#if you get a wanted poster then you’re now considered an adult
withoutcontxt · 1 year
Yong said the fuck word once around team Radical (one time, that’s right, one singular time), and was immediately grounded by Varian, Nuru, and Hugo.
He’s a baby, he’s not allowed to swear till he’s committed his first crime. That’s the rule.
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candycandy00 · 6 months
The Doll House - A Nanami x Reader Fanfic Part 1
 Despite your crippling fear of men, your family sells you to the Doll House. Luckily, you end up with the handsome, gentlemanly Nanami as your trainer, and he’s about to show you how great a man can be. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Read Geto’s Part Here!
Read Toji’s Part Here!
Read Sukuna’s Part Here!
Read Gojo’s Part Here!
Read Choso’s Part Here!
Note: Please remember that these stories don’t take place at the same time, or even one after the other! Consider each one its own timeline. So if you see Geto and Toji with other dolls, don’t be alarmed lol. I had to do it this way because if I don’t, by the time I get to the last trainer, there won’t be any other trainers left to interact with!
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On the outskirts of town, there stands a particular shop called the “Doll House”. Inside its walls you can find a “doll” to match any taste you might have. All your desires will be fulfilled, no matter how depraved. Satisfaction is guaranteed! The dolls are exceptionally high quality, thanks to the skillful trainers who work with them twenty-four hours a day, molding them into perfect toys for your enjoyment.
Each trainer has a specialty that they focus on, and they all take great pride in their work. Their methods differ greatly, their approaches vary, but they all follow one rule: never get attached to a doll. After the training is complete, they hand the dolls over to their new owners, and never see them again. However, just once over the course of their careers, trainers are allowed to pick a doll they’ve personally trained and keep her as their own.
AU! Each trainer will get their own story! This is Nanami’s. If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, let me know! You must be an adult to be tagged! Any feedback whatsoever is adored! I’m keeping the same tag list as Geto’s part. If you’d like to be removed, please let me know!
Note: Consider these parts AU’s within an AU. So you might see Geto with a different doll from the reader in his part, but just consider this an alternate timeline lol.
Smut. 18+. Fem Reader. Daddy kink. Hair pulling. Oral sex. Fingering. Divider by @benkeibear!
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Ever since you can remember, you’ve had a crippling fear of men. Your father died when you were so small, you have no memories of him. You have no brothers, no uncles you’ve ever met, and you don’t even remember playing with any boy cousins as a child. Throughout your education, you only went to all girl schools. Otherwise, you’ve avoided going out in public as much as possible. 
As a child, your older sister told you scary stories about men being brutish monsters who only wanted to hurt girls. Looking back, you understand now that she was only teasing you. But those stories combined with the fact that you’ve never even had a full conversation with a man before has left you with quite the phobia. 
Even though you’ve watched movies and tv shows and seen men in that context, you’re still afraid of them. The fact that you find lots of fictional men attractive only confuses your emotions even more. You’ve spent years watching animated shows with men way too handsome to ever be real, developing crushes on them because they felt safe.
And your favorite, the one you’ve always been in love with despite him being made of ink and paper, is Prince Sebastian. In the cartoon, he’s a tall, muscular, blonde prince who is always a perfect gentleman to the women around him, always there to protect them from danger. Despite being an adult now, you still have a poster hanging on your bedroom wall featuring him. 
Now, you find yourself standing in the welcome room of the Doll House, waiting to meet your trainer. How did it come to this? Just yesterday you were cooped up in your room, playing video games. Then this morning, your aunt who raised you and your sister stormed into your room and announced that she was selling you to the Doll House. You thought she was joking at first. What she was saying was unthinkable! She was rich! She didn’t need the money! Sure, she’s been complaining a lot lately about you staying in your room all day, but you didn’t think she was this angry! 
You screamed, you cried, you made quite the scene. But then she told you that if you refused to sign the contract, she was kicking you out of her house and completely cutting you off. So you could live in a nice house with a rich man, or you could live under a bridge. To you, both options were terrifying. But one was slightly worse. 
If you live under a bridge, how would you watch your favorite shows or play your games? And who knows how many unsavory men would approach you? Dealing with one man would be much better. Or so you’ve been telling yourself since you got here. But… now that you’re here, and there’s a strange man on his way to get you and do unspeakable things to you… you can’t do it! 
You make a run for it, even though you’ve already signed the contract and met the owner, even though your aunt dropped you off and told you not to come back, you run out of the welcome room and into the front lobby, toward the exit. But just before you reach the door, you hear footsteps and voices behind you. One of them sounds like the owner, calling out your name. You’re so startled that you trip and crash to the floor, pulling off a perfectly humiliating face plant. 
For a moment, you just lie there, feeling stunned and defeated, the adrenaline that fueled your brief escape attempt all gone. Tears sting your eyes as you begin to cry, hiccuping pathetically as your shoulders shake. 
“Are you alright, miss?”
At the sound of a male voice, your body freezes up in terror. You turn your head to the side so you can look up. A man is squatting down beside you, holding out his hand. 
“Let me help you up,” he says in a soft voice. 
You blink away your tears as you stare at his face, and you realize something that momentarily shocks the fear right out of you. He looks exactly like Prince Sebastian! That blonde hair, those kind eyes, that muscular shape! It’s like the character just walked out of the tv! You never thought a real flesh and blood man could ever be as beautiful as Prince Sebastian, yet here he was! 
Still stunned, you take his offered hand and allow him to gently pull you up. It’s the first time you remember actually touching a man. 
He hands you a white handkerchief, spotlessly clean, and you use it to wipe your eyes. “Thanks,” you mumble, reaching the handkerchief back to him. 
“My name is Nanami Kento. I’m your trainer,” he says, and you can’t help staring at him. He’s your trainer? Prince Sebastian? Maybe this won’t be so bad after all. But no, you can’t let your guard down! He might be ridiculously handsome, but he’s still a man! 
You introduce yourself in a small, quivering voice. He nods and then calls over the lady working behind the front counter. “Can you take her to my room, please? And make sure she has whatever she needs.”
The lady smiles and nods, then heads back toward the welcome room. “Follow me. We’ll grab your suitcase on the way!”
Numbly, you follow after her. 
Nanami waits until his new doll has left the room, then turns to the owner. “When you said she has a fear of men, I didn’t realize it was this bad,” he says, sighing. “So what’s going on? You normally don’t accept dolls who were clearly forced or coerced into signing the contract. She obviously doesn’t want to be a doll.”
The owner gives a sigh of her own. “Her aunt came and spoke to me yesterday. Apparently she threatened to throw the girl out if she didn’t sign.”
“Coercion,” Nanami says. “Despicable. So why did you accept?”
The owner looks him in the eye. “The aunt said that if I didn’t take the girl, they were going to sell her on the direct market. You know how things work there. It would be like tossing that girl into a lion’s den blindfolded and with her hands tied behind her back.” The owner pauses and sighs again. “I thought that if she’s trained by someone like you, at least it would be like tossing her in there with a sword and a shield. At least she’d have a fighting chance.”
She has a point. The whole situation leavrs a bad taste in Nanami’s mouth though. “So why is she afraid of men? Any past trauma I should be aware of?”
“None,” the owner says. “She’s just never been around men in her whole life. No male relatives. Went to all girl schools.”
“And Nanami,” the owner adds, her voice dropping a bit lower, “I know you’re not going to like this, but you’ll have to deflower her. Ordinarily I’d keep her a virgin and charge a premium for her, but in this case I think sending her out so unprepared would be exceedingly cruel.”
He looks toward the door the poor doll had disappeared through. “Only if she agrees to it.”
The owner nods. “Of course. Oh, and stay sharp. There’s something off about this whole thing. Her aunt is wealthy, and she even took half what I would usually offer. She seemed really determined to have the girl trained here. There might be something else going on.”
Nanami looks at the owner. “A punishment perhaps?”
“That’s what I’m thinking. But the contract was signed so we’ll see where this goes.”
Inside your trainer’s room, you find the place impeccably neat and orderly. There’s a large bookshelf filled with difficult-looking tomes, though you do spot a few fantasy novels you’ve read yourself. The bed is so smoothly made that you wonder if he even sleeps in it. The dresser has several bottles of expensive-looking cologne, and a peek in the closet reveals a wardrobe of stylish, fancy clothes in brands even you, who grew up in a wealthy family, haven’t heard of. They’re probably brands that focus on menswear, something you would be clueless about. 
The lady from the front desk sits your suitcase on the floor beside the closet and smiles at you. “You hit the jackpot, miss. Nanami is an excellent trainer.”
“He is?” you ask, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. 
The lady laughs. “Let’s just say that if I had to pick one of the trainers to be mine, I’d pick him in a heartbeat. He’s respectful and kind, and not to mention handsome. The dolls he trains are always sad to leave!”
That made you feel a little better, and you were grateful to her for trying to put you at ease. “Thanks for telling me,” you say. “That’s really good to know.”
She smiles and nods and leaves the room, and it only takes a few moments for your anxiety to return. Your trainer will be coming in here any minute. He’ll probably make you strip! He’ll make you touch him! He’ll touch you! Even if he’s gorgeous, you can’t handle that! 
You hurry over to the lone window in his room. It overlooks the back parking lot. You push the window up, opening it, and lean out to look down. The Doll House’s structure is elevated a several feet off the ground, but it’s still only one story. The drop doesn’t look too bad. You sling one leg out over the ledge, leaving you straddling the window. Just then, the door opens, and your trainer walks in. 
It only takes him a moment to assess the situation and realize what you’re doing. He rushes toward you, and in a panic you try to jump out, but your other foot catches on the window sill. You fall at a strange angle, reflexively reaching out with one hand to grab the ledge, screaming as you do. Your trainer is quick to action, lunging forward and grabbing your arm. 
Nanami pulls you back in through the window, and the two of you fall to the carpeted floor, you on top of him. Did he purposely turn so that his body would shield you from the fall? His strong arms are wrapped around you, holding you firmly but gently. You look up at him, and he seems upset. You let out a squeak of terror and scurry away from him, backing into the wall, still sitting on the floor. 
He stands up and dusts himself off. Oh no! Did his fancy clothes get dirty? Is he mad now? He looks at you with a strange expression. Something between exasperation and concern. “Before you hurt yourself trying to escape,” he begins, walking over to a polished shelf and pouring what looks like water into a glass, “why don’t we talk?” He steps over and hands you the glass. You take it, then sip the water. 
“Okay,” you say, feeling stupid now as you tuck your knees under yourself. 
“Let’s go over a few things,” he says. “First of all, I’m not going to hurt you. If there’s any pain involved in what we do, it will be thoroughly discussed and agreed upon beforehand. I’ll respect your boundaries. I won’t do anything that you don’t consent to.”
That doesn’t sound so bad. You start to relax just a little. 
“That being said, the more training you receive while you’re here, the easier things will be for you when you’re purchased,” he says. “I’m not here to make you miserable. I’m here to prepare you for the next ten years. It would be to your benefit to experience as many things as possible here, with me, in an environment where your wishes are respected, before you end up with an owner who might not be so patient.”
You know what he’s saying. “You mean, I should have s-sex with you.”
He nods. “That would be my recommendation, yes. But I won’t force you to do anything. It has to be your decision, and you don’t have to decide right away. For now, why don’t we start with something simple, like letting me help you up?”
He extends his hand to you, for the second time today. Earlier, you were so stunned by his resemblance to Prince Sebastian that you took his hand easily. Now, you hesitate, staring at him for a moment before reaching up and letting his large, warm hand envelope yours. He pulls you to your feet, and you end up standing so close you can see his face more clearly than ever. Ahhh, he really is incredibly handsome! 
“Now, is there anything else you’d like to try?”
You blink. “Right now?”
“If you want. Or we can wait until you’ve had more time to adjust.”
You think for a while. His muscular frame looks so inviting. You’re not sure how much you can handle, but you want to try. 
“Would a hug be okay?” 
He seems a little surprised, but he smiles softly at you. “Sure,” he says, before slowly putting his arms around you and pulling you into his embrace. It actually feels really nice! And he smells so good! For a brief time, you almost want him to make love to you right then and there. Your brain is filled with thoughts of him picking you up and carrying you to his bed, of him taking charge, pulling off your clothes, having his way with you. The thoughts leave you blushing, and you pull away. 
“That wasn’t so bad,” you tell him as he gestures for you to sit in a plush chair beside a table. 
“When the training begins, there will be some rules,” he says, sitting down in a matching chair on the other side of the table. “You are to refer to me as ‘Daddy’ at all times. If you misbehave, I’ll punish you. But, as I said, that’s something we can discuss and ease you into.”
You feel your heart pounding rapidly. Calling him Daddy? Punishment? It sounds terrifying, but also strangely hot. You’ve watched porn before, so you know a little about daddy kinks. You’ve always been kinda turned on when the man calls the woman “good girl”. You just never imagined, in your wildest dreams or nightmares, that you would end up in a situation like that. When you watched porn, it always felt distant, like something happening in another world. You’ve even masturbated to it, still never once imagining yourself in those positions. Men in “real life” were far too scary. 
“I’m going to leave the ball in your court,” he says. “You can tell me when you’re ready to officially start the training. Until then, I’ll keep a respectable distance and let you get accustomed to being here.”
His words are very reassuring. You can feel your anxiety beginning to melt away. Maybe, just maybe, you can get over your fear with a gentleman like him. 
That night, Nanami sleeps on a borrowed futon on the floor, giving you the bed. You feel terrible about that, but also relieved. While a small part of you was excited by the prospect of sharing a bed with him, a much bigger part was scared out of your mind to be in such close proximity to a man all night long. 
For three days, nothing really happens between you and your trainer. You do feel slightly more comfortable with him, sharing a room and a bathroom will do that, but aside from a couple more hugs and some accidental brushing of elbows, he hasn’t touched you. Deep down, you’re a little disappointed by that. 
You accompany him to the dining hall for meals, and you’ve met the other trainers. Most of them stay away from you, even as Nanami introduces them. You figure he’s informed them of your phobia. Just one of them occasionally comes a little closer than you’re comfortable with: the one named Gojo. He’s friendly and not at all threatening, but he’s still a man. So when he stops by the table you’re sitting at with Nanami, you can’t help sliding away from him a little, which results in you sliding closer to your trainer. 
On your fourth day at the Doll House, you come to a decision. It’s time to face your fears and begin the training! 
You wait until after dinner to tell Nanami. He’s standing at his dresser, loosening his tie in a way that makes you extremely weak. He occasionally makes polite conversation with you, but oftentimes he simply reads for a while before showering and going to sleep on the futon. Tonight, you approach him at the dresser. 
“Um, I think I’m ready to start now,” you say, your voice a bit shaky despite your best efforts to stay calm. 
He turns and looks at you. “Are you certain?”
You nod. “As certain as I’ll ever be.”
“Alright, then we need to discuss a few things.”
You feel yourself droop. You’ve hyped yourself up for some wild sexy times, but now you have to talk first? You really hope this conversation doesn’t get too awkward. 
“First of all, you should choose a safe word. Are you familiar with that term?” he asks. 
You are, or rather you’ve heard it used in porn or the smutty stories you read online, but you’re too embarrassed to admit that. “Not really,” you say. 
“You choose a word or short phrase that wouldn’t normally be used in the bedroom, and whenever you say it, I’ll stop whatever I’m doing. If you’re genuinely afraid or something hurts or just makes you uncomfortable, say the safe word. We’ll stop immediately and only resume once you’re comfortable again.”
“Okay. How about… snowcone?” you ask. 
“Snowcone? That’s fine. Don’t forget it,” he says. 
“I won’t.”
“Now, part of my training involves light punishment for bad behavior. Mostly spankings, hair pulling, and things of that nature. Nothing that’s going to seriously hurt. Is that something you can handle?”
You suspected as much, but hearing him say it out loud, in that smooth voice of his, makes you feel dizzy. The thought of being spanked by this man as he calls you a bad girl turns you on way more than you expected. It also scares you. A man! Touching you! But you beat back down the panic that’s threatening to undermine your decision and nod. “I think so. I want to try at least.”
He walks over to his bed and sits down. His legs are spread apart as he undoes the first few buttons of his shirt and then runs a hand through his perfectly styled hair, leaving it a little bit messy with a few strands hanging over one eye. He gives you a look that nearly makes you buckle, and says, “Come over here and show daddy what a good girl you can be.”
Your jaw nearly drops, your breath gets caught in your throat, and your only response is to say, “I’ll be right back!” and flee to the bathroom. 
Slamming the door shut behind you, you grab a fluffy towel from a shelf and press it to your face, using it to muffle a scream. Is it a scream of terror? Of excitement? Even you don’t know. You pant for a few moments, trying to pull yourself together. 
He’s hot! He’s soooo hot! 
But he’s a man! 
He looks just like Prince Sebastian! 
But he’s a man! 
After several more deep breaths, you feel the panic subsiding. You can do this! You step out of the bathroom as if you’d simply powdered your nose and walk back over to Nanami. “Sorry, I just needed a moment,” you say, hoping he didn’t hear your garbled scream. 
He gives you a small, amused smile. He definitely heard it! But he only says, “That’s fine. Take your time.”
Ahhh! He’s such a gentleman! You want him to do unspeakable things to you! 
“C-can we start over?” 
“Of course. I believe I told you to show me what a good girl you can be,” he said. 
“Okay,” you say, feeling even more awkward than usual standing there in front of him. “How should I do that?”
He gives you another one of those sultry looks. “You can start by coming closer and getting on your knees.”
Oh shit. He wants you to suck him off! Can you do it? You’ve seen it done in porn countless times. Yes, you can do it! And after you’re done, maybe he’ll pat your head and call you a good girl! Ahhh! Just imagining it has your heart pounding! 
You take the few steps needed to be directly in front of him, so close he could hug you if he wanted to. Then you get on your knees, right between his thighs. You glance up at him, unsure of what you should do next. Do you open his pants? Wait for him to do it? This is a daddy kink scenario, so maybe you can just mimic what you’ve seen and read online. You look up at him with wide eyes. “What do you want me to do, Daddy?”
There’s a flicker of surprise on his face, but then he leans back slightly on his hands and says, “I’ll let you decide. What do you think would make Daddy happiest right now?”
You hesitate for just a moment more, then reach up and unbuckle his belt. Your hands are trembling as you unbutton and unzip his pants. This is it! You’re going to see and touch a real man’s cock! You see his boxers when you open his pants, black and classy. With your heart hammering wildly in your chest, you grip the waistband and pull it down, under a dick that seems way bigger than it should be. But what would you know? 
With one hand, you lightly wrap your fingers around the hard, hot organ. Feeling unsure, you gently move your hand up and down the length. It’s too dry! Isn’t it supposed to be slippery? Wait… maybe that’s why women in porn often lick or drool on it. You glance up at his face, and there’s no change in his expression. Should you just spit on it? But that doesn’t seem like a very “good girl” thing to do. 
“Can I lick it, Daddy?”
“If you want to,” he answers. 
Slowly, you lean forward and touch your tongue to the tip. You thought it would taste bad, but really there’s no taste at all. The only thing you detect is the pleasant scent of bodywash. Of course someone like him would keep himself immaculately clean. You move your tongue all around the tip, licking it the way you would a popsicle, then you move your tongue down the shaft, toward the base, trying to get it as wet as possible. You hear him exhale a breath, and your eyes dart up to his face. He looks like he’s enjoying this! 
You feel his hand in your hair, and then all at once he’s got most of it gathered in his grip, holding it firmly. It doesn’t hurt, but it does make you feel like he’s completely in control of this situation, and that in itself makes you wet. 
“Take it in your mouth,” he says, his grip on your hair getting just a little tighter. 
Eager to please him, you do as you’re told, letting him fill your mouth with his cock. It’s a scary feeling at first, as you adjust to breathing only through your nose and occasionally gagging around him when he slips a little too far down your throat. But somehow his hand pulling your hair is comforting. You realize you like being led. 
He pushes your head up and down his length, slowly at first, gently. It’s more like he’s guiding you than forcing you. Gradually he ups the pace, going a bit deeper into your throat, which automatically constricts around him. By now your lips are covered in drool and the sticky fluid leaking from his tip, making them glide along the shaft easily. 
After several minutes, you hear his voice again. “I’m going to cum,” he says, a very slight strain to his tone. “Don’t spill a drop.”
Before you can do anything to react to his words, his grip on your hair tightens as he pushes your head down, his cock going halfway down your throat. You feel the warm cum shooting out, sliding directly down to your stomach. You swallowed it all without even getting the chance to taste it.  
After he pulls out of your mouth, he gives you a few moments to catch your breath, then his hand releases your hair and rubs your head. “Good girl,” he says, and you think you might just faint. 
The hand rubbing your head slides down your neck, your shoulder, and then grips your wrist. He pulls you to your feet, and then into his lap. You’re sitting on one of his muscular thighs as he deftly tucks his dick back into his pants with one hand. His other hand is holding you in place, the arm wrapped around you from behind. 
“Are you alright?” he asks, a kind look in his eyes. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you say, surprised by how true that is. 
“Then, since you’re being so good for Daddy, why don’t I reward you?” he says, his free hand slipping under your skirt, between your legs. 
Your body jerks in surprise, and if he wasn’t holding you firmly in place, you probably would have tumbled out of his lap. His eyes are on your face, watching carefully, as his hand slowly slides down, inside the front of your panties. He’s taking his time, giving you ample opportunity to use the safe word. But you don’t, because despite the fear you’re currently feeling, you don’t want him to stop. 
His fingers softly rub your most private place, gently parting the slick flesh, one finger quickly finding your clit. You gasp and clutch his arm, the sensations nearly overwhelming you. 
“Does that feel good?” he asks, his voice close to your ear. 
You nod your head, murmuring, “Mmhm.”
His fingers traces circles around your sensitive nub, then strokes it, making you release little mewling cries. 
“Tell me how it feels,” he says, almost in a whisper. “Use your words.”
“It feels… so good, Daddy! S-so so good! Nothing has ever felt so good!”
You suddenly wrap both arms around his neck and bury your face in his shoulder. The pleasure is too intense! He’s way too good at this! His fingers never stop, even as you quiver in his grip, even when you cry out “Daddy!” as you cum, your whole body shaking. 
While you’re still trembling through your orgasm, with his hand still in your panties, he says, “There’s another rule you need to be aware of. In my training, you have to earn pleasure by being a good girl. You’re not allowed to pleasure yourself. Do you understand?”
You nod against his shoulder, feeling too dazed to speak. 
The hand that was holding you in place moves up to grip your hair and pull your head back so he can see your face. It’s not a harsh action, but a firm one. “Do you understand?”
“Y-yes, Daddy,” you say, and he releases your hair, then smoothes it down gently.
“That’s my good girl.”
Nanami sits in a chair in his room, thumbing through a book he bought recently and sipping wine. His doll is fast asleep in his bed, exhausted from the intense training session. 
He had made sure she was okay, physically and emotionally, before drawing a hot bath for her in his private bathroom and then later helping her into bed. They will be sharing the bed now that the training has begun, and she seemed okay with that before she fell asleep. 
Nanami is actually quite surprised by her. He had guessed it would be at least a week before she would be willing to try any sort of training, but here she is on the fourth day, practically swallowing his cock. She’s facing her fears, and that’s admirable. 
Though her escape attempts and nervous, terrified energy are exasperating, he also has to admit that he finds her amusing. Earlier, when she ran to the bathroom to scream, it was all he could do to hold back his laughter when she returned and acted as if nothing happened. She was definitely a strange one. 
He closes the book and stands up to stretch. His mind is already full of plans for tomorrow, for the various training exercises he can try with her. He doesn’t want to push her too far and make her fear of men worse, but he also wants to make sure she’s fully prepared for her life as a doll. He’ll do all he can to help her, that much is certain. 
Tag List:
@suguguro @kaedear @onyxsphynx @poopoobuttsy @butterskyy @collectionofdolls @akaotv @witchbybirth @bloofinntoona @wasurenagusaa @tclbts @tojirin @lucyrocks86 @badbyeyoongi @97britt @aydene @lzaj19 @lyn-lotte @missthatgirl @peachedtv @ladytamayolover @nanam1nx 
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cacoetheswriting · 3 months
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celebrity skin. (part eight)
pairing: rockstar!eddie munson x popstar!fem!reader word count: 5.2k summary: a reconciliation in New York leads to a rediscovery of not-so-hidden feelings and answers to previously avoided questions — plus more.
content warnings: 18+, minors dni: suggestive & mature themes, adult language, post-breakup emotional hurt / comfort, use of pet names, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of blackmail, & kinda rough smut (unprotected p in v sex) — if i missed anything in this chapter, pls let me know!
& psa: images used in the header don’t depict readers physical attributes! these are also described vaguely in the story, only that she’s a little shorter than eddie.
celebrity skin. masterlist
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One thing Eddie had been absolutely sure of: Stevie Nicks was right.
The trip to New York City was carried out solely on a whim. A gut feeling that the brunette rockstar could not quite shake. He had to see you, despite the possible consequences, and Eddie was smart enough to know there would be a lot. He acted like an ass and whether you would admit it or not, he knew he broke your heart.
Ever since his rise to fame, the Corroded Coffin frontman felt this bubble around him. A bubble created by his team, his band, his past, and his own disruptive behaviour — don’t do drugs was a warning he witnessed (and ignored) many times on posters too colourful for the subject matter, plastered on the walls of Hawkins High. Seemingly, the bubble protected Eddie from predators. Leeches that wanted to take advantage of his fame. Unfortunately, the bubble also shielded him from love.
If the rockstar wasn’t so afraid of the feeling as a result of that bubble, perhaps he would have made different choices in all of his past relationships. Most importantly, perhaps Eddie would have made different choices in the one relationship that’s meant more to him than any other. If he wasn’t so afraid of love, and being in love, perhaps he would’ve fought to be with you a little harder.
And love is definitely how Eddie would describe what he felt towards you. Correction. Feels towards you to this very day. Maybe more, if that was possible considering he hasn’t seen you in months. 
So yes, Stevie Nicks was right. The concept of Silver Springs was right.
Seeing you again only affirmed that belief. Talking to you again, witnessing your smile for the first time in months… Well, Eddie never wanted to be apart from you for longer than he already had been. Unfortunately, that wasn’t up to him. Not for as long as your grandmother had her claw all up in your business and stuck her nose where it did not belong.
“So, what happens now?” The rockstar asks, only slightly afraid of the answer.
You hum under your breath, taking a moment to think, gathering your own thoughts. The sun is slowly rising in the distance, so the first response that comes to mind is that you should go home, and Eddie should go back to his hotel, Max’s place, or wherever the hell he’s been staying, before this place starts crawling with people. That would mean saying goodbye for lord knows how long and you were just starting to get comfortable with being around the rockstar again, although, not like that was insanely hard. Whatever. Simply, you didn’t want to say goodbye.
“We could go get breakfast,” you finally say.
Eddie smirks. “As much as like that idea, sweetheart, I didn’t really mean now in the full sense of the word.”
You laugh softly.
“Okay, hotshot.” Turning your head back to look at Eddie, you raise a brow. “What do you think should happen?”
The rockstar smacks his lips together before resting his elbow on one of his knees and bringing his thumb to his mouth. A nervous tick.
“Putting whatever reason I came here for aside, starting over seems like a bad idea since we’ve done that once before and it didn’t really end the way either of us hoped,” he says after a beat of silence, avoiding your gaze.
“Yeah,” you exhale, “Bad idea. Plus you said so yourself, you’re not the relationship type. Getting back together would be redundant.”
“Right,” Eddie agrees quietly, although he really doesn’t want to.
There’s another moment of silence. Nothing but the sound of morning birds chirping melodically and wind gust hitting the water ahead. In the quiet, there is solace. In the quiet, Eddie doesn't have to answer difficult questions or have conversations neither of you really wants to have. A blissful ignorance of what’s really happening here.
He still loves you. You most likely still love him.
It’s all just terrible timing for two people who are — in his mind, at least — made for eachother, but for one reason or the other, can’t be together. Not in this lifetime. Not with people controlling what they can or cannot do. Not with the whole world watching their every move. It hurt. Hurt that a life you both chose was also the life that’s actively destroying something good.
“We could try being friends?” Eddie offers eventually, looking at you then.
You smile. “Friends. I think I like that.”
Holly is the only person you’re fully comfortable talking to about all of this. She listens, actively nodding along as you spew your thoughts and feelings out loud, until the rambles become too hard to follow. Holly, ever the best friend that she’s always been, places her perfectly manicured hands on your shoulders and gives your body one shake to get you back on track when the story becomes a little too convoluted. And this one is all over the place.
There’s the run in at Saks, the meeting with Max, the plan, the date with Steve, all that leads to Eddie Munson banging on your front door until you let him inside. There’s the emotionally heightened conversation that doesn’t really amount to much. The dinner with your family that opened things up to questions from your nosh sisters and scrutiny from your Nana. Then there was Coney Island.
You pause.
It’s messy, for sure, and your feelings are all over the place as you recount each and every minor detail, which leads you to why you invited her over in the first place: what the fuck do you do about Eddie Munson?
Holly usually gives you advice. Parts of which you want to hear and take on board, parts of which you both know will be ignored. This time however, as you do your best to explain what’s been on your mind — and heart — since the rockstar arrived in New York, this time Holly doesn’t know what to say.
“I don’t know if I should forgive him.”
“Jeff says he’s been, like, super sullen all summer long. Locked in that house of his, or at the studio, working on shit he won’t let the band see.”
“That’s supposed to make it easier for me to do what, exactly? He’s secretive, that’s for sure. Hiding stuff from his band, from his sister, from me…”
You reach for the packet of smokes that Holly brought with her and light one, hand shaking ever so slightly.
“I got virtually nothing from him that night in my apartment. Slightly more under the Wonder Wheel, but still not enough to understand why he did what he did,” you exhale a puff of smoke, “Yet I can’t help but think that despite everything, especially ignoring the weeks I spent in bed because of him, we’re like meant for each other, you know?” 
Holly too lights a cigarette. She also doesn’t answer you.
“That’s kinda pathetic, no?”
“I think until you get the entire truth, it won’t matter whether you get back with him or just be his friend, or whatever, ‘cause you’re not going to be fully happy. Not really,” she explains, avoiding your question because there’s close to nothing worse than admitting to your friend that they’ve lost it completely.
“So I should confront him?”
“Jeff says Eddie doesn’t do well with confrontations.”
You groan. Head falling back on the cushioned sofa.
“Maybe I should just fuck him,” you think out loud, “Get all this frustration out and then just move on with my life.”
Holly laughs. “Just don’t let him finish,” she says, “Karma’s a bitch, and whatnot.”
New York City is your favourite place on Earth.
Despite your years of extensive travel to tour your various albums or attend different global award shows, New York, your home, has always been top of the list. Elegant, albeit slightly messy. Organised, although a little rowdy. It’s colourful, but dull. Full of people from every corner of the world, which only added to its pre-existing charm. You didn’t really think it was possible to fall in love with it even more until you’ve started to explore it all over again with none other than Eddie Munson — under a new guise of something called friendship.
The rockstar decided to extend his trip. Currently, there is no return date. Exploring New York became the only thing on his agenda. 
The two of you did your best to stay under the radar, away from prying eyes. Although, not like it was necessarily needed as Eddie’s idea of sight seeing involved bar hopping. Old-ish, rather shitty places that have definitely seen better days, but Eddie, he was like a kid in a candy store. With every beer poured and every bowl of peanuts shared, he lit up more and more.
“They remind me of home,” he finally explains, two days into your NYC adventure. “Of Hawkins.” 
You smile at him, but don’t say anything.
“What?” Eddie asks when he notices the look, mouth now full after taking another handful of the perhaps hundredth packet of peanuts the two of you have shared over the last few days.
“I don’t know,” you shrug, swirling the gold-ish liquid inside your beer bottle, “I guess it’s just nice that some small part of my home reminds you of your home.”
Eddie returns the fond expression. Friends is good, he thinks at that moment while catching another peanut with his mouth, not ideal, but good.
“There was this bar,” he says, leaning across the table so that he could be a little closer to you, “The Hideout. Our first venue, outside of Gareth’s garage, and the only place in my crappy hometown where I didn’t feel like an outsider.”
“Places like the Hideout, places like this.” Eddie swirls his finger in the air to show he means your current location, “They’ll always have a special place in my heart, I guess. They’re a part of me. Part of Corroded Coffin history.”
He stares at you for a minute. He’d never share this much with a friend, so perhaps this new concept you’ve both found yourselves in is not as good as the rockstar would like to think. “We could try being friends?” — Eddie’s second guessing his suggestion just as fast as he came up with it.
“We should see more of your home,” he finally states, “As much as I love them, I think we’ve seen all the dingy bars New York has to offer, so I’m open to suggestions.”
You bring the beer bottle to your lips and take a slow sip of the now semi-warm liquid, pondering his request. 
Where could you take Eddie that would represent your love for New York. The Statue of Liberty seems a little basic, as does Times Square — especially since you’ve both performed there in the past. Rockefeller Centre to see the street performers? The Met, even though both of you will most likely be invited next year to the exhibit. In reality, all of the touristy spots like Central Park, for example, would be a little too crowded for either of you to feel safe and remain unseen. 
Then your eyes glisten with an idea.
What’s more homey than a home itself: Cove City Sound Studios.
To any average person, it was just another recording studio found in New York. One of hundreds. To you however, it was heaven on earth. 
Located in Glen Cove, New York, Cove City Sound Studios had been home to many artists before you came along. A lot of albums were recorded here. A lot of number one hits — the list of which you were lucky to join more than once.
You always thought the ambiance of this place fueled your creativity. Often said the reason behind your resounding success was because you got the opportunity to record here. Of course Holly, Val, and especially your Nana, corrected you every time those words had left your lips. “You’re the reason behind your success,” your Nana would affirm, “Not some recording studio.”.
But you knew. Felt it deep within your bones. Cove City Sound Studios was magic.
“Damn,” Eddie mutters under his breath, fingers gently running across the various buttons as his doe-eyes dart across the posters on the wall — one of which features your 1985 album cover (a record once hidden under Eddie’s bed back in Hawkins). 
“Here I thought the place we recorded Honesty in was impressive,” he admits, “This though, this is another level.”
A smile circles your lips.
“Welcome to my home, Eddie Munson.”
The rockstar dips his head, sort of in a way of a little bow, and smiles so wide it makes your insides flutter. Friends, friends, friends. You repeat inside your mind, same thing Eddie is doing, although neither of you are aware. Friends hiding their true feelings.
“I’m honoured, sweetheart.” Eddie adds, placing a ring-clad hand on his heart.
“As you should be,” you tease and walk past him, pushing open a door into the vocal booth. 
The Corroded Coffin frontman follows you with zero to no hesitation. He watches as you slowly circle the small room before standing in front of a microphone, adjusting it to your height.
“I recorded every single one of my songs here apart from Honesty,” you reveal without looking at him. Focusing instead on tightening the metal rod in place. “Hundreds of records that will probably never see the light of day because my label doesn’t think they are good enough.”
Eddie snorts. “As if you could make something that wasn’t deemed good. We wrote shit together, remember? I know how good you are.”
Your lips twist into a timid smile and glance up at him from your lashes. “I appreciate that Eds, but unfortunately the industry doesn’t work that way and you, of all people, should understand.”
“Well, yeah, but doesn’t your grandmother have some sort of special power to get you whatever the fuck you want.”
It’s your turn to snort. “She may be resourceful, but she’s got no control over my management team. Even if she likes to think she does, the only real ability my Nana possesses is tell me what to wear and how to act.”
Eddie nods, taking note of this information. Knowledge he can use to free himself from deceit, blackmail.
Valuable insight into the evil woman that ruined his life since, as you’ve now so beautifully explained, she’s not nearly as formidable as she presented herself to be. A light at the end of the tunnel.
“Perhaps that’s why I can’t bring myself to listen to it,” you say, breaking Eddie away from his thoughts.
“Perhaps that’s why I can’t bring myself to listen to Honesty. Because I didn’t record it here.” Nothing to do with the fact that it’s soiled by the memory of the last morning we saw each other, you think, clearly lying to yourself, and him.
Eddie swallows his breath. A twinge of guilt rushes through him. Actually, more than a twinge. A gush, like a waterfall out of control. He’s sure of it now. The two of you could never be just friends. Not until you knew the whole truth about why he did what he did and now that he knew your grandmother had a weakness in her armour, perhaps offering you the truth is something he could do sooner rather than later.
“Then maybe we should change that,” Eddie offers and proceeds to quickly shuffle out of the room, leaving you alone for a second.
You watch through the glass separating the two spaces as he scans the buttons, hands on his hips, tip of his tongue out to indicate he’s thinking. He looks cute and you fail to conceal a smile, so you opt to hang your head and stare at your shoes because you can’t afford to think he’s any sort of desirable. Just friends.
After taking a moment to familiarise himself with a new system, Eddie finds what he’s looking for and switches it on, before hurrying back to stand next to you.
“Ready,” you affirm while putting a pair of headphones on.
For the next four minutes and twenty-two seconds, you get lost in the chocolate of Eddie’s eyes as you once again sing the song he wrote about you.
“Honestly, you got me fallin’ to my knees
It’s like ecstasy, this feelin’ inside of me
Let’s call it honesty”
Cove City Sound Studios creates magic. You’ve always believed it and now it’s only been affirmed because the way your voice melts with his — no band, no distractions — is nothing short of perfection. 
“You’re a devil in disguise
No, that’s what I want you to be
‘Cause in reality, hon’, you’re a hypnotic dream
An angel for sure
To a non-believer like me
Oh honesty, what have you done to me, honestly”
That’s why the song was a hit in the first place. Now you understand why your management team pushed you to do this collaboration in the first place. Magic. And as Eddie draws the last syllable without breaking eye contact, you’re transported back to the night you met. The night that inspired this song. 
The night that started all of this.
His mind wanders to the same moment, same place, same spot. Friendship is a word that no longer makes sense, but the rockstar doesn’t want to ruin anything (again), so he drops the headphones and exits the booth without saying anything.
You follow him with your gaze. A feeling of longing spreads through you faster than you know what to do with it. It’s unfortunately accompanied by fear because you’re not stupid, far from it. Eddie’s hurt you twice before. Going back in only to get burned a third time would be a grave mistake and you know better than to go down that road again. ‘Cause you do know better, right?
Then this morning’s conversation with Holly enters your mind. Your best friend was right. You could never be happy around him if you didn’t know the truth.
“Eddie, can I ask you something?”
“Do you think if you didn’t end things when you did, we’d still be together? Or do you think we were doomed regardless?”
He takes a moment to answer. Avoiding looking up through the glass to meet your curious gaze, anxious for an answer.
“I already told you.” His deep voice eventually booms through the speakers. “I’m not the relationship type.”
“Bullshit,” you’re quick to state. It comes out harsher than intended.
“Sweetheart—” He’s shaking his head, still without looking at you.
“No, don’t you fucking dare,” you interrupt, suddenly feeling deflated by this whole situation, defeated in the fight against your feelings towards him. “Like I said before, you don’t get to sweetheart me and give me some bullshit vague answer.”
Eddie’s eyes are now closed. He’s hoping if he shows how he wants no part of this conversation — not right now, not before he gets to speak to your management and then offers you up the truth — that you will let it go. Like you did that night in Coney Island and those last few days too. You seemingly let it go and everything was okay. Fucking friends.
“I gave in too quickly. Into your presence. I missed you so much that when you showed up at my door, it didn’t matter how angry or heartbroken I was. All that mattered was seeing you again and being around you again. But I should’ve stood my ground.”
You’re now standing right in front of the glass window. Arms hanging by your side, nails digging into your palms to pump the adrenaline that’s fueling this fight.
“No matter how many times you tell me that you’re not the relationship type, I won’t believe you. I refuse to believe you because that guy I met in an empty kitchen of a Hidden Hills mansion was looking for something more than a random hook up. He may not have said it, but he proved it with his actions,” you continue your reasonings, “He craved something meaningful. I saw it in the way he smiled every time his eyes met mine, and sensed it in the way he held me close.”
Then you exhale.
“That guy, although hiding behind a mask of an arrogant  dickhead, he wanted to be loved and Jesus Christ did I—”
Eddie’s gaze snaps to you then, widening.
“But if I got it all wrong,” you continue after a few seconds, “If I misunderstood that guy and what he really wanted, then all I need is for him to be straight with me,” you conclude, “No bullshit excuses, Eddie. If you simply didn’t like me, if you simply didn’t care, just say that and we can both carry on with our lives as if nothing ever happened.”
The door slams. Eddie stands in front of you in a flash, brown eyes holding onto yours with force. He’s agitated. He runs a hand down his face before reaching for your shoulders, then dropping his arms back by his side just as fast.
“I cared, of course I cared!” He exhales to compose himself before continuing, “I still care.” It’s barely a whisper.
“Then why?”
“I-I… Well, I just…”
His mind is racing to find the right answer. The truth is what you’re after, unfortunately that’s the one thing he can’t give you yet. Not if he wants to continue witnessing your success. Because, at the end of the day, his own fame and fortune is no longer important. He could care less if it burned to the ground. Your fame however, your fortune, that’s not something Eddie’s willing to gamble. So again, until he can speak to your management, get ahead of your grandmother’s scheming, the truth will remain sealed.
At least some part of it.
“There was this girl. Back home.” Eddie begins, voice shaky, “Before you, she was the only girl that ever saw me for who I really was.”
“Chrissy Cunningham,” you say her name.
Eddie nods.
“Yeah, Chrissy,” he repeats the name. It tastes a little foreign on his tongue after all this time. “Seemingly the classic cheerleader type, you know? Blonde, preppy, always fucking smiling. But Chrissy, she uh… she was far from just a cheerleader. Like me, she was a little misunderstood and that’s what initially brought us together.”
“What happened to her?” You ask. “You keep saying ‘was’. Chrissy was, as if she’s no longer—”
“Look, sweetheart,” Eddie interrupts, “I-I don’t really talk about her. I don’t like to. Too many bad memories.”
“Right,” you murmur, nodding slowly.
“Long story short, I cared for her and it didn’t end well, so when my care for you started to surpass that feeling… I just got scared.”
“Then why not tell me about her in the first place?” You query, “We could’ve talked it out. Pumped the brakes on whatever our relationship was starting to become.”
Eddie doesn’t mean to, but he scoffs. “And then what, huh? Just tip-toe around how we’re actually feeling until that builds resentment? Then it just ends anyway, but it hurts a lot more, no?”
He’s running a hand through his wild locks. Frustrated wouldn’t be the right word. Annoyed feels borderline the same. Angry, yes, but not at you. Angry at the world for introducing such a perfect character into his otherwise shitty life because he’d be better off without you. No. You’d be better off without him? Also no. Jesus Christ, he’s fucking confused.
“That’s what you asked. If I didn’t end things, would we still be together. The truth is, sweetheart, I don’t know because I attract bad shit and people get hurt and… And I need you to be happy, with or without me.”
Silence falls upon the two of you. It’s heavy with the half-truths that were just revealed. Heavy with the underlying tones that are telling you Eddie still cares, and telling him that so do you — more than either of you were willing to admit back then, and even less now.
And there’s definitely feelings there. They bubbled up the second you laid your eyes on him again and as your few days together passed without a major blowout, they only grew stronger — something you explained to Holly, who said that Eddie was so unlike you, it only made sense to feel something towards him. Love him, even.
Perhaps the hurt was worth it.
“Oh, fuck.”
“What?” Eddie’s brows string together as you momentarily glance at your feet before settling your gaze back on the rockstar.
“Guess we were never supposed to do this right.”
“What?” Eddie asks again.
“You said that to me. Back in LA after that picture of us was leaked to the press, remember?”
“Vaguely,” he answers.
“What if you were right?” You ask, tone a little quieter than seconds prior.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I’m not sure I’m following.”
Decided on your next move, in what you want to happen, you take a step towards the Corroded Coffin frontman so that the tips of your heels are touching his loosely tied Converse. You then place a hand on his chest, albeit hesitantly, and Eddie inhales a sharp breath (loud enough for you to hear).
“What if all of this, everything that happened between us, is because we were never meant to do this right in the first place, Eds?” 
A timid smile circles your lips as the question you asked settles in the air. Loaded full of uncertainty for the future and everything that time ahead holds for the two of you. Your Nana would say that a person of your stature shouldn’t give into uncertainty, something that in Eddie’s case was often repeated by Marianne. Everything is always meticulously planned. No room for error because uncertainty leads to mistakes and those are a nightmare for your respective PR teams. Unfortunately for those teams, uncertainty is what drew you to each other in the first place.
That, and insane fucking attraction.
“I did come here because I regret my decision,” he says while you say, “I miss you.” Both come out at the same time. Mumbled, jumbled together. It registers though.
Without giving it a second thought, Eddie dips his head lower while his hands reach for your face, ring-clad fingers now holding your cheeks. In that same breath, his lips crash against yours in a yearning kiss — one that is fuelled by months of pent up tension and a desire you both shared since your first meeting back in August of ‘92.
It's a dance of fire. One that is burning bigger and brighter with every second his mouth is attached to yours. Dangerous, would be a good word to describe this moment, but the line has been crossed yet again and since there’s definitely no going back now, your fingers tangle themselves in his brown locks as you push your body closer. Eddie also gets braver. He bites down on your bottom lip and when you gasp ever so softly, the rockstar slides his tongue in with ease.
You feel elated. This is exactly what you’ve been missing and by the way Eddie’s tongue twirls within your mouth, hands squishing your face, afraid to let go, you know it’s what he’s been missing too.
It’s destructive, for sure. But the hurt is worth it. You know that now. You feel it. Every single fibre of your being grows more and more alive as Eddie presses into you further, as he caresses your skin with so much tenderness. And you’re beyond cloud nine. Beyond touching heaven. It’s destructive, but it’s bliss.
“If we keep kissing like this,” he whispers against your lips, forehead pressing against yours, “I’m afraid I won’t be able to contain myself.”
“Who says you have to?”
Eddie groans against your jawline before continuing to trail soft pecks along your skin until he reaches your ear, biting it gently.
“We should probably talk about what this means,” he says, but you just shake your head. “‘Cause friends don’t kiss like that, sweetheart.”
“I don’t care about that now, Eds.” You affirm, sure of what you want. Sure that you don’t ever want to forget him or move on. He is a part of you, forever. “I just want you.”
And with that your lips finds his again.
The kiss is feverish, messy. You’re tugging at each other’s clothes, desperately trying to get them out of the way as fast as possible. In an attempt to be even closer, propelled by an indescribable urge, Eddie shifts your positions so that his back is the one to the room, you’re by the wall, and mere seconds later, your back is pressed firmly against his chest.
His strong hands send shivers through your body as they make their way down until they reach your panties, skirt long disregarded, a garment on the floor. He no longer hesitates about what this means, ripping the material down before his feet are kicking your legs apart. Ring-clad fingers slide along the curve of your ass, kneading the flesh, desperate to feel you. All of you. And as one hand works to unzip his pants, the other works its way to your wet entrance, feeling along your slit.
“Please, please…” The excitement causes you to grow warm and moist in his hand.
He can’t contain himself. Removing his hand in a rapid manner, he pushes his cock inside of your starved pussy. You close your eyes at the contact and Eddie begins to fuck you, hard. Rhythm picks up rapidly and you’re clenching around him in a matter of minutes, lower muscles seizing at the contact they’ve long forgotten, but were now more than pleasantly reminded of. 
“God,” he groans, “I fucking missed you.”
The moan that escapes your lips is nothing short of pornographic. It’s a direct response to his words, as well as his actions. He’s pounding into you relentlessly. There’s no time for pleasantries or any sort of softness. This is all about fulfilling a need-based desire and you’re more than willing to comply, high on his voice when he praises “Fuck, baby”, and “You’re doing so good for me, pretty girl.”
When you feel his hands grip your hips, you moan his name. Loud, pathetic. Undone. The rockstar begins to bounce you against him. Your knees weaken and you fall back onto him, head now resting on his shoulder, losing yourself completely in the moment and the pure ecstasy that you’re feeling. The pleasure is almost too much for you.
“Eddie, I’m so close,” you whisper, looking up at him through your lashes. 
The Corroded Coffin frontman captures your mouth with his. Short, but far from sweet is the kiss. Hungry and devilish. He bites your bottom lip as he pulls away, drawing just a prick of blood.
“Let go for me, baby.” 
When you do, obeying his request, your whole body shivers harshly in his embrace. Eddie keeps going, only his pace has slowed. He’s whispering sweet-nothings into your ear, continuously praising you for being his good girl, and you promise yourself that no matter what happens next, you’re going to be that forever. 
The high soon ends and Eddie pushes you forward gently. You then feel the rockstar’s cock leave you, warm cum spurting over your ass without warning. You’re delighting in the feeling of his juices on your skin. He delights in it too, trailing his fingers over your rear until you turn around to face him.
There’s a smile on your face. Devious, yet benevolent.
Yes, Eddie thinks, Stevie Nicks was definitely right. ‘You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you.’ Not like he’d ever want to anyway.
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thank you for reading! really appreciate the endless & continuous support!
celebrity skin. masterlist
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169 notes · View notes
archivalofsins · 10 months
Purge March is just great all the way through! From beginning to end so let's go over it~
The way Amane has her own flag at the end-
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The same symbol that we see on the balloon of the girl from her school- Whose dad tells on Amane to her mother. Before the actual cults symbol is highlighted again-
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Possibly implying there's a cult for adults and children or a shift in ideologies. As the symbol of the cult we see throughout magic is the one with the double clouds and colors around it that is over the door of Amane's home-
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And slapped on her backpack where we can see other stickers have been ripped off of it-
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Then there's the way Amane lets the others go absolutely feral while still leading the charge calmly -
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The way she uses an umbrella as a weapon after drowning in those rainy days.
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Them hinting from the beginning it's an umbrella through the way the flags are held at the start and the point of the bottom of Amane's staff-
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The blood on the scepter that can be seen while she's still making her way home-
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The rainbow behind the grey balloons carrying over behind her as she walks home-
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The subtle but manic expression of the more feral ones bleeding through externally, contrasting her more calm internal demeanor-
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How all this perfectly follows up on the cheeky grin that Amane had when she brandished the wand in Magic,
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As she uses the idea of supporting this cause for her own benefit. Making her a fake believer in a way. Something highlighted through the beginning lines of Purge March-
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It’s the beginning of a most wonderful day- However, there are blasphemers and silent by-standers, who would have it otherwise. We must not give into them, they are the ones that should be judged with pure, unsullied body and soul, let us preach all that is true and right!"
Them going from being covered in shadow and beneath the balloons to ahead of them.
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"I'll give back the judgement that you gave me."
How they visually show her putting that distorted image behind her-
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Yet, allude to how it still impacts and supports her belief. Just now in a way where she has control.
The fact that Amane's very last straw was her mom killing that cat and the lyrics don't shy away from that-
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"So nary a sound can be uttered a second time, I’ll crush your throat too."
The implications that she not just took out her mom but the people who snitched as well-
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Especially telling considering we see that the staff has blood on it before she gets home. Plus, since it's raining if the umbrella had gotten bloody the rain could have washed it off as she was walking. Hence the very manic expression and the title Purge March. Since the march very well could have just ended at her mother.
Something again I would be fine with happening to mister I can tell your mom I saw you helping a cat on the street but can't pick up a phone and call child protective services when I see you walking around with bruises on your face-
"There are blasphemers and silent by-standers."
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Fuck him too honestly.
(Star here; I wanted to mention how the cult's colours combined are connected to the concept of happiness and it being brought to you. They highlight this in a poster that seems to advertise themselves. If we take this as a visual shorthand for happiness in general, it's interesting that the colours only get shown combined (including with the confetti) when Amane has decided she's had enough and moves to commit her murder.)
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"I don’t need it anymore, if you’re going to break your vow. Here and now, it’s my turn to tear you apart- So there is no second time, I’ll give back the judgment that you gave to me." - "“UNDER” The magic is in believing there is no righteousness in broken promises."- "A good girl that keeps a promise is like, mwah!"
Then there's the song itself-
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"The “It can’t be helped”, from the scum that can’t be helped. That makes them doubtlessly, clearly, absolutely, unequivocally, beyond any doubt, categorically, emphatically, GUILTY."
"It can't be helped" it's the only way you'll learn after all.
"After you cry, repent, and kneel, it’s now your turn to say that hopeless “I’m sorry”."
It's the vindication and euphoria that I feel can only be felt by those who grew up with abusive parents for me that resounding- "Yes!" feeling that seeing this,
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accompanied by this line brings-
"You’re sorry? I don’t care! Please, go ahead and die already. Remember MY cries, MY repents, MY words of “I’m sorry” that I said to you?"
That really gets to me specifically. That really makes me go actually yeah, sure murder is objectively bad. However, in this case do I find it morally reprehensible...? No, fuck this lady she kills cats and beats children. Like come on now this isn't hard. She probably killed what two people a guy that ignores blatant child abuse and a woman who once again kills cats and beats children.
I don't think Amane should be sentenced to torture because she gave two terrible people express passes to hell. That's just silly- Plus for me it's always been about how I feel about each individual prisoners' crimes first and foremost. I don't particularly care how safe these prisoners are or aren't because this isn't about that and it's something I have no control over. There are just too many factors to properly deduce what will happen during the intermission outside of what they've alluded to already.
I'll only have a clear idea of what may happen next when Kotoko comes around. If she does the same thing, she did during her first interrogation and updates us on how the prisoners are handling their verdicts, that is.
For now, though- I'm going to vote how I want as usual. Simply put if childcare services were better, and she wasn't in a community of bootlicking rats this lady wouldn't have gotten away with this for so long-
Sad that Amane had to take matters into her own hands but at least this woman is fucking gone. So, she won't be going back to that cult environment we see in Magic, she'll simply go back and hopefully be with her dad. Who she wishes to be with already. But what if she makes her own cult?
I don't give a fuck. Her cult isn't going to be the kills cats and beats children cult now, is it? She's actively trying to be better than her parents and has displayed her desire to be so numerous times. I don't know this is just an easy one for me. Glad to see that this aspect was handled incredibly well and I'm more excited for Double now as a result!
So, a great start to the day overall.
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bardspeak · 10 months
This is my piece for the zine celebrating 10 years of dishonored: Dunwall Days and Karnaca Nights! There are leftover sales going on here: (link) that have much much more than my little character study going on. (I recommend the notebook). @10yearsofdishonoredzine
Things Beyond Forgiveness | (ao3 link)
Billie was made by knife, and now there’s nothing she sees in her body anymore but the jagged shape carved. 
He was made by knife too, she thinks, watching the Outsider in their tiny, one-room apartment. A god once, held on high - now washing the dishes of all things. They had to buy metalware so when his shaking, unpracticed hands dropped them from the sink they wouldn’t shatter across the hardwood floor. Only irritate the neighbors. 
“I’m sure I’ve done this before,” The Outsider tells her, lips thin with displeasure at himself. He said the same thing about sweeping up porcelain shards with a broom or writing in the blocky hand of an illiterate dockworker. She can’t prove or deny these claims, so she takes them at face value, nods, and lets him continue in his failure. Sometimes she finds herself getting irritated, having to reteach an adult man how to do up his tie, but then she remembers Sokolov and his shaky, fading memory - a parallel that would have the Outsider steaming and ranting at her. 
The Outsider is neither physically old nor dependent, but something in the comparison softens her demeanor. There are people she’s taken care of before, and people she’s let take care of her. She reminds herself of this every time the Outsider goes to pick up the dishes after dinner with his quivering hands. She sits and watches this vestige of a life long past curse when his hand slips. Hum absently and splash water onto their floor. 
He struggles and doesn’t have the forbearance to hide it from her, but still, sometimes she uncharitably thinks he’s doing this much better than she is. That it’s unfair. There’s a capacity to hurt in her, one she faces every day when she sees the posters bearing her name, or looks carefully at the knife in her hand and in her heart. She doesn’t think she’ll ever stop facing it. 
They’re in a dark, cold alley a few blocks away from the apartment when the Outsider speaks up, voice quiet but weighted: “You’re not what you think you are.” 
“How so?” Billie takes a sharp drag of the cigarette in her hand before offering it over, the Outsider considering it like he’s never seen one before. They’ve smoked together a few times before, hazy trails of smoke drifting through the afternoon light peeking in through the window in their apartment. Never like this though, in the early hours of the morning when Billie gets back from one of her odd jobs, knife and crossbow slung low on her belt. She’s been a killer for decades, even before Daud - there’s nothing that will ever change that. But she can’t help listening, can’t even pretend to ignore him like she would have in the beginning. 
“You can’t change what you’ve done in the past,” The Outsider says, never having lost the uncanny ability to seem like he’s reading her mind. He pauses to take a puff of the cigarette and gives a little cough with weak lungs. Before, he would have been sent into a full-on fit. “But you can’t say you would have been here, would have survived, if not for your skills. You did what you had to.” He pauses, perhaps correctly guessing that she doesn’t want to hear it. He forges on anyhow. “Maybe you can thank yourself and move on. Find a new use for your skills.” 
A bitter little laugh bursts its way out of her, unwilling. “There’s no other use for skills like mine.” 
He touches her hand, not a slip of the fingers when passing a cigarette back and forth - still holding it in his other hand - or to pull her away from watching eyes. She never realizes how little the Outsider reaches out to touch until he has. It startles her from her bitter reflection. “Skills like yours,” he starts, unsettling pale green eyes catching her own and holding them. “Are what freed me.” 
He doesn’t go on like she expects him to - like she’s used to. The lack of words to hide in leaves her flayed open. The cigarette is pressed into her hand like an afterthought as he pulls away, heels clicking against the stones of the street towards their apartment, not even sparing a glance behind to see if she’s following him. 
Eventually, she does. 
The Outsider has a pile of things laid out over their creaky wardrobe in the corner of the room. Bottles, stones, shells, pieces of bone, and books that are more scraps of paper than bound tomes are strewn over the place. So many things she can hardly categorize them all. Billie had thrown some of them out when he first started, not knowing it was a collection rather than garbage laying about. He never said anything, but the same bottle - labeled with colorful, crackling packaging - was back on top of the wardrobe when she came in the next morning. 
One day, a flask slips through his traitorous fingers and crashes to the floor, glass pieces skittering to the far corners of the room. She watches as he crouches down and picks up one of the thicker pieces, twisting it in the light in a slender hand. There’s a spot of blood beading up on his bare foot. He stands, drops the piece of glass onto the wardrobe with the rest of his collection, and steps carefully over the rest to get to their broom. 
He’s used to things slipping through his fingers, she realizes, going through her days watching him. This isn’t a collection of prized possessions, he barely gives any of them but the books a glance on any given day and never upsets if they break or tear. They’re proof of life. That if he holds something in his hands it won’t turn to dust and fall away. When she looks, there’s a shard of a porcelain plate he must have squirreled away weeks before she first saw the bottle on the wardrobe.
Never claiming to be good with words - especially not when faced with a man who spent the better part of four thousand years with nothing but - she doesn’t broach the subject. 
She does, however, hand him a small painted cameo she found one day on a job. Despite it being her reason for doing so, she still startles when she sees it placed at the forefront of his collection. He places a book - newer, the covers wearing through on the corners but little other damage - on the windowsill she likes to sit in to smoke tobacco, something the Outsider still wrinkles his nose at. She finds a piece of glass placed just so, refracting color on the wall over her bed. 
After weeks, months, a turn of the season, whatever’s holding them together in this place hardly big enough to fit them still hasn’t worn through. It’s the longest she’s spent in the same space as someone since Sokolov - since Daud - and it surprises her how few times she has to get out because she feels stifled. 
She watches him pore over a waterlogged book of his. The binding is frayed around missing chunks, and he’s read it enough times to make his own narrative out of the empty spaces. Time has loosened his muscles, barefoot feet tucked up under his legs, sitting at their meager table and muttering under his breath. She picks at a loose thread of the binding with thin, voidrite fingertips and he lets her. 
“What should I do then?” She says, continuing the conversation like it hasn’t been months of them settling into whatever this is. If he doesn’t understand, then maybe she won’t have to say it. These jagged pieces she doesn’t let anybody touch can stay sharp along with the fear. The Outsider can keep filling in the gaps to stories he’ll never have the whole picture of, despite holding pieces in his trembling hands. Despite spilling the water that smears the ink.
He raises his head to look at her, eyebrows still pinched from reading with a slight myopia, and he understands. “I believe felling a god may be the peak of your achievements,” he tells her, closing his book with more of a crunch than a snap. Only the glint in his eyes reveals his teasing. “Have you ever considered settling down?”
She huffs out a laugh, not even trying to find it in herself to be offended at the notion. That she could put the knife down and never pick it back up. Not flinching away from the edges that have already been worn down. “I’ve never considered living long enough.”
“Well,” he sniffs, taking up the mantle of the offended. He opens his book again. “Start considering it.” 
“I’m sure I’ve done this before,” he says for the millionth time later that afternoon. Billie thinks what he actually means is live. She’s sure she has too, once. She thinks she might be doing it again. 
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silenceofgrowth · 9 months
When you’re 12, In the back seat every conversation is the center of your orbit.
Crossing the boarder between Vermont and Canada for the first time was confusing and scary.
Downtown Montreal felt like a cool dark purple, my first grey city.
We stopped for dinner at subway. I’d never been, and had never considered we would stop somewhere that wouldn’t have food I wanted.
Will’s mom Angie kindly encouraged me to order something, but I sheepishly said I was okay. I was really hungry but still picky the way a child is. I watched Will eat and I felt embarrassed.
After, we walked to the venue and Angie helped us navigate our way through tickets, the way a mother does. We hadn’t learned yet about getting to shows early.
The ballroom couldn’t have had more than a few hundred others, but will and I both felt so small.
Angie suggested we go off to find a standing room spot. She reassured she would be close, but encouraging us to embrace independence; the gesture felt like a final present for Williams 13th birthday. A high stone wall of late teens and early adults curtained the stage. Poster boys and girls with cigarettes, Ice & laughter. Neither of us said anything but our silence must have revealed that we were intimated to be among then.
Their gravity washed us up to the outerbanks.
The band opened with cough syrup and Will and I were enameled. The audience and musicians unified a vision in me of how I dreamed to be seen when I was older.
Now, 12 years later, all those people must be in their 30s - when my friends and I see them at bars, we cross the street afraid of catching youths death.
I wonder when they transitioned out of the ice and laughter - when did their personal gravity fade? Is it when you become more an adult than not? What does that transition feel like and do we notice when it’s happening?
For those now 30 year olds sitting at the well lit bar with their dogs and strollers.
The world belonged to them, all for a short while.
Will passed away a few weeks ago. He was 25. I wonder if he still had that plastic bin under his bed where he hid his secret treasures ; He never let anyone see what was inside. Did he still have the perfume of that night stained in his memory?
The world belongs to you, all for a short while.
September 11th, 2023. 3:28 PM
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Drunken Hike to the Dorm Room
Summary: Hartmann overindulges at a party and Aurora must take him back to his room in safety. Through their journey, tongues grow loose.
Rating: T - Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 1000
Notes: Anyone still hungover from the Holidays?
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"No. No, don't laugh at me, Aurora. The one time I get piss drunk and you're already making fun of me?!” Eugene complains, slurring his vowels, so very unlike his usual composed and posh speech.
Aurora wants to shake her head and laugh even more, but she supposes that she can have some sympathy for the nerd’s plight that evening. One can only hold their alcohol with grace when they are eased into it, through many experiences throughout their lives. She has her doubts on whether her flatmate has even smelled booze before, not to say actually drunk it. It was inevitable for something like that to happen.
To also be fair, she did not expect for Eugene to have any interest in joining them that evening when they started their little party. Zui had had a success or another with his lacrosse team, so it meant that it was a perfect excuse to get piss past drunk on a weeknight. Max smuggled the bottles and Delacroix managed the aperitifs, and it was on.
On those occasions, their prefect would sneer at them, call them irresponsible for flaunting so shamelessly the school regulations and, if he was on a good mood, he would shut the blinds on his four-poster and sleep it off until next morning at the earliest. If he was on a bad mood, though, he would venomously threaten calling the head teacher unless they shut down the party, on which occasions they would usually take their celebration somewhere else.
He never said that he wanted to join them before. He never gave a single indication that he ever wished to be a part of their regular night-time entertainment, if anything, considering his usual scathing remarks about it, he has signalled plenty of times how he wanted nothing to do with them and their behaviour.
Not tonight, though.
Tonight, when Max jokingly asked whether he wanted to join in their little soirée, Eugene smiled placidly and said, “Sure. How much do I owe you for the beverages?”
It was then and there that Aurora knew that nothing good would be coming out of it, and she certainly had a point.
At first, everything was going on well. Conversation was flowing, there was no accusations and no frustrations to be raised. The prefect had his first cup of beer, one which he cradled forever until Zui had to point it out to everyone. He promptly chugged it and asked for another.
Then another, then he started to mix alcohol, and then it all came ridiculously undone when, as he tried to walk over to the table to refill his cup with whatever, he tripped over his own feet and took the entire bar down with him, effectively putting an end to the party.
After angry remarks and lots of mocking laughter, Aurora helped him to his feet and led him back to his dorm room, slowly and steady, and with regular intervals for puking breaks along the way.
“I’m absolutely humiliated! It’s not like I haven't had enough of a mockery of myself tonight! What I’m even going to do?" Eugene grumbled, causing his guide to laugh at him again.
"Alright, alright. I am sorry." She pauses, pushing the slick cowlick resting unusually messy on his head behind his sweaty and blanched forehead momentarily to press a light kiss there. "I just don't get what happened with you tonight, it’s all. You're usually the one who's always talking care of us, never wanting a drop and not sleeping until we're all tucked safely in bed."
“You noticed that?” He asked, truly surprised.
Aurora laughs richly. “Of course! You always take such good care of us and I really appreciate it. It’s not as if the bottles would throw themselves on the trash so we don’t trip them in the morning, now do they?”
Eugene sighs softly, the alcohol still swirling his thoughts around. "Egads, I love you so much."
He dropped his head, his eyes blinking rapidly to stay awake.
The girl smiles sweetly at her friend. "I love you too, Eugie, you doof. I just don't see how that correlates with anything we’re talking."
Eugene huffs, in both frustration and self-importance, a pride that roars especially when it is so wounded.
"I mean I'm in love with you." His cheeks immediately burn up, his mind is not nearly sober enough to shut up though. "I have been for a while, too, and seeing you with, with… Going out with those dudes and going out and staying out all night doing whatever, it just… It just got me all fucked up here because..."
The brunet prefect trailed off, getting lost on the sentence that he wanted to convey, getting lost on the raging feelings on his heart. He runs his hands through his head while strands of his increasingly messy hair spilled beautifully in a more natural position than his usual slicked back coif.
Right now, on the chiaroscuro of the moonlight against the cavernous hallway, of the dishevelled appearance and the honest tone of his voice, Aurora understands that she has never found him this attractive.
"You're in love with me?" She asks him dryly.
When Eugene does not answer because he is stuck mid headache and drunken thoughts, she takes his chin in your hands and direct his face to hers. She repeats the question and let it sit for a while as she processes this newfound titbit of relevant information.
"Oh, Eugie! Did you really have to be drunk to tell me this?" She asked, a loving frustration painted all over her expression.
"Yeah, because I always mess everything…" He tried to respond to her question properly, his words slurring out more than ever.
Aurora cuts him off, though, pulling his chin closer until their lips were firmly connected.
Eugene sucked a deep breath and excitement fills his heart. He may be stupidly drunk, but he is sure that he shall never forget it.
Not ever.
Crème de la Crème Masterlist
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survey--s · 9 months
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Name all the pets you’ve ever had. I never had any growing up, but as an adult I've had Gizmo and Athena who were sibling tabby cats. I had to leave them with my ex when we split up, though. Then when Mike and I got together, we got Layla (a little black kitten), Purrlock (a black rescue cat) and Toby (black kitten). We lost Layla in May and we now have Simba who is a ginger tabby kitten. We also have Archie the beagle who is five.
Are you on break, or do you still have a couple days of school left? I haven't been in any kind of education since 2011.
Do you like Stephen King novels? I've actually never read any of them, or seen any of his films.
Have you ever had a macaroon? Yes, and a macaron. Macaroons remind me of my childhood.
One of my friends dislikes animals in general. Are you like her? No. My dad is one of those people though, lol. He tolerates my love of animals but it's why I was never allowed a pet growing up.
Do you prefer being on time, or do you not mind being late? I HATE being late. I'm always early or on time unless I have absolutely no other choice.
What is one adventurous thing you’d be willing to do? (ex: skydive) Travel to outer space.
Have you ever made a bucket list? No.
What subject at school did you absolutely hate? Chemistry.
How many cell phones have you gone through up till now? I think seven or eight, maybe. Which is pretty good going considering I've owned some kind of phone for the last 20+ years.
Italian food or Chinese food? I love both. I think overall I prefer Italian though.
Do you have more than the standard earlobe piercings? Yes - three in each earlobe, one in my right cartilage, my nose and my belly button (though I don't wear jewellery in the latter anymore as it kept getting infected).
Ever studied a foreign language? I did a degree in French, and I also studied German for a while. My dad taught me a bit of Italian as a kid too.
Don’t you hate it when your family eats all the ice cream at home? My mum always used to do that and it drove me insane.
Ever been in a near death situation? If so, what happened? Hmm, no, I wouldn't say so.
Do you like to make flash cards when you study? No.
Favorite flavor of gum? Spearmint.
Do you tend to be frugal, or are you more comfortable spending money? I have no real need to be frugal as we don't struggle financially. But saying that, I'm not really that materialistic and only tend to spend money on stuff I need, or stuff that's practical/for the house.
Do you have a connection to any religion? No.
Ever played a team sport, or are you not sporty at all? I was on all the sports teams in school but I never really enjoyed it.
Do you put posters on your bedroom walls? No. I did as a teenager though.
Do you sleep with one leg sticking out of the covers? Sometimes, yeah.
I have extremely weird, frightening dreams. Do you? Not frightening, but my dreams are definitely on the weird side.
Has anyone ever told you that you’re a good singer? No, because I am not. <--- haha yep, same.
Ever been to the Big Apple? If not, do you want to visit? No, but I'd love to visit one day.
Opinion on Gangnam Style? It's catchy and a pretty good song, really.
Do you ever watch TED talks, live or online? No.
Did you ever watch the Lizzie McGuire movie? Yep, multiple times ha.
If you did, do you know what the guy that played Gordo looks like now? (ew) Why ew?That's harsh, lol. Anyway, I've just googled him and he looks normal to me?
How many email accounts do you have? Two.
Ever shamelessly played Farmville on Facebook? No, I never really got into Farmville.
Are you a big fan of dessert? Not really. There are a few kinds I love but generally I'd rather have a starter.
Ever had a brush with the paranormal? If so, describe. No.
Were you one of the popular kids in high school? Nope, definitely not lol.
I dare you to write the name of a person you strongly dislike. I don't really strongly dislike anyone. I either like you or I'm generally apathetic towards you lol.
Do you know the band Vampire Weekend? I've heard of them, yeah.
What do you think about Marilyn Manson? He's a dodgy fucker. He's been accused of all sorts of shit.
In general, do you prefer going out or staying home? It really depends, there is no "in general" because there are so many different variables.
Biggest trouble you’ve ever gotten into at school? I honestly never got into trouble at school.
Do you own one of those “professional” DSLR cameras? No.
Does it bother you when you see a 6th grader with a bunch of gadgets? Why would it bother me?
Favorite pair of shoes? Probably my black ballet shoes or my grey ankle boots.
Where were you on 9/11? In French class in year...8, it must have been. Any food in particular you just can’t get enough of? Pizza, bread, potatoes.
Did you buy yearbooks every year in high school, or did you not bother? No, they weren't really a thing here.
Do you have Restless Legs Syndrome? I do. It sucks. Yeppp. I hate it.
Are you a fan of British Youtubers? (Marcus Butler, JacksGap, etc) I don't watch YouTubers of any nationality, lol.
Jalapeños: yay or nay? Nay. I can't stand spicy food.
Did you ever play Minecraft? I tried and it just gave me a headache lol.
Did you ever have a Club Penguin account? Were you a member? I played it a few times.
Favorite concerts you’ve been to? Did you scream until you were hoarse? Plain White T's or Lily Allen, and no.
So where were you when the Boston Marathon bombing happened? I don't remember. At home probably, or work?
Rainy days on the weekend: yay or nay? It depends whether I have plans or not.
Do you look down on girls that wear shorts with Uggs? No, but then again, nobody wears Uggs anymore.
Californian girls talk and dress a certain way, don’t they? I mean, sure, but that's true of people from any part of the country.
Ever crushed on a teacher? If so, what subject did he/she teach? No. I never understood that lol.
Ever take an art class? If so, what’d you think? I did art in school until GCSE's. I quite liked it.
0 notes
wench-and-jezebel · 1 year
Stranger Things Reaction: The Weirdo on Maple Street
Wench (@scripted-downfall) reacts: A Flashback Series
See this link for context
Dustin, it’s not like all you did was clap; you kinda lunged at her.  She could be not-deaf, or she could be deaf and have eyes alkdsjf
Okay, look, I guess how people see this as “Oh, look, Mike’s so in-tune with her, he’s realizing she’s scared and cold and drenched and all.”  But.  Also.  Have you considered.  That he’s literally the caretaker of the group?  Steve is the overall babysitter/caretaker, eventually, of course, but, of the kids, Mike is the one who’s always anticipating people’s emotions.  He’s always ultra-aware of Will, sure, and El, but there are other examples.  I’ll start mentioning them when I see them.
Well, there’s one; the other two instantly turn around, but he stops her, points out the bathroom, etc.
Noticing a trend of compromise here; I remember the “compromise” and “halfway happy” scene with Hopper in the later ep, and now there’s Mike going to close the door, Eleven stopping him, and him putting it cracked instead.  I don’t know what this says, but it says something.
Dustin being adorable alkdsjf
“Like Michael Myers”  Foreshadowingggg
“I feel like my life started that day we found you in the woods.”  -Mike, s4.  Buddy, what do you mean???  You legit found her and went, “here’s how we can get out of having to worry about her and her potential backstory from the asylum, and then we go out again, and this time we find Will.”  WDYM YOUR LIFE STARTED WITH EL???  (Shhh.  Not me having spoilers from s4 or anything…)
Oh, look, the yellow phone returns
Mike, you’re so subtle
I love the Mike-taunting-Nancy-with-innuendos thing here.  “What’s your test on again?  Human Anatomy”  aka the sibling “I know what you did and I’ll tell if you don’t hush.” 
Okay, but the fact that El's somehow managing to stay in someone's house without any adult ever noticing a;kdsfj;lkadjf
I’m sorry, but this is just… not how a romance would be shot.  Mike is concerned and caring, yeah, but not like a boyfriend, I’m sorry.
All the Upside-Down places being cool-colored, and all the party scenes being warm
The awkwardly hovering blurry figures over her shoulder
She still looks so different
I KNOW.  WAYNE’S WEARING IT.  WHEN HE’S PUTTING UP THE EDDIE POSTERS… not to push my Eddie-lives agenda, but.  I’ve heard about him and I don’t accept the Eddie-dies agenda, so.
Dustin.  Let.  The shirt thing. Go.
“Nice, right?  It’s a 22-inch.”  The contrast between then and now aldskjf
El getting to have some degree of fun with the chair is precious
Love this song.  Even before I watched this show, I loved it, but even more so now.
Jonathan, pushing against conformity for the sake of conformity since season 1 episode 2.
If this shopowner can afford giving her an advance, he sucks for not just giving it to her; if he can’t, I sympathize.  Idk how to feel, tbh.
Nooo, poor Mike. I understand, tho.  I, too, rant about my fixations until the other person walks off.  ‘Tis sad, every time
Mike and Will practically hugging in the photo though (photo post here)
Mike legit almost ran out in front of his mom with El right behind him; y’all ain’t inconspicuous
Um.  Just pointing out the symbolism of Mike suggesting hiding in the closet as a viable defense mechanism
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide anything.”  *thump*  “Is there someone else here?”  “Nope!”  That went well.
Poor El
Poor Joyce
I think I’m gonna write those four words a lot for this show
Poor Benny  (See?)
Um.  *Jonathan shoves Lonnie off him*  “You’ve gotten stronger”  SIR?!  I don’t like that insinuation.
Dustin is adorable.
Oop, spooky door slamming motion.  And nosebleed.
(I’m sorry, but I have to say… It’s a pet peeve of mine that the blood never changes from that same, one-centimeter drip out of her left nostril.  Like, it’s the stupidest thing, but it irks me.)
Lonnie, you’re an asshole.
Oh, he actually tried it: “Look, all I’m saying is, maybe I’m not the asshole, right?”  No, sorry, Lonnie, you’re definitely the asshole.  Many times over, in fact.
Dustin is the only one acting normal; he’s so cute
Y’all ain’t acting normal; it’s a wonder no one’s noticed
I’ve had Dustin’s “spasm” thing in my head ever since I first saw that episode.
Nancy being mean to Dustin again :(
Go Mr. Clarke, finding the clue
Dustin continues to be my beloved
Poor El
“A friend…”  “Is something you’d do anything for.”  “You lend them your cool stuff, like comic books and trading cards.”  These two answers are not equivalent, btw, and it’s very easy to tell which is Mike talking about Will and which is Dustin talking about Will.  *cough cough* Byler *cough cough*
Dustin and Lucas in the background were quality.
Barb deserves better
“Is that a new bra?”  “...No.”  Mmmhmmm
Who tf is this chick? Hopper had a gf?
Ma’am just wiped off their campaign map; how dare.  Better hope Mike had that written down
Also, how convenient of her to know which miniature was Will’s alkdsfj
Okay, I’m sorry… Look, I love, love, love the D&D stuff, okay.  But the fact that Dustin, Mike, and Lucas are all like oh my god she picked up the demogorgon is kinda ridiculous because it’s not like she knows what it means?  She just saw the mini and was like, ooh, scary thing, that works. (At least as far as we know)
Love the music
Steve, buddy, you are so awkward
Poor Barb
I could neverrrrrr.  I hate trying something new with an audience and then screwing it up, and this was such a doomed-to-fail situation, too
Poor Barbbbbb
Carol deserved getting shoved into the pool for that smirk, just btw.
Although, judging by how steamy that pool is, it doesn’t seem that cold, tbh
Jonathan being creepy
Will and yellowish phones again
Poor Joyce never has working technology
I still love this song
I was waiting for the bulb to burst but it didn’t… at least her tech isn’t not-working that badly
Also, the light-flickering-and-music-combo to show Will still trapped there/get her to go back in is so cool
“Well, you are cleaning the sheets”  The sad bit is, Steve’s parents probably wouldn’t even notice if they weren’t laundered at all
Poor.  Barb.
Steve’s room is so horrible.
“Some… privacy please?”  *he turns*  “Steve?”  *takes off shirt*  Ma’am wot.  (Yes, I know, the first might well have been a test to make sure he’d respect her boundaries, but still.  Ma’am.)
Poor Barbbbbb.
I will say, the photos Jonathan took, for all they’re creepy, are very pretty.
The image of the blood passing through the water was pretty
I love this song too… Hazy Shade of Winter?  Gold.
And that’s a wrap!
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mybeegiftsblog · 2 years
How to Shop for bee themed gifts? A bee gift guide
How to Shop for bee themed gifts? A bee gift guide Support the bee lovers in your life with bee themed gifts! Bee art prints make excellent gifts for anyone, from kids to adults. Bee t-shirts for children and adults are a great way to show your support for the bee lovers in your life. Bee tote bags are perfect for bee lovers on the go. And bee mugs are the perfect gift for bee lover in the morning! So, whether you're looking for a last-minute gift, or planning ahead, our bee themed gift guide has everything you need! Top 4 bee themed gifts for anyone Bee-themed gifts are a fun and unique way to show your appreciation for someone who is passionate about bees. Whether they're a beekeeper, bee lover, or just someone who enjoys nature, there's a bee-themed gift for them out there. Here are four top bee-themed gifts that are sure to please: Bee Themed Art: unique designs to inspire you If you're looking for bee art prints that will make a statement on your wall, then be sure to check out our store! We offer a diverse range of bee themed prints that are perfect for art lovers and bee enthusiasts alike. Whether you're in the market for photography prints or watercolors, we have something that will suit your needs. Browse through our selection and find the perfect print to decorate your walls! Art is about expression, and bee art prints are no exception. When shopping for bee art prints, be sure to look for prints with interesting colors and patterns. You can also consider buying prints as posters or for framing depending on your space. When buying bee art prints, be sure to look for originals that fit the them of your room. Lastly, be aware of the size and frame of the print before making your purchase. Once you've found the perfect bee art print for your home, select the size that fits your space. Bee T-Shirts | Great T-Shirts For Nature Lovers Have you ever seen a bee shirt? If not, you're in for a treat! A bee shirt is simply a great t-shirt made especially for bee & nature lovers. They're perfect for anyone who loves the outdoors, wants to show their support for bee conservation, or just wants to look stylish and trendy. What's more, bee t-shirts are some of the most popular gifts on the Internet. So whether you're looking for a special t-shirt for yourself or a loved one, be sure to check out our bee t-shirt selection! There's something about beekeeping that just captivates us. Whether it's the honey bee or the beekeeper themselves, we can't help but be enchanted by the honey bee phenomenon. And what better way to celebrate beekeeping than with some bee-themed t-shirts? A Bee Kind Shirt is a great option for nature lovers of all ages. Bee T-Shirts come in different colors and styles, and are made from 100% cotton for a soft and comfortable fit. They’re also machine-washable, so you can be sure that it will last long and stay colorful. Whether you're buying it as a birthday present, Valentine's Day gift, or teacher gift, you can be sure that the bee-lover in your life will love it!  Bee Themed tote bags If you're a bee lover, there's no need to go shopping - your bag is already waiting for you! Tote bags are one of the most popular accessories these days, and for good reason. They're versatile, stylish, and perfect for carrying everything from workout clothes to groceries. But what about bee-themed tote bags? Well, if you're looking for a special gift for a bee lover in your life, or you just love buying pretty totes, look no further! By choosing a bee tote bag, you are supporting pollinators all over the United States. Not to mention, these adorable totes are perfect for everyday use - whether you're running errands or hitting the office. So what are you waiting for? Pick up a Bee themed tote bag today! Why buy a bee themed tote bag? Bees are all the rage right now, and there's no better way to show your love for them than by getting a bee themed tote bag! Not only are they stylish, but also eco-friendly. Not to mention, they come in all sorts of fun and funky designs that suit everyone's personality. What are the different types of bee tote bags? The bee tote bag trend is everywhere right now, and for good reason. It's unique and interesting, and perfect for this current season. Bees are one of the most important pollinators on the planet, so it makes sense that there are so many bee tote bags out there! The different types of bee tote bags include eco-friendly canvas tote bags, cute and colorful bee tote bags with straps, and large honey bee tote bags! Browse through the different options available online and find the perfect one for your style and needs.   With so many cute prints and patterns to choose from, finding the perfect one is a breeze. Choose a Bee themed tote bag that reflects your personality and style and bee inspired by all of the tote bag options out there! Whether you're looking for a cute and quirky gift for a friend or you're planning to buy one for yourself, bee themed tote bags are a great option. From honey bee photos to polka dot bumble bee designs, there's a tote bag to fit every personality! So what are you waiting for? Check out our website today and get your hands on the perfect bee tote bag for you! Bee Coffee Mugs - The Perfect Gifts For bee Lovers! Bee lovers will love stylish and practical bee coffee mugs! Not only are they a perfect gift for those who love bees, but they're also useful for anyone who loves a cup of delicious coffee. Choose from a variety of stylish designs and find the perfect mug for your loved one - whether it's for a friend or family member, there's a mug perfect for them! Not sure what to get someone who loves bees? Check out our top 5 bee coffee mug designs and find the perfect gift for anyone on your list. The Top 5 bee coffee mug designs Looking for the perfect gift for bee lovers this year? Our bee coffee mug designs are sure to please! Our honeycomb mug design is especially popular, as it's a tea lover's dream come true. Our graphic bee mugs are great for young professionals. Not to mention, our bee coffee mugs are eco-friendly and make great gifts for anyone who loves spending time outdoors. In addition to honeycomb mugs, we have a variety of other designs and colors to choose from. So whether your loved one is a tea lover or just loves spending time outdoors, we have the perfect bee coffee mug design for them!  Each mug contains a special message or design, making it perfect as a gift for any occasion. And who can resist a gift that contains delicious coffee? Coffee mug gifts are a great way to show your love for bees, and protect them at the same time! So what are you waiting for? Pick up a bee coffee mug today and enjoy your morning coffee in style!  Conclusion Bee themed gifts can be a fun and unique way to show your loved ones how much you care. From honeycomb earrings to bee-themed candles, there is something for everyone in our bee gift guide. Don't wait any longer, shop now and make someone's day!   Originally published here: https://mybeegifts.com/blogs/news/how-to-shop-for-bee-themed-gifts-a-bee-gift-guide
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stewcouch1 · 2 years
12 Inexpensive Wall Covering Ideas
Covering your walls is a great way to bring a new look to your room without spending a ton of money. And not only can you use a covering to add style, but you can also use one to cover up damage on your wall. So, whether you’re looking for a new style or are trying to avoid painting, here are some creative and inexpensive wall covering ideas. 1.Use Peel and Stick Wallpaper Peel and stick wallpaper is an easy and cheap way to cover walls without paint. ou can find peel and stick wallpaper in almost any design you can imagine. It’s easy to put up (trust me, I’ve done it multiple times on my own) and comes off the wall without any damage. If you need a temporary wall cover, this idea is hard to beat. 2.Install Barn Board If you like a rustic look, consider creating a wall full of barn board. And if you think that would cost you a fortune to do, think again. This barn board kit from Overstock is an inexpensive wall covering. Chinoiserie Wallpaper comes with 40 boards in a variety of stains. You can decide how you’d like to mix and match those stains as you put them on the wall. 3.Hang a Tapestry on the Wall Are you trying to cover a damaged wall? If Leaf Wallpaper is yes, and the damage is from a hole, try a tapestry. Tapestries are inexpensive yet beautiful. They’re big enough to take up a large portion of the wall and can help you easily hide any problem areas. 4.Cover the Wall in Beadboard Beadboard is a classic wall paneling. And if you need to cover only the bottom half of your wall, it’s an excellent option. This beadboard kit from Wayfair comes with paneling, a chair rail, and a baseboard. However, you can also find other options with just the paneling if you don’t need the trim pieces. 5.Create a 3D Effect with Wall Panels Wondering how to cover a wall in a unique way? Try a set of 3D wall panels like this. This set comes with 20 panels that you can use to create an accent wall. These are easy to install – all you do is apply glue to the panels and then hang them on the wall. The biggest downside is that these aren’t as easily removable as other options. 6.Give Your Walls a New Look with a Poster Collage If you’re a young adult or a parent who wants to cover their teenager’s walls, try a poster collage. The great thing about poster collages is that they are custom. You can collect your own posters around a color or specific theme. Alternatively, you can order a poster collage kit like this one from Urban Outfitters. 7.Put Up a Mural If there’s a specific section of the wall you want to cover, try a large mural. Large murals are a great way to cover walls without paint, especially if you only have small problem areas. Tropical Chinoiserie Wallpaper can use a peel and stick mural like this from Crate & Barrel. You can also find other options that you can tape up yourself. 8.Place Decorative Wood Panels on the Wall If you want an inexpensive option that looks custom, try a decorative wood wall panel. Grey Floral Wallpaper can use these to cover an entire room or create an accent wall. These panels come in seven different colors. You can buy as many or as few as you’d like to create your own design. 9.Get the Look of Shiplap for Cheap Do you love the look of shiplap? If so, but you don’t want to incur the costs or labor of installing it, try this shiplap peel and stick wallpaper. Peel and stick wallpaper is an easy wall covering that can look very real. This particular brand looks like shiplap, is inexpensive, easy to install, and easy to remove. 10.Use Large Wall Hangings If you’re trying to hide a section of damaged wall, here’s another idea- find a large wall hanging that matches your decor. Wall hangings are trendy right now, making it a great time to try one out. You can find wall hangings in various sizes – some so large they’ll cover half the wall. 11.Look for Large Wall Decals Depending on the room you’re working on, large wall decals may do the trick. You can find decals in all styles, but they are most popular in kid’s rooms. Wall decals are a little more tricky to put up than wallpaper. Because of this, you’ll want to take your time installing them so that they don’t rip. 12.Line Your Walls with Beaded Curtains While beaded curtains usually take the place of doors, you can also use them on the wall. Lining Bird Wallpaper with beaded curtains will create a beautiful focal point. And since Geometric Art Deco Wallpaper ’re easy to install, you will finish your wall in no time. Floral Wallpaper can find these in any color and in wood or plastic beads. There are a lot of inexpensive wall covering ideas – you just need to be creative. The easiest idea is peel and stick wallpaper. You can find peel and stick wallpaper very cheaply and in hundreds of designs. Consider Nature Leaf Wallpaper , wall hangings, tapestries, and murals if you don’t like wallpaper. All of these ideas can look amazing in the right room.
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tennisbrazil4 · 2 years
12 Inexpensive Wall Covering Ideas
Covering your walls is a great way to bring a new look to your room without spending a ton of money. And not only can you use a covering to add style, but you can also use one to cover up damage on your wall. So, whether you’re looking for a new style or are trying to avoid painting, here are some creative and inexpensive wall covering ideas. 1.Use Peel and Stick Wallpaper Peel and stick wallpaper is an easy and cheap way to cover walls without paint. ou can find peel and stick wallpaper in almost any design you can imagine. It’s easy to put up (trust me, I’ve done it multiple times on my own) and comes off the wall without any damage. If you need a temporary wall cover, this idea is hard to beat. 2.Install Barn Board If you like a rustic look, consider creating a wall full of barn board. And if you think that would cost you a fortune to do, think again. This barn board kit from Overstock is an inexpensive wall covering. Each set comes with 40 boards in a variety of stains. You can decide how you’d like to mix and match those stains as you put them on the wall. 3.Hang a Tapestry on the Wall Are you trying to cover a damaged wall? If the answer is yes, and the damage is from a hole, try a tapestry. Tapestries are inexpensive yet beautiful. They’re big enough to take up a large portion of the wall and can help you easily hide any problem areas. 4.Cover the Wall in Beadboard Beadboard is a classic wall paneling. And if Floral Wallpaper need to cover only the bottom half of your wall, it’s an excellent option. This beadboard kit from Wayfair comes with paneling, a chair rail, and a baseboard. However, you can also find other options with just the paneling if you don’t need the trim pieces. 5.Create a 3D Effect with Wall Panels Wondering how to cover a wall in a unique way? Try Bird Wallpaper of 3D wall panels like this. This set comes with 20 panels that you can use to create an accent wall. These are easy to install – all you do is apply glue to the panels and then hang them on the wall. The biggest downside is that these aren’t as easily removable as other options. 6.Give Your Walls a New Look with a Poster Collage If you’re a young adult or a parent who wants to cover their teenager’s walls, try a poster collage. The great thing about poster collages is that they are custom. You can collect your own posters around a color or specific theme. Alternatively, you can order a poster collage kit like this one from Urban Outfitters. 7.Put Up a Mural If there’s a specific section of the wall you want to cover, try a large mural. Large murals are a great way to cover walls without paint, especially if you only have small problem areas. You can use a peel and stick mural like this from Crate & Barrel. You can also find other options that you can tape up yourself. 8.Place Decorative Wood Panels on the Wall If you want an inexpensive option that looks custom, try a decorative wood wall panel. Chinoiserie Wallpaper can use these to cover an entire room or create an accent wall. These panels come in seven different colors. Grey Floral Wallpaper can buy as many or as few as you’d like to create your own design. 9.Get the Look of Shiplap for Cheap Do you love the look of shiplap? If so, but Leaf Wallpaper don’t want to incur the costs or labor of installing it, try this shiplap peel and stick wallpaper. Peel and stick wallpaper is an easy wall covering that can look very real. This particular brand looks like shiplap, is inexpensive, easy to install, and easy to remove. 10.Use Large Wall Hangings If you’re trying to hide a section of damaged wall, here’s another idea- find a large wall hanging that matches your decor. Wall hangings are trendy right now, making it a great time to try one out. You can find wall hangings in various sizes – some so large they’ll cover half the wall. 11.Look for Large Wall Decals Depending on the room you’re working on, large wall decals may do the trick. You can find decals in all styles, but they are most popular in kid’s rooms. Wall decals are a little more tricky to put up than wallpaper. Because of this, you’ll want to take your time installing them so that they don’t rip. 12.Line Your Walls with Beaded Curtains While beaded curtains usually take the place of doors, you can also use them on the wall. Lining your wall with beaded curtains will create a beautiful focal point. And since they’re easy to install, you will finish your wall in no time. You can find these in any color and in wood or plastic beads. There are a lot of inexpensive wall covering ideas – you just need to be creative. The easiest idea is peel and stick wallpaper. You can find peel and stick wallpaper very cheaply and in hundreds of designs. Consider Geometric Art Deco Wallpaper , wall hangings, tapestries, and murals if you don’t like wallpaper. All of these ideas can look amazing in the right room.
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pandaant7 · 2 years
12 Inexpensive Wall Covering Ideas
Covering Geometric Art Deco Wallpaper is a great way to bring a new look to your room without spending a ton of money. And not only can you use a covering to add style, but you can also use one to cover up damage on your wall. So, whether you’re looking for a new style or are trying to avoid painting, here are some creative and inexpensive wall covering ideas. 1.Use Peel and Stick Wallpaper Peel and stick wallpaper is an easy and cheap way to cover walls without paint. ou can find peel and stick wallpaper in almost any design you can imagine. It’s easy to put up (trust me, I’ve done it multiple times on my own) and comes off the wall without any damage. If you need a temporary wall cover, this idea is hard to beat. 2.Install Barn Board If you like a rustic look, consider creating a wall full of barn board. And if Leaf Wallpaper think that would cost you a fortune to do, think again. This barn board kit from Overstock is an inexpensive wall covering. Each set comes with 40 boards in a variety of stains. You can decide how you’d like to mix and match those stains as you put them on the wall. 3.Hang a Tapestry on the Wall Are you trying to cover a damaged wall? If Bird Wallpaper is yes, and the damage is from a hole, try a tapestry. Floral Wallpaper are inexpensive yet beautiful. They’re big enough to take up a large portion of the wall and can help you easily hide any problem areas. 4.Cover the Wall in Beadboard Beadboard is a classic wall paneling. And if you need to cover only the bottom half of your wall, it’s an excellent option. This beadboard kit from Wayfair comes with paneling, a chair rail, and a baseboard. However, you can also find other options with just the paneling if you don’t need the trim pieces. 5.Create a 3D Effect with Wall Panels Wondering how to cover a wall in a unique way? Try a set of 3D wall panels like this. This set comes with 20 panels that you can use to create an accent wall. These are easy to install – all you do is apply glue to the panels and then hang them on the wall. The biggest downside is that these aren’t as easily removable as other options. 6.Give Your Walls a New Look with a Poster Collage If you’re a young adult or a parent who wants to cover their teenager’s walls, try a poster collage. The great thing about poster collages is that they are custom. You can collect your own posters around a color or specific theme. Alternatively, you can order a poster collage kit like this one from Urban Outfitters. 7.Put Up a Mural If there’s a specific section of the wall you want to cover, try a large mural. Large murals are a great way to cover walls without paint, especially if you only have small problem areas. Nature Leaf Wallpaper can use a peel and stick mural like this from Crate & Barrel. Chinoiserie Wallpaper can also find other options that you can tape up yourself. 8.Place Decorative Wood Panels on the Wall If you want an inexpensive option that looks custom, try a decorative wood wall panel. You can use these to cover an entire room or create an accent wall. These panels come in seven different colors. You can buy as many or as few as you’d like to create your own design. 9.Get the Look of Shiplap for Cheap Do you love the look of shiplap? If so, but you don’t want to incur the costs or labor of installing it, try this shiplap peel and stick wallpaper. Grey Floral Wallpaper and stick wallpaper is an easy wall covering that can look very real. This particular brand looks like shiplap, is inexpensive, easy to install, and easy to remove. 10.Use Large Wall Hangings If you’re trying to hide a section of damaged wall, here’s another idea- find a large wall hanging that matches your decor. Wall hangings are trendy right now, making it a great time to try one out. You can find wall hangings in various sizes – some so large they’ll cover half the wall. 11.Look for Large Wall Decals Depending on the room you’re working on, large wall decals may do the trick. You can find decals in all styles, but they are most popular in kid’s rooms. Wall decals are a little more tricky to put up than wallpaper. Because of this, you’ll want to take your time installing them so that they don’t rip. 12.Line Your Walls with Beaded Curtains While beaded curtains usually take the place of doors, you can also use them on the wall. Lining your wall with beaded curtains will create a beautiful focal point. And since they’re easy to install, you will finish your wall in no time. You can find these in any color and in wood or plastic beads. There are a lot of inexpensive wall covering ideas – you just need to be creative. Tropical Chinoiserie Wallpaper is peel and stick wallpaper. You can find peel and stick wallpaper very cheaply and in hundreds of designs. Consider paneling, wall hangings, tapestries, and murals if you don’t like wallpaper. All of these ideas can look amazing in the right room.
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radishtrout4 · 2 years
12 Inexpensive Wall Covering Ideas
Covering your walls is a great way to bring a new look to your room without spending a ton of money. And not only can you use a covering to add style, but you can also use one to cover up damage on your wall. So, whether Floral Wallpaper ’re looking for a new style or are trying to avoid painting, here are some creative and inexpensive wall covering ideas. 1.Use Peel and Stick Wallpaper Peel and stick wallpaper is an easy and cheap way to cover walls without paint. ou can find peel and stick wallpaper in almost any design you can imagine. Chinoiserie Wallpaper to put up (trust me, I’ve done it multiple times on my own) and comes off the wall without any damage. If you need a temporary wall cover, this idea is hard to beat. 2.Install Barn Board If you like a rustic look, consider creating a wall full of barn board. And if you think that would cost you a fortune to do, think again. This barn board kit from Overstock is an inexpensive wall covering. Each set comes with 40 boards in a variety of stains. You can decide how you’d like to mix and match those stains as you put them on the wall. 3.Hang a Tapestry on the Wall Are you trying to cover a damaged wall? If the answer is yes, and the damage is from a hole, try a tapestry. Tapestries are inexpensive yet beautiful. Geometric Art Deco Wallpaper ’re big enough to take up a large portion of the wall and can help you easily hide any problem areas. 4.Cover the Wall in Beadboard Beadboard is a classic wall paneling. And if you need to cover only the bottom half of your wall, it’s an excellent option. This beadboard kit from Wayfair comes with paneling, a chair rail, and a baseboard. However, you can also find other options with just the paneling if you don’t need the trim pieces. 5.Create a 3D Effect with Wall Panels Wondering how to cover a wall in a unique way? Try a set of 3D wall panels like this. This set comes with 20 panels that you can use to create an accent wall. These are easy to install – all you do is apply glue to the panels and then hang them on the wall. Leaf Wallpaper is that these aren’t as easily removable as other options. 6.Give Your Walls a New Look with a Poster Collage If you’re a young adult or a parent who wants to cover their teenager’s walls, try a poster collage. The great thing about poster collages is that they are custom. You can collect your own posters around a color or specific theme. Alternatively, you can order a poster collage kit like this one from Urban Outfitters. 7.Put Up a Mural If there’s a specific section of the wall you want to cover, try a large mural. Large murals are a great way to cover walls without paint, especially if you only have small problem areas. You can use a peel and stick mural like this from Crate & Barrel. You can also find other options that you can tape up yourself. 8.Place Decorative Wood Panels on the Wall If you want an inexpensive option that looks custom, try a decorative wood wall panel. You can use these to cover an entire room or create an accent wall. These panels come in seven different colors. Grey Floral Wallpaper can buy as many or as few as you’d like to create your own design. 9.Get the Look of Shiplap for Cheap Do you love the look of shiplap? If so, but you don’t want to incur the costs or labor of installing it, try this shiplap peel and stick wallpaper. Peel and stick wallpaper is an easy wall covering that can look very real. This particular brand looks like shiplap, is inexpensive, easy to install, and easy to remove. 10.Use Large Wall Hangings If you’re trying to hide a section of damaged wall, here’s another idea- find a large wall hanging that matches your decor. Bird Wallpaper are trendy right now, making it a great time to try one out. You can find wall hangings in various sizes – some so large they’ll cover half the wall. 11.Look for Large Wall Decals Depending on the room you’re working on, large wall decals may do the trick. Tropical Chinoiserie Wallpaper can find decals in all styles, but they are most popular in kid’s rooms. Wall decals are a little more tricky to put up than wallpaper. Because of Nature Leaf Wallpaper , you’ll want to take your time installing them so that they don’t rip. 12.Line Your Walls with Beaded Curtains While beaded curtains usually take the place of doors, you can also use them on the wall. Lining your wall with beaded curtains will create a beautiful focal point. And since they’re easy to install, you will finish your wall in no time. You can find these in any color and in wood or plastic beads. There are a lot of inexpensive wall covering ideas – you just need to be creative. The easiest idea is peel and stick wallpaper. You can find peel and stick wallpaper very cheaply and in hundreds of designs. Consider paneling, wall hangings, tapestries, and murals if you don’t like wallpaper. All of these ideas can look amazing in the right room.
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yewcinema5 · 2 years
12 Inexpensive Wall Covering Ideas
Covering your walls is a great way to bring a new look to your room without spending a ton of money. And not only can you use a covering to add style, but you can also use one to cover up damage on your wall. So, whether you’re looking for a new style or are trying to avoid painting, here are some creative and inexpensive wall covering ideas. 1.Use Peel and Stick Wallpaper Peel and stick wallpaper is an easy and cheap way to cover walls without paint. ou can find peel and stick wallpaper in almost any design you can imagine. It’s easy to put up (trust me, I’ve done it multiple times on my own) and comes off the wall without any damage. If you need a temporary wall cover, this idea is hard to beat. 2.Install Barn Board If you like a rustic look, consider creating a wall full of barn board. And if you think that would cost you a fortune to do, think again. Tree Wallpaper from Overstock is an inexpensive wall covering. Modern Geometric Wallpaper comes with 40 boards in a variety of stains. You can decide how you’d like to mix and match those stains as you put them on the wall. 3.Hang a Tapestry on the Wall Are you trying to cover a damaged wall? If the answer is yes, and the damage is from a hole, try a tapestry. Tapestries are inexpensive yet beautiful. They’re big enough to take up a large portion of the wall and can help you easily hide any problem areas. 4.Cover the Wall in Beadboard Beadboard is a classic wall paneling. And if you need to cover only the bottom half of your wall, it’s an excellent option. This beadboard kit from Wayfair comes with paneling, a chair rail, and a baseboard. However, you can also find other options with just the paneling if you don’t need the trim pieces. 5.Create a 3D Effect with Wall Panels Wondering how to cover a wall in a unique way? Try a set of 3D wall panels like this. This set comes with 20 panels that you can use to create an accent wall. These are easy to install – all you do is apply glue to the panels and then hang them on the wall. The biggest downside is that these aren’t as easily removable as other options. 6.Give Your Walls a New Look with a Poster Collage If you’re a young adult or a parent who wants to cover their teenager’s walls, try a poster collage. The great thing about poster collages is that they are custom. You can collect your own posters around a color or specific theme. Alternatively, you can order a poster collage kit like this one from Urban Outfitters. 7.Put Up a Mural If there’s a specific section of the wall you want to cover, try a large mural. Large murals are a great way to cover walls without paint, especially if you only have small problem areas. You can use a peel and stick mural like this from Crate & Barrel. You can also find other options that you can tape up yourself. 8.Place Decorative Wood Panels on the Wall If you want an inexpensive option that looks custom, try a decorative wood wall panel. You can use these to cover an entire room or create an accent wall. These panels come in seven different colors. You can buy as many or as few as you’d like to create your own design. 9.Get the Look of Shiplap for Cheap Do you love the look of shiplap? If so, but Meditating Budha Wall Sticker don’t want to incur the costs or labor of installing it, try this shiplap peel and stick wallpaper. Peel and stick wallpaper is an easy wall covering that can look very real. This particular brand looks like shiplap, is inexpensive, easy to install, and easy to remove. 10.Use Large Wall Hangings If you’re trying to hide a section of damaged wall, here’s another idea- find a large wall hanging that matches your decor. Removable Wall Stickers are trendy right now, making it a great time to try one out. You can find wall hangings in various sizes – some so large they’ll cover half the wall. 11.Look for Large Wall Decals Depending on the room you’re working on, large wall decals may do the trick. You can find decals in all styles, but they are most popular in kid’s rooms. Wall decals are a little more tricky to put up than wallpaper. Because of this, you’ll want to take your time installing them so that they don’t rip. 12.Line Your Walls with Beaded Curtains While beaded curtains usually take the place of doors, you can also use them on the wall. Lining Tropical Leaves Wallpaper with beaded curtains will create a beautiful focal point. And since they’re easy to install, you will finish your wall in no time. You can find these in any color and in wood or plastic beads. There are Removable Peel Stick wallpaper of inexpensive wall covering ideas – you just need to be creative. The easiest idea is peel and stick wallpaper. self adhesive wallpaper can find peel and stick wallpaper very cheaply and in hundreds of designs. Consider paneling, wall hangings, tapestries, and murals if you don’t like wallpaper. removable wallpaper of these ideas can look amazing in the right room.
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melodybody9 · 2 years
12 Inexpensive Wall Covering Ideas
Covering your walls is a great way to bring a new look to your room without spending a ton of money. And not only can you use a covering to add style, but you can also use one to cover up damage on your wall. So, whether you’re looking for a new style or are trying to avoid painting, here are some creative and inexpensive wall covering ideas. 1.Use Peel and Stick Wallpaper Peel and stick wallpaper is an easy and cheap way to cover walls without paint. ou can find peel and stick wallpaper in almost any design you can imagine. Modern Geometric Wallpaper to put up (trust me, I’ve done it multiple times on my own) and comes off the wall without any damage. If you need a temporary wall cover, this idea is hard to beat. 2.Install Barn Board If you like a rustic look, consider creating a wall full of barn board. And if you think that would cost you a fortune to do, think again. This barn board kit from Overstock is an inexpensive wall covering. Each set comes with 40 boards in a variety of stains. You can decide how you’d like to mix and match those stains as you put them on the wall. 3.Hang a Tapestry on the Wall Are you trying to cover a damaged wall? If the answer is yes, and the damage is from a hole, try a tapestry. Tapestries are inexpensive yet beautiful. They’re big enough to take up a large portion of the wall and can help you easily hide any problem areas. 4.Cover the Wall in Beadboard Beadboard is a classic wall paneling. And if you need to cover only the bottom half of your wall, it’s an excellent option. This beadboard kit from Wayfair comes with paneling, a chair rail, and a baseboard. However, Removable Wall Stickers can also find other options with just the paneling if you don’t need the trim pieces. 5.Create a 3D Effect with Wall Panels Wondering how to cover a wall in a unique way? Try a set of 3D wall panels like this. This set comes with 20 panels that you can use to create an accent wall. These are easy to install – all you do is apply glue to the panels and then hang them on the wall. The biggest downside is that these aren’t as easily removable as other options. 6.Give Your Walls a New Look with a Poster Collage If you’re a young adult or a parent who wants to cover their teenager’s walls, try a poster collage. The great thing about poster collages is that they are custom. You can collect your own posters around a color or specific theme. Alternatively, you can order a poster collage kit like this one from Urban Outfitters. 7.Put Up a Mural If there’s a specific section of the wall you want to cover, try a large mural. Tree Wallpaper are a great way to cover walls without paint, especially if you only have small problem areas. You can use a peel and stick mural like this from Crate & Barrel. You can also find other options that you can tape up yourself. 8.Place Decorative Wood Panels on the Wall If you want an inexpensive option that looks custom, try a decorative wood wall panel. You can use these to cover an entire room or create an accent wall. These panels come in seven different colors. Removable Peel Stick wallpaper can buy as many or as few as you’d like to create your own design. 9.Get the Look of Shiplap for Cheap Do you love the look of shiplap? If so, but you don’t want to incur the costs or labor of installing it, try this shiplap peel and stick wallpaper. Peel and stick wallpaper is an easy wall covering that can look very real. This particular brand looks like shiplap, is inexpensive, easy to install, and easy to remove. 10.Use Large Wall Hangings If you’re trying to hide a section of damaged wall, here’s another idea- find a large wall hanging that matches your decor. Tropical Leaves Wallpaper are trendy right now, making it a great time to try one out. You can find wall hangings in various sizes – some so large they’ll cover half the wall. 11.Look for Large Wall Decals Depending on the room you’re working on, large wall decals may do the trick. removable wallpaper can find decals in all styles, but they are most popular in kid’s rooms. Wall decals are a little more tricky to put up than wallpaper. Because of this, you’ll want to take your time installing them so that they don’t rip. 12.Line Your Walls with Beaded Curtains While beaded curtains usually take the place of doors, you can also use them on the wall. Lining Meditating Budha Wall Sticker with beaded curtains will create a beautiful focal point. And since self adhesive wallpaper ’re easy to install, you will finish your wall in no time. You can find these in any color and in wood or plastic beads. There are a lot of inexpensive wall covering ideas – you just need to be creative. The easiest idea is peel and stick wallpaper. You can find peel and stick wallpaper very cheaply and in hundreds of designs. Consider paneling, wall hangings, tapestries, and murals if you don’t like wallpaper. All of these ideas can look amazing in the right room.
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