#if you don’t think ‘dean and i do share a more profound bond’ was flirting idk what to tell you
sapphia · 3 years
alright so i don’t write fanfiction anymore and i haven’t even really been in this fandom for years, but if i was writing supernatural, here’s how the destiel thing would have played out: 
they gay plotline would happen about season 9-11, pacing wise. cas and dean are close and have a shared bond, and know each other pretty well at this point, but things haven’t started getting repetitive yet plot wise. the season big bad is irrelevant because lets be honest they’re all pretty much the same. 
dean and cas have spent their time in purgatory together, and i’d move the purgatory reveal flashbacks from season 15 into season 8 alongside the normal flashbacks. 
you have your usual series opener in episode one with the massive conflict semi-resolving but also setting up the season’s big bad. at this point in episode one, cas sacrifices himself for dean specifically, but also helping advance the “mission” - however, while one of them had to die to keep the other alive so the job could be finished, it could have been either of them, not necessarily cas.
this of course spawns a bit of emotional angst, with dean being hit pretty hard by cas’s death. there’s a hint that his reaction is more emotion extreme than say, bobby or jo’s death, but still a bit less than if sam had died - and also notably takes it harder than sam. this sets up the fact that cas is more than just a tag along to dean. 
cas will be brought back about episode 4 (method irrelevant), and there’ll be an emotional reveal, but nothing too out of the ordinary. everyone’s just happy to see him alive again. there’ll be dialogue specific to dean and cas, of course, but just your generic “glad you’re back/what happened while i was away” catch up
episode 5 will have no destiel content, but there will be a minor male character who sort of flirts with dean. dean doesn’t reciprocate, and is flustered, but also doesn’t reject him (perhaps because he’s flustered), setting the stage for dean-is-not-straight-and-has-repressed-bi-feelings, but this is pretty minor and easily overlooked. sam witnesses this moment.
in episode 7, you’ll have a cas/dean centric ep, where they go off and investigate either by themselves or in a way that has sam occupied and away from them for a lot of the episode. they have a mini confrontation early/mid episode where dean says cas shouldn’t have sacrificed himself, that they could have found another way, that cas should have been the one to complete the mission and dean to die. 
cas’s response here will hint at his thoughts in 15x18 regarding what dean’s done for him, but much briefer. he implies that he’d rather dean had lived; dean is a good man, and cas sort of “owes” him this because dean has helped him find his humanity. he doesn’t confess his love or anything, but the implication that cas feels love (of some sort) because of knowing dean is definitely there. 
dean should be a little uncomfortable at the raw emotions of this scene, and pulls back, though castiel will remain earnest and completely unbothered by dean’s difficulty dealing with what he’s saying
the episode continues, and the hunt goes as normal, but towards the end, dean gets injured (head or face wound). cas heals him easily, but there is a moment that lingers a little too long, with cas’s hand on dean’s face. dean is a part of it - he feels it too - but it freaks him out and he ends the moment, pretending it didn’t happen. they carry on packing up/continuing the hunt/whatever they were doing before, but the final shot of the scene is dean looking at cas and wondering - what the hell was that? 
this is going to be played out pretty slow over the series, so in between the core relationship developing episodes there’ll be normal monster of the week episodes with just your normal amount of destiel subtext. the episode following cas and dean’s moment, for example, (episode 8 and 9) will be your average sam/dean/cas hunt with nothing more than a couple of small moments between cas and dean where cas is perhaps a little too intense and dean pulls away, or there’s an awkwardness between them, especially from dean’s side. episode 10 doesn’t have cas in it at all,  because dean has made an excuse to separate himself from cas - i.e. dean jumps at the opportunity to give cas a task that means he’ll be hunting separately to him and sam
episode 11 will be a sam/dean hunt, but in the middle of the episode they find a clue/information that they need cas’s help trying to decode. sam suggests praying for cas to show up, and dean says well go ahead then. sam doesn’t make a fuss about dean not doing it himself (though he may be a bit surprised) and he prays to cas - but nothing happens. dean sighs and rolls his eyes, and says “cas, you there? we need some help” and cas appears. 
sam is (sort of) mock offended that cas comes when dean calls and not him, and cas says that he was busy and would have heard sam eventually if he’d tried praying again later, but dean has an easier time breaking through via prayer than sam (ala the “dean and i share a more profound bond” moment in season 5(?i think). like then, sam is mock offended, but isn’t really surprised. dean is keen to move the conversation past this and get cas’s help with the hunt, which cas provides, and cas decides to stick around to help fight the episode’s monster. 
the episode facilitates a scene where cas and sam are left alone on the hunt with some downtime to talk (perhaps because dean is avoiding cas) and sam brings it up, a bit curious - does cas hear dean better because cas pulled him from hell? cas admits he isn’t sure exactly what the reason is - perhaps it also has something to do with the way dean has affected him as a person. he finds that despite himself, he cares for dean more deeply than anyone else - and his feelings remain unchanged by the fact that dean seems to be avoiding him right now. but he finishes by saying he can’t help that his thoughts are more attuned to dean at all times, and that he finds himself thinking of him far too often, which probably leads to dean’s prayers finding him easier than other people’s. 
sam is pretty shocked/surprised at this - it sounds like cas is saying he’s in love with his brother. cas doesn’t confirm this explicitly, but sort of agrees, saying something along the lines of “that is a possibility”, as though he’s not quite sure. 
sam’s still processing this - can angels even fall in love? cas assures him that they can (maybe gives an example of another angel this has happened to) though it doesn’t happen often and has never really ended well. 
the scene ends either a bit awkwardly, with sam still being “oh my god what is going on” and castiel being earnest and sort of oblivious to sam’s shock, or with an attempt at lightheartedness from sam. the episode continues as normal, though sam now gets to hunt with dean and castiel with the new secret knowledge that one of them is in love with the other one and the other one probably doesn’t know. but he doesn’t really know what to do with that information, so he does nothing, just observes. 
episode 13 has no cas in it again, and it’s a sam/dean hunt. but here’s where it gets interesting - the monster is preying on men at a gay bar. 
the hunt they’re on has people going missing who have recently frequented the bar. one of the bartenders there is obviously gay, and flirts with dean a little bit during their initial questioning, even giving him his number at the end, which throws dean. sam sees the end of this interaction and notes it with amusement. 
they continue investigating - clues (or another disappearance) lead back to the gay bar, so they decide they have to check it out again. when there, they spot the same bar-tender again, and sam makes a joking comment that dean will probably get more out of him than sam will, so dean better go talk to him. dean does, and manages to be a bit more casual now he’s not as taken off-guard. dean gets the information out of him that he needs, but the conversation also hits more casual/personal territory - come comments are about what it’s like doing the job dean does, etc. dean might make a cryptic comment that hints about the supernatural nature of their work, not that the bartender would pick up on it, and answers in a way that’s both true to dean’s actual life but could be mistaken as being a thing an fbi agent would say. the bartender is less flirty during this conversation, but when he does make flirty comments, dean takes it much better and continues the conversation easily, and despite himself dean finds himself warming up to this guy. 
the hunt continues. in the early scenes, when sam and dean roll into town, dean will see two guys heavily making out outside the club, and looks away (in a prudish/not wanting to watch someone’s PDA sort of way). later in the episode, either right before the climax or right after, there will be a moment where dean sees another moment of PDA between two guys (possibly more of a sweeter scene, like holding hands, or canoodling), and dean watches for a moment, somewhat longingly. the episode won’t address it, but this is his moment where internally he starts wondering if maybe he wants that. 
the episode heads towards the conclusion when the monster takes another victim - and lo and behold, it’s our bartender. but dean and sam are getting close to finding it, and they hunt it to it’s lair. sam deals with the monster while dean rescues the bartender. it’s a generic rescue scene, and dean is very compassionate and reassuring, and the bartender is quite freaked out, as to be expected. the wrap up scene, where they take him home/back to his car/wherever, has him asking dean about what else is out there, and dean is honest - there are lots of creatures that lurk in the dark. but hopefully the bartender won’t see any more of them. if he does, here’s dean’s card - call him and dean will come. the bartender makes a joke about using it for a booty-call/to get a date with dean, and dean jokes back in a way that rebuffs that, but in a light and friendly manner. 
the series continues. there is one more dean/sam hunt and then a dean/sam/cas hunt. dean seems a little but more at ease with cas during this.
in episode 16, dean gets a call from the bartender. he picks up the phone and makes a joke about how this wasn’t supposed to be used for booty calls - before turning serious at the bartender’s answer. something is going down in that town again, and he wants dean to come check it out. dean promises he’s on his way and hangs up. 
sam is ready to go with dean, but dean tells him he’s going to go on his own. sam is surprised, but lets him. 
dean goes to the bartender’s town and investigates. something is going down, and this time the bar tender helps him along the way. there is an easy chemistry between the two of them, the sort of familiarity characters have when meeting dean and sam for the second or third time rather than the first. the bartender assists in the investigation, so is around dean a lot, and flirts with him on occasion. in contrast the previous episode, dean is much more at ease with it, he even flirts back a little at one point. but it could still all be in good fun - it doesn’t have to imply anything. 
3/4 of the way through the episode, before they go after and kill the monster, there is a slow/waiting/resting scene where dean and the bartender have the opportunity to just chat. they talk about the monster/hunting/the lifestyle a wee bit - and dean shows him something about the monster on the laptop, or in a book, or gives him a weapon and shows him how to use it - whatever it is, they get physically close for some reason. the bartender makes another flirtatious comment, and dean isn’t too sure how to respond this time. the bartender shrugs it off - it’s just some fun, he knows dean’s straight, it’s fine. 
dean’s mind is racing a hundred miles a minute, and he’s feeling an absolute cascade of emotions. maybe, he croaks out, maybe he isn’t as straight as you might think.
it’s pretty clear where this is going lol. they have a moment, they kiss, idk maybe they have sex, maybe it’s implied or left ambiguous. camera cuts away. 
when we come back to them, the plot has accelerated and it’s time to go after the monster (immediately, right now, before anyone can talk about what just happened). they hunt the monster, dean does the bulk of the work but there’s a crucial moment where bartender saves dean, mirroring the way dean saved him in his first appearance and allowing dean to finish the monster off. 
the wrap up/goodbye scene is a bit awkward, both not too sure where they stand, but there is a moment where dean admits that he liked what happened between them. but it’s pretty obvious it can’t continue - dean has to keep hunting, and the bartender is not here for that life - he likes all his limbs attached. they keep the door open though about seeing each other in future - maybe a comment about where dean’s based, and the bartender says he’s heading through that way in a month or so, maybe he can pop in and say hi, and dean agrees. 
dean goes back to the bunker, reconnects with sam who’s wrapped up his b-plot. dean is deliberately vague about the case details, and sam gets the feeling something’s off. then dean gets a call, and he takes it - but he’s squirrelly about it. 
sam’s suspicious and is worried something is really wrong. he follows dean and listens to his call - he hears dean say “hey [bartender]”, and the conversation that follows, which basically boils down to - the bartender is actually going to be in dean’s area next week instead, it turns out, maybe they could catch up, and dean says sure, but his brother is around, and dean hasn’t exactly told him about what happened or come out to him, so they have to be a bit on the downlow. he doesn’t want to seem sleazy, but maybe they could get a hotel room? cut to sam, looking pretty surprised lmao and sort of creeping away quietly, feeling bad for eavesdropping on such a personal conversation and now processing the fact that his brother is (he thinks) gay. 
ep 17 is a week later and  dean and sam are called to a case miles away - right when the bartender is supposed to visit. dean takes a private call where he regretfully tells the bartender he’s not going to be around - they won’t be able to catch up this time. this secretive behaviour reminds sam (and the audience) of dean’s secret. 
sam sort of spends the whole episode waiting for dean to come out to him, which doesn’t happen because this is still really new to dean and he’s not sure he’s ready for it. it’d be kinda fun/funny if they were fucking around with some sort of truth goddess or something, but regardless there’ll be opportunities for sam to poke dean about general things he might not be saying. sam also drops a couple of massive hints that he thinks gay people are awesome which dean obliviously ignores (or maybe starts cluing into towards the end of the episode). 
but by the time they’ve defeated whatever it is they’re hunting, dean still hasn’t said anything about being gay so while they’re in the impala diving home, sam’s like “you know, if you were gay, i’d be okay with it” and dean’s like “yeah i’m not gay” and sams like “I heard you on the phone with bartender, sounded pretty gay” and dean’s like “okay yeah we banged. but i’m not gay, i’m bi” and sams like “woah. and you never said anything?” and dean talks about how it’s sort of been coming on for a while now but he’s been trying to ignore it because he didn’t think he was that person, or maybe how there was something with a guy a long time ago but he repressed it, etc etc. and sams like “well that’s cool and you’re still my big brother, i still love you, that’s never going to change” yada yada and there’s an awesome emotional scene and they drive off into the sunset. 
BUT we still have the cas/dean plotline to wrap up in the last few episodes. sam know knows cas loves dean and dean’s bi but doesn’t know if dean loves cas and also doesn’t want to say anything in case he shouldn’t. but also wonders whether he should because it seems like dean might have feelings for cas, so as we head towards the final episodes sam keeps trying to push cas and dean into situations alone together but it’s not working very well, although they’re obviously really fucking close and sam can see just how much dean loves cas and cas loves dean but neither of them can actually see it, and eventually (like, one episode from the finale) cas says something implying quite obviously that he has feelings for dean and then leaves and dean’s totally oblivious and sam is practically banging his head against a brick wall out of frustration and just caves and is like “you know cas is in love with you, right?” and deans like “no” and sam is like “well he is. he told me” and dean’s like “whaaaaat” 
but there’s no time for dean to like, talk to cas about this, only a small amount of time where he processes his feelings for him (maybe like one scene together a but a third character is there the whole time, so dean can think about what sam told him, but can’t say anything to cas) and then the finale is really kicking off, and they’re fighting whatever the big bad is, and again there’s comes this point where someone has to sacrifice themselves and this time dean’s like “no cas i told you earlier, i don’t want you sacrificing yourself, this time it’s my turn” and cas is says “no let me, i want to do this” and dean’s like “yeah but i don’t want you to because i love you” and does the thing that should kill him
except at the last minute something else happens which stops that (sam like kills the big bad by taking it by surprise or something) and so dean doesn’t die (maybe he’s a bit injured though and cas has to heal him) and cas goes to him and there’s a very emotional scene where they elaborate on the love confession and kiss each other and sam’s like “i can’t believe a month ago i thought these men were straight”. 
and because this is supernatural something immediately goes wrong and by killing this big bad they’ve actually triggered the rising of the next big bad so there’s your plot for the next season you’re welcome, but hey now they’re gay together you’re welcome SPN writers please pay me to reboot your series in the way dean deserved. 
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notfunnydean · 4 years
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Coming Out
Pairing: Dean Winchester / Castiel Tags: bisexual Dean, pansexual Cas, first kiss, first pride Word Count: 1.969 Challenge:  SPN Fam Pride Month Summary: While being on a hunt Dean discovers a pride parade. He sneaks out of the motel room to explore the parade but also to learn more about himself. There he meets someone familiar. Link (if posted on AO3): https://archiveofourown.org/works/24963385
Dean takes a deep breath and then finally gets out of his beloved Baby. He hastily looks around, to see if he knows someone, even though he is miles away from Kansas. Still his brother and Castiel are with him.
Not right now, but at the motel. 
“Okay, you can do this.” Dean mutters to himself and then throws his jacket back into the Impala. He feels a bit lighter already, but he is still wearing a flannel. For now he would stay like that. 
Dean feels ridiculous, but he almost sneaks down the alley into the city. He can hear loud music and people singing and gulps. Okay, he had waited a long long time for this and he wouldn’t freak out.
He wishes Charlie was still with him.
She would’ve liked this. Dean is sure Charlie did things like this all the time and he’s proud of her. He tries to be proud of himself too, but it’s difficult. 
“Hey. First pride?”
Dean looks up to see a young guy and nods shortly. Does he look like it’s his first time? God how embarrassing.
“No need to worry. Just have fun, maybe try a smile? I’m Max.” Dean nods again, but then he realizes that and smiles shyly. Max looks good, he wears a rainbow flag around his torso and has a lot of pins on his shirt.
“Sorry, I’m just really nervous. I haven’t really come out so far.” Dean mutters and Max looks almost compassionate at that, but he clasps Dean’s shoulder and nods.
“We’ve all been there. Just don’t pressure yourself. Some of us never come out in public or to their family and friends and they’re still valid.” Max continues and it helps Dean to feel a bit better.
He’d never been out to his father and he is kinda glad for that. He doesn’t know what John would’ve thought of him. Maybe… he would’ve come out to his mother, but he didn’t get the chance.
And yeah he could’ve always come out to his brother. Dean knows that. Sam is probably the most open human there is, but he’s still scared shitless. Hell, it took a lot to admit to himself that maybe he likes to look at guys as well.
“Thank you, that means a lot.” Dean says and this time it’s a real smile. 
“If you wanna buy anything. I got a lot to sell.” Max says and he points at all the colorful things he has in his booth. While Dean’s eyes stop at something particular, he excuses himself. Max nods towards him and then is already talking to another girl. 
Dean continues his own way, the sun is shining brightly and there are so many people around him. Dean stops to get himself a beer and then finally opens his flannel. His shirt is nothing special.
But it has a huge bi-flag on it. 
Everyone around him is so happy, a lot of people are waving to him, even flirting shortly with Dean and he likes this. He finally feels accepted and free and so good in his own skin. He can’t remember the last time this happened. 
Dean even stops and gets himself some pins. He actually likes the rainbow flag as well but the bisexual merch means a lot to him. Almost his whole life he hadn’t even known that he wasn’t really alone with that.
Sue his hunting lifestyle. He never had time to discover his own sexuality in school or college. He had always accepted that he’d never look into  that side of himself too much. But then… then someone appeared in his life.
“We got every flag there is.” A woman says and Dean stops to look at all the flags. There are just small ones you can hold up, but also huge ones like Max had around his torso. Dean gasps at a cowboy hat in the bisexuality colors. 
Dean has his wallet out before he can think about it. It’s not even that expensive, so Dean takes that cowboy hat and even one of those huge flags, that he can wrap around his shoulders. 
He can’t believe this. He would’ve never thought that he’d wear merch like this. Sure a few pins, his shirt, but this felt kinda huge. Dean smiles even harder and puts on the hat, before using that flag as a cape.
Dean snickers to himself and just as he turns around he walks right into someone.
“Whoops sorry.” Dean says and he feels a bit tipsy so happy is he, even though he hadn’t had a lot to drink.
“Hello Dean.”
Dean’s heart stops.
Fuck. Okay. Dean smiles awkwardly and then even tips his hat in greeting. Like the dumbass he is. Castiel smiles anyway and Dean’s eyes widen when he finally sees what the angel is wearing.
Not his trenchcoat for once. Instead a shirt with a flag, that Dean doesn’t know. (He’s new to all of this, dammit) and a fake halo in the same colors. 
“I thought you don’t have a halo.” Dean gets out and wants to smack himself. Castiel’s smile gets only wider at that and there is something else in his eyes.
“That’s why I bought this one.” Castiel answers and they continue to look at each other. Like always, Dean gets lost in those blue eyes. He can’t help it. Castiel takes a step closer and Dean wishes he could take his hand.
Then he does.
“Come with me, I got an idea.” Dean mutters, blushing badly that he is holding Castiel’s hand. Luckily, his best friend isn’t saying anything and Dean knows he walks a lot more upright now.
People will probably think Castiel is his boyfriend and he likes that a little too much.
“Where are we going?” Castiel asks, while they walk and he even squeezes Dean’s hand. Dean walks a bit slower, wanting to enjoy this. 
“I think I saw something you should get.” Dean answers truthfully. He remembers that he had seen the booth when he first came here, the one where he met Max. It takes them roughly 10 minutes to walk there.
“I didn’t know you were bisexual.” Castiel says, it doesn’t sound mad. He sounds actually pretty glad, Dean almost squirms.
“I… I… never mentioned it, but I wanted… I finally wanted to be me.” Dean stutters. He can’t remember the last time he was this nervous and he looks at Castiel. He can feel how the hand holding Castiel’s sweats.
“I like it.” Castiel answers and there are a lot more butterflies in Dean’s stomach than around them. Maybe that actually means that Castiel could like him back?
“What does yours mean?” Dean asks carefully and he hopes it doesn’t mean he’s out of the game. He feels like an idiot for knowing almost nothing about genders and sexualities. He should look more into it.
To be ready for the next prides, too. But this one was rather accidental and he was glad to have the shirt with him at all.
“After the human meaning, I’m pansexual. I don’t care about the gender of my love interest. I just need to have a profound bond to the person.” Castiel explains and Dean gasps quietly. He knows exactly that Castiel had said before that they shared a profound bond.
“Hey there stranger!”
Before Dean can answer something to Castiel, Max has already spotted him. Dean goes over to him, painfully aware that he is still holding Castiel’s hand. Max grins, but says nothing.
“Hey again. Uh, I thought I would come back to your offer. I’d like to purchase something.” Dean says and he follows Max at the booth. Before that he tells Castiel to wait for him there. The angel does so and looks at the parade that just started.
“Sure thing, my twin sister Alicia creates all of this. Supportive Sibling thing.” Max says grinning and the girl from earlier waves at them. Dean smiles. He should tell Sam, too. (He just hopes Sam wouldn’t start crafting things too, he’s not super good at it.)
“I’d like to get one of those. Do you have them in the pansexuality colors?” Dean asks and Max gets them out of a cardboard. Dean loves them already, the colors suit Castiel perfectly.
“For your boyfriend?” Max asks while Dean pays, he looks back to Castiel, who seems still fascinated by all the colorful vehicles. Dean shrugs.
“We’ve known each other for ages but I hope I can finally be his.” Dean explains and he is blushing again. Max smiles wider and wishes him good luck. Dean hopes they will meet again some time.
He walks back to Castiel and carefully puts his present on Castiel’s back. It even has a small holder that he can attach to Castiel’s shoulders. Castiel jerks in surprise and then raises his eyebrows at the fake wings.
“Yeah you look… you look really gorgeous. Always I mean.” Dean wants to smack his head against something hard and heavy, but Castiel chuckles.
“Thank you Dean. You look very beautiful yourself.” Castiel answers easily. There was a time where Dean would’ve been angry with being called ‘beautiful’, and maybe even yesterday he would’ve been offended.
But he wants to learn to be himself now.
“Thanks.” Dean mutters, still embarrassed, but Castiel takes his hand again. Dean even gets a bit closer to him, as they watch the parade around them together.
“So. How come you are here today?” Castiel asks and Dean shrugs a bit awkwardly. At first he doesn’t know what to say. Then he takes a deep breath.
“I guess some things take me a while to understand.” Dean says and he even goes for a wink like a dumbass. But Castiel is still close, still holding his hand. Even smirking a bit now.
“Like what?”
“Like huh... this.”
Dean had killed so many supernatural things in his life and never been afraid beforehand. But he is afraid right now, as he leans closer and hastily closes his eyes, so he doesn’t have to see the angels face.
Luckily, Castiel comes towards him as well and their lips meet in the middle. Dean gasps quietly in his shock, but then Castiel is putting his free hand on Dean’s neck and pulls him even closer.
Dean opens his mouth without a second thought and fuck he hadn’t known that Castiel was such a good kisser. He is already addicted. Castiel even hums, when people are whistling at them.
The kiss breaks way too soon, but Dean kinda needs to breath. He licks over his lips, when he opens his eyes, only to meet Castiel’s hungry gaze.
“I really like you.” Dean whispers.
He then closes his eyes in his own frustration and takes a deep breath. What the fuck, is he five years old and talking to his crush at the kindergarten? He was never so bad at flirting. Castiel grins.
“I’m in love with you for years.” Castiel says as if it’s nothing.
“Me… me too.” Dean says and Castiel hugs him as hard as he can. Like always they seem to forget about the world around him. Dean doesn’t think he had ever been this happy. This feels right.
This feels like something new and exciting and at the same time like something he had known for years and gives him security. 
“So how come you’re here?” Dean asks, still shy even after the kiss. At least he is still holding Castiel’s hand. The angel smiles and then shrugs.
“Sam told me to find you here.” Castiel winks at Dean this time and Dean gasps quitely.
He would strangle his brother. And maybe send him flowers
“Now kiss me again, Cowboy.”
“As you wish Angel.”
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laora-inn · 4 years
Supernatural - Destiel and Crowley, seasons 6-12
Hi, guys. 
I’ve re-watched some episodes from Supernatural season 6 and that made me think about Destiel and Crowley - from season 6 to season 12 strictly.  
I love Crowley and think he is one of the main characters which helped Destiel to become closest to canon, though in a hard way. 
Destiel positive, one-sided Crowley/Cas, Crowley/Dean and Balthazar/Cas in subtext mentioned, don’t like - don’t read.
In the season 6, Cas’s working with Crowley was the reason of Dean and Cas’s fight, that literally almost ruined the world. From that point, Cas and Crowley have their own dynamics which Dean is far well acquainted with, though for us viewers it could be not so easy to follow.
Basically, Crowley stayed in the plot in season 6 just for these dynamics and Dean’s further frustration = jealousy. ‘Cause, if we’ll take a look at season 6, all the thing about Cas’s dealing with Crowley wasn’t so bad. Cas really had good purposes, Dean really could talk to him in a supportive way, and I strongly believe that in this case there will be NO Leviathans at all. As well as Cas’s “death”, they were a metaphorical result of Dean’s jealousy and bitter words, which also almost cost Sam his life.
Season 6 is a very interesting piece. For the first time, it’s not Sam who is the main character of the show. It’s more Dean’s story, and Cas is also “Dean’s“. He came mostly when Dean calls, they share “more profound“ bond.
Cas raises Sam from perdition, as he raised Dean, heals Sam, as he healed Dean, answers Sam’s prayers, when Dean doesn’t want to pray first, and is referred to as Sam’s “boyfriend” in 6x11 by Balthazar. But all these prompts to make Sam and Dean’s relationships with Cas equal fail.
Cas saves Sam from Hell FOR DEAN (and yet he can’t save THE WHOLE Sam, it’s Dean who manages to bring Sam’s soul back + Sam restores his memory himself, in time), heals Sam when Dean tells him to do it and THE OTHER WAY, just by touching his forehead, not by cupping his face intimately, as it was with Dean in 5x22. In 6x03 soulless Sam mentions that Cas doesn’t answer his prayers, then Dean prays to Cas, and Cas comes immediately, with the line about his and Dean’s more profound bond on his lips. In 6x10 soulless Sam tricks Cas with his prayer and even threats to kill him if Cas won’t help. In 6x12 Sam, not soulless anymore, tricks Cas with his prayer to know about his past and doesn’t want to hug him.
It’s all outlined. Why?
As for Balthazar’s referring in 6x11: he, of course, could have spoken about both Sam and Dean back there. “You” in “go ask your boyfriend” can be plural, but I rather suppose Balthazar meant Cas as Sam’s boyfriend specifically, and that’s as right as the fact that his words in 6x17, about “the other angel in a dirty trench coat who’s in love with you”, were specifically about Dean. And I’m sure, that in 6x17 Balthazar understands Cas’s intentions better - it’s the same episode where he saves Titanic because Cas told so. I suggest Cas and Balthazar’s reunion took place right before 6x15, ‘cause by the end of 6x15 we know that they are a new-formed team and all this episode has one purpose - to help Cas get the Heaven weapon from Balthazar. Misha’s cameo from 6x15 even tells some things about Balthazar while acting Cas - that Balthazar isn’t a hero and couldn’t beat Rafael, who isn’t definitely going to forgive him.
So, Balthazar’s words about Cas who is in love with Dean are more significant than his assumption about Cas as Sam’s boyfriend. We have enough evidences for the fact that Cas in this season is “Dean’s”, though he cares about Sam a lot.
First of all - ‘cause Sam is crucial for Dean.
No wonder that in 6x22 Cas knocks Sam down to crush Dean. He knows how it works.
So in this season Sam is a victim of Dean and Cas’s love quarrel, someone who is fostered by both of them. And this is the part of a plot structure, as well as Cas and Crowley’s and Cas and Balthazar’s little moments, which are not crucial for the whole Winchesters’ story, but are absolutely necessary to understand Cas in this season and his and Dean’s “hidden” plot.
‘Cause this “hidden” plot is the thing on which the main plot is grounded.
Balthazar and Cas had relationship before Dean was even born. Crowley and Cas had their relationship after Dean decided to have a peaceful life with Lisa and Ben, and this relationship matters from season 6 till the end of season 12. I think it’s basically the reason why Crowley helps Winchesters so much.
You see, for starters, Sam and Dean were just no one to Crowley. They were humans, not even his equals. But Cas - he was higher. As Dean in 5x22, in 6x20 Crowley sees a new “God” in Cas, the Heaven ruler. And he isn’t telling the whole truth about it for sure, but also he isn’t lying. I think in some way he respects Cas, even admires. And it’s not subtle in the plot logic, it’s the part of it.
Let’s check.
Season 6 - Cas and Crowley are working together all the way, Crowley doesn’t want Winchesters to intervene, he tries to kill them and is threatened by Cas. He said that Cas doesn’t know what he is. He is tricked by Cas twice, double-crossed, but not killed - opposite to Raphael. God!Cas needs Crowley.
Season 7 - In 7x01 God!Cas finds Crowley, but, again, doesn’t kill him. He makes authoritarian demands, which have weird subtext (“you take whatever I give you”) and really scare Crowley. He help the Winchesters to enslave Death, but has never did or even said something against God!Cas. In 7x23 Crowley reveals Cas is alive, but, unlike the angels, he isn’t mad. He wants explanations, receives some honey from Cas instead and says in philosophical manner: “karma is a bitch”. Later, he doesn’t try to kill Cas and even leaves Meg with the boys not to disappoint his “business partner”.  
Season 8 - Crowley is a Big Bad this season. Also, this season is the first time than Destiel becomes a real thing textually, for both Dean and Cas. And Crowley is a BIG BAD in the middle of that finally hopeful love story. Coincidence? Hell no! Also, the first question that Crowley asks when he sees Dean alive is “Where is your angel?”. 
In 8x02 Dean tries to kill Crowley who is possessing Kevin’s mum. Why? The same reason Kevin has: Crowley made him fight for his life for year and killed his girlfriend. That’s also relevant for Dean: Crowley is one of the main reasons why Dean must fight for his life for year in Purgatory and lost Cas there.
In 8x07 during their encounter Crowley doesn’t try to attack Cas. He also says, that Cas could call him when he was out the Purgatory. But Cas doesn’t want to make things right with Crowley, he tries to kill him and manages to have Kevin and the half of the demons’ tablet back. Without Cas it will be impossible: the text shows us that Cas doesn’t like Crowley. Not even a little, not anymore.  
In 8x17 Crowley understands that Cas tricked Naomi and is kinda fond of that. Also, he kills Meg here, whom he was torturing for a year and who definitely was Cas’s crash in 7x21-7x23. We also saw that Crowley knew about it - and about the fact that in 8x17 all Meg did was helping Cas and protecting him from Crowley, even if this would cost her her life.
Strange, but this will be also Crowley’s future.  
In 8x21 Crowley rescues Cas from Naomi. He also gets the angels’ tablet FROM THE CAS’S BODY, but lets Cas escape by leaving another angel with him and angel-killing bullet IN HIM.
Season 9 - in 9x10 Crowley is flirting with Cas as much as possible. Just re-watch it and pay attention to all of these “What are you, a pimp?”, “Oh, Cas, such a flirt”, “Hey. Watch the leg”, “I'll be listening to every word you say. - Promise?”, “Without the tie, he's barely recognizable” and “The three amigos ride again”. For some reason, it was more urgent for Crowley to talk about Cas’s being a human first and about Hell later. There was also deleted scene in 9x10, where Cas and Crowley waited for Dean in the motel. They were sitting on the same bed, Crowley called Cas “sunshine” and tried to talk with him about being human, then Dean showed up, and he was very concerned about how they are doing. Destiel shippers consider this scene as an approving one, and I’m totally agree, ‘cause it shows us that Dean is still jealous when it comes to Cas’s relationship with Crowley, and he actually HAS A POINT HERE - if we’ll look at Crowley. ‘Cause Crowley wasn’t interested in Dean back then, he was interested in Cas, who, in his own turn, was absolutely uninterested. He was against releasing Crowley from the start.  
It’s 9x11 where Dean and Crowley begin to develop their own relationship, and I suppose it’s grounded on the mirroring each other. Back in season 8, it’s no wonder why Crowley wanted “to play Dean” for Kevin. He felt something common with Dean, and part of this “common” was Cas.
In 9x11 Crowley says that he tried to hate Dean more than Dean himself but failed. Here he puts Dean in danger by leading him to Cain, who gives Dean his Mark. After that Dean’s way down begins. But this is also true for Crowley! He becomes human blood junkie and in 9x16 needs help. Also, he helps Dean in the end of the season, brings him back - something that Cas and Sam couldn’t do.
Season 10 - here in 10x02 Crowley and Dean’s (b)romance ends, and Crowley helps Dean to return to his normal life... by saving Cas with stealing angel’s grace for him in 10x03. I simply don’t understand WHY Crowley helped Cas here if we’ll ignore their relationship and Destiel. Crowley didn’t know Sam can’t help Dean himself and needs help for surviving. And how the hell did Crowley know that Cas can save Dean, that it will work? Why was he so sure? His words “you owe me” to Cas mean nothing, he’ll never remember them. They sound just like an excuse!
I think here Crowley: 1) wants to save Cas because of their relationship; 2) knows that Cas could “fix the problem” with Dean because of Dean and Cas’s relationship; 3) has sentimental feelings for Dean despite of their break-up one episode earlier.
Crowley couldn’t control Dean. But he thinks Cas can. And he is no wrong!
In this episode Cas says to healed Dean that Crowley stole some grace for him and this is the story for the other time ‘cause he has a female waiting for him in his car. Dean is very unhappy to hear that, and not because of “female” alone, but also because of Crowley. Crowley and some woman are the reason of Cas’s leaving again. As usual.
In 10x14 there was also one deleted scene with Cas and Crowley, where Crowley called Dean Cas’s boyfriend. Cas reacted with: “Maybe, he is your boyfriend?” and Crowley responded: “He is not my type”.
True - ‘cause here Dean gives the First Blade to Cas, not Crowley, and says that he tricked Crowley about Cain’s going to kill him. But they don’t kill Crowley. It’s just Crowley being rejected by both of them.
Still, in 10x23, after Destiel fight, Cas summons Crowley and asks him for help. And Crowley helps! His only demand to Cas is TO BEG for help. To say “King” and “please”. Well, kinky.
Also, Crowley proposes Cas to call him. Not to summon. And by the end of this episode Cas is cursed by Rowena and almost manages to kill Crowley.
Season 11 - it begins with Cas’s acknowledging that he didn’t kill Crowley (and that’s good, Crowley was a big help to save Dean from the Mark). Also, Crowley here has an orgy in some woman’s body. It was more urgent to him than anything else. Hmm.  
Some episodes later Crowley tries to be a foster parent for Amara. He is ready to kill Dean to protect her and fails. Amara becomes free, she wants to see God, the Winchesters want to stop her and call Crowley to see Lucifer. He guides them to Hell, where Cas becomes possessed by Lucifer. After saying good-bye to Sam and Dean Lucifer in Cas’s body returns to Hell, and Crowley isn’t hostile to him. He’s just surprised. 
Then comes a long BDSM story for Lucifer in Cas’s body and Crowley, and Lucifer do all the things God!Cas might do to Crowley but didn’t. When Crowley is free, he is desperate to expel Lucifer from Cas and return him to the Cage. That’s his plan, not Sam’s or Dean’s. Dean wants to expel Lucifer from Cas and give him a new vessel to fight Amara. Sam even didn’t see a point here - Cas and Cas’s vessel are two different things for him. 
Dean fails to expel Lucifer. So does Crowley - he tries in his own way, by possessing Cas’s vessel, like it was with Sam in 9x10. He says to Cas that Dean wants him to expel Lucifer, but Cas is depressed, so it doesn’t work. Also, Sam didn’t know, that he was possessed, and saw the point in fighting back, but Cas doesn’t see. So both Dean and Crowley fail. 
Season 12 - here Cas and Crowley start to look for Lucifer together and this is a horrible piece of news to Dean. Cas left him in 12x03 to work with Crowley again! Cas and Crowley are playing FBI agents together - it was Dean’s only role-play with Cas from 5x03! 
Cas isn’t happy either, but Crowley is. And that’s just amazing, ‘cause without Crowley Cas could be dead in 12x07. Lucifer just saw Crowley and wanted to punch him instead of Cas. No wonder that Dean thanked Crowley for helping Cas here. In 12x08 Crowley helps with Lucifer again. In 12x09 he is uninterested in looking for the Winchester boys, though in 12x12 he helps again - and not just with Ramiel. He rescues Cas from dying. Dean thanks him for that for the second time in 12x15.
In 12x21 Crowley knows about Cas’s bailing off with Kelly. He tells Lucifer about it and calls Cas “Winchesters’ love slave”. He thinks that Cas wants to kill Kelly’s baby. Then Lucifer gets free, and Crowley sacrifices himself to stop him. To save the world, the Winchesters... and Cas - for the third time. 
So Cas was important for Crowley from season 6. He is one of the main reasons Crowley acknowledged Winchesters at all, saw something in them. 
And Crowley, in his own turn, is one of the main characters to expose nature of Destiel. He was always somewhere in the middle of their relationship, mostly as Dean’s mirror. 
Well, from season 13 the nature of Destiel changed. 
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Thanks to @bend-me-shape-me @helianthus21 and @pray4jensen for creating this challenge! Word count ~1.6k mostly fluff and two dumbfounded idiots.  Read here on AO3.
“Seriously, Agent. This is the weirdest death I have ever seen, and I have seen a few,” the young coroner told Dean.
“No one in Med School prepared you for a completely sucked dry brain. Not even in the worst death by dehydration cases I have seen something like this. Have you seen this kind of injury before?” she asked while touching Dean’s forearm.
He shortly looked down on her hand on his arm and smiled at her warmly.
“Actually I have. It’s a nasty business.” he said truthfully.
“So what caused it? I really don’t know what to put into my report.”
“Cranial stab wound sounds the most fitting. The missing fluid in the brain isn’t related to the cause of death.” Dean said with his most charming smile, trying to distract the coroner from the clearly supernatural death on her table. Dean took out one of his business cards, made sure it’s the right one and handed it to the - objectively - pretty coroner and said: “If there’s anything else you feel noteworthy, just give me a call”
He winked at her, then turned around, nodded his head in the direction of the door to Cas and absolutely missed the gloomy look on the latter’s face.
“Well, looks like we got a Wraith on our hands.” Dean stated the obvious and lightly slapped Cas thigh as he sat besides him in Baby. Cas growled in return.
“Whoa, Buddy, what’s going on? I thought you wanted a little more action? A Wraith hunt should be just the thing, shouldn’t it?”
Cas only gave him a stinky side eye and a mumbled “Action, yeah” before hiding behind the small screen of his mobile phone.
Dean shrugged and concentrated on the road in front of him.
Back at their hotel room Dean sat down at his laptop and started researching. He knew they were looking for a place where it was easy to find people with a high dopamine level. So happy people. Since there were no asylums around, there had to be something else. A brothel? There had to be dopamine there. And the only victim so far was a young, single male, so brothel could be a possibility.
“Hey, Cas. You think a brothel could be the Wraith’s hunting ground? Lot’s of dopamine and probably lonely people without someone to miss them.”
He could see Cas lips moving, but he couldn’t hear anything of the muttering coming from them.
“Cas, what’s up?” Dean stood up and walked over the sofa where Cas was sitting, stood behind him and rubbed his shoulders. Cas rolled them back to get rid of Dean’s hands who just shrugged, walked around the armrest and let himself fall besides Cas on the sofa, a little closer than necessary.
There was a bit more mumbling before Cas said actually audible words.
“A brothel? That’s all you can come up with? A brothel? I bet you can’t wait to start researching there.”
Cas turned to his phone screen again and started tapping on it excessively. Dean took the hint and stood up again, walking back to his research table.
“If you don’t like my brothel idea, why don’t you give a hint on where to look for the Wraith?”
There was more inaudible mumbling before a faint “I don’t know where” came from the direction of the couch.
“Then what’s your problem with the brothel?” Dean asked, curious.
“I don’t have one.” Cas replied, audibly upset.
“Cas, seriously, what’s wrong with you? You’ve been acting weird since we left the coroner.” and in just that moment Dean’s FBI-phone rang - it was the coroner.
“Agent Coulson! I’m glad I caught you.”
“Dr. Shepard, what a pleasure. Did you notice anything else on the body? Or what do I owe the honor?”
There was a loud cracking sound and a growl coming from the sofa and a few moments later the motel door fell loudly into its latch.
“I’m sorry, I got distracted, what did you say?” Dean asked the coroner.
“I said I didn’t call because of the body, but because I wanted to ask if you’d like to grab a drink together? I’ll be off in 30 minutes.”
Dean stopped short. What?
“I’m flattered, Doctor, but..”
“Please, call me Angela”
“Doctor Shepard, I’m sorry, but I have to decline. I’m already spoken for.” There was a gasp coming from the door which Dean didn’t hear opening.
“Good night, Doctor Shepard,” Dean said and ended the phone call without even waiting for a reply.
“You’re already spoken for? What’s that supposed to mean?” Cas asked, furious. He had his head tilted a little, which was usually a cute view, but right now Dean was afraid of his opposite.
“Cas, it was just a way to get rid of her, I didn’t mean it seriously.” Dean approached Cas very slowly and with raised hands.
“And why would you wanna get rid of her? You were obviously flirting with her earlier. Over a dead body no less.” Cas still seemed to be quite enraged.
“Cas, you know my MO, I was just trying to distract her from the fact that a monster had killed the man on her table. It didn’t mean anything, at least not for me.”
One step in front of the other. Cas looked like he wanted to retreat, but he stayed put.
“That’s not nice of you. Leading them on like that. But why didn’t you mean it seriously? It’s not like you to send away such a pretty girl.” ‘“Maybe she just wasn’t what I want right now.” “Is that why you’re so eager to start researching the brothel? A larger variety of women?” Cas looked like he was short of steam coming from his ears.
“Cas, Buddy, calm down.” Oh no. Wrong choice of words. Now Cas was straight up exploding.
“Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down? On every hunt you end up in someone else’s bed. I’m sick of it. Can’t we just for once work together like actual partners?” Cas stormed into the bathroom. Which was weird, since he doesn’t have to go as an angel.
Now that Dean thought about it - Cas’ strange behaviour started when he fake-flirted with the coroner. Which was weird, why should his flirting bother Cas?
But then he thought back a little further. Cas seemed different the past few weeks. More - affectionate. In his own, dorky way at least. A lingering hand here, a long, genuine smile there. Dean never really noticed that because he didn’t even pay a lot of attention to Cas. Big mistake apparently.
Was Cas jealous?
Nah, that’s impossible. Why would he be jealous?
Or...could it be Cas wanted more than they had for the past few years. More than the profound bond he once talked about? There was only one solution to this mystery - Dean had to talk to Cas. Who just stepped out of the bathroom, maybe a little less furious than before.
“Cas? Can we talk?” Dean gave Cas his brightest and most genuine smile. Maybe it helped calming Cas a little further.
“What is there to talk about, Dean?” Apparently it didn’t calm him down. Dean put his arm around Cas’ shoulders and led him to the sofa, where they both sat down, closely besides each other.
“Cas, what’s going on? You’re acting - weird, since we were at the coroner’s office. Did my distraction method bother you that much? If so - why?”
Dean still had his arm firmly around Cas’ shoulders, so he felt the deep breaths the man besides him took. Then he slumped down.
“I - I can’t do this anymore, Dean.” “Can’t do what? Cas, please, talk to me, I’m worried, man.”
“I can’t keep watching you flirt and sleep around.”
“Cas. Is there something else you rather meant to tell me? Maybe - the reason for this?” Cas got angry again and shook off Dean’s arm.
“What? What do you wanna hear, Dean? That I’m choking on my own jealousy? That it’s breaking my heart over and over again when you don’t come back to the motel until the next morning? That all I want is being the person you spend the night with? Now you know, Dean. Now you know why this will be our last hunt together.”
Cas got up again and started pacing.
“Cas, please. Sit down. You didn’t even let me say anything. Com’ere.” he patted the empty space besides him on the sofa and Cas reluctantly sat down, immediately followed by a tight hug from Dean.
“You’re an idiot, Cas.”
“And why exactly am I the idiot now?” his voice was hushed by the still ongoing hug, but Dean heard him.
“Because -” Dean pulled away and gripped both of Cas’ shoulders, “Because I went out and spent the night in someone else’s bed because I couldn’t stand being in the same room with you and not share a bed. And because I was too much of a chickenshit to say something.”
The anger left Cas’ face and was replaced by bewilderment.
“What - what are you saying, Dean?”
“I’m saying, there’s no need for you to be jealous, Cas. Because you are the one I wanna spend the nights with, the one I wanna wake up with, the one I wanna do this to.”
Before his courage left him again, Dean leaned forward and softly pressed his lips against Cas’. It was a short contact, but he hoped it would get his point across.
And considering the look of wonder on Cas’ face, it did.
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mattzerella-sticks · 5 years
Happy (Sam & Cas, Dean/Cas, 2k) Coda to 14x15 “Peace of Mind”
It's a long while between Arkansas and Kansas, and Sam & Cas had to fill that time somehow. Cas knew that there were things he shared and needed to share with the younger Winchester, things he believed could make him feel better. Hopefully he gets through to him. Their bond may not be 'profound', but Cas values it all the same.
(Link to Ao3)
           Castiel wanted to say something. He’d been silent for the remainder of the hunt, too lost in his own thoughts to do more than answer simple questions. Sam took the reigns, thankfully, helping Sunny to clean up her grandfather’s mess. She used her powers one final time to make everyone in town forget the illusion they were trapped in, rendering any memories of the past few months a blank slate. All Castiel did was drive them around town in his car, watching the citizens return to their senses. After exchanging contact information with her, they said goodbye and began the long journey home.
           The closer they drove, however, the more uncomfortable Sam looked. He shifted in his seat, stretching his legs as best he can. “Maybe adjust it a little?”
           “Are you sure?” Castiel asked, “Dean made sure it was the appropriate length, the same as in his car.”
           Sam rolled his eyes, muttering under breath. “It’s not the only thing that’s similar…”
           Castiel chose not to answer. He had none to give. His car was a gift from Dean, the elder Winchester leading him to the garage with his hands over Castiel’s eyes. He surprised him with it, the sleek, beige model sitting quite comfortably next to Dean’s own car, a near exact replica of Baby. “I saw it out on a lot and knew it’d be great,” Dean explained, babbling and unable to meet Castiel’s eyes, “After some tough love, I brought the best out. Even painted it nice and stuff, like your trench coat.”
           The kind gesture moved him beyond words. But none were necessary, as the soft touch to Dean’s face and the tight hug he wrapped him in spoke more than all the entries in the dictionary combined.
           After Sam rolled the window back up for the fourth time, Castiel decided to intervene. “You’re nervous.”
           “No I’m not.” His response was too sudden, too loud; obvious to both of them that he lied.
           Understanding how sensitive Winchesters get when emotionally exposed and flayed, Castiel tried a different approach. He glanced to his right, studying Sam’s guarded expression and stiff shoulders. Castiel started, “If I wasn’t aware of the unsettling nature of this town, I’d have believed you were really happy Sam.”
           It was the right wrong thing to say. Sam, taken aback by the direction Castiel took, fell for the bait. “What do you mean?”
           “Well, you had a wife, a stable home,” Castiel continued, shrugging, “Isn’t that the dream of happiness everyone searches for?”
           Sam scoffs. “Are you looking for a wife?”
           “I think you and I both know a wife isn’t in the cards for me.”
           He waited for Sam’s response. Fiddling with the radio, searching for a station that wasn’t pure country. In the back of his mind, he wished he hadn’t forgotten Dean’s mixtape in his other truck. By the time he settled on some soft rock, Sam seemed ready to talk.
           “That wasn’t real happiness,” Sam admitted, so quiet even the radio overpowered him. His senses managed to pick up on it, however.
           “What’s happiness to you then, Sam?”
           They still have hours to go before returning home, and Castiel will happily wait until Sam feels ready to talk again. He noticed how Michael’s defeat has been weighing on his soul, crushing his spirit in a tight vice. His fear and misery were loud enough for Castiel to feel, except surrounding them were massive walls the younger Winchester was too stubborn to tear down.
           Dean confessed to him before his and Sam’s last hunt how helpless he felt. Sensitivity and raw emotions weren’t his strong suit – barely able to tell Castiel any of this, only doing so because of the comforting blanket of darkness. When they came back from it, Castiel clearly saw the physical and emotional exhaustion pouring out of him. Believing he was letting Sam down. Castiel came to the conclusion that he sat on his ass long enough, and gladly stepped up to look after Sam. Being there, keeping him safe until he was ready to talk.
           Nearly a half-hour passed before Sam cleared his throat.
           “I was pretty happy, before,” Sam told him, “Even with Michael locked in Dean’s mind it was… it was all good.” He tapped out an uneven rhythm on Castiel’s dashboard. “We were all together and I felt… I felt like my life was going somewhere. Like after years of taking hits, we were finally building something that could be better than just you or me. That could save more and more people than any of us ever could. I allowed myself to –“ His voice broke, and Castiel was kind enough to disregard how his knuckles brush away a few stray tears. “To let others in. And yeah, I knew that some point we were going to lose some of our friends. But the – the massacre that happened, that I… let happen by not locking Dean away –“
           “You are not responsible for that Sam,” Castiel interrupted, “We both would have done anything to keep Dean from his horrible and idiotic plan.”
           It’s watery, but a chuckle nonetheless. “I guess I shouldn’t have expected too much,” Sam said, “The shoe has to drop at some point.”
           The beat dragged out between them, Castiel making sure Sam finished. When it became clear he had, he took the wheel on their conversation.
           “Do you remember what I said earlier?” he asked, “To help break you from that wretched man’s influence?”
           Sam hummed in the affirmative.
           “I still mean it,” Castiel said, “You and I we’re… we’re very similar, now more than ever. I understand the burden you’re carrying, and appreciate telling me all that you have.”
           “How do you do it?” Sam asked him, “All the responsibility… all the – all the failure?”
           “It wasn’t easy,” Castiel told him, “I let my mistakes drag me under in a vicious cycle, where I believed that only by proving myself useful that maybe I… maybe I’d matter. How I wasn’t some despicable thing that infected everything. That I wasn’t… broken.” He shuddered at that, already dancing on the edge of a cliff he spent too long climbing back up from. For Sam, he’d flirt with that darkness once more.
           “Was that really how you felt?”
           “It’s okay, these feelings were not something I liked to share…”
           “Have you though?” Sam prodded, “Now that it’s behind you?”
           “I… might have,” Castiel said, “pieces, here and there. Small doses.”
           Sam nodded, leaning back in his seat. “Yeah, probably for the best. If Dean heard all of that at once –“
           “My confessions are not burdens,” Castiel said, “They’re healing. I spent too long isolating myself, convinced that I didn’t belong – here on Earth and up in Heaven. If it weren’t for all of you I don’t… I don’t know where I’d be now. That is how I made peace with it all. With the help of my family.”
           Sam nodded, his crestfallen features smoothing back into something calmer. “I’m glad you’re in a good place, Cas.”
           He shrugged. “It’s better than where I was.”
           “Do you think I can come back from this?”
           “You’re one of the strongest people I know Sam. Of course you will.” Blushing, Sam shook his hair out behind him, hiding his pleased grin. To help with the mood, Castiel carried on. “You also have the most beautiful hair I’ve ever seen, too.”
           A laugh escaped Sam’s lips, cutting across the tension in the car. Pleasure curled itself in Castiel’s gut, the sound delightful after the long hours of silence and adequate music.
           Sam chuckled again, more freely. “Now I know you’re telling me the truth,” he said, “Dean wouldn’t have told you to babysit me if you were going to support my hair habits.”
           His good mood fell before it even began. He turned to Sam, eyebrows drawn in confusion. “What?”
           “I mean… I know I’m not the first person you’d rather be with,” Sam continued, babbling, “You and I don’t have the same kind of bond you and Dean do…”
           Castiel decided it’s better to speak up now, interrupting Sam’s rambling. “You’re right, my relationship with you is much different than the one I have with Dean. But it doesn’t mean I hold you any lesser to my heart. I meant it when I said you and I are a lot alike. You understand me in ways that even Dean cannot. You are not alone. I’m lucky to have you as a friend Sam, and I hope you feel the same.”
           From the corner of his eye, Sam nodded. Clearing his throat, he said, “Yeah. The best kind of friend.”
           A happy rumble purred, and Castiel wasn’t sure if it was from his car or himself. “Good,” he said, returning his attention to the road.
           With his mind free of the speeches and emotions he bottled up for so long, Castiel allowed himself to slip into a trance. Where his focus was locked on the road ahead, keeping track of the mile markers so he knew how much closer he was from home.
           Sam wasn’t done, however, and he approached Castiel once more. “Yes, Sam?”
           “I… while we’re talking about happiness and all that,” Sam drawled, choosing his words carefully, “I know I haven’t been the easiest to deal with –“
           “You were going through so much Sam –“
           “I know but… but even though I had my head buried in my tablet, I still noticed a few things.”
           “And Dean he… he was smiling exactly how I wanted to. Free from all the weights and worries… I don’t think I’ve ever seen him let down his guard completely. That’s only been happening around you.”
           Castiel tightened his grip on the steering wheel, cautious not to let his face reveal the machinations of his heart. “It is a truly wondrous sight, although I am curious why you’re bringing this up?”
           Sam snorted, bumping his fist lightly to his shoulder. “You’re smarter than this, Cas. Of course you do. I wouldn’t be a good brother – or a good friend – if I didn’t ask what was going on between the two of you.”
           It’s a turn Castiel wish Sam hadn’t taken. Talking about his problems were so much easier, things he conquered once already. Sam wasn’t ready to handle the oozing, black tentacles squeezing his heart.
           “Dean has, in the past few weeks, been more open,” Castiel began, cautiously, “It surprised me as well. We had fallen into this comfortable pattern already, I never let myself think it could become even more so…”
           “He really cares for you…”
           “I know.”
           “Has he told you?”
           “No… everything between us remains unspoken, still.”
           “Do you want it to?”
           Castiel sighed. “Some things don’t need a name. As it is now, I am content with our relationship. If Dean decides he is not then that is a conversation we’ll have to have.” He prayed Sam dropped it, unsure where to go if he chose to continue.
           Luckily Sam did, fiddling with the radio instead. “You don’t have any rules about this do you?”
           “Have at it.”
           They’re closing in on the Bunker. Sam switched the station to something faster, power chords slamming into him. “Sorry,” he said, “This is kind of like lullabies to me… gonna try and catch some sleep before getting back. I’m not even sure I can…”
           “I’ll be fine, Sam,” Castiel told him, “Sleep. You deserve it.”
           Slumping across the window, Castiel waited until he heard Sam’s breathing even out. Assured he wouldn’t be disturbed, he slowly pushed out a litany of curses. Sam inched close around his dark secret, one he wasn’t ready to tell either Winchester brother. If he had to, he would tell Sam. But he’s not selfish enough to do that to him. Sam has so many other things going on with him; Castiel wouldn’t force his own problems onto him. Especially when he already knew how to keep the Empty at bay.
           He only hoped Dean would never take the next step.
           Heart unsettled, he dialed up the only person who can make him feel better even at risk to his own safety. Dean answered on the second ring.
           “Cas, where’ve you been man? You and Sam decide to give me the silent treatment?”
           A smile arose without thought. “Not by choice,” he said, “If you have the time, I’d love to tell you what happened.”
           “I always have time for you, Cas.”
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amysnotdeadyet · 5 years
Supernatural, Dean & Cas pre-slash-ish, maudlin.
Every time Dean cut himself, he thought he should have been used to it by now. To the bright sting of pain, the hot slide of his own blood for a spell or as proof his of humanity. He'd schooled his face a long time ago but it still hurt every single time, bright and freshly painful.
Castiel's fingers smoothing the pain away afterward, he never got used to that, either. Especially since Cas hadn't always remembered, or been able to heal him.
"You shouldn't waste your grace on me," said Dean, running his fingers over the smooth skin of his arm. He always healed cleanly, probably some genetic vessel bullshit he didn't want to think about, but whenever Cas was done with him there was nothing but freckles left.
Cas gave him a look that was almost a smile; the angel was becoming human again, which meant more warmth but less magic to sling around. "Habit, I suppose."
"Thanks," said Dean, fiddling with his sleeves instead of saying that if he's a habit, he's a bad one. "Is that all you need me for?"
Castiel's face smoothed out and his eyes went distant. "I will need a second pair of hands, but I can ask Sam."
"Don't be an assbutt," said Dean. "Didn't wanna be in the way, is all." He slipped off his flannel and pushed up the sleeves of his henley, gesturing to the pile of spell ingredients in the middle of the room. "Just tell me what to do."
Cas actually smirked. "You are rarely so acquiescent with angels, I feel honored."
"Well," said Dean, a return smirk on his face like flirting, unable to help himself. "We do share a profound bond."
Cas chuckled and settled in, giving Dean directions and working smoothly alongside him. He even shed his jackets, working with rolled-up sleeves and loosened tie, and once again Dean has a moment to wonder why his vessel is so unfairly fit. Dean's bisexuality barely registered on the scale most days, especially around other hunters and their casual bigotry, but Cas pushed every one of his latent buttons sometimes. Competence, courage, and undeniable hotness being the most important, not to mention his often brutal honesty.
When the spell was ready, they ended up side by side, shoulders brushing. Castiel handed Dean a page and lit the brazier, their voices rising in near unison, Dean's low but still higher than Cas's gravelly tones. Warmth tinged with ozone-cold grace spread through Dean from their point of contact, and he hoped his henley was long enough to cover his body's reaction.
Once this spell was done, Dean was going to have a very long, very hot shower, followed by a very cold dousing to rinse away the last of his impure thoughts. Castiel might be becoming human, but he wasn't Dean's to covet, not really. Dean had learned his lesson about wanting forever with Lisa, and this time he'd take that wanting to his grave.
Also on AO3 here.
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whydoyouwantmyname · 7 years
Dating Dean would include….
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- when Dean first met you, you were both teenagers. You were Bobby’s bastard child, and your momma was tired of “dealing with the Singer genes” and sent you home permanently with your father. You were no dummy to what it was your father did, and went on several secert hunts with him. But when John came to his door needing his help and a sitter for his two boys, you were volunteered.
-Dean thought you were breathtaking, and he spent the whole weekend following you around like a lost puppy, but you made it very clear you had no romantic interests for him. Him being a gentleman respected your lie, and agreed to become best friends.
- you talked on the phone often (when you weren’t together of course, which wasn’t very often), which always raised questions among your fathers and his younger brother, but you both would laugh and tell them it was nothing.
- When you first met Jo, you told her in private to back the hell off your man, and made it very clear that she was not to mess with you.
- While you were eating burgers one day, you got some ketchup on the corner of your mouth, Within seconds Dean’s thumb was wiping it away, his hand lingering by your face for too long, as you both stared at each other with smiles. Sam cleared his throat, and quickly the moment ended.
-The first time Dean threw himself in front of you to save you from something supernatural you yelled at him, “Don’t you ever do that again I am a big girl and can take care of myself.”
-Dean never stopped….
- He always told Sam to sit in the back when you all were riding in the car. He liked having you were he could actually see you, and not just a reflection.
- Since most standard motels offer only two beds a room, you and Dean always shared a bed, and would wake up tangled into each other. Sam would send Bobby pictures of you both daily and caption them as, “yeah, but they totally have no feeling for one another.”
-You cried when Dean told you about the Deal. You both didn’t talk for almost a month, you were the first to break, “I just don’t want to go through this life without you.”
-That was the first and last (for a while) night you slept together. It happened in the Impala
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- Both agreed it was a mistake, even though for both of you it felt so right.
-One night at the bar Dean announced, “I am going to flirt with the prettiest girl here, and buy her a drink.” You swallowed the ping of sadness you felt and encouraged him. Five minutes later he returned with one of your favorite fruity drinks and said, “Hey baby, I am looking for some treasure, is it okay if I look around your chest?” You both laughed, while Sam texted Jo, “I love being the third wheel.”
- later that night when Dean and you were super drunk, you announced you were going to kiss a frog and pray he turned into your Prince Charming. You looked around and then kissed Dean, for longer then you intended, pulled away and sighed, “allas my prince didn’t turn into a frog.”
-when Dean “died” And was in hell you went on a drinking binge at your father’s. For four months you were never seen without a bottle of whiskey in your hand.
- When he showed up dirty and confused to the house you were the one who answered the door, you screamed and fainted.
-When you came too, what you assumed was Holy water was dripping from his face and hair, he was knelt beside you, causing the droplets to hit your face. You slapped him, and when he smiled and muttered, “I deserved that.” You engulfed him in a hug.
- When Dean finally asked you out to a date you were both sitting in a diner, eating the greasiest things you could order. “Hey, do you maybe want to go to dinner sometime?”
“Dean we are at dinner?”
“Yeah, but I mean as…. like a date?”
“Well who says this isn’t a date?”
“Is this a date?”
“Do you want it to be?”
“Oh…… well yeah.”
“Okay, then it is a date, and yes, you can kiss me when you take me home.”
- When you got back you referred to Dean as Babe, and you were sweetie. You kissed, and fucked, and held hands, and made love, and had a separate hotel room as Sam. There was never any formal, “do you want to be my girlfriend?” Cause to everyone else it just seemed like you were dating….
- the first time he threw himself in front of you while hunting after that night at the diner you looked him dead in the eye and hissed, “You big stupid idiot, don’t you ever do that again.”
“Excuse me, I just got flung into a wall for you, maybe a thank you is in order.”
“Yeah, well thank you! For almost getting yourself killed! Honestly what do you think I would do in this world without you?”
“Don’t you think I was asking myself the same question before I got between you both.” He sincerely sighed as you both shared a chick flick moment.
- The first fight you got in was when Dean told you for your own safety to stay back in the hotel/ Bunker and research. You were so angry you left the trio alone for several days, when you returned Sam was the first one to greet you, thankful you came back to set his emotional wreck of a brother straight.
- After Cas shows up you start making jokes about his and Dean’s profound bond.
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- Once while babysitting Cas he looked at you with his peircing blue eyes and calmly asked if you were aware that he also was bonded to you as well, since you were Dean’s soulmate. You spit your drink out at the word soulmate.
-When Sam went into the cage with Lucifer, Dean was a mess. His promise to his brother still echoed in his head, and after a few nights in a hotel nearby, you both purchased a home in the suburbs.
-At the first block party you were ever forced to go to, Dean never let go of your hand, which was different since in the hunting life before, he never held your hand, or showed any PDA really… and you liked it
- The Apple pie life was nice, but something always felt like it was missing… so when Sam came back soulless you sold the house, and worked on fixing him.
-However after your time in the apple pie life, Dean was more willing to hold your hand, or kiss your check, or hug you from behind. Soulless Sam would always just roll his eyes, but once his soul was returned he was happy for you both.
- When you first introduced them to Garth, Dean pulled him aside. Garth thought it was so cool, until Dean let out a low warning, “I suggest you stop making those eyes at my girl, unless you want me to beat your ass with my car.”
- You both were just happy to be in each other’s lives, you were the light Dean needed in his dark world, and he always appreciated it, and was thankful that the angels put you in his life.
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thesupernaturlblog · 7 years
Chapter Text It's been months since you found out that your ONCE in a year father, John Winchester, has two sons. You have two half brothers. Your mom was a hunter, who worked a case with John, eighteen years ago. They pretty much saved each other's bacon and one thing led to another, which led to you being born. Your mom got killed a few months back, by the darkness, which made the Winchester brothers feel very guilty so they decided to take you in. Since you were raised in the life, so you are already well trained and are a dedicated hunter in the fight against the darkness. But for some reason, you don't get along with Cas. After you found out about the Winchesters', you decided to google them and found these amazing books, by Carver Edlund. By reading those books you realized that Dean and Cas do share a profound bond. Maybe that's the reason Cas hates you. His boyfriend / your half brother has been hitting on you since you've met. Huh, well you are not interested. Amara has been sucking souls and the Winchester brothers decide to track her down. But Sam assigned you research duty to find out more about the darkness. You didn't mind a little alone time in the bunker. It's been hours and you have found nothing on god's friggin' sister and now you are tired. You needed to blow off some steam so you decided to go to the bar and maybe get lucky. The bar wasn't that crowded and without any effort at all, you managed to get a hottie in your pants. You do have the Winchester gene after all. He pulled on a condom and fucked your tight wet pussy ruthlessly. He wasn't that thick or long, but he made up for it by roughness. After the above average fuck you decided to head back to the bunker and hit the men of letters books again. Just when you were about to walk out of the bar, someone grabbed you from behind. You struggle... passed out You wake up in the bunker's dungeon, tied to a chair. How did I get here? Who grabbed me? There were a million questions in your head but you didn't get to think too much when you heard footsteps coming towards the dungeon. Cas entered the dungeon with a wild smirk on his face. You looked at him, confused and asked "Cas, how did I get here? What happened?". Cas laughed a maniac laughter and said "Aww honey, you really think you can get away with fucking someone else but me?". You furrowed your eyebrows hearing this, you didn't quite understand what Cas meant. Or did you? You asked "What are you talking about?" looking even more confused as you pulled on your bondage, struggling to be free. Cas just smirked and moved a few steps closer, till his crotch was almost at your face. He grabbed your hair, from the back of your head and crashed his lips with yours. He sucked at your lower lip and shoved his mile long tongue inside, until you were choking. He tongue fucked you while still holding your head, with both hands. He pulls away and lets you catch up your breath, as he unzips his pants, pulling his nine inch long and almost four inch in diameter, cock out. His cock was already angry red and dripping precum as he slapped you with it. He said "You think you can be a whore and let any fuck you, huh?". He slapped your cheek with his hard cock again. You were sure that you were gonna have cock shaped marks on your cheeks, once he is done. He continued "You belong to me slut, your holes are mine. Not Dean's, not Sam's, not some random assbutt's at the bar. YOU ARE MINE" he yelled and slapped you again. That's when you realized that Cas doesn't hate you, he hates that you let Dean flirt with you. But that doesn't mean that he could just tie you up and have his way with you now, does it? So you just struggled more, trying to break free of the ropes. But your struggles were useless and Cas just grabbed your head again, feeding you his cock. He thrusted his hard dick inside your throat in one go. It was so well inside that you felt like it was hitting the top of your stomach. You gagged and chocked but Cas didn't care, he pounded in and out, using your mouth like a fuck toy. He pressed your nose on his pubic hair as he decided to put his balls inside your mouth too. He fucked your throat, stretching your mouth, way more than it could take. You struggled to get away but he didn't give a damn. He came deep inside your abused throat, making you swallow all his cum. He pulled out and wiped his cock on your face. Then before you could realize it, he ripped off your clothes. He pulled your legs apart and stared at your pussy like a hungry wolf as you struggled to close your legs. Then suddenly he licked your clit and you felt chills in your entire body. He shoved his tongue inside your pussy while sucking on your clit. He sucked and licked you for what felt like hours, holding your legs apart. When you tried to struggle too much, he bit your clit with his teeth, making you scream in pain and sensitivity. So you understood that there was no way out of it, other than complying. Cas sucked you dry, until your pussy was red and burning with pain. Then suddenly he untied you and you thought your nightmare was over. You couldn't be more wrong. He took your place and sat on the chair, while pulling you up on his lap and tying your hands back. You begged him to let you go but he ignored you pleading and lifted you up, seating you on his lap. He guided his, already hard again, cock inside your ruined and abused pussy as you screamed your lungs out. He said "You want this to end, huh? Fuck yourself on my cock. Come on, cum on my cock and I would let you go". Hearing this, you start bouncing up and down, trying to cum as soon as possible. Cas said "Yeah baby, that's what I mean. Right there, yeah...". He covered your exposed neck with his mouth and started sucking, while pinching your nipples. He said, lips grazing your skin "I am gonna mark you, fuck you full of cum so that everybody knows whom your holes belong to" he pinched your nipples hard, as you whimpered in pain but continued to bounce. He said in a low, yet predatory growl "Say it whore, who do you belong to?". You realized that you can't escape this so you said "You... Only you". Cas laughed and said "There you go baby", he grabbed your hips and started pounding in and out of your pussy, hitting your A spot. You came screaming. He was so turned on by your answer and orgasm that, seconds later he came, filling your pussy with his cum. Marking you as his. ONLY HIS. You fall on top of him, as he holds you close. The last thing you hear before passing out is "I am never letting you go baby, YOU ARE MINE".
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Warning:none Word count 5,736
Dean hasn’t been dwelling too much on Samuel and Crowley, he’s too dazed to think much beyond the fact the hulking great thing sharing the car with him is an empty facsimile of his brother, that it fed him to a vampire because it doesn’t have a soul and getting an inside man was expedient and logical, and fuck morals, fuck the collateral damage. And his gut rolls queasily at what that collateral damage could have been, at how tempted he was as he pushed Lisa up against her bedroom wall, how he shoved Ben into the guard rail and how easy it might have been to just tip the kid over the top and down the stairwell before ripping into his neck. Dessert. It sends an icy chill of dread through him, and he raises the bottle in silent toast and drinks to Veritas, who made sure Lisa had enough brains about her to do what he should have had the guts to do himself after Sam – Sham, he thinks – appeared out of the past.
He feels that familiar displacement of air whisper across the back of his neck, and he doesn’t turn around, just takes another swig of the liquor.
“You’re drinking excessively, Dean,” Castiel says, neutral as ever.
Dean rolls his eyes, huffs out morosely. “What the fuck do you care?”
There’s a brief silence before Castiel replies. “You need to be alert,” he offers carefully. “There’s no precedent for your brother. He might take risks with his safety. With your safety.”
Dean twists the dial from low up to simmer. “He already took risks with my safety, Cas, when he stood by and watched me get turned.” He glances over his shoulder, sees the angel still and impassive. “Where the fuck were you then?” he snaps. “No wait, don’t tell me. Looking for angelic weapons of mass destruction. If I’d had one of those at the time, would you have showed up then? And maybe snatched it out of my hand before flapping off back to the clouds and leaving me to that monster?”
Castiel’s eyes flick away and down, and he might even look guilty. “Dean—”
“Don’t Dean me, you sanctimonious sack of shit,” Dean barks aggressively, shooting to his feet and striding up close. “I needed help. Your help, since it turns out my brother is still the fucking antichrist because of you guys and your grand fucking Paradise-found plan. And where the hell do you get off teleporting out of here every time you’re needed, anyway?” He’s right up in Castiel’s face now, almost yelling. “My brother is soulless. Do you get it? He gave it up to save our asses, Cas, yours and mine, and the whole fucking planet. And it turns out Crowley has his soul, which means I’m on a demon’s payroll. So where the hell do you get off vanishing into thin air when he needs you to, when we, when I need you to… to. When I need… ”
He stops, and Castiel hasn’t moved, and his expression hasn’t shifted, he’s still just staring back at Dean, and his eyes are blank and unreadable. When the angel finally speaks, his tone is ill-tempered and acidic enough to set alarm bells ringing in the small part of Dean’s brain that’s still sober enough for rational thought.
“You need, Dean? What exactly is it that you need?”
Dean blinks at him for a moment, put on the spot by a question he wasn’t really expecting and can’t formulate an answer to because he has this odd feeling it might lead him to something he hasn’t quite managed to figure out and rationalize. He half turns, dips his head into his hand, and deflects. “Forget it, I don’t even know any more. And what the fuck is the point anyway? Profound bond my lily-white ass. A whole fucking year. You never came. What the fuck was that about? You got what you wanted and dumped me.” He glances back, huffs out in derision. “You coldhearted sonofabitch.”
As Dean finishes the sentence, the color drains from Castiel’s eyes and they turn slate-gray and steel-cold. He leans in closer and Dean stands his ground as Castiel speaks right into his ear, so close Dean can feel the angel’s breath mist his cheek and his lips ghost across the skin there.
“What the fuck is the point, anyway, Dean?” Castiel hisses. “A whole fucking year. You never called. What the fuck was that about? You got what you wanted and dumped me. You coldhearted sonofabitch.”
Dean swallows, double dares himself, and takes the low road. “Yeah, well you were busy playing Sheriff,” he baits childishly.
Castiel raises a fucking superior eyebrow. “And you were busy playing house.”
And this is just weird, and so fucking wrong, and Dean doesn’t know if it’s because he’s spent the last hour drowning his sorrows, but the atmosphere is suddenly charged with a tension he doesn’t really understand. He always has gone for the Tourette defense when he’s outmanned though, and he can’t change the habit of a lifetime, so he blurts it out, laces it with a liberal spoonful of spite. “Jesus. Are you telling me you’ve been fucking sulking all this time?”
He rolls his eyes insolently, starts maneuvering past, shoves his shoulder in there moderately hard as he does, and his head suddenly spins as he’s grabbed and swung around so violently his elbow makes a cracking sound. He slams up against the wall, and the motel room, everything around him, fades into the background as Castiel looms right into his no-fly zone.
The angel’s wrath is like a buzz of static Dean can feel on his own skin, and all over again it’s Cas telling him he should show him some fucking respect or he’ll throw him back in the Pit. And fuck, Dean doesn’t know if he’s about to get smited, smote, whatthefuckever. His blood is running icy cold, but his whole body is burning hot at the same time, and he’s more scared than he’s been since Alastair and he doesn’t know if it’s because he’s afraid of what Castiel might do or afraid of what he might not do. The angel has his arm pinned against the wall, up above his head and out to the side, and his grip around Dean’s wrist is like iron. And there’s a long, stretched-out moment when Dean just stares back at Castiel, paralyzed, but then he takes the leap.
He reaches up his other hand, and lays it on Castiel’s cheek, and he swallows, because his throat is thick and dry. “I’m calling you,” he whispers, suddenly giddy and dazed. “This is me calling you, Cas. Can you hear me?”
Castiel is frozen utterly still, but his eyes grow wide and flash something confused and devastated that Dean can’t quite decode. “Dean…” he murmurs, and Castiel always has made Dean’s name sound like a caress.
And then Dean is engulfed, pressed into the wall and trapped there, and Castiel’s mouth is everywhere, soft, teasing, before his lips fit seamlessly to Dean’s, so hard they bruise, his tongue forcing its way in, sweeping around. Then he’s gone, nipping his way down Dean’s jaw, teeth grazing the bone, sucking greedily at the skin of Dean’s neck. His thigh is pressed up against Dean’s crotch and it’s instinctive for Dean to rock his hips forward and grind down on it, or maybe he does it because he’s a little drunk, or maybe he does it because it’s Castiel, and the friction sends sparks flying to both his brains.
It’s overwhelming, makes Dean feel dizzy and faint, and he groans out because it’s all shooting straight to his groin so fast he can feel his hands and feet cool down as the blood screeches to a halt, u-turns, and careers back in the other direction. His cock is screaming for mercy, uncomfortably hard, and how the fuck did that happen?, straining against his fly like it might chew its way out from inside his shorts.
Dean moves his free hand around, buries it in Castiel’s hair, love your fucking hair, maybe even love you, pulls the angel in even closer and rubs his chin on Castiel’s skull. It’s as much as he can do to summon up the presence of mind to remember his brother, who could walk in on this at any moment. “Cas,” he stutters out. “Sam. He’ll be… uh, fuck. Back. Any minute. He just—”
“Broke down,” Castiel licks out damply against Dean’s neck. “Your car just broke down, Dean. Seven miles from here. After taking a wrong turn. In an area with no cell phone coverage.”
“Universal soldier, he’s… fuck, Cas. He can run here, he’s stronger, faster, he—”
“Twisted his ankle in a ditch…”
“But he’ll get—”
“Wet. Soaked, in fact, if he doesn’t wait out the storm in the car.”
“St… storm…?”
“It blew in from the east, suddenly and forcefully… it was a meteorological anomaly, Dean… Dean.”
And Castiel is on him again, swallowing his protests, pulling Dean’s bottom lip in between his teeth, and lapping at it for a few seconds before he thrusts his hips in abruptly, raising Dean up onto his toes. Dean can feel a rock-hard bulge pressed up against him, and his own cock twitches out to flirt with it shamelessly through his jeans, so that he sees stars, and hears his own heartbeat. He slams his head back against the wall, chokes out, “God,” and then Castiel has a hand pressed over his mouth, hard, like in the green room back then, and he can taste Castiel’s skin on the tip of his tongue.
“Don’t say our Father’s name while I’m doing this with you, Dean,” the angel breathes. “Or I will have to chastise you.”
Dean goggles at him, and Castiel moves his hand to Dean’s cheek, his face softening into such fondness that Dean can feel his own face split in a smile. “Where do you feel this, Dean?” Castiel murmurs. “Tell me where you feel this, how it feels…” He leans in again, more gentle now, rains featherlight kisses on Dean’s eyelids, lashes, cheeks, nose, chin, and rubs his stubbled jaw on Dean’s skin.
“Where do you think I feel it?” Dean gasps. “In my fucking pants, moron.”
Castiel’s tongue flicks in and out of Dean’s mouth as he speaks, leisurely passes in and around, tasting every part of him. Dean’s cock throbs needily, and he feels wrung out and used up already, has no clue where this even came from, is conscious only of wanting, wanting something he can’t even name, because he doesn’t understand it. “You’ve been holding out on me, you sly fucking dog,” he mumbles, and he parries back hectically with his own tongue. “Where did you learn to—”
“In here, Dean, it’s in here,” Castiel whispers, and he’s pulling Dean’s head down, pressing suddenly tender, chaste lips to his brow. “Sex lives in the brain, Dean. It’s more than just primal emotions and instinct.”
He kisses his way back down to that spot on Dean’s neck again, and his voice blows puffs of air against the wet trail his tongue leaves. His thumb eases its way into the corner of Dean’s mouth and Dean sucks on the pad of it, as he spreads his legs wider, and all the while Castiel is moving his thigh, slight, circular movements that send heat scorching through Dean’s groin, and he’s speaking huskily into Dean’s neck.
“It’s bursts of electricity that light up regions of the upstairs brain, Dean, regions that control our most sophisticated forms of thought, that tell us how our bodies are feeling… tell me what this makes you feel.”
“Fuck. Fuck,” Dean manages to yelp out, as Castiel’s teeth dig so deep into his collarbone they might even draw blood. And he can feel Castiel laughing into his shoulder, feel the curl of the angel’s lips suddenly gentle and healing against the mark he just made, and Castiel is smiling against his skin. And just the thought of it, Cas is smiling against my skin, streaks right to Dean’s heart, and his chest aches with it as he realizes with an abrupt jolt of awareness that this was where it was always heading and he wasted it, threw it away; and how is it he ever thought anything else could substitute for this, even if Sam asked him to give real life a try. “Fuck, Cas,” he whispers. “Upstairs brain isn’t fucking working.” He feels weak, feels like his legs might buckle and he might slide down the wall if Castiel doesn’t keep holding him up. “Fuck,” he manages again.
And then Castiel’s face is right there again, and his eyes are all pupil, black like a demon’s, with only a faint ring of blue. “That’s the idea,” he rumbles, rubbing up against Dean. His eyelids flutter distractedly, his own face going lax and awestruck for a second, before he’s breathing words into Dean’s open, willing mouth. “But as I was saying… you make my upstairs brain feel angry, Dean. You make it feel helpless, and useless. And you frustrate me, and exasperate me, and irritate me, and infuriate me.” He walks his fingers up to the longer hair at the top of Dean’s head, grips it and knocks the back of Dean’s skull oh-so-gently against the wall. “Intensely,” he hisses, before his gaze goes liquid. “And you inspire me. And you make me want to be better than I am. For you.” His stare is steady, unblinking. “And now do you want to know how you make my downstairs brain feel, Dean?”
Shit, Dean can’t even find the word, can only remember it starts with y, and thank fucking God Castiel takes pity on him. “You make it feel hungry,” he purrs out seductively.
Dean’s voice comes out a few octaves higher up the scale than he expects. “Hungry?”
Castiel nods, and now it’s skirting fucking dangerous, it’s stop now because it’s running out of control, and nothing will ever be the same again after this. But Christ, it’s grounding Dean like nothing has in a year, making him feel safe and secure for the first time since he woke up and found himself staring at his brother, and suddenly he understands what he wants, what the answer is.
“Hungry,” Castiel agrees. “Ravenous. Like it hasn’t eaten in centuries. And you make it feel like it wants to be inside you… make me feel like I want to be inside you. That’s how you make me feel. Now tell me, Dean. Tell me how you feel.”
Castiel leans in again, and his tongue dances against Dean’s, tags it and races away out of reach, darting around inside his mouth, agile, twisting, turning, so Dean can’t catch it with his own even though he chases after it. “You’re already inside me, Cas,” he mutters up against the angel’s lips. “Always have been, you stupid fucking idiot. Since day one. That’s how you make me feel. Fucking cocktease of the Lord.”
Castiel makes a muffled, satisfied, triumphant sound, and he lets Dean’s hand fall from where he had it trapped, reaches down for the hem of Dean’s tee and hauls it up and over his head with one sweep of his arm. He falls on his mark, entranced, plays his tongue over it, the edges still visible, the skin still faintly pink and puffy, and he tracks its boundary with kisses. All the time his hands are on Dean’s skin, restless, trailing up and down his sides, tracing each rib, tickling, kneading, clutching, pulling him even closer, starving, ravenous hands, because Castiel is hungry for this. Just the thought of it thrills Dean, and he’s clumsily tugging the trench down off the angel’s shoulders until Castiel snarls out impatiently, slaps his hand away.
The angel shifts back fractionally and his eyes still pin Dean to the wall. “Stay right there,” he rasps, and Dean nods dumbly, can’t even find the words to tell Castiel he isn’t going anywhere until this is finished, whatever the fuck this is.
Castiel tears the trench off, throws it and steps back towards Dean, pulling the knot of his tie looser, and Dean finds his hands reaching up, shaking hands, and his fingers are awkward, laborious, until he gives up and pulls the shirt open, buttons skittering in all directions. He drags the cotton halfway down Castiel’s arms, and now they’re skin to skin, the hard, flat planes of Castiel’s chest warm against his as the angel kisses him damned thoroughly, so their teeth clash, and Dean wonders if Castiel might be trying to climb inside his mouth.
Dean starts running his hands up and down Castiel’s back, maps the curve of his shoulders, hard bone and muscle, the ridge of his spine, all the way down until his hands are grabbing a good handful of, fuck, angelic ass. He pulls Castiel in even tighter, wrapping one leg around the angel like the cockslut he just discovered he is, melting into him. He duels with Castiel’s tongue, and it’s all wet, hot, slippery perfection, and breathy gasps, and sounds that say nothing but mean everything, and he’s rubbing little Dean up against little Cas to get acquainted. The pressure catapults Dean into the stratosphere, tingling through every nerve ending and setting them alight, and he surges forward, flips them into reverse so he has Castiel pressed against the wall.
Castiel moans raggedly against Dean’s mouth, says his name, soft and frantic, and his eyes are closed, his cheeks pink. Dean sniggers right into the angel’s ear. “Not the big man now, Cas,” he breathes recklessly. “You’re so fucking whipped.”
He sinks to his knees, planting open-mouthed, sloppy kisses down his friend’s chest, to his belly, bites into Castiel there and feels him shudder, feels Castiel’s hand playing over the short hair at his nape as he hikes along the happy trail. He’s unzipping Castiel now, easing the pants down, reaching in to wrap his hand around Castiel’s cock, slow, firm strokes like he uses on himself, coaxing it rigid, his thumb playing around the head, slicking through moist, pearly beads of pre-come there at the tip. “Up there in the clouds, pining away, when you could have had this,” he mocks gently, right up against the glans so that his voice hums across it, and Castiel squirms under him and lets out a sharp exhale. “You clueless fucking idiot.”
Dean hasn’t done this in years, doesn’t count what Alastair forced him into down in the Pit, but the johns he turned tricks for back in the day always told him he had cocksucking lips, and he damn well puts them to use now. He fastens them around the head, suckles it hard, trails his tongue across the tip, tastes salt there, flicks underneath to tease the frenulum, before he swallows it whole. He feels it twitch against the back of his throat while he massages it with his tongue, seals a vacuum around it, moans against it, and from faraway he can hear Castiel making nonsense sounds of pleasure. He scrapes his teeth on the underside and jacks whatever he can’t fit in his mouth, palms his own aching hard-on through his jeans at the same time. He hears a strangled whine from above him, and then hands are either side of his face, forcing him to look up to where Castiel is staring down at him, looking puzzled, mystified, ecstatic, fucking wrecked with it.
Dean draws back slowly, so the head rests on his bottom lip, keeps his gaze fixed on blue. “You like me doing that,” he whispers. “I like doing it to you.”
He swirls his tongue around the tip again, relishes the silken smoothness, presses kisses there, probes the slit lazily, watches as Castiel’s jaw goes slack and his eyes glaze over. “You damn well come when I need you,” Dean breathes around it, before he deep-throats it again, and Castiel sags, loose and pliant, smacks one hand into the wall. Dean slurps his way back up and off, with an audible popping sound. “I don’t give a shit what you’re doing up there. Your kind started this mess. You owe me.”
With that, Dean is heaved up, twisted around so they’re back to where they were before, and Castiel’s breath is hitching as he kisses his way back to Dean’s mouth. He stops abruptly, licks his lips. “I can taste myself on your tongue,” he marvels faintly, and then he rests his forehead against Dean’s, gazes at him with huge, lust-fogged eyes, smiles. “Whipped I may be, Dean, but I don’t owe you,” he says. “I own you. Never forget that. My mark isn’t just branded on your hide, it’s on your soul.” He reaches down, grinds the heel of his hand against Dean’s cock, and Dean hears himself bleat out a whimper that’s so fucking girly he knows he should be ashamed of himself, and then Castiel is unzipping him, grating out, “These, off. Now.”
It’s Castiel’s smiting voice, and Dean was always good at recognizing authority, so yes, fucking sir. His heart is racing, adrenaline sizzling through his veins as he toes off his boots obediently, slides his jeans and shorts down and kicks them away, and he feels the smooth, slick slide of Castiel’s cock against his. He reaches, frenzied, but Castiel snatches his arm up, the other one too, pins them both above his head, wrists held firm in one hand. And the angel is so fucking strong, and it’s the biggest turn-on Dean could ever imagine, this feeling of being pushed around, held down, manhandled. He’s let women tie him to the bed and take charge more than once but nothing compares to this feeling of being controlled by something that could turn him to dust if it wasn’t, Jesus, meandering clever fingers around his balls and up behind and—
“Do you know what you’re doing?” he squawks, because he suddenly remembers Castiel’s terrified expression at the whorehouse. But fuck that, because Castiel’s hand is playing about down there like he has a PhD in this and has spent every weekend since graduation writing learned fact-packed textbooks on how to turn Dean Winchester into a shivering, incoherent, inept fool who might just be a tad gay for his guardian angel. His fingers are exploring Dean, teasing, squeezing, fuck, watch the jewels, nudging just slightly there at the ring of muscle, unpleasant but hot-as-hell pressure, until Dean thinks he might scream with the want this right fucking now of it.
“I believe tab A goes into slot B,” Castiel says in his ear, and Dean almost laughs out loud at the memory of himself saying just that on his mission to get the angel laid. And right then Castiel pokes his tongue in there, and Dean thinks he might cry out with how scorching-searing-scalding hot it is to have an angel of the Lord’s tongue twirling around his ear drum.
The pressure is still there at his rim, more intent now. “Gonna need some, uh… Christ. Jesus fucking Christ.” Dean yelps as the questing finger goes knuckle deep, flops his forehead down onto Castiel’s shoulder. “L-lube,” he stammers, and it’s burning now, aching deeper, and Castiel is canting his head to kiss him through the sting of it, pressing in further until Dean pushes himself back, sucking in breath sharply as he does. “Bend it,” Dean hisses urgently. “Finger. Bend – other way! Fuck. The… the other way.”
And there it is, that white-hot detonation of rapture that blasts through the pain and has Dean making tiny, desperate, snuffling noises into Castiel’s shoulder. He can taste Castiel’s sweat, and he remembers somewhere in the back of his mind that his friend is a tough sonofabitch, so he sinks his teeth into the flesh there, tasting copper that makes him wonder if it might be like drinking demon blood in reverse.
Castiel is crooning softly into Dean’s ear, Enochian words Dean doesn’t understand but recognizes for the endearments they are, and his breath is warm on Dean’s skin. He’s relentless, pumping his finger in and out as he opens Dean up, two fingers now, then three, rubbing insistently at that spot. And Dean can’t control himself any longer, he gives into the sensations, the pleasure, the sheer bliss of it, sobbing out Castiel’s name as he shoots faster and harder than he has since he was a fourteen-year-old virgin hitting third base for the first time behind the gym at Omaha Northwest High School.
“I think we have lube now, Dean,” Castiel remarks dryly, and Dean doesn’t even have time to recover before the angel has his leg hooked up around his hip, and he’s sliding his cock through the mess Dean just made, blunt, slick hardness pressing in. The stuffed, full feeling is overwhelming, and Dean slams his head back against the wall again.
Castiel licks up the side of Dean’s neck as he nudges in, a millimeter at a time. “Do you need me to stop?” he whispers, and he’s still pushing. “I won’t do anything you don’t want…”
Dean can hear his own voice, shrill, babbling, barely recognizable. “No, fuck, no, don’t stop, keep – more, need more – God, Jesus fucking Christ, talk to me Cas, fuck. Say dirty things, for Christ’s sake, because – fuck. Are you in yet?”
Castiel is flexing his hips just barely, tiny rolling prods, and finally his belly is flush with Dean’s. “Tab A has found slot B, Dean,” he murmurs, as he bites at Dean’s neck again. “But no more blasphemy.”
Dean sags against him and Castiel holds him up, and Dean knows that if he just rocks himself forward and bears down, the head of Castiel’s cock is going to holy fucking Christ, because Castiel is thrusting, slow and calculated, and little Cas has zeroed in on the target like a heat-seeking intercontinental ballistic missile. It’s one smart bomb, because Dean’s insides are exploding again, in shocky, euphoric bursts. He whimpers, “Holy fucking Christ,” and he’s vaguely aware of Castiel pulling his other leg up and around him. He wraps his thighs tight around the angel’s hips and holds on for dear life, because he’s just along for the ride now.
Castiel is moving faster now, and he pins Dean’s arms up and out, holds him suspended there while he drives in methodically. “I warned you, Dean,” he growls. “No more blasphemy.”
The angel pulls back, almost all the way out, and Dean feels an empty, desperate ache before Castiel rams back in. His eyes glint almost like he’s daring Dean to say it, and Dean is laughing around burning pain that’s so much pleasure he thinks he might die from it. He doesn’t break the angel’s stare. “Cas… holy fucking Chr—”
“—ysler building.”
It’s all expanding in Dean’s groin, exponentially, and he thanks the actual Christ inside his head for a fast recovery time, because his own cock is swelling proudly erect again, rubbing its head up against Castiel’s belly like a friendly cat. “Holy fucking Chrysler building, Cas,” he pants. He leans forward and Castiel falls in to meet him, rewarding him with fervent, gentle kisses, smiling up against his lips.
“Since you mention it, Dean, I’m a masterpiece of Art Deco architecture,” Castiel says, and holy pillow talk, he’s using his fucking Batman voice as he flicks his tongue in to taunt Dean’s again. “A national historic landmark, in fact… one thousand forty seven feet tall, and my support structure…”
Dean mmmfs as he gets another brief but effective mouthful of angel tongue, stifles a yelp as Castiel pushes up sharply.
“Is solid steel, Dean.”
“Solid?” Dean echoes weakly, because that stroke opened up spaces where no man has boldly gone in his entire life. “Fuck. It is. I can f-f-feel that. Solid fucking steel, Cas, and… again, please, just – right there.” He can feel himself unraveling, aching, trembling around hard length. “It’s hard,” he croaks pathetically. “Hard as hell. Not rusty. At all. Not these skills… fucking mother of mercy, somebody help me…”
Castiel slides his hands up from Dean’s forearms, lays his palms flat against Dean’s, lacing their fingers together, and Dean can feel the wall surface abrading the notches of his spine as Castiel pushes him up against it. “Steel doesn’t rust, Dean,” he murmurs. “Neither does the brick cladding that makes me this hard.” He snaps his hips in again, and he’s curling his lips up. “That’s…” thrust “more…” thrust “than…” thrust “three million…” thrust “eight hundred…” thrust “thousand…” thrust “bricks, Dean…”
Castiel looks amused, and he’s fucking paying for that, Dean thinks, because what goes around comes around.
“Rivets, did I mention my rivets?” thrust “Almost four hundred thousand. I have eagles guarding my sixty-first floor, Dean…” thrust “And my crown…”
He pauses, lets go of Dean’s right hand and the arm flops down, dangling uselessly, works his own hand in between their bellies, and he has a firm hold of Dean’s cock now, up, twist around the head just like Dean did to him, and then down to the base, smooth sweat and come-soaked motion, so slow it’s already driving Dean crazy with need. “My crown is a cruciform groin vault.”
Dean knows his eyes widen and Castiel nods, smiling wide now. “Yes, groin. Made up of seven terraced arches. Stainless steel cladding… ribbed…” snap-snap-snap of hips in swift succession “and riveted, in a sunburst pattern.”
Castiel stops smiling then, stills his hand on Dean’s cock, reaches back and presses hard and deliberately behind Dean’s balls, cutting off his orgasm at the pass. “Not yet,” he growls.
Dean hears himself make a panicked grunt of disbelief, and Castiel’s eyes flash with heat and hunger as he pushes up close and licks slow, deep, tongue-fucking thrusts in between Dean’s lips.
“Don’t you want to hear about my most important architectural feature first, Dean?” he asks. His voice is dry-roasted, his eyes are glowing, the tip of his tongue is teasing his top lip, and the head of his cock is getting the fucking gold medal for prostate pounding and Dean is going to make the medal himself out of foil candy wrappers and string. Fuck, he’s building a podium and holding an awards ceremony, inviting foreign dignitaries, the fucking President, and Metallica are going to play the national fucking anthem while he hangs the medal around little Cas’s neck.
“Fuck… anything Cas,” Dean groans out, because he thinks tears might be welling in his eyes now as it all keeps building up just behind Castiel’s finger. He always laughed at old movies that cut to the champagne bottle overflowing, or the volcano erupting, or flowers bursting into bloom, but Chrysler, he’s about to cut to category-ten nuclear mushroom cloud of spurting climax at any second. “Tell me anything, just, I can’t… torture, it’s fucking torture… need to, please… Cas, let me… Chrysler, Cas. Fucking ChryslerChryslerChrysler—”
“My spire, Dean.”
Castiel smiles, wide and white, and then he’s stroking Dean’s cock again, in time with his thrusts. And it’s starting low down in Dean’s belly, cinders sparking into wildfires that are going to burn whole neighborhoods to the ground, leaving hundreds homeless. Every single sperm left inside him is phoning the fire department right the fuck now, and Dean’s eyes drift closed on the cloudbusting high of it. “My spire is one hundred eighty five feet long, Dean,” Castiel is whispering. “Can you feel them? All one hundred eighty five feet?” He’s sliding in faster now, more erratic, his rhythm losing the mechanical precision of before, but his cock is still butting up against Dean’s prostate with unerring accuracy, and his own voice is stuttering against Dean’s shoulder.
Dean floats his free hand up from his purple haze of pleasure, runs his fingers through Castiel’s hair, shivers and moans weakly as he crests and spills, clenching around Castiel. Castiel hammers in hard, once, twice, three times, before Dean feels a sloppy warmth pulse out inside him, and there’s less friction, and Castiel chokes out a low cry of garbled joy into his neck.
They freeze there for a minute or two, panting through the aftershocks in unison, and Dean sags, spent and exhausted. He winces as Castiel pulls out, feels himself being slid carefully down the wall to the floor. His ass is one humassive, dull, throbbing ache he’ll feel for days, and he shifts over slightly onto his right butt cheek to ease the pressure, wondering abstractedly if his soulless brother will notice if he snags one of the motel pillows to pad the driver’s seat.
Castiel is pulling his pants up, zipping his fly, and he lowers himself down. His hair is wild, bed hair, his cheeks flushed, his eyes sparkling, shirt torn half off and tie askew, hanging down his back.
“Gay sex is a good look for you,” Dean whispers as his eyes drift half-closed, because he doesn’t have the energy to summon up his actual voice.
Castiel tilts his head, nods reflectively. “l’m whipped,” he confirms.
Dean yawns. “I’m owned. Say something in architecture.”
“Fenestration,” Castiel gravels back at him.
“You have a filthy fucking mouth, Cas,” Dean husks out wearily. “And you’re a toppy bastard. I’m empty. I may never walk again. And I need a subscription to Architectural Digest magazine.”
“Consider it done,” the angel says placidly. “You do look tired, Dean. Worn out, in fact. Do you need assistance in getting to the bed?”
Dean cracks both eyelids, and Castiel is staring back, smug. “Fucking show-off,” Dean says. “You’re not that good.” Even so, he eyes himself critically, stark naked, teeth marks on his shoulders, red finger-shaped marks around his wrists that might just turn him on all over again, his lower belly sticky with semen, and his cock draped feebly across his thigh, out for the count even if it does give a heroic twitch at the thought of Castiel’s iron grip. “Where did any of that even come from?” he marvels.
“From day one, Dean,” Castiel says quietly. “From day one.” He sighs out, pinches the bridge of his nose, a very human gesture Dean knows the angel picked up from him, and it gives him a content feeling.
“I missed you,” Dean says suddenly, without even meaning to.
“And I you.”
“What’s going to happen?”
“I don’t know, Dean.”
Dean swallows. “I needed this,” he says cautiously, and Castiel reaches out, grips his hand. He raises it to his lips, kisses Dean’s knuckles, and Dean shivers because the angel’s fingers and cock have just been up his ass but somehow this is so much more intimate.
“Dean, whatever happens…” Castiel pauses a beat. “Whatever happens, this, what we just did – is real. It has meaning for me.”
“For me too,” Dean races out, before he can talk himself out of it. “And when you say whatever happens, are you talking about regrettable things?”
Castiel doesn’t answer. They sit there, quiet, and Dean hears the rustle of fabric then, glances across to see Castiel reknotting his tie.
“So,” he offers. “Back to normal.”
Castiel shrugs. “I suppose so.” He narrows his eyes, rubs at his stubble, and Dean thinks of how it felt against his neck, wonders how it might feel against his cock.
“That said, tire pressure can be a tricky thing to master, Dean,” the angel muses then. “I mean… what are the odds that all four wheels on your car would deflate simultaneously, allowing it to sink several inches into the deep mud of the deserted track Sam turned onto by mistake?”
He slants his eyes at Dean, lifts his come-smeared hand to his mouth and runs the tip of his tongue across it experimentally. He curls his lips up in his usual half-smile at Dean’s tiny gasp, pushing up to stand. “I suggest we go much slower this time.”
Dean stares up, gulps dryly. “I’m going to need assistance getting to the bed, Cas
#destiel #Dean #castiel #destielfanfiction
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