#please tell me things please trust me to share your burdens
on the verge of tears thinking about edyn tidestrider btw if you even care
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bradshawsvinyl · 7 months
Tolerate It
Things had been off with Jake recently. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. Or so you thought.
read part two here.
warnings: mentions of cheating, angst, jake is a jerk, reader has anxiety but not explicitly stated, gaslighting??
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Jake had been off recently. You couldn’t exactly place your finger on what was wrong but he had been acting differently. The longing glances you used to share seemed to become shorter each passing day. The eyes that once looked at you with love and trust had slowly started to fade until there was nothing left.
At first, you thought he had just been busy with work. After all, he was one of the best pilots in the Navy. You thought it was just another bump on the road that was your relationship. You figured he’d tell you what was upsetting him and you guys would be able to go through it and move on together.
“Jake,” you said while knocking on the door to your shared bedroom. “Please talk to me.”
He had come home from work and seemingly blown off all your attempts at affection. He just went straight upstairs to your bedroom and began talking on the phone.
That was another thing. Jake had been using his phone a lot more recently. He had tried to hide it and use it at times when he thought you were sleeping or were too busy to notice but you had been paying attention.
A part of you wanted to believe that Jake wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. You had known him for years. You had been together since high school. You followed him all over the country. You waited for him when he was deployed. You thought that he would do everything in his power to protect your emotions.
The rational part of you knew that he had to be hiding something. Your relationship had seemingly gone in limbo. You felt like you were trying and giving your all while Jake was giving you nothing back. You were tired of feeling like a burden. You needed reassurance. All you wanted was for him to tell you what was going on.
“Jake,” you knocked again. “Please open the door.” You were on the verge of tears. You just wanted to talk to him. You just wanted him to look you in the eyes and tell you that everything was okay. You wanted to hear him say “I love you.” Finally, the door opened.
“What is your problem,” he said, voice laced with anger.
“My problem? You’re seriously asking what my problem is.” You spat back at him. “My problem is you don’t talk to me anymore. There’s something off about you recently. You’ve been acting differently.”
Jake just stared at you and then walked downstairs.
“Where are you going,” you asked while running after him.
“Out.” He replied.
“What do you mean you’re going out? Jake just talk to me please it doesn’t have to be like this. I love you.” You said as tears started welling up in your eyes.
“I’ll be back.” He replied coldly. “I just need some space.” With that he slipped on his shoes and slammed the door to your shared home.
You went upstairs to your bedroom with the intention to just go to sleep. He’d talk to you when he was ready. Maybe something had happened in training today. That had to be the reason he was acting so cold.
As you settled into the bed, you noticed a vibration. You quickly realized Jake had left his phone at home.
You looked at the screen and saw that he was receiving a call from your friend, Juliana. No no no no no no. You thought to yourself as the tears began again. This couldn’t be true. Of course, you had your suspicions but you thought you were being silly. Jake wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. Or would he?
Why would he need to be talking to Juliana. She was your friend after all. They had only met briefly a few times. They had barely exchanged two words. You wanted to believe that there was nothing wrong with the interaction. Maybe they were trying to get to know each other better, for your sake.
You walked downstairs and started pacing the living room, waiting for Jake’s arrival. You had to get to the bottom of this. Maybe Juliana was helping him out with something. You thought. Or maybe this was who he had been sharing all these secret phone calls with. Maybe this is who he was referencing everytime he said training had run late or he was going out.
How could you be so naive? There had to be an explanation for this. Jake was the love of your life. He was your first everything. He wouldn’t betray your trust like this. He wouldn’t be seeing another woman. Let alone your friend. Or would he?
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So many lonely people on Kaiju No. 8 had found companionship with Kafka.
He's the personification of support. A senpai, a role model, a hero, a friend, a cadet, a reliable worker, even a crush. He's someone you can trust and someone that wants to be there for you. Even the comedy relief guy or the saviour of the day!!
In the latest manga chapters he was a plushie for a little girl.
There's Reno who lost his entire family. Kafka took the role of the senpai with him: guide and teach the guy, talk with him, show him how to survive and inspire him. Reno met a genuinely good guy that was openly offering his help and friendship, so he went back to thank him and do the same. Hey, your dream is not over, Reno said. What did he get in return? Kafka sacrificing his life for him, telling him to run, giving up the most important thing in his life for Reno.
There's Mina, who is terrified of being alone. She found a personal clown in Kafka, yes, but he was also the boy who helped her keep her hope and made things easier. He would always go with her to the shelter during a kaiju attack, even if he was in another school. He told her she didn't have to kill kaijus all alone. He promised to be by her side. Mina was thrown into a world of giant burdens and expectations, where her failures could mean death and destruction. Kafka saw her not as the weapon she was, but as Mina.
Hoshina was constantly disrespected, overlooked and ignored. He gave Kafka a chance because he reminded Hoshina of himself. For his troubles, Hoshina got a guy that would work hard to reach his expectations, that would rival him, that would call him first thing and spend all that time worried and would apologize before turning into a kaiju to save their lives. Kafka became a friend of sorts to Hoshina through hard work and respect.
Kikoru was used to all types of reactions from the people around her, but not to the level of worry and pride and trust Kafka gave her. It was not for show, he was completely open and sincere in his feelings. Kikoru you're an asshole, Kikoru you're amazing, Kikoru pleaseeee take care of yourself, Kikoru I won't disappoint you, Kikoru you have my permission and gratitude if you kill me if I ever lose control, Kikoru I trust you to finish this battle.
The first thing Kafka did during the second part of the recruitment was support Aoi and Haruichi during their subjugation of a kaiju.
He saved Minase's life by partially turning and risking his life for it. He saved Iharu and Reno that day against No. 9.
Narumi told Kafka that only they knew the weight of the burden they carried for being there the day Isao Shinomiya was killed. Freaking Narumi, who wouldn't share that burden with anyone else.
Like it was noted by his boss while he was still part of the Cleaning Corps, Kafka would do his job after complaining, but he'd do it perfectly and do it again if asked to.
He's reliable. I know I said it before, but he is.
In a world where anyone can die any minute, in the Kaiju Country, Kafka is a presence you don't want to vanish. It's what Mina says: everything is easier with him around, anything is possible.
When in the first chapters Kafka tells the little girl to not be afraid because he'll go and everything will be okay— the girl thanks him. In the anime, the little girl even asks Mina to please not hurt the good kaiju. Once people have met him, they don't want him to go. They'd do anything for him not to go, not to die. When Kikoru saw him losing control and remembered her promise, she decided that she'd rather believe in him 'til the end. When Isao was about to disappear, he thought about Kafka and said he'd leave things up to him too.
Isn't that what it means to be a hero? To be able to say "leave it up to me" but also trust others to help you when you need it? Inspire people to support you because you supported them first?
The only thing scarier than the kaijus is to be left alone in the world— and Kafka fights that.
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astonmartingf · 5 months
— co-parenting with alonso has been smooth sailing, until he starts dropping hints that he wants to be with you again
amgf ahhh it's sad, but we're getting there, because all things must come to an end. honestly i had a hard time writing this because how do i end things and let go of them? it's a struggle really but we work with it. like always, enjoy this chapter 👍
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You stand still, silence surrounding the kitchen. There were no more words left to say, as they all left your mouth in utter silence. You watch Ales' from the baby monitor set on the kitchen island, sleeping in peace— content, calm, without a worry of the world.
You'd do everything for your son, you'd do anything for this family, and what Alonso did— you couldn't let it pass by you.
The familiar squeak of the front door hinges swept you off your own thoughts. Staring at the tiled walls in the kitchen, you rely on your senses anticipating Fernando as his shadows inch closer to yours.
Jerking from the warm touch of his palms against your cold shoulder. You stand still, Fernando presses his weight on your back, pulling you in an embrace, leaving soft kisses from your neck trailing down to your shoulders. You sigh in content, hoping and praying to forget as you blissfully ignore the slowly building concerns looming over your head.
"Amor, how was your day?"
You look over the ceiling, biting your lip to alleviate the anger filling up your thoughts. Tongue in cheek, you gather up some form of courage to calmly get through the upcoming conversation without shouting or bursting into tears. You give him the benefit of the doubt though, maybe they were just run of the mill rumors to form clicks for views.
"Have you seen my messages?" You gulp down your sighs, surprised at the shaky tone of your own voice. You wanted more than to be out of this conversation, as the constant feeling bubbling inside you loomed heavier and heavier, waiting in anticipation at the culmination of your emotions, at your poor attempts at keeping them at bay.
"I haven't yet, why? Did you want me to buy something for Ales?" You turn around stopping him from reading your message, wanting to avoid the conversation for a later time, choosing to drown in the burden of your own thoughts.
Fernando was a beat earlier than you— you panic as the smile in his eyes fell at a glance of your message.
"You knew?" Your brows furrowed, fully taking in his words, "I knew? Is it true? Are you racing again?"
Fernando's eyes looked over yours, "Isn't this exciting? I never thought I would have a chance to race again, but they offered and I accepted it."
You stumble backwards, at a loss for words. And slowly, the thoughts clouding in your head were becoming a reality.
Fernando catches your silence and reluctance to the news, pulling away from you, his hands cup the apples of your cheeks leaving you no choice to look at him.
"Are you not happy? This is good isn't it?"
You stare at his eyes, shining in excitement at the thought of racing once more. The idea never even entered your head, you never thought that Fernando would want to get back to racing.
You gulp the bile forming to jump out your throat, nodding your head— not trusting your own words. "Yeah. It's good to be back Fer."
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yourusername 11/21/2021
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liked by nicorosberg and 21 others
yourusername beach day with uncle nico is a must in monaco
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"YN talk to me, why can't we be together? You think I'll just accept this? Explain to me please, tell me where I did you wrong. What did I do? Is this about racing? Again?" Fernando runs to catch you in your shared bedroom, trying to keep up with the pace you set, sliding inside before you ought to close the door on him.
You turn around, mouth hanging wide, "Again? Is that all you think about? Racing? What about our family? You didn't even tell me about your choice, what was I supposed to say to you? You already made the decision for yourself!"
Fernando scoffs at your words, "You should've said you didn't like it! Why are you blaming me for your lack of communication?"
"You're one to talk about communication, you didn't bother telling me, I was blindsided Fer! One second I thought we'd live like a normal family and the next you're back racing every other week and you're leaving us behind!" You throw your hands in frustration and confusion as you try to get your point across to him.
Fernando put his palms up his face, at a loss for words. "Why are you getting ahead of yourself? Are you even listening to what you said? You're my wife for God's sake, we have a son together why would I leave you? It'll just be like before, I will come back to you two."
Fernando rubs your shoulders in an attempt to comfort you, in the hopes you'd understand his concerns.
"You say that, but we've been there already Fer. I single handedly witnessed everything that has happened to you while racing, and with Ales— I don't think I can... I don't think I want to constantly be on the edge of my seat worrying for tomorrow, and what will happen to you on the track."
With the tension up, words were spouted left and right, with no time to think before speaking, the arguments echoed back and forth to each other.
"Oh so you're giving up on us now?"
You scoff at Fernando's words, "Giving up? You did that first when you chose the racing contract over this family!"
Raising his hands, Fernando shouts in anger, "I just wanted to race, is it bad to pursue my passion? I support you in your career, can't I have that as well? It is my choice! At least we didn't get married yet if we're going to be like this then?"
You stand in silence, tears pooling at your eyes, feeling your world stop. In front of you, you watch Fernando shake his head at the realization of his words. "Amor—"
You step away from him, your shaky breaths fill the room clutching your chest, suffocating at your misery. Trying to drown out Fernando's pleas, erasing his words from your head, despite it being etched into every crevice in your head, taking home in your hollow heart.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that— no amount of words can ever make it better. Please say something? Tell me you hate me? Please amor, resent me. Whatever you want I will do."
You watch Fernando wince at your bloodshot eyes, as he reluctantly inches closer to you, afraid you'd leave him, like a glass slowly falling out of his hands. It was far too late now.
You let him in your embrace, knowing very well it would be the last time you'd see him, choosing yourself this time— choosing your son over the family you built together. You let yourself wallow in the last moments of comfort in his arms, because after this it'll just be you.
"Whatever? Then I guess I'm taking Alejandro with me. We're leaving so you can focus on your race. I hope you know that even then and now, I will be waiting. As much as it hurts— this needs to be done. I love you Alonso."
Pushing him away from your embrace, you savor in a last kiss before leaving him alone in the room.
yourusername 6/29/2022
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liked by lancestroll and 33 others
yourusername happiest birthday to the light of my life ales. mama and papa love you always, i hope to fill your life with love and laughter.
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★ YOU'VE BEEN ON MY MIND — @namgification @nebarious @minkyungseokie @viennakarma @lxclerc @booksandflowrs @c-losur3 @lichterfee @moonyzsworld @e-nonsense @vicurious28 @dannyriccsupremacy @thearchieves @welovediaaxx @vogueprincess @mael1pastry @khaylin27 @whydowesleepeachnight @iridescent-sol
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thelovehypothesis · 9 months
Sunsets with you.
Harry Styles x fem!reader
Requested- lost my old account so this is basically me reposting my old stuff
Summary: Everyone else’s opinions on your and Harry’s relationship get in your head, but you’re it for Harry and he won’t have it any other way.
a/n’s: pretty sloppy but smwt enjoyable, please sendin request!
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You’re well aware that you’re living the dream of many, being Harry’s girlfriend is something many dream of and somehow here you are, 4 years into a relationship with the man of your dreams.
Even though you were “living the dream” this said dream can with backlash, 4 years of trying to have a private (as possible with some fail) relationship, and some how media always had article to share on your relationship, fans had comments and haters hate to spread.
Truthfully it never got any easier for you to have the public eye on you, even though Harry always tried to help with sweet nothing and telling you to just full on ignore it, it was hard one click lead to another and you ended up engulfed in people opinions about you and your relationship.
Having said that, tour had been taking a toll on your relationship, you being “left” behind in London with harry signing his heart out around the world just gave your mind to much time to click and overthink, and most articles and post you read were full on rumors questioning your fidelity and his, and well you two trusted each other and had been through so many scandals that you knew better that to even bat a thought a those articles. It was rather the article criticizing you: your job, looks, intentions, family; that’s were you’d overthink your value in the relationship.
And so you started to distance yourself from him, not picking up his phone calls ever time he would call, texting him back less often and giving him shorter replies.
So when he came back for a short break, his grown worry from your uninterested self on having a proper conversation with him immediately unleashed a fight, well more so of an argument.
“We’ve been through this! You have to stop reading the comment and articles. They know one shit about us!”
“H-how can I. Im sorry but all they say is true! You’re this big pop star traveling all around the world with this huge successful career, while I’m stuck here working a 9 to 5!”
Being truthful Harry and you hardly fought but we you did it some how always lead to moments like this. You looking at each other with pleading eyes, hoping the other would just listen.
“I-I-I don’t know what you want me to say y/n”
“I don’t need you to say anything. I need you to listen, and to finally realize that I’m not-not enough for you H.
You need someone that can travel with you, and that can take on the public eye and-and that’s not me-“
You could see the tear drops forming in Harrys eyes, even though yours are already flooded.
“No. No. Yo-You don’t get to say those things. Not now not ever”
He starts stepping closer, cupping your face with his hand making you look at him.
“y/n listen please… just listen.
You are the most amazing human being I’ve had the pleasure of meeting, I know you better than anyone so I get to tell you that-that the comparison you’re making isn’t fair. You’re working on achieving your dreams, and you not that far away, and we are still so young, and somehow everyday you prove yourself to everyone around you, there is no doubt in the world that you’re the most talented person out there. I on the other had just got a head start and-and without you I-I wouldn’t be here, you’re my muse, my everything”
Sobbing, full on sobbing. How could this god of a human possibly believe in you this much knowing first hand how tough the world is.
“Harry I-I just can do it anymore-
I feel so small sometimes and I don’t want to be a burden to you”
“God y/n”
Harry lets you go.
He goes upstairs, and that’s the last indicator you needed to know that Harry can grow so much more if you just let him go, so you follow him, to say goodbye and sorry one more time.
When you got to you shared bedroom, you saw him walking out of the closet, eyes immediately meeting.
“I still hadn’t planned it out so far but I guess the time found it’s self”
Harry steps closer to you and takes your hand in his. Now in your hand, is a small velvet box.
Tears on the edge of both your eyes, but for a different reason now.
‘Just stop your crying, it’ll be alright’
“You’re it for me. And no matter how many times I have to reassure you of it, it’s me who doesn’t deserve you. “
‘So please stop your crying baby it’s the sign of the times
runaway with me, to a world that only you and me’
“Harry- are you sure of what your doing” your voice trembling more that thought possible.
A scoff leaves his mouth.
“I’m sure. I want this. All of it. The big house on top of the hill, the four children running around screaming, the wedding, the dog, all of it.
So y/n y/l/n would you do me the honor of marrying me and living the rest of life together?”
He said now on one knee.
He sees right through you, he knows you could never stop living him even if you tried to, you two find home in each other.
So without an other thought, you rapidly nod your head and kneel down to be able to kiss Harry.
The kiss you shared was full of the unspoken sorry’s each of you feel needs to be said, the new promises that come with this new stage your relationship, just love, the immense love you two share.
“I love you.”
“I love you so much more.”
And there you were in your sweet tender moment, not a worry in mind, hearts beating in sync and lovesick eyes that gazed at each other.
After a few more moments Harry broke the silence.
“I love you so much that if you want me to scream it from the rooftops I will, if you need me to reassure you of your worth every day I will. I will do anything if it makes you happy.”
“I love you so much. Thank you for loving me as much”
He’d already slipped the ring on your finger sealing this moment forever.
End 📌
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spidybaby · 1 year
New streets
Summary: Trying to find your way into the streets of Barcelona by yourself for the first time is harder than you expected.
Warnings: none ❤️
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Being new to the city was complicated. You moved from Tenerife to go to college in Barcelona, accepting Pedro's offer to move with him until you find your own place to stay.
You can't deny Barcelona was extraordinary, a city that has a lot of history, it's magical.
The problem is that you convinced yourself that you can start going out on your own without instructions.
When Pedro asked you to wait for him to arrive home so you could go to the market, you say no.
You already felt like a burden, having him drive you everywhere and not being able to do the same for him.
Fer even offer to take you and show you the streets, in any other occasion you'll say yes, but today you feel smart enough to do it alone.
"Estas segura?" (Are you sure?) Fer asked a little worried about you. "Si me dejas terminar con esto, te acompaño" (if you let me finish this, I'll go with you)
"Tranquilo Fer, voy rápido" (relax Fer, I'll be quick), you say, grabbing your things, ready to go. "Quieres que te traiga una Dr. Pepper?" (Want me to bring you a Dr. Pepper?")
"Por favor," he says, smiling. "Ten cuidado, cualquier cosa me llamas niña." (Be careful, call me if anything happens, kiddo.)
Once you're out of the house, you search on Google maps the closest market.
As you make your way down the street, you enjoy the views. Barcelona is breathtaking.
You were happy with how quickly you made it to the market.
Taking your phone to message Pedro, wanting to share your excitement with him.
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(I know you're training and you'll see this later, but I have to tell you something 😋
I'm at the market, I got here alone and didn't get lost)
You block your phone and continue with your shopping spree, looking for the soda you said you were buying for Fer.
Your phone takes you out of your concentration when you are reading the back of a soda can.
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("Hi baby ❤️ Actually I'm done with training.
😂😂😂😂 I'm happy for you"
"Do you want me to buy something for you?"
"No baby, I'm fine.
I'm noticing you're very close to the training camp. Do you want to come over here and then we go home?")
Not completely sure about it you Google the directions to get to where he was.
The trip to the market was easy due to it being an almost straight walk. The training camp was a more complicated way.
After a few minutes looking at the online map, you decide it was not that difficult, and you could do it.
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("See you in a bit, I just have to pay, and I'm on my way. "
"I'll wait for you, please be careful")
You hurried with the last items and paid on a self checkout to be quick.
You followed the instructions as the map says, but you also decide to trust a little more than you should and text your friend.
After a few minutes, you noticed you were, in fact, not where you should be. You frown as the map says it's the right way, seconds mistake trusting that. You kept walking and texting, only losing the way more than before.
Ten minutes later and a different name on the streets as the gps says you begin to worry.
Not wanting to worry your boyfriend, you text Fernando.
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("Remember I told you I was not going to get lost? ... Help")
You kept walking, trying to fix your mistake, little did you know you were making it worse.
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("But 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you were getting five things at the supermarket, how did you end up lost?"
"Don't laugh at me, Fernando. I wanted to get over where your brother is, and I ended up lost"
"I can't help but laugh. Where are you right now?
"I don't know")
You tried to identify the streets to be able to tell where you were, no success.
The stress was getting over you, feeling dumb.
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("Calm down, what stores are near you?"
"The Mercè library"
"You're on the other side of the camp, y/n")
The frustration was getting the best of you. Texting and walking on a road you didn't know was a bad choice.
The internal debate your mind was creating over two options, one, Fernando can give you instructions on how to take a bus or something, two, ask him what to do from now on.
Choosing the second option, you kept texting him.
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("Any recommendations?"
"Yes, stay there and call Pedro, ask him to pick you up, please don't get lost.")
Sitting on a bench outside the library, you call your boyfriend.
"Preciosa, ya estas afuera?" (Baby, are you outside?)
"No, amor. Estoy por la biblioteca, del otro lado de donde estas." (No, love. I'm by the library on the other side of the city.)
"Qué pasó? Estas bien?" (What happened? Are you okay?)
"Si, estoy bien. Es que." (Yes, I'm fine. Is just.)
You doubt telling him the truth.
You know you don't have to be nervous over him knowing you're lost. Pedro would never judge you or make fun of you.
"Me perdí" (I got lost)
"Ay, mi amor. Esta bien, ahora voy por ti, quédate quieta que ya llego por ti." (Oh love, it's okay, I'm coming to get you, stay where you're I'm coming.)
You hang up after a small "Thank you."
Picking a candy from your grocery bag while waiting for him.
Your phone started ringing, it was Fer.
"Hola, llamaste a Pedro?" (Did you call Pedro?)
"Si, ya viene por mi, gracias." (Yes, he's coming to get me, thank you.)
Fernando senses the disappointment in your voice. As much as he wants to joke about it, he knows you wanted to do things on your own, not wanting to bother him or his brother.
"Ey no te pongas triste, es normal que esto pase, eres nueva en la ciudad y para ser tu primera vez sola no fue nada mal. Llegaste a la tienda por ti sola." (Hey, don't be sad. This is normal. You're new here, and for being your first time going alone, you did it great. You got to the market all by yourself.)
That makes you feel a little better.
"Gracias, te veo en un rato cuando Pedro y yo lleguemos." (Thank you, see you in a bit when Pedro and I get there.)
"Vale, los espero" (okay, I'll wait for you)
While you waited for your boyfriend to arrive, you saw the cars passing and finished your candy.
After a good ten minutes, you saw the black Maserati parking in front of you. Pedro pulled the window down smiling.
"Uber para la señorita más hermosa de España" (uber for the most beautiful lady in Spain)
You can't help the smile. He knows how to light up your mood.
"Gracias, pero no pedí un uber, de hecho estoy esperando a mi novio" (thank you, but I actually didn't order an Uber. I'm waiting for my boyfriend.)
"Bueno pero igual te puedo llevar, descuidado te deja esperando, te podrían robar" (well, I can still take you, careless dude, leaves you waiting someone could stole you)
You laugh and open the car door.
As you got in, he took the grocery bag and placed it onto the back seat.
"Hola preciosa," he says before kissing you.
The kiss was getting a little more heated than you expected, but the sound of a car horn made you separate but not before giving him a small kiss.
"Gracias por venir por mi" (thanks for coming for me)
You took his hand in yours and kissed the back of his hand.
"No agradezcas, mejor dime como acabaste hasta acá" (don't thank me, tell me how did you end over here?)
You tell him with details how you got lost. He laughed but did the same thing Fernando did, reassured you it was okay.
Once you arrived at his house he helped you with the grocery bag.
Fernando was waiting for the two of you with some dinner ready.
"La pequeña Dora la exploradora regreso de su aventura" (little Dora the explorer came back from adventure.) He says as he hugs you.
"No la molestes" (don't make fun of her)
Pedro tried not to laugh at the jokes his brother was saying, but even you were laughing.
"Sigue así y tomaras agua del bater, capullo" (keep up, and you'll drink toilet water, idiot). You laugh as you organize the groceries.
After helping with setting the table, the three of you ate and laughed at jokes Fernando was telling.
You offered to wash the dishes as Pedro took a shower and Fernando organize something in his room.
You were concentrated in the song that was playing in the background, but a pair of hands on your waist take you back to reality.
"Me alegro que estés bien y que lograras llegar a la tienda y ahora sabes también llegar a la biblioteca" (I'm happy you're okay and that you got to get to the market, now you know how to get to the library too) Pedro joke kissing your shoulder.
"Eres un pesado, amor" (you're an asshole, love), you laugh. "Tal vez para el partido llegue al camp nou por mi cuenta" (maybe for the match I'll get to Camp Nou by myself).
"Por ahora tratemos de quedarnos cerca, no quiero tener que parar el partido para ir por ti." (Let's get close for now, I don't want to have to stop the match to come get you) he jokes.
"Acepto" (deal), you say, tuning around to kiss him.
Just like the kiss in the car, this one was getting a little more heated than necessary, but you weren't complaining.
"Consigan un cuarto o pierdanse." (Get a room or get lost) Fernando joked.
You two laugh, hugging.
Even though your first experience by yourself was not the best, it was not bad at all. You had two boys who will do everything to protect you and you were thankful for both.
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triceratops6 · 4 months
Hiii, I have a request! Ok so hear me out, what if Daichi ends up becoming friends with this girl (Michimiya), and he spends a lot of his time with her. Lately he has been forgetting his plans or canceling his plans with reader, who is his girlfriend, for the friend.  make it as angsty as possible with a happy ending pretty please with a cherry on top🥹
Hi ! Thanks for your request I hope you're gonna like it <33
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Daichi x reader
ANGST with happy ending :)
Summary : At first, you were happy when Daichi became friend with Michimiya, but as he started to hang out more with her you couldn't help the bitter thoughts that reached you.
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It has been happening more and more lately, a text to told you he wasn't available this night or another one to apologise because he forgot your date. Daichi was the best boyfriend you could wish for, always sweet to you and full of kindness. This is why you didn't complain when he started to hang out with Michimiya more and more often. After all the two were captain of their volleyball team, they advised each other and could share their burden.
So you were happy at first when they became friends, you always thought Michimiya was very nice. But then Daichi started to forget your date or to cancel at the last minute because he had things to do with her. And, even to you tried to be comprehensive, even to you trusted your boyfriend with your life; you just couldn't take it anymore.
Not when you were standing in front of your house all dolled up and beautiful; waiting for your boyfriend for more than an hour now. He was supposed to pick you up for a date, the two of you had been waiting to go to this place for a long time now. Well, at least you had, you were happy to finally spend time with Daichi given that he was very busy lately. You checked one last time your phone and seing that you had no text from him you simply gave up. Sighing before going back to your home.
Once settled in your couch, you couldn't help the gloomy thoughts that overcame you. Had you done something for him to avoid you this much ? Didn't he wanted to spend time with you ? You were really lost, he was as kind as ever to you and nothing had change in his attitude towards you. Well, beside the fact that you could barely see each others outside of class now.
Maybe he stopped loving you; falling for his new friend instead. Your stomach tightened up at this thought, the most painful thing being that you found this situation likely to happen. Maybe that was it, he was growing bored of you and had found a new lover in Michimiya. Not knowing what was really going on made your head ache, all you had really wanted was for Daichi to just tell you. Not slowly drifting away from you without saying anything, letting you in your inability of really understand the whole situation.
As you were going to bed, you recieved a text from your boyfriend. He had unexpectedly practice tonight and were very sorry that he couldn't let you know in time. You were already in a bad mood from his manners but in addition to all that, this new practice was in common with the feminine volleyball team. An idea Michimiya and him had not long ago.
Speechless, you stared at your phone for a good minute before taking the decision not to respond to him. Tomorrow you would have to talk to him seriously, wether it would mean ending your relationship or not. You went to bed, tears menacing to spill as you thought once again of Daichi and this whole situation.
Nothing could describe what how you were feeling right now, the feeling that made its way trough your stomach since this morning was unbearable. You were anxiously attending to your class already thinking about what you would say to your boyfriend -thoughts that were spinning in your head since this morning. You wondered how he would react and what were his excuses. Was he just busy and stressed, or had he really found his feelings for you to be gone ?
Before you could torture yourself further with your thoughts, a hand on your shoulder startled you. Turning your head, you meet the sweet smile of Daichi, he gave you a peck on the cheek before speaking "Hi love, I'm really sorry for last night, tonight I have no plan so we can see each other okay ?", you just stood there not really sure what to say. You were angry at him and you were sad, it took all your will not to slap him right now. Seing your lack of reaction, Daichi's eyes became sad and his eyebroww knitted with worry "Are you alright ?" and before you could respond, the sound of the bell told you you had class to attend. Before going, you just told him -with what you hoped was self-confidence- "I think we should talk, so I would be waiting for you this evening after your practice"
The rest of the day felt like hell for the two of you. Neiher could really concentrate on their classes as their thoughts were eating them up. You couldn't stop thinking about what you were going to say to him, replaying the fictional scene in your head again and again like a movie. And Daichi couldn't stop the aprehension he felt, he knew he had fucked up, he was already grateful that you were patient with him but he had cross the limit this time and there were no going back. His worry and lamentations followed him all day, even at practice and he was not surprised when the coach told him to go home given his poor game.
Finally outside, the first thing he saw was that you were already here, sat on a bench you seemed in your thoughs. As he was observing you, his sweet and beautiful girlfriend, the truth hit him, you were going to break up with him. Well, of course you were, he had been cancelling your dates for weeks or even forgetting them, being busy wasn't an excuse anymore. But even to he didn't want to, he had to accept the consequence of his actions, so he walked to you.
When you saw him, you were taken aback given that his practice was supposed to end later. You came here before to gather you thoughts and now you didn't feel prepared enough. You jumped on your feet, facing Daichi and an awkward silence took place. Neither one of you knew what to say and to you, it was like all the negative feelings of this past weeks came to weight you down at this exact moment. The only moment where you needed to be calm and have an important converstation.
"Do you still love me ?" was all you could muster in the moment and you cringed at how it came out. You saw Daichi eyes open wide as it was his turn to ask "Why would I don't love you anymore ?". After sadness there were anger that filled your words "Are you kidding me ? Don't do like you don't know what I'm talking about Daichi," he flinched slightly hearing his name fall from your mouth "You've been avoiding me for weeks, spending all your time with either your friends or Michimiya. You could've at least told me you don't want to spend time with me anymore instead of drifting away like that. I thought you were better than that, so now that we finally see each other outside of school tell me the truth. Are you still in love with me ? Have you fall for Michimiya ? Just tell me Daichi so I can finally move on and understand."
Daichi was at a complete loss of words, he wanted to punch himself so bad for letting the women he loved think that of their situation. For letting you have this thoughts that were evidently eating you for a long time. And most of all, for the way he made you suffer. "Oh no, I don't want to break up with you ! I still love you so much, Michimiya's just a friend !" he was such an asshole, of course it would do nothing to say that, he basically spend more time with her than with you lately. "I'm so sorry my love... I was so busy lately and when I was spending time with her I didn't mean it like that."
He could see that you were still angry -wich was totally normal-, but there were still a once of doubt in your eyes "Are you sure ? I don't understand with how you have been acting lately." He approached you carefully, not wanting to make you uncomfortable "Of course I'm sure, I love you and my feelings will not change for a very long time, I'm sure of that. I should have talked more with you, and explain further when I couldn't go out with you, I have been careless and I promise I will make time for the two of us now and never see Michimiya again" that last sentence made you smile a little "Will you forgive me my love ?"
He saw you pout slightly "Well... I don't really know, your excuses didn't seem really convincing to me" he smiled, before taking your hand in his, " I swear you're the only one in my mind at all time, and the only thing I could think of when we weren't together was you and how I would love to have you in my arms. I will do anything for you to forgive me and I'm really sorry." you were smiling now, and even to you were still angry with him, you were glad your thoughts had the best of you and that he had just been an asshole for a little while. Still, an asshole that loved you and were ready to learn from his mistakes.
"Of course I forgive you, but if it happen again I will dump you." "It won't happen again, I swear. Can I hug you ?" you just noded and he was on you, kissing your cheek as you reciprocated his embrace. As you were making the most of the presence of each others you couldn't stop a last sentence to slip past your lips "You're punish though, you can't see Michimya more than me now." he drew away and you were meet with a nervous smile, proof he was again sorry. You snort before giving him a peck on the lips.
You two then started to walk, Daichi sneacking his arm on your hip "Where do you want to go ?" you looked at him "I was thinking we could go to my house and see a movie, I have popcorn. Is it okay with you ?" "Yep, perfect."
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alientee · 3 months
Are you still taking Mauga requests?
Would you be willing to write a comfort fic where reader (she/her) has acid burn scars on her back, they're almost always in pain. One day during a mission Mauga notices something is off about reader, then eventually the pain is too much, Mauga learns abt the scars.
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I’m so sorry that this took so long! I had writers block and work 😭 but I hope it’s too your liking if not I’ll try again.
Mauga x reader (AFAB undertones)
You never knew peace for long, you would always live your life normally until the searing pain started again. It took a lot out of you to deal with the aftermath of the burns you received on your back. Taking pain meds that barley helped only made you frustrated, not being able to rub ointment on your entire back without struggling made you angry, and taking antibiotics to prevent infection just made you sad.
But you overcame it, after the reconstruction surgery’s you thought it would be better. Yet life had a different agenda the pain wouldn’t leave you for long. And in your everyday life you had pain endlessly on and off. Nothing really made you feel like the pain was worth getting out of bed for. That was until you had met Mauga. Such an unstoppable force of a man he was, his job was to deliver pain to others and all you had know was pain. But he made you feel better than you had in ages.
It was worth it gettin out if bed doing your straining routine. It was worth the slight sting you’d get before more pain came as long as you saw Mauga smile. As long as he was happy with you, you could deal with the pain. But you felt that you could only hide from him. That you’re burdens aren’t his to bear, so you hid from him the best you could. If you say oversized dresses s are your favorite he’d get you more. If you didn’t like hugs our close touching because it makes you uncomfortable he wouldn’t push it. In retrospect he should have known something was wrong when he never saw you lay on your back not even on the couch.
He never knew he would see you fall to the floor in pain, he didn’t know how to react when you screamed in agony; Mauga truly didn’t know how to help you when one touch to you made everything worse. “Sweetheart please wear does it hurt!?” You shallow breathing was barely heard with a whisper of you back coming out. “Turn over please” you had turned to your stomach from your side. You knew Mauga was trying to help but you just hoped this wouldn’t make this worse, that it wouldn’t ruing anything.
Mauga picked you up by your stomach to take you to your shared room. He lays you down and begins to suck for pain meds and what he saw shocked him. You had so many meds in your cabinet, how long has this been going on, why didn’t you tell him. None of those things mattered now though. Now he needed to make sure you were comfortable as possible. He brought he meds and some water. Along with some muscle relaxing ointment, he slowly lifts your head to help you take the meds. “Can I touch you?” You hesitated slightly but you knew I’d help along with the acid burns the tightness you get in your skin sometimes added to the pain ; you nod softly to him.
He rubs the ointment into your skin slowly as possible. It takes a while but he’s gentle with you, and Mauga is never fully gentle or quiet. To have him treat you this way, for you to finally get help you never have, it made you cry even more. As he was rubbing the ointment on you his hand gripped your thigh. “Why didn’t you tell me, if you’re in pain I want to help you…. You help me alot ya know, you don’t trust me or somthing?” You could only shake your head, he didn’t get it and you didn’t want him too but you had no other choice but to come clean.
“I didn’t want you to worry about me, I didn’t want my constant pain to be a strain on us , or dictate how I live my life. I want to be able to live with you and forget the pain” Mauga rubbed your hair softly and kissed your forehead “Silly girl, your mine so I always worry about you. But if you think I won’t stick it out with you you’re wrong. I may not be the best at this emotional crap I just know how to have fun and cause destruction. So give me all your pain, let it out and don’t hold back I’ll be here to destroy it every time anyway I can.”
You both sit in silence as he runs his hand through your hair and stroking your face. “Still hurting baby girl?” You lean back into his warmth nodding slightly. “Im almost always in pain but it went down for now but it still stings a little.” “How about I get Moria or sombra to find something to help I’ll pay whatever as long as I can stop your pain even a little” All you could do was smile in contempt.
“Thank you Mauga”
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snarky-wallflower · 8 days
Ipomoea, Reach For The Sky: The Dakkar and Margaret Essay
(spoilers for Searcher Part Two!)
Hi, hello, I predicted this and I’ve never felt more like a prophet in my life. Allow me many, many moments of screaming over this, please! But, to more serious analysis: Can't you see me? Can't you see me reaching out? Am I not one of your own? We're together, but alone. We would have staring contests like we were children, like we are in this moment, and I would never cease to be the first to blink.
Margaret…she’s talking to Dakkar, isn’t she? 
Staring up at the moon, staring at her brother. It's the closest she can get to seeing him from here. He's her whisper in a daydream, her melody that lingers - he's a face that she recognizes.
These two have been reaching out to each other this whole time, and we never even knew it. Margaret and the Moon, Destiny Strange and Sublime - they're speaking to each other, waiting for each other.
It was never only about the moon she was looking up at. It was never only a mystery he was haunted by. It was about looking up at the same moon, about the mystery that only one of them knew the truth to. 
But I’ve been on my own for so long! Please, I beg of you. How can I search when I don’t know what’s missing?
But she was. That’s what we all can see! Margaret was always searching.
She modelled her room in New York after her brother’s in the Blazing World!  We hear her leitmotif in Dakkar's room, after all. She searched through thousands of scientific books, just like the ones her brother would have loved. She stared up at the moon, and was reminded of him. Even without knowing, she was looking. She was reaching out. Staring at her brother from a distance. She knew, she knew even talking to Samuel, that she had once not been alone in this life. I would even venture that when she took in Rose and Samuel, she looked at them and felt something familiar. She recognized a face, a relationship, siblings who loved each other so deeply, in people she'd just met.
Dakkar was her phantom limb.
But while Margaret was lost because she knew nothing of who she once was? Dakkar was lost because he was alone, and he knew exactly why. Here I am, as promised. I’m ready. 
He’s been waiting. Dakkar was left. He was left alone. Left as the only one with the weight of the memories the two of them shared. He took on the history that Margaret had to forget, left alone with every memory that Margaret has been so hungry to have back. He knows the destiny the two of them shared, the plans they’ve made - and he wants her to know them once more, too! Burdened with knowledge. We know he trusted her to have his back, even when she had no idea who he was, because that’s his sister. He trusts her wholeheartedly, even in the midst of his desperation and rage. What else could he do but that?
These things remind, to make the most of time, now let me find the answer to the test of time. It’s all that I can see, in the faces in my dreams, in the moonlight and its beams.
Dakkar is speaking to her! He’s been trying to find an answer to the test of time, the time he spent alone. Time is so central to him, moving within the moving element! He's been moving in the world without Margaret by his side. He’s been trying to find an answer that will bring his sister back to him! He's so focused on finding that answer. It's all that he can see, the chance to see his sister in more than dream. To see her in person once more. He has his promises to keep, and he will see them through. To know his sister once again, and to have her know him in turn.
We see him calling out to Margaret - I can see you, I can see you reaching out, Margaret, you’re one of our own! He sings out her theme, one we’ve known since The Great Moon Hoax, something that’s hers. Hoping she’ll recognize him enough to reach back.
But, not yet.
The scene moves on, but...
Something tells me Margaret’s got my back on this! 
Dakkar is tired, and he has been filled with so much rage. Because he is first in line, first to know exactly what he needs to do to have her back. He’s getting his hope back, no matter what it takes. 
The test of time rarely comes at the best of times! 
The first time we hear them harmonize, and it’s them agreeing that this needs to happen. Dakkar will do anything just to have her back. He’ll risk his own life to have her look at him with that love, that recognition again. That recognition he’s missed for years and years. Margaret has lived in only his memory for so long. Here she is in front of him again. How is he supposed to wait any longer? He needs to bring her home.
Margaret is so determined to find her answers, and to know the weight of the history she’s been missing. A part of her is searching, reaching out. Her voice is unshakably confident - and I have to wonder if a part of that is because she knows Dakkar is by her side again. 
The two of them are in perfect harmony once more, as they do whatever it takes to get Margaret’s memory back. They’ll share their plans once more, come out of the shadows together. Even before Margaret fully remembers, that connection is there.
And then, Sia strikes.
Dakkar's plan works.
Margaret, after so long, remembers. Remembers everything. Remembers exactly who she is standing next to. 
You know where to find me.
The theme of Margaret’s we’ve heard since The Great Moon Hoax. Margaret has been adrift in the world, a child throwing stones in the firmament. Dakkar has been waiting, as promised, with his destiny strange and sublime. Their destiny.
And how does it end?
Sister. You found me.
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sunflwryu · 2 years
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warning: fluff, comfort | not requested
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“...are you okay, baby?”
hyunjin had just woken up in the middle of the night to feel you trembling and your breathing unsteady, labored, heavy. you’re holding onto the pillow so tightly, turned away from him, and he can hear tiny, pitiful whimpers and gasps escape from your mouth.
there’s no answer to his question, and he doesn’t know what’s wrong exactly, but all he knows he can do is to bring you into his arms to ground you, to anchor you outside of the pain you’re suffering right now, and that’s what he does, pressing your ear to his chest so you can listen to his heartbeat, his hold on you firm but gentle and loving, giving the top of your head delicate kisses, hoping they’ll bring you any sort of relief. it breaks his heart to feel tears soak into his shirt, to feel you shaking so much like this, and it hurts so, so much to feel you, hear you, watch you in pain like this, but he has to be here for you because it’s the only thing he can do to make you feel at least a little better.
“i-i’m fine,” you sputter with a broken voice that’s not at all convincing, trying to push him away, “g-go back to sleep...”
he can hear what you’re trying to tell him. don’t worry about me, i don’t want to be a burden to you. it makes him feel so frustrated because he loves you so much that you could never make him stop worrying about you, you could never be a burden to him, who’s so incredibly lucky to have you when you could‘ve chosen anyone else in the world. sometimes it makes him think that you can’t trust him enough to let him comfort you, to share your problems with you, but it doesn’t matter.
he won’t let go, he won’t, he won’t leave you to go through this suffering alone. “don’t be stubborn, baby...please, tell me everything, if it hurts and what hurts...” he begs, not wanting you to continue denying it, to continue hurting yourself like that by ignoring your own pain like you told him you had before meeting him.
you’re silent for a bit, and he doesn’t want to push it, just holding you until a minute or two later, you begin to wail. “hyune, i-it hurts, it hurts so much...” you sob, lips quivering, throwing your arms around him and squeezing his torso as tightly as you can, like he’s your stress ball to make it a little bit easier on you, and he doesn’t mind it at all. but to hear you like this, he can’t even imagine how much pain you’re in, how he feels guilty for not being able to do anything but hold you like this, how much his heart burns and shatters with every pained sound you make, because this is all he can do, because you’re in pain and he can’t take the pain with you, for you to ease your burden, because he’s absolutely powerless right now.
he just bites his lip, then grits his teeth, eyes tearing up as he tries not to cry from hearing you like this, but he tries to keep calm, be the steady rock that you can lean on, be there for you so that you can feel better sooner, so you can be free from whatever pain this is.
“don’t worry, baby...i’m here,” he reassures you quietly, stroking your hair with his hand, “...i’m here, okay? i’m right here...i love you so, so much. you can make it through this, you can do this...everything will be okay...”
you’re breaking down, you’re calling and sobbing his name desperately, endlessly, and each time you do, without fail, he squeezes you so lightly you can barely feel it, but you do and it’s so comforting. it’s like he’s saying everytime to counter your every doubt, repeating lovingly i’m here, i’m here for you always, and that, that is something you’ll never take for granted, something you’ll try to keep in your heart when you’re feeling sad or anything like this again. it means so much that he’s here right now, doing his best and just loving you in general, it means the world to you. he whispers words that you can’t understand thanks to your delirium, but you understand what they’re meant to do and his voice is a familiar melody that soothes you the more he speaks.
he doesn’t know how long you both stayed there like that, cuddled up under the blankets holding so tightly onto one another, because at some point you’d grown quieter until eventually, you’d exhausted yourself from it all and fell asleep, and shortly after, he did too; by the time he opened his eyes again, it was at least daylight from the glow of the area above the closed curtains, and you were okay again, a content, peaceful smile on your face as you held him ever so tightly still even in your sleep. it made him feel better, knowing you were okay now, knowing that maybe he helped you through it in some way, somehow at least a little, because that’s enough for him.
he just stares at you for a little bit, not wanting to wake you up because you deserved the rest...you deserve absolutely everything good and wonderful in the world and even more than that. you’re so beautiful and so unreal, and you didn’t deserve to feel that pain at all. all he wants is for you to be happy, to never suffer ever again...and for him to be happy with you, to be there for you is a blessing, a greed that he’s so, so grateful you’ve indulged him for.
it’s not long before you wake up, and you feel his hand hold your cheek, gently guiding your head so you look at him as your boyfriend begins to speak.
“next time, please wake me up, okay, baby...?”
this time, the tears that spill from your eyes are ones of gratitude for what he’s done for you, now and every night before it by just being there with you, to lie in bed with you and hold you. “thank you, b-but you have to sleep, you’re always so busy and you’re so tired and—”
hyunjin shuts you up with a sweet kiss on the lips, giving you the most loving, adoring, comforting smile as he cups your face delicately, his soft gaze ever so warm and understanding and filled with affection.
“i don’t care about that...what i care the most about in this world is you.”
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note: i wrote this really early in the morning because i was in lots of pain (obviously not going into detail as to not trigger anyone). it’s what i wanted someone to do for me in that moment, and all the other painful moments. i didn’t write specifically what the pain was so that everyone could find comfort in it, and i sincerely hope this helps you through hard times. i’m not sure if this would count as angst but let me know what you think. thank you for reading. :)
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skz masterlist  |  main masterlist |  by @sunflwryu
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archangeldyke-all · 25 days
Solitude teaserrrrrrrrrr
I literally couldn't decide what to tease (seeing as I'm kind of writing this fic outward, starting from the middle chapters and branching out either way as I go.) So here is a little something something from chapter 7- These Foolish Things
this shit is not proofread and i may scrap it, idk yet
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Ambessa was deep within her mind, her heart and soul flowing out of her as if her words were a broken dam, her pen gliding across the paper as she wrote within her journal. She was once again working on her memoir, writing about life with her love within it.
Her train of thought was interrupted by a pattern of knocks she’d become forever familiar with and she smiled, calling out to the person on the other side, “Come in.”
You entered quietly, soft hands resting on her shoulders before sliding down as you wrapped your arms around her, pressing a kiss to her cheek from behind, “Your sleep must be troubled, what brings you in here at such a late hour, honey?”
“My queen,” Ambessa chuckled, leaning her head back to press a kiss on your jawline, her hand raising to rest on top of your own. “I have many thoughts swirling around in my head. I needed to write them down before I lost them.”
She sighed then, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the feeling of your hands upon her, savoring your company and proximity, “And yourself? What brings you here?”
You gave a sideways smile, chuckling, “Well imagine my surprise when I stirred, rolling over to find cold, tidy sheets beside me. Do share your mind with me, dearest. It has been like this for many a night with you now.”
Ambessa’s heart sank ever so slightly at your words, her shoulders slumping as she spoke, “My love…”
Sighing, she placed the pen down and turned on her stool, looking up at you while wrapping her arms around your waist before pulling you into her lap, “Sit with me for a moment will you, my love?”
You cupped her face with a hand, stroking your thumb over her cheek, “You have my every moment, Ambessa.”
Ambessa leaned into your touch as if your affection had revitalized her, her skin warm beneath your fingertips as she relaxed beneath you. For a good minute, she just sat there, staring up at you and letting your presence soothe the turbulence in her heart.
“You have such a calming effect on me, darling.”
Her hands found your hips, pulling you a bit closer, “You’re my anchor, my rock… I’m learning that without you, I’d be lost.”
You proffered a gentle smile pressing a kiss to her forehead, down the line of her nose, “And you are the waters in which I’ve found my home. Now please, do tell me what burdens you, beloved.”
She paused, letting out a shaky sigh. It was something she’d never thought about admitting to someone else, something that would make her look weak. She could trust you though; she always had.
She reached up to your face, calloused and war-worn fingers tracing the curve of your cheek before she spoke quietly, “I just get these thoughts sometimes… about us. And… our future. I know that it’s a normal thing to do, but I… I have been getting this constant fear of losing you…”
You softened, leaning your face into her touch, holding the back of her hand as you turned to kiss the center of her palm, “My love, I am not going anywhere. Talk to me.”
She let out a shaky breath, both at the feeling of your lips on her hand but also due to her growing pit of anxiety within her stomach, closing her eyes as she savored the way you made her feel; how you could so effortlessly melt away the turmoil and replace it with such a reassuring feeling.
“I fear the worst… I know you won’t willingly leave me, barring a fallout, but… you’re only human at the end of the day. You’ll get older, your body will one day fail you… and I don’t… I can’t live without you…”
You let out a heavy sigh, taking her hands in your own, “My love… we worry enough about our own mortality to be ailed with the thought of the life of those we love. When my years catch up to me, you needn’t but look to the moon and find me among the stars, beloved.”
It almost broke her heart hearing that. The thought of not having you by her side sent her heart racing in her chest, a lump forming in her throat at the mere thought as tears welled up in her eyes.
She swallowed them down, gripping your hands a bit tighter as she fought the urge to beg you not to utter such things.
“How do you expect me to live when you’re gone? My love, I… I need you by my side. I can’t *function* without you here. I-“
“Ambessa.” Your voice was soft as you cut off her quick spiral into her fears, “Love, look at me.”
Watery chestnut orbs met yours, her mind still racing millions of miles a minute, and you could see the toll her thoughts had already begun to take on her. Your hand made contact with her cheek, pulling her from the sunken place within her mind, protecting her from those anxieties that sought to see her drown.
“You do not need me by your side. In all my years, I have never seen such an independent person as you. But I do understand that you *want* me by your side. And I believe that is an admirable thing to want. To have your yearning become desire is such a beautiful thing, but you must believe me when I tell you that even if I am not physically by your side, you will always hold a piece of me with you.”
“Whether we be separated by space, time, or simply the comings and goings of life, we are tethered by the time we share. You functioned before me and will continue to do so long after I am gone. You may not like to hear that, but it is true. Besides, you can always find me. In the ebb and flow of the tides… the salt of the ocean spray… the cycle of the crabs… and as I said earlier, among the moon and stars.”
You leaned forward, pressing your forehead to hers as she closed her eyes, soaking in the closeness, the warmth radiating from you. It was a few moments before she spoke, still stewing in your affection and patience with her, “I suppose you’re right…”
You smiled, kissing right between her brows, “Of course, I am. Now come lay with me, darling. Our bed grows cold without you in it.”
mars i love that you're like : 'idk i think it might be trash i haven't even proofread it yet' and then you send me some of the most beautifully written storytelling i've ever read. this is so fucking good oh my god i'm so excited to see more
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autistichalsin · 9 months
I have seriously started typing and then deleted it four times, because I am so frightened that any tiny miswording will get this post mocked, or have people doubt my sincerity. I think I'm going to just have to tell myself to go ahead and post it, hoping that it will stay in the circle of people who know me well enough through my posts to read this as it is meant to be read, and to quietly acknowledge that if anyone uses this as a chance to mock or snark, it says more about them than me.
So here goes; this is a message to all of the survivors who read my posts.
First, to the ones who have reached out to me: thank you. You may not realize it, but you're actually kind of giving me a gift when you do that. Because when you do that, you're not only telling me that you trust me enough to share this with me, which honestly makes me feel honored, but you're also helping me. You're making me feel less alone, too, and you're sort of... well, if you guys deserve healing (you do), then I guess I do, too, even if I still have this voice in my head that maybe feels like what happened to me was a weird karmic punishment for not being able to protect my loved ones when they had certain things done to them. You make me feel less alone in the weird journey I'm taking. And it's a gift to be given your stories, and trusted with them, and to be able to turn the absolute utter bullshit we were given into something good. Seriously, please don't ever apologize for sending me your stories- you're helping me just as much as the other around, maybe more. They're a gift, not some kind of, like... burden.
(Honestly I think that the proliferation of terms like "trauma dumping" have really worn out their welcome. Like, there's a conversation about boundaries to be had for sure, obviously don't go and tell people about heavy things without their permission, but that term has caused so many people to be afraid to share their authentic lived experiences with people who do want to know, who have given their consent. We need a new term that conveys the importance of consent before bringing up potentially harmful topics, but that doesn't stigmatize people asking for help. Do you guys remember that TikTok video a few years ago with the therapist saying her clients were "trauma dumping" on her? That term has got to go.)
Second, to anyone who may be lurking and wants to reach out, too: I'll be here when you're ready! And until then, know that the posts I make are for you, too.
Third, to people who aren't survivors who are on this page: thank you for being here, too. Thank you for contributing to these conversations that help remove the stigmas, that help us feel seen and supported.
Every single message I get, whether it's a request for a headcanon or fic, or a survivor's story, or something else, is really something I treasure. Whether it's a serious message or something silly, I love hearing what you guys feel you need to say! It just... I don't know. There's something that makes me really giddy about seeing an ask. Someone wanted to tell me, in particular, these things, and read my response, in particular, to it. It feels so much more personal and sweet and authentic than what Twitter cultivates.
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biohazard-4ever · 5 months
How do you imagine Leon as a boyfriend? :333
For both our indulgence and Claire's :D
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This got me while I'm still a little dry of HCs. I have been out of the fandom for quite some time (7 years) and am returning only now so, I don't have many HCs to share with... Yet... So, this will definitely be a little messy and not as good! But I'll definitely comeback to this on later dates and update it constantly.
Are you ready? Are you? (COMPLETELY SFW HCs btw)
Oh, you pressed Read More. You sure are ready!
Maybe you'll want to accuse him of being too aloof for not giving you the satisfaction of telling about his whereabouts. Your friends might even accuse him of being toxic for keeping these "shady" secrets.
If you press him too much, he may let it slip that he is working under a "legal governmental organization" (The president himself, cough) that deals with really complicated things and he would rather not put you in the middle of all this. He is doing this to protect you, damn it! Can't you understand it?
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His work will often be a problem in your relationship... It is something with the potential to kill him out of stress, yet, it is something he does not discuss with you at all. Don't take it as if he does not trust in you enough to share his burden. He just isn't allowed to.
Every time he comes home, you are shocked about the new scars and/or bruises he appears with. All you know is that he travels a lot, has excellence with guns and martial arts, and the more you think about it, the scarier you get. You're no fool... You know that whatever Leon is dealing with in his work, certainly has the full potential of killing him (and you).
PDA. Please, if you are not into it... Well, what are you doing with the one guy that will imprint on someone as a duckling?! There are days he leaves work and goes back home for lunch just because he wants to feel your scent and hold you for a few extra minutes!
You are his piece of normality, and he wants to keep things that way... Maybe you read somewhere about this "conspiracy theory" where "Zombies and Bio-weapons exist". He immediately pulls your attention to check the pup store! The Golden Retrievers pups are on sale!
Leon is not content that you/Claire have to deal with this in any form or way. But he will not dictate how you/she should live your life. This is your fight too, all he gotta do is do his job twice as well so that YOU will not have to deal with it. He is the pawn at the front line, if back-up organizations need to take action, he already failed his job.
He will show up in the Terra Save HQ. Yes, he will pull his Government I.D at the entry lobby while demanding access to her office in the Non-Governamental Agency. He has lunch to deliver to his girl/wife and he wants to enjoy lunch break by her side!
Every birthday is celebrated as a miracle. It is like being borne again. One more year while living this crazy life? And you two get to celebrate it together? Insane.
IF HIS S/O CAN GET PREGNANT, he will feel a little more of urgency to do just so. You know...? You two live a very dangerous job and... Leon wants to leave a piece of him to you (or have a piece of you, in the worst-case scenario, for him). If not the case, he is completely as eager to adopt a child with you.
They will lay in bed on lazy weekends with their lips touching all the time while talking about sweet nothings. His hands inside their shorts' back pocket. Kneading their hips and buttcheeks lovingly.
When walking through the streets with his S/O, if cold or windy, he will put their hand inside his jacket's pockets while holding their hands.
Leon does a lot of things that, for him, it is only natural and he does not really notice he IS doing it until his S/O points it out, like, when having dinner at a restaurant or just at the table of their dining room... If his S/O leans down to try and fetch something that fell or is under their chair that requires them to lean down and reach under the table, Leon will stretch his arm to cover the table's edges closer to his S/O so they won't get hurt or hit themselves when they sit back.
He has two phones. One exclusively for his work, and one his S/O has complete and free access. When they're ready to sleep, Leon will put his phone on the bed on its side working as a mini-TV. His arm works as his S/O's personal pillow while you two watch videos and whatnot (tiktok, youtube, Netflix... You name it)
Leon does not like anything that has to do with BITES. Just. Don't. Not. No funny. And especially, DON'T BITE HIS NECK UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE PUT IN A SLEEPER HOLD. Don't worry, he will grow to accept kisses and wet, sloppy kisses there. Just try and understand it, poor boy has it rough, and often his neck seems to have a red target in it whenever he is out on an assignment.
Sweet messages are not uncommon. Leon acts as an eager youngster in love and you're his first ever sweetheart! He loves to BE in love. He daydreams about your life together and expectations.
He is not a shy guy or antisocial, and maybe his easy-going personality may trigger some jealousy from his S/O but, please, don't hold it against the man. Leon is a Human-people and he loves social interactions. As he said to Buddy after inviting him to drink some beers: "I like company". And it shows! He also invited Mike for a few drinks after they returned to the USA from Spain. (RIP Mike)
Leon loves shopping. Have you seen the man's jackets and watches he uses on a daily bases? His BIKES? Leon is a good-looking guy and he knows it. He wants to stay well-dressed and always presentable. Proud to always be seen as "the handsome boyfriend of his S/O" He even would use that as his first name if you would allow it. (You don't :( ) So, be prepared for a lot of walking and clothes shopping with him!
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hiddenpie · 3 months
Healthy Relationship tingz🍒
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My random thoughts on relationships, hope you enjoy lol
Plz be conscious that when you step into a relationship you are also stepping into your partner’s struggles as well as strengths. It is both partners responsibility to express what may hinder the manifestation of a good relationship BEFORE stepping into it. If not you may find yourself taking on burdens you did not once carry before the partnership. In my opinion considering your heart above all else is most important in a relationship (and in life in general lmao)
You may think you should stay with someone so that they “aren’t stressed out more” or you may say “they are a good person I don’t want to hurt them” but that is not a reason to stay with someone.. and statements like that in and of itself are signs of you taking on burdens that are not yours to bear… make sure these are things that are overall worth it for you personally…
It may sound selfish but being selfish is not bad, it is apart of life just as being selfless is.. if you have too much or too little of either one it can cause for a challenging life…it is your responsibility to invest your energy into things that give to you in balance with how much it takes.
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Please really pay attention to potential risks before entering a relationship and entrusting your heart to another. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SIGNS IF SOMEBODY WILL TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR HEART. Whether it is just a feeling or actions or BOTH.
I always make statements when going into a relationship like “just so you know before I start something with you I have xyz going on, please let me know anything you have going on that maybe cause stress to the connection” or something along those lines.
Obviously it’s a journey getting to know and understand each other and sharing certain struggles but doing things like this prior to the relationship in my opinion is so important and builds trust and can prevent potential resentment later down the line
Lmao maybe you share with them and they still decide to be with you anyways but that was their choice completely, you didn’t hide your hand.
Sending you guys happiness, balance and peace in your partnerships!!!!
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poisonlove · 1 year
Miss Ortega | j.o
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First love is always something wonderful, isn't it? The illusion that everything will be fine and that love between you two will grow stronger, staying within your bubble, ignoring the world.
At times, it can be a harsh wake-up call from reality, a slap in the face that makes you feel terrible about yourself, and most of all, the fear of trusting someone else.
In this case, Jenna is T/n's first love.
A forbidden love, full of problems between the law and judgment.
But the real question is: realistically, how can this affair between these two girls end?
part 13
I approach Olivia, my face marked by anxiety and worry. It was time to face the difficult situation that had arisen due to our relationship and the discovery that Jenna was the mysterious girl involved.
—Olivia, we need to talk. I know you feel betrayed, and I understand why. I never wanted things to get this complicated– I repeat, looking at her with a heavy heart.
Olivia crosses her arms, gazing at me with a mix of anger and sadness.
—I can't believe you kept from me all this time that the mysterious girl is our teacher. I feel betrayed, as if you've played with my feelings... damn it, I'm in love with you!–she confesses, lowering her head with guilt.
—It wasn't my intention to hurt you, Olivia. I kept the relationship a secret to protect Jenna, to avoid complications. But now everything's out in the open, and I realize the mistake I made– I admit.
If I had talked to someone about Jenna and me, maybe I could've had help in handling this immense burden.
Olivia runs a hand through her hair, trying to calm herself. She still felt love, but the disappointment and sense of betrayal were hard to ignore.
—How could you think this wouldn't be a problem? Didn't you consider the consequences, the fact that you could endanger not only yourself but also Jenna's future?– I lower my gaze, regretting my actions.
I take a deep breath and look at Olivia with tear-filled eyes, my voice trembling as I try to explain my feelings.
—Olivia, I beg you to try to understand. I tried to ignore my feelings for Jenna, but she... she's Jenna. She's my teacher, but she's also the person I deeply love. You can't expect me to ignore that completely– my heart tightens as my heartbeat noticeably increases.
Olivia feels a wave of jealousy wash over her, mixed with disappointment and anger. She wants me to feel her suffering and tries to threaten me to preserve her own dignity. After all, I had deceived her.
—If you think I can accept this situation without doing anything, you're mistaken. I can't let this relationship between you and our teacher continue. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to protect my future, even go to the principal and tell the whole truth– Olivia looks at me with hard eyes, a mocking smile playing on her lips.
I look at Olivia with my eyes wide open, frightened by her words. I feel my heart break, fearing losing Jenna and Olivia's friendship forever.
—Olivia, please don't do it. I care about you a lot, but I can't deny my feelings for Jenna. Let's try to find a way to get through this situation together– I nervously bite my lower lip.
Olivia is caught in an internal conflict, torn between the desire to preserve our friendship and the feeling of betrayal she's experiencing. She manages to hold back the tears, but her gaze remains stern.
I approach and take Olivia's hands.
—I don't know if I can ever fully forgive you, t/n. This situation has shaken our mutual trust. We need to find a way to face all of this, but it won't be easy–Olivia admits. I let out a sigh of relief, squeezing Olivia's hands with gratitude.
My eyes lock intensely with Olivia's, my heart full of hope but also fear for the future of our relationship. I needed confirmation, I needed to know if, despite everything, we would still have a connection as friends.
—Olivia, are we still friends? I don't want to lose you completely from my life. Despite everything, we've shared precious moments together– I ask hopefully.
Olivia feels a lump in her throat, understanding how important it is for both of them to maintain a part of their relationship intact. Reluctantly, she nods slowly.
—Yes, we're still friends. We've shared too much to lose each other completely– she smiles as she remembers their first attempt.
As we talk, I notice movement in our direction. I lift my gaze and see Professor Ortega approaching us with tears in her eyes. Her expression is a mix of pain and disappointment.
—Olivia... can I talk to you for a moment?– Jenna asks, her eyes filled with tears.
Jenna's POV:
I feel a lump in my throat, my lips tremble, and tears begin to trickle down my cheeks. A sense of fear overtakes me at the thought of losing my job and t/n, while Olivia's judgmental gaze materializes in my mind.
All my insecurities and fears overflow like a swollen river. I had dedicated so much time and effort to this job, made sacrifices, and carved my path with determination, but now everything seemed to teeter on a thin thread. I feel like the ground is opening beneath me, ready to swallow me into an abyss of uncertainty.
Olivia's words resonate in my head like a hammer hitting an anvil. It's evident that Olivia has discovered something, something that puts me in a vulnerable position. Just thinking about facing the consequences of that exposure makes my legs tremble. The reputation I had painstakingly built over the years seems to fade away, disappearing in an instant.
Fear and sadness intertwine in my heart, creating a tangle of emotions that seems impossible to unravel. I feel like a caged bird, with clipped wings, unable to fly away from the storm that's closing in on me. The job had become my identity, my reason for being, and the thought of losing it is unbearable.
I feel the need to shut myself off, to find a safe haven where I can release my anguish. The walls seem to close in around me, suffocating me, and the weight of my worries feels unbearable. It's as if every cell in my body is screaming in pain and terror.
But deep in my heart, I know I can't let fear completely overcome me. I must find the strength to face the situation, to stand up for myself and prove my worth. I must turn fear into determination, tears into courage.
So, with trembling knees and a tight chest, I rise from the ground. I wipe away my tears and take a deep breath, trying to reclaim my inner strength. I won't let fear drag me into the abyss of helplessness. It's time to fight for what's rightfully mine, to protect my job and dignity, to protect t/n.
With determined steps, I seek out Olivia, ready to face whatever consequences and defend with all my might what I've built. I don't know what awaits me, but I'm determined to do whatever it takes to overcome this trial.
When I stop in front of Olivia and t/n, tears well up in my eyes again, anger pulsates in my heart. I need to make them feel the depth of my emotions, even though I know that anger can cloud my words.
—Jenna...—t/n weakly calls me, but I urgently want to speak with Olivia.
Suddenly, I feel the need to tell Olivia the truth, to let her know how I feel about t/n.
—Yes, I made a mistake. I wasn't professional. But Olivia, you don't understand! I love t/n! I love t/n more than anything, and this job means nothing if I lose it– I say, with a feeling of lightness moving in my chest.
The words hang in the air, filled with passion and desperation. It's the first time I've openly confessed my feelings for t/n in front of anyone, and the weight of my emotions is overwhelming.
T/n looks at me with tear-filled eyes, speechless for a moment. Then, with fierce determination, she approaches and takes my hand.
—Wow... Jen, I was about to tell you that I already convinced Liv...– t/n says, laughing, looking at me with bright eyes.
Olivia remains silent for a moment, shocked by the revelation. Then, her gaze softens, and a certain compassion appears on her face.
—But that doesn't change the fact that Jenna broke the rules— she admits with a sigh.
I lower my gaze, my shoulders trembling under the weight of remorse. —I'm sorry, Liv. I promise things will change—t/n admits, probably referring to their friendship.
—Now... I'm leaving—Olivia asserts, and without saying anything more, she walks towards the stairs.
T/n's t/c-colored eyes look at me sweetly, and my breath catches in my throat. —So... do you love me?– she asks, and I nervously bite my lower lip.
We've just resolved one drama, and now I have to discuss this.
Jenna and I ran into each other in the school hallway after solving the Olivia issue. With curious eyes, I watch Jenna, awaiting her response.
Jenna nods, her eyes gleaming with happiness. —Yes, I love you. It's something I've felt for a while, but I was afraid to confess—she says with a smile.
I embrace her tightly, excited about this discovery. However, after a moment of joy, I remember something important. After the horrible experience I had with Olivia, I need to tell Enid about it to have someone who can support me in front of others.
—Jenna, I want to tell Enid about us. I want her to know that we're together— I confess, and Jenna looks at me as if I grew a second head.
Jenna withdraws slightly, uncertain. —I'm not sure if that's a good idea. I'm afraid things might get complicated—her dark eyes look at me with fear, dreading having to go through a similar situation as a few minutes ago.
I take Jenna's hands and gaze into her eyes tenderly. —I understand your concerns, Jen, but I think it's better to face the situation with honesty. Enid is understanding, she's my best friend; I want us to be free to be ourselves, at least in front of her– I admit, giving Jenna a slight smile.
Jenna reflects on my words and realizes I'm right. After taking a deep breath, Jenna smiles at me.
—You're right, we should face the situation together. But let's not mention it to my family, not now obviously— she says and smiles as confirmation. —We just need to be prepared to face the possible consequences– Jenna adds with a smile, instinctively moving closer to me to hug me.
I step back when I see a student approaching in the distance.
Jenna looks at me, puzzled, furrowing her brow. —You need to be more discreet— I whisper as the student walks past us, and Jenna nods slowly.
—Sorry—Jenna whispers, and I give her a sweet smile. —Don't worry... see you later at your house?– I ask, and Jenna smiles at me like the Cheshire Cat.
—This time, serious studying– I say, and Jenna, putting on a disapproving expression, taps her foot on the ground, behaving like a two-year-old.
—Come on, you're 23... you should be more mature– I comment, and she sighs in frustration. —You're 23!– she responds in a joking tone, and I roll my eyes at her behavior.
—You'll be the child—she sticks her tongue out and looks at me with narrowed eyes, arms crossed over her chest.
Shrugging indifferently, I nod my head. —Yeah, I actually am, I'm 17–I said, looking at my nails with little interest. Jenna opened her mouth in indignation. —Close your mouth if you don't want flies to get in– I told her.
Jenna closed her mouth and shifted uncomfortably in her place, looking at me with flushed cheeks.
—Great,  not only am i dating one of my students, but she's also a minor– Jenna murmured to herself, spreading her arms out theatrically. —A few more months and you won't risk jail time, my dear– I said, giving her a sidelong glance. Jenna looked at me, biting her lower lip in concern.
—And you have to admit that you like fucking this underage– I whispered with a teasing smile, earning a glare from Jenna. —You really are an idiot.– Jenna shook her head and tapped me lightly on the shoulder. —Ouch! I can sue you if I want!–I rubbed my arm dramatically and Jenna looked at me with a raised eyebrow. —Will you stop being the jerk?— Jenna sighed loudly, and I smirked.
—It's worth accepting it, after all you love me just the way I am– I admitted, and she shook her head with a smile on her lips. —Yes... I love you like this... now go, I need to go do my job– Jenna blew me a kiss with her lips and turned her back, starting to walk down the hallway.
The "I love you too" presses at the tip of my tongue, finally wishing to come out, but fear overwhelms me, preventing me from telling the truth. I can tell others that I'm in love with Jenna, in this case just to Olivia, but I can't say it to the person directly involved.
—Maybe next time– I whispered into the air before walking away.
After school, I met Enid in a quiet place, the backyard of her house, to talk. I had sent her a message saying that we needed to talk, and she told me she had something to share too.
Enid looks a bit worried as she gazes at me, trying to understand what I want to say. I take a deep breath and begin to speak with a serious expression on my face.
—Enid, there's something I need to tell you. Jenna and I... are together. We're a couple–I murmur, dropping the news like a bomb.
Enid remains still, eyes wide with surprise. She had intended to share a different piece of news, but my confession leaves her speechless. For a moment, it seems like she's trying to process the situation.
—..I... wanted to tell you that I had worked things out with Ajax. I was planning to talk to you about it today...—Enid interrupts herself, a look of confusion on her face. The blonde looks at me with disbelief.
I look at Enid with anxiety and hope. —I'm sorry, Enid... I didn't mean to put you in an uncomfortable situation. We just... Jenna and I wanted to be honest with you. Our relationship has just started, but we wanted to share it with you.—
In reality, we had been together for a couple of months, but in comparison, it wasn't a long time.
Enid shakes her head, trying to reorganize her thoughts. —It's not that you're putting me in an uncomfortable situation, t/n... it's just... sudden. I didn't expect this. And I must say, you've caught me off guard– Enid sighs and covers her face with her hands, feeling a heavy weight after this revelation.
I lower my gaze, worried about Enid's reaction. —I'm sorry if I surprised you, it's just that... Jenna and I realized we had feelings for each other, and we wanted to try building something special– I confess, fiddling with my fingers.
Enid backs away slightly, a worried expression on her face. —T/n, I understand that you and Jenna love each other, but we need to be mindful of the possible consequences. Jenna is our teacher, and if your relationship is discovered, there could be serious disciplinary consequences for both of you.–
The same words Olivia had mentioned echoed like a haunting reminder, and a frustrated sigh escapes my lips.
I lower my gaze, acknowledging the seriousness of the situation. —I know, Enid. It's a risk we're taking. But we can't ignore our feelings.—
The blonde sighs and approaches me again, her expression concerned. —I can help you keep the relationship a secret, at least until Jenna is no longer our teacher— Enid proposes, and her statement makes me smile.
I smile gratefully for Enid's support. —Thank you, I really appreciate your help.—
—And to think I would have bet that you'd end up with Olivia— Enid genuinely smiles, finding amusement in her statement.
After Enid's remark about Olivia, I become nervous and panicked. In a moment of weakness, I want to say something that will likely get me into trouble. —Enid, there's something you should know... Olivia already knows– I confess, feeling my heart race.
Enid freezes instantly, looking at me with a mix of hurt and disappointment. Tears start forming in her eyes. —How could you? How could you trust everything to Olivia and not to me? I've been your best friend for years– Enid's voice cracks, and I feel like a complete fool.
I look at Enid sincerely, trying to explain the situation. —Enid, I want you to know that Olivia didn't learn about our secret directly from me. She discovered it by accident, she caught us together in a moment of intimacy. I didn't intentionally confide my secret to her— I try to lift the girl's spirits.
Enid feels relieved hearing these words. Her face relaxes slightly as she listens attentively to my explanations. She wipes tears from her cheeks. —If Olivia found out accidentally, then I feel a bit more at ease. I was worried you had trusted her with it without telling me first– Enid shyly smiles at me with moist eyes.
I nod, understanding Enid's concerns. —I assure you, En, that the secret remained between Jenna and me until Olivia found out. I understand your desire to hear it from me, and I apologize again for not telling you personally– I confess, smiling at Enid.
—After all, I know you love gossip—I give Enid a friendly tap, and she bursts into hearty laughter.
—Do the others know? Diego? Spenser... Xavier?– she asks after finishing her laughter, looking at me curiously.
—No, and I'd prefer to keep it that way... I have no intention of telling them... maybe in a few months– I confess, and Enid nods understandingly.
The two friends gaze into each other's eyes, reassured by the strength of their friendship. They know there will be challenges to face, but they're determined to overcome them together.
I was at Jenna's house having a calculus lesson. After having discussed with Enid, I had to go to Jenna's house to resume studies in the afternoon since the contest was almost there.
—Then, Rolle's theorem establishes that if a function is continuous on a closed interval and differentiable on an open interval within that closed interval, then there exists at least one point in which the derivative of the function is equal to zero— Jenna writes the explanation on a portable whiteboard that she kept on the side of the kitchen.
I put the tip of the pencil between my lips as I look at the teacher with mischievous eyes. To make the lesson more interesting, Jenna and I agreed on a small, innocent detail. Every time I answered correctly, Jenna would remove an item of clothing, and now the teacher was walking around the house half naked. Jenna brushes back a lock of her hair before writing a rough draft, exposing the skin on her body. I had managed to make her take off her crop-top and skirt, as well as her socks with their respective shoes. My eyes wandered over her curves, stopping at the lingerie she was wearing: a white bra and matching panties.
It seems pretty clear to me. Could you give me a practical example to understand it better?” I ask, tilting my head to the side as I look at her toned legs. Jenna nods and begins to write the example. –Imagine you have a function f(x) = x^2 - 4x + 3. We want to find a point where the derivative of this function is equal to zero. First, we must check if the function satisfies the conditions of Rolle's theorem. The function f(x) is continuous on a closed interval [1, 3] and differentiable on an open interval (1, 3)–
Jenna looks at me smiling slightly, her brown eyes sparkling.
-Understood. But how can we check if the values ​​of f(1) and f(3) are the same?” I ask, and Jenna looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Excellent question!" Let's compute the values ​​of f(1) and f(3). Substituting x = 1, we get f(1) = 1^2 - 4(1) + 3 = 0. Then, substituting x = 3, we get f(3) = 3^2 - 4(3) + 3 = 0. As you can see, the values ​​are effectively the same— Jenna's eyes flicker to my lips before returning her attention to the whiteboard.
—So, can we apply Rolle's theorem in this case?– I ask, crossing my legs.
-Exactly. Since the function satisfies the conditions of Rolle's theorem, we can affirm that there exists at least one point c within the interval (1, 3) in which the derivative of the function is equal to zero— Jenna bites her lower lip and pulls away a lock of hair from his face.
—The derivative of f(x) is f'(x) = 2x - 4, right?—I ask innocently, as Jenna looks at me with a slight smile on her lips.
—Yeah...exactly–Jenna sighs and, resigned, removes her bra, leaving me gawking at the sight.
—Now, to find point c, we must solve the equation f'(x) = 0. So, 2x - 4 = 0. Adding 4 to both sides and dividing by 2, we obtain x = 2—the chestnut nonchalantly explains while Continue writing on the board.
My eyes remain fixed on her breasts, marveling at her shape and her modest size.
—So the point c at which the derivative of f(x) equals zero is x = 2?— I ask, savoring victory.
—Exactly, point c is x = 2.—Jenna's voice softens and, with a resigned sigh, she removes the last item of clothing she was wearing. Jenna gives me a pleading look, urging me to intervene as soon as possible. while licking my lower lip, I was admiring this beautiful work of art.
—So, what's up?—Jenna rolled her eyes in boredom and jumped up to sit on the dresser. My eyes widened at Jenna and my breath caught in my throat as I saw her spread her legs slightly, inviting me closer.
—I love you!—I spontaneously murmur, resting my head on Jenna's bare chest. I was quite exhausted and couldn't continue with the "rounds" my girlfriend was asking for.
Jenna seems satisfied, her breath heavy and her hair tousled. Her body tenses slightly beneath mine after hearing those words. Our eyes meet, and I see her irises filled with tears.
—Did... did I say something wrong?— I stammer, looking at Jenna with concern. She shakes her head, smiling widely.
—You... you told me... you love me— she whispers, and I open my eyes in surprise.
Now that I think about it, Jenna was right. I nervously bite my lower lip, realizing that I had said those two famous words spontaneously and, above all, in a moment of vulnerability.
Jenna's hand rests on my cheek, and she looks at me tenderly. —It's the first time you've said it to me— she confesses, and I lean into her touch, getting lost in her gaze.
Jenna pulls me closer to her for a kiss, and I enjoy it, placing my arms on the sides of the couch to not crush her with my weight.
—ti amo– I repeat earnestly, pressing my forehead against hers, our noses brushing in an Eskimo kiss. —I'm sorry for telling you while we were making love—I smile, and she returns the smile, highlighting the dimple on her cheek.
Jenna wraps her arms around my neck and lightly bites her lower lip. —It's perfect this way– she confesses, and I look at her with love, seeing the reflection of my face through her crystalline eyes.
—I love you too– Jenna says, giving me a little kiss on the tip of my nose. —How about we get dressed and have something to eat?— she suggests, and I enthusiastically agree.
—It sounds like a great idea— I respond excitedly. We get up from the couch and head to find our clothes scattered on the floor. As we dressed, I couldn't help but smile and feel overwhelmed by the love I felt for Jenna.
Once dressed, we leave the room hand in hand and head to the kitchen. Jenna starts preparing something to eat while I sit at the table, watching her with adoration. I loved seeing her move with grace and skill in the kitchen. It was one of the many talents she had that made me fall in love with her more every day.
After a few minutes, Jenna places a plate of pasta in front of me. Not only was she an expert in bed, but also in the kitchen. I smile gratefully and begin to enjoy the meal with her.
As we eat, we chat and laugh, sharing moments of intimacy and complicity. There's no room for worries or stress in that moment. It's just the two of us, wrapped in the love and happiness that binds us.
We finish eating and remain seated at the table, taking a moment to relax and enjoy each other's company. Jenna looks at me with tenderness and affection, gently stroking my hand.
—You're the best thing that's ever happened to me– she says softly. —I love you more than words can express.—
Tears of happiness fill my eyes as I look at her. I squeeze her hand lovingly. —And I love you more than I ever thought possible. You're my everything, Jenna.—
We embrace tightly, sealing our words with a gesture of love and commitment. In that moment, I know that we're meant to be together, overcoming any obstacle that comes our way.
The love we share is powerful and real. And as we embrace, I know deep in my heart that we've found our happiness in each other's arms.
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znerac · 11 months
Come Closer
Sorry for my terrible exuses of titles LOL
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x ftm!Reader
No specific pronouns are used but if i make a part two the reader will be described as ftm
Part 2
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, No Y/N, Cheating (Readers Bf)
Words: 2.2k
Summary: after finding Kriz with another in bed, reader finds themselves in the arms of the general they've treated many times before.
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Today so far was normal, patients were slow, and once you were off-shift you headed home. Of course, your apartment on coruscant wasn't the best, but you shared it happily with your boyfriend Kriz.
You found it odd how the door was unlocked, but brushed it off. You walk in with a happy 'im home!'. You begin to set your things on the counter, when an odd noise was heard. Of course, you thought nothing of it and called your lovers name. When you got no response, you got curious.
Walking over, your brows furrowed at the continuation of the noise, making your gut twist. Opening your guy's shared bedroom door, the pit in your gut deepened and your heart practically shattered.
The two in your bed jumped and your boyfriend started speaking, but you heard none of it. Walking out and shutting the door with tears welling up in your eyes.
You stood for a second in shock.
And then the tears started streaming.
You let out a choked sob and grabbed your bag, shuffling out just as your boyfriend came out of the bedroom.
Of course, you didn't have time to think, you were overwhelmed and disgusted. Rushing out of the building with a few held in cries.
Your mind was racing, and you didn't know where else to go but work, and so you did. You caught a cab back, and when you arrived you bumped into a few clones, apologizing profusely before you went back into your office.
It was pretty much the only place you could be alone. So you sat in your chair and held yourself, your mind going over the scene over and over. It plagued your mind, and it was too overwhelming, you nearly choked on your breath.
After about ten minutes, you heard a knock on your door. And you jumped, quickly wiping away your tears with a weak 'come in'.
The door opened, and you couldn't look up, staring down and grabbing mindlessly at a few papers, "can i help you?" you ask, thumb sliding over the documents.
"You bumped into one of my recruits, said you were upset. Is something wrong?"
You knew that voice, that voice was from a certain general who had a tendency to getting hurt. You looked up, surprised.
"General Kenobi? I- i uh it's nothing im fine, really" you lie between a smile. Obi-wan frowns, coming to sit down on the seat opposite of your desk. "You know very well i can sense that something is not right. Its better to talk about your feelings, you know. Why don't you tell me whats bothering you?" he says, asking again for you to talk. Your mouth wavers, opening and closing to speak. But you break out in a few more tears.
Obi-wan's eyebrows furrow, "Maybe i can help?" he offers, but you shake your head. "You.. Can't do anything. I just.. I" you pause to breathe. "I found Kriz.. With a girl.. When i went home" you say quietly. You watch as Obi-wan thinks, and it clicks. "Oh, I'm so sorry" he says, tone soft. You sniffle, shrugging. "Its.. Its fine. I'll get over it" you mumble, and he sits up. "But it's not fine, he broke your trust. Thats not just something you can forget." he explains, "i expect you probably don't feel like going back. I could offer you a stay in my quarters?" he offers, tilting his head to the side. You give a faint smile, "i.. I can't. I don't want to be a burden"
Obi-wans face contorts, "You're no Burden, Never" he says in an almost defensive tone. "Please, it would be be my pleasure. Besides, you deserve a break. Some peace" he excuses, standing up. "Come now, I'm not letting you be alone after such an event"
You smile faintly, appreciative of his caring demeanor. You stand up, grabbing your bag and slowly following him.
Obi-wan stays fairly quiet as you two walk, it feels tense. But somehow comforting. Although you don't really know the general all that much, you appreciate how caring he seemed to be.
Once you arrived at his quarters in the Jedi Temple, you step in a little nervously. But the clean and tidy surroundings make you just a little more at ease.
"What kind of tea do you like?" he asks, walking over to the set of counters and puts a kettle on. You follow, standing beside him. "I don't usually drink tea.. Just make anything you like and I'll drink it" you say, and Obi-wan looks over, "Ah.. Well.. I'll just make you one of my regulars. Unless you'd like something else?" he cocks a brow. You shake your head, "no, no its okay, I'll drink your uh, tea" you exuse with your hands up. He smiles, "Relax my friend, Take a seat. You could put on a holo if you'd like. Make yourself at home" he says, patting your shoulder and you nod.
You make it over to the little couch by the holo, taking in a shaky breath. Everything went by so quickly, and it felt a little unreal to even be here. You jump a little when you get a commcall on your wrist, but seeing the name your face scrunches and you quickly reject it. You end up taking off your link and setting it aside.
Obi-wan came back with two mugs, handing you one. "I sure do hope its alright, i just made it how i would usually for myself. But if you don't care for it theres always other options" he says, sitting next to you. You can't help but crack a weak smile, looking down at the drink in your palms. "Thank you"
He smiles over at you, and takes a sip from his mug. "Would you like to talk at all? Or would you prefer to just take your mind off of things?" he asks, tilting his head to the side and looking at you with those beautiful blues.
You think for a moment, looking at your transmitter before back at obi-wan. "Maybe later.. We can talk.. I just, want to relax for a little" you reply, and he gives you a nod. "Fair enough. Here, put a show on." he hands you the holopad, and you grab it. Choosing a random show you liked and throwing it up on the big screen.
You both sit quietly, until you start to talk about the show. Which, felt good. Obi-wan was a great listener. He looked over when you spoke, kept his attention on you, and replied when you asked him a question. It had been awhile since anyone actually gave you their full attention, and you were sure obi-wan could sense how thankful you were.
Eventually, you continued to drink your tea, actually finishing it too. "This was good, maybe your just great at making tea. I've never actually tasted one this good" you compliment, standing up. He furrows his brows, "well thank you, but, where are you going?" he asked, uncrossing his legs and sitting up. You pause, looking down at your mug. You thought he would want you to leave after the drink. "I don't know.. I kind of assumed you'd want me to leave after" you reply, and the other chuckles. "No such thing, I'm not sending you back there unless you choose to go. Please, Stay." he smiles, standing and taking your mug. "Here, I'll take care of this. Now why don't you go have a shower and refresh yourself, i have some clothes that could fit you." he offers.
You bite at your lip before sighing, "a shower does seem nice.." you hum, giving obi-wan a faint smile. He nods you to the refresher and you thank him before going, shedding your clothes almost instantly before hopping into the shower and relaxing against the hot water. You just let yourself stand there, soaking up all the warmth.
About five minutes into it, you hear a soft knock at the door followed with a "I'm just going to place these here, a Towel and something for you to wear" you hear obi-wan say. And you smile softly, thanking him before hearing him leave. You don't know how much longer you spend in there, but it just feels so nice you can't help but soak it up until the water starts to turn cold.
At that point, you get out and wrap yourself in the towel after drying your hair. You spend some time just standing there, going over the scenes once more. And then dry yourself off.
When you picked up the shirt obi-wan left you, you smiled a little. It was definitely his, or at least fit him. It was a plain white tee, and you slipped that on along with the gray sweats he gave you. It felt a little odd to be in another guys clothes, but you decided to savor the feeling. If your boyfriend could savor another person, you could let yourself at least wear these. You walked out, feeling a bit better and definitely more refreshed.
"Enjoy your shower?" you hear obi-wan ask, as he walks over to you from the little kitchen in the quarters. He handed you a plate with a neatly made wrap. "Oh, yeah it was.. Really nice" you say, taking the plate and thanking him for it. "Thats good to hear. Now how about you eat that, and then go take a rest. I'll be here, i just have some paperwork to do" he says, pointing to the plate. You cock a brow, "Rest? Like, sleep?" you ask. He nods. "I'm not taking your bed, obi-wan. I can rest fine on the couch"
"Nonesense. You can sleep in my bed, it's more comfortable I'd say. I'll take the couch, you need a good rest and I've had plenty." he smiles. You huff, thinking for a second. "You're not sleeping on the couch, this is your home, you can rest in the same best as me, we're both adults" you counter, and he raises a brow. "You're okay with that?" he asks, and you nod reassuringly. He gives you a final nod, "well then, please do get some rest. I still have to do some work" he says, giving your shoulder a small squeeze. "And if later when i come back, and you decide you don't want me to rest with you i fully understand" he says reassuringly before wandering off to his office.
You stand there for a second before going to sit, eating slowly and going over todays events again. It made you feel worse, but you couldn't help it. But what did help, was Obi-wan offering help and comfort. Which he seemed good at, and that made you feel a little better. Although, when you looked at your empty plate a few tears shed again. You get up to place the plate in the sink, and wander to obi-wans office. Gently pushing the door open. You watch with teary eyes as he turns his head and frowns. Then he stands, and faces you with open arms.
You don't hesitate for a second to jump into his arms and hug him. Feeling his arms wrap around you carefully, caressing your back to comfort you. You sob a couple times into his robes, leaving a small wet mark where your tears fell. But he says nothing, rubbing your back and letting you release those emotions. You spend a good couple minutes in his arms before pulling away, eyes red and puffy. And he smiles down at you, wiping the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs. "Let’s go lay, i can sense that you're tired" he suggests, and you nod. Turning and letting him follow you to his bed, and you glance at him before crawling in under the blankets. He waits a second, putting a finger up and going to grab a few clothes of his, and heading to the refresher. He comes back in just a simple sweatshirt and loose pajama pants, and asks you again if you're okay with him laying with you. Of course, you say yes and scoot aside so he can get in.
Once he gets comfortable, you wait for a second, biting your inner cheek. "Can we-"
He nods and opens his arms. And you shuffle into his arms, up against his chest with your head tucked into his neck. It’s comforting, and warm. And you feel yourself relax against him as he rests his arms around you.
Obi-wan moves his arm and suddenly you feel his hand in your hair. And you just melt, humming and leaning your head up into it. Of course he continues, and it just feels amazing.
It had been ages since anyone touched your hair, and it just felt special. Especially with how gentle obi-wan had been treating you. It was like he knew what you needed.
"Obi-wan?" you spoke up gently. He hummed in reply. "Thank you, for everything." you say in a somewhat weak tone, and he holds you just a little tighter. "Of course, Dear" he says softly.
You think for a little, feeling a buildup of emotions in your chest.
He kisses the top of your head, holding you closer, "It's going to be alright my dear, now just rest, okay?" he speaks softly, and you just nod.
Sleep was surprisingly easy to find that night.
Thank you for reading! Reblogs are appreciated ❤️
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