#ikiru wo suru
pikahlua · 11 months
MHA Chapter 407 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 その娼婦は一年程前から病に罹っていた そのしょうふはいちねんほどまえからやまいにかかっていた sono shoufu wa ichinen hodo mae kara yamai ni kakatte ita That prostitute had been ill since about a year prior.
2 硬質の疣贅が左腕に生えていた こうしつのいぼがひだりうでにはえていた koushitsu no ibo ga hidari ude ni haete ita A hard wart had been growing on her left arm.
tagline 1 "個性"が起こるよりも昔… "こせい"がおこるよりもむかし… "kosei" ga okoru yori mo mukashi... Long before quirks arose...
tagline 2 No.407 超常遺児 堀越耕平 ナンバー407 ちょうじょういじ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 407  choujou iji   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 407 Paranormal Orphan  Kouhei Horikoshi
3 彼女が自身の懐妊に八か月もの間気付かなかったのは かのじょがじしんのかいにんにはちかげつものあいだきづかなかったのは kanojo ga jishin no kainin ni hachikagetsu mono aida kidzukanakatta no wa The reason she didn't realize she was pregnant for eight months
4 浮浪生活だけが原因ではなかった ふろうせいかつだけがげんいんではなかった furou seikatsu dake ga gen'in de wa nakatta was not only because of her vagrant lifestyle.
5 全く身に覚えがなかったからだ まったくみにおぼえがなかったからだ mattaku mi ni oboe ga nakatta kara da It was because she didn't remember it at all.
6 ソレらはいつの間にか彼女の胎に住みつき ソレらはいつのまにかかのじょのはらにすみつき SOREra wa itsu no ma ni ka kanojo no hara ni sumitsuki Before she knew it, they settled in her womb
7 彼女の生きる力を吸い取っていた かのじょのいきるちからをすいとっていた kanojo no ikiru chikara wo suitotte ita and were draining away her life force.
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1 川のほとりで双子を産み落とした女性は かわのほとりでふたごをうみおとしたじょせいは kawa no hotori de futago wo umiotoshita josei wa The woman, who gave birth to twins by the river,
2 そのまま死亡した そのまましぼうした sono mama shibou shita died just like that.
3 彼女の疣贅はなぜか かのじょのいぼはなぜか kanojo no ibo wa naze ka For some reason, her wart
4 きれいさっぱりなくなっていた kirei sappari nakunatte ita disappeared without a trace.
5 赤児達は あかごたちは akago-tachi wa As for the babies,
6 二人きりだった ふたりきりだった futarikiri datta they were alone, [just the two of them].
7 ねずみがやって来て遺体と赤児をかじり始めた頃 ねずみがやってきていたいとあかごをかじりはじめたころ nezumi ga yatte kite itai to akago wo kajiri hajimeta koro Just as the rats came and started to gnaw on the corpse and the babies,
8 増水した川が ぞうすいしたかわが zousui shita kawa ga the rising river
9 双子をさらっていった ふたごをさらっていった futago wo saratte itta swept the twins away.
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1 一年後 いちねんご ichinengo One year later,
2 "発光する赤児"を皮切りに世界各国で"異能"の報告が相次ぐ "はっこうするあかご"をかわきりにせかいかっこくで"いのう"のほうこくがあいつぐ "hakkou suru akago" wo kawakiri ni sekai kakkoku de "inou" no houkoku ga aitsugu starting with "the luminous baby," reports of "meta abilities" emerged one after the other from all over the world.
3 "異能"は先天性のもうだけではなく "いのう"はせんてんせいのもうだけではなく "inou" wa sentensei no mou dake de wa naku Meta abilities were not just congenital.
4 二次性徴前後の青少年にも後天的に発現した にじせいちょうぜんごのせいしょうねんにもこうてんてきにはつげんした nijiseichou zengo no seishounen ni mo koutenteki ni hatsugen shita Around when they developed secondary sex characteristics, adolescents also expressed them as acquired [traits]. (Note: "Secondary sex characteristics" means puberty basically.)
5 未知の病として調べていた研究グループは みちのやまいとしてしらべていたけんきゅうグループは michi no yamai to shite shirabete ita kenkyuu GURUUPU wa A research group investigating them as an unknown disease
6-7 "異能"を「ヒトから枝わかれした新たなる遺伝子」と発表した "いのう"を「ヒトからえだわかれしたあらたなるいでんし」とはっぴょうした "inou" wo 「HITO kara edawakareshita aratanaru idenshi」 to happyou shita announced that meta abilities were "a new gene branched off from humans."
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1 それはあまりに無神経で早計だった それはあまりにむしんけいでそうけいだった sore wa amari ni mushinkei de soukei datta That was too callous and rash.
2 群生性命を隔つその発表は ぐんせいせいめいをへだつそのはっぴょうは gunseisei mei wo hedatsu sono happyou wa That announcement that subdivided gregarious life* (*Note: "Gregarious life" may be a bit too literal to be comprehensible. I think the best way to think of this phrase would be something like "social species.")
3 混沌を加速させた こんとんをかそくさせた konton wo kasoku saseta accelerated the chaos.
4 コンビナート方面で"異能"の連中が結集し始めたそうだ コンビナートほうめんで"いのう"のれんちゅうがけっしゅうしはじめたそうだ KONBINAATO houmen de "inou" no renchuu ga kesshuu shi hajimeta sou da "It seems that the meta abilities gangs have begun to gather around the industrial complex."
5 昨夜デモ隊が衝突した奴等だな…… さくやデモたいがしょうとつしたやつらだな…… sakuya DEMO tai ga shoutotsu shita yatsura da na...... "They're the ones the demonstrators clashed with last night......"
6 連中が決起する前に叩くぞ れんちゅうがけっきするまえにたたくぞ renchuu ga kekki suru mae ni tataku zo "Let's hit them before they rise up."
7 なんだ? nanda? "What's that?"
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1 超常遺児か ちょうじょういじか choujou iji ka "A paranormal orphan, huh?"
2 可哀想だが放っとけ!遺児は保菌者の可能性が高い かわいそうだがほっとけ!いじはキャリアのかのうせいがたかい kawaisou da ga hottoke! iji wa KYARIA (kanji hokinsha) no kanousei ga takai "I feel bad for him, but leave him be! The possibility for an orphan to be a carrier is high."
3 ん n "Right."
4 何の音だ なんのおとだ nan no oto da "What's that sound?"
5 ん? n? "Hm?"
6 え e "Huh?"
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1 それは母親から「奪った」異能 それはははおやから「うばった」いのう sore wa hahaoya kara 「ubatta」 inou That was the meta ability he "stole" from his mother.
2 その赤児は生まれながらに不遜だった そのあかごはうまれながらにふそんだった sono akago wa umare nagara ni fuson datta That baby was born conceited.
3 身の回り全てが自身の所有物であり みのまわりすべてがじしんのしょゆうぶつであり mi no mawari subete ga jishin no shoyuubutsu de ari Everything around him was his own property.
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1 泣けど喚けど自身を見ない なけどわめけどじしんをみない nakedo wamekedo jishin wo minai He cried and screamed, but he didn't see himself.
2 何も与えない者が なにもあたえないものが nani mo ataenai mono ga Those who gave him nothing
3 ただただ tada tada were simply
4 疑問だった ぎもんだった gimon datta problems*. (*Note: The word here means "problem, doubt, question." I think the description is saying that the baby would look at others and see them as the same as everything else in the world: something that existed as his property. Therefore those that gave him nothing were confusing, were question marks, and he harbored doubts and suspicions about them as a result.)
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1 ダメ DAME "Don't."
2 イタイの ITAI no "That hurts [them]."
3 母親から与えられる筈の栄養を ははおやからあたえられるはずのえいようを hahaoya kara ataerareru hazu no eiyou wo The nutrition his mother should have given to him
4 ダメ DAME "Don't."
5 ほとんど兄に奪われたので ほとんどあににうばわれたので hotondo ani ni ubawareta node was largely stolen by his older brother, so
6 弟はとても小さく脆弱だった おとうとはとてもちいさくぜいじゃくだった otouto wa totemo chiisaku zeijaku datta the younger brother was very small and frail.
7 自身に何も与えない存在だったが手に持っていた所有物なので じしんになにもあたえないそんざいだったがてにもっていたものなので jishin ni nani mo ataenai sonzai datta ga te ni motte ita mono nanode [The younger brother's] existence gave nothing to [the older brother], but [the younger brother's existence] was a possession [the older brother] held in his hands, so
8 兄は弟を決して手放そうとしなかった あにはおとうとをけっしててばなそうとしなかった ani wa otouto wo kesshite tebanasou to shinakatta the older brother tried to never let go of the younger brother.
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1 ーー溝が深まる一方で"発光する赤児"が自ら先頭に立ち ーーみぞがふかまるいっぽうで"はっこうするあかご"がみずからせんとうにたち --mizo ga fukamaru ippou de "hakkou suru akago" ga mizukara sentou ni tachi "--While the gap* intensified, the "luminous baby" has taken the lead" (*Note: The "gap" is referring to the rift between humans with meta abilities versus those without.)
2 平和と安全を訴えています賛同者は日増しに増加しておりーー へいわとあんぜんをうったえていますさんどうしゃはひましにぞうかしておりーー heiwa to anzen wo uttaete imasu sandousha wa hima shi ni zouka shite ori-- "to call for peace and security, with the number of supporters increasing day by day--"
3 僕に黙って何を読んでる? ぼくにだまってなにをよんでる? boku ni damatte nani wo yonderu? "What are you reading without telling me?"
4 まだ文字の勉強中で難しい本は読めないんだけど… まだもじのべんきょうちゅうでむずかしいほんはよめないんだけど… mada moji no benkyouchuu de muzukashii hon wa yomenainda kedo... "I'm still learning letters so I can't read difficult books, but..."
5 すごいよこのコミックって本 すごいよこのコミックってほん sugoi yo KOMIKKU tte hon "this comic book is amazing!"
6 絵で読めるんだ えでよめるんだ e de yomerunda "I can read it by the pictures."
7 描いた人の願いが絵で伝わってくる かいたひとのねがいがえでつたわってくる kaita hito no negai ga e de tsutawatte kuru "The wishes of the person who drew it are conveyed through the pictures."
8 ヒーロー… HIIROO... "Hero..."
9-10 僕もいつかこんな風になりたいな… ぼくもいつかこんなふうになりたいな… boku mo itsu ka konna fuu ni naritai na... "I want to be like this someday too..."
11 弟はまだ兄を諦めきれなかった おとうとはまだあにをあきらめきれなかった otouto wa mada ani wo akirame kirenakatta The younger brother couldn't give up on the older brother yet.
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1-2 かすかに憶えているあの手を兄の優しさだと信じたかった かすかにおぼえているあのてをあにのやさしさだとしんじたかった kasuka ni oboete iru ano te wo ani no yasashisa da to shinjitakatta He wanted to believe that hand he faintly remembers was his older brother's kindness.
3 三年後 さんねんご sannengo Three years later
4 例の"発光する赤児"さぁ…あいつのシンパがとうとう1000万人を超えたんだってさ れいの"はっこうするあかご"さぁ…あいつのシンパがとうとう1000まんにんをこえたんだってさ rei no "hakkou suru akago" saa...aitsu no SHINPA ga toutou 1000mannin wo koetanda tte sa "Well, for example, that 'luminous baby'...they say that guy's sympathizers finally surpassed 10 million people."
5 兄さん… にいさん… niisan... "Brother..."
6 おかしいよなだってあれは戸籍登録が一番早かったってだけで おかしいよなだってあれはこせきとうろくがいちばんはやかったってだけで okashii yo na datte are wa koseki touroku ga ichiban hayakatta tte dake de "That's strange, isn't it? Since it's just because his family registration was the fastest."
7-8 インドなんかじゃその二周間前には50人は異能が産まれてたって話だぜ インドなんかじゃそのにしゅうかんまえには50にんはいのうがうまれてたってはなしだぜ INDO nanka ja sono nishuukan mae ni wa 50nin wa inou ga umareteta tte hanashi da ze "They say that, in India, 50 people with meta abilities were born two weeks before that."
9 その姿は そのすがたは sono sugata wa "That appearance..." (Note: Yoichi is reacting with surprise at how AFO looks like he's been in a fight or something.)
10 おかしな話だよそんなので人を集められるなんてさ おかしなはなしだよそんなのでひとをあつめられるなんてさ okashina hanashi da yo sonna node hito wo atsumerareru nante sa "It's such a strange story, that he could gather people together like that."
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1 だから殺して「奪って」やった だからころして「うばって」やった dakara koroshite 「ubatte」 yatta "That's why I killed him and 'stole' [his meta ability.]"
2 ……なんで… ......nande... "......Why..."
3 だって datte "Because"
4 あのコミックに描かれていたろ あのコミックにかかれていたろ ano KOMIKKU ni kakarete ita ro "it was depicted in that comic."
5 ONE FOR ALL… ワン フォー オール… WAN FOO OORU... "One For All..."
6 ALL FOR ONE良い言葉だよな オール フォー ワンいいことばだよな OORU FOO WAN ii kotoba da yo na "All For One, they're excellent words."
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1 ヒーローは正体を隠して孤独に戦っていたけれど ヒーローはしょうたいをかくしてこどくにたたかっていたけれど HIIROO wa shoutai wo kakushite kodoku ni tatakatte ita keredo "The hero was hiding his true identity as he fought alone, but"
2 悪の魔王は皆が恐怖して全てを差し出すんだ あくのまおうはみんながきょうふしてすべてをさしだすんだ aku no maou wa minna ga kyoufu shite subete wo sashidasunda "everyone feared and offered up everything to the evil Demon King."
3 おまえがそうであるように…皆が僕の為だけに存在する世界 おまえがそうであるように…みんながぼくのためだけにそんざいするせかい omae ga sou de aru you ni...minna ga boku no tame dake ni sonzai suru sekai "A world where everyone exists just for my sake...just like you do."
4 僕にも夢ができた! ぼくにもゆめができた! boku ni mo yume ga dekita! "I was also able [to come up with] a dream!"
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1 待て何故行ってしまうんだ まてなぜいってしまうんだ mate naze itte shimaunda Wait, why are you leaving?
2 "力"を与えてやったじゃないか! "ちから"をあたえてやったじゃないか! "chikara" wo ataete yatta ja nai ka! Didn't I give you power?!
3 なんだおまえは!離れろ! なんだおまえは!はなれろ! nanda omae wa! hanarero! What are you? Get away [from him]!
4 僕のだ僕を見ていろ! ぼくのだぼくをみていろ! boku no da boku wo mite iro! [That's] mine, look at me!
5-6 僕のものにならないなら ぼくのものにならないなら boku no mono ni naranai nara If you won't become mine,
7 もうーー mou-- then--
tagline その手はー… そのてはー… sono te wa-... That hand is-...
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trueromajilyrics · 6 days
Ironina - Niru Kajitsu / NILFRUITS (Vocaloid)
★ True Romaji Lyrics ★
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Ikiru no ni jikan ga tari nai Kyou asu mo jouhou kata na omori wo te ni totte Miku-dashite Tappu Tappu nan ni mo nai asa wo aruku Mawari no me ga kyouki mitaku omoete
Kajika suru haato wo kase ide Jison-shin ni tejou wo kakete Me-kubase shite ikiteku mainichi Akogare teta seikatsu ni zuibun to Itaku kira wareta mon da yo na
Shinji tain da yo shinji tain da yo Kono sekai igai no ibasho ga aru koto wo
Ai ga sameru koro ni Boku wo hanasa naide oite nee Migoto nige-kitte iki-nokotta akatsuki ni wa Sou sa yuuetsu-kan de yuuetsu-kan de obore tai ya
Toumei na asu ga owareba Boku wo kowashite kure yo aironii na Sore ga donna ni munashii koto na no ka wo Mada shira naide shira naide Nure-sobotta me wo nugutta
Musabonna sunakku kankaku Uwa-ttsura-ppera no ai de nounou to “Kome rareta omoi nante, hitaru dake muda muda muda!” Odorete utaete mina ni ukeru ka Kyouhaku kannen ni karare Aji no nai furuutsu ga fueru kedomo sa
Shinji tain da yo shinji tain da yo Nani ka wo nashita jibun ga aru koto wo Shinji tain da yo shinji tain da yo Dou ka kono airo ni naru hibi ni sayonara wo
Ai ga sameru koro ni Boku wo hanasa naide oite nee Migoto nige-kitte iki-nokotta akatsuki ni wa Sou sa yuuetsu-kan de yuuetsu-kan de oboretai ya
Toumei na asu ga owareba Boku wo nuri-tsubushite aironii na Sore ga donna ni munashii koto na no ka wo Mada shira naide shira naide Ii yo zutto
Yoi ga sameru koro ni Boku ga ikiteru koto ga aironii da Migoto nige-kitte iki-nokotta akatsuki ni wa Sou sa yuu-utsu-kan de yuu-utsu-kan de obore tain da
Toumei na kotoba de boku wo Zutto sukutte kure yo aironii na Sore ga donna ni kanashii koto na no ka wo Mada shira naide shira naide Nobita te wo gyutto tsukan da
Kono uta jitai ga aironii da
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★ Song link || Base romaji || Resource 1 || Resource 2 ★
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carsinoska · 4 months
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Album: Seiron Eclipse Artist: Otsuki-sama Koukyoukyoku
There's some Latin I couldn't quite catch in the third song.
I'll add the colour coding at some point
Radius no Giron
Memento mori. Deus est fallere. Fac, quod rectum est, dic, quod verum est, Et de omnibus dubitandum.
shinjiteita koko ga rakuen da to taikai wo shiranu kawazu no you ni akogareteita sono se shirube to shite hikari no naka ikiru to utagawazu
kami ni subete wo sasagu koto sore koso ga koufuku nano da to takaraka ni utau hitobito ni kono doukoku wa todokanai
Resistance subete kowashite shimae yuuwaku meita uso ni damasareru na Elucidate sono giron morotomo ni kami no brain kono te de tsuranukou ushinatta "ai" wo kizuna ni shite—
Carpe diem. Post nubila Phoebus. Dabit deus hīs quoque fīnem. Veritatis simplex oratio est.
zero to ichi no koodo wo uchikondara tooku no kimi ni mo akusesu dekinai ka? hitori de ii to daremo shinjinai to chikattete mo seijaku narenakute
ani ga nokoshita kotonoha ga mada kono mi sasaeteiru nara fukushuu ni mo nita hangyaku e ookami yo ima kiba wo muke
Resistance mirai wa mienakute mo omoide sugari imada torawarete mo Elucidate aku to nonoshirarete mo shimei naraba aragai tsudzukero to kuudou no "eye" ga sakendeiru
yukuate mo nai tayoru hito mo inai koko ni kita koro no jishin wo miteru you de ano hi no ani no you ni sono te wo toru wasureteita nukumori wo omoidashita
Resistance hitori de wa tsuraku to mo futari de nara kitto koete yukeru Elucidate kami ni ima aragaou hanatsu doku ga hikari ni kawaru made
Resistance subete kowashite shimae yuuwaku meita uso ni damasareru na Elucidate sono giron morotomo ni kami no brain kono te de tsuranukou ushinatta "ai" wo kizuna ni shite—
Memento mori. Deus est fallere. Fac, quod rectum est, dic, quod verum est, Et de omnibus dubitandum.
"nani mo nai to iu koto wa nanni demo nareru koto da" to kimi ga kureta kono namae yobareru tabi ni ureshikute
watashi no kioku no shoushitsu mo kono karada no tsugihagi mo aete furenai yasashisa ga mushou ni kokochi yokatta no
ai wo shitte, I wo mitsuketai kimi no te de watashi ga dekiteiku nanimo nakatta karappo no watashi no kokoro ga mitasareteiku ZERO-ONE-BIRTH… ZERO-ONE-BIRTH…
zen ka aku ka wakaranai rakuen wo kowasu haitoku keredo ani no negai nara… kurushige ni kimi ga tsubuyaku
shin'iki ni fumikomu houhou mo kami wo korosu shudan mo sono me azamuku sube sura mo futari de nara kirihiraketa
furueru te wo sotto nigirishime 'daijoubu' da to tsuge hohoemeba kimi to naraba sou sekai wo kaerareru nante ne, kakushin suru no ZERO-ONE-BIRTH… ZERO-ONE-BIRTH…
kare ga kioku kara kakidashita naibu chizu wo yomikomeba shiranai hazu no shin'iki ni dokoka mioboe ga aru ki ga shite
ai wo shitte, I wo himotoite sono egao motto mitaku naru kimi no tame nara nandemo dekirunda mahou no you na kanjou
ai wo shitte, I wo mitsuketai kimi no te de watashi wo irotte? nani mo nakatta karappo no watashi wa koko kara umareteiku no ZERO-ONE-BIRTH… ZERO-ONE-BIRTH…
Ai no Saishuu Teiri
tsunaideta te wo nigiri naoshi ketsui no kotoba wo oto ni suru tsuyogari demo kuchi ni shinakya kokoro ga kowarete shimau kara
shin'iki e to chikadzuku tabi ni mune no zawameki ga mashiteiku mado ni utsuru tsukiakari wa watashi wo azawarau you de
seiron to shinjita sue ni ikitsuku no ga suuretsu ni mushibamareta seiron nara idenshi no senshutsu inochi no sentei mo shuushifu wo ute sore ga kinki dato shite mo
kami wo ugatsu haitokusha to natte kimi no saigo no negai wo kanae you nani mono ni mo shihai sareru koto naku shiawase wo mizukara tsukami toreru you rakuen wo kowashi ima zero e kaesu— kore koso ga "I" no teiri da
(Ignoramus et ignorabimus. Errare humanum est. Iustitia nihil valebit prudentia. Vindictam … Deo … Ave)
hakugin no ou shizuka ni tsugeru rakuen ni hisomu kiken bunshi sorera no tekihatsu, kousei kami wo mamoru tame umareta to
kono me ni utsuru subete no mono kono mimi nokoru kimi no kotoba ikihisometa himitsu-goto mo watashi wo tsuujite moreteita…?
subete ga himotokare iwakan ga tsunagaru sei'iki ni dokoka oboe ga atta no mo takuetsu shita kioku-ryoku kuuhaku no kako mo koko de tsukurareta tada no nishinsuu dakara—?
shirazu shirazu Judas to nari sagatta kami no yorishiro sono narisokonai da kono omoi mo nukumori mo gizou nara mune ni tsukisasaru kore mo genshitsuu nani wo kaketatte mou zero no mama da
(Ignoramus et ignorabimus. Errare humanum est. Iustitia nihil valebit prudentia. Vindictam … Deo … Ave)
nani hitotsu toshite watashi no mono de nai kono karada wa subete dareka no paatsu soredemo kare to ikita hibi wa kioku wa kanjou wa tashika ni koko ni aru naraba kore koso ga "ai" no—
toki ga tomaru kono katame ni fureru kare wo kore made kurushimete kita mono tada tonari de waratteite hoshii to negau koto nado yurusareru hazu ga nai kimi no shiawase wo ubatte umareta konna no ga "AI" no teiri?
ikudome ka no zetsubou no sono saki dare ga denki hitsuji no yume wo miru ka? zero to ichi no yuruganu shihai no naka kono doku kurau no wa dare de arubeki ka kami wo mae ni ima mizukara e to toe kore koso ga "ai" no saishuu teiri
Legatus no Seiron
Deus te custodit. Deus te inoscet. Omnes vires tuas offer. Nec tecum possum vivere, nec sine te.
katawara ni yorisou you ni hitomi wo tojita shoujo wa ikuta no omoide to tomo ni shiro e to nurikaerarete
tooku kikoeru sanbi no uta shikai ni utsuru hakobune wa ryoume de wa mabushi sugite katame de wa yugami sugita
"amata no gukou tsumibukaki shikou jihi-bukaki kami wa yurusu darou seiron kanade sono mi wo sasage yo" sashidasareta ou no te wo totte
ushinai tsudzuketa monogatari no shuuchakuten wa mitsukaranai mama shadan sareta rakuen no naka de itsuwari no kami ni juuji wo kire
itsuka taizai wo okasu sono hi made
noroi no you ni mo kanjita chinpu na chikai tatereba jamingu no you na noizu ga kakete nouri shihai suru
"zenchi zennou sonsuushi ifuse yo kimi mo sono mi motte shiru darou itsuka kyuusai otozureru hi made nishinsuu no shugosha to naru no da"
kami sura azamuite mise you ka itsuwari no chuuseishin kazashite ronginusu no yari to naru shudan kokou ni tada sagashi motome you
nageku hibi nado iranai hikari mo ai mo subete kako no mono da mamorubeki mono mo nai dakara ima wa tada agame inori kiba wo muku toki wo shizuka ni matsu
kurikaesu hodo ni tsuyoku natta onore wo sukuu hakai shoudou wa seigyou suru sube wo ushinatte kokoro ni namari wo kakaekonda
gin no dangan saigo ni dare wo utsu?
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happysoulpolaris · 3 months
RiSE - Satou Hiromi (佐藤ひろ美) KANA|ROM|ENG|PT-BR
すべての人に朝は来る 始まりを連れて来る 
Subete no hito ni asa wa kuru hajimari wo tsurete kuru 
The morning comes to everyone, bringing the beginning 
A manhã vem para todos, trazendo um começo 
きらめく海を見つめ 生きると胸に誓う 
Kirameku umi wo mitsume ikiru to mune ni chikau 
Gazing the sparkly sea, I swear by my chest I will keep on living 
Observando o mar brilhante, juro ao peito que continuarei vivendo 
手を伸ばした あなたがいる空へ 
Te wo nobashita anata ga iru sora e 
I raise my hand, to the sky where you are 
Levanto minha mão para o céu onde você está  
Kienai kizu ya kanashimi ga aru koto wo shitta kara 
Because I learned that there is sadness and wounds that won’t heal 
Porque eu aprendi que existe tristeza e machucados que não saram 
消えない愛や優しさ あることを知ったんだ 
Kienai ai ya yasashisa aru koto wo shittanda 
I’ve also learned that there is love and kindness 
Também aprendi que existe amor e gentileza 
Nakushita kedo kienai mono ga aru 
There are things that despite being lost, never disappear 
Há coisas que mesmo que sejam perdidas, nunca são esquecidas 
何度も何度も何度でも 立ち上がれ 
Nandomo nandomo nandodemo tachiagare 
No matter how many times you have to, get up 
Quantas vezes você precisar, levante-se 
強く強く叫ぶよ 負けないよと 
Tsuyoku tsuyoku sakebu yo makenaiyo to 
Strongly yelling “I won’t lose!” 
Gritando fortemente “não vou perder!” 
RISING SUN いつも必ず日は昇る 
ライジングサン itsumo kanarazu hi wa noboru 
RISING SUN, the sun will always surely rise 
SOL NASCENTE, com certeza o sol irá nascer 
RISING SUN 君の空にも日は昇るんだ 
ライジングサン kimi no sora ni mo hi wa noborunda 
RISING SUN, it will also rise in your sky 
SOL NASCENTE, e nascerá no céu onde você está também 
RISING SUN 唄おう 涙拭いて唄おう 
ライジングサン  utaou namida fuite utaou 
RISING SUN, let’s wipe away our tears and sing 
SOL NASCENTE, vamos secar as lágrimas e cantar 
Anata ga daisuki datta watashi no egao de kono uta wo 
I’ll sing wearing this smile you love so much 
Com este meu sorriso que você tanto amava, vou cantar 
かけがえないものなくして 悲しみに暮れたけど 
Kakegaenai mono nakushite kanashimi ni kureta kedo 
Though I’ve lost irreplaceable things and fell into sadness 
Eu perdi coisas insubstituíveis e me afundei em tristeza, mas 
かけがえないもの全て なくしたわけじゃないと 
Kakegaenai mono subete nakushita wake jyanai to 
I’ve realized it wasn’t like I have lost it all 
Percebi que não era como se eu tivesse perdido tudo 
Issho ni naita kimi wo mitekidzuita 
When I saw you cry with me 
Quando vi você chorar comigo 
そばにいるよいつでも ひとりじゃない 
Soba ni iru yo itsudemo hitori jyanai 
I’ll always be by your side, you’re not alone 
Eu sempre estarei ao seu lado, você não está só 
強く強く生きるよ 負けないよと  
Tsuyoku tsuyoku ikiru yo makenaiyo to  
Let’s keep on living with strength, without losing  
Vamos viver fortemente, sem perder 
SUNRISE DAY 行こう 振り向かないで行こう 
サンライズデー ikou furimukanaide ikou 
SUNRISE DAY, let’s go without looking back 
DIA ENSOLARADO, vamos seguir em frente sem olhar para trás 
SUNRISE DAY 進め あきらめず前に進め 
サンライズデー susume akiramezu mae ni susume 
SUNRISE DAY, let’s move forward without giving up 
DIA ENSOLARADO, vamos seguir em frente sem desistir 
SUNRISE DAY 超えろ 壁なんて乗り越えろ 
サンライズデー koero kabe nante norikoero 
SUNRISE DAY, let’s overcome whatever obstacle there might be 
DIA ENSOLARADO, vamos enfrentar qualquer obstáculo necessário 
絶対、辿り着けるよ 自分、信じてこの道を 
Zettai, tadori tsukeru yo jibun, shinjite kono michi wo 
Certainly, believing in myself in this path, I’ll arrive there 
Com certeza, acreditando em mim neste caminho, eu chegarei lá 
Ashita, mirai, kibou, yume wo genjitsu ni suru made 
Until tomorrow, the future, hope and our dreams come true 
Até que o amanhã, o futuro, a esperança e os sonhos se tornem realidade 
逃げないで止めないで 叶うまで掴むまで 
Nigenaide tomenaide kanau made tsukamu made 
Don’t run away, don’t stop, until we conquer it, until we make it come true 
Não fuja, não pare, até conseguirmos concretizá-los, até conseguirmos alcançá-los 
Arukitsudzuketa saki ni kitto (kitto kimi no) egao ga aru yo 
Beyond the path I have walked through, lies your smile 
Pelo caminho que eu percorri, está o seu sorriso 
SUNRISE DAY 行こう 振り向かないで行こう 
サンライズデー ikou furimukanaide ikou 
SUNRISE DAY, let’s go without looking back 
DIA ENSOLARADO, vamos seguir em frente sem olhar para trás 
SUNRISE DAY 進め あきらめず前に進め 
サンライズデー susume akiramezu mae ni susume 
SUNRISE DAY, let’s move forward without giving up 
DIA ENSOLARADO, vamos seguir em frente sem desistir 
SUNRISE DAY 超えろ 壁なんて乗り越えろ 
サンライズデー koero kabe nante norikoero 
SUNRISE DAY, let’s overcome whatever obstacle there might be 
DIA ENSOLARADO, vamos enfrentar qualquer obstáculo necessário 
絶対、辿り着けるよ 自分を、そう信じて 
Zettai, tadori tsukeru yo jibun wo, sou shinjite 
We will certainly make it, believe in ourselves! 
Com certeza chegaremos lá, isso, acredite! 
RISING SUN いつも必ず日は昇る 
ライジングサン itsumo kanarazu hi wa noboru 
RISING SUN, the sun will always surely rise 
SOL NASCENTE, com certeza o sol irá nascer 
RISING SUN 君の空にも日は必ず昇るんだ 
ライジングサン kimi no sora ni mo hi wa kanarazu noborunda 
RISING SUN, it will also surely rise for you, too 
SOL NASCENTE, com certeza o sol também irá nascer onde você está 
RISING SUN 唄おう 涙拭いて唄おう 
ライジングサン utaou namida fuite utaou 
RISING SUN, let’s wipe away our tears and sing 
SOL NASCENTE, vamos secar as lágrimas e cantar 
みんなが笑顔になれる日まで唄うよ この歌を 
Minna ga egao ni nareru hi made utau yo kono uta wo 
Let’s sing until the day when everyone smiles come 
Vamos cantar até que chegue o dia em que todos sorriem 
Egao ga afureru sono hi made 
Let’s sing this song until the day we’re overflowing in smiles come 
Vamos cantar esta música até chegue o dia em que transbordamos de tantos sorrisos 
ライジングサン utaou 
RISING SUN, let’s sing 
SOL NASCENTE, vamos cantar 
ライジングサン utaou 
RISING SUN, let’s sing 
SOL NASCENTE, vamos cantar 
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luinfanel · 7 months
Honor, respecto e inspiración.
Pista 5
Opening "Ikiru wo Suru" versión latina. Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (Las Aventuras de Fly. Remake) 2020 - 2022
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8presence · 2 years
Eckhart Tolle在{ 一個新世界:喚醒內在的力量 } 書中提出的痛苦之身,對於現代人的身心靈很有點破性
中島美嘉 僕が死のうと思ったのは 曾經我也想過一了百了
boku ga shinou to omotta no wa
umineko ga sanbashi de naita kara
nami no manimani ukann de kieru
kako mo zubannde tonn deike
boku ga shinou to omotta no wa
tannjyobi ni annzu no hana ga sai takara
sono komorebi de utata neshi tara
mushi no shigai to tsuchi ninareru kana
薄荷糖 漁港的燈塔
hakkame gyouko no toudai
生鏽的拱橋 丟棄的腳踏車
zabita achi kyou suteta jitennsha
mokuzo no eki no sutopu no mae de
dokoni mo tabitate nai kokoro
kyou wa marude kinou mitai da
asu wo kaeru nara kyou wo kae nakya
這我都知道 我都知道 可是啊
waka tteru waka tteru keredo
boku ga shinou to omotta no wa
kokoro ga kara pponi natta kara
mita sare nai to nai teiru nowa
kitto mita sare tai to negau kara
boku ga shinou to omotta no wa
kutsu himo ga hotoke takara
musubi naosu nowa nigate nann da yo
hito to no tsunaga rimo mata shikari
boku ga shinou to omotta no wa
shounenn ga boku wo mitsume tei takara
betto no ue de dogesa shiteru yo
anohi no boku ni gomenn nasai to
paso konn no usu akari
jyoukai no heya no sekatsu onn
innta fonn no chai mu no oto
mimi wo fusagu tori ka gono shounenn
mie nai teki to tataka tteru
loku jyou hitoma no donn ki hote
goru wa dou se minikui monosa
boku ga shinou to omotta no wa
tsume tai hito to iware takara
ai sareta to taite iru nowa
hito no mukumori wo shitte shima ttakara
boku ga shinou to omotta no wa
anata ga kirei ni warau kara
shinu koto bakari kangae teshimau no wa
kitto ikiru koto ni majime sugiru kara
boku ga shinou to omotta no wa
mada anata ni deatta naka ttakara
anata no youna hito ga umareta
sekai wo sukoshi sukini nattayo
anata no youna hito ga iki teru
sekai ni sukoshi kitai suru yo
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manuart79 · 4 years
Ho avuto il piacere e l'onore di collaborare con questo giovane cantautore italiano, un portento, un professionista che dà sempre una scossa di entusiasmo e vitalità. Matteo Leonetti  A lui tutta la mia simpatia, stima e gratitudine.
Per la realizzazione di questo video, ho realizzato una illustrazione, una digital art, di DRAGON QUEST - Dai no Daibouken
Questa sera, alle 21:00, ci sarà la premiere su YT. Se siete dei nostalgici di questo manga/anime dei primi anni novanta, se vi piace la musica, se volete vedere il mio artwork, stasera alle 21:00, sul canale YT dello spumeggiante Matteo Leonetti.
Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken Op. - Ikiru wo Suru (Italian Version)
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omentranslates · 2 years
You -- usagi English Lyrics
Song by usagi (RabbitP)
VO: Kagamine Len
English Translation
Never again will I know what it sounds like to live with you
Or be able to hear your laughter
What it is to be loved, and what it is to know love
I wanted you to teach me, just a bit more
"My record of today
Is of a colorless town that is silent without you
As I live on alone.
I've gotten a bit more used to the rainy days.
I only seem to lose what I hold precious."
If someday even the image of you
Were to disappear
I'd just...
Your memories won't grow distant
I still breathe alongside them, after all.
And I won't let go of the pain in my chest
I loved you, even when you were stubborn.
Your steps that shorten bit by bit
And that over-achieving personality
There wasn't a thing I didn't love about you
Your smell isn't fading
From that room that's still left empty.
Even suffering is cause for joy.
I loved you, even when your face was stained with tears
If, when I die
You were to be beside me
Then more than if my music sells, and more than hearing someone laugh
More than if someone were to hum this song,
And more than if I'd saved the world
I'd be happy.
Your memories won't grow distant
I still breathe alongside them, after all.
And I won't let go of the pain in my chest
I loved you, even when you were stubborn.
I loved you, everything about you.
JP original under the cut (Kanji/Romaji)
貴方とまた、生きることも 笑う声も、聞けないんだ。 愛されること、愛を知ること。 もう少しだけ、教えてほしかった。
Anata to mata, ikiru koto mo Warau koe mo, kikenainda. Aisareru koto, Ai wo shiru koto. Mou sukoshi dake, oshiete hoshikatta.
「貴女のいない街はとても静かで 色のない今日を認めて、 一人で生きてます。 雨の降る日々も少し慣れたよ。 大切なものばかり失ってしまいます。」
"Anata no inai machi wa totemo shizuka de Iro no nai kyou wo shitatamete, Hitori de ikitemasu. Ame no furu hibi mo sukoshi nareta yo. Taisetsu na mono bakari ushinatte shimaimasu."
いつか貴女の形すら 消えてしまうなら。 もう。
Itsuka anata no katachi sura Kiete shimau nara. Mou.
���れないよ、貴女の記憶が まだ隣で息���するから。 離さないよ、胸の痛みも 愛していた、そのわがままも。
Hanarenai yo, anata no kioku ga Mada tonari de iki wo suru kara. Hanasanai yo, mune no itami mo Aishiteita, sono wagamama mo.
少しずつ、短くした歩幅も 背伸びをしたその性格も 貴女の全てが愛しかったんだ ねえ、
Sukoshi zutsu, Mijikaku shita hohaba mo Senobi wo shita sono seikaku mo Anata no subete ga itoshikattanda Nee,
消えないんだ、貴女の匂いが まだ何もないその部屋の中。 苦しみさえ幸せなんだ。 愛していた、その泣き顔も
Kienainda, Anata no nioi ga Mada nanimo nai sono heya no naka. Kurushimi sae shiawase nanda. Aishiteita, sono nakigao mo
もしも、僕が死んでしまうとき、 貴方が傍にいたのなら 音楽が売れるより、誰かが笑うより。 誰かがこの歌を口ずさむなんかより、 世界を救うなんかより、 幸せだったよ。
Moshimo, boku ga shinde shimau toki, Anata ga soba ni ita no nara Ongaku ga ureru yori, dareka ga warau yori. Dareka ga kono uta wo kuchizusamu nanka yori, Sekai wo sukuu nanka yori, Shiawase datta yo.
離れないよ、貴女の記憶が まだ隣で息をするから。 離さないよ、胸の痛みも 愛していた、、そのわがままも。 愛していた、貴女の全てを。
Hanarenai yo, Anata no kioku ga Mada tonari de iki wo suru kara. Hanasanai yo, Mune no itami mo Aishiteita, sono wagamama mo. Aishiteita, anata no subete wo.
Mada tonari de iki wo suru kara.
Hanasanai yo, Mune no itami mo
Aishiteita, sono wagamama mo.
Aishiteita, anata no subete wo.
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hitogatarock · 2 years
LYRICS TRANSLATION of their latest digital single with the same name.
Romaji : fukigen na surii kaado
Translated name : Ill-Humored Three Card (fan-translated) / Grumpy Three Card (official)
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All translations are belongs to me, make sure to credit properly if you plans on sharing this! Enjoy reading!
Listen along • google docs • twitter post
現実空想世界 繰り返すゲームで
それなら逆転狙い 千番に一番って
Ah 刹那のone game wars 不機嫌なスリーカード
スコアは手札の落ち度 まだいけるでしょ?
手札はすぐ見抜けるよ でも騙されてたいって
血盟してよ 嘘つきじゃないって
ディールが始まるまでに 覚悟を決めておいて
HiGH&LOW & Hit&Stand & Double&Down & Inside Outside
HiGH&LOW & Hit&Stand & Double&Down & Inside Outside
ねえ 命をBETしてよ
Callドキッとした?two pair視線は逸らさない
four of a kind 決断を敗者の底で抗うのなら
未来を差し出し Raise叫べ
Ah 切なる one game wars 不機嫌なスリーカード
スコアは手札の落ち度 まだ生るでしょ?
価値ある時間を いますぐに魅せてあげる
Hit&Stand 踊るように HiGH&LOW 響かせて
Double&Down もう誰も止められない
genjitsu kuusou sekai kurikaesu geemu de
atarashii inochi mu ni kisu dake ni naru
sorenara gyakuten nerai senban ni ichiban tte
kuu ka kuwareru ka yatte miru kachiaru desho
kakusu wa nao arawaru to ka burafu hatta zaregoto
saa ura no ura akaseba ii ndesho kokoro no naka abaite misete
Ah setsuna no one game wars fukigen na surii kaado
ikiru ka shisubeki ka wa mondai de
sukoa wa tefuda no ochido mada ikerudesho?
“kanousei” wa “shouko” janai kara
himitsu wo nigitta shinjitsu wo misete ageru
tefuda wa sugu minukeru yo demo damasaretetai tte
ketsumei shite yo usotsuki janai tte
diiru ga hajimaru made ni kakugo wo kimete oite
mabataki suru ma mo nai mama sekai wa tojiru
HiGH&LOW & Hit&Stand & Double&Down & Inside Outside
HiGH&LOW & Hit&Stand & Double&Down & Inside Outside
oborete yo mayou hima mo nai modorenai baibai geemu
make make tte hayametara make no foorudo
kageki na kairaku ga hoshii no nara saikoro makase de ikimasho
ikiru koto wa yokubaru koto da yo kooru shite
nee inochi wo BET shite yo
Call dokittoshita? two pair shisen wa sorasanai
four of a kind ketsudan wo haisha no soko de aragau no nara
mirai wo sashidashi Raise sakebe
Ah setsunaru one game wars fukigen na surii kaado
ikiru ka shisubeki ka wa mondai de
sukoa wa tefuda no ochido mada ikerudesho?
“kanousei” wa “shouko” janai kara
kachiaru jikan wo ima sugu ni misete ageru
Hit & Stand odoru you ni HiGH&LOW hibikasete
Double & Down mou dare mo tomerarenai
In a game of repeating reality and fantasy worlds
it'll end up with nothing but a new life
In that case I'll try to turn the tables and hope for the odds
Either to eat or to be eaten, it's worth the try
Your bluffing joke is still playing hide-and-seek at me
Now, why don't we go inside out and let me see what's inside your heart
Ah, the ill-humored three card was just a momentary one game wars
Whether you come out alive or dead is the matter
The score is a failing hand, can you still make it right?
Since "possibility" was not "evidence"
so I'll fascinate you with the secret truth.
The cards are soon to be revealed, but you'll soon be fooled
Make a blood pact with me and I'll tell you I'm not a liar.
By the time the deal begins, you need to steel up
The world closes in before you even can blink.
HiGH&LOW & Hit&Stand & Double&Down & Inside Outside
HiGH&LOW & Hit&Stand & Double&Down & Inside Outside
You're drowning, no time to in lost in a doubling game of no returning
"Roll and roll again!", if you're too early you'll get a losing fold
If you want extreme pleasure, then let us live by the dice
and call that to live is to be greedy
Hey, let's put our lives into a BET
"Call" Isn't it blood-pumping? "two pair" Don't look away
"four of a kind" If you resist on being a loser on the pit,
offer up your future and shout out "Raise"
Ah, the ill-humored three card is an ardent one game wars
Whether you come out alive or dead is the matter
The score is a failing hand, can you still make it out alive right?
Since "possibility" was not "evidence",
so I'll charm you right now when my time is still worthwhile.
Hit & Stand As if we're dancing HiGH&LOW Let it resound
Double & Down No one can stop us anymore
— translator's note : Himehina's newest song is out! omg i love the vibes of this song so much, it gives me lancelot's poker face and royal scandal vibes! also, I love their approach to this kind of song. and yeah, the mv's gonna be out tonight, so please enjoy!
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Love Holic - Golden Record (Romaji Lyrics & Translation)
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Thank you @koizumicchi​ for sharing the link to the kanji with me! ♡
Please do not re-translate or post this translation anywhere.
wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow (You Feel it? Here we Go! Haha) wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow
Subete wo Loving Yeah!
Loving everything Yeah!
Jikan wa itsumo ne Okurete yattekuru Nomikake no SUUPU ni Futa wo shichaeba ii sa, Kimi to futatabi aeta yo, Ano DOA no mae
Time is always Running late All you have to do is put a lid On that unfinished soup I was able to meet with you once more In front of that door
Hon no sukoshi no kake chigai Uwazutta koe to iradachi no tane wo Butsukeau you ni wa, Bokura wa ikitenai hazu nanda
It’s just a little misunderstanding Where high-pitched voices and seeds of frustration Come clashing, We shouldn’t be living like that
Risouron, kanpeki wa yame ni shinai? (um) Hontou no ai tte kotoba no PURESSHAA iki ga dekinai hodo
Won’t you put an end to the ideals and idea of perfection? (um) I’m so pressured by the words “true love” That I cannot breathe
Loving Kuruoshii atsusa ni Loving Ue kara shita, oku made! Loving Shihai sarete Nani hitotsu minogasanai, Youchina EPISOUDO de ii──……
Loving In this maddening heat, Loving From top to bottom, deep within! Loving Being dominated Loving And not missing out on a single thing, Such a crude episode is fine by me...
Loving Ai wo shiru beki yoru ni Loving Senaka awase de nigitta Loving Tenohira de Kotae awase suru the time around 2 a.m.(Loving)
Loving On nights we ought to know of love, Loving Back to back and Loving With clasped hands, We checked the answer, the time around 2 a.m. (Loving)
Nigedashite ii yo (yeah) Kodomo mitai ni Cay hiza wo kakaeteru Mishiranu dareka no Yasahii wo shinjirareru yoyuu wa nai tte sa
It’s fine to run away (yeah) Like a child, you cry, hugging your knees Ain’t got the luxury to trust The kindness from a stranger, you say
Kimi igai, dare ga iru no? RUUJU KOKO kara, Tsukerareta noroi sa Awaku nureta kuchibiru, Sasaete kureta yasashisa nara
Is there anyone aside from you? If the kindness that supports me Lies in your softly wet lips, A spell soaked up In ROUGE COCO
Kanjouron, itsuka wa yame ni shitai (yeah) Kattou ga, yume wo hiraiteiku no nara Joushiki nado hoshikunai
I want to someday stop the fights swayed by our emotions (yeah) If our conflicts open up our dreams, Then I don’t want to have common sense
TimeUp Me ni shinai mama demo TimeUp Ikiru CHANSU mo atta TimeUp Kitai shiteta Ano hi no kimi no sugao, mou ichido hoshikute
TimeUp Even though I still don’t see it, TimeUp I’ve been given a chance to live TimeUp I’ve been anticipating Your true face from that day, wanna see it once more
TimeUp Yume wo shirushi shita Stardust TimeUp Chikatta kazu dake, ima TimeUp Naiteiru Kimi ga inai yoru ni obiete nemurenai Time UP? 
TimeUp To the stardust that symbolised my dream TimeUp For the number of times I made a vow TimeUp I now weep On nights when you’re not here, I get scared and can’t fall asleep Time Up?
ah…yeah yey yey yey yey …breaking down
La La Love Holic*2 La La Love Holic*2 La La Love Holic*2
Loving Kuruoshii atsusa ni Loving Ue kara shita, oku made! Loving Shihai sarete Nani hitotsu minogasanai, Youchina EPISOUDO de ii──……
Loving In this maddening heat, Loving From top to bottom, deep within! Loving Being dominated Loving And not missing out on a single thing, Such a crude episode is fine by me...
Loving Ai wo shiru beki yoru ni Loving Senaka awase de nigitta Loving Tenohira de Kotae awase suru the time around 2 a.m.(Loving)
Loving On nights we ought to know of love, Loving Back to back and Loving With clasped hands, We checked the answer, the time around 2 a.m.(Loving)
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quetzalpapalotl · 3 years
夭聖哀歌 (yousei aika) | Fairy Ranmaru ED - Translation
I can't get this sound out of my head, so I decided to translate it, and just like the anime, it gets cynical. You can stream it in Youtube as well as Spotify. Note that I'm not fluent in Japanese, but I did do my best.
The title translates to Fairy's Lament, sort of, more on that in the notes.
愛は迷路 どこまでも
horeta hareta suru kuseni
honton to kowaccha inai
ai wa meiro doko made mo
deguchi nanka arya shinai
Despite being madly in love
in truth, I don't understand
Love is a maze, no matter where
there is no exist
世は情け そうは言うけれど
情けない そんなことばかり
yo wa nasake sou wa iu keredo
nasakenai sonna koto bakari
namida hitotsu ase to tomoni nugutte mata
hito no tame ni ikiru
They say the world is merciful but
that's nothing but pathetic
Wipe a tear with your sweat again
Live for the sake of others
今日も昨日も先週も先月だって 一生懸命働いたのさ
kyou mo kinou mo senshuu mo sengetsu datte isshou kenmei hataraita no sa
ato chotto da to
hikari ga aru to
onore wo damashi nagara
Today, yesterday, last week and last month as well, I worked as hard as I could
Just a bit more and
there'll be light, I say
while deceiving myself
いつまでも励みます すべて愛の為に
kinou mo senshuu mo sengetsu datte seishin seii hataraita no sa
sekai ni tsukushi
anata ni tsukusu
aware na yousei
itsumademo hagemimasu subete ai no tame ni
Yesterday, last week and last month as well, I worked wholeheartedly
Devoted to the world,
devoted to you
Pitiful fairy*
Forever striving, all for love's sake
soppo mukeba furimukare
sugararecha mata hodasare
kitte mo kirenu akai ito
aitte yappari ikezu ne
If you turn to the other side, you will be turned around
Being relied on will led to being moved by affection again
Red string of fate that won't break even if you cut it
Love is cruel after all
tameiki wo tsuite mitatte sa
aizuchi wo kaesu hito mo nai
namida hitotsu otoshitara nanigoto naku
mata asa ga yatte kuru
I tried to breathe a sight
There's no one to return the aidzuchi**
If you shed a tear, nothing happens
Morning will come once again
今日も明日も来週も来月だって 粉骨砕身働いましょう
哀しき夭聖 Oh, my crying heart…
kyou mo ashita mo raishuu mo raigetsu datte funkotsu saishin hataraki mashou
sekai banzai
anata banzai
kanashiki yousei Oh, my crying heart
Today, tomorrow, next week and next month as well, I will work my best
Hooray for the world
Hooray for you
Sorrowful fairy*. Oh, my crying heart...
aa jinsei tte nan darou
aa yousei tte nan darou
aa semete sukoshi demo
anata wa ima waraete imasu ka
Alas, what is life
Alas, what is a fairy*
Alas, at least, even if it's just a little
are you laughing now?
今日も昨日も先週も先月だって 一生懸命働いたのさ
kyou mo kinou mo senshuu mo sengetsu datte isshou kenmei hataraita no sa
ato chotto da to
hikari ga aru to
onore wo damashi nagara
Today, yesterday, last week and last month as well, I worked as hard as I could
Just a bit more and
there'll be light, I say
while deceiving myself
いつまでも励みます すべて愛の為に
kinou mo senshuu mo sengetsu datte seishin seii hataraita no sa
sekai ni tsukushi
anata ni tsukusu
aware na yousei
itsumademo hagemimasu subete ai no tame ni
Yesterday, last week and last month as well, I worked wholeheartedly
Devoted to the world,
devoted to you
Pitiful fairy*
Forever striving, all for love's sake
**Aizuchi are Japanese interjections, they indicate that the listener is paying attention and understanding the conversation, is considered rude not to make any sounds when you're being spoken to.
*Rather than using the kanjis for fairy (妖精), the title and lyrics write yousei with the kanjis 夭 (early death, calamity) and 聖 (saint, holy), while they are indeed pronounced you and sei respectively, 夭聖 is not a word (and sei is used as a prefix), given that these guys are indeed fairies, is probably trying to give another connotation to the word and I choose to translate it as that, rather than make up some akward term.
Aditionally, the meanings I get for the kanjis for fairy are 妖 (attractive, bewitching, calamity) and 精 (refined, ghost, fairy, energy, vitality, semen, excellence, purity, skill).
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carsinoska · 2 years
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Album: Yuukai Antinomy Artist: Otsuki-sama Koukyoukyoku
Futoumeisha to Fuwa no Koe
nishoku no soubou wo mirareru tabi ni katahou wo eguritaku natta gin no kami wo hito wa igyou to yubisashi kimiwarui to mayu wo hisometa
nannimo doujizu kokoro koroshi waratte ukenagaseru you ni kono sonzai koso karera no ai sono shoumei nano dato kizame
kono mi wa youma ka soretomo hito ka? imada ni tadori tsukenai de iru futatsu no hazama no naka ugokezu ni "kurushii"   koe mo kakikieta–
hito ni wa narenai   kono sonzai ga ashikase da nante wakatteru nannimo kataranai kare no yasashisa ni ima mo nao amae tsuduketeru
boku sae kiereba hito de areba anata ga kizutsuku koto mo nai shitteru   amata no kotoba no yaiba uketsuduketeiru no dato
anata ni akogare idaiteiru to tsutaeru koto ga kase ni naru kara kizukai atama wo naderu sono te mo mijime ni boku ga naru dake da
mou ii yo   mou ii yo dareka boku wo mitsukete yo koko ni ite ii’nda to douka shinjisasete
kono mi wa youma ka soretomo hito ka? imada ni tadori tsukenai de iru futatsu no hazama no naka ugokezu ni "kurushii"   koe mo kakikieta–
soredemo jishin no umare noroeba ryoushin e no boutoku to naru to dochira no sonzai toshite ikiru ka kotae wa mada mitsukerarezu
kono mi wa   mada futoumei da
Yumeji no Michibiku Saki e
moesakaru kyou no machi de sakebigoe ga tada kodama suru kurenai ni somatta sekai katawara ni fushita nakama-tachi
ka wa dare   akatsuki no torii hibiku suzu no ne wa ta ga tame ni? gin no kami   nagaku tanabikase dareka ga boku no na wo yobu
"sorekoso mirai no sugata da omae ga sono te de kowasu no da" shizuka ni kataru sono koe wo boku wa hitei suru koto mo dekinai
"mamoritai" negatta kare ni mizukara yaiba wo tsukitatete nodomoto wo hikisaku gensou aki mo sezu sonna yume bakari
kono chi ga aragaenu no nara semete mizukara maku wo hikou saiwai ni boku ga inakutemo kanashimu mono nado–
ayamachi okasu sono mae ni shoaku no kongen uchikudake sorekoso boku ga kare ni dekiru ongaeshi to naru kara
hajimete kono chi fumishimeta sono toki kara mou kimatteta osoraku boku wa motometeta hanabanashiku chireru sono basho wo
hanameku yaiba to kedakai akogare tsudzuketa   sono senaka mamorou nante asahaka na gensou wa ima koko ni sutete ike––
Kodoku no Hate ni Musubu Te wa,
kienai   kesenai douyou kakusenu kare no kao ga hitomi wo tojireba ima demo ukande wa kieteiku
tsumi ni sainamare kurushimu no nara koko de owaraseru no mo ikkyou aisubeki machi wo mamori kuchireba karera ga hokoreru mono ni nareru ka
futokoro no yaiba nigirishime shuuen no kane wo narase sashichigae you to kamawanai "mayou na   hokori mamorinuke"
kare ga itsumo katatte kureta sono kotoba   omoidashite saiaku no mirai tatsu tame ni kanojo no nodomoto hikisake
anjiru kowairo yasashii kotoba ni hikikomareru sashidasu sono te wo tsukameba umaku matomaru no ka na
itsumo sagesumare   imi kirawarete ushiro yubi wo sasareru gurashi ni fu no omoi wa nai   sou ii kirezu yami ga afuredasu hi wo obieteru
saisho kara wakari kitteita hito ni nado nare wa shinai dorehodo negaedo kanawanai negau koto sura yurusarenai
sore nanoni sugaru riyuu nado doko ni aru to iu no darou tsukisasaru kotoba no yaiba de boku de wa naku naru mae ni
te wo toru kakugo wa dekita ka? hito e no shuuchaku wa tateta ka? kanojo no koe ni hitomi wo tojiru ikutsuka no miren wo nokoshita mama
ano yume mo hito e no kyozetsu mo boku no mi wo anjiteiru kakuriyo wa kitto heion da sonna koto wakatteiru kedo
keredo mada kibou sutekirenai ano mirai uchikeshitai hidoi boku wo mitsukete kureta kare no se   mamorinukitai'nda
"nee dareka   boku wo mitsukete yo" zutto sou sakendeita "yurusareru no nara mou ichido anata to ikite ii desu ka?"
kare wa futo yawarakaku warai ranbou ni boku wo naderu "atarimae darou"   sono koe ni namida ga afurete tomaranai
Not Alone
zutto sagashi motometeita dochira to shite ikirubeki nano ka keredo kotae wa kimatteita kono mon wo kugutta toki kara
kizutsukanai you ni kurayami de mimi wo fusagi me wo tozashite nanimo miezu kikanai you ni to fusagikonda itsuka no boku e
Not Alone mabayui hodo no hikari kokoro no kase ga hitotsu hazureta No worries sou te wo sashinobeyou boku wa mou hitori bocchi ja nai
zutto kidzukanu mama datta gishin bakari tsunorase tsudzukete boku no koto nado suitekureru hito ga iru mono ka to kimetsuke
itsuka in to you ga te wo totte wahei no michi wo ayumetara ii ima wa hatenai yume dato shitemo futatsu tsunagu hashi ni naritai
Not Alone jibun wo suki ni natte kono chi mo subete aisetara ii Can make it dochira ni mo zokusenai ureu hibi ni ima wakare wo tsugete
Not Alone korekara dou ikiru ka subete wa boku no omomuku mama da Believe in mou nidoto mayowanai mamorubeki mono wa koko ni aru kara
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kimonobeat · 3 years
Hamasaki Ayumi Lyrics: Beautiful Fighters
English translation and romanization below the cut.
When did we realize That fairy tales Are just thatーfairy tales?
We all know, unfortunately That sometimes, Things end in the most surreal of ways
You’re not riding in on a white horse listen to the music But you’re just as carefree as ever
we are Beautiful Fighters To be quite honest Some days, you won’t be able to go on But the ladies who don’t stand still, Don’t give up, and just live their lives are Beautiful Fighters Sometimes your unhealed wounds Will open But eventually, they’ll close again
Glass slippers are far too delicate I don’t think they’re cut out For running through this day and age
This size is the perfect fitーcould it be? never stop my dancing You and I have something in common: our carefree attitude
we are Beautiful Fighters The ladies who fight Against brand spanking new tomorrows Even though they cried A tiny bit tonight are Beautiful Fighters They’re so voracious They know They’ll never be satisfied
we are Beautiful Fighters To be quite honest Some days, you won’t be able to go on But the ladies who don’t stand still, Don’t give up, and just live their lives are Beautiful Fighters Sometimes your unhealed wounds Will open But eventually, they’ll close again
we are Beautiful Fighters The ladies who fight Against brand spanking new tomorrows Even though they cried A tiny bit tonight are Beautiful Fighters They’re so voracious They know They’ll never be satisfied
otogibanashi wa otogibanashi de shika nai ‘n da tte koto ni kidzuita no wa itsu no koro datta kana
arui wa warito shu-ru na ketsumatsu ga aru ‘n da tte koto mo zannen nagara daremo ga shitte’ru
shiroi uma ni notte nanka nai anata wa listen to the music nante nonki de aikawarazu na choushi
we are Beautiful Fighters yatte’rarenai tte hi wa shoujiki aru kedo tachidomaranaide akiramenaide ikiru otome-tachi wa Beautiful Fighters iyasarenu kizuguchi wa tokidoki hirakinagara mo yagate mata tojiru
garasu no kutsu wa kitto sensai-sugite kono jidai wo kake-nukeru ni wa chotto muite inai ki ga suru
amari ni saizu ni pittari ja moshikashita never stop my dancing nante nonki na toko wa nita mono doushi
we are Beautiful Fighters kon’ya wa hon no sukoshi naitari shita kedo atarashikute massara na ashita to tatakau otome-tachi wa Beautiful Fighters datte yokubou-tachi wa kanzen ni wa mitasarenai koto wo shitte’ru
we are Beautiful Fighters yatte’rarenai tte hi wa shoujiki aru kedo tachidomaranaide akiramenaide ikiru otome-tachi wa Beautiful Fighters iyasarenu kizuguchi wa tokidoki hirakinagara mo yagate mata tojiru
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sakurasongbook · 4 years
Yume yo (夢よ)
From Utau Dai New York 3
Lyrics by Hiroi Ouji, composition by Tanaka Kouhei, arrangement by Matsuo Hayato
Performed by Kuno Akiko (Ratchet Altair)
Lyrics under the cut
Transcription/romanization by me. I’d appreciate credit if you repost them elsewhere. No reposting to lyric sites/wikis/etc., please.
わきあがる夢よ  はかない夢よ  人生のすべてをかけても この手に握れぬかも  しれぬ  ああ  夢よ
Toki agaru yume yo  hakanai yume yo  jinsei no subete wo kaketemo Kono te ni nigerenu kamo  shirenu  aa  yume yo
わたしを愚かだと笑いなさい  傷ついて、悩み苦しんで たとえ裏切られたとしても  いつも夢を追う  わたしを笑いなさい
Watashi wo oroka da to warainasai  kizutsuite, nayami kurushinde Tatoe uragirareta toshitemo  itsumo yume wo ou  watashi wo warainasai
わたしは  夢を見てしまった  だからあきらめない 夢を見た人間は  あきらめてはいけない 夢に向かうことを
Watashi wa  yume wo miteshimatta  dakara akiramenai Yume wo mita ningen wa  akiramete wa ikenai Yume ni mukau koto wo
だが  わきあがる夢よ  おまえは残酷だ 努力も信念も  粉々にする
Daga  wakiagaru yume yo  omae wa zankoku da Doryoku mo shinen mo  konagona ni suru
わきあがる夢よ  おまえは美しい 希望と喜びを  わたしにくれる
Wakiagaru yume yo  omae wa utsukushii Kibou to yorokobi wo  watashi ni kureru
わたしは  この道  歩いてゆこう 夢こそが  生きる糧だ きっと  わたしの道は 輝いて見えるだろう  そして いつか  老いたわたしは  きっと微笑むはずだ ああ夢よ  見果てぬ夢よ
Watashi wa  kono michi  aruite yukou Yume koso ga  ikiru kate da Kitto  watashi no michi wa Kagayaite mieru darou  soshite Itsuka  oita watashi wa  kitto hohoemu hazuda Aa yume yo  mihatenu yume yo
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koizumicchi · 4 years
星座と魔法 Seiza to Mahou (nqrse feat. soraru) English Translation
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星座と魔法 Seiza to Mahou Constellation and Magic nqrse feat. soraru
Album: NEGATIVE Lyrics: soraru, nqrse Music: DYES IWASAKI
kanji from
T/N: Sorry if there are some mistakes. Please credit me if you’re gonna use my translations ^^
完璧な言葉は要らない なけなしのものを紡いで 百年が半年 毎年が毎夜 伝わる体温で分かる 夢じゃないと ここは集めた星屑に価値はない 今の僕らには水さえ有難い 向かう 閉店間際 廃棄寸前の弁当 幸せの尺度は十色
Kanpeki na kotoba wa iranai Nakenashi no mono wo tsumuide Hyakunen ga hantoshi maitoshi ga maiyo Tsutawaru taion de wakaru yume janai to Koko wa atsumeta hoshikuzu ni kachi wa nai Ima no bokura ni wa mizu sae arigatai Mukau heiten magiwa haiki sunzen no bentou Shiawase no shakudo wa toiro
I don’t need words of perfection Spinning an almost null amount A hundred year is half a year, every year is every evening I know from the transmitted temperature it is not a dream The stardust gathered here has no worth Even the water is grateful to us now Going towards a closing shop for a bento just about to be discarded The *ten colors are the measure of happiness
明日も生きるけど毎日が食糧難 生きづらくても生きる 即答さ 今日は定時 乾いてる空 帰路につきながら仰ぐのは大空 もう少しだ 何も変わらない 景色変われど変わらない 帰る場所がある 蒼の彼方から臆病な君が待ってる六畳間
Asu mo ikiru kedo mainichi ga shokuryōnan Ikidzurakute mo ikiru sokutō sa Kyō wa teiji kawaiteru sora Kiro ni tsukinagara aogu no wa ōzora Mō sukoshi da nanimo kawaranai Keshiki kawaredo kawaranai Kaeru basho ga aru Ao no kanata kara okubyōna kimi ga matteru rokujōma
I will also live tomorrow but everyday is a shortage of provisions I will live even if it’s hard to, that is my immediate reply Today is the scheduled arid skies The sky you look up to while on your way back Just a little more, an unchanging scenery A place you can return to where Everything has changed and hasn’t From the blue horizon, a six-tatami mat room where you’re timidly waiting
当然ふたりが思っているより緩く だけど世界はシンプルに成って行く 明暮の掟 ひとり年越して 文月に焦がれ雫落としてる 何もないよ でも君がいて 明日も明後日も隣に君がいて 帰り道に空にいた頃を思い出して触れる羽衣
Tōzen futari ga omotte iru yori yuruku Dakedo sekai wa shinpuru ni natte iku Akekure no okite hitori toshikoshite Fumidzuki ni kogare shizuku otoshiteru Nani mo nai yo demo kimi ga ite Asu mo asatte mo tonari ni kimi ga ite Kaerimichi ni sora ni ita koro wo omoidashite sawareru hagoromo
Of course it turned out to be gentler than we think But the world has become simple The law of morning and evening, alone at the end of the year Yearning for July, a single drop falls Nothing’s here but you are with me Here beside me tomorrow and the next Remembering I was in the sky on the way home, touched by an angel’s raiment
失った永遠は 明日の幸せに続くかな もう戻れない 星屑の海 掌の温もり
Ushinatta eien wa Asu no shiawase ni tsudzuku ka na Mō modorenai Hoshikuzu no umi tenohira no nukumori
Will the eternity lost Continue in tomorrow’s happiness We can’t turn back any longer The sea of stardust, the warmth of my palm
そこらに蔓延するポピュリズムから 抜け出す為作った世界 でもまた見つけんだよポピュリスト 結局端から抜け出せない 2人でダラダラ過ごしたWeekend 一週間とは縮めた人生 くたびれながら迎える月曜日 囚われてる鉄格子
Sokora ni mannen suru popyurizumu kara Nukedasu tame tsukutta sekai Demo mata mitsukenda yo popyurisuto Kekkyoku hana kara nukedasenai Futari de daradara sugoshita weekend Isshūkan to wa chidjimeta jinsei Kutabire nagara mukaeru getsuyōbi Torawareteru tetsugōshi
A world created to escape From the populism everywhere But found again anyway by the populist Can’t get out in the end after all A weekend slowly passing for the both of us Life shortened to a week Advancing to a Monday all worn out The iron bars in which I am imprisoned to
全てを忘れて何処かへ行こう でも君の両手は翼じゃない まるで飛び込むのを恐れたペンギン 素直な君はコレ疑わない? そう 柵から抜け出す為のリスクは承知 2人で乗り越え Cheerz! テレビで見るA5ランクのステーキより君が作る質素なフランチ
Subete wo wasurete doko ka he ikou Demo kimi no ryōte wa tsubasa janai Marude tobikomu no wo osoreta pengin Sunao na kimi wa kore utagawanai? Sou shigarami kara nukedasu tame no risuku wa shōchi Futari de norikoete Cheerz! Terebi de miru A5 ranku no suteiki yori kimi ga tsukuru shisso na furanchi
Forget about everything and go somewhere But your hands aren’t wings Quite like a penguin afraid to jump in The earnest you have doubts on this? The risk to be freed from these shackles, yes, I understand We overcame them together. Cheerz! Rather than the A5 steak seen on TV I prefer the simple franch you made yourself
解けた星座と魔法 途絶えた道標 天に手を伸ばし もがいてみたりして 夏風がさらさらと通り過ぎていく
Hodoketa seiza to mahō todaeta michishirube Ten ni te wo nobashi Mogaite mitarishite Natsu kaze ga sarasara to tōrisugite iku
A lost guidepost, the constellation and magic unravelled Reaching out my hands to the heavens Trying, struggling The summer breeze rustles and passes by
あんなに恋い焦がれた 今日も現実は残酷さ こんな私を 貴方は今も見守ってくれてるかな
An'na ni koikogareta Kyō mo genjitsu wa zankoku sa konna watashi wo Anata wa ima mo mimamotte kureteru ka na
I yearned so much for (you) Reality is also cruel today Are you still watching over me right now
There is more to life than Increasing its speed
どれだけの色 まるで水辺で揺れる蛍だ 願い集めた星空が 繋げたの 夢の束をきつく結んで きらきらと瞬くように
Dore dake no iro Marude mizube de yureru hotaru da Negai atsumeta hoshizora ga Tsunageta no yume no taba wo kitsuku musunde Kirakira to matataku you ni
By how much color… Quite like flickering fireflies by a riverbank The starry sky, wherein wishes are gathered, Bind strongly a tight bundle of dreams Glittering and twinkling
君に会えるよ 1年後の夏 いつも君を想ってる。
Kimi ni aeru yo 1-nen-go no natsu Itsumo kimi wo omotteru
I’ll meet you, on a summer after a year I am always thinking of you
Once upon a time
踏み出した一歩目の先はまだまだ見えないけど 記憶の中の温もりですら 今は優しいけど
Fumidashita ippo me no saki wa mada mada mienai kedo Kioku no naka no nukumori de sura Ima wa yasashii kedo
The first step I took ahead cannot be seen yet but The warmth inside my memories is tender even now
あの日失った永遠は 明日の幸せに続いてく もう戻れない 星屑の海 掌の温も��
Ano hi ushinatta eien wa Asu no shiawase ni tsudzuiteku Mō modorenai Hoshikuzu no umi tenohira no nukumori
The eternity lost that day Will continue in tomorrow’s happiness We can’t turn back any longer The sea of stardust, the warmth of my palm
* toiro – I assumed it is from the jp idiom “juunin toiro” which literally means “ten people, ten colors”
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hipumaitranslations · 5 years
Alternative Rap Battle - Division All Stars || Kanji, Romaji & Eng
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Alternative Rap Battle is the a song for the upcoming mobile game ‘Alternative Rap Battle’, by Division All Stars - The full HypMic cast.
Lyrics, Composition, Arrangement: invisible manners (Daisuke Hirayama ・ Sei Fukuyama) MV Creator: Pink Janakutemo Vocals: Division All Stars
Lyrics under the cut! Apologies for taking a while with this!
ICHIRO Yo yo yo! Play the gameだぜ! Back again、yo 固唾を呑みな起こすぜフェノミナン おもねんなメンバー下げんな縦フェーダー(Let’s go) 叫ぶスピーカーでブクロをBig up この国家は今一度洗濯しかないぜ 円卓の騎士が起死回生の為に凱旋 いかんせん邪魔ばっか嫌になるぜパイセン(Let’s go) 謳えアンセム山田一郎が参戦
SAMATOKI ナチュラルハイでイキったクソガキが いっちょ前にマッチョな事言ってまちゅねぇ? アティチュードは血も凍るゼロ・ファーレンハイト 我に返っても既にToo late Mother Father Sister Brother 俺さまはGod Father 言霊ぶつけるぜまざまざと バイオハザード級の災いだ まだやるか
RAMUDA ハート型の光線をコンセントレート チョコで包む洋酒入り怖~いダイナマイト! inner zoneに入り交じり愛憎を倍増させる メッ!する対象広くユニセックス 乱数の事グルグルと何回考えちゃう? Love感情生産する脳内マニファクチャー 飴玉が甘いなんてダメだ決めつけちゃ? 特別なレクチャーはぐちゃぐちゃにチャーミングだよ?
JAKURAI それは理にかなうクリニカルなスキル クリティカルな状況 狼狽しパントマイム などは堅く禁ずだが進む淡々とTime 万全とは何か問われているAll time
壊れている人体涙目のクランケ ブランケットにくるむ腐乱する痛ましい フランス・ルイ17世の幼気な魂 神よ全ての子供たちにMercy
CHORUS 騒乱動乱 ヒプノシスマイク 群雄割拠 Alternative Battle illなビート寄越しなDJ バチバチの捨て鉢 ぶちこんでくライム
エキシビションじゃない歴史上のBattle 格式容赦ない異次元の魔法 欲張りだぜ東西南北 分捕るまでぶっ放すぜ罵倒
奪い奪われても恨んでる暇はねえ Are you game for more? Do you want more?
JIRO 無人のリムジンに火をつけて木っ端微塵 バチバチに燃えてるぜ俺は風神雷神 阿吽の呼吸でRollin’ Rollin’ 何かに取り憑かれたゴロツキ 冗談抜きで火気厳禁の ごぼう抜きのスキルは 物好きくらいじゃ到達できん(Let’s go) 殺す気でかかって来るが良いが ウチの一兄の出る幕も無いようだ
JYUTO はいはいはい ウザい余罪つかムカつく重過失 蛇足だぜ その無駄すぎるライム もはやクライム 初動で動員する押韻 そうさ機動捜査隊のスタンス 滅相もない! 元も子もない もっともな言い分なんてない ニューナンブの銃弾に代わる ニューロンを蹂躙するマイク 公務執行妨害だぜ 頭部ぶっとぶがいい
GENTARO 明治大正昭和平成令和 厭世的時代考証 真似し青年は 永遠なるパラダイムからも抗えるポエジー 物狂で不器用な文豪のイメージ 流刑地から一等地まで 伝播して蔓延るこの活字のステージ 弁は立つ 衒学趣味 無知蒙昧 no mind エクリチュール 高慢な鼻を抉り取る
HIFUMI バトルもある意味接客業務 せっかくだし盛り上げとくゲーム ウェイとか言っときゃ良いとか無え?(ウェイ!) 大都会生きるエンターテイメント 延滞料金は不要だぜメンズ? 弁解無用さツケにしてやんぜ? 顔は殴らんよライムでもそう ただしアンタのメンツはぐちゃぐちゃでしょ?
CHORUS Run & Gun ヒプノシスマイク 蛮勇韻力 Alternative Rap Dopeなビート繋ぎなDJ たちまち奪うガチ ぶちこんで詰める!
one for the treble two for the bass 痛いガキ死すともフローは死せず 韻の攻防は因果応報 分捕るまでぶっ放すぜ罵倒
奪い奪われても恨んでる暇はねえ Are you game for more? Do you want more?
SABURO 三郎の出番 何喋ろう? とりま愚弄 しとく マイクロフォン ワーカホリックなリックで奪う 不道徳なFlow所得 フォトショして書き換えてく ブクロの青写真(ブループリント) Bring on Bring on キンコンカンコン 義務教育をお前に施してやろうか? You know what? 有能な僕の助言さ まずはブクロの法律の授業だ
RIO ようそろ! さあようこそ お前の不安要素の 戦場の霧 小官がメイソン理鶯 弁証法により勝利を 導く道理を 一字一句 お前に軍事指南進ぜよう 心理的シンドローム 伴う心底 死んでも死にきれんほど 擦り切れるだろう前頭葉 前途多難だなジェントルマン ああ残念 当面は火力演習の的となる
DICE おいおいおい go humble おいあんちゃん go gamble 丁半も知らん唐変木 チンチロならションベンだぜ マジ勘弁 テンション下げ まず1勝 次は本気で来いよ Once again 今日の賭場はラップゲーム ショバ代を払っとけ Dead or Alive 降りんならとっとと払えよ ZionだろうがBabylonだろうが 財を成そうが滅びようが 要は賭け(Bet)だろうが
DOPPO 死に敵う救済なんて シニカルな冗談 商談相手にいつだって 媚び諂ってshit damn 疾患寸前ぐらいなら 失敗なんてノーカン 儲かっても無いけど まだ食えてるならいっか 一回や二回じゃ覚えらんない ルーティンワーク 雨天決行する結構なハードワーク 営業トークで隠された封印解く 日本刀のごとく突き刺す深く深く深く
CHORUS 騒乱動乱 ヒプノシスマイク 群雄割拠 Alternative Battle illなビート寄越しなDJ バチバチの捨て鉢 ぶちこんでくライム
エキシビションじゃない歴史上のBattle 格式容赦ない異次元の魔法 欲張りだぜ東西南北 分捕るまでぶっ放すぜ罵倒
Run & Gun ヒプノシスマイク 蛮勇韻力 Alternative Rap Dopeなビート繋ぎなDJ たちまち奪うガチ ぶちこんで詰める!
one for the treble two for the bass 痛いガキ死すともフローは死せず 韻の攻防は因果応報 分捕るまでぶっ放すぜ罵倒
奪い奪われても恨んでる暇はねえ Are you game for more? Do you want more?
ICHIRO Yo Yo Yo Play the game da ze Back again, yo katazu wo nomi na okosu ze fenominan omonen na menbaa sagen na tate feedaa (Let’s go) sakebu supiikaa de bukuro wo Big up
kono kuni wa ima ichido sentaku shikanai ze entaku no kishi ga kishi kaisei no tame ni gaisen ikansen jama bakka iya ni naru ze paisen (Let’s go) utae ansemu yamada ichiro ga sansen
SAMATOKI nachuraru hai de ikitta kuso gaki ga iccho mae ni maccho na koto itte machu nee? atitchuudo wa chi mo kooru zero.faarenhaito ware ni kaettemo sude ni Too late Mother Father Sister Brother ore-sama wa God Father kotodama butsukeru ze mazamaza to baiohazaado kyuu no wazawai da mada yaru ka
RAMUDA haatogata no kousen wo konsentoreeto choko de tsutsumu youshu iri kowa~i dainamaito! inner zone ni iri majiri aizou wo baizou saseru me! suru taishou hiroku yunisekkusu
ramuda no koto guruguru to nankai kangaechau? Love kanjou seisan suru nounai manifakuchaa amedama ga amai nante dame da kimetsukecha? tokubetsu na rekuchaa wa guchagucha ni chaamingu da yo?
JAKURAI sore wa ri ni kanau kurinikaru na sukiru kuritikaru na joukyou roubai shi pantomaimu nado wa kataku kinzu da ga susumu tantan to Time banzen to wa nanika towareteiru All Time
kowareteiru jintai namidame no kuranke buranketto ni kurumu furan suru itamashii furansu.rui juunanasei no itaike na tamashii kami yo subete no kodomotachi ni Mercy
CHORUS souran douran hipunoshisu maiku gunyuu kakkyo Alternative Battle ill na biito yokoshi na DJ bachibachi no sutebachi buchikondeku raimu
ekishibishon janai rekishijou no Battle kakushiki yousha nai ijigen no mahou yokubari da ze touzai nanboku bundoru made buppanasu ze batou
ubai ubawaretemo uranderu hima wa nee
Are you game for more? Do You Want More?
JIRO mujin no rimujin ni hi wo tsukete koppa mijin bachibachi ni moeteru ze ore wa fuujin raijin aun no kokyuu de Rollin’ Rollin’ nanika ni toritsukareta gorotsuki joudan nuki de kaki genkin no gobou nuki no sukiru wa monozuki kurai ja toutatsu dekin (Let’s go) korosu ki de kakatte kuru ga ii ga uchi no ichinii no deru maku mo nai you da
JYUTO hai hai hai uzai yozai tsu ka mukatsuku juukashitsu dasoku da ze sono mudasugiru raimu mohaya kuraimu shodou de douin suru ouin sou sa kidou sousatai no sutansu messou mo nai! moto mo ko mo nai mottomo na ippun nante nai nyuu nanbu no juudan ni kawaru nyuuron wo juurin suru maiku koumu shikkou bougai da ze toubu buttobu ga ii
GENTARO meiji taishou shouwa heisei reiwa enseiteki jidai koushou mane shi seinen wa eien naru paradaimu kara mo aragaeru poejii bukkyou de bukiyou na bungou no imeeji ryuukeichi kara ittouchi made denpa shite habikoru kono katsuji no suteeji ben wa tatsu gengaku shumi muchi moumai No mind ekurichuuru kouman na hana wo eguritoru
HIFUMI batoru mo aru imi sekkyaku gyoumu sekkaku dashi moriagetoku geemu wei to ka ittokya ii to ka nee? (wei!) daitokai ikiru entaateinmento entai ryoukin wa fuyou da ze menzu? benkai muyousa tsuke ni shite yan ze? kao wa naguran yo raimu demo sou tadashi anta no mentsu wa guchagucha desho?
CHORUS Run & Gun hipunoshisu maiku banyuu inryoku Alternative Rap Dope na biito tsunagi na DJ tachimachi ubau gachi buchikonde tsumeru!
one for the treble two for the bass itai gaki shisu tomo furoo wa shisezu in no koubou wa inga ouhou bundoru made buppanasu ze batou
ubai ubawaretemo uranderu hima wa nee
Are you game for more? Do You Want More?
SABURO saburo no deban nani shaberou? torima gurou shitoku maikurofon waakaahorikku na rikku de ubau fudoutoku na Flow shotoku fotosho shite kakikaeteku bukuro no buruupurinto Bring on Bring on kinkon kankon gimu kyouiku wo omae ni hodokoshite yarou ka? You know what? yuunou na boku no jogensa mazu wa bukuro no houritsu no jugyou da
RIO yousoro! saa youkoso omae no fuan youso no senjou no kiri shoukan ga meison riou benshouhou ni yori shouri wo michibiku doori wo ichiji ikku omae ni gunji shinan shinzeyou shinriteki shindoroomu tomonau shinsoko shindemo shinikiren hodo surikireru darou zentou you zento tanan da na jentoruman aa zannen toumen wa karyoku enshuu no mato to naru
DICE oi oi oi go humble oi an-chan go gamble chouhan mo shiran touhenboku chinchiro nara shonben da ze maji kanben tenshon sage mazu isshou tsugi wa honki de koi yo Once again kyou no toba wa rappu geemu shobadai wo harattoke Dead or Alive orin nara tottoto harae yo Zion darou ga Babylon darou ga zai wo nasou ga horobiyou ga you wa Bet darou ga
DOPPO shi ni kanau kyuusai nante shinikaru na joudan shoudan aite ni itsudatte kobihetsuratte shit damn shikkan sunzen gurai nara shippai nante nookan moukattemo nai kedo mada kueteru narai ikka ikkai ya nikai ja oboerannai ruutin waaku uten kekkou suru kekkou na haado waaku eigyou tooku de kakusareta fuuin toku nihontou no gotoku tsukisasu fukaku fukaku fukaku
CHORUS souran douran hipunoshisu maiku gunyuu kakkyo Alternative Battle ill na biito yokoshi na DJ bachibachi no sutebachi buchikondeku raimu
ekishibishon janai rekishijou no Battle kakushiki yousha nai ijigen no mahou yokubari da ze touzai nanboku bundoru made buppanasu ze batou
Run & Gun hipunoshisu maiku banyuu inryoku Alternative Rap Dope na biito tsunagi na DJ tachimachi ubau gachi buchikonde tsumeru!
one for the treble two for the bass itai gaki shisu tomo furoo wa shisezu in no koubou wa inga ouhou bundoru made buppanasu ze batou
ubai ubawaretemo uranderu hima wa nee
Are you game for more? Do You Want More
ICHIRO YO YO YO! Let's play the game! Back again, yo Don't be scared, get up to this new phenomenon No backing down! No fade us out! (Let's go!) Shout it through the speakers, big up 'Bukuro! This country’s all washed up again The Knights of the Round Table have been revived Sorry senpai, but you best not get in our way Sing the battle anthem! It's Ichiro Yamada on the set!
SAMATOKI You think too high of yourself, damn brat. It’s almost natural. Acting all macho with the big dogs now, huh? My 0°F attitude's enough to freeze blood. Try to come back to me, it's already too late Mother Father Sister Brother, I'm the Godfather Samatoki These words'll crush you,  cause I'm a biohazard. So you still up to fight?
RAMUDA My heart-shaped beams will strike your through♡ Wrapped in chocolate and wine, it's scary dynamite! Both love and hate mix and explode in the inner zone! This punishment is unisex~ Hey, is Ramuda's cute face stuck inside your head yet~? Brains are manufactured to produce love, you know! Who says candy has to be sweet anyway? That's silly! My special lecture is chaos, let’s make a charming mess~!
JAKURAI Clinical skills are defined by logic Panicking and pantomining in critical situations, these are forbidden, though apathy and time never halt. I ask myself “what is perfection?” is all the time. The eroding human body, patient with teary eyes I swathed in blankets, they still decay.  How pitiful.The innocent soul of Louis XVII May God have mercy on his children
CHORUS Chaos and mayhem, Hypnosis mic! This means war! Alternative Battle! DJ, bring that ill beat! Crackling tension, rhymes are bullets! This ain't an exhibition! It's a historic battle! The brutal magic of this new dimension! Everyone here's greedy as hell! We're gonna rap you to death! No hard feelings, ain't no time for that! Are you game for more? Do you want more?
JIRO Set the limousine alight and blow it up! Let's burn it all up! I’m the God of both Wind and Thunder. The three of us, Rollin' Rollin'! Punks who fight us'll end up dizzy Seriously, you gotta bite harder than that if you wanna match my skill (Let's go!) It's aight if you're aiming for the kill, but this fight would be too easy for Ichi-nii!
JYUTO Yeah, yeah, all right! How annoying, shut your trap! You’re in for the arrest. It's ridiculous how useless your senseless rhyming can get! It's a crime in itself! Striking at the first sign of trouble, that is our criminal investigations department's stance! Absurd? No way! We can't afford mistakes or losses! Take this mic instead of a revolver, to fry your neruons! Obstruction of justice is a felony, you know? Don't blame me if I blast your head off!
GENTARO Meiji, Taisho, Showa, Heisei, Reiwa I'm but a copycat, looking back to every pessimistic era Writing poesies that resist even eternal paradigms, I create the image of a mad and bumbling wordsmith. This verbal stage spreads like an epidemic, from the depths of the slums to the royal palace Your manner of speech clearly indicates what an ignorant fool you are (No mind) This ecriture dictates my desire to gouge out that haughty nose of yours.
HIFUMI Battles are like a customer service, in a way As long as we're here, why don't we up this game? Nothing wrong with a little party and fun, hm? Let's enjoy some big-city entertainment. No need to pay the late charges guys, but your excuse is useless. It'll go on your tab. So no hits to the face, but let's settle this in rap. Though, your appearance is just a mess, isn't it?
CHORUS Run & Gun, Hypnosis Mic! The merciless rhyme, alternative rap! DJ, bring that dope beat! We'll beat you down before you know it! One for the treble! Two for the bass! Even if you knock us down, our flow's here to stay! Fight or flight, it's still your win or loss! We're gonna rap you all dead! No hard feelings, ain't no time for that! Are you game for more? Do you want more?
SABURO Saburo's turn, what should I say? For now, it's time to wreck ‘em with this microphone Workaholics earn their money through dirty work Photoshopped, rewritten, it's 'Bukuro's new blueprint. Bring on, bring on, ding dong ding dong Why don't I teach you a lesson, right here right now? You know what? Take it as a lesson from someone smarter than you. First off, how bout we talk about 'Bukuro's rules?
RIOU Keep the ship stead! Welcome, come on! I am the unstoppable force on the battle field. I'm Mason Riou. The path to victory is through sound logic and reasoning I move with the guidance of the military way. The psychological syndrome that afflicts your heart shall wear out your brain until you perish. Many difficulties lie ahead of you gentlemen. Unfortunately, you are my target and I’m opening fire.
DICE Oi, oi, oi, go humble! C'mon, let's go gamble! Don't know how, then I'll teach ya dumbass! Chinchiro's easy! Still can't play? Gimme a break! It's my win now, so come at me seriously next, got it? Today's a gamble! Fork over your bets! Dead or Alive, if you gonna call quits, hurry and pay up! Zion or Babylon, win or lose, it ain't matter! What matters is we bet it all!
DOPPO Salvation in the face of death, what a cynical joke Doing business means nothing but sucking up, shit damn If you're on the verge of collapsing, making mistakes is fine, I guess Sure, there's not much profit. But as long as you get paid, it's all good. Just doing it once or twice isn't enough for this routine work Rain or shine, it has to be done. It's pretty hard work. Hiding it on normal days, I'll unleash myself during sales talks. I'll stab through you with my blade, let it go deeper, deeper, deeper
CHORUS Chaos and mayhem, Hypnosis mic! This means war! Alternative Battle! DJ, bring that ill beat! Crackling tension, rhymes are bullets! This ain't an exhibition! It's a historic battle! The brutal magic of this new dimension! Everyone here's greedy as hell! We're gonna rap you to death!
Run & Gun, Hypnosis Mic! The merciless rhyme, alternative rap! DJ, bring that dope beat! We'll beat you down before you know it! One for the treble! Two for the bass! Even if you knock us down, our flow's here to stay! Fight or flight, it's still your win or loss! We're gonna rap you all dead!
No hard feelings, ain't no time for that! Are you game for more? Do you want more?
Ichiro refers to the knights of the Round Table - 12 here, but the original numbers are something like 24, 36 or some even as 72.
Paisen - Another way of saying senpai, but for one you're much closer to/familiar with.
Samatoki's referal to himself as 'the Godfather' is related to how he brought up Ichiro's rap skills.
Jakurai uses the german word for patient/ill person, Kranke
Since these verses are shots at their rivals, Jakurai is addressing Ramuda in this verse. Louis XVII was a child king. Jakurai is asking mercy on Ramuda's soul because he's about to beat this kid to the ground.
Chinchiro is the game that Fling Posse played in the 2nd Drama Track and 4th Chapter of Side FP/M
Zion - synonym for Jerusalem. Babylon, once the largest city in the world - This line possibly refers to how Dice is risking it all with his bets. All or nothing.
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