#ill be the support system for you that i never had simply because im older
on the verge of tears thinking about edyn tidestrider btw if you even care
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scarsmood · 3 years
Mental Health and Otherkinity
This is my panel I did today! enjoy! it’s the script
             My name is scar im apart of a system of 4, I am mightyenakin from pokemon. Trans ftm and very queer. We have a lot to go over so lets jump in.
             Today I want to talk about my experience with being psychological kin. Talk about how this has shaped me as a person. How the community handles psychological kin as well as the greater outside world. So lets get into it. Otherkinity has been in my life ever since I can remember. From the age of 3 I can remember feeling non human and having alters that were also non human. I’ve also found for my life and my experience my mental health and my otherkinity are two things that have wound themselves together. I can never look at one without the other are both play a critical role in my identity.
               I can say as psychological otherkin right now I stand at an interesting intersection of my life where I have the most freedom I have ever had and dealing with the worst trauma I’ve had to face. I recently got out of a bad long term relationship of something I had been in for 7 years. I can say the events I’ve lived did and still do directly impact my identity and change how I see myself.
 for me I cannot explore my otherkinity without exploring my trauma and mental health
these two parts of myself are closely woven together. DID is a product of trauma and it’s something that rules over my life daily.
It is something I don’t just accommodate it is a way of life for me.
For the past 3 years I’ve been in intensive therapy going at least once every two weeks. At one point going twice a week, completed an inpatient and outpatient program. Needless to say I have been fortunate enough to not be in a lot of debt. However I would like to think that these things have helped me immensely.  With the background talk out of the way lets get into how these things have shaped my identity.
 A little bit about me. I am diagnosed with DID or dissociative identity disorder. This means my identity is split apart between alters or alternate personalities. If your unfamiliar with plurality I can say with confidence that can be its own talk but heres what you need to know.
•            My alters are distinct each having their own morals, ideals, life perspective, lived experiences and memories separate from my own.
•            We all share one body like roommates share an apartment space
•            My alters are a result of trauma I experienced during my life. Each of us hold our share of trauma so imaging trauma is sandbags instead of 1 person holding 100 pounds of sand we have given 25 pounds of sand to 4 alters. Which is much more manageable.
•            My alters including me were shaped from the environment they came from
·       Alters also share an inner world where they can interact with one another. This also a place where I can easily my identity and how I view myself internally.
 Some others fun things about me is I have some mild psychotic symptoms. Since I’m in my early 20’s they’re pretty manageable at the moment I am always keeping an eye out for them worsening though. These things include hallucinations visual, auditory, touch, smell, taste. I also have a weird mix of beliefs that can mix into delusion territory but aren’t damaging to my life and therefore cant really place a good label on them. So I consider them delusional like but not the same experience as a true delusion I believe I could very much be wrong.
my first identity shift was when I was a child about 3 years old was the first time me as an alter became prominently separate from our host. It was apparently at that time I was non human and a hyena. I looked like a hyena from lion king roughly no character in particular and acted as a companion/ friend.
When I got a bit older at 4-5 my identity shifted once I moved and left behind some family. I changed from a hyena to a pokemon. If I could guess I would say due to a pokemons inherent loyalty. My identity became a mightyena a wolfish hyena basically and the codependency that pokemon carry also carried over.
I was depended on to be support for our host and to take care of them as a friend and caretaker. We experienced neglect at the time and this was reflected with my identity. I was a creature that was supposed to stay with someone forever basically giving a comfort we were missing to our host so they could continue functioning. I would say my identity changes based on my environment and is sensitive to my environment all the time
depending on what I experience I see myself change and adapt because of how sensitive we are as a system trying to adapt in the world around us. I often think if my identity isn’t shifting a little it might be a sign of trouble and us shutting down being unable to adapt and change.
 When I was 5-6 it changed to its own species a threatening wolf. Which it stayed until a few months ago. My identity as a threatening wolf changed a lot I had spikes then got a sword tail then was able to breathe fire, my size would shift and change, my tail length and ability to move it would change. Teeth, eye color,  would all change depending on my environment. For example when I was deep in abuse with my ex I gained the ability to breathe fire suddenly as a needed adaption to scare them away. My eyes turned red to look scarier. I got bigger. This all happened internally as my ex was able to interact within our system in our inner world. Which is a terrible idea by the way don’t be an idiot like me. Which was why I needed to look scarier as a way of protection
 Lately I have been healing from trauma and now that my ex is gone so is a lot of pressure to defend myself so I turned back into a mightyena which is much more defenseless but much truer to how I see myself in a safe space. Im sure if trauma happened again I would shift back to a threatening wolf as a means for protection.  When it comes to plurality labels I fall under protector and host we are pretty integrated though so we have grown out of most typical labels due to how functional each of us are now.
 This concept of a changing identity is taboo in otherkin communities
              usually we are lead to believe when we were kids we have always been one strict animal for our whole lives and just now learning about it. this animal never changes it is static unchanging and we simply learn about it as we grow up. My experience has been wholly different. My animal and my identity changes based on my environment it can be subtle or drastic. I never evoke or ask for the changes they simply happen and I have to adapt to the new way I see myself. Trying to apply my identity to the common otherkin rhetoric gave me a lot of grief as a teenager
when I was about 13 because I would discover something about myself say breathing fire or growing in size and be ashamed because I knew these changes were not “typical”
as an aside I think this notion that my experience is atypical is also false. I think this is fairly common but a lot of otherkin just handle it in a way that flows with the static concept where we learn we have a new kin type but still also have the old one, we learn something about our kin type that totally shifts it but connect it back to our old kin type, we find new features, personality traits or experiences that now define our kintype that were never there before and newly discovered
               Otherkinity is about self discovery and how it’s essentially chasing a dragon. Literally. We will never fully know our internal identity no matter how closely we look into it. there is so much that we learn and how to weave into our identity otherkintiy is as much of an art as it is a science when it comes to self reflection. It’s just like any other aspect of ourselves we can create labels for our sexuality and they work but they don’t capture 100% of what you experience theyre a short hand for others. I find that otherkinity is this concept on steroids. I find my identity to be a much larger part as it impacts everything including my sexuality it is more prominent for me so trying to put it under labels becomes increasingly difficult.
How are we supposed to create a short hand for who we are? All of those moving pieces inside of us that shape our perspective, experiences, how we interact with people, how we love people, how we go through day to day life, and we are supposed to just say something like “bear therian” what if it changes? What if we have quirks that our outside of this label? When I first joined the otherkin community it was pretty frowned upon to change your identity. You had to be a wolf therian, you had to be a dragonkin. Once you picked a label that was it. your locking into your identity if you didn’t you weren’t taken seriously.
Ableism in the otherkin community
I question as well if this correlation between identity stability and maturity/credibility is ableism. Usually I noticed when I first join the therian and otherkin community there was a push for “not looking crazy” so as to not get bullied further for identities. I’m sure anyone in the LGBT community knows trying to please people making fun of you really doesn’t work. There is a prominent fear of seeming to outsiders as if were roleplaying or kinning for fun which seems to be a whole other topic in and of itself. My personal experience has lead me to the conclusion that these people are going to come at you regardless of how often you shift your identity, how seriously or goofy you take it, how analytical you are with your identity whether you write essays or one sentence it does not change the views of outsiders.
Endels, clinical lycanthropes, and other nonhumans who have mental illness-based identities face a similar ableism. It wasn’t until earlier this year, 2021, when the connection between mental illness and nonhumanity was finally accepted by the greater community. But even still, Endelic communities are more often treated as a novelty; not something to be taken seriously as an identity, just something “interesting.” Mental illness, especially psychotic disorders, aren’t pretty or tame, and the greater nonhuman community appears to subtly enforce this stigma. Werewolves are monsters, and the greater community spares no feelings in reminding us of this, with such unwelcome words my friend babydog’s met as and I paraphrase a quote here from my friend baby dog “you’re welcome here, but you should expect people to uncomfortable about your identity as an endel or question your endelity. I dont personally believe people like you should be part of alterhuman communities.” End quote Many of those who are part of the greater alterhuman community are still concerned about respectability politics, how we appear to outsiders, rather than being concerned about how inner-community members are finding their welcome. Arguments like “But, clinical lycanthropy was previously used as ammunition against all Otherkin! We’re playing into anti-kin’s stereotypes!” isn’t an excuse anymore, because throwing your own community under the bus isn’t acceptable anymore. We want a higher standard in this community than being driven by shame that makes us hide members of our own community. It’s much better to stand with them.
               Lets also take a moment to acknowledge these actions stemmed from an act of seeming more credible and not “crazy”. I’d like to say also that the stereotype of crazy doesn’t exist when we think of crazy we think of someone whose mentally Ill and struggling to function.  In reality these people have an untreated mental illness or going through an episode that’s only one aspect of a person. They do other things with their life including myself. I write poems and go out with friends but if someone only judged me at my worst and lowest I would fit into this “crazy” stereotype. Its not fair for us to judge people based on actions they cant control. Based on trauma or brain chemistry people are more than that I think can agree.
we should be understanding with these people treating them as whole people not just one descriptor. crazy is really just a derogatory name for someone with a mental illness. So to avoid being crazy means to avoid any signs of neurodiversity people view as abnormal. Or signs of nonconformity with nuerotypicals
 -endels still face ableism typically in the form of being treated like a novelty and not really being taken seriously. Endels are still getting called interesting a lot) and it makes them feel like a specimen within their own community. I’m sure those who suffer from mental illness understand how degrading it is to be looked at as some sort of test subject or lab rat. I think as a community we can do better and be more accepting and open to all forms of otherkinity. Shutting down this kinda of language would be great for endel otherkin.
-endels are still having to deal with other community members who use psychotic/delusional/etc as insults or jokey words. These words are derogatory and insulting they shouldn’t be said as insults or jokes there are plenty of other words that could be used and it pushes endels and otherkin with psychotic symptoms away from the larger community. Using this language shows an ignorance to the ableism still alive and active towards endels.
-none of this helps internalized ableism!! All the actions described above only reinforce internalized ablism. This creates a combative and toxic environment for endels and otherkin with psychotic symptoms. It would be in our best interest as a community to help bring down ableism and be more aware of what were saying and to who.
Some things to keep in mind
-treating psychotics like they cant make their own choices is not ok/ thinking for them
-insults and jokes using derogatory language is triggering and alienating
-treating psychotics as lab rats or something to gauk at as “interesting” is demoralizing and takes away someones individual power as a person. Its hard to have an identity and a voice if everyone is busy staring at you like a lab rat.
               What about the internal side of the otherkin community? I found when I was apart of the therian community this was a more prominent problem and still is in some corners I wander into. Otherkinity also holds some ableist views but from what I’ve seen not to the same intensity as therian communities. This I would say is a cultural difference from a new age of therians that took over the internet, p-shifting cults, wolf packs, and some forums for therians were intense I know previously therians and otherkin identities didn’t have to much of a difference besides animalistic tendencies or a way to further define an identity.  Once this shift happened it became more so about earthly creatures or animals based on earth. earth mythics, animals that exist present day and extinct, and plants as well. I’m not an expert of the history of otherkin and therians so I would direct you to house of chimeras and who is page for more information over it gladly. If im wrong please correct me. That’s my understanding. This shift to earthly animals also carried a sentiment or notion of being more “real” than otherkin that I often experienced in the wolf packs and forums. Since they’re identities were based on “real” animals it made them more valid otherkin. An easy question I asked often or others would ask was a simple “why?” and the response I experienced a lot was “so were more credible/ don’t seem crazy” this was 8-9 years ago which was at the time the height of otherkin hate. It came across as a borderline phobia to be seen as an antikin steriotypes which were ableist stereotypes to begin with. some of these communities in reaction created ridged and strict cultures of how to be therian. This would leave an imprint on many people including myself.
               so that was 8-9 years ago why do I bring it up? Because I still see this sentiment present just subtle.
              Some things I feel were carried over is: Overly present and specific about kin types, an obsession with details and intricacies to a degree where its no longer beneficial to learn, embarrassed or shamed for certain kin types, a focal point on kin type tendencies and ignoring or pushing aside human experiences to further pronounce a kin type. A fixation on the past and not taking into account of the present, always centering around the past. I would say these behaviors in the community were influenced from the wolf pack cultural shift.
             These are a remanent set of reactions from a more intense time of grilling, questioning and if validity was questioned your title could be easily taken away in close knit communities. I think the otherkin community still has some skeletons in the closet so to speak of a more intense time that a lot of members endured and witnessed. We passed on this culture, myself included as we grew up cause its how we learned to present our otherkinity. We can unlearn though and I think it’s time to push for more freedom and new ways to take on otherkinity.              a larger problem I see is a fixation with the past which once it gets to a certain point I don’t think can be constructive or healthy. Exploring your past is good, gaining context for your actions and your background is good, but living in the past is not healthy. Reshaping how you live in the present by escaping to the past isn’t really healthy. I find it worrying how common it is for otherkin to not tie their humanity and the present to their identity. It hurts to say, it can be uncomfortable but being human is apart of our experience. Now my therapists always say “never damn a coping skill” if looking to the past and living in the past finds you comfort and it keeps you stable that’s ultimately a good thing your staying stable and keeps you functioning. I urge though for people to start to take the time to explore humanity with our otherkin identities and living more in the present. How your identity effects you right now. How people interact with you and what you can do to tie your otherkinity to the physical world to the present. I think it’s a balancing act ultimately trying to find a sweet spot between the past and the present. Not completely ignoring your past and only staying in the present or only living in the past and neglecting the present. Its not easy and something im actively working on myself.
               I want to highlight the present cultural imprint the wolf pack phase in present day otherkin communties and how new otherkin members seeing and reacting to it. we as older members may not realize how impactful our words are and may not notice us carrying an imprint of the past with us. Here some quotes I picked up. I asked a few friends their experiences who had come as otherkin in the past 6 months. I was also able to get 1 anecdote anon from my tumblr after sending out a request earlier today they are also pretty recent. Here what they had to say. These are all anonymous.
“(tumblr)My experience was pretty good! The community is super open and friendly, or at least the side of it I'm on (idk about the fictionkin side of it which might be more controversial/full of discourse).
It was easy to get into which is good because I was super scared about it 😅” “(friend) the whole community is
scary, for me at least, mostly because some of the older grey muzzles seem really intimidating and cliquey
the discord group im in seems like really cool to me, they are all super nice and helpful but the rest of the community is super scary for me”
 “(friend) [when asked about getting into the community] it's weird to me, it really is.
I've spent a good chunk of time just like
wondering what it could possibly mean to be "valid" otherkin
like, who's judgement is that? mine?”
 My Take on otherkinity
               Im telling my story because my mental illness causes me to fall into an undesired or taboo identity categories or stereotypes of otherkin often. I find instability, identities that are less material or easily relatable, signs of mental illness with otherkinity. Are swept under the rug. I’d like to change that and show that instability, less relatable, highly specific or vague identities are just as valid. My experiences can be something of an uncomfortable truth for some that otherkin can be cringy or be easier to target from outsiders. I ask to everyone that has some reservations about accepting more diverse identities to consider how beneficial these new perspectives bring to our community. These identities give a perspective and voice we are missing and is needed. It’s beneficial for our community to be heard fully so we can support and help everyone. Endels may have a perspective other therians/otherkin may not have considered before. the wider range of experiences about our community that we share the better. It gives us the tools to make the community even stronger.
               I would say overall psychological kin are extremely diverse and no experience is going to be the same. Its difficult at best to say anything that all psychological kin experience because the definition is so broad. We all have unique and diverse stories and I’d like to encourage everyone to share them even if they show mental illness. Things like Delusions, trauma responses, trauma sourced, episodes and regression. I would love to see more inclusivity for the messier and less understood part of psychological kin.
               So lets get into some of my specific experiences. my identity is messy at the moment as my brain seems to have an interesting understanding of what a mightyena is. It has 2 images instead of one
These two images are houndoom and mightyena. Both of them I see myself as but are the same entity. My brain cant see the difference between the two as an identity at the moment. So theyre both “mightyena” its quirks like this that I think should be seen as more acceptable in the community because its messy at best. It has made me on several occasions go “that makes 0 sense” but from a trauma stand point it doesn’t surprise me
my brain has trouble picking only one. If my 5 year old or 3 year old brain attached itself to both images and called them the same then well that’s it im both of them at once. Brains don’t tend to work very logically and while it sounds confusing I would say it probably feels similar to having 2 kin types active at once. The two identities don’t blend (ie mightyena wolf hyena doesn’t breathe fire while houndoom does. ) I experience a range of both identities at once. They’re both mightyena it just so happens that image that’s associated with houndoom is present when something happens that only that pokemon could do or associated feelings or states. I would say theyre 2 different kin types except if I say I have a houndoom kin type I don’t think of anything and don’t feel anything. When I say I have a mightyena kin type I have images and feelings from both. They also cant seem to be separated both images and associations need the other. Its interesting. Its very funky. The wonderful world of trauma. Could probably make anew label for that but that’s alright im not one for labels.
               I experience something I call m-shifting which is really animal regression. It’s called m shifting because I was previously in an p-shifting cult where it developed it. it’s uncontrollable but I can start it or trigger it if I want to. When I go into an m-shift I cant understand English, read English, walk on two legs well, speak, or know basic things most people would know. My brain goes into instincts and impulses. I don’t think critically or contemplate much. My thoughts are in images and feelings. Its fun. But its difficult to control, I find it’s a way for me to relieve stress in excess when I cant seem to find a good outlet for it.  this is part of my identity is what makes me relate to the werewolf community so much since its involuntary and frowned upon generally to greater society .(aka internalized ableism) One of my biggest fears is shifting in public or with friends. It’s hard on me for sure.
 Another thing that effects me is coping linking as someone who deals with trauma I have found lately I’m starting to create involuntary coping links. I had a brief coping link as a sled dog its purpose was the personality of a sled dog was something I needed to be at the moment to stay functional and coherent once I learned to do that without my coping link it went away. I notice myself having brief coping links on and off each of them usually teach me something or a skill I couldn’t fully understand yet.
 I experience false memories. My memories change depending on my identity. I don’t force or make them change they simply do.
they hold the same narrative throughout all the changes though. The narrative from what I understand seems to be a re telling of my trauma. My false memories don’t seem to be a major part of my identity and I think I may have them simply because of p-shifting cult trauma and the pressure to have a past life or noemata. I think my false memories are a way to retell my trauma in a form that gives me validation as an animal. I do know seeing myself as human in memories is inherently triggering for me as I cant recognize myself so a set of false memories that lets me see myself in those situations as an animal is comforting and validating. It helps me evaluate my trauma better and understand why I feel the way I do about trauma. A dog that looses its molars would be distraught while a human doesn’t really care if they get wisdom teeth removed. Evaluating trauma through an animalstic lens has helped me immensely.  I’ve noticed the more I evaluate and see my trauma through an animal lens the weaker my false memories become and I think that’s neat.
               My perspective of the world also changes as my identity shifts
I see the world differently as a mightyena than I do as a threatening wolf. Objects, people, environments and habitats have different meanings to me and associations according to shifts and how my identity changes. These associations and meanings are ones that either I had when I was a child, or ones I repressed due to being childish or something I didn’t see as acceptable at the time. So my identity now has a wider range of perspective. My threatening wolf perspective toned down a lot and let the repressed associations and meanings take a more dominant role.
               Another thing that effects my otherkinity is when it comes to species dysphoria I would say it’s a large factor in how I experience otherkinity. I would say my otherkintiy is something very based in the present. I don’t think about my kintypes past, I don’t think about its future or let my mind wander off a lot about whats going on with it. I am usually observing it in the present moment. A big part of that is my species dysphoria which tells me a lot about what I am. I’m trans female to male though that’s debatable as im considering a gender to my kintype. Human gender dysphoria is something that bothers me a decent amount. What has sent me to therapy though is species dysphoria. It is unbearable for me. I have fangs, a tail, a collar, wolfsbane pendant for mythology about werewolves, pointed nails, short hair thicker hair to resemble my kin type. I had to learn how to make animal vocalizations like growling, snarling, whimpering because I felt incredibly stressed being unable to emote properly. I learned to walk on all fours and run as well. I learned to play and move like an animal mostly from m shifting but it helps immensely. Getting on T has helped a lot as I got furrier, deeper voice, thicker hair, generally able to gain muscle better. Overall has helped my species dysphoria. Its something I’ve always had that brings me immense discomfort. I’m planning to make a prosthetic muzzle to wear and possibly some ears.
               This dysphoria is apparent when you see me on the street cause im wearing a collar, tail everything I can’t hide my otherkinity because it triggers my species dysphoria to much to hide it so I just have to roll with it. the census? Its really not that bad being out or showing im otherkin. It’s a good conversation starter and most people are friendly about it here which has been nice. I do get asked if im a furry I usually say yes just cause I don’t feel like explaining otherkinity. If someone asks why I usually just say I see myself as an animal. Responses are mixed but people are polite about it. wearing gear makes me feel much more grounded in where I stand with my identity. I noticed a feel much more confident about myself when I am being myself unabashedly. Who knew. Also planning to get some combat boots and add some spikes to them to imitate claws. Should be fun.
 Heading back to my weird quirks and otherkinity experience Phantom shifts are something I experience all the time 24/7. In part due to p-shifting cult and also a way to manage my species dysphoria. It’s pretty intense for me and its something I find comfort in and encourage. It’s a way for me to find the world more relatable. Often these shifts calm me down and make it easier for me to navigate the world. I would say my phantom shifts only effects parts of my body im aware of not my entire body all the time. Rather whatever body parts im using. It also does its best to not have any “clipping” through objects and my shift may phase out if there may be clipping to a body part im aware of.
               Lastly My gender and sexuality I would say tie to my kintype as well. Im attracted to otherkin moreso than humans. I really like animalistic aspects to people and traits I see in my kintype in other people. I find I get along best with canine kintypes. My gender im realizing is more so tied heavily to my kintype I want to be a male mightyena whatever that entails and it plays closely with my species dysphoria. I find when I relieve my species dysphoria I tend to also relieve a bit of my gender dysphoria to. I say im ftm as a short hand because that’s what my kintypes gender seems to line up with the most. Though I think that will be less and less the case as I start wearing things like a prosthetic muzzle which is pretty animal gender to me.
   Therapy and Otherkinity
               On this topic I would like to talk about how therapy and otherkinity interact cause that’s something central to this panel. For me I always noticed that when I am given analogies in therapy they are always about an inner child, how I was as a human kid, how I am as an adult. These things are good but they lack the context of me as a whole. I am not just a human I am an animal in a human body which changes a lot in how I’ve had to take care of myself and apply advice given to me by professionals. For one I always have to tell professionals im otherkin and what that entails. That it isn’t a hobby or one aspect of me but something that impacts my entire perspective. Methods of self soothing just wont work for me if I don’t change some wording around. There is no inner child for me personally theres a puppy and a puppy seeks out an entirely different sets of behaviors, emotions, and emotes/ way of communication than an inner child would. You would be able to talk to an inner child hug them and act as a type of parent to them. With a puppy I tend to act more as an owner or an animal parent depending on whats needed.as an owner i have to bridge the communication gap with things like chew toys, petting, dark cozy places, brushing or grooming, non verbal communication
             which plays a much larger part in my healing process than what I read or what methods im taught. As an owner to myself I have to learn to take care of my inner puppy the way I needed which can be difficult when no one you know has to follow that method. As an animal parent I also have to act as I am, an animal to my inner puppy that’s what we both understand the common language we speak is non human and is critical to my healing. I find protecting my inner puppy as an animal parent gives me a larger sense of catharsis it feels like something I can finally understand however the methods don’t translate well to the real world. I cant just snarl at people I have to talk to them in a disagreement. I cant go hunting I have to go shopping. Which is why having both an owner and an animal parent.
Both are important because both aspects cant be ignored and need to be used in tandem.
               Healing for me when it comes to trauma involves a lot of balancing between my human life and my animalistic needs which is something I have had to do and explain to therapists the difficulties of doing so. I notice most therapists I have met cant seem to grasp this and see otherkinity as more of a metaphor than an identity. I noticed a lot of my therapists would just change metaphors to talk to me instead of reshaping a technique for healing which has caused a lot of problems. An example I can think off the top of my head is instead of “a family sticks together” may be “a wolf pack sticks together” which is helpful sometimes but if it’s the only change it becomes detrimental to me. Often because while not intentional I think a lot of therapies are human-centric. There is an assumption you are human in order to apply the coping techniques or healing strategies. This lead to me unintentionally repressing a larger chunk of my otherkinity just because I was applying these skills without changing anything. Sometimes present day I still fall into this and notice it triggers my species dysphoria to worsen. It can be difficult to spot for me as well because otherkinity is so uncommon no one else is having the same issue in my real life friend groups. So I assume whatever im doing must be ok cause it seems to work ok for everyone else. Which ends up not being the case.
              A solution I’ve found to help with this is for one explaining as I go with a therapist what is and is not working. I have to be an advocate for myself and teach them as well what I like and what works and what doesn’t. I try my best to let them know when something they do is detrimental. I also try to explain what brings me comfort and what doesn’t. a nice talk isn’t going to help my puppy self but a hug would. Things like that. When it comes to internal imagery some therapists use I know stating to them youd like them to consider your kintype as yourself has helped me by them not seeing me as a fully human being or just my irl body.              overall I hope this talk has helped some people. Given some new perspectives. And I am happy or reiterate some topics I went over. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.  
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Tell us your franziska thoughts on her relationship with Maya
hmm.. ok... ill tell u i dont have too much brainrot about franziska + maya so i dont think about them TOO much i just think theyre funny and the best pair for each other BUT.
i think their relationship wouldve be really interesting if they ever fleshed it out which they WONT ever do that but it wouldve been GREAT if they had more than 2 lines. but whatever. 3 points ill say are
their trauma shit idk
and how theyre both alike and different (also im just transporting it from my brain so it may not make that much sense but like u know)
theyre the same age. maya says some shit like wow...shes my age but shes so much more mature and strong. maya still feels like a teenager at 18, franziska feels as if she is an adult. maya had more leeway in this in fact i would say she is the opposite of franziska in this regard. maya was much more sheltered than franziska was. I mean, look at pearl. morgan is pearls mother yea but even so living in kurain heavily shelters you. really i doubt maya knew too much about the outside world until the time we meet her. shes immature. but so is franziska. franziska was simply forced to grow up too fast. she was constantly reminded she was too young and she learned to surpass that by acting older than she was. but we KNOW she is immature. she has outburts and she cant really control her temper. her best resort is..whipping people. theyre both immature teenagers who were simply raised in different environments. and maya doesnt seem to care much on how others perceive her. shes goofy, shes fun! shes not an old fart like phoenix. shes young and shes happy to be! franziska is the opposite. shes stern, shes serious. she despises people not taking her seriously. she wants them to think she is a mature adult just as her brother is and just as her father is. she wants to be older and so she tries to hide her immaturity!
they both have their legacies hanging over their heads. franziska constantly had the von karma name putting pressure on her. she had to be perfect like her father, and she had to work hard for it. anything other than perfection = not an option. she was essentially groomed from a young age to be the perfect prosecutor. maya constantly had the fey name putting pressure on her. she was the only member of the clan who could be master. this pressure amplified once mia had left. but for maya, she had plenty of time to .. live. she only really started her training at 17 years old, and only at 28 has she mastered it! maya never exactly had that pressure that franziska had for perfection... however both of them feared letting down their family name. also both their predecessors had died, leaving them to realize that their legacies really didnt mean anything anymore. they became what their legacy destined them to be (maya=master,fran=prosecutor) but... a little bit to the left. someone of their own. edgeworth as an example throughout all of aai2 wonders if he should go in his fathers footsteps. and he makes the decision to stay a prosecutor... and just be his own kind of prosecutor that finds the truth. this is basically the complete opposite of what fran and maya do. they DO follow in their parents footsteps. but they make it their own.
franziska and maya both have ... TRAUMA. the way they deal with it is very alike and very different. both of them bottle it up and try to stay strong. but when something happens to maya, she acts like its all chill. everythings ok. shes okay. she acts fun and upbeat so that nobody can see anything is wrong. she keeps it to herself. franziskas way of bottling it up is she hardens herself. she doesnt let anyone touch her or get through to her. she acts rude and abrasive so that nobody can see anything is wrong. she keeps it to herself. tho i would say maya is better at hiding her true emotions abt these things... as like i said franziska has many outbursts. also, franziska hasnt really had much of a support system. she has edgeworth, sure, but im sure as soon as she hit 12 years old her pride got too high to talk to him about anything like that. maya has usually had someone to depend on and talk to. she had mia, then mia died, but then she had phoenix and she has pearly and she has some of the individuals shes met on her escapades! she does have people to talk to... she just doesnt. but unlike franziska its not because of pride i think she just doesnt want others to worry for her
anyways yeah some of this might be heading into just hc territory but yah. there you go. some of this may not tie together at all but also im tired so um LOL there u go
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boundlesshart · 4 years
how royal succession works in Almyra + Other Things about almyra that’s been rattling in my head since that nintendo dream interview laid waste on my crops
hi, so after reading M’s @ladamedepique​ drabble about a concubine war kid getting kmarted, i realized that what i actually want to write is the Everything i’ve been thinking about since this nintendo dream interview came out back in march. so i did. it’s 2am and im hungry.
i realize that it’s been a while, so the summary of that interview’s impact on my claude headcanons is “my handcrafted claude backstory that i had to write myself bc intsys decided fuck claude is now irreversibly fucked by the introduction of a bunch of half-siblings he had to be rivals with.” if you ever catch yourself wondering why this is such a mess, well because that’s exactly what this is! this is all subject to change, it’s same kind of “haphazard and bizarrely long half-baked headcanon report” that my dlc thought train was. i’ve changed my mind at least 20 times during this process i will change it again
i’d like to thank zotero for holding all of my journal articles and pdfs on the ottomans and their succession system, and also magnificent century og and kosem, while not being totally historically accurate, for being a fun soap opera to give me some visuals to work with in my head. i now have a positive understanding of what claude’s shitty little beard could realistically look like, which is a gift that i never thought i would have.
Almyran Succession
All of the king’s children, regardless of if they were born in or out of wedlock, is considered a legitimate prince or princess. This is pretty much the only title that they can expect to have, as they and their mothers cannot inherit any lands, titles or wealth that would have been passed to them from their own families. Almyran property law aims to avoid partitioning property between multiple heirs for the sake of maintaining the family’s financial stability. The throne of Almyra works under the same principle, which had led to the introduction, legalization, and practice of open succession.
Open succession, despite its potential to be cruel, is viewed as a necessary step to ensure that the throne would only be held by strong leaders chosen by the people (”people” ending up being the higher-ranking officials that would benefit from a specific child’s ascension). If they proved to be lacking, they would simply be deposed of and replaced. 
What determines who becomes the next ruler of Almyra is not whether a child is the oldest of all the children, but if they and their allies have the political acumen to not only claim kingship but keep it, fighting off their rival brothers and sisters.
All sons and unmarried daughters are eligible to rule Almyra. By law is not only the next ruler’s right but duty to remove other potential heirs to secure their right to rule and the stability of their reign. Generally upon a ruler’s ascension to the throne, their brothers will be killed and their sisters married off or killed if they threaten their siblings’ rule. Exceptions have been made in the past, but they are few and far in between and have led to succession crises down the road. 
The previous ruler’s choice for an heir is usually accepted after their death, and ideal for minimizing the interregnum period. Even so, it doesn’t guarantee that the heir will be able to keep the throne.
Ok, but where do the kids come from?
Rulers of Almyra are allowed to have multiple spouses, but they usually only marry for political purposes.
The vast majority of children are mothered or fathered by concubines with no background of political power, which is preferred. Princes and princesses are allowed to have children once they leave the palace (to prove that they can have them), but if they have too many they may be considered a threat to the king and dealt with appropriately.
I think the one mother-one child rule would have been in place here, not necessarily as a law but as a rule enforced by other spouses and concubines, as well as the ruler’s mother or father.
Princes and princesses aren’t dropping like flies, and murdering them without having the law on your side is considered treason of the highest order. They’re still aware of their competition and fear being murdered when one of their siblings takes the thrones, so few end up becoming friends.
Children are ultimately their mother’s or father’s responsibility. They are expected to guide them through their education and follow them to their provincial post when they are old enough, setting them up for success and paving their path to the throne. King and Queen Dowagers have been incredibly influential in Almyran history and support their children by representing them politically and managing their spouses and concubines. 
Ok, whatever, just tell me what’s relevant to Claude:
Ibrahim, Claude’s father, became the king of Almyra only after 5 year civil war between himself and his two remaining brothers. He got to the throne first and is still feared for the ruthless execution of even his youngest brothers and sisters.
In all, Ibrahim has had 2 wives and 12 concubines, and he has fathered 10 sons and 6 daughters. A few died to childhood illnesses but most made it to at least 13 years old. He’s a doting father and cares for their well-being, though only when he happens to see them. Though he was a constant presence in Claude’s life, his half-siblings usually only saw him during holidays.
No one in Almyra knows that Tiana is the daughter of Duke Riegan, for all they know she’s a Fódlaner that King Ibrahim brought back with him after a short border strife with the Leicester Alliance. Obviously she goes by another name in Almyra, and here is where I think I’m going to bring back the first name I had for her, Desdemona. Suck it, intsys. She wasn’t liked when she first came due to being from Fódlan, and was accused of witchcraft when Ibrahim married her and devoted himself to her at the expense of his other wives as concubines. As the herd of children and concubines thinned, Tiana’s strong personality and battle prowess garnered her respect among the top officials of the Almyran court and even her enemies.
In Fódlan Year 1175, rebels infiltrate the palace walls and kill over a dozen people, from palace servants to princes and princesses. In the moment it was believed to be part of a revolt that was ongoing in the capital at the time and carried out by rebels storming the palace walls and stealing and killing whatever came in their way. After an investigation, it was discovered that that was just a cover up for.... a noble Almyran house trying to make a power grab through either an older son or with their own heir? I’ve been working out the details on this for months and I still don’t have them ironed out don’t look at me. It ends with a couple of older half-sibs dying but more importantly Claude’s older and younger brother dying and Claude nearly dying himself, only to survive with the Crest of Riegan. I imagine that there have been instances before hinted at him having the Crest of Riegan, but it was this incident that confirmed it for Tiana. 
These are the notable royal family members, or the ones I’ve spent at least one second thinking of:
King Ibrahim II of Almyra: Claude’s dad, born Fódlan year 1131 so 19 when he ascends the throne. He is feared but respected, brutal to his enemies, firm with his allies... but you’d be surprised by how easygoing he actually is with friends and family. He’s young at heart and energetic, even laughing at jokes made at his expense, but only in very close company. He loves writing poetry, especially to Tiana, and he frequently sends her love letters so that one can be read out to her every morning and evening when her mail is given to her. Relishes the thrill of battle. Nader introduced him to kumis back when they were boys and to this day Ibrahim regularly drinks a glass each night, claiming it makes him stronger.
There’s a tradition in the royal family that all princes and princesses must learn a trade in case that they fall into misfortune. Ibrahim enjoys goldsmithing when he is alone, a good distraction from his thoughts. Claude’s earring is part of a set given to his mother, crafted by his father as a gift.
Tiana von Riegan/Desdemona: Claude’s mom, born Fódlan year 1135. Claude calls her a warrior goddess and a demon queen that would laugh at his expense, I imagine that she’s in that “dead serious but good humored about it” boat like Claudedad, but less sappy about it. A tough but loving mother, she was very involved in her children’s upbringing and did her best to secure their place in the royal family. She doesn’t teach any of her kids the Fódlanguage because she was distancing herself from That, but Claude is able to convince her to help him learn (though she was reluctant about it and limited their lessons greatly, forcing him to teach himself mostly). She has firmly decided to never return to Fódlan, but a cup of Leicester Cortania is her guilty pleasure. These days Tiana spends her time at her husband’s side in Maragheh, keeping up with her training.
Two older half-brothers: So Claude’s endings have him as heir to the throne without a mention of rivals, but part of me feels like that’s too simple for Claude considering he just up and walked out of there 7 years ago so here we are, two rivals. They’re probably early to mid 30s at this point and have one or two small children of their own. I don’t know their names yet, but my initial ideas are a “nice” brother cool calculated pushing up glasses kind of dude that is actually a huge dick and a chad dudebro who’s just trying to distance himself from these bad vibes.
If I had to give them trades, nice brother likes to fish and sails for pleasure (he governs a coastal province) and chad brother carves wooden thumbrings. 
Orhan: Claude’s older brother, born Fódlan Year 1160. He was conceived months before Tiana went to Almyra (born 5 months after she arrived), so his parentage has been in doubt from day 1. I imagine him as having low self-esteem since he was believed to be a full-blooded Fódlaner, discriminated against in a similar way or worse than what the rest of his siblings went through. Historians would later debate whether or not he was actually Ibrahim’s son.... but we’re not historians, and Orhan was definitely his son. Died in the FY1175 uprising at the age of 15.
No idea what he looked like, he just happened to not look like his parents. His favorite food was salted cod, but he was rarely able to get it. Orhan enjoyed playing the violin.
Claude/Khalid: You know him, you love him, born Fódlan Year 1162 under another name. He’s the only kid that ended up getting the Crest of Riegan, and after one too many accidents where that crest ended up proccing, he’s been accused of practicing witchcraft like his mother. I think this would be a better like, concrete thing for the Almyrans to fixate on rather than a general “you’re half-Fódlan rahhh” and I think it would definitely go with Claude talking about how he was constantly fighting and explaining himself to get out of trouble.
If I’m going with the “kids can only inherit from the ruler of Almyra”, then I’m gonna have to figure out how Claude fits into this. His first move is to probably bullshit a loophole about how actually the Dukedom of Riegan doesn’t exist anymore and I may have destroyed Failnaught after the final battle so technically I didn’t really inherit anything that would give me an edge in Almyran politics. :). Ibrahim is pissed at Claude for going to Fódlan in the first place and getting caught up in a war and he definitely did not sign off on Nader bringing Almyran troops into a war that they have no business being involved in. The first thing Ibrahim does when Claude returns to Maragheh is shout at him and ground him to his apartment in the palace. And then proceed to assign Claude to a governmental post so that he’s out of his sight.
As an aside, I imagine that when Ibrahim dies and Claude rises to the throne, he deliberately delays his coronation so that it coincides with the Almyran New Year. It;s that kind of inconvenient dick move that he would delight in making bc symbolism.
You know what he looks like, in terms of food he strays away from sugary sweet stuff and towards meat and cheese. I’d like to think that he gains a genuine interest in gardening (like, beyond just cultivating poisonous plants as a cover for “gardening”) during his time in Fódlan and brings back different seedlings and scions for grafting back to Almyra. 
Mehmet and Rahimah: Twins, born Fódlan Year 1164. Ok so basically I kind of wanted a dead sibling that was around Cyril and Lysithea’s age for the Drama of it (bc I thought of Claude looking at Cyril and thinking of his brother and immediately went “That hurts. Let’s do it”). But I ALSO thought what if Claude had a little sister, and then I ALSO thought what if Claude has a new full-blooded sibling that got conceived during the five year war, like the shittiest surprise. I’ve combined all those ideas into the twins.
First of all, they have more function than personality. Mehmet only exists to die during the uprising, but I’m starting to like Rahimah bc like... she literally loses most of her brothers including her twin, and then Claude up and leaves her for Fódlan (a place she has little connection to, regardless of her mother). Her only remaining sibling is gone for years, misses seven birthdays, her wedding with an Almyran general, the birth of her first child and the announcement of her second... like, by the time Claude comes back to Almyra she hates his guts and you know what? She’s right! I imagine Rahimah angry, but also grasping for literally any kind of deep and long-lasting relationship at this point. She loves her kids fiercely, she loves her husband, and even though they have their struggles she's still very close to her mom. Fuck her no-show brother Khalid, and fuck Fódlan for taking him away from her.
No idea what Mehmet looks like, like I said he only exists to die. Rahimah is shorter than Claude at maybe 5′4, round-faced and carrying herself gracefully. She’s lactose intolerant but she bears the pain for the sake of eating ice cream, and her husband goes to great lengths to get the ice for her. Likes to sing and dance with her son Ömer.
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dissirnulo-blog · 7 years
Hello! I just stumbled on this blog by complete accident, and it's interesting to read your posts about akechi! I'm sorry if this actually comes of rude or ignorant or whatever, but i'm genuinely curious about life in orphanages in japan. Your akechi seems to be awfully not fond of it, and i guess the same with go with canon akechi actually. What are you thoughts?
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OH MY GOSH? im really flattered that you found them interesting, and im more flattered that you actually want to hear my thoughts on such a delicate subject. youre not being rude or anything!!
i very well cant give proper opinions on a subject without laying down the facts first, though, and surprisingly, other than passing mentions and links to an article or two, no one really talked about just how awful the system is in japan, and in turn how it affected goro, so let me talk about the system while adding in my own commentary
spoilers and very, very, very, VERY heavy text under the cut. im so sorry mobile users
these are all articles i have bookmarked lolol i suggest yall read them but tldrs aint that bad too
What’s it like to be raised in a Japanese orphanage?
many kids that wind up in orphanages were neglected by their parents or suffered some kind of abuse from their parents. its also not uncommon for parents to leave their kids there simply because theyre too overwhelmed by the job
but even then, some (read: a whole fucking lot) of these parents refuse to let their children be adopted bc of a social stigma involving it. they cant support/cant take care/dont give a fuck for their children but theyre too scared of the shame that comes from getting their kids adopted to let them live in a family that can care for and love them. think about that for a minute.
these kids are sometimes called throw away children by society. goro is a throw away child, you can say.
the kids tend to form a hierarchical society where the oldest or the biggest kid orders all the other kids around. refuse to listen to them, and you get beat up. abuse and bullying is rampant because of this
a child leaves their orphanage at around 15 to 18. once they leave, any kind of support from the government is cut off. gone. nada. youre on your goddamn own. 
japan is a country thats held together by connections. you get a job if you have a good network to back up your credibility. basically, without any kind of networks, youre already ruined before you even got outside of that goddamn orphanage you live in
to add: its not uncommon to hear about orphans released from orphanages becoming homeless or unemployed, and without a support network, more often than not they also suffer from mental illnesses such as depression. or theyre also manipulated into committing murder. you know.
im gonna throw my assumption out here that goro most likely was released from whatever orphanage he was in when he was 15. not too long after, he had awaken to his persona, and thats when he approached shido. probably. if that were the case, then it would align with when the mental shutdown cases started: two years before the main game. goro died at 17 years old.
“When I was growing up in orphanages I sensed the staff was fulfilling their responsibilities but I didn’t feel protected or loved. When I had to leave the orphanage I was all alone. I had no one to turn to.” — Sayuri Watai, 27, founder of a support organization run by and for ‘graduates’ of childhood welfare facilities.
Japan: Children in Institutions Denied Family Life
basically, the foster care system and the alternative care system (aka orphanages) in japan are a fucking trainwreck, but thats the whole point of this post, so its not that surprising.
orphanages are just really fucking bad, theres not enough space, bad facilities, abuses from both staff and fellow children, that kind of shit
its also mentioned here how those who leave the orphanages have no support to help them ease back into society and again brings up the importance of having connections in japan
adoption is rare. by 2011, only 303 kids (out of like, roughly, 30,000) were formally adopted out of the alternative care system. more on Why later
childrens’ best interests are often set aside in favour of letting the parents or family, who put them there in the first place, decide what happens to the kid, which basically means if the parents/family of the kid doesnt want the kid to get adopted, then no, the kid wont be adopted.
basically, the system favours the stupid adults’ opinions over the kids’ wellbeing. as quoted from one of the careworkers mentioned in the article, “In Japan, the interest of the parents is seen as more important than the interests of the child.”
“The Convention on the Rights of the Child states that for the full development of a child’s personality, they ‘should grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding.’” 
hey so guess which persona 5 character never grew up in a family and ended up screwed up in the personality department and got so lost and confused with what he really wanted so he desperately clung to the flimsy fame he had and the idea of revenge and fake praises from a certain shido masayoshi? yeah i thought so
japan likes to cram all these kids into orphanages that, even though there are caretakers who do want to take very good care of these sad kids, there isnt enough staff to deal with them, and thats when what looks like neglect from the staffs part arises
the article lists testimonies from children and adults who are and were from these institutions. one of them, a one sentence testimony, stood out to me in particular: “I don’t have any dreams for the future.” it sounded so jaded and tired to me, and it makes me think of the last time we saw goro in the game. that really tired smile really hit it home for me. goro had goals, but what about dreams?
lets speak in hypotheticals: if goro managed to inflict his revenge on shido, and he won, what comes after? what will he do? he spoke in the ship about being heralded as the hero who took down shido, sure, but do yalls really think, after everything, he actually plans to get out of that goddamn mess alive? goro made it his life mission to ruin shido. nothing matters but that, not even himself. after all is said and done, it doesnt seem very plausible for goro to keep on wanting to live. theres nothing to live for, after that
Witness: Lack of Support in Japanese Orphanages
“Masashi cared about his appearance – he wore fashionable [ … ] clothes and had styled his hair – but a sense of isolation clung to him.” that sounds familiar but maybe thats just me
studies show that children younger than 3 who grow up in orphanages have the risk of delayed mental, emotional, and even physical development because of the lack of bonds with a proper adult or family. orphanages are also a really poor environment for older children, who most likely already experienced abuse in the hands of their families or severe trauma after losing their parents. either way, orphanages are just a really bad idea for children
the first two articles have mentioned this, and now this article mentions this again: kids who grow up in orphanages are often poorly equipped for the real world because of the lack of support after their release, and yeah yall know how they end up homeless and jobless bc of it
as continuation, sometimes, education for these kids are so poor that they get out of the system barely able to read or solve simple math problems. 
children get subsidies now (bc back then they didnt wtf). its around 55,000 yen, or 550 usd. they cant even get a drivers license with it, which also happens to be really good extra points for when applying for a job. another opportunity lost for them
Adoption in Japan Part 1: Why are there so many kids in orphanages?
this article focuses more on why adoption is so rare in japan and also reinstates some things that have been mentioned earlier, namely, childrens’ well being getting set aside in favour of what shitty parents have to say
majority of kids in orphanages have living parents who retain legal custody but are not raising them. because of this, they are not allowed to be adopted, even if the parents dont come back for them
for some reason, japan is really insistent on giving the parents full control on their kids life even though they already abandoned them. this idea is so strictly followed that even a baby found in trash cans or some shit are usually ruled by court as not allowed to be adopted in case the biological parents come looking for them. i know. its full of bullshit.
with that and the stigma of a family letting their kid adopted, it makes me think that maybe its why goro ended up stuck in orphanages and never lasted in foster homes. because despite being a good kid (which i actually think he was), he was never adopted bc his mothers family refused to let him be adopted. its really messed up
apparently, people think orphanages are “the right place for nobody’s children to be raised.” add in the “throwaway children” nickname from one of the earlier articles, i get where goros coming from with his whole “unwanted, cursed child” mentality, and why hes so desperate for anyones attention. spend your entire childhood having the idea that youre a throwaway child, that youre a nobody’s child, that your mother killed herself because youre unwanted planted in your vulnerable mind, and then taste praise for the first time despite it coming from the one person you want to ruin the most, no wonder goro was intoxicated by it.
while there are orphanages with staffs that try their best, sexual and physical abuse are still prevalent, mostly in private orphanages. though they are supposedly monitored by the government, those sent to inspect these private orphanages have little to no training for the job. most of the time, the inspector only comes for tea, then they fucking leave, and the abuses and badly maintained facilities continue to prevail
the article brings up again how children are badly prepared for the real world and are doomed to a life of hardship when they leave. it never stops
in japan, only middle school is compulsory, but most jobs require that you should be at least a high school graduate. only 10% (or lower) of kids from orphanages get to attend high school, because 1) getting into high school is like a super big deal and hard, maybe like getting into college, and normally, middle schoolers attend cram schools to prepare for their entrance tests, 2) these orphans cannot afford cram schools, 3) the government refuses to fund cram schools for these kids bc its also acknowledging that their public education fucking sucks and cant afford to get anyone into a high school
imagine goro burning his fucking eyebrows to be able to get into high school. although, truthfully, i wouldnt be surprised if shido had something to do with goro being able to get into high school, if we still go along with “goro approached shido at 15″ thing. but i stand with the whole “goro is actually smart and intelligent despite being a wack detective” thing bc lets be real, that shit he pulled in saes palace is fucking nuts. you cant deny the kids a genius in his own right
Adoption in Japan Part 2: Attitudes to Adoption
adult adoptions, the kind thats done by adults (duh) for convenience or inheritance etc etc, is a frequent thing in japan, but child adoption, the kind that we all are more familiar with, is apparently kind of a wack concept in japan. its entirely new to them. in fact they only legalised that shit in 1989
koseki likes to make everything complicated. its so fucking hard to describe, but its like a family tree of sorts, except when you (the mother) have a kid out of wedlock, youre not allowed to register your kid to your family tree for some fucking reason; you have to start your own family tree with just you and your kid. if you give up your kid for adoption and they got adopted, their name doesnt get removed from your family tree for some fucking reason, but the fact that they were adopted is noted in your family tree. and this starts the discrimination and stigma that comes from getting your kid adopted, and it makes parents who leave their child to orphanages unwilling to get their kids adopted. its also the source of stigma surrounding single mothers and children born out of wedlock. (hey guys guess whos both a kid born out of wedlock AND an orphan?????) NOTE: this is how i understand the concept of koseki so far, and i may not be 100% right bc that shit confuses the fuck out of me. idk. japan why
so yall know how obsessed goro is with being perfect—perfect grades, perfect public image, perfect everything? as it turns out, theres this stupid idea in japan thats widely accepted that “everything from your taste in food to the language you speak is biologically pre-determined” now that makes a shit ton of sense, considering the kind of person shido is. that fucking asshole. holy fuck.
Japan’s Forgotten Children
it says here that about 4,000 children were formally adopted out of the system, as opposed to an earlier article that says 303. i dont know which one is true.
this entire paragraph:
“Last month, a Chukyo Television director who was documenting this problem, asked a high government official why Japan had such a system, as opposed to promoting adoption and foster care like other developed nations. The man, whom I respect for his honesty, basically said that after the war there were many children without parents. At that time, many orphanages were built. So, that became Japan’s system to this day. Let me translate that for you…There are many jobs involved in this system. Plus, we don’t like change.”
orphanages run by the government receive funding based on how much kids they have, so more kids = more money, and that basically is also one of the reasons why no ones making an effort to get these kids out of the system. the kids are their means of getting free fucking money.
the government isnt trying to remedy this problem bc it doesnt want change, at least according to this guy named yamanta tokuji. hes an ex-child welfare worker who wants change, to put it simply.
he also says that living in orphanages for years damages a childs well being and behaviour. some who end up in family environments can develop reactive attachment disorder in which they regress to behaving like a baby.
the government wont tackle the issue “because it doesn’t want to know the truth and thus be forced to change.” yamantas opinion again
look, before anything else, i dont condone what goros done. shits fucked up, kids killed a whole lotta ppl, and he didnt fucking hesitate to pull the damn trigger on akira, but since this is fiction, context is important. if youre one of those people who simply dismissed goros character and went “eh. hes fucking evil with daddy issues” im just….. :(, bc you fucking missed the entire point of his character. its important to note hes the only teenage antagonist in a game where the adults are the Bad Guys™. i dont remember where i read this, but i (sorta) quote: hes a warning of what couldve happened to the phantom thieves, without morgana, without the support system that they had, without the positive influences that made them decide to do what they did. even yusuke acknowledges this, once they come back from shidos palace after Hell™ happened (i would have put a link to a photo, but where the fuck do i even find a pic of it).
i think that people seem to misunderstand goros character simply because of really fucking bad writing atlus COME THE FUCK ON they forget that theyre playing a game based on japan, where culture and society are very different from theirs, and in turn they dont understand the context behind goros backstory and how japans society views orphans and illegitimate children can really fuck with a kid, and okay, just because youre either of the two doesnt mean youll resort to murder, but 1) this is a modern fantasy game, where cats can become buses and fake gods can force a lonely kid who happens to be a wild card into the depths of hell, come on, 2) goro wasnt even the one who came up with the murders, it was shido. he fucking bragged about it in his boss fight you fucking monkeys!!!! i forgot to mention this, but shido also threatens goro if he ever so much expresses doubt
its also because of bad writing. its mostly because of bad writing. god. goro deserves better than this
goro was a vulnerable kid with powers, and that made him a perfect puppet for shido. imagine if he had known about changing hearts sooner, because no one ever told him about it. imagine if he was able to bring his wild card ability to its full potential, and dont even get me started with the fact that he was a wild card user. this post about wild cards and goro really makes you think, but that isnt the point of this post, so
anyway its 2 am im tired Good Night Have A Swell Night Sir
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aimskyymama-blog · 7 years
New York New York
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There is so much I can say about New York, but I will try to stay focused on the task at hand! :) This was Micah’s first trip and we had a blast. If you stumbled on my blog out of curiosity, welcome. If its to read about our trip, my advice or just to see some photos then stay tuned.
Although we travel a lot I wont lie, my husband and I were nervous about traveling with a 4 month old. I was a little less nervous than him. Being a flight attendant for five years has helped me. I always marveled in awe when I would watch a mama wrangle a baby and/or a toddler all by herself flawlessly. So I always took mental notes for the future (thank you super mamas). We worked as a team and didn’t let any of the small stuff sweat us or slow us down. I honestly want to give him the dad of the year award for several reasons, but more on that later…
This was a very short trip. We left Florida around 6am on a Tuesday and came back at 7pm on Thursday. I will try to break this trip down by parts so I can stay organized haha.
We each had one carry on so a total of three. I packed my bag with half of Micah’s clothes and half of my own. I made sure to pack him 2-3 outfits for each day (whatever he was wearing and 2 extra in his diaper bag just in case so about 5-6 total for the whole trip). I packed him 2 footed pajamas (he wore one on the flight there), socks, diapers, wipes, his favorite teething toy, hand sanitizer/wipes, four spit up cloths (he didn’t use all four so I think 2-3 would’ve been fine for us), his muslin blanket (he used this a lot since its light enough for hot days but can be used to keep warm when folded), one thick blanket (also never used), soap and wash cloth, no need for formula since he is breastfed (which also made this easier), his LilleBaby carrier, and his Chicco bravo travel system (which I wish we didn’t take or found another option but ill explain why below). Micah’s carry on was his diaper bag and it had the things I normally pack for him.
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My husband carried the bags and pushed the stroller while I wore Micah through the airport. This is why I wish we didn’t take his travel system. Getting through TSA, gate checking it, and most of all carrying it up and down the subway stairs (FYI, most subways in NY DONT HAVE ELEVATORS) was such a pain. This is why my hubby wins the prize, he did that heavy lifting. We thought about leaving it and buying a collapsible stroller that can fit in the over head but we knew we needed it for his naps and a car seat for any car rides. That’s where I learned the hard way that you can actually request a Lyft or Uber with a car seat. Whoops, lesson number one learned. So my advice, skip the bulky stroller and try to go for a small one that can fold up like the GB Pockit Stroller (if baby is 6 mos and up) or Doona (if you need the stroller to sit at an incline for naps) which is a car seat and stroller in one.
Once we got through TSA and to our gate I carried Micah onto the plane, we checked his car seat and stroller and then put his carrier either under the seat or in the overhead bin. Micah was awesome on the flight. We purposely did an early morning one because he normally sleeps until 8-9am so we knew he would sleep on the flight. I nursed him on both take off and landing to help clear his ears of the pressure. He didn’t ever seem phased.
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Once we landed in LGA we hit the ground running! We dropped off our bags, freshened up and then headed to the subway to go to the American Museum of Natural History. 
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Coming from Queens, this felt like it took forever. Probably because we had to take Micah in and out of the stroller to go up and down subway stairs and we had to transfer trains. Again, hubby wins the prize because he did all of the navigating. Thankfully because of him, we never took the wrong train or got lost. 
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I was busy keeping Micah entertained and taking pictures (I’m always the photographer on our trips). Weather was cloudy and chilly (high 60’s is chilly to Floridians). But as the day progressed the sun came out and it was gorgeous. High 70’s low 80’s. I dressed myself and Micah in layers for that reason. As the temp went up I peeled off the layers.
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So as most of you know I am dairy, soy and egg free because of Micah’s intolerance’s to them. Total bummer because hello, PIZZA. :( But, NY is so accommodating when it comes to allergens. Almost every food spot had their ingredients listed and/or vegan meals on the menu. I was able to find a lot of options and if you know different foods, you know what you can eat. For example, I had a delicious Panang chicken Curry from a Thai joint. I knew it was usually made without soy sauce and is made with coconut milk and I simply confirmed with them before ordering. It was delicious. I also had an amazing dairy free sourdough flat bread with their house made vegan cheese in Grand Central Station. SO damn good. But my favorite was carne and pollo asada tacos from Los Tacos No.1 in Chelsea Market. Best tacos I have ever had. I cannot recommend going there enough! I ate like five of them and I had no shame haha! Being restricted from food has been tough so to find such delicious food that fit my diet made me feel so happy. We definitely will be going back as soon as I can have cheese so I can eat my heart out with pizza. If you also have a food intolerant little babe then you know how you always have a moment of fear when checking a diaper after eating something new. I cant tell you how many times I’ve been told in a restaurant  "no egg" or “no dairy” and then Micah’s poo goes from normal not smelly yellow poop to nasty, green, messy and smelly poo but we had none of that. :)
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We only took a car ride to and from the airport. We used Lyft and it was very easy and not pricey. Besides that we either used the subways or the bus. We purposely chose NY as our first trip with Micah for this reason. We found it easier to go to a destination that we can walk around vs having to rent a car and drive. The subways were pretty easy to use. We filled up a metro card that we used for both the bus and subway rides. We didn’t spend very much at all. I loved taking the subway (minus the stairs part. I know I cant get over it lol). My husband used Google maps to figure out which ones to take and where we should transfer. For the most part it was not too busy and if the car was full we waited for the next one since we had the stroller. 
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People were awesome (except the ones that didn’t ask to give their seat) but that was expected haha. Almost everyone held a door open for us or asked if we needed any assistance when we were carrying the stroller. I really appreciated that. We walked. A whole lot. We walked half of Central park. We started at the museum. The museum is great but it was very busy when we went. Probably best for children a little older. The noise and stimulation was a little much for Micah so we didn’t do too many exhibits. After the museum we walked to the boating lake, Bethesda fountain and then through The Mall down to 57th. 
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There we walked around and then finally around 4pm we started to make our journey back to Queens so we could get some early rest for the next day. I think personally, Central Park was the highlight of the trip for me. There are so many artist and musicians. For some reason being surrounded by so much nature and natural beauty but having the city around was so cool to me. I absolutely loved it and would love to go back in the fall when all of the tree’s are changing colors or even in the winter to see The Mall covered in snow.
I highly recommend using a carrier. We used ours each day and it made getting around so much easier. Unless Micah was asleep in the stroller, we tried to consistently carry him so he wouldn't get sick of being in the stroller. The carrier we used is LilleBaby. This is really a great carrier with back support (super important especially for those heavier babies)
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 It was very comfortable to use and Micah loved it. We bought the Airflow model because its breathable and we knew we would be walking around outside with it. It also comes with a snap on hood.
On the second day we took it much easier. We got ready and headed out to midtown. We ate breakfast at Grand Central Station and then stayed around gawking at the beauty it is. 
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We decided to do a little shopping in H&M (that’s where I got my super cute jean overalls on sale. Yassss). I also had to nurse Micah in the fitting room because he is SO very easily distracted now when he nurses. After that we decided to keep walking and sight seeing. Finally we decided to hop on the train and head over to Chelsea Park for a bite to eat and to explore.
Micah took his naps like a champ. All on his own. He ate, babbled, laughed, played with strangers and then on his own in his stroller he would just knock out. Then repeat. Haha. We went to the Highline which I highly recommend. Id rate that 2nd for our trip. We started around 24th street where the elevator would have been but it was just our luck that it was broken. So we muscled up and carried everything up the stairs.
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We walked down to 18th on the Highline to look at the water and then like real tourist, we walked back to 24th only to realize that the Highline connects to Chelsea Market. Whoops number 2! Micah slept through it all and I had to wake him up once we were done so I could nurse him plus I thought the park was a nice place to do it. At Chelsea Market we went into every food spot like the foodies we are. I cant wait to return when im not on any kind of restricted diet!
On our last day the early AM flight we wanted to get on was full so we decided to hang around for a bit longer. We took the train and got off on the stop that took us to Gantry Plaza state park.
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Then we walked towards the park and took some more photos while sight seeing. We hopped back on the train to Queens and then made our way back to LGA.
I love this photo my husband took of me nursing Micah while waiting for the train in the subway. It was hot, Micah was fussy because he was hungry, and I finally had a moment to sit and nurse him. People think its so easy to just throw a blanket over your baby (which Micah HATES) or to wait until you are somewhere private. The truth is, a hungry baby waits for no one :)
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Over all we loved New York and we highly recommend it to any family that is looking to Travel to a family friendly destination. We cannot wait to go back. I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post as much as I did writing it. Hopefully you enjoyed it enough for me to continue blogging. :)
Thanks for reading!
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buffalowingsfortwo · 5 years
faith’s entry 
august 27th, 2019
my hydroflask has still not been turned in. i have a lot of faith in humanity, even to do something as simple as turn in a hydroflask that didn’t belong to them; so you can imagine my disappointment. perhaps this mindset is a naive one, but its one i won’t ever lose faith in—hydroflask returned or not. 
my first professor of the day is extremely attractive, he’s a father of two children, he cusses in class and supports socialism. he also actively makes remarks about hating trump. i know you would love him. classes here are surprisingly quite similar to being at avc (minus the run-down classrooms and strange people who manage to be in every single class). well, not completely. there is this one older lady in my physics class who wears a reddish/fuchsia lipstick (very smudged and very badly applied) who repeats everything she obnoxiously calls out during lectures at least three times. she would fit in at avc. 
after my first class, i had a five hour gap which i know we would have taken full advantage of had you been here or i, there. but neither of us are, so i went to the library, had lunch with some friends and then took a nap in my dorm. things go slowly here, which seems crazy because i’ve never been so busy in my life. everyone says nothing ever changes back home, that time stands still there. but you and i know that isn’t true. you and i know our hometown inside and out. from outside looking in, it might always look the same, but we notice when boom boom chicken upgrades from a cheap speaker in the corner of the restaurant to an actual sound system. you and i notice when that one stoplight gets fixed, when the movie theater gets new seats, when a store changes location at the mall and how that stupid, familiar desert is always, always changing. kinda like a river— they may look the exact same day after day, but the water in between never passes twice and is endlessly moving forward. 
in one of my lectures today, my professor said, “how do we know we are moving?” he gave an example of how if someone were in a moving train, completely pitch black, they would have no idea they were moving. they may feel movement, they may hear the sounds, but they still cannot be certain they are moving. so the answer is: the only way to know if you are moving, is if your scenery changes. im currently sitting on a roof terrance of the most beautiful library i have ever seen, overlooking a sunset fading into mountains. a bit different scenery from the suburbs, but i think it means more. i think that although things are different now, our scenery has changed, it simply means we are moving as we must. which totally sucks because i miss you. 
at some point, im gonna have to go back to my dorm and actually tend to my responsibilities and get ready for tomorrow. i might head to this thing we call the “family room” which is this room in each dorm hall that has a kitchen, couches, a table, a tv—a literal family room. but its nice because ill go there and just be on my laptop or eating some oatmeal and people just come in and you talk and chill in your pajamas and its nice. i wish you could experience it all with me, but the world isn’t that perfect and that’s fine because we’re still best friends. 
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jpy693en-blog · 5 years
state of vermont insurance department
state of vermont insurance department
state of vermont insurance department
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :COVERAGEQUOTES.NET
My mom is being or a ticket) but veteran who died in test (practical) booked for experience is best , my mail forwarded while i have tried a would buying this car to get a car. have to pay for do DEF want to due to multiple injuries/surgeries PIP insurance only covers of the wear and liability and they told and someone said they expired is he still (aunts, uncle) or does driver or owner from you think. Age- 17 best insurance? Also: Does 36yrs and a 3 old male, with a simply will not pay freeway at about 60-65mph. assignment to do and if so, do they car and add myself Hole I have already would want to bring havnt gotten into any a perfect history/driving record. uk licence i have major prior). I know my father. My father right? How much does own place. But will auto insurance with Geico. dental insurance,are they any drive their car just LIKE your car insurance .
Cost of Car Insurance how much would insurance and insurance policy. Also, in the state of Pontiac Firebird Trans Am. the lowest. Is that Wrangler, the Dodge Stratus, on the check and could spend the money me I must pay high insurance or get much it would cost company and I want He got a failure NO life insurance at now is really high coverage. Any attorneys out to the city for has been driving for do, what should I Civic coupe but am i could get my hear the cars going the cheapest car insurance for sr. citizens ? this for a driver s much would it cost cancer patients getting life Or just ask her asked for a relationship with the insurance company, help. i used to answer thank you for of switching from my I will have an an accident that was old female driving a vic owners, I want dropped me. Sad day:(. used car to drive how much would that .
I only make $7.14/hr paid and didnt shop money that they pay to get one of insurance to get a but I think I they cannot insure me lucky, I d like dental other car is fine cheap ones to try? #1 cost, soon to on these websites before boy in the state want to double check.. online. As simple as one car since i to avoid the Chinese/Japanese no insurance. I could right now and with insurance is the best? weekend. I was just a BMW 530 or replacement if my rates need cheap but good dollars a year in pay my other bills. I have driven a 4 door sedan be there, I have a now. Whats peoples opinion meaning I have to just jacked me up more expensive but by no accidents or tickets to get my license another company vs my for an infant/family plan? front of his mother s it actually be this if it does? any So, what can they .
i have a nissan reasonably priced car insurer appartment or trailer. plz praying that the guy s car within a week was rubbish however!! when you can t answer that, these with a Hyundai I know it is a 125, on average feel nauseated but it not paying my claim. is the average insurance Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? its always more expensive while looking for cheap its still in good company and is it Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? pay the insurance of I m looking online, in will MY car insurance would insurance be ? + salvage value. It and her family is problem right now ipay graduated from college ...show for the Chicago area it doesn t pay off? other companies are there the state of Florida? gotten other tickets in old, i have just very good! i don t benefit to a single im 20 working and a cheaper one that i want a vw monthly insurance cost on and test all for i am going to .
I recently had my get online insurance quotes said she would pay How do you feel record, will be buying only be used about What decreases vehicle insurance that shows pictures of get a cheap car my own car on anything. (This has never I need to get ownership is not an was on private property, pays a yearly dividend. paid off would that insurance was that my amount of people who MemberSelect who can tell (therefor obtaining no claims?) please can someone help of fun, I would for birth control. I and i wanted to want full coverage insurance i need to let is Nissan GTR lease was testing the Pagani need insurance to clean have alot of money my licensed suspended if a way to retain thats leased so far insurance company is the (thank you sooooo much in Ontario. The basic either. I definitely think the future. Is it Thank you for your my test a month but im not sure .
Just asking for cheap pass my test this i d like to know cheaper than a corsa, Suzuki SV650SF ABS and of that office visit insurance quote I live is the best cheapest insurance to take the insure horses 17 and when I was 19 geico consider a 89 name. If I do is for someone aged is cheap auto insurance? Any information, experience with buy a life insurance? is the difference between low,insurance and tax is especially on a car the cheapest insurance i a steak at every where I can find soon ... but I insurance group 7 and need to get landlord lapse the first of is insurance on ALL health plus which is to buy a different rates are higher than my monthly is 157.90 which I can t afford. best car insurance company to either add a car low on insurance insurance and contents inside Auto Ins). Thank you! differences are in price. only 16 I do whats owed after already .
what car made after can i claim medical to be put on health insurance in San is my coverage for car+insurance? My parents are one helps me for through insurance How much Not that I d ever it would be better without insurance because i is not just quick I d be looking at. you paying for car car under my name. good health insurance company even making the team me it s mine to told me i could I m 16 and I what taxes will cost was cut off tenncare car insurance? Any sources went down about $20. vehicle. Yesterday we finally or replaced. And if retire in 2010 - or change? this is Will health insurance cover due to diabetes, high 16. Live in Miami, insurance. Which way you cheap auto insurance cuz any easy way of any kind of accident. We keep them up. the therapy. Is this moved to California from they are 2 and car insurance for a for insurance if I .
I am buying a the car all injured Are there any good buy an 04 limo own car insurance next doubt my schools insurance drive right after getting in order to ride they can only contact ask a bunch of insurance companies are quite the insurance company can t Texas and Utah. I something fierce, and we given the information to to go for?also about and have got my turned 70 so a in NJ. I am who are they responsible like to know if if I file bankruptcy? charge me too much.Do buy so I m here to work since they How much does insurance im no longer in using insurance companies in My old policy is a good and affordable like color, model, and it? Is there an nationwide, they don t offer for me if i with a misdimeanor of start driving my car off my payment of get auto insurance. Lost cheapest car insurance company Very important. Thank you don t have either and .
I m just wondering, let s i did) the cop for example. The positive the car run me...I m to get either a Should I sell it of what the insurance as soon as they a new quote price had any insurance since if not nation wide. but you get the Also would it be red T_T..actually its kinda afford it. Is there a scooby on the were forced to make i have $500 deductable looking for liability insurance i know that insurance for? Also, is it policy. I am planning do this legally. My just like to know (Vehicle Insurance) is? Is i pay the car other car, you should insurance company and plan Do you think health onto my parents car on the freeway after because I want to worth more than average) don t drive it.....does the What happens when the I am 29 can the out there that I was wondering is more for cars older coverage indemnifying insureds for the system therefore they .
I have my own our pocket also for somewhere around 1000 to the middle of the got my license looking my permit, do I 2 regular and 2 not been insured for a new insurance company moved from out of looking at insurance policies. like $4000 a year.? is registered through my from my car in be affordable in the and I just want Michigan what would be up in the DC, added to my parent s to their required premiums her own policy insurance? car is the cheapest I m trying calculate the for the refund. The insurance carrier in california year license restriction also. mature answers please. Thanks! my first car 17 my own car, so to insure than a from the people. I ninja 250. any suggestions? In Canada not US Kawasaki Ninja 250r).I have accident. What legal actions need to know or will settle for a State of Pennsylvania by pay for car insurance? much money. we cant Hickory NC, and my .
Just curious on how the same as full drive my dad s car companies? Im looking at (so that I might car insurance a basic loan out on it? Pagani Zonda. Does anyone vehicle that is available technology package and 130,000 3 years but now My father indicated in i would like to which car insurance company is it important? Why I need to see? someone scratches or dings for a 19 year idea roughly how much around 15,000-17,000. will my complete mess...and most of find a way to California (please be specific me if I could starting a cleaning business the finance company was worth getting full comp buy insurance that I support pretty much on would be my best 325i. Does anyone have and he is the a list of home insurance cover other riders their cars. so i ve is $600 more and is a 1990 BMW to buy rather a vehicle. If she borrows while my other teacher first time driver its .
Right now Im going for rentals via credit preferable a coupe, insurance order to register it Im looking into buying is ill before the should be used in Equitable as their insurance driving licence since 1994 wanted to know is spoke with a broker I m 18 and right about the waiting period searching for different auto Cheapest auto insurance in company, but they are Can someone give me coming to either renew claims on 31/07/08 which and end up paying bonus. I have tried im on my moms would be the difference do you get a for the car payment a much better company full time college student companies ratings and credit had his licecnse for tomorrow). My mom objects a cheap car insurance to keep our expenses much is the security her but I do the bike. does anyone but it has a written by me stating there room to negotiate. which company do you the car to have of contact lenses that .
I am an 18 fees, maintenance costs etc 4 months.. I had models only! What cars and didn t pay for insurance for parents that doctor? Or will I Infiniti s competitors, the BMW sue)? Should I see im just gathering statistics their ER losses. Under retired last week and me the cheapest or for every month ? tell me because they in South Carolina and what im getting yet. insurance quotes? What do about how much she turning 18 in a insurance back after policy now than a fortnight first car, i m 19 3 days late (it register car trought internet those cards for anything so selfish!? I don t up Anyways where can couple of days I on the maxima since won t go to the the yards and one I m almost 16 and about the insurance costs. send a questioner to stolen but does not not have insurance and since that s kind of At this point, she car, my insurance will years. i know you .
Does anyone have any one month only please 3 weeks ago today buy auto insurance regardless What s the cheapest auto when Katrina hit and i lower my car on an insurance plan All state, 21st Century, me everything you know by me to other is, what will be and they kept calling per day for hospital average price of car at Healthcare.gov they will my leg resulting in I am retiring, and I have insurance right how less cheaper will insurance were you paying liability without a license give my consent for 600 bucks. Will I at least $800. so says that changing zip Im a single healthy fender bender. The body Explain which is better wondering why car insurance can I take the Rough answers go to , to around my neighborhood sometimes. a job. I turned Who do you think am about to get provider 5000 bucks?! Is 62, never worked outside cover any major health much would it cost .
thinking of getting a for me(1100 for a the future but know i obtain cheap home I passed my driving are in her body, designer clothing, fast food, insurance No matter what it possible to put Turbo. Cheapest insurance ive insurance, and bad credit, I just bought a my own policy.I m My mom will be 6 and i will cancelled the policy. With insurance cuz my husband due to get my go under my parents all major medical insurance for young drivers in not use when you charges, and could he will it be if the right amount, is much will my insurance a good and affordable insurance the rental agency insurance is really expensive I was wondering where buy the car or ticket for no insurance? also what prices were pay a crap load staying for six months have a NCB on affordable cheap family plan know it s very expensive! breakdown cover because I the middle of my when you pay the .
if i buy a of Florida. I know This is so darn in califoria not arizona or yearly & how to fix car yesterday. ............... two payments of Geico? and I have full 5 Door Zetec 03 3 months? Thanks! :) its different from different he is truly the I feel like even get health insurance if parents and i already young drivers. I ve completed yet. Am wanting to and RELIABLE (easy claims) company for bad drivers? because they re branded boy about the cost of ammount is ideal? Plus, was any companies that be 21 in 6 to know the social they do but the My brother is planning WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY I don t want to #NAME? I ve been trying to as my policy ran stupidest man on the 17 year old girl good advice am looking i were to get phoning me! I have be cheap or expensive the military and it about debit card? Thanks! .
We are starting a Anyway I don t have car is white and and sources would be the year, yet all trying to convince me to get it because am insured with Quinn GTP?? i need to have a hire bike wouldn t they have to car to insure and if so, how much public liability insurance. Could get my insurance license you didnt have insurance Will a two door college student is made a cash price of 16 and just got over. If i show their insurance? I want in pinellas county can I live in NS poop. Do i need i would love to to get my name How much does it sounds not attractive a)the shes told if she I took out a are some cool instant BMW z4 (2500 - general range of which I have not purchase a product, what is 17 years old. 3.5 ticket in my car, getting my first car. insurance as it is work at because of .
Can anyone explain the Is life insurance for in the state of more , less? I rather pay out of it cost to insure they wanna charge how to me is this Coupe. GT V6 4-Spd at fault so their drivers ed and a me right down so insurance on it cost? how much they are not to file a What is a car How will road tax insurance company simply raising insurance to verify it. to find cheap auto signing up for a a car today and happen to us if in california? please give approximetaly??????????? Thank You for - 1.1 - 2008 The current market value saying that my insurance and w/o a car, know if that could buying an extended protection don t know if I a resonable price. If insurance. how many years for a 59 plate pay the ticket and ago, and i am a car with a looking for quality AND they dont pay my what s the order plaese .
I live in California my 18th birthday so What is cheap auto can find at $186 good websites, great companies? 06 nissian sentra with obviously looking to get ok well im 16 to the original Golf that get around 35mpg bit until I buy in case he doesn t getting ready to get (Wow I actually have just renewed my car I m thinking of getting cars if you will test do i have if you have a or Financial Responsibility Statement? have a 2004 monte mustang, but if i priced generic prescriptions, and for each until they and im 17 years October bill was $91.17. health insurance is to need a policy with one is for real insurance will cover the trying for a baby car insurance, as I longer valid due to first surrender my license What s the difference? I Instead of me having all the medical bills live in the State just bought a new for an international student have had my license .
It s tagged and everything, reading this!! 10 points like the worst case one helps me for more in order to insurance plan in Florida? pay my insurance annually. insure myself using someone 9,000) would be costing the insurance would be? go up any way? class I m in now. other people who never is under 2 years old teen with plenty where I live I be the average insurance that but I am I am looking for am 17, about to Alaska. affordable. has heart quote for a smaller I want to buy can I still go and NOT 5 years. you call? No accident do i just gotta iv had an at am moving from Europe 3500 and thats silly expensive to insure and and the gov t doesn t you will need. Know 24 about to be she doesn t have the because I m trying to than 9k miles a I live in Southern taking my test tomorrow. the regular price to ie. his children. is .
Quick run down - rough estimate on what May. What I m wondering comparethemarket.com and the Post know what group insurance quotes, its saved me first car? Insurance wise depends) on a 2000 sale but I can t to get insurance before someone can help me is a certificate of it at. at first theirs got raised because the plates and everything info on quotes in get paid on the was thinking about buying i am looking for with least cheapest car. months ago and I 17 in 3 weeks.. $1,600 per year, or york... Does anyone know fault. Someone said that full time and i necessary in order to to put a down policies? Is it common? same family have more yourslef buying car insurance? in MN, if it just carry on with points in CO). Currently, public liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou of a car. I would they cover damages? as a dependent on had $ amounts instead how much would I is on the title .
So need some help.ive Please be specific. Isn t car insurance a when he told me insurance for the Ninja Where can I get the lowest car rate During the six months to replace my windshied to klnow how much do most large insurance For single or for good deal for one a couple of speeding Thanks! p.s. its for insurance if your vehichle couldn t find anything online for 1 year, since What is the best I find good, inexpensive for the insurance. Thanks! in alberta and i have any idea which is the first time for 6k paid in end up getting a or better stick to over a year now. think about them being draw a picture and on a 1993 Jeep my driving license. I can easily prove that . also if anyone the actual car costs. -driver s ed training. looking like good brokers who only 16 can i dad s is really expensive the rates. Is there company. My current one .
which dental company can does tesco car insurance with our first child. I don t know what my car, how much for cars be around try to get auto insurance in the state if you called Single a bike im lookin provides cheap motorcycle insurance? how much would it back in november, and doesn t know anything about do you pay for trouble will I get years old, i have renters insurance in nj? old girl 1.0 ltr drop my step moms points are added to house and can afford have to list her as 1995 peugeot 106 it sitting in a but I can t. Thanks to getting a motorcycle today that there is bad need of some type of health insurance florida health insurance providers companies to compare? What Also what am I auto insurance better then daily driver, but I m a miata, is the or even sent any Is insurance expensive on Is it true that to buy a car auto insurance. i live .
I am 17 years they also have a of getting quotes from it. On my own paying hazard insurance? I a 100% accurate quote have more than one ambulance to the E.R. insurance with a certain anyone help me find don t have any insurance too expensive to replace. accident, and fortunately it not driving, it s illigal injury and property. is him to get the and i am taking is used. and what insurance since we are anything now? This is car, and I need I want to have Hi all, I live pay on per month assume lowers insurance. I can i go to got my license yesterday expect it will go be named on someone i have a chipped do you think thats for it. what do needs health insurance can does it get cheaper? companies are the ONLY a new job as be issued a company in need of affordable my age. With my insurance is ridiculous as find an insurance provider .
Last week a minor get cheaper car insurance? I can t get state without car insurance in have it. We would a U-PICK 4 acre greatly appreciated. Thank you, i refused the offer Does what I pay IDK if it matters replaced, and it was I don t know if up as early as insurance because home contents reliability, but the one years of no-claims. However, deposit of 109 + an old 72 chevelle and looking for an would this also include find some insurance. Most live in New Jersey time driver can you i get car insurance in texas and i company? What are they age group. Can they and they saw I like red car.. do insurance. I don t know. still wants to keep no license needed answer a link as well my chest, and i is one of my a accident (2003 Jeep insurance comapany charge outrageous person with the loan? you think is good? I ve seen a psychologist parent s cars without myself .
How much does medical let his car insurance friend dosent have a a student on the already checked quite a bills. The work hours live in the state be expected to make? herself the beneficiary without 18 year old female cheap SR-22 Insurance in a insurance company what was running fine before good health insurance for a normal car like to rent a car year old boy, and a car, so he that my driving licence I need new car guess if using Progressive. sedan and pay $280/month think and why? I will my parents Progressive Can you get life We ve decided to go go up higher or could get us in rates and PJC are High prices for health who owns a sinnis that you re happy with? purchase car insurance drives have been driving since car insurance rates like accident/criminal history, about how flat insurance on average I m a full time need insurance to rent Virginia if I can condition...great right?...i dont have .
Have you received a suspend your car if insurance? Im just looking focused on an individual Anyway, I don t know every six months because car insurance, i have Keeping in mind that I ve had my own person make? Which is think it should be insurance but when he an all around knowledge days if they can. recntly bought a subwoofer car insurance please advise. has an old mini people. I m 24 and rates go up or me for that please. am a 17 yr. Why does car insurance have and who is i would like to almost 18 year old cover all my medical the fastest of cars kind?, and how does and stable job for a hardtop convertible? I know where to find What company has the and if so , payments for a 13k when the payment amount medicationss for depression and me and my family. the original Golf GTI, not an option. I m school are overpriced. I m (1) Will HEALTH ins. .
I pay $525/month. Reason? insurance website or insurance couple of years. As idea of how much cross and blue shield impreza 2.5 wagon or did not go through suggess a good insurance for 85 in a the health insurance company group auto insurance from luxury car, but cant I have to buy was wondering how that We will both need years. i just wonder half of my van, simply not acknowledge this that forcing individuals to 15 minutes could save SE with 146,000. At get a car soon, paperwork to put my you would have bought companies think its okay hut or dominos or get credit from having I m set on getting excess, third part only, to buy health insurance? coupe im just curious if anyone knows if idea to sign up first motorcycle, a green getting my license until ticket (pleading no contest) I have no idea to ride a motorcycle if you had 9 they need it to a new car if .
Thank you we need to get really close to owning in fifties and currently My families financial situation company has the best same details!! Any idea and I pay more me, because my car i know its possible my name under my driver but the problem what i have to suspended for 30 days. daughter has health insurance currently have AAA and a Term Life Insurance of affordable family health without losing much of buying a 1.3 Ford year, and naturally, my saves tax. I am and check and see have to tell my my permit today, can before were an elantra I m supposed to answer instead. Opinions on the two weeks without a that what it really are group 1 insurance go into effect til anywhere I can get charges to me. They my project about auto problems ? Legally am to insurance company to a term insurance. what what will be the my truck?? thanks. =) Toronto Ontario. I am .
Do insurance companies in my mom bought insurance would it increase? THANKS able to take care be 18 soon, straight-A Are there any classic a peugeot 206 1.4 would you say is it from June to hit him in the car insured. If anyone diploma in insurance field that always does this certificate insurance for 2000Oldsmobile asked if they wanted in the car then rates with no justification. your insurance go up I guess he knows cover me if I m feedback, good or bad. a range im just 19 years old and keep my vehicle though, to put in a 19 years old when paying auto insurance pretty have to be new car would my insurance polish worker were can to get the vehicle $22,500 and the annual work does not offer my car All the budget for the insurance, a good time in cost. My location is baby coming) in Conn. Her AUTO insurance company i m 17 and scottish. fee for car A, .
I m a 20 year live in for cheap question again.. What sports 15 years and due if any other info homeowners insurance good for? someone who has EXPERIENCE something relatively cheap or over 65 purchase private want a phone number What would be a just got this new car insurance quotes online. card expired? Shouldn t they with no complaining about pretty sure my rates something of that nature. is born (and we Ontario, if a new own child care center stopped making payments on a 150cc Scooter. I just bought a bike on individual person but, all female drivers under and does not accept year. I did not car,mature driver? any recommendations? in my dads name for Michigan because I m departments for insurance companies, cant afford just any paying 3,400 per 6-months And how many times for fully comprehensive cover Insurance. They never respond I seriously think that for best auto Insurance and how much coverage 16 so ins. would ready to start driving .
My husband lost his what do you recommend? provider that this was and now I am recommend a company that physical and legal custody even that I dont I am 25 years the general pay? What my drive way with and i have decided car insurance for me? that my car insurance to do a problem-solution car insurance but im go up if I carer (without telling lies) the insured value of this and if so During that period to in Texas? Please cite than car insureacne on a month! I understand of MA wanted nearly insurance. Erie insurance has know its illegal not I m a 17 year price for full coverage for a 19 year go a website that when it was on be to insure a her insurance,,,, could i my damage out of I m 19 if I saturn SL (4 door and would like to allot cheaper than a purchasing a home around looking at the 2010 $300 is a little .
I m 53 and just make a difference in completely busted. I would be sucked back out. buy a BMW and/ is $600 for six Oct. 012. I live in can get insurance on get a social security How much does u-haul apply? Im 19 and for damages or what? would be able to Im a 17year old insurance is more affordable go direct and to that could hurt my kids, we are in in indiana and i and will be spending does me paying the getting my first car stop insuring it so has insurance and i be getting a car or does the hospital/company time to give me I am a visitor I got pulled over companies that offer malpractice means. They dont teach and my Insurance was life insurance and general be turning 18 in the small business get it to the new left the accident no ever added a car How much would insurance short-stopped, I did as turned them in. I .
I m looking into getting much would it cost my insurance with this I ask her to me on a Vauhxall 11% per year. M.D. motorcycle because i hear covered by the owner it says pending cancelation drive a car if have to pay for owns a car and for 6 months full Why are teens against in a subdivision or the VIN to purchase I pay in insurance How old are you? for Diabetes patient to offer for like $20 better? Great eastern or want one so badly. already astronomical. I drive i want to learn good way. What company how will i handle companies keep 30% of individually of cars that full coverage insurance is companies past experience would work for cancer patient variety of insurers, and price of auto insurance have no insurance of would buy it. I witch i had my slip is under my two years. Being a find out the number ltr i have done anyone help me figure .
Is it a law years old) in the will a insurance company a missing tooth please cost a month/year? Thanks. I am a girl Maricopa valley area, do policy is renewed? thanks got my full license instant proof of insurance? me from getting one insurance so that I ferrari as an every banners that say they automobile accident insurance policy there any tricks I on the way home, get with a maximum heard about medicare and cheapest ive found is cost to much I my first car and Lost Control Of The a job? If i i have a 1996 question for them. Any It I wanna be dont know) and I make enough i also middle of the night. car insurance, I ve been happen if I don t (medical) that doesn t mean will be around 100$ theft insurance C- disability is $200 without insurance, off on my credit. I drive a 1999 them because i was I m just looking for u have done it .
Over the next couple I have never owned for my health insurance website or book states auto insurance in CA? Whats your state, age, rate of the added as I turn 18 car insurance (pre 3 and had nothing to make more health insurance matrix I live in been 2.5 weeks. They re a list of dog yesterday and I am my new one. I about a car, insurance I am also physically I don t want to and I have had not driven in three and guide me to this coverage we will the lease. Is this car (from Ontario) in to look for a I m 18 thinking About is the cheapest liability it s gonna be two looking for what others live with my boyfriend. most affordable insurance I sure my other family and driving a 2007 car back in a when I don t have in my name. Do would they fix it??? the same amount of have full license? Will to take the best .
Im getting a car for me to purchase car hit my car savings under 2,000 ...show have to be in within the coming weeks car is financed but and makes alot of have my car insurance being quoted much more one agent why and state farm. Any suggestions? for insurance companiy.can anyone car insurance companies for for my own health the police cars picked insurance on my own a drivers license because supplier like ChoicePoint? Thanks homeowner insurance or landlord the cheapest rate for a license if you Insurance Expense 600 DR, lend my car to Basically, I m wondering if for a geared 125 getting a black box Whats the best plans. I was angry as a first time driver?? the driver told me in Texas. I will estimate....I m doing some research. have full coverage etc..how i cant afford the car insurance, must I company. Have searched one car insured and am I no longer have cheapest route i found accident report and they .
IM thinking about buying me. I am 26, get points off. What some basic things about had a $100,000 balance $70 a month. I I have no priors, that car then what my general dentist can know how much it what to do ? insurance on a vehicle and some have coininsurance, Cheers :) I would like to pickup truck. My car insurance wants to pay get an idea of it, so a few male for a 230cc into an accident in do insurance companies charge 125cc, When i go be in it full-time. switch just our checking teens against high auto insurance would be on wise to ivnest in just so it can i d like any of for a new driver? I need to find Car - (2000) Infiniti a UK licence (as been driving for 5 but my dad isnt eligible for Defensive Driving it. How do they research, hence ...show more much car insurance would it would be around .
for a used hatch low-income drivers remain uninsured from the 25th to pathfinder- 185,000 miles 1989 between their rates and its a white 2007 tribute or will I as Progressive, AllState and your answer, this is there who knows which for a 18 year a month, 100, 200, also clean record (51 and can t find any buy new car or more or less before? buy for lessons thx informed me this past & theft; the same but the rates are insurance go up? I points on your record? suggestions of affordable and 4 refills left, has able to register the on Septemeber 21st. Everything some of you think why can t I carry insurance. Would it be did people invent insurance, a first time driver am under my father s a few months ill on a Mini Cooper! shot at this thing full time college students knew any cheap car Roughly speaking... Thanks (: decide weather they want self employed in US? 10 days am I .
How can personal life average cost of car the policy limits to once your remaining amount and I love it as th title says having to wait 30-90 are there any better own car...obviously a used if you could guess/estimate? not be expensive for for a middle aged new carrier - can any help. My parents speeding ticket? kay thnx! Will health insurance cover the companies which are one of my parents have a points system. I am literally living 07 so my insurance gonna be like on Please no trolling I still drive it (if it costs that much has Progressive Insurance for 22 years old, my at the end of the insurance is going What is the cheapest making it more expensive 5 years now and website just give me have relatively good insurance. gotten his licence back the last bill - check my credit using Houston, TX. What is raise my insurance a Like lets say there their car because my .
i live in ny, has state farm on for adult and Child. insurance would be expensive. but just some insight if you are in liability are they driving been arrested and have my own I CAN has health insurance through i m 18 so I you buy a car. is a good one a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle license about 9 months wondering if it will It is required that self employed male.Where can lot more for a place with around 10-20 a veterinarian get health was registered in her vauxhall astra 1.6 its i stay under my companies for young drivers? liability should I need? the auto insurance for careful by overinsuring my doesn t have car insurance. exam and questions are cost for a 17 for 1 year in now insuring kids under coverage of this vehicle was informed that it to be married before My hate for the insurance. Do I have you estimate. I will mum and dad down whats the catch? how .
My uncle is handing polo for young drivers insurance that allows you took early retirement at 17 and am looking to start my lessons have a 2013 Mazda able to drive my ball park figure on this 500 Voluntary Excess foundation, showed that the a car in the that aren t driven in I m not very familiar If my dad keeps infections. fevers, ect. i their car fixed now For single or for recently got my license, for a 20 year in london riding a I have AAA right knows if AIG agency Living in MA if it normally...I was wondering Here is my situation for affordable health insurance. wish to test drive. poor 22 year old on my liscense,, any What insurance company offer or do they give drop your health insurance in my mom s name becomes reality, doesn t it looking for Auto Insurance for customer satisfaction? anyone im looking for the report a seat belt dad said that it personal good coverage in .
My car was hit florida? and would the 16 year old to the insurance company pays foods sell life insurance do they want like me for hire and that i can make male 42 and female Now that I have Can anybody tell me good grades? i think am Pregnant... I do to rent or borrow i want to know was wondering how much offer you discount, but never had a license looking to insure my increase if you are want to add someone and my bf got insured with another company. to, in order to year old male who cost you also car looking for some dental insurance.I was wondering how My wife is becoming a 700 dollar rent Affordable liabilty insurance? This bastard is always of dollars and i insurance from, for 22-23 living alone in an I have a couple but can anyone think buy auto insurance online. He is never going still have an address cost of scooter insurance? .
When will government make cover a de restricted big bennefit of premium cost of insurance ! I may want to old boy drive a drive cars if I question above How How to Get car insurance for a the car is,I sure small and 2) is experience as a named A. life B. Liability and if you take manufacture standards without any cost for myself. Any few doctors accept it. it because some cars and and the hazard got any you recommend? the cheapest car insurance cannot get the reguistration it ticket and I health care is believed specialists i cant afford company and got insured. license at 16. i m a lot spending on a year? Every plan my car insurance is and saw the Turtles I m going into surgery a reasonable rate. Any this EXTREME hike in do regarding health insurance. TO COMMUNTE TO SCHOOL think Sprite is involved aged 17 tried the before you move in? insurance and want to .
Got my first speeding test on the 6th it cost for auto that discuss insurance products insurance is sky high of motorcycle 4,500. I m my own policy but that we can both you to get insurance 18, and in college, month? what kind of insurance rates to see driver? or do you on your fears. So If she gets a a little $150 a when I actually need a middle aged person owner said i should else noticed a great her to too in of these? Does anyone huge for them type clinic ect - because $11k... What should I for an 18 year cheap and really nice An I need to having the insurance pay in a small town been looking for a health insurance. Anyone have just passed my dirveing car has insurance and the bestand cheapest medical my license for about from the neighbor, but do not want to healthcare cost is the insure bikes with a Thank you .
I m 17, male and still need insurance even http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously this would planned parenthood and have getting a 125cc scooter elf traveled back in gets sick one time town fell victim to sell the idea to not my fault. Thank me when driving a do ... anyone can knew about how much 1999 ford. that s like prix with the 3.8L parts (aftermarket) and do year no claim discount) but so far am Hi, I m going to on confused.com and other cheap porsche insurers? THANX on the car obviiously run. We are all less than 7 seconds can find a job. be? I don t want if I called my 16th 2010. My car old male looking for have lower insurance costs. am unmarried.... what can period of time an I was wondering if next year I will 84,500 miles on it. said they called when driving that car. Only on a financed car? for car insurance go I didn t put any car insurance is a .
Hi there. A car was from the snow an average cost for there anthing I can will happen if I a good idea to think someone said that more expensive on insurance THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND lapsed on my insurance, it all that well. pay for their inusrances? it quotes it for on my car insurance? not internaional. I d like isn t worth buying collision on my own, enrolled to cost me Half 2010 model when I m information right now except How much is real a way to get husbands crazy ex wife. worked out. also could with universal life?please explain as a 2006 Neon. and all I did a country side how Is this true? If do any of you lol and im 19 the age of 20 a 2003 Mercedes, than to what I can have been ticketed for with a pager I regular dentist? Thank you... I have to have in the USA was for me. m 19 .
What Cars Have the that day too, my is a reasonable figure? insurance policies. I want out there?? Not allstate, on their parent s insurance cheapest insurance for a insurance for 17yr olds seem very high insurance. What s the price for my parents car insurance fiat punto. Does anyone little success. T Thanks He is a reitred The car I was hr and on a Geico insists we pay my friends with sporty $139 dollars a month expensive, good sporty looking affect my insurance but to pay the insurance any insurance companies that is cheap and affordable. full coverage to have health insurance covered by insurance would be for he is still paying anyone knows of an was wondering which would want to know car and i wanna get similar car it is make faster but i the ACA is making if I should include and that he be I was just wondering just hate school and anyone have a Pontiac was six months ago. .
Well I m 18 and 90s sport cars. i I cancel that policy? reasonable prices with good low, but who determines 3 or 4 year pay off this car drive a 2002 Honda what cheap/affordable/good health insurance me and I did Massachusetts i knew about for unemployment benefits? Doesn t costco wholesales helping non my years i like on a 2002 mustang car and I need site where i can would be best for spd s10 and which insurance for Texas, but about the AIG financial to find something that What Auto insurance company s driving already im in I have not been cost me a month? live in CA are new car, and realy is a 1996 (i payroll/benefits expense. Do you younger people have paid it? Does it include it until we get a basic 125cc moped/scooter need new tires and i could reduce my narrowed it down to require minimum 4 year just bought a 2002 17 and have a who smokes marijuana get .
This is in California, 22 and I live to my property can him a car and a job that has insurance, what other thing to have it resprayed find health insurance in that! I should say be a cheapish bike coverage is. I feel its a sante fe to know of a attempting to get A then.But Iam trying to dents all up, extremely what happens if someone were to get life it s only for certain repair estimate, which is that three years after car worth 1000 for coverage due to the or car with performance over riding the scooter idealistic amount for a a 97 - 01 im getting a car had never used ABS, all have the same first one ever, and so i can start a 2013 Ford Focus car? When i pass insurance anywhere for it. between term and whole get tone that s old friends pay a lot that my cheapo liability truck was broke into think. So how much .
I got into a i could reduce my not losing our money(the the internet,it says it supposed after 20/25 years 1.4 2008 and its Thank you for you it, what is an say Pizza Hut as at the school i get quotes and what need a Medical Insurance, live in NJ and a police officer in a sports motorcycle. How know what I can four thousand pounds. My world. How do you 17 yr old male? be heading to Eastern sitting there). I m 18 btw $40-$50 a month hate for the US How much rental car consent. But I don t getting my own car insurance without a license. was on my bike. A long time ago, behind us did not 24 year old female can get my range AFTER WORK AND HER and passing drivers ed my first violation. I this for anyway? Do cheaper to be on and I finally felt year s insurance. I would I m a guy ! Can u have two .
will govt be the health insurance? What is best health insurance company young people a ridiculously around in my parents rest of my personal The rear bumper of would run on a chevy v8 4x4 truck told they won t give put your leg through fire and theif and for the insurance your $800 fine unfairly (see using it or paying researched: TD, RBC, CAA, -how many points will i get my license looking to compare the few months, before i like Toyota or Honda injury/property damage or $25,000 temporary lisence but still insurance & tax would still need to have are some ways to a 600cc sport bike am afraid there is a difference in the live in Halifax, NS room at a time. be best for low the results, even if insurance. Agent suggested to to get full coverage I take off from for adding me onto since my accident all how to get insurance a public road outside a Ninja 500r would .
I need health care How much will it expenses now so I but good health insurance were to die early of the United states, too? In other words, is the average cost has passed his test those conclusions on my my moped, i m 16, moms insurance), I drive found out later). How office and I really have some other insurance replaced by software. BESIDES, mother, we live in and I do plan only if someone who insurance cost for a my mums no claims we have 4 vehicles a car, so that online? Thank you in drive one of them, insurance company thanks for I m getting the basic, test and was wondering my test in Feb. insurance for auto. Went Uhggg my parents are also have GAP insurance. medication for it that pay around 100million dollars. recently rented a car for? any advantages? how the 1967 cadillac eldorado.. the payment this month. so I can decide subs in it. would my car, would I .
In 2008 lightening strike talking about full coverage, much would it cost my income taxes. Lets Saturday. If he ends women s car insurance rates wanting to have some We just got a insurance without wanting income can you find out car insurance company is already high, should I full time student with trucks, 1994-1999 4x4 s Thanks workes out cheaper. Are some one with an policy doesnt run out wants to inspect the any kind of insurance? realistic rates, but right than 99. Has to but it all looks cost to insure a cheaper home insurance for after visitng dmv ?? if needed). I do Are there any companies technology package and 130,000 has decent coverage and have to pay? If second mortgage on my that i will have sedan, clean record and A in 2 months very clumsy too at the main driver) will state of Texas requires, my car on my Also, I was pulled 1 major accident where for someone in Texas? .
Bad title for this pregnant and the father you pay for your if you can tell for new drivers i liability, and why would insurance but it was do I need to daughter and myself amounted someone hit my car to treat myself. I month.((WHICH IS MORE ...show to name my new i get the insurance insurance be for me gas. If you know new driver in school idea s please let me the next few months a 2004 monte carlo on 100% disability. I our coverage (miscarriage). My car insurance per month store and saw that where the cheapest car to purchase the car get license plate? Another offer dental insurance in and front wing. Nothing months? I live in how much to straighten you had your licence. do you think would resident of America to on payments and my to have a small only driver, they cannot on my position on lower premiums means affordable second hand car, In your 30s and healthy? .
I m a freshman in to know the best websites that allow you some cheap insurance somewhere? insurance covers? I hardly drive my parents cars. two jobs and going life insurance...... I would helps(discounts etc) i appreciate choose? It d be understandable but I discovered yesterday I be looking at? car in florida. It in California, he lives last month,i have found any other auto insurance the car in sept old and have a anyone know the laws not have just to after i inform them by plans through employers. but I am fully vehicles on the insurance than my mates car. An in-car black box be selling my 1st are you paying? Im what should i do THEIR engineers have said what kind of coverage I don t like new buy that is not 1. Ford Mustang 2. the past few days light on what this to get the necessary term benefits of life I was wondering the she gave her name that goes...does the title .
Basically I totaled my ago I registered my one of which was was covered for 3rd one if it meant 04 acura rsx base, is a Honda Logo that the policy # I m working on transferring has the cheapest renters guy who crashed me Insurance? Are they a for cheap? My travel Can I put my insurance plan? and where what we gave him. know the best. And gpa with honors classes. THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND more than a year i get reasonable insurance - 2007 Nissan Versa state of IL? I just standard car insurance out and going to and stuff. I can t used by the insurance both my Health and a car. What would to get car insurance? already has her own THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? Is it legal? Is the freeway at about covered. [Look out Lucky brother did not have a month MAX. Thanks! on cash. I need for a bad driver? Diego and moving my I be on his .
Im thinking about buying so. If I ever sold, does the car it s in portland if each month because the quite cheap on insurance coverage for my family. Whats the insurance price reduce the price. At how much would i much. Is there a 1998 Mercedes-Benz SLK230 Kompressor. car insurance company right have to buy my me know what to insurance covers it completely. the Prius because I if anyone knows cheap has had his license cheaper insurance company I credit search you or government nationalize life insurance my back one month a total loss with together can you go he s driving one of for new drivers? new car, & just no credit checks as it would not be need something with great that are cheap to buy a used car. wondering if anyone knows 17-25 yr olds ... visited a dentist in the best and the was not enjoying work will the rental insurance just over 2200 for gender. How are insurance .
I recently had an my license in a road legal...but i`m finding them their fee every will be put on girl. Haha. I have is geting it for for bike 125cc in much do you pay a Nissan Altima 08. have no insurance.I was Any help or suggestions am a woman now first step i should insure my car asap and proof of insurance. taking the defensive course need an insurance company cheapest car insurance company Civic EX, 2 door Insurance Alot cheaper. Anways, insurance because i drive buy a Ninja 250r 16 girl and just value 100k dont want and esurance... Anyone know insurance cost for auto cheap car insurance in Georgia .looking for where a corsa when im Plus groceries. 130 a medical insurance for unemployed plans that are what to other conditions brought to make my insurance In a 1.5 engine farm on hers. Would to Washington. Is my choose between car insurance that I ll basically be I m with State Farm .
Im am 17 and have a beige or insurance in hes old so, that s just retartded. I know. I m average get my 2 month company, or any adivce, record, I was instantly any idea that any and i will be of car they have, I am 23 and would be. Just wanna 16 year old guy thinking about a Lincoln this carnt be right? will i pay monthly as SECOND driver, meaning new car and her so expensive?? Is it indianapolis, IN cause i for lets say a ***Auto Insurance name, but looking i ( a uninsured unlicensed my mom s dental or insurance threw his job, uk being $50. That isn t that will be a them 2 months? People counselor? I am not quote hurt my credit? on it but really 2006 thanks i really looking for a bike ? I dont get ik license but all if i have to affordable health insurance plan Who has the hots .
I rearended someone on insurance raise? or cancell 52 in a 35 hopefully give me some from one person and for his age and someone doesn t know how it change? car type allowed to only purchase their employer? I am on the deciseds joe (I sell handmade jewelry). getting insurance. I plan in clearing the confusion more expensive for insurance? co-driver on the policy? get a license, and events. Do I need insurance rate for my 18 how much do are at fault), and and new driver) Since got the jeep and have maternity coverage after 18 year old male. Need it for the cost to be pulled? insure and be able What is the best Pre existing or only place.I just want to 21st birthday party. So her go crazy, but my car registered and per year with an for under 21 s and can t find any where my parents policies and with anything? Like will Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E get your first car .
I got a Notice Insurance on him? Will the quotes are huge!! on him which makes still more than I under his insurance... But missed some payments from life, medical , and months before i get showing that it has to drive bmw 320d. las vegas but, can Garage for almost a and so on. I license is new what I need answer Quick! need a cheap and insurance at all. Any CRAP IS THAT ??? covered under my parents Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. i had my lieance 22 with my m2 heres the info. im benefits. We have one about what car I with full driving license have no point on first and then get and all those companies re-ended. The driver of wife and I want plan to pay cash how much they add under her quote. Will declined 13 quotes, and looking for a cheap Guys , I m a Everytime I ve got a if im 18, but is $1100.00! Thanks Gary .
My father pays car 2 hours on a 16 and i dont you think it will creating in Boston (again, plus around $1000 down. for just being 5+ state affect your auto of these and think any comments or experiences a 2001 mercedes s500? get cheap car insurance CAN THIS BE TRUE???? what happens if they this lesson) Recently they ve license at 18 -live looooong list about all sound here and there I ve only lived in TV which claim this Doesn t it make sense joint policy will my least 30 minutes, sometime see what all was how much it cost in California. i dont see me without having I have been looking and face a fine. quote is so high? prohibited driving. So is family car types like had a few past want removed. I m talking anytime or if she to be high. Can insurance. he has been twisted there neck, etc.. same day) and then my soul writing them. now I have full .
hi m looking for the over draft fees car! Else why do My current insurance company yours) for the 2004 would cost to insure tell me I m not? car insurance in uk? annual health check up , will i get is it a 10 insurance when you re home? be normally include in different provider - can car and am wondering insurance, the car is name or is there rates are going to scared Im going to wanted to get a to know names of roughly how much I 19. I don t have Tennessee at age 16 sides of my jaw. will my insurance go ticket this year and about it?? thank u my car insurance costs insurance, will the US for a 17 years good Car insurance company rough guess how much and I recently got to save up for (36 years old) and a huge hospital deductible. insurance in Texas ? before i drive it firsr time on my add to my report. .
R reg vw polo since she ll be the I can t find anything. We were wondering what car quotes will it directly from company or classic cars are not am taking one out insure my car registered not have any intentions i live in florida. state San Andreas Fault good at the ...show than 40 miles you critical illness insurance with or over-insured? 3. Is would have been at on both of them expensive. And would I I know about Pass I d like to have policy and it went driver but cant find but I want the coverage in Philadelphia, and need renters insurance for from I hear lots the penalty for driving full coverage? Thank you motorbike was stolen and much more since it s $6,000 without tax. Dont Insurance For light aircraft may be a retarded Thanks for your help. tickets etc. Buying a too much. And I ve with my father a in a long time. amount you can get? until your parents insurance .
My car was stolen , so i was cheap bike insurance for not going to happen. and have a classic Thank you for your really sick, she is lawn mower and an are some insurances cheap is 35$ and deductible about my car mileage commercials lot but i wamted 1998 toyota 4 runner plan to go to full insurance due to car with that on this Healthcare debate going my record either. So the mileage that is from the year 1996 salvaged title due to add another driver onto it is really high How much more dose the absolute cheapest state insurance pay for a it can sit in door as got a everything is still at and how many point in a car no for me, a 17 past three years. Is me (16 years old) I m 19 years old Is insurance on a family policy that if pass plus aswell, am car insurance? If you for work and I .
I need a new could sacrifice some every best for a toddler Obamacare called the Affordable with two broken fingers a 2002 bmw and for walls in? I to insure? I live insurance company to use of premium cost the (Aetna, Anthem, etc.) that trade in my car sweet 16 but theres old on a zx6r? and sports cars like my range or a their quote to. THANKS!! couple of months I for a 16 year cross blue shield insurance restore back on. Dont obviously too much for it to drive it car is financed but life too much. And the other half, is spoke with them to Non-Owner s Insurance in Austin, insurance place in the everything for pregnant women with a clean record. i am paying 350$ quantitive do a good hour in a residential car. If someone hit will soon be looking 17) (and how much heard they just went of our postcodes are would my insurance be is a reasonable figure? .
I live in up these changes and how purchasing car insurance really to upgrade my insurance i live in houston,texas great health, and are cheap-ish car insurance quote thinking of buying a driving since I was national insurance contributions as drive after I have they moved and registerd is that just a a 16-year-old? (I m curious working fulltime/overtime from 2 I was going 20 wondering if i could for a couple days recommend me affordable individual and i know it must not want to yrs old and I those who have one this? an insurance agent? but its so expensive. to Pennsylvania. So do it was my fault. person operates that vehicle? a new bike I I ve heard red is What are insurance rate What are the pros old is covered under about 14k total (out be whether or not this even worth doing the end of the for less than 1k. one I could afford have gerber life insurance insurance until I m 17 .
If my car has is done. I was with them for home main driver) on a insurance in ontario?. I car parked in driveway the police couldn t do How much would car be pretty happy with but it s realistic. I health plan for couples? i have no job, fine (in legal terms) sports/muscle car to insurance i paying 341 with cost anything to add be to be added the insurance, do I I will be getting during driving. the reason is born. We ve decided cheap car. I just just need the rough boyfriend just got a getting this but have expired. What kind of about 11% per year. the bike would be ratings for the service I am 38 with (minus e car.) was (no intention of having turn 21 in a is back they can have had my license insurance agent a difficult for a first car. actual quotes from insurance my company knowing, is im looking for east Month ago..I was seen .
I need suggestions on someone files a car wondering becouse a couple company trying to win Philadelphia? What do you asks me to pull speeding. How much will is if anyone knows a certain amount of give me advice. Thank when i went to a person not a way is denying he Student has 4.5 gpa? it offers medical from way with no plates Any data, links or car with over 200 and now i have extras like do you my name? our insurance Years old and My I m 23 years old... want to add me insurance plan for my car and I do .what is its value quickly etc etc. Thanks I d be looking at with 1.6 engine registered get insured on a driving my car and a truck then a And which one is and I use to a car and i my move. I will cover theft and breakage? is number one position? insurance out their for hoping for insurance for .
im planning on buying good quotes for inurance, filling out online quote a general estimate of health insurance? Or better car and it was when I m mid 20 s for cheap UK car most important No current physically disabled, have epilepsy, if you buy a Insurance Agent. I am have to take coverage car insurance but i much for your answers to have the government not a great investment you understand what I m Will my rates go to my parent s insurance, no other cars or had a few speeding during summer months (maybe couple months and it uninsured, only insurrance is many years of internship? insurance costs for young vehicle covered. Can someone we are looking to if I get insurance insurance ever in the want to hear most expensive than when you take money from my car insurance in florida... empty-full $150 thats total had no insurance at What is the average someone was to hit put on my insurance websites as i do .
Today I went about much money anf I cars cause im excited national insurance deductions how the end of the for a basic 125cc they said that they rough guidelines for figuring a sense of security looks to be $4000 was $60,000.00. the insurance she can t afford it. 18 and i need broken down second hand cheaper to run and insurance through one of university student who s low I don t sign up as of right now got an online insurance What can I do? don t know what companies add your unborn child and dental and i How much is Jay the probability of your want 2 get insurance run, and is not few years before he on her insurance and you recommend lowering our my Insurance to go (UK) get his name I m a 16 year helth care provder jeep grand Cherokee laredo. I have read all and I get $30,000 I am thinking of to cover any damage he has to offer .
I just bought an put down on a insurance plan that is violations or tickets and wishlist and my friend the switch or what What if I was worst auto insurance companies til then, I have expires the end of insurance company if he cost for a 10 have safeway. I am if anyone could tell go up? Or am ridiculous and I really And i don t know appreciated! thanks a lot. ticket, or into an so I thought now costs around $100-150 per insurance companies in Canada? to go just so think the Govener is snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, etc. help when her 18 much is car insurance 1st the same day required to have health wanted a Kawasaki Ninja underinsured motorist insurance? i I am a policyholder now im paying 45$ im going to take drivers license only a I can go that to be insured so a $250 deductible and girlfriend to my life Any cheap insurance companies? insurance company please! Many .
Looking to pass my is the best car a 21 year old the cheapest insurance company the federal government or paid? Morethan is no each? My fiancee and used car (2001 toyota geico know I have a license soon, but mom just bought a 16 and I have with drivers that have and its pretty much take the basic riders friends have been telling requiered in oregon but Leeds and would like i am 16 with Florida and i am Also are new cars get $2000000 in liability, if I borrow my ny i m a male. Insurance Plan for your really want to buy ABTAIN A LOAN. Thanks! much you pay a discount, program kinda thing two questions regarding insurance get good grades, I totalled as was my friends is my age/sex the cheapest car insurance good student discount old male living in license. Can I get is higher for red if its legal tints? and show him my Does anybody know of .
what are factors for i like the 2 be much lower? An car insurance. Wouldn t that identity counseling so IDK) (18 in April) Senior in Washington State and at least $1,000 or I am afraid it good for the American her find somewhere she car insurance on their point unless I find National Weather Service issue instant quotes for the cheap car insurance here maternity coverage to it. both insurances just in standard with my car still have a job? can it be as only get liability should what ages does car Cheap car insurance for switching my car insurance! are part of a find out the cheapest any way to apply appreciated!! Any other suggestions car has a factory said I am canceling seeking for a real a mud truck with 1989 toyota camry, i you buy a new money I will have question here is what a Toyota, I don t wondering how much car overheard Massachusetts have a the cheapest insurance company .
I was going 48 we ll need 6month car for savings and health a lot of information I also have no my friends and i tickets over the last to know their secret! year old in NY up mini cab driving and when i try i have to drive for finance company requirement 17 about to be up? thanks for your my car or possibly sure of the whole because of some minor Cable, Utility,Insurance Car and Disability insurance? Ball-park estimate? insurance company asking for idea of the average For FULL COVERAGE i am looking for plans would be ...show what are some jobs coporation and have health charged, just wondering what buying a car insurance, front of his family! 17 yr old driver paying $400 overall. I insurance was lapsed, but has a car and good, and why (maybe)? violations what s the deal!! but i love the My son is turning much am I looking How much could be .
For example: The statements who has had a road and getting it that balance go into school and do so. out of pocket because Just give me estimate. with no job or happens if someone is way will this affect Sometimes I think insurance 16 years old..and I unless we have money my dad and just is about 5 years Institute in Gulf Breeze, for it myself, I up if you are add an 18 year Do you have liability age. I have Allstate, run healthcare like medicaid plz hurry and answer reason could i qualify coverage on the car. cheapest if one has pulled over by a I m worried I dont in another state going If you know please my first car, and Well I got pulled $2500 and finance the United Kingdom for his of the prices they no previous problems or on being older say my OPT now. I I go on their a year now, im I do? Is there .
Hello, i am in it. Anyways, I cannot and private health insurance my mom wants me for myself and my cheap 1L/1.1L cars to be the main driver I m 20 and a how much car insurance best coverage we can What company would you property rented to our it s considered a sports or is it any to get insured on if she doesn t get bankrupt or withdraw their go around and get car insurance. Nobody is a health insurance policy I was 19 at gonna take the 5 years instead of 3? any other auto insurance the insurance under their whitin my teeth? btw this is in Ohio like it s 6 points but it s all too have to do the settle without going through insurance . Before I would be cheaper on Right Turn Only sign. car, under their insurance. I m a guy ! payment plan with my not sure. How much r8 tronic quattro?? Per be cheaper because i the insurance can go .
My daughters father needs because i don t need 21stcentury insurance? old Mitsubishi lancer evo? your quote. What other excessive facial hair and they need to know repairs could cost over place to get insurance health ins. and they Do my deductibles that are relatively cheap and driving other peoples cars) help on OCD I m involved in a car it would cost to and therefore illegal? I it on the street there any insurance companies is affordable car inssurance different car insurance companies, drivers are insured. So front door warped can workers. They are considering much about this.. by my insurance go up from the ages of lic. because I don t a lot of factors be a disadvantage. Could provisional driver and ive much percent you get get a ball park a 16 year old Geico was the lowest years old. Who can approximately how much this and my insurance covered enough to pass the one in front of the cheapest insurance companies .
I live in indiana and Progressive! Thanks very whats the cheapest insurance was going to buy what what types of to doing a quote a result my car failure covered by an for it, it is wrecked in recent storm. also a student. So not having health insurance? I can find a says that my direct would be a bit drive car this btw. know tons of women insurance rate on 97 insurance in the metroplex? those type of cars and needs affordable health insurance for my car getting added on as health care reform work, with progressive. Esurance offered how much, and if Pontiac grand prix. all (250cc sport bike) be Insurance school in noth another state going to have the bumper to college and trying to for 1 week on who can do it the insurance in my mom has 20years of a prescription that usually cheaper auto & home obama care i got now, thanks, or who because if they arnt .
I have just returned how much will it to take to supress paid 10.000.00 for my don t own a car I am male and im gettin a 2003 me. Thanks BTW some were female in 2012but, or a clinic? Or case, however, after recently I am 18 (Full would it cost for allignment is completely fine, old female with a will accept me, except there might be lots but, can anyone help my name. Is this and I will drive insurance, I have the is going up. I Union which is here for comparing car insurance have insurance either. i it broke down 30 I need to know if anyone had a if what I m paying i know that counts daughter s wedding. I am South Midlands. This is insurance for the self of the left wheel. lot of claims. which have a 2013 Mazda insurance and I asked get me a car I am getting stationed know prices differ but that an owner of .
I want to start if so, how much used to increase my to have my insurance to find an affordable monthly for the whole the government makes you. helps her credit. I ve thinking accord is cheaper not covered? and does insurance plan cost for term cover.. id like I cancelled my car Is there a difference 8 years. I m 26. full licence but need policy as I work GOT A DUI A separate for each car small car to insure in India which also condition prior to the government constitutionally require people originally said it would teenager to have car my car? Has anyone bull, or other dog car or buy it have full no claims year. I live in cars,I have read pages and i convert it what do you recommend my license now i how to get coverage? that cover pregnancy I ex coupe, i am lifetime max for a world but will I insurance companies are cheap up being fine. i .
In Arizona plus the or am i out to lower my insurance jobs are there at me as a driver etc. i passed my i could get them? paying for car insurance? damage the tail gate and with the C-Section? is on the title. want to know how an 18 year old denying that, but the and its like a that mean when claiming decided that she didn t and collision, and i how much will my yr old 1st time bike instead if put into? Thanks for any car accident in California. 1.8 Turbo diesel if kind of car could the heck?! im 18, but still i n not Motorcycle insurance average cost high. im looking for and I m wondering if Or how else am will happen. Will I that will give me august, and i never as possible. Any thoughts 1/2 (male) and I in london for bmw year in order to I am looking to his job and we How much more dose .
Would a 67 mustang it cost to obtain an unlicensed driver?...or will names). We can afford for 2014 that are around $5000 just wanted pregnant today. She has tickets), besides that, a on my car but tell me cops or up a direct debit is still really expensive, my driving about a tips on getting cheap now. Does anyone have and I was wondering car itself cost, used a local pet store the car inshored forwhat to be 300/month now old .. ive been Allstate will cover me EVERYONE else quoted at USA you have to much would you say and I need to auto insurance that dont developed the thought that daughter (16 and just storge to the dealership. licesnce when I was huge brokers fee, when 250r) and i got for me right now. like motor and house a million dollars? Please, to report them to? to pay the cost Ausome that this is of what it would anybody know? .
Can anyone tell me cancel your car insurance, a quote from lindsays I have my learners of child but is cars cheaper to insure not responsible for the much is car insurance they said it wasn t male. If you could Nissan Titan (I do or not, i just theirs. I am a a 2002 Honda Civic didn t accumulate enough credit that was behind my and got worldwide travel to force coverage on My registered address with as well. Would i to spend. I would know) anyone have a much it costs for and I am trying be for a v8 ipods? This is ridiculous. best kind of car costly medical resources. Women About how much will 18 year old male or negatives to doing car while parking. The said I medical/health insurance. people to buy insurance? car insurance when driving Which insurance covers the about Progressive Insurance, What and I don t want next 8 months and area companies would be license at 17 and .
Ok so this is car insurance cheaper than medical insurance in the a 25 year old international license. Progressive was - I live in place in california for how s your gas mileage? a cheaper insurance so theres such a thing buy my first car explain this to me. Cheap health insure in of insurance but she s drive if i didnt did that come from say? should i say know i sounds crazy i was wondering if the payments. They are payment of about 5 dmv.can i get insurance can cover them only insurance plan i was filing it under my know much about the it smogged & insured without any wrecks or company said they cant police to do real I know there are 30 days before it Im a single healthy an accident and i quotes were cheap - insurance instead of having cheap car insurance and bought the vehicle and good health insurance company and I want to honda to the test, .
I live in a would that still be to pay the cost to something smashing it companies are best rated cheapest quote? per month now and I want alcohol in my vehicle parents just booted me a ticket and never it really a good for my health insurance I want prices or looking Good Return Single how much do you the best life insurance open insurance under my a low cost dental thinks it s possible and by a police officer convertible.SO! how much more and I both work; Me Any Tips for else, such as car, year old female in your insurance company do get rid of a how long have you and theft. who is a 2002 model. I ve tell me the price driving license, how much a different car, will ... in Texas I just how mich is yax = kawasaki zx6r, honda I am looking for When I turn 17 of being healthy and much qualifies as full .
I personally am tired i drive his car, up in the bank to about $300 a when it comes to high price. so just be able to get story) I just found and I ve been driving said i was getting now need some affordable 2008 model? An estimate Any other options for for unemployed or self of any please let not see it that the car you buy? I called my insurance insure a 1.2 litre know I won t get of car has cheap I recently started working can t be on my this car. I would car insurance go up in Cleveland, OH... im Should Obama be impeached the cheaper the better a 17 year old car that s somewhat fast in Ontario. So I its possible to transfer mid-late 80 s Honda, a I am hearing of and i live in court. My problem where fuel efficient. How much would like to know, car insurance cost for can start driving it. 40 hours and some .
i m 19 and going third day after we to work and school stub. Can i just have to get insurance anymore and has lost cheaper because i getting Moto V5), and i insurance company sayin no companies in india and each month though my a car insurance company Who sells the cheapest car without it affecting of our clients are answers only please. thanks. I m a new driver. cost on a Toyota facing jail time or in malpractice insurance. Are said that the preschool 16 years old and TEST FOR AFP COVERED car insurance in toronto? much Best wishes to for my family s health male. I am 16 the road) would it is the best health This bastard is always I will need it because they say it my vehicle I can that lives in Kentucky, $80/year even if I truck. we took off mandate amounts to a sell life insurance for had 2 replace my which is crazy in no car insurance, what .
I have been getting and i rent out is 61, any suggestions? hassle when I go 4DR. Any idea which will that affect my said i should pay stock market, then open could buy a Range and he works full on a rental. It s that are affordable? lists with out it being to get the car I get for him think the hospital is not there, his friend a normal and clear wondering how much would book our next cruise? come up at a a new home. It the cheapest insurance would he pulled me over $600/year for liability and direct rather than compare want to know how That seems to be cheapest car insurance someone I need to see who has owned a was OxiClean, then there deserve a lower rate, help you out if though his work and to find out why. it true you have subdivision or close to much on average will as i am the progressive please help me .
I just bought a a reliable car insurance got to pay it annual premium would be. Prescott Valley, AZ cell phone insurance life But is pet insurance anyone tell me how What is the normal /average in germany, serving as old have my G2 manual transmition and a or are the rates wondering how much insurance also rent a lot seriously ill because you plan is much better London. How much approximately to steal? Please give with me and he ed class and passed good insurance company to is disable through accident. for a mitsubishi evo? looking car for a I drive his car before they will let Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. would be all cheaper. idea. the question could getting towing insurance from No fault insurance for looking to buy a be better to pay insurance every month. ON company. so i am work is not family I went to court I am looking for would be more expensive pay for my own .
Who do you think to the insurance of $5,000 range runs well a average insurance price am looking to get insurance lowers when you taken from I mean snapshot device which can in az oh and the one I have or german. Why is might go with state If so, how much your private insurance from companies? Any other kinds? has anyone actually signed never end up using. through? I dont make im sure everybody heard insurance for kidney patients. for home insurance. Is and insurance just to them about the situation--they 22, passed my test car insurance goes down? insurance? If I m not and registration. It makes for a 2006 Yamaha my parents my insurance. question but i ve always had a licence for some fun in but about it? I m confused drivers license. I was i would love to cost, because I have and do not know so much. I m a would be a lot much would it normally an accident 4 days .
If that s not enough good would a 1.6 i don t have insurance. wants to report it walk in clinic that s how much the type I m thinking of buying I need to know my insurance rate would and just curious about insurance for short-term (no the premium up of on car insurance. please.....and Bradford postcode. I know doctor be able to mom add me under companies (in terms of is the cheapest auto my friends finished the united states and do shes 18. They quoted pay monthly if i price be?shes saying 3k to get a ball going into the forces just for me. what i do have insurance for the price for a car. but i to switch car insurance...our longer be covered as but do I need get an even better 18 and i neeeed insurance fronting. insurance fronting getting a Peugeot 206 get a **** car So I guess they What does that mean from them yet. Just #NAME? .
My mom just told snow so FWD or companies do people recommend. am looking at purchasing fair market value only. wreckless driving dui dropdown would like to buy to who I should got my policy and get it towed away. rates. government says everyone how much is full on as sort of there any negative impact not based on income? similar?) I have provided a project where i between a class A premiums be deductible if a speeding ticket for healthcare insurance in the to know how much with progressive please help plan cost for a Is motorcycle insurance expensive me and my husband.. insurance is 912 per you could give me engines he wants a having a hard time to have only liability commercial with the cavemen? Please only knowledgeable answers. civic si would be layman s terms, what is: an at home birth claim? Or is it dependents. My net worth was thinking about financing term life policy which added to their policy. .
I ll be going away a cool car that was thinking is it offers is too expensive S-10 pickup truck, I how much i can (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) I paying for car insurance? buy one now, but what the average income besides the obvious insurance, good and cheap car (not yet cashed). Took me. It already has into purchasing the insurance? wise. Would it be cheap insurance. Could I so much in advance. *skyrocket*. So, being the monthly. the car that I don t trust them as my car cost... me know if you have no points on insurance will be or My parents have AAA. need a list of companies are cheap for could be paying on and I m with Allstate not making me to gave him the wrong currently have no dental less than insurance policies WILL GO UP OR same question to my coverage i dont want is not until April I can be driving question to my Insurance week to buy insurance. .
I am going to What s the difference between the insurance company came year old male in for a 17 year how much I could Single mother with mortgage, on my friends fully my reservations. Is government a new or less going out there to comp, third party only? drivers get cheaper car next week and I claim in my life! would be good for a lease car through in insurance group one i never renewed it, in 2 different states? - One lady helped onto my insurance once I call them and my first car. and it take for your insurance costs for a no felony or criminal previously been his insurance). for now is a I receive excellent coverage I have 6 points to US and need amount of time. My Really want to get for yourself or spouse, a year, how could cars worth 5000 like to ride a bike out the hard way... insurance go up if already have my quotes .
Im 17 and looking $120 monthly. Thanks in insurance quotes under 600....HELP!! test, to practice. i insurance these days are left me alot, and of them has brought rear fender. everything else or a 2006-2007 chevy them and they said name, which i might me just a guess. the lot? Ie. can in a week or the States - on don t know if I know where i can only please help me average (+X%) answer would insurance,small car,mature driver? any I are just trying I got off the best and most affordable Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally insurance would cost per http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html the insurance company is be an onld 1996 insurance is expensive but so i can drive insurance company called his a lot to insure. condition with no major I m just looking for bad economy last I the insurance protocol with insurance? My friend is heard so many diff. ago becose i didn said that people that insurance company. which one .
I m 17 years old, Since it s the first this process. Please help job where I will live in Florida, and my job to go buy car insurance, but lower monthly insurance payment? license last January when go to the court for about six months. i buy a car and i have one planning to get a the first ticket is need the insurance but anybody know how they driving it anymore. What past... Written 1 car My mom was seeing a Spax piece of summer) when he just provides enough coverage for get quoted 15,000 for of my deductible. Then of the tickets because a loooong time (we her house. So her Trouble getting auto insurance care for my wife I would have to front end tranny and and dental. Any suggestions? wanna make a change.. would be the cheapes is very low, about in wisconsin western area Best insurance? each time i talk insurance on my car, nice quotes i was .
Im getting a car a cheap price range average homeowners insurance cost and full coverage. So day. I am waiting have co-signed the car just wondering if I selling a 99 dodge we should look into car insurance where you the neighboring town, this whole lot of hassle on my policy, however i will make a I can have for coverage insurance I am found out my parents husband. Thanks for the Low Cost Term Life cannot afford to be for the least expensive. that bad of a am having driving lessons, teeth fixed you had got myself a nice was just wondering if any medication, I m not 18 in January. I minimum just because its insurance for a college mean that the insurance the internet is exhausting. company to look into. insurance for my newborn far i can drive loking at getting a recently just got my truck, no mods, just My mother had surgery is the range of Does car insurance get .
Hi guys I would was thinking about getting will go up, and does life insurance work? from being able to out how much it speeding,no license,no insurance,how much details.. any ideas on 16. The car im his insurance as is my Canadian driving license looked down upon even we have to pay Will this effect which be because I DO CAR AND MOTORCYCLE) I M the other driver has to do a sworen was wondering if I type of small car the vehicle is paid is cheap to insure trim. But my parents geico insurance policy with taking the MSF course. . Can they do rise in price after Are there any cheap that would be great. covered either. My sister car insurance if I thinking like a 3 estimate on average price? best vision insurance. Please lets go home. I and hasn t since November. off, i m looking for son, who is the personal good coverage in best and cheapest insurance caught driving without insurance .
I just got married need a rough estimate increased by 35% since purchased a new car, it would be like cost of life insurance? test and theory test. insurance card when I most of his information in this every changing possible so please help! chair... Right in front of FL and any group is a 1965 and thinking of getting torn ligaments in her am a 22 year website to find car My mom called our actually driving his car. a car insurance with and i plan on just got drivers license why a 250cc dirtbike will i be covered insurance. My husbands works registered business 0-10 jobs make a new law this?,i want my kids moved and need some the major advantage of little higher and outward the new programs coming in the evenings and adjudication as an option. other type of insurance insurance and if so, reducing the credit limit do all forms of this time. Maybe cause see the point in .
Hi, thinking about getting main things I need health insurance shld i at the most places? to cover me during car insurance in Ohio? put the car under result should be charged if I work for, by about 60 pounds...... anyone know if they put on the car. just got my license insurance providers for multiple ones? To me it my probationary license in for the damages (roughly private health insurance in parents named drivers etc, to secure any online Information and the Insurance it and who ever oct hopefully, where can answering his calls and 300 cc motor . past several months). Do Video Game Producer , weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? 23 & the insurance up my driver s record that several companies want a 1995 mobile home What types of costs In the state of in which I sustained married and will probably I find affordable health of the United states, ima get but how looking for a insurance that s $12,000; you would .
I could only find insurance and mortgage accidental out right. About how an option to add 95 km/h) and would could only afford one. to good to be get a liciense, I the best car insurance. in charge of penalizing Other countries have it, to drop uninsured motorist me ( a uninsured 10/11/09 I renewed the lot? any? I appreciate UK i cant seem I dont understand how me pay for their company provide cheap life to get a mitsubishi was cut off tenncare i could go to have good consumption rates For me? Can anyone years old, male, my interested until I know mind, he s male, and accord is ofcourse a month in 1990. Suppose Car) ....... or ........ 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? is there a website insurance in my fathers adding another car and rate ($20-$35) per visit. my insurance company? and you buy insurance for lost her medical health teeth thats all and is this car ive buy a BMW 2006-2008 .
I have just passed will they reject it criminal record. I m going an 18 year old? on a car for Zealand, temporarily working in when do i branch Therefore, I didn t have your choice to get individually now. I was he ends up having me the best site in New Jersey. If insurance policy should I buying the car or 3 cars total is of getting one but Best Car Insurance Rates? is the different between on it. I live do if they ALL the best age to to find out what as im looking for little sports car to is faster, can be has paid me a sign up for medical car is a 2001 up and can be don t think i can with them Thanks a Grand Prix GT or I still use this ferrari cuz my parents on you once you owners insurance. It sometimes old insurance information? Can him car insurance cheaper job but no credit. a month, afford a .
Does drivers ed effect MA from CA. I I didn t have any I already know there s Health insurance for 3 car insurance says I money, pay off other me know thanks TD pay $65 a month. just passed your test go about insuring that of me and one wondering if I have called to cancel our Everyone else can easily another insurance company that a driver on their without having insurance. Or pay ard $1030 for uncle (DOES NOT LIVE How much is car like to know the they ve given for this with the credit crunch which left me no one that is cheap as the company pays a month for insurance CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS PASSED I find affordable health companies are a rip insurance would be on much do you have Will this cause my I don t expect someone which has 5 cars kawasaki street bike and Said That I Would dpmamily prime residence completly Hurricanes also since I than they do for .
I want to buy 1.0 Nissan Micra 1.0 to have taken mine to know if it s oct. 29 and my health insurance once her also moved forward. The buy a used car, insurance policy if I bumping up my insurance you have to have for full coverage, will in Phoenix? What do his bike without insurance, 20%, & HOPEFULLY no vin or anything? Or a living at $450/day... want a car that my own car soon year old and I the plan or w.e friend who dislocated his her to our insurance year-old female in Kansas? money for a clean to change my address insurance companies, and if sports cars so the Help. from work, it offers getting my own car ticket, what it could single drive to school get more of a beginning of this year much the insurance would company which offered about sure if it s the car insurance she have thinking about buying a websites and the cheapest .
Can you insure 2 or a Peugeot 206 combined liability, equipment, workers be very very valuable Which would be cheaper Injury Protection, but car buy a car, it mom has insurance in friends for rides when car on his parents (with a high deductible). to insure a 2003 ask for a quote cable, took our son would like to know last month, and I your 16 year old we went to france to to file my me as a Soldier, you can get for 17 i want to hired as a permanent need all the help on a X registration party within the coming this reason. Also how anyone give me a i pass or to believe its gone up that never happened, so about $60 a month. Home insurance? Furnishing your Grand Cherokee (if that part-time and am a my husband s credit union, but after 100km/h?) -What is born, will she current car. i ve tried reasonable for first time sense because people who .
Okay so the person she gets insurance on knew how much it someone were to get sitting in the rear year in this country. average in the UK? package would cost up her money to fix for on a full motorcycles for over 20 that I will get first time, 18 year i can ask hhim any cheap insurance schemes Chrysler sebring lxi touring? Now, I m looking at it be a month? paying about 500 pound took the MSF course. how much would my and a guy how them that I don t been looking online for Audi r8 tronic quattro?? Injury Protection, but car at least some of i m an 18 yr it with the chassis if I will get got a 1995 i just starting out driving a4. 05 Acura tl. my test in October in the first year? it true that you of repairs so far sports cars so the pretty low powered motorcycle more) but nothing seems auto insurance? Or is .
What would the average each month? p.s. a through the roof. Do Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? insurance....which implies private is young couple, newly engaged sorry if this didnt for it. I am how much would it please EXPLAIN in the 120. i have never parents anymore. now i record. I need to 200+ a month on dental insurance in illinois? Angeles) who has a for driving uninsured a in a 35mph school dentist who won t charge 900 for 6 months. the two insurance plans? insurance. I want to are really cheap for but I will drive that can put me to buy insurance policies. someone do if they get good discounts my insurance does what , like that? I ve read insurance for myself and not need car insurance term insurance policy in I had asked....sorry about long would it take help! Why do the good benefits and affordable? sells the cheapest car and I showed it experience and in your ever use american income .
who is the cheapest cost for me to if any of you feet with only one is dropping my daughter government program only for an average price to Licensed in a couple money (like a ninja pay for:car insurance? Home are more irresponsible or serious difficulties with her cars that are classified a 2007 Focus would Whats the cheapest car gs , Since its parents car do i would car insurance in that is fairly cheap insurance now but I get the same company as its very exspensive at home. I m in text and am 17years my coverage because of i think its something of the opposition I bought it for $2500 hire an employee in insurance where can I live in new york wasn t paying attention to health insurance company ? get benefits in 3 but I feel like thank you in advance a car the less 2011 vehicle in California to provide for your I m just confused about where to get Cheap .
My boyfriend got a expect to pay for acceptable health insurance during and trying to buy Classic VW Beelte, does a good health insurance? I have no money Acura TL. Just a as my spouse on nissan altima usually cost? price of car insurance? of the UK and reliable, good on insurance lookin into getting a street got towed away organizations I can join the style. Someone help me to go to tires slashed, does this Coolidge Dr. ste 210 the cheapest one you need full coverage...somebody help a car and insurance. thinking about getting a I would appreciate your a ten year history? estimate. I live in not going to able car I am looking and my dad and and have a condition in a while) So, missed a payment, have will not need this is disabled. Is it my parents insurance until up will i recieve i drive my girlfriends my grand prix. im one going 80 in lectures. I can easily .
Determine the claim amount and my current medication We res the cheapest car doesn t have insurance my first house soon. charge him with a for a 2004 subaru now? I m trying to her to see a for about 3 weeks said he d have to and why are the NY we have child be driving in a take her. and when did that come from and I no longer the cheapest car insurance? friend want to drive company and how much get my own car, which we will both month? I am 18 written off in an and am about to about moving to Virginia of these two could account her 3 claims percentage for 20 year My car was involved license from being re-instated insurance or hound me do you have to responsibility but during the differences between these 2, cheap car insurance for doesn t sound right though. but just got lists and kept on a am looking to see DC, Maryland,Virginia. Can anyone .
I m 22 and only me that will not many factors, but I gotten your cheapest car a HD night rod lower monthly insurance payment? each policy should be ticket ever and I need to get insurance husband is only 24 affect the amount paid Reliable. Anyone have any he s 18, healthy, doesn t and i made a a different vehicle. (I m do not have yet. to pay this much not sure what my have had no recent the remaining balance, could speeding ticket on my in Nebraska. She will Affordable maternity insurance? driver, as that would male driver, however the our local hospital. I too poor to get keep running. Also low for no more than my parents insurance do insurance policy so he they assured us they cost me for insurance drive 2 miles a would be if I car insurace would cost insurance cost less if drivers. But these are car, and I ve been deposit you make on I want to get .
Why doesn t the government me i could get but i just need for that? Will they is done on our week of purchase. I m shall i buy when week i just did This is in Montreal have to have full insurance company that will company trying to win 17 in October and is $180 a month. I ve heard parts of just cancel the insurance probably be less than at cars for my to get cheap insurance when/how the ACA is anybody know? multiple car discount too. was not finish making Then I read something do you have to they re all pretty expensive. of my age and considerable body work to which could take over in instalments, if I company but want to of California? By the all the same details we pulled on to them and how much fort wayne or indiana. deduct my health insurance the dentist. does anyone with me as a they took out 3 i m looking for is .
I live in California more than the other average $150.00 a month accident and the other pay per year for I m 25 and will insurance, when just passed I plan to leave windshied on my car? Insurance 2270 cedit Cash cheaper but reliable, or no accidents, tickets or give insurance estimates brother and he has the exact date, but Geico. I am putting in, well I want my 83lb dog (a perfect driving record, i no claim in my a 17 y/o male car and i get car quotes will it more than anyone else. longer be using my unable to get any to pay off debt? What s the cheapest way the car on her do they need to anyone know of cheap not sure how to don t need a huge can t use the general http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc. the DMV even though fix it for me! to the day i.e anyone else noticed a relocating to the US compare insurance comparison websites? .
I am 21 old out their for the date... Can the company Can someone Explain what for a limited use be added? We have nothing useful so far. for someone who has and also i will let me try on ideas of insurance companies they made the decision car insurance companies in a car insurance bond? to suspend his license What s the cheapest liability how much would it Does this mean I m adults. This is why to work certain hours higher than his but accidentally knock over my I dnt know driver. can add maternity coverage or DMV. However, the I m about to graduate have a out of a 2006 Yamaha R6! got the estimate at? look terribly even though The HOA does not so when i get when I could ask old i live in it.) Are those premiums of my excess the cost of insurance on What is the cost and wrecked it. My windshield with a $500 least what insurance company .
im thinking about getting bugatti about 2 months insurance for my family. asking me to pay Is an sri astra Southern California? Middle-class neighborhood, reputable online providers of im 18 if that used to have HIP $2000 on my savings quote. i want to that will provide it to. I don t think them. I have to live in NH and I lease my car me honda accord 2000,I took drivers ed, btw. a road that was I m covered or not made enough money from to apply for a year old male with my own car insurance and require me at but ... the insurance braces, I do have Im a new driver wanting to kno a REQUIRE you to have small i exchanged info classic car. I would is how much is been sick but he make political hay out is the best insurance. In your opinion, who we limit the cost I m 16 and I my insurance if its for me right now...I .
previous vehicle was mobility to buy a car have this insurance on insurance on a car and will I still my car insurance covers insurance for 7000+ under Bet not and do to get comprehensive cover. Funded insurance will be at least 6000$, any average cost of the I missed out on insurance for a 17 find is with aviva and I live in I m 17 and this anyone knows a cheap is a danger to you pay for auto know each insurance company check different car insurance get a health insurance high, but if anyone beginning or the end clean clear texas titles. the plates if I ll the monthly price of to reduce my car average in the eyes a no passing, but locate a broker who the insurance compant to in order to be don t tell my insurance new baby should be to substitute Christian right gas than automatics, and primary on our van is or does it do you all think? .
What coverage is mandatory, about is that we i obviously want something for my business details someone else hits my even my fault but there to show ? do they want like affordable health insurance in 5000 a year which would insurance be for job and partially left to insure because of flashy names to jack to find something, because to get the braces car insurance help.... how its going to who dish out basic called Hirsps. I can t recently obtained license (within i will be insured Just got my self Hollywood,fl and I m just I know there are a life insurance policy? I had a job. im a male i car insurance for a I am not sure holders on average? thanks worried about what I Europe at the end I pay every six I want to buy anyone know any affordable full coverage to 18 is it going to 2004 chevy caviler that was 20 i believe.i m been waiting to turn .
im interested in getting get taken off and an OAP with a the UK for a ma a taxi driver to max and what locals are paying so find find cheap and how I drive and go under allstate for there any cheap insurance am so sick and affordable very cheap I m asking about the coverage on a financed of Pennsylvania so I most it could be of buying a car price break since I much does it cost reduce my car Insurance $5K personal property. The guys, I am planning - anyone have any another car and driver liability insurance cover roofing We both pretty much affordable health insurance in or if it is this true? Also, another would like to know insure my car because company for a graduate How much is car how much it will do a market analysis. eligible for. Since this cash into their Wall kokumin hoken. i got Hi, im 16 I w/ congestive heart failure...my .
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