#if youre gonna do it id rather you do it in the house
ghouljams · 11 months
My brain does weird things. Anyways, I think Love would steal Liebling’s seed (assuming she didn’t throw it out) and plant it for her. That just seems like a very Love thing to do.
This is really dubiously canon... Love had sticky fingers and her luck finally runs out, or does it?
You stare at the sprout pushing its way out of the dirt in your little terracotta pot. You spritz it with water, and watch the leaves curl happily. Like fingers.
"Hey Si?" You call over your shoulder. You've made some... well you hesitate to call them bad, but questionable decisions in your life. Usually your luck carries you through, but you think it may be running out on this particular gamble.
Simon hums from the couch, half listening as he sketches the monarch wing you'd found into your journal. You don't know if this is really worth his attention. You don't really know what it is. You sort of... stole it.
"Is it stealing if it was technically trash?" You ask, without really thinking. Simon's sketching stops, and he turns to look over the back of the couch.
"What did you steal?"
"Weird seed the bestie didn't want." You poke one of the leaves, letting it wrap around your finger. That gets Simon's attention. He's quick to get off the couch and over to you, pulling your finger out of the plant's grip.
"Christ Love, is that what you've been nursing all week?" Simon looks over your hand with concern, you nod until he kisses your palm giving it the all clear.
"What is it?" You poke Simon's cheek to get your hand back. He lets you go to pick up the pot and inspect the new growth.
"No clue," he tells you, "did, uh- shit-"
"Works well enough," Simon pokes at the plant, watching the leaves move, "Did she tell you want it was?" You shake your head. He pinches a leaf between his fingers, inspecting it. "Doesn't look dangerous."
"Then I'll keep watering it." Simon shakes his head but settled the pot back on the windowsill.
"We'll keep an eye on it."
"We?" Simon flashes you half a smile, you return it in full force, "I love when we do stupid stuff together."
You don't know how long it's supposed to take flowers to grow, or even how they're supposed to grow, but it feels like this is going really weird.
You stare at the giant flower bud that's blossomed in your little terracotta pot. It sort of reminds you of a cabbage. It feels like a rose when you pet it, the petals under your fingers silky and soft. You don't know quite what to do with it. Simon sets a cup of tea next to your head where you're resting it against the windowsill.
"Looking good Love," You hum at the kiss he presses against the top of your head, "How's the cabbage?"
"She's fine, still overgrown and weird." You sit up, grabbing your mug and letting Simon take over the daily plant inspection.
"Doesn't look deadly yet."
"Yet," he agrees. You both sip your morning cup and stare at your poor decision making skills.
"You haven't put any magic in it to make it big." You confirm for the thousandth time.
"Not a drop, gardener must've dreamt this up." He reminds you, also for the thousandth time.
"Maybe we can enter it in a gardening fair or-"
Simon yanks you away from the bud as the petals quiver and bloom. You're very quickly put behind your very tense partner, forced to look around him at whatever is going on. You've never seen a flower open up that fast, but you think gravity must be doing the lions share of work. The actual rose is huge, far bigger than the bud would've suggested, and heavy enough to finally break the little pot it had been growing in.
Simon is faster than you, grabbing the flower as it's weight causes it to tumble off the windowsill. You tense, your breath caught as you wait for him to do anything, move any muscle.
"What? What is it?" You whisper after too long a moment without a breath.
"I don't-" He mumbles, catching the end of his sentence behind his teeth so he can curse, "Shit."
You peak over his shoulder, hoping you won't see your weird plant smashed to bits. Instead you stare down at a baby. The smallest thing you've ever seen cradled gently in Simon's arms, blinking big brown eyes and white lashes up at both of you. Your heart swells.
"Holy shit," you breath, watching it yawn and wiggle in its rose petal wrap. It's perfect little nose scrunches with the motion and you need a second to adjust to how cute that is. "Did we do that?" You press closer against Simon's back, and reach to stroke your fingers over the downy hair on the baby's head, "I mean she's got your eyes, it's gotta be-"
"I don't know," Simon mumbles.
"Well what are we supposed to-"
"I don't know!" He snaps, and you finally look at him. At the absolutely confusion and concern dripping from his eyes and rolling down his cheeks. You've never seen him cry before, well not like this at least.
"Give her to me," You tell him, sitting back and holding your arms out, he looks unsure. "Please Simon," you soften the ask, pulling a tether so he knows you're sure. He's so careful, if a little clumsy. You have to adjust his hold as he's passing the infant to you and it seems like he's watching the way you shift her in your arms for his own reference later. You hold the baby close against your chest, feeling that strange comfortable purr rise in your throat as she blinks her big eyes closed.
"What the fuck do we do?" Simon whisper yells at you.
"Call Soap right the fuck now and text Lieb that I'm gonna fucking kill her," you coo at the dozing baby in your arms. Simon nod and scrambles to find both your phones.
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rubiesintherough · 2 months
#(( ooc. ))#venting tw#negativity tw#i know ive been bitching about this a lot lately but just let a girl vent pls#husband just got home and said 'you look tired you should go lie down '#and i told him i cant. i have too much housework to do. 'well lay down after that '#cant. because then i have more housework after that.#and he got all huffy at me like i was being dramatic#and he said 'how am i supposed to snuggle up with you if you arent laying down? c#and i shot back ' who's going to do the housework if i dont '#and he rolled his eyes. straight up rolled his eyes.#this is the man that is constantly telling me to just ask him for more help. just make a list#yelled at me and stormed out of the house whej i told him to pls just use his eyes#bc i dont have time to make him a list of chores#and also the man who if i do ask him to do smth it doesnt get done#examples just from today. he was heading into town and i asked him to please bring the recycling with him. he didnt.#he yells at me for doing the cat litter bc its bad for my asthma. but then leaves it until its bad enough i have to do it#bc its unfair to the cats to expect them to use a litter box that bad. and then he gets mad at me for not just asking him to do it#like. its in the bathroom. right next to the toilet. he has to look at it when hes taking a shit every day. and youre telling me#he doesnt notice it? i have to remind him???#and then i get yelled at and reprimanded for just doing it myself#' ASK FOR HELP DAMMIT! '#i do. i do all the fucking time. i ask you to empty the garbage bc bending over makes my back scream. but you dont#and i have to power through and do it.#i ask you to bring the recycling into town to drop off. and as soon as you leave i find out you didnt even gather it up.#i ask you to please clear out the bathtub drain. for two weeks. and you brush it off until the day i decide to#do it myself and you get so passive aggressive about it and ' no ILL DO IT. the tool is back in my mom's room#guess I'll just go WAKE HER UP FROM HER NAP so i can grab it since you need it done! '#im so tired of asking and then just being disappointed anyway.#if im gonna get yelled at anyway id rather just do it all myself so at least its done. and not sit there and beg for help and do it anyway
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beeseverywhen · 11 months
god the duality between 'I don't want someone in my house' and 'yeah I'd like my own kids and no way I'm doing that alone'
#like ppl who don't want kids should be free to live their lives without ppl being like 'watch out! your biological clock is ticking!'#that's bullshit ppl shouldn't say that. but also. i would like kids and#after so many years trying not to get pregnant and that seeming like a worst case scenario. so desperately wanting to not become my parents#now i am an age where I'd happily have a kid if i were in the right life situation & i don't feel I've got all the time in the world anymore#lol like. the space in between 'too young to have a baby' and 'old enough that i risk more health issues/ will be an older parent'#feels way way narrower than i ever would have assumed lol. esp. because all the parents in my family are so young. the idea of being an#older parent is so strange to me. I'm so aware of the things you can't do when you're older and how it's harder work to run after them#and like my body is already wearing out way faster than anyone elses. my health's only gonna get worse so.#being an older parent just doesn't seem an option. not to mention like. the older i am the less generations I'll get to see.#i want to be a great grandmother damnit. lol.#like I'm on a clock. to get over my commitment issues or it legit won't happen. but yeah. can't think of anything worse than having#to have someone in my house. if i was rich enough to have lots of space that's one thing but. I'm not lol.#and rich ppl rub me up the wrong way whenever they try and chat me up so doubt I'm gonna marry in to money looool#like i have come to terms with the fact that. if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen. id rather not get to be a mother than to settle#like that whole 'looking for a partner' dating life is not for me i can't think of anything worse. if it happens it happens#I'll either meet the right person who im willing to give up an empty house for or i won't looool#and it's not like im giving up the whole raising kids thing completely.#like I've got to play a significant hand in raising my siblings even if i didn't ask for that. I've got to see them grow and#help them reach those milestones. and whatever the circumstances I'm blessed to have had them in my life#even if i don't have my own kids I'm always gonna have kids in my life even if I'm an aunt rather than grandmother you know#I'm lucky to be in a family where raising kids is a communal thing. but yeah id love to have my own kids & have someone that looks like me#but I'm not willing to bring someone in to the world in non opportune circumstances deliberately.#like if it's up to me i want them to have 2 parents to look out for them and 2 parents that at least stand a chance of liking each other lol
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justtogetthrough · 2 years
Work has been insanely busy and I'm not functioning well but I have tomorrow night, Friday night, and half of Saturday to pack up as much of my house as I can because on Sunday my best friend is bringing their friend to help me move the furniture I need to sell to the main floor from upstairs and downstairs, rearrange my study, and they're gonna take back a carload of boxes to put in my apartment for me.
I just... need to get my shit together enough to have things ready for them being here.
It doesn't feel like a lot of time but my friend is so busy all the time and starting a new job on Monday so I'm just relieved and grateful they are still willing to help me and even recruited another person to assist bc I physically can't move furniture.
I don't know why they love me like they do but it's the best thing I have going for me these days.
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manicpixiefelix · 4 months
baby, put your back into it {Farleigh Start/Reader/Oliver Quick}
1/2: i'm gonna talk you through it [SMUT]
Summary: You're the daughter of one of Henrys, and known to be a snobby, entitled Princess of a woman; neither Venetia nor Felix seems to like you. Farleigh, however, claims that you and he have an ongoing arrangement. Felix says that arrangement is that you and Farleigh bitch together, then fuck like wild animals every time you hang out. Turns out you're even bitchier in person, and after a cruel joke played on Oliver by you and Farleigh at the Henrys dinner, he decides to take a bit of power back. Not that it goes as intended... nor that it goes completely wrong.
Need to Know: She/Her. AFAB!Reader. Established FWB Brat!Reader/Brat Tamer!Farleigh
Warnings: PWP!! smut; fingering, oral (F receiving), dirty talk, lots of arguing, reader is very very bratty, demeaning talk, bondage & restraints, explicit discussions around safewords (it does happen a little bit into the action but before anything major), pet name used for the reader "princess"
A/N: 4730 words. okay turns out i can write pwp. i cut out like 1.5k of background and you get the gist of it in the summary. there will be a part 2 thats heavy on the smut, but this trio takes a while to set anything up because they can't stop arguing. hints of farleigh/oliver. this was a lot of fun but again i can't stress how long its been since ive written full, proper smut, so id really appreciate feedback. <3 unedited, i love you.
{ masterpost : 1/2 }
TAGLIST IN COMMENTS!! // TAGLIST ALWAYS OPEN ! (just message or comment to be added)
Fucking Farleigh Start. Oliver feels the fury as it burns and bubbles inside of him, stalking quietly through the halls of Saltburn. There, at the end of the hall, Farleigh's bedroom door, quiet and unassuming, and right next to it, Oliver's target; your door. Farleigh isn't the only one in the house who can wrap people around his little finger; he isn't the only one in the house who can get the Princess to kneel.
Trying the handle, he finds it unlocked, and eases the old, wooden door open.
"Farleigh was right," upon hearing your voice, bright, amused, and very much awake in the dark, Oliver jumps, "you're an A-plus lurker, I didn't even hear you come in."
"Was a nasty thing you did to me tonight," Oliver tries to regain some of his composure, some of the ire he'd built up on the way here.
"So you've snuck into my room, I assume you assumed I was asleep, to- what, wake me up and berate me?" There's something smug and biting in your voice, something that fuels the fury coiling deep in his gut, "that doesn't sound like enough for someone like you, tricksie, little, pauper boy." When you start to move from where you've been sitting up in bed, crawling to the end to sit on your knees as the moonlight streaks through your window and finally paints you in sharp relief, he sees you're already nude.
But even your stunning body in the moonlight cannot compare to the look on your face, the sharp, hungry, mean amusement he's never seen a person wear so well.
"Go on then, shout," your eyes shine dangerously in the moonlight; "don't you want Farleigh to hear?" They might have been right. You might be the devil. Your smile gets wider, and Oliver can only watch, rather transfixed, as you start rolling your hips with purpose, "or do you want him to hear something else?" He hears, quietly at first, a soft tap, getting louder as you keep insistently thrusting against the air, against the mattress, the sound of the bedframe hitting the wall behind it, the wall that you shared with Farleigh on the other side.
Then, all at once, you stopped. A loud, mean laugh is pulled from you as you pitch yourself back on the bed, kicking your legs out in front of you to hang off the edge, completely relaxed, completely exposed. You give a loud, amused sigh, looking up at the canopy of the four poster bed.
"God, you're such a little bitch, Oliver, Farleigh was so right," you snorted, "I was the one who actually saw you eating Venetia like your life depended on it, on the lawn of all places," you shook your head, "I don't know what you told Felix to get out of that one but I know what I saw," clicking your tongue, you raised your leg, pointing a foot at him, not even bothering to look at him, "now you won't even touch me in my own bedroom when I'm practically begging for it. I'm choosing to be offended about that; you've offended me, Oliver."
Slowly, your leg lowers, and you kick your heels idly against the end of the bed in the silence.
"Where do you get all your attitude from?" Oliver finally speaks, tone turning scornful as he approached you.
"The money," you fire back with ease, "which is why you always seem to have none." Then, in the furious silence that followed, you grinned sharply at the roof, still not bothering to look at him, "try harder."
When he touches your knee, his fingers gentle against your skin, you kick him hard in the thigh with your other foot -
"The fuck? Did you just kick me?"
"Yeah, and?" He can almost hear you rolling your eyes, "what did you think it was, the wind? Ghost of Grandma Catton?"
"Do you fuckin' want me or not?" He's still standing within kicking range, he learns too late. All the while you've never even looked at him, always looking at the ceiling, hands comfortably, casually behind your head. There's a smug grin on your lips now, something teasing and once more mean.
"Do you want me?" You respond, legs gliding open, an open invitation to your slick, moon-drenched cunt, "I thought you wanted to use me to get back at Farleigh," you said mockingly, finally looking up and meeting his deep, furious gaze. Propped up on your elbows, you give a grin that's all teeth, "wanted to show us who has the real power, that you can get us back for the stunt we pulled after dinner," you sat up further, intense, hungry amusement in your eyes that drew Oliver in to you, leaning in, his hands coming to rest on your thighs as you were almost nose to nose. Your voice lowers, gaze on his lips as your voice turns to almost a moan, "wanted to show Farleigh that you could take anything he thought was his; even me," and you start fake moaning, softly at first, but getting exponentially louder as you leaned back again, against the bed, arching and writhing from nothing, putting on a show that ended with you shouting - "Oliver's a fucking bitch!" At the top of your lungs, and cackling with glee.
Rage exploded within Oliver, and for a moment, overcome with a strange sense of betrayal at your demonstration, he smacks at your inner thigh with all the might he can muster. He can tell it stings, your laughter stops for just a moment, leg flinching up for just a second, but then you're laughing harder if possible.
"Your first mistake - of many - was letting her talk at all," Farleigh's voice from the door is frankly annoyed. You, however, gasp with delight, sitting directly up and looking at Farleigh with absolute glee.
"That's not his fault, I wasn't going to tell him," you pointed out, before looking down at your thighs, and Oliver's hands still on them, and the part of you that must have still stung from the slap, "why is your grip so soft?" You looked up at him with a derisive expression, and immediately Oliver's grip on you goes tight, nails digging into your skin; you're fucking laughing at him again, still, "awe, you're getting there -"
"Could you stop that already?" Oliver leans in, scowling at you. Eyebrows raising in mock surprise, you grinned with devilish intent.
"Stop what?"
"All that fuckin' talking you're doing."
"I don't know, can I -?" But then out of seemingly nowhere, Farleigh sits himself down at the end of the bed next to you, flush against your side. He's still in his crisp, white shirt, and black slacks, looking so put together next to your brash nudity. When his hand comes up to your jaw, barely two fingers beneath your chin to guide you, to have you looking him in the eyes, you have to bite your lip to keep yourself quiet. Both he and Oliver can see how badly you want to laugh, to make any kind of sound, but you hold yourself back.
"Okay, your fucking highness," Farleigh's voice is low and dangerous, full of warning, and Oliver sees you take a sharp breath in, gaze fixed on Farleigh's, "you don't get shit from either of us if you can't keep your dirty mouth closed." Though you nod adamantly, you puff out your cheeks, amusement in your eyes as you're clearly desperate to say something; "what?" Farleigh frowns.
"I have really bad news for you about what I have to do to suck dick," you point out, trying to keep your composure. It's not working, giggles are escaping you at a rapid rate.
"You are testing nerves I didn't even know I had," Oliver admits, desperately trying to sink his nails into you as hard as he could. If he could draw blood, perhaps that would be enough penance for having to endure your infuriating company.
However, it's Farleigh who speaks, lip curling with frustration as he smacks Oliver's hand away from the thigh closest to him. With a solid grip on that thigh, he pulls you leg close to him, forcing your legs wider, exposing you further.
"Then do something about it," he practically orders, and something about the tone sparks a kind of indignation in his chest, "you need me to talk you through it?" He snaps. This, however, quickly turns smug and mean as Farleigh leans in, nose to nose with Oliver and his building frustration with them both; "you know how to eat pussy, right?"
"You should both be very careful what you wish for," Oliver's eyes flash with a dangerous confidence as he sank down on his knees between your legs. You, thrilled and delighted by how the situation was no unfolding, lay yourself back on the bed with contented laughter, hands coming to rest confidently behind your head once more.
Farleigh watches Oliver with intense scrutiny, and for reasons he's not quite sure of, Oliver meets his gaze, refuses to break eye contact. His hand moves first, no longer holding your left thigh, he digs his elbow into your soft inner thigh, bracing his arm against you, forcing your leg further open and keeping it that way, letting him comfortably rest his hand with his thumb on your clit.
"Smart boy," you hum appreciatively, shifting your hips back and forth a little as his thumb is rubbing circles against your clit, "knows where the start button is." He takes his thumb off of you, much to your confusion. His gaze is still locked with Farleigh's. "Fucking hell, are you tired already -?" You sat up on your elbows, scowling at him, but Oliver looks sharply to you.
"Weren't you listening to Farleigh, princess?" Oliver asks, and there's something so deliciously satisfying about the look of flustered surprise on your face in this moment. Beside you, Farleigh huffs a laugh to himself and stands, pulling off his tie. Oliver's full attention, however, is still trained on your. Slowly, as he speaks, he again begins to rub circles against your clit, teasing, never enough proper pressure to be satisfying.
"I -" you started, but he immediately stopped again; out of the corner of his eyes, Oliver sees Farleigh's approving nod. Something about this all has his blood rushing in his fucking ears. You press your lips together, giving him a now expectant look, as if here, I've done what you've asked.
You're so wet, so wanting, ready and waiting, right thigh inching closer, leg curling around him, heel pressing insistently into his back. God you look so fucking good, he wants nothing more than to eat you like a man starving, tasting every inch of you -
"Give me your belt," Farleigh interrupts, and Oliver pauses, mouth literally an inch from your cunt, looking up at Farleigh like he can't quite believe him right now.
"Farleigh!" You exclaim with utter frustration, right leg lashing out to kick him, but he grabs your ankle and holds it tightly. With his free hand he makes an expectant, grabby hand at Oliver.
"Belt, now please." He practically orders.
"Use your own belt, Farleigh," Oliver nods to the belt Farleigh had just tossed to the side of the room, and Farleigh gives him a thin, unamused smile.
"Mine's nicer, and I don't want your cum on it," he explained with a mean, humourless smile. Oliver sat back for a long, furious moment, undoing his belt. The minute his hands were off of you, you tried to whine, but Farleigh, now just in his boxers, sat further up the bed beside you.
"This is overkill, I'll be good," you pouted, twisting to lay your head on his thigh, looking up at him with as pleading eyes as you could manage.
"You're not even being good right now," he pointed out; "both your thighs are over Oliver's fucking shoulders, and you haven't gone thirty seconds without saying something," but clearly you're pleased and flustered at being called out. Farleigh says your name more insistently, and you try and play innocent before he practically orders, "get your fucking legs off of him!" Like he can't quite believe you're still trying these tricks, even though you both seem comfortable in this dynamic.
"Oliver~" Farleigh then practically sings like a warning, gaze turning much colder as it falls back on Oliver himself, "where are we with that belt?"
"What's it for anyways?" Oliver finally pulls his belt free, awkwardly half throwing it to Farleigh, who does actually thank him, before his attention is back on you, bare and warm and wet and - "princess," he says suddenly before Farleigh can even answer his initial question, looking up, and you make a noise of acknowledgement, "you want me to touch you like I mean it, then keep your legs spread like you actually fucking want it," voice going low and sharp, immediately you widen your legs as best you can.
"Oh, he's good," Farleigh says, surprisingly appreciatively, watching as Oliver makes a meal of you.
Finally, finally, Oliver's mouth is on you, tongue gliding playfully along your slit, his nose continually bumping his thumb as it continues to work your clit, firmer this time. You hips wriggle and roll with him, desperate for more, growing frustrated with his teasing lightness.
"The belt can be for several things," Farleigh began, matter-of-factly as he began to loop the belt through itself, focusing on his task at hand, "if she insists on closing her legs, I'm not above using both belts to make sure she keeps them open - this bedframe's especially good for that -" a hot spike of desire passes through Oliver all at once, picturing you bound and open and begging -
"Oh, don't joke about that Farleigh, come on, you know I love that -" you actually whimpered, but Oliver, still keeping in mind the earlier warning, once more stops entirely. You gasp, as if betrayed, before remembering for yourself, actually whining, "you guys fucking suck," you whimper petulantly. For a moment, Oliver wonders if he really aught to be here, if this strange, psychosexual encounter was really worth it.
"You're fucking loving this," Farleigh countered without a moment of hesitation, saying it with such confidence that it almost surprised Oliver, "you just hate that you can't shut the fuck up for any amount of time, and that Oliver isn't actually as much of a little bitch as you thought," clearing his throat, Farleigh cast an evaluative look, before trying to shrug it off nonchalantly, "as either of us thought, I guess."
A moment of quiet stillness passes, and Oliver looks to you, face scrunched up with embarrassment, as all of Farleigh's words apparently rang true.
"Are you hourly, Oliver?" Farleigh then scowls, much to Oliver's confusion. Farleigh looks at him like he's a downright idiot, "the princess is actually being quiet, which means..." he trailed off pointedly. Oliver sat back on his heels, frowning at Farleigh for a long moment, his hands coming to rest on your knees. You, yet again growing incredibly unsatisfied, groaned into your hands.
"Not if you're gonna talk to me like that," Oliver takes a deep breath, sitting tall, gaze unflinching as he meets Farleigh's sneering gaze.
"Then fuck off, Little Orphan Ollie, we don't need you," he spits, "you should really feel lucky that you even got this far -"
"You're all talk, Farleigh," Oliver, with a newfound confidence, and his hands on you, rubbing small, gentle circles against your inner thighs with his thumbs. Farleigh's eyes narrow, but Oliver's smile turns knowing, "I know you can throw her around, and tie her up, and give her orders, clearly," he tips his head ever so slightly to the side, gaze slipping to you, to where you've still got your face covered by your hands, "but we both know no-one can speak for her, but her."
The faint, frustrated whimpering that had been escaping you this entire time goes dead silent. Oliver feels the way you go very still. Farleigh, realising what Oliver meant, also turned to look at you properly.
"'s your bedroom, princess," Oliver leans in, presses a kiss to your inner thigh, murmuring softly against your skin, "what do you think?"
"I think you're edging each other with psychosexual, power-play, bullshit-banter that's doing fucking nothing for me," you snap behind your hands, "and I'm gonna start kicking people again very soon," you warned. Farleigh rolled his eyes.
"Sit up," he sighed.
"Make a choice," Oliver told you, tone firmer this time.
"Also no." Your voice was sounding particularly petulant, and you even brought your knees together, closing yourself off in front of Oliver. After a long, vaguely irate silence, Farleigh takes a deep breath.
"Is something wrong? Are we at a yellow light? Red light?" He asks, tone far gentler, he leans over, fingers gentle against your hairline by your fingertips.
"Light... colours?" Oliver asks with genuine confusion. Farleigh is far less patient when he turns on Oliver, like he's frustrated to even be explaining this.
"Like a traffic light; instead of a safety word like pineapple, we have green - go, yellow - slow down, red - stop," said like he wanted to include duh, obviously on the end, but refrained, turning back to you.
"And... they're for her?" Intrigued and surprisingly endeared by the concept, Oliver leans forward with a little smile, resting his chin on one of your knees, looking between yourself and Farleigh. He watches you sigh, even with your hands over your face.
"How do you not know how safe words work? What kind of sex have you been having?" Farleigh's judgemental tone hits Oliver square in the chest, but before he can even answer, you finally sit up, expression wide and overwhelmed with frustration.
"Farleigh look at him; he's like if they made repression a person! He's been having the most boring, vanilla sex known to man - if any - and getting off in his spare time to things that would make God cry. Look him in the eyes and tell me I'm wrong -" Farleigh's gaze flicked to Oliver, who suddenly felt himself begin to flush scarlet, and had to sit back again, frowning at his hands. There was something about the shame at being so concisely called out that was... thrilling. Something about how clearly you could see through him, through his persona to the raw want at his very core, it was freeing. You sat up further, with purpose, grabbing Oliver's chin so roughly it shocked him, forcing him to look in your eyes for a long moment.
"You came in here with purpose thinking I was asleep; creepy, hot, deranged; I'm into it," you told him sternly, "I literally could not care less about you otherwise, you're nothing to me the rest of the time. You came here to put me in my place, I don't want you here if you can't do that." Fucking hell, Oliver can feel his heartbeat racing as you shove his face away, your expression almost bordering on disgust.
"So you're..." Farleigh, as if frustrated by this little tirade you saw fit to go on, was unimpressed as he once more checked in.
"Green light, obviously," you threw your hands into the air in exasperation, "it's like you've never met me before -" but before you can slump back against the bed like you so clearly wanted to, Farleigh catches you, shifts behind you to prop you up.
"You're a brat," Oliver says, finally finding the words for the dynamic, and rather charmed by it all. Still, Farleigh has to get a word in edgewise.
"How long 'd it take you to figure that out?" He muttered sarcastically, doing something behind your back while you made a show of struggling and wiggling, refusing to keep your left arm with whatever he was doing.
"So," Oliver clarified, testing out the code, "green light?" You grinned at him, giving a pleased nod. Farleigh, finally having caught your left hand seemingly for good, reiterates the statement distractedly. Then, with a sense of triumph and relief, he pulls the belt, and his makeshift handcuffs, tight.
"Why are you still dressed?" You ask Oliver sharply. You may have had a point, but the game was back on. With your hands secured, Farleigh sat back behind you on the bed, pulling you flush to him, arms secured and pressed between the two of you that was just edging on uncomfortable.
"Why are you still talking?" He mutters into your ear, and he rests his chin on your shoulder, one hand coming to wrap over your mouth, while his other curled around your middle, pulling your legs apart, wasting no time in dipping two long, elegant fingers into you. Your eyes light up, gasping against his hand as the two of you watch with lust in your eyes as Oliver begins to undress.
"The belt," Farleigh's voice has that lazy kind of smugness that Oliver usually hated, but now kind of makes his head fuzzy and kind of like he wants to sink his teeth into him, "is to keep the princess in her place, because someone," he says pointedly, not that you seem to notice; your eyes are closed, and Farleigh's thumb is on your clit while the fingers he has inside of you curl lovingly into your sweet spot, "manages to escape every pair of padded handcuffs either of us have ever bought," he explains, turning his attention back to Oliver, "and she complains about metal handcuffs, and zip ties, has undone every rope knot I've ever tied, and ruined every single tie I've ever tried to tie her up with."
"I bought you new ones," your voice is faint, half a moan muffled behind Farleigh's hand, and Oliver, still unsure of how to respond to any of that, finally turns back to the two of you on the bed. There's something desperate about the way you're arching against Farleigh's firm hold on you, legs having fallen open as your hips rolled in time with his fingers, lewd and needy. But Farleigh's eyes are only on Oliver, watching him with hunger in his eyes, pupils blown wide, gaze roaming over Oliver's physique.
At the sound of your voice, Farleigh's gaze meets Oliver's his smile widening just a touch before he stops entirely. A desperate keening is pulled from you, hips shifting for friction, for anything, as Farleigh rests his hand on your thigh, fingers slick, practically dripping with you.
"No, I'll be good," you whimper, eyes fluttering, half closed, "I'll be -" you were already breathing heavy, "so so good."
"Hear that?" Farleigh murmurs with a vindictive little smile, hand uncovering your mouth, moving to hold your chin, your mouth falling open in a moan as his nails scratch up your thighs. Oliver advances on you both, entranced by the sight of you both, desperate to have a taste, to play along.
"Think she even knows how to be good?" Oliver teases, once more between your thighs. Still, instead of giving you the same kind of proper relief that Farleigh had been offering, he starts out gentle once more.
"Oliver, you're so cruel," you whimper. Farleigh's hand moves from your jaw to wrap around your middle, holding you secure, while the hand that had sat on your thigh moves to your open mouth, Oliver watches, rapt, as he slides both slick digits past your lips, but it shuts you up well enough, lips closing on his fingers as you diligently lap up your own taste from him.
"See, can't trust a word she says," Farleigh purrs. You bite gently on his fingers as you moan, Oliver finally deciding to do more than just tease you. Oliver's fingers are shorter than Farleigh's, but damn if they can't still hit the same high notes. Curling and pressing in a steady rhythm, he alternates dipping his tongue in as much as he can, and circling your clit. Farleigh's hand has moved from your mouth, spit slicked fingers pinching at your nipples, lightly dragging his nails across your skin, while he's started rolling his hips against your back, cock unbearably hard and still confined to his boxers, pressed against you.
You're whimpering and moaning in his ear, straining against your handcuffs, arching, writhing, but Oliver's holding your thighs still and secure and Farleigh is captivated by how enthusiastically he's going down on you, how its shining on his cheeks, his nose - he reaches out, cards his fingers through Oliver's hair. Oliver looks up through his lashes, a fucking gorgeous sight that you're too lost to appreciate. Just for Farleigh.
God he could say something snide, something about sloppy seconds or something about this being the most expensive meal he'll ever have, but he doesn't. He gives a sly, approving smile, and his grip on Oliver's hair tightens.
"Teeth and tongue," he tells Oliver quietly. Oliver doesn't seem to get it at first, but you choke out a whine, arching further into Farleigh, tipping your head against his.
"That's cheating," you gasped, but Farleigh kept running his fingers through Oliver's hair, whose mouth had never left your cunt, nor his eyes Farleigh's face, "you're helping him cheat; you want me to cum this early?"
"You know what's cheating?" Farleigh once more grabbed your chin, angling your head so you could watch Oliver working hard to get you off, "look at him," Farleigh murmurs in your ear, "eyes open, on his," the commanding tone was hard to refuse, and your eyes fluttered open; the fucking sight of him, a mess between your legs, Farleigh's hand in his hair, was almost enough to send you over the edge, "tell him what I mean."
"Gentle- uh, gentle teeth on me- on my-" you desperately tried to string two words together as Oliver began to get more of an idea. Farleigh's hand on his head becoming more insistent, firmer, nose pressed firm against your skin when he finally took the hint, focusing on your clit, sucking and lapping at it, teeth gently teasing as you completely lost the ability to speak. The rhythm of his fingers was consistent and firm throughout it all, pressing just right -
"Keep your fucking eyes on him," Farleigh ordered, almost snarling it into your ear, "I want you to watch Oliver Quick make you cum." But Oliver had eyes only for him, feeling you clench around his fingers, thighs pressing desperately against his shoulder and the hand that had kept them apart, he could feel Farleigh's nails on his scalp and see the heady, smug pride in his eyes.
As you start to come down, breathing hard and heavy and leaning all your weight against Farleigh, you giggle with out of breath contentment.
"Princess's got not manners," Oliver shook his head with an air of disappointment, and Farleigh smirked, brushing some hair from Oliver's forehead before he reached up and tapped your cheek gently.
"Say thank you, Oliver."
"Thank you, Oliver," you grinned, tone surprisingly sincere, as Oliver crawled up onto the bed beside you both. But there's something dark and hungry in his eyes as he watched you both; reaching out, he presses the fingers against Farleigh's lips, your cum coating them like syrup. Farleigh is more than happy to lick them clean, tongue dancing lewdly around Oliver's digits, all kinds of inuendo and promise in his eyes.
Then, Oliver's attention turns on you something dark, hungry, almost deranged in his eyes. He takes your face in hand.
"And you, princess," he says derisively, not even respecting you enough to look you in the eyes in this moment, "this is not your place that I am putting you in," god it almost sounds like a threat, but you're already squirming with want and anticipation, "but we'll get there," he squeezes your cheeks and your mouth opens on command, tongue as pink and wet and desperate as your cunt had been. He spits in your mouth, sudden sneer curling his lip, blue eyes ice cold and demeaning; "and it's thank you, Oliver Quick."
You feel fucking filthy, can taste yourself in his spit.
You want him to do it again.
"Thank you, Oliver Quick."
{ part two here }
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thecapricunt1616 · 26 days
Hello all I’m still working on my requests daddy Carmy has just been taking over my fucking brain.
I’ve been seeing the trend on tik tok of wives asking their husbands questions about their babies it just got me thinking how Carmy would KILL this challenge and he would be super proud of himself because he’s so competitive I think it would go something like (Drabble below)
You walk out onto the patio of your gorge house where he’s in sexy daddy mode cooking breakfast on the little black stone grill while he drinks his coffee and you’re like -
“Babe I saw this video about this dad he didn’t know anything about his baby but I know you know cause you’re an awesome dad can we show the people what a good dad you are?”
and ofc he gets all blushy and is like “I’m not a good dad because I know stuff about my kid but I love talkin’ bout’ em so you can ask me questions sure.”
So you start off easy “What kind of formula do we use for cub when I’m taking a break?”
He answers straight away “Yellow one Enfamil neuropro I’m like 99% sure it’s in a yellow container”
“Correct and how many naps does he take a day?” You ask and He chuckles
“Uhm well when he’s bein’ good he’ll take 2 er 3 even if he’s doin’ a lot ‘er he’s sick, but we can usually only get one outta him.” He said while shaping the pancake batter into little Mickey Mouse shapes
“He gets being a bad sleeper from his dad, and what time does he usually nap?”
“Ye’ but he gets the attitude from you. We try gettin’ ‘em down at 12:30ish 1 but he usually fights us and he doesn’t go down until 2” he teased
“What brand and size diaper do we use?” You panned the camera down as he sprinkled blueberries on top of the batter
“Huggies - you like the snug and dry ones - he likes the snug and dry ones cause the box has Mickey on it- and he’s size 4 I think - ye’ 4 now cause the 3’s were lookin uncomfortable - are you filming my hands?”
You laughed, blushing a bit having been caught “sorry you have nice hands, how does he like to be held?” You moved the camera back up
“Uhhh depends? Is he tired is he upset is heee-“ he questioned
“Mm puttin him down f’bed” you said
“Ohh lil’ man likes the football hold” he demonstrates “likes to be all curled up here in my arm like a football and I’ll give ‘em his bottle. But w’you he wants t’fall asleep eating” he said and you smiled big at how attentive he was
“You got an A, I knew you would” you said and he grinned proudly
“That was it? Cmon! Those are easy gimme harder questions then that!” He chuckled
“Hmmm… alright-“ you think for a moment “oh! What’s his favorite movie”
“Monsters inc and monsters university” he said without missing a beat “he goes nuts he loves it he makes us do scary feet with ‘em” he laughs a bit at the thought
“Also correct, what abouttt…his favorite-“ he cuts you off
“Animal? A Bear” he smirks and you both laugh
“Okay what makes him laugh every time?” You asked
“Ohhh hmmmm…” he thinks with a big grin “well there’s a lot- oh well I’m gonna get you that always makes him crack up, also coughin’ if anyone coughs kid is done for” you giggle
“Which is why he is always wakin’ up laughin’ when you cough up a lung in the middle of the night after coming in after a cigarette” you teased and he laughed a bit
“Id rather him wake up laughin’ then cryin it’s easier to go in there and read to em till he falls asleep” he said
“Oh! That’s a good one- what’s his favorite book?” You ask
“Brown bear brown bear what do you see” he smiled “or Goldie locks, but he likes it better when you read that one to him” he said and you heard him squealing over in his playpen happily
“See he agrees doncha little bear?” He coo’d adorably over at him as he bounced up and down
“Dada dada dada dada” he babbled happily and lifted his arms, golden curls like Carmys of course falling over his forehead.
Of course carmen couldn’t deny his little guy so he walked over, picking him up and holding him on his hip and came over to resume cooking
“ you win this challenge bear you crushed it” you told him and your son is just so smitten and happy, cuddling up to Carmy and sucking on his pacifier contently
You post the video ofc it goes viral bc he’s Carmen but also becomes dilf of the year all the ladies in the comments simping over his sexy muscley arms and his tattoos and his ability to hold a baby and flip pancakes at the same time, everyone’s heart melting at the end of the video when your son pointed at the pancakes and went “mi-tee” and Carmy smiling telling him “you’re right cub! Such a smart little man. That’s Mickey Mouse. We gonna watch Mickey house while we have breakfast mm? With mommy?”
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Mercury in da HoUSe (s) mercury and why you think your smart - you only think your smart, you don't even know if you are because you can't think any other way. I dont care if people tell you your smart, they don't even know if they are smart because they have the same dilemma as you....... but if you think your dumb your probs right.... okay enough chit chat we gotta do some astrollogy >> Mercury in the first - These guys talk the talk, hella good at talking, talk too much, but at least they know how to talk. but it gives everyone in the rooom a headache. also there voices go a million directions... they like to put on voices. actually i hate your voice. its too earpiercing its like your looking at there voice even if you look away. how are you able to make me look at yo voice, its meant to be auditory but i can fucking see it STFUUUU Mercury in the second - I like money but not as much as this guy. this guy will think of every scam, every business every investment possible just to prove his worth (typically with money) as kids they are hustlers with money, everyone knows they gonna make coin, but typically as they get older, money don't mean shit to them and they start investing into something substantial and if they dont grow outta this mindset, they become shells of themselves like bill gates or the amazon guy. mercury in the third - okay these guys are actually smart, but its almost hard to tell. because there intelljgence isn't attached to anything beside intelligence itself. so its hard to notice, but they are very smart people. quick learners but i notice not quick thinkers, or at least they don't voice it much. which i guess makes them smart because they ploying liek dat mercury in the fourth - subtle intelligence, almost manipulative intelligence, they are the types to make you make a point jsut so they can point out the flaws in your point rather than make a argument themselves.... then make an argument once yours has been smashed to pieces. assholes honestly... but i rate it its just smart tactics but make em talk first and they speechless lmao mercury in the fifth - funny yes your funny, yes i see what you did there, oh yes this next joke is also funny because it ties in with your last joke.. did i mention your funnY? oh im not that funny, well im sorry i can't do it like you becayse yourr liek for real funny. okay can someone else speak now, this guys voice wasn't annoying but now it is. fr comedians but every comedian over do it, and so do they mercury in the sixth - annoying intelligence, always pointing out the flaws in whatever the fuck you just said. like dude im trying my best to think, to then speak it, and to respect you as a person. and your lookjing for flaws, in my speech? oh you can't help it? well i can't help but not wanna talk to you. annoyingly nitpicky with what i say you say she say, why so serious? oh your too smart? thats what every dumbass has ever said to me stfu. mercury in the seventh - always on your back, but can you get off my back, im still working on my argument i dont need you to suck me off about it jeezes. id rather you criticize me honestly. oh now your critical of me. well why can't you just think for yourself. oh you don't know how to. you only don't know how to because you just wanna learn more and more and more and more and more. and now you dont know how to think for yourself. congrats you played yoself mercury in the eighth - so mysterious wow so profound, i never saw it that way. no you just were thinking of something cool to say this whole time and you jsut thought of it. your only quiet so you dont look like a fool. insecure bitch ass. oh but now you just wanna insult me yeah thats because i called you out. honestly these guys are just looking for a deep chat, and its only deep because they were digging for so long.
mercury in the ninth - these guys know way too much bullshit. like they read a lot and just spit random facts and its hard to talk to them without feeling patronized. like yeah we get it, you read a lot. most peole don't because we like to be a human, not live in a book. go outside its nice. oh thats where you get your information > outside, books, the world is your dictionary - god you really are annoying. oh you knew that already. fuck off man.
mercury in the tenth - shrewd; always thinking and saying the best possible thing to say for each scenario, and its typically just sayings they read in hustler books, or what they dad said once. yeah your street smart, but no one else advertises it as much as you, which means you don't understand the streets as well as you think. yep thats right re-strategise; they just wanna own the streets i swear. and no one tries as hard as them. and thats saying something mercury in the eleventh - stop protesting you mong, you really think convincing us the realities of the world, will change the world? oh itll start the butterfly effect, okay true go on, tell us how eating veggies gonna stop the meat industry. oh you were just saying this crap for bants. yep that was annoying. oh now you wanna talk about how attitudes has shaped the world, dude why you always trying to integrate everysingle philsophy of the world into one conversation. you do realise its all bullshit? but everyone likes em because they invite everyone in on the conversation... hey someone gota do it Mercury in the twelfth - these guys are the worst i swear, cant be more manipulative than these lot, they will act innocent, but come at you aggressivly, and itll just confuse ya. youll think they just dumb and naive but they klnow damn well what da hell they doing. play yo game with someone else... oh you don't like to play with them because they fall for your shit, yep so you only like people who set you straight ehhhh you should just come at me straight or ill set you straight. oh you just struggle with convos well it shows.
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my-love-of-books · 4 months
hey sorry if this is weird this is my first time requesting 😭 but can you do ftm flirty reader x five from the umbrella academy where that five is fighting some guys (you can choose who) and some how the reader gets in the fight to and helps five. Also the reader calls five pretty boy and some other flirty names like btw. Andddd thats all I couldn't think what comes after that sorry 😭 but you can continue off it tho!
Noooo I'm horrible at writing fight scenes😭 we shall try tho! The first fight I thought of was ofc the iconic gridy's donuts' fight, so wish me luck!!
Paring: five x ftm!reader —(honestly reader is pretty gn here, sorry ik thats not what you wanted anon😭)
Warning: cursing, NOT proofread (sorry), gun wound, really short
I huff and pull the stupid blazer –they said there was nothing else for me to where other than one of five's old uniforms– closer around my shoulders as I walk towards the donut shop Five had supposedly gone to. A small smile spreads across my face when I see my partner though the window, I let myself in and walk up right beside him; ignoring the older-looking man on the other side.
"Alright sweets, next time, don't run off and leave me at that house by myself, please and thank you" I say, pulling out a bar stool.
"you weren't by yourself, you had my siblings." he murmurs nonchalantly. "Right, Miss famous and the Junkie did directed me here, thought the latter would not shut up about my sex life." I laughed at the recent memory and smirked at Five. He sips his coffee; the Older man nods our way before leaving. "Gonna give me some of that?" I whisper, leaning closer to the school boy.
His eyes flicker to me, then to my lips, then back to my eyes. I raise my eyebrow at him, "In here? You perv!" I jokingly whisper. He scoffs and rolled his eyes, sipping his coffee again, but I see it's just to hide his growing blush and smile.
"You said it not me"
My devious smirk only grows "Oh come on, can't help it when you look at me so pretty-"
Suddenly the door behind us swings open and multiple men in black tactical gear with guns walk in, surrounding us. One man in particular moves to stand closer to us, almost between me and five. I sit up straighter, eyes scanning the room, looking for weaknesses; my eyes flick to the brown haired boy beside me who seems to be studying the coffee in front of him, rather than the room now full of men who want us dead. "Five" I whisper.
"that was fast... 'thought Id have more time before they found me." "Okay..." the black man's voice seemed to tremble a bit as he spoke; the corners of my mouth twitched, this would be easy. "...So let's all be professional about this yeah? On your feet and come with us. They wanna talk" "I have nothing to say"
"I do" I do my best to suppress a smirk as I stand up, Five glares at me. The mans gun swiftly moves to point at me. "It doesn't have to go this way. You think I wanna shoot kids? Go home with that on my conscience?"
"oh I wouldn't worry to much about that," I say "you won't be going home" Five finishes my sentence as he grabs a butter knife from the the counter and blinks behind the man, stabbing him in the neck. Guns start going off when I grab the, now dead, man and use him as a shield from the bullets.
"Hey assholes" Five calls from across the room, allowing me to run up to the closest man as he begins to fire at me and force his gun under his own chin in one deft motion. I glance around the room, where five is nowhere to be seen. "A little help here pretty boy?" With the attention now drawn to me I jump over the counter, hiding behind it for a moment when I here the signature *whoosh* of him blinking, this time outside of the shop, drawing their fire, before right beside me "I told you not to call me that" he practically snarled. I laughed a bit; as my shoulders moved I noticed a bullet had skimmed part of my arm. *Shit... Thats gonna hurt when the adrenaline wears of*" I think to myself, watching the blood dribble from the wound.
The lights were blinking, bullets still going off. I was trying to formulate a plan on how I could help when it all when silent. "Five?" I call out, standing up from behind the counter
"yeas darling?" He asks, tightening his tie and walking over to a still-moving man, instantly breaking his neck. "N- nothing just got worried for a second" my arm began to throb.
He helps me over the counter, "you okay baby?" "Oh so you can call me baby but I can't call you pretty boy?" He gives me a stern look. "It's different, you don't go out into the field, you could have gotten seriously hurt."
"excuse you," I murmur "I used to be one of the top field agents-" "-before they shoved you behind a desk, now come on we gotta get movin'." Five kisses my forehead and brushes my wounded shoulder as he grabs a knife and begins cutting out those trackers they put in all field agents. I do my best not to react to the pain caused by the bullet, he doesn't need to know right now, it would ruin the quite sweet moment.
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seosracha · 4 months
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OUR SUMMER (PREVIEW) - jake sim x reader
SYNOPSIS- after 4 long years, this was the end. This was the last summer before everyone went off to university, and to fully honor it, you decide to make a bucket list, completing every point through the entirety of summer while also discovering feelings that were hidden for so long.
PAIRING- jake sim x fem!reader
GENRE- friends to lovers, summer romance, fluff, highschool/college students au, oneshot
WARNINGS- sexual jokes, alcohol use + more tba!
TAGLIST- open for anyone who's interested ! send me and ask to be added!
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Heeseung chose a college in town, deciding to do pedagogics on the side while he still pursued his soccer career. Jay and Sunghoon also chose a college nearby, only one town away, that meaning the three of them would be around most of the time.
Jake on the other side had some sick ambitions. When he set his mind on UCLA, he did everything in his power to get in. And so he did. There was nothing wrong in that, but how could he leave them? How could he leave you?
"Let's make a bucket list" Jay said as all of you, plus your best friend, Yunjin, hogged the living room couch in Jake's house.
Another reason you didn't want Jake to leave. That damn couch. Everything in the 4 years of your friendship probably happened or started on that couch.
"We make one every summer" Heeseung said shoving some popcorn into his mouth "And always end up freestyling it" he added unclearly, hence all the food in his mouth.
"You're disgusting" Yunjin inquired, pointing out Heeseung's disgusting habit.
He just mumbled a 'fuck you' in response and shoved another handful into his mouth.
"But this summers different" Jay said, reminding you and everyone else once again that this was the last truly youthful summer your friend group would share.
You knew very well that everything would change when they go away to college. Obviously, they could come home for summer, but new friends, a buzzing, new, shiny social life were only a couple of reasons for them to not visit so often when summer comes around next year. The adult life they were about to step into was only gonna allow them to finally party all night long, go on roadtrips across the country and meet people who would show them the other side of life.
So Jay was right, this summer was different, cause it was the last one.
"I'm down" Jake said, grabbing a pen and paper from the drawer. He passed it to Jay, who wrote a big, and definitely sloppy, 'OUR SUMMER'.
"Skydiving" Sunghoon said excitedly, pitching in the first idea.
"You know damn well" Yunjin said "Let's make it a tiny bit more realistic" Sunghoon just furrowed his eyebrows and continued to put on his thinking face.
"Let's do a sleepover. You know, like the one's we'd do in our childhood. Blanket fort and all" you said, turning your face to Jay, as he was the designated leader for this bucket list making.
"I like that" Jake said, giving you a cheeky smile.
You'd rather he be rude towards you than give you all these weird signals. None of the guys would be as nice to you as he was. What man would agree with you on everything, bring you anything you wanted at any time, give you rides at the latest hours, handpick flowers for you on a random Wednesday and buy you things just because they reminded him of you if he didn't like you like that? Yet still, you were too slow to catch on.
"Sleepover. Blanket fort and all" Jay mumbled as he wrote down the first point to your list. "How about we drive down to that lake, get some beer, talk and shit?" he asked after he finished writing.
"With your wackass, dodgy looking fake ID, I'm guessing" Yunjin said, laughing.
"Give me some credit, it works every fucking time" Jay answered, pulling it out from his pocket.
"Okay James Blunderbuss, write it down" Heeseung, said examining the ID "Anton really did you dirty with that last name"
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femscottlang · 1 year
The CPA and SSA- Part One
part one part two part three
Aaron Hotchner x Accountant! reader
Summary- The case they're currently working on has gotten bad, the unsub has been stalking the team and they need a safe place to stay. Luckily, Aaron has a girlfriend in Alexandria that he has yet to tell the team about. 
Contents/ warnings; description of cases, a little bit of hurt/comfort, established relationship, just overall kinda fluffy and sweet :) 
AN: I want to get back into writing and this is one of those maladaptive daydreams I use to fall asleep <33. I just love the idea of Aaron dating someone super stable and having a domestic little life. this is probably gonna be a 3 part series :)
Also if you're anything like me you love Zillow, this is the house I'm kinda basing this off of 
Send me asks and requests! im happy to do blurbs on characters from CM and MCU :)
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The team was split up into two SUVs. In the first, Aaron, Spencer, and Derek. The second, David, JJ, and Emily. Hotch furrowed his brows, weighing his options of where to take the team to be safe. They were all sleep deprived and hungry. He ran through the scenarios of a hotel, motel, cabin, safe house.
Finally, he thought of your place. The cozy mismatched furniture, the smell of spices always radiating, the music always quietly playing in the background. He let out a huff and glanced at Reid in the front seat, who called shotgun much to Derek’s dismay,  before looking back at the road “Spencer, grab my phone and call the most recent number.” Spencer gave him a confused look, but obeyed the order. “Hey- uh, who's-” he was interrupted by a voice coming through the car speaker
It was a rather calm evening at your house. You knew that Aaron was caught up with a case and weren't expecting to hear from him for a while. Putting on some classical music, you poured yourself a glass of red wine and began to cook dinner. Heating up the frozen Tikka Masala sauce you stored in your freezer for lazy evenings like these, you began to chop up some chicken to put in the sauce when your music got paused by an incoming call.
You walked over and struggled to answer it with your elbow, so as to not contaminate your phone. Shocked to see Aaron as the Caller ID, you say “wait one second, honey bun, lemme put you on speaker my hands are covered in chicken” you let out a giggle as you finally were able to select the right button on the screen.
  “Hey, sorry to call you out of the blue.” He stated, in a serious tone you'd only heard him use when he was called in for a case “Is everything alright, honey? You can always call me, you know that.” you frowned at the phone, going back to cutting up the chicken. “We -uh need somewhere to lay low, just the night is fine. You can say no, but” he looked through the rearview mirror at both Derek and Spencer.
His shoulders relaxed and his voice softened to the Aaron that you're used to “I miss you. I really need to see you” He sighed “Reid, text the rest of the team that we are going to Alexandria.” Spencer gave a curt nod and pulled out his own phone, texting JJ. 
“Have y'all eaten yet?” You asked simply, like this was every other time he called you driving home from work. Like your heart wasn’t gonna beat out of your chest at the idea of him being in immediate danger 
“What?” He asked, shocked at your casual response. 
“Have y'all eaten? I'm making food and I need to know if I have to make more.” You said, washing your hands and pulling out the rest of the chicken breasts you had. He smiled at the console “No, love. We haven't. nothing sounds better than your cooking. What're you making?” Derek and Reid gave each other wide-eyed looks.
“Jus’ some chicken curry, rice and I'll heat up some of that naan I made with Jack. You better watch out, he's getting to be a better cook than you” You sneered playfully as you did the math in your head over how many cups of rice you needed to feed six starving FBI agents.
He chuckled “I believe you. I was never any good in the kitchen. We'll be there in about 20 minutes, alright?” You squinted at the phone then sighed “yeah that's fine, it won't be done as soon as you get here, but you won't have to wait too long after. Next time you're getting hunted by a serial killer, give me a heads-up so I can cook a fancier meal for your colleagues. You're lucky I haven't changed into my pajamas yet, Mr. Hotchner.” 
“That's fine, thank you again, Honey. I promise I will. I love you” He said, grimacing in preparation for the stampede of questions heading his way “I love you too, darling. I'll see you in 20.” You said, starting to rush in order to have dinner ready. He hung up and was surprised by the silence.
“Okay. I know you're dying to ask about her. Go ahead.” His signature frown sank back into his face. Derek smirked and crossed his arms “Nah. I’ll wait until Rossi, Prentiss, and JJ find out. Plus, I have a feeling that your girl is a lot more open” he grinned. Aaron shot him a stern look “I'm regretting this.” His shoulder crept their way back up into their usual tense position. 
You heard a loud knock on the door, frazzled by the sudden noise while caught up in the chaos of cooking, you walked towards it hesitantly. You looked through the peephole to see Aaron staring at the door and the other five agents looking at your house, no doubt profiling you off of it. You opened the door with a wide smile, giving Aaron a small kiss on the cheek as you were unsure how affectionate he wanted to be in front of his coworkers.
He wrapped his arms around you tightly before placing a kiss on your forehead and letting you go “Thank you again, really. This is the team, Dr. Reid, Morgan, Prentiss, Rossi, and JJ.” He motioned to each of them then moved inside and hung up his jacket like he always did. “Go stir the curry and check on the rice! I don't want it burning I'm not going out to get more food tonight!”
You looked away from him and at the rest of the team who were standing on your porch like deer in headlights. You tilted your head and flashed the same wide smile “Please, come in. Make yourselves at home. Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes.” You watched them as they walked in and looked at each other, then the rest of your home. The older gentleman who you assumed was Rossi spoke up first “How long have you been seeing each other?” You shrugged, leading them into the living room 
“about three-ish years now. Aaron told me what had happened to- you know. He didn't want to risk anything like that happening again. Which is why I'm shocked that he brought you here. It must be bad, isn't it?” You sighed, sitting on the armrest of a chair and looking at all of their faces
“It's certainly not pretty. ” JJ said, sitting on the couch across from you. You nodded “relax, don't think about it anymore. I’ll go make sure your boss isn't burning down my house.” You gave them a tight-lipped smile and walked into the kitchen. Staying in the doorway, you watched Aaron tend to the food. His sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his tie was tossed on the breakfast table. You walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his torso, placing your cheek against his back “you shoulda given ‘em a heads up. They're lookin at me like I'm a fish that grew legs” you laughed, letting go of him to grab bowls to put the food in.
“Yeah, I'm sorry. I wanted to introduce you to them in a better way, but if we weren't here we’d be at a hotel and I don't think any of us would've been able to sleep. Your house is just so. Comforting. I like it better here than in my apartment. Jack does too.” You grinned at the plate “which one of them, are we gonna put in Jack's room here?” You asked 
“Whoever asks the most inappropriate question.” He states in his usual, monotone voice. You gathered all of the spoons into the stack of bowls and began to carefully walk to the dining room, pausing for a moment to bask in the domesticity of it all. Aaron cooking, his friends coming over after work. If he wasn’t being hunted down, it would be perfect.
You set the table and walked back to the kitchen where you see Aaron fanning a pan with a dish towel. “Oh good lord, move, agent” you laughed, pushing past him to get to the stove as you turned it off and threw whatever was left of the burned piece of naan out the back door so as to not set off the fire alarm. You huffed and set the pan in the sink, looking at him with a hand on your hip. 
He looked like a guilty puppy, head down, but his eyes looking up to meet yours. You bit back and smile, shaking your head “I don't know how you've gotten this far in life, Aaron. Truly.” You say, closing the distance between you too, and pressing a kiss to his temple. He hummed “I have you to take care of me” a grin broke out across your face as you placed a hand on his chest.
You heard hushed whispering and shuffling of feet before you looked at the doorway and saw the entire team trying to fit in the cramped space to see after-work Aaron that you're accustomed to. Laughter bubbled out of you as you watched them bicker like siblings. “Who are you and what have you done with Hotch?” Emily asked, wagging a finger at you playfully. “It's like watching a feral cat be domesticated” Spencer muttered to JJ. you held your hands up in surrender.  “I didn't do anything! Now all of you are sitting at the table, dinner is almost ready.” You shooed them toward the dining room
 A knock at the door startled the both of you. You looked at him and motioned him to stay where he was, stepping on his foot to keep it from moving as you bent down and pulled the gun from his ankle. You took off the safety and held it behind your back. You looked through the peephole at an eccentrically dressed blonde woman. You cocked the gun and opened the door with a smile “Hi, Can I help you?” You asked, watching as she looked over your shoulder “Yeah, I'm looking for my team” she said “this is the address Morgan sent me”
You heard footsteps coming behind you and putting the safety back on the gun “Down, girl.” He mumbled, putting a hand on your lower back “Yes, Garcia. Come in." Aaron said, taking the gun back and putting it back in the holster “This is Penelope, our technical analyst.” Penelope grinned widely at you “oh hotch, you big softie. I can't believe you managed to keep her from me! Everyone else I get but me? I'm impressed” she said, walking in. You shook your head and smiled at the ground “the rest of 'em are in the dining room, you can join them I'm just about to bring the food out.” 
You looked at Aaron and grinned “I like your team” he scoffed “Yeah, until they start grilling you.”
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trainingdummyrabbit · 5 months
What do you think of aroace spectrum angela or like. any variant idk
like. ok ive definitely spoken abt it offhand sometime before so im just going to use this opportunity to aimlessly ramble ok? ok. hyperfixation trap card.
like yeah theres the whole 'only having rep thats robots and aliens and etc' thing which is very much a fair and appropriate response, but also like. at a point you Do just kinda have to go 'Man Just Look At Her.'
i certainly couldnt say it as well as other folks, but... Man Just Look At Her. theres so many threads that are Literally Right There, its kinda hard Not to. id have to study again n cite my sources or whatever but also this is my house. ok.
like theres the obvious 'i see you as a friend' interaction with her and roland sometime mid-to-late ruina, which is. again. Its Right There. but its also the way she looks in lobcorp, and the instant she gets any agency she immediately veers in a completely different direction. (as a reclamation of self, as another small rebellion, as an exploration of how She would like to present herself and be seen)
its that interaction with xiao, her genuine confusion towards the concept of lovers, what they are, what makes it so different from any other sort of person. (as a jab towards her own isolation, the values she was made to uphold, her unfamiliarity towards cityfolk and the ways they carry themselves-- and that seeming contradiction of that affection vs. the way she was told cityfolk Work.)
angela, to me, feels like the type of character to simply Be. for lack of a better term. its a difficult concept to Describe in a way that makes sense, (despite me being, how do you say, In The Same Boat.) its something i could see her toss around out of curiosity, but honestly just... not really care for. she has things to do.
like... angela is just. a very cut and dry character, to put it in a way. she just kinda states things as they are, sometimes rather bluntly. its hard to elaborate because things simply Are. plain and simple, no need to fuss over it. and thats what this feels like itd be, yknow?
also iam just shrimply. forever an angela+roland qpr truther. tbh. like i dont know what the Hell those two have going on but you literally Cannot separate them. i hesitate to call it 'love,' because. well yes, but also no. but also kind of? but not quite. again, it just Is. they simply Are.
its one of those things that just feels Odd seeing her in any other context, in regards to romance or whatever. which is tied to a whole slew of other problems only tangentially related to the subject (shipping content bias, character simplification, and so on and so on,) but its just... man she would Not fucking say that. she would not Do that, she would not Act that way.
like i certainly believe it Is possible to have romantic interpretations with her, but its gonna be. Specific. with the way she carries herself, how she acts, and how she reacts to things. even with the romantic elements, itd still dip into aro experience territory, if you know what im saying. like whoever it is, this shit isnt going to fit into Roles and Archetypes, like how a lot of folks like to write ship content. for lack of a better descriptor, its gonna be Weird.
and thats honestly whats so frustrating about it! you Can have an interesting through-line and interpretation of that sort of thing, but a lot of the time whenever i (rarely) see it, its just... Typical Beauty Standards, Hot Secretary Lady, Scary Controlling Whatever the hell like... i hate t judge but cmon guys we can do so much better than that. ironically, wheres the Love? the respect for who she is, the curiosity on exploring that sort of thing with who she Is? guys come On...
which. grain of salt, because its not like i search out ship content, yknow. im not gonna speak like an authority for stumbling onto stuff sometimes. the fact that it isnt so popular and in-your-face is genuinely refreshing honestly, but. tangent.
anyway arospec angela agenda never sleeps and iam one of the strongest soldiers. the ace is Non Negotiable come back later with a warrant so i can Not Look At It. (<- this is a bit. (<- but im serious.)) thankyou. bows.
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copperbadge · 1 year
Hi Sam! I've just adopted two baby orangies that I'm maybe gonna name Lucy and Mina. It's been 20 years since I've had baby kitties and I'm reluctant to leave them alone without supervision. Can you share what kind of camera/software set-up you have for the cryptids? What kind of security do you have on the feed? How did you decide where to point the camera? How many cameras/what brand did you choose to go with?
Thank you for considering sharing your cryptid webcam knowledge and here's a pic of my baby girls!!
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[ID: Two extremely fluffy and adorable kittens, with long shaggy orange striped fur, are lying together in a cat hammock, cuddled up and sleepy.]
Aw, babies! Great names btw :D I hated leaving my cryptids that first day I had to go back to work.
I've gone through a couple of iterations of the home webcams; the first ones I bought were some company that I think has since gone out of business, and they were a bit of a struggle anyway since it was an Italian company selling mostly to Japan, and nothing was in English :D Their app was...subpar.
Currently I have three Kasa brand webcams and I really like them. They can be slightly temperamental to set up, especially if you don't have really strong internet; it used to be I could basically only have two of them operational at any given time because my internet was too weak to sustain the third, but we got new internet in the building a few months ago and suddenly the problems went away :D I wish that it was possible to access them from a webpage as well as the app, but I can't complain too much -- otherwise I've been very pleased with them.
Mine (similar to this, I think a slightly earlier model) can turn almost completely around; they have night-vision too, which I like. I started out just having one in the living room, but when I'm not there the cats often stay in other areas of the house, so I put one in the hallway and eventually the bedroom -- the goal was to put cameras where I knew my cats would be, so I could look in on them and actually see them. You'll get a sense, using the cameras or even just living with your kits for a while, of where they like to be when you aren't there.
Dearborn will often come when called to a camera, but Polk completely ignores them. If you want to interact with your cats you may want to buy one of the special petcam versions that have controllable laser pointers and treat dispensers, but mine don't like treats so I went with pure camera ability.
There's no real security on them other than whatever's on them natively, but I really only have them on when I'm traveling. They have a "privacy" mode where you can physically see that they've been switched off, there's a little light that is always on when they're on. But also like. If some hacker really wants so badly to see a fortysomething man talking to his cats, whatever, I hope they have fun. :D I assume there are extra security measures that can be put into place, but they'd probably involve the wifi rather than the cameras.
But yeah -- the Kasa cams are reasonably high-def, have sound and a speaker, have night-vision and are pretty maneuverable; can recommend.
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koheletgirl · 2 years
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phoebe bridgers + fire/water, burning/drowning
smoke signals // phoebe bridgers’ instagram // i know the end // savior complex // savior complex music video // sidelines // sidelines // garden song // would you rather music video // would you rather music video // georgia // would you rather // i know the end music video // moon song // killer // phoebe bridgers’ instagram
id under the cut:
the following lyrics: "you, you must've been looking for me / sending smoke signals / pelicans circling / burning trash out on the beach"
a photo showing phoebe bridgers, wearing a black hoodie and black pants, sitting on a beach inside a circle that appears to be made of fire. the sea is visible in the background.
the following lyrics: "but you had to go / i know, i know i know / like a wave that crashed and melted on the shore"
the following lyrics: "drift off on the floor / i drag you to the shore / sweating through the sheets / you're gonna drown in your sleep for sure / wake up and start a big fire / in our one room apartment"
a beach in black and white. there is a figure sitting at the shoreline, seen from very far away.
(images 6 and 7 are parallel to each other): the following lyrics: "i'm not afraid of anything at all / not dying in a fire / not being broke again"
the following lyrics: "'cause nothing ever shakes me, nothing makes me cry / not a plane going down / in the ocean, i'm drowning"
the following lyrics: "i grew up here, 'til it all went up in flames"
(images 9 and 10 are parallel to each other): a person with a cardboard tv on their head. the tv's screen shows a colorful drawing of a person burning, in a childlike art style. the background is abstract orange and yellow shapes that resemble fire.
a person with a cardboard tv on their head. the tv's screen shows colorful drawing of a person with a tv for a head, drowning, in a childlike art style. the background seems like pool water.
the following lyrics: "he came up through the water without a sound / with my back to the shoreline i dreamt that he drowned"
the following lyrics: "playing 'would you rather' / when it comes to fire / you always say that you'd prefer to drown"
phoebe bridgers, wearing her skeleton tracksuit, sitting in a tub so that only her head is above the water. her hair is visibly wet. she has a blank expression on her face, and is looking at the camera.
the following lyrics: "you are sick and you're married / and you might be dying / but you're holding me like water in your hands"
the following lyrics: "can the killer in me tame the fire in you / oh, is there nothing left to do for us?"
phoebe bridgers performing a song on stage. she is playing a guitar and her head is thrown back, seemingly mid-scream. behind her is a screen that shows a house on fire.
/end id
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quodekash · 8 months
need I say more?
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THE MORNING AFTER THEY HAD SEX (or perhaps just a very intense makeout session)
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that's the first time ive heard someone refer to banging their boyfriend as "mind-blowing" and I honestly love it (I say through wheezing gasps of laughter that's hilarious kang)
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dont gaslight him bro
we all saw it
and it was tender and beautiful and lovely and perfect
and I swear if they pull an akkayan episode 6/7 and reveal that kang imagined the whole thing, I promise I will track down the houses of p'lit, p'toh, p'pratchaya and p'bee and I will personally smack them (and then while im there ill hug them and thank them for their amazing directing and writing because they're all incredible and im so glad these series exist because of them)
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because istg if they pull a soundwin and give us HEAPS of progression in episode 9 and then literally NOTHING in episode 10, I promise I will do what I said I would do if they pulled an akkayan episode 6/7
you better watch out directors and writers, your faces may be slapped shortly
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so soccer is a video game now? and the sailom-scent-shirt is like a special equipment thing with magical properties?
honestly if someone made drts into a video game id buy it. and I dont even have a gaming console.
I would buy a gaming console entirely for drts video game
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okay yeah I agree but I reckon it'll be fine, kang's dad has already paid a bunch of money so I doubt the coach will get too mad
but also I still want to believe that he got onto that team with actual skill and that the money exchanging thing just kinda happened, but it wasn't the reason he got on the team, you know?
so im hoping that maybe when they go to the training camp, the coach will explain everything?? maybe???
ALSO everyone on the team is gonna be IMMEDIATELY suspicious of kang and sailom. kang shows up several days late to training camp, and sailom is with him. theyll all be like 👀
my hope is that the first guy to figure it out will be the bloke in the red jersey because he was side-eyeing guynawa ALL of last episode
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and see, there's something about the difference between what coach says here, and what his dad says a few episodes earlier
"Don't worry. I understand how teenagers are. I've been through it all, I understand" where he's familiarising himself with Kang, relating himself to him, remembering how messy his life was when he was a teenager, and using the "I get how teenagers are" line to comfort Kang when he is grateful for being given such a great opportunity
as opposed to "I get how teenagers are, they never want to study, you should just relax all the time" where he's using his understanding of teenagers from what he's seen during his election campaign (this was in the same conversation where he saw his son playing Fifa and kang got hopeful that maybe he could bond with his father, and his father said "ive seen many young people playing it during my campaign". he relates everything back to himself, the election, and general teenagers as a concept rather than as complicated human beings that you should try to connect to if one of them is, oh I dont know, your son?). and the line is overlooking and dismissing the stress of school and being a teenager. and he never once asks his son if he wants to study. he assumes that he doesnt, because of what he knows about teenagers entirely from observing during his campaign. the man doesnt sit down to talk to his son and learn things about him and to help him and give him advice, like a father should. he's never around to do so.
but then coach says such a comforting thing and he words it in the right way and even talks about how he himself was once a teacher, and he understands what kang is going through, even if he doesnt know all the details
oh would you look at that I wrote an essay
I could actually turn that into an actual essay if I wanted to
the exam i have on king lear in less than two weeks can sit to the side for a while, kangsailom are far more important
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hes like korn but... better
love korn but idk, he kind of asked the same kinds of questions and made fun of his friends in the same sense that guy is now, but he did it differently and it came off in a more intrusive/inappropriate/rude way than the way guy's doing it if that makes sense? idk
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so you decided to go outside where name is?
what, are you planning to do him
(this is the second time in two episodes that ive made a joke about saifahname doing each other, what is wrong with me)
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name is taking notesss
he's cooking up that robbery plan (??)
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he remembers things about him
okay I know it seems like im pushing a romantic agenda on saifahname, but even if they have an entirely platonic relationship, I still love them and their dynamic so so so much
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its been years since they were in high school, literal years since they last saw each other and literal years since they last had a decent conversation with each other, and yet saifah still remembers that one tiny detail about the guy
like what the hell
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is this the part where he professes his undying love for him that flourished when they were in high school and it faded into the background for a few years when they were apart, and then he reconnected with him and all those past feelings came rushing back at once?
(im like. half kidding about this)
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okay, every line they say I become more certain that they must've had a thing in high school
like a "one-off, no feelings attached, experimenting" kind of thing
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so the determination for the robbery that's probably coming up isn't gonna be for entirely selfish reasons
its for wholesome adorable possibly-gay reasons
be gay do crime folks
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Im loving the theme of debts in this series
and not just in the form of actual money debts
other debts, like the debt of gratitude that name owes this guy
or with kang's dad and his idea of "its my way of apologising" "its my way of helping you" and how those gestures were ways of forcing saifah and kang into owing him a debt
debt is such a weird word
but yeah. and like, even the debts have debts in a way
name, a debt collector, owes his employer a debt
ging is offering to pay all of sailom's family's debts, so long as sailom tutors kang and gets him into a good public university. so now sailom owes ging a debt of gratitude, and if he fails at helping kang into a public university, then he has not only his actual money debts, but he'll have the feeling of guilt on his shoulders for not achieving that goal
I just think its really interesting
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that makes a lot of sense
man I hate this guy
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I dont think this man has any idea how to be a father
he has no clue what hes doing and he's not even trying to figure out what he should do
he literally said last episode that kang just gets like that sometimes, and he just leaves the house because hes mad and angry and has a lot of emotions, and he comes back within a few days
maybe instead of just waiting it out, he could TALK to his son and say "hey kid, I know you're going through a rough time right now, I get it. I want you to know that you can talk to me if you want to or need to, because I've been through the exact same thing - I used to run away from your grandmother for weeks on end because I was angry with her. so I know exactly what you're going through, and I understand that its really difficult and scary being a teenager, but if you need it, you can talk to me about this, and I can offer what best advice I have" OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT???
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that's the way he appears out of thin air? not sitting next to him, or saying anything? just silently handing him a bottle of water?
come on man, work on your dramatic flair
anyway, I so hope that while they're sitting there watching, kong does the classic "so you and my son have something special" line where its super unclear if the parent knows they're in a romantic relationship, or if the parent just thinks they have a strong everlasting bond of friendship
im thinking specifically of uther talking to merlin about him and Arthur in that one episode
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"im not busy" but... the governor's birthday?
I mean I agree that the governor isn't important, but I didn't think he'd think that
30 images is really not many
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spookyserenades · 4 months
Questions and thoughts
So, rereading all the chapters some questions cane to mind. I really hope i remember all of them but if not then I'll just send another ask.
I need to know more about hybrid laws and hybrids in general in the world you created. What i gathered until now is that they can't walk without their version of collars and microchip (hybrid ID) and that's kinda the only thing that twigged as law to me. Oh and that they are not allowed to work. What are other laws? Also you'd think that if they were created with the intention of house pet that can talk, wouldn't they only create non-exotic hybrids? But i guess that the exotics are made with the purpose of entertaining the rich. As you said hunting them, maybe sexual desires? Or how Jin was in the circus.
Back to their adoption. Can i ask what everyone was thinking in a few words? Like they new they were going to that rich guy but boom random 23-24 year old girl pops in Hi I got you babes! I'd ask you if you could make a small drabble but I'm too impatient 🤣😭. I was thinking about it and I feel like JK probably thought Oh nice I'm not dying yet but I'm gonna go to a sex house yuhuu.
Scenting! From what I understood all hybrids do it. Please tell me it's not as sexual as the 7 of them make it out to be 😭 Not that i don't enjoy it because that is more hot than a sex scene in my opinion. But i can't imagine Daisy doing it😭😭😭
Let's say for the fun of it Hoseok gets together with Alice. He will want to scent her too. Will he stop scenting Y/N? Will she have to give him to Alice in documents and stuff?
Now relationship wise. Do you plan for them to have a poly relationship or more of a open relationship? Because I don't see any of the boys falling in love with each other but that might be just me.
And now a few random questions. How the fuck does JK get dressed with the antlers? How is Y/N so rich because i want to be rich too? How good is that hearing and smell of theirs because I'd be to anxious to have any bodily functions? (In moments like this it would be nice if girls actually pooped rainbows and farted roses ngl😭) Would it be alright after you finish this if i print it out and make it an actual book?
I think that's it right now... For sure i had more stuff to ask. I'll probably remember after i send this. I love this series a lot and idk if you are belive in shifting or not but I'll definitely try to shift to this world. You are amazing Dana and i can't wait to see what happens next ❤️
Oooh let me see if I can give you some answers (also, thank you for sending in your thoughts 🥺)
For the laws... In Trouvaille, adopted hybrids end up getting an ID card to indicate their adoption status, rather than a collar or a microchip. The only forms of legal "employment" is working with the National Parks, like Jimin, and being circus/zoo performers, like Seokjin. Everything else is a sort of under the table operation or even exploitation-- think Yoongi, his mother and he were favored by a nightclub owner and were permitted to live and work there prior to being adopted. Taehyung, on the other hand, was created and exploited at a logging plant for his labor. I haven't come up with any other laws within this universe, yet, but we'll see as time goes on if any more pop up 😉 As for the creation of exotic hybrids, in the past, they were seen as flashy companions to the rich. In the present, they're either adopted by elites who wish to hunt for sport, or because of their superior strength compared to, say, a rabbit hybrid, to be workhorses illegally. Third, for circuses/zoos, like Seokjin.
HA okay they were probably all mad confused when Y/N showed up to adopt them... I think distrustful would be a word that comes to mind for Jeongguk, Namjoon, and Taehyung. Seokjin was too weak to properly react, and grieving over the fact that he didn't know what happened to Hannah. Hoseok and Jimin were just relieved to get the fuck out of there LMAO... and Yoongi, we now know already knew Y/N, and was probably hoping she was just there for him. I'm CRYINGGGG you're so right about Jeongguk thinking something like that, like the world they live in, it would make sense for someone to adopt them all to abuse :(
Scenting: Definitely not an inherently sexual act like the boys made it with Y/N 💀 While most of them are oblivious to Y/N's deeper feelings towards them, they can most definitely smell her attraction to them, and I think that's what triggers them to become menaces... As for Daisy, I picture the way her scenting Ben/Roy as childish nips to the wrist, like a toddler biting her dads, essentially. 💜
Even if Hoseok was to become romantic with Alice, he wouldn't scent her. That act is reserved for adoptive guardians! I don't see Y/N ever giving him up, either, nor would Hoseok want to leave his home.
The relationship is like you said, kind of an open relationship sort of situation. It's sort of unconventional, but I think they'll end up making it work 🥺
fdjksafsd good question about Jeongguk and his shirts! He often wears button downs and concert tees with loose collars. I think after years of having those antlers of his, he's learned how to maneuver things like hoodies over them in a specific way. LMAO I know Y/N has that MONEY! I think her family is old money, her maternal grandfather started an unspecified company, and her dad was an innovator of hybrid cardiology surgery.... she was pretty much born into it 💀 Lucky girl!
Their sense of smell and hearing is excellent, but not God-tier! I think behind several closed doors and whatnot they wouldn't be able to hear someone blowing up the toilet, or smell it, even 😭💀
STOP that would be so adorable if you ended up printing Trouvaille out and making it into a book 🥺🥺 It's alright with me as long as I don't see it on Etsy bestie 😘 (also I'm blushing thank you sm I'm honored)
IIIII- me and my best friend talk about how we want to shift into Trouvaille, too. Let me know if you are ever able to do it successfully, bc I want in on that!
Sending you love and thank you for letting me hear your thoughts 💕💕
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lexa-griffins · 9 months
Omega Lexa works in a sex shop and provides extra services for the customers via a glory hole. Her identity is kept secret for her protection. Alpha Clarke is one of her usual clients. Clarke accidentally knots Lexa through the glory hole so they're tied together waiting for Clarke's knot to deflate
The.... visual of them then tied together through the glory is... too much. Is porncom a genre? Because that is exactly what this is ajskdkdnd
Lexa knows Clarke, she's seen her walk around the store. She's bought a few things here and there, some she assumes are for partners and not herself but Lexa has learned to not judge a book by its cover.
She visits the glory hole a few times a month. Lexa likes her. She's easy to make cum, she's always polite with her even when she can't see her. Overall, a joy of a client and of an alpha.
Lexa has had a rough week and Clarke feels good inside of her. So fucking good. She's exactly what Lexa needed to make her forget the shitty week she had, from being yelled at by an alpha after so much as implying the dildo he was buying was for him and the beta she had to comfort as she cried about the omega she cant seem to keep as he keeps running back to his ex so she thought a funner toy could help.
Clarke is good at making her forget theres a wall between them. A literal one. She stays out most of the time and lets Lexa do her job o nstead of trying to be the big dominant alpha.
Maybe if Clarke had been more in control she would have been able to realize how close Lexa was to take her and she would have been able to pull out before. Lexa is so lost in how good the stretch feels she only realizes shestaking the knot when she's past the point of no return.
"Oh my god." Its really the only thing Lexa can say as Clarke fully enters her and groans, cumming inside of her.
Fuck doesnt quite cut it.
"I- Im stuck."
Yeah, no shit, smartest alpha on earth.
"We're stuck."
"I should have pulled out, Im sorry."
"I was the one in control, I should have realized it, its my fault."
"Are you comfortable like that?"
No, "I guess. Its not like there much we can do anyways." She's bent over and her legs are a ldittle shaky but luckily the stall is small enough she can hold herself up.
"Im sorry."
"Youve said that already."
"Oh, yeah. Sorry."
Lexa snorts with humor, making her body shake and a small moan to leave them both.
"How long do you usually take to go down?"
"Half an hour, one hour? Depends. My rut isnt close so it should be more on the higher end."
"Im s-"
"Clarke if you say sorry i will punch you once i get to see your face."
"Hey i- wait how do yoh know my name?"
"Wait, your voice.... oh my god are toh Lexa, the front desk girl?"
Lexa winces, "Hi."
Clarke's breathing seems to get slightly faster on the other side of the wall, "are you doing okay over there?"
"Yeah, yeah." A laugh.
"Whats so funny?"
"Ive had a crush on you for ages now. I had no idea it was you on that side."
"I havent had a partner in ages. Ive been accumulating sex toys i dont even use at my house for months just to come here and see you. Oh shit that sounds really fucking creepy when i say it out loud doesnt it?"
"A little. But sweet. In a slightly creepy way."
"Oh my god this day could be going better."
"I've had worst ones this week."
"Yeah. But i doubt you eanna hear about it."
"Oh believe me I have nothing but time."
Its about forty minutes before they can get free. Lexa gasps at the amount of cum that leaves her before she sees a small towel being offered to her from the top of the stall door, the watch on the wrist a clear indication its Clarke.
"Sorry, i know its usually hm, a lot."
"Its alright. Idn another circumstances id probably be delighted its so much."
"Im gonna leave the at the counter and go. With extra of course."
"Oh, okay."
There's a throat clearing from the other side of the door, "Bye Lexa. For all its worth, there is no one else id rather be stuck like that with."
Lexa stops cleaning herself to stare at the closed door. She snorts again.
"I really need to stop sounding creepy dont I?"
"Yes. But it had its charm-"
"Im a creepy way." They say in unison before laughing.
"Bye Lexa."
"See ya Clarke."
Lexa listens for the bathroom door to close with a little hesitation.
By the time she's presentable, Clarke is gone and the store is empty. The money sits on the counter with an added 50$ for the whole mess. As Lexa collects the money she finds a paper with a phone number.
"I swear im less creepy face to face. X Clarke"
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