#ive applied to a couple of those jobs
#i can't do it anymore#'it' being my job#today was chill. slow day. good coworkers. had some Adderall#but tomorrow is going to be hell#the one other coworker im supposed to be with just called out#his back is really hurt so I'm not blaming him or anything#but that means it's just me for the first four hours of my shift#four hours. the fkrst FOUR HOURS#and that's assuming that those people show up#theyve been calling out a lot lately and they put in their two week's today so they don't give a shit#tomorrow might be the day that i quit my job#honestly. ive been on the edge of it for so long. i almost walked out the other day#if i have to run the restaurant on my own all day then that honestly might be it for me#i applied for some jobs today. hopefully ill hear back from one?#im also looking at being a freelance transcriber#ive applied to a couple of those jobs#its interesting to see all of the requirements. and how difficult the process can be#i like transcribing. might as well see if i can make some money off of it#or hopefully one of the starbucks or cleaning companies will get back to me#because i think tomorrow is going to be the day. running it on my own for four hours#man i dont think i can do it#i understand why so many people in food service do drugs. its the only way to get through this#withon the last week one person got fired and two put in their notice. its about to get so much worse#i need to get out while i can#preferably with a job to fall back on but. I'm not picky anymore#oh god there are only ten of us and our manager left at this job#we wont survive. i wont survive. oh no#wish me luck on the job hunt because im going to die if i stay here any longer
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potpiehead · 11 months
ive been more depressed lately
#if you cant tell#during the summer i had some zest for life and felt actually happy lol but with the turn of the season it just disappeared.. so annoying lo#i keep having thoughts that boil down to "id be happier if i were happier' like lol#i know that spending time with my friends and family; always having something going on; engagine with my interests and keeping myself busy#all make me feel good and i think those things came easier over the summer#when im doing something of interest i just feel this whole world open up and everything feels lighthearted and easy and then when i fall ou#of those habits and start doing less everythig just feels dark#the depression i have now is 100x better than the depression i had as a teenager though. i didnt have the life experience to know that#things could be better#it does make me feel good to know that there are things that help#i just feel so mentally weak like there are times when i think of the thing i want to do but the effort it would take is monumental#and it stresses me the fuck out#i applied to a couple of jobs today because i just need a change of fucking scenery and i feel stagnant.#evereythig feels bleak and meaningless but i have moments where i feel everything open up. idk#i have hope for myself lol just that today in particular has been shitty like a concentrated version of the past few months#but i did apply to jobs which is something i was stressing about! and i bought some shit i needed to buy that i kept putting off#i often have so much on my mind and am so overwhlemed i cant even think of getting shit done. this shit is ruining everything#catastrophizing was my specialty in early high school ive been here before its just that being a young adult is a new frontier.#and i feel like ive been sitting in one place not moving even though i have been doing things i need to CHANGE things#i have moments of strength but i know that overall im struggling.#anyway thanks for reading. i have work tomorrow gn!
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ethanthedreamer · 21 days
i am sick of seeing these 'feminists can only be man haters who want to be CEO boss bitches and hate children and the homemaker lifestyle" arguments circulating again istg
like how hard is it to understand that feminism isn't being 'forced out of traditional gender roles' (as much as i believe that they SHOULDNT be a thing). its being able to CHOOSE whether you stick to them or not. feminism is being able to choose if you want kids. feminism is being able to choose if you want higher education or not, or being able to choose if you want to get married. feminism is not having to choose between a job and a family. feminism also isn't just distinct to cishet women. feminism is also not forcing any of the above onto anyone. feminism is accepting that this applies to ALL women. TERFS are not feminists. the act of excluding certain women from your feminist beliefs actively goes against it.
thank you for coming to my incoherent ted talk. this doesnt fufill every single one of my ideas and ive probably messed up on communicating the ones i did get down here a couple times so im sorry. Edit: ALSO. feminism is being able to recognise 'yes, we have these choices. yes, i might want to stay home as a tradwife, but other people did not [and still do not] get that choice, and that is a Bad Thing that they weren't able to do that' and also recognising that feminism could have helped/ can help those people.
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liquidstar · 10 months
i think that on here we've kinda talked a lot about how the traditional "coming out" narrative presented in popculture is flawed in reality. because it always presents this idea that you have to tell everyone who you Really are, that youre Hiding parts of yourself, that you can never be You until you bare your Secrets to the world. and that actually this isnt because people feel entitled to your personal business but that its hurting YOU when they dont know your personal business so you should really just tell them. (but also dont be "too" proud because thats annoying :( act mostly cishet please but dont lie about it! hehe!) it will work out every time for sure :)
but ofc thats not how real life works. i mean, naturally i understand that there are OF COURSE people out there who want to be loud and proud about who they are, and that this is incredibly important to their identity which theyve suppressed for so long. but that "coming out" narrative is harmful because it ignores many of the reasons it had to be suppressed to begin with. its fucking dangerous! its dangerous to a lot of people for a lot of reasons. they can lose their support system, family, job, house, and their entire life. both in the sense that they'll be completely uprooted from it, and in the sense that they could be killed. so constantly presenting the notion of "coming out is good for you no matter what because its the Only way to be your Real Authentic Self and also you HAVE to do it eventually because thats how this narrative is just Meant to go. be a good little queer and please dont stray from this path."
and the problem is that plenty of young LGBT+ people completely internalize it too! ive had so many convos with young people worried about coming out to their conservative family because, well, theyre supposed to! and their minds are completely blown when i tell them that actually they dont have to do that. that theyre under no obligation to tell everyone their business and its okay to just keep being them w/o making an announcement about it. ESPECIALLY IF IT PUTS THEM IN DANGER!!!! and to be clear this issue doesnt stop at age 18 or at moving out or anything like that either, there continue to be many obstacles for many people that make coming out unsafe, or just a bad life decision to uproot everything Right Now. it's okay to just be in the closet and it isn't a moral failing like cishet media wants to convince us. we all agree, right?
good! but here's what my actual real point is:
when we talk about this, for some reason, we seem to only reaaaallly be talking about the gay side of it, right? like im sure lots of people imagined, like, teenage gay boy movies. maybe a couple lesbian and bi characters too perhaps. and that makes sense because thats like the most common narrative for this sort of trope, so ofc those are the first examples we imagine. and ofc theres the more complex addition of "passing" when it comes to trans versions of this story, the idea that you gotta look a certain way to be "valid" adds another layer.
so i think its time more people started to acknowledge this about trans people too, right? i think we can all agree with this on paper already; no trans person is obligated to come out or present a certain way if theyre not in a place where they currently are able to do so. physically, mentally, financially... or just because they dont wanna! whatever the circumstances are, there is no criteria they have to meet to be vindicated in this. it doesnt only apply to 14 year olds living with shitty parents who plan to move out soon and become "Really Trans" (as if they didnt count before conforming to The Narrative), the person could be 40 and never planning to be completely out, and its the same. they dont owe you this "showing the world who you Really are in order to [earn the right to] Be Yourself" crap. thats their choice only.
however, i also think that even if most ppl on here in lgbt circles on here agree with the general sentiment... sometimes it doesnt always get applied it practice. though the whole "truscum" thing kinda died down (thank god) i still think that rampant transmedicalism has left its scars on lots of people and the things they internalize, combined with similar cisheteronormative messages in popular media about how your narrative Should go and how you Should act and look to be respected, and its Morally Wrong not to fit that mold.
so when encountered with people who dont pass, who dont TRY to pass and instead actively choose to look like their agab due to the fact that they are literally in the closet irl (lest we forget people have whole entire complex lives outside of the net) this sort of short circuit happens in ppls heads, where that internalized idea of "but you're supposed to be THIS WAY! youre not doing it RIGHT!" pops back up and they end up labeling that person as fake or Not Trans Enough for this reason.
and i do also think part of this stems from people not having enough sympathy for those whose paths are different, because they were told not to. theres a Right way, and they did it the right way. and likely they struggled for it a lot, so isnt it unfair that people are doing it the Easy Way (as if its easy to be closeted to begin with) and claiming theyre like you? thats Wrong. they have to Earn it. you lgbts should all get mad at EACH OTHER actually! this will help your community be better [in the eyes of cishetero society that doesnt really want you to exist to begin with]
additionally the reason im emphasizing the internet side of this so much is because... well, in this day and age, thats the space lots of people go to to NOT be in the closet. to at least microdose on being "out" while in real life they very much arent. like i said before, being in the closet is rough and taxing, suppressing yourself hurts which is why so many people wanna be loud and out and proud! not everyone can though, so turning to a place with relative anonymity to get that is great, and i think its probably saved a lot of people. but also because of this, its pretty much the only way to get the scenario this is positing to begin with- where you know a stranger can know that youre trans even if youre otherwise closeted completely, just so they can tell you that youre Not. but how many people in the past do you think lived lives where they never let these feelings out at all? how many alive today do you think dont even express them online?
you know that sort trope (often stereotypes in media) of a trans person "crossdressing" only when alone, in order to get a short bit of relief or euphoria that they cant in their closed life? i think that today we have the internet to do that. i think its kind of the same thing. but its also very different, because its not as private. its still secret, because its anonymous, but its also something shared with plenty of strangers at the same time. they dont know you irl, so its safe, distant, and gives you that rush of being yourself, and being referred to correctly by others too. theres community, theres support, and theres friendship too, once you get to know those strangers. its not a "second life" or a "persona" is just a side of yourself you dont show elsewhere, an identity that needs to be let out one way or another.
who the fuck are we to deny others the right to this life-saving connection just because they arent out? because they dont pass or dress the Right way irl? because we decided they arent trying hard enough to "fit in"? because they dont plan to change their lives to fit the right narrative anytime soon?
should they not be allowed into the community then? that would be perfect wouldnt it? leave many who need support out to die, because they did it Wrong. fight within our community over who is doing it Right until we've broken it in half. the righteous ones [according to cishet standards] are surely going to be treated with respect once they get rid of the Bad ones, right?
yeah, i dont think so. thats horseshit. we're stronger together than we are apart, thats why infighting is so useful to those who dont want us to be strong to begin with. its important to help each other, boost each other up, even if some of us arent playing the "right" part irl. are we really just going to sit around and accept the cishet norms as rules to live by? fuck that. not everyones story will reflect it, and you have to accept them anyway if you want a strong community. it doesnt matter how much they might look/act like their agab irl, if theyre telling you otherwise take it at face value, respect them the way you would any other. again, many of us agree with this on paper, but i think we still have to put work into acting on that too.
the end <3
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pahntom troupe but mysic
shut up its midnighr ive been up for 18 hours straight i will not spell anything correctly
what instrumenst do i think the troupe play lets find out
kortopi plays the flute. just because. i think he would be a woodwindsy guy and silver looks good on him. and if he performs imagine him in a little dress suit and a bow tie that gets covered up by his long ass hair
feitan plays violin. hes high strung so i gave him high strings.
please laugh.
in all seriousness i think hed want to connect to his birthplace at least a little bit so it would be violin or erhu. and he plays purely for fun but he is quite good
according to my old headcanon i said shal plays the cello. .... yknow what younger me you had a good point. its not very fitting with his personality but it just is one of those unexpected things he does. he just plays cello. and anyone who heard a cello before knows those things sound amazing.
phinks plays guitar. side effect from travel, he heard it a lot and found one of his own and learned just a few songs but theyre good. he cannot improv or read music but with repetition and practice hes a fast learner.
nobunaga knows shamisen or koto. cant decide which but probably shamisen. i still believe he studied with machi so he picked up on asian culture (im hard assuming kirimori valley is based on japan) and he chose to pursue music since that helps to stabilize nen. he probably forgot by now but he used to be decent
machi plays all strings. thats it. she just can. shes familiar enough with strings that she can essentially play anything she wants as long as she applies the appropriate music theory. shes goated
paku also plays the flute. maybe she even taught it to kortopi. who knows. its a personal passion she carries when she has the time and she is damn good at it. she may have even been recruited into a couple of orchestras for jobs or for fun but they never last.
chrollo has experience with wind instruments and percussion. works well with mallets for some unknown reason and has learned how to read all clefs. even altoclef. hes weird like that. with wind his favorite i would say is.... idk probably clarinet. hes a clarinet kind of guy. but he knows how to play various brass and woodwinds
and bono of course plays himself though he may have taught himself piano. opportunities to actually play piano might not be often but he'll be happy to touch some ivory every now and then.
and thats my music nerd rant/old headcanon that im refreshing.
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years
HIII i was wondering if you knew any more fics where its an older dean and younger sam together (like later seasons dean vs earlier seasons sam) like either young sam is in the future or older dean is in the past ~somehow~ i like the idea of these fics so much but ive barely been able to find any heh
For you, anon! <3
[the fic search that prompted this💜]
⏳Timey Wimey Wincest
Ft. Older!Dean x Younger!Sam⌛
[on tumblr]
💙 First of all, have you seen @hathfrozen's tumblr ficlet featuring s8!Dean and s2/3!Sam?
💙 Not exactly time travel, but adjacent: hath's s12 (vibes), 2.4k, and t-rated, Sam and Dean create a memory clone of s1 Sammy
💙 A couple gifsets I've reblogged:
Posted by @wertherproject
Posted by @wincestpoughkeepsie
[on AO3]
💟 Love, Family, Whatever It Is by sexier_in_enochian
Rating: Explicit | Words: 3491 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Alternate Wincesty spin on 5x04 The End, in which Sam and Dean find themselves put into 2014 together. I had a need to write this.
The night after the brothers finally succumb to this.. thing; whatever it is between them that neither of them wanted to or dared to acknowledge, Dean begins to withdraw from Sam in typical Dean Winchester fashion. Which couldn't come at a worse time; after Sam has pretty much just found out he's M.F.E.O with none other than the friggin' Devil.
Additional Tags: Wincest - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Croatoan/Endverse, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Endverse: Wincest Edition, If Sam And Dean Went To 2014 Together, In Which Endverse Dean Needs Comforting, And Dean Is A Voyeur, And Sam Is More Than Willing To Comply, Explicit Sexual Content, Accidental Voyeurism, Voyeur Dean
My note: A classic endverse!Dean/s5!Sam fic.
💟 Whatever It Is by theproblematique
Rating: Explicit | Words: 30931 | Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Summary: Both Sam and Dean get sent to the year 2014.
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Croatoan/Endverse, Angst, Pining, Unhealthy Relationships, Poor Life Choices, Morbid Humor, Explicit Sexual Content, Did I mention angst, and pining, Minor Character Death
My note: Another classic -- more plotty take on the premise from Love, Family, Whatever It Is. FAV!
💟 Disarm by hitokiri
Rating: Explicit | Words: 3771 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Zachariah sends Endverse Dean back to 2009 to see his little brother again. Dean can't control himself.
Additional Tags: Top Endverse Dean Winchester, Bottom Sam Winchester, Top Dean Winchester/Bottom Sam Winchester
💟 Timeless by MsImpala67
Rating: Explicit | Words: 4575 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Sam sends Dean to the past for unknown reasons. When Dean is faced with a twenty-two year old Sam who has no idea what they'll become, Dean figures those reasons out.
Additional Tags: Time Travel, season 13!Dean, season 1!Sam, Porn with Feelings, First Time, Sort Of, Blow Jobs, Frottage
💟 Every version of you by largoindminor
Rating: Mature | Words: 1601 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: To get him out of the way and prevent him from interfering with the war against the Darkness, a host of angels send Dean back in time to 2003. Against his better judgement, Dean pays his younger younger brother a visit
Additional Tags: Time Travel, 2003!sam, 2016!dean
💟 My Anchor by blackrose_17
Rating: Mature | Words: 13082 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Death was the ending that endverse Dean had been waiting for what he got was anything but that. Dean finds himself in a rundown motel with someone he thought he would never see again his Sam. Only this Sam is broken tormented by visions of Lucifer and his Dean missing he is on the edge. Two broken souls each missing their other half find a peace and sense of belonging to one another. A love story between Endverse!Dean and pre-season 8!Sam.
Additional Tags: Bottom Sam, Top Dean, Hallucifer tormenting Sam, Broken Sam, Hurt Sam Winchester
My notes: Endverse!Dean/Pre-s8!Sam (so 2014 AU Dean and 2013 Prime Sam); gets a little melodramatic in the dialogue sometimes, and there is gratuitous use of Sammy/De and "baby boy" -- not an issue for me, but I know it is for some people.
💟 Every Time I See Your Face by KassandraScarlett
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 4806 | Major Character Death
Summary: Based on a Tumblr prompt: After Sam falls into the cage, Dean asks Cas for one more favor. On Dean’s days off, he visits Sam in different time periods, even if only for an hour or two. Sam never tells Dean about these visits.
Additional Tags: Angst, Non-Linear Narrative, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Time Travel, First Kiss, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Kid Sam Winchester
My Notes: Like Another Go Round from the post that inspired this ask, this is another great one from the Time Travel Fics series by KassandraScarlett.
💟 no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin by AmyPond45
Rating: Mature | Words: 7649 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: Dean’s never been what you might call a man of faith. After all, he doesn’t have to believe in God. He knows God exists. But Dean has faith. Dean believes in Sam, and he believes he knows what’s best for his little brother. When Billie takes Dean on a midnight ride through Sam’s past, Dean learns that having faith isn’t just about believing in something you can’t see. Sometimes, it’s about seeing past your own self-doubt to recognize that the thing you never dared to pray for has been yours all along.
Additional Tags: First Time, Angst with a Happy Ending, Season/Series 13, Episode: s13e15 A Most Holy Man, Time Travel
💟 The Real Miracle of Christmas by waywardelle
Rating: Mature | Words: 7060 | Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: After an argument over having their first real Christmas in the Bunker, Dean goes down to the storerooms to clear his head. Instead, he finds himself on a journey to a Christmas from his past, and one from his future that leads him to his ultimate and forever destination: back to Sam.
Additional Tags: Season/Series 11, Inspired by A Christmas Carol, Angst, re-establishing relationship, Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas album lmao, Season 3!Sam, Time Travel, very temporary death, Christmas in the Bunker
💟 One More Coal by StripySock
Rating: Explicit | Words: 2724 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: Season 9 Dean accidentally meets Stanford-Sam. He probably won't forgive himself for what he does, but that's never stopped him.
Additional Tags: Sam at Stanford, Season 9 Dean, Time Travel, Rough Sex, Anal Sex, blowjob, Dubious Consent Due To Identity Issues, Incest
💟 One Night to Remember by [orphan_account]
Rating: Explicit | Words: 18162 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: We all know about the demon that killed Jess, and therefore forced Sam into the hunter life.
But what if it was another demon, who painted the path for the young Winchester? One much more sinister...and a lot handsomer.
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Bottom Sam, Top Dean, Demon Dean, Dubious consent at first, Light Bondage, Rough Sex, Humiliation, Dirty Talk, Stanford Sam, Forbidden Love, Fingering, Dean is a total asshole, An evil and perverted asshole, Violence, Kinky Sam in denial
💟 False Pretenses by kelleigh (girlfromcarolina)
Rating: Explicit | Words: 1553 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: This Dean, however, the one who bore down on Sam, snarling and muttering about time travel being an ‘unexpected perk of the deal,’ and whose soul is warped and reeks of sulfur...well, Sam wants something very different from him.
Additional Tags: Demon Dean, Mark of Cain, Time Travel, Stanford Era, College Student Sam, Demon Dean Winchester, Rough Sex, Age Difference, Community: spn-masquerade, Don't copy to another site
[honorable mentions]
🧡 Sincerely, Sam by Samcursed (formerly FallenKy)
Rating: Mature | Words: 87505 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: Sam Winchester is praying for death.
Dean's already gone after sacrificing himself to take out Amara and Sam's losing more and more of himself each day at Lady Bevell's hands. He's reached his limit. Then suddenly he finds himself in 1998 and the sole focus of a supernatural lawyer who has one very firm request; She needs Sam to cure a demon. Dad, Dean, and Bobby won't let him out of their sights and Sam has enough to juggle with the swarm of supernatural creatures who think the Boy King has come back to take his crown.
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Pre-Series, Weecest, Weechesters, Time Traveling Sam, BAMF Sam, Protective Dean Winchester, Miscommunication, Tortured Sam, Hurt Sam, Hurt/Comfort, powers!Sam, Boy King of Hell Sam Winchester, Underage Kissing, Bottom Sam Winchester
My Notes: TBH the only reason this is Honorable Mention is this is a WIP that hasn't been updated since 2019. But it's at 13/15 chapters and it's a really awesome story. It's a Sam-time-swap, with 15-year-old Sam in the future with s12 Dean, and s12 Sam in 1998 with 19-year-old Dean. Hella plotty.
🧡 Sam's Magic Time Closet by AmyPond45
Description: One day, Sam finds a magic closet in his room in the bunker. He uses it to travel back in time to fix mistakes he made in the past, to check on his brother, and to bring home other versions of himself and Dean. It's mostly complete, but there are always room for more storylines with this kind of trope, so.
My Note: I haven't read these yet, but they look fun. There's a mix of who is older and younger in each work.
[timey wimey wincest pt 2: younger!dean/older!sam]
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strawglicks · 9 months
Sorry for the ramble in your inbox incoming- I'm a really huge fan of your analysis type posts like the ones about Cathal and recently Flint ;A; So I hope its ok to maybe throw in my own 2 cents about Cogs/their society- (Sorry this gets rambly I thought about this last night and writing this like an hour after waking up lol)
I think what alot of people kind of (I wouldnt say ignore- more of:) don't really get is that I dont believe characters like Cathal or Flint have bad tendencies because they really want to in a way, (I kind of worded that poorly but point is) but because their society rewards and encourages that type of behavior. I think you said something kind of similar on Cathals post- But especially for Flint, whose a Bossbot (Who are literally the embodiment of a toxic workplace and elitism. I believe a old snippet from the TTO magazines says "They have no real skills of their own, just the ability to push down others and stay on top!" Or something to that nature.) he has to be demanding and imposing. There is no benefit to him in being kind. (Like looking at Misty for example) And don't get me wrong I don't believe that if Flint and Cathal were removed from Cog society they'd be better/objectively nicer (Like Flint not being condescending to Toons and Cathal not making people do things for him and being encouraged to try) But I do wonder how much of it is pressure, or how much of it is egged on and rewarded. Atleast in the aspects it relates to how they treat others.
(..And also I wonder what happens to Cogs that don't get jobs and are seen as ..not functioning. Since Graham was freaking the hell out in "Meeting Of Two Minds" over the possibility of not getting the job. I have a whole thing about this actually in my oc lore but thats another thing entirely I'll write about someday I swear)
Also I gasped when I saw the doodle of Graham in the MSI shirt finally a MSI listener Graham truther. I think he'd like the album "How I Learned To" and of course "You'll Rebel To Anything". I associate him mainly with the songs "Lights Out", "On It", and "You're No Fun Anymore" :p (This has been my favorite band since I was like 13 and now I get to spill all my opinions xD) I always imagined him doing the guitar backbend their bassist does! And my final hc is that Flint plays bass and Graham plays the main guitar. I think it fits them .. some people overlook bass when its actually pretty hard to learn from what I hear and vital to the song. (Like heres Feel Good Inc w/o the bass.. feels wrong x_x)
Anyways thanks for reading ;A; take care and happy new year!
THe biggest issue with Cogs Inc is that it REWARDS and ENCOURAGES these poor behaviors, worsening these characters as people. ESPECIALLY cathal considering the position of power they’re in. I’m sure it applies to a ton of other cogs too, but unfortunately I haven’t gotten to them yet bc I’m not as insane abt them . LMAO
And yeah since cogs are literally built for work, it’s a wonder what happens to those who can’t find a job as easily as others. Hoping that gets built on since it’s clear in MOTM that these cogs have to actually apply and go to interviews and probably face some trial and error to land a job, just like people IRL.
ALSO. THE BAND HCS. I love it and you’re SOOOO RIGHT about the backbend that is so grahamcore. And yes I’m pretty sure Flint does play bass, I think his creator mailman said smth abt that on their blog . AND IM SO GLAD YOU BROUGHT UP FEEL GOOD INC bc i did draw flint in a demon days shirt in that same animatic . And ive def drawn them in the same shirt a couple times in the past too . I’ve always imagined him to be a Gorillaz fan, maybe graham too
Anyway ty for these thoughts im eating them up and leaving no crumbs . I love when ppl come to ramble in my inbox bc discussing this stuff IS SO FUN and a good outlet for me esp when i might be having art burnout rn .
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jmflowers · 4 months
i feel like you’re more of a canon shipper but do you have any greys/station 19 crack ships? when I first started watching, I was convinced that maya was in love with andy about the way they wrote that first season just really came off as a one sided crush, even though I know the writer meant to highlight that maya was more invested in their friendship. ive always also been into vic and maya and on greys, carina and amelia (happy w marina but I’ll always mourn the potential of this dropped plot) and callie and addison. ik know meredith x addison is the popular addison ship but ive always thought she and callie had underrated chemistry. oh and amelia and steph although i don’t think you made it to those seasons. something about a mentor/mentee relationship really works for me
Oh, you have me pegged, anon - definitely a canon shipper. I'm not sure why anymore, other than being old(er) and lazy and desiring the simple pleasures of life, like two characters making out on screen.
But, I did read a few things back in the day. I forget who first paired them up in a fic, but I always loved anytime someone matched Teddy and Addison together. I'm such a sucker for Addison and now that we know Teddy had her own soiree in wlw land... they would be such a striking image as a couple.
As for anyone else, I'd take Amelia paired with any other woman. Callie? Arizona? Teddy? Bring around Charlotte from Private Practice and I'm double in. Leave Meredith out, though; I could never believe her with another woman. Cristina, on the other hand...
I'm not sure I've had any crackships for Station 19. I laughed out loud (with excitement) when I heard about the Vic/Andy shippers, but apparently that was spawned from a place of hate so I haven't engaged with any content. Maya and Andy together would've been such a chaotic and toxic pairing and also probably fun for the drama.
Imagine this, though: Carina and Addison. Addison has a practice. Carina is new to Los Angeles and applies for a job. The two develop a sweet mentor-mentee relationship. Sparks begin to fly, lines blur. Hot and I think several of their values align. They'd be like an OBGYN superhero power couple.
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dogesterone · 1 year
im. literally so sick of being poor. im treated like nothing at my job, im barely scraping by to be able to afford to live, and there's still so much i want to be able to do but i just cant. i will probably never own a car, let alone a house. ill just be bound to wage slavery forever, teetering on the brink of not being able to pay rent.
did you know i have a bachelor's degree in computer graphics? i dual-majored in video game development and 3d animation. i spent four years of my life on that shit. i graduated two years ago now and not once out of the hundreds of jobs that ive applied to have i ever gotten a word back. completely ghosted. an automated message at best. "entry level position, 3-5 years experience required, 2.5k other applicants" like fuck off. still doesnt make me feel like i havent shot myself in the foot repeatedly. hell, im not even fucking good enough for stuff outside of my degree. not even local jobs that just pay a couple bucks more than where im at now. i spent thousands of dollars trying to get across the country and ruined my truck beyond repair banking on the gamble that id have an easier time finding a job only to have nothing better than what i could've had before. literally the only two good things to have come out of moving were access to a hema club and coming out as trans. and even those feel unsustainable. equipment, dues, registration fees, travel accommodations, new clothes, hrt, doctors appointment fees, it all adds up but without it id be in an even shittier place.
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executorz · 7 months
everybody cross their fingers, ive applied for a couple jobs in a place that i think will be beneficial to me (and those coming with me lol)
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ae-azile · 1 year
So, I usually prefer AO3 for reading and writing, but decided to make a Wattpad account to post my stories across multiple platforms. Starting with Giant Dancing Hedgehogs are Nightmare Fuel!
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Summary of Giant Dancing Hedgehogs are Nightmare Fuel:
There are several scenarios that Pete suspects to walk in on when he arrives back at the hospital:
Scenario 1: Vegas is still asleep and Macau and Tankhun have somehow managed to remain civil towards each other. This seems like the least likely scenario.
Scenario 2: Vegas is still asleep and Tankhun has tied Macau to a chair for the hell of it. While this would cause a great amount of trouble, it is almost comforting in its normalcy.
Scenario 3: Vegas has woken up and spilled every single secret that he has in his drugged up state, leaving him even more vulnerable than ever.
Scenario 4: Macau has killed Tankhun in a fit of grief stricken rage, which causes Arm, in turn, to kill Macau in a fit of grief stricken rage, since Arm and Tankhun are apparently in love and Pete can’t stop thinking about it.
Scenario 5: Tankhun has verbally attacked drugged up, pod person Vegas, which has caused him to burst into tears and pull out his IV, in hopes that he bleeds out.
It’s none of those things. Those things would be expected. Nothing happening right now is expected.
Some people love detailed spoilers and some people hate them. Stop reading now if you want to go in spoiler free.
Some themes of this story include:
1. Post-Canon: It accepts pretty much everything that happened up until the one month later epilogue in the finale.
2. Trauma: These characters are TRAUMATIZED. They are traumatized by the night of the attack, they are traumatized by their pasts and being abused/manipulated/gaslit, and they are all collectively traumatized by Korn. And Gun. But Korn is the real villain in this series.
3. Recovery: This primarily applies to Vegas, but also to other characters. Vegas is recovering from a coma and significant injuries. One is a hypoxic brain injury, which makes his autism a bit more apparent and something Macau eventually explains to Pete.
4. Autistic Vegas: In this story, Vegas has autism. He is low supports needs, intelligent, and his autism mainly becomes apparent with sensory processing, emotional regulation, and a little with social cues. His symptoms were more apparent when he was a child, but he learned how to mask. He struggles with masking more after coming out of his coma and pushes Pete away due to this, along with his guilt from his actions. Pete eventually talks to him bluntly and Vegas accepting his autism as part of his identity is something he works on through this fic.
5. Amnesia: Pete and Vegas have a history that goes much farther back than some funny run-ins and the safehouse. While Vegas has been pining for Pete for years, Pete forgets their friendship/sort of relationship due to being attacked on the job, resulting in a TBI and amnesia. This gets out when Vegas asks him if Pete remembers Vegas having a crush on him when they were young.
6. Cousin Reconciliation: Tankhun takes this first step in making amends with Vegas with Arm's support. Kim follows. Kinn gets there.
7. Side Couples: ArmKhun are the supporting lead couple. They are probably the healthiest couple in this series and have their own prequel story on AO3 that is longer than this story. Something to note: Tankhun protected Vegas during their kidnapping and was physically and sexually assaulted. His "hatred" for Vegas stemmed from resentment and trauma, which broke Vegas's heart because he genuinely loved and looked up to Tankhun as an older brother figure. Tankhun held onto that resentment for quite some time, but he also held onto a lot of guilt. When he saw Vegas shot over the security cameras, he was devastated. He - along with Arm and later Porsche - were the ones to get Vegas quick treatment and transferred to a good hospital. Arm is also a victim of abuse in this series. This is one of the main reasons why Tankhun chose him - along with Pete and Pol - as guards. They understand, they won't judge him, and he hopes they know he doesn't think less of them either. Arm is very aware of why Tankhun chose them and sees Vegas as a victim too (without knowing the abuse Vegas faced later on). He accepts and encourages the reconciliation because he loves Tankhun and knows it will bring him peace. Tankhun, Arm, and Kim are also discovering the kidnapping may have been ordered by someone close to them as damage control/retaliation.
KimChay are at odds but co-existing while Kim visits Vegas (+pines for Chay) and Chay hangs with his new bestie Macau (while holding a grudge against Kim). Kim is kind of going through it and arguably on the brink of a mental health crisis. He is also yearning for a connection with his brothers and cousins, especially after learning how much Korn put them all through. Chay has a bigger role in the sequel of this story, but he is forming a brotherly bond with Macau, is expressing how wronged he felt by both Porsche and Kim, yet is trying to support people in the ways he knows how. He also struggles with connecting to his mother, who can't communicate and doesn't seem to remember him.
KinnPorsche have a LOT on their plates in this series. Porsche has been thrusted into a role that he never expected or was trained for and is overwhelmed. He harbors hate for his boyfriend's father for keeping his mother away from him and for all of the lies. He is also worried about Kinn, who is feeling excluded from his brothers spending time together without him for unknown reasons. Kinn also carries a lot of confliction and resentment regarding his father's actions. He feels incredibly guilty and is going through mental health issues of his own.
8. Macau is very active in his brother's care and extremely protective of him. In turn, Pete protects Macau and is a good listening ear. Macau accepts Pete as family before Vegas even wakes up.
9. The Mothers: The mothers and how the boys' lost them are covered in this fic. Vegas was greatly impacted by the loss of his mother. She was his best friend and advocate. Losing his other parent and hearing of Porsche's mother bring up feelings of loss, sadness, and grief. He misses her terribly. Tankhun and Kim suspect that Korn had their own mother killed and are not surprised to hear that Vegas feels that Korn had something to do with his mother's death.
10. Crack!fic: These issues are covered seriously and treated with respect. That being said, this fic is a total crack and humor fic when it isn't doing that. Vegas says "I love you, Pete" 62 times within the first week of being awake because he can't stop saying it due to his brain injury and possible echolalia. Kim randomly starts calling Arm and Tankhun Pa and Dad, then never stops. He also tells fortunes by asking his friends and family to choose a Nintendo Switch and analyzes them by which color the choose, and his reads are extremely accurate. Due to obtaining Nintendo Switches, Arm and Tankhun run a farm together on Stardew Valley. Vegas has to be redirected away from Pokemon since he cries every time his Pokemon faint in battle. Kim tries to woo Chay by obtaining blue roses on Animal Crossing, all while Chay won't invite him to his island but will invite Vegas to give him starter crops and supplies. Pete buys Vegas a weighted blanket, something the whole family loves until it becomes sentient and starts hinting to a chosen few of their futures. Or, Pete's case, it gives him trippy dreams that always feature his boyfriend's mother.
This story is available both on AO3 (along with WIP companion stories). It is also now on Wattpad. Hope you enjoy and feel free to ask me any questions about this weird universe or for headcannons about it! Also open to prompts 🙂
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spookfished · 1 year
media roundup june 2023
hey guys guess who just went "oh its the 4th of july. that means that its july" here im going to talk about things i read/watched/played last month! i didnt read as much but did finish a couple books that ive had checked out Forever. ok actually i read a lot woops
books/comics/written media:
fake dates and mooncakes by sher lee: fake dating (obv) premise between a cooking boy and a rich heir! book that made me realized im honestly just not that interested in ya romance anymore LMFAO. pretty sweet and a decent read, but landed more heavily on the expository end of uhh i guess diaspora fiction? than i really prefer. i think i picked this up bc the author got mega cancelled on tyk twitter lol??
bird by bird by anne lammott: book about how to write. i love to read about how people do stuff :3 some of the advice applies pretty universally to creative efforts i think.. made me want to write more too
john dies at the end by jason pargin: DNF. comic/horror about this loser guy who discovers stuff. sigh i tried so hard to like this book its supposed to be pretty 'mecore'...talked about this with alena a bunch but its like hm... i know the sort of casual offensiveness sort of goes in hand with being poor and white and in the midwest and i appreciate how its like that creates its own doomed narrative or whatever. but also i feel like the protagonist would call me slurs or something. also the lowgrade but pervasive orientalism is kinda offputting. probably fun for some other guy! i did enjoy the horror elements though
the goldfinch by donna tartt: literary coming of age about a boys relationship with a painting (the goldfinch). also he flops a lot and its sort of homoerotic i guess? a movie was made of it. so something to note is that ive had this book out on loan since literally december. neil kept on being like hey man just stop reading it LMFAO. thoughts cp'ed from discord:
why does the goldfinch feel like a 600 page leadup to the actual book which is 800 pages
idk at this point im kinda sick of pathetic lovelorn self obsessed semi literary men. like toku men are also sopping and pathetic but i think its more appealing when they are also kind and can be vulnerable. this guy is just annoying and kind of incel coded. like does a grand gesture to make up for the fact that he killed your dog while dogsitting
i actually did enjoy the parts post timeskip but i still think the first two thirds could have been cut or Greatly compressed or interspersed w the present or Something, yk? prose was nice though
the bodyguard by katherine center: romance novel about a woman bodyguard who lives for her job. fresh from a breakup, shes given a new undercover assignment with a handsome actor, recently withdrawn from society. will they be able to break each others' shells....? my mom recommended this to me LMFAO we kind of have different tastes in romance.. ive read a book by this author before i think her platonic scenes are very strong? i wish there had been a couple more of those. also i like how she always includes a life affirming section at the end about how important it is for us to open ourselves up to love etc etc cute but not especially memorable
kiss quotient by helen hoang: (reread) a shy, autistic econometrician decides that she needs to get better at sex, and so hires an escort. helen hoang is one of my faavorite romance authors i really enjoyed this reread although i kinda forgot that both leads say, think and do some pretty embarrassing things. but you know a little embarrassment is endearing and all that.. i still prefer her other book (the bride test) but this one is pretty good too. vivid characters 👍
sisters of dorley hall by alyson greaves: web fiction - a trans woman infiltrates a secret force-feminization program. ok im just cp'ing my thoughts from discord again but i enjoyed it a lot:
my thoughts are that the first like, third? is really really good. it like idk takes the very real trans fears of like discovery and passing and all that and fictionalizes them a bit. but like its still grounded and swag. sooo tense once The Reveal happens n things w steph are pretty normal it gets kinda meandering? which i dont really mind bc i love interpersonal drama even if i miss how tense and scary it was. but also theres only like two major plot threads going on rn and theyre both pretty slowburn. a timeskip would probably benefit tbh like the point rn is kinda like. the 7 year meteor? yeah sorry
like it used to be sort of psychological thriller? and now its sort of more character focus and also surprisingly fluffy.. im surprised that the author has said they have a complete outline bc it doesnt feel very focused atm? but also like i suppose things are snowballing a bit re: revealing the sisters to the outside world
an unauthorized fan treatise by lauren james: a fangirl trying to prove her rpf ship is real uncovers a greater conspiracy. to me if something is able to capture a specific age/vibe from the internet its automatically pretty good. however more and more people are learning how to do that so maybe i should change my standards... i was never involved in All That re: rpf or even fandoms of live action shows until kamen rider? but like i definitely knew people in hs that were sort of like this LMFAO so it felt very familiar. i appreciate the author trying to make that $$ but i dont know if it really needs an expansion/sequel.. the ending is better off with some ambiguity imo
impossible us by sarah lotz: literary romance? a man and a woman fall in love online, but encounter difficulties when they try to meet. ok im just pasting my thoughts here again (spoilers btw):
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ok that was a lot of stuff. onto movies/tv:
xo kitty: kitty goes to a school to connect with her online boyfriend, but all is not well. yall this was not good. i guess my standards shouldnt have been that high but to all the boys ive loved before was so cute!! (havent watched/read the others). but like.. the writing was bad and the main actress just wasnt very sympathetic or charming? characters waste time saying "i can explain" until time runs out for them to actually explain, additional (and nonsensical) romance plots are added for no reason, and the male lead isnt even that hot. sorry. also kitty deciding to move to korea to connect with her mom but not bothering to learn a speck of korean and insisting that everyone else speak to her in english really sucks honestly. not even my mom liked it so thats how you know its bad 👎
succession season 1: yesss succession. greg is my favorite cant wait to see him become evil. makes me stressed
shin kamen rider (hideaki anno): reboot of the first kamen rider by the guy who made evangelion. this guy kinda makes the same thing over and over but it looked sick as hell so i wasnt complaining. like stella obstinaterixatrix said, kinda more introspective or even insular to the point of kinda ignoring the usual kr theme of justice but it was still very fun :3 kinda want to watch the original now
ready player one (movie): my parents made me watch this movie. aggressively mediocre.
kamen rider revice and live and evil and demons: pretty fun if you have the disease that makes you think revice is good, but mostly made me miss revice. i think they should have gone more into the clone thing but i always think that so
kamen rider juuga vs kamen rider olteca: two-parter special for kr revice. i forgot what happened in this pretty much immediately after but karizaki was hot
roman holiday: a princess touring in rome escapes her duties for a day, and meets a dashing young reporter. classic romance!! i actually liked this so so much like it actually is very romantic and funny and like deserves the hype. didnt expect it to be in black and white even so audrey hepburn is really hot. (spoilers) more romances should have bittersweet endings though like it hit
kamen rider ryuki: a young man is inducted into a battle royale between those fighting for their deepest wishes, and decides to try and stop the rider battle once and for all. hey guys ryuki is so fucking good for those who have watched madoka magica a lot of it is very heavily based off of/inspired by ryuki! but ryuki does it better. pretty much The kamen rider has so much to say about justice and love and what it means to be a hero and sacrifice and *runs out of air and falls over* also it made me cry. if you ever try kamen rider try this one <3
EDIT OH i forgot about across the spiderverse 100/10 obviously groundbreaking in animation nice take on generational trauma and also like the nature of adaptation and being in a multimedia comics franchise and all that. really hope the sequel doesnt get crunched too bad. oh but copaganda not great 99/10
video games:
twisted wonderland: gacha game where random disney villains are bishie high schoolers instead. ill play chapter 3 sometime soon i swear. gameplay is terrible as with most gacha games but the characters are cute? i feel terrible guilt for being involved with a disney franchise. honestly pretty compelling character writing sometimes though sorry
apico: stardew-like about raising bees (in beta). sooooo cute and the devs obv care about bees a lot in real life. the gameplay loop + breeding systems are a little bit punishing right now though i really hope it gets adjusted. took over my life during finals (woops) and i got like half the bees and then burnt out. multiplayer is fun though!
legend of zelda tears of the kingdom: the next zelda game, now featuring building + vertical elements. yeah this took over my life for two months like it did for a bunch of other people i finished the main story a couple days ago! i might go back to do a couple more of the shrine puzzles, but other than that i think im done. LOVE the vertical elements and also all the little sidequests there are to do and how the world has changed since botw. dragons tears was really good and OMG PROVING GROUNDS. would be a 10/10 if zelda was the protag stop damseling her you guys cmon
paper mario origami king: newest paper mario game, which is a spinoff of the main series where theyre all paper (duh). im about halfway through this, i think? tried it out because of the dunkey video lol and also bc it was free at my library. very charming and inventive, has a really good soundtrack and really funny writing! i know the gameplay was controversial, but im enjoying it a lot (and theres a lot of room for error). might 100% it
it feels like this month i tried a lot of things that i didnt really like LMAO. also a lot of romance. im very happy about finally finishing the goldfinch! the only holdout on my libby is slaughterhouse 5 :P i did find some things that i really liked though! anyways this one feels a bit more scattered but if you got to the ending, congratulations! thanks for reading :3
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01tsubomi · 8 months
hi!! if you dont mind me asking, how did you manage to end up teaching in japan?? ive been researching but info online is so extense and overwhelming and i never have good answers....
hello!! first of all i wanna say i understand the stress - i applied to j/et first and was going to work on backups like int/erac and private hiring if that didn't work out and i'm always thankful that i didn't have to. honestly now that i'm here it feels funny that i stressed out so much during the application process bc i always find myself thinking "damn they'll let anyone in" (often about myself lmao). it can be really odd and unexplainable who j/et does and doesn't take but japan needs a lot of ALTs to keep the system going so if you've got the enthusiasm for it there's definitely a place for you!!
i would definitely recommend trying for j/et and int/erac first before worrying about the other options!! since j/et has the biggest reputation ofc there's the double-edged sword of it feeling the most prestigious and hard to get into but again they do hire a ton of candidates every year, plus it has the highest guaranteed pay and takes care of so much for you pre-departure. idk where you're at in life/when you'd plan on applying but if you wanna start the job as soon as possible, int/erac has pretty much a rolling application and their main recruiting cycle is for spring departures (while j/et won't start recruiting again til october, for departure in summer 2025). int/erac gives you a little less pay and a little less initial help, but it's still very reputable. int/erac ALTs also have a few more freedoms once you're in japan bc i believe int/erac has your school hire you directly intead of employing you to your city's board of education. so for example my BoO doesn't let ALTs commute by car, but int/erac ALTs and private hires don't have that restriction. knock on wood, if neither of those work out, there are lots of sites like gaijinpot posting private hire opportunities. i don't know about the competitiveness of those and they do often require you to sort out visa application or housing on your own, but opportunity is always out there! seriously though i wouldn't worry about that at first. that's the backup plan ace up your sleeve
in terms of what you can do to raise your chances of getting hired, again, i think the enthusiasm is the key!! people say the j/et interview is a glorified vibe check bc they've been known to reject people who sometimes seem overqualified for the position (maybe for good reason - the amount of responsibility you get and teaching you get to do is suuuuper variable and dependent on your school, and probably about ~1/3 of my work days every year i have no classes and little relevant work to do, if any). i don't have a background or certification in teaching but i did a lot of tutoring in college and minored in japanese so i had a lot to say about my passion for language education. i know j/et really loves the angle of "what will you get out of the position, and what will you give back" - i can tell you're excited about the idea of teaching in japan so i'm sure you already have your answers!! if you have hobbies related to japan it's good to explain how being in japan would help you continue them. or you can always research what you could do with your non-japan related hobbies in japan! i love cooking and i started taking classes at a chain studio that does a mix of japanese and worldwide cooking. again i know the hit-or-miss element of it is scary but really they just want friendly open-minded people who can share their culture, have enthusiasm about education and exchange, don't mind the hours/job restrictions, and are down to pack their bags and live in japan. if you have any other questions please ask!! i know this is random but i've helped a couple of friends with their applications so if you do want some extra eyes on a statement of purpose my inbox is always open!! cheering for you!! 🎉🎉
#seriously i got. so so stressed out during the whole application process. and nothing any of my friends could say abt how i#seemed perfectly qualified could help#i really do understand the position you're in#but seriously the job is so much lower stakes than i thought intiially and a lot of the reason i say that is because of how little#responsibility i get#i love my school and my teachers are really receptive to my ideas#but basically once you're here all the meaning's gotta come from you#the dreaded Every Situation Is Different applies ofc#but at my school i don't get directly asked for activities much and get told i don't have to come to class pretty often#so if i'm not taking the initiative and making stuff myself or going to talk to the students myself it can be very easy to just coast#which i think a lot of people do. which i can't blame anyone for because 1) i know people who are physically in the classroom less than#8 hours a week#disregarding if they're given an active role in those lessons or if they're just asked to read vocab#and 2) i also don't use all of my downtime on work-related tasks and i honestly find it hard to imagine how i could#i'm just getting into my thoughts about my job now which is something i could talk about for hours and hours#trust me i do really love being here and i actually like that i have to challenge myself to speak up and carve out my place#i'll cut myself off there because i have too many thoughts#but genuinely good luck!! you can do it!!#asks
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the99thchapter · 1 month
Two days before I turn 25.
To be honest, I'll say it - I think 2024 is one of the best years for me (I am aware the year hasn't ended yet at this point).
[Events that has happened OR about to happen]:
I went to the eras tour & saw taylor swift!! (Sang a couple of songs, screamed and cried my heart out to folklore)
I went to an aespa concert!
I saw NCT DREAM for the second time as well!
I went to an IVE concert (probably one of my financial regrets but it was not that bad)
I finished UNIVERSITY!! At this moment I do not know what my graduating results are but I'm pretty sure I am eligible to graduate :) so cheers to Convocation 2024!!
Full-time job begins in October 2024 - I'll consider this as a happy event mainly because I have a job? This reduces my post-grad anxiety on applying for Jobs.
Earning corporate girly money...let's just say I'm content with my starting pay Alhamdulillah!
These are all i could think of on why 2024 is the best year for me so far.
To be honest, I don't think I'm that much of a difference as compared to my early twenties in terms of emotional capacity. I'm still sad at times. But these days, I try my best to keep going. There are bad days but also good days. I tell myself to strike a balance on those days.
It's no surprise that I've yet to find the love I yearned for. I still dream of it but not keen on pursuing it. I don't think I'm undeserving of love but I'm not putting down the barriers because of it. I'm afraid that if I let myself fall to deep into it, I'll start wishing for things that I can't have. I don't have to experience love to know that heartbreak will break me and I don't have capacity for it. In this life, not everyone will have a chance. And that's okay. For me, it has to be okay. I don't think I'll ever have the courage to let someone see the ugliest parts of my life - the ones I desperately try to hide. Because when someone finally sees me for who i am - how do i run away from it?
God, I'm still the same hopeless romantic as when I was 16. The difference is that I am able to separate fiction and reality at 25. But at times - a girl wants to dream right? So I let myself dream for as long as i can. Helps me to keep my sanity in check. Amidst the daydream, I think I'll be okay.
I always be.
So happy birthday, A. Let's be happy.
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icarusavery · 1 year
I beat Pokémon Generation I (Pokémon Red specifically) for the first time in many, many years over the last week or so. 26 hours of playtime, about 75 Pokémon species caught, and a bit too much grinding and inventory management, and I became the Indigo League Champion. Now I wanna get out some of my thoughts.
For context, I started with Gen IV (Diamond) back in 2008 or so, and I've played most games in the mainline series, with the only ones I haven't being Gen V Part 2 (B2W2), Gen VI (XY specifically, I have played Alpha Sapphire), Gen VII Part 1 (SuMo), and Gen IX (ScVi).
Firstly, I wanna comment on my team, because some certain quirks of Gen I - namely the limited selection of Pokémon, the prevalence of certain types and the absence of others (both in the wild and on enemy teams), and the classic Generation I Spaghetti Code - led to me picking some Pokémon I likely wouldn't give a second thought. For instance, in terms of Kanto starters, I've always been a Squirtle fangirl (turtles are one of my favorite animals IRL) but I ended up going with Bulbasaur because of a certain quirk of Gen I's code: high-crit moves basically always crit, so Razor Leaf (normally a 55 base power move that's not worth all that much) suddenly became effectively a 165 base power gatling gun of death that killed basically anything that didn't resist it in one clean shot. Anything that Razor Leaf couldn't take out, Body Slam would clear away with ease (great for all those Psychic-types with glass bones and paper skin.)
I filled out my party with a Gyarados, a Nidoking, and an Alakazam (I used PKSM on 3DS to evolve it into an Alakazam, I don't have a spare 3DS to trade with). The Gyarados was a bitch to train, but it eventually became my coverage champ: with Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, and Strength, nothing could stand in its way (especially with base 100 Special, which for those who don't know, Special is both your Special Attack and Special Defense.) Nidoking wasn't exactly a powerhouse - its stats are somewhat middling, with only a 75 base Special and a 92 base Attack - but it soon became my best choice for dealing with many of the Pokémon that could take a bit of a beating from my special attackers. As a physical sweeper, it's great, especially once you snag Earthquake from Silph Co. and get a 100 base power (150 with STAB), 100% accurate Ground-type move that annihilates basically anything that doesn't resist or is immune to Ground. With all the Poison-types in Kanto, it was a massive help, and that applies doubly to Alakazam. It doesn't have the insane coverage of Alakazam in Gen II, where it's the reigning Elemental Punch-Out League heavyweight champion, but it does have Psychic, which mops the floor with basically anything that looks at you funny, and with 135 base Special and 120 base Speed, it could reliable OHKO virtually any threat that wasn't just as stronk as it (namely, other Psychic-types).
For my HMployee, I picked up that traded Farfetch'd, since it could learn Fly and Cut. Surf and Strength went to Gyarados and Nidoking (Nidoking only getting the latter owing to its meager Special) while Flash went to a Pokémon I raised for a bit but eventually boxed, my Butterfree. Butterfree was honestly a Pokémon I had no idea would be as useful as it was, but damn if it didn't get the job done. I also decided to raise a Geodude for a short while (though ultimately dropped it, Rock-Ground wasn't that essential for me) and caught a Dugtrio basically just to use for Lt. Surge before boxing it. My Hall of Fame team also included a Moltres, but all he did was die a couple times so I could revive another Pokémon I wanted instead, and he Fire Blasted Blue's Exeggutor to death, which was pretty pog of him.
There were also a lot of Pokémon whose designs I found myself enjoying in Gen I a lot more than I remember, even if they never made it into my team. Grimer's adorable, even if I think Muk is just a straight downgrade and so I never want to evolve Grimer. Gen I Pikachu honestly looks way better than he ever did once they slimmed down his previously football-shaped body. Even Gen I Electrode looks (marginally) better, thanks to him having more defined eyeballs instead of just having some pinpricks.
Now that my team comp is out of the way, let's talk about gameplay. It's basically just what you'd expect from Pokémon, just a little bit less. No abilities, no held items, no genders, no Special Defense, and moves are still divided into physical and special categories based on their type rather than the individual move. The battle system still works about how you'd expect, albeit with some considerable jank, and it's still a fun experience overall. I did find myself seriously underleveled by endgame - my lv48 Venusaur was my highest leveled Pokémon compared to Blue's lv65 Charizard - but it never felt like I was out of my league. The challenge mostly ranged from "piss easy" to "fairly easy" to "below average" and only got a bit braintaxing once I hit Victory Road, barring a few one-off encounters, like a Rocket grunt in Silph Co. with a lv28 Hypno that did my shit in for a bit owing to some nasty curse from RNGiratina. The early game was the worst part - having to grind for a few hours in Viridian Forest just to get my Pokémon in a state where I could reasonably fight Brock. Other than that, no part of the game felt overly grindy or annoying.
The main problem was mostly dungeon design - I'm glad this game even has dungeons, unlike some others (cough gen viii cough) but they're often a bit undercooked, most of them reusing the same cave tileset (literally five of thirteen dungeons, and four of the ten required dungeons use the same cave tileset, and they're also generally the longest dungeons outside of the eleven-story megadungeon that is Silph Co.), and the main "challenge" in basically all of them is just some variety of "do a maze" - many of them relying on teleporter puzzles to work (and good god do those teleporters get annoying.) Other than that, the ride is a mostly smooth one, though I do wish the game was a bit better at telling you where to go next. It's not impossible to figure things out and the game does often point you in a direction to go at least, but more than once did I finish up an objective and then go "okay, well now what?"
Gen I does have some considerable problems outside of dungeon design, sadly, and most of them are related to quality-of-life features. Your inventory is almost comically small - a mere 20 items. Organizing it is a Sisyphean task, owing to its complete lack of any kind of tabs and the wonky item swap controls, but worse than that is the hilarious bad PC inventory. You can store items in your PC if they don't fit in your bag, but 1). you need to have space in your bag to pick up an item, it can't go straight to the PC, and 2). you only have 50 spaces in your PC. Given you can't get rid of old, useless Key Items like the S.S. Ticket or the Secret Key, this basically means you're shit out of luck for collecting things like TMs or whatnot. It's a use-it-or-lose-it kinda game, and you're constantly having to get rid of old items to fit new ones.
There's also a distinct lack of polish in Gen I compared to future titles. Beyond the graphics being a bit… primitive (poor Gen I Geodude, he's not doing great), there's a lot of little things that add up. There's no descriptions of moves or even a way to see their power and accuracy in-game, forcing you to have a guide open to check basic information like that. HMs don't activate when you interact with a relevant object, but instead require you to go and select the HM from your party menu. A lot of little things like that really do detract from the experience and make it feel very janky compared to what it could be.
I'll also say that Kanto is certainly not my favorite region. It's not got a lot that's particularly interesting about it - especially in terms of unique landmarks. The aesthetic of every town is damn near identical - liking owing to hardware limitations - and no route really stood out as unique, unless you want to count Viridian Forest. The Pokémon in the region are also often pretty bland, including Rattata, Pidgey, and Venomoth, but this applies especially to evolved forms. Frequently an evolved form is just "the previous form, but bigger" (see: Poliwhirl into Poliwrath, Mankey into Primeape, Grimer into Muk, the whole damn Pidgey line), or it's just "add another thingy" (see: Doduo into Dodrio, Koffing into Weezing, Magnemite into Magneton, Diglett into Dugtrio - though I actually really like that last one.) The worst offender is probably Electrode - I really like Voltorb, it's a neat take on an RPG mimic, but Electrode is by far one of the laziest designs in the whole damn series.
All that said, I still had fun with Pokémon Red. It's a fun experience that, while certainly janky as all hell, has a certain charm to it that future Pokémon games don't quite have. That's not to say it's better than future games, oh God no - I'd still rather play RSE or ORAS or USUM over this - but for what it's worth, it's a good time.
On a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being "actively harmful to society," 1 being "basically unplayable," 5 being "completely middle of the road, neither good nor bad," and 10 being "as close to perfect as possible," I'd give it a 6.5/10, maybe a 7 if I'm in a good mood. It's worth your time, just don't be surprised if it's a bit dated or clunky.
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koreangermanium · 1 year
Tax Classes (Steuerklassen) in Germany
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When it comes to navigating the intricate world of taxes in Germany, understanding the concept of Tax Classes, or "Steuerklassen," is of paramount importance. These classifications play a pivotal role in determining the amount of income tax deducted from your salary. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricate details of Tax Classes in Germany, shedding light on their significance, how to choose the right one, and the impact they can have on your financial situation. Originhttps://goodgermany.com/archives/category/live/settlement/tax-classes-steuerklassen-in-germany/
Table of Contents
- Introduction to Tax Classes - Why Are Tax Classes Important? - Understanding the Different Tax Classes - Class I - Single Individuals - Class II - Single Parents - Class III - Married Individuals (Higher Earner) - Class IV - Married Individuals (Both Spouses Earn) - Class V - Secondary Income Earners - Class VI - Additional Jobs - How to Choose the Right Tax Class - Changing Your Tax Class - Tax Class and Your Paycheck - Tax Class and Marriage - Tax Class and Divorce - Tax Class and Parenthood - Tax Class and Retirement - Tax Class and Freelancing - Tax Class and Expats - Tax Class and Tax Returns - Common Misconceptions About Tax Classes - Conclusion - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Introduction to Tax Classes
In Germany, Tax Classes, or "Steuerklassen," are a system used by the tax authorities to determine the income tax that should be deducted from an individual's salary. These classes help in categorizing taxpayers based on their personal circumstances and, consequently, influence the amount of tax they pay.
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Why Are Tax Classes Important?
Understanding and selecting the right tax class is crucial because it can significantly impact your take-home pay. Different tax classes have varying tax rates and exemptions, and choosing the one that aligns with your situation can save you a substantial amount of money.
Understanding the Different Tax Classes
Here is a table providing information about the German tax classes, which are used to determine income tax with holding for employees in Germany: Tax ClassDescriptionTax Rate (%)NotesClass ISingle, divorced, or separated0% - 45fault tax class for single taxpayers.Class IISingle parent0% - 45%For single parents raising children alone.Class IIIMarried, higher earner0% - 45%For the spouse with higher income in a marriage.Class IVMarried, both spouses working0% - 45%For both spouses when their incomes are similar.Class VMarried, secondary earner0% - 45%For the spouse with lower income in a marriage.Class VIAdditional jobs or multiple employers0% - 45%For individuals with multiple sources of income.German Tax Classes Notes: - The tax rate range (0% - 45%) reflects the progressive tax system in Germany, where the tax rate increases as income rises. - The tax class you are assigned to can significantly impact your income tax withholding, so it's essential to choose the appropriate class based on your marital status and income situation. - To change your tax class in Germany, you need to apply to your local tax office, typically due to changes in your marital status or financial situation. Please note that the tax rates and classifications may be subject to change over time, so it's essential to consult with a tax advisor or the German tax authorities for the most up-to-date information. Class I - Single Individuals Class I is for single individuals with no children. It is the default tax class for those who do not meet the criteria for other classes. Class II - Single Parents Class II is for single parents, offering some tax relief to individuals raising children on their own. Class III - Married Individuals (Higher Earner) Class III is designed for married couples where one spouse earns significantly more than the other. The higher-earning spouse is assigned Class III. Class IV - Married Individuals (Both Spouses Earn) Class IV is for married couples where both spouses have similar incomes. It often results in a balanced tax burden. Class V - Secondary Income Earners Class V is intended for married individuals who earn a secondary income. It is usually chosen by the lower-earning spouse. Class VI - Additional Jobs Class VI is relevant if you have multiple jobs simultaneously. This class ensures that your second job is taxed at a higher rate.
How to Choose the Right Tax Class
Selecting the right tax class depends on your personal circumstances, such as your marital status, income levels, and family situation. Consult with a tax advisor to determine which class is most advantageous for you.
Changing Your Tax Class
You can change your tax class during the year under certain conditions, such as marriage or divorce. Be aware that choosing the wrong tax class can lead to underpayment or overpayment of taxes.
Tax Class and Your Paycheck
Your tax class directly affects the amount of income tax deducted from your monthly paycheck. This can impact your cash flow and financial planning.
Tax Class and Marriage
Married couples can choose to file jointly or separately, affecting their tax class and overall tax liability. Deciding the best approach depends on your individual financial situation.
Tax Class and Divorce
In the event of divorce, your tax class will change, and you may need to consider adjustments to your financial planning.
Tax Class and Parenthood
Parents can benefit from choosing the right tax class, as it can lead to tax breaks and financial relief for raising children.
Tax Class and Retirement
As you approach retirement, your tax class may need to be adjusted to align with your new income sources and tax obligations.
Tax Class and Freelancing
Freelancers have unique tax considerations, and choosing the appropriate tax class is crucial to manage their tax liability efficiently.
Tax Class and Expats
Expatriates in Germany need to understand how tax classes apply to them and how they can optimize their tax situation.
Tax Class and Tax Returns
Your tax class also affects the annual tax return process. Ensuring it is correct can prevent unnecessary complications when filing your taxes.
Common Misconceptions About Tax Classes
There are several misconceptions about tax classes in Germany. We'll debunk some of the most common ones to ensure you have accurate information.
In conclusion, understanding Tax Classes (Steuerklassen) in Germany is essential for anyone living and working in the country. These classifications can significantly impact your financial situation, and choosing the right one requires careful consideration of your personal circumstances. To make informed decisions and optimize your tax situation, consult with a tax advisor who can provide tailored guidance.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- What is the purpose of Tax Classes in Germany? - Tax Classes in Germany categorize taxpayers based on their personal circumstances and influence the amount of income tax they pay. - How do I choose the right Tax Class? - Choosing the right Tax Class depends on factors such as marital status, income levels, and family situation. Consult with a tax advisor for personalized advice. - Can I change my Tax Class during the year? - Yes, you can change your Tax Class under certain conditions, such as marriage or divorce. - How does Tax Class affect my paycheck? - Your Tax Class directly affects the amount of income tax deducted from your paycheck, impacting your cash flow. - Are there any tax benefits for parents in specific Tax Classes? - Yes, selecting the right Tax Class can lead to tax breaks and financial relief for parents raising children. With this comprehensive guide, you are now equipped with the knowledge to navigate the German tax system more effectively and make informed decisions about your Tax Class. For further assistance or clarification, consult with a qualified tax professional. Read the full article
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