#ignus ferric
stormbreaker101 · 2 years
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I made the Arcanum in Ponytown :D
Some artistic liberties were taken, especially with Qyburn
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polaris101 · 4 months
My Wizard101 Pride Month Headcanons: pt 2 (the arcanum)
these are all based on vibes
Tarrak Hadfield - he/him, pansexual
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Jaki Whisperwind - they/them, lesbian
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Ione Virga - they/them, lesbian
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Ignus Ferric - he/him, leather gay
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Baba Yaga - she/her, questioning???
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Zander - any pronouns? definitely not straight
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Qismah Shasa - she/they, bisexual?
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Velma von Venkman - she/they, lesbian
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Qyburn Stellargaze - he/they, pansexual
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these last 3 are all being smushed together cause again i am limited to only 10 pics on mobile
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1) Maulwurf von Trap - i’m sorry but he gives me homophobic/transphobic conservative vibes 💀 i feel like if you were to ask him what his pronouns are he’d go, “NOR/MAL” or he’d scream at you and call you a slur in the process
2) Librarian Fitzhume - GAY TWINK. (he may be gay but that doesn’t stop him from being homophobic, sometimes its a joke. sometimes he’s serious.)
3) Sparck - non-binary, asexual, gay.
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soulhavens · 2 years
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horizon-hold · 2 years
Ignus Ferric big naturals
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wizzytexts · 2 years
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(218): Talk shit all you want but with my new knife sharpener I have a lethal razor sharp pizza cutter. Fuck with me Mario I dare you!
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meursaulty · 3 years
studying under each of the arcanum scholars is like... [hcs]
sometimes i forget that the arcanum is wizard college lol
the game just gives you ione as an advisor/mentor figure by default, and don't get me wrong, i love her, but i feel bad about ignoring the others. SO... please accept my humble offering of hcs (longish post):
qyburn stellargaze
i'm sorry but he seems like the type of guy to give you stuff like this
you ask him what he wants from you by the end of the week and he gives you 4 different, contradictory answers
but honestly he doesn't care as long as you have something at the end of the week
is one of those professors that cancels class bc they don't want to teach that day
he's disorganized, but it's really because he just has so many projects going on at once, even with your help. he does still want you to actually learn though... he can go on for days answering almost any question you have about astral magic and celestian history/culture if you're just straightforward about it
baba yaga
also a little disorganized, but more on the side of chaotic than forgetful
often contacts you 5 mins before your arranged meeting time telling you to meet her in some other world so she can show you a spell
*gives 50 assignments* *complains about having to grade them all* *proceeds to drop half of them because she doesn't think they're useful anymore*
would give your grade a phat curve at the end just for funsies 🤪
if your wizard is from earth, she would love to hear what children's/folk tales you remember
has made mellori guest lecture at least once (even though it's all stuff you already know, having graduated from ravenwood)
her classes aren’t necessarily difficult, just verrryyy confusing at times. somehow, you still make it out just fine and manage to have a good time?? cyrus drake could NEVER
ignus ferric
lets you work the forge of legends for extra credit but still makes you buy the recipes full price (reagents are pricey and he's gotta fuel his own work somehow)
most of your work with him is helping him develop new spells
likes to go around the arcanum with you to check on the other scholars in the name of ~interdisciplinary study~ ... really more of a social call but whatever
sometimes gives you tasks that are very sketchy in terms of safety. no he hasn't tested them himself. but he'll do them with you!! pyromancers burn bright when they work together!
he's generally one of the more lighthearted scholars, but he'll take it down a notch and be real with you should the situation call for it. pep talks, the cold hard truth, whatever you want...
ione virga
she's intense as a mentor - she likes original work so a lot the time you spend under her is exploring uncharted territory in the field of divination
a harsh grader... you're gonna have to sell your soul for an a
but she isn't tough without reason! she just has high standards, a reputation to uphold, and she wants you to do your very best
growth mindset girlie -- really, she isn't out to get you. she wants you to learn from your mistakes. resilience and problem solving are as important as the magic when it comes to her teaching
she lets up a little by the end of your term, because she knows she isn't easy on you
says she doesn't take late work but she actually does as long as she hasn't gotten around to grading yet anyway (just don't tell anyone or she'll change the policy)
jaki whisperwind
as long as you leave her tutelage having learned something, she's happy
will draw you multicolored diagrams, give demonstration upon demonstration, and explain theories and concepts in 759487 different ways if it means getting you to understand
aesthetically, she's like one of those Pinterest Teachers, but in practice she's actually bearable -- positive, but not in a toxic way
she doesn't believe in grades lol. she will literally give you an a for effort
but she's big on mutual respect. you have to fulfill your duties as a student just as she fulfills hers as a teacher. you can't just do the bare minimum and expect to pass (because you won't)
gives bonus points if you bring her a souvenir from unicorn way
qismah shasa
qismah has the most traditional style of teaching
she of course still has the arcanum flair for making you go out on your own and get practical experience, but solo adventures would be bookended by preliminary research and formal written reports/presentations
^ which you already kinda do in canon at the end of worlds
she makes you edit and revise your reports a million times before your final submission, which is annoying but actually quite helpful for your future work
keeps copies of your best work on the shelves in her office
she comes off pretty serious and focused, but if you're both free, she'll gladly welcome you into her office and tell you stories about mirage or the history of her various decorations/trinkets
tarrak hadfield
proud supporter of hands on experience - whether that's sending you out to face some creature or just sparring with him in a practice room
likes exploring the extremes - how much damage can you do (offensive) and how little can you take (defensive)?
you don't have to do much written work for him. what he really wants to see is improvement in how you perform magic, so most of your grade comes from the aforementioned hands on experience
he doesn't feed you answers. he wants you to assess your own strengths/weaknesses before he tells you them to make sure you're thinking critically about what you're doing. basically, you dictate what would otherwise be your written work
sets aside days to spend outside doing a non-magic/non-combat activity like climbing to keep some variety
velma von venkman [credit to @wizzycore for this dynamic]
velma barely has any pull at the arcanum (src) so you can bet that if you were studying under her, you'd be doing the grunt work with her... she would probably still be trying for her tenure while having you as a student
this means following her around to some pretty nasty places and defeating various creatures/collecting shadow essence to study instead of just reading about said creatures
can't rely on existing research if you are the research
working with her would feel more like a group project at times - she gives you a lot of control over how to go about things
despite how she's mentoring you, she's still fairly new to the arcanum and would be very understanding if you needed an extension/day off ("sorry, velma. can't get my draft in today, new world-ending threat just came in" / "yeah that's cool just forward it to me when you can")
he's one of those flipped classroom people, where you teach yourself most of the material and spend the time you have with him reinforcing it
because do you really want to sit through a telepathically delivered lecture...
a lot of the time he just tells you to go off and do something new/fun/comfortable before reporting back
but there is a point to it ^ he wants you to see firsthand how your own experiences play into the quality of your magic (e.g. what makes a spell really effective? what inner intention, linked to what feeling? then, how do you channel that intention in the future?)
he's more knowledgeable on the theories of theurgy than the combat skills that the savior of the spiral would need, so he teaches you attack spells, but sends you to practice them with another scholar or initiate
one of his class requirements is just sitting with him in his office and joining his meditation. it's actually very nice
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destiny-moonforge · 3 years
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POV you’re ignus ferric trying to put sparck and ione down for a nap and they got into your metal workshop
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that-wizard-oki · 8 years
I feel like Ignus Ferric is heavily inspired by the dwarves from Lord of the Rings....
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soulhavens · 9 months
taking note of which NPCs are grouped together at The Summit 2
Solomon crane + buck gordon
dog tracy, the quizzler, librarian fitzhume
ignus ferric and velma von venkman
gretta darkkettle and duncan grimwater
judge veg, the quake charmer, copy qhat
zander is here alone
vanitus is also here alone
qhat lady and dynt
killer krok, stallion quartermane, the bantam,
baba yaga and maulwurf von trap
shadoe, tarrak hadfield, jaki whisperwind, duck savage, qismah shasa,
dasein, sandiago, ione virga
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