#if you read this far I'm giving you a cookie 🍪
crow-with-a-pencil · 2 years
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Monochromatic moon
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beartitled · 5 months
Hello bear! Uhm i am very sure that you do not remember me but i'm the anon who asked if you were on a caffeine high to get extremely pretty detailed drawings.
I read your explanation! Your motivation! Your thoughts on it! Your way of doing it! And i took it to heart. I really did. And you helped me, a lot. You have wonderful advice.
I was struggling to find a good artstyle and was questioning my abilities as a artist a lot so when i cam upon your blog that your artworks i was memorized, admiring, loving your art.
When i first saw your art i thought it was just cute and simple and not much about it, just another cute artstyle that is extremely pleasing to look at so i got curious so i dug into your blog more and more and more until i seen that every single one of your drawings had small details, small details that give the drawing.. more.. more to it.
Every drawing that i have seen from you so far is cute happy, funny and warm. Every single of your drawings is meant to bring a smile on peoples faces, you make your drawings for the world to see and they smile at them. I have not interacted with you that much but you are what you draw, you're funny, happy and you make someone feel comfortable and warm. I looked a lot at your drawings and it gave me motivation to continue art, to try new things and even if no one else notices the details i put in thats okay because i see it, i see the details and im happy with it. I look up to you bear, you are a very cool polar bear that i have ever known. Stay cool!
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Bear no you promised *sob* not to cry *sob* when reading your asks *more sobbing*
Learn how to *le sob* accept kindness *turns into a sobbing puddle*
I do remember you 🫵❤️
I’m so glad that my art rumble was helpful, it warms my heart man ❤️💕💓
This whole message just legitimately makes me smile so hard
Seeing people getting joy from my art is such a delightful feeling
Getting messages like this just feels unreal, because you can’t really fantom the fact that you can inspire
I just 💥 drew a silly bear 💥💥 and people appreciate it 💥💥💥 aaaa?¿?💥💥💥💥
I’m incredibly delighted that my art makes you feel that way, it’s a very charming point of view
And mega happy that you also see the beauty in putting small stuff that nobody notices
You know, when people don’t notice those details, you’re just glad you put it there, but when someone finally notices them, it’s even more rewarding (it’s a win win situation ✨:D)
I wish you best of luck on your journey, stay awesome too 🫵❤️
(*gives you a little motivation cookie*🍪 that’s for later >:D)
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
So, guess who finally played through the Kaveh Hangout? That's right, it's me!
As per usual, spoilers UTC. But have this spoiler-free TL;DR of how I liked it: I actually gave him a crown straight after - I relate to this man an unhealthy amount, istg.
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He is literally the first character we start the hangout at 0 hearts with. Poor baby *pat pat* Also istg he has an alcohol problem... drink responsibly peeps!
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Nothing to see here, just Cyno casually roasting Kaveh.
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Honey pls- Where is your self-esteem?? You're literally the most famous architect in Sumeru. Trust me... I get his sentiment though, more than I'd like to admit.
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*plays "I'm bringing sexy back" by Justin Timberlake*
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He's so snarky and saracstic, god help me... I love him. They literally put my bf in this game - hoyo pls...
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They may bicker 24/7 but Haitham actually cares a lot about Kaveh. Awww, precious!! Also... Kaveh you blind fool. Open your eyes, then you'd see that people actually care about you and your well-being (I'm one to talk here tbh...).
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Kaveh also designed the bridge in Port Ormos aside from the Palace of Alcazarzaray. He's a very gifted bean!
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Just @ me next time, Kaveh...
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Kaveh's mom was a beauty and also stubborn and a perfectionist. All traits he canonically inherited. Kaveh confirmed beautiful. We love to see it.
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*yells* SUMERU SQUAD'S PARENTS WERE CANONICALLY FRIENDS!! I will never recover from this. this also revealed that both of Alhaitham's parents seem to have been "stiff" in their demeanor. I wonder where their son got that from... lol!
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Next up: Sumeru squad dinner to talk about Collei! She plans to enroll into the Akademiya as well and Alhaitham apparently also tutors her from time to time (I cannot tell you how much I squealed there... to everyone saying he is cold and an asshole... no he ain't!! He just can'T express it. *cries*)
Oh, and ofc... here they go bickering again...
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Istg... I love these 4 dorks so much. I'd give anything to join one of their gatherings.
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Some final thoughts and why I relate to Kaveh so much?
He literally trusts people way too easily and then ends up getting hurt or disappointed.
He's an artist and our perspective on art aligns.
He's a perfectionist.
He has no self-esteem and self-confidence at all and is plagued by self-doubts all the time.
Thanks for reading if you read this far! Take this cookie 🍪
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sophapop · 1 year
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I made a PL roleswap au with my oc, Robin Banks, and I will talk about it <3
So I thought it'd be pretty cool that if Robin was the professor and Abby (belongs to @inkskull360!) being her assistant. They'd go on their own adventures, canonical to the Layton games. But roleswap Robin, or in this case, Professor Banks, is quite of a bimbo who likes to shop and gets distracted very easily, and Abby kinda has to get help get her head in the game in solving the mystery that's in front of them.
The duo would later meet Clive, who would be in place of Flora in the events of CV. He acts like a guardian of the two and he enjoys accompanying them. (I don't wanna give him the treatment Flora got in the games where she's left out lol, I feel like Clive doesn't deserve it 😭) But where's Layton and Luke in all of this? I swapped Layton out with Robin so now he's a disgruntled guy with a passion for archeology, and he doesn't like the job he's working at (what the job is, ermmm I don't know yet 👀💦)
But yea, if you probably haven't guessed by now, Layton's EVOOOLLL>:^) He has a growing hatred for Professor Banks to come as far as to become her self-proclaimed rival. However the rivalry is pretty one-sided to say the least, Robin is pretty much of a bimbo to not really be aware that there is an ongoing rivalry between them lol. She does find him pretty fancy and distinguished tho!!
As for Luke, well...I was thinking that he'd be an orphaned child but I'm not really sure yet.
But yea, that's all I got to say about my roleswap au so far! If you've come this far to reading my ramble uhmmm,, have a cookie! :D 🍪
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Hey Donnie, first ask. I've had a pretty bad day. I had a panic attack and my father has a habit of yelling at me while I'm in one so I'm not feeling great. Could you give me a fun fact about space. Space is one of my special interests so I always love learning more.
Greetings, fellow anon!
I am sorry to hear about your panic attack! You do not deserve to be yelled at at all. I do hope you're in a better mental state now & in a safe space.
If not, you're welcome here. I would share my soft blanket with you & give you some of my flavorless juice.
Space facts! I'm glad you asked! ✨️
1. Our Moon is NOT round! 🌙
In fact, our Moon is shaped like a lemon!
It has flattened poles & bulges on both the near and far side around its equator. This strange shape is thought to have been created during interactions with Earth soon after its formation!
2. Our home galaxy, the Milky Way, smells of raspberries, rum & other spicy drinks! 🌌
In 2009, astronomers exploring a giant cloud of gas & dust at the centre of the Milky Way made an interesting discovery: the cloud was packed full of a chemical known as ethyl formate, which has a couple of intriguing properties: it is responsible for giving raspberries their flavour & has the smell of rum! Another nearby region is also notable as it’s full of ethanol, the type we use to make alcoholic beverages. It contains enough alcohol to supply every person on the planet with 300,000 pints of beer per day for the next billion years! If bottled at the source, the proof for this beer would be very low, with an alcohol content of less than one per cent, but as the cloud also contains plenty of other unpleasant chemicals, among them carbon monoxide & hydrogen cyanide, it would still leave you with quite a headache the next morning.
3. If it were visible, Jupiter's magnetic field would appear bigger than our Moon our night sky! 🧲
The region of space in which a mass’s magnetic field dominates is known as its magnetosphere. These regions surround planets, pulsars and even our Galaxy. The magnetosphere of planets are shaped by the charged particles of the solar wind. The largest magnetosphere in our Solar System surrounds Jupiter. Jupiter rotates very fast & has a very strong magnetic field - its magnetosphere is also filled with plasma from its volcanically active moon, Io. These features, coupled with the fact that the solar wind is slower & less dense at Jupiter than at Earth (because of Juipter's distance to the sun), lead to a very sizeable Jovian magnetosphere! It is easily big enough to contain a body the size of our Sun &, if visible, would be larger than the Moon in our night sky; quite an achievement considering that it is over 1,500 times farther away!
I hope you enjoyed these & if you want more, do tell!
Have your cookie for reading: 🍪
I definitely enjoyed this small infodump!
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smimon · 9 months
Omg asking asks, am grabbing this opportunity 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀:
🍫 If you don’t like cheese (will you give me yours or are you a fellow cheese enthusiast?)
🐶 dog or kitty 👀👀👀👀
🌸 tell me about your biggest compliment 👀👀👀
Sorry this is a bit much but I highlighted the ones you need to answer 👀👀👀👀👀👀😸 no pressure tho
Hiii thanks for the ask! Are you ready?! This got a bit long so follow below XD Let's goooo
🍫 Cheese or chocolate? - Cheese wins big time! I love all kinds of cheese and trying new cheese varieties! Unfortunately cheese isn't good for me and I can only eat fairly small amounts 😔 (small compared to what I would prefer, it's still more than average person lol) so after I try a bit of the cheese you can have the rest 😁
🦋 Describe yourself in three words. - Tough one! Should it be three separate words or a three-word sentence? Whatever. Maybe something like "artist", "stubborn", and of course "silly" 🤡
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit. - Okay in general I am not a fan of having an appearance and I feel the best when wearing cosplay, my favorite costume so far is White/Hilda from Pokemon Black and White 😁 But if I have to choose something more casual then it probably would be teal turtleneck, black waistcoat, grey skinny trousers and black boots 🤗 I'll see how I feel about my Berlin gig outfit but I haven't worn it yet so it doesn't count xD
🎵 Last song you listened to? - Mic Mac! 🙌🙌🙌🙌
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen? - Boo! My phone's settings are broken and I cannot choose any photo outside the default gallery! Boo! But I imagine it's this one:
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💌 Do you talk to yourself? - It seems so! I only noticed like last month. Must be a side effect of isolation. And sometimes at work, when I'm very busy, I might start singing 😂 but I stop as soon as I notice lol
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know? - Barnacles might look like molluscs, but they are actually crustaceans! The outer shell is formed from their foreheads and inside there is a little guy that looks like a shrimp 😁
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be? - Maybe a French macaron because I tend to be pretentious and difficult 😂
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person? - CATS ONLY! In this house we love and respect God's perfect predators 😤
🌸 Best compliment you ever received? - Oh shit I am so very bad at taking compliments 🙈 I guess there are two strong competitors. First, when my therapist of all people told me that I am doing well at university since I never failed an exam despite studying a difficult field. It made me feel proud because before that I only focused on how much I struggled. And the second one, when a certain someone asked me if they can get my art as a tattoo 👀🙈
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person? - I am not good at reading people, but I think you can tell quite a lot from how a person treats animals, especially cats. Will they mostly care about not getting fur all over them, will they play with the animal and show some feelings, will they maybe take a photo to show to their loved ones? I find that fairly interesting.
That would be it! Hope you are satisfied 😁 thank you for the ask! 🫡🥹🥹🥹🤗🤗🤗
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winterandwords · 2 years
📝 Writing books, but kind of not books
My writing journey so far has gone something like this...
I enjoy writing. It's one of my favourite things to do. I love learning about it and I want to do it all the time. Society (under late-stage capitalism) says if I dedicate a lot of time and energy to something and don't completely suck at it, I should be aiming to do it as a career, a job, or at least a side hustle (fuck, I hate that phrase). If I write books, I should try and get someone to publish and sell them for me.
Wait. I can publish and sell my own books. That's a thing people do to legitimise the time they spend being creative. That makes it real and valid and I am doing an achieve and a succeed and I'll have an answer when people ask what I'm doing with my writing.
Wait. I fucking despise everything about the mainstream self-publishing industry and since this isn't my career, job, or side hustle (puke), I can choose not to engage with that system and can make my books available for free download on my own website and people can give me tips through Ko-fi if they want to.
WAIT. Why do I still feel like I have to create Book Product if this isn't a business and I'm not distributing what I write through platforms that require Book Product? Why do I have a fucking newsletter to announce New Book Product when what I actually enjoy is kicking about with other writers on social media and yelling about our characters and WIPs and I know the people who like what I write will read it even if it's not in Book Product form?
Those aren't rhetorical questions, but I answered them for myself. I'd internalised so much publishing industry and interweb writing schtuff (and late-stage capitalism) that I still felt like if I'm writing novel length things they must be packaged as Book Product with a Proper Cover and basically do an impression of mainstream self-publishing even if that's not what I'm doing. And short stories must also be packaged as Book Product with a Proper Cover. ALL HAIL PRODUCT.
So I thought about what I actually enjoy doing, what makes me happy, what takes away layers of stress connected to writing (which is not my career or my job or my side hustle even though I don't completely suck at it and I spend a lot of time and energy on it, and that's OK) and I landed on a solution that gives me calm rightfeels.
My stories, short and long, are on my website. As in, you can read them on the site. No downloads. No fucking around with different file formats that I literally couldn't give less of a shit about and was creating for no reason other than I felt like I had to. The ability to change things later if I want to and create different fun images and graphics every week if it suits me because there's no need for things I write to be packaged as complete forever.
And I'm toying with the idea of posting Project Frequency in serial format on my site when the time comes, maybe? I don't know. It's just an idea, but it's making me smile.
I feel SO MUCH LESS HEADFUCKED about writing now. I mean, I felt good about the actual writing anyway, but I didn't feel good about anything around it and I dreaded finishing projects because of the whole Book Product thing. And now I don't feel like that. Which is nice. So.
If you're still here, have a cookie 🍪
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Hello!! Sorry for not having written in a while things have been pretty hectic recently (and your fics have honestly been a great escape from all the irl stuff. Nothing like some awesome fics for when things get messy and chaotic!). Rereading Of Ice-Skates and Sugar Cookies, and I seriously adore the relationship dynamic (also dumbass roommates in love with each other is just such a classic), it's just such a perfect mix of humor and teasing but also caring and gentleness (The vibe kinda reminded me of the song j's lullaby by Delainey Bailey). Hopefully your day has been going well so far! Till next time! -🍪
Okay, all that's great.
Bloody frick, I WISH I could read some of my fics for the first time. Because if those are the vibes you get than this must be the sweetest fic because that is the SWEETEST song I have ever heard. Makes me wanna cry! Like seriously-
Darlin', I'd wait for you Even if you didn't ask me to Tie a lasso around the moon And bring it on down to you
And -
I'd tell you, "I thought I loved you too" I just didn't have the words to say I'd put the piece in your backyard In hopes to be enough for you to stay
I'd bottle the feelin' you give me And shelve that stuff for years to come 'Cause, baby, when your arms are around me I'd swear that I'm holding the sun
Me rn: (no joke)
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shadow-laviko · 22 days
Update I guess lol
Yeah, it's been a while, sorry! I had lost my Raincode hyperfixation...
For those who would be interested, here's a little update on what I've been up to those past four months:
I'm not sick anymore! Remember that weird thing I had which made my stomach hurt and all? Well, we have no idea what it was, but it's gone now! (Though we think it might have been because of stress?)
Started fucking around with RPGMakerXP and Blender a bit more, that's fun
Which means I might have to go to Paris (I' currently in the Southwest of France) for my Master's degree... Kinda scared, ngl
I've tried Honkai Star Rail... The story seemed interesting, but the characters didn’t really interest me all that much except for Dan Heng... And that made me sure that I really do not like turn-based games (even with the auto-mod on...)
The word "moot" is always funny to me because it sounds like "mout" which is the start of the word "mouton" or "sheep" in french. So, everytime I read "moot" I picture a li'l sheep in my head, it's cute
Oh yeah, I've started using character ai and now spicy chat ai... I've become kinda obsessed, trying to not be as much but it's hard...
I've also recently started ... I've just had a brain fart, I forgo- OH YEAH, RIGHT-
I've recently started making theories for a Fanganronpa I like again (it's been a while since I made theories and boy does it feel good to be back)
I've recently started playing Rune Factory Frontiers after like at least 7 years??? I really like the game. Anyone played it?
Started adding mods to the Sims 4... Do not look at my game :omg: it's... very unholy... But at least I made my pretty baby Shadow and he is so cute, I wanna bite him
I'm currently (anxiously) waiting to know if I'l be accepted in a uni for a Master's degree... And if I'm accepted, waiting to know where (and then looking for an appartment and all and- ugh)
And right now I'm trying to find the motivation to :
Continue that Hellxander fanfic I started...
Continue the remake of that one Fanganronpa fanfic I made f- holy shit, already? Five years ago... Boy, I'm OLD
Continue writing for my own book
Start this project I have with friends...
But my motivation to write anything is NOT there because my stupid brain is like "Nobody's gonna read your shit, lmao, why bother anyways? It would take you hours to write and nobody will give a fuck"
And I think that's all for the updates?
If you read this far, there you go, you've earned a cookie: 🍪
(Love you all <3)
PS: any of you got Hellxander fanfic recommandations? I really want to try and get in the mood to finish mine
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wosoandstuff · 4 months
Let's talk about the new Adidas Football jersey for la Federación Venezolana de Fútbol
Okay I start this with a warning from ⚠️MUCHO TEXTO⚠️ and something that may influence my personal criteria is that I have a degree in Marketing.
For context, here is the official video of the presentation of the new La Vinotinto's clothing:
Here we can start talking about the video itself. Venezuela not only has field football categories, but also futsal, beach football and obviously the women's categories in each of them.
In the video they only show the men's team, okay cool, it's the 2026 world cup approach and it makes sense BUUUUT the big detail they missed was not to show the women's national team for the presentation. If it's supposed to be our new skin, it doesn't make the slightest sense that the female players didn't show up.
This is where we see the integrity that is lacking in the federation and the little attention they are giving to our women's national team🙃🙃🙃🙃
Now then, let's talk about the jerseys...
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1. La vinotinto:
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I'm not going to lie, I expected more.
And if you notice, it is a generic template of any Adidas shirt in vinotinto color, only with the addition of the Venezuelan FVF.
It's simple, I remember last year I saw a lot of street vendors selling unofficial Adidas shirts for the Conmebol qualifiers and honestly they were nice.
I just want to say that although I expected more I accept it. As I mentioned before, anything is better than Givova and Adidas coming back to dress the FVF is an achievement. The first kit represents la vinotinto or at least part of it, so I accept it.
2. Away shirt:
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With this one I won't be so quiet, I honestly don't like it. Just like the previous one, it is any generic Adidas jersey. The chest design could have been better complemented, put the vinotinto on a certain side or change the doodle. This one I really didn't like at all and I don't know what else to say other than I didn't like it.
An example of an unofficial design from a street vendor last year:
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Plus, see this meme I can't😭
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Now, let's move on to the final phase of this personal opinion:
We are not a big national team, we have not won anything beyond a 3rd or 2nd place podium in certain competitions. We have great players, yes, but because we are Venezuela they don't stand out much. So I want to believe that these first impressions with Adidas is simply because it is the beginning of Venezuela's World Cup project.
And here ends my venting.
If you made it this far, and you wanted to read this in full, I send you a hug and a cookie🍪
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scampfire · 5 months
Glad to see you're excited :) Will dm you what I have so far once I'm a little less busy if that's alright.
I would love to introduce you to the community! Can't right now, sadly as you saw I'm supposed to be taking a break from tumblr, but when I return that would be great! Feel free to look around it yourself, might be nice to check it out.
Yes I will! And ooh, I like reading a lot, so I'd always be open for more book suggestions! Please gimme
Sorry that I took a while to respond, just quite busy right now lol
Have a nice day/night!
Cookies? 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
Yessss. I get to see the comic. Okay I'll give you a few book recommendations. 1st: "If we were villains" by M. L. Rio. This book is popular I think? It's not unknown. It's about a group of friends who are all actors in an art school. Things get heated and one morning one of them is found dead in the lake. I can't describe it that well, but trust me. This book destroyed my life but it's so fucking good.
2nd: "They both die at the end" by Adam Silvera. Also popular. There's this organization called 'Death Cast' who calls people when they die in the next 24 hours. The book is about two young boys, one is 18 and the other one is 17, who both got the call. They don't know each other but decide to spend their last day together and live their whole life in just one day. It's also queer. While you know how this book ends, it hits you right in the face out of nowhere. You don't see it coming. This one also destroyed my life, but it was totally worth it.
3rd: "Ella Minnow Pea" by Mark Dunn. Kinda popular? Okay wow I only read popular books. Sorry if you know them already. Anyway. There's this tiny Island and the people living there praise language like a god. They have this monument with this famous sentence 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy frog." One day a letter falls off. Their government decides it's a sign and forbids the use of this fallen letter. Over time, more and more letters fall off, and their society falls too.
That's all recommendations for now. Btw it's okay if you take long to respond. But I gotta make a tag for you so I can find your asks. I totally forgot what we talked about last time. Anyway, have a good day/night too! Love you!
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library-of-ohara · 2 years
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anon asked: So many writers gathered at one place for a short time? That is so cool 😎 😎 😎 I hope you're having fun with this. I've enjoyed the few stories so far and I can't wait to see more. Which leads me to my request. May I pls ask for how Kiku, Denjiro and Yamato would react when they are traveling with their friend and at the hotel they find out it's not a room with two beds, but a queen size bed and there aren't any other rooms aviable? Thank you 😘 💖 Oh and here are some cookies for all of you 🍪 🍪 🍪
a/n: written by Lale (@childofblackmaria) <3 i loved this request because i'm down so bad for all three of them and also because all three of them are so TALL (Yamato being the smallest with a height of 263 cm) and imagining them trying to squeeze into a regual queen size bed... i giggled. guess queen size beds in the OP world are a big bigger, at least that's what i imagined while writing. thank you for the fun request and i hope you enjoy reading!
word count: 1.1k
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🤍 there was only one bed w/ Kiku, Denjiro & Yamato + gn!reader
Kiku and you actually don’t mind the bed situation, but almost get into a fight because both of you insist that the other one takes the bed
you give in when she draws her sword (no questions were asked why she is bringing her sword on a regular road trip, you just roll with it) and threatens you to take the damn bed
her smile is sweet but her eyes definitely say murder
you flop down on the bed and pat next to you, inviting her to join you
“see? there’s actually plenty of space for both of us. the blanket seems rather small though, so if you don’t mind some cuddling at night…”
she doesn’t, moreover, she initiates it
at first you freeze when she wraps her arms around you from behind, spooning you, then you let yourself sink deeper into her hug, enjoying the comfort of her warmth
you can’t fully relax though because whenever you close your eyes, you see the face of her brother, threatening you with a gun because how dare you touch his perfect little sister
your therapist will definitely hear about this
but for now you’re happy, turning around so you can look into her beautiful eyes in the dim bedroom light
you cup her face, your thumb brushing the soft skin of her cheeks as she smiles, a smile so pretty it feels like a stake straight through your heart
wow, you really are in love huh? why else would there be so many butterflies all of sudden? why does being in her arms feel the safest you have been?
the two of you have some soft and sweet pillow talk, too giggly to fall asleep, spilling secrets in the dark
only when you run out of words, you both scoot closer and closer, subtle but enough so your lips can find each other, sweet kisses fluttering all over your face, whispered confessions in your open mouth until the morning comes and you walk hand in hand out of that fateful hotel room
“oh well. you can have the bed, i don’t sleep that much during the night anyway.”
which is in fact, true. he naps often and everywhere because he’s usually up all night, robbing the rich and causing arson
tonight is no exception, just a little different from his usual shenanigans
Denjiro would probably bargain with the owners of the hotel first to get you both a big discount on the room since it’s not what you booked
you can hear him going full “i want to speak the manager” on the poor staff downstairs
he’ll come back in the room with a big grin and a bag full of cold hard cash, his fox eyes looking feisty
“let’s party”
he encourages you to go wild on the room service, ordering everything your heart desires as long as you get him some sake too
you still end up in the same bed together, watching reality tv shows all night while feeding each other the most delicious stuff the room service carried in on a dozen silver tablets
cuddled up against him, you can’t help but think that maybe sharing a bed with him isn’t that bad…?
and judging from the way he holds you close, dozing off every now and then, Denjiro seems to be comfortable too
you snuggle closer against him when he pulls you into his lap, your head resting against his broad chest, his arms wrapped around you
“want to order some dessert, too?”
his voice is close to your ear, sending warm shivers down your spine
you tilt your head back to look him in the eyes, returning the wide smile as you reach for his long blue hair that’s falling over his shoulders
“i think there’s something sweet in the room already that i want to taste…”
yes you kiss <3
you both stand in front of the queen sized bed, hands on the hips as you both shrug at each other
you’re friends, right? no big deal sharing the same bed, friends do that all the time
still, you can’t deny that your heart is skipping a few beats by the thought of it
Yamato initiates a pillow fight when he notices the slight tension and accidentally knocks you out when a pillow hits you directly in the face
quickly grabs your soul leaving your body and stuffs it right back in
when you regain your consciousness again, Yamato is leaning over you, carefully dabbing your face with a cold towel, his worried face brightening up when he sees your eyes fluttering open again
he apologizes a thousand times on his knees (poor boy sometimes forgets how strong he is) and begs for forgiveness
he even offers to sleep in the bathtub tonight to make up for it, so you can enjoy the bed all for yourself
you can’t help but giggle from the thought of Yamato trying to fit all his long limbs into the tiny tub and you can see the relief on his face when he realizes that you’re not mad at him
“i accept your apology. to make up for it, you could let me lay in your lap and run your fingers through my hair…?”
guess three seconds of feeling brave really pay off because Yamato is so fast to jump into bed with you, building a tiny fort of pillows around you both before he pats into his lap, gesturing you to lay down
if you could purr, you would right now because Yamato’s fingers make you feel things
you’re chatting about all the things you want to do on your vacation but you can’t fully concentrate on the conversation because your heart is drumming so loud in your chest, you fear it might just jump out
only when you suggest to switch positions so you can pet Yamato too, your faces are coming awfully close to each other, your hands touching, and just like that the last remaining inch between your lips is gone as you sink into a deep kiss that takes your breath away
every time people ask how you two got together, the story will start with a “and there was only one bed”
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Finally got to watch Encanto and boy, did it live up to the hype... I think it's the best Disney movie yet! I came out of it with my heart so full and feeling like I have value. I haven't gone through the tag yet, but I want to talk about the metaphors and symbolism in the movie because oh my god, there are a lot.
Like I said, I came out of the movie feeling like I have value - not because of what I can do for people, how much I can handle, or anything I may base my entire value on. Just because I exist. I have value because I exist, we all have value because we exist. We don't need to prove or earn our worth. And I think we all need to hear that, to feel that.
Another thing, this was the perfect way to represent immigrant families... Running from a place that wasn't fit for them anymore, coming to a new place, making a new and better life for their family. Everyone in the family feeling the burden to make all of that worth it and to make the family proud. But at some point, the people who immigrated forgetting what they did it for... That they did it for their family, for their happiness. Pushing them to make their sacrifice worth it only causing them to burn out and feel the need to sacrifice the happiness that you did this for. I've been there, as a kid and I've felt this.
Even a non-immigrant family can feel the same. With the elders talking about how they struggled so hard to give this family a better life and how they have it so much easier now, the family feeling the need to make their sacrifices worth it, and the elders forgetting that they did this for them and for their happiness. I'm also part of a non-immigrant family, because we moved back and I feel this from both, my grandparents and my parents.
And disability... Not being able to do some of the things that people around you can, being different, feeling like you aren't enough, that you will never be enough. But in the end realizing that you have had value all along. You are important and valuable just the way you are. I've felt this way about my adhd even though I don't consider it a disability, and maybe me talking about this isn't valid or right, but I had to get it out there. If anyone disabled has something to say about this, please go ahead.
Sorry this is such a long post, I just had to get everything out there. If you've read this far ily, have a cookie! 🍪
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theshootingraistar · 2 years
OK I know literally NO ONE asked but i'm going to give you at LEAST 5 reasons why CDs are still better than every digital media in the year of our lord [current year].
1: Real Ownership 2: Support Your Favorite Artists 3: CD Releases Have More Things To Look At 4: It's Technically Retro 5: It's Just Nice To Have Something Physical 6: One Time Payment 7: They're Still Being Sold 8: Interesting Shit In The Lyric Booklet 9: I Like CDs, Okay?
I go into more detail in the read more if you care, but there's your basic overview.
1: You actually own the bitch.
In digital media, and EPECIALLY streaming, you don't actually OWN the music. (You don't with CDs either, unless you made the songs) You just own the right to listen to them when the service decides you get to. Did that song get removed off of that streaming service? Did your hard drive get wiped? Whoops, guess you just lost the right to listen to that song! With a CD, all the songs are on that CD. The only way they're going away is if the CD gets destroyed.
2: You can give an artist you support more than a fucking quarter of a cent for thier work.
Streaming notoriously gives artists a terrible fucking cut of the money. Every million streams is, like, a cent tops. You buy a CD from a record label for $10, a majority of that goes DIRECTLY to the artist. And if you buy it from thier website of bandcamp, it goes COMPLETELY to the artist! That's, like, 5 decades worth of streaming money!
Yes, I'm aware you can also buy digital media from bandcamp, but that's why this isn't the ONLY benefit to CDs.
3: Pretty...
Digital media can really only show you what the album's cover art looks like. Which, yeah, that's nice. But there's SO much more to look at on a CD release! See what cool design they put on the disc! Check out what they did with the lyric booklet! The style guaranteed to be appealing! Maybe it's secretly a poster as well! Check out the BACK cover art! The inside art is cool, too! Maybe it's in a case that isn't just a basic jewel case! They put a lot of effort into that case, y'know! There's SO much more to look at and admire about a CD or physical release!
4: Be a retro bitch with this shit.
CDs are the next Vinyl. Or Cassettes. In a few years, this shit's gonna be STUPID retro. Back in MY day, music came on a 120 millimeter disc you had to pay $20 for! I mean, think about it: CDs are technically ALREADY outdated ever since we all moved on to digital. All the new kids are fuckin' prancing around with thier $3000 iPhones packed with every song ever fucking made on a free app they can shove in thier goddamn pockets. If you really wanna be old school, you'd get a CD. Because, honestly: Even Vinyl is so old and retro at this point that you'd have to be REALLY retro to even give a shit about vinyl, honestly. Although...
5: Physical media go brrrrrrrr.
Take that CD. Or Vinyl, Or Cassette, or whatever. Hold it in your hands. ...Feels nice, right? Honestly, as someone with autism, owning something physically makes my brain smile. I can hold it in my hands and go "i own this!" and i do! i do own it! i bought it with my own goddamn money, and the proof is that i have it here in my hands right here! Sure, this may not be the same for a neurotypical, but you still have the ability to hold it in your goddamn hands and maybe feel good about that fact.
Lightning Round Time!
6: CDs are a 1-time payment, and you don't have to subscribe to any bullshit and waste $20 every month just to listen to "Barbie Girl" on repeat. 7: There's still a demand for CDs, which means that OBVIOUSLY the format isn't DEAD. People still want new albums in CD form. 8: That booklet has other good shit in it, too, like who the band members are, who produced the album, and who the band members thank! Stuff that you might want to look up on Wikipedia if you care that much about it, is usually right in the booklet for curious listeners. and 9: Fuck you. I like CDs, okay? Get off my ass.
Thank you for reading if you got this far. have a cookie. 🍪
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helianskies · 3 years
Well, I don't really know why I'm writing this to you because you'll think "what do I care" but I don't really know who to tell and well, I hope you can help me....
I've been thinking for a long time that I would like to publish content here about EngSpa and NedPort but I don't really know where to start.
First of all, I don't have a following here because so far I've preferred to just look at other people's content, but I really feel like I'd like to post my thoughts and ideas about them here, but I feel like it wouldn't reach other people and so I'm not sure if it's worth it.
Also, English is not my native language, it's Spanish, so I feel like possible typos would be a good reason to back out. Whenever I ask a question or write a post here, I run it through the proofreader about five times just in case (this one too :)) It's not that I don't know English, it's just that I don't have as many resources as other people to ask questions and write accurate texts.
I know I have things to offer but I also know I'm inexperienced at this. I've always liked writing, it helps me think, focus and reflect how I feel. Whenever I've had the opportunity to enter writing competitions I've always done so, and I've never really done too badly. I was even a finalist in a national tournament, but facing other people's opinions makes me feel insecure. There's a lot of talent on this platform, I've been discovering it as I read other works and fanfics, but I know, if I upload any kind of content, I'll feel insecure about it. It always happens to me and I don't know how to get the "conscience" to say, it's ok, it's ok, you're not going to be criticized for everything you do or don't do. I don't know if you understand me or if you've ever felt like that.
Anyway, because of all these things, I feel insecure about publishing stories or scenarios that I imagine possible on this ships, but I would really, really, really like to...
dearest anon, you are, like all other anons that have wandered into my inbox, welcome to a cookie 🍪 but i would actually like to give you a hug, more than anything - a good ol' fashioned bear hug, and a great big chunk o' words to go with it that i hope you'll find useful in some way:
firstly, hi, welcome, yes, any EngSpa/NedPort fan is always welcome at my door and certainly within our cosy corner of the fandom. whether you create or consume, i'm sure we're always happy just to have more people visit us and share their thoughts on both pairings. i, for one, would love to hear any ideas you have, written or not!
as for starting out, i... don't know how much it helps if i just say 'go for it!' but... go for it! i can at least say that i do understand how you feel about actually spreading word of your works, of course. my own following here is pretty small (not that i've been on tumblr for that long!) but i have some truly amazing, quality, lovely people amongst my mutuals that i adore engaging with, seeing their work, sharing ideas with, all that sort of stuff. i trust them to reblog my work if they enjoy it, and i know that without that magical button (and usually someone screaming in the tags as a sort of comment for me <3) some of my works would not get so much consideration, if any.
even now.
even nowadays i long for my AO3 inbox to show a new comment has appeared - often to be left disappointed when i wake and before i go to bed. as disheartening as it can be, however, there are still a handful of people here who i know appreciate what i do, and who encourage me to continue through a simple reblog and tag-commentary. and that's what matters most: that i've gained a modest but fierce support base. and if you ever wanted to publish a work and share it with us, i don't doubt that you would soon find that support base, too. sometimes all it takes is one person to say, i really like what you've got going on here, to help you find the strength and will to make your story available to everyone.
i'll be totally honest with you anon: that isnecurity doesn't always go away easily. i still feel that wave of dread whenever i have a new work to publish, because i fear what people will think. even publishing a chapter in an established work makes me anxious because, well, what if it's not good enough? or doesn't meet people's expectations? i think the issue is, we rely so heavily as creators on people's opinions and feedback to fuel our motivation, and if it doesn't apppear or simply isn't positive, it can hamper our creativity. i've had an awful comment that's made me cry before. i've had several more that have made me cry tears of joy because someone really enjoyed something i wrote and cared enough to tell me. it's a bumpy road, really... but i've generally found that people who don't care for what i write just turn away and leave me alone - and good! it saves us both some time and effort! so i try to focus on the positive. i still don't always receive as much reception or feedback as i'd like on AO3, but... i try not to let it wear me down (there'd be nothing left of me by now, otherwise).
what i would say is, as i say to myself, try not to put too much pressure on yourself if you do want to publish a work, be it short or long, on here or elsewhere. i have NedPort works that i look at in absolute despair sometimes, because they have hardly any reads compared to my EngSpa works - but then i think, forty people still read this, so i must be doing something right. otherwise no one would read it, or leave kudos, or reblog, or leave a comment. that's what i try to focus on. even if only one person leaves a kudos/like and nothing more - well, that's one person i've made happy. and it can only get better from here, right?
writing is a constant learn-and-grow process. i've only been at this for three years on AO3 and i've done a lot of developing in that time. i can even look back on a work from a few months ago and see a change in how i write, what i write, and so on. in those 3 years, i've somehow built bridges of communication with creators that 2018 helia would have never thought she'd ever talk to. yet here i am. does negativity still get to me? yes. do i still feel an overwhelming nervousness when i publish a work or share an au idea on tumblr? yes. do i still think i could be doing so much better as a writer/contributor to this cosy corner of the fandom? abso-freaking-lutely! but i'm trying to take it in my stride and to learn that, it's okay to feel that way sometimes.
one day, of course, i hope i won't feel those things. day by day, my support base is slowly helping me to achieve that.
you may not have a following here, anon, but there's an invisible 'yet' on the end of that sentence. we all start from zero. we all have to work and build ourselves up first - give ourselves the drive - to then meet others who like what you do, agree with what you think, or who simply are open-minded to such things. it's not always easy, and it's not always fast. but it's certainly not impossible.
this probably turned out much longer than either of us were expecting, i'll admit. but like i said, it's a topic i can empathise with greatly, and i'd like to at least commend you for considering being an active creator - it's a big step, but i know that you can take it if you want to.
and hey, look, don't you dare start worrying about your English, ya hear me? 1) as a languages student, i will ALWAYS be impressed and appreciative of someone who writes in a language that isn't their mother tongue, because as much as i'd love to write something in Spanish, i know how freaking hard that'd end up being even with all the years' worth of study i've had lmao. honestly, i'd read fanfic in whatever language i can. i've used online translators to help access more content many times, and it's often rewarding! so, please don't sweat it if you choose to write in English. it's a bastard of a language, and proofreader or no, you had me fooled. oh, and 2) i know many native English people who can't speak the language either so i think you're saf- *slapped*
...you get the point. i make typos. i use the language wrong, sometimes. no one is perfect, no one is infallible. 'it is human to err' and 100000000 respect points to you for being braver than i to write in a second language (i'll try it one day i'm sure... pff..)
finally, anon, before we part ways, like ships passing in the night, just know that my inbox is always open. if you want to ramble on about scenarios and au ideas and 'what if's to me, i am all ears! i want to know, i want to listen, i want to share. you had me at 'Well,' <3
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infartoomanyfandoms · 3 years
Tumblr media
I posted 2,094 times in 2021
249 posts created (12%)
1845 posts reblogged (88%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 7.4 posts.
I added 913 tags in 2021
#supergirl - 300 posts
#iftmf talks - 162 posts
#supercorp - 123 posts
#supergirl spoilers - 107 posts
#wynonna earp - 62 posts
#kara x lena - 61 posts
#lena luthor - 38 posts
#i'm screeching about hzd again - 22 posts
#kara danvers - 21 posts
#wearp - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#@every single one of u beautiful bastards who read this far: ur not annoying - pls be kind to urself & also here is a hug 🫂 and a cookie 🍪
My Top Posts in 2021
Important note before Supergirl 6B:
Please don't harass any of the actors in real life. The hate I've seen directed at Staz is astounding and frankly disgusting. You are allowed to not like a character without being cruel to the person who plays them.
I know most of you are really lovely people but I wanted to say something because I see this all the time and it's embarassing. Please be kind to the cast & kind to each other. We're all in this together for the last half a season so let's make it a good one :) <3
43 notes • Posted 2021-08-13 02:20:19 GMT
I would like to see Kara break the sound barrier to rescue Lena. That's all
49 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 22:03:51 GMT
I would like to personally thank every single person who is rewatching Wynonna Earp and making parallels and links left, right and centre, y'all are doing amazing work and I am LIVING
63 notes • Posted 2021-04-15 13:27:17 GMT
I'm in a ranting mood now so I'm gonna give my 2 cents on Supercorp.
Season 2:
In season 2 Kara and Lena were actually written pretty well. They were friends, they hugged, snuggled on the couch had food together, went to gala's together, defended the other behind their back and that kind of thing. And of course all the times Supergirl saved Lena. We'd be here forever if I mentioned everything lol. There was definitely some flirting happening. They were written as friends but there was absolutely something there the writers could have explored.
Season 3:
A little odd in terms of Kara and Lena. It's like the CW said 'I see you Supercorp shippers and I raise you a season of them barely interacting alone.' They fought and made up again at work, Kara tried to convince drunk Lena that she's good, they were sweet at the Christmas party with everyone, just all of 3x12, and then there was the hugs in 3x18 and 3x21. We had some Supergirl saves but Lena's relationship with Supergirl ended up on the rocks. They were written very much 'no homo' this season compared to season 2. There wasn't really any super obvious flirting, there were romantic parallels with the risking of identity though. Overall we didn't really get to see much of them existing together. Plus Lena started dating James. Alex and Lena got some really good development though so that's a plus.
Season 4:
They definitely interacted much more than in season 3. They were happy to see each other at the beginning, 4x02 was a goldmine of hugging, Lena protecting Kara, Kara protecting Lena, the works. Lena made the power rangers suit while she was still mad at Supergirl, she broke up with James, she was worried about Kara at the hospital, they had an argument in 4x19 and made up (after Kara longingly stared at a picture of Lena on her phone), Lena cried on Kara as Kara waxed poetic about how wonderful Lena is, just the entirety of 4x20. Plus Lena and Supergirl's relationship was mended. Season 4b had a lot of romantic undertones imo. The classic red/blue colour scheme, Kara staring at the picture, the sheer concern they both had for each other, how hurt Lena was that she hadn't seen Kara for a while after not seeing her for weeks on end just the season before, and where do I start with 4x20!? The looks they gave each other on the plane, how worried Lena was for Kara when the plane was crashing, all the physical contact, Kara's tape recorder stopped Lena from being stabbed, the concern and hugging again at the end, how defensive Lena got over wanting to apologize and the almost reveal. They obviously love each other, platonic or otherwise. Kara gives much more platonic love vibes at this point. Although the raw panic and concern and "Thank god you're okay"s from Lena this episode made me think that she loves Kara a little more than platonically. I'd always shipped Supercorp for fun but 4x20 made me wonder if they were really going to go down that road. This is me > 🤡 Because then we had the reveal.
Season *gags* Season 5
You watched it, we've all seen it. I'm terribly sorry to bring it up again. Season 5 I understood why people called them queerbait. Up until then I'd been like "yes to us these two are super gay but this can all (mostly) pass as platonic, I understand wanting them together but I don't think it's queerbait." And you don't have to come for me, because season 5 came for my JUGULAR. What the hell. Kara telling Lena she's Supergirl was heartbreaking, Kara has very rarely been that upset, don't even talk to me about the Romeo and Juliet ass shot 5 seconds beforehand. Then at the beginning when everything is 'fine' Kara seems unable to stop comparing herself and Lena to Alex and Kelly. You know? The canon lesbian relationship!? "For a friend like you there are no boundaries" Kara flying around the world to get Lena's favourite food...In the show that said "Maybe giving food is Brainy's language of love." 💀 "You Mean the World to Me" Playing over Kara and Lena scenes and Alex and Kelly scenes. Lena, even though she's mad, knowing that Kara will always save her. Lena's speech in the fortress deserves a post of it's own holy shit. She shot Lex for Kara, Kara made her trust people again, she loves Kara so much and I personally think that part of her anger stems from loving Kara in a more than friendly way and she's mad at herself for allowing that to happen and being so hurt and heartbroken after she finds out Kara's Supergirl. (watching this scene again hurts me just so y'all know) Kara is SO upset. Then we have 5x08 when Lena is panicking when the kryptonite cannons won't go off. "SHUT IT DOWN NOW!" Then there's 'Head Above Water' playing over Andrea and Russell. And then Kara and Lena staring at the same picture of them together. Come on. The whole 100th episode was about their relationship. She followed Kara out of the room Lex was celebrating in to give her a book on grief. Then Lex screams in her face and when she turns up at Kara's door after leaving him, her speech is so heartbreaking. She clearly misses Kara...a lot. Then she looks so SAD when she sees Kara and Alex hugging. She misses Kara's hugs 😭 Then "You can scream at me if you like I know I deserve it." - I hope we unpack that at some point. And she is so so upset when Kara doesn't accept her apology initially. (Although I have to say I find it interesting how much she brings up Kaznia, 5x07 and 5x19. You know how I feel about ep 4x20) Then she lays her life on the line for Kara. And when they FINALLY make up Lena's relief is actually palpable. Even if the writers don't follow through with this, they way they've written season 5 is undeniably romantic. I still get platonic...ish vibes from Kara, but definitely not from Lena.
Season 6:
Episode 2? I don't know her. But omg 6x01. Kara trusting Lena with Myriad "No matter what's happened I know what's in your heart." Kara talking about self sacrifice and Lena "I won't let you turn this into a suicide mission, I can't!" And why not Lena hmm? (This is very canon couple dialogue). Also they are SO VERY CATRADORA ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Kara the self-sacrificing hero (Adora) and Lena, the one who refuses to just accept the hero's sacrifice (Catra). Please even the whole evil or not evil, terrible family, traumatic childhood and hair colour are the same 😂. Anyways then we have "You're the only one in the galaxy I know would do right by it." I don't even know how that could be spun platonically. Kara really just said she trusts Lena more than her own sister. You two just made up 5 minutes ago. Kara opens up about her trauma to Lena!! Lena codes 'Lena Luthor Protocol' in about 2 minutes maybe? Because she needs Kara to stay alive. And to round it all out, she tells Alex to tell Kelly about Kara, because Kelly is Alex's person. Implying to us humble clowns that Kara is Lena's person.
The fact that I've written more about 6x01 than the entire season of flirting and flowers speaks volumes to me personally.
In conclusion, Supercorp is Catradora with a pair of glasses and it's hair tied up. I will go down with this ship and good night.
144 notes • Posted 2021-04-08 00:32:18 GMT
I was talking to my mum about supercorp earlier tonight and I was showing her a bunch of clips of them and I'd only got to the plane scene in 3x05 when she said:
"It seems like Lena deliberately gets in trouble just so Supergirl can save her. I haven't seen much but that's what I'm getting here."
I LAUGHED SO HARD. I see no lies
151 notes • Posted 2021-04-02 03:45:51 GMT
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