pluddie · 3 years
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“Why is it so hard to see? If I cut myself, I would bleed.” 最近看了#melaniemartinez 的音樂電影 #k12 大愛她的暗黑詭譎童話風
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chenyingart · 3 years
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How to find silence in a noisy world? It’s like a superpower!
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hoshinousagi-blog · 3 years
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豔陽高照的夏末~ 唧唧啾啾☀️ #illustration #watercolor #drawing #life #summer #イラスト #落書き #夏 #插畫 #illustration_dpi https://www.instagram.com/p/CTbZf7RH4Kc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rosezheng · 3 years
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「國王派」(法語:galette des Rois),是法國人在每年聖誕節或新年前後食用的一種圓形餅狀蛋糕,如今的國王餅中往往藏有小瓷像,題材不一,並通常與硬紙王冠一起售賣。儘管宗教色彩已經淡化,大部分法國人在1月初的親朋聚會中仍會分食國王餅,吃到「蠶豆」者成為幸運兒,得到他人的祝福。 最早起源於古羅馬時期的農神節。在每年12月底到1月6日的節日期間,羅馬各階層包括奴隸都可以參與慶祝。當選者可以在一天之內對其主人發號施令,或隨後受處死刑,或者恢復奴僕身份。 國王餅中包藏著一種法語稱為「蠶豆」(la fève)的小瓷偶以決定「國王」的歸屬。早在古希臘時期,人們就用蠶豆來選擇法官。古羅馬人則用蠶豆選定「一日王」。天主教會在長期反對這種異教傳統之後,決定將國王餅中的蠶豆換成幼年耶穌的小瓷偶。 而在我設定的童話世界中: 從前從前,在北方鄰國的王子 在每年的聖誕節,都期待有人能用幸運、祝福溫暖他的心,以破解變成瓷偶的詛咒。 #聖誕節 #國王派 #新年 #merrychristmas #galettedesrois #newyear #童話 #繪本 #鄭妤柔 #少女蘿絲 #illustration_daily #illustration_dpi #illustration #art #design #cartoon #painting #peopledrawing #似顏繪 #人物插畫 #插畫 #感性創作者 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJU14qIHwGS/?igshid=b1m6hwca9ks7
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kiwibluemoon · 4 years
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**Face change or not** Does the confience comes from the outside or the inside? Are you comfortable the way you are? Is it necessary? . . . . . . . . . . #plasticsurgerybeforeandafter#facechange#plasticsurgery#cosmeticsurgery#confidenceissexy#confidenceboost#confidenceisbeauty#confidencecoaching#自信#自信がない#自信をつける#自信を持つ#顔#十一月#inknovember#illustration_dpi#inknovember2020#childrenillustration#illustrationhowl#art #anipraillustration#best_of_illustrations#illustrated_now#illustration_daily#artsanity#イラスト #イラストレーター #nzillustration#instaartworkt#onceinakiwibluemoonart (at University of Otago) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHKHI5xHLKo/?igshid=12z1c322bkjx9
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chenyingart · 3 years
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On a solo trip
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chenyingart · 3 years
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飛吧 飛吧 那些童年時的夢想
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chenyingart · 3 years
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On a solo trip
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chenyingart · 3 years
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Get ready ? 準備好了嗎?
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kiwibluemoon · 4 years
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💌Pass the love/讓愛傳動💌 Tell the people you love and care that you love them. Doesn't have to be grand, just do something small each day and pass the love around. ------------ 不論是微笑、擁抱, 就是要告訴朋友、家人、喜歡的人,你愛他們並珍惜著他們。 每天只要做一點點,就可以像蝴蝶效應般的,讓愛傳動。 ------------ . . . . . . . . . #butterflyeffect#passthelove#peacewithin#happinessis#happinesscomesfromwithin #happinesseverywhere#happinessisthekey#warmcolors#warmwinter#warmheart #artvsartist#arthubfriends#illustration_dpi #anipraillustration#best_of_illustrations #illustrated_now#illustration_daily#artsanity#childrenillustration#illustrationhowl #onceinakiwibluemoonart#drawingaday2020#nzartwork #nzillustration #nzillustrator#アートワーク#アートギャラリー#アート好き#圖文#malerei (at University of Otago) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHEz-PIHiNA/?igshid=2hj6nradmcys
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chenyingart · 3 years
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Who’s also an introvert here?
I don’t make new friend. I like to spend time with close friends.I look calm, but actually it is busy, crowded, bustling and lively in my mind. 內向人的日常,看似冷靜,其實腦袋裡很熱鬧。
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kiwibluemoon · 3 years
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[Black + White: Day 40]: Happy belated cactus new year! ------- May this year be a great year for everyone. Can be a little painful at times, like putting hands on a cactus and prick yourself, but succulent being a succulent, it thrive under harsh condition and flowers when time comes😊 ------- It has been a little hard to update new work when trying to meet deadlines at the same time. And finally, now having this tiny break where I can scan up a few works from the sketch book and add in the colours. The last day of 2020 was quite cold, I am usually ok with the cold weather, but when it gets colder, my nose gets a little itchy too. So there I was, sneezing away while I shared screen with my bestie from primary school during video chat so we could watch the countdown streaming on the net while we chat. She couldn’t stop laughing coz I was always sneezy when important moments came. The funniest thing was, she fell asleep (I also kinda dozed off) after the count down, and by the time I woke up again after listening to the final singer’s song, there she was, snoring away on the other end. . . . . . . . . . . #newyear2021#happynewyear2021🎄🎅🏻❤️#happynewyear2021#happynewyear🎉#あけましておめでとうございます#あけましておめでとう#ハッピー#カクタス#仙人掌#仙人掌#newyearresolution#deadlines #blackandwhiteillustration#blackandwhiteart#inkartwork #anipiccom#moreillustrations#illustration1000#軽美術部#イラストレーターさんと繋がりたい#女の子イラスト#絵が好きな人と繋がりたい#イラスト好きな人と繋がりたい#nzartwork#creativewomen#feministjazzy#arthubfriends#illustration_dpi#anipraillustration#插畫#插畫家 (at New Year 2021) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJv3iGcMtGN/?igshid=md5cokux64d7
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kiwibluemoon · 4 years
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[Black + White: Day 33]: Brown bear story2/棕熊物語2 --------- *Plsease swipe to the end for the whole story* --------- PS: Template based on an old friend back in OtagoXD . . . . . . . . . . #brownbear#brownbears#熊#hibernate#onceinakiwibluemoonart #inkoctober#inkpen#bwart#bnwart#黑白 #creativework#womenofcreation#womenartistsofinstagram#womenillustrator #軽美術部#イラストレーターさんと繋がりたい#女の子イラスト#絵が好きな人と繋がりたい#イラスト好きな人と繋がりたい #四格漫畫#漫畫#短篇#moreillustrations#illustration1000 #illustration_dpi#twillustrationshare#anipraillustration#womenofillustration#creativewomen (at Weight Loss) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIjpviHnsGD/?igshid=7qqil7rmv8d7
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kiwibluemoon · 4 years
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[Black + White: Day 33]: Brown bear story2/棕熊物語2 --------- *Plsease swipe to the end for the whole story* --------- PS: Template based on an old friend back in OtagoXD . . . . . . . . . . #brownbear#brownbears#熊#hibernate#onceinakiwibluemoonart #inkoctober#inkpen#bwart#bnwart#黑白 #creativework#womenofcreation#womenartistsofinstagram#womenillustrator #軽美術部#イラストレーターさんと繋がりたい#女の子イラスト#絵が好きな人と繋がりたい#イラスト好きな人と繋がりたい #四格漫畫#漫畫#短篇#moreillustrations#illustration1000 #illustration_dpi#twillustrationshare#anipraillustration#womenofillustration#creativewomen (at Weight Loss) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIjpviHnsGD/?igshid=7qqil7rmv8d7
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kiwibluemoon · 4 years
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[Black + White: Day 32]: Brown bear story1/棕熊物語1 --------- *Plsease swipe to the end for the whole story* --------- PS: Template based on an old friend back in OtagoXD . . . . . . . . . . #brownbear#brownbears#熊#hibernate#onceinakiwibluemoonart #inkoctober#inkpen#bwart#bnwart#黑白 #creativework#womenofcreation#womenartistsofinstagram#womenillustrator #軽美術部#イラストレーターさんと繋がりたい#女の子イラスト#絵が好きな人と繋がりたい#イラスト好きな人と繋がりたい #四格漫畫#漫畫#短篇#moreillustrations#illustration1000 #artvsartist#arthubfriends#illustration_dpi#twillustrationshare#anipraillustration (at University of Otago) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIhdsg0HzQv/?igshid=1nmn4eupcaann
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kiwibluemoon · 4 years
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[Black+ White: Day 32]: Turtle story3: Endurance (烏龜物語之三─耐力) ----------- *Please swipe to the end for the full story* ----------- While the turtle can be a little shy at times, their carefree and relaxed characteristics make them great listeners. But even though they are very mellow in temper, if they can’t take it longer, there may be time they will explode. And this can be, quite a blast. But after that, they are back to the same old self. PS: Never mess around with the turtle, you never know what you gonna get. ----------- 慢條斯里的烏龜, 擁有著悠哉、樂天的個性。 牠是個頃聽煩惱的好聽眾。 在你身旁聽你哭泣, 聽你瞞怨。 但, 脾氣再好的烏龜, 忍耐太久, 也會有爆發的時候。 一瞬間的爆發力, 其殺傷力無窮。 爆發過後的烏龜, 又回到原來快樂、悠遊的模樣。 ﹝故事的結尾:別惹毛烏龜,因為你完全無法預知你的下場﹞ ----------- . . . . . . . . . . . . #turtle#turtle🐢#turtlesofinstagram#turtlelove#turtles #烏龜#龜#亀#亀好きな人と繋がりたい#まんが #まんが好きな人と繋がりたい#comicart#comicstrip#comicartist #四格漫畫 #onceinakiwibluemoonart#womenillustrator #anipiccom#moreillustrations#illustration1000 #軽美術部#イラストレーターさんと繋がりたい#女の子イラスト#插圖分享 #插畫家#artvsartist#arthubfriends#illustration_dpi#twillustrationshare#anipraillustration (at WellingtonNZ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIUWeSJHbY1/?igshid=1jpogrjx7044g
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