#ill have my halloween costume before i know if i have adhd
fox-daddy · 9 months
Incorrect quotes now with my MC's because nobody can stop me.
TW: swearing, mild nsfw jokes
Hunter: You know Julian, because of pregnant people the average number of skeletons inside a person is never one
Julian: what the f-
valdemar: no, let them speak
Asra: your future self is watching you through your memor-
Julian: not if I drink enough alcohol. Take that you prying creep!
Asra: for some reason people are scared of staring into the vast depths of the ocean that is actually only a few miles deep. Yet find comfort staring into the endless abyss that is the sky above us
Kyle: that's because gravity doesn't drag you into the abyss
The Magician: not yet :)
Kyle: And what the fuck does that mean?
Bluebell: someone has drunk more alcohol than anyone else in the world and they don't even know it.
Lucio: of course I know him, he's me
Asra: what is C for?
Hunter dressed up as cookie monster: C4 is a fucking explosive
Asra: No, what is, C, for?
Hunter:... C is for Cock
Asra: what's your costume?
Hunter: cookie monster
Hunter holding a gun to a mushroom: tell me- tell me the name of god you fungal piece of shit!
Mushroom: can you feel your heat burning? can you feel the struggle within? the fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make. You cannot kill me in a way that matters
Hunter cocks gun tears streaming down their face: I'M NOT FUCKING SCARED OF YOU
Julian: hey, Hunter, what the fuck does this mean?
Hunter: decay exists as an extant form of life
Julian: That's a- that's a terrifying answer, have a nice day
Hunter: I love cheating, if you don't cheat what the hell is wrong with you?
Nadia: have you ever been cheated on?
Hunter: Oh shit, I forgot some people are in relationships. To clarify I love to violate academic integrity on exams
Bluebell: top hats imply the existence of a bottom hat
Kyle: cat ears
Hunter: why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?
Kyle: how to start discourse. 'insert favorite person' is a 'insert favorite Hogwarts house'
Hunter: Julian is a power-bottom and not enough people talk about it
Kyle: I don't think that sentence starts discourse so much as ends any conversation before it even starts
Hunter: nature documentary but the narration is just weird enough to make you question it
Bluebell: Some fish can walk out of water, so remember that next time
Kyle: you might think your safe, but horses are omnivores
Hunter: standing up and blacking out for a few seconds is just transitioning from a cutscene to the actual gameplay
Julian: you need to eat some salt is what that means
Hunter: the cis are all like 'but won't children be confused' but every interaction I've ever had with a child who didn't know what to call me has gone verbatim like this
"why are you wearing a dress"
"because I can"
"Okay. Do you like animals?"
Bluebell: kids are very busy and have got much more important things to think about, such as their favorite animals
Hunter: okay, brain, don't freak out, but we've come across a minor inconvenience
Hunter's brain already dousing itself in gasoline: that's unfortunate
Kyle with ADHD, ASD and mild dyspraxia/Dislexia: I'll stop making jokes about mental illness, when mental illness stops making a joke out of me *laugh slowly turns into pained chuckle*
Kyle: isn't it crazy how depending on your mental state you can either spill a glass of water and be like 'HAHAHA OOPS CLUMBSY ME' or spill a glass or water and be like 'MY LIFE IS A FUCKING NIGHTMARE, I DESTORY EVERYTHING I TOUCH, NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE ME AND MY WET FUCKING FLOOR'
Kyle: It's Halloween let's do something REALLY SCARY
Hunter: we could go to bed early and be alone with our thoughts
Kyle when trying to force themselves to learn something they have no care about nor interest in;
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Hunter: why do I feel terrible?
hunter's body: coffee is not a meal, eat a vegetable, sleep, PLEASE!!!
Hunter: guess I'll never know
Hunter's body screaming internally: Oh my god!!!
Kyle: checking the clock before starting something*
Kyle's ADHD: well it's 9:14 which might as well be 9:30 and that's basically 10 which is almost 11 and I have to be in bed by 11 so I don't have time to start anything
Kyle: everyone is so much taller than me, I get to be picked up so often, just whenever I want! I just have to ask and it's GREAT! Now if only I could actually see where I was going through this stupid crowd.
Portia: I will make them pay for the way I was treated. The streets will run red with the blood of those who mocked me. All shall perish before the rage of the opressed. My vengeance draws near-
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icequeen1371 · 9 months
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My daughter made me a sushi bowl to cheer me up😭💜I had to tell my good friend that I can’t make it to her wedding in late Oct. I was REALLY looking forward to it & planned so hard for it. Got my passport applied for in time so it would be mailed to me in plenty of time, saved money (what little I could cuz I’m on a super tiny fixed income) and got some cool little things for the bride & her groom that we’re suited to their likes and personality. Even made a Wicca box for her to store her tarot cards in, my daughter made the bride a necklace....so much planning. Then my bff who was supposed to have her shot together, discovers she needs a certain certificate for her passport application and she tries getting it from the courthouse, and after 6 weeks it still hasn’t come in. She swore she had her shot together and no problem no problem, don’t worry, we’re going FOR SURE, it’ll be so much fun, we really need this get away etc and all this was after her telling her brother and stepsister that she couldn’t go to a weeklong trip to Cuba the week before that because she would only be getting back the day before we had to make a 10 Hour Dr. to Kentucky. And she was in such a bitchy mood when she told me yesterday too. Just blurted it out. “Yeah, you know we’re not gonna be going right?“. She’s done a lot of work on yourself, but honestly? When she gets in moods like that, it makes me think she did it on purpose. Because at her core when something does not concern her or she feels as though her life is getting terrible [she’s one of those FML people that lets one thing ruin her entire day] she gets extremely selfish and starts talking like she wants to end it all. She never means it. Ever. And she says it like it’s a joke like it’s OK to say it just because she’s in a bad mood. As though that something that’s OK to joke about. Meanwhile, myself and my daughter are in the car, both with depression and taking meds for it, and she saying stuff like that. Really? But it’s like those people that have blind tempers, they don’t notice the effect that they’re having on other people until afterwards pet. I’m not excusing it at all, trust me. Pisses me off when she does it and it makes me resent her. But still. Anyways, it’s starting to feel like she did it on purpose. Like I said. It doesn’t mean she is, I could just be resentful and pissy that her ADHD had her sit on her ass for the 2 1/2 months prior when she had plenty of money to apply for her passport and should have done so, but didn’t. Just pisses me off. Because honestly, if I had my own car, I have my passport. I have the money. I would just go on my own. Anyone in Southwest Ontario wanna go to a costumed wedding the weekend before Halloween? LOL paid glamping tent included? LOL JK. Anyways, someone ordered a cheer me up, this is what my daughter made me. I slept in a lot today which I really need it. But after a very very long bath I was scrubbing myself from head to toe, my chronic illness kicked in and I’m absolutely exhausted. But then I realized I hadn’t eaten all day. So she made me this. Made me notice that I’m actually starving. I have a funny feeling that from now until November 1, I’m going to be depressed and in this mood and getting easily triggered by saying Halloween things or a forest with changing leaves because we were going to be in the middle of a forest for the wedding, it’s just making me feel like I want to skip fall this year which is very much not like me. Siiiiiiigh. And of course I’m coping with it all by using dark humor, sarcasm and putting LOL at the end of everything. Make no wonder people never think of me as bad off as I say I am. 
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yuureimajo · 2 years
It truly is incredible to me how aggressively dismissive people are toward other people who can’t live life in a way they deem ‘‘normal.’‘ I feel like for a brief time, there was a bit of a push towards understanding and empathy at least in certain places - both online and in the real world - but now we’ve swung back to this extremely hostile and disparaging attitude about it. Like, the notes on that last post I reblogged are full of comments ranging from ‘‘This is all stuff you can Google, so stop acting helpless’‘ to ‘‘Umm I learned to do that when I was a literal infant so how stupid are these people?’‘ to ‘‘If you’re this useless, just kill yourself.’‘ None of these people have any idea what it’s like to have extreme anxiety over not knowing how to do something; the fear that you will do it wrong, even if you’ve done it before. The fear that there will somehow be a consequence for that. The way that ‘‘just googling something’‘ isn’t the issue, it’s that you’re caught in a loop of fretting about not getting something right and feeling like an idiot that you don’t know it already. Maybe you genuinely never learned these things from your parents or school. Maybe you did learn, years ago, but time or mental illness have made you forget. Maybe you try Googling it, but you get multiple different answers and you’re not sure which one is right. Maybe you get one answer, but you don’t have the tools necessary to do it. Maybe you have the answer and the tools, but you’re still second-guessing yourself anyway, not for any logical reason, but simply because you can’t help it. Your brain isn’t going to let you do it. Recently on Twitter, a (former) mutual retweeted someone’s #epicratio quote tweet of a person with ADHD and autism. The latter person said something about how they’ve never seen anyone talk about how Halloween can be so fun but also kind of hard for people who are ND and struggle with wearing costumes. I don’t have that exact problem, but I could relate in my own way because of my OCD. It’s definitely not something I’ve seen people talk about much, and the OP was just opening a bit of a discussion about it on their own twitter. But the quote tweeter felt that it was really vital and important to state, “You people can’t do anything.” Such a small sentence that’s so dismissive and othering and belittling, and for what? Do you feel like a cool and amazing person because you owned that ND person so hard? Did you get the views, did you get the engagement? From my own perspective, it’s an absolute nightmare living with the barriers I have. I’m 34 now but I’m not able to live life as most people feel a person in their 30s “should” be capable of. I struggle so much with some things that other people just consider basic knowledge or things everyone should “just know” or “know by now.” I do my best to take care of myself and be independent as much as I possibly can, and when I have to ask for help, I feel so embarrassed. It’s humiliating and it’s discouraging and it’s a huge factor toward my suicidal ideation. And these people will really sit there, all condescension, and sneer that I should just Google the things I don’t know how to do. Just figure it out. They’ve known how to do things their whole life, so I should be able to do those things too. Just do yoga. Just put mind over matter. Just do it. If I can’t, I should just kill myself. The same old things mentally ill and neurodivergent people have heard all our lives. Nothing ever really changes. People like me are not employing “weaponized incompetence” when we talk about our struggles or ask for help. We’re literally just trying to understand ourselves, to try to find other people who understand, to get through our day the best we can. If you feel the need to mock and belittle that, consider taking a look at yourself and asking why you have so little ability to care about people who are different from you, why you’re so predisposed to treat them like they’re lesser, why you’re so quick to tell them to end their lives. Try Googling it, even.
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starberry-fag · 3 years
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all i can think abt
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adhdvent · 4 years
Hello. In pure, potential-adhd fashion, I made this blog and then forgot/didn’t attempt to actually post here haha;;;
I have multiple updates for y’all
After a really shit week two weeks ago where I was crying every day and hella stressed, I had my first therapy appointment on Oct 7th! It was just me explaining my symptoms and now I need to book an appointment for an in-person psychological test for adhd and to rule out other things! (Although I’m a bit worried bc I was supposed to get a call from them and never did;;;; and then tried to call them and they didn’t pick up :)) we’ll see what happens)
Then the following weekend, I had the most relaxing weekend ever. I started talking with my first friend at my college n stuff. Maximum self care. So much so that I forgot about my responsibilities and then broke down Sunday night while doing assignments :D
And fun fact: I help out with my brother’s classes on top of doing college which can be a major stressor, but on Monday I didn’t have to because he was off school. I thought it’d be easier since I’d only have my schoolwork to work on but Boy Was I Wrong™️
I had barely any sleep the night before trying to catch up on an art assignment to only get one singular part of it done that took 4 hours
I was beyond frustrated and disappointed with myself. So the morning of the 12th I faced my teacher and she said I could have more time to finish but points would be taken off. I sat through the rest of the zoom while trying not to cry and then broke down after it was over while trying to hide how I was feeling from my siblings which was fun
After that, I had had enough. I’ve been reluctant to even call the issues I’ve been having mental health issues because I still feel like I’m lying to myself. I don’t have a diagnosis or anything so I didn’t feel like I could call it that, but the way the past two weeks had been going had been the most draining of my whole life. Every day was so hard. So, I faced my fears and emailed my teacher and explained what was going on.
She actually listened to me.
She was so understanding and kind about everything, and now I have more time to complete my art assignments and show my full potential. I cried tears of joy after reading her email because she told me I was one of the most talented students in the class. It really meant so much to me that she saw what I was capable of through all my struggle to do just the bare minimum.
The rest of the week got much easier. I cheered up in the second half of it and decorated my house for Halloween :) I made cookies and watched hocus pocus with my brother and got back into the autumn mood which was really nice 🍂🍁🌻
The weekend was just as nice, which brings us to this week of the 18th.
Somehow my sleep schedule’s gotten pretty fucked up so now I stay up until 4 catching up on art assignments while watching unus annus and then nap when I don’t have classes (I accidentally missed one doing that tho;;). I’ve been working several hours every night on school assignments as I try to stay on top of everything and get caught up on my art assignments now that I have more time to fully finish them. I’ve been in a pretty good mood and am easing up on helping with my brother as I get myself together. Things are starting to look up as I finally get my bearings on everything and I’m so glad bc these past three weeks have been SHIT (although I’m kinda questioning the validity of my symptoms bc things are looking up even though I know you don’t have to be suffering all the time to have a disorder/mental illness)
So now what I have to worry about is (this doubles as a lil to-do list):
• dedicating this weekend to working on my Halloween costume
• writing a paragraph for my writing class
• practicing music for orchestra
• working on a birthday drawing for my best friend :)
• finishing up/starting art assignments (Drawing I, 2D, 3D)
• calling the therapy place to see wtf is goin on (or potentially look for a new place)
I’ll keep posting updates when I remember! And I’ll post some art stuff here to show off some of my hard work UwU
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galakzee · 6 years
paige redoes a tag oops
so i’ve done this once before already but it was a few months ago so i thought i’d redo it. why not. most of the answers will be the same but some have probably changed which is why i’m redoing it. i got tagged by the lovely @rainb0wguy and @renee-gracie thanks guys!! <3 <3 oh i might also add in some xtra info since i’ve answered all these q’s already lmao
Rules: tag 10 followers that you would like to know better
Name: Paige (my middle name is Elizabeth and my last initial is P. so i heard many a PP joke in elementary school.)
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Gemini (my bday is 6/6!)
Height: 5 ft. 5 in.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? this is still a hard NO lmao. i always saw my teachers like parents, not peers.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? this is the same! i am a concurrent major in marine biology and environmental science. so i’d like to have a post grad degree in marine bio and i’d like to be doing research! i also want to have many pets. i want a doge and a birb and a really heckin cool fish tank like Taylor Nicole Dean.
Your coolest Halloween costume: none of mine were really that good tbh. like none really stick out in my mind. oh one of the last years i went trick or treating i was a shadowhunter with a friend
Favorite 90′s show: still Charmed lmao. 
Have you ever been stood up? no but i had a friend/ex-girlfriend tell me that she was “booked for the month of september” when i said something like “i miss you we should hang out more”
Favorite pair of shoes: still birkenstocks. i also have a really rad pair of Doc Martens with renaissance art on them
Favorite fruit: still have a phobia of all fruits LMAO. like i swear it used to be really bad. in elementary school if i was sitting next to someone eating fruit at lunch i would literally start to gag and dry heave.
Favorite book: princess bride, pride and prejudice, the mysterious benedict society, percy jackson and the olympians, the uglies series. the book that fucked up my mind the most was without a doubt brave new world by aldous huxley.
Stupid thing: since it’s mental health awareness month, i’ll share this about myself! under a read more bc it unintentionally got long as hell oops
i made one post touching on this a long time ago but there might be followers that dont know this about me. in 10th grade i fell into a very severe depression where many days i didn’t have the energy to get out of bed. i also had (still have) generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks. from january to the beginning of may, i was in partial hospitalization, where you basically do group and solo therapy along with other stuff like art during like normal school hours. in that time i also found out i have a genetic condition in my MTHFR gene! long story short, i have to take a drug called l-methylfolate for the rest of my life to a) help my antidepressants work and b) avoid certain complications that can happen during pregnancy (just as an example bc my memory is shit). why am i saying this? because during this time, the lowest point in my short life, i didn’t picture myself having any sort of future. i literally could not see myself going to college. i couldnt see beyond the depression and my low self-worth. but it’s been 3 years since i was discharged. i consider my depression to be in remission, and i have the tools to deal with my anxiety and rare panic attacks. don’t be afraid to get help if you need it! talk to someone. please talk to someone. therapy literally changed my life. if you know people dealing with mental illness, please be supportive. feeling like nobody believes you and you’re all alone is already a part of depression but if people actually don’t want to support you it makes it all 200% worse. i also want you to remember to be kind. think before you speak. is there a better word you could use to express that statement? i challenge you to stop using harmful slurs like r******* and even words like insane, psychotic, crazy. and don’t casually say you’ve got adhd or ocd if you don’t. stereotypes only hurt those of us with mental illness even more! just remember, even if you don’t believe it, depression will not be forever. you are more than your mental illness. and i support you, wherever you are in your journey, as someone who’s been there and back :)
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