#ikleyvey art
ikleyvey · 4 months
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Elune design, aligned with Winter Queen's but opposing her in direction. WIP
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ikleyvey-art · 1 year
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A commission for @shruikanceta 's awesome Bloodborne character, Ilora
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sheepdawgiearts · 1 year
I felt inspired to draw what me thinks Viktor looks like underneath his mask.
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Mainly took inspo from how his hair looks rn and @ikleyvey-art version of him ( which is amazing riot please hire them 🥺 )
Anyway cheers
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what do you think about the convergence designs?
Hey there Anon, my general thoughts I mentioned on my general art blog: https://www.tumblr.com/ikleyvey/721851451454980096/what-do-you-think-about-the-face-reveal-of-viktor?source=share
In more detail:
I downloaded and saved all parts of the Convergence, I really like comics and I value this one as well. I like the colours especially I think.
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I love them, I want a bunch of content with them they're so dear to me! But we're not here for beauty. We're here for darkness.
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I think we should all have expected bullshit technology that definitely cannot work. Like when sci-fi works slap "quantum" onto anything and think it makes it sound cool and science-y.
No, a severed head bolted onto a thin metal neck connected to the body is not going to be able to live. Riot, stop with putting mechanical parts between organic ones. Stop it. Bad Riot. Just like they wrote in a story about Zaun a woman with mechanical elbows. Her lower arms would rot away!! This is very logical!! And excuses such as "this is fantasy" don't work because the tech level doesn't match super sci-fi. And even in super sci-fi nobody would make such designs because they're impractical.
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Their designs do not fit Viktor's aesthetic at all. They're much more like quickly pulled from Warhammer 40K Mechanicus, and not even that.
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Case in point, all designs are not thought-through much. It's first draft stuff.
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What are these augments?? What are these legs?? Triple faces and spindly arms? No, I want to base my stuff on real stuff...
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I heard tracing maybe(?) helps speed things up, and commissioned comics are so often on very tight deadlines and not paid well, thankfully I'm not forced to trace.
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We do not need another Dr. Doom copied element. Believe me. Not another one. I don't agree with Viktor having a scarred face, that's Dr. Doom's thing. Riot is using this as a cop-out. It's much better to have him use the mask as a symbol of his ideology, and a metaphor for him hiding his vulnerability in a very obvious way. THIS is why he's physically "perfect" in my version because that characteristic I believe enhances his main traits.
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So is he WideViktor, or is he the skinny sickly Viktor from Arcane? Nobody knows, the authors don't know, and I'm sure as hell Riot didn't give clear instructions on that either lolol
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^ Best Viktor art bits in the comic imo, even if I don't like the new mask design. (original mask ftw!)
I don't want to dunk on other artists, but movement and anatomy can be improved. Heck, my anatomy needs to be improved as well! But if problems are noticeable in our art, then they definitely should be improved. I mean this as positive encouragement so that art would be even better. (Also lol did they paint my character in pink? I joke)
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It was HILARIOUS to watch official content regurgitate what I identified and portrayed as incorrect and very simplistic interpretation of lore back in two-thousand-fucking-fourteen:
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I was like 19 or something, never had a single job in my life, had gotten only one commission by then, I was a literal 0. But I always say, believe me when I point out something. BELIEVE ME. Very few people do. And what happens? I end up being right! I'm always happy to talk about stuff though.
I'll make a companion piece to this post specifically about the NARRATIVE of the Convergence comic. Also if anyone wants my opinion on a specific frame from the Convergence comic, send it to me I have open submissions!
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sheriff-caitlyn · 1 year
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//With many thanks to @ikleyvey-art / @ikleyvey for the commission of my Caitlyn, enabling me to hop on the bandwagon
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watchbot-locker · 3 years
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“What have you done, brother? Leave her there at once! You must!” - Alune
An illustrated scene from a future moment in my comic about the champions of Targon. Original lore of champions is used where available! [Comic link - Targon comic]
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cautelous · 3 years
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Supplemental Casenotes for Case #35-TH032
Compiled by Constable A.J. Perkins
Supplemental notes for Case #35-TH032, which pertains to a theft from Piltech Innovations. A hextech “grappling gun” and associated equipment were reported stolen the morning of 11th Rain. (Design schematics of the device are attached to this document.) Preliminary investigation reveals few leads, as the laboratory’s security system appears to have been damaged and wasn’t fully operational at the time of the theft.
All hextech inventions, whether fully completed or partially built, were kept in Piltech Innovations’ storeroom, which was thaumaturgically secured. The storeroom was locked according to Marcus Hill, who discovered the theft. Individual inventions were stored in separate secured lockboxes to prevent potential reactions due to long-term cross-exposure.
The lockbox containing the “grappling gun” was closed but unlocked, according to Mr. Hill. All other lockboxes were secured, and an inventory conducted by our investigative team and the laboratory’s inventors concluded that nothing else was taken.
The storeroom had one security camera. See processing section for more details.
Piltech Innovations’ security footage was examined. Unfortunately, no recordings were made on 10th Rain. It appears that the security system was damaged in some way six days prior, according to the laboratory’s security team, and that the damage resulted in the system being unable to store recorded footage. Repairs weren’t considered a priority due to the laboratory having day- and night-shift security.
Our investigative team dusted for fingerprints, focusing on areas the thief most likely touched. (The door, opened lockbox, nearby lockboxes, etc.) No fingerprints, including partial prints, were found.
Evidence Collected:
“Grappling gun” schematics, attached. Given over by their creator Iva Kovac.
Security footage from the seven days prior to the security system being damaged on 4th Rain.
Photographs of the storeroom as it appeared when our investigative team arrived.
Some witness interviews need to be completed.
Witness Information for Case #35-TH032
Compiled by Constable A.J. Perkins
Marcus Hill, Engineer
Discovered the theft. Has worked at Piltech Innovations for two years. Describes himself to be the first to show up in the morning and the last to leave at night, discounting security. Miss Lu attests that he left the building at around 6pm. Has an alibi for the night of the 10th - attended a social gathering with friends and family, who vouch for him. Arrived at the laboratory at around 8am, and claims to have discovered that the “grappling gun” was stolen due to wanting to check its functioning.
Iva Kovac, Engineer
Creator of the stolen invention. Has worked at Piltech Innovations for one year. Currently in possession of an employment-based visa due to her Zaunite nationality. Miss Lu attests that she left the building at around 5pm. Arrived at the laboratory when informed about the theft. Claims to have spent the night of the 10th at home.
Miss Kovac informed investigators that the stolen “grappling gun” was commission work for a client, Lucas Phelps. Mr. Phelps has not been able to be contacted at this time.
Andrea Snyder, Engineer
Engineer at Piltech Innovations. Has worked at Piltech Innovations for five years. Had been out sick since 8th Rain, and claims to have been home recovering at the time of the theft.
Kaleb Bullard, Head Engineer
The engineering lead at and founder of Piltech Innovations, which opened five years ago. Miss Lu attests that he left the building at around 5pm. Arrived at the laboratory when informed about the theft. Spent the night of the 10th out to dinner with his husband - the two claim to have returned home at around 10pm.
Benjamin Woods, Day-Shift Security
Member of the day shift security team, primary shift. Has worked at Piltech Innovations for two months. His shift lasts from 6am until 2pm. Helped Mr. Hill report the theft. Claims to have been at home, studying, for the night of the 10th.
Holly Lu, Day-Shift Security
Member of the day shift security team, secondary shift. Has worked at Piltech Innovations for one year. Her shift lasts from 2pm until 10pm. Claims to have seen nothing out-of-the-ordinary on the security cameras during her shift. Mr. Dale attests that she went home after shift change on the night of the 10th, and she claims to have spent the night at home.
Edward Dale, Night-Shift Security
Sole night shift security guard. Has worked at Piltech Innovations for seven months. His shift begins at 10pm and lasts until 6am. Claims to have seen nothing out-of-the-ordinary on the security cameras during his shift.
Mr. Bullard told investigators that Mr. Dale has previously shown negligence to his security duties, but that he hasn’t been replaced due to a lack of interest in the job offer.
Addendum: Due to lack of evidence and the amount of time elapsed since the theft, Case #35-TH032 is considered unsolved. Lucas Phelps was never able to be contacted by investigators, and did not contact Piltech Innovations.
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LOST:Ratio by @ikleyvey-art, Character & Idea from Me.
Lower image Character Concept Art by the same artist.
Also side note at @theplasmablade I sense a friend here...
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heraldofzaun · 3 years
//I have a blog housekeeping to-do list for whenever this quarter finishes up (updating links, finishing my carrd, etc.) and one of them is to write up some info on Viktor’s parents. For now...
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Please meet Yekaterina and Grigoriy Pahlen, circa Viktor’s early 20s. Art courtesy of Ikleyvey.
They were wonderful parents.
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platinum-seagull · 4 years
I haven’t had the time to make a lot of mp100 fanart recently, but I hope I’ll publish more in the near future!!! (This means I have several wips)
In the meantime if you like my art, you can find more of it on my Twitter (  https://twitter.com/ikleyvey )
And you can check out my two comics!
Becoming the Herald ( @becoming-the-herald-comic )
Exper-elemental ( https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/exper-elemental/list?title_no=145078 )
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ikleyvey · 6 months
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After like 20 years, I'm finally watching animated ATLA for the first time and I'm shocked by how wrong my ideas about the show were. I thought it was going to be childish throughout, boring, with meh animation and annoying jokes. Completely wrong, I've laughed out loud at almost every single joke thus far even.
I love Appa and Momo, I think I got Momo's design a bit wrong though cause I like going off of memory for the first few drawings! Appa saved the heroes so many times, nothing without Appa! The manatee-bison-caterpillar design works so well.
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ikleyvey-art · 2 years
>> My main art blog @ikleyvey​ <<
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I’ve begun hating a lot of ships with Jhin involved and I couldn’t exactly pin point why. I now realize it’s because my boyfriend is a mastery 7 Jhin main (and I’m a newbie Draven main so... hahaha).
Artwork by ikleyvey-art
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Viktor, the Machine Herald
(I will finish this piece in the future)
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heronetworkgg · 4 years
League of Legends: Artista diseña a la mamá de Braum
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En el Reddit de League of Legends, el usuario Ikleyvey publicó un concept art correspondiente a la madre de Braum. El diseño fue llevado a la Grieta del Invocador, como si de un nuevo campeón se tratara. Según el artista, la mamá de Braum (sin nombre definido) tiene 170 años y es capaz de arrojar […]
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watchbot-locker · 3 years
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In the shadows, the Weapon of the Faithful resides.
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