#im also looking at being a freelance transcriber
#i can't do it anymore#'it' being my job#today was chill. slow day. good coworkers. had some Adderall#but tomorrow is going to be hell#the one other coworker im supposed to be with just called out#his back is really hurt so I'm not blaming him or anything#but that means it's just me for the first four hours of my shift#four hours. the fkrst FOUR HOURS#and that's assuming that those people show up#theyve been calling out a lot lately and they put in their two week's today so they don't give a shit#tomorrow might be the day that i quit my job#honestly. ive been on the edge of it for so long. i almost walked out the other day#if i have to run the restaurant on my own all day then that honestly might be it for me#i applied for some jobs today. hopefully ill hear back from one?#im also looking at being a freelance transcriber#ive applied to a couple of those jobs#its interesting to see all of the requirements. and how difficult the process can be#i like transcribing. might as well see if i can make some money off of it#or hopefully one of the starbucks or cleaning companies will get back to me#because i think tomorrow is going to be the day. running it on my own for four hours#man i dont think i can do it#i understand why so many people in food service do drugs. its the only way to get through this#withon the last week one person got fired and two put in their notice. its about to get so much worse#i need to get out while i can#preferably with a job to fall back on but. I'm not picky anymore#oh god there are only ten of us and our manager left at this job#we wont survive. i wont survive. oh no#wish me luck on the job hunt because im going to die if i stay here any longer
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Hey so I saw you said that you do freelance captioning. I just started a transcriber job and I wanted to know what your captioning process/method was like. I'm trying to find faster ways to transcribe.
So, what I do might not work for everyone cause yknow I got adhd and my brain is a horrible mess but basically, what I do right off the bat is slow the video down to like, 60% speed. That way I can hear things more clearly and have the time to type what i’m hearing as I hear it. Yes, that does technically make videos longer, but in the long run you’re saving time cause you’re not constantly having to pause and rewind to hear what just happened. Also, I have a Gaming Headset cause im a Cool Dude but basically yknow I try and block out any outside noise so I can just hear what the people are saying. Oftentimes I won’t look at the video itself I’ll just look at the text I’ve captioned and kind of try and focus my senses so I can hear without being distracted by what’s onscreen. I effectively treat it like a podcast until I have to put the captions on the video. But honestly slowing down the video is what’s helped me the most, especially with certain accents.
The hardest part for me is formatting tbh cause you have to figure out like when to use speaker tags and when to use atmospherics and also figuring out which atmospherics to use like (upbeat music) versus (energetic music) yknow.
As with anything I’m sure it’s something that gets better with practice like, I think it does help that I’ve done a lot of writing in general so writing what I hear is not all that much different. Eventually you’ll figure out what works for you and what doesn’t, and figure out a way to make yourself work efficiently. But yeah, slowing the video down and focusing entirely on what’s being said is what has helped me the most starting out.
Lmk if you’ve got any other questions about it, and I’ll try and give ‘em an answer! I’m by far not a professional but I’ll do what I can to help.
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bugli-bugli · 4 years
TW: insults towards depression and anxiety, toxic behavior, father/parent mention, trauma discussion, self-harm mention, suicide idealization
just a rant because im just too fucking tired of the bullshit of other sites.
i’ve really taken for granted how non-toxic tumblr is in the nice little corner i’ve tucked myself into. since i’m pretty desperate for money, cause now i think ill just have to live off disability if i can even get it.
I gotta say my mutuals and the people who reblogged my donation post, im so fucking grateful for you and i cant thank you enough. but besides the point, rant.
posted my donation post on twitter and later reddit, like the naive fool i am. the first comment i got on the twitter one was very homophobic and the guy was just an overall creep upon a quick look on his tumblr. i responded to him but immediately deleted it cause i knew thats all he wanted was to make me angry. think i was able to get him banned but fuck if i know.
this is more about the lovely reddit post i got
Tumblr media
sigh im not going to bother replying and i just reported them, but i wanted to get out of me all the shit i wanted to say. just, first of all i know trolls and shit just do this to get attention, but this on the fucking r/donate subreddit like??? why isn’t it moderated better?? besides the point
i dont care if you believe my donation post is a scam, whatever, believe what you want and move on. i understand there is a lot of people out there trying to get money they can easily get themselves, instead they take it from goodhearted people.
you need to grow the fuck up. i redirect back at this person because, you spent your time, what? hating on a post that might be a scam. and they regularly do this to from just a quick look. so immature and annoying. this hurts so fucking much to hear too cause it strikes a perfect nerve of trauma.
anxiety and depressions are perfectly valid reasons to not be able to hold down a job. they sound like my fucking dad. i have panic attacks when people raise their voice or if there is too much going on around me, like tvs and crowds and what not.
ive mostly been sleeping lately and cant even make myself do simple physical tasks. not just because of my depression but because of my chronic joint pain that i still haven’t fucking got working medication for yet.
plus i have 472147921 other disorders that i havent been able to get diagnosed or help yet because of my stupid fucking parents. who finally are getting me help after years upon years of having obvious mental issues. ONLY BECAUSE a big argument that my sister had to speak for me in, because i went nonverbal and was hysterically laughing because my dad denying he called me fat.
but yeah i cant even brush my teeth, or shower, the only hygiene habits i have are because if i didnt do them my brain would make me have a panic attack or some intrusive thoughts of self harm.
how is it fucking entitled to ask strangers to donate, H O W? i dont think i deserve this, i dont think that im better then other people, im posting this because others who are in similar/worse situations posting donation posts gave me the confidence to do so.
yes im so entitled to be begging on my hands and knees for money because capitalism and my body and mind are working against me. im not even saying HEY DONATE AND IF YOU DONT DONATE YOU ARE A FUCKING HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING. or anything even remotely close to that.
i gave the needed information and background as to why we would need money, and why we struggle to get it ourselves. and asked that people at least share, but there is no obligation to go any of these things.
i know i cant live my entire life on freelance transcription but it is LITERALLY THE ONLY JOB I CAN GET. yeah just simply go out and get a real job, because you can totally form sentences around strangers and dont feel like you are going to throw up from anxiety. its not that hard.
i totally have the endurance to do whatever it is necessary in whatever shitty ass 8 hour shift job i could get, because every step i take doesn’t physically hurt. because after walking too much, my knees wont give out ever, that never happens. because i dont have a fear of failure because my dad totally didn’t get mad at me when i took to long to learn something. i have no trauma related to that at all. im a totally capable human being. 
all of these last two paragraphs are sarcasm btw if that wasn’t obvious
i dont even know what couch sufing on craigslist even is. i had to look it up. how is that advice, how. oh yeah just live on other peoples couches, people you dont even know. thats not dangerous at all like HUH?!?! fuck no. if i wanted to get myself killed id do it myself.
also shelters are totally safe, and never have any issues whatsoever. i didnt ask for fucking advice that was going to make our situation worse you p.o.s.
also i know what im fucking doing, im researching and trying to make the most feasible and realistic plan to leave. even if that is i have freelance transcribing jobs and disability and my sister has whatever job and my so probably in the same boat as me. im not just going to move out without the needed things unless i was kicked out. which, as of the moment, none of us are currently at risk of that, yet.
if it really came down to it where Brutus would need to be rehomed, we’d probably do it. but he means so fucking much to us, we dont want to rehome him because we dont have anyone we can fucking trust to take care of him and we arent just going to give him away to whoever. Brutus and my pets and my sisters are all part of our family, and we aren’t just going to fucking give them away.
whatever, the rage is gone, im tired and i want to cry, this wasn’t posted for attention or anything i just wanted to rant. please dont leave negative comments im not in the goddamned mood.
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kellykperez · 8 years
Five most interesting search marketing news stories of the week
Welcome to our weekly round-up of all the latest news and research from the world of search marketing and beyond.
This week, Mobile World Congress confirms that mobile video is massive; Pinterest has launched its new Lens visual discovery tool to the US; and Target’s stock has reached a two and a half year low, despite being confirmed as the most effective marketer in retail.
Meanwhile in the UK, Google has come under fire over its advertising appearing next to extremist material; and Chinese search giant Baidu has released an AI-powered transcription app.
Mobile video is massive at Mobile World Congress
The annual Mobile World Congress in Barcelona recently drew to a close, but industry pundits and publishers are continuing to analyze the the discussions and product demonstrations that were held over the Congress’ four days.
One thing that the Mobile World Congress confirmed, says ClickZ mobile expert Andy Favell, is that mobile video is the most important trend in marketing at the present moment.
If video is the new mobile (Facebook CEO Zuckerberg told shareholders in February 2017 that the company was going “video-first” because “video is a megatrend on the same order as mobile”), then mobile video is the giant honeypot.
And publishers, broadcasters, social media, content creators and creative/digital agencies are swarming all over it.
In his column for ClickZ, Favell examines the continued rise of native advertising in the context of video, why brands are falling in love with video, the impact of data and whether brands and agencies need to rethink video production.
Pinterest launches its Lens visual discovery tool to the US
As we’ve reported on Search Engine Watch in recent months, Pinterest is continuing to evolve into a force to be reckoned with in visual search, and its future business model clearly seems to revolve around the ability to help users discover visual ideas using its platform.
To that end, Pinterest has just launched the long-awaited Lens, a visual discovery tool that works by using a person’s smartphone camera to detect an object and find visually similar items on Pinterest.
Search Engine Watch contributor Clark Boyd took the new tool for a test drive to see how well it works in practical terms, and what this might mean for visual search.
Target is confirmed as the top digital retail marketer – so why is it struggling?
According to the newly-released The Best Digital Marketers in E-Commerce report, produced by Internet Retailer, Target is the most effective marketer in online retail.
The reports scored how effectively each ecommerce brand marketed itself across email, paid search, organic search and social media marketing, and Target Corporation walked away with the crown thanks to its use of up-to-the-minute marketing tools, and use of customer data to target (ha, ha) its marketing.
So why, then, has Target missed earnings expectations and seen its stock reach a two and a half-year low? Al Roberts looks into why, despite having developed an effective digital marketing engine, Target has been forced to cut into margins, and still isn’t driving sufficient foot traffic to its physical stores.
British advertisers pull Google ads over extremist content
Google has come under fire in the UK and seen a number of British advertisers withdraw their business over the past couple of days, after it emerged that their advertising was appearing next to extremist material online.
The British government, the Guardian newspaper and Channel 4 are among those who have pulled advertising from Google and YouTube in the wake of the discovery, and Google has been summoned for discussions in the Cabinet Office to reassure the government on how it plans to deliver “the high quality of service government demands on behalf of the taxpayer.”
Isba, an organization representing some 450 British advertisers, also called on Google to review its advertising policies.
Image by Personeelsnet, available via CC BY-SA 2.0
At the heart of the controversy is programmatic advertising, which automates the process of buying and selling advertising online, but can result in advertising material appearing in unforeseen places. Late last year, a number of brands and groups – including Kellogg, U.S. Bank and the Anti-Defamation League – discovered that their advertising was being displayed on the extremist “alt-right” website Breitbart News.
Baidu launches AI audio transcription app SwiftScribe
Baidu, the Chinese internet giant and China’s answer to Google, is making artificial intelligence its focus for 2017.
In February China’s National Development and Reform Commission appointed Baidu to lead a new AI lab, and in the same month, Forbes wrote that “Baidu is currently considered to be pack leader amongst the Chinese internet giants as they race to develop and deploy machine and deep learning technology.”
This week we are beginning to see the fruits of Baidu’s labor, as Baidu announced the launch of SwiftScribe, a web app which uses AI to help people transcribe audio recordings more quickly.
A blog post by Baidu Research announcing the tool called SwiftScribe “a breakthrough in AI-powered transcription software”, and claimed that it had the power to cut transcription time down by 40 percent.
“The core technology powering SwiftScribe is Baidu’s speech recognition engine, Deep Speech 2. Its neural network, which is trained on thousands of hours labeled audio data, learns to associate sounds with certain words and phrases. In addition to advanced ASR technology, we designed intuitive shortcut keys and innovative human-computer interaction to solve the problem of discontinuity, one of the biggest obstacles users face when transcribing.
SwiftScribe was designed for anyone who does transcription regularly – freelancers, transcriptionists working for transcription service companies, and data entry specialists. Because of its wide user base, SwiftScribe has the potential to positively impact a range of industries that benefit from transcription, including medical and healthcare, legal and law enforcement, business, media, and others.”
from IM Tips And Tricks https://searchenginewatch.com/2017/03/17/five-most-interesting-search-marketing-news-stories-of-the-week-16/
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