#if you tell me you don't think ANY of her songs are bangers you're a liar. you're lying to me
aerithisms · 1 year
"taylor swift doesn't know what it's like to be a normal person so she'll never be able to write about certain experiences the way other artists can" is a fair critique of her as an artist but i will say i think if you think all she's trying to do is play pretend as a normal person and that she's never written anything profound about her specific life experiences you just don't know her discography. her songs ABOUT fame have produced some of her best lyricism because she understands fame in a particular way that very few people on this earth do. and while she has never been a normal adult she WAS a normal child/teen and i think the way she's able to write about that in retrospect now has also produced some of her best work. no she's not a groundbreaking unique poet but just as a lot of swifties overstate her poeticism i think a lot of people who don't like her do understate it
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live-laugh-lenney · 6 months
platform roulette | arthurtv
i've seen so so so many of these on my dashboard recently and i loved every single one i read/saw so lots of inspiration has come from it... testing the waters... seeing how well they go down... :)))
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yourinstagram never too early to start on the grind. (but first, i need an iced coffee).
user1 where are you going??
user2 that's st pancras right?? international girly!!
user3 is this for an arthur hill video?? man's taking us all international now!! can't wait for the banger video you put together <3333
arthurnfhill Bloody hell, you're there early. -> yourinstagram hurry up, maybe?? -> arthurnfhill @/yourinstagram George was late waking up. Honest. -> georgeclarkeey @/yourinstagram @/arthurnfhill False. I think you will find that it was Arthur making us late... slept through that alarm.
user4 An Arthur Hill x George Clarke video incoming! -> yourinstagram don't you dare forget the little cherub that is @/arthurtv. -> arthurtv @/yourinstagram What have I told you about calling me that??
arthurtv Not very summer attire that jumper... Am I the only one that will be wearing shorts today?? -> yourinstagram preparing for any kind of weather, i guess. you never know what'll happen.
user5 the arthur hill reference in the caption killed me. -> yourinstagram it's a certified banger. (the coffee, not the song, btw). -> user5 @/yourinstagram howling. i love you so much
yourinstagram posted a story
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[caption] filming something spectacular today 🎥 tagged; arthurtv, arthurnfhill, georgeclarkeey
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yourinstagram i see you girlies are starved of content. i hope you're hungry...
user1 she's one of us.
user2 oh good lord. where are you?
chrismd10 Thank you so much. My tummy is full up now. -> yourinstagram i left my phone unattended and now have a whole folder in my phone full of their shenanigans today if you want them for the bank later on? ;) -> arthurtv @/yourinstagram Please don't do that.
user3 why is she there??? who is she??? -> yourinstagram i'm one of arthur's videographers, babe... have been for a while. feeding you girls the content you deserve. all the credit that goes to him should go to meee <33
-> user4 you deserve an award for a, the insanely good content you give us. and b, having to deal with the insanity of men when they're drunk. -> yourinstagram The three of them turn into children when they get together and have a few drinks. It's funny watching it unfold.
user5 oh good lord. george and the two arthur's with alcohol can only mean one thing: trouble. -> yourinstagram you're correct. today was like going out with three kids. you'll be able to feel my pain in the video. just you wait for the video to be posted and you'll understand.
yourinstagram posted a story
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[caption] the perks of filming with arthur hill means i get to break into the arthur hill bank account and order the expensive beers. 🍺 tagged; arthurtv, georgeclarkeey, arthurnfhill
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yourinstagram we somehow ended up in deal and it's become my favourite seaside town this year. platform roulette coming soon!
user1 what the hell have you been doing today?
user2 please tell us when it'll be out. i'm so so excited for this.
georgeclarkeey Of all the content you took and videoed today, you posted that weasel? -> yourinstagram @/georgeclarkeey he's a cute weasel?? -> arthurtv I'd rather be called cherub. -> yourinstagram @arthurtv sorry, my cherub weasel. <33
arthurtv We should go definitely back. -> yourinstagram will you also pay for my train fare like @/arthurnfhill did for me today?? -> arthurtv @/yourinstagram Of course. Not very gentlemanly of me to make my girlfriend pay for a date. -> arthurnfhill @/yourinstagram It was work-related. Wouldn't have paid for you if it was just for fun. x -> yourinstagram @arthurnfhill my resignation will be in the post.
user3 Has YN just hard-launched her relationship with Arthur? -> user1 check out the comments under his comment above. without a doubt... they've not just hard-launched them, they've practically shoved it down our throats. -> user3 @/user1 Oh my god. -> user2 @user1 I KNEW IT!!!! STAN TWITTER CAN DO ONE!!!
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maguro13-2 · 4 months
Kohaku : (sighs) I'm no interested on my intellects, but I' heavily off guarded of how does being lewd bait feels...Sounds very intriguing and yet disturbing. I don't know if the fans will recognize this as an appeal for my appealings.
Ginro : Oh, lucky me. That's an odd question for ya, if you feel like that you're being lewd baites by geeky fans that have a much weirder side for the extra levels major bangers, why don't you tell how science proves Lewd Baiting is a sexual minor details.
Kohaku : Well...I believe it has something to do with us lewd bait, maybe it's yours to have an appeal to deal.
Ginro : (sweats nervoulsy) An appeal, wh...What appeal? I don't know any appeals, have I? Do you know someone that have any appeals?
Kohaku : Oh yes, you have appeal of being lewd baited. How does it feel to get your juices wet? You don't even know what virgins do when they ooze a lot juices from our virginity.
Ginro : D'ohhh...
*cuts to an imaginary scenario*
Ginro (as a Hot Dog) : [in a panicked tone] Wait! No, no, please! I don't wanna be lewd baited! I don't want this! What are you trying to do?
(the bottle of mustard suddenly splatters a dollop of mustard onto Ginro as it gasps)
Ginro (as a Hot Dog) : No! Not like this this! This isn't right!
Bottle of Mustard : (in a calm deep voice) Now rubit it in. Rub it in all over.
(Ginro lies down sobbing and rolls all over the bed, coating itself with the mustard while staining the bed and the cover.)
Ginro (as a Hot Dog) : This is so embarrassing!
(Ginro continues to sob and rolling around in the mustard stained bed)
Bottle of Mustard : Oh yeah,that's the stuff, I smell it.
Ginro (as a Hot Dog) : [sobs] Oh man!
Bottle of Moustard : I can smell you from here, oh my goodness.
Ginro (As a hot dog) : Not my idea!
Bottle of Mustard (Moves closer to the bed.) Oh, if I puncture you, you're gonna ooze juices.
*imaginary scenario ends*
Ginro : Un-second thought...let's just skip the appeals and go on to do our business. Maybe we had an agreement on this whole appealing thing that is ahead of us.
Kohaku : Well, that figures. It's hardly understand that we only had the consequences on how things totally do things for this appeal. And before we go on to do our business, I got one important thing to ask. Do you know what happened to Tamaki's Lucky Lecher syndrome.
Ginro : W-What?
Amaryllis : Kohaku-san! It's really bad, something's really happening to me and I'm being turned on!
Kohaku : Turned on for, umm...what occasion.
Amaryllis : Well...It's just that I'm being turned on...
[Sexy no Jutsu song plays]
Amaryllis : [in a sexual-toned voice] To really fall for you.
*Cartoon/Anime SFX : Bounce*
Ginro : [To Kohaku] Well now, I think you're totally diggin this. I think she's like you, eh? You just got your rizz on.
*Smash SFX : Strong hit*
*bird chirping and floating around*
Kohaku : [with an anger symbol on her head] Don't even say another word!
Amaryllis : Kohaku-chan~Will you let me stay with you together? Just for the two of us. (seduces Kohaku)
Kohaku : Why does everyone think it's appealing to have something like this in a meaningless way of saying this to everyone? But this is literally legit.
*record scratch*
Senku : Hey, what are you two doing?
Amaryllis : S-Senku! W-W-We can explain!
Kohaku : Ahh, nuts.
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hychlorions · 2 years
If you had to rank each Apollo Justice case on a 10-point scale, what would your ratings be?
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honestly i like them all so much and it's been a while since i've last played AA4 so it's hard to give an answer without having to sit down and think about it :"D but assuming you wanna sit down for something long-ish, i'll start them all off on a perfect 10 and here's what i'd give deductions for:
Turnabout Trump (4-1) - i'd leave it at a 10 tbh. absolutely banger case for setting the tone for the rest of the game. i don't recall anything i disliked about it atm so i'm assuming there's nothing at all :>
Turnabout Corner (4-2) - hickfield/hotti existence. get him outta here! but on the other hand there's an exchange about klavier pausing a world tour to see the little boy that bested his brother that can mean different things depending on if you're playing the game for the first time or if you're replaying it. on first playthrough i assumed the judge's shock at klavier returning meant he hasn't taken another case since kristoph's arrest in 4-1, which. fair i guess bc prosecutors probably take cases more regularly than the waa in-universe but it's nothing to blink twice about yknow. HOWEVER replaying it after having gone through 4-4 (esp given how he mentions the gavinners to the judge) it starts to seem as if klavier ran off with his band for seven years and didn't come back until after his brother was arrested. which. >:3 hehe
-3 points for creep factor. +1 however for the simple joy of making me tear my hair out over klavier's mystery hiatus length
Turnabout Serenade (4-3) - people give this case too much shit tbh. it's the funniest case in the game and you guys just have no sense of humor 😭 me, lover of comedy, however, can appreciate it for what it is, and it's that 4-3 is the best demonstration of aa's sense of humor. my only gripe with it is that daryan's mentioned to be the first detective klavier's ever worked with. however in turnabout succession the detective shown in the flashback for the gramarye trial (klavier's courtroom debut) isn't daryan, but gumshoe. this isn't elaborated upon any further, so i am sitting here. wondering what mystery case klavier worked on that got resolved without going to court wherein daryan is the detective AND happened before the gramarye trial. i understand prosecutors but WHY pray tell are they shoving 17 year-olds into a detective position on the police force. god.
-2 for in-universe labor laws implications. +2 for klavier's weird forehead obsession (he has about three lines about apollo's forehead) and also the fact that this case has the most canonical uses of herr forehead out of all the cases in the entire ace attorney series at ~61 uses out of the total 129 (including DD). +1 more for being so rife with lines you could use as basis for headcanons ("straight except when he's depressed" "i should've learned to play guitar" "her quiet, deep song glides through the air... lilting above a sparse, but elegant piano accompaniment" i'm so sorry as a klapollo enthusiast this is the case of all time to me)
Turnabout Succession (4-4) - gorl you know the last case of the series has to be the most nailbiting one. such is the case for turnabout succession... if only the mason system didn't royally succ. do you know how hard it is to piece together the timeline for post- and pre-gramarye trial for someone like me?!?! (is forgetful) not to mention the fact that kristoph has apparently only met vera once but already knew she bites her nails when she's nervous? did you put a camera in their house or something? weirdo. however only in burning piles of rubble will real gems reveal themselves. *holding up the scene where zak explains the gramarye powers to phoenix, subsequently revealing the trucy-apollo siblingisms all along* isn't she beautiful?
-4 for being an inconvenient pain in the ass and kristoph's nail polish murder plot that crumbles under a magnifying glass and kristoph's stalking extent implications. +1 for bracelet lore you know i love me some bracelet mechanics (taps my homemade "THE BRACELET DOESN'T TIGHTEN" sign like a proud father)
Final answer:
4-3: 11/10
4-1: 10/10
4-2: 8/10
4-4: 7/10
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maluinks · 1 year
I only know taylor swift as someone who sucks ass at writing lyrics, what are the banger lyrics im missing??
lmao i totally get that. I think it will always be a bit of a personal preference thing, just like some ppl love some writing styles which others cant stand, same with lyrics.
I personally love the lyric writing that tells a good story i can see in my head, and the song creates an atmosphere which you can touch and even smell. I think Taylor's strength is in her storytelling, which shines through especially in folklore and evermore. I personally love "seven" ("Please picture me/In the weeds/Before I learned civility/I used to scream ferociously"), august ("To live for the hope of it all/Cancel plans just in case you'd call"), peace ("Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?"), "illicit affairs" ("Leave the perfume on the shelf/That you picked out just for him/So you leave no trace behind/Like you don't even exist"), "champagne problems" ("Sometimes you just don't know the answer/'Til someone's on their knees and asks you"), "cowboy like me" ("Perched in the dark/Telling all the rich folks anything they wanna hear/Like it could be love/I could be the way forward/Only if they pay for it"), "'tis the damn season" ("We could call it even/You could call me babe for the weekend/'Tis the damn season, write this down/I'm stayin' at my parents' house/And the road not taken looks real good now"), "ivy" ("Oh, goddamn/My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand/Taking mine, but it's been promised to another/Oh, I can't/Stop you putting roots in my dreamland/My house of stone, your ivy grows/And now I'm covered in you").
Now every album she releases has its misses and its hits. I don't love "Lover" that much bc it's a bit too happy poppy for me, though the song "Lover" itself tells a very palpable feeling. Other songs I like are "All Too Well" ("And you call me up again just to break me like a promise/So casually cruel in the name of being honest"), "Dear John" ("Long were the nights when/My days once revolved around you/Counting my footsteps/Praying the floor won't fall through again"), "Back to December" ("It turns out freedom ain't nothin' but missin' you/Wishin' I'd realized what I had when you were mine"), "The Story of Us" ("I'd tell you I miss you, but I don't know how/I never heard silence quite this loud"), "Clean" ("Ten months sober, I must admit/Just because you're clean don't mean you don't miss it"), "Begin Again" ("And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid/I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did"), "Don't Blame Me" ("Don't blame me, love made me crazy/If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right/Lord, save me, my drug is my baby/I'll be usin' for the rest of my life"), "Delicate" ("We can't make any promises/Now can we, babe?/But you can make me a drink").
Now many people have been dissing the latest album's cringey lyrics for a while, and while I hate them too (god the vigilante one is such a skip its unreal), i actually like some songs with cringey lyrics. "Anti-hero" really grew on me bc it's Taylor self-analising and talking about how she is her own worst critic, which is something we all experience, and I think she made it in a fun self-deprecating way in the song that still delivers the message. other songs in the album which i love and dont have those kinds of cringe lines are "you're on your own, kid" ("'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned/Everything you lose is a step you take"), "Lavander Haze" ("The only kind of girl they see (only kind of girl they see)/Is a one-night or a wife"), "High Infidelity" ("Do you really want to know where I was April 29th?/Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?"), "Would've, Could've, Should've" ("If I was some paint, did it splatter/On a promising grown man?/And if I was a child, did it matter/If you got to wash your hands?") (tbh I love all the lyrics in this song it's my fave atm).
Sorry for the long post! I really feel like Taylor's best lyrics are hidden away in her albums many times, but I do get how she gets called a good lyricist, because she is good at telling stories in them. I believe many people look at her stuff from a biased perspective most of the time bc of the way the media has portrayed her in part, and also bc she got a lot of hate from misogynists when she was young and it stayed around as mindless hate/disregard. She isnt the greatest ever but she's earned her reputation as a lyricist imo.
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stuffedsand · 4 months
Es - 1, 4, 12, and 20
Shidou - 6, 18, 23, and 25
Kazui - 2, 12, 13, and 25
Ok redoing this again 💥💥💥 thankyou for the ask rain Tumblr tried to eat it twice now
1) why do you like/dislike this character?
Ok I have a good few reasons for this!!! I love es milgram that much is obvious but my reasons for liking characters is usually really disorganized so I'll try my best
A) they're so cool looking I love their character design!!! Like holy shit. I've cosplayed them before type of good character design yk
B) they just like me fr
C) they're such a fun concept for an audience insert!! With their own opinions and morals that are somewhat shaped by the audience. Affected by but not entirely reflective of the audiences views and opinions because they're still their own character. Augh.
4) if you could put them in any other media, what would it be?
Hmm if you mean type of media I'd say video game milgram 💥 it'd be fun!!
If by media you mean fandom... Then idk 💀 I'm not the type to crossover single characters, so it'd be like. All of Milgram into something like hsr (iirc someone made this concept... I've thought about it alot but I don't remember who)
12) what's a headcanon you have for this character?
I like to think they regularly check in on the prisoners of their own will! They say it's routine checkup but realistically jackalope didn't say shit about checking in on prisoners outside of interrogations.
Alternatively I think they tend to hold jackalope while sleeping. He hates this
20) ideal best friend for this character
This one's a hard one... Within Milgram I'd say......... Yuno? Or fuuta? Just based on vibes, really. Maybe muu but I haven't watched her voice dramas yet...
6) something you have in common with this character?
He is not a character you'd want to have things in common with if I'm to be honest. Anyways.
Probably my manner of speaking? Doesn't come across as much in text because I make good use of emojis and the words lmao and lol too much. Also the rebuttal of Es' statement in trial 1 vd is something I'd do no hesitation. I was hoping he'd do that actually.
Alternatively... I guess general personality? In the whole mellow, apparently resting bitch face and unintentional aura of intimidation (friends words), and I guess being stupid and stubborn counts, yeah?
18) Relationship with another character in canon that you admire?
....is it off topic to say him and his wife. I think they were cute. Unfortunate, the use of past tense tho lmao
As of current milgram......... Idk he's not the most interactive. Seems to be just acquaintances with most other prisoners... Maybe him n Kazui? The relationship is formed on an unhealthy habit but they seem to by trying to have each other's backs and that's nice.
23) favourite picture of this character
TRIAL 2 ALBUM ART it's so pretty. The way the light flares frame his face like a "halo" in a way no other door art does. The lighting....
Honorary mention to the I think 1st anni art that I have as a standee :)
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His t2 album art makes me insane man. The fucking colours on that thing. I really like the colours purple and blue so like. Gestures. Yeah
25) What was your first impression of the character? How about now?
Oh my god you wouldn't believe. Ok so first impression was amusement if I'm fr. I thought him being the only one going "yeah I'd like to die. As atonement of course" was really funny. After that, because I did buy into the organ harvesting theory at the time, I thought the innocent vote was funny. Then triage made me cry.
Now I have Very Complicated Feelings (positive) of points at him hello Mr morally fucked up. I want to see you get worse. I am extremely strange about my favourites I think you can tell.
2) Favourite canon thing about him?
If you're talking generally then I love the songs I love half so much I love cats so much . What about him makes him always get banger songs
If we're talking traits then....I suppose it's how he acts. Like his regret for his "murder". It's so fun to spin around, that he knows it's not legally murder but by god will he feel responsible for her death, enough to consider himself a murderer. Augh
12) headcanon for this character?
I'm not gonna say he's queer I'm not gonna say that he's queer I'm not I'm a stronger person than thi
Anyways. That even years into their marriage he and hinako continued to go on little "dates" (which isn't common apparently? Not where I am)
Though that might be canon... What with that part in cat. Hm...
I like to think he did actually want to be an actor at some point. Or at least had passion in an artistic field. Oh the woes of social construct
13) emoji that reminds you of the character
I think we know. 🍏
(🥬🍏🤍🩵💙 iykyk)
What he would use tho... 👍 Probably.he feels like a 👍 guy
25) first impression vs current one
Well....on first watch of half I spent an hour analysing it, but I can't quite remember my first impression of kazui as a character...
I know I liked the theatre imagery and the implication that he was hiding something. I also remember that even then I did not believe the cheating allegations. I was right btw/silly
Now he makes me sad. I still hold a similar impression but now there's the extra thing that cat gave me of him being a liar since birth so it's not just a lie thing it's a mask to keep yourself safe thing. Aughghghg
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janggtoco · 1 year
songs you associate your moots with?
okie anon. u didn't know this but you asked someone who takes their music recs very seriously so letsgetit (i only picked songs from my fave albums & liked songs playlist, nothing but the best for my favorite people)
@seokgyuu: dog days are over by florence + the machine - the reason i picked this for mitchie is bcs literally the WEEK maybe even the DAY we started regularly talking, i instantly felt less lonely and felt more ready to just. rebuild my life. and she gave me much more motivation and inspiration and i was just a much happier person to be on this app ;-; she's the reason i'm back to being my somewhat normal self.. i'm forever grateful for her love ;-;
leave all your loving and longing behind / you can't carry it with you if you want to survive / the dog days are over / can you hear the horses? / cause here they come
@seokmins: st. patrick by pvris but also lay me down by sam smith - i mean. obviously i had to pick the song that inspired the first chapter of my own series white noise.. but lay me down.. it's just the perfect calming song. i can't explain it but it's so elv-coded for me.. both of these are tbh. elv helps me forget the bad in my life and i hope i give her even just a fraction of the comfort and happiness she gives me ;-;
but please stay / cause i think you're a saint and i think you're an angel / i said you give me something to talk about that's not the shit in my head / you're a miracle
told me not to cry when you're gone / but the feeling's too overwhelming it's much too strong / can i lay by your side? next to you / and make sure you're alright / i'll take care of you / and i don't want to be here if i can't be with you tonight
@bitchlessdino: bubblegum bitch by marina - nana just kind of own bubblegum pink in my mind right now (it's also perfect for her online theme for both of her blogs rn).. i don't think this song really embodies nana in any way other than her fierce alter ego that comes out when you wrong her or her loved ones. like she is queen electra heart what can i say!!
i'll chew you up and i'll spit you out / cause that's what young love is all about / so pull me closer and kiss me hard / i'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart
@bisexualgyu: intro/forgive me by chloe x halle but also mundo by iv of spades - listen. rhys has chloe x halle energy. don't fight me on this. like this whole album is lowkey her-coded deservedly so. and mundo is a little obvious (at least for her). she knows why <3
so forgive me, forgive me / i've been going too hard in your city / so forgive me cause i'm not teary / best believe i move onto better things
limutin na ang mundo / nang magkasama tayo / sunod sa bawat galaw / hindi na maliligaw / mundo'y magiging ikaw
@97-liners: daddy lessons by beyoncé - picked this one just bcs it tells the trials and tribulations of growing up with a tough parent and ultimately loving them through all their flaws while also realizing the trauma they put you through. not to get deep but yeah skdjfs sorry to give you a country song jackie but at least it's beyonce 😭
tough girl is what i had to be / he said, "take care of your mother / watch out for your sister" / and oh, that's when he gave to me / with his gun, with his head held high / he told me not to cry / oh, my daddy said shoot
@gguksgalaxy: bitch, don't kill my vibe by kendrick lamar - just ready to be straight chillin'. tired of the drama. here for a good time with people who also won't cause too much drama. also just a straight up club banger lol.
i am a sinner / who's probably gonna sin again / lord forgive me / things i don't understand / sometimes i need to be alone / bitch don't kill my vibe / i can feel your energy from two planets away / i got my drink i got my music i would share it but today i'm yelling / bitch don't kill my vibe
@taeiltual: nights w u by tiffany day - just such a lovely feel good person that i love talking to and always brightens my day! this song is just bouncy and lovely just like bex in my mind <3 sdkfjs
but we don't got to talk about it / i just want to dance around / all night with you, you, you, you / cause i don't wanna feel the pressure / know that I'll be better when all my nights / are with you, you, you, you
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artichow · 2 years
Hey! It’s CureDeity (sorry tumblr makes me ask from my main). I am here, in your inbox today, to rattle my little empty coin can and ask you to list some of your favorite beyblade fanfics! I’m going around asking a lot of people this, so feel free to ignore it if you want, but I thought this might be a good way for people to shout out some of the fanfic they really enjoy! Btw, if you can, I thought it would be helpful to list which site this fic was on so others could find it easier if they wanted to. Also, if you’ve written any fic (or have fic ideas, as we all know, imagining the same scene over and over again is the bread and butter of a writer), please also take this chance to have a massive, amazing ego and tell us which of your fics you're most proud of/is your favorite/etc.
oooohh yes yes yes!!!
i'll preface this by saying that i haven't/don't read as much fanfics as i want to and there are just so many amazing stories being made in this fandom honeslty!! also as a non native english speaker i'm always blown away by certain phrases or paragraphs that just scrtch my brain just right it's really inspiring to see what people can do with words in different ways and styles.
So first i thought about @little-christmas-song's secret santa gift to me so this is christmas (the war is over) because TFRGEHYSJ IT IS!!! so good!!! i loved reading it, the ideas and just the feeling of the setting being so well built around me while i read it!! the characterization was so good and that's really amazing because ryuga is a hassle to write right imo,, anyway really amazing style and i can't wait for other pieces from Song (i can confidently say the next one will be a banger :>)
then from @artisadie, her fic the previous wielder (is just a guy) was so emotional and like so nuanced too? like grhjesk i loved it the vibes were really good and the structure made it really pleasant to read
so many others i have to read (i'm sorry guysss) but one fic from @lady-lazagna that i felt was really on point character wise was Pumpkin head it is such a good Yu characterization me think and also Tsubasa's character is really interesting when laz writes him!! makes me appreciate him so much more
I really really loved @andro-dino's toby fic this body of mine, it's been a while and i forgot a lot of it unfortunately but i remember being just !!!!!! aaaaa so touched by that fic like,, it's so well written and just hits close to home in subtle ways and just makes you love Tioby even more if that's possible
But but but i also really loved constants because,, hyoma. And axel writes hyoma so well and i just love him so much
okay now for your fic deity!!! i have,, a lot but i tried to make it a little smaller selection, here it is: first i think aquario's refrain (and also aquario's reawakening) really marked me it's such a good read and expendation on hikaru's character and just,, so so good,, the way you write hikaru's mental health issues and fights is just amazing!!
then i looked through ao3 real quick just now and i thought back to mayblade, the last day actually!! chapter 18: moon this. this gingka, the way he is written and also just how you managed to write so many characters and keep the rythm going and just write an amazing conclusion in general aaaa i still love it immensely
and last but not least Gingka's also adopted?! because man... MAN!!! this fic kncked me down kicked me and brought me back to life and gave me just one of the best aus and ryo characterization ever i just love it it's so good i think it might be my favorite deity fanfic! everything, the different times it takes place in, the phoenix bit especially and just,, the feels so many feels
alright and also i want to take this opportunity to thank the people i've talked to and shared my silly headcanons, ocs and au ideas with, it really is a huge source of joy for me to connect with people through art, through this weird 13yo show we're invested in for one reason or the other. And even though i struggle with writing/can never finish any wip or plan any story for some reason i just love thinking about aus and my shoyo being part of this world too, thinking way too deeply about hyoma or ryuga's characters :') so thank you everyone who has let met talk about all of that with them i love you <3 and thank you for sharing your little aus, ideas, your ocs and everything in between with me too, it's really an immense pleasure to read and exchange about them every time!!
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I hope this night never ends pt.1
Rodrick x y/n fluff
I swear- get some headphones and listen to the song extasy by 187 strassenbande- while listening to this song this idea plopped into my mind, I usually don't listen to that typa music but it's somehow a banger?
(btw in this fic y/n is german- just cuz this song is german, so it's actually not that important for the plot, but I still really wanted to include this specific song hehe)
It all started with an invitation to a party from one of your classmates. Being the 'new girl' at Crossland High School wasn't easy at all. But luckily, you had made friends over the past month and were more than glad to finally be able to sit with people during the lunch break, rather than sitting all alone.
So, when the invitation made its way into your hands, you were more or less excited to go. Even if the party sucks, what do you have to lose? You haven't even built a school reputation yet and could just leave at any given moment if you felt uncomfortable. A win-win situation.
Even your parents were comfortable letting you go and "make new friends." Furthermore, they even encouraged it by driving you there. Not sure if your dad's old Nissan approaching the Heffley's mansion was a good thing, you went through your small purse one last time before waving goodbye to your dad and making your way up to the porch.
The loud music could easily be heard from two blocks away, and the heavy smell of weed and liquor didn't surprise you. Entering the house, you were greeted by dozens of teenagers dancing, making out, drinking, or secretly throwing up in one of the few plant vases in the living room.
"Heyyy y/n, we're over here, babe," Brittany, one of your few new friends, waved at you. She clearly wasn't sober anymore, according to the four red cups decently stacked in her right hand.
Making your way through the sea of teenagers, your heart skipped a beat as you accidentally tripped over God knows what and started falling face first to the ground. Luckily, just before you hit the ground, two strong arms pulled you back up to your feet. You were met with two brown eyes carefully eyeing you up and down.
"You're the new girl, right?" the stranger asked you, now locking eyes with you. "Yeah," was all you could manage to say, still in shock. "Well, I'm Rodrick, Rodrick Heffley. I guess I've seen you in the hallways a couple of times. And how's the hellhole of a school?" he questioned. He genuinely seemed interested in you, as you had seen him walk past you in school a couple of times, his eyes never leaving you.
"It's alright, I guess. I've seen worse, and besides, I'm already kinda getting used to it."
"Good to hear- y/n, right? Did you know I'm part of a band? You could come see us play sometime." The amount of confidence within his randomness and his smug smirk made you giggle. You already knew he must be in some kind of band or gang since he was practically only wearing his 'loaded diaper' tee, and his van was hard to overlook.
"Sure thing, Rodrick," you smirked back, playing it cool. Even though he was pretty handsome and his eyeliner really spoke to you, you wouldn't let him win you over that easily. "Sorry, but I think I've gotta go now. My friends are waiting. See you around." Without waiting for an answer, you stormed over to Brittany, now with her fifth cup of liquor in hand.
After she handed you her half-empty cup, she greeted you with a 'don't tell me you've fallen for the weird kid' look. Not giving you a second glance, she made her way to one of the empty rooms with some random guy, leaving you alone again.
She was really a loyal friend you could count on at all times. (Hope you get the joke.) Not even ten seconds later, the tall boy with the messed-up hair from earlier reappeared and smoothly placed himself next to you...
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unironicironic · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom ramble go brrrrr
Okay so goes without saying but this will have spoilers. If you'd prefer not see any spoilers then scram and go watch someone play the game (I personally recommend Quinbobin, dude's energy is fucking immaculate, he's not done with the game yet but he's in the last stretch)
But man I just wanna ramble about TotK, I'm still debating on replaying the game to really soak in more but it's been marinating in me thick skull for a bit and man do I have a bit I wanna say
Oh my god and then in that final tear/memory when Zelda takes it upon herself to swallow her secret stone despite the many warnings from Mineru that if she's to do that, there's no guarantee she'll be able to return to her former self. That takes alot of guts to do, throwing yourself away knowing fully well that you may never be the same after if there's even a sliver of hope that things can turn around and your people will be safe. The buildup was something else entirely, it starts of fairly calm, with it having bits and pieces of the BotW/TotK ost, a little of her lullaby sprinkled in, and then builds intensity as the scene goes on. Kinda like signifying that, again, she's doing this all for her kingdom and for Link. When she finally swallows the stone, it cuts to silence (save for the ambience), which kinda jars you and makes you see that hey, something's about to happen. As she begins to go through the draconification, it starts strong with her lullaby, progressing further and further into sounding more and more sinister, dark, going silent again as she tells Link to protect everyone and holy SHIT if that doesn't give you goosebumps I don't know what will. While I'm on this, I might be just reading into it too much but it almost sounds like her screaming (albeit kinda distorted) underneath her roaring as the dragon that second time she roars. Almost like that was the last bit of her in there, before she finally "lost herself" as Mineru warned her that she would
Tbh just about all of it was god tier imo. The visuals, the characters, all of it. Were there some things that could've been improved? Ofc, there's no real perfect game but fuck did this one come close
I could go on and on about just about anything you throw my way about TotK, but the real star of the show (to me anyway) is the soundtrack and all the little details in everything. I've always believed that the main three things that make or break something is the characters, the plot/story and the soundtrack. I've also always loved when there were these little details that gave whatever media it is a little more oomph. And DAMN did TotK have a banger of a soundtrack and was it packed with details
One of my favorite lil details with the soundtrack is when you're through with the Tarrey Town quest, you're able to make a house for Link, right? Cool cool, you get to do a bit of a Sims type beat, which that in itself had me giving mad props to Nintendo. And folks have been getting hella creative with their layouts, I saw this one person make their house look like the triforce if I'm not mistaken? It was cool as hell, there's a good bit of freedom. But the detail, if you listen real closely, the song that plays when you've got your house up and you're meandering around inside, it's the theme for when you're inside a building in Ocarina of Time. We already knew that there's gonna be lil nods to past games since in BotW there was a shitton already but they really bumped that up a few pegs in TotK
Another one of my favorites is in the cutscene where Rauru uses his power to keep Ganondorf on lock, as he's telling G-Money that eventually Link will come whoop his ass and to "remember his name," the main fucking Zelda theme starts playing which honestly just adds so much more fucking power to that cutscene and it had me tearing up hearing the main theme playing in the background. On that same note, in I think the last phase of the fight against Ganondorf before he swallows his stone, there's a huge throwback to BotW and you get those lil motifs of the blight battles
Yet another, at the end when you're going to catch Zelda after she turns back into her former self, the main theme for TotK is going. Cool, strong, fucking awesome right? As you get closer to Zelda, her lullaby starts playing and oh my godddd I was a mess, but then you throw in the main Zelda theme after as you're prompted to catch her and at that point you can see why the game is called "Tears of the Kingdom." Because it makes you cry, alot. At that point it's like you're coming full circle, before now you'd never failed to save Zelda, you'd always saved her before until now when you failed to catch her in the beginning. So with it starting with you not catching her and then ending with you catching her, it's like you're making up for that failure and I absolute adored that
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Kinda on the same note about the soundtrack, I think the other temples (minus the spirit temple) had the same sort of thing going but I definitely noticed divine beast/past champion themes going for the wind temple. It's not that obvious until towards the end when you've got most of the terminals, then you start to really hear motifs to the Vah Medoh theme and Revali's theme
SPEAKING OF I noticed Tulin taking on a very slight Revali-ish attitude, even the npc's had noticed and took note of it. And if you think back to Age of Calamity, in one of the cutscenes, Tulin tells Revali that he wants to be just like him once he's older, while yes I know AoC isn't technically canon it's a cute as hell thing I noticed and can't help but have a huge ahh smile on my face thinking of. Lil Tulin's growing up, and he's starting to take after his role model, fuckin adorable
There's a shitton more lil details and references but I'd be here all day if I were to attempt to mention them all
While there's def a good few positives for this game, there's also a couple negatives imo. It's mostly just personal issues but I'm sure a few folks might agree with me
So first up, why did they have to call them secret stones? It's so damn hard to take things seriously that way. It makes it sound almost like some children playing pretend. Literally anything else could've been good, much better than secret stones. Especially because the same ol phrase gets repeated over and over again when the new champions/sages learn about what happened all those years ago. It gets so repetitive man
Speaking of champions, it seems a bit like they completely forgot about the past champions and the calamity. Like nobody mentions it, save for a couple npcs for side quests, and there's no memorials from what I can tell aside from the occasional stone Zelda dedicated to the casualties, Mipha Court in Zora's Domain, and some other things but that's just about it. I get that eventually life goes on but something about them seemingly forgetting entirely about them just rubs me the wrong way. And the divine beasts, what happened to them? I've heard a couple theories that it was because they were afraid another calamity would take place and they'd get possessed all over again so they took them down, which makes sense but it'd have been so cool to see them just in the background somewhere with the scenery, withering and decaying to the sands of time. Of course they wouldn't have to be explorable, but it would've added so much more oomph imo
And don't even get me started on some of the dialogue. I mentioned the stones thing, but there was some other lines that just, eurgh. Prime example is from none other than Ganondorf himself. At the end when you go to give him a good beatdown, he goes on this sort of monologue. Which is all fine and dandy, he's a villain after all, that's what villains do. But then he goes and says shit like "weak, peace loving cowards" and that "the world should be shrouded with darkness and not bathed in insufferable light"?? That makes him sound like an angsty teen trying to sound cool and edgy, I physically recoiled a bit. Not your finest moment, G-man.
Last but def not least, they really missed out on bringing back malice. I dunno, I just feel like calling it gloom really takes away from the overarching darker tone of the game. Like having it be called malice again would really sell that TotK is a bit darker, malice sounds more life threatening and harmful. Meanwhile it being called gloom just sounds more like you're describing how the weather's gonna be that day. Plus I just think malice spawn sounds much cooler than gloom spawn by a long shot
Overall tho pretty solid game. I rate it an Uncannydorf out of ten
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aturnipsingularity · 10 months
Turnip, what's YOUR album of the year if you had to pick one? Pitch it to me, infect me with ur music taste
Okay, so I can't pick just one, so I'll throw a handful of my faves that I discovered this year into the ring. The most recent would be Eternal Blue by Spiritbox. Underrated alt/prog metal band, and I haven't heard a whole lot of others talking about them. I really like the way the first couple of tracks blend together, and the lead vocalist has an amazing voice. She has this really melodic singing that meshes well with her death growl. I also really like that there's a good mix of slower songs with the harder music. There's a lot of good variety, and the pacing is really nice.
Favorite song: Silk In The Strings
I also finally listened to The Death of Peace of Mind by Bad Omens this year. I had heard a couple of their singles before, but I hadn't checked out the full work until recently. I was really glad I did, because it's amazing. Lots of bangers in there, 10/10 would recommend. I really enjoy metal/post-hardcore in general, but the synths and electronics give the music a really nice boost to the energy (see one of my fave albums of all time -- Trauma by I Prevail). It makes it really punchy, and I love that!
Favorite song: ARTIFICIAL SUICIDE or bad decisions
I also want to recommend Take Me Back to Eden by Sleep Token, because I was very hyped for it to come out this year. However, I was let down a little bit and do have a few reservations about the album in general. I think it's great. The vibe of it is really ethereal, and I appreciate the fluidity of the songs in terms of tone and sound. But, it suffers from a lack of variety in tempo. A lot of the songs are slower, and the sequencing itself doesn't lend any room for picking up the energy it loses after the first 5 songs. I also hate the songs Are You Really Okay? and DYWTYLM. They don't feel like they belong. At all. They feel like filler/billboard top 100 and less of this otherworldy, almost ghostly sound they're trying to go for. It also took me a few listens to come around to Ascensionism and The Apparition, but I do really appreciate those songs, and I really quite like them now. It's a really good album that took a few misteps. The Summoning is so good, though. There's a reason it's their most popular song. If you're going to listen to it, I would recommend listening in the following order, because it's the best one I've found for right now. Although it's also not perfect by far, and you can hear the tonal shift after the first three songs, I think it feels a bit more balanced. I can't say I'm quite satisfied with it, but it's still a lot better imo
Drop Are You Really Okay? and DYWTYLM. Don't put them in the playlist.
1. Chokehold
2. Vore
3. The Summoning
4. Aqua Regia
5. Ascensionism
6. The Apparition
7. Granite
8. Rain
9. Euclid
10. Take Me Back to Eden
Favorite song: Euclid or Chokehold
And a small honorable mention to these albums that I finally got to listen to, but don't have enough thoughts on (yet) to rant about:
So Much (For) Stardust by Fall Out Boy
Rain City Drive by Rain City Drive
The Click (Deluxe Edition) by AJR (don't judge me I really like them)
Opal (original soundtrack) by Jack Stauber
Frontiers by Journey
Empire by Queensrÿche
4 by Foreigner
I really should have listened to the older albums sooner, but I just never got around to it -- even though I know multiple songs from each one.
I'll eventually talk about all of the other entries on this list, as well as my all-time favorites (not listed) and the other couple of recents I have yet to finish. Mostly just because I like talking about music lmao but today is not that day. Also you have to tell me about your music taste now!
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svartalfhild · 1 year
Summer Reading/Writing/Arting Tag
Tagged by @late-nite-scholar to complete this "get to know the author" tag game. Thank you~!
Tagging: @wayfaring-rune, @celamity, @boxingcleverrr, @mxphanes
1) Describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer.
Just one? Well shit, that's tough. I have so many ideas percolating in my noodle, both in terms of writing and art.
Let's see...aside from my current ongoing march of ESO fic which is very likely to continue through the rest of the year, I do have a cyberpunk novel I've been wanting to continue working on. It's currently titled Ars Voltaica, and it's set in Detroit about a hundred years from now. It's about a young woman fresh out of college who gets into a corporate sponsored debt relief program in which she has to sign a contract to work in the data entry department of said corporation for five years and also live entirely on their campus. While she's there, she becomes privy to some information she shouldn't know and oops! suddenly she has to flee for her life. And that's just the beginning! There's a lot of stuff to do with androids in there. One of the central characters, the personal assistant of the corporate boss, is an android, and he's got wild shit going on with him. A lot of my motivation for this story comes out of me being mightily salty about how bad Detroit: Become Human is lol.
Anyway! In terms of art, the main thing on the docket is doing the final player character portrait for my DnD group. He's a Fallen Aasimar Conquest Paladin who's getting his holy power from Bane but doesn't realize it yet. He's played by my friend Jim.
2) Rec a book!
Aw shit I'm not the reader I used to be, and unfortunately I've disliked more of the books I've read lately than I've liked. I can always go back to reccing the Starlight & Shadows trilogy by Elaine Cunningham for the DnD novel inclined who want to read about a drow other than Drizzt or Jarlaxle who is also a lady. The story actually explains why drow magic works on the surface when it didn't used to. Also a good series if you're a fan of fancy wizard/scruffy barbarian romances.
3) Rec a fic! (outside your character tag)
Once again, I'm not the reader I used to be, but every now and again, when I'm thinking about my love for Perc'ahlia from Campaign 1 of Critical Role, I remember AFK: a critrole MMO AU and how fucking good it was, both in concept and execution. The premise is that the characters are living in the modern world and all know each other through playing an MMO together.
4) Rec music!
Kill the Alarm's album Fire Away is nothing but bangers (especially the title song) and tastes of distilled 2008 to me. Been listening to those songs for a looooong time.
Eva Under Fire's cover of Separate Ways fucking slaps and it's been in heavy rotation lately.
5) Share one piece of advice!
Let me share a writing secret from your friendly neighbourhood linguist: in fiction, grammar is your bitch, and anyone who tells you different is trying to sell something. Obviously it's good to know grammar rules, and a certain amount of obeying those rules is necessary for coherent and clear communication, but everything after that is fair game. You can have your characters speak in run-on sentences, because people do that all the time in real life, and it doesn't even always sound awkward. You. Can. Put. Periods. In. Improper. Places. You know why? Because bending and breaking the rules can convey something that following the rules can't. Think of the way people convey tone and cadence in their posts online or in texts. You can totally do some of those tricks in your writing to get the vibe you want, especially in dialogue.
Related: "don't split your infinitives" and "never end a sentence with a preposition" are fake rules literally made up by some asshole scholars during the Renaissance because they thought English needed to be more like Latin. Don't pay any mind to that shit. You can quote me on that.
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devilbombers · 2 years
Music Rambles: Vocaloid/utaite
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for real have been living under a rock all this time because I actually only really got into the vocaloid/utaite scene only about 2 years ago. I REALLY think I missed out during it's peak.
Love or hate vocaloid, you cannot ignore the herstory and impact it has on the world
The beginning of the end
I still recall in highschool some of my friends were really into it and as a matter of fact I was constantly reminded of the fucking kagamine twins just because I have a twin lmao. I thought it was all super cringe though and I would actually get creeped out if people mentioned it and shamed them for it. oh how the tables have turned.
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cringe or not, it was impossible to ignore it or deny the yass slayery it has. Some songs I either pretended it sounded like shit and/or listened to in secret was:
butterfly on your right shoulder - the kagamine twins (#1 guilty pleasure at the time)
electric angel - the kagamine twins
just be friends - megurine luka
angelfish - rin kagamine
first love academy, school of true love - rin, len and gumi (fun fact: this is the first song i ever found with gumi in it so i actually thought gumi was a man at first. Ever since then I've accepted gumi as a trans legend lmao)
it really wasn't until I discovered reol did I actually give in to it all. Initially I thought reol's voice was unbearably high and giga's intense beats hurt my brain, but luvoratory is too good to be played once and after a few thousand listens before i knew how i felt i was hooked.
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things probably spiralled out of control for me with it all because fast forward to around 2019; miku expo begins and she ACTUALLY has a show in my city. I actually cop VIP TICKETS to go see her. This would've been the craziest shit ever to ever happen to me if it didn't get cancelled because of covid aadjasdsaldlaakl it was supposed to be my first concert too. (on a slightly lighter note; I got tickets a little while ago to go see gumi live in my city!!!!!!!!!)
thoughts on the genre as a whole
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I think the most irresistible thing about the whole vocaloid/utaite genre to me is there is no consistent genre to it. It works so well with my personal philosophy of having no favorite music genre of course I have to be so invested in it.
some producers and utaite i like:
yuu miyashita
oster project
mitchie m
Hiiragi Kirai
if you're already familar with some of these guys, you can already tell all of these artists and such are quite vastly different from each other. It's a little beautiful to me in a way how it all is how it is and you can't really see any other music subculture do something like this.
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I really want to say it's Rin Kagamine because I'm delusional as fuck and think we're the same person and most of the vocaloid songs i listen to happen to use her vocals. Some years ago during a very boring and so forgettable con I cannot remember what it was called, i was just sitting idly by my table as my friend played songs a little on their speaker. One of the songs they played was Meltdown by iroha and ever since then I can't stop playing it almost every single day and everytime even the slightest inconvenience happens to me; I will blare this song so loud in frusturation.
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Vflower is somewhere way up there with fav vocaloids. VERY unique sounding voice and I really like how producers are able to tune her very differently from each other. She's really dominating the scene lately and at this point its IMPOSSIBLE to ignore her. which is exactly why I'm so aggravated at companies and such for not letting her play live or even put her in fucking project sekai!!!!!!! how the fuck are you gonna keep putting her songs in it but not have her in it! i don't care if she's not in the same company theres no way you don't have the money to do it!!!!!!!!
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i feel like there isn't a lot of songs by Gumi by herself; i really wish there were more bangers for her. She duets extremely well with mostly rin or miku though. Her voice provider is half-filipino therfor gumi is half-filipino and my only representation in this awful world so i really like her. Very nice sounding voice, theres a lot of opportunity to use her for most things really. I have the exact same issue as i do with vflower, PUT HER IN PROJECT SEKAI AND LET HER DO MORE CONCERTS YOU COWARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Megurine Luka has the most prettiest sounding voice for sure. I would group her in my top 3 vocaloids in no particular order with vflower and rin. LOTS of nice range and there isn't much to say i can say other than shes a fucking legend and she's kind of sexy lmao.
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THERE REALLY IS NO SONGS FOR MEIKO AND IT FUCKING SUCKS CAUSE SHE HAS SO MUCH UNTAPPED POTENTIAL. Very nice almost silkyish mature sounding voice. Personally i think no one knows how to harness her voice the best than oster project. Maybe it's just because they're the only producer who makes shit for her, but I feel like maybe meiko's voice is best used in dramatic type songs with lots of classic instruments. I'm actually angry at the world for not producing her enough my god
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Ms Hatsune Miku; what can i really say except she's literally the bitch of all time. Obviously the vocaloid with the most impact for sure with what i would say is the most balanced type of voice from all the voice banks which gives her lots of opportunity to do literally any song which is exactly why she has so much motherfucking power.
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demigodsanswer · 6 days
1, 12, 19
the character everyone gets wrong
God. most of them? A huge pet peeve is when people write a fic post-TLO, but they make Clarisse the bully she was in TLT. That's always annoying.
I do think Percy and Annabeth as individuals and as a pair are the ones I'm a) pickiest about and 2) most often done poorly. Often one of them will be okay, but the other will me ... not it. Or their dynamic is just all wrong (usually Annabeth is too mean to him). They are immensely hard to write (imo), like I'm not even satisfied with how I've done it. I've found a few writers who I think write them very well (you are one of them), and I just cleave to their AO3 pages.
Nico is another one, but I hesitate to say people get him wrong, because I think a lot of Nico-centric fics are written by queer, emotionally dis-regulated teens, and it's their right to do whatever they need to do to Nico, to put him through what ever they need to put him through to feel better. I did it as a teen. It's a right of passage. You gotta get through high school somehow. So keep writing that Nico angst! I support you!
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I mean! C'mon! It's Clarisse. I have been captain of her fan club since I was on DeviantArt! You should like her because despite being a secondary character, she has incredible development and emotional complexity. She's a character who is very obviously putting on a front to protect herself, but is shown to be deeply compassionate over and over again. Also her songs in the musical are such bangers.
Also Drew Tanaka. Drew is one of the characters where I simply reject canon and create my own reality.
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
I'm not ashamed, but I do fear people will judge ... a Percy/Clarisse ship compels me. I don't think they'd be endgame. And I don't even they'd emotionally fulfill each other in any way. But I do think they should maybe hook up (either when they are single or with the consent of their partners. Neither is a cheater). Go read Stolen Chariot and their conversation in Battle of the Labyrinth again and tell me you can't see it.
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likeawolfatthemoon · 5 months
ttpd first listen opinions incoming:
fortnight- not what i was expecting at all but somehow exactly right???? like i was expecting poppy, angry, synth, with the signature post dreamy and it IS all of those things to a T but something in the narrative makes it more interesting and compelling. LOVE that she is continuing to be an author inspired by her own life. creating characters inhabited by her emotions.
the tortured poets department - ooooooooohhhhhhh oh no uh oh i was not looking out for this title track at all at it fucking HIT. who's gonna love you like me??? NO FUCKING BODY!!!!!! that's some shit. the bridge 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 about the ring 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 ohhhhh i'minsane im insane I'm snane whomstsg literally right here right now is wearing a ring on their left hand ring finger that is not an engagement ring and is not really anything but a desperate wish LMAO 🙋🙋🙋 TAYLOR I REALLY NEED TO TALK TO YOU
my boy only breaks his favorite toys - ONCE I FIX ME HE'S GONNA MISS ME????????????????????? JAIL JAIL JAIL JAIL this is a fucking bop wrapped in mental illness wrapped in a gnarly relationship dynamic. pack her up, she's coming home with me!! i found the one!!!! i mean it's been a few minutes since i heard it bc i paused and i'm typing this up so i don't remember it exactly but the line about pull my string and i'll tell you how he runs bc he's scared of loved L M A O taylor youuuuu are mean to me specifically and i love you
down bad - naked and alone in a field in my same old town that somehow seems so hollow now they'll say i'm nuts if i talk about the existence of you 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐 but also...is there going to be an alien music video. i'm being so dead serious, with the cosmic love and all the space mentions and beep boop spaceship sounds i deadass think the "naked and alone in a field" is gonna be used as an alien abduction metaphor in a mv ORRRRR i am high OR both! regardless: certified banger ✅
so long, london - .... wow. honestly i need more time to process that. not unexpected at all, but just so impactfully said and i can't remember any of it because every line hit me and knocked the last one out of my head. i need to listen 1000000 more times on repeat.
but daddy i love him - again not at ALL what i expected but oh my god???? i am so in love and so charmed by this song????? like hello country taylor 🥹🥹🥹👢 LOVE that we're flipping the convention of using religion in country songs and instead say um no actually keep your predatory misogynistic institution away from my body thx
fresh out the slammer - wearing invisible rings 😐😐😐😐😐 were they 😐😐 invisible... like 😐😐😐... the.. .😐 invisible string g 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐 this is not the cringe bop akin to vigilante shit i was expecting so i am simply processing.... so much. and like. i just have to say i love this album so much so far i love her
florida!!! - little did you know your home's really just a town you're just a guest in 🥴🥴🥴😵‍💫😵‍💫🥴😵‍💫🥴😭😭😵‍💫🥴 MAAAAAM!!!! I'M UNWELL!!!! IM GOING TO HAVE TO TELL PEOPLE ONE OF MY FAVORITE SONGS IS A SONG CALLED FLORIDA FUCKING STOP IT SONEOBE STOP THIS WOMAN
guilty as sin? - more exploration of societal perceptions of female sexuality! and virginity! and masturbation! unpacking the religious trauma of christian girlhood!!! literally i am over the fucking moon.
i can fix him (no really i can) - ummmmmmmmmm well. i liked some lyrics, i liked some music. i think this one is gonna be a grower lol
loml - fucking.........fuck. the absolute LYRICS in this bitch. my mouth is lit er a ly AGAPE !!!! i yet again need to listen to this one or twenty hundred more times to process, but also loss of my life truthers rise
i can do it with a broken heart - i like most of it! I could do without the "i'm so depressed i act like it's my birthday" part of the chorus even though i relate to it but also i just know it's gonna grow on me. right now tho.......
the smallest man who ever lived - OHHHHHH SHIT not to be that person but joe alwyn literally found DEAD IN A DUMPSTER sucks to suckkkkkk i just!!!!! damn
the alchemy - 😳 she's a rebound song....iiiiiiii - hmmmmm. people who listened to leaks and have thus claimed the good lyric urls i just wanna talk.
clara bow - OH HELL YEAH. OH HELLLL YEAH. The Themes Of It All!!!!!!!!!!! hollywood/the media/culture at large just cyclically preys on young women. THE WORLD just cyclically preys on young women. hollywood is just holding up a mirror to the rest of society!! the rest of society is failing to realize the humanity of the offerings they're served!! PERFECT ALBUM CLOSER
now that i've taken 2.5 hours to do a first listen, a quick first ranking after hearing everything only one and seeing no one else's opinions:
1. who's afraid of little old me?
2. my boy only breaks his favorite toys
3. loml
4. the smallest man who ever lived
5. florida!!!
6. guilty as sin?
7. so long, london
8. clara bow
9. down bad
10. but daddy i love him
11. the tortured poets department
12. i can do it with a broken heart
13. fortnight
14. the alchemy
15. fresh out the slammer
16. i can fix him (no really i can)
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koostarcandy · 3 years
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about Simi?
I go by Simi, my pronouns are she/her and I'm south asian!! I'm in uni, studying biomedical sciences and yes, i'm 18 ^^
p.s: i'm isfp-t, if that's of any help
who does simi stan? who/what does she love?
whew, there's so many so i'm gonna put my ults in a nice, concise list ^~^
bts: started stanning them since the ly: tear era ! few of the first songs listened to magic shop and dope, but to be truly honest with you, it was magic shop which got me into stanning them and learning their story! i am ot7 but catch me calling jungkook and yoongi my husbands >.< i absolutely adore them to pieces, they literally have my whole heart, my only loves
mamamoo: queens, i stan queens, in short. their versatility, their songs, them. i love them. there's no one quite doing it like them, tbh *proud moomoo face* the first songs i heard were wind flower and gogobebe. amazed by the contrasts, in the songs, in their genres, in them, i decided to learn more about them. i am wheein biased,, doesn't mean i love the other 3 less!!
txt: proud to be the moa who was there since the crown era !! these boys are so endearing, love their goofy selves. i love hearing their covers, their voices suit so many genres but i think my favourite has to be sk8er boi by hueningkai ! their dances always have me mesmerised, i don't think i'll ever stop loving such amazing people :D
enhypen: i-land was a rollercoaster (and rigged, fight me on that) but i love these seven bbys, always working so hard :( i always wait eagerly for their comeback, knowing they always have bangers. i always have heart eyes for them whenever they post on weverse, endeared by all their actions and honestly? amazed by all their fashion choices. icons, i tell you, i stan icons.
my favourite colours are various shades of green and purple and hence why my blog keeps 127645362791 times hehe :D
i absolutely love watching kdramas, my first ever being my id is gangnam beauty. i was hooked after that, immediately binge watching everything netflix had to offer. i bawled my eyes out for hotel del luna & twenty five twenty one and laughed until i couldn't breathe for what's wrong with secretary kim? & her private life sobbed in some of these scenes too, don't worry
what does simi not like? what's a no-no?
as many as the things i love, there's so much which i do not tolerate but i will not mention so that things don't take a negative turn.
i'm not fond of the rude comments towards the lgbtq+ community. as someone who's recently figured out her sexuality and trying to learn more, it would be senseless and pointless to poke your nose into other people's business, trying to give your opinion which, frankly, was never asked.
try your best to be kind. choose kind, be kind. anything of the opposite would come back and bite you in a bad way, sooner or later. you don't know what the other person's going through and it doesn't mean you let out your feelings in a negative way. try to find an outlet which would make you feel better, not for the worse. if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it then!
side note: no hate for my mutuals, please. i absolutely will not tolerate anything negative to them and since some of irl friends are here too and if anything happens, you're done :D
what does simi love to do?
i love writing!!
it's my guilty pleasure, my comfort. best package deal ever!!
no lies, i love writing, it's my escape from weary days. i always get inspired by songs but i still wanna write my own concepts but hey i'm working on that, don't worry!
i play the piano, but honestly? i've got a hate-love relationship with it.
i was forced into it, like any other asian kid *sniff sniff* and i had thoroughly despised it until i had simply grown to love it. i hate sight reading to this very day, musical knowledge? eh, so-so. but i just love playing it, hate the technicalities and textbooks trinity college london comes up with :)
i like to sing too!
i've been singing since i was a baby and though i've done ad jingles every now and then but not really confident of my voice? so i sing to myself mostly and it calms me down, the melody, the lyrics sometimes even singing along when i play the piano!
what can i do on this blog?
you, dear lovie who wandered here, is free to do whatever you like
laugh, giggle, tear up and sob like how i did over my fics, like/reblog if you think it's to your fancy, comment what you would like caaaaaause requests are open !!! (unless stated otherwise D:)
my asks are open, not only for writing prompts but also for ranting. wanna rant about your day? go ahead. wanna rant about this thing you saw and ppl have to know? tell me! wanna recommend me a song/drama/movie? pls do, i am running out of things to listen/watch/see >:(
that's it and i hope you've learned a lil more about me through this nutshell hehe hope you'll like it here, in my safe place!
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