#ikkicon 9
chaostexture · 2 years
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All Good Things ...
... must come to an end. At least for now. Intermine Sundays was a very fun and very successful campaign! I am thankful for each and every one of the new followers we've received in our quest for 100.
character art: @notyoursleepywitch
But, let's tone down the sentimentality and introduce Tony Moreno. I really dig Tony — he's a character wholly unlike any of the others in this set in the sense that he knows what he wants from life. Good food, good drinks, and good games are his treasures, and he's not particularly willing to part with them quite yet.
But, somehow, Tony has found himself working under Cecil Masters, which has created a potentially lethal problem for him. He's willing to put up with that problem, however, so long as it allows him to keep up his current lifestyle. One thing is clear to Tony — he's gonna need an extra shot or two (espresso, vodka, or tequila ... it doesn't matter) to make it through this day with his life intact.
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In other news, we've reached 100 followers on Twitter! It's a small milestone, but it's huge for us! I look forward to the next one, which is 250! So, if you are reading this and like what you see, why not jump over to the bird app and follow us? We also exist on Facebook and Instagram, if you prefer those platforms!
To celebrate this milestone, our art director has created this lovely celebratory artwork featuring one of our leads, Joseph! We'll also be sharing an exclusive piece of artwork from the game via our socials either tonight (1/8/23) or tomorrow (1/9/23), so look out for that!
ALSO, a reminder: I (pixcelation) will be at IKKiCON the weekend of January 20 to January 22, and I'll be bringing Chaos Texture / The Intermine Legacy stickers to give to random visitors to my booth! I will also be unveiling the teaser trailer for the game at said booth, so stay on the lookout for that!
I get the feeling that things are going to be happening very quickly from here on, and I look forward to the rollercoaster. It may be a minute before our next dev update, that said, but we look forward to the next one. In the meantime, stay gold!
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epix321 · 7 years
So what other cons are you going to.. ?
Are my cons not in my Bio? Huh! I’m still getting used to how tumblr works but I’ll try to make a tab for them! For now though all i have planned is:
IndiPopCon July 7-9
Eveything else is very loosely planned like- no hotel or ticket bought yet but I would like to go to, San Japan, IkkiCon, Afest (But it’d only be one day and I probably wouldn’t get a pass cause I’m moving that weekend)
SOOOO I don’t super know whats going on but I’ll try to keep tumblr updated for sure!
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thatonedovahkiin · 7 years
Alright long-ass post about Anime Austin this last weekend. Read it if you want but tbh I just wanted to get this off my chest. It’s nothing bad, it’s just lengthy c:
So, this last weekend I went to Anime Austin--a very small, new, convention here. The main reason I went was so that I could meet my absolute favorite cosplayer Leon Chiro (if you haven’t looked at his works please go check them out he is SERIOUSLY the best male cosplayer I’ve seen). When I heard that he was coming to Austin I freaked the fuck out and I wanted to go so so badly but I was worried that I couldn’t cuz..well I’m broke. But I had a really good friend come in clutch and give me a free pass, I can’t thank her enough because if it weren’t for her none of this would’ve been possible. I threw together a quick Gladio cosplay the night before (I made the cosplay in about...4-6 hours) and I made a cup noodle sword (I didn’t want to go as Gladio without a weapon c: ) since Leon was going as Gladio on Friday for a photoshoot and I fixed up my Andromeda cosplay for Saturday.
I was honestly really worried that a lot of people were going to go to this con because of Leon since he is an international guest but to my surprise there actually weren’t that many people. I mean there were quite a few attendees (especially on Saturday) but y’know there weren’t as many as there were at Ikkicon, and I feel like there were more here than at Anime Overload (which is surprising cuz it’s an older con...but honestly not as organized).
But anyway, I went on Friday to go to his panel dressed up as Gladio. I went in the panel room like...an hour and a half before the panel was scheduled to start since I thought a bunch of people would flood in the room but surprisingly there were about..like maybe 20 people in that room? But once he walked in, he saw my cup noodle sword that I made and was like: “Well what do we have here?!” He looked so excited so I got up to go hand him my sword, before he even took the sword he gave me a hug and greeted me then started swinging it around a little bit. Like honestly that sword has no stability whatsoever so I was super surprised it even stayed together as he swung it around everywhere. But throughout the panel I honestly really loved getting to know him and asking questions that I probably would’ve never done through one of his livestreams or just online in general. It was really nice being able to talk with him one-on-one. After the panel I gave him a cup noodle, a pack of M&M’s, and I took a picture with him. He even complimented my scar and recommended a certain SFX product to help make the scar the way Gladio has it (I used gelatin and he recommended Collodion since Gladio’s scar goes in his face, not out) ; v; And I told him that I had a cake for him and he looked so excited about it and I basically talked with his handler (who is the SWEETEST DANG LADY EVER) on when I could get it to them.
Later that day I went in a little panel room and waited since he was doing the FFXV photoshoot, a couple of people came too and it was really nice hanging out with a bunch of other people and talking to them. Eventually we all actually started lining up for the photos and I didn’t go until near the end. He saw that I was there and said hi, and he asked if my sword was fragile, I didn’t give him an exact answer but he was busy at the time so I just waited until he walked out. So he came out after he was done taking photos with someone and took the sword and started swinging it again, just seeing if it was durable and then POP it fucking flew off and everyone started laughing so hard. He looked so embarrassed and kept apologizing to me about it, saying: “we’ll fix it for you, I’m so sorry, we’ll go ahead and fix it” and everyone was offering to go with me to get it fixed and I was honestly so like...happy that everyone was even offering and telling me where I can get it fixed. I told them it wasn’t a big deal since it was just a gag prop and thanked them. I got a great photo with him though with the broken sword. I fixed it in the end though and took it back on Sunday to show him, he still apologized for it ♥
On Saturday I didn’t get to see him for a majority of the day since he was really busy with pre-judging for the cosplay contest. But I did see him when I went to go in for my pre-judging and the poor guy looked SO exhausted. I gave him his cake, a photo of him with my broken sword, and a little note about the cake. I was honestly SO nervous during the pre-judging because I was worried that my cosplay wasn’t good at all and just how I would look in front of the judges, I was even more nervous thinking about my walk-on (but surprisingly I nailed that shit HAHA). But after the cosplay contest I saw him and said hi, he looked so so tired and I felt so bad but I told him I was out for the day and asked him if he was doing anything tonight and tomorrow. He told me he had the late night panel going on and initially I didn’t think of going since it was..well, later in the evening and I was exhausted. But on the drive back home I talked to Branden about it and after some convincing we both decided to go. He didn’t entirely want to because of the drive through downtown but he saw that I wanted to go so he was convinced luckily ♥ After we rested up a little and ate we went back to the hotel to go to the panel and honestly I loved that panel way more than the one on Friday. I felt like it was more close-knit and just fun in general since there were about 10 people at that entire panel, plus I was with good friends! At that panel I challenged him to arm-wrestle me, we got him to talk in a Southern accent, and y’know just had really nice conversations.
After the panel we all just started standing around getting ready to walk out of the room and Leon told us a story about how a young lady a while back gave him a hug when she met him and the next day she told him that her boyfriend broke up with her because of that hug. Branden called it out and was saying that the girl deserved so much better, the boy was fucking garbage, and it wasn’t his fault at all. Leon looked so surprised when he said that and just loved it. We then stepped outside to get prints and I let a lot of people go before me since I knew I was going to take a while. Once it was me and like three other people, he offered to just give us his prints which was honestly the sweetest fucking thing ever. I only took one, and I got him to sign the picture of him with the broken sword. I also asked him to take a couple of pictures and I asked him if I could get one of me giving him a kiss so I could show my mom. He then was like: “I mean, is your boyfriend okay with it? Nothing’s going to happen?” he looked so so worried about it and Branden just straight up said: “No dude, she can go for it. She’s her own person, I’m not worried about anything. I have enough confidence and faith in her like...I’m not one of those, I’m not a jealous guy.” Leon looked so so happy when he said that and was just like: MY MAN. He gave him a huge hug and told him how much respect and love he had for him because of how like...not shitty Branden is as a guy. I told Leon that I’ve known Branden since we were 9 years old and he FLIPPED, just saying like: “Never let her go, she’s the best, you guys are so lucky I’m so happy to see that you have kept your bond for so so long”. Honestly I wanted to fucking cry because of how genuine he was, he looked so excited and happy. After all that was said and done we told him we were going to leave and that Branden wasn’t going to be back for Sunday. Leon looked so sad about that and gave him like the biggest hug, Branden wished him the best and I told Leon that I’d be back tomorrow. On our way back home we kind of realized that we didn’t pay for the prints and we said that we were going to give him the money tomorrow.
So finally on Sunday I woke up with THE WORST stomach virus at like 7 in the morning and I actually almost ended up not going. But after sitting at home for a couple of hours, drinking some ginger ale, taking some antibiotics and waiting it out I actually started feeling better and went to the con for a short amount of time. I waited for about...1 1/2 hours for Leon since I had no clue what time he was gonna be at his booth but I hung out with a couple of friends in the meantime. Eventually I saw that he was at his table and my friend and I went. Once we like walked up to the table we saw that there were a bunch of people there just hanging around and we were kind of farther back and decided to wait it out, but he walked over to his table (since he was in the crowd for some time) and he saw that we were standing there, he looked at me straight in the eyes and acknowledged that I was there and waved at me. I felt kind of special tbh lol. I waited for the crowd to die down and get smaller so I could talk to Leon and give him what I needed to. I got him to take a video for Branden saying thank you, I got more pictures, and I showed him that I fixed my sword! He looked so relieved that I fixed it. I told him that I was going home and I almost walked out of there without giving him the money.
So I actually ran back in there and waited a little longer so that he was free. Once he saw me again I showed him the money and told him: “This is from me and Branden. We wanted to pay you for the print.” He didn’t want to take it. “Take it as a donation at least. We’re giving this to you since we want to support you and your future projects. We love you so very much and we just want you to have this, from both of us. Please take it since right now I can’t support you on Patreon just yet, I will soon, but I want to help you now.” He wanted me to take another print but I refused and I swear the man looked like he was about to cry. He gave me a big hug and thanked me so much. Like maaan I wanted to fuckin’ cry. I gave him a lil’ smooch, told him thank you, safe travels and enjoy the cake and I made my merry way home. I actually cried a little bit on the drive back.
I’m so so SO happy that I got to meet him and basically be so one-on-one with him. I’m excited to see him again and to see all of his future projects. Meeting Leon has honestly given me such a huge wave of inspiration and confidence that I want to actually improve not only myself as a person, but I want to get better at making cosplays, work out a lot more, and just..y’know follow in his footsteps.
I really want to thank him for giving me such a confidence and inspiration boost because really, just seeing him online made me like decently inspired but I never was motivated enough to follow through with anything, but meeting him and getting to know him has given me motivation and inspiration on how to go about those projects.
So, thank you Leon for being so inspirational, and thank you so much for helping me be a better person. I’m excited to see you again and Branden and I will both work hard to create bigger and better cosplays. I can’t say thank you enough. ♥♥♥
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twinandroids · 7 years
1-47 skip any you don't want to do!
AAAAA ok im gonna put this under a read more
1.Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?a relationship would be nice but im not in a rush to be in one! 2.When did your last hug take place?UHH last night at lexi’s house cause we were celebrating her birthday - w -3.Are you a jealous person?yeah lol but i try not to be4.Are you tired right now?very5.Do you chew on your straws?yeah 6.Have you ever been called a tease?nope7.Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?UH yeah i think so, when i had a flight to houston at 6am in december but i couldnt sleep so i just stayed up8.Do you cry easily?yeah lmao9.What should you be doing right now?drawing and also making dinner10.Are you a heavy sleeper?not really11.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?mmmm i hope so12.Are you mad at someone right now?nope!13.Do you believe in love?ye14.What makes you laugh no matter what?that fuckin cat no like banana video15.Who was the last person you talked to?danni -w-16.Do you get butterflies around the person you like?usually yeah :017.Will you get married?probably not, i dont wanna get married lol18.When was the last time you smiled?today probably?19.Does anyone like you?i doubt it20.Do you secretly like someone?nope not at the moment21.Who was the first person you talked to today?uh danni i think22.Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?again, danni lol (my sister)23.What are you NOT looking forward to?the possibility of not finding another job this summer24.What ARE you looking forward to?school starting up again and also ikkicon!25.Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?probably not lol26.Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?i truly would not care bc he was an abuser and also i havent talked to him in 4 years lolwell now that i think about it i would feel bad for the person hes with27.Do you plan on moving out within the next year?i dont plan on moving out until im financially stable so probably not!
28.Are you a forgiving person?very29.How many TRUE friends do you have?like. 330.Do you fall for people easily?nope31.Have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend?no32.What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?a waffle33.Who was the last person you drove with?kiri cause i dropped her off last night - u -34.How late did you stay up last night and why?like 3? i couldnt sleep lol35.If you could move somewhere else, would you?yeah! probably houston to be closer to danni or just somewhere where it rains a lot like washington!36.Who was the last person you took a picture of?me37.Can you live a day without TV?yeah i never watch tv38.When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?probably recently39.Three names you go by..jade, jen, jenni40.Are you currently in a relationship?nope!41.What is your all-time favorite romance movie?uhhh im not a big fan of romance movies so idk42.Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?some people do but not everyone43.What’s your current problem?finding a job44.Have you ever had your heart broken?ye45.Your thoughts of long distance relationships?ive kinda been in one once so im pretty open to them 46.How many kids do you want to have?none47.Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them?always lmao
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thebrianbrand · 6 years
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Here's my top 9 this year. Of course everyone of them is Aizawa 😂. Taking a breather from this #ikkicon crowd. • • • #bokinoheroacademia #bokunoheroacademiacosplay #myheroacademia #myheroacademiacosplay #aizawashota #aizawasensei #shoutaaizawa #aizawacosplay #eraserhead #eraserheadcosplay #cosplay #dabi #dabicosplay #anime #animecosplay #sanjapan2018 #afest #afestdallas #afest2018 #cosplayphotoshoot #cosplayphotography #guyswhocosplay #cosplayguys #malecosplay #funimation https://www.instagram.com/p/Br9E7rejgKS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10qaslp18v0nu
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Day 9 of the #20daycosplaychallenge | My most comfortable cosplay is #stan from #southpark and my most uncomfortable cosplay is #effietrinket #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaying #stancosplay #kennycosplay #southparkcosplay (at IKKiCON)
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subzerocosplay · 10 years
FINALLY! After many many weeks of trying to get this video to upload, it finally did! Here is our Friday vlog of Ikkicon 2015, enjoy, and stay tuned for Saturdays! Happy cosplaying!
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cosplaydorkduo-blog · 10 years
Cosplay Dork Duo: Ikkicon 9  Here it is! Sorry it took so long!
Trickster Karkat is agenderprinxe!
Thank you all for a lovely year at Ikkicon!
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zuzu-hime · 10 years
I was wondering if anyone got a picture of my Uzuki Yashiro (TWEWY) Cosplay from Friday of Ikkicon? I know a few people did, but haven't seen any pictures besides the ones me and my friend posted. ; w; I was hoping I can find at least one, since my wings didn't survive the con.
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moriarty-i-s-back · 10 years
Did anybody get any pictures or videos of the first homestuck panel, Ask the Homestucks? I was the nepeta on it and would love to see anything!!
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e9anime-blog · 10 years
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charc-oal · 10 years
yo yo yooooo guys!
i went to ikkicon this past weekend and i said before that i would be doing a vlog, and this is day 1! excuse these poorly excuted shots and my voice hahHAHA. .. .i'm terrible, this video is terrible, my face is terrible and GOMEN I'M SORRY but enjoy! (feat. blkrabbitkitty and elementallcie)
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deviumstella · 10 years
Ikkicon 9
It's been like four days since Ikkicon but I wanted to thank everyone for a great convention!! I definitely hope to make it next year for it's 10 year anniversary!! A big thanks as well to anyone who stopped by mine and Veevesaur's booth. You're awesome! We hope to see you all next year!
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imnotoverlyobsessive · 10 years
I'm warning you now. I am recovering from accidental withdrawal from several prescribed medications, and it has my brain a little scrambled. So this will involve plenty of rambling. Just so you know. I have never gone through a medication withdrawal before. I'm not into drugs, as I take plenty of pills every day as it is. And a bunch of other reasons as well, but whatever. I'm not ashamed of the medications I take or why I take them, which is why I have no issues whatsoever in telling you. I have no idea what the names of the meds I take are (they're so long and scientific), but I can tell you that one is for the depression that many related to me (namely women on my mother's side, from what I've seen and heard) share with me. I also have very severe ADD. The way mine works is unusual, though. You know how when you're listening really hard for something, your hearing is better than your other senses? Well, it's not like that for me, because all my senses are maxed out all the time due to my brain chemistry. It is for this reason that I never have enough sensory input. The medication evens it out a little, but I still have problems. When I sit in the living room and my brother is upstairs playing in his room with the door open, making sound effects and such, I can hear every bit of it. In classrooms with desks, I always sit in the furthest chair back so that people can't put their feet on the back of my chair, as I can feel the vibrations of the slightest movement and it's distracting. I have to be doing something with my hands when someone is talking to me (unless I am extremely involved in the conversation) or I'm watching a movie. Those are some examples. Anyway, I take medications for a variety of reasons, most of which I don't know myself. But since I missed two doses, I am feeling very severe effects. My nose is stuffy, I'm nauseous, I have a headache even if I take medication, I have trouble getting tired, I'm dizzy, I'm going to the bathroom unusually frequently, my throat is sore, it hurts to see, I'm shaking constantly, I have random chills and hot flashes, and if I'm hungry, I have no idea because I don't feel it. So yeah, that's what's up. I really want to take pictures of everything I got at IkkiCon, but I don't feel well enough to do so. Once I'm better, I'll take lots of pictures for you guys!
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sapphirablue · 10 years
hmmmm there was a girl at IKKiCON with short dark hair and wearing a white dress. she asked me to dance? If it's u message me you're really cute
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zuzu-hime · 10 years
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Here's the pictures I took with people on Saturday and that's all of my photos from the convention. Sorry about the spamming of photos  @A@
Anyway, thank you all for letting me take pictures with you! 
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