#illusion nightmare
nayladoodles · 1 year
"Dream and Sci were trying to figure out what the effects of the potion found in a locked Au. Of course, Nightmare sends his idiots to steal it. In the scuffle, Nightmare gets hit with the potion. Poof baby bones me who is scared out of his young mind.
“From there, Sci begins to work on a reversal agent to get Nightmare back to normal while Dream looks after his now younger brother. As time goes on, the child recalls everything that happened leading up to that incident in the form of nightmares. Dream tries to soothe him but fails.”
Mare continues.
“He ended up in my castle scared and was terrified of the boys. They were terrified something happened to Paci and I as I said before. Once everyone calmed down Paci and I explained the way our AU works to the small. The boys were very clingy afterwards thinking they lost us. It was sweet while also being annoying.”
Mare and Paci look fond of the boys small smiles on their faces.
“We told the small the truth and let him decide what to do with the information. He came to us once Error figured out how to get him home. We took him home. His Dream almost had a heart attack seeing both of us at once never mind me being then 3 months pregnant.” Paci chuckles.
“In the end the kid decided he didn’t want the reversal but to give Dream a chance to right the wrongs he committed as a kid. He decided to grow back up with a proper guardian raising him.” Paci finishes.
“Wholesome.” Abby hums. “But what about the apples?”
“I’m very sure that power is still in him. Not sure what he will do with it now.” Mare hums.
Me writing AU ideas as convos my main mega AU(tmsh) variants have is how bippity bopping baby bones was created.
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kolordum · 2 years
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It was shattered b-day
I used shattered most recent design.
Shattered belong to Errored artist
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w1lmuttart · 10 months
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Alright so before I jump on the ln3 bandwagon can I put Mono through the wringer one more time? Okay? Okay 👍
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jeeaark · 2 months
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Nobody gave Greygold the 'How to Squid' Manual. And even if they had one (it's probably integrated in their brain like a squid tutorial)-gonna adamantly ignore it. Adapt on the fly instead. In the middle of an invasion. No better way to learn babeeeeeey~
Maybe all the other tiny-tentacled Tavs insta-figured out how to cerebral-armor. But. Greygold has... different priorities.
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
thinks about the master & the doctor cuddling thinks about them cuddling thinks about them cuddling thinks about them cuddlign thinks-
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snow-au-love · 6 months
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Tickle Time!!
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dootznbootz · 5 months
Greetings, my dear Mads.
Would you be ever so generous and talk about your headcanons about Menelaus & Polites' relationship with Odysseus?
*cracks knuckles*
I think I should preface this and say that I'm ace/demisexual and that affects...everything. Both of these relationships are basically QPP. Forehead kisses, snuggles, just affectionate. (which I have Odysseus VERY strange with. He's very hot and cold. He's extremely affectionate with his family but Menelaus and Polites' are basically the only two whom Odysseus will not glare at if they put their hand on Odysseus' shoulder)
I'll do Odysseus and Polites first as they're shorter.
Mostly takes place during the Odyssey. And these two are friends. During the year at Circe's...yeah, Odysseus cries on Polites' shoulder multiple times. I have a plan for Circe's thing but that's darker and... YEAH. 🥺 Someday I will write it but yeah. Odysseus is NOT well. Nightmares...other thingsksdljf ds
I have many thoughts on the relationship that Odysseus and Menelaus have. I really love having vulnerable human moments and seeing the potential of Odysseus and Menelaus? GOLD MINE!
I think it's because they're kind of opposites yet UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER. Odysseus is a chatterbox and Menelaus is a man of few words. Menelaus is very honorable most of the time while Odysseus is...Odysseus. Odysseus tells stories while Menelaus gets straight to the point. They've been friends for a long time (They literally are each other's wingmen for my fics during the suitors of Helen. And Odysseus loves Menelaus' hugs.)
Odysseus is kind of a dick to EVERYONE during the Trojan war and that is a lot of the "I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE!!! I WANT TO GO HOME!! I MISS MY WIFE AND SON!!!" so he's an ass.
But with Menelaus? He can't be mad. BECAUSE THEY BOTH GET IT. They miss their wives. They miss their kids. And Odysseus is just like, "I can't be mad at you...I know that if it had been Penelope kidnapped, I would have done the same...Wanna go cry together?🥺"
They oftentimes will just...visit each other for a good cry. Holding each other and letting the other ramble about whatever they need. Resting foreheads together. Doing each other's hair. Simply CHILLING! THEY UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE OPPOSITES 😭
Also I have this stupid image in my head that's like a crackfic
Rando: "Hey, How come Odysseus has never stolen from you/stabbed you/insulted you/set your stuff on fire?" Menelaus: "Odysseus? Him?! No! He's a trickster, yes. But he's not a bad man! I'd trust him with my life!" Odysseus: "Yeah! I'm such a fucking sweetheart!" *Someone's tent bursts into flames behind him, from Olive Oil Odysseus purposely set up to light shit on fire*
Idk if I'll get the chance to write this fic idea but I want it to be after Odysseus steals the Palladium. He's alone with Menelaus and "Hey...I saw Helen...She still loves you and she misses you... She says she's sorry."
And Poor Menelaus just breaks. He wants to know everything that happened. And Odysseus answers. Odysseus just holds him while he cries. Probably starts tearing up himself. And just fall asleep together. This has happened multiple times. They can be VULNERABLE with each other!!! Menelaus is one of the few men Odysseus wouldn't steal from or kill in his sleep! Plus it's canon that Menelaus gives the best hugs (I asked Homer. He told me. shush!)
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I LOVE THEM!!!! THey are so soft while still being warriors and kings because they're mortal MEN. Who have so many feelings inside them both (especially during Trojan war) I LOVE IT!!!1ksldjf
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rushin-safire · 2 months
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The lad is eating a cinnamon roll ^^
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skysanses · 1 year
Aggie/Magma doodles
Me and my friend went to Aggie.io to draw together and we did some silly stuff!
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Some of the drawings are by @kona-tsuuu Illusion and Delusion by @a-v-j Template and Pale by @unu-nunu-art
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stoicmike · 5 months
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If you explore the distant galleries of your mind you will come to passages lined with doors best left unopened. -- Michael Lipsey
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bobauthorman · 6 months
The Curtain of Thriller
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The Thriller Bark arc is one of story arcs of One Piece, taking place between chapters 442 and 489. It is most remembered for being the story arc where the living skeleton and Straw Hat Pirate “Humming” / “Soul King” Brook debuted. It is named for the floating island turned pirate Thriller Bark
One thing about Thriller Bark is how it revolves around nightmares and illusions, and how they can both empower someone and weaken them. But it also shows how important it is to have layers to these illusions. Take the titular ship, and the people running it.
On the outset, Thriller Bark is obviously a haunted island. It’s creepy to look, full of zombies and ghosts! Ooh, there’s an invisible man! And yet…
The zombies aren’t shambling wrecks hungry for brains. They’re lively, personable, silly. And the ghosts are kinda cute, and, oh, isn’t it a gas how they make the guys flop over depressed? The invisible man is just a juvenile prankster. The mad scientist is verbally abused by his own maid. Once you get over the creep factor, this isn’t so bad, right?
Actually, it’s worse. Those silly zombies? They won’t tire, and won’t give up. You can knock them down but they’ll get back up. The only way to put them down is to either purify their “Soul”/the Shadow animating them or break their bodies completely. And they’re essentially puppets with no free will. Watching Hogback boss Cindry around, can you keep laughing?
And the ghosts, those ghosts, they’re not floating about for the fun of it. It’s actually a surveillance system, and the ease with which they can take the fight out of even the toughest fighter makes for some severe tension.
And Absalome, the Invisible Man, his antics cease to be silly when he uses his powers to molest Robin and Nami, even abducting the latter to force her into marriage.
Thriller Bark is very much like the ship-version of the evil clown, luring people in with its silliness. As Zoro later points out, the real threat comes from how the island twists people up and deceives them, catching them off-guard with their tricks. It says something that the first three of the Straw Hats to be caught and lose their shadows are their strongest fighters.
But as powerful as the deceptions are, that is also their weakness. Illusions are only useful as long that veil is maintained. What makes the zombies so terrifying is their immortality, but the minute Brook figures out how salt can free the entrapped shadows, he becomes a fearsome figure in his own right. And as powerful the Special Zombie is, once Chopper starts using his medical knowledge to figure out Oars’ weakpoints, the battle starts turning in the Straw Hats’ favor.
Similarly, the people running Thriller Bark are also exposed. Absalome is dangerous, and while his fight with Sanji is funny, it also goes a long way of showing just how pathetic the Invisible-Man is; Sanji easily sees through his techniques, countering them, and once Nami stops running away and fights back Absalome is beaten (He had already been weakened by Sanji, but she didn’t know that).
Perona the Ghost Princess, initially seems to be an easy opponent for Usopp (The only one immune to her ghosts), but midway she suddenly gets a huge power-up and starts dominating. Usopp is only able to win once he figures out her abilities and locates her real body. She ends up being beaten by Usopp’s own brand trickery, to further twist the knife.
And of course, our central antagonist, Gecko Moria. With his Shadow-Shadow powers, he gives Luffy a lot of grief, being able to fight from a distance and even escape. Moria, like Foxy, gets a lot of milage out of using his powers to fight smart. However, once he is cornered and forced to fight directly, he goes down in one chapter.
Of course, the curtain gets swept away even further when you consider their personalities. Each of the Mysterious 4 are introduced as powerful figures, but as the arc goes on they’re insecurities and ignoble qualities are exposed; Absalome is not just a pervert, but also a bully hiding behind his Clear-Clear powers and transplanted muscles. Perona is very much a child in mind, easily scared (Something Usopp notes) and she ends her fight crying for her teddy bear. Hogback can’t even control the zombies properly and his refusal to acknowledge the truth of their existence leads to his defeat. And Moria, for all his posturing, is shown to be utterly broken by the deaths of his previous crewmates.
And so, we leave you with Sanji’s summation of Thriller Bark and the workings of the Mysterious 4;
“All the weird creatures and creepiness we encountered since arriving on this island were an illusion created by Moria. Now that he’s been destroyed, there’s nothing left!! It’s like waking up from a bad dream.”
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mickeys-malarkey · 1 month
How I classify:
Headcanon: there's little to no reason for me to think this – at best I'm going off Vibes™ – but it sparks joy for me to think it, so I choose to think it.
Theory: I think this because I think it's the most logical interpretation of the subtext, even if I 10K% despise it.
Headcanon/theory line straddler: I have this gut feeling that's just. So intense that on the one hand I feel like maybe I'm just imagining things, but on the other hand I just can't shake the idea. It just makes so much sense. Is this intuition? Pareidolia? What's happening to m—?
Probably the most perfect example of this difference for me is: Bendy's identity.
Used to have a theory that he was alive the whole time, maybe from the very first time Henry drew him. Love the idea, my bestie & I are still writing a fanfic around it. But it's only a headcanon to me, now.
For those who don't know, my current theory is:
Joey, Wilson, Mr. Gray/Grey, etc. never were and still aren't the real villains, it always was and still is Nathan Sr. (now better known as the Memory of Joey), who not only has been puppeteering them but has also been slowly editing history to put all the blame for his own crimes onto them, as well. He's tryna use Wilson & Audrey as weapons to destroy Ink Demon/Bendy/Real Joey or, failing that, keep him trapped in the time loop and at odds with his real friends forevermore, all without getting his own hands dirty nor besmirching his own reputation… If he can get rid of/silence them, too, that's a bonus!
Ink Demon can talk now because Real Joey's soul was tethered to the soulless Ink Bendy by a failed ritual and he was unable to go to the afterlife when he died, and he's symbolic of Joey's toxic-because-of-trauma side that Nate Sr. abused and manipulated him into thinking = Helpful/Powerful/Desirable/etc. The Keepers stole Bendy's voice, specifically, to symbolize how Nate Sr. silences & villainizes his victims, because he's symbolic of Joey's good side that Nate Sr. abused and manipulated him into thinking = Helpless/Weak/Undesirable/etc. Bendy tiptoes away during fights with the Lost Ones instead of trying to “help” as Ink Demon because he knows he's lucky if he can control himself in that form and he doesn't wanna hurt his baby girl.
Audrey's “devilish” default Banish power was inherited from Daddy Joey-Bendy and is symbolic of the maladaptive coping mechanisms she inherited from Joey through generational trauma (and a bit of the weirdness of her soul being made from a piece of his and a piece of Daddy Not-Actually-Fake Henry's). Her merging with Ink Demon to stop herself from bleeding out and then choosing to reset the time loop once she sees herself hurt someone who reminds of her dad is symbolic of her processing her memories of Joey/grief over his death, coming to terms with the fact she inherited his toxic traits, and deciding to follow in Joey's footsteps by continuing trying to break the cycle of trauma/abuse and “do better next time.”
You're allowed to like as many different interpretations of a story as you want and also believe that the actual story means something entirely different.
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s1nn0hh · 2 months
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haunted woman and the thing haunting her
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snow-au-love · 6 months
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Good brothers!
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darth-sonny · 1 year
If leo from any of your aus were to have kids what would their genetic makeup would be? How would they look like 👀👀👀
in the Weary and Wild AU, that won't happen since both Leos are massively aroace (although Casey is Lee's son via adoption)
as for the Prime Leo AU...
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jokes aside, to answer honestly... I genuinely don't think Leo would have any kids in that AU, either biologically or through adoption. he's not, y'know, in the mindset for them considering what happens to him
(does Casey count?? he counts right??)
but if he were to have a bio kid (however that would happen), they'd be part Kraang, like him. the percentage would be less than him naturally, but physically, they would have a much more Kraang-like appearance (and maybe??? abilities. idk) than Leo does
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutttt that's not gonna happen, like I said. the answer is the same if he adopted. the guy is just not in the headspace for kids, before or after
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
I feel like we should appreciate Evan more.
In the other fnaf games you have someone leaving instructions, like Phone Guy
Evan didn't have anyone telling him how to combat the Nightmares. He just had to guess how to beat them.
oh my god. that's so awful (/pos); i never thought about that before but you're so right!
I got chills from listening to the fnaf 1 phone calls (REALLY listening to them) for the first time. Yes, Phone Guy is obviously lying to you about the danger that you're in, but he also tells you how to get through it; there's a sense that he *cares* about whether you survive and wants you to get through it, too. Phone Guy is really the ONLY sense of human connection you get in the game, which is exactly what makes his night 4 phone call so haunting to me.
But in fnaf 4, you get none of that. EVAN gets none of that-- no suggestions or advice on how to get through it, no one to tell him that he's doing a good job like PG does, no human connection, and no one to give him the vaguest impression that someone cares about him and wants him to get out alive. He really is just a little kid, all alone in the dark, who has to guess how to keep himself safe by doing what ANY little kid who's afraid of the monsters would do: close the doors in the hopes that what you can't see also won't see you, either.
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