease his physical appeal to those who may want to invest), no super long hair (his mother side he already has a shit ton of piercings and long hair would make him look scary), only speak properly (disrespect will not be tolerated), and treat your job like your first wife and not your second (be prepared to stay late nights because the company should come before EVERYTHING and ANYTHING).
it was a commitment but jungkook is willing to prove he is ready to accept full responsibility of running the company. he knows he can and whether he liked it or not, his parents would have made him take over no matter what he said.
Of course, his mother wants him to settle down, but who wants to settle down with a wife at 26 years old?? She will never understand that his priority right now is not to have a wife, but to have a successful career in business
And he definitely does not like Kara. Jungkook is actually thankful for his father for actually interrupting his mother, “mother, father is actually right my focus right now is the company not getting married.” he resists the urge to roll his eyes, but sometimes his parents make it so hard for him to not get angry.
And second of all he has you. So there is no other girl.
“and I have someone on my mind… I’m not gonna tell you about her right now because I have to make sure that she loves me too..” it’s better for him to tell his parents about you, and he didn’t say that you love him or that you’re his girlfriend, but… they have to know that you’re on his mind
“I already have a girl that I like… she’s the perfect one for me I think.” he is definitely smiling like an idiot because he feels his mothers intense gaze on him. “I think you will love her she’s so sweet and so shy and quiet..”
You’re definitely not his type but you’re perfect. There is nothing that he doesn’t like about you..
“I can’t wait for her to meet you guys but right now I just want to focus on her and taking over the company so please don’t show me these girls.” he turns his head to his mother, and he clicks his tongue.
“now father, can we leave?”
The sooner he gets to the company the sooner he will be back home to you, and he can’t wait to come back home to you.
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lemons3ason · 3 years
How the Germa 66 Boys React to You Wanting To Leave the Kingdom
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Ichiji Vinsmoke
Saying his heart sank when he saw the flames and smoke coming out of the main Germa Ship where you and Asami were held was an understatement, this man was hysterical. He had just returned from a mission and just wanted to hold you and Asami in his arms but he wasn’t expecting to see the castle on fire, with his raid suit still activated he quickly flew towards the castle flying into the heart of the fire to save you if need be but it was his (Y/n) who started the fire. You were fighting Judge, holding onto your infant daughter for dear life with a look of terror in your eyes.
“(Y/n)!”, Ichiji screamed snapping you out of your power driven trance.
Your Phoenix fire quickly died out as he rushed to your side holding you tightly in his arms. Asami smiled and babbled up at her father who quickly smiled and pressed a soft pet to her head before turning his attention back to you.
“(Y/n), my love, what happened? What’s wrong?”, he asked calmly brushing your hair out of your face so you could look at him.
“I-I...he...he was going to experiment on Asami. I-I couldn’t let that happen I just...I just couldn’t! I’m sorry, s-so sorry.”, you stuttered out clinging to his shirt for dear life.
Ichiji softly hushed you and held you close before glaring up at his father who now loomed over him, “How dare you attempt to hurt my daughter.”
“The runt isn’t going to be of any use if she’s normal.”, Judge spat.
Ichiji scoffed at his father and picked you up in his arms carrying you away from the scorched laboratory. He tried to calm your nerves but his words barely reached you, he sat you on the bed once you had all reached the bedroom and called your name. You gasped quietly and took in his worried expression, you nervously pressed a kiss to his lips to try and hide your fear but he knew that something was bothering you.
“(Y/n) talk to me. I know there’s something else on your mind, what is it?”, he asked pressing his forehead against your shoulder.
A sigh of defeat pushed past your lips, you put Asami down and pulled out a letter from under your pillow and showed it to him. The symbol of your family crest detailed over the envelope, “My parents want me to go back home for my coronation and take over the kingdom.”, you explained quietly. Ichiji didn’t see anything wrong with that, at least until he pieced one and one together.
“But that means leaving Germa forever.”, he finished your thought and you simply nodded.
You were so afraid of what he’d say, what if he told you no? You didn’t want to separate from him over this, you didn’t want him to leave you or Asami!
“Then I’ll go with you.”, he admitted much to your shock.
You tried to stutter out a rebuttal for his decision but he quickly shut you up with a kiss, “You aren’t happy here. I don’t feel safe leaving you here anymore knowing that my father wants to take away Asami’s humanity, it’s okay. Let’s leave, I’m tired of this shit anyways, I just want to live out my life with you and Asami. We’re safer with your kingdom so let’s just leave Germa behind.”
“Are you sure? Ichiji you’re the first born son of Germa, you’re supposed to take over the kingdom.”, you sighed feeling like you were going to start a war between the two families.
“My first priority will always be my wife and my daughter, if you’re not happy here then let’s leave Germa.”, Ichiji smiled at your softly kissing your lips to reassure of your decision. You smiled and kissed him back as you both planned the preparations to leave the kingdom. Within four days you had arrived at your kingdom with family and your coronation would be held just days later. Reiju was the one to inform Judge of Ichiji’s decision and she couldn’t be happier.
“Father from this day forward I will the heir to the throne and when I become Queen of Germa I will tear down everything you worked so hard to build and make this a kingdom my mother would’ve been proud of. Ichiji is never coming back and I’d advise you to leave him alone unless you actually want to lose to (Y/n).”, the pink haired woman grinned as she returned to her quarters.
You were happier now, especially Ichiji, he no longer had to play the monster. Now he could just be happy ruling your kingdom by your side.
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Niji Vinsmoke
Niji had married you, much to his father’s irritation, you were now a Vinsmoke by marriage. You were happy of course now you were bonded to him for life but while you were treated more like royalty amongst the guards Judge’s cruelty was now moved onto Cosette. You hated it, she was your only friend on this ship but still they treated her like trash so you decided to do something about it. One night in her chambers you went to speak with her and asked her to run away with you, you weren’t running from Niji you just wanted to get her away from Germa so she could live a happier life. She sobbed in your arms agreeing almost instantly, at night you’d run away on one of the life boats that Germa had hidden under the main ship. Cosette tried to be as quiet as she could as you both snuck past the heavily guarded halls of the ship. You were able to get her there safely but just as you were about to release the ship you felt a familiar tingle run up your spine.
“(Y/n) what the hell are you doing?”
You finished unhooking the ship and let it go allowing Cosette to escape into the water as you turned towards your angry husband. You sighed unsure of what to say since this whole situation made you look guilty.
“What the hell were you doing?”, Niji asked again.
“I was going to let Cosette run away to my family island. She’s not happy here, neither am I but unlike me Cosette doesn’t have anybody to live for. I’m tired of seeing her constantly abused or degraded because that’s how it was for me before you and I fell in love with each other. I wasn’t running away from you I-I just don’t want to be part of Germa anymore.”, you admitted hanging your head in shame.
“Oh really?”, he growled.
You expected to get scolded, you really did, but when you felt Niji wrap his arms around you and leaning forward towards the water you realized that your husband felt the same as you.
“If you wanted to leave then you should’ve just said something you idiot. I don’t want to be anywhere you aren’t.”, Niji admitted in your ear making your heart skip a beat.
He transformed into his raid suit mid fall and landed back on the small ship where Cosette was waiting. She quietly cheered hugging you tight, Niji began to steer the small ship and readjust the sails so the winds would guide you all home faster.
“N-Niji-sama, w-why are you helping us?”, Cosette dared to ask.
Niji didn’t bother turning towards you two but you could tell he was sincere with his words, “I gave up on Germa when they took (Y/n) away from me. If she’s unhappy there then I’ll gladly run away with her, and...and nobody’s food would be as good as yours if you were to leave so I guess I don’t really have a choice but to get you two dorks there safely.”, he mumbled the last part since he started getting shy but you heard what he said.
You stood up and walked to his side pressing a huge kiss against his cheek until your lip gloss stained his cheek. He tried to complain but you noticed his face turning red, “I really am lucky to have such a wonderful loving husband.”, you giggled turning his head towards you to kiss his lips.
Life would be better now, your grandfather would be waiting for your arrival and you don’t think he’d mind a few extra guests. At least one of them would be a great addition to his restaurant back home.
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Yonji Vinsmoke
Terror, was that the word that would describe your mood right now? No, petrified maybe? Regardless of what word described how you felt you knew this one stupid test in your hands would change your whole life. Yonji had noticed you had suddenly gotten morning sickness, and although he was a childish idiot he knew what he had done with you one more then one occasion so he suggested that you’d take the pregnancy test but now...now that the result was positive you were shaking.
“(Y/n), honeybun, are you okay in there?”, he called from the other side of the door turning the knob to see if he could get in.
You quickly unlocked the door and let him in collapsing against his chest due to the stress of the situation, what would you do? Judge would take your baby and make it a monster soldier just like Yonji and the others you couldn’t let that happen.
“(Y/n) what’s wrong?”
“Y-Yonji...please...please don’t let Judge take my baby. Please. I-I don’t want them to take m-my baby please.”, you broke down clinging to his ruffled shirt desperately as your fear coursed through your blood.
Yonji realized that his speculation was correct, you were pregnant with his baby. Although you were worried he knew what he had to do, “Baby, hush, listen to me. Pack all of your things, we’re gonna run away from this place.”
You stopped panicking and tuned in to what Yonji was saying, runaway from Germa?
“We’re gonna run away. I have more then enough funds to have us live off of for the next 200 years, let’s start a family and a whole new life away from Germa.”, Yonji smiled the more he explained his idea.
He wiped away your tears and kissed your lips sweetly, “I’m so happy right now, I couldn’t think of a better reason to leave this stupid place. You’re gonna have our baby, I hope they come out with your beautiful eyes and your cute smile.”, he chuckled. You smiled at him and nodded, you were unsure of how far along you were but if Yonji was willing to throw away everything he was for you then who were you to turn down such a delicious offer. As you packed a certain pink haired sibling entered the room to see you both clearing out both of your belongings she became curious immediately but the simple fact that she would be an aunt soon was enough to keep her quiet and join in the plan. Yonji contacted a landowner in the East Blue for his own property, this way he could stay as far away from Germa and stay with you peacefully. Everything was set at nightfall you’d leave this terrifying family behind to start your own.
“They’re running late I hope they’re okay.”, you sighed unconsciously rubbing your stomach.
You heard your name and quickly turned to your green haired lover who scooped you up and kissed you passionately.
“Get on the ship love. It’s time to leave this shit hole forever.”, he chuckled grinning like a fool. It was time. Reiju was running away with you and both siblings had left a little surprise for their father. Once the sun rose over the Germa Fleet Judge awoke to see two cans sitting on his desk, a red ‘X’ drawn over the numbers of the child that once owned them. He growled under his breath and crushed both cans in his hands completely destroying the suits, if that’s how it would be then fine he didn’t need weak fools in his army.
These two fools were now happy, in just a few months they would get to greet their first addition to the family and they couldn’t wait. You were happy throughout your whole pregnancy because not only were you free from Germa’s experimentation but you’d soon get to birth a normal healthy baby.
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Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Present from Sakamaki [PART 1]
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ー The scene starts in the classroom
Health committee member (1): ーー There we go. That should conclude the check-up.
Yui: Thank you. Phew...
( Hm...I wonder if it’s because I’ve been having my blood sucked, but my weight has gone down a little. )
( I don’t know whether I should be happy or sad...It’s a complicated feeling. )
Health committee member: Is something the matter?
Yui: Ah, no. This is my health report card.
Health committee member: Yes, thank you very much. (2) ーー Ah.
Yui: ...? Is something wrong?
Health committee member: Oh no, that’s not it.
Here...Your date of birth. It’s your birthday tomorrow, isn’t it?
Yui: Ah, now that you mention it...
Health committee member: I’m one day early, but congratulations!
Yui: ( I honestly didn’t think I’d have anyone congratulate me for my birthday after moving to this city. )
Thank you very much. I’m so haーー
Laito: Nfu, Bitch-chan~! Laito-kun’s here to pick you up~!
Yui: Laito-kun...!
Kanato: You’re late. What were you doing? You really are such a slowpoke.
Yui: K-Kanato-kun as well...
I’m sorry for keeping you guys waiting. The examination has finished already so let’s go.
Laito: By the way, Bitch-chan~? What did you hand over to the lady just now~? 
Health committee member: Eh? Ahーー!
Yui: L-Laito-kun! Y-You can’t!
Laito: Aah~ Right, they took body measurements today, no?
Yui: I’m begging you, don’t look...!
Laito: Hm...? Oh dear, oh dear, what do we have here...? I see...~ 
Yui: Geez, Laito-kun...!
Laito: Well, I’m not really interested in this stuff so I’ll be nice and hand it back. More importantly, let’s hurry back home.
Yui: ( Thank god. He handed it back right away... )
U-Um...By the way, where’s Ayato-kun?
Laito: The・truth・is...~ He got such a bad grade on his test this morning. 
So he got called over to the faculty room~
Ayato: ...The fuck?
Laito: Ah, well done getting through the teachers’ scolding~! We were just talking about you.
Ayato: Che...The fuck’s their problem? They kept on naggin’ at me just ‘cause I didn’t get the best score.
Kanato: You reap what you sow. If only you were intelligent like we are, you poor thing.
Ayato: Aah!? You two aren’t much better, are you!?
Laito: Eh~~? We’re not on your level.
Kanato: You had a single-digit number, right? Please do not group us together.
Ayato: Che...
Yui: U-Um, Ayato-kun. Please don’t beat yourself up over it...
Ayato: Fuck off! Come on, Chichinashi. We’re goin’ home already!!
Yui: Y-Yeah...!
ー The scene shifts to the limousine
Reiji: Haah...Because of you lot, we are running horribly late.
Yui: ( Uu...I’m pretty sure I informed him of today’s physical examination before we left for school today though... )
Reiji: For one, people such as you lot who fail to stick to a time schedule on a regular basis, will surely experience problems in your daily life as weーー
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi. Give me your blood once we get home, ‘kay?
This irritated feelin’ is makin’ me thirsty, so I’ll suck you plenty.
Kanato: Could you not just decide that by yourself?
I am just as irritated because you kept us waiting.
I will be sucking her blood first once we get home. Right, Teddy...?
Ayato: Ah? Excuse me...?
Laito: Nfu~ Bitch-chan’s blood, how nice. I’m hungry as well, so why don’t we equally split it amongst us three?
Reiji: ...Haah...I wonder how I got stuck with a bunch of stubborn fools who refuse to listen to what someone is saying...
Shuu: ...
Reiji: ...That being said, I suppose they are still better than the guy who falls asleep before he can even listen at all...
This good-for-nothing...!
Yui: ( R-Reiji-san... )
I-I’m sorry. It’s my fault we were running late. We had a physical check-up today and...
Since I’ve been a little anemic, it took slightly longer than I expected...
Subaru: Hm? ...Oi, have you really been feelin’ anemic?
Yui: Yeah...
( Could he be worried about me...? )
Subaru: I don’t give a damn ‘bout what happens to you...But it’d suck if you’d run dry of blood. Make sure that stuff gets replenished, ‘kay?
Yui: R-Right...
Reiji: Exactly. Your blood is the only value you hold after all.
Yui: ( Of course. That’s all I’m good for to them. )
( What made me think they’d be worried about me...? )
( I should know that already but...For some reason, it makes me a little sad. )
Laito: ...Nfu~
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s bedroom
Yui: Phew...Somehow I’m really exhausted today...
Tomorrow’s a free day, so I’ll hit the hay early and spend some nice, quiet time.
Yui: ( Tomorrow’s my birthday, huh...? I wonder if I’ll be able to head out somewhere...? )
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Laito: Attention please~! Thank you all for gathering here on this fine evening~!
Ayato: ...Geez, what do you suddenly want? I was thinkin’ of droppin’ by Chichinashi’s room for a sip of blood.
Kanato: My poor Teddy had his snacks stolen by Laito, you know...!? I won’t forgive you if you made me come here for nothing!!
Subaru: Che...
Shuu: ...Pwaah...Sleepy.
Reiji: ...Now this is unexpected. I did not think you and Subaru would show up as well.
Shuu: No...I was already taking a nap here when you guys just started gathering one after the other.
Laito: Nfu~ I plotted this get-together immaculately, no~?
Reiji: ...I suppose one could say you used your brain for once, Laito.
ーー So, what is this about? Please stop beating around the bush, and explain to us what is going on.
Subaru: It better not be some bullshit or you’re not gettin’ away with it!
Laito: Hm~ Thank you for your typical input, Subaru-kun~ However, I’m pretty sure you’re going to love hearing about this?
Kanato: What do you have to tell us then!?
Laito: You see, it happens to be Bitch-chan’s birthday tomorrow~
Ayato: Ah? Birthday?
Laito: Yes, exactly!
So...I figured we would all throw a surprise birthday party for her!
Subaru: Ah!? Who in their right mind would waste their fuckin’ time on somethin’ so ridiculous!?
Laito: Oh come on~ I mean, she’s always giving us her delicious blood, no?
Ayato: ‘Giving’, my ass! It belongs to me either way.
Laito: Relax! That’s not what matters right now!
I don’t think it would hurt to show our gratitude and do something in return for once though~
Kanato: Surprise birthday party...
Ayato: Keh. Why do we have to show our gratitude? She’s our prey!
Laito: Eeeh~~~? I thought it’d be fun though. I mean, if none of you are up for it, I guess I’ll drop the ideaー
Don’t you think you’d get to indulge in plenty of takoyaki or sweets? It is a birthday party after all.
Ayato: ...
Kanato: ...
Laito: But well, seems like I’m out of luck, so I suppose I’ll have to give up~
Kanato: Please wait. I cannot possibly turn down an opportunity to eat sweets.
Ayato: I’m in too! Let’s prepare a whole mountain of takoyaki and throw this party!!
Laito: Nfu...~ Now that’s sounding more like a proper celebration.
Reiji: Haah...I feel ashamed having to call those three my brothers...
Shuu: ...Who cares. Just do as you please...
Ayato: Stop complainin’ if you’re not even gonna join in. That only means there will be more food for me, so don’t even bother showin’ up!
Kanato: Agreed. You won’t join either, Subaru?
Subaru: No way in hell I’m botherin’ with that annoyin’ crap!
Laito: Hm~ I would have loved it if we could all participate though. You’re skipping out as well, Reiji?
Reiji: Well, under normal circumstances, I would never consider taking part in such nonsense. Howeverーー
It cannot be denied that she has been donating her blood to us.
Furthermore, I cannot see things ending well if the three of you combine forces. 
Worst-case scenario, the whole manor will be blown into the air...Which would be highly troublesome, so I shall participate to keep an eye on things.
Ayato: Keh, there you go talkin’ shit ‘bout us again.
Laito: Well, I guess the four of us will celebrate Bitch-chan’s birthday together then.
Reiji: Halt. Do you truly believe that I can supervise all three of you just by myself?
Laito: I’m pretty sure we don’t need someone keeping an eye on us though~? 
Reiji: I am not that naive to fall for those words.
I am using my veto to impose mandatory participation on every member of this household, understood?
Subaru: Haah!? What gives you the right to do that!?
Reiji: Do you have any idea how much I look after all of you on a daily basis? 
Subaru: Aah!? Fuck do I know!? Besides, we never asked you to do that shit, nor do we actively try and trouble you!? 
Reiji: I suppose those being looked after do not realize how privileged they are themselves. ...That good-for-nothing over there is a prime example of that.
Shuu: ...
Reiji: Better be safe than sorry. You shall participate to protect the manor.
Shuu: Ahー ...What a drag. Fine, so just shut up already...
Reiji: Very well. Well then, Subaru. You will join in as well, no?
Subaru: Hell no.
Laito: Oh come on, why not~? You should join the fun as well. It’s not like you get the chance every day? Right?
If you continue to be stubbornー...
Nfu~ We’ll hold the party over at your room, okay?
Subaru: Haah!? No fuckin’ way!!
Laito: Perfect! That means everyone’s in!
Subaru: Oi!! Don’t make that choice for me!
Laito: Eeh~~? But then we’ll throw the party in your room though? Are you fine with that?
Ayato: Actually, didn’t you lose your temper the other day and busted another hole through the wall?
Shuu: Haha...Taking a nap while enjoying the night breeze honestly isn’t that bad though...
Subaru: ...Don’t come here to sleep...
...Fuck...! You guys better don’t make me do all of the shitty tasks!
Reiji: Well then, I suppose that wraps up this discussion. As for what we need to prepare, the obvious things would be...
Ayato: Takoyaki, duh!
Kanato: I want to eat a cake covered in whipped cream with a bunch of large strawberries on top!
Reiji: Those are the things you guys want to eat, no? We should at least try and consider what she likes.
Ayato: Ah? What are you sayin’? We’re already doin’ plenty by celebrating her birthday, no?
Laito: They say it’s the sentiment which counts, right?
Reiji: Guh...I am baffled to hear something sensical come from you lot’s mouths for once.
Kanato: So, what exactly do I need to do to get my strawberry cake?
Subaru: ...Aren’t we kind of missin’ the point now?
Laito: Oh well, wasn’t there this one important guy who said that participating is more important than winning?
...That being said, let’s go shopping for all the foods we want to eat!
Kanato: I don’t mind if you go buy it for me, but it better be delicious.
Subaru: Then go buy it yourself!
Kanato: Me? Going grocery shopping? Why would I bother doing something so troublesoーー
Right...In one of the books I read in the past, it said that a birthday cake is best when homemade.
I can put on as much whipped cream as I like, before decorating it with a bunch of strawberries...Fufu, my own exclusive cake.
Haah...Just imagining it is making my mouth water...I’ve decided. I will make a delicious cake.
Reiji: Not in my book.
Kanato: Why do I need your permission? I decided I will make it, so it’s already settled.
Ayato: Oh, sounds kinda interestin’! In that case, I’m gonna try my hand at some homemade takoyaki as well!
Reiji: You make it sound so easy...Do you truly believe you can pull it off?
Shuu: Haah. This situation is steadily going downhill...
Laito: Nfu~ Homemade, huh? It’s starting to sound more and more like a real birthday party.
Reiji: Laito, why are you pretending as if you take no responsibility in this?
You are the one who brought up the idea in the first place, so you should make sure things are kept in check.
Laito: Eh~~~? But that’s what you’re here for, no?
Ayato: ...So, what else needs to get done?
Kanato: You aren’t thinking of making us do all the work, right?
Reiji: Of course. For one...
I have yet to hear of a birthday party with only takoyaki and a cake.
Ayato: Haah? What’s so bad about that?
Reiji: It is a day on which humans celebrate their very short life, so do you not believe there should be a diverse, luxurious buffet as you would see at evening galas or dinner banquets?
Kanato: I do remember how noisy those evening parties would be. However, I am not interested in anything besides the cake.
Reiji: ...Haah, you are only thinking of your own gain. Truly what one would expect from you lot.
Ayato: I mean, I doubt Chichinashi will enjoy it, unless we’re having fun as well!
Subaru: Che...Ridiculous...
Reiji: Good grief...I suppose I have no other choice. In that case, I shall be in charge of making the main course...
Laito: In that case, I’ll help out Ayato-kun~ Making takoyaki sounds kind of fun, to be honest.
Shuu: Pwaaah~ ...Doesn’t seem like there’s anything I need to do...
Reiji: You shall keep an eye on her to ensure she does not leave her room.
It is a trivial task, perfect for someone like you, no?
Shuu: ...Che...What a chore...
Subaru: Haah, whatever.
Reiji: Subaru, you will be doing your fair share as well.
Subaru: Haah!?
Reiji: Do you truly believe I can trust Kanato by himself in the kitchen? Make sure to keep an eye on him.
Subaru: Why me!?
Reiji: Since you are the only one still left without a task, obviously?
I expect you to put your life on the line to ensure the kitchen does not go up in flames.
Subaru: Annoyin’...
Laito: Okaay~! Well then everyone, off we go! (3)
Ayato: Oi, Reiji! Step back! I gotta be the one walkin’ in front!
Reiji: Pipe down, Ayato.
Kanato: Good grief...I cannot stand all this noise. Say, you feel so too, don’t you, Teddy...?
Subaru: We’re not lil’ children anymore, so wouldn’t it have been better if just one of us did the shoppin’ by themselves...?
Laito: Oh come on, don’t you think it’s fun to all go grocery shopping together for once~?
Subaru: ...Che. Don’t talk to me as if we’re buds.
Reiji: ...Hm? Everyone, wait one second.
I cannot see Shuu anywhere around?
Subaru: Haah? Who cares? He’s probably snoozin’ again somewhere.
Reiji: Good grief...Here I thought he was actually joining without any protests for once, but there he goes acting off his own accord again...Truly infuriating.
Even though we have to ensure we are back at the manor by the time she wakes upーー
Ayato: Oh! They’ve got a takoyaki grill! Laito! Let’s go check it out!
Laito: Huh~? But don’t we already have one of those?
Ayato: Ah? Like I know where to find that thing. It’d be too much trouble lookin’ for it.
Laito: Good point! Let’s go have a look then!
ー The two of them enter a store
Reiji: Ah, halt! We should stick to the planning and only visit the necessary stoーー
Kanato: I simply cannot spend another minute with this rowdy bunch.
I will go my own way, so come look for me if you need me.
ー Kanato leaves as well
Reiji: Hey! Where are you going, Kanato!? I will not let this selfish behavior slide!
Shuu: Pwaah...Like this, I can’t relax no matter where I go...
Reiji: You good-for-nothing...You shamelessly come walking up to me and that’s the first thing you say...?
Shuu: Nn...I’ll be over on that bench over there, so just come wake me up once you’re done shopping...
Reiji: At this point, your laziness has surpassed the point of being disappointing, it almost feels refreshing.
Shuu: Thanks for the compliment...Sleepy...
ー Shuu steps away
Reiji: It honestly is not even worth insulting him...
Subaru: Haah...The fuck is this farce? I want to go back home...
Ayato: Oi, Laito! Do you know what ingredients we need to make takoyaki?
Laito: It’s called takoyaki, so octopus is a given, right?
Ayato: I know that much as well!
But I want to make takoyaki like nobody has ever tasted before!
I’m gonna make so many of them, they’ll pile up all the way to the ceiling!
Laito: Nfu~ Sounds like something you would do. In that case, we need to stock up on plenty of ingredients.
Ayato: Yeah! We’ve got plenty of people with us to carry the bags!
Laito: If we’re going through the trouble of making them, it’d be a little dull to stick to normal takoyaki, right? ...Ah, how about this?
Ayato: Wasabi? Whatcha gonna do with that?
Laito: Fufufu, that’s something to look forward to at the party.
Ayato: ...This and these, also those over there...
Laito: Let’s put them all in our basket! I’m so excited, nfu~
Reiji: Honestly those triplets, always doing as they please...
Subaru, wait right here. I will go call them.
Subaru: Haah!? Why do I have to...Wait, oi!
ー Reiji leaves
Subaru: ...Haah. This grocery run is fucked up.
Shuu: ...
Subaru: This guy is seriously out here snoozin’...
Shuu: ...Shut up. I’m still awake.
Subaru: The fuck!? You’re actually awake...
Shuu: Haah...I just don’t want to move because it’s too much of a chore...
Subaru: Then why did you even join us in the first place...
Shuu: I could ask you the exact same thing...Pwaah...
Subaru: ...Che.
ー Subaru starts walking away
Shuu: ...Oh? Going home?
Subaru: Shut up. Leave me alone.
ー Subaru leaves
Shuu: ...
Subaru: ...
Kanato: Aah, as if on cue. Subaru.
Subaru: Che, goin’ home now after he said that just doesn’t sit right with me...
Kanato: Subaru.
Subaru: That bein’ said, I don’t want to just have to stand there and play supervisor either. I’m goin’ home because I want to.
Kanato: Subaru!
Subaru: Ow, the fuck you doin’, bastard!?
Kanato: How many times do I have to call you before you come? Are those ears there just for decoration?
Subaru: Ah? I filter out that annoyin’ voice of yours.
So, what do you want?
Kanato: I’ve settled on the ingredients I want for the cake. Please carry the basket and follow me.
Subaru: Haah!? Why do I have to act as your personal carrier!? I was just ‘bout to head home!!
Kanato: What are you saying? The two of us are in charge of preparing the cake together, so it only makes sense for you to help out, no?
Subaru: You’re the one who wants to make that damn thing, aren’t you? Then shouldn’t you be carrying the basket yourself?
Kanato: I’m already holding Teddy. How am I supposed to do that?
Subaru: Aah!? I’m gonna punch you, you bastard!
Kanato: Punch me? You’ll ignore my request and hit me...? Even though you’re the one just standing around there, doing absolutely nothing?
Yet you trample all over my generous attempts to try and help you be useful...Who do you think you are!?
If you fail to understand that, then why don’t you punch yourself on the head instead? Come on, hurry up and do it!
Subaru: Haah...Shut up. Ahー Fine! I just have to carry your stuff, right?
Kanato: Hmph. ...You should have just done so from the very start. Right, Teddy...?
Subaru: Fuck off! I’m comin’ so shut up and show me the way!
Kanato: Fufu, it’s this way.
Subaru: Honestly...I seriously should have never tagged along...Fuck.
Reiji: ...That’s...
Subaru: ...
Reiji: Subaru. Why are you here?
Did I not tell you to wait by that bench over there earlier?
Subaru: Ah, geez! Stop naggin’ at me this whole time! I can go wherever I want!
Reiji: Do you not think you are at fault for not simply saying no earlier? Honestly, it’s always the youngest ones that cause trouble...
Subaru: Oi, you jerk. What didya say just now!?
Reiji: I only stated the truth. So, why are you on the move?
I gave you that task because I figured you would not want to have to walk around.
Take a look! I have brought Ayato and Laito along with me.
Ayato: Ah? 
Laito: Nfu~ You’re talking about us as if we’re your luggage~
Subaru: Not my fault! I’m not doin’ this ‘cause I want to! If you want to complain, then complain to Kanato instead!
Kanato: We’re going to buy the ingredients for the cake. You really are the very definition of a creep, trying to track my every move.
Reiji: ...
Ayato: Oi, Four-Eyes. I know what I wanna buy so gimme some cash.
Reiji: You sure have some nerve to ask me for money after you have been doing nothing but acting selfishly this whole time. Do you really think you can get away with that!?
Ayato: Ah? Why are you snappin’ at me? You’re such a cheapskate.
Kanato: Exactly. Why do you not try and keep your calm a little?
Laito: Nfu~ Perhaps you’re running a little low on calcium~? (4)
Reiji: ...
Subaru: ...
Reiji: ...Very well. Just do as you please. However, I do not intend to give you lot a single yen.
ー Reiji leaves
Ayato: Ah! Oi, wait! ...O-Oi, do any of you guys have some cash?
Kanato: Are you dumb? Why would I have money on me?
Subaru: Oi, what are we gonna do...
Laito: This is your fault, Ayato! Go apologize to Reiji!
Ayato: Haah!? Why do I have to say sorry!?
Kanato: That’s easy. Because you’re to blame for everything.
Ayato: Haah!? He was upset with you as well!
Laito: In that case, the two of you should go say sorry.
Kanato: Why are you trying to escape the blame when you’re the one who was together with Ayato in the first place?
Ayato: I’m never apologizin’!
Laito: Get going, you two.
Kanato: I’m not going either!
Subaru: Ahー God! Stop the damn arguin’! All three of you should go apologize!
Ayato: Why do I have to!?
Laito: Ehー?
Kanato: Under no circumstances!
Shuu: You guys are way too loud...You’re practically shouting for the whole store.
Pwaah...That being said...You’re still not done...?
Subaru: ーー There you have it. So Reiji, just give in already.
At this rate, we’ll never make it back to the manor.
Reiji: Even so, I cannot give in now.
Subaru: ...
Reiji: ーー However, right...I suppose I shall show my gratitude and let it slide this once. Although I have yet to hear an apology.
Ayato: What is this Four-Eyes goin’ on ‘bout?
Reiji: If you continue to call me that, I would not mind just heading home straight away.
Ayato: Che...
Reiji: Hmph...
Subaru, I will be joining the three of them.
Meanwhile you will go look for Shuu so the two of you can purchase the ingredients I need for my own dish.
Subaru: ...Hah? Why not just buy them yourself?
Reiji: Perhaps try using that brain of yours a little and you will realize that it is simply impossible to look for the items on my own list while also keeping an eye on those triplets at the same time.
Above all, I want to ensure that good-for-nothing at least does something as well.
Subaru: I don’t get it. I’m not doin’ anythin’, understood?
Kanato: How can you be so selfish?
Ayato: Exactly! Are you goin’ to ruin this whole thing ‘cause you’re being a selfish prick?
Laito: Reiji’s mood finally improved, but now Subaru-kun’s going to ruin it again?
Subaru: Fuck...What is your problem!?
Laito: It’s easy, no? If Reiji doesn’t give us any money.
We can’t buy the stuff we need for Bitch-chan’s birthday party, right? Ah-ah, I’m sure she would have been so happy as well.
Subaru: ...
Che...I just have to go buy that shit, right!?
Reiji: Very well. I have written down everything with the exact quantities I need on this note.
Subaru: ...You nitpicker.
Reiji: It would be bad to overbuy, no? Please call it effective instead.
I will pay for all ingredients together, so please wait in front of the cashier once you’re done.
Subaru: ...Hmph.
ー Subaru walks off with the memo
Subaru: Shuu!! Wake up!
Shuu: How could I sleep under these circumstances...? You guys are really noisy...
Subaru: I have to go through this shit ‘cause you were loafin’ ‘round! Now get up and make yourself useful!
Shuu: ...Haah...Guess I have no other choice. I heard most of the conversation earlier, so I’ll make an effort to move today...
Nn...So, what do we have to buy...?
Subaru: This.
Shuu: Haah, that’s quite the list...Subaru, you carry the basket.
Subaru: Haah!? You can go get it yourself, no!? Why is it always me!?
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...Nn...
( I wonder when I last got such a good night’s rest? )
( Usually, someone always barged in to suck my blood the second I try to go to bedーー )
Yui: W-What was that!?
( That sound just now...I didn’t just imagine it, right? )
Yui: A-Again!? Also, I can smell something burnt as well...
( I-Is everyone okay...? I should go check up on the situation... )
ー Yui tries to leave her room
Shuu: ...
Yui: ...S-Shuu-san! What is happening!?
( Why is Shuu-san lying on the floor in the middle of the hallway...!? )
Yui: Another explosion...!?
Shuu-san, wake up please! ...Shuu-san!
( Oh no...He’s not waking up at all. There might actually be something wrong with him... )
Um, Shuu-san...! P-Please wait right here! I’ll go call someone else!
Shuu: ...Shut up. ...Oh, it’s you.
Yui: Shuu-san...!
( T-Thank god. He was just asleep... )
Shuu: ...My muscles are sore...
Yui: Geez, it’s because you slept on the ground. More importantly, why are you here?
Shuu: Ahー... I have no other choice, do I? ...I have to keep an eye on you...
Yui: ...?
Shuu: ...No, it’s nothing.
Yui: ( ...!! )
U-Um...Do you have any idea what these loud blasts are about...?
Shuu: Hm? Aah...You’re just hearing things. Now hurry back to your roomーー
Shuu: ...
Yui: That sound again...!!
Shuu: ...Guess we’re not using the kitchen for a while after this...
Yui: Um, what did you say just now...?
Shuu: Nothing...Well, you can just continue sleeping, don’t let it bother you.
Yui: E-Easier said than done...
Shuu: Whatever, just go to bed....If not, that fussy guy will...
ー Reiji joins them
Shuu: ...Too late.
Yui: Ah, Reiji-san...!
Reiji: I came to check up on you because I could imagine you would be sleeping on the job again...
Yui: ( The job? What is he talking about? )
Reiji: You...You’ve woken up, I see?
Yui: Um, is something the matter? I’ve been hearing these explosions this whole time.
Reiji: No, it is nothing serious. You should return to your own room.
Yui: But, I’m worried about the others...
Reiji: Your concern is meaningless to us Vampires. Now get back to your room.
Yui: A-Again!? Um, Reiji-san...?
Reiji: ...Haah, for god’s sake...
Ayato: Uwaaah!? What the fuck’s happenin’!? Do somethin’ ‘bout this!!
Laito: The fire, Ayato-kun! Hurry up and extinguish the flames!!
Ayato: You do that!!
Laito: Okay, here I go!!
Ayato: Oi, that’s damn cold...!!
Kanato: What are you doing!? It nearly got on Teddy!!
Ayato: Complain to Laito, not to me!!
Laito: Ahaha! My bad, my bad~! My hand slipped a little~
Ayato: Ah! Hot, hot, hot! Oi, this thing’s hella hot if you touch it!
Subaru: Oi, you fool!! Of course it’s gonna be hot...Che!
Kanato: Why do you keep on getting in my way, Ayato!?
Ayato: I’m not doin’ it on purpose either!
Kanato: Then get out of my sight! You’re in the way!
Laito: Uwah~ This situation keeps on getting worse and worse. I feel like it’s beyond saving at this point?
Subaru: Don’t be standin’ there makin’ a calm observation of the situation and do somethin’ ‘bout it instead!
Laito: Ah~ No chance! Once things stop exploding, we’ll just have to start over from scratch, okay?
Kanato: Don’t be ridiculous! Do you have any idea how much time and effort I put into getting this far!?
Ayato: Crap! I think it’s gonna boom again!
Subaru: Oi, idiot! Don’t come my way with that thing!!
Subaru: Fuckーー!! Which one of you bastards thought this was a good idea!?
Yui: ( I could faintly hear Ayato-kun and the others in the background. I’m sure they’re the ones behind these loud noises... )
( I have no idea what they’re doing, but I can tell that the manor is on the brink of destruction... )
Reiji: ...
Yui: ( Reiji-san’s temples are twitching...I’m pretty sure he’s infuriated...? )
U-Um...If there’s any way I can help out...
Reiji: ...No, that will not be needed. I will take care of it...
Yui: I see...
Yui: ( Honestly, what is going on? I can still hear everyone shouting too... )
Reiji: Shuu, how long do you intend to sleep amidst this ruckus?
Shuu: ...Shut up, I’m awake. I’m doing the task given to me, no?
Yui: ...Task?
Reiji: Aah...It is nothing that should concern you.
I will come and call you later, so do not set foot outside of your room until then.
Yui: Eh? U-Um...
Reiji: Understood?
Yui: ( S-Scary...I probably shouldn’t ask any more questions, right? )
Reiji: Very well. Well then, good-for-nothing. You will be switching duties and head towards the kitchen with me.
Shuu: Haah...What a drag...
ー The two of them leave
Yui: ( ...What on earth is happening in this house? )
( However, I have no other choice but to return to my room after what Reiji-san told me, right? )
ー Yui goes back inside her room
Yui: ( I went back inside as I was told to, but... )
Reiji: Ayato! Cut it out! What are you even trying to do!?
Ayato: I just...!!
Ayato: Uwaaah! This damn thing exploded again!!
Yui: ( Don’t let it bother you, just ignore it... )
Subaru: Uwaah! The fuck you doin’, Kanato!? Don’t point that dangerous thing towards me! 
Kanato: ...Fufufu, I talked it over with Teddy, and we’ve decided to take down Ayato with this!
Laito: Then point it towards Ayato-kun instea...Uwaah!!
Reiji: Ah, you lot...Stop this at once!!
Yui: ( Peace of mind...Positive thinking... )
Kanato: Ayato! Keep still and let yourself get hit!
Ayato: In your dreams!
Laito: Ooh~ Nice catch, Ayato-kun! Now dump it inside the water...
Ayato: Kanato, you should go ahead and blow up!
Yui: ( ...Haah, I feel as if it just keeps on getting worse... )
( Speaking of which, I can’t hear Shuu-san at all. He can’t possibly be asleep amidst all of that...Right? )
( Even a Vampire would get hurt, no...? )
( Above all, it’s kind of rare for all of them to gather and do something together. )
( Hm...I honestly can’t imagine what they could be doing. )
Translation notes
(1) At Japanese high schools, they usually have a health committee with a representative in each class. This student is in charge of helping out during the physical examinations, will escort students when they are feeling ill or have injured themselves to the infirmary, etc.
(2) In Japan, it is quite common to say ‘I have received it’ when somebody hands you something. (People at stores might say it when you pay and give them the money as well.) However, the translation ‘Thank you’ just sounded more fluent and natural in English.
(3) 持ち場に着く or ‘mochiba ni tsuku’ usually gets translated as ‘to get to your station’ or ‘to get in position’. However, since some of them are actually moving places/leaving the house, I altered the translation a little. 
(4) I had never heard of this before, but I googled the terms ‘calcium deficiency’ and ‘irritation’ in Japanese and did find multiple articles talking about a possible link between a bad mood and lacking calcium.
[ Part 2 ] →
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80s4life · 3 years
The Thought Of Losing You
Word Count: 2,507
Status: Not Requested!
Fandom: Lethal Weapon 1987 {1}
A/N: This follows sort of around the ending of the first Lethal Weapon film where both Riggs, Murtaugh, and Rianne were being tortured in separate ways. I know it sounds brutal, but trust me, it isn't that bad. AND! Happy ending! (Spent all night on this!)
Relationship: Martin Riggs x Reader
Summary: When a team is formed, Roger Murtaugh and Martin Riggs are solidified together once Y/N is added to the mix, squeezing in perfectly. Although very fiery and stubborn at heart, childish games and teasing became common place for sergeant Y/N and Martin, unable to let the other out-trash their own trash talk. But, when there is a complication during the final breakthrough of the whereabouts of the heroin-trafficking cartel, Y/N is separated from the duo. Only coming together when a kidnapping sends her in a desperate spiral trying to save the people she loves, especially Riggs.
Warnings: violent themes, kidnap, manipulation, torture, violence, language, attempted!self-surrender/suicide, 18+ audience suggested, read at own risk
Masterlist Lethal Weapon Masterlist
Prompts: #67, #68, #100 (from this list @palettes-and-prompts) & #6, #8, #17 (from this list @waiting-for-motivation)
{I do not own any of the prompts, credits to original owners above, nor do I own the gif below -> @leofromthedark}
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Strolling around to the back of the supposed drug dealer's extravagant condo, Murtaugh, Riggs, and I engage in light conversation, silently noting and observing our surroundings. Stopping just near the edge of the rather expensive-looking below ground pool, Murtaugh and Riggs catch sight of two brunette women inside. Rolling my eyes, I expect Riggs to do something flirtatious, a painstakingly common reaction to almost every woman he lays eyes on. Every woman... except me. Yet, I pay no mind, Riggs' crazy nature probably too much for me to handle anyway.
Murtaugh flashes his gun, indicating to the women that he is armed. In a flash of a second, just merely after he had shown his weapon, the women duck and run from within the glass-paned wall, just in time for a man to blast a shot from behind. More specifically, the source being a shed occupying the space on the opposite side of the pool we resided on, destroying bits of its siding from the sheer distance and voracity of his attempt of subduing at least one of us.
But, we came prepared, although we were slightly taken aback, Murtaugh's swift abilities with a gun coming in handy as he lands on the drug dealer's right knee, lower thigh area. Splitting off, Murtaugh and I take either end of the pool's side, desperately trying to corral the person of interest. All the while as Riggs takes the women from in the house outside and to the nearest tree, in case of them being suspects as well, handcuffing their wrists together around the tree.
Once the task is done, Riggs hurries over to our aid, following our one, sole purpose: keeping the suspect alive for questioning.
Coming around the perimeter of the pool, Murtaugh reminds Riggs of this rule, replaying it to refresh his sometimes questionable mind. This, however, does not work in our favor as the man pulls yet another gun, this time a pistol, as Riggs had went to pull the man up.
"He's got a gun!" I scream, yet it's all in vain, as Riggs tries to act just as fast as his reflexes would've allowed, lifting the man's aimed arm as the trigger was pulled.
Yelping in surprise, I clench my teeth as the copper red liquid instantly encompasses the injured area, jerking as far away from the incident as possible.
"Y/N!" Murtaugh yells, instantly coming to my side as I go crashing to the concrete floor, catching my head and my left side as I now slowly lean into the ground below me, clutching the stinging injury to the right of my abdomen.
As Murtaugh had come to my side, Riggs took care of the suspect, unfortunately not being able to accomplish our sole purpose of being here, but overall getting rid of the threat.
"Cocksucker," he all but grunts, as he makes sure to shoot the man once more, pissed at the fact that I had gotten shot, although that fact being unbeknownst to me. "I'll call the ambulance," he all put spits out some time later, not making any attempt to check on my well being nor even making eye contact, stalking back through the side gate we had entered through.
//Some time later//
Now nestled safely and securely, I lay within the gloomy walls of the hospital, hooked up with some anesthetics and monitors, all for separate purposes. The stitches surely going to leave an awesome scar, only adding to my aggravation and exhaustion as the day finally settles and the slightest of movements constantly sending sharp pains within my whole body.
The doctors, coming in every so often, had reassured me of a discharge after the course of at least 2-4 days, only needing to ensure the proper sanitary measures are used and stitches being durable and strong without issues or tears.
Staring off at one of the four blank and colorless walls, in a daze, my ears perk up at the sound of a knock on my door, followed by Roger and Martin entering the room.
Handing me a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates, I smile at Roger as he pulls a chair beside my bed, asking, "How ya' feeling, Shortie? How're they treatin' ya' here?"
Giggling at the nickname, I respond with an, "I'm doing just as good as I can I guess. It's not so bad here either. The nurses are nice, although they're all pitiful glances and meek gestures, coming in and out as quickly as possible. I guess bullet wounds aren't their preferred cases?" I joke lightly, trying to lighten the tension in the room.
Roger catches on instantly, having caught wind on Martin's rather uncharacteristically quiet sulking in the far corner of the room. Turning to look at him briefly, he all but shrugs at me as he comes up with no response or solution to his partner's unknown issue.
Checking the time, I make up an excuse, assuming Riggs just didn't want to be here maybe? "Damn, look at the time...It's almost 9 pm guys, don't wanna be late for Trish's cooking do ya'?"
"Shit, really? Come on Riggs, you know the ass whoopin' I'm gonna get? Let's go, minus well feed you too, huh?" Murtaugh says, getting his coat and squeezing my shoulder, giving me a sympathetic look that I swipe away quickly. Riggs just gets up, side-eyeing me once quickly, but above all, ignores my presence and leaves the room. With one final look from Rog, he shuts the door, leaving me to my boredom for the remainder of my stay.
//Some time later//
Having been discharged, Roger had caught me up on the recent news, and how they had left to finish the job a day before I had gotten out of the hospital, that being yesterday evening, and it now being a full 24 hours of no communication from them.
This had struck me as odd, given that they were very advanced in their fields. Finding the whereabouts was the last big hump of every mission, the rest supposedly coming easy. This had all changed as soon as I had stepped foot onto my front porch, a not left hanging slightly within the pocket of my mailbox.
The words shocking me to the core;
"Come to xxxxxxxxxx if you want to save your partners. 8 o'clock. Sharp."
Rushing to my car, I waste no time, pulling out of the driveway and to the given destination, the time being almost too close to the deadline as I preferred it to be.
Once outside of the destination, an old, run-down warehouse stands gloomily in front of me as I slip my gun into the waistband of my jeans. Another, tucked against my ankle within my boots.
I move quietly, staying alert as I enter the warehouse quietly, instantly hit with the cries of what could only belong to Riggs, my heart wrenching. A new feeling that I instantly push aside. Following the pained screams, inching closer to the source, I catch wind of yet another's set of booming cries as well, recognizing it as Murtaugh.
With this new set of knowledge, my heart does another painful flip, as the sheer terror now courses through my veins as if it was my blood. They were the toughest men I had ever known. At least that is how I had always felt, how I feel right now, but with their pained screams, it makes me feel utterly hopeless.
Drawing my gun, I aim it before me, right beside the wall I hide on, lining it up around the corner, my full intention at being able to at least shoot down one of the three men guarding one of my teammates; their identity unknown to me at the moment with the unfortunate dimness.
Taking the shot, I hit one man, the two now swinging to guard the area, looking my direction. The man held captured, Riggs, tied to the ceiling, consistently doused in water, making the homemade shock therapy increasingly unbearable with multiple relentless blows.
"Come out now, Little Rabbit, or I pull the trigger," a booming voice commands, me now peeking out from the corner to see none other than Mr. Joshua, the man we've been after, pressing a firm gun to Riggs' limp form.
Coming out from my hiding space, Joshua motions for his goons to grab me, now taking Riggs off the hook, and into another room. The room we are led to happens to be the room Murtaugh is in, his daughter beside him, both incarcerated and handcuffed. Moving Riggs to the chair beside the pair, he is tied down just as I am, the four of us now completely helpless.
Mr. Joshua, confident and prideful of his work, moves Riggs to the center of the room, starting his interrogation, answering with beatings and threats here and there. The cause: the information given by Hunsaker on his heroin-trafficking cartel.
Just as Joshua leaves yet another powerful blow, Riggs' strength starts to run low, just watching him making me squirm in my chair, wanting nothing but to take him in my arms and drag him as far away from here as possible.
"If you have to kill one of us, kill me. Take me instead, please? Just stop! Stop all of this now," I say breathlessly, doing anything in my will to get their hands off of Riggs.
"What would I want with someone as pathetic as you?" Mr. Joshua answers bitterly.
"Information. That's all you want right? You just want details about the business, you went through all this trouble, and for what? Just to kill us in the end? I know your type. You can't get off without getting what you want, and this would've all gone to waste without it," I respond, determined now.
"So, what do you want? To strike a deal?" I nod. "So, if I let them go, you'll give me what I want?" I nod again.
"Y/N no," Riggs says, now worried about what you're going up against.
"Shut it," Joshua states strictly.
"Y/N, listen to Riggs! You can't do this!" Murtaugh adds, now borderline terrified as everyone in this room is filled with the most important people in his life, all threatened with the only thing that could take them all away: death.
"SHUT IT!" Joshua all but screams now. "Fine. I'll take you up on your little deal. However, you fuck with me, I'm killing them."
"I don't agree with you unless you cut them loose right now, and I am assured that they are out of this building," I say confidently, yet shaking with fear.
He nods his agreement, showing a security camera view from one of his computers, watching as Rianne, Roger, and Martin are all led back outside, handcuffs removed, and all moved into my car, them pulling away from the warehouse.
Pulling the computer's view away from me now, he turns to me sharply, my gaze turning upward as my arms are still strapped behind my back, behind the chair. "Now," he starts, the voice strict like a parent beginning to question a toddler, "The information. What did Hunsaker tell you?"
Taking a breath in through my nose, I exhale through my mouth as I ponder my response, "Just as much as he's told you."
With this, Mr. Joshua lets out a scream, landing a punch to the jaw, my body leaning in on the stitches. Taking notice to my sharp intake of breath from the movement, Joshua uses that to his advantage, grabbing a knife, lifting my shirt, and pressing the cool metal along the line of handiwork. The only thing keeping my skin together at the moment.
"Let's try this again, what information did you receive from Hunsaker?"
"I told you. I. Don't. Know."
"Bullshit!" He digs into the skin, smirking at the cry of agony and shaking engulf my body.
"I-I don't know anymore than you do! Please! He was killed before we got anything from him!"
"Bullshit," he answers playfully now, dragging the blade of the knife wherever he pleases now, enjoying my pleads.
As he opens up my stitched bullet wound, he goes to start at another spot, the attempt being short-lived as a bullet wound of his own goes through his skull, the source standing in the doorway alongside Murtaugh with Rianne tucked under her father's arm.
Crying now, I sigh in relief as Riggs rushes to me, cutting me loose and lifting my limp body. Carrying me to the car, we make our way to the hospital once more.
During the wait and multiple switching of rooms, Riggs stays, waiting for me, only getting up once I emerge from the exit, patched up and clean. He smirks at me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, leading me to Rog's car, taking us to the only place we find comfort; his house.
//Some time later//
Getting settled in at the Murtaugh residence, Riggs and I share Rianne's room, which was so generously offered as one of the youngest decide to have a sleepover with her.
Looking over at Riggs, he looks at me, covered in open cuts and bruises, dirt and grime, and, taking a first aid kit from Rianne's desk, I make it my priority to get them fixed up.
"What are you doing?" Riggs asks, tiredly amused.
"Taking care of you, it's the least I can do," I reply determined once again.
"Awww! Someone's got a little crush on me huh?"
"Hey! When I finish patching you up, I swear to God I'm gonna kick your ass for making me worry about you," I say jokingly. Riggs replying by grabbing me by the waist and pulling me closer.
Locking eyes on one another now, I couldn't help but joke once more, adding a sly, "Is this the moment that we kiss?"
Giggling, he looks down, placing his head on my chest, murmuring, "I think I'm in love with you and I don't know what to do. I mean, I've been married before, and I- I lost her and I don't wanna lose you too- I couldn't live if you go too, I-"
Grabbing his chin, I tilt his head upwards to meet my gaze, "Look at me, Riggs. Look at me. I love you."
Eyes watering, he leans in for a kiss, my hands finding way to his hair, while his pull my hips into his lap, wrapping lightly around them. After leaning back for air, we giggle once more, leaning our foreheads against one another.
"I never want to ever feel the fear of the thought of losing you again, okay? So don't be a dumbass, Dumbass."
"Yeah, yeah," Riggs answers once more, leaning in for another kiss.
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shushiyuii · 3 years
Adopt a Mortal
 @smogs-0 Oh Smoggy~ Your angst is here, and only you can decide if there will be a part 2 or not~
Warnings: Zombies (which means this will contain mentions of death, injury, death and maybe other subjects. Be advised). Swearing. Apocalypse. 
Words: 1.5K+
It’s been 3 weeks since the outbreak.
He didn’t know how he made it so far, he’s barely escaped any encounters with those monsters. Zombies as the others call them, which he honestly called bullshit on.
Not to mention but food had almost become rare at this point, so many had taken it for granted and themselves, hoping to be the only ones to survive. But a majority of the population was already gone, including his own parents so no doubt that food went somewhere.
His own group was fucked up, he ended up with them by chance. They almost killed him, to begin with, but decided they could use his agility and slim figure to their advantage of tight spaces and stuff. Which he hated but it was the only chance he had at survival.
He was now on his own in a world of Zombies. Trust nobody.
It’s been 3 months since the outbreak.
He was shoved to the floor, kicked by another member. “Little shit! You’re just dead weight!”, “It’d be better if we left him for dead”.
They took away his belongings, leaving him unarmed. He ran away and as he did, he heard their screams. Zombies were coming and his ‘group’ just died like complete idiots. His arms covered his stomach as he limped in pain, this was going to be a difficult situation to get out of.
He slammed his hand over his mouth, trying to be as silent as possible as a couple of Zombies wandered around aimlessly, hoping to catch their next piece of delicious prey. if he were to get into one of their sights. He’d be dead in an instant.
He was unarmed as stupid as it was.
Whatever he didn’t want to die here.
One month since the outbreak.
Hunger was all he felt for the longest time, he wondered. He didn’t remember who he was. Not that he cared, he had no control. He only wanted to eat, hunt. His reasoning. The thought of meat making in growl in excitement.
That all changed when he followed a horde of Zombies towards the humans. They shot and yelled, fearing for their lives. They were terrified, but that didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered to him and the others was that their hunger was satisfied.
He got shot, in the shoulder. He didn’t feel it but he did stumble. In the distance, he heard, “You imbecile! That was the prototype!”. Whatever it is afterwards the humans got away.
He slumped against the wall of a corner shop, feeling oddly tired and fell asleep.
He woke up, with thoughts screaming at him. He looked around in confusion as knowledge flowed through his newly working brain. He was confused, scared. What happened? He wasn’t like this before?
He stood up, stumbling. He looked to the shoulder of his trench coat, the shot of the clothing being there but his skin had almost regenerated as if it had never happened.
He ran into the crowd of nearby Zombies, he pushed into them. Getting no reaction, he was sentient, and the others weren’t. Had that bullet done something to him?
3 months since the outbreak.
He’s learnt that he’s become different to the other zombies, he’s come to the conclusion that he’s more aware than them, almost as if he were a human in a zombie’s body.
He learnt his name was Wilbur by the wallet and ID in his pocket. Which was good to know, not only that but he no longer felt that hunger, nothing actually. He felt no pain, sensation or anything.
But one thing he did feel was more powerful and stronger. He learnt he could easily flip over cars and change his size at will, which came in handy for hard-to-reach places. Not only that but any wound he sustained was easily recovered from, barely leaving a scar.
He hadn’t yet encountered humans, probably because there weren’t many left.
He had managed to create a place of his own in an apartment with a broken mirror, it did him good with a desk to write on, a guitar he could surprisingly play, a comfortable bed, everything he needed.
He looked in the mirror, he was outrageously pale, but not that green colour other zombies had, he was missing an eye that his hair easily covered, and his beanie covered up parts of his exposed skull. Which left him looking rather human.
He wandered the streets a while since he really had nothing better to do. That was until something caught his attention, zombies were crowding around a particular shop with curiosity. It made him curious as to what was going on.
He followed them inside and wandered for a while, then he saw them. What had caught the zombies interest but had not been picked up by them yet. It seems that the human had managed to narrowly getaway and was now narrowly avoiding them.
The human stared at him in horror, his bright blue eyes striking Wilbur. His hair was blonde but covered in dirt, not to mention that the boy himself was covered in dust, dirt and dried blood. The human was barely covered in protection with just a red and white t-shirt, trousers and recked shoes. How had he gotten this far?
He crouched down to the human, “Hey…”. He whispered, “What are you doing here kid?”. The human’s eyes furrowed at the nickname. “Trying to get away here! Dickhead!”. The boy whisper-yelled. “Well, you aren’t doing a very good job at it!”. He whisper-yelled back.
He pinched his nose and sighed, “Get to the back room as soon as you hear a sound, I’ll distract them.”, “What? That’s a death sentence!”, “Don’t worry about me! Worry about yourself!”.
Wilbur then crawled his way to the other side of the shop, not wanting to get suspicion from the human. He then grabbed a pan from a nearby shelf and threw it to a nearby shelf, which caused enough noise to gain the zombie's attention, making their way over there.
He then saw the backroom door open, he then made his way over there quietly. Once he made it and shut the door. The boy was already barricading it, making sure no zombies made their way in.
“Thanks, man, had no idea how I’d get outta that one. Names, Tommy”. Interesting, the human's name was Tommy, “Nice to meet you, I’m Wilbur. What are you doing out in a place like this? You look a bit young to be on your own if I’m honest”.
“Hey! I’m a grown man! And uh- my group left me to die”. The boy seemed upset by that fact, looking away. “Well, they’re assholes. Don’t worry about em’ you can stick with me for now if you want.”. Wait- he didn’t mean- “Really?”.
“Yeah, don’t mind helping for a little bit”. Great, why did he agree? Now he was stuck with a child.
The human then began to rummage through what seemed to be boxes of already looted stuff. He managed to find an old backpack with some small tins of food and water left in a small crate. Not only that but a small dagger to defend himself with, he seemed quite exciting when he found it.
“So, Wil. How’d you end up in the outbreak?”, he asked as he continued to rummage through crates. Wilbur took a minute to answer, one thing was he the human- Tommy didn’t know he was a zombie, not only that but even himself didn’t know how he became a zombie.
“Uhh, kinda just ended up in the place?”. “Oh, you didn’t have family or anything”, “No?”. “Ah, well for me my parents died in a car crash when the outbreak hit, now I’m on my own since my group left me”.
“Why did they leave you?”, “said I was deadweight, which wasn’t true. I did most of the shit they wanted”. “Forget em’ they aren’t worth it”. “I realised that thanks again, for the save.”. “It’s nothing don’t worry about it”.
The two then made their way out of the building, then got stuck by a wall. “Give me a hand will you?” he asked as he clumsily tried to climb the wall. Wilbur then gave him a boost and he climbed over, not without giving Wilbur his own hand to help him up.
Wilbur grabbed his hand, “Woah! You got a good grip!”. “I- yeah. Guess so”. He then helped Wilbur up the wall and the two continued their way to safety…
The two ran as fast as they could from the racing zombies, perhaps the two were a little bit too reckless with noise and were now getting chased down by a horde of Zombies. They ran into alleyways, alley after alley.
Eventually, though, they got cornered. Tommy brought his knife, prepared to defend his life. “Stay behind me!”, “What? Are you crazy?!”, “STAY BEHIND ME!”. He growled as he kept the boy behind him.
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jincherie · 4 years
four’s company | rapline [m]
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✘ — pairing: boxer!rapline x male!reader ✘ — genre: smut!, boxer au, poly au ✘ — wc: 6.4k ✘ — rating: 18+ ✘ — warnings: minor injuries (occupational hazard kind), smut: mxm, light (accidental) voyeurism, light hand kink, baby boy reader, sub/bottom reader, dom/top members, foursome, anal sex, protected sex (don’t forget to wrap ‘em, lads and ladies!), fellatio ✘ — notes: part of a fic exchange within the ghostie network, i’m sorry it’s late!!!!! please accept my humblest apologies!!! @bangtanloverboys​ here you go!! i hope it’s not too shitty!!!
If accidentally walking in on your three crushes in a heated moment, not once, not twice, but thrice isn’t enough to capture their attention, then you don’t know what is. You’re about to find out that you’ve had their attention for a while, though.
— posted; 02.01.2021 || masterlist
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For what is far from the first time tonight, you feel the weight of a certain gaze.
Well, to be more specific, it hasn’t just been one gaze you’ve felt on you tonight. More like… three. 
You know who they belong to, unfortunately. It’s the same three people that you found in an… interesting situation earlier. On that was, no doubt, not meant for outside eyes. 
Well, you say that, but you feel like that’s just because you, yourself, are mortified. To be honest, the three boxers you found locking lips and making out in the locker room didn’t seem to be all that ashamed about it.
In fact, when they caught you in the motion of fleeing, they’d had the audacity to grin about it! 
Utterly humiliating. You haven’t been able to bring your gaze anywhere near them all day. To make matters worse, you couldn’t even flee to the safety of your home or anywhere similar, because there is a match tonight and you’re needed as a qualified first aid officer. 
Which brings you to the current predicament; sitting ringside and attempting to avoid the gazes of the three boxers seated on the side adjacent. Try as you might, it’s actually a struggle to keep your eyes on the current match. It’s a rookie night, and you feel extra bad since one of the people in the ring is actually a close friend. 
Though, perhaps you should demote Jungkook from ‘close friend’ status considering he is the reason you started working here and subsequently, had the opportunity to stumble upon a certain scenario this morning. Were it not for him and his stupid, pleading puppy eyes, you wouldn’t have a particular embarrassing image burned into the back of your eyelids.
You know that despite his rookie status, Jungkook is quite a naturally talented boxer. Perhaps that is part of the reason that your brain thinks it’s okay to let your eyes stray from the match instead of watching attentively as you’re expected to. The subconscious certainty that Jungkook can handle himself seems to be your undoing, because in a moment of inattentiveness your eyes manage to reach the area you’d been trying so hard for them to avoid. 
As you’d both feared and expected, they are in fact already looking at you. Well, one of the three. It is the piercing gaze of the club's current lightweight champion, Min Yoongi, that bores a hole into you right now. The two accomplices to his side aren't joining him in drilling their eyes into you across the room for now, instead leaning into each other as though they're whispering amongst themselves. 
There's something about Yoongi's eyes, dark and piercing, that seem to always root you in place no matter where you are. His expression, as it usually tends to be, is unreadable. It's a certain kind of neutrality that graces his features, thin enough that you can tell there is something behind it but too opaque for you to be able to discern exactly what. 
You don't even realise you're trapped in his gaze until the sounding of the bell snaps you out of the spell that seemed to be cast over you. Your head whips back around and you see the referee signalling the end of the bout, and just beyond him Jungkook is standing slightly bent over as he offers a hand to his opponent on the canvas. To your alarm, it is only now that you notice the blood dribbling down the man’s face. The reasonable crowd that has gathered is still cheering (Jungkook was quick to rise as one of the fan favourites) and it’s a wonder you can hear the referee’s call above the ruckus.
That’s your cue. 
x – x – x 
 “You look kind of on edge, man. Are you alright?”
You’re almost too busy staring into your coffee in a borderline dissociative state to hear Jungkook as he calls for your attention. It has to be about the thirteenth time in the past half hour, but you can’t find the energy to be ashamed about it. Mostly because all of your shame and embarrassment are focused on other areas right now.
It had happened again. 
Is it just your luck? You don’t know whether to dub it as rotten luck, because you feel it would be a bit of an insult to the boxers you’d once more found in a suggestive situation.  But considering it good luck feels kind of sleazy, because although you’re embarrassed as hell, all things considered what you walked in on wasn’t a bad view—
No, that thought is stopping there. Any further and you’ll only incriminate yourself and you’ll have to dose yourself with another fresh shot of shame. 
Realising that you still haven’t answered the concerned-looking boy sprawled in the chair to your side, you offer him a non-committal grunt. It’s the best you can do while you take another moment to form actual coherent thought. 
“I’ve never been better,” you say, and immediately Jungkook lets loose an abrupt snort.
“You look like shit, so don’t bother trying to lie. Are you having trouble sleeping again or something?”
You survey him for a moment, touched that he remembers the insomnia that had ailed you for a few months a while back. “Actually, I’ve been sleeping pretty good the past few months.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, making you squint at him in question. “Oh, I’ll bet you have, considering the things you were saying in your sleep last time I stayed over.”
You simply look at him, wondering whether he’s going to be an ass and continue.  You don’t have to wait long for an answer.
“You were all like, ‘nngh, Namjoon,’ and ‘oh, Yoongi’, and then you said something about Hoseok too but I can’t quite remember, probably because it was so x-rated that my poor baby brain banished it from my memory—”
“Jungkook,” you cut him off, gripping the plastic spoon that came with your drink painfully tight. “Shut up.”
This is most definitely not the conversation to be having in the café barely a block away from the boxing gym where the two of you frequent, but Jungkook doesn’t seem to get the hint. Actually, you’re pretty sure he got the hint and he just doesn’t care enough to heed it.
“You really ought to do something about that crush of yours, bro. There’s three of them, so there’s three times the misery if you sit on your ass instead of—”
“Jungkook,” you attempt to warn him again, glaring slightly this time. You’ve scooped some of the whipped cream off of his plate of pancakes and hold the tip of the spoon back, threatening to fling it at him should he keep talking. 
“—doing something, you know? I’ve seen them practically undress you with their eyes enough times by now that I could fill out a diary with all the incidents I’ve witnessed. Plus, don’t tell me you haven’t noticed how often they ‘hurt’ themselves as an excuse to see you? I really don’t think you have much to lose, especially with an ass like yours—well, it’s nothing like the cake I’m serving, but still, it deserves some praise—ACK!”
Ah, so he has chosen death.
You discard the now-empty spoon onto a napkin, taking a long sip of your drink. It seems Jungkook has engaged his ape brain more today than usual as instead of wiping the cream off his face like any normal human would, he’s attempting to reach it with his tongue. His chances aren’t good, to be honest; though you reckon your mutual friend Jimin would be able to get it from that distance. Dude has a tongue like a lizard. 
“You have Seven Days,” you tell him, struggling not to let a smile through as the amateur boxer whines, unable to reach the cream.
“You have seven days,” he grumbles sulkily, reaching with a begrudging hand for a napkin. “Do something or I’ll expose your ass.”
You roll your eyes, ninety-nine percent sure that he’s kidding.
That other one percent worries you a bit though.
x – x – x 
You take back what you decided earlier— something is definitely wrong with your luck.
“And how did you hurt your knee again?”
“I tripped on the stairs.”
Jung Hoseok, the club’s current star welterweight boxer, sits before you in your little medical office. There aren’t any matches on today, but you’re on shift because the club members are doing some of the more rigorous training; there is an important few matches coming up for a few members, and they all want to be as prepared as possible. As tends to be the occupational hazard, training can often lead to injuries that need to be immediately attended to. 
You can’t say, though, that this is the type you were expecting when you rocked up today.
Hoseok is beaming at you, all sincerity and sparkles. There’s a slight bit of dark regrowth in his hair that catches your eye as you survey him, the crimson ends sticking to his forehead lightly from sweat. He looks every bit earnest and honest as he sits in front of you, but you can’t help but suspect him just slightly.
Because you’re not sure any of the club members have ever made their way to your office for a graze that wouldn’t even phase a kindergartener.
“Well,” you say, trying to ignore what Jungkook had said barely a day or two ago that floats back into your head now. “The good news is, it’s not fatal.”
Hoseok lets out a great, dramatic huff in relief. “Oh, thank god. I was so scared this might have been the end.”
‘Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed how often they ‘hurt’ themselves as an excuse to see you?’
Is that what this is? An excuse to see you? A look spared for the man before you leads you to conclude: probably not. He’s a little too radiant to be seeking out lil’ ol’ you.
“Not this time,” you say, rummaging through your small box of mismatched bandages. Finding what you’re looking for, you turn back around and begin preparing it to place it on Hoseok’s knee. “You live to see another day.”
Hoseok shifts like he’s about to say something in response, but cuts himself off with a surprised laugh when he sees the band-aid you put on him. “Wh—you have Minions band-aids?!”
“I reserve them for special patients,” you say before you can stop yourself, promptly clamping your mouth shut a little too late. Your cheeks… you just hope the heat gathering there isn’t obvious.
Something shifts in Hoseok’s gaze as he surveys you for a moment, before hopping from the bed, testing his knee out like he’d sprained it instead of scratching it. The look is gone before you can fully decipher it and he’s back to grinning brightly once more. 
“Well, if that’s the case, I’ll have to come back often. Wouldn’t want them to go to waste.” Hoseok’s smile adopts a slightly cheeky edge as he makes his way to the door, lifting two fingers to his temple in a lazy salute. “See you later, doc!”
Then he’s gone before you can return the farewell, door closing definitively behind him and leaving the room in silence. 
Are you going crazy, or did Hoseok— one of the three boxers you’ve happened to walk in on twice now—just return your light flirting?
… God, you hope it wasn’t because of the minion band-aid.
x – x – x 
You wish that visit had been an isolated incident, but you had a repeat of it at least twice a week. Each time Hoseok would rock up grinning at your door with some other minor injury, all but demanding a minion band-aid for his troubles. You gave it to him, of course, but you still hope he doesn’t remember you as the minion band-aids guy. 
Surprisingly enough, it isn’t only Hoseok that has been cropping up more often in your day-to-day. You’ve had a few surprise encounters with Yoongi, who lately has taken to giving you a sly, unreadable look before turning away, leaving you in your own confusion. Sometimes you’ll get carried away watching him or one of the other boxers practice, and before you know it he has caught you staring red-handed and you’re forced to flee the room to escape the smug, intrigued look that slips into his eyes. 
It’s after such an occasion that you find yourself in the main locker room, attempting to multitask by looking for a box of first aid supplies hidden in the top shelves and giving your face a chance to cool down. It’s taken you so long to even find the damn box that your embarrassment has all but evaporated by now. By the time your eyes lock onto the scuffed white box peeking over the edge of the highest shelf in the corner of the room, you’re more than ready to snatch it down and escape back to the comfort of your dingy little office. 
Of course, it couldn’t ever be so easy for you. Not given your recent string of poor luck. 
You don’t consider your height to be remarkably anything, and normally you don’t have that much trouble reaching the cookie jar on the top shelf in your apartment but for some reason the shelves in this building are built to cater to giants, and try as you might you simply cannot reach. You’re literally about to abandon the last of your dignity and attempt jumping for it, when there is a light scuff on the floor from behind you and then a firm warmth pressing into your back. 
In all honesty, your brain short-circuits. For a second you think you might have even blacked out, because it takes at least three seconds for you to realise what is happening, and by that time the figure has already retreated back from your form. 
Somewhat dazed, you turn around to see one Kim Namjoon, the clubs leading middleweight champion and the third and final member of those racy scenarios you happened to walk in on oh-so long ago. In his hands is the box you’d been struggling so much to reach, and on his face is a look that somehow blends sheepishness and amusement into one attractive cocktail on his features. 
“Here you go,” he says, and for a shamefully long moment all you can do is stand and soak in the lovely timbre of his voice. By the time you snap out of it, a small smile has begun to curl on his lips. You pointedly avoid looking at the dimples that are beginning to show as a result. 
“Oh, uh, thanks,” you say, trying to make it as natural as possible as you reach and take the box from his hold. “Whoever put it up there seems to have a vendetta against me.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that,” he says, and there’s suddenly something a little secretive about the way he’s smiling. It makes you suspicious, and once more the words Jungkook prattled into your ear a week or so ago come rattling back into your brain. 
Is this something similar to what Hoseok had done? Did Namjoon put the box on a higher shelf?
“Are you calling me short?” For some reason, that’s what comes out of your mouth. There is a slight disconnect from what you said and what Namjoon had said previously, but he seems to make the connection. He tilts his head back and a rich laugh tumbles forth. It sounds nicer than you wish to admit to yourself. 
“Never,” he finally answers, grinning. “Though, feel free to come get me next time you lose against a shelf.”
Your mouth drops open in affront, but he makes a departure too quick for you to respond. His laughter echoes down the halls and you’re left reeling in your spot.
This isn’t what you expected to happen after walking in on a few intimate situations. In fact, this is quite the opposite.
What is happening?
x – x – x 
As the weeks go by, there are several big nights and several big matches. Hoseok and Yoongi, among a few others from the gym, emerge victorious. At this point you’re not too ashamed to say that you spent the entirety of their matches watching the way their muscles rippled as they dodged, swung and wove around the ring. If the last shred of dignity still clinging to you had disappeared, then you probably would have drooled like a dog. 
 The nights tend to go by weight classes, and the next upcoming night is to showcase the middleweight boxers. While Jungkook classifies for the class, as one of the newer recruits he isn’t the first choice for the match—much to his dismay.
It is approximately a week before this big match, in which Namjoon, one of the three men who live in your head rent-free these days, is participating, that you’re woken from your sleep and called into the gym.
It’s your night off, actually, so for you to be called in there must have been a pretty serious injury. You’re proven right when you enter the building and walk into the main room.
Before you can even assess the scene, Yoongi spots you and darts on over. He has a look on his face that you don’t think he’s ever sported before, and it fills you with a feeling of dread. It seems an appropriate feeling, considering what you see when you advance further into the room, towed by the frantic blonde who’d fetched you.
“Holy shit, what the hell happened?!” You dart forward, Yoongi’s grip slipping from your wrist as you move out of his reach. 
Namjoon is seated on the floor in a squat, cradling his left hand to his chest. A grimace twists his features, eyes glistening but face clear of tears. 
To your complete and utter surprise, the familiar tenor of Jungkook’s voice reaches your ears. You didn’t know he had stayed behind to practice tonight.
“We were leaving after practicing a bit later than normal, and some assholes drove past and picked a fight. I think—I think they were members from one of the rival clubs on the other side of the city but it was kind of dark and I didn’t get a good look.”
Your brows shoot up—that’s risky behaviour on their part, if it was actually members of a rival club that did this. Judges of this particular tournament don’t look kindly on foul play.
It would make sense if it’s true, though; a lot of local clubs tend to have boxers in the middleweight range, and Namjoon has emerged from enough matches victorious that he’s actually quite a threat. 
“Let me see,” you say, holding your hands out to Namjoon for him to rest his injured one in your hold. “Jungkook, go get the big tin box with the red cross from my office. Make sure it’s the one with antiseptic and bandages.”
You don’t even need to check he’s listened, because you can hear the frantic, obedient pattering of his feet fading away in the distance as you unwrap the blood-drenched towel from the hand in your hold. Namjoon’s busted up limb takes all of your attention the second you lay eyes on it properly, your stomach filling with an unpleasant, nameless cocktail of sensations. 
“Holy shit,” you say, unable to contain your wince.  “Tell me you didn’t get this from fighting them bare-knuckle.”
Namjoon has enough capacity for humour right now that he lets out a little huff. Yoongi fills you in before Namjoon has a chance. 
“No, though I almost did.” His expression is dark, the heat of his anger reaching you even when it’s not directed your way. “They were probably drinking before coming here, since they had a few bottles they threw into the mix.”
That explains the gashes you’re seeing on Namjoon’s palm— it seems he caught one of the bottles, though you’re not sure whether it was already broken or whether it broke on impact. Thankfully, from what you can see, the gashes and lacerations aren’t too deep and shouldn’t cause lasting damage, but they’ll definitely take a while to heal, and one or two of them look like they will need stitches. 
“Alright,” you begin, sighing softly. “I’ll do what I can to fix this up for now, but you’re going to have to go to the ER, because some of these will need stitches…”
You look up, reading the expressions of everyone in attendance and knowing that they have all reached the same conclusion regarding Namjoon’s immediate fate as a boxer.
“Sorry, Namjoon,” you start, watching his features crumble ever so slightly into a look of resignation. “This isn’t going to heal in time for next week, and you definitely won’t be able to train for a while.”
It’s just as you announce that, that Jungkook returns with your box of first-aid goodies. Hoseok, who has remained surprisingly silent the whole time this conversation has gone on, takes the box from his hold and delivers it next to you. Surprising all of you, Namjoon is quick to look up and pin Jungkook with a grin.
“Well, since I can’t participate—how do you feel about making your Big Boy Boxing Debut, Jungkookie?”
Your friend is rooted to the spot in shock for a solid few moments, before he snaps out of it and an excited if slightly nervous expression filters onto his face. 
“I will defend your honour, Namjoon!” he declares, saluting stupidly. “Count on me!”
Cheesy of him, but you can’t help the smile that tugs your lips. You just hope it’s not too late-notice for him, and that Namjoon’s injuries really aren’t that serious, as you surmise.
x – x – x 
 The week passes quicker than you anticipate, and before you know it, it’s the night of the big match—Jungkook’s first big match, that is. Namjoon had done his best over the days to coach Jungkook on the particular fighting styles of the opponents he normally faces, and to everyone’s pleasant surprise, Jungkook has picked it all up with ease. 
You’re more surprised to say that you’re not even that nervous, as you sit waiting for the match to begin. Jungkook stands in one corner, his opponent from one of the more renowned rival gyms in the other. You prepare to be on standby in case either boxer is injured enough to need aid, but cross your fingers that if anything at least Jungkook will be alright. 
In the blink of an eye, the match begins and the first bout kicks off. Jungkook’s opponent is slightly stockier, likely pushing the upper limits of the weight class, and is the first to make an offensive move. The familiar sound of cushioned gloves making impact rings in the air and you find yourself tensing in your seat as you watch the two interchange blows. 
It’s pretty much neck-and-neck for a majority of the bouts. Some of them go quick, and others seem to consist of the longest three minutes of your life. Still, the match goes on, and the night is filled with the siren song of the crowd and the ring of the bell.
After a night of close-call bouts and baited breath, Jungkook finally emerges victorious. 
Ever the fan favourite, the crowd that has amassed erupt into cheers as the referee declares the end of the final bout and Jungkook is held up as the victor. With the match decided, the club members that had been watching ringside burst up and swarm around the young boxer who brought pride to the gym on his very first big match. The three boxers that usually occupy your thoughts wriggle their way up there too, and it’s Hoseok’s bright tone that pierces the ruckus of the crowd.
“Drinks at ours to celebrate our victor, Jungkookie!” he caws, rubbing Jungkook on the back in something akin to pride. “Members of King Hit Gym, we better see you all there!”
You mightn’t be a technical member, but the way you suddenly feel three sets of eyes on you tells you that you’re still more than invited. 
x – x – x
It’s three hours since the end of the match, and you’re more than a little tipsy.
You can safely say that you haven’t ever been to the house where Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi live, but you’re nothing short of impressed. It’s a three-storey townhouse, with three rooms— presumably one for each of them, though from what you’d glimpsed on the way to the bathroom earlier only one of them appears regularly lived in.
It didn’t take you long to ponder exactly why, considering the things you’ve accidentally witnessed in the past month.
Most of your time tonight was spent celebrating with Jungkook as he made the rounds and received congratulations from the rest of the club members. Music thrums through the building, bass vibrating pleasantly through your chest every time you pass the expensive speakers in the living room.
You’ve paced yourself well, all things considered. All you had to do to avoid an early night ending in blackout drunkenness was steer clear of Jungkook whenever he made his way by the kitchen to refill— he’d learnt his mixing skills from Jimin, a verified alcoholic back in the day who spent his time in university trying to throw together his own signature cocktail with the same alcohol percentage as absinthe.
So you’re relatively proud of yourself to only be a little over tipsy at this point in the night. You can’t really say the same for the rest of the club members, though— even Jungkook has reached a point where he is stumbling and giggling. Which, of course, led to the event that splattered drink all over your shirt. 
You’re wandering up the stairs now, mind occupied with everything but what you’re doing as you absentmindedly seek the bathroom to clean your shirt. You haven’t seen any of the homeowners in a while, actually, which is kind of disappointing because you’re really longing for some eye candy right about now. They disappeared about ten minutes ago, and you figured it was just to socialise or maybe grab more snacks but you haven’t paid it much thought since then, and now you’re realising they hadn’t returned to the party yet. 
Reaching the top of the stairs, you pause for a moment to try and recall which room is the bathroom. There’s two of them, you remember being told, one ensuite and a main bathroom. There was also a third one on the first floor, but that was too far for you to attempt reaching it. Unable to remember which door is which, you simply decide to wing it and march on forward towards the first door to enter your line of sight. You’re pretty stable, but your head is kind of fuzzy, so your hand hovers by the wall as you walk just in case you stumble. 
Upon reaching the door in question, it takes you about a second and a half to realise the room you have reached is not the one you want, and another second for the shock to reach you.
Because, for the third time in a month, you have walked in on something you shouldn’t have. 
Except this time, you can’t seem to pull yourself away as fast as you should. 
It’s Hoseok and Namjoon tangled before you this time, in a position much more intimate than the last you’d seen. Their lips are locked, Hoseok straddling one of Namjoon’s thighs with one hand tangled in inky locks and the other rubbing over his crotch, where a prominent bulge makes itself known even to your eyes. Just when you remember that you should really be on your way, their lips break apart and Namjoon’s head tilts back, a sinful, velvet moan climbing from his throat as Hoseok leans to pepper it with kisses. It’s mesmerising, and you forget you’re even there as you watch the red-haired man’s hand climb up Namjoon’s stomach and then slip beneath the waistband of his jeans. 
You come back to yourself when you feel a familiar tightness in your own pants and a throb between your legs— of course, you’re hard. You’re too hazy-brained to even be ashamed of it right now. It does pierce through the fog, though, that you’re intruding on something you’re not meant to see. Like you’re trying to move limbs filled with lead, you start to drag your feet and turn around. 
You barely get a step in before you’re face to face with someone strikingly familiar, and your heart drops in your chest before kicking back into motion at double speed. 
“You always seem to enjoy watching, don’t you?” Yoongi’s question catches you off guard and puts you on the spot— before you can panic, though, his lips curl in a kittenish smile. “It’s alright, we already know you do, baby boy.”
Your heart stutters in your chest, stomach flipping giddily. Your eyes track it with surprising clarity as Yoongi’s hand— strong and sculpted and deliciously vascular, as you’d admired many times before— rises to caress your cheek, and he leans forward until his lips brush the sensitive skin of your earlobe.
“Why don’t you join us, this time?”
You find yourself nodding before you even realise it, but it’s definitely a decision you would make again any other day. 
You feel Yoongi smile against your ear, and then he is pressing a soft kiss to your cheek and pulling back. That same strong hand winds around your wrist and you’re tugged into the room, the door shutting behind you. The two on the bed barely bat an eye at the arrival of their third lover and an extra figure, merely smiling dazedly at the two of you. 
“Baby boy is finally gonna join us?” Hoseok asks, eyes lidded and dark to match the tousled look of his hair and clothes. His words are slightly slurred but the keenness to his gaze tells you he is still very much aware of everything he does. 
Yoongi hums in confirmation, coming up behind you to wind his arms lazily around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder. “Mhmm. Don’t stop on our account— why don’t you give him a bit of a show to start, hm?”
Hoseok needs no further prompting, a grin all you glimpse before he is diving back to crash his lips into Namjoon’s, hand moving inside his pants and eliciting a deep, throaty groan. It makes your own cock throb in need, and almost as though he reads your mind, Yoongi's voice sounds in your ear once more. 
“You already hard, baby boy? Like what you see?”
Something about the husky quality of the boxer’s voice makes a shudder roll down your spine, a light whine slipping from your throat. Yoongi presses soft kisses to the skin of your neck as you watch the two on the bed undress each other between heated kisses. 
“Want me to touch you, baby boy?”
As though possessed, your head begins nodding before you even think to act on the urge. Yoongi requires no further prompting; he begins to kiss and suckle along the column of your neck while his hands move— one creeps up beneath your shirt to flick a thumb over your nipple, and the other slips down, down, down beneath the waistband of your pants and boxers, until that hand you admire so much is slipping around your cock and squeezing just enough to make you gasp out a moan. 
Pleasure and desire wind together to mix with the tipsy haze in your mind, and you’re more than happy to surrender yourself to the current situation. Slowly, you’re urged over to the bed, eyes still locked on the pair occupied there as Yoongi’s hand works magic on your length. You don’t even bother attempting to stem the gasps and moans tumbling forth because you know at this point it would probably be futile. 
Hoseok has now stripped Namjoon entirely and is making his way down his body with his mouth, pressing a kiss against every inch of golden skin he can reach. Namjoon is quite generously endowed, and you can’t tear your eyes away as Hoseok finally reaches the apex of his thighs and begins to lavish attention to Namjoon’s flushed cock. 
You can feel Yoongi grinding lightly against you as he strokes your own aching member, the two of you observing the show before you with rapt attention. At some point you’re rid of your shirt and the air feels cool against your flushed skin, your upper body leaning back against Yoongi contentedly. The noises spilling from Namjoon’s throat are downright sinful as Hoseok’s mouth sinks down on him with practiced ease.
It’s almost too much for you, really. Almost sensory overload. You’re urged ever so slowly to the bed, and as you sit on the plush mattress you happily oblige as Yoongi begins to undo and remove the jeans that are now uncomfortably tight. Your boxers follow soon after and then you’re joining the other two in their nudity. As though sensing the change in plans, Hoseok pulls off of Namjoon’s cock with a ‘pop’, licking his lips and ignoring the whine in protest that Namjoon lets out. “In a minute, bubs.”
Yoongi leans over to the bedside table to retrieve lube and something else you soon realise to be condoms as he tosses them on the bed between him and Hoseok. 
“Are you alright with this?”
You turn at the sound of Yoongi’s voice, eyes meeting his own— though heady and full of desire, they’re also determined. You don’t doubt that if you say no, he will stop things here.
“Yes,” you confirm, and you watch as a smile pulls over Yoongi’s face.
“Excellent. Now, lean forward, baby boy. This might be a little cold.”
Without question, you allow him to shift and bend your body as needed, knees digging into the plush bedding. Tilting your head up, you manage to meet the eyes of Namjoon, who is in a similar position to yourself, just in time for you to gasp at the sudden cold sensation at your ass. 
You’d think by now you would be used to the feeling of lube— you’re immediately distracted from that though at the sensation of Yoongi’s finger beginning to toy around your asshole. You allow yourself to relax as much as possible, turning your attention to Namjoon and Hoseok and simply enjoying the sensations Yoongi is eliciting. 
Namjoon’s hand raises, cupping your cheek and dragging down ever so gently. Hoseok catches the movement and lets out a coo, eyes boring into your own. 
“Wanna kiss him, baby boy? Go ahead, he’s good at it.”
You don’t need to be told twice, and neither does Namjoon. You find Hoseok definitely isn’t wrong as Namjoon’s lips meet your own, the kiss quickly turning heated as his mouth moves against your own. He swallows down your moans as Yoongi’s fingers begin to stretch you slowly, one by one.
You lose so much time in the hypnotic motion of bodies against your own that before you know it there is a gentle yet firm hand against your shoulder pulling you back from the man before you. 
“Ready, baby?”
You nod, and soon after hear the familiar tear of foil before the head of Yoongi’s cock is pressing against your hole. You take a deep breath in, allowing your eyes to flutter closed as he begins to press himself in and stretch you open bit by bit. The burn isn’t particularly painful tonight, and to be honest sometimes you’re partial to the sensation. 
By the time Yoongi is fully seated within you, you’re almost panting, soft moans escaping unwittingly. Through the fog of pleasure currently addling your brain, you hear similar noises in front of you and realise Namjoon must be in a similar state. Unconsciously, your hand stretches out, seeking contact, and manages to entwine with the large, warm one you identify as Namjoon’s good hand. 
As soon as Yoongi receives the green light from you, he begins to move. The sensations of him dragging against your walls are enough to almost drive you mad, especially at the slow pace he’s set. It isn’t long before he picks up though, and soon rough the slap of his hips against your ass is one of the many sinful noises echoing in the room, muffled by the loud music still booming beyond the bedroom walls. 
“O-oh, fuck,” you moan, barely coherent enough to respond to Namjoon’s seeking lips. Absently, you hear Yoongi’s soft groans and low murmured praises, and it makes your heart skip a beat. 
“Good boy,” he all but purrs, hand caressing down your spine before finding purchase at your hips. 
Time blurs and you’re wound so tight that it isn’t long before you feel yourself approaching that edge, your hand lowering to begin stroking your own cock again in an effort to reach your high faster. It’s one deep stroke that hits you in all the right places that is your undoing, and with a cry you’re cumming hard, spots appearing behind your eyes. 
The sudden tightness around his cock has Yoongi stilling, a low, drawn out groan sounding from his throat as he joins you in your high, throbbing inside you. Your arms are a little too weak to continue holding you, but he seems to be in tune enough that he notices and his own slip around you, easing you into his embrace as he adjusts on the mattress and hums into your skin. 
Namjoon and Hoseok aren’t far behind you, the two of them reaching their own end not long after. Namjoon flops against the bed, spent and Hoseok hops up to retrieve a bin and some wipes to clean up a bit before he too flops across the mattress, smacking Namjoon’s ass as he does and eliciting a brief whine in protest. 
“Well fuck,” you hum, staring absently at the ceiling. Yoongi snorts, pulling you closer, and like they all share a hive mind you’re very suddenly in the middle of a cuddle pile as the other two join in. 
“Beats just watching, doesn’t it?” One of them queries, probably Hoseok— you’re too tired to really discern it. 
“Mhm,” you respond, basking in content. “Four’s company, I suppose.”
There are a few hums of agreement, and then comfortable silence falls over the room. You find yourself smiling as you sink into the most content sleep you’ve had in a while, in the arms of the three boxers who have nestled their way into your heart one by one 
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teddy06writes · 3 years
Through Thick And Thin
requested by this anon: “If you are still doing requests, could you maybe do a royal AU of a Knight! Awesamdude x royalty reader? Thanks!” 
Awesamdude x reader
trigger warnings: some swearing, mentioned character death
premise: royalty au; you are heir to the throne of the dream smp lands, Sam is the knight who has been sworn to protect you. When L’manburg, a rising power begins to attack, Sam stays by your side, even as the kingdom falls
{also I did my best to keep this gender neutral, but it might’ve ended up leaning for feminine, sorry about that}
“Do you take one lump or two?” You forced a polite smile onto your face. 
“Two, with lemon, not milk,” Bad said, “Try not to look so bored, you may be able to pull a smile on your face, but your eyes wandering about this room betray you.” 
Etiquette lessons were something you had finished long ago, but your mother had arranged for a brush up, seeing as the ambassadors of L’manburg would be arriving Wednesday. 
You nodded, quietly filling his tea cup with what he requested, and sliding it across the table too him. 
“Now, serve the tea cakes.” Bad instructed. 
As you cut the sponge cake into pieces you let your eyes drift again, look to where Sam stood beside the door. 
He bit back a smile, scrunching his nose at you. 
It took all your willpower not to giggle, regaining composer as you passed the plate across the table. 
“I just think its stupid shit,” You said, tapping the toe of your shoe against the gravel path, “I already know how to poor tea and address nobles.” 
Sam chuckled, looking around the garden, “I suppose you do, but brushing up on those things never hurts.” 
“I did my time learning tea and titles, and dances and all that. I don’t see why I should have to do it any more. You should help me sneak out of lessons.” 
He laughed again, “I don’t know if I can partake in helping you get out of your duties.” 
“You used too.” You fake pouted, moving to sit on one of the benches lining the path.
“Yes well that was before, this is now. I’m not a stable boy any longer. We both have different duties to attend to.” He said, turning to look at you. 
You frowned, “I thought your duties were to protect me.” 
“They are.” 
“Then you’d have to go with me if,,, say I snuck away to go down to the shore tomorrow. Where we used to go in the summer.” You grinned cheekily. 
“Yes, I would have to,” He admitted begrudgingly, “But, considering you have to handle preparations for the ambassadors stay, I would be forced to suggest waiting till after they leave on Friday.” 
You chuckled, “I like the way you think.” 
The morning of the ambassadors arrival came all too quickly, and you woke early, carefully dressing. 
There was a knock on the door, around 9:30, to which you sighed, “Come in.” 
Sam appeared in the door, holding a glass box, “His highness says you must wear this.” 
You look wearily at the small crown he was holding, then back at him, “You’re joking me.” 
He shook his head, “Dream insisted.” 
“Oh for XD’s sake.” you muttered, taking the box, and moving to set it atop your desk.
Slowly you extracted the crown, setting it gently atop your hair, adjusting it slightly in the mirror before turning to Sam, “How’s it look?” 
“Heavy.” He laughed. 
“Oh shut up,” You grumbled, moving past him into the corridor, “How long until the ambassador arrives?” 
“Half an hour or so.” He reported.
~~ Negotiations had began the moment Wilbur Soot and his cabinet members walked in the door, hardly leaving any time for introductions. 
You sat uncomfortably in your chair, these men were not like the ones you were expecting to be meeting. 
They were loud, harsh, and in the young blonde boys case, quite rude.
“Simply put, we don’t want to start a fight if we don’t have to, with you or any of the other neighboring  kingdoms.” Wilbur finished. 
Dream crossed his arms, looking at the treaty that had been placed in front of him, “You want our land?” 
“No, we only want a small piece of your land, just the farms that are technically within L’manburg’s borders,” The young Lord Tubbo clarified, “The original treaty clearly designates them to us.” 
“With all due respect, Mr. President, His Highness never agreed to the original terms.” Bad pointed out. 
George nodded, “Your nation has grown separately, never attached to us, the farms have never been yours.” 
Dream couldn’t help but chuckle as he cocked his head, “Your here for something else, aren’t you?” 
Wilbur sighed, “Yes, I suppose we are. Well, gentlemen, I should come clean. I come here seeking power. Something to put me at an advantage. I came here to ask for (y/n)’s hand in marriage.” 
“Excuse me?” You snapped, eyes wide. 
“You heard me. I wish to make you my betrothed, lord knows its the most you could accomplish in a life time.” He repeated, something malicious in his voice. 
The Dream SMP’s side of the table grew very tense. 
“I reject your proposal,” You stared him dead in the eye, “I would never marry a man like you.” 
Before anyone else could speak, you stood, “Perhaps you’ll work out a different arrangement. If you’ll excuse me.” 
With that you gracefully glided out of the room, loyal knight on your heels. 
It wasn’t until you reached the safety of the farthest garden from the castle that you felt like you could breath again. 
“I’ll kill him,” Sam muttered, pacing along the path, “No one speaks to you like that and gets away with it.” 
You sank onto a bench, pulling the crown from your head and running your hands through your hair, “He’s vile! The whole lot of them are!” 
“They’ll never get away with this. Everyone knows you’re mi-” He stopped himself, shaking his head. 
“Why, for a moment did it look like Dream was actually considering it?” You muttered, tears springing into the corners of your eyes. 
Sam quickly sat beside you, taking your hands, “Hey, I won’t let it happen. You’re- you belong here.... with me.” 
You looked up at him, with wide eyes, “Sam- you really mean that? With you? Truly you’d allow it?” 
Practically the whole palace staff had known since you’d first met Sam that you’d fallen for him. It had seemed like you were always destined to be together. 
“Yes, if you would.” 
You nodded, resting your forehead against his, “I would.” 
For a moment, the world seemed right. 
For a moment, nothing was wrong. 
For a moment, it seemed like there was a chance. 
Until a loud explosion rang through the castle, ripping through the tranquil morning.
Distantly you could hear screams of pain, yells of triumph and fights breaking out. 
Sam quickly stood, turning to the castle, where all the other guards seemed to be running too. 
Your shaky voice broke him from his almost trance, “What wrong dove?” 
“Sam they all had gladiolus flowers on there lapels. They all- the all had gladiolus on there lapels.” 
How you hadn’t realized it before you weren’t sure. 
“Gladiolus means ready- or armed.” You said quietly.
Sam stared at you for a moment, before someone else entered the garden, “You really shouldn’t have turned down that proposal (y/n)!” 
“Run!” Sam yelled, grabbing your hand to pull you along with him. 
You ran blindly with him, down the paths and toward the back of the garden. 
Sam pushed you toward the gap in the hedge, “Go! Down by the shore, where we used to go in the summer. Go! I’ll be there as soon as I can, lock yourself inside, and only open up for me.” 
You barley had time to think before he shoved you through the hedge, turning and drawing his sword to face Wilbur. 
~~ You stumbled along the path, you were almost there- almost there- almost to the abandoned light house. 
The sounds of fighting faded behind you as you tripped once more, picking yourself up and going even faster as the sea came into view. 
You threw yourself against the lighthouse door to get it to open, quickly closing it behind you and locking the door. 
You leaned against it, struggling to catch your breath. 
After a moment, your eyes adjusted to the light, and you looked around at the dusty space. 
When you were young, this had been Sam and yours special place, somewhere to avoid lessons. 
The only servant who’d known about it had helped you move furniture out there long ago, and the space seemed semi inhabitable. 
You fumbled to light a lamp, then found your way to a cabinet, looking for a cloth, or rag to clean with. 
Soon you were busying yourself with fixing the place up, desperately trying to ignore the fact that Sam was taking a very long time to get there. 
Once you finished the first floor you climbed the stone steps to the next, and began working there. 
Night had nearly fallen when you heard a rough knock at the door. 
Armed with a small paring knife you’d found in the old kitchen you crept to the door, peaking out the small window to check who it was. 
Quickly you unlocked the door, throwing it open and pulling Sam inside, “Holy shit Sam you had me so worried!” 
He grunted, moving to sit at the table you had turned upright, as you locked the door again. 
“Are you hurt at all?” 
He shook his head, “Just tired, I came the long way, to make sure no one was following. Are you alright?” 
You sighed with relief, “I’ll be okay, long as your here.” 
Sam smiled, “I’ll be here through thick and thin.” 
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stardusttrashed · 4 years
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Pairing: Professor Erwin x Fem! Reader, Sasha x Connie 
Word Count: 4K
Part 2
“Have you ever seen a man that good-looking?” You hummed at Sasha’s comment, not even bothering to look up from your screen to see who she was referring to. “I mean, wow! He’s like a greek god or something.” 
Connie rolled his eyes in amusement at his girl’s rambles. “He does have nice eyebrows,” he joined in.
She whipped her head towards Connie with a dumbfounded smile. “Right?! He could probably cut someone with those cheekbones.” 
With a sigh, you looked up from your laptop, finally indulging the two. “Who’s the so-called Greek god,” you asked in an unamused tone. Your eyes followed Sasha’s finger through the fairly empty coffee shop until they landed on a man sitting alone by the window.
Sasha was right, which didn’t often happen unless it involved food. He was intimidatingly perfect, chiseled from his face to his body. The sunlight hung around him like a cloak, providing an angelic glow that shadowed his strong cheekbones and jawline. He leaned casually in the chair, his large frame towering over the plastic structure as his arm rested on the table. His hand loosely held onto the cup in front of him, ever ready to take another sip. His other hand held a book in the air. The book looked small in his hands like it was merely a phone. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as he glanced up from his book, giving you a perfect view of his face. You couldn’t believe your eyes. More accurately, you couldn’t believe the cerulean eyes and incredibly thick eyebrows you saw. “You’re shitting me,” you breathed in disbelief. Sasha and Connie turned to face you with curious expressions. You bit back a girlish smile and shook your head, “it’s nothing.” You shrugged off their unconvinced looks and quickly added, “I just, uh, I used to have him as a teacher.”
Sasha’s eyes practically bulged out of her head at your words, “you’re telling me you had that-” she gestured to the man across the room, “- for a teacher, and I’m just now hearing about this?! How’d you even focus? What’d he teach? Was he always this good-looking? Does he still teach?” Connie opened his mouth to interject, but Sasha cut him off by placing her finger on his lips. “No, I’m going to Mystery inc. this and get to the bottom of this. She’s been withholding valuable information!”
You let out a chuckle and ducked your head in embarrassment. “It’s not that big of a deal,” you trailed off. “It was years ago. He probably doesn’t even remember me.” You tried to sound as carefree as possible despite the butterflies at the thought.
“That’s not what I-” Sasha quickly shut her mouth as another voice joined the conversation. 
“I thought it was you,” a smooth husky voice cut in. You looked up to see the greek god smiling gently at you. His thick eyebrows knitted together nervously when you didn’t reply after a moment. “Y/n, right?”
Your cheek warmed as your name fell from his lips. It fell from his lips so naturally like it belonged there, filling you with an indescribable warmth. “Mr. Smith,” you breathed as a giddy smile formed on your lips. “It’s been a while.” You wet your lips as you not so subtly looked him up and down. He was a lot more muscular now than he was a few years ago. He had practically doubled in size since you last saw him. The rolled-up sleeves of his off-white button-up shirt clung to his arms desperately. A few buttons were left open, allowing you to catch a glimpse of his collarbone. 
Sasha was right. He was nothing short of a greek god. He was enough to make statues envious.
The worry in Erwin’s face dissipated into a dreamy grin, “far too long.” You looked exactly like he remembered you, gorgeous. He cleared his throat as he looked down at the book in his hand. “I was passing by and saw you,” his icy blue eyes met yours. “I was going to ask if you would like to catch up, but I see you’re busy.”
“She’d love to,” Connie quickly answered for you, nudging Sasha under the table. 
“Yeah, don’t worry about us,” Sasha stammered as she rose from her seat. “We had things planned anyway.”
“Right,” you drawled, turning your attention towards the couple that was preparing to leave. 
“Yeah, so we’ll see ya later,” Connie hurriedly responded. His words spilled out like water from a broken dam as he gathered your stuff for you. You opened your mouth to protest, but you knew anything you said would only fall on deaf ears. Connie stood up and walked off hand and hand with Sasha.
You could hear their mischievous giggles until they were finally out of sight. You shook your head with a chuckle before looking back up at Erwin. “Well, Mr. Smith, it looks like you’re in luck. My schedule just so happened to free up.” You shrugged, flashing him a gentle smile, “what a coincidence.” 
“Looks like it was meant for us to catch up,” Erwin remarked with a nervous chuckle. He offered his hand to you, helping you out of your seat. He tucked his book under his arm, freeing his other hand so he could grab your bag for you before handing it to you.
A bashful smile graced your lips at his actions as you mumbled a quiet ‘thank you.’ You had always pictured him as quite a gentleman, but his chivalrous acts melted your heart. You walked by his side quietly until you reached a nearby park. Erwin led you under a tree, stopping you so he could lay his jacket on the ground for you to sit on.
“Hope you’re not trying to impress me, Mr. Smith,” you giggled, sitting down on his suit jacket. Your hands absentmindedly busied themselves, smoothing out the wrinkles in his coat.
“Just doing what feels right.” He chortled as he sat beside you. “And it’s just Erwin.”
“Alright, just Erwin,” you joked in a silky voice. 
He laughed his first real laugh of the day, the sound coming from deep with his stomach. “Still as witty as ever.” His ocean eyes never left your face once, too stunned to look anywhere else. 
He could still remember the first time he laid eyes on you. You took his breath away from the very beginning. Every part of you intrigued him, from your looks to your brain. The way the sun shined off your melanin skin made you look like nothing short of a goddess in his eyes. The golden highlight was almost too much for him to take. There was a glow about you that he couldn’t find anywhere else no matter how hard he looked. It didn’t matter if you were outside or under the dead fluorescent lights of the classroom, you were a star, demanding attention without ever really trying. 
“Wow,” he breathed quietly after a moment. “You haven’t changed a bit.”
You giggled shyly and rolled your eyes. “Wish I could say the same about you. You look like you could give Chris Evans a run for his money.” You enjoyed the small blush spreading across his cheeks. “I’m serious. The Mr. Smith- er, Erwin I knew wasn’t as,” you trailed off, growing too embarrassed to continue. You looked down at your pants instead, picking at the threads.
Erwin was thankful you stopped yourself from continuing. He didn’t think his cheeks could handle any more compliments from you. Had you continued, he probably would’ve ended up looking like a tomato. “Thank you.” He scratched the back of his neck embarrassedly.
You fought back a cheeky smile as you noticed him timidly look away. Despite his outer appearance, he was a big softie. It was like being next to the big friendly giant. “So, what do you do for a living nowadays? You still a teacher?”
“I am actually, they made me one of the official creative writing professors. It doesn’t leave much free time for writing anymore, but I love it nonetheless.” He smiled wistfully as he watched the people walk past. A few quiet moments passed before he brought his attention back to you. “Y’know, I’ve seen a lot of bright students come and go, but none have been quite as amusing as you.” Erwin bit the inside of his cheek, hoping he wasn’t being too forward. 
You shrugged off his comment, oblivious to their hinting undertone, “we were a good class and your first class. Of course, we’re going to leave an impression on you.”
He hummed thoughtfully in reply as if that wasn’t what he was getting at. “What about you? What’d you end up doing?”
“I guess you can say I took after my favorite teacher and became a writer.” You glanced at him through the corner of your eye, gauging his reaction.
“I was your favorite teacher?” Erwin couldn’t help the bashful smile that forced its way onto his face. 
“Wow,” you dragged out dramatically with a teasing smile. You met Erwin’s steady gaze and playfully pushed his arm. It took every ounce of self-control not to leave your hand resting on his bicep. You pushed the thought aside, choosing to continue to tease him instead. “Someone’s cocky! You aren’t the only teacher I had who wrote.”
“Then who, if I may ask, was it?”
“Just some teacher, you probably wouldn’t know them. Y’know big campus and all.” You shrugged nonchalantly. 
“Right,” Erwin drawled out with an amused smile. “Well, just in case you ever need some help or a writing buddy-,” he fished around in his pockets before pulling his phone out, “-maybe I should give you my number.” His eyes flashed down to his phone. “Just assuming your favorite professor is busy or anything.” 
You chewed on your lip, fighting back a playful smile. “Of course, there’s no such thing as too many connections.” Erwin hummed in response, handing you his phone. Your breath caught in your throat as his fingers gently brushed against yours. 
“Ah,” you exclaimed once you caught sight of the time, “crap! I told him I told Eren I wouldn’t be late again.” You groaned, handing back the phone as you scrambled to your feet. “I’m sorry I have to go,” you sent Erwin an apologetic smile. “It was really nice catching up. We should do it again sometime! Ugh, hopefully, Armin is there to make sure  he doesn’t kill me.”
Erwin opened his mouth to remind you about the phone but decided against it at the last minute. “Be safe,” he called out to you as you ran off. He wasn’t even sure you had heard him, probably too caught up in rushing to hear clearly. His eyes followed your frame until it disappeared in the crowded streets. A disappointed sigh fell from his lips. Letting you leave the second time wasn’t any easier than the first. He thought maybe this time would be different. This time he would have the courage to ask you to stay without any restrictions. 
He chuckled at himself as he stood up and gathered his things. Here he was pitying himself over the fact that you had left again. Yet, fate had brought you together twice already. If he had the chance to see you again, he promised himself that he would let you walk away so easily. After all, they say third times the charm. 
“What is it,” Levi asked, earning a quiet hum from Erwin. He took a sip of tea before continuing. “You keep scanning the room like you’re looking for someone,” he noted. “You’ve barely paid attention to any conversation. Plus,” Levi set his cup down before leaning his chin on his hand, “you made us drive thirty minutes to go to a coffee shop even though you have one walking distance from your house. So, what’s so special about this place?” He leaned back in his chair, resting his elbow on the back of it. “Cause apparently, it’s not the coffee.”
Erwin looked down at his still full cup of coffee, which was now lukewarm at best. He chuckled embarrassedly, hoping the sudden warmth he was experiencing was just his imagination. His order was long forgotten, his mind too preoccupied with thoughts of you. “Guess I’ve been caught,” he smiled embarrassedly.
“You’re kidding right,” Sasha yelled at you as you walked through the door. “You left Mr. Perfect without giving him your number.  To go be with Eren?” She looked to Connie with a baffled expression for support. “Am I the only one who sees how stupid that was?”
“Relax already,” you sighed. You had already gotten this speech before over text. You got it repeatedly, actually, at least once every day for the past week. “I know. I wasn’t thinking-.”
“Oh, I know,” she cut you off. “That’s like you having a perfectly juicy steak handed to you, just for you to reject it for a cold chicken nugget.”
“Eren is cute in his own way,” you tried to defend him only to be completely ignored. 
“Well, Armin is more like a steak too, just a little one,” Connie chimed in as he read the menu. 
“True. Wait, no, that’s not the point.” She stopped mid-rant to tell the cashier her order. “The point is she had-.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” You paused to put in your order before following Sasha to your usual table. “I left Erwin to go meet up with Eren, who was fucking late anyways.”
“Yeah, sure, no worries. No need to pitch in or offer; I got it,” Connie grumbled as he paid. He trailed behind you and Sasha, plopping down in his usual spot with a childish huff. 
“Thank you, lovebug,” Sasha cooed, pecking his cheek. “You’re the best, unlike some people.” She glared playfully at you from the corner of her eye. 
You sighed melodramatically, practically rolling your eyes into the back of your head. “How long are you going to hold this over me?”
“She’ll think about the answer to that while you go get our drinks,” Connie answered for her with a devilish smirk. 
“Wow,” you drawled with a feigned hurt expression, “you too, Connie?” You shook your head disappointedly, “can’t trust no one.” You begrudgingly walked over to the counter where three drinks sat. You nearly dropped the cup in your hands as a familiar voice spoke up behind you. 
“Mind if I give you a hand?”  
“Erwin,” you gasp, jumping harder than you’d like. The scalding tea on your skin left little time for you to feel embarrassed. “Ah,” you hissed under your breath as you quickly placed the cup back on the counter. “Fuck.”
“Apologies,” Erwin quickly stepped in beside you, “I didn’t mean to scare you.” Without thinking, he took your hand into his own, cradling it like you were made of glass. His warm hands were nothing in comparison to the rising heat in your cheeks as he gently wiped your hand with a napkin. “I just wanted to say ‘hi,’” he continued in a low bashful voice.
You couldn’t help the soft giggles that tumbled from your lips. There he was, being a big friendly giant again. You looked up at him for the first time, watching the way his brows furrowed with concern. “Well, I’m glad you did.” You gave his hand a grateful squeeze, “wasn’t sure if I’d get to see you again. I definitely need all the help I can get with my new project.”
“I- uh, well,” he stumbled over his words, quickly retracting his hand from yours. He carefully grabbed all three cups. “Where to?” He felt childish getting this flustered over just being around you. The small smile on your face was enough to send his heart into overtime. 
You plucked your cup from his hand, gingerly taking a sip. With a nod, you led him to your table. 
“Took you long en-ah!” Sasha’s eyes bulged out of her head as her eyes landed on the towering figure behind you. “What the hell,” she exclaimed, causing a few curious glances to be cast in her direction. “I- you,” she focused her gaze on you, “how’d you manage to find the greek god again?”
Your eyebrows shot up more in embarrassment than in surprise. Sasha was never once for subtleties, always the most outspoken one of the group. You set your cup down with a sigh. “I’m sorry about her,” you turned to him with an apologetic. “Erwin meet Sasha and Connie-,” you took their cups from his hands and set them on the table, “-Sasha and Connie meet Erwin.”
Connie nodded in acknowledgment, “feel free to sit with us.” You could tell he was trying to play it cool for your sake. Truth be told, Sasha had him just as invested in the man as she was. It probably wasn’t the healthiest, but it damn sure is fun. Who needed reality tv when they could just watch you?
Erwin could feel your hopefully expectant gaze focus on him, yet his eyes remained trained on Connie. Probably to keep him from turning any redder. He was already on the verge of becoming a tomato as it is. “I actually came here with a friend.” 
“Invite him over,” Sasha blurted out. She ignored the way you momentarily glared daggers at her for pushing the subject. “The more, the merrier.”
They both looked like they had turned to putty as Erwin chuckled quietly. If you didn’t know any better you would’ve thought they were the ones with a crush on him. Not that you had a crush on him. You just liked admiring the man and being around him. “Guys-.”
“So this is why you’ve been dragging me here every day,” a cold, unfamiliar voice cut in. His voice alone was enough to send chills down your spine. So much so that you nearly missed that he said Erwin was coming here every day. Even Sasha and Connie straightened up under his presence. “Interesting. Mind if I take a seat?”
You turned to the man, catching his piercing eyes finish looking you up and down. He was shorter and leaner than Erwin, but something about his presence made him seem like the more intimidating of the two. “Y-yeah, sure.” You paused for a while, allowing his words to register in your mind.
“Everyone, meet Levi,” Erwin broke the silence as he took a seat next to you. “Levi, meet Sasha, Connie, and Y/n.” 
“So you’ve been coming here every day,” you blurted out, getting the attention of everyone. You waited for an answer but only received a bashful smile. Your mind was moving a mile a minute. You were sure you were making a bigger deal of this than necessary. 
“Starting to think he doesn’t come here for the drinks,” Levi said smugly, answering for Erwin. “Or maybe I’m just imagining things,” he mumbled into his cup.
You took a seat between Levi and Erwin, your eyes never leaving his frame. 
“Y’know, I like this place a lot,” Sasha chimed in, barely able to hide her cheeky smile. “But I don’t think the scenery is great enough to make me come here every day.”
“I’ve definitely had better coffee,” Connie shrugged. 
“Tea is nothing to brag about either,” Levi agreed despite taking another sip from his cup.
You could feel the embarrassment radiating off of Erwin. With every new playfully dig, it seemed harder to get him to meet your gaze. His ocean eyes landed everywhere but on you. 
“That’s an interesting-looking napkin, huh,” you asked teasingly in a voice only he could hear. He glanced at you through the corner of his eye, a smirk tugging on the corner of his lips.
“Well, the prices are nice, though,” Sasha continued to tease slyly. You glanced over at Sasha with an exasperated glare, which she shrugged off. “So, Levi- was it- how do you know Erwin?”
“You’re loving this aren’t you,” Erwin groaned, finally bringing his eyes up to meet your own. He was enjoying every minute of looking at your playful smile, basking in the welcoming warmth. He shook his head with a chuckle, already knowing your answer from the mischievous glint in your eyes.
“Oh, every minute,” you giggled as you pointed a finger at his rosy cheeks. “Between you being a tomato and finding out Erwin the Greek god Smith came here looking for me-.” 
“Cocky much?” Erwin flashed a dashing smile, “who said I was looking for you?”
You nodded, holding back a laugh. “Oh, right, of course. How silly of me.” You took your phone out with a shrug, “guess there’s no point in asking for your number then.” Erwin opened his mouth as if he was about to protest but quickly closed it.  
“Hey,” Sasha interjected with a huff. “What’s the fun in making fun of you two if y’all just go into your own little la-la lands.” 
“We weren’t,” you stammered before getting cut off by Connie.
“Were. We had a whole conversation, and you two didn’t even notice,” he stated matter of factly with a shrug before his mischievous grin returned to his lips. “At least exchange phone numbers this time.”
You stared at him wide-eyed, far too embarrassed to glare or come up with a retort. Your mouth opened and closed a few times like a gasping fish before you decided to keep your mouth closed with a huff. Just as you were about to change the subject, you noticed Erwin reach for your phone lying on the table. 
“We were actually just getting to that,” Erwin replied with a cocky yet teasing grin. It was like someone flipped a switch on him. He was no longer this huge blushy and shy giant next to you. He exuded confidence but never crossed over into being cocky or egotistical. He took your phone in his hand and handed it to you so you could unlock it. “Y’know before we were interrupted from our ‘la la land’ and all.”
Sasha looked to you with a surprised expression as if asking for confirmation. You weren’t sure which was more shocking to her, that you were actually about to exchange numbers or that Erwin was finally retaliating. You mimicked Connie’s nonchalant shrug from a few moments ago as you unlocked your phone for Erwin. 
Everyone seemed to be on the edge of their seats as Erwin typed in his contact information. Even Levi was visibly intrigued, though he tried to hide under his regular hardened and uninterested expression. Erwin didn’t notice anyone but you, however. All he could feel was your warmth beside him and your gaze locked on his hands. Having your undivided attention made him want to type even slower. 
“Geez, what are you, a turtle? Actually, I think I’ve seen turtles move faster,” you teased with a nervous chuckle. The sudden quiet atmosphere at the table was too much. You felt the need to say something. Was that the best? Probably not.
Erwin laughed a throaty laugh, “someone seems eager.” His eyes flitted up to yours, “guess I shouldn’t be surprised. You were the same way in class. That’s probably why you were one of my favorites. But I feel the need to remind you,” he handed you your phone, “sometimes taking things slow is what makes it fun.”
The way he held your gaze sent your mind into a drunken-like daze. He was intoxicating in every way, completely taking over your mind until all you could think of was you and him. “Dealing with all these writing deadlines might’ve made me forget that.” You leaned closer, resting your chin in your palm. “Maybe I need a demonstration to help jog my memory.”
Erwin looked at you with a lopsided smirk. His eyes trailed down your face, landing on your lips longer than he intended. Every ounce of him wanted to take you up on the suggestion, but he wasn’t sure if you were being serious or just teasing. 
“There you two go again,” Levi interrupted. You quickly sat back in your chair, creating room between you and Erwin. You could faintly make out a small chuckle from Levi. “If you two wanted to be alone, all you had to do was ask.”
“N-no,” you quickly stammered. “It’s not like that.” You couldn’t help the heat rising to your cheeks. “It’s just-,” you glanced at Erwin with a small smile, “-it’s nice seeing one of my favorite teachers again.”
“I sure hope your classroom wasn’t filled with as much sexual tension,” Sasha murmured. 
Erwin raised an eyebrow in confusion. His mouth opened as if he was going to say something, but closed into a tight line. 
“On that note, I should get going.” You quickly rose from your seat, avoiding making eye contact with Erwin. “Got another meeting with Jeager-bomb.” Sasha practically rolled her eyes into the back of her head but kept her mouth shut. At least you got his number before running off again. “Bye, guys! Oh, and it was nice meeting you, Levi.” You finally let your fall on Erwin, who had a somewhat expectant look on his face. “I’ll call you the next time I need help,” you couldn’t fight the girlish smile tugging on your lips.
“I look forward to it.”
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cherryatiny · 4 years
𝙏𝙖𝙭𝙞 𝙤𝙛 𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙬 - 𝙅.𝙔𝙃
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⩥𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝙩𝙖𝙭𝙞 𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧!𝙅𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙔𝙪𝙣𝙝𝙤 (𝘼𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙯) 𝙭 𝙛!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
⩥𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: 𝙨𝙢𝙪𝙩, 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩, 𝙣𝙤𝙣-𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙡 𝘼𝙐
⩥𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 3,0𝙠
⩥𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: 𝘽𝙤𝙩𝙝, 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙨𝙨'𝙨 𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖 𝙧𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠-𝙪𝙥 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙩𝙖𝙭𝙞-𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙚
⩥𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠 𝙪𝙥, 𝙖𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙝𝙤𝙡 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 (𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙄'𝙢 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜), 𝙘𝙖𝙧 𝙨𝙚𝙭, 𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙩 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮, 𝙨𝙞𝙯𝙚 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙠, 𝙪𝙣𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙭 (𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙡), 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙖 𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖, 𝙩𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙪𝙡𝙜𝙚
Salty tears already at the brim of eyes, from the harsh words that came out of her bosses mouth. All this only because she submitted a work, one hour later than she was supposed to.
As she sat down at her desk, her head fallen in her palms, trying hard to stop herself from starting to cry. No crying in front of her boss. She can’t show him how his words affected her, how it breaks her when someone doesn’t validate her hard work and shouts at her.
Turning off her PC and arranging her work for the next day, the young girl was prepared to leave work and go home where her loving boyfriend Hyunsoo was waiting, the sound of her phone’s notification stopping her actions.
Picking up her smartphone and opening it with her fingermark, she saw a notification from Hyunsoo, quickly opening it to see what he wanted. If he hadn’t burnt the kitchen while trying to cook, it should be okay. At least that’s what she thought.
HyunHyun: Y/N, let’s break up
HyunHyun: I know it’s lame to announce through a message
HyunHyun: I didn’t want to see you cry, it’ll make me regret my actions
HyunHyun: But I just can’t keep on pretending my feelings for someone, when I lost them a long time ago
HyunHyun: I’ve already taken my belongings from your flat, so you don’t have to bother with it
HyunHyun: I found a girl I’m really happy to be with
HyunHyun: And I hope you’ll also find someone, who’ll be the right one and make you happy
HyunHyun: But it’s not me
HyunHyun: Live a good life, Y/N, you deserve only the best
She couldn’t believe what she just saw. Her now ex-boyfriend broke up with her. Over a text. The incident with her boss already forgotten as tears spilt down her cheeks. Eyes redder than blood, mascara running down her cheeks, and the top of her blouse already soaked from the tears.
This can’t be happening to her, not now, not today. She and Hyunsoo were meant to be, this must be some misunderstanding. She rushed home, only to find an empty flat, no more Hyunsoo’s dirty t-shirts, no sink full of unwashed bowls and plates, only his keys laying on the kitchen counter with a note.
„My keys.
When we run into each other one day, let’s not feel any hatred or malice. My feelings for you were sincere, unfortunately, they disappeared over the years, I still wish you the best.
- HyunHyun“
„Like... can you believe what he did, what a jerk. Break up with me through a message? He couldn’t even grow a pair and say it to my face, coward.“
Y/N has been babbling to her friend about her ex for over 2 hours now, still not understanding the fact how could he break up with her over a text.
„Look Y/N, I’m not going to comfort you with those stupid lines like ‘it is not your fault’, ‘it is his loss’, ‘maybe he was not the one’, but maybe just think of this as an opportunity to meet someone better, someone, who will love you and won’t meet other women behind your back.“
„I know, I know Sora, but I just, wasn’t prepared for this, he could have at least say it to my face and not act like he loved me for over three years. Today is really the worst day ever, my boss scolded me for nothing today, then Hyunsoo broke up with me, and now I’m probably going to throw up, from how bad this alcohol taste.“
Y/N sighed and kept playing with the straw in her drink, thinking about how hopeless everything was. She was about to lose her job and now she had no one who will comfort her after a bad day at work.
„Sora let’s go to a club, what do you think? Dance the sorrow away and hook up with some guys. You know, my sex life with Hyunsoo was disastrous, most of the time he couldn’t even get it up, and when he did, he came after a few minutes and left me with no orgasm. Now I’m finally free to get some good dick, without cheating on anyone.“
„Y/N aren’t you a bit tipsy? Let’s do this another day since you’re too drunk and afflicted, I don’t want you to do something stupid, you’ll regret it the next morning. I’ll call you a taxi to take you home, honey.“
Sora picked her phone up and dialled a phone number of a taxi driver, ordering the taxi to come pick up Y/N at the bar.
„The taxi was near, so it'll be here in 5 minutes, get your coat and try to not forget anything.”
As the two girls paid for their drinks, they went outside the bar to wait for the taxi. Autumn breeze caressing their cheeks, with coldness, colourful leaves falling on the path.
Soon after a yellow car with a 'TAXI' written on the side, was nearing the two figures. Sora opened the door, to talk to the taxi driver.
„Hey, um please take my friend Y/N to ***, she's a little bit drunk and afflicted, so if she starts babbling nonsense, don't mind her.”
The taxi driver smiled and nodded in understatement to Sora's words, as she pulled Y/N closer to her, to help her get into the back of the car. Y/N resisted and rather sat at the front
„Bye Y/N, call me when you get home and make yourself some good green tea to flow away the toxins and alcohol. And eat something, you'll get sober faster.”
Y/N waved her hand at her and closed the door, finally sighing and relieving after the hard day.
The car ride was quiet, the driver probably didn't want to make it awkward and force her to talk, since she was probably nauseous, but it had the opposite effect because of the awkward silence. The fact that Y/N couldn't get her eyes off the driver, didn't make it any better.
Dark piercing eyes, focused on the road, as his big, veiny hands with long and slim fingers tapped on the steering wheel. Occasionally twirling it to the right or left. His black hair with middle-part showing off part of his forehead making him even more attractive, if that was possible. She just couldn't take her eyes off the handsome man.
„Uhm, do you want me to turn on the radio or do you wanna talk maybe...?”
„You can talk, I'll just listen.. tell me something about you Mr. taxi driver”
„Well, I don't really have anything to talk about, but if that's what you want, your wish is my command I guess. Uhm... my name is Yunho, and I've been a taxi driver for two years, apart from that, my life is just pretty boring, when I don't work I usually go to the dance studio or am out with my friends, that's all I really don't know what to talk about.”
„Okay if you don't want to talk, then listen pretty boy, this is the worst day of my life, I was the whipping-boy for my boss today and then my boyfriend broke up with me after cheating on me... why did this happen to me? I did nothing wrong in my life, all I did was work hard and this is how society repays me. Can you believe it?”
„Well, look, I’m a single taxi-driver. I have no boss or a partner who’d cheat on me, so I don’t think I can give you any valued advice, but maybe try to be more positive? Think of it as an opportunity, to meet someone better I guess.“
'The sane shit Sora told me' thought Y/N. She lied back on her seat as the car stopped because of a traffic jam. With the alcohol banging in her head, she leaned a bit closer, her hand landing on Yunho’s muscular thigh to stabilize herself. Yunho could feel her hot breath on his neck as she just noiselessly stared at him.
„Y/N ehm.. what are you doing.“
„Just observing you. You know Yunho, you’re much more attractive than my ex, I would swap you two right away.“
„I think you’re too drunk, Y/N. Just wait until we get to the address your friend gave me, I think the traffic jam will go away soon.“
As Yunho said that, Y/N just moved her hand more up his thigh, close to his crotch, her fingertips fiddling with the material of his jeans. His breathing quickening, his legs shaking as he saw the traffic moving, leg accelerating the speed by stepping in the accelerator.
„Y/N-ah... you’re drunk.“
Yunho pulled the car over to the side of the road, in the middle of nothing. No cars, no people. Perfect. His hands fell and gripped her wrists. He knew this wasn't right, she was his customer after all, but he couldn't resist.
„Don’t start what you can’t handle.“
He turned to look at Y/N’s flushed face, leaning closer to her, lips attacking her neck and leaving kitten licks and bites. His hand going up to her thigh, slipping under her skirt, rubbing her clit through the material of her panties.
„Spread your legs for me, baby.“
Yunho pulled his seat down into a horizontal position, tapping his thighs, motioning for Y/N to straddle his lap. Y/N undid her seat-belt and sat on Yunho’s crotch, his bulge getting more and more visible as arousal filled the car.
Yunho let his hand do the magic, as soft and drunk moans left Y/N’s lips. Yunho connecting their lips, his tongue slipping into her mouth to suppress her moans.
As he broke up the connection between their lips a string of saliva dripping down their lips on the seat.
Her hips brushing and grinding on him, the material of his jeans stimulating her clitoris delicately. Leaning in to unzip his leather jacket. Yunho stripped of his t-shirt as Y/N did the same with her dress, leaving her only in her panties and bra, which didn’t last long as Yunho sat and adjusted himself, his chest pressing against her as he unclipped her bra, letting it fall.
„Are you sure you want to-“
„Shut up and kiss me.“
„Oh baby, you’re not the one to give commands.”
His hands wrapped around her, pulling her down to lay on top of him, his lips kissing her hungrily, his hands coming up to grasp her breasts.
„Unzip my pants and fuck yourself on my big cock, as I suck on these pretty tits.“
Y/N clenched on nothing, his dirty words arousing her more than she expected, whimpering and adjusting herself on his much bigger figure. Her fingers unzipped his jeans and pulled them down along with his boxers to his knees. Subconsciously gulping at the sight of his erected cock, certainly the biggest dick she’s ever seen or had in her. How the fuck was it going to fit?
„Impressed? Get to work then. I’m sure your pretty little pussy will take it.“
She grabbed his member and slid it along her lips, wetting his tip with her slick, as she positioned his tip to her entrance. Sinking slowly to let herself adjust to his size, moans and whimpers left her swollen lips.
„Fuck baby, you're taking me so well, so tight and warm.”
Y/N let her hips sink up and down on Yunho's bottom, his hands found their way to cup her breasts. Fondling and caressing them. His fingertips rubbing and pinching her hardened nipples. Hands roaming all over her body, enjoying the view of Y/N fucking herself on his big dick.
Seeing the pleasure in her eyes and feeling the knot creating in his lower stomach, signalizing his climax, his fingers went lower and lower, down to where their bodies were connected, parting her folds which glistened from all the arousal.
His thumb pressing against her clit, Y/N’s walls clenching around Yunho’s length from the unexpected pleasure, sharp inhales were heard as the feeling of his thumb pressing against her nub added to the pleasure of his girthy dick hitting her g-spot. His thumb began to draw circles around her clit, bringing Y/N closer to her orgasm.
Her smaller frame spasming on top of him, hands gripping on the seat under them, juices spilling on his dick as her velvet walls clenched around him.
„Cu-cum in me Yunho, I’m on the pill“ blabbering leaving her lips, as Yunho thrust his hips into hers from below as he released his semen into her hole.
Yunho flipped both of them, so that he was on top, as he looked at her fucked figure, Y/N still breathing heavily from the intense session with him. His lips attaching themself to her neck and collar bones, licking and biting marks on her.
Moans left her lips at Yunho’s dirty words, nodding her head as she looked at the handsome man on top of her, his broad shoulders and muscular chest, covering her frame, feeling so small underneath him. His hands grabbing her legs as he bends them in knees, to help him position himself better in between her legs.
„Fuck, Y/N, you felt so good, I loved the way your tits bounced as you fucked yourself on me, so pretty for me.
Maybe I should be the one to fuck you this time, fuck the cum deep into your cunt, would you like that beautiful?“
„Put your legs on my shoulders.“
Y/N straightened her legs and laid them on his shoulders, Yunho wrapping his hands around them and leaving small kisses on them, going from her ankles up to her thighs. Detaching himself from her legs, he positioned his tip by her pussy, smacking it on her clit, and slipping into her.
Y/N shuddered as his girth stretched her hole, still not used to the feeling, stretching her far beyond what she was used to. Containing her whimpers as Yunho started to slam his hips into her, holding her by her legs to keep her in the place.
She held onto his shoulders, to stabilise herself, so she’s not bouncing too much on the seat, crying out from the position of Yunho’s hips, The angle hitting her g-spot repeatedly. Beads of sweat creating on his exposed forehead, their heavy panting filling the small space of the taxi car.
His eyes diverting down from her beautiful face, the bulge in her stomach catching his attention. Fingers going down to caress and press on it. Loving the way her small body couldn’t even take his dick.
„Aww baby, look at the bulge in your tummy, do you see how your small body can’t take my big dick, so small and fragile, I just want to wreck you and see you break apart on my dick.“
Whimpers leaving her mouth from the sight of the bulge in her stomach, pout forming on her lips, Yunho loved the way her eyes shut tightly.
„Don’t grit your teeth and let those sinful sounds come out, tell me how good I make you feel.“
Only blabbers leaving her mouth as she tried to say something.
„Oh so cute, is my dick making you feel so good that you can’t even say something coherent? Are you going to cum soon, baby?“
„Y-yes ah Yunho.“ Tears spilling out of her shut eyes from the endless thrusts of his hips into her bottom half. Feeling Y/N cum all over him, it took only a few more thrust of his hips to release himself into her, loud grunts falling from his lips.
When they both came down from their climaxes, their breath steadying. Kissing her lips and sitting down to dress himself and then dress Y/N.
„Yunho? Uhm, do you want to come over? You know... to clean yourself and maybe eat something, I’m a pretty good cook.“
„I’d love that, Y/N.“
„Uhm, I-I’ll get you a towel and something to get dressed in, so you can shower while I cook...“
As Yunho dressed her, Y/N sat down on the passenger seat, he pulled his seat up and drove to the final destination which was Y/N’s place.
As Y/N unlocked the door to her quiet and empty apartment, they both stepped in.
„No, either you go shower and I cook, or you shower with me and then we’ll cook together.“
„Shower together it is then.“
Y/N intervened her fingers with Yunho’s as she took him into the shower. Both of them rubbing off the dirt of each other as they laughed and smiled together. The smell of bubblegum and flower shampoo filling the air.
„Y/N stay still as I dry you.“
They both bundled each other into bathrobes soft and fluffy smiles on their faces. Putting on some underwear underneath those bathrobes, the two of them went to the kitchen to cook something to eat. Deciding to make some broccoli pasta with cheese, since broccoli was the only thing in her empty refrigerator.
„Eat Y/N, it’ll help you get sober faster, don’t make me feed you...“
Even though it might not be understandable for some people, the two of them felt like they’ve known each other forever and a day.
Y/N rubbed her eyes, quiet snores were coming out of the manly figure laying next to her, his strong arm wrapped around her waist, keeping her close to his bare and warm chest, his face snuggled into the crook of her neck. Maybe Hyunsoo’s idea to break-up with you wasn’t that bad after all...
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yandere-sins · 4 years
Dear Valentine,
POV: You are finally getting ready to move out the next week, but on Sunday - Valentine’s Day - you find an adorned letter in your mailbox.
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Dear Valentine,
Today is a lonely day for me, as I cannot spend it closer by your side.
Whether we only exist in my mind or not doesn’t matter to me because I know we are meant to be together. Other people need proof like kisses and rings, but it’s enough for me that I know it in my heart, and so should you. Never forget that I am but a blink of an eye away from you, to catch your tears, caress your lips, or fill in your loneliness.
Every night I reflect on the things you do, the words you say, and the gestures you make throughout the day. I remember the gentle embraces and touches of your hands you did to me a while ago. It might have slipped your knowledge that I climbed into your bed and held you all night long, but not my memories.
I will never forget.
But if I end up forgetting, I hope you can forgive me, for I’ll come and visit you again. Next time, I want to kiss and touch you, more dearly so than I did before. But it takes courage, Sweetheart, and I hope you can understand that locked doors and shut curtains don’t help me soothe the anxiety I feel. I know you are waiting for me inside your apartment, and I am doing what I can to reach you. To let you know, I am here. I adore you still, even if the world tries to tell you otherwise, Dear.
I know what the people say. I hear their whispers. They think I am no good, that I will hurt you, but let me tell you that when you are with me, you are the safest you will ever be. My love can move mountains on your order, and I shall carry you on my shoulders like Atlas carries the world. With me, no feather in your pillow will sting you, no tea burn your tongue. No matter how long, how hard, or how tedious the work will be, I will do it so you can experience true bliss through my acts.
Every morning I shall wake you, massage every aching you might experience. I will prepare the bath for you and smooth every inch of your skin with my hands. I would adorn you with my kisses, affirm you with my words. You’d never leave the bathroom without knowing how precious you are. My hands are yours, waiting for you to tell them where to go and what to do. There’s not one thing about you that would raise any questions in my mind, induce any change in my love. Only I can love you like this. Completely. Truly. Unconditionally. There is nothing more important for my whole existence than you are. All those worries, social pressure, and expectations. Do. Not. Exist. in my arms. I am a herald, a doting worshipper, and a firm believer of you. No matter who you are or what you do, I am the safe harbor you can always enter. No judgment or rebuke will find you where I am.
You don’t have to ask for anything, for I know what you like even if you don’t speak loudly. I’ll feed you, and I will provide for you, fulfill all your wishes, and I ask for nothing more than for you to be with me. I will make sure you feel my love much more than this nasty, little piece of shit that lays beside you at night, pretends to love you. They don’t even hold you in their arms as they sleep, whereas I wouldn’t let go of you for a second my entire life. We both know that they aren’t who they claim to be; that their words are empty bullets shot at your sweet, loving heart. Their love is nothing but a pretense to gain your dedication to them. They don’t love you! They don’t care about you!
But I care. I care so, so much. So much that my heart feels like bursting just thinking of the smell of your lotion or the breath-robbing sound of your laughter.
And I am right here, you’d just need to let my name fall off your sweet, tender lips, and I will whisk you away before the next dawn, never to return to the place that brings you so much sadness and heartbreak. Your family doesn’t like me, for I will bring you happiness - something they could never. I know how much you suffer, following their instructions and what they think is good for you. Even though they think I could be dangerous! As if I ever could! But I... I’d much rather catch your words with my lips before you’d even finish uttering them instead of what other people curse. Through my caress, I would let you feel my passion and dedication to you, and you’d KNOW that I love you. You’d know you are finally where you’re meant to be. Times are rough and unsure, but as your knight, I will shield you from the evils of this world which are hunting you down. No phony lover, no fake family, bribed doctors, and careless judges are to bother you ever again once you are here by my side and in my arms. I will defeat the bad dragons that spewed their evil words onto the village you create inside of yourself, for I cannot stand by idly as they eat away on your selflessness and kindness until there’s barely enough left to get you through your day. Instead, I will lift you up and help you to become the empire you deserve to be! With me, humbly, as the servant at your disposal.
That’s how much I love you, my Dearest, and I know - I know, heartbreakingly so - words are so shallow written on a piece of paper, folded and sent to your home. But if those are not enough jotted down, I’ll be glad to repeat them in person! Just give me the sign; open your window and unlock your doors for me. Please, please, please, please, let me in again! Don’t keep me outside while you are lonely and scared! I will protect you from any and all you fear, and I swear that the last time was just a misunderstanding! I didn’t mean to upset you, didn’t mean for it to happen, didn’t want you to realize my presence at all! I wasn’t prepared, you weren’t prepared, but look, I’m not upset at all! Not one bit! It hurt when you slapped me, but I know you didn’t mean to harm me with it! And I am sure you knew I never wanted to cause you pain, never wanted to scare you so hard you’d cry! I couldn’t stay to wipe your tears this time, but this memory burns like a branding on my soul. It wasn’t my intention, so please let me back in, don’t keep me waiting here outside… I beg of you! I need you! I need to see you! Need to know you’re alright and miss me as much as I miss you! Because I know you do, you cry every night, and I listen to it helplessly… If only you’d stop barricading yourself in, we could talk about it! We could make it right-- I could make it right!
So please, tonight, on Valentine’s Day - our first, but certainly not last :) - take heart, my Love! I’ll be there, you’re not alone; you never are. If you open the door yourself, we can have Valentine’s Day you and I deserve.
Either way, I’m coming.
I don’t care about court orders or that you are in the progress of moving away. I don’t need a table, I’ll eat from your hands if you feed me, and promise to do the same. Nothing should stand in between us. We belong together.
I will be there for nothing, and no one can keep me away from you.
Never forget that I adore you more than anything in my life.
My whole existence circles around you, like the earth around the sun.
And no one will keep your love from me, either.
Not even you.
Forever and always in love with you, and never leaving your side,
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Hospitality Part 2
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Goro Takemura x V
Part 1
Word Count: 2817
Ever since your first offer of letting Takemura use your apartment, he had been around almost every night. He would go out during the day, you weren’t sure if it was because he was working on trying to prove that Yorinobu had killed his father or because he felt like he was in your way, but he still returned in the evening to shower and sleep. If you were in, which wasn’t always the situation since you were working on finding a solution to your own problems, he would normally cook dinner as well, so your kitchen has never been so stocked. It was a pleasant arrangement that you had certainly gotten used too.
Having Takemura around had proved useful in some ways, you spent the best part of your days apart, both out in Night City pursuing separate leads but you spent most evenings together and had formed a sense of closeness in that time.
You were in the kitchen, just washing up when the relic malfunctioned, sending shocks of pain through your head before trailing down your spine. You let out a pained gasp, feeling the air being stolen from your lungs, as you held your head in your hands, releasing the glass that was in your hand. The glass shattered on the floor and you nearly collapsed.
As you felt your knees buckle, a strong arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you on your feet and holding you against his chest.
“V? Are you alright?” Takemura’s familiar voice managed to get through the ringing in your eyes.
He kept one arm around your waist and took one of your hands in his other, pulling it away from your head in an attempt to see what was going on.
“Are you alright?” his voice came through clearer as the ringing settled.
“Yeah…yeah…I’m okay” you nodded but Takemura didn’t release you.
“You should sit down” he advised before helping you over to the couch, sitting you down before kneeling down in front of you. “What’s wrong?” he asked, clearly concerned.
“It’s the relic…messing up again. It happens sometimes but usually goes a way pretty quickly” you explained. “But damn it hurts” you sighed, rubbing your forehead gently. “I think I’m fine now, just need to sit for a minute” you assured him.
“Is there anything I can get you?” Takemura kindly asked but you just shook your head. He nodded before standing and returning to the kitchen to clean up the smashed glass.
“You alright?” Johnny asked as he appeared standing in front of you.
“Yeah” you nodded, glad that he was just being calm and quiet for now.
“Did you say something?” Takemura asked from the kitchen, making you look over at him.
“Uh, no, sorry” you told him, seeing him nod and get back to work before turning back to Johnny.
“Maybe he isn’t too bad to have around” Johnny hummed, disappearing again as Takemura approached you.
“Here” he handed you a glass of water as he reached you, even though you had said that you didn’t need anything.
“Thank you” you smiled, taking the drink.
“There is no need to thank me” he assured you before leaving you to rest and have some space.
You were already at the apartment, lounging on your couch after closing a few gigs earlier on in the day, when Takemura walked through the door.
“I have news” he announced, getting your attention.
“Oh, please be good news, I can’t go running around right now” you groaned, turning your body to face him.
“Don’t worry, it doesn’t require your services” he assured you, making you relax against the back of the couch again.
“What is it?” you asked.
“I have found a new apartment, so I can finally stop intruding on you and your home” Takemura informed you, catching you off guard.
You paused for a moment, processing his words before speaking. “Goro, you aren’t intruding. I’ve told you, you’re always welcome here” you reminded him as you stood from the couch, moving to stand in front of him.
“I appreciate that, V, but it is time for me to leave the nest, as they say” he shook his head.
“Well, if you’re sure, just don’t want you to feel like you can’t stay” you nodded, trying to ignore the strange feeling of loss that was settling in your chest. “Is it nice?” you asked.
“It is…affordable” he told you unenthusiastically.
“Well, still, that’s good news” you attempted to sound optimistic, even if his new place already wasn’t sounding too great.
“You both look like kicked puppies” Johnny popped up beside you both and you had to resist the urge to roll your eyes. “You don’t want him to leave, he doesn’t want to leave, just tell him that” he advised, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Got to admit, I’m going to miss your cooking” you joked, deciding to ignore Johnny.
“I’d be happy to keep cooking for you. We can still have dinner together” Takemura offered.
“We can?” you asked, a little surprised.
“Of course. I could come here, or you could visit my new place” he nodded.
“I’d like that” you smiled.
“That’s a date invitation, right? I don’t know, these Corpos need to be more blunt” Johnny hummed, giving you a look that told you to take action but you ignored him.
“Well, if you ever need anything, you can call me” you reminded him.
“I will call you about dinner” Goro promised.
“Good” you nodded, still smiling.
And so, Takemura packed his belongings and left your apartment. As the door closed behind him, you sighed and sat down on the couch, Johnny once again appearing in front of you.
“Why did I have to get stuck in the head of an idiot?” Johnny asked with a scoff.
“Excuse me?” you raised an eyebrow at him.
“You should have said something” Johnny told you.
“Like what?” you scoffed.
“Oh, I don’t know, ‘please don’t leave me, I love you!’” he mocked dramatically, doing an awful impression of you.
“Fuck off, Johnny. I don’t love him” you snapped.
“But you want him to stay” he pointed out, sitting on the coffee table in front of you.
“Just shut up” you groaned, not liking having somebody in your head, able to know what you’re thinking and feeling.
“He wanted to stay too, even I could see that. Should’ve said something” Johnny continued with his retrospective advise.
“I thought you didn’t like him” you looked at him with a confused expression. Why was he so supportive of having Takemura stay in the first place when he had been against your entire friendship not that long ago?
“Didn’t…still don’t really, but you do” Johnny shrugged, making you sigh. “Next time just say something” he advised. You weren’t sure whether you liked him more when he was just trying to get out of your head or now that he has actually become a friend getting involved with your personal life.
“Thanks for the advice, Johnny” you mumbled, tilting your head back against the back of the couch.
“Anytime, kid” he smirked before disappearing. You just rolled your eyes at him before closing your eyes and letting out a small sigh.
Since Takemura moved on from your apartment, the two of you had stayed in touch through phone calls and messages, but it wasn’t until a few days after he left that you received a call from him inviting you to dinner. Of course, you accepted the invitation, happy to meet in person again.
So, he sent you the address of the place he was staying at and immediately the alarm bells in your head started ringing when you saw where it was located. But you headed over, entering the small, rundown looking apartment complex. You had been in places like this a hundred times for one reason or another, but you couldn’t picture Takemura staying here.
Walking up the stairs and down a hallway, you finally reached the door of his apartment. You knocked on the door and you barely had to wait for Takemura to open it and greet you with a smile. He welcomed you inside and closed the door behind you as you walked further into the room.
The apartment was dimly lit, the windows had been bordered up for one reason or another, and there was nearly no furniture. It was bland and cold, and that was ignoring the signs of water damage or the sound of arguing coming from the neighbouring apartment. This just wasn’t Takemura’s style at all.
“Cosy” you commented but even you weren’t sure whether you were trying to be polite or sarcastic.
“I don’t plan on being here for long” Takemura assured you as he returned to the little kitchenette, where he had already prepared dinner. “Please, take a seat” he gestured towards the table positioned in the centre of the room.
You sat on one of the two chairs that were pulled up to the small table, a candle flickering in the centre. Takemura walked over and poured to drinks before going to get the plates of food, placing them down on the table before sitting across from you.
“Thank you” you smiled as he sat down.
“Aw, isn’t that nice. A little candle lit dinner…even in this shit hole” Johnny appeared, leaning back against the wall to the right of you.
“Please, Johnny” you thought as you took a sip of your drink, pleading with him to just give you one evening.
“Fine but you better be honest with him, I can’t handle the sulking anymore” Johnny muttered before disappearing again.
“Considering what you had to work with, this is great” you complimented his cooking once again as you began to eat.
“Thank you. Only a poor artist blames his tools” Takemura smiled at your compliment.
“Can’t argue with that” you chuckled.
“I don’t think we started on the same page, I first planned on bringing you to Yorinobu as his father’s killer but then he confirmed my suspicions that he had committed parricide. So, I saved your life and asked you to act as a witness to his death” Takemura spoke, confusing you slightly.
“Yeah, I know. I was there, remember?” you cocked an eyebrow at him, wondering where this was going.
“I am trying to say something” he confessed with a small sigh.
“Sorry, continue” you apologised, letting him speak.
“We agreed that we had mutual interests and could help each other, but I think you can agree that we have formed something more than a mutually beneficial arrangement” you tried not to be amused by the way he spoke, by how formal he sounded.
“Are you trying to say that we’re friends?” you asked, “if so, then I do agree.”
“Yes, we are friends” Takemura nodded, the slight awkwardness of his speech making you smile fondly. “Though, there is something else I felt I should discuss with you” he admitted.
“You’ve gone very formal. More so than usual” you informed him, not sure if he was aware of it.
“I’m sorry” he apologised, making you smile some more.
“It’s fine” you assured him. “So, what is it that you wanted to ‘discuss’ with me?” you asked.
“I seem to have developed more than feelings of friendship for you” Takemura confessed, surprising you yet again.
“You mean…you have feelings for me?” you asked to clarify.
“Yes” Goro nodded, “I do not know how you feel but I thought I should tell you.”
“Well, I…I feel the same way and I should have told you earlier” you confessed, cursing the light blush that formed on your cheeks. You hadn’t expected the day to take this turn. “Hold on, if you feel that way, why were you so insistent on moving out of my apartment and to…here” you asked, glancing around the grimy apartment.
“I wasn’t sure how you felt and if you did not return my feelings, I didn’t want you feeling uncomfortable with me being there” Takemura explained honestly.
“That’s…actually very sweet but clearly you had nothing to worry about” you pointed out with a smile.
“It appears so” he nodded.  
“Goro, will you just come back to the apartment? I know it’s not great but it’s better than here” you asked with a sigh. You hated seeing him here, it was miserable and dangerous.
“Perhaps I moved prematurely” he hummed in agreement.
“You moved thinking you would save me discomfort, it’s sweet but…” your words drifted off as you tried to think of the right way to phrase it.
“…but this place is not suitable for anyone” Takemura finished your sentence for you.
“Exactly” you nodded.
“I will come back” he agreed.
“Good” you let out a sigh of relief, both because you would get to see him more often again and because he was getting out of here.
“Is the new apartment really that bad?” Takemura asked sarcastically, and you just gave him an unamused expression in response that made him laugh. Yes, it really was that bad. “I believe this is the beginning of something wonderful” he told you with a charming smile, referring to what the two of you had between you.
“There is still a lot left up in the air” you reminded him, looking down at your food.
“I know but I’m optimistic that we’ll find the answers we need” Takemura claimed but you looked unsure. “V, you have done nothing but surprise and impress me since we met. I have no doubt that if anyone can right the wrongs you have faced, it is you” he encouraged, reaching over and placed his hand over yours.
“Thanks, Goro” you smiled softly, turning your hand over to hold his, feeling his thumb brush against the back of your hand as he smiled at you.
Maybe he was right, there were still leads to follow, there had been development that managed to give you hope. Maybe you could find solutions, and maybe you could do it together.
After dinner, you helped Takemura collect his belongings before heading back to your apartment. Once you arrived at your apartment, he unpacked his things, hanging up his clothes in your closet, and making himself at home just like you had told him to do.  
“I’m going to shower” you spoke up.
“I’ll shower afterwards” Takemura nodded, definitely feeling the need to have one after staying in that dingy apartment even if only for a few days.
You stepped into the bathroom, showering, drying your hair, and dressing in comfortable clothes before returning to the main room. You opened the door and stepped out, jumping a little as you bumped into Takemura.
“Sorry” you apologised, laughing a little as you looked up at him.
Goro just smiled as he lifted his hand, gently tucking your hair behind your ear before leaning down to press his lips to yours. The gesture was a little surprising, but you wouldn’t lie, you had been waiting for it to happen. He had shared his feelings for you, and you had returned them, but he never made a move to kiss you, so you had been waiting for the moment to be right. Now, he must have decided that it was.
“Took your time with that” you teased as he pulled away from the kiss. Takemura just chuckled and shook his head at you before stepping past you and into the bathroom.
“About time!” you turned to see Johnny lounging on your couch.
“Shut up, Johnny” you rolled your eyes but still smiled as he winked at you before disappearing again.
When Takemura came back out of the bathroom, you were sitting on the bed, yawning to yourself.
“Do you want me to take the couch?” Goro asked politely.
“You don’t need to sleep on the couch” you shook your head, smiling at him.
He returned your smile before walking over and joining you on the bed, you shifting over towards the wall to give him space. Just as you felt bad about him staying in that other apartment, you felt bad for making him sleep on the couch, at least now you could offer him some more comfort in your home.
You lay down and made yourself comfortable as he switched off the light. You weren’t exactly sure how comfortable he was with sharing a bed, so you just rolled onto your side, facing away from him and tried to get some sleep. You felt Goro shift behind you as he made himself comfortable, a smile forming on your face as you felt his arm wrap around your waist, his chest making contact with your back. You could tell that he was trying to read your comfort level as well, so you relaxed against him to reassure him.
“Night, Goro”
“Goodnight, V” 
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