#ikepri en spoilers
maladaptivedaydreamsx · 10 months
⚠️ slight spoilers for (future?) silvio event mentioned
nsfw mentions below the cut; mdni 🔞
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you know how silvio has that one "secret" room where he keeps everything emma's given him, sort of like a personal treasure room? imagine silvio taking emma in that room, propping her up against a standing mirror in the room. him shooting her a cocky smirk before telling her something along the lines on "this goes to show i only give the best care to all my tesoros". (insinuating she and all she brings into his life are treasured and well taken care of as a result)
tldr op just wants to bang silvio in the memorial room and give him.. several more gifts there <3
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ratwars · 2 years
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 years
Clavis dramatic route ch24 premium avatar challenge JP/EN comparison
Just a some bits of it
By the way, the only thing Clavis does throughout the whole ordeal is just kiss MC. Emma’s in love with Clavis (as much as she tries to deny it) and the whole situation’s painful to her.
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(I have a bad feeling about this...)
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MC: “Sto-” He didn’t flinch when I pushed back through the net and forcefully placed his lips on mine.
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[two completely different things going on here]
MC: (Usually...)
(He goes “I’m a gentleman” and stops.)
Not just touching, but also prying my lips open as if to pull something from within the depths of my heart.
I squeezed my lips with some resistance...and he gently tickled my ear in an underhanded way.
MC: *whimpers*
Clavis: “I’m actually more interested in people who don’t like me.”
~~skip skip~~
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They’re not just caresses, but touches that give off this feeling of “bad intentions”.
The things he’s doing are cruel and if it weren’t for this net, I’d slap him.
And yet, what I was feeling in my chest wasn’t disgust, but pain.
(I don’t like this...)
(I don’t like this at all...)
I hated myself for the feeling as if something that shouldn’t be exposed is about to come out as the lock I had stubbornly kept on my heart was pried open.
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aquagirl1978 · 7 months
Just a reminder that my blog is not spoiler free. I have and will be posting about current routes in EN and JP - I will tag with "ikepri spoilers" and often will use a read more in those posts. I am currently reading Gilbert's main route, and will start Nokto's sequel today, so expect to see posts about those two, as well random stuff about Chevalier's sequel (already released in JP, coming soon to EN).
If you have any questions about Nokto's sequel, feel free to ask away. I still have some asks about Chevalier's sequel that I will be answering this week (sorry for the delay).
I've also begun posting about my IkePri OC - those posts will be tagged with "ikepri oc". I welcome any asks about my IkePri OC; however, any hate asks about her or oc content in general will be deleted immediately.
Lastly, to anyone who has tagged me in reblogged posts recently - if you noticed I did not reply to these posts, chances are the OP has me blocked and I did not see the notification (I know this is true of at least one instance). I do not want to upset anyone who has chosen to purposefully not engage with my blog to the point that they have me blocked, so I ask that no one tag me in any future reblogs. If you come across a post you think I would like, I would prefer you just DM it to me 😊
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judesmoonbeauty · 7 months
Rambles Post: Includes spoilers for Gil’s route kind of.
Wants to write, but is too tired. Wants to translate, but is too tired. Wants to play LBC White Day Event….yeah, too tired. This is my punishment for allowing Gilbert von Obsidian control my life for the last 22 hours. Hopefully, after a good night’s rest we can get back to other things, but…..
I played Gil’s route on JP, so I pretty much knew everything, still I’m so happy we finally have it on EN server. I remember crying for Gilbert when I played in JP, and I’m so glad that I didn’t this time round. That’s mostly because I was focused on a specific goal. Tbh, I haven’t even read through all the premiums, side stories and epilogues. I’ve got to go back to those tomorrow or something.
Anyway, I think one of the things I enjoy about Gilbert/his route is that is allows you so much interaction with HIM. Idk, I feel like sometimes with the other LIs you do get to interact with them as often or rather, another side character takes over. Example: I feel like Rio overran Silvio’s a little too much. That’s just my opinion though. But with Gilbert’s route, you get to have Gilbert glued to you 24/7. He goes away for like half chapter once or twice, but that’s it.
NGL, I’m also quite sad that Gilbert is here because that means we are going to entering the realm of Act 3 or the Sequel routes for the princes, which means, the newer foreign princes are on their way too. I mean, yea, it’s not gonna happen tomorrow, but I feel like Gilbert is the crescendo that marks the finality of the original princes and ushers in a new era. So, while that’s exciting, it’s also a little sad in a way because I find myself wondering things like:
I wonder when Cybird is going to stop expanding the world of IkePri? Are Azel, Kagari and Matthias it? Will there be more? If not, for how long will the game continue? I mean it could be planned for a while, but then you wonder: Will they pull the plug on it like they did IkeRev, if let’s say, IkeVil becomes the greater moneymaker? I mean I probably is by now.
Ok, I’m gonna stop now. Exhaustion is setting in and I’ve truly started rambling.
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hakuoyuki · 3 years
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IkePri JP 1st General Election had ended for a week and a half but I've been quite busy so it's a while since I last updated on here.
Yep, the #1 ranker of IkePri JP 1st Election overall ranking and #1 of Nokto's ranking is me 🦊👑💕
After a year of IkePri release I've also finally finished all routes released to date, both ends, and unlock all their both end clear stories. (Note: the route completion status here isn't updated since I don't want to be giving people heart attacks)
And since IkePri Eng is right around the corner, this is just something I want to share with everyone beforehand (without spoilers that is)
Out of the starter three, Chevalier route has the heaviest lore (and triggers, and smut) while Yves route is the mildest.
Chevalier route: heavily recommended for those who want lore and drama, and Clavis stans. Chevalier's True Love End is a Must Read.
Leon route: heavily recommended for Nokto stans. Nokto stole his route 😂 Not completely but A Lot, with tons of cameo in Passionate Love End.
Yves route: the start of his route (Ch 1) have a Very Important bit of information that ties to all routes. Also heavily recommended for Licht stans.
Routes after starters and very very highly recommended to be read in order of release due to how heavily it will be spoiling the previously released route and how The Reveal in the route prior to it links to the subsequent routes. The order: Starters → Nokto → Licht → Jin → Luke → Clavis → Act 2
Nokto route: The first route after starters, in JP it was released just 1.5 months after the app was released. You could say Nokto's route is the one exception to the above order (in terms of completing a route to at least 1 end before starting to next) but please, at the very least, read Yves' Ch 1 (or if possible to Ch 4) before starting Nokto's route since it'll add more depth to his route. Chev's and Leon's common route also adds more depth to Nokto's route as well. p.s. highly recommended for Rio stans.
From Licht route onwards, the story gets darker and darker real fast. I am Not Kidding. Please be forewarned.
For all routes, True Love End is the true end. Both end clear stories all continues after the True Love End's epilogue. Passionate Love End is the alternative ending. (Consider: True Love End = how the main plot actually ends. Passionate Love End = the "smut" except for Yves where it's "crack")
Event stories which continues after the release of routes also continues from the True Love End. It is also to be noted that unlike other titles, IkePri is Very Consistent in its writing and their event stories happens sequentially with references back to prior released contents such as events and even the main route (and happenings from True Love end). The only exception for this is "If Stories" but even with such stories, they are still consistent on the level of an alternate timeline where MC and none of the suitors have yet to become lovers
Last but not least, since Ikemen Prince EN ver is a localization of the game not a translation, there will certainly be bits here and there which are changed from the JP ver as Cybird finds appropriate. I don't know how much of it will be (if any, but most likely given how they localized the suitors' profiles and beast encyclopedia as well as how it's impossible to directly translate everything across languages) or where (until the EN ver is released that is) but enjoy and have fun!!
p.s. Look forward to IkePri's first story event (split into part 1 & 2) featuring all 10 suitors and in this SE, everyone has epilogues as lovers! 💕
Note: It seems IkePri EN are localizing True Love End as "Romantic End" and "Passionate Love End" as "Dramatic End"
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
IkePri and Tears of Themis Writings!
Hi everyone! IkePri EN app just went live, marking it the availability of writings and asks open for it!
Previously I didn't open any because I didn't want to share any spoilers.
For IkePri, asks for Gilbert, Keith and Silvio are available but for now they will be based on my characterisations and information since they're not officially on the JP version!
Tears of Themis is also available, but I'm new to writing so I have no background, so forgive me for any inaccuracies!
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bespectacledbun · 2 years
⚠️ [EN SPOILERS] ⚠️ 
some thoughts regarding a certain part of luke’s main route. kind of a vent about the localization, but not really that deep. under the cut for spoilers. tw/cw for mentions of sexual assault.
so I was reading luke’s route during election to use tickets for lucky time and I got to chapters 13 and 14 of his route— the part where he explains his origins and how his parents met to a horrified mc. and it has a flashback to Sariel explaining Luke’s origins to him in a flashback:
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and..... I kind of feel like it was. downplayed in a sense? I understand ikepri is an otome first and foremost, but it’s already delved into a whole host of admittedly very dark topics, including abuse, depression, suicide, PTSD, war, and slavery. so it’s not as if this is the first time they’ve covered something that would need a trigger warning. this is the exact same dialogue line in the JP version:
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Sariel: “That night... the king assaulted and raped your mother like a beast”
the information is the same but the wording is much more explicit in comparison. in the en version.... it feels like they tried to sanitize it (not the right word) so that the game wouldn’t be too dark. which, like, given all the other awful shit that already happens in game and with the other suitors, is a weird move imo. I feel like the localizers shouldn't have shied away from translating the line directly.
I can kind of guess WHY the line was changed, because ikepri jp and ikepri en were marketed as two different games. ikepri jp from the get-go was supposed to be a mature romance meant for adults, with dark topics included. ikepri en, on the other hand, was a cute fairytale-esque love story with no mention of how dark the game could really be. but the downside of that is a lot of players were underprepared for all the triggering stuff that the game actually has (ive seen many, many, many comments and tags on my posts about how ikepri was much darker than people expected). 
so with the atmosphere that ikepri en set up for itself, I guess that could be one reason why they chose to use different wording for that specific dialogue. but to me what ends up happening is the en version (unintentionally) downplays the severity of what happened with the previous king and Luke’s mother. 
“he forced himself onto your mother” doesn’t carry the same weight and severity that “he raped your mother” holds, from my view. it doesn’t really convey the level of trauma that Luke’s mother endured for the rest of her life because of what happened to her. what happened to her was rape, and I feel it should have been called as such in the game, not by a euphemism
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bespectacledbun · 2 years
"Cyran" — who?????? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite
girl who the fuck is Cyran?????? 😭 im gonna cry I hate the ikepri translators so much how do you fuck up a name that's 5 letters and 2 syllables long holy shit. was it really that hard to translate the name as is. was it.
Cyril, on the other hand, I do know, so — who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite
⚠️‼️ SPOILER WARNING ‼️⚠️ holy shit I cannot begin to explain how well written an NPC Cyril is. cybird went OFF with his backstory and personality and the level of detail put into a character that’s not even a fucking suitor?? the way he and Clavis met is heartrending 😭 mild Clavis main route spoilers, but the way Cyril ended up working for clavis is that he was actually the Obsidian lackey who was in charge of burning down the village of hostages during the Bloodstained Roses Day. he couldn’t go against his orders, and because of his guilt over harming so many innocents he chained himself up in one of the buildings after setting the fire, resigning himself to burning to death along with the rest of the hostages. 
Clavis is the one who finds him (he went into the village alone in the hope that he could save some of the prisoners) and he picks the locks to Cyril’s shackles, setting him free and telling him to serve Clavis. Cyril then proceeds to rip the Obsidian kingdom crest off his jacket and throws it into the fire before leaving with Clavis and I just– GODS. there’s a lot I can say about the symbolism of Cyril’s death as an Obsidian soldier and rebirth as a Rhodolite soldier in that burning building but– I don’t really have the proper words to articulate myself properly right now. all I can say is I’m really looking forward to Clavis’s route, and I REALLY hope the en localisation does Cyril justice because he’s possibly one of the best NPCs cybird has ever made across all their games
put a fictional character in my ask box!
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⚠️ licht romantic end spoilers
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🐶 overprotective puppy meets stubborn wolf 🐺
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Luke's route pv is out now for EN server!!
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[ ikepri spoiler warning ⚠️ ]
idk if luke's sister has been mentioned in depth before (in global/en) so i'm just adding the warning in case lol
.....okay so hear me out, i may not know too much about star wars but.... ikepri luke's sister's name is leila i believe... luke and leila..... do you see what i'm getting at here?? ....luke and leia..... omfg luke has the force confirmed?😂
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