#if you speak French I'll give the link and shit
aromanticannibal · 3 months
I've been watching like French streamers roleplaying politics for 6 hours and it's hilarious
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etoilesbienne · 8 months
out of curiosity, what are the common qEtoiles mischaracterizations, and the accurate characterizations you wished people used more? Sincerely, an English speaking fan who is re-learning French!
honestly i kind of consider it a mischaracterization when people like... make etoiles into this team leader who always knows what to do and move things forward. or like that he has a bad attitude to like... match his fighting skills. or like the dark knight brooding warrior. he says he is these things. these are lies. he lies about himself constantly. i wouldnt trust a good 2/3 of the things he says about himself to be true. you read him clearer through his actions than his statements.
in my opinion etoiles is more like. sturdy second in command. he's not there to lead, he's there to fill in the holes where they pop up. he's there as cover. he's quick witted in shortchange scenarios, but that is so not the same thing as a genuine strategist. in another expression, if someone is a leader, the leader is a doctor, etoiles's role is more like... the EMS team in an ambulance. He's not there to fix your problem, he's there to keep your problem covered until you can get someone else to fully fix it. but that doesn't mean his role is any less important when he's needed.
Etoiles is also, like, so very much a team player if he respects and trusts a person. And it is so easy to have his respect and trust. His trust starts at 100% for everyone. he's also so very very very good at reading people (gesture to the bbh clip where bbh moves his mouse slightly downward and etoiles calls him out on being depressed). He read Mousey as enjoying dungeons and pvp way more and wanting to hang out with her. He's also one of the only people who like continuously runs in the girlies group and makes all of them pvp with him and they all love it so he keeps coming back to pvp with them. Thats how he started his whole thing with Tina and pvping with her constantly. Reading other people also, he loves finding other pvpers so he attacks roier constantly now bc he knows roier can pvp.
What else OH Etoiles loves whining (and this is because Rayou loves whining) that dude will just complain constantly. You haven't seen an etoiles stream if youve never seen him whine. Can't say I'm not kind of endeared by it. With this too he loves over explaining things (RIP armor powerpoint wish you couldve been given...) because he wants to help everyone....
OH and he's very over exaggerated too in replying to people in a complaining way and a self deprecating way and also likes to try to push the envelope with people and he does all of that to try and get a laugh out of others. like he's well aware people find him going "Oh so you don't give a shit about me and want me to die ? you want etoiles to die ?" fucking hilarious and also loves complaining in the first place thats why he does that. if your etoiles isn't complaining and whining then it isn't etoiles. the self deprecating thing is... its interesting bc he does have full faith in his abilities but will never say it out loud unless its trying to reassure someone who is worried. pushing the envelope is so specific he won't do it too much and its like........... from what ive seen (correct me if im wrong) heavily directed at non francophones where if they laugh at something wack he's done he'll try to do it again to make them laugh more. shoutout to the time he made bbh laugh so much when he cursed he didn't get languaged by bbh so he kept cursing to try to make bbh do it again. the dudes a total people pleaser.
smaller thing ive talked about extensively already (u can prob find it in my q!etoiles tag if i remember i'll edit a link to the posts in here soon lol) etoiles hates losing he looooooves winning he's very intense about it lol. its cute!
on a final note even if you don't become deeply unwell about etoiles like i am i think this highlight clip video has like everything he's like condensed into like 11 minutes. You should watch it. It's a good starting point.
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dnalt-d2 · 2 months
Christ alive can anyone get a break right now??
Update time, once again!
Also once again, it is a mixed bag
So to start off with, as most everyone knows, Pomme and Dapper's admins have resigned from their positions. This is incredibly unfortunate, and I honestly don't know what it's gonna mean for the French Creators who said they wouldn't stay on QSMP if Pomme's Admin was fired. Since she technically left of her own volition, I really don't know what they're gonna do
(Edit: I talk about Quackity's stream here but I don't speak Spanish so I can't personally say what was said exactly. Thankfully, it looks like someone JUST POSTED an English Translation so I'm just gonna drop the link here for anyone who wants to read it)
On another note: Quackity has finally given a slight update. For obvious reasons, he can't say anything specific, and I wouldn't have expected him to. But according to the translations I've seen so far, basically said that he can't update because the leaks that happened are creating added complications in the restructuring process. I'm assuming his reason for that is that he simply doesn't want anymore information to be leaked out, but unfortunately, that's just counterproductive to the miscommunication problem
So as you all know, I've been in support of the French Union getting involved with this. As I've stated a dozen times now, Unions are meant to be resources, people who inform employees of their rights and do what they can to help them get those rights. As far as I know, one of the main things they do is mediate between the employees and the employers. But APPARENTLY the Union has not attempted to reach out to Quackity outside of Twitter. Which REALLY isn't all that professional. Twitter is a NETWORKING site. Meant to START building connections. Afterwards, people typically move onto email or even discord, which are way better equipped for the long-form communication that's about to have to happen
So even if Quackity WAS active on Twitter, which he isn't. And even if the Union DIDN'T know that, which they do. This isn't the right route to communicate. They have stated that he "has their email" and has to "reach out to them." They are apparently working on the logic that SOMEONE would have had to pass on the information to him by this point, which isn't a fair assumption at all, considering that we know there were Admins ALREADY hiding information from him before all this
They're acting like Quackity is the CEO of a major corporation, with COUNTLESS RESOURCES on-hand. Yeah he's the CEO of this business, but he's also a 23-year-old Twitch Streamer who in all likelihood is learning a LOT about running a business for the first time AS WE SPEAK. I'll tell you right now, when I was 23, I didn't know jack-shit, and I'd still say I don't most of the time. And the only reason I LEARNED jack-shit was because someone would actually TELL me about it. When someone makes mistakes, it REALLY helps them learn when someone is able to not just point out the mistake, but also HOW to fix it. I don't know how they're expecting him to grow from his miscommunication mistakes when they aren't willing to give him the chance to
And yes, there are MANY problems that need to be fixed, as I've said before. But Quackity did outright confirm some of the other things I've said too. That things ARE happening, and we aren't hearing about it. That we aren't GOING to hear about it. Which is fine. It makes sense. We aren't the people who need to know every step of the process. But he is going to have to figure out a better system for talking to the Admins. It's a real problem when he's communicating with people like Aypierre that Pomme's Admin has her job still, but didn't tell the Admin herself
There's still lots of problems, and I know it sounds like I'm just repeating myself, saying to wait and see, but in reality, there isn't much else we CAN do besides that and voice our support
This might be the last time I make a post on this for a bit, because this has been a little draining on me. Which I would normally be able to handle SUPER easy, I'm pretty good at handling stuff like this well enough. But now I've also got real-life stuff reminding me that no matter how much better things SEEM to be getting for me, something's gonna come smack me in the back of the head to remind me that actually things suck, and I just should've known better! And unfortunately that stuff requires my focus more than this. I'll still be here, watching everything, maybe commenting on stuff, but I might not be quite as vocal as I have been
Once again, I remind you all, take care of yourselves first and foremost. Whether it's physical, emotional, or mental, or whatever else. You matter more than the events taking place here right now. My support goes out to all of you, as well as the Admins who VERY WELL COULD BE SEEING THIS APPARENTLY. So I guess this message goes out to them as well lol. You guys rock and I've enjoyed all the contributions you've made
Anyways, see you all later
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analogwriting · 5 months
I love those “if you were a character in…” but I’m 100% I’d be dead in any of those worlds lmao
Heart pirates? I don’t know SHIT about medicine. Sure, my mom is a psychiatrist but it’s not like I’ll give Law prescriptions for anti depressants 😭
Kid pirates? They look like my friend group but Kid would kill me fr he would not allow my ass in that ship no matter how punk I look (which I don’t)…
Honestly my best bet is the strawhat pirates, I could be robin’s apprentice or something because I like archeology :D. This also reminds me of the time I dreamt about getting stuck in the one piece word but I didn’t understand what they were saying because they were speaking in japanese EXCEPT for Sanji who spoke in french too so I was able to communicate (i actually don’t know french in real life idk why in my dream I understood him)
- number 1 kese hater
you're so absolutely valid ongg i have a weird relationship with the ocean. like i love being in it and visiting it (i live in the midwest and have visited the ocean, like, three times) but it's vastness scares the everliving shit out of me. im in love with her but i fear her. being on a boat tho in the middle of it all???? i'd pass away. i get nervous just driving over large rivers on a bridge. i've been on a boat one time and a ferry, like, twice. scared every time lmfao and i can't even begin to tell you how many dreams about the ocean i have had. and not like, drowning or anything. just about how vast and unknown she is. ugh i love her
I only think i'd have a shot with the heart pirates because before i had to drop out of college, i was going to be a forensic pathologist, so i have a lot of science and medical knowledge in my cranium. but it's the submarine that draws the line for me. i would pass away. i would end up with cabin fever and claustrophobia and simply just pass away.
i am a shithead through and through and i'd be clowning on kid at all times. i'd be a nightmare for him. i don't give a shit who you are - i'm CLOWNING on you fr. like you really thought you could take on shanks? dumbass forreal. is it bc he's gotta have redhair superiority? like if you wanna join the red hair pirates just say so...jkjkjk (kid i still love you but NO ONE is safe from my dogging) i be roasting everyone left and right. so honestly, he'd probably HATE me. but i think he secretly just loves arguing.
gimme five minutes, i'll get you lookin punk in no time. im sure i got some patches around here somewhere to make you a vest and i've got PLENTY of eyeliner and hairspray just lemme know what era we going with lmao
i love robin so much. she's so beautiful and smart and i'd kill for her frfr. i think i could survive with the strawhats. they have a level of chaos im used to and luffy reminds me of my little sister.
i meeean more than 1/3 of the french language is the same in english, so understanding sanji makes a lot of sense. the language is also just pretty similar in general in terms of words. (i took it in hs bc i was convinced i was going to move to cambridge or smth with my pathology degree that i never ended up getting lmao)
or maybe sanji was talking to you through your dreams frfr. you guys LINKED IN FORREAL NOW
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naralanis · 8 months
20 Questions
Thanks @silv3reyedstranger for the tag! My meeting can wait, this is more fun lol
How many works do you have on AO3?
44 (my wife's saying it's bad luck, so I guess I better make it 45 soon)
2. What's you total AO3 count?
601,330 which is weirdly way more than I expected but also way less? How dare AO3 not count all the words I've never posted, this is homophobia
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I got my start in the Devil Wears Prada and Harry Potter fandoms, and then the supercorp gifs pulled a bag over my head, tossed me in a van, and made me hyperfixate on a really bad but really gay show, so. I've also written for Xena Warrior Princess and ATLA/ATLOK, but I've never posted for those. There is an errant OUAT SwanQueen one-shot out there, courtesy of some insane people I love.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In order, they’re Perhaps, For the Better, Perfect, The Date and, surprisingly, The Wrong Way. I didn't expect that last one at all, to be honest.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do appreciate every single one (they’re a writer's main source of nourishment) but I am terrible at responding to each and every one. There will be times where I'll go on comment-replying marathon and then I forget about it for like, a year. My bad! I do love all the comments and I re-read them all the time when I'm feeling kind of shit. They bring so much joy to my heart and occasional (happy) tears to my eyes.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Unshackled, but I'm not sure if that counts because the happy ending came in part two. But for the people who didn't know there was a part two… that was probably the angstiest I've managed! I love angst, but I have to have the happy ending, whether I'm reading or writing it.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oof, I don't know. I try to have happy endings to most things. I think the one that jumps to mind is i don't know how to dance so slow (to keep up with you). I don't think it's necessarily the happiest ending, it's just this whole fic plays in my head so clearly, almost like it's a movie, and it just gives me the good feels. It's short and sweet, and it makes me happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I think if I wrote more I'd get some lol. I used to get some trolls here and there, especially flames back on FanFiction.net. A couple on Perhaps, but the Cissamione peeps were awesome helping me deal with them. Nowadays everything's pretty chill.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
*points at The Adventures of Soft Butch Hermione*
Not to mention all the stuff I don't post. Smut has to be just right to make the cut. Nothing too crazy, but ya know I have to sprinkle some praise kink in there.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nope, and I don't think I ever will. The most I've done is borrow other characters from within the same universe (see Luthor Motor Racing AU), usually as a joke/easter egg. I'm usually not a fan or crossovers (writing or reading), but there are a handful of exceptions here and there.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
HAHA yeah. A couple of times. Usually found on Wattpad, or translated into Portuguese and posted to some Brazilian site without my permission. Side note, why is it always Brazilians. I'M ONE OF YOU, PLS
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! To Russian, French and Mandarin (with permission) and Portuguese (without), at least as far as I know. I'm totally cool with translations, just like. Ask me first, give me the credit for the original work, and send me a link! I love to see translations of my stuff, especially if it's in a language I can speak.
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
@shadowdianne and I had some incredible back-and-forth a few years back, but it never really went anywhere (although I maintain our ideas were FIRE). It was a frankly amazing take on Narcissa as a character, with some sprinkle of a Narlily friendship and Cissamione endgame. We both had other stuff going on, so it never really developed further, but I still have the docs with all of our ideas and frankly hilarious commentary.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Don't make me pick just one, I can't.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
At this point, all of them I think? Brain's just not braining that way.
16. What are your writing strengths?
It used to be world-building and environment descriptions, but to be honest I haven't flexed those writing muscles in ages. I think I can tell a lot with not much real-estate. I also think my readers/fellow writers would be better at answering this one lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The writing part.
Jokes aside, it's actually stringing a plot together. I write by vibes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I technically speak four languages, but I always worry whether whatever foreign language dialogue I insert sounds genuine enough to sound like a native speaker, so I always ask for a second (and a third and fourth) opinion anyway.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter, on a little known (to Americans) social media platform known as Orkut, and then on FFNet. Then I deleted all traces of that and had a fresh start with Devil Wears Prada.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
It's like asking me about my favourite child. Right now it's while all of the lines are blurring, which is a WIP but I just have. SO MUCH. To add to it. AND  I DON'T HAVE THE TIME OR BRAIN CAPACITY but I. Love that plot in my brain. Maybe one day.
I won't tag anyone this time around, but writer peeps, feel free to take it and run with it!
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silkylious · 3 years
Brief overview of what it means to be Me/Na
I feel bad for clogging up people’s dashboards with this type of discourse every couple of days (even if I know it’s not my doing) instead of posting content, which is what people followed me for (honestly kinda discouraging when this is most of what I see when I log on here). Plus I’m honestly getting tired of addressing this over and over again. So here you go, one last post to put this all to rest, hopefully you’ll learn something new from this. I won’t be responding to any anons like this after this post. 
Here’s a couple of things anons have said about me where I just chose to block them and then move on with my day:
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(got this masterpiece a while ago over a ship of all things, Arabic is a language not an ethnicity sweetheart)
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(not really much to say here, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they didn't know my nationality. Still disgusting)
I even got one that I refuse to share on here out of respect for myself and other POC (involved a racial slur pertaining to another race, honestly hats off to you for being creatively the worst human being imaginable). One moment I’m called racial slurs, the next I’m not even acknowledged for my ethnicity. So which is it? Tell me anons, am I a goat fucker or a white cracker, hm? 
Actually I’ll answer that one for you, since you seem to be lacking some cogs up in your noggin.
I doubt many people have heard of the term Mena. Hell, I myself was introduced to it not too long ago, and I’m Mena. That tells you a lot already about the erasure of my culture in western societies.
Mena simply stands for Middle eastern and North African, which most people generalize as “Arabs” which isn’t entirely accurate considering the fact that Iran is a middle eastern country but not an Arab state.
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As you can see, there are a lot of countries that fall under the umbrella term Mena. The amazing geographical advantage this area held led to colonization. Colonization dates centuries back in time, speaking for my homeland Egypt, we’ve been subject to colonization dating back to Ancient Egypt. First came the Greeks, then the Romans, then with the introduction of Islamic rule came an era of medieval dynasties originally from Saudi Arabia ending with the rise of the Mamluk sultanate which was composed of several tribes and groups of nomadic Turks. Then came the ottoman empire which reigned for over 5 centuries, with some interference from the French around the 1790′s which lasted about two decades, until modern-era Egypt which was under British imperialism. It’s important to note that pre-modern era, the main ethnic group in north Africa were called the Berbers (there are other names used to refer to them), who had pale skin despite their black ancestors, yet still had distinctly different features compared to western and north European Caucasians. 
This is all speaking about one fucking country, and I didn’t even go into detail to save time. Do you people not realize the ethnic diversity in the middle east and north Africa? 
Generally speaking we’ve had European influences (British and French colonization), Euro-Hispanic influences (Portugal and Spain colonization), a large number of countries have typically Persian features (mostly in the Persian gulf and Iran). I haven’t even scratched the surface here.
With all this ethnic diversity you can now clearly see the need for an umbrella term to house the variety of ethnic groups and sub-groups here. Mena is no way, shape or form a good indicative of the ethnic background of each specific area but it’s a fucking start. 
When people from North Africa, the middle east or southwest Asia migrate, they have to legally write down that they’re white or some other race because there’s no option for us. I mean shit, I got called white twice on here, even though the third thing on my about me page is literally my nationality. It's erasure.
I can’t even begin to describe how empty I feel regarding all of this; getting degraded because of my race when it’s convenient and getting my whole ethnic identity disregarded when it’s convenient. 
I know as someone with a pale skin tone, I have it way easier than other Mena who have darker skin colors, I wont sit here and try to pretend that colorism doesn’t exist. Because it does, and it’s disgusting. But at least have the common decency to address me correctly, I can’t count the amount of times I’ve mentioned my ethnicity/nationality and waited with baited breath for some sort of insult. 
Before you make baseless assumptions about me, please at the very least take two seconds out of your day to check the link in my description. It’s there for a reason. 
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palaugranetes · 3 years
Ronald: I agree with @Iñaki on this.
Carlitos: Shocker!
Pedri: Night night! See you guys soon!
Oscar: ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
31 March 2021
JC:Do you guys know how lucky we are being this far from Geri for le Poisson d'Avril???
Carlitos: The what now?
JC: Poisson d'Avril
Carlitos: My French is rusty bro, that means?
Riqui: By Rusty you mean non-existent right?
Carlitos: Tais-toi petit idiot
Riqui: You google translating that does not negate my statement genius.
Carlitos: FOR YOUR INFORMATION PETIT, I did not google it.
Riqui: Sure.. I believe you
Carlitos: I DID NOT.. I asked Nyom
Riqui: 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️
JC: Are you two done?
Riqui: Never
Carlitos: Yes, what were you saying Bro?
JC: Poisson d'Avril is April fool
Carlitos: HOW!!??!!
JC: It is
Riqui: Jan don't tire yourself.
JC: Hahahahaha
Carlitos: Doesn't poisson mean fish?
JC: Yes
Carlitos: April Fish?!?!
JC: It's a whole story
Carlitos: Blague d'Avril..
Carlitos: Tromperie d'Avril
Riqui: PROU!!
JC: I'll tell you on PM
Carlitos: Okay
Riqui: You were saying @JC?
JC: Right, we are lucky no?
Carlitos: Life finds a way.. or rather, if he wants to, Gerard Finds a way.
Riqui: Very true
Carlitos: But I feel if he was going to do something he would have done it on Dia dels Innocents.
Riqui: Possible, but one can never be too careful
Carlitos: You are oddly calm..
Carlitos: What are you up to?
Riqui: Nothing. I'm just saying
Carlitos: AhA
Riqui: Juro!
Carlitos: I SAID OKAY
JC: So he can still do damage
Carlitos: 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
Riqui: 🙂
Ansu: OMG!!
Carlitos: Yes bro, we were literally just talking about that
Ansu: Oh.. where was I?
Riqui: In space clearly.
Ansu: Right...
Dembz: Are you okay broski?
Ansu: I think so. I took a nap earlier and I feel like I wiokeoup in aanothred demtoiodn
Dembz: I was with you up until like
Ansu: up until like what?
Ansu: HUH???
Dembz: "Ansu: I think so. I took a nap early and I feel like I wiokeoup in aanothred demtoiodn" WHAT DID YOU MEAN AFTER LIKE?!
Dembz: I give up someone else deal with him
Pedri: You took a nap and what?
Ansu: It feels like I woke up in another demention
Frenkie: Yikes.. that has happened to me before @Ansu I know that feeling.
Pedri: How are you today bud?
Frenkie: I'm alright.
Francisco: Did you get some sleep? A little R&R?
Frenkie: I did
Francisco: 🧐🧐🧐🧐
Frenkie: I did, I promise. I slept 8 hours two days ago and 6 hours last night
Ronald: Why six?
Frenkie: I had to go .. and after that I couldn't sleep anymore. So I studied for a bit.
Ronald: Studied??
Frenkie: Yes Català
Riqui: 🥺🥰🥺🥰🥺🥰
Frenkie: 💜
Riqui: But you are feeling better?
Frenkie: Yes
Pedri: If you say so.
Ansu: It's March 31st right?
Arnau: Yes?
Ansu: Okay
Arnau: Weird
Iñaki: 😂
Sergiño: Why does Jordi insist on replying with memes?!
Pedri: 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
Riqui: Jordi for you.
Dembz: Just what Grizou needed an enabler
Ilaix: And the Dad jokes are the worst.. idk whether to laugh or cry
Ilaix: @Carlitos where are your dad jokes?
Oscar: Please don't
Ilaix: I wanna hear his dad jokes
Oscar: No you don't
Ilaix: I do
Ansu: No you do not
Carlitos: Imagine if you walked into a bar and there was a long line of people waiting to take a swing at you.
Carlitos: That's the punch line.
Riqui: Look what you did now
Carlitos: Why did the stadium get so hot after the game?
Ilaix: Idk, why?
Carlitos: Because all the fans left.
Ilaix: GOSH
Ansu: Which dimension doesn't have Carles telling jokes in it? I would like to go there.
Carlitos: I don't play football because I enjoy the sport. I'm just doing it for kicks!
Ronald: Shoot me.
Arnau: Okay we get it Carles.. Please stop
Ilaix: I regret asking
Iñaki: 😵😵😵
Carlitos: Five out of four people admit they're bad with fractions!
Dembz: This is the bad place
Carlitos: Ilaix asked 😌
Sergiño: Some questions never require answers. THAT WAS ONE OF THEM
Carlitos: Ask and you shall receive.
Ilaix: Thanks I hated them I would like to give them back.
Carlitos: No returns. No refunds.
Ilaix: 😫😫
1 April 2021
Pedri: Guys
Pedri: Nevermind
Riqui: ??
Pedri: I'll tell you ON Pm
Riqui: Okay
JC: 🤨🤨🤨
JC: What was that about?
Iñaki: 🤷🏼‍♂️
Oscar: Who the hell knows
Unknown number joined via invitation link
Frenkie: Hello??
Francisco: Hiya!
JC: ????
Pedri: Hi there
Ronald: Who is this now?
Ilaix: 🤷🏿‍♂️
JC: I don't like this! Identify yourself!
Dembz: Let them breathe fréro..
Riqui: Um.. who is here?
Carlitos: You are the admin idiot!
Riqui: But I never gave the link to anyone other than Leo!
Carlitos: FUDGE
Carlitos: FUCJ*
Carlitos: FUCKING FUCK*****
Pedri: He wouldn't though
Frenkie: Yeah I think so too
JC: WE ARE EXPOESD NOW! This is all your fault @Carlitos
Riqui: TO LEO!!!
Pedri: Guys.. I'm sure there is an explanation
Sergiño: Agreed
Sergiño: but also.. this is still sus
Unknown number joined via invitation link
Sergiño: Okay.. now you can panic
Frenkie: 🧐
Oscar: Um.. who?
Riqui: Who is this??
Ronald: 2 new people??
Arnau: Who?
Ronald: Idk I just got here
Ansu: Oh dang
Riqui: We should stop talking.. maybe they would speak then
Ansu: Okay logical?
Arnau: That clearly worked.
Riqui: 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
Unknown number: Hello idiots
Riqui: Calm down
Ansu: *Runs*
Ansu: I wish I can irl
Pedri: Soon
Ansu: 💜
JC: i cannot..
Unknown number: Hello morons
JC left
Arnau: 😵
Unknown number: Wow that really was easy
Unknown number: Yes it was
Iñaki: So it really is 2 people
Ronald: hm
Oscar: Jordi and Geri?
Unknown number: HAHAHAHAHAHA
Ansu: 😠😠😠
Riqui added JC
Unknown number: 😈😈😈
Iñaki: It's 23:00 and no one is talking.
Iñaki: It is both peaceful and unsettling.
Frenkie: Very
Arnau: Thanks??
2 April 2021
Unknown number: Alex😜😜
Unknown number: Konrad 😎😎
Ronald: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Unknown number: It was Riqui's idea
JC: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Unknown number: And Pedri and Fran
Ansu: GASPS!!!!!!!
Arnau: YOU SNEAKY SOBs!!!!!
Francisco: 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇
Frenkie: I'm actually impressed
JC: I hate you three
Pedri: Hahaha it was April fool's!
Iñaki: I knew I smelt something fishy
Dembz: WOW
Dembz: 😂😂 good one
Riqui: 😉😉😉
Arnau: Who was the mastermind behind this?
Pedri: Fran
Francisco: Hahahahahaha
Unknown number: Okay.. See ya
Ansu: Bye whoever that was
Unknown number left
Unknown number: That was Konrad..
Unknown number: Ciao for now
Riqui: Adeu!
Pedri: ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
Unkown number left
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Riqui: HAHAHA I wonder what that message he sent to Leo was 😂😂😂
Pedri: OMG Hahaha poor Antoine
Francisco: I wonder if we all send Leo a message who he will reply to first.
Ronald: NO
Arnau: Fran you've been hanging out with Riqui way too much
Dembz: HAHAHAHAHAHA He does talk a lot! Can you blame him
Riqui: I wouldn't but sure
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Riqui: HAHAHAHAHA that's because he is always here Clem
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Ansu: I remember that hahaha I was very confused at first
Frenkie: That was nothing.. I almost sent something to the main one that was meant for this GC!!!
Ansu: OMG
Frenkie: Yeah, close call hahaha
Oscar: Whenever he is asked if he can be considered *insert particular position*
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Frenkie: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Dembz: 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑
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Ansu: Your bestie
Dembz: EX BESTIE. FRIENDSHIP WITH ANTOINE ENDED. Sergiño is now my best friend
Dembz: 😂😂
Sergiño: 🤜🏽🤙🏽
Dembz: 👊🏾🤙🏾
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Oscar: He really went for you neck huh
Dembz: RIGHT?!
Dembz: He's not lying
Pedri: Yes 😂😂😂😂😂
Carlitos: MEAN!!!
Francisco: HAHAHA
Carlitos: I hate you guys
Riqui: Love you too rizos
Carlitos: 💙fuck off
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The Choking Game
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Erik sat in the emerald green throne chair of Hennessy’s bedroom, feet propped up on her desk. He’d just finished his nightly workout, and his studded chest shined with sweat. The Gatorade Hennessy had waiting for him was gone in 2 big gulps, a sign that he’d pushed himself hard. She stared as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down like an egg caught in his throat. There was a small hole in the toe of his sock exposing his glossy toenail painted with clear polish done by Hennessy's hand. She chuckled softly to herself at the memory of the night he let her do it.
“What’s so funny, lil girl?”
“Oh nothing,” she lied with a smile.
“That typically means it's something.”
“Does it really?” she asked, still feigning ignorance. He pulled her onto his lap kissing her shoulder.
“Yes ma’am,” he answered in between soft kisses to her skin.
“Well maybe this time is different,” she replied between her mewls.
“Connerie,” was his response as he traded the soft kisses for slightly rougher nibbles to her skin.
“Waaaait,” she whined. “I thought I was supposed to be giving you a massage.”
“Massage me then, Princess. What oil you using?”
“Homie whipped up some homemade shea butter. It’ll leave you feeling softer than a baby’s ass, braille bumps and all,” she giggled. He replied with a rough smack to her ass.
“Keep talking shit ma,” he threatened, his Oakland twang creeping out a bit. Hennessy stood to retrieve the shea butter smoothing it into his skin with deliberate motions. He let his eyes fall closed, allowing himself to fully enjoy his wife’s strong yet gentle small hands as they relaxed the kinks in his weary bones. She used her knuckles to knead the skin of his shoulder blades and spine then used her finger tips to massage his neck and temples. When she was done, she fell back onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Daka,” she cooed as her fresh set of coffin nails found their way into his scalp.
“I have a question.”
“And I may have an answer.” She smirked, letting a finger snake its way into his Cuban link chain.
“What would happen if I did this?” She slid out of his lap and turned to face him. She let her hand travel up his stomach to his sternum and finally to the chain that rested snuggly against his chest. He watched as she grabbed ahold and twisted so that it choked him ever so slightly. His eyes grew wide as he stared up at her, his top teeth sinking into his plump bottom lip. His grip tightened on her hips as she twisted the chain even more.
“I don’t think those were words, Daddy.” He hissed softly, his eyes darkening with lust as he stared up at her.
“Fuck Auré. You teasing me,” he moaned.
“How? I just asked a question that I’m still waiting patiently for the answer to,” she responded with a giggle, still maintaining her grip on his chain.
“Am I intruding?” Charlie called from the doorway of the bedroom.
“Daddy’s being mean. I asked him a simple question, but he’s ignoring me.”
“Well that’s rude of you, N’Jadaka. Answer the little nugget.” She entered the grand room and approached the duo, her observations clueing her in to what was happening. “Well isn't this something. Don't mind me.” She took a seat on the desk next to Erik's feet to watch.
He bit his lip again, knowing that there wouldn’t be an easy way out of this.
“It turns me on,” he moaned softly.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Hennessy asked, twisting the chain once more. Erik’s hips began involuntary jerking, slowly thrusting upward. His eyes bucked again, a silent plea for her to not make him repeat what he had just said, but he knew better. King Hennessy wasn’t one to go easy, especially when it came to the brattiest brat in The Kompound.
“Oh my,” Charlie grinned leaning forward to watch. He was forgetting himself. That massage must have truly worked wonders.
“Say it again, my love,” Hennessy coaxed with soft strokes to his cheeks.
“It turns me on,” he grunted through clenched teeth.
“Aww Daddy Brat has a choking kink,” Charlie teased and she ran the heel of her YSL pump up and down his inner thigh. “Why.. does it turn you on, N'Jadaka? You've neglected to share that part. Is it the feeling of her fingers pressing and twisting the cool chain so that it winds and tightens, squeezing your neck so tightly that you lose your breath? Is that it? Do you like the feeling of losing control? Knowing your very life is in the hands of one of the brats you discipline?”
“Fuck,” was all he could say in response as his dark eyes bounced between his wives.
“Is your neck phallic representation? Are you imagining how tightly that meat stick between your twitching thighs could be squeezed? By those soft, small hands nonetheless. So feminine. So powerful. Address her by her title, N'Jadaka.”
“Yes, King Jade.”
Charlie slid her heel to the seat of his pants and applied mild pressure. “Don't look at me. Look at her. What is her name?”
“K-King H-Hennessy,” he groaned. If there was some sort of euphoric purgatory between Earth and the Ancestral Plane, Erik was there.
“Tighter,” Charlie requested and Hennessy happily obliged, applying more pressure to her husband’s thick neck.
“This is what you do to us, N’Jadaka. You toy with our bodies and minds in whatever way you see fit until we’re putty in those stubby fingers of yours. How does it feel for the shoe to be on the other foot?”
If he were in the presence of anyone else, there was no way in hell Erik would be whimpering and moaning the way he was, but because this was a side of him that only his first, fourth, and seventh wife could bring out of him, he relished it.
“I love it,” he smiled.
“Words of a masochist,” Charlie said retracting her foot only to have Erik grab her by the calf, putting it back.
“I'd like to try something. May I,” Charlie asked Hennessy before she made a move. Standing from the desk, she pushed Erik's feet down to the floor and straddled his lap, grabbing the Cuban link chain from Hennessy and twisting it tightly causing his chin to raise.
“Hey Mikey, I think he likes it,” she teased scratching the fingernails of her free hand down his bumpy chest and down his stomach into the band of his briefs. She squeezed him there with equal tightness biting and tugging on his bottom lip before releasing all three at once and returning to her spot on the desk. Erik whined pitifully when she left his lap.
“That's all. You kids have fun. I'll watch,” she grinned staring Erik down. He was panting like a dog in heat. Well technically, he was a dog in heat. His hardened member throbbed in his pants while his wives taunted him. Hennessy regained possession of the Cuban, twisting it around her hand while whispering the filthiest things in his ear in French. Charlie watched with a smirk, recording the entire ordeal for research purposes. It was a solid look into the thoughts and inner workings of a known sadist moonlighting secretly as a masochist. This was a private piece of his identity and a face he never revealed to the world.. and now it was on camera in Charlie's gallery. She hummed chipperly.
“Judging by that growing wet spot in ya pants, I think you’ve got something to ask me, N’Jadaka,” Hennessy quipped as she released her hold on the necklace before tightening it again.
“M-May I cum King Hennessy?”
“Cum? Already? We’re just getting started, Daddy.”
“N'Jadaka. Have you ever been waterboarded?” Charlie noted Erik's thrown expression. “I'm thinking of creating our own version of that. Wouldn't it be better if you were smothered by vagina rather than a shirt? Drowned by Hennessy rather than water?” His expression changed to something a bit more excited. Hennessy’s eyes shined with mischief the more Charlie spoke.
“Whatchu tryna do, wifey?” the small princess questioned.
“I'm trying to see you smother our lovely husband with that dangerous cooch of yours, but don't remove the panties. Let him suffer. Henny smiled a devious smile as she hoisted herself onto her husband’s lap and then up to his face. She gripped his dreads with both hands as she guided his head between her legs, allowing the soft satin of her panties to caress his face.
“Gahdamn,” he groaned, his nails digging into the arms of the chair.
“No one gave you permission to speak, N’Jadaka. Smother him so he can't breathe let alone speak,” Charlie goaded admiring the view.
“Yes King Jade,” Henny obeyed, pushing their husband’s face deeper between her plump thighs. The feeling was unlike anything Henny had ever imagined. The soft satin coupled with the warmth of his skin and breath had her dripping, leaving slick snail-like trails along his cheeks.
“Permission to touch you, King?” Erik called out, his voice muffled by his wife’s vagina.
“Permission denied,” Hennessy moaned, causing Erik to whimper as his nails dug deeper into the arms of the chair.
“Ooh the Jaguar about to come out,” Charlie teased before giving further instructions.
“You’ve got 5 minutes to make her cum without using your hands and tongue. Get creative. I need to see this, I might learn something,” Charlie said zooming in on the footage. He blew his lips like a raspberry making a noise that sounded like a propeller. It seemed to work because Hennessy reacted. She rolled her hips, pushing his face even further between her legs. She was now using his nose as a clit stimulator and boy was it doing the trick.
“1 minute,” Charlie announced as she moved to get closer. She wanted to capture it all, right down to Hennessy’s love faces. The tiny princess’ body went into overdrive, jerking and spazzing until her release coated the seat of her panties and the tip of his nose.
“Do over. I can beat that time,” Erik pleaded, keeping his hands down.
“Not tonight, Daddy. I have other plans for us,” Hennessy murmured softly draping her arms around N'Jadaka's neck. Lovey dovey mode was back in effect.
“Welp, that's my cue. I have some online reading to do. I shall see you two in the morning.” Charlie stood and made her way to the door as Hennessy and Erik continued nibbling on each other's lips, caught up. The next round would occur behind closed doors.
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asteriaslair · 3 years
Welcome into my lair. Here, i will just share a few things. Drawings, maybe writings, photos (mostly of my family cats, (especially mine, because I love him so much), my bunny and my dogs), or even esoteric things... Things that makes me happy. But first, a little presentation.
My name is Asteria, I'm 25. I'm living in France, at the extreme south, and I'm half spanish. Pronouns? She/her, they/them. But you can call me any, I don't mind!! :)
I am a Disney lover since I was a child. I know all songs and could sing until my vocal cords give up on me.
I love drawing, and I started my first digital one !
I really like cooking and make pastries.
I am kin on supernatural things, witchcraft, lithotherapia, mythical and magical creatures, legends, cartomancia.... This world of the unknown is so exciting !!
I've been a urbexer for a while, but with covid, I can't do shit rn.
I'm a BIG gamer. Especially Minecraft and most survival horrors. Did every Resident Evil, most indies... But I love simple survivals, and adventure type of video games. I'm a Zelda franchise enthousiast as well !!
Nature, especially mountains and forests are my favorite places to be, and rain and snow are my favorite weathers. I could stand in the rain, I wouldn't mind.
I'm watching streamers and youtubers since more than 10 years. I'm a Big fan of Technoblade, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Pewdiepie, Corpse, Wilbur Soot, Dream, Philza, and many more !!
And I think i've said most things I could. If you have any question, please, ask it ! I'll be glad to answer it. And sorry if I make english mistakes or anything, this isn't my first language, though I love speaking it !!
The photo is by my best friends, Sarah Marchipont. She's a french photographer, specialised in fairy tale and equestrian type of photos and she's extremely talented. Linking her insta here! Go follow her!
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