#if you have megumi headcanons
yuquinzel · 1 year
AHAUZJSOZ THOSE WERE SO CUTE 😭 and help ?? i get so shy talking about my selfships too, why is it so embarrassing geez :')
omg so do you have any megumi headcanons? like in general :0
and omfg you just asked me to give my megumi headcanons you have NO IDEA how much i think about him
he's demisexual. (and unlabelled) yes. this is maybe me projecting onto my faves but i wholeheartedly believe my boy's on the asexual spectrum :P
THE NBHD AND MCR STAN. like c’mon, you have to agree here
feeds stray cats and dogs he finds and always whispers something like “i just wanna win your trust” as if they'll understand STFU HE'S SUCH A DORK
doesn't know how to receive compliments w/o being awkward :(( call him pretty and he'll be like “oh... uh, thanks, you too..”
has watched every ghibli movie in existence and his comfort movie is spirited away, (again, projecting :> )
mine is whisper of the heart, that being said, we have ghibli movie marathons at least once a month or else I'd actually lose my mind
i feel like he doesn't make playlists and just shuffles thru his liked songs smh
doesn't cry in public, or at all. but when he does it's just... overwhelming, like tears that won't stop and broken sobs and muffled whimpers.... :<
love language in terms of giving: acts of service and quality time
love language in terms of receiving: physical touch and quality time
LIKE he REALLY likes hugs and just has to be touching his s/o in some, subtle way ajsbsjs -> i volunteer btw
summons his divine dogs when he's upset ahahshs :((
owns a lot of scented candles, helps him collect his thoughts
annotates the books he'll recommend to you
library dates or cozy, comfortable dates at home cooking together are his favourites
basically these are all the reasons he should be real and date me
thank you for asking anon :D i think half of these are me projecting LOL
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literaila · 6 months
okay but like do you think gojo and oc would ever have a baby of their own, giving tsumiki and megumi a sibling, or are their adopted children enough?
sometimes i like to think oc would agree to become a teacher just to feel like all her students are also her babies.
i am personally of the belief that satoru wants a million children. and he says this, verbatim, when you get together.
“oh, just by the way we’re having ten kids, kay, love ya!”
but then there’s the fact that he doesn’t care where they come from. biological children, adopted children, curse wombs, mahito’s silly little transfigured humans… you got ‘em, he’ll take them.
you, on the other hand, have always been… wary about kids. i mean there’s no doubt that you adore them, think they’re precious little angels to be bestowed on only the best of beings—i mean, really, the reason satoru sought you out to help with megumi and tsumiki is because he knew you liked kids.
still… there’s that doubt, that worry that you could never be enough for a child. that you could never give them a childhood that you wanted and deserved.
teenage you is the gloomiest of them all, and if you asked her, she’d probably say no.
but then a stupid man brought home two children unannounced and swore he was going to help with them (he does… occasionally).
so, without warning, you gets the kids you’ve always (secretly) dreamed of. and who could ask for more than megumi and tsumiki, really? who even could?
(so obviously that fear is quickly washed away. i mean, there’s days, weeks, months of doubts where you’re sure that you’re doing everything wrong. sure that megumi is never going to be able to live in society as a normal human being, and that tsumiki is going to suffer from her soft, easygoing heart.
luckily satoru is also there to prove that if you think you’re doing anything wrong, he’s doing it ten times worse.
and sometimes he sweet talks you. but only for the rewards, of course.
you both learn that parenting is less about being perfect than adapting to the needs of the tiny beings, bending at their every will…)
still, even though you love megumi and tsumiki like they’ve crawled into your veins and strained all livelihood from you, having your own biological kids is a bit different.
satoru is all for it, no doubt, but he doesn’t push. he understands your hesitation—especially with how difficult everything’s become as the kids get older. the increase in curses, the rising fear that the world isn’t a safe place as is, and could never be a safe place for another baby.
(but don’t expect him not to stare at you when you’re helping a lost little girl across the street. or holding the baby of a friend. really, he’s just reminiscing… he’s not planning anything… probably…)
though, it doesn’t help either of you that satoru teaches the first years. in hindsight, you shouldn’t have let him make that decision, but it’s too late now.
satoru tries to bring every student home. even if they’ve got two healthy, loving parents—he’s calling a lawyer to draw up legal paperwork the moment yaga tells him there’s a new student about to come to jujutsu high.
what? the house is big enough for a guest, isn’t it? why do you think satoru was so pushy for all of those extra bedrooms?
(and you’ll scold him when there’s a another place set at the table. you’ll ask megumi to show the new student around the house, pointedly, and then you’ll make him recite the lengthy list of things he’s not supposed to do with every kid he meets (again)
but really, you don’t mind.
you’ve always thought that hearts were rather expandable things, and your son and daughter have only proven that fact.
and there’s a little part of you that can’t deny the admiration you have for satoru. his need to coddle every student of his, to comfort them endlessly, even if they don’t want it.
if you had to guess, you’d say that satoru’s heart is the stretchiest.
so you only tug on his hair a little. and then you’ll sit right next to him at dinner, letting him hold your hand under the table).
and there’s been a couple of times where you bring someone of your own home. just as a little payback, of course. no other reason….
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sanasanakun · 1 month
I would argue that Megumi leaving Gojo out of his loved ones when thinking about his idealist life with Tsumiki and Yuji highlights the continued tragedy that is Satoru Gojo's lack of communication and connection skills. Alsoooo (and this might be an asspull) it feeds into my perception that both Megumi and Gojo wanted the relationship to be deeper but both couldn't ever come to truly understand one another and connect on that level. And I have alot more comments on that but that will wait till another day if I feel like it lol
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frogizzhc · 9 days
JJK Headcanons : ItaFushiSaki Edition!
Just a cute little list of what I think this trio would get up to:
Yuji buys keychains that reminds him of Megumi and Nobara.
If Megumi ever had to get his hair done by anyone, it'd be Nobara, because once Yuji messed up his hair really bad-
Nobara will drag the boys shopping with her and makes it a whole fashion show for them. Yuji is enthusiastic about it after a while, but has terrible fashion sense. Megumi is bored with it, but has great taste.
If Yuji has a nightmare, he knocks on Megumi's door to have a talk with him until he falls asleep sitting next to him.
Megumi takes his little camera everywhere when he hangs out with the other two. He has a ton of photos on his camera roll that is just Nobara and Yuji goofing around.
Nobara finds Yuji annoying but appreciates Yuji's presence because she never wants to feel that kind of grief again.
Yuji tries his goddamn best to get Nobara interested in the same Jump comics as him but she just doesn't get attached to any series. Meanwhile, Megumi secretly reads each updated chapter to one day surprise Yuji and nerd out with him.
Megumi will grab Nobara and Yuji a sweet treat if he's out alone. He thinks they'll appreciate it every time, and they do.
Nobara can draw pretty well, so sometimes when she's bored, she sketches the boys in cute outfits. She's a bit of a designer too.
If Yuji ever discovers Nobara's drawings, he'd tease her to death about how detailed they are.
Megumi knows about Nobara's drawings and finds them to be flattering, except for the fact that she refuses to draw Megumi's actually hairstyle.
Nobara refuses to draw Megumi's hair because it looks like a sea-urchin.
Yuji can sing; but he refuses to have Megumi and Nobara know. So, he purposefully sings bad around them. Until...
Megumi hears Yuji belt out some random American songs in broken English from all the movies he was made to watch while either in his room (Yuji forgets he's next door) or in the shower.
Nobara doesn't believe Megumi when he says Yuji can actually sing.
Yuji always comes up with places to go out with the three of them, even if it's as simple and childish as picking at an ant hill (and regretting it).
Megumi's idea for a day out is just going to a book store.
Nobara begs to go to the mall but the boys refuse to go twice in a week.
Yuji saves up for a big blanket for all three of them to fit under when they play card games in his own room.
Megumi has a collection of card games he was practically forced to play since he was young (Gojo being the one buying these games).
Nobara is more of a board game gal, but she plays the card games just because the other two are.
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shitpostingkats · 8 months
What are your Twewy reaper headcanons?
Okay so if you count Def March (which I absolutely do) there's twelve named Shibuya reapers. Which fits with the fact that every reaper corresponds to an animal of the chinese zodiac.
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I'm just guessing with BJ and Tenho, according to Nomura every reaper has a hidden kanji in their names representing their animal, but I can't read japanese so I took a shot in the dark. Also, fun fact, Minamimoto can't rearrange the radicals in his name to spell boar, like he can with lion, his true noise form. But he's got a lot of boar symbolism, being found in Pork City, and his Leo Cantus Armo form having tusks, which ties into the fact that the Shinjuku reapers all have motifs based on hanafuda suits. MORE ON THAT LATER I AM VERY NORMAL ABOUT HIM.
Ahem. So awhile back I was considering writing a fic on all the Shibuya reapers and how they came to have their current jobs, what their games were like, etc. (Might still write this. I've been busy)
So I sat down to try and come up with headcanons for EVERY named Shibuya reaper, and now I hold every one of them near and dear to my heart.
Kariya is mentioned in game as the oldest reaper, probably having been around for longer than anyone else. I like to imagine there's a huge gap between him and any other current reaper, which drives Mitsuki CRAZY, this chill dude just hangs around and eats candy but also has seniority???? Also he's more powerful than any other reaper save maybe the composer?
The thing that did him in was lung cancer. The lollipop's a replacement cigarette, in much the same way people recommend chewing on hard candy if you're trying to quite smoking. Why did he decide to quit after he died, and he no longer had anything to worry about? Listen the Game's all about growth, and Kariya is possibly the strongest because he is so capable of change, of going with the flow, and learning from his mistakes.
Like every ex-Player, he had a partner when he won his game, and I don't have a whole lot of headcanons for them except 1) they chose to return to life, and 2) Uzuki reminds him of them a lot.
Mitsuki was a woman working her ass off to try and make it in male-led office, until she literally worked herself to death. As you might expect, this royally pissed her off. She was desperate to return to life, but unfortunately, her entry fee came as a pair. What her partner, a simple farmwoman from out of town, valued most was the ability to go unnoticed and unremarked on, while Mitsuki deeply coveted every scrap and morsel of recognition she could get.
So their partnership was cursed so no matter what they did, people's eyes would skate over Mitsuki, dismiss her, and Mitsuki's partner would be lauded with the credit. Mitsuki became almost invisible, while her partner was forced to step up and do most of the talking.
This led her partner feeling more comfortable with being seen, with taking up space, so when the chance came to return to life, she took it with grace. Mitsuki, on the other hand, came to realize she liked working from the shadows. And besides, she could have more power as a reaper than anything a stupid company of the living could offer her...
Higashizawa is pretty simple, both in the game and in my headcanons. He's a cook. Maybe an army cook, but the point is he values food as a part of life, and had to cope with entry fee in the game being unable to eat, despite all the other players, including his partner, being able to.
I picture his partner on the younger side, maybe a cadet, maybe not. They had a very sweet dynamic, very paternal. Even though he couldn't eat, Higashizawa would break into restaurants that didn't have a reaper decal, and "commandeer" their kitchens to make dishes, which, despite only one of them eating them, saved them enough yen and gave enough stat boosts for them to win the game. And led to a spiked increase in reports in "haunted kitchens" for the week they were playing.
Kitanji is TRANS. I know this for a fact. Mr. Square Enix himself told me.
"Megumi" is technically a unisex name but much more commonly a feminine one, something that is actually brought up in the manga, when my dumb cat son tries to nickname Kitanji and Kitanji snaps back that he's very sensitive about his name and was bullied as a kid. This is a trans guy.
He ran a record store in life that unfortunately fell victim to an armed robbery, and Kitanji was killed. His most important thing, his name, was taken from him as his entry fee. This further parallels him to Neku, who woke up in the game knowing nothing but his name. It could also explain why he's so distrusting of Shibuya and thinks the world would simply be better if everyone conformed; after being on the end of transphobic bullying in life, the idea of standing out and embracing the chaos of being a unique soul terrifies him.
MINAMIMOTO is my dumb stupid goth catboy son and I am INSUFFERABLE about him. I have SO many headcanons it's insane.
First off, he died of general exposure, as he was homeless for most of his life. This nicely ties into his habit of collecting garbage, making trash into something brash and artistic, and his general attitude of making himself heard and assertive, while still being so in tune with the flow of the city and people that he has powers unseen in any other reaper. Minamimoto was ignored by the city in life so in death HE IS GOING TO KILL GOD AND TAKE HIS PLACE. WHILE BEING EXTREMELY LOUD ABOUT IT.
So it stands to reason that his entry fee, upon entering the game, was his voice. For the entire game, he was completely mute.
(One of the first things he did as a reaper, was get his megaphone.)
His partner was a diver from the coast who's entry fee was her memories of her home. She knew she had one, she just couldn't remember where, and who was waiting for her in the living world. They developed a series of hand signs for Sho to communicate with, both having a rough grasp of JSL, Sho from some fellow homeless people who were deaf and her from her experience as a diver.
My other big, big headcanon for him is, about 3/4s of the way through the week, she died. Sho, knowing about the seven minutes rule because he picks things up quickly, knew he didn't have long to live if he let her soul energy dissipate and that she would never find out where he home was, but it was MOSTLY about his own survival, shut up, collected up her soul data and tried balancing her equation and a bunch of other Minamimoto nonsense I am not smart enough to write. x = acos(t) and y = asin(t) over root 2 and all that.
He turned her into a noise.
After all, transformation is kinda his thing, and he's notably skilled at manipulating Soul and giving it new forms. He was the one who discovered the loophole that Beat would use to save his sister in week 1. It's what originally put him on Hanekoma's radar as someone to keep an eye on. Hanekoma also made note of the process in case he ever needed it.
After that, Minamimoto went on to win the game, have his partner restored to life, and was now far too curious about studying Soul and Noise to even think of doing anything else but staying in the UG.
His noise form, while originally a boar, he managed to by complete force of will shape into a lion, just because he wanted to be a lion.
He had a short tenure as a wall reaper, where he would ask impossibly long math questions of the "A train leaves Philadelphia at 8:00am traveling 90 mph" variety. This caused him to be promoted to an Officer just to stop him from being a Harrier, and some rules to be laid down regarding what can and can't be a viable quiz for the wall questions.
Def March was a real band before they died, probably in some hilarious way, that killed all three of them. Being Shibuya's only instance of a rare three person pact, their collective entry fee was their memories of knowing each other in life, but they decided to stick together anyways despite having no idea who these random two other guys they woke up in the afterlife with were. Cue clown music as they proceed to become best friends and vow to start a band together once they win the game.
They decided to stay as reapers once they won because none of them could think of anything cooler than a metal band that was actually dead.
Although still very passionate about music, most of their memories of being a band getting erased meant they had some space to explore new hobbies. BJ and Tenho decided to combine their newfound loves of bar trivia and local history into a new method of Harrying, known as the Reaper Review.
Coco wasn't able to see much of the city when she was alive, being hospital bound for most of her life before losing the fight to a chronic illness at a young age. So she took to being a reaper with gusto, diving in to the local trends and culture like she was starving for it. Her entry fee might be considered a paltry thing to most, the ability to see color, but it truly was the thing about herself she valued most. After a life of drab grey walls and sterile surfaces, color was deeply important to her, none moreso than the colors she chose for herself.
She's also the most adventurous of the Shibuya reapers, being the one to actually leave the district and travel to other places in the city, which is how she and Tsugumi became friends.
Uzuki is the second newest reaper, having died recently of a heart attack (see the sprites where she clutches her chest when taken off guard) Like Mitsuki, she was originally deeply annoyed by her life being cut short, but adapted quickly to the new structure of the reapers and is aiming high after realizing how much more being a reaper can offer her. I genuinely have no idea what her entry fee might have been so I am currently in the market for a good headcanon there.
Joshua is the most recent addition to the Shibuya reapers
Okay, hear me out.
First off, I am obsessed with the fanon that Joshua and Fret knew each other in life. Joshua is heavily implied in the first game to have taken his own life, while Fret speaks in the second about losing a friend to what is heavily implied to be suicide. The idea that the loss that set Fret down the path of repression and insincerity was Joshua scratches my brain in such a satisfying way.
Second, he's a prodigy in all things UG related, but has the general attitude and personality of someone actually the age he appears to be. Boy is chronically 15. I think it's much more likely he died a little more than a year or two ago before the start of twewy and rose through the ranks quickly, rather than being some eternally 15 twerp whose been around for years.
It is mentioned he knew Hanekoma in life, and would visit CAT street frequently to talk about the UG, which is something he could see even before he died. He killed himself knowing where he would go, and how he was special.
So I think his entry fee is he got to the UG and couldn't see anything.
No noise, no reapers, no players. Hanekoma was waiting for him, being just enough of a non-game-related entity to at least give him a heads up and see he got a Pact. Joshua himself doesn't know much about his partner, being unable to see them for the entire game. But he did rely on them. Trust your partner. In Josh's case, he had to.
Also, think about the blood vessel Uzuki would pop if she learned that the all powerful composer who wields the power of the entire city with a mysterious anonymity had actually been with the UG shorter than she has.
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m-ilkiee · 6 days
I think jjk fans should stop doing analysis. Like please stop, you all have terrible opinions and you're mixing it with your internalized misogyny. Stop talking. Please.
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k-martins · 11 months
You have no idea how much I enjoyed today's episode! I SAID TAKABA WOULD SAVE THE DAY!!!!
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Jokes aside, reading the chapter I noticed something that could be material for a new headcanon!
There's a panel where Takaba says that he was a serious kid and that he started doing comedy because he wanted people to see that he was a nice person-or something. This reminded me of the first time he met Megumi, where he stated that he "knows when a person is good or bad, even though you seem like a bad person". He later adds that Megumi "looks like a bad person" (and considering that he just killed someone, it's understandable), but Takaba still decides to help Megs and later helps Yuji find him.
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So here is my headcanon.
Takaba didn't help Megumi just because he had a screw loose, but because he saw in the boy something he was in his past - a good boy who seemed like someone bad. And that's really cute in my opinion.
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blkkizzat · 4 months
which jjk man makes spliffs out of backwoods and why is it toji?
lmfaooo. this is the foundation of the hot boxing with toji fic i have cookin' lol.
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headcanons for the hapcha team?
i still haven't seen hacha all the way through so i'm not sure how founded in canon these will end up being but here's some!
megumi is a big, big precure fangirl and has lots of official and unofficial merch
also if any of the cures were to be mcu fans it'd be her. i find it really funny i got this ask right after the rio headcanon one because this headcanon of mine dates back to 2022 i swear i'm not just weirdly fixated on the mcu right now
she also has undiagnosed adhd
hime's definitely got some sort of social anxiety going on
they're all gay. megumi's crush on blue is just comphet
fortune's resentment towards princess isn't just because she opened the axia box, there's also a bit of misplaced survivor guilt (or taking it out on the survivor? idk what the term would be) because tender couldn't win against the phantom empire and yet here's princess, who's really weak and shouldn't have lasted a day, who keeps on surviving
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wishmemel · 11 months
@4sat0ruu took pics for u today <33
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penumbraal · 4 months
not sure if what i’m gonna try to get across makes sense, but something i really like thinking about is megumi's relationship with his shikigami — and particularly the divine dogs across multiple verses i have.
like, of course they act based upon megumi’s orders without needing to be explicitly told what to do — he doesn’t need to say anything, they just know. they’re also not really necessarily exact extensions of megumi’s personality or anything, like i feel like they have their own personalities, but i do think they’re very cognizant of his internalized feelings and can react accordingly.
i like to translate this into non-sorcerer verses in a way — i always imagine that megumi always has kuro and shiro in any kind of au, and to varying degrees they remain very cognizant of his feelings. i think that it’s easy for an onlooker to just assume that megumi has some energetic animals that balances his general air of calm collectedness or even apathy, but it can be very telling if they start to act a certain way.
like, zoomies when megumi’s in a good mood (maybe even… happy—), even if he’s not necessarily expressing it. they’ll be more affectionate and protective toward people megumi really cares about, but they’ll stay very close to megumi’s side when he’s more upset than usual.
with regard to their personalities — i think both dogs are generally very sweet, very attentive, and do tasks well. shiro i think has a bit more of a soft side, a little more cuddly and a little more laid back. i have this image of non-sorcerer au megumi having to carry shiro sometimes because he’s a little bit of a princess and when walk-time is over, it’s over, regardless of where he is. kuro is considerably more active, easier to excite, a bit more sassy, but also takes his “work” very seriously (be it doing tricks for treats or protecting megumi or attacking a cursed spirit).
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wldrose · 2 years
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tag dump
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maraschin0cherries · 5 months
more megumi headcanons cuz I can 🤭
megumi who takes your hair ties to wear on his wrists
megumi who secretly cried when he found out he couldn’t use his technique to make Pokémon (he was like 12)
megumi who scratches his neck when he’s anxious
megumi who is the biggest secret gossip
megumi who stares at your lips when you talk
megumi who smushes his face in your hair
megumi who lets you play connect the dots with the moles on his back (only when he’s really sleepy)
megumi who uses bar soap and water on his face
megumi who has frequent nightmares about being alone
megumi who always forgets to put lotion on his elbows
megumi who forgets everyone’s birthdays but yours
megumi who likes skin on skin
megumi who really likes sparkling water
megumi who swore you to secrecy when you found his SoundCloud rap account from when he was a kid
megumi who tries to be romantic
megumi who smells like soap and clean skin
megumi who makes really good snickerdoodles
that’s all for rn 😋 lmk if you want more or have any specific ideas 😁😁
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bleach-your-panties · 9 months
JJK Men: When You're Sleepy, But They're Horny🍒🎀
(a/n: i usually suck ass at headcanons but let's give this a whirl. characters aged 18+. nsfw mdni, sexual content. fem reader)
(characters: yuuji, megumi, nanami, toge, gojo)
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dividers: glitter-graphics, @/cafekitsune
It's 9pm and you had just returned from a solo mission, finished your shower, hair routine, and climbed into bed. You hear the soft click of your room door opening and you know that it has to be none other than your boyfriend, Yuuji.
"Babe, are you still awake?" His soft voice whispers right beside your ear before he presses a kiss to the side of your head. You groan out something unintelligible and Yuuji's heart sinks a bit.
He's really hard and he was hoping that you might feel like 'playing' a little, but he also knows that you're probably really tired.
"I can feel you pouting, Yuu. Put it in my hand."
You stretch your palm out from under your covers and Yuuji is quickly shoving his pants down to free his hard dick.
"T-thank you, so much, cutie. Fuck, I love you!" He whimpers/whispers as you stroke him with your nice, warm fingers running all along his shaft.
He's so pent-up that it only takes a few rough tugs before he's spilling his seed into your hand.
"Promise to fuck you good when you wake up, baby. You're so good to me."
You were already snoring before he cleaned your hand off and left your room silently.
You're curled up in bed with Megumi spooning while the two of you watch anime. You've finished nearly half the season in the last couple hours that you've been watching and now your eyes are drooping.
Megumi is still watching the TV but his eyes flit down to where your ass is pressed against his crotch. The sleep shorts you're wearing give him a perfect view of your thighs.
Being a semi-grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer, you have keen awareness and heightened senses, so you automatically feel Megumi's stone cold blue eyes boring into your back.
"What is it, Megara?" You yawn out, turning slightly to look at him over your shoulder. He rolls said eyes.
"Told you to stop calling me that."
He answers your question by rutting his hips forward and rubbing his hard-on against your ass.
"I'm tired, Megs. Here." You turn over halfway on to your stomach, fully presenting your ass to him and his eyes widen at the gap made by your thighs.
He sinks his dick into the makeshift hole and fucks it slowly, edging himself, until he feels his balls tighten and he's cumming into the opening.
A warm blush covers his cheeks but he dutifully grabs some wipes and cleans you off before kissing your head and pulling you into his chest.
Kento is working another late shift and you just can't stay up waiting for him any longer.
You're quickly falling asleep in the armchair when the front door knob twists and he steps inside.
"Angel, are you asleep in the chair?"
"Mmm...Kento is that you?" You drawl with your head resting against the cushion. He chuckles at your cuteness.
"Yes, it's me, darling. Come on, let's get you to bed.
Once he's laid you on the bed, he can't help but begin to caress your smooth legs up to your thighs hidden beneath your nightgown.
His dick begins to strain against his dress pants but he looks up at your blissful face and dares not to ask you if you want to make love.
"Kento...what's wrong? Come on to bed, already."
"Do you mind if I eat you out, darling?"
Your heart swells ten times its size just knowing how much he cares for you.
"Mhmm, please..."
And he dives right in, sucking and licking you to Nirvana. It feels so good, your legs start shaking and you're cumming over his handsome face in record time.
Your orgasm completely knocks you out cold and he chuckles at your peaceful form before undressing to his boxers and climbing under the covers with you.
You're cuddled up in Toge's bed with him looking at memes and funny videos on his phone.
With a free day from classes, the two of you had been out all day exploring Tokyo and now you're absolutely exhausted.
You snuggle into his warm chest and inhale the scent of his laundry detergent. Toge kisses the top of your head, his lavender eyes then trailing down over your beautiful face....your lithe neck with the necklace he bought you for your birthday around it, and further down to your tits.
He softly inhales and wraps an arm around your back to press you further against him so he can feel your breasts squished against his hard chest.
You shuffle a bit in his hold and your sleepy eyes look up into his amethyst ones.
His dick is hard and swollen against his thigh, but you look so cute like this - he can't help but lean his head down to kiss each of your breasts.
Your body can't do anything but obey.
That was probably the best sleep you'd gotten in a while.
Satoru was away for the day on a field trip with his students and you decided to clean the entire house while he was away. You never had the time to do it when he was around because you'd either be holed up in the bedroom all day or pressed up against some random piece of furniture with him thrusting into you wildly.
When you finished the upstairs, you decided to go lie down and have a quick nap before he got back.
Hours later, you're still knocked out; the cleaning had really drained you more than you realized.
"Honeybun, I'm home and I brought you a souvenir!~"
Your joyful husband slams open the bedroom door with some shopping bags in tow.
The bags drop to the floor and he immediately hushes himself once he sees that you're asleep.
"Aww, look at my precious sleeping baby.." He slips off his blindfold, revealing his beautiful, crystalline blue eyes while he shreds himself of his work clothes and joins you in the bed.
The movements make you shift around a bit and then you feel warm breath over your neck and cheeks.
"Hm, Satoru.." Your hand tangles into his soft white locks while his lips press against the juncture between your neck and shoulder, leaving wet, hungry kisses on your sweet-scented skin.
"Missed you so much, sweetie...need to have you right now."
There was rarely a time when this man wasn't horny for you, but if you refused and wanted to just sleep, he wouldn't object. He knows that even though you're not a sorcerer you still have a life and things that keep you occupied when he's away.
You shift until you're lying completely on your back and Satoru is spreading your thighs with his knees. He pulls out his cock and begins stroking it until it's hard and leaking pre-cum.
"I love you.." He murmurs into your hair once he's sunken all eight inches inside your tight cunt.
Your eyes close instinctively, but he pats your cheek before gripping your chin in his rough grip.
"Look at me. I want to watch your pretty eyes while I fuck you back to sleep."
i actually fell asleep while writing this loool. going back to sleep now, peace.
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⋆ 「 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢’𝐬 (𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞) 𝐦𝐨𝐦. 」 ⋆
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feat. — toji fushiguro x f!reader, kid!megumi
word count. — 1.4k
content. — sfw, non-sorcerer au, established relationship (marriage), mostly just fluffy domestic stuff, reader is addressed as ‘mom/mama/mommy,’ toji’s kind of a bad parent but he’s working on it, brief mention of toji smoking (cigarettes), overprotective!toji, very minor suggestive themes (from toji 🙄 he’s a walking cw/tw)
notes. — idk. this has been incessantly on my brain pretty much from the moment i  woke up today, even to the point where i was writing half of this at  the laundromat lmao. mother’s day yesterday had me feeling some type of way, so here have some fun headcanons from a strange eldest daughter!!!! (i might end up doing a set of these for gojo x reader too 🤔)
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⋆ 「 — he’s not your biological son, but you’ve been around since you started seeing toji when megumi was still a baby. but now, a few years later, you might as well be his real mother. you certainly act like it and feel like it, so toji gladly initiates the conversation about official adoption. it just makes sense. you eventually explain the situation to megumi as best as you can simply so that he doesn't grow up thinking he was lied to or anything of the sort, but as far as he's concerned, you're his mom whether it's by blood or not.
⋆ 「 — and oh, megumi’s a mama’s boy. i imagine he’s just a little bit of a healthier kid vs. canon given the better family situation, but he’s still always a bit of a grumpy baby, appreciating his autonomy and trying to be as self-sufficient and mature as he can be. but he’ll most certainly run to you when he needs help, is truly hurt, or just needing a bit of comfort. you’ve always treated him so softly and kindly with understanding, so he honestly feels more comfortable coming to you most of the time instead of his dad.
⋆ 「 — he likes the way you organize the bookshelf in his room or fold and sort his clothes in special little ways. he gets upset any time toji tries to put a book back in the wrong place or can’t figure out where his damn socks are. gumi will scowl and say, “that’s not where it goes.” or go deadpan and be like, “mom always keeps the socks in the bottom drawer.” disappointed that his father can’t even remember. toji just grumbles and says, “your mama’s gonna ruin you.”
⋆ 「 — has called you 'mom' basically since he was old enough, but don't let him fool you. megumi will drop the big boy act and come out with 'mama' or 'mommy' when something's wrong or he's really excited. he'll come to you with quiet tears and sniffles, a little ashamed that he's crying, but present to you a scraped elbow, "mama... it hurts." you clean up the scrape and explain to him the little medical details in a somewhat understandable way to help him focus on something besides the pain, and you tell him that it'll be okay, and that it's alright to cry. or on the flip-side, you and toji take him to the zoo, little gumi on his dad's shoulders, and he gasps and points excitedly, "look, mommy! look at the big elephant!" and it feels incredible to see him be so spirited.
⋆ 「 — along the lines of the art from this post and the thought i had about it earlier, just imagine that you're at some event (maybe like a birthday party or something), and toji's been hauling megumi around. they're both so over it at this point and are like 'please get me out of this' so as soon as toji walks past the obnoxious inflatable bouncy house, he smirks and just YEETS that kid inside without a second thought. after regaining his breath, megumi just looks at his father with the most EVIL little scowl as other kids bounce around him with smiles. by the look on that child's face you could've swore that his father had just done him the ultimate betrayal.
so gumi slides out and hurriedly makes his way over to where you're sitting off to the side, quietly climbing into your lap for a little bit of solace. he wiggles in close to your chest and you tuck him under your chin with a ‘come here, sweetpea,’ rocking slowly and humming something soft because he always seems to like it when you do.
toji comes over and you look at him through narrowed eyes. "kids are supposed to like shit like that," he says.
"you know he likes when things are more quiet," you respond, and toji rolls his eyes at how you seemingly spoil your son.
"just thought it might be good for him to try and get along with the other brats." toji tries to cover up the fact that he tossed his kid for the sheer personal enjoyment of it.
you huff in disbelief. "oh, like you get along so well with everyone?"
he scoffs and moves in behind you, leaning down to place a kiss on your neck. "i get along with you," he says almost suggestively.
you just keep stroking megumi's hair and give the top of his head a gentle kiss. "yeah, well not today," you say, shooting a smug, resolute smile towards your husband, ultimately taking his son's side.
⋆ 「 — outside of his alone time, megumi would honestly much rather be with you instead of other children. toji thinks it's probably unhealthy and you're inclined to agree, but you also don't want to force megumi into situations that will just make him miserable. so, when appropriate, you don't mind at all pacing around with him in your arms or have him walk next to you (maybe holding your hand if he’s not in a ‘big boy’ mood), teaching him about the things you see in the woods, the park, or even the museum. when toji's not away working, he'll join too because it admittedly makes his heart feel soft to watch you two together. it always has, because you've been doing this with megumi since he was a baby. it never gets old. if it wasn't already so difficult trying to figure out how to do things right by his son, he'd want you to give him even more babies.
⋆ 「 — megumi likes doing things with his dad sometimes too, though. toji tries his best to do it right and watch both his mouth and his temper. you like seeing them getting along, even if it's just quietly watching tv or a movie (probably a cartoon where toji gets kind of into and will ask the occasional question like "why does that one stupid chick keep doing that?" and megumi just shrugs like, "i dunno. she is pretty dumb.") or playing ball outside because gumi's starting to show some athleticism. but you have to remind toji that he can't always be so rough or competitive with games because megumi is literally a child.
⋆ 「 — toji can also be way too overprotective of you two at times. you'll be out and about and he'll just be wearing such an intimidating expression as he walks behind you both, on the lookout for anyone who might want to cause trouble or take the wrong sort of glance at his wife. he'll even snap at people for walking too close or like cutting in line or something petty, and you have to tell him stop acting like an attack dog and looking like the grim reaper because dear god you're literally just having lunch at the park. even at his age, megumi's just eating his ice cream and looking at his dad with his little baby deadpan expression and thinking "this man really needs to take a chill pill." other times he can be more relaxed, however, obviously confident in his ability to protect you. it depends on his mood. but that still doesn’t stop him from being embarrassing and going off on people in public if something happens.
⋆ 「 — you also know all of gumi’s favorite meals and snacks. it’s yet another one of those things where, if his dad does it wrong, megumi expresses a disappointment beyond his years. toji will be making and packing his son’s school lunch just as instructed by the notes you gave him, but it’s by no means as neat and meticulous as when you do it. toji’s got a cigarette hanging out of his mouth with furrowed, concentrating brows, his free hand shakily reaching for a cup of fresh coffee, and megumi’s standing there with his little backpack, criticizing his father the entire time. “mom doesn’t do it like that,” he says.
“well mom ain’t here right now. and it doesn’t matter how the sandwich is cut, is still tastes the damn same.”
gumi doesn’t even physically react, still wearing the same neutral expression, just waiting for his dad to hurry up. “mom says you shouldn’t smoke. and she also says not to use bad words.”
toji scoffs and then smirks. “well mommy uses all sorts of bad words you don’t even know about when her and daddy have play time.”
megumi’s already almost late for school and can barely feel his feet from how tight his dad tied his shoelaces. he also asks you later about “play time,” and you want to absolutely murder your husband over it.
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jasmineoolongtea · 4 months
― i like the way you kiss me . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ .
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― the ways in which they kiss you when you aren't actually together yet ₊˚⊹♡
contents: gojo x gn!reader, geto x gn!reader, nanami x gn! reader, choso x gn!reader, megumi x gn!reader, yuji x gn!reader, yuta x gn!reader, headcanons/brief drabbles, slightly suggestive for some of them if you squint a/n: just some headcanons i wanted to write after listening to i like the way you kiss me by artemas plus i needed a short writing break from my risk - megumi fic that i've been working on. hope you guys enjoy this !!!
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gojo satoru kisses you like he misses you already despite barely being apart for more than a few hours. it didn't matter to him that he just saw you moments ago. that was nothing more than a trivial fact to him, just like the fact that you two still weren't actually together yet, in the grand scheme of things. why should he be waiting any second longer to feel your touch on him? he was never good at being patient anyways.
"missing me already huh?" you murmur against his lips, his hands securing you against him as he pinned you against the brick wall of the restaurant behind you two.
he scoffs at your comment. "oh shut up." his lips are on yours again in a matter of second. you weren't going to lie, you were enjoying this. to see someone so powerful like gojo satoru yet so susceptible to your presence to the point where he couldn't wait anymore to have your lips against his. with his flushed cheeks and slightly puffy lips, you want to forever immortalise this image of him in your mind. silently, you thanked whatever was out there that he decided to forgo his sunglasses tonight as their absence allowed you to truly appreciate the beauty of his eyes, even being able to notice the tiniest specks of what appeared to be gold in his pupils.
as he tilts his head to the side to better fit his features against yours, you swear you can feel his every breath with how flushed his chest is against yours. you even earn a soft groan from him when your fingers dance across his undercut, taking your time to run your hands through his snowy locks.
you're glad that his eyes are closed right now, getting a ticklish sensation as his long eyelashes kiss the expanses of your cheeks with the slight flutter of his eyes so that he isn't able to notice how the red blush that was once contained on your face has now expanded outwards to the tip of your eyes. he bites at your bottom lip gently, as if asking for permission to go further and you grant his request with a faint gasp of your own.
"noisy, aren't we?"
"oh shut up."
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geto suguru kisses you like you're his already. the way he snakes his arms around your waist and presses his lips against yours only makes you sink further into his touch. if he wasn't holding you up right now, you would probably melt into the floor just from his proximity alone. you've been dancing around the issue for a few months now, fleeting touches in a dark room, longing glances across the room. it was all fun and games for both of you, seeing how long you could drag out this game of teasing and temptation until the other had enough. you thought you were doing pretty well. that is, until he decided to show up here again and well, just imagine the feeling of his lips against yours wasn't enough anymore.
you've always wondered what it would feel like to card your hands through his raven tresses and now, with your fingers tangled in up there, you can safely say it was better than you could have ever imagined. if it wasn't you who was the one messing up his hair, he would have some choice words to say about it, but as of right now, that was the least of his concerns. right now, his priority was seeing how long it would take for him to become consumed by his desire for you and it seemed like he wasn't going to last long. not with how you would let out a low whine every time his teeth grazed your lips or with your wandering hands taking this opportunity to explore the expanses of his well-sculpted back.
you feel like you've just had your breath stolen from you with how heavily you were panting against him, your faces flushed with want and kiss-swollen lips as evidence of what had recently transpired between the two of you. neither of you make the move to break apart as he leans down to ask.
"so what does this make us?"
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nanami kento kisses you with so much restraint it only incites you to try and break down his defences further. his kisses barely feel like pecks, leaving you to subconsciously chase him for more every time he pulls away. he doesn't dare to try and do more, to push the boundary further. not only are you not technically together yet but also he's afraid. not of you, but rather of what would happen if he let his resolve fall and indulged in his selfish desires for what would be the first time in a long while.
he stops for a moment, his face barely hovering centimetres above from yours as his eyes flicker between your slightly agape mouth and your half-lidded eyes, watching him closely as you try to anticipate his next. he couldn't tell which one was drawing him in more at that moment. his breath hitches momentarily when he feels a soft tug at his tie, your right hand absent-mindedly toying with the edges of it as you place your other hand against his chest as if attempting to brace yourself against him. he couldn't tell but your legs felt like they were about to give out at any second with how every single cell in your body felt electrified with the amount of desire and anxiety coursing through your veins.
silence dragged on for what felt like ages, both of you unmoving in your positions until you muttered under your breath. "kento..." your voice was barely above a whisper but at that moment, it turns out that he was not as strong in his resolve as he thought he was with that being all he needed to dive right into you, fully untethered this time as his lips crashed against yours.
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kamo choso kisses you like he's scared that this will be the first and last time he'll ever get to do so. there's so much fear and hesitation in his movements yet at the same time, you can feel the fervour and passion that is pouring out of him with every movement of his lips against you. his hands are hovering around your figure, scared to fully let himself hold you as if he's worried that the moment he makes contact, you're going to snap out of whatever daze you're in and run away from him. you aren't going to do that of course, if only he knew how long you were waiting for this to happen. as you feel the cold of the concrete wall against your back, the two of you part, albeit reluctantly, from each other to catch your breaths.
"..are you sure?" he asks breathlessly. his pupils are blown wide open as his eyes seemingly turn into infinite purple voids, watching your every movement unblinking.
you run your fingers across the back of his neck, toying slightly with some of the loose black strands that were clinging to his skin. he looks pretty like this, you think to yourself. he looks at you so eagerly, so soft and pliable in your hands, as he nervously awaits for your response.
"never been more sure."
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fushiguro megumi kisses you like you're the air he breathes. who would have thought someone so famously reserved like megumi had it in him like this? you aren't given long to ponder on that thought as his lips are against yours once again, moving in sync with an imaginary rhythm as you frenziedly grasp at the material of his shirt in a weak attempt to try and ground you against his closeness to you. with every slide of his lips past yours, you're pretty sure that he's simultaneously taking and giving you back your breath which you previously thought would be impossible to do but are now sorely proven wrong.
you're not even a lightweight or anything when it comes to alcohol but you're pretty sure you're drunk on the feeling of him the moment his mouth was on yours. much to your surprise, the spikes that he calls his hair are actually pretty soft as you run your hands through them, a soft tug at the hair beneath your fingers drawing out a barely disguised groan from him. you giggle softly against his lips at his reaction and he silences you with another kiss, not that you were complaining as you ardently respond by tilting your head off to the side slightly to grant him better access to your face. your eyes are closed but you can imagine the half-hearted scowl on his face with how his brows furrow in the way that they always do against your forehead.
even though it was barely minutes ago, your mind is hazy as you try to remember the circumstances that led to this situation right now. it was probably a stupid argument that you guys got into, like the two of you usually do, and somehow that resulted in him wanting to prove his point more unconventionally. you give up on trying to recall the details as you can feel your face start to burn up as one of his hands start to wander down to rest against your hips.
"so," he pants, the heat of his breath is warm against your lips. "does that prove my point?"
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itadori yuji kisses you eagerly, trying to savour every single moment of his lips against yours. you could feel the excitement basically pouring out from him with each movement of his lips against you, even eliciting a giggle from him that reverberates against your mouth as your noses bump against each other. it's a messy, disorganised sort of kiss with you being sure this is the third time you've accidentally grazed your teeth against his. fortunately for both of you, you're all way too engrossed and intoxicated on the sensation of the other's lips to care.
every time one of you tries to catch your breath, the other tries to chase your lips as they attempt to recapture that feeling again. as your arms encircle his neck, pulling you close to him, you're pretty sure you can feel him groan quietly against your lips with his hands reaching up to cup your face. with a deep sigh, you sink into his warm embrace, taking the moment to fully breathe him in like your life depended on it.
one of his hands falls from your face and gives a tentative squeeze at your waist to which you gasp quietly. taking this opportunity, he breaks apart from your lips and presses a flurry of kisses across your face which earns him a wide grin from you as you half-heartedly attempt to defend yourself from his sudden kiss attacks.
if you knew that a simple, experimental peck on the cheek could earn you this, maybe you should try to do this more.
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okkotsu yuuta kisses you like you're a dream come true. hear him out. he never thought that he would get to experience touch like this ever again in his life, nevermind it coming from you in this manner. to him, you were what sweet dreams were made of, so ethereal, so delicate and so much better than whatever could exist in such a cruel world like this. but once again, defying all his expectations, you were here right in front of him and your lips were on his, faster than in the blink of an eye.
cradling the back of your head with his hands, he leans into the feeling of your lips against his as the two of you move in sync with each other. as if the moment couldn't get better, it was as if your lips were perfectly moulded for his or vice versa. he didn't care which way it was, all this fact did was solidify the thought in his mind that you were sent down onto earth from whatever heavenly plane people like you come from just for him to bask in the presence of.
his eyes are closed for two reasons. one, because he's scared that if he opens his eyes, this will be nothing more than a dream that he has to wake up from and two because he's pretty sure that if he was able to see you in your flushed, kiss dazed glory, he would explode on the spot.
despite being able to tell how badly he's been wanting to kiss you, he doesn't let it overpower him, instead taking the upmost care to make sure that you were still unharmed, treating you as if you were some piece of delicate china that could break at the slightest of wrong moves. while it was nice, you were feeling particularly greedy in that moment. you wanted more.
right as he breaks apart for air, you're already back to pulling him closer than humanly possible at this point by the collar of his shirt and you find that you're rewarded with a soft gasp escaping from him as your lips find each other again, this time with a renewed sense of desire and want.
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