#ikemen sengoku motonari mouri
xxsycamore · 4 months
@writingwhimsey asked: Congrats on the followers! You deserve all of them and all of the love! If you're still accepting requests, could I get 4 (breathe in their comforting scent) with ikesen Motonari? Pretty please and thank you!
Thank you so much!! I'm reading Motonari's route now and it's been very interesting! Hope I do him justice here!
[🌸] 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝙼𝚘𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚒 '𝚜 𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚒𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞…
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When you enter the bedroom you share with Motonari, you almost miss the fact that he's right there... Not because he's inconspicuous, god no, it's because of how unlikely it is. He's a busy man, it's a miracle if you run into each other before nightfall. You're sure he'll be off again when he's done retrieving what he came for."Oi, come here."
He's told you more than once that you wear your heart on your sleeve, and you're still surprised now when he scans over your features as if he noticed something wrong. Just as you open your mouth to ask what's the matter, he reaches out and wraps his arm around your head, forcing you to lean down and press it flush against his chest.
You're never getting used to the physical contact, not now that you're dating, never. It will always catch you wide-eyed and with warmth spreading on your cheeks... And you have a feeling he knows it damn well.
But his touch is not the only thing you can bask in, in your current position. Motonari's faint yet distinctive scent hits your nostrils, and he smells like home. He smells of the spices he cooks with, of musk and something masculine you can't quite put your finger on; he smells like crawling next to his figure at the end of the day when you push the day's hardships to the side and allow yourself to be completely present in the moment of tranquility. Somehow, you've begun to see it as a reward and not as an energy replenishment to be taken when needed. Motonari is here to remind you of that.
"Hope that 'charged yer batteries' or whatever ya like to call it."
Oh yes. It definitely did.
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∎ (REQUESTS CLOSED) Steal My Heart!! - xxsycamore’s 1500 followers celebration event | 💌 event masterlist
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mythicamagic · 2 months
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Occasionally Ikesen has really pretty descriptions. It's definitely some of the nicest snippets of writing I've come across in otome for little gems like this. Stuff like this is often overlooked, but it makes you appreciate the localisation and gives a comfy vibe while playing the game imo
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cottoncandy-cult · 6 months
I used a wheel to determine which guys I'd write for~
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"So…Why do you have a stranger's kid?…" (Y/n)'s lover stared blankly at her; a singular eyebrow quirked as he watched how she cradled a sleeping child to her chest. "One of my friends amongst the seamstresses is having to babysit her nephew because her sister is ill, since I've already finished all my commissions I offered to watch him for her." She giggled, gently brushing her fingers over the child's chubby cheeks. Her lover seemed skeptical about toting a kid around the castle, but because of how much fun she seemed to be having he had been willing to just let it happen.
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The large male chuckled from where he sat next to (Y/n), sipping his tea as he watched his lover settle the baby in her lap so that he was sitting up with his back against her torso. She was currently entertaining the baby with a puppet his aunt had brought from home for him, she was so focused on the giggling baby that she hadn't noticed Shingen's loving stare. At first, he wasn't sure about having an infant in the castle, but (Y/n) had handled every moment like a champ. Even the infant's cries hadn't been enough to frazzle her, instead she went about soothing him with a smile. The scene was enough to make him think, he had been with (Y/n) for some time now and since they were officially married the next logical step was a family. It wasn't something he had put much thought into previously, but seeing his wife playing with and taking care of this baby was enough to have him confronting himself over his own thoughts and feelings of the future. Shingen didn't come out of these thoughts until (Y/n) moved to sit beside him, the little baby giggling happily as its tiny hand grabbed hold of his sleeve. With a warm smile and large gentle hands, Shingen lifted the baby up to his level. "Not even 3 years old and you're a lady killer, what are you parents gonna do with you?" The baby giggled loudly as Shingen gently bounced him up and down, (Y/n) taking the moment of freedom to snag a skewer of mochi and begin digging into her own snack. "He really is adorable; his parents must have amazing genetics." (Y/n) giggled, watching her husband play with the baby boy was she ate her snack. She couldn't help but focus on her lover's grinning face, she took a good hard look at his features as she did her best to imagine him as a baby. She'd be lying if she claimed to have never thought about having a family with him, many early mornings were spent getting ready together and wondering how things would change when they had a child of their own. She couldn't help but gaze at the love of her life, wondering what he had looked like as a baby. Given how big Shingen was, she was confident he was the chubbiest of babies. A thought that made her cheeks flush as she smiled, the thought of having a chubby baby just made her happy.
Of course, Shingen had similar thoughts, especially when they walked through the Castel town and the children would recognize his goddess. The way they get so excited, wanting nothing more than to play and talk with the woman he loved. Sometimes he found himself daydreaming, wondering when the day would come that he'd be looking up from his desk to find his dear wife nurse the fruit of their labors. He's already worked out a few designs for some baby furniture, wanting to make it himself so he knew it was made right. He and his wife had discussed the baby furniture of the future before, the things she described gave him a lot of inspiration. "He's quite small, I was almost afraid to hold him at first." Shingen chuckled, resting the little boy on his leg and gently bouncing him. The large man couldn't help but chuckle as the little boy squealed happily, tiny hands gripping Shingen's sleeves as he bounced comfortably. "i know, it's been so long since I last babysat. When I first saw him, I was almost surprised he wasn't smaller, I forget sometimes they aren't as small as dolls." She giggled, reaching over to gently brush her hand against the thin layer of hair on the little boy's head affectionately. "Perhaps it's my height, but all babies seem absolutely tiny to me." Shingen chuckled, watching her give the boy some affection as she ate. "Probably, you are bigger than most other grown men so I can only imagine how little he must look to you." She giggled, putting down her skewer as she moved closer to Shingen and leaned into his side. She wrapped her arms around one of his, her head resting on his shoulder as she closed her eyes with a soft smile. Shingen could only chuckle, the little boy leaning back against his chest as he seemed to finally tucker himself out. "Now that's a good idea…" Shingen's low voice rumbled in his chest as he spoke softly, gently shifting the little boy to rest in his arm. "Since you finished your snack, why not come here and join me for a nap. The weather is wonderful." Shingen opened his arm, leaning back against the wall as his dear wife smiled at him and shook her head in mock-shame. "I suppose a nap won't hurt." She moved closer to him, slipping under his arm now and snuggled into him as she rested her head on his chest. Shingen had the boy cradled on his lap, leaning against his torso comfortably. It didn't take long for (Y/n) to sleep, Shingen had stayed awake a bit longer though. He wanted to enjoy the sight of holding his lover like this, looking down on the boy and that was how he KNEW it was about damn time he spoke to his wife about starting their family.
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Kanetsugu stood speaking before a crowd of other vassals, it was a pretty standard meeting so why were these men staring at the man of the house? Because sat on his hip as he spoke was a 3-year-old girl, she was awake but quite content with the gentle bouncing and the sound of Kanetsugu's voice. His wife had to run into town to buy some stuff, so he had offered to watch the little girl since he had nothing to do after this meeting was over with. The little girl had been absolutely smitten with Kanetsugu, lighting up every time she saw him in a way similar to how his wife seemed to brighten whenever he'd come home at the end of the day. It made Kanetsugu chuckle whenever he saw it, this little girl reminded him of both his wife and his younger siblings. He took great part in raising his siblings, he remembered when they were all little like this and those memories were quite dear to him. At the end of the meeting Kanetsugu made his way to the kitchen, paying no mind to the odd stares he got and the whispers that followed him down the hall. He wanted to get the little girl a snack, so he planned to fix her some peaches since they were soft and easy to eat. On his way there he noticed his lover on her way down the hall. She was coming from the direction of their room, meaning she had dropped off her shopping. The young woman's face lit up; he couldn't help but give a slight smile at how she rushed up to him with her own wide grin. "I take it the meeting is over? Thanks for watching her while I ran into town." (y/n) smiled, reaching out to playfully poke the little girl's side and listen to her giggle. They exchanged the little girl, who had smuggled into (Y/n)'s chest. No doubt the woman was a bit more comfortable to lay on, for obvious reasons. "I was on my way to the kitchen to get her a snack, so it's perfect timing on your part. It'll be easier than cutting a peach one handed." He gently took her hand, since getting married, he had begun doing this any time they were together. She was his wife, something he was proud of and more than willing to display. "Food sounds good, lunch should be coming round soon. So hopefully she'll be done eating before then and we can eat without too much trouble." (Y/n) smiled up at Kanetsugu, the little girl resting on her arm and curled against her chest. She was sucking on her thumb, content with the steady sway of the woman's walk cycle.
"Maybe if we're lucky we can put her down for a nap after her snack, she hasn't had one today yet so it's about that time anyways." Kanetsugu lead his lover to the kitchen, his free hand running through his own hair as he found his gaze wandering away from the sky as he took in the sight of his lover with her friend's baby. It was such a domestic sight, something that made an odd feeling stir in him. He had never actually thought about it in depth, he knew he wanted a family, but he had never put a whole lot of thought into it. But confronted with the glimpse before him, it was like something was stirring awake. He no longer just wanted a family with her, he needed one. The thought of having evidence of their love made his heart speed up, a sort of primal shift growing inside of him at the thought of her having his child. It wasn't just animalistic desire though; his protective instinct was starting to twitch awake. To have a family with his wife, that would truly be his peace. It was like a new goal came into focus; one he couldn't wait to discuss with her later once the little girl had gone home with her mother for the night. So, for now he had to settle for gently squeezing her hand, giving her a fond gaze as he watched her talk about her experience at the market. When her gaze suddenly caught his, he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. Leaving her flustered as he released her hand and stepped through the threshold and into the kitchen. She stood at the doorway, watching him with curiosity as she failed to fight the love-struck smile that crossed her face when watching the man, she loved prepare food for the little girl in their care.
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Motonari watched his wife with a grumpy pout, on her lap was a 4-year-old that had proven to be the bane of this man's existence. This little boy would not accept anyone but her, and God forbid Motonari be allowed to hug or touch his wife. The boy didn't throw a hissy fit, oh no, worse yet the little boy would hold his palm out to Motonari with a firm but docile "No." With the most expressionless stare Motonari has seen in his life, he hadn't been able to so much as hug his wife with this little boy around. The kid refused to be held by anyone else, he was always giving Motonari such a blank faced stare and it never failed to make the man laugh out of mild frustration. The more he thought about it, the more ridiculous he felt. He was competing with a kid for his wife, and it wasn't even his kid. At the end of the day, this kid goes home with someone else, so there is NO competition. Each time Motonari reminded himself of this, rolling his eyes at the jealous side that was near desperate to hold her hand. Though there was some odd part of him that was satisfied with watching his wife interact with this little boy, even when he was fussy, she was calm as can be when handling him. Plus, there was the pride he took in having a wife so loved by so many people, she was the prize jewel out of all his treasures. Currently the two were waiting for the little boy's aunt, (Y/n)'s friend, to come and pick up the little boy for the night. The sun was an hour or two from setting, and he was doing his best to be patient as he had a staring contest with the little boy. At least until the child reached out to him, making a grabby motion that had (Y/n) lighting up. "Aw, he wants you to hold him!" She was excited, moving closer to Motonari, who for just a moment was panicking, he did not have a plan for this particular option. So he had let his wife lead him into holding the little boy on his lap, the boy sat with his back to Motonari's chest. His little head was leaned back on Motonari's collarbone, he still had one hand holding onto (Y/n)'s finger so she had to sit against Motonari's side. Seizing his chance, he slid his free arm around her waist as his other was draped over the boy's stomach to keep him steady.
"I guess you respecting his boundaries earned his trust, that's so sweet." She smiled brightly, nuzzling Motonari's shoulder in a way that never ceased to make him melt inside. This was a situation he had never imagined in his life, the male having never actually thought about having kids of his own. Sure, he knew kids existed, but he never thought about HIS kids existing. This whole situation felt so surreal, looking down at his lover and this child no longer felt real. All of a sudden it felt dreamlike, as if he was discovering something for the first time. A wide array of emotions overwhelmed him, from a strange anxiety to what could only be described as an intense contentment. He had come a long way from the person he was when he and his wife first met, but even still to have such a large discovery out of nowhere was almost startling. He hadn't felt like this since he first realized he truly loved his wife; it was a feeling that could be described with the word emotion. It was so much at once, and yet he felt calm in an odd way. His face was flaming, silently staring at his lover as he processed everything. Of course she had noticed his stare, she had trying speaking to him, but he never responded and now she was simply flustered by the look he was giving her. It was almost innocent, the flustered look mixed with confusion and surprise. Leaning forward she placed a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose, suddenly bursting the bubble he had previously been absorbed in. It took every ounce of self-control in him not to jump, he had already embarrassed himself enough today. The hand that had been around her waist came up, pulling her close and tucking her head into the crook of his neck as he tried to hide his flustered state. These new realizations had him feeling energized in an odd way, he simply had to have her close right now. He knew the look on his face was probably quite out of character for him, and he was embarrassed to admit how little control he actually had over his current behavior. He wanted to hide his emotional state, and what better way to do that then basking in the affection and the touch of his wife that he had wanted all day. Once the boy was returned, he planned to spend the rest of the day and night with his wife in their room. He wanted only her presence, only her voice and scent. Only her.
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(Y/n) currently sat at a banquet between her boss Nobunaga and her lover Masamune, across from her was Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi. Meanwhile in her lap was a 1-one-year old little girl, the niece of a friend that was taking care of her sister until the woman's husband got home from work. Because of that (Y/n) had brought the baby to the banquet, it was fairly late, and the baby was full from where (Y/n) had taken the baby home long enough to eat and give the mom a chance to see her. The little girl had been quite content after eating, and so now she was happily babbling away at Keiji while Masamune fed his wife a bit of rice. "I shouldn't be surprised you volunteered for such a task; you always do manage to find the most amusing situations." Mitsuhide chuckled from across the woman, drinking some sake and letting a servant refill it. "She was a little fussy at first, but once she got comfortable with us it got a bit easier. Her aunt should be back to get her soon. She's just waiting for the woman's husband to come home to take care of his wife." Masamune chuckled, sitting close to his lover's side as he'd raise bites for her to take and fed her her meal before he had even touched his. He had spent most the day doing paperwork, which left (Y/n) to bear the brunt of the child's care. He wanted to give her a small break and help out now that he wasn't busy, plus he had been wanting to give her some love all day. She was just too cute, playing with and fawning over the baby girl currently in her arms. Looking at the little girl he could admit she was cute, but he just knew their baby would be even cuter. If he had a little girl that looked just like his wife, he'd be over the moon. In truth he wanted a larger family, something he and his lover had discussed many times. They want quite a few children; they hadn't really been trying for kids as of late but also hadn't been avoiding it either. But today made him feel it was time, seeing the way she cared for the little girl, even when she screamed and cried, had reaffirmed in him that they could do this, and it was about time to take the first steps officially.
Once his wife had finished her food he had set the chopsticks down, using one hand to hold one of her own as the other brought his cup of tea up to his lips so he could take a sip. "It seems so natural; I was worried you'd struggle with her when I first saw you in the halls this morning. But you seem to have everything under control." Hideyoshi smiled, taking a bite of some roasted vegetables while observing the baby girl in his friend's lap. Despite all the noise she almost seemed ready to fall asleep, the group laughing at how her tiny head bobbed before she finally gave up and completely rested across the woman's lap as her haori functioned as a makeshift cover. "I won't lie it was hard to be calm sometimes, but I eventually found a good rhythm for cycling through what she wanted or needed until I could find what I needed. Then it just kinda got easier to tell what she was wanting, plus after visiting her mom to drink her fill she's been quite content and a lot less fussy." (Y/n) giggled, gently rubbing the baby's stomach with her free hand. She watched the baby sleep with a fond gaze, her mind wandering to places that her observant friends could easily predict. For Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, and Hideyoshi; it was the same look Masamune got any time they noticed him watching her interact with the little girl. Oh yes, they knew it was only a matter of time before they had children running about the castle whenever the pair would come to visit from Aoba. "Well, at least you'll have practice for when you and Lord Masamune have a child. It'll be quite the sight to see." Mitsunari spoke openly with a fond smile on his face, and as flustered as it made her, (Y/n) couldn't fight the smile she felt forming on her face. She'd be lying if she said taking care of the little girl made her wonder how things would be when they DID have their own child, she'd love to have a little boy that looked just like her husband. Though she had known for a while she wants more than one child, as aware as she is of what childbirth is like in this era she wouldn't miss the chance to have the family she desires with the man she loves. "You guys will be the first we tell when I fall pregnant, I promise Mitsunari." She giggled some, at least until she felt Masamune's arm wrap around her waist. "It'll be more than that, we'll be staying here during your pregnancy that way I can be sure of your safety. Plus, Ieyasu will be a boon to have on standby." The blonde let out an indignant snort but said nothing back. The fussy blonde being surprisingly quiet about Masamune's desire to have him care for Hime in such a state, and none of the other warlords seemed bothered at the idea of a pregnant woman waddling around the castle. Something that both embarrassed (Y/n) and made her feel overjoyed, as she knew she had everyone's support when it came time for this new step in her life.
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Everyone stared intently at the trio during a war council, sitting in his usual place was Kenshin. And as per usual, he was the one making a scene. In his lap sat his wife, odd but not entirely unexpected. And then on her lap was a little boy, a 4-year-old she had volunteered to watch during the day for her friend who was caring for an ill family member. The group had been stuck at the hip since the little boy's arrival, though at first Kenshin had been a little jealous and that had been why he was being more openly affectionate than usual. But it was less than 2 hours before his reasoning shifted, some part of him deeply enjoyed watching his wife happily interact with the child. He had thought about having a family with her for many years, even before they had married. Though he had yet to put his desires into words, he didn't want to pressure her and had originally decided he'd just wait for her to approach him when she was ready. But now, while Kanetsugu went over his report for his recent observation mission, Kenshin wanted nothing more than a way to bring up his desires without pressuring his love. Starting a family was a big deal after all, he didn't want her to force herself into something she isn't ready for just to try and please him. Kenshin was staring off into the distance, his chin resting on the top of his lover's head while the little boy in her lap played with a stuffed animal. His vassals watched, absolutely astonished. Even Shingen was quite intrigued with his friend's behavior, meanwhile Kanetsugu could feel his eye twitching as he figured out long ago his Lord was barely listening, and they'd probably have to talk about this again later. Of course (Y/n) wasn't dumb, she could tell what everyone was thinking, and she did kind of feel bad for Kanetsugu. Before Kanetsugu left for his mission Kenshin had the Fearsome God of war, when he returned however he was Kenshin Lord of the bunnies. Sure, he still went to war, but he had changed in many ways. Kanetsugu could recognize the good, but he often found himself surprised at how (Y/n) brought out a childlike behavior in Kenshin.
Sometimes it made Kanetsugu want to laugh, but when his Lord is just blank face no thought staring at him in the middle of a war council, he wanted to throw something. Not that he actually would. He tried to soothe himself by observing his Lord's situation while he spoke, knowing that at least Shingen, Yukimura and Sasuke were listening. From the outside, you'd almost think they were a family. A thought that did calm the white-haired male's irritation, his Lord seemed so content. Kenshin was always quite happy when he had (Y/n) in his lap, but the addition of the child seemed to bring something out of the male. Kanetsugu didn't miss how his lord had gently pulled his wife closer, the blonde man's hand occasionally coming up to pet the little boy on the head absent mindedly. It only further reassured Kanetsugu's expectation that this is likely going to be the future, he wasn't quite sure how he was gonna handle this, but he was sure it was going to involve late night drinks with a recap of the war council. By the time Kanetsugu had come to this conclusion he had finished his explanation of the survey he had been sent on, and as he stepped back to return to his previous seat Kenshin seemed to realize that everything was over. On the outside Kenshin seemed somewhat normal, but Kanetsugu could see the slight surprise in his lord's features upon realizing he had missed the entire council. "I see, I do have a few questions, but we can discuss those later. Is there anything else that needs to be discussed?" Kenshin gazed around the room, wanting to make sure there wasn't anything left to discuss before he dismissed the meeting. When it was concluded that there was nothing else to talk about, Kenshin released everyone to go back to their daily duties. "It's almost time for lunch Kenshin, did you want to go out to eat? The weather has been nice the past few days." (Y/n) smiled, leaning back so that she rested against his chest. Her head leaned back against his shoulder, and she pressed a kiss to his cheek with a warm smile. After the door had been closed and everyone left, she let the little boy up so that he could explore the room a bit. Where the two adults sat, they could see every corner of the room and could easily monitor him. "Sure, we can make a date of it. The little one won't notice, and we can stop by a tea house for dessert after if you want." Though Kenshin didn't really like sweets, he still enjoyed the tea house atmosphere while he watched her enjoy her desserts. "You know me too well." She giggled, pressing another kiss to his cheek as they spent a few quiet moments in each other's arms. Watching over the little boy in front of them, both having only the thought of discussing family with each other at the end of the night.
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paradisekissmoon · 1 month
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Let her hear itttt
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lucyw260 · 5 months
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Oh my heart💖
I can't help imagining it really was gunshots and he'd be riddled with them while protecting her, so tragic😭
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shatcey · 6 months
Knowing smile
After very sad (if you like Mitsuhide) dramatic ending of the Kichi route, I decided to choose something light… The obvious choice is Ieyasu. I don't remember who the love rival on his route is, but it's definitely not Mitsuhide. So that already makes it light. And I remember how sad his backstory is, but it's still better…
I just love this scene…
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🔝 Start page 🔝
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chuuyastinysock · 1 year
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Ikesen Barbie Posters~
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Ikevamp Barbie posters~
Part 1
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kittygrimm88 · 8 months
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Yes, yes. I am mess because I wouldn't even think it would be bad to think bedding him.
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writingwhimsey · 1 month
Hello! Congratulations on your milestone!! For the prompt, i thought it would be interesting the one with the suitors reacts to mc wearing a bikini, with Shingen and Motonari!
Thank you my dear! And thank you for asking for my top two faves! This one is definitely spicy! And it was fun to write!
400 Follower Celebration
Smut/NSFW Headcanon: Suitor reacts to MC/reader in a bikini
Suitor(s): ikesen Shingen & ikesen Motonari
NSFW 18+ content
Shingen’s gray eyes are always on you. You are his favorite person to look at and the most beautiful sight he has ever beheld. But when you step out onto the beach, wearing a bikini… his eyes are glued to you…and so are his hands.
“This is the clothing you wear to swim in this time? I like it.” He says, his hands sliding over the bare skin of your curves. “So…revealing.”
You giggle and do a little turn, holding up a bottle of sunscreen. “Can you help me put this on?” You ask.
“With pleasure, my goddess.” He answers. He then gladly lathers you in the sunscreen., his hands moving sensually over you bare skin…even the parts you could actually reach yourself. His fingertips “accidentally” slip under your bikini, caressing your breasts and the curve of your butt.
You will spend your time at the beach, laying out or playing in the water, Shingen unable to keep his hands off of you. And when you get into the water? Oooh…those hands get to wandering, knowing no one can see what is going on beneath the water.
He holds you, your back to his front, allowing him to place kisses along your neck and nip at your ear. His hands will be fully under your bikini, playing with your breasts before one of them slips down beneath your bottoms, fingers playing with that sweet spot between your legs. He will keep going until he has you cumming at least three times…or until you’re begging for him to take you back to your room, which he will happily do.
Once you two are back in your room and alone, he is spending the night properly worshiping his goddess and telling you just how stunning you look in your bikini. He mentions wanting to bring the bikini back home when you return to the Sengoku so he can enjoy you in it more.
Man goes from zero to horny in an instant upon seeing you in the bikini. He hadn’t anticipated that your swimming clothes would be THAT revealing! You had tried to warn him, but he didn’t think the warning was enough. It wasn’t any different than the underwear you had been wearing since you guys had arrived in the modern day!
You give him a playful smirk as you look at him. “You like it?”
Motonari blinks as he looks at you, his face heating up. “Ya really hafta ask?”
You do a little spin, going slowly to make sure he gets the full view. Hips shaking a little when your back is to him. “What? I still want to hear it.”
Motonari doesn’t let you finish turning around before his hands are on your hips and he’s pulling you back against him. You can feel that familiar hardness pressing against your ass. “LIke ain’t the right word fer it.” He growls into your ear, before leaving a stinging kiss on the side of your neck. You KNOW there is a red mark there now.
“There’s others here.” He said. “Gotta make sure they know yer mine.” He says before leaving a series of love bites over your neck and shoulder.
Your face heats up…but you can’t be upset. Enjoying his possessiveness. “Come on, let’s go for a swim.” You say, pulling away from him and heading towards the water.
Motonari quickly chases after you…and realizes the bikini only gets sexier once wet. You’re not in the water for long before he is pulling you out and then throwing you over his shoulder. He gives a playful smack to your ass. “We’re goin’ back. I ain’t waitin’ any longer.”
You gasp and then giggle. In this position, you are able to return the smack with one of your own. When you make it back to your room, he is tossing you down on the bed and climbing on top of you. He is not letting you go for the rest of the night and you are not walking the next day… or the day after that either.
Taglist: @limonzu @zulablaise @kisara-16 @tele86
@lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @selenacosmic
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redheadkittys · 1 year
...8th anniversary of ikesen and my men look very fine...
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ikemen-obssessed · 11 months
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Motonari x Mitsuhide when
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e-lisard · 4 months
Foiled attack
Characters: Mai, Motonari, Hiroyoshi
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
CW: Mai just killed someone
WC: 231
A/N: I'm in like chapter 2 or 3 of Motonari's route but this prompt made me think of a scenario like this so uh. Yeah.
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Mai stares at her hands in horror, watching the blood flow over them. Above her, all light has left the man's eyes as his full weight drops on her.
She just killed someone.
She just killed someone and now she's stuck beneath his corpse.
"Merda!" She can hear Motonari curse right before the body is yanked off of her, and she shudders. She just killed one of his men. What is he going to do to her? Will he kill her for it?
There is a weird look in his eyes as his hands hover over her, before he turns to the side. "Hiroyoshi!" he calls, and near immediately the old man is there. Mai doesn't follow the rest of the conversation they have as she spots the man who had attacked her, the knife she had barely managed to grab lodged in his heart.
Hands are on her, and then Hiroyoshi is helping her up, turning her away from her attacker, pulling her close.
"I- he-" Mai trips over her words, trying to explain why she had done it, hoping it's enough for Motonari to spare her.
"Shh, it's alright, Princess," Hiroyoshi tries to soothe her. "You don't have to worry about it. We'll take care of everything."
"It's okay." He leads her away, one hand slowly rubbing over her back. "Let's get you cleaned up, alright, Princess?"
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letters-from-ikemen · 11 hours
A Letter Next To Your Futon
Thought I would wake ya with a letter since I’ve gotta go out for training with the lads ‘fore they think I’ve gone soft. Knowing you, you should be wakin’ while breakfast is plenty hot, but just cooled enough for that sensitive, pretty little head ‘o’ yours.
You’re gettin’ so used to this routine, it almost scares me. To think it wasn’t that long ago that you and I met…I really don’t know how I lived without ya ‘til now, Deb. Truly I don’t.
Seems like ya really did get me with those flowers in your skull, huh? Well, if this letter isn’t enough to prove I’m happy about that, I dunno what will.
I’ll see ya in a little bit, flor,
Love ya.
Motonari Mouri
a letter for @vegecatto, thank you for the request!
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colourless-hydrangeas · 4 months
How The Warlords Would React To Learning That MC Is Not A Human, But A Plant:
Oda Nobunaga:
When you reveal who you are to Nobunaga, he would be surprised, but curious. But he wouldn't stop loving you nonetheless. He would be wondering how a plant eats, walks and talks like a normal human.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi:
What? How is that possible? He'd be beyond concerned. For your safety.
Hideyoshi has never heard of such plants before, so he would truly confused. He might as well try watering you if you feel tired.
He would not believe you at first, but he would slowly come to terms with the fact. Being a plantfolk changes nothing in your relationship. Maybe Kennyo would finally understand why some of the forest animals like to nibble on your hair sometimes, and also the flowers that seem to be glued to your head.
Mouri Motonari:
He would be surprised, but would not admit it. He knew you were a 'plant girl' all along. Flowers really do grow on your head. Motonari would make sure that you're okay at all times, usually on one of the warm sunny days at sea.
Hope he doesn't get poisoned accidentally.
Ishida Mitsunari:
Oh, you're a plant? How come he has never read about plant-people in books? He would want to know more about you. He's very huggable, so please be careful when handling, you wouldn't want to accidentally poison Mitsunari.
Bonus- Plantfolk!MC Hydrangeas:
Not baffled that everyone is curious about her. Contemplating if she should give some of them a minor skin infection to calm them down. She can give them a cure later.
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paradisekissmoon · 2 months
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Good job, MC! 🥰
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cottoncandy-cult · 8 months
When you and some of the IkeSen boys get caught being cute ft. Mitsuhide, Ieyasu, Motonari, Kanetsugu
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It was early one summer morning when Mitsuhide had woken (Y/ n), though they had no business that day the rest of the Oda forces would be coming over for breakfast and lunch to check out the new garden Mitsuhide had put in as an anniversary gift for his sweet fiancé. They still had a little time before the rest of the group showed up, so Mitsuhide had decided to take his time with brushing her hair, he's done it many mornings especially on days where there was no rush or an absolute rush. He could only quietly chuckle at her sleepy expression in the mirror, eyes softly shut as she tried not to fall asleep as his fingers moved through her hair with the comb he'd run through each section. "You can rest your eyes if you'd like little mouse~ We still have some time before we have to meet the others out in the garden, so I can pick your outfit if you'd like to get a few minutes of sleep." He watched her (E/c) eyes peak open in the mirror, glancing up at him a moment before a sweet smile spread on her cheeks. "No that's fine, you've been doing a lot for me, and I like spending the mornings with you." She smiled and leaned back against him a moment, her head resting on his shoulder as his arms came down to wrap around her waist. "What can I say? You look so adorable when I spoil you little mouse." Mitsuhide pressed a kiss to the side of her head, nuzzling the spot as he closed his own golden orbs to relax with her for a moment in the warm morning air. Neither noticed the various pairs of eyes that watched from a crack in the door that led to the garden, the group had arrived early and had approached the door to give their greetings when the noticed the couple had yet to fully stir. They took the rare opportunity, Hideyoshi especially, as they had always been curious how he treated her behind closed doors. It was no secret that their princess adored the kitsune like male, she would fist fight someone for that man. (Something they got to witness firsthand; the only thing more surprising was how unsurprised Ranmaru was as he cheered for her to whoop their ass.)
Granted Hideyoshi was just a worry wart, he had always wanted to see some sort of physical proof that Mitsuhide's love ran just as deep as (Y/n)'s. So, to witness this quiet moment of peace between the two, seeing the care he took when brushing her hair and peppering kisses across her neck and cheeks. The look on his face was one no one in the Oda forces had ever seen, it was like spotting a white peacock amongst a vibrant forest. The group moved away from the door to give the couple their privacy, waiting til they were sat amongst the picnic set up to discuss what they witnessed. "Told ya he was mad for her Hideyoshi; I've seen this man lose control because her life was in danger. Nothing stirs that beast, the way she does." Masamune chuckled as he sipped on some tea the servants brought out, Nobunaga could only chuckle as he had heard Hideyoshi complain many times about various aspects of the silver fox. "It is comforting, don't get me wrong I know Mitsuhide loves (Y/n) but her devotion is absolute. So, it's nice to see the love she has for him mirrored." Hideyoshi chuckled with a relieved smile, the group watching as a white fox slipped into the garden and made its way up onto the porch. It stopped near the crack in the door, giving some soft chirps before it squeezed its way through. They of course knew Mitsuhide had Chiamaki, she would often lounge about the garden when they'd come by to deliver messages and the like. It was only a few more minutes before the couple came out, (Y/n) carrying Chiamaki carefully in her arms. They like the others were in their regular wear, comfortable and ready to enjoy some food and each other's company. "Good morning, everyone, I hope we didn't keep you waiting." Mitsuhide had stepped off the porch first, careful when helping her down, keeping a hand on her lower back as he led her to an open spot between Ranmaru and Masamune. "We haven't been here long so no worries, so what do you think of the new garden Lady (Y/n)?" Ranmaru smiled to his dear friend, watching her giggle as she sat Chiamaki between herself and Mitsuhide, the latter of which giving the little fox some head scratches. "I love it, I really wasn't expecting to come back from the hot spring vacation to find a whole new garden." Though she was still waking up, her happy energy had everyone laughing. They were surprised at first too, but after today they likely could never be surprised by his love for her again.
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(Y/n) smiled as she and Ieyasu approached the closed doors of the main hall, a war council had been called while they were in town. Something they had been alerted about upon arriving back to the castle, before going inside the young woman tugged his hand to stop her blonde lover so he hadn't touched the door yet. Of course he stopped, turning to look at her as he quirked an eyebrow silently. With a grin the young woman glanced around before holding up a finger she beckoned him to lean down. It was out of sheer curiosity that the blonde did so, too distracted by his lover's antics to realize they were being watched through a crack in the door. He had leaned down to about her height when soft hands suddenly cupped his cheeks, pulling him further down as her warm lips pressed gently to his forehead. His face bursts a bright cherry red, staring at her with wide astonished eyes before they narrowed affectionately, and a soft smile stretched on his face. He chuckled a bit, pressing his forehead to hers, his lips opening to give her a playful scolding. At least until the doors to their left slammed open, the two were quick to jolt away from each other to try and pretend as if they weren't just flirting in the hallways. But the smirks on Mitsuhide and Masamune's faces told them that they had been caught, with NO room for excuses.
"So lad, when were you gonna tell us you had went and got all grown up on us?" Masamune chuckled, looking between the two startled lovers. Both of which wearing cherry red faces, looking guilty beyond all belief as the other warlords looked on at them with soft knowing grins. "I'm so glad to see you're having a good day Lord Ieyasu, you must have really enjoyed shopping with Lady (Y/n) today." Mitsunari spoke up, his angelic smile as innocent as always. (Y/n) almost wanted to laugh, but Ieyasu's eyeroll showed he was less than amused. "Yeah, I was having a good day there for a while." His eye twitched as Mitsuhide began chuckling, no doubt he wouldn't be letting the younger blonde live this down for a while. "Ieyasu, if you'd like a moment to come to terms with your need to part with (Y/n) for the duration of this war council you could always ask." Nobunaga called from his dais, watching the group with a wide grin. To (Y/n) he looked like a proud father, but to Ieyasu he looked ready to tease the hell out of the blonde at the next banquet. Likely later that night since Keiji came back from one of his most recent missions, hence why the war council was taking place. "Can we not do this right now, let's just get this council over with and hear what loudmouth has to say." Ieyasu glanced between Masamune and Mitsuhide, even if they had gone rather easy on him today, he was still done with it. "Come now, no need to be embarrassed. There's no shame in loving your woman." Mitsuhide spoke up, the other warlords returning to their seats as the couple passed the fox man on their way inside. "I'm starting to think you just want to fight." Ieyasu glared at Mitsuhide as the silver haired man made his way to the spot on Nobunaga's direct left. But before he could respond to his younger, Hideyoshi had spoken up. "Alright, knock it off Mitsuhide. We have some important information to discuss, so save it for the banquet." Hideyoshi couldn't help the way the corners of his mouth twitched up, making the blonde groan in irritation. But that had successfully brought the teasing to an end, after a good laugh the war council had started. But the twitch in Ieyasu's eyebrow had (Y/n) smiling to herself in thought over how easy it was to read him. Already knowing he was preparing for the torrent that would surely come his way at tonight's banquet, she'd have to make sure to enjoy some drinks with the show.
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(Y/n) smiled in her spot next to Motonari, they had went to visit the Oda and were lucky enough to be there at the same time as Ieyasu and Masamune. Nobunaga had hosted a banquet so everyone could catch up. (Y/n) had made Motonari's food herself, knowing he wouldn't eat anyone else's coocking. When Masamune first noticed and questoned, the pirate claimed that her cooking was the best and he wouldn't have anything less. Something that had made her heart soar and caused the men in the room to chuckle at his flagrant affections. She had been pouring him drinks through the night, the sake had been sweeter than normal, and it made it easier for her to match him drink for drink without even noticing. Because of that she hadn't a clue as to when her cheeks had flushed, or her mind began to swim. She tilted her head some, smiling as she listened to her lover and Nobunaga discuss trade and foreign countries. Ever since they had begun this alliance the two had actually started to get along more and more with each meeting and drink. It made her happy, knowing the man she loved was getting along so well with her found family. Quietly moving forward, Motonari hadn't noticed her until she had curled her arm around his and pressed a bit closer. He did his best not to blush, glancing at her curiously as she leaned her head on his shoulder. But still he carried his conversation, ignoring the glances he got from the other warlords as they took notice to the affection. When Hideyoshi came to speak with Nobunaga the pirate turned to looked at her once more, his lips quirking up. "Someone's being bold, getting handsy in front of your friends?" He raised an eyebrow, watching her glassy eyes drift over as a sweet and lazy smile spread across her cute puffy face. "I can't help it, you're so smart it's cute." She giggled, a soft slur to her words though it was still easy to make out.
Motonari's face went blank with surprise, sure they had drunk their fill before but in those times her affection had been shyer and sweeter. But it seemed the energy of the party brought out her bolder side, as she didn't seem to care that her friends could see. "I am not cute, you're just drunk." He frowned, though it looked more like a pout, reaching up a gloved hand to playfully pinch her cheek. "Deny it all you want, but you won't fool me.~" She winked at him, her warm hand coming up to grasp his before she placed a kiss to his palm, batting her lashes at him as she gazed up into his eyes. A light pink came to the top of her cheeks, the dreamy look on her face making his chest feel flushed and heavy. "You need to drink something, here." He spoked quickly, murmuring as he reached for a glass and filled it with water. He was gentle in placing the cup in her hands, crimson eyes locked on her form as he made sure she didn't drop the glass. Despite his flustered state, he didn't try to move away from her. In fact, after she sat her cup down his arm had curled around her waist and pulled her further into his side. "You're not gonna be able to tell how cold you are when you're drunk like this, so stay close that way I can keep you warm." He looked off the side, swallowing down his glass of sake as he glared at Mitsuhide who watched the two with a teasing smirk. As if to spite him and prove he wasn't flustered he pulled her in his lap, staring Mitsuhide in the eye with a challenging smirk as she giggled at his sudden affection and leaned her head back on his shoulder. "See, told you. Cute." Motonari looked over at her, raising an eyebrow as he nipped at her ear. A giggling yelp escaped her as she leaned forward, her hands coming up to cover her ears as he held her tight around the waist. "I don't wanna hear it from you brat, now pick something to eat. With all the drinking you've been doing we need to get some more food in your stomach." He smirked at her, enjoying his playful revenge. He knew they were being watched, but at this point he couldn't bring himself to give a damn. If anything, he was establishing dominance, proving she was his and he'd be damned if anyone thought that would change.
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Today was delivery day for (Y/n) and so she had been out in town, running about the area to drop off her commissions. Some of the orders had consisted of multiple kimonos, because of this one of her seamstress friends had decided to help her. Meanwhile Kanetsugu had a half day when it came to work, he was meant to be in a nearby town doing a quick check of its status, but it had gone so smoothly that he had gotten back before noon. Deciding to take advantage of the good weather he had gone out into the castle garden to read a book, resting against a cherry blossom tree that sat beside a small koi pond. He didn't know where all his lover would have to go, since he had left before she officially got up for the day. So, he decided to wait for her return, already knowing she'd be tuckered out as she was with every delivery day. It was about an hour after lunch that (Y/n) returned to the castle, she had been on her way back to their shared room when she spotted her silver haired lover in the garden. With a tired smile she made her approach, something he noticed immediately as he seemed to look before her feet had even touched the ground. "That's the poetry book you got in town the other day, isn't it? How is it?" She approached him, watching him with a soft smile as he observed her. "Pretty good, it's mostly new poets so it's been rather interesting." Kanetsugu watched her approach, pulling her into his lap once she was close enough and chuckling to himself at the surprise yelp that escaped her. Though she quickly melted into him, folding her legs against his as she leaned into his chest. "Your feet must be hurting, I heard from Sasuke you had so many orders you needed help carrying them." He spoke softly, gentle hands removing her sandals and resting them nearby as he lightly massaged her feet as best he could to relieve some of the tension, the pleased hum that left her reassuring him he was helping. "Yeah, this month was busy. I had a lot of requests for a wardrobe worth of kimono, but now that I've finished that batch of requests, I can take a break. Technically an order from Kenshin, but I was gonna take one anyways. The weather has been so nice I've been wanting to nap around a bit." She closed her eyes, basking in the warmth of his embrace as he readjusted them, so he was leaning further back against the tree. "Yeah? Then go ahead and take a nap. I'll wake you when it's dinner time." He rubbed soothing circles on her back, watching her sew for hours sometimes made his own back ache. He knew how much she valued her work.
"Alright, that sounds nice….*Yawn* After dinner we should have a drink and star gaze, the sky has looked so pretty these last few nights." She snuggled closer to him, her kimono almost like a blanket as he kept her held close to him. His book resting beside her shoes, long forgotten in the warm air of the quiet day. It was only a few hours later that Sasuke came looking for them, stopping short when he noticed the two sleeping against the tree. The ninja watched his friends sleeping soundly, considering turning around and leaving. But before he could Kanetsugu had begun to stir, amethyst eyes glancing around blearily. Only to stop on Sasuke and widen, his pale cheeks flushing pink when he realized they had been caught in the garden. Sasuke's hands came up, a quick motion to signal peace. "I won't tell anyone, I promise." He spoke quickly, not wanting to irritate the so called "man of the house" any further than he already had. Kanetsugu gently cradled the back of his lover's head, slowly sitting up to not disturb her sleep. "What did you need Sasuke?" He spoke flatly, trying to force down his embarrassment while looking around to figure out the time. "It's almost time for dinner, everyone is already gathered. Lord Kenshin sent me to get you, since you weren't there first like you usually are." He looked off to the side, not wanting to further embarrass the male by staring at just how carefully he was holding Sasuke's sleeping friend. Honestly Sasuke was happy for both of them, there was never any doubt that Kanetsugu would take care of his dear friend. But moments like this had him cheering them on louder, he'd fight someone for trying to break up his OTP if he had to. Something he and Hime would joke up when it was just them talking in the corner of a banquet, they'd often share drinks as Hime fawned over Kanetsugu and the things he had done recently to make her smile. Of course if the wisteria scented male knew of these conversations, he'd probably never trust them alone again. "Alright, let Lord Kenshin know we're on our way." Kanetsugu sighed out, waving the other male off so he could rouse his lover for her well earned meal.
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