appropriatelystupid · 3 months
omfg the food truck au is giving me LIFE!! i’m so intrigued by how you’re going to have them meet (you may have mentioned it already at some point but my brain doesnt retain a thing lmfao)??
and also if it’s kara’s food truck that miraculously has lena having proper meals, jess would be SO pleased😂
food truck is *cue that oprah gif* EVERYBODY GETS A FOOD TRUCK!!!
i’ve waffled on the details a bit but currently it’s sits at:
lena, upon turning 18 and getting her sizable trust fund, completely removes herself from the luthor world and starts a soup restaurant in metropolis
she names is soupergirl after their local hero (kara isn’t “out” yet in nc)
eventually it’s still successful but lex does his lex thing so lena opts to move to nc and open another restaurant there, and with jess in store she is eventually convinced to join the food truck scene
cue national city priding themselves on full springs and summers of food truck events and fairs and stuff that lead to our gang all meeting and crossing paths
edit: oh and lena is horrified to discover how much she enjoys kara’s truck steamy wieners (an actual real existing truck)
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littlemousejelly · 8 months
hi lmj i hope youre having the best day! i wanted to pop in and say that i do in fact think of the spitroast fic every time i see a superreigncorp gif on my tl thank you very much—its wild what that fic has done to my brain!!
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naralanis · 8 months
20 Questions
Thanks @silv3reyedstranger for the tag! My meeting can wait, this is more fun lol
How many works do you have on AO3?
44 (my wife's saying it's bad luck, so I guess I better make it 45 soon)
2. What's you total AO3 count?
601,330 which is weirdly way more than I expected but also way less? How dare AO3 not count all the words I've never posted, this is homophobia
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I got my start in the Devil Wears Prada and Harry Potter fandoms, and then the supercorp gifs pulled a bag over my head, tossed me in a van, and made me hyperfixate on a really bad but really gay show, so. I've also written for Xena Warrior Princess and ATLA/ATLOK, but I've never posted for those. There is an errant OUAT SwanQueen one-shot out there, courtesy of some insane people I love.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In order, they’re Perhaps, For the Better, Perfect, The Date and, surprisingly, The Wrong Way. I didn't expect that last one at all, to be honest.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do appreciate every single one (they’re a writer's main source of nourishment) but I am terrible at responding to each and every one. There will be times where I'll go on comment-replying marathon and then I forget about it for like, a year. My bad! I do love all the comments and I re-read them all the time when I'm feeling kind of shit. They bring so much joy to my heart and occasional (happy) tears to my eyes.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Unshackled, but I'm not sure if that counts because the happy ending came in part two. But for the people who didn't know there was a part two… that was probably the angstiest I've managed! I love angst, but I have to have the happy ending, whether I'm reading or writing it.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oof, I don't know. I try to have happy endings to most things. I think the one that jumps to mind is i don't know how to dance so slow (to keep up with you). I don't think it's necessarily the happiest ending, it's just this whole fic plays in my head so clearly, almost like it's a movie, and it just gives me the good feels. It's short and sweet, and it makes me happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I think if I wrote more I'd get some lol. I used to get some trolls here and there, especially flames back on FanFiction.net. A couple on Perhaps, but the Cissamione peeps were awesome helping me deal with them. Nowadays everything's pretty chill.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
*points at The Adventures of Soft Butch Hermione*
Not to mention all the stuff I don't post. Smut has to be just right to make the cut. Nothing too crazy, but ya know I have to sprinkle some praise kink in there.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nope, and I don't think I ever will. The most I've done is borrow other characters from within the same universe (see Luthor Motor Racing AU), usually as a joke/easter egg. I'm usually not a fan or crossovers (writing or reading), but there are a handful of exceptions here and there.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
HAHA yeah. A couple of times. Usually found on Wattpad, or translated into Portuguese and posted to some Brazilian site without my permission. Side note, why is it always Brazilians. I'M ONE OF YOU, PLS
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! To Russian, French and Mandarin (with permission) and Portuguese (without), at least as far as I know. I'm totally cool with translations, just like. Ask me first, give me the credit for the original work, and send me a link! I love to see translations of my stuff, especially if it's in a language I can speak.
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
@shadowdianne and I had some incredible back-and-forth a few years back, but it never really went anywhere (although I maintain our ideas were FIRE). It was a frankly amazing take on Narcissa as a character, with some sprinkle of a Narlily friendship and Cissamione endgame. We both had other stuff going on, so it never really developed further, but I still have the docs with all of our ideas and frankly hilarious commentary.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Don't make me pick just one, I can't.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
At this point, all of them I think? Brain's just not braining that way.
16. What are your writing strengths?
It used to be world-building and environment descriptions, but to be honest I haven't flexed those writing muscles in ages. I think I can tell a lot with not much real-estate. I also think my readers/fellow writers would be better at answering this one lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The writing part.
Jokes aside, it's actually stringing a plot together. I write by vibes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I technically speak four languages, but I always worry whether whatever foreign language dialogue I insert sounds genuine enough to sound like a native speaker, so I always ask for a second (and a third and fourth) opinion anyway.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter, on a little known (to Americans) social media platform known as Orkut, and then on FFNet. Then I deleted all traces of that and had a fresh start with Devil Wears Prada.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
It's like asking me about my favourite child. Right now it's while all of the lines are blurring, which is a WIP but I just have. SO MUCH. To add to it. AND  I DON'T HAVE THE TIME OR BRAIN CAPACITY but I. Love that plot in my brain. Maybe one day.
I won't tag anyone this time around, but writer peeps, feel free to take it and run with it!
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unnaturalceilings · 11 months
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My @supercorpbb 2023 art for @silv3reyedstranger ‘s oh how love stings 💪☀️
Art on ao3
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yanana94 · 7 months
WIP title game
Thank you to @silv3reyedstranger for tagging me. I actually had to look up my to-write list to answer this one as I'm currently not actively writing fic. They're all Cissamione unless mentioned differently
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
A cover is not the book
The Calamity
Once Upon A Curse
A magic broomstick ride
Save me from insanity (Andromione)
Bookstore friendship
The Black Oyster (Bellamione)
oooft, that's a lot of tags. @belladonnainbloom, @blood-inthefields, @hustlingrube, @thegirl20, @twtd11 and everybody who wants to play as I clearly can't tag enough people XD
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theredcapeofk · 9 months
@silv3reyedstranger good memories from the @argo-city-exchange 2 years ago
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guessimreallyhere · 10 months
So, I'm brushing off a year and a half of dust and cobwebs later today to post my art for the 2023 @supercorpbb.
But! I want my first post back to be a shoutout to the two amazing writers I had the privilege of working with behind the scenes.
It was soooo easy to cheerlead for @silv3reyedstranger and their excellent piece "Oh How Love Stings."
And it was a pleasure to be one of the beta readers for @theredcapeofk and their thrilling "Don't Leave Me!"
Separate reblogs to follow. Go check out their hard work and give them all the love!!
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hpsaffics · 11 months
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HP Saffics Summer Exchange 2023: Treats Day 4
🏖 For mouldy_voldy 🏖
come take a sip by @nanneramma [T, Celestina/Ginny]
Ginny Weasley hates Celestina Warbeck. Until she meets her.
What It Takes by @sugareey-makes-stuff [E, Daphne/Padma]
Daphne can't help but admire the way Padma looks on her bed.
🏖 For @picklesonjupiter 🏖
till i wake your ghost by @leftsidedown [T, Narcissa/Lily]
Lily is gone, and Narcissa lives on.
All I Ever Wanted (Is Here In My Arms) by @caitiewantstobeavadakedavrad [T, Marlene/Lily]
Marlene won’t let Lily do this alone
🏖 For @caitiewantstobeavadakedavrad 🏖
Death Eater Art Appreciation by @schmem14 [Fat Lady/Alecto]
Alecto steals Gryffindor's entrance portrait for sick and twisted reasons.
fake, until it's not by @picklesonjupiter [G, Marlene/Lily]
To get Potter off her back, Lily pretends to be in a relationship with Marlene
stay awhile, share my grief by @iamsiriuslyriddikulus [T, Narcissa/Lily]
After two years of not seeing each other, Lily shows up at the Malfoy Manor to tell Lily something.
🏖 For @silv3reyedstranger 🏖
Jealous One by @siriusly-sapphic [G, Hermione/Narcissa]
Narcissa meets Crookshanks after staying the night at Hermione's.
Single by @lumosatnight [T, Hermione/Andromeda]
“Hello? This is Hermione Granger. I requested a single room, not a shared room with a single bed. I would like to switch rooms.”
🏖 For @sliebman10 🏖
under the light of the moon by @leftsidedown [G, Minerva/Poppy, Lavender/Parvati]
It's the full moon, and Lavender's worried.
Cosy Night In by @schmem14 [M, Lavender/Parvati]
Lavender and Parvati try to get ready for date night, but their twins have other plans.
Read all double drabbles in the collection on AO3!
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an-organism · 1 year
15 questions etc etc you get it
1. Are you named after anyone?
me and my siblings are all originals and i'm proud of that first of our names baby
2. When was the last time you cried?
i want to say a couple weeks ago? what is time really
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
i joke a lot but i wouldn’t necessarily describe it as sarcasm, i’m just an unserious person
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
usually hair and clothes. i’m shallow
6. What color are your eyes?
blueish greenish greyish
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
i love any and all horror but i’m also totally weak for a solid rom-com so uhh both
8. Any special talents?
i’m a great driver. nothing has ever touched my car that wasn’t supposed to (except when i failed my first parallel parking test by backing into a pole but that wasn't my car so it doesn’t count). undefeated behind the wheel
9. Where were you born?  
amewica 🤠
10. What are your hobbies?
writing, gaming, have played guitar on and off for like a decade, got really into baking for a minute but that time has long passed
11. Do you have any pets?  
used to have family pets, none of my own
12. What sports do you play/have you played?  
i played soccer when i was very little (5 or 6?), mostly picked flowers and did cartwheels on the field, did not contribute to the game whatsoever. also i took like three kickboxing classes a few years ago
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. Dream job?  
focused on games writing! narrative director somewhere in the indie-AA space sounds like a dream
(thank u @silv3reyedstranger and uhhh here @arthousedyke @siriusly-sapphic @naurcissamilfoy and whoever else i don't know fifteen people what am i a census taker)
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searidings · 2 years
ms dings i just think you’d like to know that olympic gold medalist laurie hernandez said that for all the things my hands have held is one of her all time fav sc fics
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bro what. WHAT WHAT W H A T I AM
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i-am-robie · 2 years
hi robie! quick question, were you the one who had beef with kara's s5 and s6 lipstick? or am i mixing it up with someone else? i remember seeing someone's tag and was inspired so i wrote a little fic, but now i can't remember who it is and i wanted to give credit:/ thank you! hope you're having a lovely day:)
A fic? Awesome!!
Honestly I can’t think of a person on my dash who DIDN’T have beef with that lipstick (cw don’t interact)
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appropriatelystupid · 5 months
this is. SO supercorp😭 honestly so iconic
i’m just picturing kara there with alex with some wannabe frat bro in front of them so kara is just
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and just behind her is lena (there with jack a la stay the night vibes) like
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and then later the kiss cam starts up and tries to get lena and jack but she just pulls kara around by her jacket instead
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littlemousejelly · 8 months
i would j like to say that that’s a very nice girl tum
heehoo tyvm i grew it myself! 😊
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naralanis · 1 year
would you mind terribly answering the questions associated with 🥺 and 🤩 if you haven’t already? i’m a huge fan of your work—thank you for doing what you do!!
*blows dust off the inbox* Sorry for taking so damn long!
I have answered the first, but I'm happy to do it again!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
My versions of the "Oh" moment. That moment when they realize all they've ever wanted is right in front of them and they make the decision to go for it. I love writing it, I love reading it.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Depends on the fandom, really. On one hand, I love writing characters like Lena Luthor because she has so much depth. On the other, I like characters like Narcissa Malfoy because canon has given us fuck all so I'm pretty free to write her however I want (and I want her to be a big ol' gay).
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itllsetyoufree · 3 years
if you wouldn't mind, 17, 28, 98?
Hello I didn’t forget about you
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
At the moment it’s a pair of white adidas sneakers because quarantine but normally some heeled leather boots before summer kicks in
28. five songs to describe you?
Woooooo boy okay v important to note I almost never listen to song lyrics so it’s all about the ~vibe~ of the song u feel me
America - Simon and Garfunkel
Panama - Van Halen
Sex on Fire - Kings of Leon
The World is Ours - Sinclair
The Wild - Mumford and Sons
98. favorite historical era?
2010 was pretty chill
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olivieblake · 4 years
Hi Olivie! I've noticed that you give really good advice on issues brought up by fellow tumblrs so I'm wondering if you could answer mine? I've had a history of being *very* bad at recognising when someone is flirting with me, and recently, a guy has been texting me constantly with a heavy dose of emojis. I'm not sure if he's interested in me romantically or if he's simply *super* friendly? For more context, he said his goal is to make me laugh, "If we're ever somewhere and we see spiders I'll take care of them", and he constantly checks in to see if I'm having a good day. Another issue is that I'm very much uninterested; how should I go about telling him that? Thank you!
ah yes, the age old difficulty, What Does This Mean. answered to the best of my ability in this video! 
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