#ill watch this show just for the fact that people involved seem to have such a strong love for one piece
I am in tears
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alluralater · 7 months
you said you don’t want rad fems interacting with u, any reasons why? Genuinely just curious! Are there other branches in feminism you agree with?
by “said” i can see you’re referring to my pinned post in which i have a specific dni.
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as you can see, radfems are grouped in a rather curious category of people. almost as if they share the same philosophies that i would consider offensive, oppressive, and usually even dangerous. but let’s pretend not, for now.
let’s take a look at some of the top hits when we type radfem into the tumblr search bar
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two different posts. strangely, both radfems here seem to be incredibly transphobic. how did that happen?? well for that, we have to think about what makes a radical feminist.
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at large, radfems are against sex work and the consumption of adult media. they believe there is no way that other women actually want to be involved in sex work unless they’ve been brainwashed into liking it by men. another thing is an extreme amount of genuine hatred towards men and the patriarchy. it is an extremely radical and blind hatred. pretty much like watching someone swing their arms around in a dark room and hoping to hit anything in front of them. and let’s be clear though, radfems aren’t out here protesting or really doing anything. unlike most movements that wish to dismantle oppression, most of being a radfem is talking about how much you hate trans people and voting against their rights, discussing how gender isn’t real and therefore they’re women but other people aren’t, and talking about how they consider themselves to be the divine rulers of human rights even though they don’t know what those words actually mean.
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christianity ties heavily into radfem ideology. the same as you would see from those with conservative views, it’s influenced deeply by a feeling that you are of free will and mind and made perfectly in his image (so why would you ever want to be trans- like as if it’s a choice and you’re just mentally ill) so these are basically recruitment posts. it’s the “here’s a valid argument, and you agree so you’re the same as me” type thing. what they fail to realize is that many people can have a similar view on something and hold extremely different values. for example- many radfems support abortion (cool), but they don’t support trans rights (not cool). most radfems recruit people through commonly agreed upon feminist topics, then slowly introduce ideas of discrimination and weigh that against what they believe are “facts.”
now most all radfems are online trolls, they don’t show their faces or give their names because they know they’d lose their livelihood or respect from peers and family if they ever did reveal themselves. but what they lack in identity, they make up for by judging everyone else’s. see how that works?
this isn’t radical feminism, it is radical hatred selectively woven into feminist discussions. i consider that to be synonymous with dangerous :) so no, radfems are not welcome here. genuine feminism is entirely separate from what these people are doing. it’s like saying “im not republican but i am conservative” yeah mhm but if i laid out the chart, the points of agreement and rhetoric are suspiciously alike with only a few outliers.
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ludinusdaleth · 4 months
i'm not interested in finishing watching c2 (first 10 episodes bored me to death) and i only know c3, so what's the deal with essek? did he have a bad redemption arc? did he have a good one? do people just not like him for some reason? because i keep seeing his fans say the only reason c3 fans are saying his redemption arc sucked is to defend imogen and her mom and that seems too shallow to be the real reason.
first of all thank you for trusting in me to give a nuanced answer. ill do my best. essek is one of my favorite characters, but also so historically loved by fandom it has led to altercations and the drowning out of pretty much any other character in fandom spaces. ill try to explain. im sorry for how long this will be.
he was already deeply beloved as an npc for a long while before campaign 2 episode 97 dropped the fact that he was working with ludinus. he had taken luxon beacons (the object ludinus used to power the malleus key, what made opal & ted, what's in ashtons head) from his people in the dynasty - these objects were considered completely sacred to them, and the realization the empire had them, and the dynasty retaliating to get them, led to the war of ash and light which permeates much of c2's plot. so, functionally, essek's action led to war. essek was also at times in charge of or allowed to run interrogations on dynasty prisoners including nott/veth's husband yeza. to keep suspicion off of him, essek shifted blame onto a man in the dynasty who he had a petty grudge against, changed his memory, and set the dynasty onto him - this man was later given to the empire in a peace negotiation, so ludinus then had all control over knowledge on essek's involvement (bar the m9).
his remorse began with the m9, and how their lives had been effected by war and what the empire had done, and there is some implication that essek realized he was perhaps groomed by ludinus (and to a lesser degree made uncomfortable by his cohort trent) - though i should note essek was a (young) adult in government when he gave his people's artifacts away. essek hated the fact that his people were religious in regards to the luxon and did not wish to research it, and thought the cerberus assembly would be able to learn more about it.
essek's arc has been long praised as a very good one, and i think it mostly is. while i cant say we really see his kindness & newly brimming empathy fully extended, he does learn to see others as more than tools. he is still smug over his peoples religion vs his knowledge of the luxon, but learns to respect his culture enough that ludinus probably would not be able to sway him from it by insulting it now. he fights at the m9's side during the last arc, defends caleb from trent & the vollstreckers, helps fix caduceus's home. he is loyal to them forever and not just a traitor any longer. i definitely see some holes in it as he doesnt show much care to anyone but the m9, it is relatively quick how he descends into self hate about his actions that hes generally comforted for, and i worry at times he sinks too much into the soft hot boy flanderization due to everyone even the cast pushing it onto him (yes, softness & being too harsh exist in his characterization and are disliked at once, i know they are opposite traits). but i think it's good when a character is still an ass after redemption and matt clearly wants to avoid him being a soft boi in c3 whilst also maintaining that he has learned humanity & love.
you can see how that would be compelling, along with his general personality and good looks. this made him so compelling that his fans got, uh.... interesting. and that is probably the base problem that sets this discourse. (be aware my experience of his fans is primarily on twitter and in chats.)
folk would get mad and call the show unwatchable without his presence as if every other character was disgusting & boring to them (as if calebs character arc is not. literally. a parralel to esseks). they only cared about shadowgast (but only cared about essek within it, not caleb) and would be furious these two deeply aloof traumatized men didnt fuck on screen after 6 episodes knowing each other, called caleb abusive for not messaging him after a few episodes, called liam (who is iirc bi) homo/biphobic and abusive to matt for not kissing essek at one point or another. when caleb & essek did bond at the end of c2 and it was said they got together for a time that was not enough for fans, who claimed it homophobic (this magically mostly disappeared when folk saw other mlm stories did and do continue to play out in cr, which they only realized when orym existed and was a gold star gay - i, as a gay man, do not care on the scale they do lol). astrid was completely slammed into the mud by essek fans for being his mirror but a woman (they magically did not hate wulf, the last mirror in this scenario, a man, as much). people were furious essek did not have merch at the point where not even many pcs did yet and said it was homophobic (this magically stopped when he eventually got a portrait and chibi). a few learned he was ace/demi and called it a cop out, or otherwise ignored any nuance of it because they were horny about wizard yaoi (im aware ace/demi folks do have sex, but sometimes folk use that as a justification for ignoring the ace spectrum part of an identity). from personal experience, essek fans can be..... very disturbing, predatory individuals with no regard for who they are deeply sexual around, but that is just who i met and i do not want to go into that experience. in short, a lot of c2 era fandom has BEEF with them. i cannot say it is unjustified.
so with all that context, where does that leave the character and why do people compare him to liliana & imogen?
it is my genuine opinion from observation a lot of fandom on here & twitter that essek/shadowgast/caleb fans can be.... sexist. it does not go unnoticed to me that imogen has an extremely similar moral arc to caleb and yet is called evil when caleb is called traumatized & struggling with demons but a good man. caleb was part of the vollstrecker (assassins for the empire) as a youth but broke, and ran, after killing his parents, and had to learn he was more than dirt, and learn to love again. imogen began easily jealous & in turmoil about herself and her mother, but has grown to be one of the most empathetic people who is constantly struggling between sacrifice and her simple wish to live with laudna, that it seems the universe wants to fight. both are aware they could be or are seen as living shit for their youth or conception and accept it. both dont really know how to find a way out of that. i think both are incredible characters. i notice when fans only acknowledge the hero's journey of one.
as for liliana & essek..... look, essek has a very defined character arc that we have seen come to fruition and end in redemption. liliana (and by extension bor'dor and other ruby vanguard folk) have not yet. essek was framed as neutral at first and liliana was framed as ludinus's ally. i get it. but it is impossible to me to not see liliana in the steps of essek at the beginning of his own arc. if anything i think her intentions (if not actions) are infinitely less selfish than esseks, as she wished to do this to save her daughter. ludinus has caught so many in his web, and essek got out, and liliana just realized she's in the webbing. whats interesting is how we see clear as day every conversation they have that liliana has been brainwashed into cult mentality & justification, and yet only had one or two conversations vaguely indicating this about essek, and yet essek is always praised as a survivor where liliana is not. bor'dor is very clearly like essek in being an oppressed young man who sees a calling made by a powerful older man, but entire breakdowns of how men of color are recruited into the far right have been written about essek where bor'dor (actual man of color) is despised by the same people. the tldr on this is i do think some folk can be so drunk on Hating Essek juice they swing too far in their assumptions, but the pattern of his fans misinterpreting everyone else to elevate him is based on precendent thats happened for years, and i think it is deeply.... disappointing? to watch such a nuanced story play out in c3 and refuse to engage with it whilst claiming anyone who wishes to analyze the way a cult breaks your brain is misandrist.
im so sorry this is so long, but i really do not know how else to describe all this without its nuance. i hope i wrote something that made sense.
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For the DA AU, how are they with pregnant people? What if MC is pregnant? Maybe she announces to the staff that she had a accidental pregnancy, but decided to keep the child?
Red: With her permission, of course, he lets the kids know- he wants to make sure they understand to be gentler with her. Also, if she gets ill or tired, or doesn't show up some days, they'll understand why! He's just hoping the kids will stop asking where babies come from. That's for parents to explain. 
He always lingered around her, but he does even more- usually he drops a few terrible lines that make her go pink, but he now lurks around her well after he should, watching her go about her business and trying to help. He’s always offering to make her tea or get her a snack, eager to ensure she’s hydrated and well rested... but he’s always staring, it’s sometimes unnerving. He muses out loud about what she might name the baby... “are you gonna bring ‘em to the daycare? won’t that be fun!”
It’s sweet, at first. She likes having someone looking out for her. But... she does get a little concerned with how he starts acting with other adults. Not just staff- even parents. People come up to her and ask her innocent questions about the baby, and she can feel Red’s empty glare from across the room. If anyone ever tries to touch her belly he appears out of nowhere like a ghost, grabbing them and removing them from the room with a cheery “keep your hands to yourself inside the daycare!”
It probably doesn’t mean anything.
Sans: Being pregnant won't save her from his Mischief and Mayhem. In fact, he just seems to double down on plaguing her, stealing her keycard so often she's started carrying around a decoy card and a flashlight to beam in his face if he gets close. Her using a flashlight on him is the equivalent of using a spray bottle on an aggressive cat. It’s because he’s extra desperate for her time and focus- he loves babies, and the girl he likes is pregnant, he wants to be involved in everything she does. As soon as she’s not involving him, he acts out to get her attention again.
If she thought Red’s hovering was bad, Sans is a hundred times worse. He’ll literally hang over her shoulder like a clingy kid if she’s not looking at him, so close his eyelights light up her face- if he could breathe he’d be breathing down her neck. He’s always demanding she sits down, has a nap, eats/drinks something, stops working... he’ll steal her laptop and phone if she keeps working. 
To be honest, she kinda finds it endearing that regardless of which personality is greeting her, both daycare attendants want her to look after herself. She also finds it sweet that even though Sans is the clingiest, most annoying, and most boundary-defying robot she knows, he’ll always quietly ask permission before he touches her belly. And if she says no, he’s clearly annoyed, but he never pushes.
Skull: Skull is always listening. Red and Sans often ask her to rest because Skull is intrusive-thought-style saying it over and over again until one of them asks her. But he doesn’t make many appearances, especially if she doesn’t know him already... he doesn’t want to frighten her when she’s pregnant. That just sounds like a bad idea. But as she gets more pregnant, he can’t help himself. Even while trapped behind Red or Sans he constantly reaches out to touch her belly- luckily, she gave those two permission, so it’s not considered much of a problem. 
Something that might get him to come out is if she ever complains about her feet/back hurting. Says it’s very uncomfy where she’s sat. She makes a lighthearted complaint, and suddenly she’s picked up- she giggles, thinking Red/Sans just scooped her up as a joke...
... until she feels the second pair of arms.
“... comfy... now?” :)
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nrilliree · 4 months
When did Rhaenyra discourage the education of her children?
2. Rhaenyra wasn't responsible for the dispute between the children; she didn't conspire against or speak ill of Alicent's children. It was Alicent who insulted, conspired against, and belittled Rhaenyra's children. Alicent also didn't want her children to associate with Rhaenyra's. What's the worst Rhaenyra did or said about Alicent's children before episode 7? Calling Aegon Alicent Hightower's son?
3. The part about "Mommy's babies can do no wrong" is quite amusing when you remember that Alicent deliberately tried to conceal Aegon's involvement in the pig's prank when she complained to Viserys, and she only attempted to blame Rhaenyra's children. She also didn't care that Aemond was being bullied by Aegon; basically, she said he could continue to bother his brother but only him. That seems like a "Mommy's babies can do no wrong" behavior.
4. Alicent's children aren't prepared for war; she didn't even have a plan for when Viserys died. If they were prepared, they wouldn't have made the mistakes they did.
5.Fans of that woman must stop believing that a lack of fatherly love justifies their children becoming rapists and murderers. There are people in both real life and the ASOIAF universe who have been through worse things than "my dad doesn't love me" and aren't that kind of human trash. These people must also stop acting as if Alicent's children are homeless people on the street with no privilege because they are the most privileged children in Westeros. The fact that their dad doesn't show them love and doesn't make them heirs doesn't take away the fact that they are princes who can do what they want. Doesn't Aegon get away with enjoying watching children in fighting pits and raping women thanks to his position and Alicent? Alicent also always had a number of servants and maesters taking care of and educating her children since they were babies.
As for two points, I have already referred to them here: https://www.tumblr.com/nrilliree/750892059502804992/httpswwwtumblrcomfrazzledsoul750501630505533?source=share
Alicent had in no way prepared her children for the war she decided to start. What did she really expect? That if they steal the throne, Rhaenyra won't do anything in retaliation? That DAEMON (you know, that man considered the most dangerous in Westeros, with experience in war, with a dragon experienced in war, an excellent warrior and rider) wouldn't do anything in retaliation? That they would just bend the knee, send their bastards to the Wall, leave Dragonstone, and leave Westeros in peace? If she decided to send her children to war, she should make sure they were prepared for it. Aemond was 19 years old and only fought with his teacher, he hadn't even participated in a real fight or tournament, and he considered himself an excellent warrior. This was their preparation for war, lol.
And I have a feeling that some people think that "Vierys didn't love his children :(" means that Alicent raised them alone. She wasn't a miller's wife, lol. She was a queen. She had a whole host of nannies, wet nurses and servants. No active her father's upbringing is no excuse for her children growing up to be shitty people.
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s2 episode 22 thoughts
i am actually the bravest human alive for surviving this episode
(lmao i joke. MOSTLY. but op lore: i suffer from a chronic illness that gives me terrible nausea and MAN this was NOT the episode you want to sit down and unwind with if you’re feeling ill. for the plague be upon them all. and yet! here we are. my love for these agents must be quite boundless.)
“diseaseee episode… okay so it is probably body horror time maybe idk” <- first thing in my notes, and yes. yes, it was body horror time.
(we open with a fellow in the rainforest catching bugs) and to me it’s giving “he was in the amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders just before she died” which was such a funny meme. we moved on from this too quickly. those words will always make me giggle.
that is a turkey vulture… do they have those in Costa Rica? yes they do! wow, bird facts <3
ohh nasty, we see a dead hog in the rainforest, being consumed by bugs… bug scientist takes some of them while it pulsates… and my nausea strikes!!!
AUGHHH the boil blew up on his face. this is eeeeevil!! i was diverting my attention AWAY from the screen at this point and really staring at my notes in the hope they could shield me from the nastiness
NOOOO now the bug scientist’s face is covered in the boils… the vultures got him and so did the bugs, and i am getting the impression this is gonna be a tough watch, but i’m in too far now!!!! (it had been like. 5 minutes lmao but i meant it!)
scene change: prison time.
(is this the outside of the prison they used to film the Please Please Please music video or do they all just look the same?)
a prisoner has been sent a package. it is…. some kind of meat??? can you send meat in the mail…? just wrapped up in newspaper? i find this hard to believe, but maybe things were different in the 90’s, or we can suspend disbelief for the sake of the alien show
the meat is pulsating and now the prisoner who received it has the same boils…… deeply unfortunate for all parties involved
and now boil disease is spreading in the prison!! two guards escaped on a cart carrying the infected man's dirty sheets. so they are pretty much gonna die. but will they spread the sickness to the outside world before they do so?
enter our agents!!
this dude who claims to be in charge is a real jerk. and the agents don’t even know why they got sent there beyond to help with a manhunt, which seems beneath them. but there are some people in hazmat suits, so it’s not adding up.
the convicts are hiding in a rest stop and stole a camper from a poor family :( way to ruin vacation.
scully can tell everyone is LYING and she hates lies and bursts into the hospital area, despite the doctor trying to keep her out… it’s a serve, but at what cost to her health???
here, we learn what is at stake: 14 men have been infected, and 10 have died so far. YIKES! this is not good news.
she always answers the phone with “mulder, it’s me” and idk why I find that so endearing. but maybe I’m just at the point where everything these nerds do wins me over 
NOOOO the dad from the camper was killed…  vacation ruined even more than previously thought 
back at the prison, a dude in a hazmat suit tried to kick scully out by saying that she is violating federal orders by being there, and she says “i’m a federal agent”…. a queen of dealing with nonsense. she needs to know if the escaped men are out and about spreading this!!
“you see what I let you see”, says a man drunk on the power of a lot of people dying around him. and i love that these men think they can handle whatever this disease is without any help whatsoever (/s) the arrogance of men has no limits. 
the convict is coming home… to his gf and baby… SPARE THE BABY from the bubbling disease!!!
one of the dudes who escaped is on the floor of the gas station bathroom, moaning and groaning and covered in boils, and the other convict smacks the poor cashier helping him on the head with a wrench... truly despicable behaviors. and he was probably doing all of this for minimum wage!!
scully in da incinerator room... what is she doing there! she has a mask and some gloves and some bodies to investigate. she cuts one of the bagged bodies open. 
NOOO the doctor tries to stop her and the juice gets in his eye… he runs away. rip doctor. your fate has been sealed.
(rolling up to the gas station w the marshals and a million dudes in sunglasses that look like horrible people to catch the escaped convicts)
mulder finds the poor cashier that got whacked and says “kid’s got a lot of hair, probably absorbed the blow” which is a crazy thing to say 
now he is trying to track the phone call the convict made to figure out where he went, but he’s using the same payphone as the sick man, and the germs... i’m scared!
mulder gives his badge number to the operator. It’s JTT-047101111. will this information be of any use at any time? no. but I still wrote it down <3
woah loud noise! a helicopter arrives to put the cashier in some sort of incubator. this cashier has really had a bad time. and no one is explaining anything!!!! so he doesn’t even know where they are taking him or why!! transparency has never been anyone in the government’s strong suit, i guess.
convict cam. he is reunited with his gf. they are smooching. and that is not good for her survival rate i would guess. after they make out a lil, he shows her the other mostly dead guy in his car. i assume he will be joining the family but not for long. i'd be pissed if my man brought someone home after his prison escape. this was supposed to be about US and not some dude i don't know named paul dying in our bed...
okay the package of the meat was sent from kansas… sus…. from a pharmaceutical company?? could it be a fake return address… (spoiler: no, it was not!)
OUGHHHH the camera cuts to dead flesh and boils and blood BLEAGGHH and scully extracts a BUG from it…. 
back to the convicts. the woman is trying to help the guy who is filled with pus, and she bends down to try and cool off his fever, and just as this happens the boil bursts!!! her face is splashed with nastiness and i moaned “nooooo” and hit pause so fast because I nearly gagged... but this was not a foolproof plan, because it paused on all the stuff getting on her face, so i saw it even more, which was SO NASTY EVIL EVIL NASTY GROSSSSSS JAIL. she’s trying to scrub it off. 
just as she tries to get it off, the marshals burst in and get her. so now they might get the boils… also someone scoops up the baby… put him in a better situation… but the other prisoner is gone!! where did his slippery ass sneak out to?!?
(we see an outside shot of the prison again and AGAIN I think this is the same one from the please please please mv. sabrina carpenter can you confirm or deny? i know you read this blog)
the doctor who was earlier splashed upon has revealed his boils to scully. but this is not all he reveals: he was LYING about the CDC being involved!!! it’s the pharmaceutical company that sent the package to the prison that did all this, and he works for them!! they finance discovering stuff in the rainforest to use in drugs… and they found the bug. and the bug has a parasite on it that makes the boils and the larvae are in the explosion. so explosion = infection.
NOOO she was there when his boil blew up so she might also be infected..... lord her medical history is complicated enough. let her escape the clutches of these damn bugs.
talk with skinner time!!!!! BUT... CIG MAN IS IN THE CORNER. mulder goes over to talk to him directly. is he trying to get them killed!!!!! because it looks like cigarette man put them on this case involving lethal infectious diseases because he wanted to get rid of them. oh, mulder is ANGRY about them lying to the public
meeting with skinner was NOT a success. he angrily fumbles with his seatbelt when scully calls to report the latest in plague news 
they disagree on what to do here: he says the public has to know about the situation, and she says that they don't because the panic will spread faster than the contagion. oooo, juicy moral conflict! but i must admit. pandemic questions interest me less having lived through one of my own.
despite his frustration that she is making a point about not being able to tell the world just yet, he asks "are you okay in there scully?”, and she says yes, tells him to catch the fugitive, and to "take care of yourself out there"... and her not knowing if she is gonna live or die, so she tells him to take care of himself...... has me very emo
now, she is locked into quarantine with the infected doctor, who is testing her for the disease, which involves trapping a bug to her arm and waiting for it to bite her. which is quite hellish. she looks truly disturbed by the event and frankly so was i.
mulder interrogating the woman whose bf is the escaped convict. trying to find him, but being distracted by her moral questions on who deserves to know the truth... not now, ask these heavy things later. success! convict boil man is on his way to the bus station.
cutscene to the convict trying to buy a bus ticket. and coughing all over the ticket woman. another minimum wage worker victimized by disease. wear ur masks people!
back at the lab, the bug has FINALLY bitten her, but the doctor from the company is going down. he says she has to tell the world if her test is negative because it WILL happen again. way to push your guilt onto someone else, mister pharmaceutical man!
cut to her extracting blood from bugs. how in the hell did they film that scene??? she takes a deep breath and looks at the blood to see if she’s gonna die or not. and she sighs but that isn’t an answer for us, the audience. (spoilers: it was negative...... thank god)
in the incinerator of the prison, they are destroying all the evidence!!! by tossing all the bodies into a fire!!! the pharmaceutical company is covering its tracks!!! they say it was unavoidable but she says “we'll leave that up to others to decide!!!” oh he pulls the “no one will believe you” card… but she’s sneaky, maybe she’ll think of something that can prove it all to the rest of the world
back to the marshals and mulder at the bus station. no pressure but the prisoner who is about to die HAS to make a statement or else everything will be entirely covered up by the pharmaceutical company that killed these people. again, no pressure!! 
mulder going on the bus with the infected convict.... nooo mulder, be careful, i whisper softly to the screen. and sensing his tricks, the sick man holds a boy with a gun to his head once he gets on there!!!
mulder's voice is all growly- you know how it gets when he’s serious. but the sick man is coughing all over the little boy. and foaming at the mouth. mulder convinces him to let the kid go, and tries to get that statement that will prove everything... but....
NOOOOOOOO!!!! the marshals shoot the guy before he can learn what was in the package!!!!!!
so, in all: the pharmaceutical company was using the prisoners as guinea pigs to get their drug on the market without FDA testing… truly sick and twisted!!!
mulder is reporting this to skinner, and he’s gonna tell the public!!! mulder says that covering the truth makes skinner just as guilty as the men who infected the prisoners (which i'm not sure i agree with but i love a man obsessed with the moral weight of his actions)!! but scully bursts in and says they can’t prove anything because the tracks were so thoroughly covered.
mulder is adding things up... that’s why they were given the assignment, so that if they tried to expose the whole thing, they would be discredited!!!
skinner says “you never had a chance, mulder; for every step you take, they’re three steps ahead” “where do you stand?” “i stand right on the line that you keep crossing” <- OHHHHH zinger.
but i'm conflicted... i thought skinner and i were tight after he intervened to save mulder a few episodes ago, but now I don’t know… skinner, my feelings towards you are complex and unnavigable 
“i’m saying this as a friend: watch your back. This is just the beginning” <- WHAT DO YOU KNOW SKINNER!!!!!
there are questions here- such as, to what point does skinner knowingly go along with the corruption in the government? if the government was involved with killing prisoners on behalf of a drug company, what other evil twisted things are they hiding? to what extent can skinner, and every other person in the FBI, be blamed for complicity? is it at all possible to make positive change in a corrupt system?
also, are these the same guys who are hiding the aliens, or do you think that 's a different evil government department?
what was cig man doing there and why does skinner keep letting him into his office like a stray cat that gets one free meal from a nice human? (but that stray cat is evil and was involved in kidnapping scully) should we send skinner to the cancel chambers or is he a real mfer deep down? also, where the hell is krycek? not that I give a fuck. he sucked. 
much to ponder, but i end there for now, because. bleurgh. flesh.
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tragictwister · 15 days
I had to rant about this because it's the only thing on my mind right now. It's gonna be long so hang in there 🫶🏻
TW: gr00ming, ped0ph1lia, murd3r via str4ngulation
[School Spirits spoilers ahead]
When Rhonda was explaining the story of her death to Maddie, did NONE of you even acknowledge, like, anything she said?
"He thought we were one thing, I... disagreed."
Backup. What. Mr. Manfredo. Rhonda's guidance counselor who was there to help her with whatever she needed help with in school, saw her as a romantic partner?
So why on this earth we walk on, are we saying, "I think Mr. Martin possessed Mr. Manfredo to make him strangle Rhonda.."
PLEASE stop saying this. It's throwing people off. This theory cannot go on. Rhonda's guidance counselor was grooming her. It's that simple. Why are we making it more complicated than it really is?
Mr. Manfredo was using Rhonda to get close to her and be romantically involved with her. He had ill intentions from the beginning, just call it how you see it. She was being groomed by him.
She makes it kind of obvious when she's talking about her death to Maddie for the first time. Why are we skimming right through all these details.
I can kind of understand why you'd think he was possessed in the moment because of Rhonda saying this;
"I was in his office showing him my acceptance letter to Berkeley, and he just.. shut down."
I agree it does kind of make it sound like Mr. Martin possessed him and he then seemed like a different person because of it, but it still sounds like an eccentric theory because you guys all seem to be forgetting about this significant detail;
"And that's when I realized that all that kindness, all that guidance.. came with a cost."
She said this word for word. This doesn't mean that Mr. Martin was possessing Mr. Manfredo and making him seem like a completely different person, it's the fact that, underneath that layer of kindness and innocence Rhonda thought Manfredo had, he actually was a completely different person.
"People aren't always who you think they are, cherry pop."
Are you guys actually forgetting about this? Like sorry for being harsh, but this is literally the only theory I'm seeing anymore regarding School Spirits whether it's on Tumblr, Tiktok, Reddit, or even YouTube. It's genuinely getting irritating now because every other thing Rhonda was saying in this scene was going in one ear and out the other for you guys, and all you're focusing on is the "he shut down."
But that's not the only thing I'm mad about, I'm just mad she had to go through this in general. I know it's not real it's just a show blablabla but it's genuinely so sad watching her shut everybody away because she's just scared of accidentally trusting the wrong person and having to relive the grooming all over again.
And she still ended up trusting someone she shouldn't have. Mr. Martin. Hey, I have an idea. Writers, can Rhonda have one moment where she's genuinely feeling happy and safe with the other ghosts around her? Like when season 2 comes out?
If she doesn't cross over or at least feel some sort of comfort in s2 I am going to actually tweak out. I'll still cry if she does cross over but I'll be crying tears of happiness.
I just want to see her happy for once, because she's my favorite ghost, and I know that under the fifteen layers of spikes, she is just a scared kid who cares about people but is afraid to show it because she doesn't want to look vulnerable to people, and get preyed on again because of it.
And I truly believe she was a very sweet girl with an angelic personality before Mr. Manfredo completely ruined her. Hopefully we can get some sort of flashback to her life and see what she was like back then, so we can get to know her more.
ok I'm done now.
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dizzyduck44 · 1 year
Quick reminder this is what used to happen to the Hungarian winners trophy
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Yes Lewis did this with a lot of trophies, everytime he threw this up I swear I stopped breathing. This is not a hate post on Lewis.
The point is no one was up in arms about any disrespect shown to the craftsmanship and Hungarian culture. And let’s be honest if his hands slipped, there would be far less of the trophy left than yesterday.
I hate to say this but after the first podium and the first win, 90% of the trophies are just that to the drivers. Trophies. Most of the drivers don’t even get to keep them. There is no sentimental attachment to them.
So please as hard as it may seem, understand the emotions of drivers on the podium and that to people sat at home are very different. No one had any malice or ill intent.
You could see Lando was embarrassed as hell on the podium. By the time he got to the presser he knew he was going to get hate for it. Max found it funny in the “only Lando could do that” way and then enjoyed watching him squirm as only friends can. McLaren and Red Bull have gone out of their way to show there is no bad feeling about it. They would not be tagging each other in posts if there was.
In fact the two main ideas of leave it as is as a unique memory or repair it with tree sap and gold are both nicer ideas that just buying a replacement.
If everyone involved can accept it was an accident then maybe everyone else should.
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
hiihiii i love the way u write shidou smmmm so if ur requests r still open id like something with shidou + lies <3
Hellooo thank you!! Shidou zoomed his way into my favorites and I really enjoy writing him, haha! Here's a bit of him hanging with the smoking group T1
The problem with lying, Shidou had found, is that you end up fooling everyone involved. If you spend time trying to deceive someone, the people close to you will also believe it. If you continue, it will affect all those in proximity. And, if you do it for long enough, you’ll start to deceive yourself. 
Shidou had certainly lost track of his lies for a while. Right before it had all come crashing down around him, he’d almost believed all the beautiful tales of hope and health he’d been spreading. He’d almost seen the world as the place he’d been describing. 
And then the truth hit him; it crushed him. Seeing all the blood on his hands, he’d tried to swear the whole thing off in what little time he had left in this life. But, like his other habits, it was a difficult one to break. 
He exhaled smoke into the room, listening to Mikoto go on about the busy days of his office job. Shidou was concerned how he still spoke about everything as if he’d be heading right back after all this. 
He wanted nothing more than to sit him down for an examination. There were several reasons he may not remember his crime -- it was most likely the emotional shock, but Shidou couldn’t rule out the possibility of a head injury, an illness, a seizure, a stroke, or even it being a side effect of whatever drugs Milgram must have given the prisoners when bringing them here. It took everything in him to let Mikoto be. After all, no one was going to request help from a “killer doctor,” and he didn’t have any of his usual equipment. 
So he just stood and smoked in silence. 
“What about you?” Kazui asked. “My line of work definitely stressed me out, too. But I don’t think I’ve seen you bat an eye at anything since coming here.” He nudged Shidou. “Are you just as cool under pressure as those movie doctors?”
Shidou’s lips angled to a smile. “I suppose so. Though, I believe they look calm because they’re meant to appear perfectly competent. I’m calm so that patients don’t realize I am imperfect.” 
Was that all he was, when he killed those people? Just ‘imperfect’?
Seeing the way Mikoto’s eyebrows shot up, he clarified, “I’m very competent, mind you. But no doctor is perfect. Many patients will panic if you show even the slightest sign of doubt.”
He teased, “so you just lie to everyone all day? Damn, remind me to watch out the next time I go in for a checkup.”
“No, it isn’t like that.” Wasn’t it? 
The other two continued the conversation, but Shidou grew quiet. Was that something else he’d started to believe? Another thing he’d convinced himself was normal when, in fact, it was very, very wrong?
“I get that. Confidence is really important when dealing with dangerous situations.”
“Heh, I’ve definitely put up a bit of an act around here for some of the younger prisoners. I think it’s been helping, they seem calmer from when this all started.”
That’s right -- his goal was always to help, to calm. He watched Mikoto rub his temple absently, and knew another headache was approaching and knew what to do for it. He’d helped Haruka get over a cold the past week. He and Kotoko had discussed nutrition tips the other day. He was still doing good. The smile that he put up for the others was still doing good. 
“Well, I’m glad we’ve got a professional around here.” Kazui gestured his cigarette to Shidou, snapping him away from his thoughts. “Nothing against the guard, but it’s nice to have someone like you who can help me look out for everyone.”
“Yeah, feel better about being here already!” Mikoto slung an arm around him. The boy's expression showed he was trying to appear in on some joke. “So, doc, you think that all of us are getting out of this crazy place in one piece?”
Shidou wanted to warn him the situation was more serious than he knew. Milgram was not a big joke. He was not a man to be trusted. He was not a man to be forgiven.
But old habits die hard. 
“Oh, I'm sure of it.”
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
As a Teen Wolf Scholar, can you provide context as to why that Tyler Posey "bizarre and twisted" quote keeps getting pulled out almost a decade later as a reason to hate on him? Was it the first time someone involved with the show didn't continue to string along the Sterek fandom about it one day becoming canon? Did people take it very personally that he said we were watching the show for the wrong reasons? Or did people actually misinterpret it as him commenting on the idea of the relationship being twisted and not on the weird fact that the Sterek online fandom was overwhelmingly more vocal and visible than the general Teen Wolf fandom?
Every time I go back and watch that youtube interview, I can't read it as anything other than a slightly dumb but valid commentary on the fandom phenomenon but that's never the context people seem to refer back to it with.
so i've been sitting on this ask for a while and as with many things with teen wolf it's complicated and i'm probably way more diplomatic about it than others in fandom.
i just discovered there is a fanlore page about this called poseygate.
i don't particularly like to rehash this kind of fandom history. i am a firm believer in the fourth wall and that there should be boundaries between creator and fandom. teen wolf was popular around the time that began to erode due to the rise of social media.
it can be fun when an actor or creator engages their fandom and supports someone's ship but not every actor is misha collins. he is an outlier and even he fucks up.
dylan o'brien and hoechlin have always been rather diplomatic and positive in their responses to sterek as far as i know. hoechlin in particular adores stiles, derek's relationship with him and continues to radiate heart eyes when speaking about dylan.
i bear no ill will towards posey and i think he has a very complicated relationship with not just fandom but the show itself but i am not here to armchair psychoanalyze a person i've never met.
i can understand posey feeling a particular kind of way of being the lead on a show where fandom constantly pushes you out in favor of two white men they wanna see fuck. i can understand him being kind of weirded out by the age gap too. i am perfectly fine if people don't like sterek because of it but i don't like when people project that on others.
we have to remember dylan and hoechlin are his friends. they are real people with their own lives so it has to be weird as fuck to be constantly asked about the shipping of their characters.
that said was it a nice or respectful thing to say? no it wasn't. did he ever really apologize for it? also no. was it taken personally by people in fandom? yes. how could it not be? it's a thoughtlessly hurtful thing to say over something as inconsequential as shipping.
sterek once it became popular and dominated fandom received it's fair share of hate and derision. fandom is not known for it's chill, you know. people have said some really nasty things about posey and scott over the years.
the antis like to use it as a gotcha though to sterek shippers which is dumb. tyler posey finding sterek weird doesn't stop me from shipping it. like i don't care. it's nice when we do get validation and engagement from an actor or whatever but it's not needed.
besides in relation to teen wolf i'm way more interested in taking teen wolf creator, executive producer and man who doesn't know how time works jeff davis to task along side mtv for their queerbaiting and racism.
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kerubimcrepin · 8 months
Episode 19 - The Judgement of Twelve
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It's so funny for them both to have plushies of their dads. It's also funny that I think Keke would genuinely sell those.
Because he's just that good-looking, popular, and awesome,
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The girls are fighting. And yes, this entire scene is just... brilliant. I love you, Joris.
I love his conviction in Kerubim. Joris is too familiar with Bashi to argue with the guy, but if he met Lou? He'd be more upset about the divorce than Kerubim. He'd be crying at her as if the poor woman is his absentee mother who left to buy milk. It'd be a nightmare.
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Even if he's still sad about the divorce, he cannot stop rizzing up women.
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Joris 7yo: "Go tell your dad about it!"
Joris 600~ years later: "Are you, monsieur, afraid of children?", "[recites poetry as Ush dies]", "No, mr-called-me-a-kid-and-asked-for-the-real-owner-of-the-shop, this Wondrous magical amulet I just dangled in front of you, is not for sale. I can sell you and your brother a hat that fixes shitty hair as a consolation prize.", "Master Adamai... If we died today, it would have actually been shameful."
Joris, just like his father, and just like his grandfather, is an evil fucking cat.
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Keke and Bashi are such good parents.
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Joris has the same vibe as the German Boy From The Weed Cave meme. I also love how enthusiastic he is about protecting Keke's Honor.
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He's so hyped up to be a hater.
I think as an adult, in Wakfu times, Joris plots Evil Schemes together with Kerubim and Atcham as a bonding activity. From "here's how we can make people spend more money in the shop" to "here's how we can Enact Revenge upon that motherfucker Pierre who opened the croissant place a block away and said Keke's baking is SHIT".
Atcham is there just because he loves being evil, Joris is there because he loves being evil and has a personal stake in Kerubim's self-esteem, and Kerubim is there because of Pride and Greed.
I think living next to them, regardless of what century it is, is actually unbearable.
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This is like if two peas in a pod started yelling at each other for being green.
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They are such good parents.
But also, unironically, I think Kerubim is probably very chill about Joris swearing.
He is already a very... relaxed parent, when it comes to both child safety and cleaning. I think Joris deserves one good thing to come of it, like being allowed to say bitch.
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I guess, considering the fact that this seems to be a thing that's not supposed to be known by normal people: Simone and Julie have a very active night-life in taverns.
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An interesting note is that, as we'll see in one of the future flashback episodes, the three evil grandmas are around the same age as Kerubim, Indie, and Lou, and had known Kerubim since they were all teens.
But, the extent of their actual involvement with Kerubim seems to be just watching him like he's The Truman Show. Which, tbh, I would do too.
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This is what people call "coping". Perhaps even "seething".
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Joris for all 600 years of his life: if i had a lame ass shitty father i would hype him so much. i would make him wait out side so i could go in first and be like get ready here comes the most specialest boy ever if you dont cheer and clap for him ill fucking blow this whole building up
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He's so confused when Kerubim isn't winning and so smug when he does. Like he fucking raised that man himself. I can't.
Of course, he'd force him and Atcham to call him dad, (besides it looking weird, if he were to call two babies "papycha" and "uncle",) — that way, he gets to sound normal when he's hyping them up.
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I need him.
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Hate wins.
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laurfilijames · 11 months
What is your favorite Pete Dunham moment and why? Also, please could you rank your GSE member favorites in order.
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Look at you just strutting into my ask box with the two most difficult questions!!
As you're well aware, every Pete Dunham moment is my favourite moment...
But if I HAVE to choose, it has to be at the beginning when he shows up to Steve and Shannon's and meets Matt for the first time. He's drunk, cocky, and being a total prick but in a loving way, and it makes me smile every damn time.
"Jesus, Shannon, you look rough...."
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Then singing to his nephew Ben 🥹 and when he explains how he's meant to be going to the match but lost his wallet and his keys...
And then of course the "Fineeee thanksss" in his mocking American accent that makes me grin so hard my cheeks hurt.
I really like how this scene set you up to think that he is a complete irresponsible hooligan, only to realize later that's not at all the case. Fooled me the first time I watched it!
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Ugh. Everything about him makes me lose my mind.
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I already told you this was like picking a favourite kid and I feel a bit guilty for it, but here we go.
Swill just like Pete, if I have a shit day, the minute I see this lunatic beating the piss out of someone with a rubbish bin and screaming c*nt- I'm fixed. He is just too funny. He also cares so much about his mates (see: him checking on Ike when he gets that bad cut on his head) and also was incredibly welcoming to Matt. He's clearly passionate about anything he's involved in from fighting to discussions about the people portrayed in films getting rightfully credited 🤣 and I don't think there would ever be a dull moment being around him.
Ned I don't know what it is about this one, but he makes me go 🥰🥰🥰🥰 he's hilariously cocky and has a bit of that "I'm small but tough" personality, and when he realizes that Matt never mentioned him in his journal he is GUTTED 💔 it's okay, Ned, I'll give you a hug.
Dave Ahh the Pilot. Forever responsible and caring, and has the warmest aura about him. To me, he feels like the "Big Brother" of the group. He always buys the rounds, and ALWAYS has Pete's back even when some of the others begin to falter. The fact that he will get into a scrap and then go fly a commercial jet with bruises on his face and vice versa with landing his plane and getting his pilots uniform all bloody is BDE, and I'm sure you'll be happy to tell me more about that 😉
Ike He seems to me as a very ordinary lad. Not one to stand out. Kind of hangs in the middle of the group. He's neutral, Switzerland. I see some of myself in that. Not interested in confrontation, and is always there for his mates to share pints or take down the next firm. I like that he's married, but I gotta admit he needs a new hair do.
Bovver Ohhhh Bov. I have complicated feelings about this one. He majorly fucked up. His jealously toward Matt was not at all warranted, and despite Pete trying to ease his ill-will toward him, he chose not to trust his best mate which inevitably lead to The Thing™️ we do not talk about. I do think that despite that mistake, Bov is loyal (to a fault) and would do anything for his mates (see: the end before the part we do not talk about when he shows up to help Pete and saves Shannon) I like to think that he would quickly redeem himself and would easily be forgiven by his mates, which is what I have chosen to go with in my fic where The Thing™️ does not happen and they all realize that life is too short for such pettiness.
Keith I feel bad putting him last on the list but, we really don't have much to go on with Keith other than his dodgy hair cut (do him and Ike have the same deranged barber??) Just like some of the other ones though, I like that we got a glimpse of him in a normal working environment that contrasts to the insanity of the hobby they participate in their free time. He never had many lines in the film, but I do love his "so he's a Yank and an undercover journo... looks like we'll have to give the boy two funerals." when him, Ned and Bov are being all gangster in his car to confront the situation.
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In conclusion, I love them all dearly, and want to hug them and give them a forehead smooch.
Also, I think it's a given that Pete is my number one forever and always which is why I didn't include him in the ranking...
Thank you for sending me this when I've been poorly and needing something to make me smile and for giving me another excuse to go on about them more than I already do 💗💗
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minetteskvareninova · 2 months
You're missing the point of that post. It's not about slut shaming and it's not some weird double standard against Rhaenyra & Targaryens. Its the fact that politically, Rhaenyra could've avoided everything very easily but chose not too. Her making really poor choices bc of her entitlement that being Royal, Targaryen, and knowing the prophecy is a big part of her character. It's the fact that Targaryen Exceptionalism, Feudalism & Succession Crisises are really stupid ways of governance and only ruins those around them. This whole system is a house of cards that can be so easily broken simply over hair color. It's almost willful misreading to say it's about slut shaming.
But of course, and that uppity German Struensee would've gotten away with his reforms if only he could keep it in his pants innit Juliana
*sigh* For all of you who still didn't get it:
I used Carolina Mathilda as an example, because unlike book!Rhaenyra (jury's still out on show!Rhaenyra, I honestly get SOME of the reasons why people don't like her, even if my ultimate judgement of her is way more positive) for one reason, and one reason only: she is, both in history and in the movie, unquestionably sympathetic.
For those of you who don't know, En kongelig affaere, or A Royal Affair, is a Danish film that adapts the story of queen Carolina Mathilda of Denmark, whose affair with her mentally ill husband's doctor Johann Friedrich Struensee was used by Struensee's enemies to boosts his charges of treason. The real issue was, of course, court power politics - the king's detachment of reality was so intense he was almost completely incapable of doing his job, and Struensee used that to basically rule in his stead, which of course earned him many enemies. Even worse, his pro-enlightenment policies (although think less Robespierre and more emperor Joseph II.) sparked outrage among the nobility; Joseph II. is an apt comparison here, although he didn't have the added baggage of being a lowborn man seizing power behind the scenes and (allegedly) having an affair with the queen. Jury's still out on whether that particular charge is based on truth, but it's certainly possible, and the movie went with "yes", just because it makes for a better story. In any case, Struensee ended up being executed, while Carolina Mathilda survived, but was torn away from her children and sent into exile. The movie is relatively faithful retelling of a certain quite plausible version of the story, also it has a superb script, great costumes and cast packed to the gills with amazing actors (Mads Mikkelsen, Alicia Vikander, for those in the know also Mikkel Boe Fosgard and Tryne Dyrnholm) - basically, if you can find it, go watch it, after surviving Hot D y'all deserve some real cinema.
Now, in the movie, it's heartbreakingly easy to sympathize with Carolina Mathilda. When she is just a teenager, she is married off to her severely mentally ill cousin, who constantly mistreats her and seems to kinda hate her, plus her affair with Struensee is motivated by genuine romantic feelings. Noone in their right mind would call Carolina Mathilda "entitled" for it (I HOPE). And sure, Rhaenyra is much less miserable than her, but her emotional life is in a similarly hopeless spot, where she can only find actual romance outside of marriage. Plus, unlike Carolina Mathilda, there is no deception involved, at least with her husband - she still has to gaslight the rest of the country, but them's the breaks, what would you have her do, NOT give birth to the prince of my heart Jacaerys Targaryen?! Like, people, you are calling a woman entitled, because she is in a loving monogamous relationship with someone who isn't her (gay) husband. I don't know if it's slut-shaming, but it most certainly isn't FAIR.
What I think confuses people about this comparison is that both book and show!Rhaenyra can be called spoiled and entitled (keyword is CAN; I personally don't agree with this assessment of her either, but let's say for the sake of the argument) for a lot of other things. She has certainly done her fair share of mistakes and I get the general dislike of her - I myself dislike show!Alicent in much the same way, it really depends what actions and character flaws personally irritate you more. But again, having a loving monogamous relationship, with the consent of her husband no less, is just not the kind of mistake I can imagine anyone hating her for. Yes, yes, it is hypocritical to subscribe to a feudal order that abhors bastards while having bastards yourself, but crucially, it's the kind of hypocrisy that many noblemen parttake in with no reprecussions whatsoever, from Corlys to Bobby B. And, again, Rhaenyra's affair with Harwin actually MORE excusable, because unlike Corlys' relationship with Marilda, it doesn't get in the way of an otherwise loving marriage (unless it happened before his marriage to Rhaenys in the show - it didn't in the books, but also in the books the Hull boys might be Laenor's, it's complicated), and unlike Bobby B, she is far from a hedonist serial philanderer. We can debate whether any of that would be WRONG per se, but it certainly would be LESS UNDERSTANDABLE.
It is not entitled to want a fulfilling romantic relationship even in a situation that isn't exactly conductive to it. How is that a hard concept to grasp, I really don't know. Maybe y'all should just read or watch more things dealing with romantic relationships under these circumstances - I highly recommend starting with A Royal Affair, seriously, you guys, it is so good.
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sanityshorror · 1 year
Why are people so mean to you? You're literally one of the nicest people of interacted with on the internet
Long answer below cut
Many reasons, though none which are actually legitimate lol. I mean, yeah I can absolutely be a massive fuckin ass, BUT if I popped off on someone, it's because they really, really, really put time and effort into having got me to that point.
Another reason is that a certain person who used to be a 'friend,' ... Well it's a whole can of worms but ultimately, the final result was her purposely lying in order to set me up to make me look like a terrible person, then wrote an entire ass book of a callout which was 95% just blatant lies and beyond distorted 'truths' to the point it wasn't even true.
Additionally, people make just... wildly incorrect assumptions about me ("sanity thinks he's better than everyone and has the biggest ego!" Or "sanity is so mean!")... despite knowing jack shit about me. It's so baffling given the fact my blog and everything I post is my CONTENT. I am not my content, I am just the creator.
Let's see... What else...... OH! I'm very edgy boi. And have very dark humor. GOD FORBID!
Oh, another reason is because even though I don't talk about it... Like... Ever. I have been open about the fact that, yes, I do look at and watch gore tapes. However, I never brag about that (anyone who does is fucking stupid), it's not a flex. I very vocally discourage people from going to look themselves, and have never, will never, tell anyone how to find it let alone send them direct links. I've been asked by people before, I blocked all of them without replyiny. AND SO, WHY DO I WATCH GORE? I am an extreme horror creator. I am a splatterpunk author and artist who does a lot of horror illustration that include gore. It's legitimately for RESEARCH /serious. And that should be obvious to anyone. I'm also going to mention that yes, real gore footage and images are completely legal unless it involves CSA - that is beyond illegal. Just the thought of that type of gore makes me physically ill. I never never nor will I ever look at illegal gore. Kids being harmed is a massive trigger for me and ugh- i just want to puke at the idea of someone seeking it out.
Hmmm...OH! Because ASF is my favorite movie. Why is it my favorite? Because it IS uncomfortable. It portrays horrific things that happen in the real world, and shows these things graphically. It's not supposed to entertain, IT'S SUPPOSED TO UPSET YOU. Yes, I'm working on a video essay explaining the importance of ASF.
Also, because Julius and Killian are supposedly me fetishizing mlm. I AM A PANSEXUAL MAN. And frankly, if people actually bother to read about their dynamic then go talk to MLM folks IRL... You'd realize that Julius and killian are the farthest thing from fetishizing.
Hmmm... And at the core of it all? Yes, this is going to sound up my ass but the ultimate reason? Jealously.
It seems like more people hate me than actually do, just because the ones who hate me are really fucking loud and can't keep my name out of their mouth (even though I forget or don't even know they exist until they somehow wind up on my radar). And a few certain people have about 50+ alts that they use to never stfu about me.
As for Chris Piss, that's completely different from the usual stuff. Slimebeast is...sure something.
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zalrb · 11 months
how are u feeling about the gen V finale? i feel like the series had good bones but it’s messaging is very confused, and the last second twist with Homelander’s appearance and attacking Marie felt very out of nowhere. i don’t like the way they seemingly equate genocide (wanting to kill all humans due to them being “an inferior race”) with mental illness and seem to kind of. excuse that rhetoric by saying “these characters are traumatized, it’s understandable!” idk, i have very mixed feelings, i’d love to hear your thoughts
So, as I've mentioned when I've posted about Gen V, I didn't care for the entire plot of the show, like I would've rather follow Marie and Cate and other teen/twenty-year-old Supes deal, in real time, with powers they didn't ask for and how those powers ended up traumatizing them by causing harm and how they were then ostracized. I think that would've been a fresher route to go rather than The Boys 2.0. Besides the fact that I don't feel like I actually know any of the characters, that the relationships were rushed so I didn't care about the "betrayals" or about characters getting together because who ARE you people for me to really feel the impact of any of your decisions, the whole conspiracy of Godolkin doesn't work for me because I find myself asking questions. These characters have seen the war crimes Homelander et. al have done, they know about Compound V, cover-ups of some of the horrendous things Supes have done have been exposed so why would they be surprised when a university for Supes has a place called The Woods? Why would they be surprised when staff end up being manipulative and have their own agendas? What is actually surprising about anything that happens at that school? But at the same time, what did they think this school was? What was the lie that they were sold? What happens here that makes these characters think that cruel, shitty things wouldn't happen particularly since they also kind of say that on some level Jordan and Andre knew, Cate was quasi-involved -- and what did Cate think she was doing exactly? How did Shetty manipulate her exactly? One flashback about how she hugs her after her parents have locked her away for years and says she isn't afraid of her isn't enough for me to believe this entire relationship, that's a start, there should be more -- Marie, you just got here, and you saw how they were going to throw you under the bus to protect the others so why are you yelling about the whole school being a lie? I don't believe their incredulity.
In terms of the finale itself, the messaging was completely muddled and I ended up being like, what are you trying to say? And that's how I watch The Boys but it was exacerbated with Gen V. Because on the one hand, the young Supes yelling about how they're superior to humans and scrawling "Supe Lives Matter" and Sam sort of becoming indoctrinated feels like a commentary on alt right groups and white supremacists but on the other hand, the show also frames Supes as an oppressed community of people who are experimented on and voiceless in government and who are victims of humans and it's like a group lashing out against their oppressors, but they're also killing innocent humans so it's wrong but they were tortured, manipulated and traumatized so it's understandable but oh look commentary on how the cishet white blond people are framed as heroes despite being murderers while the (mostly) poc, genderqueer characters are framed as the villains because America amirite? But Supes deserve a voice too! And instead of it being complex and multi-layered and a show with no easy answers, it just feels like they threw a bunch of different ideas and themes at the wall and blended it all together to make this haphazard mess that leaves me asking, what's the point here?
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twilightguardian · 2 years
New review from Lilith Fairen where I really begin to wonder if she has reading comprehension so poor that I should feel guilty for being harsh to someone with a mental disability. The lack of fundamental comprehension is that bad.
Either that or she does this on purpose because like CanonSeeker, she thinks that "criticizing the critics" aka bullying, is a sane thing to do.
But of course Lilith doesn't comprehend the first thing about criticism because it has to come from some sort of intellectual place. But she doesn't do that. She's just hating because she hates Celtic Phoenix/Raymond, and not for anything that he's done, but because he's a fan of a show she dislikes: Madoka Magica. She is peak petty and childish.
Where as most so-called "capital C Critics" and "RWDE" are genuine fans of RWBY and look at it through this lens of being a fan, Lilith is not a fan of FRWBY. She doesn't understand the point of it, doesn't comprehend it. It's rather sad considering she's a writer and should know how writing works, and that it can involve editing. Someone who is more artistically inclined takes their criticism to an artistic level, but she doesn't understand this.
Anyway, by now it's clear that I'm not really responding to Lilith or any of her pathetic ilk because they're going to keep doing this no matter what. My goal isn't to communicate with those who have gouged out their ears in order to keep hating. My goal is to make sure anyone who talks about Fixing RWBY and becomes curious about it will see how Lilith and people like her twist things around to lie about a fan project done out of passion, telling people its done out of spite because people like her cannot stand it when people are more successful and popular than her. Especially if it's a man, doubly so a Madoka Magica fan.
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You have an illness. You are mentally obligated to make yourself unhappy. Dislike FRWBY all you want, but no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to watch a fan video. Having gone through all the saved logs of your previous tumblr, I know for a fact that you have a visceral need to be unhappy. You can't help yourself. Seek therapy or at the very least unplug your internet. Go outside, breathe some fresh air. The internet has obviously not been good for you.
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Mistral is canonically meant to be based on Asia. How dare the worldbuilding actually reflect that. No, it should be more Western or else you're fetishizing. Because erasing other cultures from existence for no reason is totally a logical route to take, right? Absolutely bonkers insane fucking logic. This woman is stupid or racist. Pick your poison.
Also keep in mind the only fandom Lilith regularly partakes in is still a Japanese anime. It's fundamentally Asian. All the characters are Japanese and they likely partake in Japanese culture. You write stories based on these characters I guess you're automatically "fetishizing" Asian culture. That is Lilith's twisted ass logic.
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Lilith wouldn't know what a good reason was if it slapped her in the face and stole all of her possessions.
Plot isn't the only important thing to the story, and as a writer I'd HOPE that Lilith knows this, but unfortunately it seems not. That doesn't bode well for her story, which I've been struggling to get past the first twenty or so paragraphs.
Essentially what she's complaining about is the fact that characters take some time to actually be people. We get time for the characters to breathe, but more importantly for character relationships and dynamics to be established, enforced, reinforced and enhanced. But no, it's not plot, so it's not important. No wonder she likes the canon show, which neglects this. If she does this with Glints Saga as well, I can't see many people actually caring about the characters or the romance she's so interested in writing for in the first story. Then again, I'm sure she's perfectly fine with it if it's in something like Precure. Though she only seems to like a la mode.
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Look at how the logic here doesn't follow. The girls are aided a little bit by their companions which means they aren't protagonists.
Apparently according to Lilith a protagonist is someone who doesn't get assistance from anyone ever, who doesn't interact with anyone. Effectively what Lilith wants is a mary sue protagonist, which canon RWBY never was nor will Fixing RWBY Team RWBY ever be. Plus the girls in canon get help from other characters all the time, and rarely do anything for themselves unless Jaune brings up an idea first and if they do it's after sitting around a whole lot and the only thing they manage to accomplish is getting a lot of things destroyed and people killed.
Raymond also hates the female protagonists so much that he makes them more active characters in their own story than canon. Because he hates them. Makes perfect sense.
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Lilith once again showing she knows nothing about anything. Changing the location of a scene from a train station to a festival and expanding upon it isn't padding. Unless Lilith is actually a critic after all. She's using Fixing RWBY as a way to critique the canon show but hide it behind the guise of hating on a "critic" so she doesn't lose her friend group. Because heck knows she doesn't have friends anywhere else from the look of it.
She doesn't understand what padding is in a story. Padding is useless fluff that adds nothing to a story. If there are important character dynamics going on, and worldbuilding being shown through the setting, it's not padding. Simple as.
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Raymond's writing of Madoka fanfiction has nothing to do with this. Lilith is trying to label Raymond a pedophile, I suppose, which is incredibly cunty behaviour. Salem is canonically 16 during the setting of The Lost Fables and yet her design makes her look like she'd fit in with the cast of Grease. Making a 16 year old actually LOOK like a 16 year old isn't gross, Lilith. Grow the fuck up, I implore you.
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This is what happens when you only scroll through the video. Neo, Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Roman and Qrow are all framing devices. Neo just happened to be the first one, followed by Yang. But she wouldn't know that because she doesn't pay attention. Her goal, despite calling Fixing RWBY a "spitefic" is to act spiteful and to lie and be a massive bitch in service of defending a show that she barely cares about and likely wouldn't if it hadn't been for hearing through the grapevine that RWBY had a massive "hatedom".
Also really telling how obsessed Lilith is with the idea of subservience. I'd think she's projecting quite a bit. Just like how obsessed she is with complaining about Fixing's Shiloh or Roman. Raymond lives in her head rent free.
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Ahh. So she does know that Neo isn't the only framing device used. Love that she implied that but then had to admit that's not true. It didn't even take her a full paragraph to admit she lied.
You can dislike the framing device all you want, but it's more engaging than what canon did. It also wasn't pointless, and her saying that it was doesn't make it true. The point of it was to show that these are stories that the girls know, possibly modified over the millennia, to show that these stories are all interconnected. These are fairy tales of Remnant, but also those fairy tales weren't the whole truth. Lilith can't comprehend anything unless it's directly spelled out to her, and she admits it by calling it confusing. If it requires her to rev up a braincell, it's too confusing. Just sit back and consume product, that's how you watch RWBY, this is bad because it makes you think!
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She doesn't want to summarize the rest of it because it's actually good and that ruins her narrative lol
Yes, I repeat, a child didn't look like a child. It's like those really cheap 80's movies where a 14 year old is played by a 38 year old. Yes, I totally believe you're a high school student, sir.
It's apparently wrong to want Salem to look as old as Ruby was during volume 1. Because she looks like she's 30. She looks no different than she is now when you take off the special effects. She looked no different in age than when she had children, which is unfortunate.
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lmao she's mad
Like what does she want? This isn't an AU or a full rewrite. It's a reconstruction project with the goal in mind to show how RWBY could be a lot better with a couple of little tweaks and changes. Like I said earlier, what Raymond is doing is essentially developmental editing. He's not the author so he's not going to do any major changes to the story. Ozpin still has a host at the end of the day. Vernal was still a little servant of Raven and died. These preserve the overall plot beats of the stories while being different, but there's nothing that fundamentally changes by design. That's on purpose.
There's a difference between hating or being frustrated with aspects of a show and hating the entire thing. Raymond falls into the former camp. He likes RWBY. Doesn't mean he can't have problems with it. That's too much for some people's little pea brains to understand and that's very unfortunate. It creates unnecessary division and toxicity in the fandom than there should or really needs to be.
Some people have this revulsion to others actually wanting to engage with their fandoms in ways those people don't like and have this sense of entitlement to the fandom and what goes on in them. It's a disturbing trend, especially with those that have a problem with discourse and critique. Some think that any kind of fandom engagement that isn't wholly, unquestioningly positive is automatically hate and that's disturbing.
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It's really not. Raymond has only watched the first episode and he disliked it, though couldn't put his finger on why. This has nothing to do with that spinoff, and I have no idea why Lilith would think that. The episode was recontextualizing a bunch of fairy tales in Remnant's world that everyone would have known.
Raymond has said a few times that he doesn't want to touch Fairy Tales of Remnant because he has no interest in it at all, so there would be no sense for him to do it in episodes 6&7 of all things.
It's commendable that Lilith is trying very hard to use that dusty old thing in her head, but she's still got a ways to go. Her logic doesn't follow, the speculation that she has doesn't come from anywhere and has no follow through.
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She loves repeating herself, doesn't she? Girl, this isn't twitter. Saying things over and over and over doesn't make it more true.
Just because you can't comprehend why something was done doesn't necessarily make it bad lol
Also can't say that I've really come across anyone except for Lilith who says it's disorienting, which leads me to the conclusion that until further evidence of someone who isn't an "anti-Critic" says the framing device was confusing, that it's said deliberately to have something to complain about, because otherwise, there would be nothing to complain about. She's already struggling so much with this review because she knows it wasn't that bad so she has to look for things. I am so happy that Lilith is so boringly predictable that I said hours before her 'review' came out that she was going to focus on Neo being the first in line for the framing of the story.
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What's telling about it, Lilith? The point of words is to actually have meaning behind what is being said.
She says the emphasis isn't on Team RWBY, but they take up the majority of the transitions.
Neo to Young Yang, Adult Yang to Young Blake to Adult Blake, Young Weiss to Adult Weiss, Young Ruby to Adult Ruby to Teen Qrow to Adult Qrow then finally to Young Roman. So she's not even correct that Qrow ends the section. Neo and Roman bookend the segment, but the meat of the segment is taken up by Team RWBY+Q.
Now, could he have started with a member of Team RWBY? Sure, definitely. But if you look at the bolded names you'll notice a pattern.
1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
The bookends get the first and last, but the middle portions get double focus. It balances out.
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Only Ruby's weapon is damaged, but it's presumed to still be able to fight in gun form. She just cannot transform it into a scythe. He said nothing about Blake's weapon, Yang's weapon, Weiss' weapon or any other weapon. Not only are none of the other characters are impacted due to their weapons. Yang and Neo are injured. Blake, Weiss and even Ruby are still readying to fight.
Also really ironic she's so bent out of shape that she thinks FRWBY doesn't have the main characters do anything when canon doesn't allow them to do much, either. Why aren't you complaining about that, Lil? Could it be that she doesn't actually care? She just has such a hateboner for Raymond because he likes Madoka.
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Raymond has never insisted that everything about RWBY is 'horrible and terrible'. It's heavily flawed, and frustratingly so. Raymond has consistently been the more positive person of his reaction friend group over the years, often saying he likes many things of the show. But Lilith doesn't know this because unlike me, who tried to understand Lilith before speaking about her, she's only seen his skits and videos specifically for Fixing RWBY. She knows nothing about him, and thinks nothing of trying to pin every terrible thing she can think of onto him, from pedophile to racist.
Lilith doesn't understand the concept of deep editing. Not anything beyond the basics of spelling, grammar and maybe attempting to change a few minor points around. Comparing the beginning to her older draft of Glints Saga: Papillon to her newer version, she doesn't do much significant to change it.
Don't get me wrong, it's BETTER than the older version, but that's not saying much. Lilith is too precious with her story to do something like what Raymond is doing: a developmental edit, a large edit that might change a lot of things but make the overall story better.
And Matrixdragon decided to chime in as well.
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Yang is trying to stave off hypothermia with Neo. She can probably move, but it wouldn't be the best thing for her. But like I said above, Yang's weapons are not damaged.
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I think this is actually a fair criticism, and one I've seen a little bit with other people. To each their own, really. It's not like RWBY didn't try and do the same thing with Volume 1 and the whole background NPCs, keeping the events isolated to a small group of important characters. What Raymond is doing here is cutting out background characters that don't need to be there and can be filled with other ones, ones that can lead to better character dynamics and interactions than if they were strangers. Some people are going to like that, and some people won't, and that's fine. It's certainly not unique to FRWBY and no one else complains when coincidences for story happen in any other franchise, though. So it's a little eyerolling when it's suddenly a problem because a fan did it for a fixit fic.
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Do old ladies have a stereotype of being curious? Maria didn't wander into the middle of a battle zone during her first introduction in canon, either, so what's your point? The whole train was being attacked so it wouldn't matter where she'd go she'd still be in the middle of a battle zone. We know from context that she's a former huntress but it makes no sense otherwise why she'd wander in other than to have a contrivance that she's there, which makes the contrivance more noticeable. We don't even learn that she can still fight until late into the Atlas arc.
At least with Fixing RWBY's new introduction of Maria, she is shown off the bat to be a capable fighter and we know right away that she likely came to the area to help fight. That makes the contrivance more understandable as a reason why she'd be there. She's a character that got a lot of focus in canon even if she just walked past the camera because she has a highly unique character design, so it's not a secret she's going to be important, and some people even rightly pointed out she was likely a silver-eyed warrior due to how they framed the opening to the anime.
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The characters don't trust Roman. Blake certainly doesn't. But they acknowledge he's in this with them for better or worse and now they're all stranded together, so there wouldn't be any point in lying to everyone.
Yang is not someone I would call 'mature' in canon. Being an angry little sourpuss when things don't go her way or someone challenges them is not what anyone would consider mature.
It's also not that Yang is unwilling to give Blake a chance, either. She hasn't completely forgiven Blake for what she'd done, and Yang is under no obligations to forgive her, either. Forgiving someone has nothing to do with maturity, and the fact that this seems to imply you think so is unsettling. It means that someone cannot have feelings about something traumatic that happened, and the more 'adult' thing to do would be to just get over it. Things like this don't resolve overnight. They take time, and before Yang and Blake can become a proper couple, they need to properly work things out, not sidestep the issue and pretend like nothing's wrong until there might be, then step on eggshells around each other, wondering if the other is mad at them for no reason.
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I don't think Adam gave a shit about being detected. It's not like he was trying to ninja his way through the train car. It also wasn't just Cardin he had to deal with, but Qrow and Russel at the same time. I honestly don't remember whether Cardin was a competent fighter in canon, but we know he was at least tactical and not an idiot. So 'the likes of Cardin' only means someone thinks he's an incompetent fighter because he's a bully. But Cardin in Fixing isn't like Cardin in canon. He was more competent in the scenes where he fought and he likely became stronger during aftermath of Beacon.
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The only ones being spiteful around here are you two. It's seriously pathetic.
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