#if you aren't jewish you probably haven't had reason to see what people say to us or about us
grkuvus · 5 months
hey. non-jewish advocates for palestine. we need to talk.
PLEASE remember that jewish people are not the enemy. freedom and justice for palestine is not incompatible with protecting jewish people. anyone who tries to convince you that jewish people are standing in the way of freedom for palestine, and that something needs to be done about us, is an opportunist using palestine to target jewish people.
this goes ESPECIALLY for people who are not themselves palestinian or connected to palestine.
there are so many jewish people fighting for palestine's freedom, putting ourselves in harm's way, losing people in our lives because of our unconditional defense of innocent people living and dying in gaza. don't ignore that when you see people making sweeping statements about jewish people. don't ignore antisemitism masquerading as pro-palestinian sentiment.
we are not enemies. we are not on opposite sides. don't throw us to the wolves or excuse antisemitism in the name of the cause. so many of us fight for palestine - when you're confronted with antisemitism, please fight for us, too.
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hollowsoul12 · 1 year
Ok so this post was meant to be for a specific bright fan (so im not trying to call out all bright fans or all bright fictives/systems) , but since they have me blocked me since its upload and since they have made it clear that they don't actually care about the victims of bright, I'm making this post anyway.
So, one bright fan on here has decided to make a callout post not only villainizing DJKaktus, but also @daisybellejpeg, you know just the person that is helping make shaw who is a VICTIM OF ADMINBRIGHT S*XUAL AB*SE AND HAS BEEN TRUAMATIZED BY HIS CREATIONS. They claim that Daisybelle is anti-DID/systems and also trying commit Jewish eraser. So since I am very pissed off at the moment, I'm just wanted clear up stuff about that this and leave a little note to people like this fan (also sorry daisy if I put any words in your mouth or act "white knightly", I just feel some else saying something show that their isn't personal bias) :
So for starters, DAISYBELLE IS NOT ANTI-DID/SYSTEMS. They have mentioned multiple times that they acknowledge that they bright systems/fictives are a special situation.
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Plus, Daisy in general is always going to be slightly antagonistic towards bright, them being a direct victim of Adminbright, but so far Daisy (imo) has done a good job being clam about handling people who still hold on to bright (at least better than I have). The only thing they have stated that will not tolerate is people giving shit to them about how they create shaw, as its become a healing tool for them.
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Now the Bright fan that made that post had decided to include two screenshots "proving" that Daisy is anti-DID/system and a Jewish yet completely left out context points.
For the first one, they completely left out the beginning part of conversations and completely doesn't point how the person daisy is responding to has no idea what they are talking about and the fact that person ten starts to act in a sort a jerkish explaining after daisy saying the initial description.
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This, to me, feels very patronizing thing to say especially, and so no surprise Daisy proceeds to go off on them about being patronized. For some reason, though, bright fan tried to twist this into daisy erasing the Jewish rep. This, however, is not only not what they said, as all Daisy said was "you deadass don’t know this since we haven’t even decided on a race", (although I should mention daisy is pushing for shaw to be Mexican American), but even if Shaw isn't Jewish, its probably because they don't want any more connections to bright outside of the number, not because they want erase Jewish people.
As for the second screenshots, while I will admit that daisy was a bit harsh to the user (as they were system stating people to stop using bright and they did make a joke about the way worded on twitter), Daisy, as mentioned before sees Shaw a healing device and people telling others to stop using it doesn't really do anything change. Plus Daisy ends up explaining their point of view in the comments.
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Now their is technically one more set of screenshots that try to prove that Daisy does not understand how DID works, but as I mentioned in the beginning, they have said they aren't a expert on DID and that it is a complex situation. At most they have urged people they use the interfaces on sites block tags that causes problems.
That is about all for me laying out the facts, however one more note for the bright fan that made that callout post and for people like the bright fan: can you fucking not villainize the victims of the Duckman. Like, its one thing to go after Kaktus, but its whole another to go after a victim of Bright, one that has a entire fucking document showing the trauma they endured and still haven't fully healed from it, thus clearly having a continued negative stigmatism. Not only does this make you all look like complete dickheads completely inconsiderate about the victims of adminbright, but also paints of bright fans and system/fictives in a negative light along with you. You could of block the shaw tag. You could have used the interface to ignore all the people that cause your mental state problems. Hell, you could of found or make a character that served as a transition from bright, like Dr. Myriad. But instead you decided to attack a already hurt person and doubling down on usage of the character.
Also, P.S., if that origional poster isn't a fictive/system and was simply using other peoples mental disorders as a way to villainize Daisy, then they can go fuck themselves.
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
𝟭𝟮 𝗱𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗺𝗮𝘀: 𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝘁𝗲𝗻 
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day ten: caroling with eddie | fluff, love confession, 1.2k 12 days of christmas masterlist
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The only reason you and Eddie get roped into caroling is because it's too cold for everyone to bike home. He and Steve rock-paper-scissored for it and Eddie lost so here you are, shivering a little, watching the young teenagers in your life sing to the people of Hawkins. The song book that Mrs.Wheeler made for everyone pokes out of your pocket and your arm is tight around your boyfriend's elbow as you whisper so the kids don't hear you.
El and Dustin are the loudest and probably the most on-key, which doesn't surprise you. Will keeps elbowing Mike to sing louder and Max and Lucas have kept their arms linked the entire night so far. You and Eddie maintain your distance as you walk around the neighborhood, chatting and making sure everyone is warm enough to keep going. He's telling you what he got Wayne this year while the group sings "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" very cheerily. 
"I know it's just shelves, but I'm just gonna put 'em up myself when he's at work on Christmas Eve so he can put new mugs up whenever he wants. And then I've got a new thermos for him to take to work because he said his old one has started leaking." Eddie pulls his arm from your grip and drapes it over your shoulders instead, tucking you closer into his side. His hair tickles your face but you don't mind. The tip of his nose is pink and you bet that his ears are too, if you could see them.
"You're pretty," you tell him, like you're just stating facts. "And that's a great idea, Wayne will love it." Eddie looks at you like you've grown two heads then laughs quietly, his cheeks darkening from the compliment. He squeezes your bicep and taps your chin with his free hand, looking like he's about to say something but before he can the kids come ambling down the walk, chatting and full of energy. 
"That was great," you say instead, meaning it. They mostly ignore you as they rush to the next house, though El shoots you a smile. You and Eddie tail them and Will knocks on the door. A boy who looks even younger than Erica answers in Snoopy pjs.
"Hi," Will chirps. "We'd like to sing you a Christmas carol." The boy looks behind him into his house and then back at the door like he's not sure what to do. 
"Uh," he says. "We're Jewish." Will is not phased.
"We've got those songs, too!" he says. "Well, just one, but it's good, I swear!" The kids flip around in their booklets until they're all ready and then they break out into a slightly wobbly version of "The Dreidel Song."
"They're pros," Eddie says proudly. "What did you get me for Christmas?" He's trying to catch you off guard, has been for weeks, but you haven't budged. 
"Is it December 25th?" you ask him. He groans. "Then you don't get to know, Munson." You got him a new guitar strap with Corroded Coffin embroidered on it and a ring to replace the one he lost somewhere in the van last month. You have no idea what he got you -- other than he's so excited to show you that he seriously requested that you not ask him about it because he might actually ruin the surprise. 
The kids finish their song and bid the little boy goodnight. They're heading to the next house when Max decides she's had enough of you two. "Hey, gross couple! You wanna pull your weight?" Lucas laughs into her shoulder like she's the funniest thing in the world. 
"I don't remember signing up to sing, Red," Eddie says. "I remember saying we'll very graciously drive you home instead of letting you freeze your asses off."
"Aren't you in a band?" she continues, like he hasn't even spoken. You know very well that she knows he's in a band, since he's been teaching her how to play guitar on the weekends for a few months now. 
"Yeah, Eddie," Dustin adds. "Unless you can't really sing." Eddie shoots Dustin a withering glare but the kid doesn't budge. 
"We'll sing at the next house," you tell them. 
"We will?" Eddie says. 
"Hurry up, though," you continue. "It's cold and none of you have gloves even though I told you to bring some. First person to complain about cold fingers is walking!" You're kidding, of course, but they all grumble and head to the next house anyway. 
Mike eyes you both as Will rings the next doorbell, so you stand right behind them with your songbook open. Will selects "Jingle Bells." You sing softly, barely looking at the song book and mostly looking at Eddie. He really can sing, and you know it. You've seen Corroded Coffin enough to have proof, and he sings to you sometimes in his bedroom, soft rock songs that are a little slower than his normal stuff but you love them. So you barely pay attention to your own voice and listen to his gravely one as he repeats the chorus with the ghost of a smile on his face every time Dustin looks back to make sure he's singing. 
You're overcome, suddenly. With all of it -- the sweetness of the evening, the friendship of the kids around you, the joy Eddie fills you with. The love he fills you with from nose to toes, igniting the blood in your veins and making your heart feel like it's going to burst out of your chest. He looks so lovely and he's yours and you love him. 
You let it slip during the final chorus, so quietly you're not sure he hears you. "I love you," you say, looking right at him. He jerks his head up sharply, the lyrics lost on his lips, and you know he heard. But you don't regret it. Though you've never said it, surely he already knew. 
The kids finish and the family claps and Eddie smiles so wide, wider than you've ever seen and he grabs your hand and squeezes. You feel every ridge of his rings and you grin back at him. Now that they've gotten when they wanted from you, Max and Dustin practically ignore the way you're mooning each other as everyone heads to the next house, but you two don't move.
Eddie reaches up to cup your jaw. His smile has softened, but his eyes are bright and wide, his expression the definition of soft. "I love you," he says. "God, I love you." He leans in slowly, teasingly, brushing his nose against yours once, twice, as your eyelids flutter closed. You make a low sound in your throat and he finally surges forward to kiss you, fingers firm on your face but lips soft, coaxing. He kisses you like he loves you right there in someone else's front yard. 
"Oh my god," Dustin yells. "Can we get a move on?" Eddie moves a little but doesn't stop kissing you, and you just know he's flipping Dustin the bird. 
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thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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nothorses · 2 years
People's reactions to atheism kinda feel similar to people's reactions to asexuality and aromanticism. "What do you mean you don't have gods/sexual/romantic attraction! Everybody has that! You probably just haven't found the one you vibe with yet".
At least as an ace person who grew up without religion and find that it is not for me, I keep seeing the similarities. People act like my thoughts and ideas about my own life in regards to religion do not matter since I don't have one. I have friends who downright said "of course you should celebrate Christmas, everyone does!". If I had been Jewish or Muslim I doubt they would have said that, but since I am seen as "neutral/not yet converted" they think it's fine to treat me as "Christian lite" even though I'm not christian and have never been. It's very annoying and it's gotten to a point where I am seriously considering converting to forn sed (asatru) just to get them off my back. Although I doubt they'd recognize that, either...
(Obligatory i don't hate religion and I can see what value people get out of it, and from an outside perspective I find it similar to any relationship, aka it could be abusive/hurtful but in general it is a positive experience for the people involved.)
Hey anon I understand where you're coming from, but. I regret to inform you that it is in fact extremely common for people to try to pressure non-Christian theists into celebrating Christmas; Jewish and Muslim people very much included.
I really recommend connecting with and listening to the experiences of Jewish and Muslim folks, because while avoiding making those assumptions in the first place is a good first step, it can be hard to really understand your own blind spots without some real context.
I also point this out because I think this tendency to compare hardships is really damaging, and takes away from the solidarity atheists need to have with minority religions. This isn't a "theists vs. atheists" issue, it's a "dominant religion vs. marginalized beliefs" issue. It's not about the presence or "lack" of beliefs- it's about marginalization and oppression on the basis of belief.
And you're right: we need to be able to see atheism as the presence of a belief (that there is no higher power), which contributes to a unique and valuable worldview just like any religion.
The key here is that we're shifting the conversation away from this Christian-fabricated argument about whether atheism is Right And Good, or Immoral And Bad. Because it doesn't matter, and it's not the basis any other conversation about religion is operating on- any other religion deserves to exist regardless of "accuracy", and atheism- no matter how much we believe it's the most correct- operates the exact same way, and deserves the exact same space.
Just like the a-spec discourse, the divide is artificial. A-specs have unique experiences with oppression, but ultimately the reason for their oppression is the same as any other queer identity: because they're not straight*. And just like them, atheists have some very different experiences from marginalized religions, but ultimately atheism is marginalized for the same reason any marginalized religion is: because we're not Christian.
I think that's a great comparison for another reason, too: a-specs can share intersecting identities (gay ace, pan aro, straight ace, etc.) that do create overlap with experiences unique to those intersecting identities (including straight experiences!); but we argue that straight a-specs ultimately aren't considered straight in the eyes of cisheterosexism, and aren't given the same treatment as them, because any deviation from that established norm is cause for punishment.
*I say "straight" to mean the position of power; identifying as/being straight is one thing, but being treated like you're straight, and afforded that position in oppressive power structures, is a completely different thing.
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hungry-skeleton · 9 months
Oh hey pog. I'm Muslim but my family kinda started celebrating Christmas in the USA. Basically to fit in. (Well that's what I was told when I finally asked about it but then I got told more recently that more specifically it was when my brothers and I came along 'cus my parents didn't think we'd like understand that we just don't celebrate this because of religion and that those other kids just have that Santa thing their parents do and we aren't being like Excluded or anything we just don't celebrate it. Something like that I think. Like they didn't want us feeling like we were being left out and also didn't want us being too confused so we just kinda started doing it. And hey I mean we have some people who just actually grew up celebrating Christmas in the family or close to it now [like one of my uncles {married in} who's Catholic, or my brother's fiancée] so. Yeah we have an excuse now I guess and hey we have fun with it even if it's time-consuming XD)
aight so uh I've been doing a lot of christmas carol digging for. Reasons. Kinda a minor hyperfixation at this point. Started back in like November tbh and I've mostly kept quiet about it on here but it's been on the brain when I haven't had Existential Dread or some shzt.
so uh basically Christmas Carol had the questionable choice of giving Scrooge a jewish first name which. Sucks given the whole story but like. When you know the character's backstory it's like "but his family celebrates Christmas so they're like probably Not Jewish so why does he have that name????????" And like.
I feel like I have to bring that up whenever I try to talk about anything because it genuinely is. Noticeable once you know it's a thing. But if you literally just ignore/change his first name the story is literally identical because him not celebrating Christmas is because he just had absolute shzt in life during Christmas time because his dad hated him and left him at boarding school during Christmas break and also his sister died and his fiancée left him so he just kinda started hating the whole thing. I think. Like.
ok I got that out of the way because Yeah That Sucks but like if you just change his name then the story still functions and also is actually really Based in like a lot of the rest of it because it actually Isn't just a man becoming a good person when he starts celebrating Christmas. I mean first of all the story was written during the time when Puritans were everywhere and just really fubkign hated Christmas so like even if it were it wouldn't be as obnoxious as if that kind of story got written today since Christmas was actually being like Threatened back then to my knowledge???? Or at least that's the perception and this book did like cement a lot of Christmas imagery that we know today. And I think that's cool. Also there's a scene in the book you like never see in adaptations in the Christmas Present part where it's basically just Scrooge complaining to the Ghost about that one movement I forgot the name of of people who want to absolutely shut everything down during Sundays even more than things already do and specifically targeting bakeries that keep their ovens on so that poor and homeless people can like. Have warmth. And the Ghost basically says "yeah God doesn't actually approve of that shzt even if they try to claim he does people will use God to excuse anything they do" and honestly Pog.
Yeah the story in general is kinda just like "treat the poor good" because originally Scrooge doesn't even really do anything like ACTIVE in terms of "wrongdoings" or at least everything he does is legal and he doesn't actually make anything worse actively the reason he's a bad person is literally because he has the power (money) to make things better for people and just. Doesn't. He's accumulating wealth and refuses to even give it back to the economy (he doesn't even spend it on himself??? His house sucks like damn bxtch you live like this?) and like. I mean just like billionaires right now right? And the reason he's bad is because he ISN'T giving that money to the poor when he has more than enough to. He's bad because he refuses to do good. Like he refuses to give this one family an extension on something I think and they end up rejoicing when he dies in the Yet To Come future 'cus it gives them enough time to get the money together they need to pay off their debt I think? Like, they were gonna get the money but they were gonna get it a bit after the due date and Scrooge being bad is because he refuses to do the right thing and give them the extra time because it's not in the contract. But he has the ability to give them that time. And you know I think it's based saying "even if you're not breaking the rules, if you're capable of doing a good thing you should be doing the good thing" like. Am I right-
oh yeah also because he believes in eugenicizing the poor and basically the literal Ghost of Christmas Present literally tells him off like Who are you to decide who gets to live and who should die? Like literally "rich people shouldn't get to let poor people die off" like I think our society needs that message now more than ever with all the frickin' anti-homeless architecture shzt I've seen pictures of and all the billionaires running around-
(oh and the context of it is Scrooge hearing that poor people would rather die than work in "hellish workhouses" [so probably like inhumane working conditions where they'd probably get killed anyway] and then saying that those people should die and "decrease the surplus population" and then Christmas Present throws this line back at his face when he sees the Cratchits-)
but also the story is like "yeah even if you're this bad you can still get better and who cares if some people won't accept that if you're still out there doing good things now and saying good things" and I think our society ESPECIALLY needs that now-
Ok sorry if this was hard to follow I just needed to ramble a bit like. But like God why did they have to name him that like it just adds a bad underlying taste but that taste doesn't even make sense because it contradicts other stuff and just. Like-
anyway uh I think we need to sic the ghosts onto like every billionaire right now ever who's with me-
I never made a lot of those connections because I'm so used to modern adaptations of the story (the muppets and that one really fucking scary CGI one) also I just don't watch it that often.. More of A Christmas Story fan
Anyways yeah I can't add much else you're very right.. I promise I read all of that I'm just mashed potato brain RN 💚💚 merry crisis
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cass1x1 · 1 year
😱💍🔮⚰️ for reese, liora, and maia!
[ 😱 ] does your muse have any specific fears? where did those fears come from?
they're afraid of never making anything of themself or being a failure as a person, but they don't have any non-existential fears. they're surprisingly well-adjusted in that realm.
[ 💍 ] does your muse have a “type” of people that they prefer to enter relationships with? is their type generally compatible with them, or does the dynamic tend to be toxic?
ohhhh definitely toxic! they seek out bad relationships, probably at a sub-conscious level because they aren't in a place to have a healthy relationship. they are definitely a little on the shallow side (gotta be a straight-up hottie for them) but they also like people who they can see being talented. someone outdoorsy or sporty is also a plus.
[ 🔮 ] what is your muse’s relationship with religion and spirituality? were they raised in a certain religion? have they stuck with the same set of spiritual beliefs all their life, or have they changed over time? are they settled in their spirituality now?
they went to catholic school briefly but absolutely hated it for obvious reasons. their parents pulled them out after a severe bullying incident. their parents weren't actually catholic but they were def on the religious side at the time. the bullying (and some other stuff) kinda turned their parents off of religion and they were like "works for meeee" since they were never really a believer. they're not religious now but they are deeply superstitious. i think if they explored other religions than christianity they might find something they liked but they haven't done that so idk. they are def not settled tho.
[ ⚰️ ] what are your muse’s greatest regrets? what would flash before their eyes when they’re on their deathbed?
they have so many regrets. getting kicked off the hockey team/kicked out of school is probably the biggest one but like they can think of millions of things that might come up.
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[ 😱 ] does your muse have any specific fears? where did those fears come from?
i think she does! she is newly afraid of car crashes (as relatey to the first death in the loop).
[ 💍 ] does your muse have a “type” of people that they prefer to enter relationships with? is their type generally compatible with them, or does the dynamic tend to be toxic?
hmmm. i dunno about a type per se but i think she tends toward people that she views as either disposable or strong. she doesn't want anyone who is going to tie her down and make her feel bad about it. deffo queer but tends to fly under the gaydar so she has to, like, assert that if there's someone queer she's interested in.
[ 🔮 ] what is your muse’s relationship with religion and spirituality? were they raised in a certain religion? have they stuck with the same set of spiritual beliefs all their life, or have they changed over time? are they settled in their spirituality now?
she's jewish! raised jewish, and has kinda always gone through phases of being more and less active in the community. she is specifically reconstructionist and attends a very chill temple when she attends.
[ ⚰️ ] what are your muse’s greatest regrets? what would flash before their eyes when they’re on their deathbed?
liora says she doesn't have regrets but i think part of her wishes she'd stuck with her phd? and also that, like, she had the self control to make better choices the whole way down. she's deffo a disaster baby and at times regrets just all of it.
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maia (small tw for abuse mention and cults)
[ 😱 ] does your muse have any specific fears? where did those fears come from?
abandonment, and then all the rational fears that come with housing/food insecurity (like all the ways you can die/get sick/get hurt). both are based on experience.
[ 💍 ] does your muse have a “type” of people that they prefer to enter relationships with? is their type generally compatible with them, or does the dynamic tend to be toxic?
she prefers not to enter relationships but when she has, it's usually been with people that she senses subconsciously are dependable/stable in a way she is not. like, she knows what she needs, she's just not able to access or allow herself to have it?
[ 🔮 ] what is your muse’s relationship with religion and spirituality? were they raised in a certain religion? have they stuck with the same set of spiritual beliefs all their life, or have they changed over time? are they settled in their spirituality now?
adopted/raised by an evangelical family and...nope. she hated it. too cult-y for her. abusive and bad. she has some interest in like new age/wicca type religions but doesn't really have the time or resources to practice or even really research them.
[ ⚰️ ] what are your muse’s greatest regrets? what would flash before their eyes when they’re on their deathbed?
there's not much maia doesn't regret. but probably the biggest was at one point, she had a job and a real chance at, like putting down roots and settling. then she met a guy and sort of thought it was maybe love and it turned out he was married and...yeah, she just regrets meeting him and talking to him and everything else that happened involving him.
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serpentstole · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you had any book recs and tips for someone who wants to follow the Luciferian path. I'm asking specifically you this because we seem to hold very similar ideas on this matter, also you seem very nice.
Aw thank you, I'll do what I can to give some recommendations! Hopefully they'll be useful to you... I sadly don't have a formal reading list of recommendations yet, as I haven't been able to do as much reading as I'd likely lately, and I'm hesitant to recommend books I can't confidently vouch for. However, here's some things I do recommend! These are with the assumption that as you said, we have similar tastes/ideas when it comes to Luciferianism.
Books and Research!
The one book I do comfortably recommend to people new to Luciferianism is Kosmology: Luciferian Philosophy by Jeremy Christner. He is admittedly far more Gnostic in his Luciferianism than I am (if memory serves he considers Lucifer and Sophia two aspects/forms of the same entity). Still, I'm yet to find a book that has an identical view of Luciferianism as I do, and I think what he has to say about the more philosophical side of things is really worth reading, since it explores a few of the ways Luciferians can push themselves towards a seeking knowledge and self betterment that weren't completely obvious when I was starting out.
Paradise Lost by Milton is another incredibly popular recommendation for probably obvious reasons. It's arguably the most influential text on how we see the figure of Lucifer today. However, it's also a very very long poem written in a pretty unfamiliar style. If it's more than you can tackle at the moment, I'd honestly suggest looking into things like the Sparknotes quotes or videos that discuss its themes or impactful scenes, like Satan's speech to his followers after their fall.
I personally found the Book of Enoch to be a useful one since my Luciferianism includes the Watchers, or more specifically Azazel, though if this isn't something that interests you there's no real harm in skipping it? Though I found it an interesting read, and even if you don’t see their motives as selfless, the sharing of divine knowledge with mankind that the Watchers did before their punishment for its results does feel rather Promethean, which is one degree of separation away from being generally Luciferian... or is one in the same. Your mileage and tastes may vary.
For general recommendations I'd suggest looking for anything with Promethean themes, reading a little Canaanite mythology (the story of Attar trying to claim Baal's throne is especially interesting to me) and familiarizing yourself with the concept of Gnosticism. While I'm not a huge fan of most of it, Gnostic ideas have influenced a lot of Luciferian ones, and some people you encounter will outright identify as Gnostic Luciferians. And you might decide you like what you see! I'm not the authority on what should and shouldn't be allowed in a very personal religion. However, I find that anything that pushes the concept of Lucifer as a liberator from an evil false God... or not-false but still evil God... to be pretty uncharitable to a good many religions I don't have an issue with and think some people are needlessly hostile towards.
While I have not read either in depth yet, as Cain and Tubal-Cain are not figures that particularly interests me at this time, I've had the Pillars of Tubal-Cain by Nigel Jackson and Michael Howard recommended to me, and I've found some interesting bits in the Psalterium Caini/Psalter of Cain by Andrew Chumbley. You might need to get a bit creative about reading them if they interest you, since both are out of print and tend to be wildly expensive in the second hand market.
I would humbly discourage reading too much by anyone that pushes a flavour of Luciferianism that uses Lilith or Qlipoth, if you aren't culturally or formerly Jewish, as both (no matter how many people try to claim otherwise) are deeply entwined with the Jewish faith and Jewish mysticism. As someone who is culturally and formerly Christian, I don't feel comfortable touching either with a ten foot pole, as I strive to be respectful of closed and semi-closed practices... which Judaism and the practicing of Kabbalah are. While I've seen a lot of arguments concerning the potential validity of Hermitic Qabalah, with the assumption being the only similarity is its name, it's not a topic I feel equipped to handle... and in the case of Qlipoth especially, it feels like an uncomplicated pilfering of Jewish ideas for the sake of having an edgy magic system.
I've also not been terribly impressed with Michael W Ford's writing, as despite his prolific nature within the publishing world I'm just not really a fan of his books nor some of the choices he's made. I considered leaving him off, but he's one of those names that just keeps coming up if you research Luciferianism, so I thought it worth giving a disclaimer.
General Tips!
- I'd recommend trying to read as much as you can in subjects that interest you as possible. Ones I've found particularly of interest are religious history, mythology, philosophy, and those that are related to the fields of magic I'm interested in (as my dislike of Ford's Luciferian Witchcraft and other peoples' weird Qlipoth grimoires means I've been left to form my own magical path... though magic is not mandatory to being Luciferian by any means). There are, however, no unworthy areas of research when dealing with a religion that pushes for enlightenment and self betterment.
- I mentioned this in passing up in the books section, but if magic is a thing that interests you, do remember that it doesn't need to be explicitly Luciferian in nature! There are many ways you can merge a magic system with your religious leanings, or keep the two separate, and with the possible exception of trying to work with notoriously militant Christian spirits like St Benedict or St Michael, there's a lot of flexibility. I even work with St Expedite, as he doesn't seem to hold strong opinions on it, and I've considered keeping up some planetary magic that employs some of the lesser known angels... though my relationship with Azazel makes St Raphael incredibly off limits, as it seems like a dreadful idea to appeal to the angel that imprisoned my tentative teacher. While ceremonial magic that involves demons is of course popular, other things like forms of chaos magic, folk magic, and traditional or folkloric witchcraft are other fine choices. Though again, and I cannot stress this enough, you do not need to pursue magic if it's not something that interests you to be a Luciferian.
- Not a formal book recommendation so I'll say this down here. Consider alternative methods of exploring Luciferian ideas. For example, modern poetry can also be a lovely and less thought of means of exploring religious ideas, and surprisingly, Luciferianism especially. I've mentioned it in other posts, but my all time favourite is Imagine Lucifer by Jack Spicer, though if you look up poetry on my blog you'll find lots of other examples. There's also a number of research papers that explore these ideas, such as the one on Romantic Satanism by Peter Schock, but you may again need to get clever with how you investigate them since academic papers can be incredibly expensive to buy. Someday I hope to make a proper list of all the research papers or collections of essays I've found that are worth reading... but I need to actually finish them all first.
- At the risk of overstepping... I would suggest coming to terms with your feelings on other religions quietly and respectfully. A lot of "Left-Hand Path" religions or beliefs can be very openly hostile towards other religions in a way that's sensationalizing and unflattering at best and outright bigotry and regurgitated hate speech at worst. I fully believe there is a way to reject harmful dogma and be adversarial to the unfair or dangerous ideas that some religions/religious organizations can push without crossing those lines, and that some people should consider what they're doing to others who share their label... and, you know, basic human decency.
- It saddens me to mention this, and perhaps you already know and it goes without saying, but be careful of who you express your religious leanings to. There are people in my life that I can discuss my Luciferianism with freely, and there's people who I actively try to conceal it from. While I'd say we don't suffer the same religious persecution as some, there is often a general misunderstanding or hostility towards anything seen as Satanic, and I don't trust everyone who might have an issue with it or negatively affect me in some way because of that to hear me out.
- And finally, familiarize yourself with the bad actors who use the Luciferian label so you can avoid them. While I'd say from experience that Satanism as a religion has a lot of hate groups hiding among their ranks, I've also seen some neo-nazi/fascist sentiments coming from within the Luciferian community. Though I haven't yet seen a full organization that's clearly marketing themselves as Luciferian yet, I think anyone in an alternative religion or in occult spaces should familiarize themselves with the symbols and dogwhistles of crypto-fascists and not just take anyone's word for it when they check every box, and have ties to other neo-nazi organizations, but "are really nice guys who promise they aren't nazis".
That seems like enough to start with, but do feel free to message me again if you have any more specific questions/concerns/comments/etc while you're exploring Luciferianism. I hope it helps, and best of luck!
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