#if you can figure out a thread that ties all of my fave games together can you please tell me
What's a game/some games you wish you could talk about more?
THEME: Mint’s Favourite Games. (Part 1/2)
Dear friend, I do not know if you know how much pain this causes me because…there are so many games! Games I’ve run, games I haven’t run, games I’ve purchased, games I want to buy… narrowing it down is so so hard. It’s like asking to choose which child is your favourite. So first things first I’m going to drop a link to the Games that Intrigue Me collection that I’ve been fostering on Itch, because that’s where you’re going to see games that I really really want to talk about and play in the future. (There are currently 148 games in there, and that’s just what’s available on Itch!!!) With that out of the way, let’s talk about some of my highlights.
There are 12 games in total that I managed to narrow it down to, so let's take a look at the first 6!
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Changeling: the Lost 1e, by White Wolf / Onyx Path (Played)
The most trad game on this list, Changeling: The Lost was the reason I stepped into roleplaying games. It was advertised as a fantastical allegory for healing from trauma, which is exactly the kind of hard-hitting, emotional depth that got me interested when it came to roleplaying games. One of my favourite ways to sell it is to tell you this:
Imagine your favourite piece of media and pick a particular character from that media. Now imagine that the entire story that this character experienced was a lie: a story they were put in, in order to fulfill the whims and wiles of an inhuman, eldritch Fae. Now imagine them clawing their way back into the real world only to find out that nobody missed them, that their parents and girlfriend never realized that they left because the thing that took them left behind a shell of a copy. What’s more, they still feel the pull of the magical world - they can’t forget it, even if they want to. How do you heal from a magic that you can never leave behind?
Changeling: The Lost has a lot of drawbacks. It’s clunky. It requires an unhealthy amount of d10s. It’s got two editions, and most folks prefer the one edition over the other. It requires a lot of prep. The “beautiful madness” can definitely lead into some negative stereotypes about mental health (which is why I recommend re-working the Clarity mechanic into a mechanic about how trauma affects your emotions). White Wolf cannot write a fucking index. But the combination of personal horror with the glitter around the edges has got me in a choke-hold and I don’t know how to let it go.
Bones Deep, by Technical Grimoire. (Played)
I cannot emphasize how well-formatted Bones Deep is. The bookmarking on the PDF for this game is the best I’ve ever seen, and I’m an avid player of Numenera. This is a Troika game about freshly-hatched skeletons travelling the ocean floor, tussling with a cephalopod invasion, cursed wizards, a crab cabal, and the Skeleton War. Each location in this book can naturally lead to others, and there’s roll tables that allow for you to generate a number of story prompts before you run a session. It’s heavily improv friendly, and allows combat but so much more than that.
You need the Troika handbook to run this game, but honestly, Troika is such a great, gonzo system that I don’t even consider that a drawback, especially because the Skeleton characters from Bones Deep are 100% compatible with the larger game as a whole. I’m not going to say that this is a combat-free game, because it certainly isn’t, but I was surprised at how many problems the players could solve without having to resort to combat
External Containment Bureau, by Mythic Gazetteer. (Played)
This game introduced me to the concept of an open-ended mystery that the players kind of put together as they play. The idea of leaving a few possibilities for a whodunit is not exactly new, and ECB is definitely not the first game to embrace a generative style of play, but it implements it very very well. This is an adaptation of Forged-in-the-Dark that speeds up character creation and makes one-shot play more viable than some of the traditional hacks of Blades. The setting also fucking slaps. Its X-Files meets SCP meets the Office. It has the ability to alter how serious or goofy you want the tone to be. It has mechanics for supernatural powers and drawn-out conspiracies.
It also has a cult-flavoured hack called Congregation, which is just as good and you should also check out.
Subway Runners, by Gem Room Games. (Played)
A hella-fast game with a character generator that lets you pick up and play in minutes, Subway Runners is extremely online friendly, extremely reasonably priced, and extremely funny. You’re subway maintenance crews dealing with magical problems in the underground of a fantastical metropolis. It’s a gig economy. It’s got stations built out of buried giants. It’s got traumas like “nervous”, “romantic” and “brave to a fault”. It’s one-shot Forged-In-The-Dark.
Your online-generated character sheet reads like a Contractor File, complete with side hustles, custom inventories, your Lunch Order and your Demerits. Fix train lines, find missing passengers, and send eldritch monstrosities back into the inter dimensional portals from whence they came. All so you can pay rent. This game is off-the-wall and it’s only three fucking dollars. Please, I’m begging you to check out this game.
Slugblaster, by Mikey Hamm. (Bought, not yet played).
I was so excited for this game that I managed to get on the proofreading team! And gosh I am stoked about that. This is another Forged-in-the-Dark game (I think I’m sensing a theme here), this time about teenagers hoverboarding through the multiverse. This game is so kooky and has such a unique take on FitD, with mechanics that really emulate the idea of cobbling together gear and tech to make your kit personalized. It’s a game wholly about teenage self-expression and self-discovery, in a world that's doing its best to limit your independence.
The layout for this game is also wonderfully fun and evocative. It’s brightly-coloured, with contributions from around the world, and suggestions for playing in towns other than Hillview, Canada (although as a Canadian I am also deeply fond of the built-in setting). I wrote an add-on for this game, called Charlock, and you can get it, as well as a whole bundle of goodies in the Slugblasting for Teen Mental Health Bundle here, until the end of July!!!!
i’m sorry did you say street magic, by Caro Ascersion. (Played)
This is a city-building game that I adore playing as a set-up to a one-shot or a campaign. I’ve used it to create a superhero city, as well as a Ghibli-inspired city, and there are resources for making gothic cities, cyberpunk cities, and so so much more. There’s a supplement that I adore called there are names here more powerful than our own, which is pay-what-you-want but makes play more accessible for folks who have trouble coming up with ideas on the spot.
The art for these games is by Shannon Kao, and it’s whimsically mundane. It perfectly communicates the vibe of play. The city generation helps you create neighbourhoods, as well as landmarks and characters located in those neighbourhoods, but it doesn’t stop there. It also helps you generate story hooks that you could pick up for an upcoming game. Finally, the mutual element of creation gives players ownership and investment in the city they create, so when it comes to character creation, you should find that the players will easily be able to anchor themselves in the world.
If you want to hear an example of this game, I recommend @partyofonepod ’s episode, which was recorded with the creator of the game.
You can find Part 2 of this post here!
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akari-hope · 6 months
Dear mutual what is lgts about? I was pretty happy for the team and very impressed by the game's quality I already loved the artstyle of pocket mirror so much and they clearly only improved their presentation but the start of the game did not compel me story or character wise and the mechanics seemed like an intimidating amount to keep track of. So yeah I wanna know why you like it I wanna give it a proper shot eventually ><
okay disclaimer, i've never played pocket mirror and know only bits and pieces about it relative to what are the "canon" endings to lgts (i'd like to play but i always struggle with games on pc). the quick pitch is elise works tirelessly to be able to feed herself, and dreams of wealth and luxury. after finding a pair of red shoes, things begin to change - she starts to investigate the rumors of a secret in the woods, with hopes of it leading to the fulfillment of her wish. along the way you must keep a good reputation with the townsfolk to avoid suspicion of witchcraft, keep elise fed and sane, and spend time with the three potential love interests.
i personally picked up lgts partially bc i was intrigued by the premise, which was already appealing to me since it's not so subtly based on the fairy tale "the red shoes" which is a semi-niche fave of mine. pretty shortly after starting it up the game gives a few breadcrumbs to get started on the initial strangeness surrounding the town and elise's past, and for me that was enough to get me interested in the plot. a story about a girl trying to be seen as normal to the small town she lives in, while secretly investigating bizarre occult happenings that are tied to her past? yeah def appealed to me specifically. the investigation of the disparate threads and linking the pieces together was the part i liked best in regards to the main story. finding out more and more about the strangeness surrounding elise's past, the town's faith, and the secrets of the woods and how they connected was incredibly satisfying to me, even if it got off to a somewhat slower start. i think an early moment that totally sold me was when you get prompted to investigate a cave - like damn i absolutely loved that sequence. if i hadn't already been into it i was definitely hooked after that.
tbh...i straight up didn't know the game had lesbians until i already bought it. so it was honestly just a wonderful surprise. for me, i didn't immediately love freya or lebkuchen as characters. i grew to love them and find a lot fascinating in their stories, but initially i remember i thought freya was a bit boring and i was unsure of how lebkuchen's whole deal would progress. rozenmarine on the other hand was absolutely the character that immediately caught my eye. between the witchy design and the star-crossed lovers setup between her and elise, she was definitely my early pick to romance. and MAN. if you've already played pocket mirror you probably can put together what the "canon" end for her is. as someone who loves that sort of thing i absolutely ate that up. each ending for me was satisfying, but man that one fucked me up in such a fantastic way.
in regards to mechanics, i'll be SO real, i'm a person who loves resource management and whatnot in games so i had a natural inclination toward lgts and its balancing act, but i can see it being a deal breaker if you're not into it. for me the parts i disliked about gameplay were all tied to the witching hour segments which...honestly were FINE, i was just admittedly not very good at times with figuring out what exactly to do. but i'm also pretty forgiving of mechanics if i like a game's story, so take that with a grain of salt.
overall, i'd say if you're willing to work with the mechanics, there's a lot to love about this game's story and characters. all the routes have value imo, so it's really just up to whatever you enjoy the most.
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xfanfics · 4 years
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Destiel Fic Rec List Part 3
Last Updated in October 2014. Posted in May 2020 for posterity. Listed in no particular order - the total rec list will have ~250 fics. Header graphic used with permission.
This part of the list contains: 37 fics.
Other Destiel Rec Lists: [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7].
Teenage Dirtbag by littleartemis E | 7k | Canon!verse, Hot, sub!dean, dom!cas
Dean gets magically deaged so he's physically young again. Problem is he's a 'twink' once more and he can't hunt like this. Frustrated he takes it out on Cas who's getting to the end of his patience and decides a spanking is in order. He just didn't figure in that Dean might enjoy it.
The Perks of Playing Quidditch by noangelsinthegarrison G | 1k | Fluff,  Wizarding World AU
“So,” Dean coughs, drawing Cas’s attention back to his eyes, “Any chance this taught you not to fly when you’re sick?    Cas chuckles low in his throat and thinks that if Dean Winchester catching him mid-air, strong arms holding him against a solid, warm chest, was his reward, he hasn’t learnt any such thing. He pushes the thought down before he can say it out loud and instead raises an eyebrow. “Dean, you played through a broken leg last year.
Adiago by noangelsinthegarrison G | 6k | Fluff,  Dancer AU
“His name’s Dean," Cas sighs, "And he’s really stupidly attractive, and when he dances, he feels it, you know? And it makes me feel like I know him, even though I don’t. He makes me feel like… like he’s dancing just for me.    Gabriel rolls his eyes, “Wow you’re overdramatic when you’re horny.
This fic is super adorable. Lovely and full of pining, which happens to be my fave.    
Good Clean Wholesome All-American Kink by Amelia_clark E | 2k Hot, Canon!verse
Dean's stronger than Cas now, and Cas kind of hates that. So Dean finds a way around it--he just needs to be tied up.
ImmMmMMmm HOT    
Roots and Wings by Elensulev E | 51k [WIP] | BDSM AU, soulmate AU, sub!dean, dom!cas
In an alternate universe where you learn your soulmate sometime around puberty, Dean Winchester is shocked not just that he is a sub, but that a man's name appeared on his wrist. John Winchester doesn't suffer subs gladly, and Dean takes the brunt of his father's misogynistic attitude. Can the mysterious Castiel convince him he is worthwhile? AU where Sam and Dean are raised apart, Cas is human, and John is a hunter raised by a disgruntled Man of Letters.
A fusion of the soulmate's-name-on-the-wrist and the dom/sub verses. Though the John parts are painful to read (this fic is NOT for John-lovers), the over all effect is worth it, and gentle-dom!Cas is my absolute favorite. Edit from 2020: Holy SHIT this fic is long now.  
Highwaymen. by orange_crushedv M | 66k | Harry Potter AU
Dean closes his eyes. He is under a blanket in his memories, fabric pulled up under his chin and his face pressed near to hers on the pillow. His father is asleep, snoring slightly, hands loose and expression happy, curled around her on the other side. She's speaking in whispers. He knows that she was already pregnant then, that Sam was on his way into their lives, even though he'd had no idea what exactly that meant at the time. He can almost see her face still, warm and orange in the light of her lumos circling their heads like a firefly, but every now and then she blurs in his vision, like a lost thread of consciousness, something half-remembered. Bit by bit, he's losing her.
The Wizarding World AU I never knew I wanted!    
Understanding your body in ten easy steps by almaasi E | 12k | Canon!verse, Masturbation
All Dean has to do is track down a decent porno for Cas to watch, help him find his sensitive spots, then hang back and let him do his thing. Easy-peasy. No homo. ...Absolutely no homo at all.
Casturbation. Fuck yes.    
Blackboard by lemonoclefox E | 76k | College AU, BDSM elements, sub!dean, dom!cas
Castiel Novak is a college English teacher, in a rather inappropriate relationship with Dean Winchester, who happens to be one of his students. But although their arrangement is one that works perfectly for the both of them, Castiel is starting to worry that maybe keeping it impersonal will be harder than he thought.
Perfect. The story is actually 8 chapters long, but the other 8 chapters are told from Dean's point of view.  
On Air by wincechesters E | 21k | Fluff, Radio Host AU
Cas and Dean are radio DJs who host the second most popular morning show in Lawrence. They’ve been co-hosts for years at different stations across the country, and they own a house together out of necessity, even though they’re just friends. But for some reason, a lot of their listeners and even some of their friends and family seem to think that they’re secretly in some kind of relationship, which they’re totally not (besides that one time that totally doesn’t count). In spite of that, Dean thinks he’s got everything figured out, until an ill-fated on air game of Truth or Dare turns everything upside down (and the billboards around town aren’t helping either).
Courage of Stars by mcpadalacklesv T | 3k | College AU,
Dean's brain is stuck on 'he's leaving me he's leaving me' and he thinks about saying don't go or I'll come with you, but what comes out of his mouth is, "I don't think you get loose-leaf tea on the moon.Wherein Dean (who owns a bookstore) and Cas (an astrophysicist grad student) have been best friends since they were kids, NASA nearly screws things up, and tea is mentioned far too often.
THIS IS ADORABLE JFC. I loved the part about tea strainers omg  
How to Improve a dull day by arigatou_sunshine E | 7k | Soulmates AU, ABO, omega!dean, alpha!cas
Dean's about to pick up something not on his grocery list.At 28, Dean meets his alpha while shopping for groceries.
I just... Um. Yes. I have a sweet spot for the true mates trope and this is a very sweet example of that :)  
Ignite by angelofthemoorv E | 86k | Vampire AU
While investigating a lead regarding a serial killer, Dean Winchester suffers a beating. When he wakes up, he discovers a stranger named Castiel has been caring for him. But Castiel has a secret--he is a vampire. He is not like other vampires, however. His mission is to protect humankind, and he has been pursuing the serial killer, too. Will the friendship between Dean and Castiel endure the trials ahead? Will their mutual attraction develop into something more?
Feels 'Verse  by Gemmiel E | 18k | Fluff,  Alt!canon
Castiel discovers that being human is very different from being an angel, physically speaking, and Dean helps him explore the differences. AU for season 9 in which Cas goes straight to the bunker and Sam heals spontaneously from the trials.
Wow this verse is so lovely and fluffy that I just want to cuddle it. Basically how Season 9 should have gone.  
Thunder & Angels by pm_lo E | 51k
Castiel’s family owns the shoddily-regulated coal mine where John Winchester works, so Dean storms Cas’s mansion, demanding answers from the drugged-out trust-fund kid. In exchange for his help repairing the mine, Cas demands Dean live with him for three months and give Cas a shot at seducing him by allowing him one kiss a day.
AHHHH!!! This was PERFECT. Love the characterizations, plot, fluff and angst amaze. read the thingggg    
Cockiness by robomanticv E | 7k | Hot,  AU Panty!kink
Dean didn’t usually come to this kind of place, but Sam had given him the puppy dog eyes and argued and pleaded and even bribed him with pie. He was seeing some new girl who apparently very into the alternative burlesque scene and she had invited them to come see a show on her night off. Aka: The one where Dean sees his first burlesque show, learns that male burlesque performers are a thing, and tries a lot of new (sexual) things. Also my Castiel underwear kink makes an appearance because I'm weakkkk
Bunker 41 by CaptainMercy42 T | 25k | Fluff, Scientist AU
Dr. Castiel Novak is giving Lieutenant Dean Winchester a simple tour of BUNKER41 when an explosion traps them both inside. They'll get out eventually. Some days that thought is very comforting, and other days it makes Cas a little sad (DENIAL: a lot sad).
Pulled From The Wreckage  by DarkmoonSigel M | 30k | Alt!canon, wing!kink
Angel and shameless wingfic. Dean notices that he is changing into something but is it something that he can accept? Mature for a reason for later chapters so bear with me here.
The Auction by TamrynEradani E | 8k
Dean's a firefighter and Cas is a police officer, and they both end up at the bar, miserable after their auction dates. Lucky for them, the night is still young.
I just um... Hnng. Firefighter!Dean and Cop!Cas.    
Welcome to the Dork Side by TamrynEradani T | 15k
Dean's handing out pie when he has an odd encounter with Castiel Novak.
Super cute! :)    
Both Sides Now by TamrynEradani T | 21k |Alt!canon, genderswap!dean
Dean solves a hunt and realizes he's in love. He does most of this while cursed into a female body which means he's also dealing with being a woman, and it's more complicated than he had realized.
Shut Your Mouth by runoutofwit E | 2k | Hot, Dom!Cas
Dean’s not sure how they ended up this way, but he doesn’t care. He didn’t expect this. He didn’t expect Castiel, Angel of the Lord, to be the equivalent of a hormone-ravaged teenager, and he sure as hell didn’t expect him to be an asshole about it.
Hella dom!cas with bossy!bottom dean mmm.    
What I need by xaandria E | 46k | Medical AU
A joking phrase commonly heard between a surgeon and his tech is "Give me what I need, not what I ask for." Dr. Novak and his tech Dean will soon learn the impact this phrase has on life outside the operating room.
Surgical AU! Very terminology heavy, so I didn't understand some parts. But very good regardless.    
Starborn by riseofthefallenone G | 12k
Dean’s obsession with the stars starts all thanks to Sam. He just didn't know where that would take him in life. Or who - or what - he would meet.
This is LOVELY.    
Love Out of Chaos by mar_map E | 30k
Sam needs homework help, Dean likes to cuddle (although he won't admit it), John gets shot, Gabriel teaches Castiel to loosen up, and Balthazar likes to flirt. That's not what's important though. What is important, is that Castiel and Dean were always meant to be (even if the two of them have trouble seeing it at first), and though Castiel lost his family, another one just might have sneaked up on him while he wasn't looking.
You Deserve This by ticklethetoastl E | 2k | Fluff,  PWP Canon!verse
Sex with Cas was never supposed to be an emotional experience, and Dean doesn't deserve to be made love to.
Praise!kink is my ultimate weakness.    
S'only you. by louise97 T | 3k
Dean wasn't sure about what exactly had led them there—the cuddle accident, morning wood issues or the growing tension between them for the past few days—but yet there they were, and he had no fucking idea what to do (at first).
*keyboard smash* soOOoOoO CUTE  
Freckles by 2spooky4u E | 7k | Fluff
"I had to draw all them perfectly," Cas insists, and Dean suddenly can't get rid of the image of Cas, clutching on to a Crayola washable marker, jamming it into his skin forcefully like a little kid mashes his markers on the paper in a vehement attempt to make the color deeper. ”And now you're insulted 'cause I don't appreciate 'em?" Dean asks, bewildered. "No," Cas lies petulantly. "Huh." The stubborn child version of Cas Dean has painted in his mind is now clutching his paper possessively, shielding it from scrutiny. They drive in silence for a while. "Thank you for making my freckles," Dean grouses finally, knowing that it's the only way Cas will forgive him. ((((OR, IN WHICH CAS LIKES DEAN AND HIS FRECKLES, AND DEAN IS STUBBORNLY HETEROSEXUAL))))
Simple and adorable. Pining!cas and Discovering his bisexuality!Dean. Addresses Dean's self worth issues :D️    
Appoggiatura by ceeainthereforthat E | 121k | College au
Castiel leaves the religious commune of Heaven Farms to study classical piano after winning a full scholarship paid for by the Deanna Campbell Memorial Foundation, and answers an ad in the campus newspaper: 1 bedroom to let. Meals provided. 50mb wifi, quiet odd music student preferred.
Super interesting world building. Love the imagery and writing style.    
Good Books, Bad Movies by Amelia_Clark E | 17k | Fluff, Hot,  Bookstore AU
Castiel Novak is an award-winning, heavily tattooed writer of dark fantasy (think China Mieville). Dean Winchester runs a quirky book/video store called Good Books, Bad Movies. There's a reading, some lit-nerd flirting, and eventually smut amongst the shelves.
First of all, this is adorable. Second of all it's smoking hot.    
Alone Together by ScarletPhoenix E | 26k | Dean/Cas/BennyA/b/o AU
Dean Winchester has never expected to be happy. As an omega, his only hope is that he’ll end up with an alpha that’ll think of him as a human being and take him away from his abusive father. Castiel Novak isn’t allowed to be happy. As a beta, he’s forced by his parents to hide who he is under fake bravado and forced hormone therapy. The one thing that keeps him going is his love for his best friend, Dean. Benny Lafitte has given up on happiness. As an alpha, he should be mated with little ones running around under feet, but that isn’t how life played out. Instead he focuses on running his restaurant and ignoring his empty house. When these three meet, will they finally find the happiness they deserve?
Come Clean by snuggycas E | 3k | Hot,  A/B/O AU, PWP, Omega!dean, Alpha!cas
When Sam makes Dean help for the Universities annual car wash fundraiser, he meets Castiel Milton, a business intern who is finishing his masters degree. When they go on a date and Dean's heat suppressants fail, they make a discovery that will change their lives forever. This is all porn to be honest.
Hot and Cute <3 Also this hit all my kinks haha.    
grip them tight and raise them from pernicion by flux E | 20k | Fluff,  Much ado about nothing au, highschool au
Dean and Cas have been at each other's throats for years, but Anna and Sam are determined to change that for the better. With a well-placed love letter and some careful direction, they manage to get the two into a semi-antagonistic, fiercely competitive, and emotionally confusing game of relationship chicken. Now they just need to get to prom.
Fucking adorable and hilarious. I love much ado about nothing so much, and this was a wonderful rendition!  
The face of heaven. by orange_crushed T | 9k | Fluff,  AU
"This is the best day of my life," Castiel tells him, when he comes back. "You’ve been so kind to me." His cheeks are glowing a little from the cold, or maybe just because he’s an otherworldly being full of light. Dean doesn’t know. "If I burn another million years, I won’t forget it. "Oh," says Dean. "Good." (In which Castiel is a fallen star.)
PERFECT! Oh my heart!    
Hold Me Close by twisting_vine_x E | 7k | Star trek AU
Pon farr Destiel AU. In which Castiel is a half-Vulcan scientist, Dean is an engineer, and they’re best friends who are stationed aboard the USS Enterprise for her first five-year voyage. An away mission going wrong. Getting stranded together on some deserted planet. Just another day in the lives of a couple of Starfleet officers, but when the Vulcan side of Cas suddenly makes itself know, he and Dean are put in a position that has the potential to either make or break them.
Ghost Dance  by omphalos E | 51k | Angst, Alt!Canon
In post-apocalyptic isolation, Castiel nurses Dean back to something like his former self, but will a time come when Dean's recovered --and rediscovered-- too much?
Very angsty, very sad. This wrecked me with perfection. Be sure to read the tags.    
  Meringue by SurlyCat E | 23k | Dean/Cas/Jimmy, Hot, College AU
Dean and Cas have been together for about six months, when Cas starts to get antsy about their sex life. The sex has been good and all, but what Dean doesn't know is that his shy, sweet little boyfriend has been holding back. One confusing spur of the moment date with his boyfriend's twin later, and Dean finds out that Cas may not be as innocent as he thought.
*fans self* well basically this is really hot and you should read it. if you're into d/c/j of course.    
A Room Of One's Own by NorthernSparrow E | 94k | Hot,  alt!canon
All Dean wants is a little privacy. Cas doesn't understand.
Omfg. This was hilarious, wonderful, and hot. A+. Basically crack, but with emotional moments and hot porn. so, yep.
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Scorpion Vs. Elon Musk’s Mom: FIGHT
Yes, that is indeed Elon Musk’s mother up there. And no, I do not have a bigger sized version of the pic. Guess we could always ask captain-price-official if one does exist.
Or perhaps make your own? Here’s Elon’s mum by herself (and in higher res)...
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And with that, it’s time to see what else I tweeted during the first half of March! So, sticking with fighting games: which Street Fighter character does lighting better? Ryu, via the animated movie (via settei)...
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… Or Bison, via the live action flick (via toghomevideo)...
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I absolutely love win quotes from rom hacks (via bison2winquote)...
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I have a massive backlog of games, yet Tekken 7 just shot straight to the top of the list, thanks to the knowledge that you can accurately recreate Dynamite Headdy characters (via mysterious0bob)...
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This Hatsune Miku X Space Channel 5 figure is v. nice (via nendoroidoftheday)...
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A friendly reminder to everyone that A. I'm a massive fan of Seaman & B. my birthday is about a month away (via nutastic)...
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This scene at the beach with a Figma of Link, from A Link Between Worlds, feels more like Link's Awakening than anything else (via vyntic)...
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Toys and models are no longer just for reenacting memorable in-game moments, they can also reproduce famous IRL events that surrounded the games themselves (via 8bitcentral)...
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So what's the going rate for ET for the Atari 2600 that was supposedly dug up in for that so-called documentary, Atari: Game Over? Which I recently re-watched and still can't believe people think is real. At any rate, am assuming the autograph from Howard Scott Warshaw gives it some actual value (via it8bit)...
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And what's the going rate for Chinese Famiclone karaoke carts, primarily one with Jackie Chan on the label. Am also wondering if it's cuz his songs are included... you are aware of his successful career in music as well, right? (via ulan-bator)...
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Been struggling to come up with a zinger for the past 10 minutes, but ain't nuthin gonna beat "Welcome to the Velvet Room y'all!" (via jatayu)...
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To be filed under: it's funny cuz it's true (via doctorbutler)...
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So the weather has been awful around these parts, lots of rain & snow, which gets in the way of imagining a giant tetromino in the sky (via uvula.jp)...
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When playing Super Mario Galaxy 2, please keep in mind that somewhere out there, despite being out of view, is the ghost of Luigi floating through vast stretches of empty space, with zero destination or purpose (via suppermariobroth)...
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Speaking of Luigi, and Supper Mario Broth; they’ve taken the adventures he talks about in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and illustrated them in the form of a comic that closely adheres to the style of the game...
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Also a friendly reminder of that rift between Mario & Luigi for a few years (they'd eventually make up & resume doing games together, as everyone knows) after Mario discovered his brother being all friendly with the enemy in Super Mario World (via peazy86)...
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Yet another obscure Mario factoid: the move he uses to defeat Bowser in Super Mario 64 originates from an old furikake commercial that predates the game by about a decade (via suppermariobroth)...
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Yet another random gif of Mario from the 80s, this one from a video guide from Super Mario Bros; I miss the days in which his look was not yet standardized (via suppermariobroth)...
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And here we have a completely unlicensed Dr. Mario, unless Nintendo gave him the OK to brush up on his doctoring skills by assuming an alias at a family clinic in Houston TX (via suppermariobroth)...
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It's funny how, when it comes to obscure Mario games, everyone brings up Mario Is Missing or Hotel Mario, but what about Super Mario Bros. & Friends: When I Grow Up? (via kazucrash)...
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Mario gets his own breakfast cereal.
Luigi? Booze. (via @carolynmichelle)
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A question that I posed on MAR10Day (via retrogamerblog)...
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It's not Super Mario Bros, but simply…. Bros (via therubberfruit)...
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I've never wanted something "bootleg" to be official as much as as this Dark Souls fan art. And if the actual game somehow looked like this, that would be... gladly welcomed (via gamefreaksnz)
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Oh God, Nier is amazing and all, but I would SO be down for a yelling & screaming match with Yoko Taro on this point (via @Avisch_)...
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Behold my fave Twitter thread in recent memory: "You see, that was taken from Africa, but it belonged to the Keyblade Masters. Imma take it off your hands for ya."
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"Nah, It was taken by British soldiers in Africa but it's actually from Gaia. A sword far heavier than any sword has rights to be, yet a true 1st Class will wield it with ease. Don't trip, I'm gonna take it off your hands for you."
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"Nah, It was taken by British soldiers in Africa but it's actually from Hyrule. Originally crafted by the goddess Hylia herself. Only a true hero that is pure of heart and strong of body is capable of wielding the sacred blade. Don't trip, I'm gonna take it off your hands for you."
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Naturally the star of Home Alone 1 & Home Alone 2 has both a NES Classic and Famicom Mini, like all Hollywood bigwigs (via @SimonParkin)...
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While discussing Ready Player One with a colleague, was reminded of the dude who was so inspired by the book that he turned his apartment into an arcade (and then his fiancé broke up with him; via nydailynews.com)...
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Recently there was some kind of event at Sega HQ, I think? Details are basically nonexistent due to the language barrier, but far as I can gather, 16 super fans were invited to come by & party (via @SEGA_OFFICIAL)...
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... If you check out #セガ公式アカウントオフ会 you'll see numerous pics from the get-together, though the one thing that stands out is the assortment of Sega hardware (via @KK__Cy)...
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... MIA, cuz no variants were on display, is my fave alt ver. of the Mega Drive: the Wondermega. But @yu100s took one of his own… with the ugly ass US Sonic 1 NOT FOR RESALE cart inserted, Jesus fucking Christ...
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The Sega logo in katakana looks pretty hawt (via @Exciteless)...
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... Yet the Sega logo in Arabic which is official, is even hawter (via boingboing.net)...
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Please enjoy your daily recommended dosage of an erotic hospital-management sim (via @topherflorence)...
NCSX makes the fidget spinner comparison, though the fidget cube seems a bit more appropriate; behold the fidget game controller...
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Toy Fair recently took place, and naturally I took tons of pictures. You can find all of them on my personal Instagram, though a few are worth re-posting here. Like the latest in NECA's line of classic movie characters, as they appeared in video game adaptations...
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Though in the case of their take on the Alien vs. Predator arcade game, they even included Capcom's original characters...
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Unpainted, pre-production figures from Reflection's upcoming Ghost 'N Goblins line, sporting the oh-so popular Kenner-eqsue retro look...
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Pint-sized arcade cabs, available this fall for $400. They’ll come unassembled, though dead simple to put together; the construction of the assembled mini cab was surprisingly sturdy, plus the screen wasn't bad (contrary to the picture that my iPhone's camera paints). Though the controls were shit; no word on whether the parts can be swapped or not...
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Was delighted to not not only see Cuphead merch at Toy Fair, but more than just one instance (though this was the only time I was allowed to take a picture)...
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Came across a producer of infant goods that had a selection of Super Mario baby bibs...
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I asked the rep if this was their first foray into video games and the answer was "Yes." And when asked who's been mostly buying them, was told "Video game collectors, who don't even have children… it's so bizarre!!!"
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Sticking with bibs, here's a set that tied to Dragon Quest (via miki800.com)...
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... I asked on Twitter what they said and @alexfkraus was kind enough to provide translations, here and here.
Was so inspired by @MinusWorld listing which characters he'd like to see in the next Super Smash Bros that I decided to cite a few of my own:
- Mona from WarioWare - Nester from Nintendo Power’s Howard & Nester comics - Link from that Japanese A Link To The Past commercial - A deck of Hanafuda cards
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... BTW, had no idea Ollie also mentioned a Hanafuda; I only saw his initial four, initially! Anyhow, my second round of choices:
- Ashley from Another Code - The "who are you running from?" guy in the Game Boy Camera - Lucas from The Wizard - The 4WD from Stunt Race FX (since Fighters Megamix with the Daytona USA 2 car clearly ain't ever happening)
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I alas forgot to include BoxBoy, much like how I got these Uniqlo shirts when they were on sale last year (via minusworld.co.uk)...
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Here we have my fave reaction on Tumblr to the Nintendo Direct with the Smash 5 reveal, if only for the punchline (via mendelpalace)...
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And here we have my fave reaction on Twitter (via @redford)...
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This one is also great because wrestling (via @SteveYurko)...
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Speaking of wrestling, remember that time Tazz, while commentating for Smackdown, was also playing a game of Final Fantasy X-2… or so he thought? (via defjamvendetta)
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"hey quick question whoever's developing the wwe games now: what the fuck"
"It helps him eat small fish"
"better question: why isn't this an option in every game ever"
"FAIR POINT" (via snoozlebee)
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Whereas most publishers in Japan, during the 80s & 90s, had festivals (or carnivals) centered around shmups, Asmik's was based on women's wrestling (via oldgamemags)...
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It's not for a video game, though the illustration is by someone who has been involved in a few; it's by Satoshi Yoshioka, of Snatcher and Policenauts fame (via videogamesdensetsu)...
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It's not for a video game that actually exists, but is instead a completely fictional instructional manual, one that makes you wish it was real (via tomeccles)...
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Just when you think you've seen every ultra, wacky & obscure video game box art there is to see out there (via @CoolBoxArt)...
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I have a serious soft sport for the usage of video game imagery among early 80s musicians (via siryl)...
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... What the final product looks like BTW/FYI...
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A. so there's a VR version of Fruit Ninja, did not know that, & B. if you like watching people play it (for whatever reason), yet wish you could actually see a person swinging a sword and not just some abstract swiping motions… here ya go (via prostheticknowledge)...
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Playing games in VR is so 2017… Handling your collection of games in VR? Now THAT is very 2018 (via mendelpalace)...
Lots of friends are playing the new DBZ fighting game, though I'll give it a shot once it hits the arcades and is also in a cab like this (via @Fotosdecomics)...
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I absolutely need to get my hands on this S.H. Figuarts Shinya Arino (via tinycartridge)...
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Available right now, some Altered Beast, Bare Knuckles, and Rent-a-Hero resin kits (via miki800.com)...
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Cursed? More like blessed amirite (via @Pretzel_Pup)...
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I know Yoji Shinkawa is best buds with Hideo Kojima, but would he be open to doing another gig at Konami? Cuz him art directing a reboot of Twin Bee would kinda be the best (via @SESKOU)...
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There's money on the table with this Metroid X Pepsi mash-up, am confident of this (via ryangilleece)...
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Cuz even someone like Samus Aran needs a good stretch every once in a while (via jon-bliss)...
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And this third piece of Metroid fan art in a row is very much related to Metroid 3, aka Super Metroid (even though it technically depicts the ending to Metroid 2; via mmillus)...
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Awakening indeed (via brookietf)...
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For those who have asked, yes, I have seen the hack that connects the Switch to an itty-bitty black & white TV...
Though I'm only really interested in tiny b&w CRT TVs if I can play Duck Hunt on them (via arcade-crusade)...
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I not only dig teeny-tiny displays for light gun games, but also for driving games as well (perhaps some of you might remember the following from this)...
Back to tube displays; seeing Zelda on a CRT also reminded me of how Dark Souls look on a CRT, aka CRT Souls or 480i Souls (which again I'm hoping regular readers of the blog remember, especially since the original post has fallen victim to a Tumblr bug)...
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"while playing king's field just now i died in the magic cave of fire and when i warped back there were beautiful graphical glitches everywhere" (via mendelpalace)...
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Some landscapes, filled with beauty and mystery and terror, are accidental (see: the graphical glitches from before)… whereas others are completely deliberate, as in the case of Atlantia (via obscurevideogames)...
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Once again, I REALLY need to figure out a way to play some PC88 games (via obscurevideogames)...
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Here we have a semi-common Space Invaders sighting for the time, in an episode of Battle Fever J, one of the earliest Super Sentai shows (via himitsusentaiblog)...
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And here we have a rare Game Gear sighting, in old OVA anime, Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko. Hell, it’s a rare Game Gear in anything sighting; the only other example that comes to mind is Rumble In The Bronx (via @TheOtaking)...
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And an equally rare Sonic on the runway sighting (via kotaku.com)...
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I normally watch a video in its entirety before making a recommendation. Yet when it came to this overview of Last Bronx's legacy in Japan (and lack thereof in the West), hearing the main theme to Beat Takeshi's Violent Cop near the 3 min mark was all I needed (have since watched the whole thing, and as expected, it's another awesome Kim Justice production)...
And finally, a friend notes: "subzero's right arm is real close to trump's spinal column
just sayin" (via @jbillinson)...
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21 notes · View notes
nsschaintale · 5 years
Hiro stepped out of the elevator, finding himself on a long pathway. Up ahead, he spotted two monsters, a six-armed lavender one with short black hair and two short ponytails, five dark purple eyes, and wearing a shortsleeved jumper with a maroon top and a dark pink bottom and black boots behind a long table covered with a pink-and-white checker tablecloth and the green cat monster wearing a longsleeved top, blue shorts, and kneehigh yellow boots reclining on the floor. On the table is a croissant and a purple glazed donut. By the voice of the lavender monster, Hiro figured this was a girl. He also noticed spider webs everywhere and the girl's physique is reminding him of a spider as well...
Spider Girl: Welcome to our parlor, dearie~. Interested in some spider pastries? All proceeds go to real spiders~.
Hiro: Spider pastries. Oh, so she had the ones in the Ruins, too? (checks out the spider donut; notices it looks more rubbery than usual) Huh, it's not real? (looks at the croissant; it reminds him of a power bracelet from a game he saw someone play before) I want one... (walks up to the cat monster)
Cat Monster (hesitant): I...I...I ended up buying donut...
Hiro: You did?
CM: Yeah.. I...I...I didn't want to, but that girl... even though I told her no, she...kept staring at me in this creepy way and licking her lips. N....Now I'm outta cash...
Hiro (glances back at the girl and catches her staring at them): Eeep..
Hiro continued past the area and found himself in a room with more of the steam arrow platforms.
Hiro: Not this again... (hears his phone ring and answers it) Hello?
Alphys: Hi, Alphys here!
Hiro: Hi. It's that dumb arrow room again...
Alphys: Yeah, this room's like the room we saw before. There are two puzzles to the north and the south. You'll have to solve them both to proceed!
Hiro: Okay.
Alphys: ...A-Also... I'd like to say! I don't really...like giving away puzzle solutions.
Hiro: Aww, not even a little one?
Alphys: Nope! But if you need help, just call me, ok? Actually, wait, I have an idea!
Hiro: What?
Alphys: Let's be friends on UnderNet! Then you can ping me when you need help!
Hiro: Okay, but I thought we're already friends on there.
Alphys: ...Huh? …..Wait, we're friends already? ...I signed you up, didn't I?
Hiro: Yeah, you  signed me up when you fixed my phone.
Alphys: Ah...  (nervous) You've been reading my posts the whole time...
Hiro: Oh, the things popping up when you said something? Yeah, I saw them.
Alphys: …..Well! I hope! You agree with me! About Mew Mew 2!
Hiro: I've never- (gets hung up on) -seen it... Ack.
Hiro pocketed his phone and proceeded to solve the puzzle ahead. He found this arrow area to be a lot easier than the one before and he headed south first. The laser-conveyor belt area was not so fun, though. Moving through three blue lasers on the belt and thrown into three soul-rending quick laser actions left him at 5 hp as he tried to stop and move when needed. Once he made it, he heard his phone ring and answered it angrily.
Alphys: Hey! Ah, s-something up?
Hiro: I hate lasers.
Alphys: O-Oh... This, um, doesn't have anything to do with guiding you...but...... (silent) ...would you like to watch a human TV show together??? Sometime??
Hiro: Huh? Yeah? What's it called?
Alphys: It's called, um, M...Mew Mew Kissy Cutie...
Hiro: That show she likes.... Sure!
Alphys: R-Really!? It's so good! It's um, my favorite show! It's about- (goes on a tangent about the show and almost spoils stuff) Uhh, I think you'd really like it!!! We should watch it! After you get through all this!
Hiro: Um...Okay. (hangs up) I don't think I caught that. But it sounds neat. (heads inside the room; sees it's the block shot room) Oh, it's that room that you gotta move the blocks and stuff. (reads the note) …..Just one shot..? Hmm..
It took him a short while, but he figured it out and took the shot.
Hiro: Yes! (leaves the room) Now for the other room. (goes on the conveyor belt and notices a cactus; manages to stop and smell a flower on it being moved away) Nice.
Hiro returned to steam-hopping in the area and headed north. He arrived in a plus-shaped area where nothing seemed strange and entered the room, seeing the block shot puzzle again.
Hiro: Here we go! (shifts the boxes and clears the area on the first try; shoots the ship) I'm getting good at this! (leaves the room and sees a pair of diamond-head monsters, one pink with a red backward cap, sleeveless striped shirt, blue jeans and black shoes, and one yellow wearing a V-neck longsleeved shirt, blue shorts and black boots; overhears them discussing Mettaton)
Pink Diamond-head: My fave Mettaton Moment(TM)? Right when everything looks the baddest, he poses dramatically. Like when he's on a cooking show and the eggs don't turn out right. But then he says! Even if you suck at cooking, you can always buy an MTT-brand Glamburger! Then he eats one! Everyone loves it!
Hiro: How? He doesn't have a mouth.
PD: ….How does he eat it without a mouth? Uhh, well... Watch the show!
Hiro: Ah. (walks over to the other monster)
Yellow Diamond-head: My fave Mettaton Moment(TM) is when he beats up the heel-turning villains! Even when it's during what's supposed to be a quiz show. Oh! And I like when he tries all kinds of different fashionable outfits! Even if it's during what's supposed to be a newscast.
After listening to the two monsters, he continued onward. He messed up the direction at first, but he managed to make to the eastern part of the area and walked up the long path. He faced a large pair of glowing double-doors with green lights flashing. They slowly opened to allow him passage and he moved on. Once through, he caught the scent of old cobwebs, which then brought his attention to the threads of spider webs that decorate the area as he saved his progress.
Hiro: Uh oh... (reads the location name on the screen) “Spider Entrance”? That's not good...
The area soon turned purple as he continued on towards the archway ahead. Once through, he was greeted with a dark area covered in cobwebs and spider threads. He could hear the skittering and faint twang of thread being stepped on and the titter and chatter of the resident beings nearby as he maneuvers past the webs on the ground.
???: Ahuhuhuhuhu.... Did you hear what they just said? They said a human wearing a striped shirt will come through.
Hiro: …..
???: I heard they hate spiders...
Hiro: Not...really...
???: I heard they love to stomp on them.
Hiro: I don't get close to- (feels his movement slow down) Eh?
???: I heard that they like to tear their legs off.
Hiro: Gah, why am I slow..? (looks down at himself)
???: I heard...
Hiro (sees himself waist deep in spider silk): Ah? What is this!? (struggles to pull himself out while getting his arms stuck) Geh, can't...pull it off! (faces forward; sees the girl from the parlor standing on a large spiderweb with a few purple spiders hanging around her; spots some spiders blocking his way out) Uuh...
Girl: ...That they're awfully stingy with their money.
Hiro: Eeh!? You!?
Girl: Ahuhuhuhuhu.... You think your taste is too refined for my pastries, don't you, deary? Ahuhuhu... I disagree to that notion. I think your taste..is exactly what this next batch needs!
Hiro: I don't think I taste that good!
With a giggle, the area fell into grayscale as Muffet, Hiro finds out, faces him. With a pair of teacups in her top two hands and a pair of teapots in her middle hands, she managed to trap Hiro. His options were to pay her 10g or Struggle, so he struggled to break free. Muffet giggled at his futile effort to escape.
Hiro: Ngh, gotta....
Muffet: Don't look so blue, my deary~ (pours purple liquid into the area) ...I think purple is a better look for you! Ahuhuhu~
Hiro: Agh! (covers his mouth as the liquid filled the box and dissolve most of the webs on him besides the ones tied to his soul, hands, and feet; reemerges with his soul being purple and attached to string as the liquid evaporated) Agh, wait... (notices a spider holding a sign showing “Up next” and a spider on it) What...is that?
Muffet: Why so pale? You should be proud~.
As Hiro asked about what he should be proud of, he climbed the web up and down to avoid the spiders. He then sees the sign again as Muffet tidies the web around him.  When the option to pay 40g showed up, he chooses it, watching the coins land on the web.
Muffet: Proud that you're going to make a delicious cake~. Ahuhuhuhuhu~
Hiro: I think I'd make a bad cake...
Hiro dodged more spiders, but gets hit once. The little spider shows a sign with double spiders as Muffet does a synchronized dance with the other spiders. Hiro noticed the pay option was at 80g, and then struggles. Muffet saw this then laughs and claps her hands.
Hiro: Let me....go!
Muffet (giggles): Let you go? Don't be silly~
Hiro saw the incoming spiders and dodges them. He saw some that are on two lines and gets hit by one of them, seeing a sign with a spider and a circle that could be a donut as the spiders dance and clap to the cheerful music playing. He saw that his health was getting low, so he went to his Item menu for something to eat. To his surprise, Hiro soon realized he forgot to get more out of his dimensional boxes. He only has a pack of Astronaut Food and a can of Sea Tea. Thinking it would help him move faster, he drinks the Sea Tea to heal. He hoped his SPEED would increase, but realized he was restricted by web.
Muffet: Your SOUL is going to make every spider very happy~~~
Hiro: …. (dodges the spiders; gets hit but manages to dodge three donuts that bounced at him; sees a sign with a muffin and pays 80g) Is she gonna throw muffins at me?
Muffet: Oh, how rude of me! I forgot to introduce you to my pet~ It's breakfast time isn't it? Have fun you two~
Hiro tries to dodge the spiders as they rushed by. He expected muffins to be flying at him. What he didn't expect was a giant spider-legged muffin monster.
Hiro: AAAH!! (frantically climbs the web while trying to dodge spiders) That was close... (sees the spider donut sign) Gaah. (catches the scent of freshly baked cobwebs) That smells.... (eats the astrofood to heal) Nothing left...
Muffet: The person who warned us about you...
Hiro: About me? (dodges the  spiders and donuts, gets hit; checks the Pay option and sees it at 150g; currently has 156g) I only have that much left.. (struggles) I don't wanna!!
Muffet (is amused by Hiro's antics, she gave him a discount): …..Offered us a lot of money for your SOUL.
Hiro: Someone wanted to buy my SOUL? (dodges spiders, but gets hit; sees the Pay option is at 75g, pays it) I still got enough...
Muffet: They had such a sweet smile~ And.... ahuhu~
Hiro tried to dodge the spiders and donuts coming at, but he dies in the process when a spider hit his soul. He returned to the save star and decided to be more prepared with more items from his phone, including the items he ate. When he checked his phone, he noticed his 268g was back to normal.
Hiro: Huh? My money's back. (goes back into the area) I wonder who the person who told Muffet about me is. Who wants to get my soul? ….It couldn't be- (gets stuck in the web again) Aww, no...
Muffet: I heard...a certain stingy human hates spiders.
Hiro had a tough time going through the battle against Muffet and her spiders friends. Dodging spiders and donuts, climbing in a panic from Muffet's pet. He had some hits dealt to him, but he managed to get through to where Muffet mentioned about the person who offered her money for his soul. The only person he knew who would have wanted to get his soul for a reason was Asgore. At one point, Muffet pours Hiro a cup of spiders. He kindly refuses and continues dodging until he dies again.
Hiro (grabbing his head): Ack, why did I run into that spider!?
Hiro returned to the spider webbed area and tries again. He sees the spider donut sign again, dodges the spiders  while getting a hit on him and sees something flying at him. He managed to dodge it, but sees it coming back and dodges it again, noticing it was a random croissant that flew and out like a boomerang.
Hiro: Was that a croissant thing? (sees the spider's sign showing the croissant) There's more...?
Muffet: It's strange, but I swore I saw them in the shadows... Changing shape..?
Hiro: Changing shape? Does Asgore do that? (dodges the croissants and gets hit by one; sees the muffin monster on the sign) Oh no, not that muffin thing...
Muffet: Oh, it's lunch time, isn't it? And I forgot to feed my pet~
Hiro: You forgot?!
Again, Hiro tries to dodge spiders and donuts and struggles to climb the web to escape the muffin monster, and again, he dies. He soon began to feel tired and that familiar voice crept into his mind in the darkness.
???: Come on...just kill her already. You're only wasting your time. It'll be easier to take that pan and-
Hiro (shakes his head): NO! (finds himself before the star; stares at it for a while) …..
Hiro pushed himself through the battle again. He had to prove that he can get through it without resorting to violence. As Hiro tried to figure out why the spider girl would want to get the money for his soul, it was made apparent when Muffet mentioned the reason for her acceptance of the exchange.
Muffet: With that money, the spider clans can finally be reunited~
Hiro: Reunited? (dodges spiders and gets hit)
Muffet: You haven't heard? Spiders have been trapped in the Ruins for generations!
Hiro (tries to dodge donuts): Oh, those spiders! Hey, can't they just go under the door?
Muffet (shakes her head): Even if they go under the door, Snowdin's fatal cold is impassable alone.
Hiro (dodges the croissants, but gets hit): Ouch! Oh yeah, it was really cold there...
Muffet: But with the money from your SOUL, we'll be able to rent them a heated limo~
Hiro: I want a heated limo... Whatever a limo is.
Hiro was struggling with this battle as he used up his items and got his soul shattered. He didn't have much of a way to make it end quicker, but he was determined to get past the spider girl. He decided to switch up his armor from glasses to apron and try again. He finally managed to reach the point where all three symbols (spider, donut, croissant) were on the sign the little spider was holding.
Hiro: Yes, I gotta be close!!
Muffet: And with all of the leftovers...? We could have a nice vacation~ Or even build a spider baseball field~
Hiro: That sounds fun! (dodges the spiders, donuts, and croissants; gets hit by a spider) Ack!
Muffet: But enough of that... It's time for dinner, isn't it? Ahuhuhu~
Hiro: Not again!
More spiders rushed out across the web, overwhelming him as he tries to climb faster from the muffin monster but dies in the progress again.
Hiro: So cloooose!!
He felt like getting close to the end and pushed himself through the battle as he tries again. He soon faced off against the spider and muffin monster onslaught and manages to survive it.
Hiro: Gaaah!! Finally!!
Muffet (amused): You're still alive? Ahuhuhu~ Oh my pet, it's time for dessert~
Hiro: N-No... (notices a little spider crawl up to Muffet with a paper) No sign..?
Muffet: Huh? A telegram from the spiders in the ruins? (takes and reads it) What? They're saying that they saw you and...you helped donated to their cause!
Hiro: Yeah! I bought a donut from them!
Muffet: Oh my, this has all been a big misunderstanding~ I thought you were someone who hated spiders.
Hiro: I mean, not really.
Muffet: The person who asked for that soul... They must have meant a DIFFERENT  human in a striped shirt~
Hiro: There's another person here? (sees a flicker of the other kid)
Muffet: Sorry for all the trouble. Ahuhuhu~ I'll make it up to you~ You can come back here any time... And, for no charge at all...
Hiro: Thanks!
Muffet: I'll wrap you up and let you play with my pet again!
Hiro: Uh, t-thanks... NO THANK YOU!!
Muffet: Ahuhuhuhuhuhu~ Just kidding~ I'll spare you now~
After what felt like hours of a grueling dodge fest and a flickering scene of her getting killed, Hiro and Muffet finally spared each other. All but one spider left the area as Muffet spoke to Hiro while removing the webs off of him with ease.
Muffet: Ahuhuhuhu.... That was fun! See you again, dearie!
With a giggle and ascension of the last spider, Muffet retreated back into the darkness. Hiro made a mad dash back to the save star and saved his progress.
Hiro: Never...never again....
Once done, Hiro dashed his way out of the cobwebbed area, but not without Muffet being present in the room and him being told to be on his best behavior when visiting her parlor. When he exited the area, he found himself in another purple area where the wall is made of brick and he found a poster that looked like the one in Alphys's lab. It was a new stage play by Mettaton about a tragic tale of two star-crossed lovers, kept apart by the tides of fate.
Hiro: I remember doing something like that at school. I was a mouse in the Nutcracker play before Christmas. Oh, it's almost time for the performance! I think? I should find a seat! (walks out onto the stage)
The background has silhouettes of lit houses and the stage building was a castle with stairs and vines. A full moon and three stars are hanging by more silhouetted houses. As Hiro spotted the seats below him and made his way to find the stairs to them, a familiar robotic voice is heard above him.
???: OH? THAT HUMAN...
Hiro (looks up to see Mettaton peeking out the square window by the balcony area): Oh no...
Mettaton: COULD IT BE? (comes out in a blue dress, dressed somewhat like Cinderella) MY ONE TRUE LOVE?
Hiro: I...what- (hears music playing starting with a harp) Uh....
Mettaton descended down the stairs while holding his dress to avoid tripping. He soon began to sing once his screen turned red.
Mettaton (sings off cue):
Oh my love~
Please run away~
Monster King~
Forbids your stay~
Humans must~
Live far apart~
Even if~
It breaks my heart~
They'll put you~
Hiro (sees rose petals falling around them): Eh?
In the dungeon~
It'll suck~
And then you'll die a lot~
Hiro: I-
Really sad~
You're gonna die~
Cry cry cry~
(puts his hand on Hiro's head) So sad it's happening~.
(shooting star falls in the background)
Hiro (claps nervously): Errm, that was...nice?
Hiro: Wait, me!?
Mettaton (has a control button): WELL, TOODLES! (presses it)
Hiro (drops when a trap door opens under him): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!! (lands in a room; sees Mettaton hovering nearby) Ooww...
Hiro: What's a paramo-uhhhh.... That's...
Hiro: That's that maze Papyrus had....
Hiro (nervous): Um........no..?
Hiro: Uh-
Hiro: Ah...
Hiro (feels something warm behind him getting hotter): Why does it feel hot- (sees a wall of fire behind him)
Hiro: Aaah!!
Hiro had sort of remembered the rules, but that didn't keep him from running into electric tiles, red tiles, and piranha tiles in a panic, and in doing so, he didn't make it in time.
Hiro: Oh no...
Hiro (panicking): What do I do!?
Hiro: Ngh...Alphys, help!
Mettaton: ANY MINUTE NOW!!
Mettaton: …... (robotic cough)
Hiro: Too hot.... (hears his phone ring and answers) Alphys, help! Mettaton got me trapped in fire!
Alphys: Watch out! I'll save you! I'm hacking into the firewall right now!
Hiro: Hurry! (sees the fire extinguished quickly) Phew...
(awkward pause)
Hiro: Uh...
Mettaton: THAT-
Alphys: That's right! Come on, Mettaton! Give up already! You'll never be able to defeat us...not as long as we work together!
Hiro: Y-Yah! What she said!
Alphys: Your puzzle's over... now go home and leave us alone!
Hiro: Yeah!
Hiro: Wait, isn't that new-
(greyscale battlefield)
Hiro: H-Hello?! Alphys!
Alphys: H-Hey!! Th-This seems bad, but don't worry!! There's one last thing I installed on your phone..! You see that yellow button...?
Hiro (looks on his phone and sees a yellow button above JETPACK): Yeah?
Alphys: Go to the phone's [[ACT]] menu and press it!
Hiro: Okay! (sees the [[ACT]] panel glowing, sees the option Yellow in yellow color) Here! (sees his phone resonating with Mettaton's presence) Huh?
Mettaton: OH!!! THAT YELLOW GLOW....!
Hiro (soul turns the pointed end to the robot and flashed yellow): Whoa!
Alphys: Now press it!
Aiming his soul like a gun, Hiro shot energy bullets at Mettaton.
Hiro (soul returned to normal and he answered his phone): Alphys, he left!
Alphys: L-Looks like you beat him!
Hiro: Yeah, and that was so cool! I didn't my soul could do that!
Alphys: You did a really great job out there!
Hiro: All thanks to you, Alphys!
Alphys: What? Oh no, I mean... You were the one doing everything cool! I just wrote some silly programs for your phone.
Hiro: you still helped me out with them, so you're cool, too!
Alphys: ….umm, h-hey, this might sound strange, but...c-can I tell you something?
Hiro: Yeah?
Alphys: …..
Hiro: ?
Alphys: B-before I met you, I d-didn't really... I didn't like myself very much.
Hiro: Why not?
Alphys: For a long time, I felt like a total screw-up. L-Like I couldn't do a-anything w-without...without ending up letting everyone down. B-But...! Guiding you has made me feel... a lot better about myself. So... thanks for letting me help you.
Hiro: Welcome!
Alphys: ….Uhhh, anyway, we're almost to the CORE. It's just past MTT Resort. Come on! Let's finish this!
Hiro: Yeah! (hangs up) All right.
Hiro moved on and realized how far he was from the end (nowhere near) and headed up. He arrived at an area where he saw the nice cream guy and the guards flanking the stairs ahead with paths to the left and right.
Hiro: Ah! I can get more ice cream!
Nice Cream Guy: Hey! It's you again! Business is excellent here! These two fellas bought all my ice cream! I've actually sold out of everything!!
Hiro: Oh what...
NCG: ...Sorry... Wait! I've still got something for you!
Hiro: Really?! What is it?
NCG: A big smile! How about that!
Hiro: Aaaw...
NCG: I'm so happy! Nice cream is really changing the world!
Disappointed at not getting more Nice Cream, Hiro went over to the guards, noticing that RG02 seems happy.
RG01: Oh hey, we're, like, taking a rain check on that killing-you thing. Like, don't tell Undyne about this, ok?
Hiro: Um, okay...
He checked the right path and saw the R3 elevator and Heats Flamesman. Which Hiro got right according to the monster's reaction of being easily defeated. He'll always remember that Hiro remembered. He checked the left path and found the stage he fell from with Mettaton, so the only way is up. Hiro found himself between a pair of red rope barriers before the building at the area Alphys mentioned: MMT Resort. A large building with the windows and double glass doors having light shining through, the windows having a burgundy plant ledge under them, a red carpet rolled out in front of the doors that has T's on the sides and M's on the end, and a gold sign showing MTT and a pair of rectangular robots with wings on the ends hanging above a white and yellow checkered awning. The right side of the building has red spray paint graffiti and an arrow on the ground pointing into the alleyway. In awe of the building before, he soon noticed Sans leaning against the plant ledge. He had a really worried look on his face as he stared at the double glass doors, not noticing Hiro approaching him.
Hiro: Sans?
Sans: ….
Hiro (taps his arm): Sans!
Sans (jolts): Huh?! (sees Hiro) Oh, were you calling, uh, me?
Hiro: Yeah. Something wrong?
Sans (shakes his head then smiles): Nah, I'm all right. (looks at the door) It looks like you're going to the Core.
Hiro: How'd you know?
Sans: I...heard about it. How about grabbing some dinner with me first?
Hiro: Yeah, I am hungry.
Sans: Great, thanks for treating me.
Hiro: Wait, what?
Sans: Hahaha, just kidding. (walks toward the left alleyway) Follow me. I know a shortcut. (leads Hiro to a wall; he touched it and several purple rings pulsed from his palm, creating a chain ring on the wall)
Hiro: Whoa! That's so cool!
Sans: Cool, huh? Let's go. (leads Hiro through it and they both end up appearing on the opposite sides of a dining table)
Hiro looked around in surprise and noticed he and Sans were in a fancy restaurant. Candle lit tables shaped like Mettaton, a platoon of ficus plants lining the walls, a few TVs showing Mettaton's shows, and two celebrity bulletin boards showing the latest reviews- courtesy of Mettaton. There's a small stage near the lobby entrance and reservation counter where a few monsters are at.
Sans: Well, here we are. (sits down in the chair)
Hiro: Eh? How did we...? (sits in his chair with his feet dangling off the floor a little)
Sans: So, your journey's almost over, huh?
Hiro: Looks like it. I have to go to the Core next.
Sans: ...The Core, huh...? You really must want to go home.
Hiro: Yeah...
Sans (shifts his eyes away while lightly squeezing the chain decal on his sleeve): Yeah... I know the feeling, kiddo.
Hiro: You do? Is that why you look sad sometimes?
Sans (looks at Hiro in surprise): Eh? (shakes hi head) Not really. Though...I guess it's better to take what you're given, y'know? You got everything down here; food, drink, friends... Is what you have to do really worth it?
Hiro: Hmmm, I don't know. Is it?
Sans (leans back in his chair as he looks away): …. (looks at Hiro as he waves the thought away) Eh, forget it. I feel like I should be rooting for you. You're....different..somehow.
Hiro: Eh? Different? (sees Sans look away before looking back at him)
Sans: Hey. You wanna hear a story?
Hiro: Yeah!
Sans: Right. This is something that I once told somebody I knew. So you know I'm a sentry in Snowdin Forest, right?
Hiro: Yeah? With Papyrus.
Sans (the corner of his mouth twitched): Yeah. I sit out there, watching out for humans. Pretty boring, if you ask me. So one day, I was walking into the forest and found a huge door, and I thought it'd be great for trying out knock-knock jokes.
Hiro: Huge door in the forest, that's to the Ruins...
Sans: I'm knocking them out like usual, and I knocked on the door saying, “Knock knock!”. I then heard a woman's voice from the other side replying “Who is there?”
Hiro: A woman? Ah, Toriel!
Sans: Yeah. I was surprised at first, then decided to say, hmm, “Dishes”. “Dishes who?” “Dishes a very bad joke!”
Hiro (laughs): That's a good one!
Sans: Hahahaha! Yeah, just like that! She just laughed like it was the best thing she heard in a hundred years. So I kept going and she kept laughing. It was great.
Hiro: It was a funny joke!
Sans: Yeah and you know what? After a while, she knocks and says (imitates Toriel's voice, but slightly higher) “Knock knock!”. I go “Who's there?” “Old lady.” “Old lady who?” “Oh, I did not know you could yodel!”
Hiro (laughs): That was funny!
Sans: Heh, sure was. What a classic. She was really good. We kept going at it for hours. Things weren't looking so boring after all when I kept coming back to joke with her everyday. It's really fun. Of course, I had to leave because Ca-uh, Papyrus gets cranky without his bedtime story.
Hiro: You read bedtime stories to him? Ca...?
Sans: Pretty much. Done so for a long time. (looks away for a moment before looking at Hiro) …. One day, though, she wasn't laughing as much as she used to.
Hiro: Really? What was wrong?
Sans: I asked her the same thing, and you know what she asked of me?
Hiro: What?
Sans: She asked me, “If a human ever comes through this door, could you please....please promise me something? Watch over them, and protect them, will you not...?”
Hiro: Oh. Wait, so you were watching over me all those times?
Sans: Pretty much.
Hiro: Oh. Thanks for that!
Sans: No problem. ...Well, maybe one problem...
Hiro: Huh?
Sans: You see, the thing about promises is that I'm not good with them, and I don't even know this woman's name. But for someone who genuinely likes bad jokes, she has an integrity that you couldn't say no to. (turns his head away sighing)
Hiro: Huh, I thought she told you her name.
Sans: I never really asked her. But you know what...
Hiro: What? (feels a slight eerie feeling growing)
Sans: That promise I made to her... (looks at Hiro) It's been a lot easier to maintain with ya than it was with the person I told the story to. But you understand, right...?
Hiro (feels a growing chill crawling down his spine): I...N-No..?
Sans: Really..? Well, be glad dat ye're not like de person from 'efore... Bucko....
Hiro (becoming filled with terror): Wh....Why...?
Sans: Why..? Why ask? (blinks and his eye sockets are completely black; slightly growling) You're not dead...are you?
Hiro had a horrible vision of his other self holding a knife, being controlled by some strange entity and facing a different Sans. Bones were flying everywhere and skulls were blasting lasers at him. There was a strange twinge of pain in his left thigh like something sharp stabbed it and he saw a red slash on Sans's chest.
Do skeletons even bleed...?
Hiro (tries to keep his screams inside and shakes his head): Agggh, no...
Sans: H-Hey, you all right there?
Hiro: I....No...I've been...having these really scary things come up in my head. And I hate them.
Sans: Like what?
Hiro: Like...monsters getting hurt and... someone who looks like me hurting them...and someone who doesn't look like me hurting them..and voices telling me to do bad things..and you look different, too.
Sans: …...Different how?
Hiro: You're not wearing the outfit you have on. You got a blue jacket on, and none of that stuff on your clothes.
Sans (looks at himself then points at his chains): ….Huh..the chains? Really?
Hiro: Yeah. But! I didn't listen to the bad stuff and did good! I didn't want to hurt anyone like the voice wanted me to!! Because I'm determined!
Sans: … (grin widens) That's good, buddy. You must've done such a great job with that determination, you probably haven't died once, huh?
Hiro: …..Uh....
Sans: ..Am I wrong?
Hiro: Ah... I lost count at Muffet...
Sans: Muffet?
Hiro: Yeah, the spider girl who has a bakery parlor.
Sans (has a flicker of a flashback where a bespectacled human child was wrapped in spider silk as a spider girl watched and the sound of something snapping makes him flinch): Oh...her.  ….heh. (stands up with Hiro doing the same) Well, that's all I wanted to discuss. Take care of yourself, and keep on staying determined.
Hiro: Okay. (watches Sans leave the way they came in through the wall) Hmn....Wait, we didn't get to eat yet!
With that realization, Hiro explored the area in search of food. He was going to try and go through the portal Sans made, but instead saw an orange humanoid monster by the plant. The monster forgot to make a reservation before entering the dining area, so he kept on to not look like he screwed up and ended up licking dew off a ficus plant. He met a hulking red demon who said to the puzzles were originally made to stop human attacks, but they soon became a tradition that you couldn't go (ugh) two feet without being up to the armpits in puzzles. He also met a small mole monster wearing a hard hardhat and turned out to be an employee of the core. The interior is a maze made of swappable parts that can be shuffled at will. He seemed to enjoy it as he loves puzzle. Hiro moved on to see a giant fish manning the reservation service counter, saying that one must reserve a table to eat, as well as other things like chairs, silverware, food, etc. Hiro went to the next area and was greeted by a blinding yellow floor, and a Mettaton statue fountain with water being sprayed out from the mouth to the floor and carpet. As strange as it was, it was a relaxing atmosphere in the hotel, giving Hiro plenty of determination as he saved his progress. As he does this, Tether had just calmed his nerves from wanting to throw a bone at Hiro. He's beginning to realize that the child may not be like the Frisk from his world. He was cautious about it since the last time something like this happened, it went downhill after a time. But he felt like it was definitely different, but he'll have to wait and see once he meets up with Hiro again.
Tether (pulls out his pen and purple notebook from his jacket; starts to write): Bad visions....strange voices...someone who looks like me....someone who looks like him.... (taps his pen against his chin) This is getting really strange. I may need to get more info from him about those visions and voices. (stops in front of the hotel doors) He's going to the Core... It might not be the one from my world....but it feels just as uncomfortable.... No choice, huh.... (shakes his head) Come on, Tether. Just like you said. Keep on staying determined.
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