thespacehatter · 2 years
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Here’s some Inside Job art dump, you freaks
Featuring: @m3gahet ‘s Illuminati!Brett cause I love him
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kyoobie · 2 years
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I becameth inspired after reading @megahet ‘s Illuminati!brett au comics and the two fics she recommended and now I’m in deep :,)
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m3gahet · 2 years
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I did a Illuminati! Brett au Q&A on insta for hitting 600 followers. Here are some responses
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dii-dead · 2 years
remember tht one time ron was supposed to be the alternate version of man reagan, but now he's a so called reagans's ex boyfriend?
well i present to you belle, the "used to be" alternate version of woman brett and now is his love interest
design belongs to me
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lovely-sick · 2 years
I don't care how much time it has passed since my Hamilton middle school phase. Every time I see a reference to this musical in any piece of media I will fan girl.
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purified-anura · 2 years
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Gifts I made for two of my friends during this holiday season
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howmanypaiges · 2 years
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I can’t draw faces for the life of me but I do have enough artistic ability to draw triangles. A slay
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buck-yyyy · 2 years
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i need everyone to go watch the new season of inside job right the fuck now
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sixthfinger · 2 years
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your-mums-nuts · 2 years
Reagan, when she first met Brett: he's a problem, he's a traitor, he's a secret agent for the Illuminati, man I hate this guy.
Meanwhile Brett, writing in his diary after his first day at cognito Inc, kicking his legs in the air: Dear diary, Reagan looked at me today.
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swanpyart · 2 years
INSIDE JOB PART 2 Spoilers: Ron and Reagan
Honestly, I feel like people are a bit too hard on Ron in the finale. I feel like his feelings about not wanting to be involved with the Shadow Governments are perfectly reasonable and, if Reagan weren't so attached to her colleagues and Brett, and wasn't as ambitious in her career path, she would have immediately gone with him.
I don't think Reagan or Ron is wrong for their feelings. That's kind of the point: they care about each other but ultimately have different priorities. And, also, they're both clearly traumatized from their own experiences and trying to work it out in different ways.
Like, Ron is clearly self-destructive and pushes people away when he feels he's unable to connect with them. I think that's part of why Brett initially disliked him; Ron has little drive to appeal to others and is perpetually disconnected because of his own trauma. Brett starts to like him when he becomes more sincere in his approach. Not to mention, he's low-key kind of suicidal; he doesn't seem to want to die, but his obsession with memories seems to stem from his intense guilt. He was raised Catholic and clearly harbors intense shame for his entire life, and has spent his entire career doing awful shit, so he feels weighed down by his own brain and his own existence. The way he describes his experience drinking an entire vat of memory-erasing fluid sounds like he's describing a suicide attempt to Reagan. In the end, the only way Ron was able to free himself from his perpetual guilt is to forget it all, and he just assumed the same for Reagan, by assuming that this guilt was something they had in common. And he's not ENTIRELY wrong; Reagan has expressed countless times how much she's hated her job and her coworkers, so, naturally, he assumed she'd be excited to run away from it all with him.
Reagan, is not like that at all, though. She is constantly curious, determined, and angry. She doesn't resign herself to sit back and let the world burn, she wants to DO something. And erasing all of her memories would serve no purpose to her, because she prioritizes her own autonomy and mind, and her connections to others as above her own sense of peace. (plus, Rand has erased her memories before, and she probably doesn't want to go through that again). To Ron, ignorance is bliss and truth has caused him great pain, but to Reagan, ignorance blinds her to the truth of the world. It blinded her to how awful her father was, of how to open up to others, and how to accept the unfairness of the world.
Besides, and this might be a hot take, Ron is ABSOLUTELY correct when he says Reagan should quit her job. Every episode shows that Cognito is basically a zoo full of insane, awful people, Reagan has had to deal with monsters of all kinds, has nearly died on several occasions, and her coworkers are all assholes (even if they do care for her deep down). Remember, Ron hasn't seen everything we've seen of the company, and from his reactions, it seems the Cognito is WAY more dysfunctional than the Illuminati, meaning that Reagan is in even more danger. I mean, a halloween party culminated in everyone getting contaminated with a virus in which everyone wants to be his friend (and as someone with social anxiety, that is my worst nightmare). Ron even says that every time they get together in public they nearly die.
And you might say, "well, why doesn't Ron just quit and let Reagan work?" Even if he did, he'd have to live with the constant fear of his girlfriend/potential wife possibly dying from whatever horrific event is happening at her job that day, and their relationship (as shown in the alternate timelines) would eventually deteriorate, because its extremely difficult to control the entire world and lead a fulfilling romantic life at the same time. Even in Part 1, Bear-O said that her job at Cognito makes her life more difficult. Ron's whole Appleton plan would start them off with a clean slate.
A clean slate isn't what Reagan wants. She would lose all that she's worked for, and she would never give that up. In the end, they both lost what they wanted (each other) and got what they needed (Ron gets peace, and Reagan gets her means to make actual change).
If anything, I feel that Reagan and Ron's relationship, in some ways, is a direct parallel to Rand and Tamiko's relationship. Both Rand and Reagan want to rule the world, but they have someone they love who simply can't accept it and continue as if nothing is wrong. The difference between Rand and Reagan is that, while Rand insists that he can have both the entire world and the validation of this one person, Reagan knows she can't have both and lets Ron go, because she loves him.
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I have some kind of mixed feelings about part 2 but some things I appreciate under the cut (messy and non-linear):
I love that we’re getting more content from the other team leads this season and also that we’re seeing interactions between them that we haven’t seen before? Like Glenn and Myc bonding over looking different in the first episode? Brett and Andre defending Gigi in that episode? Brett and Andre friendship in Rontagion?
This kind of falls into the top one but Reagan and Gigi becoming gal pals and Reagan having her first ever female friend? I love it
Also the Reagan and Brett dynamic is top tier this season. Brett is so supportive of Reagan and I also love that they’re allowed to be so affectionate but still platonic friends (no offence to Breagan shippers, it’s just not my cup of tea and I just love Reagan and Brett and platonic besties).
Myc being a nerd who ran away from the other mushrooms because they were mean to him is a great backstory. Tropey? Sure, but I love it.
I also love that Ron actually says he would’ve liked Reagan to confess to him in the broom closet (like she originally planned) - they really are good for each other
Andre fucking his own clone is great. Honestly he was just an icon this season
I thought it was actually nice to get some actual development of Reagan and Tamiko’s relationship this season. It’s nice that their relationship is considered salvageable (not so keen on how they handled the thing with Rand but I did like that Reagan still put her foot down and sent him to Shadow Prison X)
The dynamic between Rand and JR this whole season is great and I love their college flashback as well.
JR definitely lost the games on purpose every year so he could be humiliated by kissing the ring in front of everyone (you’re telling me this man doesn’t have a humiliation kink?)
Also the dynamic between Rand and the head of the Illuminati was great and the second we had the reveal of Ron also controlling the head of the Illuminati I just knew what was coming but I still loved when it happened anyway (the kiss)
I don’t know if I should admit to this one but I definitely found it hot how Rand was being humiliated in front of everyone at the games
Brett having a secret passion for puppets is adorable and I love it
Also the Hand family ranking their children every year is hilarious and extremely in character. Made me feel so bad for Brett, I love it, 10/10
I like that we’re getting recurring appearances from minor characters like Mothman, Grassy Noel, Kate (and RepliKate, what a great name)
The fact that Myc’s dream timeline was one where he was pregnant is fucking adorable
You’d better believe I cried when Reagan forced Brett to his own dream timeline and when he returned because he made notes on his poster
Also at the reveal that Reagan saw the only way for Ron to be happy was for them to break up and chose his happiness over their relationship. Also I know some people weren’t fans of Ron because they felt like he was unnecessary/rushed but honestly having a gender-swap of the typical ‘female love interest is just used as character progression for the male protagonist’ felt pretty progressive. I also liked how he was shown to be similar to Reagan and actually had his flaws presented similarly to hers (e.g. not getting on well with people) even though female characters are often hated for the same flaws that are excused or even enjoyed in male characters
I have to admit that the end scene with the robes ‘how could she? After all, she’s only human’ was fucking cool
I loved everything about Alpha-Beta this season
And finally, thank fucking Christ that Ron wasn’t revealed to secretly be Reagan’s brother or something because as an RnM fan I can’t take much more incest at this point
Side note to that last one: fun little theory that Ron is actually a clone of Reagan (one of them can be trans, as a treat) and it was revealed and that’s what actually lead to the clone fucking discussion at the start of that one episode but they erased their own minds and everyone else’s and let Andre take the fall (either it was intentional and they set that up as a distraction or it was unintentional and Andre just happened to be fucking his own clone anyway, take your pick)
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m3gahet · 2 years
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And first Illuminati au comic is done! Sorry if you followed me for anything else Illuminati au is gonna be going on for a minute
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hurlingsupport · 8 months
If you write for Rob Staedler, can you do romantic headcanons where gn!reader is like the token "yes-man" of the Illuminati?
Sure thing! I'm definitely late on doing requests, so sorry about the wait—but here it is!! A bit angsty ngl, but I hope you enjoy this either way!
"Run Away" (Ron Staedtler x Yes-Man! Gender Neutral Reader Headcanons)
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To start off, I think Ron would make a bad first impression with the reader, regardless of them being a Yes-man sort of person.
As stated in the Rontagion episode, Ron commonly makes bad first impressions. You can see this in his character introduction, as well as when Reagan introduces him to Brett and the others.
So, with that in mind, a Yes-man! reader would probably act nice towards Ron while still holding dislike towards him.
Despite this, I feel like a situation would come up where their dislike is mentioned, and while the reader hurriedly tries to cover it up, they're surprised by Ron's acceptance of it.
Of course, you're offput by his acceptance of it. Perhaps the reader has a need for everybody to like them similar to how Brett does, which makes them admire Ron for his nonchalantness.
Because of this, you might make friends with Ron right then and there, putting the bad first impression behind you.
If that does happen, I think Ron would find some sort of solace with you in the Illuminati. And when the two of you get closer, he would express his regrets of joining and how his job torments him.
In this case, I think the reader would encourage him to leave; even if it meant never seeing him again.
Following the storyline of Ron meeting Reagan, I think the plot would be generally the same. Only Ron doesn't hook up with Reagan at the end of the night.
It just doesn't feel right, and he can't understand why. At least until he sees you again at work the next day.
Still having not left the Illuminati despite your endeavors, he would hang around you more often. He feels... happier around you.
Just being around you brings his spirit up, and the fact that you're encouraging him to leave for his own good goes straight to his heart.
At some point, I think he might confess on a particularly bad night. Maybe his subject's memories really got to him, and he just couldn't handle it.
He'd beg you to run away with him, to leave the Illuminati behind and make new lives for each other.
But with his tearful eyes and his frantic breathing, the reader is well aware that he's not thinking straight. And while a Yes-man! reader would vigorously encourage Ron to leave, I think they would have trouble leaving themselves.
So, without denying his pleads, they'd simply hold him close. Listening as he whispers how much he appreciates them and how he couldn't stand to lose them to this hellish company.
"I love you. So, so much."
It'll come out quietly, and the only indication that he said it is the feeling of his breath against your ear. Shivering slightly, you'll only hold him tighter.
And perhaps when he's thinking more clearly, he'll realize it's hopeless to try and leave such a life behind. But until then, you'll hold him as he confesses every little worry he has. And you'll happily allow him to believe there will ever be a future for the two of you.
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lovely-sick · 2 years
Are you telling me that Netflix decided to CANCEL INSIDE JOB???
What a joke of a company, I have no words.
It had so much potential and now all the theories and the things that we speculated are useless.
If they cancel all the good shows I’m gonna cancel my subscription.
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carmmaart · 2 years
Spoilers for Inside Job season 2 but ….
The parallel of how Reagan was left at the end of season 1 angry that someone close to her was erased from her memories without her consent, with the justification of it being for the greater good, because it will be what will make her happiest in the long run, to then ending season 2 with her erasing herself from someone else’s memory, outside of how they agreed they’d go about it, without even giving Staedtler the chance to discuss it with her because it would be for the greater good and be what will make him happiest in the long run.
The fact that throughout the whole season we’ve been shown that even when we think it will be for the betterment of the person, that erasing or altering someone’s identity to lead to a “better” life doesn’t actually work, and that it’s better to make peace and work with the current reality because for better or worse it is the best outcome we could hope for. Myc joined the hive mind, the Pope was brainwashed, Brett faked his death, and they had to undo the mind wipe each time because the solution was worse than the problem. When the whole team left to an alternate timeline with better lives, and Reagan sent Brett off for the same reason, only to find Rand changing the fabric of time so he could have both Tamako and her, they ended up undoing the mind wipe and taking back their memories because the gains weren’t worth the cost. The one time we see memory erasing as a solution to a problem was when they needed to get rid of the virus at the party, and that was the catalyst for Ron needing to take time off to collect himself. But the issue was that the INFECTED cognito employees were posing a threat to them, not the employees themselves. If the virus hadn’t been made and spread, they would never have had to resort to memory wiping.
Reagan saying her next big project should be her happiness. Rand saying that you don’t know what matters most until you lose it.
The whole season you see the build up of the detriment of memory erasing and the importance of vulnerability. But then you remember Ron’s overall disdain of having to erase memories because of the guilt he carries with it, how he belittled Reagan’s complaints of having her memories taken away from her at the beginning of the season in comparison to that weight. And it all just comes echoing back with Reagan’s decision.
I want to believe Staedtler will come back somehow. He conspiracy theoried himself into the Illuminati ffs, no way that part of him is completely gone. But it’s also so hard to say, because damn did they bring all of it back full circle.
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