#illari x venture
tfstayquiet · 1 month
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I really like this interaction between Illari and Venture, I think it's cute!!
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thequeenofcupps · 3 months
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✯My name is Marli! But I prefer Mars!
As you can tell I’m a beginner fanfic writer so I would appreciate some tips!
Don’t be scared to ask I’ll always do requests! (Unless said otherwise)🫶
DNI: proshippers, the bad comshippers, pedophiles, trump/biden supporters, Israel supporters, zoophiles, racists, neo nazis, homophobia and transphobic assholes
(Please read before requesting!🫶)
✯and as of now I’m going to be taking requests! Also some content warning I do swear a lot so just a warning
Who I’m writing for!
ALSO I’LL DO UP TO 4 CHARACTERS IF YOU ASK (but I’m not doing Poly tmnt brothers cuz what the fuck) but I will write for separate character!
sally face!
The Outsiders!
Smiling friends
Doom: just doom guy :>
Stranger things!
I hope to see y'alls requests!
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Also warning! I do have divorced parents and I’m writing on a laptop and the laptop is at my moms so requests might come out slow so my deepest apologies!
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apparition-pluto · 22 days
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stellarstarcelios · 1 month
☀️ Starting on writing a Illari/Juno fic because I think they'd be so cute together. I also like to think Juno and Venture would be great besties. :D
☀️ Illari and Juno seem like they'd be able to relate to each other in the way of their home's fate or their legacy resting on their shoulders, and I just love the idea of someone as sweet as Juno helping Illari with the conflict in her head of her people's legacy.
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dawnthefox24 · 1 month
Yes I ship Juno and Illari yes I making their ship name either SummerSolstice/ SolarEclipse/SunRays cause Sun x Moon energy!
*Illari is planing on how to stop the pay load but is a bit annoyed by the noises going on around her* Illari: Everybody shut up, I'm thinking. Juno: *patting Illari on the back* Well, don’t think too hard. I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself. Illari:*blushes a bit* O-Okay... Juno: Also remember to take care of yourself okay! Ilarri: *nods a bit and coughs a bit clearing her throat* O-Of course... Juno: *smiles happily* Great! Illari:*feels her face getting a bit warm*J-Just stick close to me okay...I don't want you getting hurt... Juno:*smiles happily and hugs her* Of course my sun friend! Illari:*is all flustered and doesn't know what to do* Venture and Cassidy:... Venture:*looks at Cassidy grinning a bit* Should I tell Juno that Illari has a crush on her. Cassidy:*sighs and shakes his head* Unless you want to die by the sun then no cause I don't want to explain to Brigitte that you've got killed by a solarbeam... Venture: But we can agree that Illari is in love with her! Cassidy: *sighs and smiles softly* Yeah, she is. Venture:*grins happily* ¡Qué lindo I ship them!(How cute)
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oldhalloweentape · 5 months
🪨Venture (OW II) x (gn) reader ⛏️
(First Kiss Edition!)
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(Not my picture!)
(I thought this song was perfect for this, I remember watching this in the movie theaters way back when, loved it and still do. The first time I saw a representation of some of my culture on that scale, such an underrated movie.)
- In any situation you guys are in, working together or having two different jobs? I don’t think it’d be a surprise when I say the first kiss happens very early into the relationship and they’re the one to initiate it.
- No coaxing or dancing around the subject, you’re getting kissed like three days into the relationship tops.
- If you guys work for Overwatch together, and y’all won a particularly rough mission after going back and forth with the enemy, emotions are high as the celebration of the triumph proceeds.
- It happens so suddenly, like you’re next to Venture, happy as a clam after putting your all into your fighting. Then, out of nowhere, you’re getting grabbed and pulled into a sudden and passionate kiss that leaves you stunned and flushed, silent as a church mouse when they pull away.
- You know that one scene in ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’ Where Roger kisses Detective Valiant as if his life depended on it? It’s along the lines of something like that.
- You probably said something like, “I could kiss you right now!” After they saved you from getting pulverized and in their mind they went “Bet”.
- Trust me, they’re also kind of surprised that they actually did it—
- Time freezes for a moment as y’all kissed cause the team to go silent before an uproar from the particularly positive teammates— Causing even more cheering, especially if you have someone like Reinhardt on the team, he’d hype you guys up so much.
- That or if you guys are archeologists or simply have different jobs from one another it’s more private and Sloane can try to convince you that it was on purpose. But in Overwatch? Fuck no lol.
- The whole roster was like 80% sure you guys were a thing, but that went up 1000% when Sloane kissed you as if they needed it to breathe.
- Spreads like wildfire and by the end of the day everyone knows you guys are a couple, and a rather cute one on top of that.
- At least you guys don’t have to tell everyone that you’re a thing now.
- It makes Venture a little sad. They were planning something big to announce it cause they felt like it needed to be as special as they think your guys’s relationship is. They were biting back the urge to brag about it for 72 hours (the longest time they’ve ever kept something like that to themselves besides their feelings before you guys were a thing), all for naught.
- Reassure them it isn't a big deal and that if they look at it from a different perspective, the first kiss was a great way of doing it.
- They’ll spring back up when you say that, saying something like “Oh I planned to do it like that anyways!”
- You know, like a liar.
- Besides that little hiccup, it was a great first kiss, they wouldn't have it any other way.
- As one might expect, everyone has different views on the matter, with the positive ones that are like “Aweee look at them go!” And think it’s cute: (Ana, D.Va, Junkrat; a mix between neutral but more positive nonetheless, Kiriko, Lucio, Lifeweaver, Illari, Mei, Mercy, Reinhardt, Sigma; same as Junkrat)
- Neutral, like, “Oh, cool, congrats Ig”: (Brigitte; a bit more positive but still neutral, Baptiste, Bastion, Cassidy, Echo, Genji, Hanzo, Junker Queen, Orisa, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Solider 76, Roadhog, Sombra, Sojourn, Winston, Zarya, and Zenyatta: same as Brigitte but a bit more happy)
- Then the negative, the “I don’t need to know about about that you keep that to yourself”: (Ashe, Doomfist, Moira; sassy about it, Mauga; He’s like an annoying older brother that is constantly trying to embarrass their younger sibling— That sibling rivalry between him and Venture is wildddd, Reaper, Ramattra; a bit more neutral, Wrecking Ball; Blunt and mean about it too lmao, Widowmaker; graduated with her master’s degree in the art of being a hater).
(FINALLY! On the last scheduled headcanon post! Yippeee! Hopefully I’ll now be able to get some requests from y’all now that I’m done with this last one!)
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hauntingkiki · 4 months
this was requested on my wattpad, and i decided to put it over here to (hopefully) get some requests (desperate times call for desperate measures LMAO)
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Your Voice
Venture x Cocky/Overconfident! Diva! Reader
the sound of bandages ripping snapped in your ears, the sound quickly dying out once you were done with the action. you draped the bandage on your thigh, your non injured arm shakily grasping a small vile of peroxide. popping the cap off with your teeth, you dumped the vile onto your wounded arm, the chemical and blood mixing together which made you hold back a scream, biting down on your jacket sleeve that held the bottle. you threw the bottle up, letting it vanish in a matter of seconds as it went into a cooldown. grasping the cotton that was on your thigh, you begun attending to the oozing gash on your bicep and forearm.
you froze, your body tensing up as you heard faint footsteps in the building you were camping in. carefully, you positioned your weapon in your hands, your non dominant arm shaking uncontrollably, which made your weapon softly clatter.
'y/n?! do you read me, h/n?' a voice echoed in through your ear piece, your teammates calling out for you, making your ears ring at the uncontrollable chatter.
you took a sharp deep breath in, slowly dropping your weapon before hastily wrapping the remaining bandages around your arm. once the cotton was wrapped, you grabbed your wrapping tape, ripping a good chuck of it off with your teeth before wrapping that around your arm as well.
'h/n?! talk to us!'
'we're down a healer! you're needed on the battlefield!'
you shook your head at the voice, tears starting to sting in your eyes as the footsteps slowly got louder. you pushed yourself up with the weapon, collecting your medic supplies and shoving them into your bag. sloppily throwing it over your shoulder, you inched your way out of the corner you were in, taking a few quick, shallow breaths before running over to a window and jumping out.
you shut your eyes, waiting to take at least some damage from the jump, but it never came. opening your eyes, your cheeks flushed bright pink when you made eye contact with the person who caught you.
"y/n!" they beamed, sighing in relief before turning to your team. "guys! i found y/n-or, well, she found me!"
your tank let out a hearty laugh, throwing their shield up as he glanced over to look at the two of you. "good job, venture!" he laughed, fire striking at the supports on the opposing team.
the other damage stopped in their tracks, getting healed by illari's pylon. "y/n?! where have you been, you've been needed this whole match!" they snapped, dodging some of the bullets that were zipping through the air.
you pushed yourself out of venture's grip, stumbling as you caught yourself from falling on your ass. you dusted yourself off with a glare at them before turning to the fight, your eyes shooting wide open as you grabbed their collar and pulled them to the ground with you, dodging a sniper bullet from the 'spider queen'.
venture let out a cry, covering their ears from a explosion. chuckling nervously, they took their hands off their ears, turning their head towards you. "thanks for saving me! your a lifesaver!" they beamed, their cheeks a faint pink.
you hummed, rolling your eyes before shooting at the enemy team from your laying down position.
"hey, cassidy!" venture called out to the cowboy that was taking shelter behind the pylon, which surprisingly worked. once the cowboy glanced over to the two of you, they pointed over to the enemy group then to their drill that laid beside them.
cassidy, huffed with a nod, appearing out from behind the pylon and throwing his grenade into the crowd.
the archeologist next to you took the initiative and grabbed their drill, disappearing underneath the concrete street. they quickly appeared in the middle of the enemy line, laughing with a grin.
you went to reload, pausing when a shadow loomed over you. slowly looking up, your eyes went wide when the tank of the enemy team stared you down. sucking in a breath, you grabbed your supplies and ran, the tank chasing after you.
"h/n?" illari called out, looking around for you. her shoulders dropped when she saw you getting chased away, without a warning. "guys! doomfist is after her!"
"where the fuck is she?!" illari snapped, her hair glowing a faint yellow, illuminating the rest of her team who stood behind her.
cassidy held her back by the shoulder, whisper shouting at her about how she needs to chill out. even though he was scolding the girl, he was also unbelievably pissed at how you acted during the battle.
"y/n!" rein's loud voice called out, startling you as you tried to sneak back to your dorm.
you stopped in your tracks with wide eyes when rein called your name, rubbing your temples in annoyance while you turned to face them. you swallowed nervously when you felt the tension. it was so thick, you could cut it with a knife, or even use your tanks weapon to smash it into a million pieces.
"have you lost your god damn mind?!" illari snapped, her hair glowing brighter.
"illari!" cole groaned, dragged her off to talk some sense into her.
she shook her head as she was dragged off, pointing at you with tears stinging in her eyes. "what happened to you?!" she wept, swinging her arms ago.
"illari's right, y/n." reinhardt, finally spoke up, clearing his throat from the loud call he did to gain your attention not too long ago. "you've changed."
your eyes shot open at the statement, your blood boiling slightly. changed? maybe there was a reason behind your change, but no one cared enough to ask.
"you always used to talk to us during battles..." rein sighed, running his hand down his face. his hand covered his mouth for a moment, the two of you making eye contact while he let his arm drop back to his side. "what was so different about this one?"
with a faint eye roll and grunt, you tapped your ear piece a few times before your voice echoed through the empty, cold city. "i'm on vocal rest, you all know this!" the programmed voice snapped. you pointed over to the archeologist who stood a few steps behind rein. "venture knew about it! i told them to give you guys a heads up that i won't be in coms!"
venture blinked in surprise, eyebrows raised while they softly shook their head in disagreement. "no you didn't...?" they questioned, unsure with what they were even saying.
"yes i did! i told you two weeks ago that i was going to be on vocal rest!" the voice huffed, making you cross your arms.
venture shook their head while rein took charge of the speaking. "we were on vacation two weeks ago." rein reminded. "no one was here at overwatch."
your blood ran cold.
how could you forget?
you flailed your hands around, your mouth opening but you quickly shut it, starting the two in front of you. you groaned loudly, pulling at your hair before storming off to the dorms.
you had a concert you needed to get ready for. that was your top priority, not winning some lame 'battles' that were supposed to train everyone.
venture took a few steps forward, getting ready to follow after before rein placed his hand on their shoulder. sloan turned to the taller individual, his shoulders dropping when he shook his head no before walking off, cassidy and illari following after.
sighing venture took a few steps after his team before coming to a complete stop, turning around and running after you.
you had about two hours until the concert, and you finally decided that you could talk and get some warmups/practice in before the big deal.
you ran a brush back and forth over your eyelid, the f/c eyeshadow appearing after a few swipes. pulling the brush away, you attended to the other eye, humming to yourself as you had the songs you were going to be preforming playing in the background.
dropping the brush back into your makeup bag and snapping the eyeshadow palette shut, you pulled it over to you and started to rummage through it, jolting when a knock rang through your room. "come in." you called out, a hand placed over your heart as the door opened. you glanced at the person who entered your room through the vanity mirror, your stomach lurching at the sight of venture.
the two of you stayed silent, both of you waiting for the other person to speak, the sound of your voice faintly singing in the background.
"what has gotten into you?" venture finally spoke up, taking a step forward with a vague head tilt. their voice was laced with worry and hurt, which made their voice crack slightly. "you've never been like this."
you continued to dig through your makeup bag, quickly grabbing your mascara and opening it, applying it to your upper lashes and your lower lashes. "what do you mean?" you asked, fanning your face with your hand while you dropped the product back into the bag before digging out your eye liner.
venture ran a hand through their hair, their fingers getting caught on some of the knots that they forgot to brush our earlier. huffing, they pulled their hand out of their muted, chocolate brown and brushed their fingers together, watching as the stray hairs that they pulled out slowly feather to the carpet. venture turned their attention back onto you, waiting for a moment until you pulled your eyeliner away from your face before speaking. "i mean- the attitude, the cockiness, the-the sudden hatred for this place!" they ranted on, their voice getting loud by accident. they paused for a moment, taking some deep breaths while walking to stand a few feet behind you, looking at you through the mirror as you did the other wing on your other eye. "why..? why after all these years, these past seven months that i've known you...why did you suddenly change?"
you held a breath, placing the cap back onto the eyeliner before you dropped it back into your bag. you locked eye contact with venture from the reflection, your eyes slightly widening when you immediately noticed their glassy eyes that watched you. releasing the breath you were holding, you grabbed your highlighter stick and tugged the cap off. "because i'm tired." you simply explained, highlighting your inner corners of your eyes, your nose and above your upper lip.
"of what?" venture chuckled in disbelief, throwing their hands around before jerking them in your direction. "you're famous! you're one of the best hero's in the world, what's there to be tired of?"
you closed your highlighter, waving your hands around in frustration. running your hands through you hair, you gently pulled at your scalp, groaning as you gripped at the edge of the desk. "i'm tired of doing the same thing over and over again! i'm in a constant loop, a never ending cycle." you spat, your chest shakily rising once you took a breath in. you turned your head over your shoulder, looking at venture before turning your chair to fully face them. "i wanted to leave months ago, but you always stopped me." you shyly admitted, your gaze falling on their chunky, metal boots.
venture's breath quickened at the statement, their face flushing red as they slowly brought an index finger up to their chest. "me?" they breathed, tapping their chest a few times with their finger.
you nodded, standing up as you cracked your knuckles nervously, turning back to your desk at spay your setting spray before turning back to them, fiddling with your shirt hem. "yes...you're the only reason why i'm here." you quietly admitted. "why i'm still holding onto being a hero." your eyes darted around their face before looking off to the left and landing on a framed picture of when you first joined overwatch, almost six years ago.
venture took a step forward, snapping your attention away from the frame and back over to them. "the only reason why im here is because of you." they jerked their hands in your direction, their face redder than ever. they chuckled, rubbing their hands through their hair, walking back and forth as they rambled. "i joined because i wanted to meet you, to befriend you! to-"
venture paused both their speaking and their walking, facing your door that went out into the hallway.
an escape for them if they wanted to leave without confessing anything.
you took a few steps forward, both  of you about two feet away from each other. you titled your head up and to the side, trying to look them in the eyes. "to what?" you whispered, reaching a hand out to their shoulder before pulling back when their body tensed up.
venture ran a hand down their face, sighing into their hand. they had to rip the bandage off if they wanted you to stay. they slowly inched their way so the two of you were face to face, their hand dropping back to their side as they tilted their head down, their eyes glued to their boots. "...to be with you. hopefully for the rest of my life." they titled their head up faintly, looking at you through their eyelashes before going back to their boots.
your face grew hot, a deep pink hue covering your face at confession. "sloan..." you gasped, inching your way closer to the person in front of you. you threw your arms around their shoulders, standing on your tippy toes in order to reach their shoulders.
sloan stumbled back in shock, their eyes wide as they blinked, looking at themself through your vanity mirror. their eyes became glassy once again, slowly wrapping their arms around your waist as the burrowed their face into your neck. their body shook, shaky breaths and choked sobs filled the room, drowning out the music that was still playing in the background. "i've missed you so much..." they sobbed, their voice vibrating your neck as they spoke. the squeezed your frame slightly, scared to let go of you.
you squeezed them back, gently massaging the nape of their neck and up into their messy hair. "i've missed you too, sloan." you whispered, twirling your fingering in their locks.
sloan pulled away from you, their arms still around your waist, your faces were inches apart.
you let your hands slip out from his hair, dragging them against their neck and up to their cheeks. you smiled softly, wiping away the tears that stained their face.
they leaned into your touch, giving you a closed eyed smile. their eyes fluttered opened, their eyes darting from your eyes and down to your lips before back up to your eyes, repeating the cycle. slowly, they leaned in, swallowing nervously when you also started to lean in too.
the whole world seemed to stop when your lips connected, your ears ringing loudly as your heart hammered against your ribcage. their lips had an earthy taste to them, as well as a faint orange flavor, which you guessed was from their chapstick.
you snaked your arms back around their neck, pulling them deeper into the kiss, which made their eyes flutter open before closing again.
when the two of you pulled away, a lovesick grin was plastered on their lips, their cheeks redder than they were before(if that was even possible).
you smiled at them warmly, biting at your lip as you playfully pinched their cheek with caused them to hiss in pain. "now get outta here." you playfully sneered, a smirk creeping on your lips as you leaned into sloan's ear. "i got a concert to get ready for."
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xylathesilkwing · 5 months
guys hear me out.. venture x illari. their ship name is sunstone. little freak and the trauma trooper /j
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tidxbit · 3 months
Transformers X Overwatch ideas
optimus prime = orisa ultra magnus = reinhardt cybertron / alpha trion = wrecking ball / hamond optimus primal = winston bulkhead / miko = dva pyra magna = zarya elita 1 = sojourn rodimus = soldier blurr = tracer transmutate = echo prowl = cassidy arcee = mei wheeljack = sym maccadam = torb bumblebee = genji drift = hanzo nosecone = venture strongarm = brig springer = pharah minerva = mercy ratchet = ana jetfire = baptiste blaster = lucio perceptor = zen beachcomber = lifeweaver windblade = kiriko wing saber = illari blitzwing = bastion wreck gar = junkrat trashmaster = roadhog megatron = doomfist starscream = reaper shockwave = moira soundwave = sombra blackarachnia = widowmaker astrotrain = sigma lugnut = mauga shadow striker = junker queen flamewar = ashe nemesis prime / ultra magnus armored mode = ramattra
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ovwechoes · 2 months
Dareia's Masterlist Hiya! I thought I'd finally make a masterlist organised by post type (headcanons and fanfics); I'll update it as I go and if you can't find anything you're looking for, send an ask through!
FYP / What's on their FYP (SFW/General) Jealousy & D.Va, Sombra, Junkrat, Venture, Ashe (SFW) Illari x D.Va / Sunset Mecha (SFW) Talon & After Date (NSFW) Ashe (NSFW) Venture x Junker Queen / PunkRock (SFW) Lucio x D.Va / BunnyHop (SFW & NSFW) ED Partner x Moira (SFW) Worst Habits & OVW Members (SFW) Lucio (SFW & NSFW)
Zarya (NSFW) Relationship with Moira (SFW) Love Languages & Tanks (SFW) ‘Home’ & Supports (SFW) Moira x Transfem Partner (SFW & NSFW) Venture (SFW & NSFW) Concerts & DPS Men (SFW) Concerts & DPS Women (SFW) D.Va x Sombra / CyberPulse (SFW & NSFW) Widowmaker x Sombra / SpiderByte (SFW & NSFW)
Juno (SFW) Mei x Echo / MECO (SFW) Movie Night & Tracer, D.Va, Mercy (SFW) Songs to cry to: DPS Women (SFW) Sub, Switch or Dom & OVW Women (NSFW) - DPS / SUPPORT / TANK Widowmaker / Amelie Lacroix (General) DeadlyTriad / Ashe x Widowmaker x Sombra (SFW) Juno, Kiriko & D.Va (SFW/General)
BoomBox / Junkrat x Lucio (SFW) Supports & Guilty Pleasures (General) BlossomWraith AKA MoiraWeaver / Moira x Lifeweaver: SFW / NSFW MekaMechanic / Brigitte x D.Va (SFW) Tracer, Widowmaker, D.Va & Brigitte Pinocchio Curse Tracer & Brigitte (Platonic) Carpets and Drapes: OVW DPS (NSFW) AFAB / AMAB IronGauntlet / Mauga x Doomfist: SFW / NSFW Symmbra / Sombra x Symmetra (NSFW) OVW Tanks & Home (General)
Novels & Supports (General) Solaris / Juno x Illari (SFW) Talon & Secret Talents (General) Mauga / Maugaloa Malosi (General) Bapsiddy / Baptiste x Cassidy (SFW)
Fanfictions, Drabbles, One Shots:
Binary Hearts: Ramattra x Gender Neutral Reader (SFW) Shadows of Compassion: Brigitte x Gender Neutral Reader (SFW) Twin Obsessions: Sombra x Fem Reader (NSFW/Suggestive Themes) A Cozy Encounter: Lifeweaver x Fem Reader (SFW) A Lesson in Love: Zarya x Fem Reader (SFW) Close Call: Mina Liao x Gender Neutral Reader (SFW) Crown of Rust and Ruin: JQ X Fem Reader (NSFW/Suggestive Themes) Games in the Shadows: Sombra (Evil) x Gender Neutral Reader (NSFW/Dark Themes) A Song of Courage: Lucio x MTF Reader (SFW) A Night of Loss: Hanzo x Gender Neutral Reader (SFW)
An Unwritten Rule: Ashe x Fem Reader (NSFW) True Self: Ramattra x GN Reader (SFW) Past the Point of No Return: Ramattra x Fem Reader (NSFW) Trading Places: Zarya x Fem Reader (NSFW)
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thequeenofcupps · 2 months
You know the 2 new illari and venture interactions?
Yeah ok so if ur dating venture illari canonically ur guys daughter now
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apparition-pluto · 1 day
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stellarstarcelios · 1 month
☀️ "The Sun is Home" - Chapter 1: The Sun's Stubborn Light ☀️
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☀️ Fandom: Overwatch 2 🔴 Pairing: Illari x Juno/Solarmars ☀️ Characters in Chapter: Juno, Illari, Venture 🔴 Word Count: 1380
☀️ Hiiiii, guys! Going back to this post I made the other night, I started and finished writing my first chapter of my Illari x Juno/Solarmars fic! I really do like how it came out even though it's a little shorter than usual for chapters I write in my stories!
🔴 I like this ship a lot, and besides that pairing, this story will also feature Juno and Venture being besties! I really like that idea as well. I hope you like this first chapter!
☀️ If you don't like this ship, do not reply/reblog with hate or mean messages. Just don't interact if you don't like it. I have nothing else against most other Illari or Juno ships.
🔴 Divider used made by me in Canva! Art above by me as well! I will try to put out a new chapter of this fic every Friday or Saturday, if I can! :D Shoutout to @whackacole3 for the ship name!
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It was a little too much sometimes.
Juno had wanted nothing more than to learn everything she could about the world her parents once called home. Earth sounded like such a lovely place, a planet with people, fauna, places she had only imagined and seen in movies and books. The space ranger never would’ve thought she would be able to touch down on the blue planet, see the stars and her home as lights far above her head in the deep blue sky.
Juno had enveloped herself in what she could learn about Earth’s culture, its people, its many places and types of life. Things that her home planet was so devoid of. As much as she loved the new sights and sounds and smells…
At times, it was too much.
The sound of her mattress shifting with her weight followed Juno as she sat down on her bed. She laid her hands with one on top of the other on her lap, with her head ever so slightly bowed downwards. She let her lids fall over her tiring eyes, and a very soft, almost inaudible sigh escaped her.
The martian had been doing everything she could have today. After finally getting into the atmosphere to find her family friend, her, “Auntie Mei,” Juno’s journey led her to Watchpoint: Gibraltar, the Overwatch headquarters. Though there were brief tales of the organization back home, Juno had almost believed them to be of legend, of something that once was and never would be again.
Imagine her surprise at seeing Mei, looking as young as the pictures with the space ranger’s mother, with so many others around her.
It had been… a week or two now, she thought? Juno wasn’t quite sure. It seemed a lot longer than it had probably been. As much as she was excited and sure about Mei and Overwatch being able to help her family, the changes were so much.
Maybe too much.
Maybe she needed someone to ground her.
“Hey, you okay there, chica?”
A voice found its way to her ears, and Juno’s head tilted back up as she looked to see who had spoken. Their fluffy brown hair framed their tan skin, big brown eyes, and chipped teeth. They wore a yellow tank top, brown shorts, and a pair of big white boots.
Juno found herself taking a moment to think. What was their name again?
“Um… I… I think so?”
Venture leaned an arm against the doorway with their other hand on their hip. “You sure? You look pretty tired to me.”
Juno’s brows furrowed a bit as she realized how visible her exhaustion must have been on her face. She sighed again and rubbed her right arm with her left hand. “I guess so… um… I apologize, but, what is your name?”
“Sloan Cameron. You can call me Venture, or Sloan works too. I’ve got a billion nicknames though, so call me whatever, amigo.” A soft chuckle escaped their lips, one that made Juno feel a bit at ease. “So… Juno, right? What’s wrong?”
The space ranger moved her gaze away from the archaeologist, not wanting them to see her distress longer than they had to. “I am just… thinking. That is all.”
Venture’s lips pursed as they folded their arms over their chest. “It seems like more than that, Juno.” They straightened up their posture. “Too many thoughts bouncing around in your head?”
The martian blinked in surprise. “How did you…”
“Well, you’re not the only one.” Sloan pointed over their shoulder with a thumb, gesturing to a nearby room down the hall. “Illari seems to be just as tired and anxious as you are. I already talked a little to her.”
Juno nodded. “Illari,” she spoke, testing the Peruvian name on her tongue. “She is… she is the sun warrior, as I heard her be called, correct?”
“Yep. She’s an Inti Warrior. They were a group of ancient warriors in her country that could harness the power of the sun.” Venture shook their head a little. “But… she’s the last of them, unfortunately.”
Big brown eyes widened. “What do you mean?”
Amber eyes moved away. “I’m… not exactly the person to talk about that.” They tilted their head. “Maybe you can talk to her? She seems to be going through a lot like you right now.”
Juno furrowed her brows in concern, before averting her gaze again. Maybe talking with someone about her situation would help clear her thoughts, especially someone who seemed to be having as hard of a time as she was. The space ranger nodded after glancing at the archaeologist again. “Is she… which room is her’s?”
“72-S. She’s been in there for a while, so she probably needs someone to talk with.” Venture let out a little laugh, followed by a snort. “Heck, I think she’d do better with some company, amigo. Just… be gentle with her. She’s… been through a lot.”
A soft knock came from the door of Illari’s room, her yellow eyes opening slowly. She didn’t want to talk to anyone right now, especially after her little spell of emotions. She vowed never to let anyone see her like this, not again.
Not ever again.
Another knock had her sighing as she stood and straightened up her posture. A thumb wiped her tears as she spun on her heels and walked to her door. “Who’s there,” she questioned.
“It’s… it’s Juno. I… I wanted to talk.”
The timidity in the space ranger’s voice made her widen her eyes a bit, but Illari soon narrowed them. “Leave me be. I don’t want to speak to anyone right now.”
As she turned to leave the door, Juno spoke again.
“I… I apologize. Sloan said you were in great distress, and… said you might need company.”
Those last few words made the Inti Warrior stop in her tracks and look over her shoulder at the door.
Juno clasped her hands in nervousness as she heard Illari’s footsteps stop. Maybe she had said something wrong? The last thing she wanted to do was upset one of her new acquaintances. When there was silence for a few more seconds, the martian began to turn around. Maybe this was a bad idea after–
The sound of a door sliding open made Juno turn her head to the side. Illari had a hand on the control panel of her door, face reading frustration.
Juno hadn’t really taken a long look at Illari before, but now that she was able to… she was beautiful. Her long, dark hair was braided as it usually was, and it framed her face so well. Her long lashes and deep golden eyes seemed to look into her soul and read everything about her.
Illari wore blue pajama pants, a blue top with long sleeves, white slippers, and a pink blanket draped over her shoulders like a cape. She looked comfy, but in an amazing way. She was… so pretty.
“What do you want, Juno?”
The stern voice of the warrior snapped the space ranger out of her trance, and she clasped her hands behind her back. “I–I didn’t mean to stare! I didn’t–I mean–”
Illiari folded her arms over her chest. “What did you want to talk about? I’m very tired and would like to rest before the sun goes down too far.”
Juno cleared her throat. “Well… Venture said you were… needed someone to talk to. I wanted to see if you needed someone to… what was the word I heard? Vent to?”
Illari pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh. “Persona curiosa, Venture never sticks to their own business.” She could see the martian looking at her with a great deal of apprehension and she lightened her tightly folded arms a bit. “Did they say anything else?”
A shake of Juno’s head was followed with, “No. They just said… that we both seem to be thinking too much. There are many thoughts in my head, and I just… need someone to talk to, I suppose. Someone who can understand my plight.”
There was a heavy silence for a moment, before Illari gestured with a hand for Juno to enter. “I suppose you can come in. I… I’ve been very curious about you.”
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dawnthefox24 · 1 month
Okay so I'm giving Juno this because I relate to her on a deeper and personal level but deep down I know she'll have little burst of anxiety tremors (I have them too). Mainly her hands and legs would shake more over I think she wouldn't notice it (true story btw which happened to me I was shaking when I was out for lunch with my friend and she thought I was freezing TvT)
*Illari,Kiriko,Venture,D.va,and Brigitte invited Juno to spend time with them by having lunch but noticed that Juno seemed to be shaking a bit mainly her leg though she seemed to be content and happily talking to them* Venture: Hey Juno...You okay? Juno:*looks confused* Hmm? Illari: Your shaking a bit...You okay? Kiriko: Are you cold? If you are I can tell the people to turn down the air conditioning if you want. Brigitte: Yeah we can tell them if you want! Juno:*looks down at her leg and sighs softly before taking a few deep breaths as the tremors some what die down* D.va:*looks worried* You okay? Juno: Y-Yeah I'm fine just you know tremors. D.va: Tremors? What do you mean by that? Juno: Oh there like little anxiety bursts that tend to happened. I don't even notice them from time to time but I assure you I'm fine. Illari:...Juno do you want to go on a walk together, just you and I till the tremors stop? Juno:*smiles softly at her* Of course my friend! *With that Illari and Juno left the cafe they were eating at as they went on a small walk together for a moment with Juno smiling happily enjoying nature* Illari: *looks at her confused and worriedly too* Why are smiling? Aren't you...Well you know Anxious? Juno: Oh I have no idea what I was anxious about my celestial friend, they usually come and go. Illari:...Don't you take medication for them? Juno: Well no, not for me at least sometimes it's a bit annoying but I laugh it off afterwards, it doesn't stop me from my day to day activities. Illari: Did you always have anxiety? Juno: Still do but I know how to maintain it...Sometimes I get overwhelmed when a situation tends to get out of hand, I have to do breathing excrises or go to my auntie for help. Illari: Sounds like a hassle... Juno: It is, but I don't let that stop me from learning more about earth and spending time with the friends I made , friends like you. Illari: Y-You think I'm your friend? Juno: Of course and thank you for the walk I feel so much better now, what about you? Illari:*looks away from her for a moment before sighing* I...I'm not sure... Juno: Then we can still walk till your ready to head back okay! Illari:*looks at her and sighs softly before smiling softly* I think we should head back, they might get worried you know. Juno:*smiles and nodded* Of course my friend. *Soon they headed back towards the cafe as everyone looked at Juno worriedly* Brigitte: Feeling better? Venture: If not then we can go somewhere else! D.va: Yeah we can go to the arcade! Kiriko: Or do Karaoke! Juno:*laughs* No I'm good like I told my sun friend, it was a little outburst that tends to happened I assure you I'm fine but I thank you all for being worried for me. Illari:*smiles softly* She's telling the truth you guys should relax. Venture,Brigitte,D.va and Kiriko:*all look at Illari then look at Juno before looking back at Illari smiling a bit* Illari:*knows that look and feels her face heat up* You guys better not assume what I think your assuming! Juno: Assume what? D.va: THAT YOU GUYS- Brigitte:*covers her mouth* That you guys had fun on your walk, right guys... Venture:*grinning and nods* Totally. Kiriko: *chuckles* Yup Brigitte:*looks at D.va* Right Hana? D.va:*rolls her eyes and nods* Juno: Awww how wonderful thank you and yes it was fun. Illari:*glares at them and mouth out* This isn't over...
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Overwatch Design: Juno
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I keep meaning to do an exploration on the newer Hero Designs, half because it is genuinely interesting, but the other half is keeping on top of certain trends and values that keep coming through from the current Dev Team.
It was easy to take a break after Ramm's release, given the rather...unfortunate structure of the heroes that would follow, but Venture seemed to get things back onto track (a Damage Hero which isn't surprising, the Role has been a comfortable space for solid design, which Venture is)-
-which brings me to the latest Support who, I can't help but feel mixed on.
Don't get me wrong? The overall design has a lot of progress in understanding the game and it's complexity, but the choices for a few of her mechanics are...odd.
Or rather-
Juno is kinda proof that the long term pitfalls of Game Design are still elusive for a Dev Team that is still pretty new to Overwatch's Design as a whole
Support Structure or "I'm here to help!...if it's convenient"
A lot of Overwatch 2's design encapsulates a simple equation:
Convenience x Impact = Worth and/or Value
Basically, however easy it is to apply your kit, should also incorporate as much Impact across the game as possible.
Bloat has, in most ways by now, become a lot less of a problem and a lot more of a feature. There's just too many different aspects, kits, traits, and combinations to really keep track of anymore on a case x case basis for a limited kit to manage from fight to fight.
Which certain portions of the playerbase might liken to a measure of 'Skill', but drastically decreases the approachability of the game.
Which is why we have a multitude of new mechanics that either neuter, heavily reduce, or outright reset that player made 'Skill' back into a neutral state.
It's also worth stating that a lot of the poorer design choices being made have largely been isolated to and categorized within the Tank and Support Roles (See earlier statement about Damage being a comfortable design space for the Devs).
Tanks come with a lot of heavy-handed, blunt sustain mechanics; from Ramma/DF block exceeding the previous 50% cap on Damage Reduction, to Mauga's unstoppable Overrun and 100% Lifesteal, and on into Orisa's multiple "You can't hurt me" standard. Which doesn't even mention the total Health Pool standard for Overwatch 2.
Support matches the energy, but tends toward a totality; Immortality Field, Suzu, Life-grip, Illari Pylon-- Everyone gets the benefit of knowing they can be (near instantly) spared off the back of the multitude of denial tools available in the Support Role these days.
The Convenience of a Support's denial mechanic, compounds the Impact of both the other Support's mechanics, and the Tank's personal sustain.
The Worth of that Impact is measured in how many windows of opportunity you can close on the enemy and their ability to interact with you and your team.
The Value, meanwhile, is measurable in how little resources you can keep your team from spending with the press of a single button.
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So how does this translate to Juno?
It doesn't, honestly.
Juno's Convenience is not terribly high.
Torpedoes, despite being a lock on, need time to ramp up to their effect and also have a significant enough travel speed, that they can be easily blocked and/or dodged outside of being directly in someone's face (which she doesn't really want to do, honestly).
Speed Ring has a set distance it travels before deploying and can be prone to misplacement, demanding scattered and spaced out allies run toward the ring just to get the activated extra speed- a fact that isn't helped by the overly vertical hitbox of it, which only benefits Juno.
This means the significant Impact she does have (Speed Boost and auto-tracking heals are nothing to snort at) is kept in relative control by the lack of Convenience.
Ideally? This would have been one of several standards for Overwatch 1 Design and could easily be adjusted.
In the Short Term, Juno's gonna be versatile, powerful, and...fair.
In the Long Term?
I'm concerned- specifically about the Speed Boost.
In general, added movement speed can be hellish for those who are still trying to figure out their aiming mechanics. Micro adjustments need to be that much smaller, that much more precise, in the space of an average Movement Speed that can change on a dime.
Slow delivered ults/abilities can be horribly misplaced or scattered with just one ill-timed Speed Boost, nevermind several kicking in at different moments.
This is somewhat alleviated by the Projectile Size changes from Season 9, but-...well those changes aren't promised as permanent either.
As a concept, Speed Boost seems favourably viewed by a lot of the playerbase, but there are some issues with it that, in the grand design of all heroes, you risk proliferating away from certain designs.
If Juno + Lucio + Junkerqueen can just storm any two DPS into your face at Mach 9, every 6-10 seconds, you're sort of stuck without having a fast response yourself.
And that isn't really measured by singular heroes. It can be something as small as an animation delay.
By the time Ana's arm comes up to fire the sleep dart, you could get booped, bled, bursted, dodged, or just outright eliminated, even if you managed to sleep the target you aimed for.
Bastion's gonna get off maybe 1/5th of the bullets in sentry form before he's just overwhelmed or run down- while most Hitscans are looking at staying at maximum range before falloff to give themselves as much distance to retreat as possible...and the success/fail rate of that escape is still measured in frames, not seconds.
And then you have heroes like Reinhardt. I've lost 4/5s of my health in the space it takes for a firestrike animation to start and the projectile to leave, nevermind trying to actually hit multi-speed boosted individuals with it.
Even Juno herself; there was talk about the delay in her Torpedoes being too demanding and allowing her to shoot during their wind up, allowing for multi-tasking of various parts of her kit just to keep up (for reference, Baptiste can pretty much activate everything instantly and continuously shoot his hitscan burst throughout).
And there's a conversation to be had about "switching is a thing" but it's also part of the issue; if you need to switch to specific heroes who can take full advantage of the Convenience x Impact = Worth and/or Value equation, then you're effectively saying any Hero that doesn't have access to
Instant Application w/no animations
Extra Movement/Mobility
High Burst Potential + Significant Range
Excess Neutralizing Effects
is a Hero not...Worth designing to begin with.
A Hero that will not have enough inherent Value, to even make it into a composition.
And who's Convenience and Impact, both, are so low in comparison, that it will be an active punishment to both yourself and your team by picking them over others.
Which sucks.
It sucks for the Competitors out there who want options to win.
It sucks for Casuals who want to play the heroes they want to play.
It sucks for Developers whose options become more and more narrow, prompting more and more heavy-handed mechanics that just erase well executed plays.
It just sucks.
Juno's in possession of a compounding mechanic that, as more heroes get released, is trouble both for the future design of those future heroes, as well as the compositions that can be reasonably built.
It also demands more and more bloat to compensate for those compounding effects-
-and, recall, Juno is actually something of an ideal hero release where individual Potency is concerned.
So yes. I've concerns, ngl.
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So can anything be done?
Honestly, there's a few options in Junos' design that, in another iteration, would have been really intriguing to try out.
My personal preference would have been to use her design to re-define and clarify a proper Builder archetype.
The idea of Juno deploying various space tools and satellites onto the field for her allies to use and that could punish enemies in various ways, was a near immediate thought after seeing her aesthetic for the first time.
The Devs seemed really excited by the Speed Boost element, to the point that it was the focus of the kit, honestly, but having her Space Capsule act as a gadgetry delivery system in orbit would have been neat.
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No strong feelings on how to navigate a re-work like this, partly because Juno's not a bad design by any stretch, so a re-work isn't really necessary, and partly because the Builder Archetype can easily be re-purposed for a new hero later on down the line without missing a beat.
Her aesthetic just jumped out as an option.
Overall, I don't see any issues with Juno herself. She's good Support Design, and Good Hero Design, but the individual parts kinda showcase the issues with Overwatch 2's design plan as a whole.
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apparition-pluto · 17 days
SUNSTONE duo but Illari take Venture to a new dig site to let them have an absolute thrill of digging up new gems and artefacts.
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