#if you don't like it please block me instead of harassing me or posting about it on other accounts
tangledinink · 17 hours
Hello sorry for tagging. I am very sick, my asthma is at its maximum level, my nose freezes, I have no medicine or food. I am in bad shape financially, I am a black disabled, who uses multiple medications, I pay for my food and lodging
Unfortunately I do not have all the resources to keep me safe, that is why I need your help, whatever you can contribute to me will be of great help.
Okay kids, are you ready for a lesson in SPOTTING ONLINE SCAMS????
*please don't message this person or harass them-- i do recommend that you report and block them, however.
right now it's incredibly important to give time, attention, and money to online fundraisers. but it's also incredibly important not to let scammers take advantage of that and steal money that could actually save lives right now.
firstly-- if we go to this person's blog, and navigate to "archive--"
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this person's blog has only existed for a few days, only has a handful of generic posts (many reblogged multiple times,) and made their first reblog the same day that they posted their "fundraiser" post. this is a MASSIVE red flag.
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please also note that neither their ask nor post actually mention palestine or gaza at all, but it's still tagged with "free palestine" and "gaza."
though this one should obviously be taken with a grain of salt, it is also worth noting the poor grammar here, because this can be (but isn't always!!!) another red flag. Note also that all the details are really vague and don't quite make sense... user describes "enduring cold" and their "nose freezing" though it's the middle of the summer. This user says that they're "sick," but doesn't really offer any further details about this. This user says that they need money for "resources," but don't elaborate on what exactly they need. They vaguely elude to a need for lodging, caretakers, and medicine, but don't actually give us any details-- despite this they have a "$1200" goal. What is this specific goal of $1200 for? Is that the cost of their medication? Overdue medical bills? Cost for rent this month?... They also apologize in their ask for "tagging" me... but they didn't tag me. They sent me an ask.
Another red flag is that their link labeled "Fundraiser link" leads directly to a Paypal donation page rather than a gofundme or anything else. If someone chooses to collect aid through paypal, venmo, etc. instead of through a gofundme, that's not a huge issue in and of itself... but it is fishy that it's mislabeled like this.
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And if we GOOGLE this user's tumblr name or paypal name, we can find results like this:
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This also led me to find them on @/kyra45's blog on their list of current scam accounts.
Despite all this, they have close to 100 reblogs from well-meaning people trying to signal boost and ask for donations on their behalf.
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With the current situation in Palestine and the amount of actual, legitimate fundraisers and donations being circulated right now, for Palestine, Sudan, the Congo, or otherwise, it is more important than ever to be aware of people who are trying to take advantage of the situation for their own personal gain. Whenever possible, please take the time to do some due diligence when you receive messages like this and check to see if a fundraiser is legitimate! It always sucks for someone to be the victim of a scam and lose money to someone playing pretend on the internet... but it sucks even more when that money could have gone to people in actual, acute, dire need.
Here's some more information about spotting scams on tumblr! Shoutout to tumblr user kyra45 for compiling this, and for all the other hard work they do-- thanks.
Here's an actual, vetted, and legitimate campaign that could use your support. After receiving this ask, I went and donated. If you have the means to do so, it would be amazing if you did so, too.
[ see ALL gaza funds campaigns here ]
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cheesydelphox · 1 year
i feel like tumblr is a safe enough place for me to post my lyonbolt art
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hotvintagepoll · 16 days
Welcome to the HOT AND VINTAGE MOVIE STARS poll blog! The Hot & Vintage Men Tournament and The Hot & Vintage Movie Women Tournament are now wrapped—congrats to Toshiro Mifune and Eartha Kitt! If you are here for the Dracula Daily polls, those will be posted regularly following the progress of the Substack newsletters.
All polls—including ongoing polls, previous rounds, old tournaments, the various shadow brackets, the Dracula Daily polls, and fun mini polls—can be found in the #hotvintagepoll tag.
"What is the next tournament?" We'll either do the scrungly little guys contest or the Ultimate Hotties tournament.
"When is the next tournament?" Sometime later this summer. I need to take a break, but then I'll be back.
"I want to find my favorite hottie!" Try a tag search for them (ie, use a hashtag in my search bar to find every post I've tagged them in). If you still haven't found your hottie, they either did not fit the criteria of being a movie star from 1910-1970 or they did not make it past the prelims.
“Can I start submitting for the future tournaments? I have guys! I have propaganda!” Please wait for me to post a submission form or otherwise formally announce a tournament before submitting anything.
The views expressed in the propaganda are not my own. I don’t submit my own propaganda, and I don’t change what’s submitted beyond fixing obvious spelling mistakes. If you hate a poll bio or a pic, let me know and send me something I can use instead.
I don’t post or boost negative propaganda about any of the hotties. If you really hate that someone is winning, send me positive propaganda for their hot opponent instead. A lot of these hotties were flawed or problematic in some way—or straight up garbage—but for reasons I go into here, I don't boost anti-propaganda.
If I see repetitive, trolling, and/or bigoted remarks in the comments, I may block you from this bracket. If you want to point out a competitor's problems in the replies, that's fine, but if I see consistent bad-faith trolling or targeted harassment of anyone, you will be blocked.
"Tel me again who won the major tournaments?" Eartha Kitt was crowned the hottest Hot & Vintage Movie Woman, and Toshiro Mifune won the Hot & Vintage Movie Man Tournament.
"Tell me more about this shadow realm?" There is too much lore.
“My FAQ isn’t on here :(” send me an ask! I love hearing from you guys—just please check these basics first.
Tournament schedule post-hiatus:
Ongoing: Dracula Daily casting polls
Possibly next: Scrungly Little Guys contest (gender neutral)
Possibly next: Ultimate Hottie Tournament (top brackets of the hot men & hot women competing together)
TBD: Horror Hotties (Frankensteins, Draculas, Brides, etc.)
TBD: Dandy Detectives (Marples, Sherlocks, Nancy Drews, etc.)
fun mini polls that pit sets of characters from the same movie together, like the Philadelphia Story or Seven Brides for Seven Brothers ones (these can be found in the #minis tag)
Thank you for being here! Enjoy the polls.
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matan4il · 5 months
Most of the time, I don't bother talking about the hate and harassment I get, because I don't think haters deserve the attention. The person I'm gonna write about definitely doesn't deserve any, but they've started harassing others that I know of, not just me.
So this is basically a warning post for Jewish bloggers and bloggers who are allies to Jews, and a request for anyone who can, to report and block this person (if you want to warn other bloggers, then please consider a reblog, too). @staff, This is also for you, proof of a pattern of harassment and abuse. Please do something and protect your Jewish users and their allies.
They first commented here, denying the antisemitism of Hamas, with the url @grizzlyismyspiritanimal and they seem to change their url quite frequently. For now it's @fancowboy but expect that to change again. Since IDK if Tumblr will let the mention (@'ing their url) hyperlink to their blog, here's how you can check out what their current url is, so you can report and block them. Go to this post where they're tagged as @grizzlyismyspiritanimal and hover your mouse over their url, you'll see their blog pop up no matter what new url they changed to. Here's a screenshot of what that looks like:
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Here's their first comment on my post, along with my reply. Tumblr arranges these comments with the oldest at the bottom, click to see the image better:
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Of course they never provided a link sourcing their claim, instead they provided a link to an op ed, which was not written by anyone affiliated with Hamas. This link did not support their claim that "Hamas specifically stated," but that didn't stop them from ignoring the fact that they couldn't prove their claim. Next, they repeated an already refuted antisemitic conspiracy theory (and I linked them to a refuting source, which they just ignored), while using strawmen arguments (attacking statements I didn't make). Obviously, none of this addresses the point actually made in the post they were commenting on.
When I called them out on the antisemitism of their whole narrative, they pulled the "I can't be antisemitic, because I'm Jewish" line of defense, while also bragging in the same comment about not going the easy route by doing that:
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I no longer believe people who say antisemitic things, and then use this defense, after several have been proven to have lied about being Jewish, but more importantly, and this is the point I made to @fancowboy, Jews are not immune to internalizing antisemitism, and repeating antisemitic narratives. But I was curious whether there was any sign of this person having any sense of a significant Jewish identity on their blog. When I went on there, one of the first posts I came acorss was an antisemitic one, claiming that Jews have stolen the Star of David from the Muslims... I know there are a lot of anti-Zionist Jews out there, and that many of them are very capable of saying antisemitic things, but I don't think even they would endorse this false claim.
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What's ironic is that the post shares a screenshot from Wikipedia, which explicitly mentions that this Muslim kingdom that existed in the 13th century AD (roughly 700 years ago), adopted the six-pointed star, due to the Muslim belief that it was a symbol on the ring ("seal") of King Solomon, a Jewish king who lived about 3,000 years ago. In other words, this post literally points out that Muslims borrowed this symbol from Jews, not the other way around. And just for historical interest, the first archeological find of Jews using the Star of David is dated to the 6th century BC (around 2,600 years ago).
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I pointed out to @grizzlyismyspiritanimal / @fancowboy that I no longer believe they're Jewish, because I don't believe any Jew would reblog this antisemitic lie. In response, not long after, this "I'm not a coward" and "you would've blocked me (aka fanatic)" person blocked me. Instead of addressing what I said, or taking responsibility for their wrongdoing, and deleting this antisemitic post. Our exchange started on Jan 5 IIRC, this post was reblogged by them on Jan 4, and as of Jan 25 it is still on their blog, as you can see here (post and current date highlighted in this screenshot):
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A minute after they blocked me from the above blog, they commented on my pinned post with links to my fandom content from another blog, @verygardenerland and this comment made it clear that it was the same person. I made a mistake, I wanted my fandom space free from antisemitic harassment, so I deleted that comment, which means I don't have that piece of evidence that it's the same person, but I do have another bit of proof. Remember how this person claimed to be Jewish? This is how they presented it:
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(again, using a strawmen, I never said all Muslims are terrorists, and never would, because it's simply not true, and if anyone made that claim to me, I would be correcting them)
Well, this is the VERY similar way @verygardenerland talked about their supposed Jewish identity, in a post they made solely to harass and DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) me:
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Jews were almost completely ethnically cleansed from Muslim majority countries, so the likelihood of a random online stranger being a Jew from a Muslim country is generally incredibly low to almost non-existent, and two who just so happen to both harass me on my blog one minute apart is probably less statistically likely than winning the lottery.
It's poetic irony that the one comment the above post got from another blogger, is someone else also calling this person out on the antisemitism of what they're saying:
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Gotta love the bonus misogyny with "bitch."
I'm also going to offer you this following antisemitic comment (which distorts the Holocaust, and refers to Jews insultingly as "the chosen ones"), which I also don't believe any person with an actual Jewish identity would make:
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And here's also one of the last comments this person made from @fancowboy before blocking me on that blog and continuing from @verygardenerland. Just notice how we have the same antisemitic abuse themes from both of these blogs:
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Once more, extra touch of misogyny with "that much of a pussy."
(I have to address the white phosphorus claim. There are 2 ways of using it in battle, one legal, the other's not. Israel stated that when using it, that's only in the legal way. There is no record to show the contrary. People just exploit the fact it's used, to pretend it's automatically illegal. But I accept this is an antisemitic libel against the Jewish state, that sadly some Jews might repeat. The rest is what makes me think this person isn't Jewish)
@verygardenerland noticed I write fandom meta, and harassed me on these posts. Here's one example:
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Then they searched related tag/s, and proceeded to harass me by calling me names in comments they left on random posts from other fandom members. These are posts that had nothing to do with me. One of the people on whose post they were calling me a Nazi is someone I have never even spoken to. The OP deleted the harassing comment, but this time I did get a screenshot before that, so here it is, as an example:
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Now, on top of all of the above, @verygardenerland also started stalking my main blog at the same time they made their first comment from this url, as well as my two back up blogs. One's last post was on Mar 2022, the other's on Apr 2021, so it's completely pointless to follow them, other than as an intimidation tactic:
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And they sent me anon hate. The thing is, they made it explicitly clear through what they said and the language they used, that it's them. They sent more than one message, but the one I'll attach here was obviously meant to freak me out the most, because it falsely starts out as a fandom ask, and then transitions into abusive language, as well as telling me there's more blogs they're stalking me from, basically making it clear that even if I block this url, I'll still not be safe from their stalking and abuse:
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From a certain point on, I told them that whenever they make a comment to me, all I'll do is just remind them repeatedly that they're an antisemite, which is exactly what I've kept to. That's when I even bothered to respond. I postponed blocking their second blog, 'coz I wanted to put this post together first. Now I'm done with them.
To wrap this up, here are some final screenshots of their antisemitic abuse, how they obsessively comment on my posts, or posts that in their mind are related to me, and how they have started directly addressing random people who are commenting on my posts, telling them not to talk to "it," meaning they're also using de-humanizing language when referring to me, and of course once more employing the DARVO tactic by accusing me of that which they're guilty of:
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My activity feed yesterday:
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And not just yesterday. Love the bonus hateful language towards those who are disabled...
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And this is just one of their comments on a post simply mourning the death of Israeli soldiers, and putting it in the context of multi-generational Jewish trauma:
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To summarize again, please:
report and block this person
reblog this post if you feel comfortable to, in order to warn others
@staff please do something to stop the abuse. Thank you in advance!
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Blaine Anderson from Glee vs Barok Van Zieks from The Great Ace Attorney
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. i will block you if you harass others in the notes, please consider sending your unhinged harassment to my inbox instead)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
Blaine Anderson:
LOVE: - "you know that post that's like "fandom will call a character evil and immature and then the character is just 15 yo" because that's what happens with blaine. he's just a sweet but socially inept kid with a lot of insecurities who's trying his best. compared to most glee characters he hasn't done anything wrong in his life. and yes he cheated on his boyfriend that one time, but he was super depressed afterwards (also this is glee literally every character has cheated and none have suffered as most as blaine because of it). in conclusion he's just a silly goose. my little princess <3"
HATE: (tumblr will not let me format this one bc its too long)
"A lot of people say he's the male Rachel Berry, and while I think that is absolutely a true statement, I actually don't mind his personality all that much. Literally everyone in Glee has a personality that ranges from inconsistent to downright horrendeus, so instead of talking about what he's like, here's some things he canonically does (buckle up, this'll be long): In season 2, when we first meet him, he's the leader of his school's showchoir. (redflag no.1/j) This gives him the freedom and authoritity to do a lot of stuff- not all bad, but he does serenade a closeted guy he doesn't know all that well, who works in costumer service AT HIS WORKPLACE, with a song about sex toys. (The guy in question ends up getting fired of course). He also gives some pretty hypocritical advice to his love interest, Kurt, about how he should try to blend in (hypocritical, cuz Blaine does the opposite and he's thriving under the attention), and he asks some insesitive questions, but those are all pretty excusable, or at least standard for Glee. In s3, him and Kurt are boyfriends, and he transitions school for him, which we could absolutely count as a decent thing, however it all kinda sours when he gets the part of Tony in the school's production of West side story. Why is this important? Kurt is a senior, and the performing arts university he's applying for is really competitive, so he needs all the extra curriculars and theatre experiance he can get. He asks Blaine to not aidition for Tony- which he agrees to- than promptly goes against that by singing one of Tony's songs at audition. He then gets offfered the role, doesn't turn it down, tells Kurt he should be happy for him, and honestly, BY GLEE STANDARDS, this is also pretty chill. Meanwhile: enter Sebastian Smythe, another contraversial character, who's now the new captain of Blaine's former showchoir, and who decides that either 1. Blaine is hot 2. Gonna use Blaine as an informat (His reasons are unclear tbh) Either way, he starts flirting with Blaine, who does end up rejecting his advances and telling him he's taken (though much later than it's probably ethical, idk tho, I'm aro). He (Blaine) really enjoys the attention though, so they end up keeping in touch. (Important for later.) Back to our main plot though; Blaime doesn't have sexual chemistry with his co-star, so the director tells him to lose his virginity (yes, you heared that right, it is fucked up). So he tries to sleep with Kurt, who of course, doesn't know that his boyfriend's sudden interest in him is due to directoral instructions. And then probably the most contraversial Blaine scene happens- see, Blaine, Kurt, and Sebastian (who Kurt hates with passion) end up going to this gaybar. Blaime gets drunk (though he only drinks one beer on screen, so we don't exactly know how drunk), and tries to sleep with Kurt in the parking lot. Kurt is visibly upset, and tells him no multiple times. Blaime doesn't oblige, and Kurt ends up shouting at him, which Blaine...doesn't take well, and blames Kurt, then leaves by foot. (They end up having sex by the end of this episode btw. No, Kurt still doesn't know about the directoral instructions. Whether he does it out of love or fear that Blaine will leave him is unclear) So we already know these two are not very good at boundries and communication, but the writers say they're "soulmates" so apperantly it's okay? Anyway, this all culminates in cheating incident no.1, where Kurt meets a guy whom he shares similar interests with, and who gives him some very cheesy compliements. They exchange numbers, and text a lot. Blaine doesn't like this. He checks their texts in secret, and then sings a song in front of the entire Glee club about how he's being cheated on, to humiliate Kurt.
Kurt insists it's not cheating, giving the example that Blaine's doing the same/used ro do the same with Sebastian. Blaine says "that's different" and they leave it at that. Kurt apologises via song. S4- Kurt moves to New York. Has to work a lot, since rebt is high, and also gets an internship at vague, so he's quite busy. Blaine feels ignored, so he cheats on him with some guy we only see the facebook profile of. They break up. S5- Blaine has a crush in this other guy, Sam. (He's been trying to get Kurt back, so him moving on is a big deal). Except gay marrige gets legalized, and Blaine decides to propose to Kurt. So he gets back together with him, then bot a week later he arranges a huge public proposal where it'd honestly just be plain emberassing to say no, but dontcha worry, because Kurt accepts. They move to New York together. Blaine becomes insecure, because Kurt gets ripped thanks to his fencing lessons, meanwhile he lrts go of himself a bit, enjoying all the fine food New York has to offer. His reaction to this is to try manipulating/tricking Kurt into eating copious amounts of food too. (To be fair, Kurt's reaction to the situation isn't perfect either, but this is not about him, their actions can co-exist without one of them necessarily having to be "the right one") S6- Kurt breaks up with Blaine. Blaine ends up going back to Ohio, and dating the guy who bullied, non-consensually kissed, than threatened to kill Kurt. (The guy did have a redemption arc, but I still dunno how to feel) You might be wondering- "wow, this was so lpng and extensive", and you'd be right but also this was mostly romantic relationship centric. There's also a lot of stuff Blaine says to his friends that make me question my sanity, but this is Glee, so that's every character in basically every episode. What makes me hate Blaine isn't even JUST all this- it's the fact that in universe, he almost never gets called-out, people take his side, it's as if the writers are condoning his actions, and I Don't Like That. I'm all for liking morally grey, or even morally dispicable characters, as long as their actions don't get excused. Hell, I started out just mildly disliking Blaine, but a lot of people paint him as innocent and pure, and that didn't feel right. Then I was ready to like him BECUASE of his questionable morality- but turns out, the guy doean't have much else going on besides this. His personality is almost the same as Rachel, except Rachel's more...full? If that makes sense? Blaine is just...bland. And inconsistent, and boring, and I just Do Not Like Him At All."
Baron Van Zieks:
LOVE: - "man's 6'4", british, looks like a vampire, took a mental health break for 5 years thanks to the dead bodies that cropped up after he lost in court, and is uhhhhhh kinda racist which is a key part of his character. the explanation for it is divisive but he does grow as a character eventually?? i think he's fun. there's a bonus case exclusive to the 3DS version of the games where he mentions he was almost poisoned in one of the first cases he ever handled. he objects with his leg. he brings wine into court but rarely drinks it. he has bats in his office. we have no idea where the scar on his face came from. his voice actor did a subway commercial. i think he wants to believe he is the sane one in the courtroom but that title belongs to the 16 year old judicial assistant for the defense." - "I love to hate him tbh!!! He's a complex interesting character tied up in things outside of his control and being used by the antagonist to hurt people, isolated due to his grief and rumors from the public. He also sucks SO fucking bad and I want to punch him. Lovingly. But I love him I promise."
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basu-shokikita · 1 month
so i just found out i'm being cancelled once again XD alright here we go since you guys are addicted to making up rumors about me
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yes i'm into south park, yes i've done zines though if you did the smallest bit of research you'd seen that one of the rules states the characters must be aged up, just like the show aged them up in the post covid special
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that said, i am now checking the carrd for the kyman zine is dead so it's not your fault, you guys just couldn't help assuming the worst about a person right?
moving on...
i have not sent people my followers after people who 'express discomfort of my actions', the only time any of my friends spoke to any of these bullies it was @triplefaggot who was already mentioned here, telling someone in one (1) message to stop interacting with their posts because they're my friend and! surprise! when you spread malicious rumors about someone their friends will usually not like you! yeah pretty crazy i know, it's almost like, even the people you hate have people that love them or something.
i have no idea who these people you mention are honestly. if anything i'm impressed anyone was defending me without my knowledge? also, i have never namedropped any of the people who actually did namedrop me in their private server publicly or in this account so uh, no idea how my followers would go after anyone, let alone harass them off the fandom.
but yeah, complete slander aside, @mirrorshards and @triplefaggot are in fact my friends and, even though i don't post the same content they do, if you find them morally reprehensible or whatever, you should probably block me as well. like please just put me in this fandom's blocklist or whatever but do it already instead of obsessing with me and inventing outlandish shit to justify your dislike of me. it's pathetic and honestly kind of embarrassing. i literally have no idea who the op from the 'callout' post is like???????
that's it from my side and if you have any questions my asks are open ✌️ not the anonymous ones, though, duh
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pechaberriesandsoju · 8 months
Okay, I have some gripes about the self ship community. I need to get off my chest. This is a long one. Do not derail this, I will block you. Pro.ship and com.ship DO NOT try to interact with this post, I will block you too. I do not have the patience for this today.
Rant/gripes under the read more.
I'm probably going to get shit for this or something, but I'm getting exhausted over this. The self ship community didn't used to be so scary and hateful. What the hell happened?? What happened to being understanding and kind to others who didn't feel comfortable sharing f/os or having doubles? Why the fuck are we dealing with people spreading lies, causing drama and pulling shit because they're mad someone doesn't want to share? Or causing shit because you end up finding out you share with someone, but instead of blocking them and moving on, you start shti instead? You go out of your way to attack them, harass them, give them trauma and make them feel unwelcome all because you couldn't stand the thought of someone else sharing an f/o instead of using the block button and the black list function that are right there. All because you couldn't respect someone's boundaries.
Why the hell are we being racist or ableist to each other for no other reason besides "I don't like them"? That doesn't give you the right to be cruel to someone because they're a different race or have a mental or physical disability they can not control. There's never an excuse to be out here being so hateful to someone because you feel like you're allowed to say a word or term that you have no right saying or reclaiming just because you want to drag someone down.
And then there are people who question if others' sexualites are valid or not because of the gender of fictional characters they're interested in??? When the hell did we decide that was a "good" idea to do any of this?? Then you have the audacity to claim they aren't valid enough to be considered their own sexuality or gender because they're not good enough for you? Why the hell would you think this is okay?? Does it make you feel better about yourself?? Because it shouldn't. And if it does? You need to take a moment and ask yourself why.
And don't even get me started on the fact that we have to deal with so many pro.shippers and com.shippers in this community. Especially ones that try to lie about it, hide it, and disrespect other's boundaries. We already have to deal with enough toxic bullshit in this community enough as it is, and now we have to deal with these people as well.
It's already hard enough to thrive and grow in this community enough as it is due to the whole fact that unless you're popular or ship with a popular character or have a more appealing and attractive art style compared to others, you don't get much interactions at all. It's a struggle enough in this community for small blogs. We don't need to add on all of this hate to it.
All of this is exhausting and frustrating. I remember when it used to be fun and welcoming, and when we tried to uplift each other, give each other a boost and respected other people's wishes and boundaries. What the hell happened?? When did this all change?? If you're uncomfortable sharing, you're valid, but please don't be so rude and disrespectful to others over it. The block button and the black list function are available to us. It applies to basically everything. Someone rubs you the wrong way, or you don't want to interact with them? Block them. You don't like a person? Block them. Don't like a ship that involves a character you don't like? Black list the tag. It's that simple. I really wish we didn't have all of this hatred happening right now. I really wish this community wasn't so scary and cause so much anxiety for people. Self shipping is supposed to be about having fun and for your own comfort. What happened? What happened to this community?? We need to fix this. People have left the community because of all of this or have been driven out by others over this. This has to stop. We have to do something. I know I myself am just one person, and I'm just a small blog, but it doesn't mean I can't use my voice to an extent.
Thank you for reading. Thank you for taking a moment to listen. Hopefully, this community will improve soon.
Have a good day.
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kirain · 4 months
I've been on this site for over ten years and I've never had to do this, but sadly the time has come where I feel forced to make a call out post, if only for the safety of my blog.
Please do not harass this person. PLEASE DO NOT HARASS THEM! That is not my goal here. That said, I do suggest you avoid them at all costs, for your own safety and sanity.
A few days ago, I made a post responding to some anonymous hate I received regarding Gale Dekarios, a character from BG3. An account named Turtwg, who has now changed her name to Shdowheart, took issue with the content and tone of my post. Instead of simply blocking me, she attacked me and several other people in the notes, and accused me of sending the anon to myself.
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I responded, arguing against her accusations and a few other remarks she made. Just typical fandom discourse. Or so I thought.
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I regret it now (only because I've lost some evidence), but I deleted many of her and my messages. They were clogging up my post and veering extremely off topic, but eventually she admitted I didn't send the anon to myself. When I asked her how she knew that, she said she traced the anon to a Gale-centric account. You see, she believed the anon wasn't sent by an Astarion fan, but by a Gale fan trying to create discourse. In a normal situation, I'd say that's a fair assumption for anyone to make, but something seemed off.
First of all, despite several people telling her it's not possible to track down blogs through their anonymous messages, she insisted she found the user responsible—which honestly made me wonder if she sent the anon herself, hoping to create drama. If she did, then mission accomplished, I guess. We messaged back and forth in the notes for a while, with me commenting on both the impossibility and morality of tracking down an anonymous user. During that time, her responses to me were lightning fast. Constant. Remember that for later.
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Second, she soon told me she had the anon's IP address, which she said she'd "happily send me". I told her an IP address doesn't prove anything because it can be photoshopped and a lot of people use VPNs. I also pointed out how utterly insane it is to dox/cyberstalk someone over a post about a video game. It's really not that serious. But out of sheer curiosity, I told her to give me the blog name. Not because I believed her, but because I was curious to see if she'd accuse a popular blog or someone who could defend themselves. The moment I asked, she went silent for nearly an hour. 🤔
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When she came back, she gave me the name of an account called Dekariosbf. She told me to message the account, so I did, though I made no accusations against them yet. As I waited for a reply, I accused Turtwg of making the account herself, as it was barren with no activity whatsoever. No likes, no posts, nothing. She easily could've created the account during that hour of peace. Moreover, after she gave me the account name and I accused her of creating it, her responses were once again lightning fast. 🤔
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As we argued, I sent my brother-in-law and a friend of mine a link to my blog and had them read through the discourse. They don't have Tumblr accounts, but they're both computer nerds and my brother-in-law literally works with computers/programs for a living. I asked them if anything Turtwg said was valid, and they (along with someone else in the notes who claimed to work in UI/UX) confirmed that no, absolutely nothing she said was valid. Tumblr pays for a service that protects their users, and the only way to trace anons is by using extremely unsavory and illegal methods ... and even then it's extremely unlikely to work.
Speaking of, my brother-in-law eventually messaged me and told me he found the actual account that sent the anon. I stupidly believed him and jumped the gun on that, because it turns out he was just being a shit disturber. That said, I used this information to call Turtwg out on her lies. In response, Dekariosbf miraculously (and in a rather timely fashion) responded to me. Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots of this interaction, but I'll explain why in a moment.
Dekariosbf was chatty and cordial at first. I asked them for their main account name, but they refused to give it, saying they only use it for poetry; which, as you can see from the screenshot, directly contradicts their bio, but I digress. I was suspicious, but also kept in mind the possibility that this might've been an innocent person Turtwg accused. For a while we shot the shit, talking back and forth about BG3, reading, teaching—but I did this for a reason. I wanted to get a feel for their writing style. Sure enough, they wrote exactly like Turtwg. Same spelling mistakes, same pattern of punctuation, same use of lower case letters instead of capital letters, same abbreviations, etc.
Finally, when I was sure it was her, I dropped the bomb. I very gently told "Dekariosbf" that someone named Turtwg accused them of sending me a hateful Gale anon, but that I didn't believe it. Low and behold, they did a complete 180.
"Yes, it was me. It was totally me. I just LOVE your blog and RESPECT you so much. I LOVE Gale and I wanted to know what you'd say if I sent that anon. It wasn't meant to be hateful. Please don't write a call out post about me. Please don't tell your followers. I mean, I understand if you do, but please don't. Turtwg messaged me and threatened to dox me and sent me a photo of my IP address. She's so smart, I don't think you should mess with her. Oh and my mom can't speak English. If we get doxxed, I think it would kill her."
I said I didn't believe them and accused them of being Turtwg on a sock account. They kept insisting they weren't, begged me to believe they sent the anon (and I mean they were desperate for me to believe it), and very strangly didn't express any anger or confusion over the situation. When I brought up the accusation, they completely changed their tone from friendly to "oh yeah, that was me". I kept saying I didn't believe them, particularly because of what my brother-in-law said, but promised not to call any attention to them. I was happy to simply let the matter rest. Suddenly, mid conversation, they deleted their entire blog. Poof. It's gone now, along with all our messages.
I thought that would be the end of it, but not even five minutes after Dekariosbf flung themselves into the void, Turtwg herself DMed me out of nowhere and accused me of trying to hack her account, presumably because I told "Dekariosbf" that my brother-in-law is computer savvy. Keep in mind that before this moment, our entire conversation took place in the notes of my post. I never DMed her, nor did I have any intention of doing so. I also had absolutely no idea what she was talking about, I just knew she was lying to me. Now it looks as though she's ramping up to lie to the Tumblr admins in order to get my account deleted.
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And all because my post about a video game made her angry.
I really hate drawing attention to this. You can see in my other posts that I always censor people's usernames, but as I said at the beginning ... I don't feel like I have a choice this time. I want this up so the Tumblr admins or whoever can see it.
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Turtwg has attacked other people for posting their opinions as well. For example, she attacked this person just because they expressed their opinon on wyllsterion. She went so far as to call them racist when Wyll is literally one of their favourite characters. She just got mad because they don't think Wyll and Astarion make sense together; a perfectly valid opinion. And I only know about this because I received messages warning me about interacting with Turtwg/Shdowheart from someone who recognised them in the notes of my post.
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I guess I should've blocked her from the start, but I've said many times in the past that I enjoy a good debate. Plus I was genuinely curious to see how far she was willing to take her lie. Unfortunately, I underestimated just how unhinged she truly is. On her own blog, she's even admitted that she's had to make a new account seven times, likely due to other drama she started.
I was very hesitant to put this in the BG3 tags, but since that seems to be the fandom she interacts with the most, I figured it would be a fair warning to anyone else she might harass. She's particularly active in the Astarion/Wyll/Wyllsterion tags. Stay safe, everyone. I think I'll sign off for a while. I'm tired, and this has somehow become the most toxic fandom I've ever dared to be a part of.
Please do not harass this person. PLEASE DO NOT HARASS THEM! That is not my goal here. That said, I do suggest you avoid them at all costs, for your own safety and sanity.
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autolenaphilia · 1 year
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I got the following tags on a reblog of my post about "transandrophobia" I blocked them, strawmanning me as a radfem and then telling me "radfems can choke", a clear death threat, told me this is not going to be a productive conservation. So I'm going to respond and document the abuse this way instead, not sorry. This response is so typical of the anti-feminism on this site that it's worth responding to.
The post this is about is linked above, please tell me how anything in it is bioessentialist. Because I'm a trans woman and talk about transmisogyny, It's probably obvious I don't believe who is a woman and who is subject to misogyny because of it is based on any concept of "biological sex", a concept I'm actually quite skeptical of. It's because I reject such bioessentialist ideas of womanhood and patriarchy that I'm not a radfem, for whom such ideas is central to their concept of feminism. My feminism is trans and intersectional.
I would also be interested to learn where in my post I go "woman good man bad." I point out that misogyny and male privilege is real, but that's different. Saying that men have male privilege is not saying they are all morally bad people, nor is claiming that women are oppressed by misogyny claiming that they are all good people. This is pretty basic stuff in any analysis of oppression. Men may all benefit from male privilege, but you are not a misogynist who hurts women, you are not a bad person.
And criticizing the concept of transandrophobia doesn't count as transphobia against transmascs.
The rest are transandrophobia theorist clichés I already argued against in the actual post, like "transfems have a word for their oppression, we deserve one too" and "transfems don't get to speak over transmascs (except we get to claim transmisogyny is actually misandry)." So I refer back to that post instead of repeating myself.
I have to commend this blogger for being honest enough to outright admit they believe "misandry is real". And also for writing "unfriendly transmisogynistic reminder" while accusing transfems of being too loud, taking up too much space and speaking over afab trans people. For that is indeed a classic example of transmisogyny, even if the accusation of us being "male socialized" is implicit rather than explicit. The accusation against me of being basically a terf feels like projection, especially for someone joining in on the transmisogynistic harassment machine on this site that terfs form such a large part of.
These tags are a perfect example of how basic feminist ideas like "patriarchy is real " and "misogyny is real" are labelled "terfy", something I talked about before. This is combined with the classic antifeminist technique of claiming feminism is man-hating. Even trans women like me doing feminist analysis and talking about the transmisogyny they experience gets labelled terfs, it's obscene. This blogger basically engaged with the "man-hating feminist" stereotype in his head instead of my actual post he was responding to.
And this man-hating feminist stereotype is not what feminists actually believe, whether you call them terf/radfem or baeddel (which seems to whatever it's original meanings seems to have become a word for the specficially transfem man-hating feminist stereotype .
And terfs/radfems are bad, don't get me wrong, but I explained before that "man-hating feminists" is not a good way to think about them and distorts the actual serious problems with their ideology.
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sukimas · 2 months
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Hi! I do, in fact, have you blocked on your actual blog and your name hidden on Tumblr's blacklist. (Same with Marissa, by the way.)
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This would obviously be harassment even if that wasn't the case, though. I made a post on my on blog about someone who I felt was stepping over the line, cutting out the URL, and I get seven paragraphs in my inbox.
I think that both of you are huge assholes, and your cruel vagueposting about a friend I've had for seven years didn't help with that assessment either a month ago. I saw an image referencing the two of you a few days ago which I couldn't blacklist my way around, so I ended up scrolling the archive of Marissa's blog on and off this week to see if it was still acting as immature as always.
(I don't know if it told you this, but I told it that I would unblock it after the incident a month ago if and when it matured as a person. It evidently has not done that!)
Please consider how horrible it is to have former acquaintances, not friends, who joke about performing the action that caused you to block them in the first place. "It's just a joke lol" doesn't help when it isn't something appropriate to joke about. I do not think it would be appropriate, for instance, to "joke" about showing up to someone's front door if they have told you in no uncertain terms they don't want you to contact them again.
This is the same category of behavior that I saw it exhibiting towards a friend of mine in public. Making two blogs to block evade and beg for someone's friendship back, leaving a reply with 13 "please"s, and then posting about how you feel like everyone abandons you is not appropriate behavior, no matter how mentally ill you are.
To be honest, it feels like the only reason you contacted me was because you have built me up in your head as someone who is incapable of disliking others on its own terms. You have given me the impression that you think the only reason I would come to dislike someone is if someone has been whispering in my ear about it, instead of the obvious immature behavior I've observed for months. You have come to my inbox solely to try and drive a wedge between me and the person whose name is retracted in this message, not in order to improve my relationship with Marissa or to improve its life.
Do you have any idea how cruel that is? Do you think that starting a whisper campaign about someone across the site is appropriate just because you say not to answer it publicly? On the other hand, do you think that people are just going to lie there while you act as if they have no agency in their own actions? Come on now. If it's immature to scroll someone's archive, fucking call me immature about it. Don't make up some way that it's the fault of someone who you have a tumor in your head telling you is the Devil.
I'm obviously redacting both the name and pronouns of the person you tried to drag through the mud in my inbox, because it's not my place to talk about it. This is in contrast to things that are publicly available on tumblr dot com, which most certainly are my place to talk about. Like the screenshotted post.
Of course, I'm playing by your rules of following instructions to the letter and not answering this publicly. I'm simply screenshotting it and posting it.
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jayteacups · 2 months
my stance on ships & shipping culture - a quick note
(please read before interacting!)
I'm seeing discourse in the AOT Tumblr niche ramp up once again (what would the AOT fandom be without harassment and discourse /s), so I want to put up this quick note to be linked in my pinned navigation post. Therefore, from now on, if someone sends an ask about ship discourse, it'll be clear whether or not they've read this post. Therefore that'll make it easier for me to see who respects my boundaries and who is and isn't worth my time.
This blog is primarily a Levi x Reader-insert/OC-insert/Self-ship blog. If you have a problem with this, save us both the time and energy, and just block me. If you harass me or anyone else who enjoys this type of harmless content, I will block you. This is not up for debate.
However, I am also a multi-shipper. You'll occasionally find that I reblog fanworks of Eruri, Levihan, Rivetra, Levifar etc, and that I tag all ship content so you can filter out the ones you may not like. I’m not a ‘proshipper’ though; for example, you won’t find any reblogs of fanworks involving a veteran character being with a recruit character in a romantic or sexual sense. However, I will never harass anybody for shipping a ship that I don't like, so I expect everyone from every corner of the fandom to return that same courtesy.
So please do not bring me into any ship discourse, I’m not interested in entertaining pointless debates over ships. I do not and never will condone harassment over people's opinions on fictional ships.
If somebody doesn't ship your OTP, or they ship something you personally do not like, that doesn't mean you have the moral high ground over them, and that certainly doesn't mean you can falsely accuse people of awful things or leave anonymous death threats in people's inboxes. Additionally, it's okay for your OTP to be fanon. The canon/fanon status of a ship doesn't make it better or worse than another ship. The sooner people accept this instead of twisting canon to suit a false narrative, the better. On that note, please don't send me long-winded, unsolicited asks about how a fanon pairing is 'actually canon if you read the subtext' whilst quoting 'facts' with no or incorrect sources. Let canon be canon and fanon be fanon. There's a difference, and a reason why they have separate labels. I'm not saying that you can't have a different interpretation of canon or the subtext, but I'm saying that not everybody will agree with you, and it doesn't automatically make your opinion the right or 'true' one.
I should also point out that the actions of a few bad apples is not representative of an entire ship community. For example, I have seen some people falsely assume the entire Eruri community are toxic based on the recent anons harassing Levi-centric blogs. This simply isn't true. The majority of shippers are very chill, but the toxic minority just happens to be the loudest. Let's not make assumptions about Eruri shippers or insult their OTP, because I have seen a few people do this in response to seeing the harassment, which I find incredibly hypocritical and unhelpful. Don't lose sight of the bigger picture - which is that we're all fans of the same thing and we all want to have fun in whatever way appeals to us.
Fandom is supposed to be fun, and I believe you should be focusing your energy on what you like rather than what you don't. Personally I think it's strange that these weirdo anons and harassers spend so much time and energy harassing people who don't ship their OTP, rather than using that time and energy to support creators who make fanworks of their OTP, or even creating some fanworks themselves. They care more about making other people miserable rather than fostering a positive community around their ships, and that is something I absolutely do not support or condone.
If you've read everything and have reached the end of this post, thank you for your time. If you fundamentally disagree with my stance, fine, but don't debate me on it. I've made it clear I won't change my mind on it, and you probably won't either, so I suggest you block me instead of starting a futile argument.
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Jaiden from The DSCP, A 17776 Roleplay vs Rose Quartz from Steven Universe
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. i will block you if you harass others in the notes, please consider sending your unhinged harassment to my inbox instead)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
HATE: - "OKAY SO. This is Jaiden. In a world thousands of years in the future where humans are immortal and spacecraft are beginning to wake up and become people on their own, Jaiden decides *she* wants to be the catalyst to wake one of them up. For years and years she tries and fails, until she finds CHIPsat, quietly shut down a while ago rather than decommissioned and.. well. taken out of the sky. CHIPsat isn't her first attempt at this, but they're her first *successful* one. She asks the newly-awakened satellite one thing: "Hey little buddy. How are you holding up?" The two are close friends for awhile, and I'm not about to spill ALL the details about EVERYTHING she did but let's just say: in a world where machines are literally people, hacking is NOT the most ethical skill ever. Jaiden's a BITCH nobody likes you jaiden (rusty if youre seeing this dont worry shes a VERY cool character. i just also want to crush her like a bug. hope this helps) also here's the image rusty used for the dani profile: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/783126743191519252/785258702188970014/unknown.png or the image rusty used for the jaiden profile: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/783126743191519252/914301198994116619/1306309_f0CiRxGx-1.png"
Rose Quartz:
LOVE: - "She was the example in the intro post I'm so proud of her. <3 I saw this bracket and I was immediately like "rose quartz my favorite character rose quartz" and lo and behold I was Correct. "UwU space mom victim" is a little simplistic, she has the range. She haunts the narrative. She taught me how hiding yourself because you're afraid that people won't like who you really are leads to continued self-resentment and avoidance. Loving her teaches me that even if you did do something completely irredeemable, even if you did do something worthy of all that hate you hold for yourself, people can still see the entire you and decide to love you anyway. I think even the other diamonds are better-regarded than her, which... incredible pr stunt from them tbh. I don't dislike the other diamonds but come on they made no independent effort to change w/o Steven—there's literally no question in the "who's the better person" department. Of course the "who's the better character" department will always be incredibly subjective but she is so complex, and multi-facteted, she screws up so so much and yet somehow her biggest mistake of all might be her own self-degrading. "What an incredible power... the ability to grow up," said with such longing. Girl look at Jungle Moon, you really think you're still the same gem? You grew so much and you never saw it. She's so selfish and selfless and self-destructive all at the same time and it's captivating. I want to put her in a jar and study her like a bug." - "did she do a lot wrong? yes. do i think she had good intentions at heart but just majorly fucked it up? also yes" - "she has so much depth oh my god" - "look idk I just want to make sure she gets submitted to the bracket because you’re so right that she belongs here" - "Rose gets a lot of shit because we saw her character arc in reverse. The situation is very messy but it’s also very nuanced, and regardless on how the discourse hammer judges her, I will always love her." HATE: - "Yeah" - "Anti : I'm not one her biggest hater but I can't forgive her for what she did to Pearl, and the other crystal gems. I've read some interesting defenses of the character but I can't get past all the lying, leaving and (accidental) abusing." BOTH: - "Is there a proper way to say that I loved her for a while in the show, but the showrunners kept piling blame onto her with less and less justifiable and more and more abuse of power things (without including counterbalancing reminders of how much she loved the planet and helping people) and so I kind of. Love early Rose Quartz, the complicated war leader with a messy past that she's escaping from, but hate Pink Diamond?"
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flowerandblood · 2 months
oh my god it's terrible, I had absolutely no idea that such things happen here. until yesterday I had no idea what doxxed was (I guess I live in a cave😅😅). but I'm really sad that there is so much hate here, instead of supporting the authors and the creativity they put into their work. I myself have never published anything I wrote because I don't have the courage to do so, but I greatly admire everyone who writes or creates something. I am very sorry that many authors had to experience hatred and even involvement in their personal lives. I feel a little guilty now, i mean… I've never sent hate to anyone, but because I'm very introverted and shy, I'm not used to sending support either. that's why I decided to write to you. I love your fanfictions and the way you write, you are my favorite author and I really enjoy your work. I don't know you, but you seem like a very nice and kind person, I really admire the fact that you try not to get involved in drama, but at the same time you are able to stand up for the people you care about and support them. I send you a lot of love and support in your work
Hi, let me start by saying that I am incredibly pleased that you decided to write to me and express your support to me, you don't even know how important that is to me!
Regarding the topic of the whole hate wave, what destroys me the most is that you showed walls of screenshots of people who said they never sent an anonymous hate (they did), that they did't comment on anyone's private life (they did), and they say that they are the ones experiencing harassment!
Now they're trying to say that targeting someone's private Instagram and posting photos from it on their group – no matter it was private – when Ange hasn't made that information public (her name, her email, her page address) is not doxxing. Because anyone can see these photos.
NO, NOT EVERYONE. Anyone who is a fucking stalker, yes. If someone from here started sending themselves pictures from my private Instagram, which I never shared here, I would go to the police with it.
It's funny to hear the shy voices now: yes, I'm sorry, but.
There's a saying that everything before but doesn't matter. Grief under the public is not real grief, it is theatre to avoid the consequences of one's actions.
You can hear the babble: but they did this and that, no one will say anything about it? You're talking about those things that someone admitted to on their own accord and, on top of that, apologised for, unlike you who can't apologise even when caught in the act?
Myself and a lot of people in this fandom got anon hate similar to this. These are examples of asks I got, but it was so many more:
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At some point I was afraid to open my own inbox when I saw I got new ask and the worst thing was that they were speaking about my husband. This person stopped only when I said I will go with it to the police, but others still send it.
And well, it all stopped when I blocked their sweet group. All of them. So, well. I don't need to know anything else.
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simcha-is-a-mitzvah · 2 months
Intro and Rules
Welcome! I made this blog to help provide Jewish people with joy and happiness. Especially lately, these have been hard times, and everywhere I've seen people express that they feel themselves drowning in so much negativity.
As the name of the blog says, I believe holding space for Simcha, even in dark times, is a very special mitzvah.
This isn't to say you shouldn't feel sad or angry or upset ever. It's normal to sometimes not be able to find joy. So allow yourself to not feel happy all the time, but also allow yourself to be happy sometimes.
About me: I am currently in the process of converting and have been for almost 2 years. So while I'm not technically Jewish yet, I love this community more than I will ever be able to express. I want to make it very clear that I do not speak for the Jewish community as a whole, nor do I claim to. I'm just here to share other people's joyous moments to maybe help others cope with life.
You can call me Simcha, as that is probably the Hebrew name I'm picking. I'm in my 20s, and I'm queer and neurodivergent.
If you need to vent, or are going through a rough time, don't hesitate to visit @jewish-vents instead, a blog similar to this one where Jewish people can vent. Like I said, there is no shame in feeling less pleasant emotions and you're not alone in feeling them.
This is a space curated specifically for Jewish people. We need a space that is safe and joyful. Goyim/gentiles/non-jews, please respect that and don't try to center yourself here. You can interact respectfully, and show your support by uplifting Jewish voices, not center your own. Unless we decide to change the rules, do not send submissions.
IF YOU'RE JEWISH feel free to send an ask, anonymously or not, about anything happy you might want to share. It can be big or small, as long as it is somewhat related to being Jewish and it makes you happy!
To clarify: when we say submissions should be related to Judaism, it can be just tangentially. Something funny that happened at shul, a recipe your family likes making, a Jewish wedding you went to, a friend who is a good ally. We're not too restrictive here!
If anyone, for any reason, submits something hateful, that is discriminatory to anyone at all or wishing people suffering, you will be BLOCKED and your ask will be DELETED. Yes that works for antisemites, but it also works for anyone coming here expressing happiness for the death or harm of anyone.
If you're submitting something involving other people, please make sure to not give identifying information to avoid doxxing and harassment. We need to be keeping each other safe.
If you want to submit something that for some reason can't be done anonymously, but you still would like it to be, submit it and state IN THE SUBMISSION that you want it to be posted anonymously. I will make a separate post and not mention your identity, and then delete the original.
For the sake of simplicity and anonymity, you are a Jew if you consider yourself a Jew. This includes Jews from any movement, background, color, nationality, patrilineal Jews, people that are still converting, etc. This does NOT include Messianics or Black Hebrew Israelites (not to be confused with just Black Jewish people in general, Jews come in all colors like I said)
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k-evans-reads · 2 years
Addressing the Wattpad.
Hi all.
We have privately been handling a situation for the last 5+ months. We have tried to keep it behind the scenes as much as we could, but unfortunately it can no longer stay that way.
As many of you know, last night we were made aware by @time-for-a-lullaby of a Wattpad account reposting our original works. We were understandably heartbroken by this. It was the work we’ve dedicated the last two and a half years to, the work that had brought the two of us together originally, and it’s things that we wrote from a very personal place. Some things were therapeutic, some things were inspired by events in our own lives, but most of all, they came from US, and we never gave permission for it to be posted anywhere except our blog by us.
In the immediate aftermath of seeing this, we recognized the user's work and username from multiple accounts we have dealt with since early this summer. In late May/early June, we blocked an account for being a minor. Then, within a day, a nearly identical URL followed us. It was obviously the same user given the follows and URL. We blocked, and this process repeated itself multiple times. We also posted frequent reminders about our policy on being 18+ only. After several weeks of back and forth, we privately reached out and asked them to please stop, and any further action would spur a report to Tumblr for unwanted harassment. They blocked us both and, given the lack of any familiar looking URLs, we thought that was the end of it.
But once we saw the username last night, we recognized the user instantly. We then contacted the other blog with this information and both moved through the proper channels to get the works taken down via copyright claims. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it), the account deleted the plagiarized works from us and another writer before Wattpad could intervene. We don't believe it is a coincidence that immediately after the stories (5 of them, to be exact) were deleted, that a variation of the familiar URL tried to follow us, mere minutes later.
We privately reached out this evening to the user on Wattpad to try to get some clarity as to why this happened. Before we could discuss things clearly, and after repeatedly attempting to explain to the individual that we were indeed involved in this, and no, they did not apologize to me already like they claimed, they blocked us and ended the conversation abruptly.
Today we have done a lot of internal works to attempt to safeguard our blog against this in the future, including combing through our followers and attempting to find any more blogs of theirs, and in doing so we found several accounts, one of which we are certain is theirs, and two which we feel strongly about. We still are in shock that last night even happened, and we both are upset about it. We normally don’t handle things publicly but they continue to keep making blogs to follow us and straight up won’t handle things at all when we try to so we feel we have no other way. 
If you see brodisddabest1 on Wattpad posting our stories or anyone else’s, please notify us, the author, and/or Wattpad. Never ever do we promote harassment and are NOT asking anyone to message her on our behalf (and we encourage the exact opposite!) or anything, but please help us keep an eye out so there is no more reposting or stealing of ideas in the future. We also ask that you continue to support the original creators instead of those who reupload work on different platforms. If you have reason to suspect someone’s work is not their own, do your research and always be supportive of the true creator. There is no good that comes of this!
Thank you all so much!
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UPDATE 10/4: The wattpad account has been removed for repetitive copyright infringement violations!
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erraticpasttime · 7 days
This is the first and last time I will ever post politics in this blog(I hope so at least)
I wanted to keep my opinions out of this, but I have to do clarification. [For the people that are here for my usual content and mutuals, please ignore this and continue scrolling, thank you.]
First and foremost to clarify especially to you people from those replies, it is apparently that the OP blocked me from the moment a person spoke up something conflicting to their own views and I will be tagging each of the repliers here for them to see the intended replies.
But you didn't mention that Europeans are also bigoted!
I didn't because it wasn't simply in the original context of my replies, what I wanted to explain in there was some of the reasons people voted the far right which is clear as day why, They are fed up due to seeing how their own countries being destroyed and things becoming worse by the days, at least by their own words. The most major culprits of all these of course being none other than the capitalists who want more profit than ever, causing inflation for everything. A "basic" rule of bullsh!t economics of more demand=higher prices in my eyes. But, I am stepping into other territory. Now, Europeans not all, but many, especially many teenagers are excessively bigoted. This was the case in the past and so it is in the present. Among them being the immigrants in this category, intermixing with "white"(I hate that term, due to the tying with colorism and entire "races" shittery I dislike) people in those actions against groups they don't like. And please to remind: All people have in the past and present have done that are considered bad actions by today's standards. This doesn't exclude Europeans.
I will not open upon further nuance, such as the other cases of past-xenophobia, fascism etc.(WW2+WW1, the many genocides through history, etc. and etc.) So, I will be closing that conversation here in this specific one. Also the "Whites" catcall and sexual harass and do crime!
Duh, they do. Of course it happens to and can be done by "white" people. People of all nationalities do crime regardless of their skin color or "race". And for you, @snoopyisbisexual I will be tagging you here.
But, their(non-europeans) cultures why do you think that only European cultures are non-violent?!(I don't think that..)
Absolutely not, the vast majority of cultures breed violence in one way or another anyways even if we don't notice it at first, this includes Europeans. And non-Europeans are not one homogeneous group and are instead from countless backgrounds and cultures to back off.
Some of these cultures due to the current circumstances and various parties that have their interests in war have that. It can't be denied that this causes a lot of internal conflicts and this continues the circle of violence. This can happen any culture if given the right circumstances, especially if ideologies and religion encourage such things. Not everyone from the Middle East, the African continent or eastern Eurasia are violent, and are most likely instead traumatized, needing a solution of helping encourage healing and radicalization if it is present, which sadly is somewhat often that it is there due to the factor of violence and other factors that I will assume are known to the readers. In short, no, non-Europeans are not inherently violent and the same goes for Europeans. I do apologize if my arguments lack in this section. And the last one, You don't know what pinkwashing is!(+extra) I do, and that one adult person who tried to assume that I am some kind of dumbass by condescendingly(on how I perceive it as) saying stuff like about stuff I already know such as meeting the worst to best people and their differential views. And to assume that I lack basic knowledge on where a good chunk of these people come from is a slap in the face personally. For last, the second person I will tag, @fluffycloudhead I do know, they use people as scapegoats to cause further division! They want this to further their own pro-war shit for profit and interests in doing so.
And in general I do understand I have gaps in my knowledge, that's why I am trying to learn more on what's happening. I do expect a civil discussion and not be namecalled things such as racist for no reason at all. Thank you.
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