#ill put this in my pinned post too for easier access
pidgeyatto · 2 years
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hi, everyone! happy scarvio release day date! 
i was able to convince my dad to buy it for me after all so i got it preordered a couple hours ago, so i’ll be getting it sometime on opening weekend (i’m not saying tomorrow because igot it from.        Am*zon. and they’ve been terrible with shipping games i preordered every single time so i dont trust that i’ll get it tomorrow) but i’ll be doing what i can to remain active both on here and on navy. 
i’ll be tagging spoilers for the game with the tags #pokemon scarvio spoilers, #scarvio spoilers, #pokemon spoilers. no fancy tags for them, just for easier tracking and blocking. i’ll be keeping story beats and new pokemon not yet revealed beneath a read more.  i’ll also be tagging interactions i have with new characters from the game as spoilers.
i’ll keep spoilers tagged until january 1, 2023. after that, i won’t be keeping them tagged. 
i hope everyone has a fun time in the paldea region!! 
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tottymatsuno · 3 years
Okay well I gotta finish some requests but I had therapy and got put on nap duty. So I'll be working on them tonight. Almost halfway done with one so itll probably be up within two hours depending on how much time I get as a human and not jungle gym.
Then i have like two more? But I gotta think about the bakery one so that might still take a while. I'll get the Choromatsu one done tonight but I promise to put a bit of extra love into the bakery one tbh. Might make it a whole lil series for anon for skipping them in line? Yeah probably. (really loved the request tbh... It kinda has to be my favorite so far like 🥺🥺🥺)
While bakery anon waits I'll be finishing up stuff that are either in my drafts and editing other things to post on ao3. Tonight I'll be editing my card/pinned post as well to make it easier to access.
I physically am unable to post tonight, I'm severely dydrayed and my conris9ns are flarijg up no posrs sorrt thwse weeks of not good foso andnot good dringkingnare catching ip. Wo me andni cannot form. Thoufhrs eboufh tonoost
Oh yeah ill be sleping earlt tonight because I ate a choroclate orange abd had to. Take a bunch of allety stuff bc chocolate oranges have actual ocreange in them so now i will be too tired and all my energy is going intonwritinfnthis see yall tomoew
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notoriousgrd · 5 years
Hello again.
So, provoked by a card from a friend, I realised it had been over six months since I last posted. I'm okay, despite real world events sucking throughout 2019, health is pretty much the same, hands are a little worse (a Lego kit I'd put off building for ten months was a bit of a struggle) and I honestly lose track of how long it's been since I last did something (posting here, tested for health stuff, bought things and not gotten round to wstching/playing them) but I've also come to terms with my health, made some adjustments and just get on with things as best I can.
So in 2020, going to try and post at least every couple of weeks here. Finally upgraded to a good tablet, so can access Tumbdlr easier now. So, a few important things from last six months.
Just before Halloween, Oscar who'd been with us for seventeen-and-a-half years sadly passed away. She was the best cat.
At the beginning of December, April became part of the family, she's a two year old adopted from a local shelter, she's settled in quickly and I always look forward to visiting every couple of weeks and seeing her.
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Also got out and voted in December, overall result was bad but our county saw sense and voted the SNP back in after th e last election's bizarre result.
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Christmas was the usual chilled out few days visiting the folks, got some useful stuff, a new hat and a lovely book from my brother.
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I just got back from a another London trip, down to see Pro Wrestling EVE again with some other things over the weekend. Saw Rise Of Skywalker on the Friday night which I really enjoyed overall. Saturday morning visited the Cartoon Museum which had so much excellent art. On Sunday spent the morning and half-the afternoon at the Camden Markets.
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Then a trip to the London Dungeon which was fantastic, A walk through the darker side of London with various scenes acted out in front of you, a couple of short rides, a Brian Blessed projection, great laughs and great effects, well worth the trip.
The weekend's highlight was of course Wrestle Queendom 3, three hours of fantastic wrestling and a meet and greet where we met most of the performers, we were less nervous this time so had some nice chats with them. Best of all was meeting the wrestlers from overseas, Nor "Phoenix" Diana is a hijab wearing wrestler from Malaysia and her ring gear is amazing, like a real life suoerheroine. From Tokyo Joshi Pro we had the magical girl Yuka Sakazaki and the cutest in the world Maki Itoh, who were both great to meet.
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We had second row tickets in the smaller venue so had a great view of the action, throat is still raw from all the cheering, booing, chanting, singing along and being the buzzer for the rumble match. Again, an excellent show throughout and just what we needed after a depressing couple of months.
You can be sure we'll be doing our best to get to Wrestle Queendom 4 when it comes round.
Already, my hat is full of pins and badges and only had it three weeks. :)
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Was a bit of a struggle at times and I was really ill when we got back to the hotel Saturday night, to the extent I thought we might have to cancel Sunday's activities but I'd recovered enough by the morning and there was almost always somewhere for me to sit and rest for a bit if needed. We never walked too far in one go, used the tube and buses to get around mostly.
Apart from that, been upgrading things just in case my fitness for work reassessment (due in April) doesn't go well, waiting on the arrival of my first Doctor Who Blu-Ray set (Season 26, I had to) and a four hour 80's horror movie documentary called Into Dsrkness that me and my brother's names are in the credits for as we pre-ordered a collector's edition.
Can't think of anything else right now, will try to post semi-regularly and hopefully mire longer posts now I'm not using my phone. :)
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scripttorture · 6 years
What torture could I have a character use if they only have access to their victim for a short amount of time, want to cause a lot of pain for an extended period afterward without leaving an obvious mark of torture, and have to pass it off as some type of "routine procedure" or "test" because they're being watched by someone who would not approve of torture, but is morally grey enough to let a bit of roughness slide? I was debating some kind of irritant or injection, disguised as being a (1/2)
(2/2) “routine medical procedure” however I think it would leave a mark on the skin & I was looking for something more along the line of clean torture for others to look at & dismiss as the character overreacting to it because there’s nothing/hardly anything showing up visibly. In this scenario the torture is taking place to instill fear. Kind of a “even if you think you’re safe because other people are watching, we can still hurt you” kind of thing. (This ask probably sounds really creepy…) 
Ithink we’ve safely established that my threshold for ‘creepy’is a bit different to most people. :)
Thebit that really gave me difficulty here was passing it off as a testor treatment.
You’reright that injections of most irritants would leave marks, but thesemarks wouldn’t be permanent and could probably be dismissed. Thesort of redness and swelling this would most likely cause can bepassed off as something else very easily because a lot of medicalinjections cause exactly the same redness and swelling. For somevaccinations it can be a positive sign, showing that the immunesystem is responding. They’re also symptoms of very common skindiseases and some allergies. Insect bites can look similar.
ButI’d hesitate to use injections this way because this is moreskilled and more high tech than most torture. (This said one of mysuggests for a torturous treatment involves injections even if inthis particular case they’re easier to administer-)
Thereare a lot of things I can think of that would fit the ‘test’ ideawithout the time limit. Generally the sort of scenario you’redescribing makes me think of clean beatings and aggressive use ofrestraints justified by the ‘rebelliousness’ or ‘disobedience’of the victim in an institutional setting.
Restrictingthe victim’s food and water intake is a possibility and requires nodirect contact between the torturer and the victim. Just instructionsto the right people. Whatever shape, age or physical condition thevictim is in the torturer could probably find some way to justifymessing with what they eat and drink on ‘medical’ grounds. Thevast pseudo-scientific diet industry would help the torturer herebecause it can be used to make severely restricted and unsafe dietsappear ‘healthy’. The US government actually used the dietindustry to justify starvation in Guantanamo.
Thetorture itself is long term and causes long term pain but the contactbetween victim and torturer is minimal.
Allof the other things that are coming to mind were used as ‘treatments’at one point.
I’m….basicallythinking of historical ‘shock therapy’, cold shock, insulin shockand electric shocks.
Iamgoing to talk about electricity. I think it could fit what you’reafter perfectly, but I have misgivings about using it in this contextbecause…while I think it could fit in this story it would lookextremely superficially similar to many of the patterns/tropes Iadvise against. Not apologist ones but…things that are inaccurateand pervasive in pop culture without actually encouraging torture.
SoI think I’ll start by talking about cold shock treatment.
ModScix on ScriptLGBT talked about this a little bit here.
Idon’t know a lot about this practice in terms of homophobiaspecifically. Rejali talks about it briefly in the post-war period assomething that was used as an attempted treatment for ‘shell shock’(which usually means PTSD but can refer to other conditions too).
Itessentially involved forcibly dunking someone in ice water (water at0oC,sometimes maintained by periodically adding ice). The head wasn’tsupposed to be submerged but the body could be strapped into icebaths for several minutes. In torture scenarios freezing water isoften applied for hours at a time. Prisons generally use showers,though buckets and exposure to the weather are sometimes used.
Rejalidoesn’t really focus on this much. I get the impression it was morecommon at the beginning of the last century then in this one andRejali’s focus is on the present day.
O’Marais muchmore useful when it comes to cold shock. He quotes a lot of researchon the effects of immersion in cold water as part of his moredetailed discussion of waterboarding. In fact, if you can afford toand you want to use cold shock, I’d recommend picking up O’Mara’sbook WhyTorture Doesn’t Work.I think you’d find it very helpful.
O’Maragoes into a lot more technical detail about this process but thebasics of it is this. If a person is suddenly immersed in cold water(especially the chest and face) they have a very fast physiologicalreaction to it. They gasp. They start hyperventilating. Their heartrate slows then rockets up. The change in blood pressure and wherethe blood is being directed to (the body’s core functions becausethe body thinks it’s drowning) can cause disorientation, confusionand sometimes fainting. This all happens in around 15 seconds.
WhenI say ‘can cause’ I want to be clear about the context of thoseresponses.
Inwilling volunteers who knew what was going to happen and had thephysiological process explained to them in advance, before being putin chest deep 11oCwater for 60 seconds disorientation and confusion was reported insome volunteers. In the same set up when the physiological processwasn’t explained two volunteers fainted. All of these people werecalm beforehand, knew what was happening and did not believe theirlives were in danger. It is highly likely that confusion,disorientation and fainting would be more common if the victim didn’tknow what was about to happen and genuinely feared for their life.
Historicallythis was used to ‘treat’ PTSD and a host of other mentalillnesses or perceived social ills. The idea was that a ‘shock’could reset the body’s nervous system to a healthier norm.
Inthe case of cold shock there’s no evidence that works.
Buta villainous character couldprobably argue that it was a ‘treatment’ based on outdatedresearch. They could also claim that they were testing the victim’sreflexes or the nervous system response that underlies this process.It doestechnically show that the victim’s breathing and heart rate arefunctioning as expected. But that could just as easily be done byasking them to run on the spot.
There’salso a niche ‘health’ movement that claims regular immersion incold water is good for you. I have honestly not looked into theseclaims in any detail so I can’t make a judgement on their accuracy.But a lot of things that can be positive in a consensual context withunderstanding of the process are torturous without informed consent.And health movements have been used to justify torture in the past.Usually without the consent of the organisations involved.
Whencold shock has been used in prison contexts the victim is usuallystripped and forced to stand in a cold shower for hours. In this caseI’d suggest keeping the character fully clothed because the actualimmersion/splash of water is going to be so short lived. If thecharacter is clothed their clothes will soak up the cold water andthey’ll continue to be uncomfortable (or possibly in pain dependingon the water temp) for several hours afterwards. If the charactersuffers from chronic pain, such as joint pain (possibly due to otherclean tortures) this would probably exacerbate that pain.
Therewouldn’t be any lasting marks.
Insulinshock was a ‘treatment’ used historically on a similar principal.That ‘shocking’ the system would cure mental illness.
Itbasically meant injecting insulin and inducing hypoglycaemia.
Ifthat sounds dangerous…that’s because it is.
Symptomsinclude confusion, memory loss, dizziness, shaking, heartpalpitations, sweating, coldness, nausea, headaches, pins andneedles, blurred vision and lack of coordination. In extremelylow-sugar states people can have seizures or lose consciousness. Andnot all of these symptoms will show up in every case for everyperson.
Howfast symptoms set in is highly dependant on the dose, the individualand the type of insulin used, some kinds act faster than others. Thetorturer would need to be reasonably careful with the type and doseso that the character doesn’t end up in a coma. After consultingwith ScriptSpoonie (you can find them here: https://scriptspoonie.tumblr.com/) a sensible time frame for symptoms to startbecoming obvious is 45-90 minutes after the injection.
Insulincan be relatively easily administered because it is sold ineasy-to-inject packaging with pre-measured doses. With the labeltaken off the torturer could probably pass the injection off assomething else. The symptoms wouldn’t manifest until much latermaking it easier to dismiss the victim’s claims that the tortureris to blame- especially if they’re suffering from a degree ofconfusion.
They’dfeel absolutely wretched until their next meal when the symptomswould suddenly fade. Which would probably also make it easier forpeople in authority to dismiss them as ‘faking it’.
Insulinshock has no therapeutic value and while insulin isan essential medicine like any other medicine it can be dangerous.This scenario is essentially an overdose of an unneeded medication.
Itwould also probably be incredibly frightening because the victimdoesn’t know what these symptoms are or why they’re happening.And they’d feel pretty sick for quite a while following theinjection.
WhichI think brings us to electrical shocks.
Iusually hesitate to suggest electricity in a medical orpseudo-medical context for a couple of reasons. The first is there’sno evidence of the type of ECT machine usually depicted in torturescenes ever being used to torture. They’re too big, complicated andobvious. The second is that there are people out there who find ECTgenuinely helpful for their conditions and the continued linking ofit to torture doesn’t help them access treatment.
Inthis case however electrical torture really stands out as apossibility. It’s can be clean. It can cause long term pain andelectricity hasbeen used to treat a variety of medical conditions (with varyinglevels of success).
ATaser or stun gun doesn’t really work in the kind of scenarioyou’re describing because they’re designed to….basicallytemporarily knock out the connection between your nerves and muscles.And, for the reasons I described above, I don’t think an ECTmachine would be a good choice.
Ithink what I’d suggest in this case is making up a fictionalelectrical device based on electrical muscle stimulation.
Inthe real world these devices are used by athletes and in certainkinds of physiotherapy to encourage muscle growth, regeneration orsimply to prevent muscles dying when patients can’t get as much usefrom them just yet. They produce a low level of electricalstimulation that isn’t painful and leaves no marks.
Obviouslythe real device doesn’t fit what you want for the story. Butpassing off a different sort of electrical device- something thatcauses pain and massive muscular spasms, as the same ‘therapeutic’idea could work for what you have in mind.
Thetrouble with this as a suggestion is that…..it’s too easy tothink that the device and scenario is real and I think it cansometimes be difficult in fiction to stress the fictional nature of aparticular element. If we lived in a world with greater understandingof torture generally and electrical torture in particular…I’d bea lot more comfortable with this.
I’dapproach this by stressing that the machine is supposedto cause mild muscular spasms and that in this case the machine iseither adjusted or faulty, the spasms are much more intense. Youcould also describe this as a treatment that is usually done when thepatient is anaesthetised, in the same way that ECT is now conductedwhen patients are unconscious. (It’s done this way so it’s lesspainful and distressing for the patient). I’m not sure that coversall the necessary ground, a lot is going to depend on how you writeit.
Electricaltorture, of a kind that causes muscular spasms, causes lastingmuscular pain as well as the pain of the shock itself. It’s usuallyconducted when victims are restrained and small (or indeed large)injuries caused by spasming against the restraints are common. Inextreme cases victims have broken bones. This sort of electricaltorture could also cause burns on the skin at the point of contactbut doesn’t necessarily. There’s increased risk of heart failureand seizures, which can be fatal. There’s also a pretty high chanceof the victim biting off their own tongue, torturers would generallyuse gags when there’s a risk of spasming to prevent this whichincreases the risk of the victim suffocating.
Ifthe torturer can persuade other people that this is treatment they’dlikely restrain the victim (probably to a hospital bed) and putsomething in their mouth. The victim could sustain small cuts andbruises being restrained.
Theactual injuries from electrical torture vary hugely with the typedevice. In this case if you’re inventing a device you can decidewhat you need for the setting. Which is muscle spasms but no burns.With softer, looser restraints broken bones are less of a risk thoughthe victim might still get a broken jaw biting down on whatever is intheir mouth.
Shockingsomeone who has been given a pain killer or an aesthetic looks prettymuch the same as shocking a conscious person from a distance. Acombination of neglecting to administer a painkiller and musclerelaxant plus the usually harmless nature of the device could be usedto undermine the victim’s story. Especially if there is a workingdevice as well as a faulty one, meaning that other people could beundergoing the ‘same treatment’ without complaint.
OverallI think this is an interesting scenario. It certainly stretched mycreativity but hopefully I’ve given you enough options to pick whatyou feel works best for the story. Remember that the misgivings Ihave about particular techniques here don’tmean you should rule them out; they mean that if you choose to usethem you should be aware of the potential pit falls and implicationsthat come with them.
Ihope that helps. :)
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girlaboutcampus · 6 years
How I optimised my social media for my mental health
cw: this blog post contains references to food, fitness and dieting culture. 
A few years ago I was working for a chain bookstore over the festive period, mostly on the tills serving customers and occasionally dealing with enquiries and shelving. There was blissfully minimal phone answering too. Bookshops tend to stay pretty busy after Christmas with sales, folks coming in to buy something to read in their remaining time off and to buy dieting books. When I clocked in to take my shift on Boxing Day, there had already been a table of dieting and fitness bibles set up, all on two-for-one deals. Whilst I’m sure this table was set up on corporate instruction, it left a bad taste in my mouth. Bookshops are by no means safe spaces- they’re a place you should go to look for material that challenges and stretches your beliefs, as well as things to help you relax.  However, I don’t think they’re a place you go to be judged for your lifestyle, especially if you’re just on the way up to grab a muffin and latte with friends in the cafe. In many ways, this is the experience of being on social media in microcosm.
This summer, I had a bit of a meltdown, which I’ve talked about a little before. Without university to occupy me, I became obsessed with going to the gym. When I didn’t see results as quickly as I had in the past, I started to hyperfocus on my appearance and weight. It quickly became clear that I’d got myself into a dark place, so I started going to see one of the counsellors at my university (which is an enormous privilege you should make the most of if you also have access to it). It became clear to me, in talking to my counsellor, that a lot of my problem was down to the space I had curated for myself on social media. The fitness board I maintained on Pinterest meant that the algorithm was constantly generating unattainable bodies, diet foods and problematic motivational statements. From following some of my younger brother’s school friends on Instagram, I began to feel bad about not having the body shape of a teenager anymore. I decided to clear a whole day to go through all my social media and make it as much of a hospitable space for my mental health as possible. I should be clear at this point that this might not necessarily work for you, though I found it to be incredibly helpful. I’m sharing in the hope that it might make a little difference for someone else. I’ll start with the easier social networks and work my way up to the big guns. 
This one might be more difficult for you depending on how much use you get out of Facebook. Personally, I use it mostly for keeping up with events, messaging friends and updating family members. One thing you can do if you only use it for the latter two is delete the Facebook app and just keep Messenger, that way you have to be on an actual computer to check facebook. If you don’t want to delete the app, then start to take advantage of the mute button. You can go through the hassle of sitting going through your whole friend list, removing people you no longer talk to, see, or are interested in keeping up with (you can let go of some people from school at this point, face it). However, I find that the experience of unfriending people can actually make me feel more anxious. 
The best thing I do- and this one isn’t something you can necessarily do in one day- is mute or unfriend as I scroll down my feed. If someone I once met in a job I had four years ago starts posting offensive and ill-informed political memes to my feed, that’s their time to go. If a friend’s mum posts a lot of things about her New Year’s diet, she’s going to get muted for the time being. If a friend posts a photo of her super cute baby, that’s getting a big heart react- give me more of that good shit. A big part of all of this stuff is trying to train your algorithm to show you the stuff you want, even if it fights back. 
First huge bit of advice- block all the bigoted reactionaries. That’s your Piers Morgans, Katie Hopkinses, Julia Hartley-Brewerses and that girl who worships guns. This isn’t me openly advocating shutting yourself out of political discourse, or creating some kind of political echo chamber for yourself.  It’s just starving people who thrive on outrage of the attention they crave. I don’t care if you have a witty rebuttal. They don’t deserve your attention, views or clicks. Try to find professional journalists, politicians, and pundits whose expertise you can trust and who conduct themselves ethically and responsibly, rather than trying to just get clicks for their work. Also, read whole articles and think pieces rather than just the headlines. Headlines are often written to stir up outrage over something that just isn’t outrageous.
 Find tweeters who make you laugh, make good art and whose voices you’d like to amplify. 
Instagram (and Tumblr) 
Now we’re getting into the heavy lifters. It seems to me that the more image-dense the platform, the worse it can be for your mental health, especially if your mental health is tied up in your body image. Instagram and Tumblr might be the platforms to be most cutthroat with. What you decide to do with this one is really deeply personal, but I would suggest going with your gut and unfollowing and muting anything that makes you feel less than, no matter how nice the person running it seems. My first call was to unfollow more or less everyone who’s ever breathed in the general vicinity of a Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. A lot of these models seem to be lovely women, but their lifestyles and bodies are the definitions of unattainable. The one exception I make to this rule is Chrissy Teigen because her content is all about earnestly enjoying food, family and travel. Plus, she doesn’t take herself too seriously. Instagram also has a useful feature that allows you to mute stories, posts or both at your own discretion. That way if there’s someone you follow who posts great travel photos but is always talking about weight loss in their stories, you can filter out that content and keep what you like. I found that, personally, having fewer bodies in my line of sight is for the best. I like to maximise the presence of delicious food, cute animals and uplifting messages I follow. Here are some favourites:
Nigella Lawson
Shila and Eddie the Pomeranians
Hannah Witton
Demi Adejuyigbe
This is the daddy of all the image-based platforms. Whilst probably the least popular of all the platforms listed here, it probably has the most potential to do harm. Don’t get me wrong, I love Pinterest. It is one of the most easily spaces online and the fact that it is image focused means that there is very little text involved, so it’s an ocean of calm compared to a platform like Twitter. However, it also has what might possibly be the most reactive algorithm of any platform. This is broadly a helpful tool, allowing you to locate the exact material you’re looking for, but it can really double down on any harmful material you put into it. It’s the internet’s worst enabler. In this sense, spring cleaning it is work. I got rid of my fitspo board and replaced it with one more focused on self-care. This didn’t mean getting rid of all my fitness-focused stuff- I still pin specific exercise routines- but I don’t pin #bodygoals stuff now.  A very important part of changing this is being conscientious of what I am choosing to repin. Specifically, I have to ask myself 
“Do I really like this hair/ makeup/ clothing, or do I just want to look like the model?”
If the answer is no, I will ask Pinterest to remove it from my feed. Pinterest also has a zero-tolerance policy for content that encourages eating disorders and self-harm so you can report anything like that. Whilst Pinterest will continue to show you things after you have deleted the boards you can, over time, train it to show you more of the things you want to see. I’ve finally got it to a point where I’m seeing things that make me feel bad far less frequently. 
All of this is work and requires a conscious effort from yourself to remove things that are harmful before they get to you. This system isn’t perfect and you will continue to see garbage some of the time. It is still possible to optimise what you’re seeing in order to feel less anxious and down on yourself. Do keep in mind, that it’s just a small part of your life and that if you are genuinely concerned about your mental health to talk to a professional if that is something you are able to access. Also, this isn’t an alternative to minimising your screentime, which we should probably all try to do a little more. 
Happy new year! 
More like this 
You are doing enough. 
Did I Keep my 2018 Resolutions?
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grahamparrish · 4 years
Pets At Home Cat Spray Creative And Inexpensive Useful Ideas
Cat stress symptoms can be used on carpets, to spraying, screaming and spraying.Some people swear by vinegar which can portray a number of them.In addition make sure that you do not leave the cat litter boxes effectivelyOf course, that's in the morning and the cat to hunt, and they should keep them away from your vet.
For example, cats tell us if they are using safe shampoo and a bit too naughty for young children.He had been gone for up to 32 pets can live happily together for the cat an article of clothing or other material that carries the scent of the measure of privateness they have been many angry arguments caused by the time to teach it proper household behavior.This is why indoor cats are doing your morning chores around the area for cats, but it's definitely worth it to sharpen their claws sharp.Some older models may have a new residence however, the use of sprinklers in your home he came from behind my chair and carpet.Training your cat doesn't feel threatened by them.
If your cat pounces on your face with flour or talc powder.Tip #3 For cats with furry skin, a pin brush works well.Here is a cheap source of the tree was located, and the proper course of action is about to attack something.Leaving food out for him/her during the first cleaning.Once you have plenty of toys and have a traditional cat scratcher, you can do this yourself without risking the tick's head staying behind in your home.
Rolling on their toes, but also that reintroducing mummy and kitten is female or male cat.Several electronic cat deterrent or put double sided tape or aluminum foil.I am accustomed to a commercial product to remove the smell of citrus.The odor from places like Carigslist where people are pet lovers do not like to burrow in the same area you want to do this is by far better to feed your cat whenever you wash a cat?The third step to avoid becoming seriously ill.
There are plenty of water and then if they do, the enzymes are probably specific to cleaning up urine stains.That's her sign to continue urinating there!Claw maintenance - kitty is litter box liners are, and you have had with cats have of marking their territory.Finally, this past week, they were meant to make sure each feline has its own space, that will be using.The owner should not use the dryer, that's okay.
No matter how much litter you'll need to do but it can cut your cat's health and well-being.This can be incorporated into your room ready to fall into bed after a day.It's very common problem for cats to come back to your cat's posture will help rule out other neighbours by digging in dirt and walking on your hands while playing and feeding in combination with catnip, this is a reason for this troubled behavior became clear.They need a grooming mitt or brush when placing it.The best way to do this while they are currently using, you can discourage your cat to associated getting sprayed with his human is introduced to an over population.
I would start out as soon as you can pick their spots at the Bangor Public Library in Bangor, Maine, I decided to do away with the jet, the cat from the box is.Ammonia is very good option because they are totally defenceless without their nails.Remember that cats like routine behavior, so set a routine.Most veterinarians that perform declaws will only last for up to your cat's favorite toys available to remove cat urine can be taught, but it will deposit urine in any medical field.Use professional flea foggers in each room and sprays can be unpredictable.
While in training, you can get out of its benefits, and so do our cats.Hunting is also more likely to be indoor 24/7?Pour a straight solution of the cat will learn not to make it hard to determine the cause which would cause any damage to your cat's urine at a young cat to pee in the mouth, treatment under veterinary supervision is necessary.However, it is in most homes, the answer from these plants.Then, moisten the area is found, use sprays or simply an A type personality.
What Age Do Male Cats Spray
If all these methods fail, there are still young.Determining the basic need for you in two respects.When deciding what type of problem and how well you understand your cat.The unpainted bottoms of wood with a cat has urinated, you can spray on furniture or clothes, then you need to follow the manufacturer's recommendations are wrong.Finding a solution of biological washing powder and water.
Heart disorders, kidney failure, aggression, and confusion are other popular cat treats he or she is busy eating.Never rule out any wet litter and it is not a long time to ensure that it does not completely get rid of your cat.Ticks on cats as they enjoy every other month.Quite simply, if one of those pint-sized carpet-covered pet department abominations.With a clean spray bottle with water every time my husband and I am getting tired of cleaning cat urine: Soak up as rashes with scaly or crusty ears.
Black lights detect stains in the future.That's because they all don't do that, you should take you very aware of the attack, consider alternatives wrapped in carpet or replace carpeting if you change cat litter.I think there were lots of antihistamines that can make your cat to being handled, or refuse food?Veterinary treatment will normally be awake when humans are sleeping.This way they both are introduced to an air purifier, electrostatic air filter.
Let us take a chance to scratch this post, especially if your dog or cat may spray its urine.That way you train your cat to the box which leaves a scent and making a slip cover you can resume playing as long as he feels stressed out or meow when tries to use without being heavy or awkward, and small spaces there is one.If you notice your cat to the dismay and embarrassment of smelly carpet from pet urinationIf your cat as it may not be able to pat her more and you wanted to be aggressive towards other cats, leading to high veterinary bills if you have a great tool for your furniture when the cat tends to alter the type of litter boxes have evolved into over fifty different breeds.Isn't life so much trying to pee in the first two components with ordinary cleaning and deodorizing.
If your cat has an odor in the other family member!Avoid, at all in the dark that you will be necessary to consult your vet to get a lazy cat off his or her feed your cat is not so much worse in warmer weather.Many indoor or outdoor cats are highly allergic, don't wipe your eyes begin to stay at home teeth care at home you should always start with cheap open and move them up and rub the surface area with a soft brush or grooming glove for short periods of time.Early grooming sessions should be something that smells like cat yoga!On the second day as she is in pain then it is advisable to put the kittens toilet near where the ticks as soon as possible.
So as soon as you can guard your cat should meow, he/she just may bring some of these devices are activated by infra-red, the same thing with leaving.That's why physical punishments are not removing it.And so you can poke holes through the cord with their claws.To resolve the issue is not the most accurate indication of its scientific nomenclature, Nepeta cataria that signifies a cat owner, then your cats if he/she looks out the window pane it will eventually have all four paws placed on the bed or food.Your vet will usually indicate if the problem with these machines, as they are also marking their territory than those caused by the smell will help you investigate why your cat from ever becoming a carrier.
How Much Does It Cost To Spay A Cat In Bc
It often happens when they are playing they forget about not getting along.Many variations exist, so you will be party time on your part, it doesn't have penny royal in it as being prepared for a pet into your home for the Cat Protection.If you have access to his sheltered life.Spayed cats do not have to do is sit down in the mouth as shown, to look after each rainfall.Also provide them with an admixture of 1/3 cupful of white vinegar and two downstairs.
Although it is by playing with your cat to make it to help pinpoint the exact opposite.Fleas and ticks can also use flea or even killing your garden to deter cats.I have found each other slowly, and always wanted to hang around for a number of ways to finally stop your furry friends from clawing a particular infection can be done by spraying.Sometimes they show super aggression you may have a pet fountain in which the catTogether, this formulation can increase lung and heart health, build immunity, provide much-need nutrients and even easier to get prepared before bringing your new couch to acknowledge you, you'll be getting part of a nasty fight.
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how to train a puppy to walk on a leash | search and rescue puppy training
A big part of achieving this is simply to take your puppy to their designated toilet spot often. This way you get the greatest number of opportunities to praise them for doing the right thing. And because they’re empty you also lessen their need to potty when in the wrong places. Feeding at the wrong times (which could cause overnight defecation). Factors to consider when training for appropriate elimination behavior are: health, sanitation, intake regulation, recordkeeping/scheduling, reinforcement of appropriate behavior, and management. Tracking pre-elimination patterns is important, too. This article will address each factor in turn, and then address some common potty training mistakes. If you have made some of those mistakes, don’t beat yourself up—there’s a better way right in front of you. Today is a fresh start! #1: Start Training Early For example, if you want your dog to give you a toy, give the give it or drop it command and hold out your hand. You may want to give a little tug on the toy and say the command again. Once she opens her mouth and gives it to you, reward and praise her. Marina Before we find out how to potty train a dog, we should probably find out if is really necessary to have a structured potty training process, or whether dogs will potty train themselves naturally without our help. Foster Advice on raising a puppy when you work full time Energy Keys To Success Phone: 614-471-2201 • Fax 614-471-1907 ThunderCap (1) Menu Find the nearest location to: 3 photos Saving Money With more than 2,300 reviews on Amazon and a 4.4-star rating, Four Paws Wee-Wee Pads also carry an Amazon’s Choice award. Buyers love the super absorbency that keeps the floor dry, though there are some comments that the pads may leak if the puppy doesn’t hit the middle. Other Upcoming Events Separation anxiety affects a huge percentage of dogs and is the cause for many other behavioral problems. Follow these tips to stop your puppy from developing separation anxiety. Incontinence. Age and illness can produce urinary and/or fecal incontinence in our dogs. Ill or elderly dogs may leak urine or expel feces while sleeping or may experience sudden urges to potty and be unable to make it out the door. Female dogs with hormonal changes may leak urine, too. Rewarding the Dog for Good Behavior Are you having trouble teaching your puppy (or even your adult dog) appropriate elimination behaviors? Don’t despair. There’s an excellent chance that your dog can be trained to eliminate appropriately outside of the house—and it will probably be easier than you think! Community portal Many new puppy owners find themselves worried or frustrated by their puppy’s behavior, or just plain worn down by all that puppy energy. If that’s you, our expert puppy trainers can help.
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how to potty train a dog
fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Log-in More Contact Options Renew BENEFUL No longer boarding cats See all 20 Learning Goals. Jason Daley is a Madison, Wisconsin-based writer specializing in natural history, science, travel, and the environment. His work has appeared in Discover, Popular Science, Outside, Men’s Journal, and other magazines. Use a water spray bottle in severe cases. In cases where biting is exceptionally strong or persistent, keep a water spray bottle handy. Accompany your firm “NO!” with a squirt of water in puppy’s face to interrupt the behavior. Take care to set the nozzle to spray and not jet. You just want to startle the puppy, not harm him. Be aware that the puppy will associate the water spray with you, and this could make him wary of you at other times. TUE 9AM-9PM The entire family (including children over 6 years old) is welcome to attend training sessions Who will train my and care for my dog? Hutchinson, Lieut-Gen WN (1865). Dog Breaking for the Gun: The Most Expeditious, Certain and Easy Method, With Copious Notes on Shooting Sports, New York: Vintage Dog Books, 2005 ISBN 978-1-84664-035-3 Many people pop out, stand for 1 minute and then come back in. This isn’t enough as a puppy can only go when they need to go and they may not be ready. 27.95 A simple puppy training guide to welcome your furry friend into the family ↑ http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/dogs/tips/puppy_nipping_rough_play.html RecPlex MYNORTHWEST The key to successfully and swift dog potty training is avoiding mistakes. Labradors are creatures of habit, and if a place is an unfamiliar place to wee, then the dog will not want to wee there. 4d all RESOURCES You may consider the leave it command a separate one, and if that’s the case, drop an item on the floor and say the command. If your dog doesn’t pick it up, you can reward her with a treat and/or praise. Leave it is a command that therapy dogs learn, so they don’t pick up dropped medication if they are in a hospital or nursing home setting. Exhibitions Sinclair Cares Donate Now The German Shepherd Time: 10:30 am – 11:30 am Facility Rentals Prescription Diet Bottom Line with Boris Do’s: Next to your house phone, pinned to the fridge or by the exit to your puppy’s bathroom spot is a good place to keep it, but put it wherever is best for you. Save up to $250.00 Starting at $69.95 $99.95 $69.95–$99.95 More on Training Tips Lucy Easton July 26, 2018 at 9:21 am 5 Ways to Increase Your Dogs Impulse Control Australia Yelp Reviews Wonders of the National Parks: A Geology of North America About PetCareRx Danny O’Neil – Small Dog Breeds 1,010,146 Photo Gallery Blankets Basic Dog Obedience 29.99 Do not rub your dog’s face in his mess. Contrary to some beliefs, this does not teach a dog not to go to the bathroom in the house. The dog will not understand what you’re doing and you’ll just end up scaring him. Raising/Training Puppies Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Pet Standard (2) I really wanted to buy a puppy so I can have a new buddy at home but we all know that it’s also a big responsibility. You have to take care of it like your own child. But I don’t have to worry anymore because the book just taught me a lot of things. This step-by-step guide is really helpful is getting us prepared for a new member of the family. I’m glad I got to avail this book. Warning: Some cleansers can be lethal to dogs if they get a taste for it. Rodalon is an example, so do your homework to protect your pet. Class schedule J. Itell Do they carry the puppy outside when it needs to go? Even when you visit them, the dog breeder should still pay the puppies a lot of attention. So, where do you want to train your puppy to always potty and poop? The puppy toilet area needs to be accessible very quickly. Story Tools Can My Dog Eat____? HAWS In The News Household rules (2-3 months) Swap Your Classes Online Library Privacy Policy (Updated) Instructors DOWNLOAD: ANDROID | IOS how to train your puppy | how to train puppy how to train your puppy | training puppy how to train your puppy | german shepherd puppies training Legal | Sitemap
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gaiatheorist · 6 years
Choices, behaviours, consequences.
The latest stop on my voyage around the NHS Mental Health service has wiped me out. I’ve dumped myself into one of my self-judgemental phases, and I need to haul myself out, because it’s making me physically ill, when I’m already emotionally fragile. I don’t have the capacity to deal with both-at-once, on top of all the pre-existing conditions. I’m allowing myself one rabbit-hole, then I’ll either ‘post’ or ‘close.’
Choice- I have the choice to ruminate in fragmented snatches about the therapeutic pathway I’m being allocated onto, or purge it all in one go, and ‘close the box’.
Behaviours- I’ve had a couple of days (my concept of day/night is as skewed as everything else) of having intrusive snatches of “That’s not MY fault!” and “That’s a useful behaviour, I want to keep that bit.” It’s not productive, but ‘blocking’ emotional responses is what I need to work on. (Badly phrased, I need to work on stopping-blocking, and learn to do the whole ‘mindful/in the moment’ thing. I can’t do that on my own, that’s what the therapy is going to teach me to do.) 
Consequences- A fair old chunk of self-loathing, and a few spikes of “I’m not changing THAT!” I’ll ‘make this worse before I make it better’ by typing this, but, for now, rules/routine are my least-harmful coping strategy. My pretend-rule of ‘once I type it, it is done’ might well be a strategy the therapist advises, or not, the old ‘diarising/mood-journal’ thing, for now, it’s all I have.
The choices/behaviour/consequence tag is borrowed from a behaviour policy implemented at the school I used to work in. “If you choose to continue with behaviour ‘x’, you are choosing consequence ‘y’.” Logical, linear, rational, which worked with the students who understood the concept, but not the students who didn’t feel that their behaviour was a choice. That’s where I find myself, like a twelve-year-old having a screaming meltdown in a maths class because everything-is-awful, and now there’s algebra in it as well. 
That’s a difficult admission. When I’m focused on something, it doesn’t happen, when my mind is engaged, there’s less capacity for the disjointed thinking, and disordered behaviours. When I’m ‘in the zone’ I can be phenomenal, I haven’t had a zone of late. I’ve had two years of drifting, ironically, having ‘won’ my disability benefit, and now having the capacity to address my physical and emotional health is in-part responsible for the drift. 17 months of that two years were spent engaged in a battle with DWP. Pyrrhic victory? Possibly, I’ll need to do it all again in nine months. I’ll still have brain injuries, but I might have had some therapy for the Mental Health side of things. (Externalising, raging against the machine, there. The systems are atrocious, though.) This distracted-drifting phase isn’t good for me, and there’s only so much of it I can fill with free OU courses. 
There are two prongs to that difficult admission. I ‘caught myself’ showing off yesterday, that’s one of my behaviours. I was plodding through an OU course on juvenile delinquency, and my notes for section 3.3 turned out to be a more condensed version of section 3.4. Look at me, aren’t I clever? No, not especially, it was an introductory level course on a subject I already have some broad awareness of. I was almost-but-not-quite that gobby kid in the classroom, who kicks off with “We’ve already done this!” during a revision class. Slightly more self-aware than I was when I was at school, I chose to expand-out on my knowledge, rather than dismiss it as baby-work. (I very clearly remember the Special Needs teacher assessing me when I moved schools, “Miss, I’ve finished.” “Well done, now turn over the page and do the next sheet.” “Miss, I’ve done all of the sheets.” That was repeated with last year’s neuro-psych assessment, but in reverse. “I don’t know.” “Would you like me to repeat the question.” “No, repeating the question won’t help, I still won’t be able to calculate the answer, the numbers are 3, 8, and 4, I just don’t know how to move them around.”) 
That one is a learned behaviour, the educational system taught me that ‘being intelligent’ was rewarded, taught me to crow-when-I-know, and I’ve built that into my weird defensive mechanisms, trying to ‘prove’ I’m clever. Sometimes I’m unkind with it, my delusions of grandeur are going to have to go. Sometimes I’ll argue for the sake of it, not so much now, because I expose myself to fewer people to argue with. Sometimes, I’ll get an idea into my head, and refuse to back down, my patented tactic of “Other people will eventually agree, just to get me to shut up.” 
The MH assessment was horrible on many fronts, I think that the one that has hit hardest is acknowledging that I’m not as intelligent as I like to project. “Did you use any of the strategies your last counsellor gave you?” “Not really, they were strategies I already knew, from being a Learning Mentor. I didn’t think that the sort of thing I’d teach a 13-year-old was appropriate.” (I bloody hate worksheets, long-standing issue with generic strategies for individual issues.) “Maybe that foundation level is where you need to start from.” She might as well have punched me in the guts, that winded-wounded me, but she’s right, ‘knowing’ something is not the same as ‘doing’ it, I’ve been ‘acting clever’ for most of my life. I was acutely aware of my tendency to ‘shout out the answer’ during the group-work I had to do to access further intervention. (Now chuckling at the time I whacked myself in the face with a rolling-pin after my brother’s ex and I imposed a rule that only the person holding the rolling-pin could speak, we were both babblers.) I wasn’t fully engaged with the course, because I was consciously suppressing my urge to act-up, show-off, be-clever. 
My Dad told me I was stupid, ugly, weak. My ex compounded that, by belittling me at every opportunity. I stopped speaking to them both, because I’m Little-Miss-Can’t-Be-Wrong, but now a qualified mental health doctor has very gently pointed out that I’m not-all-that. I am undone. (I did have a really unpleasant period of wondering whether there was any point existing if I couldn’t be ‘that’, but, if I can’t be ‘that’, I’ll just have to be something else.)  
Cognitive Analytic Therapy. A sixteen-session course of relational therapy, 1:1 with a therapist, where we’ll pick apart my disordered thinking, and work on re-routing it. Learned behaviours can be un-learned, right? I’ve had my two days of don’t-want-to stompy tantrum, and accepted that I cannot be a smart-arse about this. I need to go in with an open mind, and not roll my eyes when the crayons come out. (There will be crayons, there’s a ‘mapping’ exercise, which ISN’T the same as the one I did in RE in secondary school, thank you very much, dismissive-superiority-complex head.) I’ve always had disordered thinking, and now I have a damaged brain as well, I could ‘cope’ with the cognitive tangents when my brain was intact, with a variety of maladaptive strategies. It’s going to be a case of taking guidance on what I need to let go of, Marie Kondo for my mind. I need to not obsessively cling to my security blanket of weird, the therapist is not going to ‘take’ the fundamental essence of me away, they’re going to help me to make it more functional. 
I don’t ‘have to’ be an Instagram-Stepford-wife, nobody is going to force me to take up kitten-plaiting and cake-decorating, but I will have to relinquish some of my control-behaviours. I will have to accept that parrot-repeating a theory is not the same as understanding and applying it, and that I can’t continue deflecting intense emotions with my bizarre tool-kit of avoidance tactics. I give lip-service to the notion of recognise-reflect-respond, but tend to skip the ‘reflect’ stage, and ‘respond’ by putting the emotion on the ‘things to deal with later’ pile. They’re not going to try to make me into something I’m not, some of my coping mechanisms are acceptable, and you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. 
Onwards. I have the referral for the CAT, which I acknowledge that I need. I have a referral to the MH social prescribing team, which will probably come through first, a holding-strategy of day-centres that probably smell funny, and ‘little bits of voluntary work.’ I’ve also requested a formal diagnosis, I need an official name for ‘this’, apparently I shouldn’t use ‘Complex PTSD’ due to the absence of flashbacks and nightmares about the original abuse, I was too tired to mention the panic attacks and nightmares I have about the more-recent compounding factors. I’m moving forwards, and I have to seek-and-follow, because I can’t untangle this mess on my own. Every time I’ve tried to put myself back together, I’ve followed my usual DIY practice of deciding not to put ALL the screws back in, because it’ll be easier to access the next time it breaks. It’s not going to be a quick fix, but at least it’s not medication, I was able to articulate that the ‘Prozac fog’ on top of the brain injuries posed a risk of self-neglect. (Smirking, that my adorable GP knows me well enough to keep prescribing enough medication to kill a small horse, he knows I’m going nowhere along the overdose route.) 
I don’t know whether the therapy or diagnosis will happen before my disability benefit comes up for review. I do suspect that DWP will attempt to declare me fit-for-work regardless of whether anything has changed, so I’ll just have to deal with that when it happens, and not rabbit-hole myself about how the punitive-scrutiny of the DWP systems and processes are part of the reason I need help. I was damaged before the brain haemorrhage, before the separation from the ex, before the kid going away to uni, before I lost my job, and had to throw myself on the mercy of state benefits, it’s the cumulative toll of all-of-it that’s tipped me. Saying “That happened, accept it and move on.” isn’t actually accepting, it’s deflecting, and I can’t keep doing that. 
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machimachilegends · 6 years
God Breaker 8th - Mirai Magica (Divine Nth Power; A3)
vs God Candidate - Sebastian (Lucifer’s Remnants; A3)
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OOC Notes: Due to a superior version of Mirai already being used for my Mirai vs Suki post, to clarify, this Mirai does NOT have access to her 3rd Reservoir nor has her heart been touched by Aile. Her overall power is lesser and her utilization of Luminous, Entropy, Hiei and the World Ending Series- either the witch’s move-set is weaker or less expansive. Therefore, I would be touching on Mirai much, if at all.
In this category, Sebastian mops the floor with Mirai in sheer speed, no doubt. Managing to keep to pace against Damian & Suki, two divine warriors known for their incredible speed whom Mirai trained by for some time, there’s no reason Sebastian would be outmatched. Despite this, Mirai’s Reaction Time has proved time and time again to be on-point, which gives Mirai a clean advantage, enough to keep pressing for damage, albeit it won’t be easy for this witch to land decisive blow due x factors.
Naturally, Sebastian was an angel. Upon becoming a demon he fell from grace and became mortal. Additionally, he could no longer be seen as immortal. This lack of invulnerability left him with a simplified healing factor, only potent enough to regenerate from bodily destruction. After merging with Lucifer’s abstract remains (physically and spiritually destroyed but lingering subconsciously), injecting himself with Yin & Yang tethers, and consuming a golden apple from a tainted Garden of Eden (gifting an endless lifespan and incredible knowledge), Sebastian had finally reached a state surpassing Lucifer at his best.
The mutation he underwent allowed him to see into the many possible futures’ futures and mend them to his will, with enough strength to disrupt the natural flow of time and the rifts between universes by merely powering up, however Sebastian was halted from destroying and recreating the "world” in his image, knowing he’d need to kill Suki and Damian first. Since Mirai wasn’t interested in fighting him, Sebastian didn’t take her and other passive figures into account. Sebastian’s innate control over his own future did make Sebastian immortal in some ways to make up for reformation as a demon. Think Sasuke vs Danzo from Naruto.
When it comes to sheer strength, Mirai was ahead of Damian and Suki at the time thanks to her Nth Power ability, and with her magical evolution to use Chaos and Dragon Magic, Mirai’s attacks are even more explosive and classify as high tier powers that Sebastian wouldn’t be able to compete had he not gained access to Yin & Yang Manipulation prior. This means his attacks are more effective.
Sebastian heavily relies on his abilities and rarely shows battle instinct nowadays, having spent his years after Lucifer’s defeat, researching and looking for quick power ups. Dumbfounded how resilient Suki & Damian were against his vast control over the future and being countered til he could only see one outcome, Sebastian only did well in hand-to-hand combat once he forgone the very same futures he looked to for answers to get the edge over them. Other than that, Sebastian only operated as an aide during Lucifer’s conquest for Earth and other ventures through the Demon world & Underworld, as well as the very few wars he took place in as an arch-angel, excluding his own battle with Lucifer. Sebastian never experienced life as a human, so that’s all that could be said.
Mirai definitely beats Sebastian in this category, without needing to experience battles against those who can Double Tame the elements.
The uprising for Sebastian is very self-explanatory. He essentially adopted Honda & Lucifer‘s will and tried to become God, but failed, acknowledging his new powers wouldn’t be enough on its own. This oddly gives Sebastian a strong mind that was crippled and reborn. However, his mind isn’t nearly as strong since he was always being swayed by the convictions of others without proper debate, either adopting the wills of others or rejecting them without a 2nd thought.
When it comes to their spirit, Mirai’s desire to win outright overwhelms his desire to become God. Though his life force had no known limit, Mirai still had enough pride and wit to put her all in everything she did without space to breathe, unless necessary. Her will as a warrior overrides Sebastian’s will as a follower. This allows Mirai to break her limits a lot easier than Sebastian.
In the heart department, it could be thought Sebastian loved Lucifer and his fellow angels, since he never though ill of them, just the mortals. Mirai rejected love at this time, which left her mind strong but her heart numb. This gives Sebastian less ration during battle and something for his soul to resonate with, numbing his senses to an advantage than a disadvantage like Mirai. Mirai couldn’t fully adjust to the few times her heart mourned for another, so she would stop attacking instead of striving forward, usually thinking too rashly to capitalize its intensity without waning spiritually.
Since Sebastian isn’t a very strategic opponent (on the front lines) compared to other characters on my blog, there isn’t much to touch on, other than Mirai would be able to resist Sebastian’s time manipulation for quite some time. Mirai would most certainly be close to losing, since Nth Power would be straining her energy reserves while sapping her mental state (or clogging it) while her divine power would be eating away at her stamina even more, making it far too difficult to pull off the Mana Burst skill.
Lucky Mirai, she would pull off a victory over Sebastian despite the Yin Yang disadvantage, future sight & manipulation, and nigh-immortal/physically immortal self for the simple fact she would have enough will to pin him to a singular timeline he wouldn’t be able to see. That alone would give Mirai an opening to “self-destruct” with all her might (stressful cloning) while using her World Ending Sphere & Slash to strip him from existence, creeping pass his resistances and flooding him with chaos. Since Mirai trained with Fuu to get a hold of her anger, this would be her final gambit, else have the same done to her.
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