court-of-fools · 2 years
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Feburary monthly doodle requests!
First we have Greg doing some gardening, something he definitely set aside time for and was looking forward to.
Then there's Barisol and Bruna--The prompt specifically was 'crackship for Valentines' month', and I think these two would get along. The date activity is laughing at you.
Finally, we have ideas for Estelle, one of my other OCs, as if she were in the CoF world. The obvious choice for her, regardless of logistics, would be Stellaxi/Ifrid hybrid, lol, though I did do quick ideas for Lapaquin and Cumulun as well.
To see doodle requests as they're completed, feel free to join the server (linked in pinned)
To make your own requests, you can join my ko-fi as a monthly supporter to gain access to the request form!
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swordduels · 7 months
Yesterday I mentioned making Star Wars verses for my muses and I came up with a few ideas. I think Sigfrid will come from Naboo and his family belong to the nobility before the empire rose to power. His mother tries to get a good standing with the queen and have Sigfrid a palace servant/hand maid or something along the line. I imagine Sigfrid would hate this with passion and he would rather find a way to leave Naboo for adventure. In this verse he's to become married to Derrick who's working with the trading industry and smuggling illegal things as well. I've been considering a bit of a name tweaking for Sigfrid just to make it sound more in line with the name conventions in Star Wars. Sifrid, Ifrid or maybe Fridd. For Clarimonde I can imagine them living on some sort of sandy place like Tatooine along with slave traders and high crime activity. Though it could also be fun to have them living close to water or on a obscure planet. I might even make up some planet with it's own culture.
I havent decided if I should keept Clarimonde's name as it is or do a tweaking of it. If I do make a change it would probably be Clar, Imonde or Monde.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
ll "Palio dei Bracieri" accende l'estate da Capitale di Pesaro
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ll "Palio dei Bracieri" accende l'estate da Capitale di Pesaro. È pronta ad «abbracciare tutta la città» l'XI edizione del "Palio dei Bracieri" in programma dal 27 al 30 luglio a Rocca Costanza e in piazzale Matteotti. «Una figata pazzesca», dice il sindaco Matteo Ricci nel presentare «Una manifestazione che negli anni è cresciuta molto, entrando nel cuore di tutti i pesaresi. Un evento che aggrega, unisce, coinvolge, e che ha una forte valenza sociale e sportiva. Non è la festa del Comune ma dei ragazzi che, con passione, tengono in piedi le contrade e di anno in anno tramandano alle nuove generazioni lo spirito e l'entusiasmo del Palio». Un'iniziativa, «pensata per i pesaresi ma anche un servizio per l'accoglienza turistica della città, perché per quattro giorni colora e arricchisce il nostro centro storico. Un ringraziamento a Massimiliano Santini, ai ragazzi che hanno collaborato all'organizzazione e a tutti i giovani volontari. Buon Palio a tutti». «È un piacere tornare a presentare il Palio nel bellissimo clima che si respira in quest'estate da Capitale che, evento dopo evento, sta siglando il successo di una stagione spettacolare. Merito anche della programmazione di qualità fatta e della voglia di fare festa vivendo l'intera città, in maniera condivisa tra pesaresi e turisti. Complimenti a Massimiliano Santini e ai suoi collaboratori per aver mantenuto la giusta "tensione" nelle contrade e per aver fatto crescere la manifestazione», nonostante gli anni difficili della pandemia, «a cui si sono sommati i lavori alla Rocca. Con quest'edizione il fossato torna alla completa agibilità, traguardo importante anche per Pesaro2024, e restituesce un pieno di spettacolo ed entusiasmo in un luogo straordinario» ha detto il vicesindaco assessore alla Bellezza Daniele Vimini. Massimiliano Santini, coordinatore Eventi del Comune: «Saranno 4 giorni di festa, la festa della città, con gli stand gastronomici delle contrade, le esibizioni degli artisti pesaresi, (dal giovedì al sabato, dalle 20) i contest di biliardino e tiro alla fune, la presentazione delle Miss e tante altre novità». Tra le più importanti, «la partecipazione di nuova contrada, quella di Pozzo, piena di energia ed entusiasmo (e nel 2024, Monteciccardo); a indicare che, più passa il tempo, più il Palio riesce a coinvolgere i quartieri e i giovani, e ad abbracciare tutta le città». I colori del Palio vestiranno Rocca Costanza, da giovedì prossimo fino all'evento clou della manifestazione: la gara che, dalle ore 18 di domenica 30 luglio, vedrà sfidarsi le 16 contrade della città (tra cui la new entry Pozzo, in giallo, rosso e nero): Arzilla, Villa Fastiggi, Tombaccia, Porto, Pantano, Soria, Villa Ceccolini, Villa San Martino, Muraglia, la già citata Pozzo, Vismara, Candelara, Santa Veneranda, Centro Mare, Montegranaro, Case bruciate. La finale è in programma alle 21, a seguire, ore 22, la cerimonia di premiazione con la consegna dell'ambito "Ciocco" e della proclamazione del "miglior giro", del "miglior addobbo", dei vincitori delle gare di fune e di biliardino. Nella giornata conclusiva del Palio sfileranno, alle 17, alla Rocca, anche le partecipanti al concorso "Miss Palio" ideato e organizzato da Lorenzo Bernardini Hair Stylist (premiazione dopo le ore 22). La quattro giorni del palio sarà ricca di attività e sfide: «Confermata la zona ludica dove si disputeranno i tornei di "Biliardino dei quartieri" (finale sabato, ore 20) e di "Tiro alla Fune" (finale sabato, ore 21) che quest'anno sono stati particolarmente partecipati» sottolinea Santini. Dalle 19, ogni giorno di Palio, si apriranno gli stand gastronomici in piazzale Matteotti in cui saranno serviti piatti della tradizione pesarese. Non mancherà la musica: ogni sera dalle 20 a mezzanotte si esibiranno band e dj della città. Sul palco saliranno: Mattia Morganti, Fill Koi, Ognuno a modo suo e Ifrid (giovedì 27); Nick & Siti, Giulia Ciaroni, Esteban Salamanca, Pink Fnoik (venerdì 28); Flumana, Jester in Jail, Revenant, Dual Deck (sabato 29). A sostenere l'energia del Palio sarà anche l'inno 2023 "La stessa bandiera", canzone realizzata dall'associazione culturale RDG ArteMusic con il contributo di PMS Studio di Raffaele Montanari: «Mesi fa abbiamo contattato Santini per presentare la nostra idea: regalare una canzone all'evento per raccontare la capacità aggregativa, di collegamento fra le generazioni e l'energia che genera il Palio. Ne è nato questo lavoro importante che si auguriamo possa piacere alla città» hanno spiegato il presidente Gontrano Alessandri e il vicepresidente Davide Pagnini, cantautore, voce dell'inno. Il Palio dei Bracieri vive ogni anno grazie al sostegno di importanti realtà «come RivieraBanca, Concessionaria F. Boattini e Peroni e alla storica collaborazione con Avis Comunale Pesaro che ricorda come il Palio sia sinonimo di solidarietà e altruismo» hanno ricordato gli organizzatori Stefano Esposto e Riccardo Desimoni e Tomas Nobili, voce ufficiale dell'evento.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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foliotitta · 2 years
Toram online fairy feather
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Toram online fairy feather update#
Toram online fairy feather manual#
Toram online fairy feather upgrade#
If your ring is already 2s, I suggest to get Memecoleous and Amalgam (Upgrade of Deniala). I specifically use Dusk and Felicitoad here because felicitoad has reduce dmg. Or you can also use Candela II or Felicitoad (upgrade of Golden Iconos). If you already pierced your add gear to 2s, get Dusk Machina first and 2nd one can be Corroded Knight Captain or crystas that may increase your mana. I specifically use SDM and Mom Fluck since i sdm can give ampr and mp at the same time while mon fluck can give more mp and frac barrier. If you don't want Sapphire Roga then I suggest Arcoiris or Super Death Mushroom. You can also use Ifrid/Mom Fluck for more mp and fractional barrier. Daddy Finpen gives you guard rate and guard power which means lower damage intake when you forgot to use pdef.
Toram online fairy feather upgrade#
If you already pierced your arm to 2s, I suggest to upgrade Boss Roga to Sapphire Roga first then Daddy Finpen for the second. These two items are very beneficial on holding aggro and maintaining your mana. If you already pierced your ohs to 2s, I suggest to get Hero Potum as first xtal then Blood Smear Crystal (upgrade of Evil Magic Sword) for the second.
Toram online fairy feather update#
I will update the builds here soon once I'm satisfied with my current build but if you're new to tanking, I recommend you to use Mtl>Vit stat first since not all boss have fractional damage and you need high hp :>
Toram online fairy feather manual#
I have higher Agi than Vit to increase my motion speed and my attack speed since I can dodge/block most of the attacks due to the current manual guarding update and new shield skills. But then again, there's no such thing as a perfect tank and I'm about to discuss the pros and cons with this build.Īnother update: I'm currently using Mtl>Agi>Vit stat. As of now, I have three kinds of tank (ohs, bg, and knux). Before I forgot, tanks can be a mage, an ohs user, a knux, a bg, and a semi-tank ths. If you are able to handle both of them, that's really great! But I don't prefer increasing my def/mdef because my build is Pdef type/timing-based which means my tank build is more focused on dodging enemy attacks or blocking fatal damages. Max Mtl stat can give you 75% ailment resistance (correct me if I'm wrong), if you put resistance items together you probably have full ailment resistance but aggro will be the problem. Why do I choose Mtl > Vit then? Mtl increases the chance of not getting an ailment such as ignite. Others go for Vit > Int stat or Vit > Mtl. Update: Currently edited the recommended items for tanking! (May 2020)Ĭurrently, I am using Mtl > Vit stat. Update: Currently resting from the game (Sept 2019) If you got suggestions, please do comment so other aspiring tanks out there can have more options. I won't be deleting nor disabling my Amino Account so you can view this guide as much as you want to. This will be my final post since I already quitted a few months ago but I would like to leave a good impression to y'all. Good tanking doesn't mean you actually need the greatest and expensive items/crystas around Toram.
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mangarchive · 4 years
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Title: Monster Petite Panic (モンスターぷちパニック)
Author: KANDA Neko
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School Life, Shounen Ai & Supernatural
Status: Completed (4 Chapters + 1 Extra)
Plot Summary
Kojiro Suzuki (Protector: Ifrid) belongs to the Discipline Monitoring Committee of a high school for kids who have a stronger than normal "Divine Protection." He works hard every day to clear all sorts of trouble. On top of that, he's constantly pursued by the stunningly beautiful D.M.C. Chairman Lauri Asagiri (Protector: Leviathan)...! This is a "metamorphosis love battle" between a super beautiful and feminine top and a stone-faced, handsome bottom with a dark past, unfolding in a fantasy-style high school.
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tezcantysz · 4 years
KARABASAN NEDİR #tezcantüysüz #ifrid #karabasan #cin https://www.instagram.com/p/B_iYGl7pYqy/?igshid=glazfv05rkl6
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anderssundling · 5 years
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Bruka sällan skriv nåt om någon men varit på begravning idag för min idol som liten och även en stor förebild för mig än idag och var även pappas bästa vän! varje sommar sen man va liten hoppades man på få följa pappa och @goranisraelsson till gränssjö å fisk! Och de är nog han som bidragit till att mitt fiskeintresse blivit som de blev😀 nu sitter du å pappa säkert vid er specialtjänn me varsin öl å trassla ipå me varsin gamm ABU rulle å skratt.. vila ifrid kompis! https://www.instagram.com/p/B3NKxbEIeZo/?igshid=ypkrs3z8cktr
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13threbagel · 8 years
you know what’s funny tho, I was kinda expecting the intro on ffxv is not the guys we know, but like their ancestor fighting ifrid and saves the kingdom or some shit, and then their story inspired the “King’s Knights” game Prompto likes to talk about
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herrs-posts · 3 years
Jin ifrid for chaos word
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court-of-fools · 3 years
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First chunk of concept stuff is the basic overviews I did for some major races in the CoF world.
1. Cumulun (KYU-moo-lun), one of the more common races. Greg and Caramilla are of this race
2. Anemorites (uh-NEH-mor-aits), beings from The Great Sea. King Eucidyes and Princess Mize are of this race.
3. Gloshounds (GLOSS-hownds), a quadrupedal race, with Lia being the main character from this group
4. Volvendi (vole-VEN-dee), another common sapient race, with notable individuals in the cast being Yona and Barisol
5. Lapaquins (lah-POCK-wins), another Great Sea race, with Umi being from them
6. Breebirds (BREE-burds), a raptor-like race, with notable individuals such as Aezarch and Tuli
7. Mimibos (MEE-mee-bohs), a pretty various race. Bruna is the only Mimibo in the main cast.
8. Unicorns, which are not a race regarded with much tolerance. They are less a part of society and more the result of the fae’s influence.
9. The Ifrid (IF-reed), an imp-like race all descended from Queen Onyx, who is still alive to this day. Spades is an Ifrid, 
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rxder · 8 years
Hey just wanted to drop in and say how excited I am that the support characters have a weekly brawl going on rn, I never really played as symmatra but I started to bc of the brawl and she's so great,, her attacks were kind of hard for me to get used to but I remember reading an ask you answered awhile ago with tips on how to play her and your advice was really helpful!! so thank you!!!
this weekly brawl is with support characters??? i’ve got to try that out!
and i’m so happy that my tips helped you!! ❤️ at least i know all those hours spent haven’t gone to a complete waste lmao
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kouroku-blog2 · 8 years
@ifrid replied to your post “i need to watch uta no prince sama. for reasons.”
I have to say the plot is lacking and gets ridiculous at parts... I wish the main girl would have more of a personality BUT I do find all of the other characters really enjoyable, the songs are really great too!! I think if you go in not expecting too much plotwise, it'll be enjoyable!
thank you! that helps a lot, i’ll keep that in mind <3
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litereli-blog · 8 years
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court-of-fools · 2 years
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Casual clothes time!
Some of the characters are cases of “yeah I totally dress like this normally” (Pragma, Bruna, Barisol, Viidra), while others I’ve already designed/drawn their casual attire (Jacques, Inky, Leau), and Greg is Greg, so! That meant everyone else needed something!
Ramblings about each character’s style below the cut!
Caramilla’s hair is actually dyed! One of the unique things about Cumuluns is that even if the hair is dyed, the rainbow streaks will persist through the color! So her natural color is actually a dark grey. It takes a while for her dyed color to fade, but she typically lets her hair down and has a darker/more modest wardrobe when not on the job. She takes the opportunity to have fun with her work clothes!
Masque is all about the black and gold aesthetic, and though anxious, does his best to put style first, so a lot of his clothes have fancy trim or accents, and he makes sure to choose accessories that draw the eye, such as an ascot or bag!
Green Bean, being adopted by Eucidyes, has a wide array of cute dresses and other outfits--Some were even hand-me-downs from Mize. She is an Ifrid, and does indeed have wings, but they’re still growing in, so they’re usually tucked out of sight. Her horns are also much smaller than her little accessories in her jester outfit make them seem.
Umi’s idea of informal is a bit more detailed/frilly than most people’s, especially considering she’s not part of any important family. She doesn’t have many fancy clothes, but most of them are in shades of blue or purple, unlike her bright orange work attire.
Yona, meanwhile, looks like you could mistake her clothes for alternate pajamas. And honestly, she’d probably use them as such anyway. She’s all about comfort above all else, so even if it’s a bit too informal for going out in public, she’s not particularly fussed about it.
The Aces are probably pretty jarring, huh? Such simple clothes in comparison to their jester outfits! And green and purple as opposed to orange and blue? Wowie-wow! And let’s not forget the reveal that Aces High does indeed have hair under their hat! They like solid colors, and High tends to keep to greens while Low likes purples.
Francois doesn’t like to draw much attention, so he’s pretty basic in his clothes: Dull colors, subdued patterns and trims, nothing that makes him stand out too much. He also wears skirts since those accommodate for digitigrade-shaped legs more than pants.
Finally, Vega can’t seem to break out of old habits too much. He comes from a desert region where clothes were nice and loose to promote airflow, and more emphasis was put on the designs the clothes had since you couldn’t get wild with materials or layers. The cooler climate of Gigglox makes this not exactly necessary, but he still thinks they look nice, so!
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